Group Id – 5 Name : Thirupathi Kannan (PGP/045/02), (PGP/045/02), Shreya ha!ra"orty(PGP/0#5/02), ha!ra"orty(PGP/0#5/02), Nirma$ya %hatta&har'ee(PGP/0##/02), inay inay Kuh*aha(PGP/0+4/02) IIII- %odh Gaya #. onider onider the the time *hen *hen TISIN1 TISIN1 *a 'ut 'ut "ein "ein thouht thouht o3. o3. To retain $eaderhip poition, ti *a in deperate need to do omethin drati&. 6o you aree or dont you7 8uti3y your poition. 9n. e ha;e to 'ude the &ompetiti;ene in the e$e;ator indutry indutr y "y *ay o3 porter 5 3or&e mode$ o that *e &an 3iure out the need o3 TIS to maintain it $eaderhip poition in the mar!et. e *i$$ "e $oo!in into the a$e and the a3ter
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