Group Work Practice Test

September 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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SOCIAL GROUPWORK 1.  It is where the social group work originated a.  United States b. London c. England

d. Europe

2.  The first teachers of groupwork in the Philippines were mostly recruited from: a.  YMCA b. Hospicio de San Jose c. Philippine School of Social Work 3.  The first agency in the Philippines where the group work was demonstrated to supplement and complement agency services was: a.  UNICEF

b. Jose Abad Santos Memorial School c. DSWD d. PYWCC

4.  Employ the social group work method to promote responsible parenthood, vocational efficiency and citizenship training with a group of mothers a.  Integrated Human resource development program  b.   National vocational rehabilitation center for disabled c.  Foster parents plan Inc. d.  Kanunlaran Multi-purpose Center 5.  Which is true about the Young Women Christian Association I.  It’s target group both in school and out of school youth youth   II.  It caters the need of employed female III.  It’s programs focus is inclusive of spiritual and economic concerns con cerns IV.  Group solidarity and group accomplishments are emphasized a.  I and Iv b. II and III c. all of the above d. none of the above 6.  Group work is a basic aspect of social work practice that uses social relationships within the group experience as a means to individual growth and development. a.  Harleigh Trecker c. Wilson and Ryland  b.  Grace Coyle d. Margaret Hartfold e. Sarri and Galinsky 7.  It is the heart of the social group work process proce ss a.  guided group interaction c. Phases in group Development  b.  Group Dynamics d. helping process e. program media 8.  Among the first social group workers in the government housing community centers are graduates of: a.  Centro Escolar university  b.  Philippine Women’s University  University  c.  University of the Philippines d.  Philippine School of Social Work e.  University of Santo Tomas 9.  This purpose of using group service by agencies is carried out by organizing groups that are intended primarily to help the members to acquire the values, attitudes and norms of the society of which they are part. a.  Developmental b. Treatment

c. Socialization d. Recreation e. Prevention

10. Group members receive psychological rewards from the experience of helping others with their problems. a.  Blessing b. helper therapy c. Karma d. self-esteem e. self-actualization


11. A gambling den in a remote rural area in the Zamboanga del Sur province is operating very near the school premises, resulting in school truancy and other problems on the part of teen-age children like hanging around with undesirable characters and talking alcoholic drinks. A group of mothers was able to pressure the town mayor to order the closure of the gambling den. What category ca tegory of group use is manifested? a.  For change in social situation or conditions outside the group  b.  For collective problem solving c.  For effect on participants d.  For un-learning e.  For rehabilitation 12. This principle is premised on the assumption that there has been established acceptance  between the group members and the worker. a.  Principle of planned group formation  b.  Principle of guided group interaction c.  Principle of democratic self-determination d.  Principle of flexible functional organizer e.  Principle of purposeful worker-group relationship 13. Working with the group as medium of change and target of change falls on: a.  Intergroup level c. intragroup level  b.  Extragroup level d. all of the above e. none of the above 14. Group process and group dynamics are the same a.  Yes b. No c. Maybe d. in some instances 15. This refers to the dynamic interplay of forces in which contact between persons results in modification of attitudes and behaviour of participants in a group. a.  Socialization b. group process c. social interaction d. interview 16. The following are psychological reaction patterns considered as inputs in the group  process except: a.  Subjugation b. displacement c. integration d. elimination e. alliance 17. All of the following are group interaction patterns considered as inputs in the group  process except: I.  Cooperation, competition, conflict II.  Accommodation, assimilation III.  Suggestion, sympathy IV. Identification, imitation a.  I and II b. III and IV c. I and III d. II and IV e. none of the above 18. The Filipino’s feeling of adequacy is nurtured not from his own right as an individual but from his being part of a group which is bound together by a powerful authority figure. Miclat pg. 30 a.  Segmented b. Structured c. Nature d. Strong Family Orientation e. compact 19. The target of influence is the individual member, and a nd the source of influence is the group. a.  Group a medium of change  b.  Group as target of change c.  Group as agent of change d.  All of the above e.   None of the above


20. Which is true about a group’s group’ s social environment? I.  Separate social affiliation II.  Personal environments III. Objects collectively encountered IV. Persons collectively encountered a.  III and IV b. I and II c. II and IVd. all of the above e. none of the above 21. It is when the prospective members meet for the first time. a.  Group formation phase c. public pu blic pre-group phase  b.  Convening Phase d. initial stage e. orientation stage 22. This phase is the first two periods of strong attachment to other members, to the group, and to the worker. a.  Convening phase  b.  Group formation phase c.  Maintenance phase d.  Group integration, disintegration and reintegration phase e.  Pre-group phase 23. Interpersonal ties increase and a sense of group bond or “we felling” begins to become apparent a.  Power and control phase c. intermediate phase  b.  Intimacy d. integration, disintegration and reintegration e. all of the above 24. According to Sue Henrey, the key dynamic of formation is: a.  Partnership b.. conflict c. denial d. contact e. union 25. Conflict in the group is competition on: a.  Services and resources  b.  Attention of the worker c.  Dominance of one’s needs and desires  desires  d.  Affection from group members


26. phase. Group goals and norms evolve and the group’s role system begins to develop during this a.   b.  c.  d.  e. 

Group formation Pre-group Group functioning and maintenance Integration, disintegration and reintegration Termination

27. Which is odd one out/ a.  Maturation b. problem solving and stabilization c. differentiation d. all of the above e. none of the above 28. Emergent structure or the stabilization of leader-follower patterns and the firming of the status hierarchy based on skills appropriate for the purpose of the group is one of the observable aspects of this phase. a.  Integration, disintegration and reintegration  b.  in Integration, disintegration or reintegration c.  group functioning and maintenance


d.  termination phase 29. refers to the period after the group ceases to function and involves plan to continue to meet as a group if the group desires to. a.  Post-affiliation  b.  Integration, disintegration or reintegration c.  Differentiation d.  Problem solving and stabilization e.  Post-termination 30. It is the actual ending, meaning the last meeting. a.  Culmination b. termination c. last session

d. all of the above e. none

31. The group is prepared for its imminent ending. a.  Pre-termination b. evaluation c. culmination d. all of the above e. none 32. It comprises the beginning phase of the process a.  Assessment and planning  b.  Data gathering c.  Pre- affiliation d.  All of the above e.   None of the above 33. It is the most important aspect of the group service conceptualization effort and should emanate from the agency’s purpose or function.  function.   I.  Purpose of the group program II.  Target clientele III.  Eligibility requirements IV.  Services a.  I only b. II only c. I and II d. III and IV e. all of the above 34. In social work with groups, assessment and action planning are: a.  Generally undertaken first with the prospective group members individually,and then with the group as a whole  b.  Always undertaken first with the prospective group members individually, and then the group as a whole c.  with Generally undertaken first with the organized group members individually, and then with the group as a whole d.  Always undertaken first with the organized group members individually, and then with the group as a whole e.  Always and generally undertaken simultaneously with the prospective organized group members individually, and with the group as a whole 35. These are discussed during pre-group formation inerviews. a.  Agency purpose for group program, agency expectations in terms of participation  b.  Agency and its services c.  Activities, duration of the program and basis for the termination of membership d.  All of the above e.   None of the above


36. There are tools and the means used in social group work to meet its purposes and objecctives. a.  Activity designs  b.  Program media c.  Modules d.  Agency services e.  Logistical support 37. Refers to the selection of group members and deciding the size of the group. a.  Recruitment b. hiring c. group composition d. group focused assessment f.  group formation 38. it is the process of getting a group organized so that it can start to function and move toward the attainment of its planned goals. a.  Group composition  b.  Group organizing c.  Group assessment d.  Levelling e.  Group formation 39. The worker’s own reason for the group’s exixtence can be analysed in terms of the following. i.  Agency’s program purpose  purpose  ii.  Composite of member’s individual purposes  purposes  iii.  Workers goal for individual members iv.  Member’s understanding of the purpose of the group Mendoza p p.. 83 a.  I and III b. II and Iv c. I and Iv d. II and III e. all of the above 40. The product of a worker-group interaction process. a.  Group system perspective  b.  Output c.  Group goals d.  Worker group relationship e.  Group process 41. It is when the worker and the group members discuss areas of mutual concern, consider different means to pursue these concerns, sort out differences and incorporate individual interests into common group oriented goals a.  Group think  b.  Bargaining c.  Exploration d.  Brainstorming e.  Group interview 42. It refers to all activities, worker intervention intervention and group action which the group system system directs toward the achievement of individual and group goals. a.  Program media  b.  c.  d.  e. 

