Group 7 - Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics

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Course Title: Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics

Course Description: This course deals with various laws related to the Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science profession in the Philippines with emphasis on the Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969 (RA 5527) and its amendments. It also includes the study of Code of Ethics of Medical Technologists and bioethics. Bioethics focuses on the basic ethical principles, major bioethical principles and its application to health and human life.

Course Credit: 3 units lecture

Contact Hours: 3 hours lecture per week (54 hours per semester)

Prerequisite: Introduction to Medical Technology with STS st

Placement: Third Year, 1 Semester

Terminal Competencies: At the end of this course, the student is able to: 1. recognize the rights and privileges, duties and responsibilities of medical technologists/medical laboratory scientists in the practice of the profession. 2. cite the different laws, presidential decrees, administrative orders, issuances associated with the practice of the medical technology profession 3. explain the ethical principles relating to health and human life. 4. clarify issues related to ethics, bioethics, health ethics and professional ethics. 5. internalize the necessary virtues as health care professionals.

References for Medical Technology Laws: rd 1. Fallorin, Conrado C. The Philippine Medical Technology Profession 3 ed. 2003. 2. Moraleta, Nardito D. The Medical Technology Profession and the Philippine Laws on Medical Technology. 2004. 3. Rabor, Rodolfo R. Medical Technology Laws and Ethics: A Collection of Philippine Laws, Statutes, and Code of Ethics of Medical Technologists. 2008. 4. Republic Acts, Administrative Orders, Presidential Decrees and Executive Orders and other Issuances (DOH, CHED, PRC, etc.)

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References for Bioethics: nd 1. Alora-Tan, Angeles. Bioethics, 2 ed. Philippines: UST Printing Press, 2006. 2. Ciabal, Laura Evelyn P. Health Ethics: A Guide for the Health Professionals. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc., 2003. rd 3. Edge, Raymund, S. Groves and J. Randall. Ethics of Health Care: A Guide for Clinical Practice 3 ed. Australia: Thomson Delmar Learning, 2006. 4. Panicola, Michael et. al. Introduction to Health Care Ethics: Theological Foundations, Contemporary Issues and Controversial Cases. USA: St. Mary Press, 2007. th 5. Pence, G. E. Classic Cases in Medical Ethics: Accounts that have shaped medical ethics, with philosophical, legal and historical backgrounds 4 ed. USA: McGraw Hill, 2004.

Electronic References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Learning Objectives / Intermediate Competencies

T.A. Content

Teaching Strategies Lecture

At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Define the terms related to the practice of Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science profession. 2. Generalize ideas about Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science profession. 3. Enumerate the requirements for Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science Licensure Examination. 4. Analyze situations through critical thinking and derive right conclusions. 5. Recognize the different illegal practices of Medical Technologists 6. Explain the different provisions of the law. At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Describe an ideal laboratory setup. 2. Discuss the revised rules and regulations governing the registration, operation and maintenance of a clinical laboratory.

PART I: Laws Pertaining Technology Profession



At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Explain the importance of creating the PRC. 2. Discuss the powers and functions of the Commission. 3. Opine on how the PRC can improve its service-rendering mission.

III. Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) 1. RA 8981: PRC Modernization Act of 2000 2. PRC Issuances relevant to Medical Technology Practice

I. RA 5527 – The Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969 1. RA 6138 2. PD 498 3. PD 1534

6 hrs

Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Case Study Situational analysis Debate




Laboratory Conceptual Skills, Critical Thinking Skills

Professionalism Appreciation of the importance of Medical Technology both as a course and as a profession.

Quizzes Class Participation Graded recitation

Appreciation of RA 5527 as a main guiding law to maintain professional dignity

II. RA 4688 – The Clinical Laboratory Law of 1966 1. Introduction to Clinical Laboratory 2. Provisions of RA 4688 3. Implementing Guidelines of RA 4688

3 hrs

3 hrs

Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Case Study Reporting Project presentation (“Miniature Lab”)

Conceptual Skills, Critical Thinking Skills

Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Interview with key personalities with echo classroom discussion

Conceptual Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Interpersonal Skills

Appreciate the importance of the clinical laboratory as a venue of training and as a service unit Awareness on the legal issues arising from clinical laboratory operation Appreciation of PRC as an institution in charge of supervision and regulation of professional practice

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation

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At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Promote Voluntary Blood Donation. 2. Enumerate the benefits of Voluntary Blood Donation. 3. Describe the set-up and regulatory operation of a blood bank facility

At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Discuss the current situation of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines 2. Correlate the HIV/AIDS statistics with associated factors 3. Explain the importance of the law as a preventive and control measure against HIV/AIDS 4. Discuss the basic requirements in the accreditation of laboratory for HIV testing 5. Explain the importance of public health assurance and protection through proper H.I.V. testing in different clinical laboratories and blood banks. At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Analyze the current situation of Drug addiction in the Philippines 2. Explain the reasons behind the existence of drug addictive behavior among youth and other community members 3. Relate the role of this law in the control of drug addiction 4. Discuss the operation of drug testing laboratories

IV. RA 7719: The National Blood Service Act of 1994 1. Provisions of RA 1517 and RA 7719 2. Implementing Guidelines of RA 7719 3. RA 1517 (Blood Banking Law)

4 hrs

Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Case Study

Conceptual Skills, Critical Thinking Skills

Appreciation of the set up of a blood bank as a venue of training and as a service unit

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation

Awareness on the legal issues arising from blood bank operation

V. RA 8504: HIV Law 1. