Stud Study y the rea reaso soni ning ng info inform rmed ed by con conte text xtua uall knowl knowled edge ge to ass asses esss socie societa tal, l, heal health th,, safet safety y, legal legal and cultur cultural al issues issues and the conseq consequen uentt respo responsi nsibil bilitie itiess relev relevant ant to profe professi ssiona onall engineering practice. !O", #O$, SS%&'( )%*. The Engineer And Society )ble to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant relevant to professional engineering practice.
INSTRUCTIONS Corporate Social Responsibility Responsibility (CSR) is the concept whereby companies companies act to balance their own economic growth with the sustainable social and environmental development of their areas of operation. operation. The student shall form a team of max 6 persons per group. group. Students are expected to carry out systematic steps which may include
ASSESSMENT Part 1- INTERIM REPORT %. The students need to write an interim report that consists of problem identification" planning and development related to CSR program. :hich need to be submitted before midterm brea (latest !/ 5ct) %%. Carry out a site visit and meeting that facilitate the CSR program. %%%. Create and publish the public awareness and promotion on the CSR program2 promote your program to the public. PART 2- FINAL REPORT i. Conduct and involve in an actual CSR program ii. The students need to write the report that consists of %mplementation 0 monitoring plan2 an actual CSR program. The report should include the impact and sustainability of CSR program. :hich need to be submitted before study wee (latest $$ -ec) %;. Create and publish the public awareness of the CSR program2 share the impact and sustainability of your CSR program to public. ;. ttached the %nterim report at your appendix. Evidet !" a#tivitie$ 2 llocation mar on this section because the student will be acnowledged the involvement in CSR program
RUBRIC The assessment will be based on the following rubric %nterim Report %tem % 8 %%% ( /ina Report %tem %; 8 ;%% ( 6
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