Plan implementation Action planning Modules Group interview


43. The activity of the group worker to keep track of progress or development of individuals through group activities imply the role of: a.  Organizer  b.  Guide c.  Supervisor d.  Observer e.  Recorder 44. By interpreting meaning of data and behaviour of group members, the group worker  portray the role of: a.  Facilitator  b.  Educator c.  Observer d.  Information giver e. guide 45. The following factors are most likely to influence the role of a worker except: I.  Agency function and scope II.  Interest , skills, abilities and limitations of members memb ers III.  Skill and competence of the worker IV.  Type of group a.  III b. II c. I d. all of the above e. none of the above 46. Ability to guide group thinking so that the interests and needs will be revealed and understood. a.  Skill in differential diagnosis and treatment  b.  Skill in using agency and community resources c.  Skill in dealing with group feeling d.  Skill in programdevelopment 47. Saying what you really think when you feel it should be expressed, rather than keeping your ideas, opinions and feelings to youself. a.  Honesty  b.  Levelling c.  Ventilation d.  Disclosure e.  Expression 48. Refer to planed group processes designed to communicate new knowledge and ideas; to change/modify negative attitudes, values and behaviour and to promote or strengthen relationships among the target group members. a.  Group dynamics  b.  Helping process c.  Phases of group development d.  Interventive activities e.  Treatment plan 49. In this stance, the worker sees himself as a member of the group, although one with special expertise and different roles and functions form the members. a.  Permissive stance  b.  Facilitating stance c.  Direct stance d.  Flexible stance


50. This theme of developmental model responds to the question, : “ what are the worker’s functions and relations with the group?”  group?”   a.  Phenomenological  b.  Humanistic c.  Developmental d.  Reality-oriented 51. Operational purpose is the area where agency purpose, group purpose and worker’s  professional purpose overlap a.   b.  c.  d.  e. 

Robert Vinter Margaret Hartfold Emanuel Tropp William Schwartz Thelma Lee Mendoza

52. It is seen as the major means to realize both group effectiveness e ffectiveness and individual gain. a.  Self-direction  b.  Self-appraisal c.  Cooperation d.  Program media e.  Group dynamics 53. There is a testing of the group worker and other members, and an attempt to formalize relationships and to create a status hierarchy. a.  Differentiation  b.  Intimacy c.  Power and control d.  Pre-affiliation e.  Separation 54. It is the tendency to concentrate attention on an object, an idea, an activity or situation. a.  Focus  b.   Needs c.  Wants


d. e.  Obsession Interest 55. It is general class or group activities,each of which consists on an interconnected sequential series of social behaviour. a.  Modules b. activity designs c. project d. session e. program 56. Which is least appropriate description for a person as a social being? a.  He needs food to survive, clothing and shelter to protect him  b.  He provides means to ensure the security of his future c.  He ventures into source of living d.  He needs to look good in the eyes of other people and to win their respect. e.  He needs security form danger 57. These are the behaviours that are a re consciously directed toward common goal efforts. a.  Instrumental behaviour d. self dtermination  b.  Interpersonal ralations e. defense mechanism c.  Expressive behaviour



58. Which is the least unlikely to be indicators of expressive behaviours? a.  Supporting and accepting others  b.  Carrying out individual task c.  Approval and disapproval d.  Submitting to or rejecting authority e.  Performing of roles 59. This process involves the client’s presentation of his needs or problem to the worker as he sees it. a.  Assessment

b. interview

c. process recording d. fact-finding e. none

60. It is the distinguishing characteristics of the remedial model. a.  Treatment b. view of deviance c. center-based d. diagnostic statement e. none 61. In the Remedial model it is at this stage when the worker seeks the emergence of group goals, activities and relationships which can render the group effective for treatment. a.  Diagnosis and treatment planning  b.  Group composition and formation c.  Group and development and treatment d.  Intake 62. This means of influence is seen as focusing on the psychological relationships that are established between the worker and the group members. Worker is object of identification and drives. a.  Worker as motivator and stimulator  b.  Worker as central person c.  Worker as symbol and spokesman d.  Worker as executive controller of member’s roles  roles   63. This means of influence recognizes the importance of the worker’s use of her interaction with her clients being a definer of individual goals and a nd tasks. a.  Worker as motivator and stimulator  b.  Worker as symbol and spokesman c.  Worker as executive controller of member’s roles  roles  


d. Worker as central person 64. Growth group’ specific objectives are the following except:  except:   a.  To make people better  b.  To develop group trust and in-depth relationship c.  To promote health and physical well-being d.  To encourage constructive changes in behaviour and relationships 65. This is an example of a natural group. a.  Fraternity b. Neighbourhood gang c. PTA group d. Boy scout group 66. Which is odd one out? a.  Task group b. treatment group c. social group d. interest group 67. This is the main characteristic of a closed group in social work. a.  Membership is based on strict criteria  b.   No new members can join after the group has been formed


c.  The group has to follow rules set by the agency d.  The group does not interact with other groups 68. This is the phase in group development when the group has stabilized and group bond and a commitment to the group are observable. A.  group formation B.  Group functioning and maintenance phase C.  Integration, disintegration and reintegration D.  Group organization 69. One of these activities is not a program media in social group work. a.  Games b. Role play c. Group dynamics exercises d. counselling 70. The rules agreed on by the group during the formation stage is called: a.  Group Values b. group guidelines c. group norms d. group standards 71. Whatever is the agency’s purpose for a group program, these have to be conducted to obtain at least basic or some other necessary information on the prospective group members. a.  Pre-group interviews b. collateral interviews c. individual intake d. inquest 72. This is not one of the worker’s tasks before a group is organized organized   a.  Conceptualizing, preparing the group program  b.  Recruiting members c.  Preparing logistics d.  Defining group goals 73. The socialization goals that were pursued in group-serving agencies like YWCA during the American Colonial Period in the Philippines focused on activities for this objective: A.  Recreation B.  Skills and development C.  Personality / character development D.  Human relations training 74. Conceptualizing the group program is an activity that is done during this period in the group’s development development  a.  Private pre-group  phase  b.  Public pre-group phase c.  Convening phase d.  Formation phase 75. Using the group for collective problem solving means that the worker weill help the group to: a.  Work on common concerns  b.  Acquire knowledge c.  Achieve a sense of belonging d.  Improve senses of identity 76. The agency’s purpose for offering a group program group  program usually emanates from: a. The prospective members’ motivation for membership  membership    b.   The agency’s general purpose or function  function  c.  The workers’ judgement to program priority  priority   d.   None of the above


77. This is an important characteristic of the group functioning and maintenance phase in group development a.  Lowering the defences and increased sharing in the group  b.  An emergent structure becomes observable c.  Group goal achieving plans are worked on d.  All of the above 78. A social work group’s social environment includes:  includes:   a.  The personal environments of its members  b.  The person/units collectively encountered by the group c.  The social agency d.  All of the above 79. Which one in this list is not a perspective for analysing goal formulation in social work with groups? a.  The member’s perspective  perspective   b.  The worker’s worker’s perspective c.  Group system perspective d.  Community’s perspective  perspective  80. One of the list is not a factor to consider in the selection of group program media a.  Woker’s professional preference  preference   b.  Physical, emotional and social characteristics of members c.  Worker’s skills and capacitities  capacitities   d.  Group goals 81. This group record is essential to the worker’s doing a terminal group evaluation e valuation   a.  Intake records  b.  Collateral interview records c.  Statement of group problem, group goals and action

82. Among the uses of program media in group work would be: a.  Promote group interaction


 b. c.  To To entertain minimizemembers the worker’s interventive activities  activities  d.  All of the above 83. Choose which one of the following is not a consequence of a worker’s use of the group in order to effect change in its participants. a.  Resocialization  b.  Attitude / value change c.  Policy change d.  Change in self-concept 84. All of the following speaks of developmental approach as reality oriented except: a.  The life of the group is seen see n as a continuing series of engagements with group task  b.  The group’s existence means that the members cope with the expectations relating to their common task c.  The realities of the group situation are the major guide to perceiving and evaluating what is happening


d.  Social behaviour is viewed primarily in terms of conscious major guide to perceiving and evaluating what is happening 85. Self-help groups are usully set up for a mental health goal. This is usually focused on a single, unacceptable situation such as: a.  Alcoholism  b.  Disaster c.  Unemployment d.  School drop-out Case In working with a group of children addicted to to online games, the social worker was successful in securing from the barangay officials an ordinance regulating the time for the internet café owners to allow students inside the computer cafes and also to supervise and monitor the activities of students during the allowed period. Also, part of the activities is a trialogue among the adviser/ teacher of the students, their parents, and the owner of the internet café to discuss on the group’s problem on addiction to online games.  games.  86. Coordinating with the barangay council as an extra group means of influence imply: a.  Social roles and rlations  b.  Social environment c.  Social system d.  Significant others 87. In the activity involving the teacher and the owner of the internet café, the teacher and the internet café owner imply: a.  Indirect means of influence  b.  Social system c.  Direct means of influence d.  Social environment 88. Working with the parents and teachers shows the worker’s understanding of:  of:   a.  Direct means of influence  b.  Worker as symbol and spokesman c.  Significant others d.   Nature of group activities 89. After exhausting all efforts to mobilize resources for a formal education scholarship which unfortunately is not feasible, a social worker organizing a group of out of school youth suggested that the group pursue a housekeeping training from TESDA instead. The action of the worker portrays: p ortrays: a.  Direct means of influence  b.  Worker as motivator and stimulator c.   Nature of group activities d.  Worker as executive controller of member’s roles  roles   90. Following a three consecutive group sessions( with group of mothers assessed to have  poor home management skills) the worker found the need to innovate things and activities done with the group. Aling Linda (who lacks self-confidence) was assigned by the worker to lead a prayer and be he moderator of the open forum during their lecture seminar. The worker’s action has something to do with:  with:   a.  Selection of group members  b.  Indirect means of influence c.  Worker as executive controller of members’ roles  roles  


d.  Worker as motivator/stimulator 91. In working with groups in this approach, the social worker has two-client responsibility a.  Developmental  b.  Remedial c.  Interactionist d.  Crisis intervention e.  Total family approach 92. These are interventions to effect change through intermediate interaction with a group member. a.  Direct help  b.  Direct means of influence c.  Instrumental behaviours d.  Group dynamics 93. It is an emotional reaction to a threatening event. a.  Crisis d. anxiety  b.  Stress e. fear c.  Defense mechanism 94. In social work, crisis intervention approach is associated with the writings of: a.  Erich Gonzales  b.  Howard Rapoport c.   Naomi Golan d.  All of the above e.   None of the above 95. It is the arrangement or the interrelation of all parts of a whole. a.  Homeostasis  b.  System c.  Structure d.  Group e.  Hierarchy 96. Many individuals feel more comfortable, or are encouraged to participate and share ideas  because interaction that takes place in a group. a.  Usesof ofthe groups  b.  Advantages of groups c.  Categories of groups d.  Group structure e.  Group process 97. Social work’s focus of concern is:  is:   a.  Person in his life situation  b.  Person’s real situation c.  Client and problem d.  Man’s adjustment to his environment  environment   e.  Both C and D f.  Both B and C


98. An objective statement whether or not the defined goals were achieved. a.  Goal achievement  b.  Recommendation c.  Evaluation d.  Group goals e.  Success 99. How often a member participate? a.  Distribution  b.  Order of participation c. Content of interaction

d. frequency

100.  This model is off-shoot of the remedial model. a.  Psychosocial approach b. socialization model c. organizational/remedial model d. crisis intervention e. psychological first


ANSWER KEY 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 D 6 B 7 A 8 C 9 C 10 B 11 A 12 E 13 C 14 B 15 C 16 B 17 E 18 D 19 A 20 D 21 B

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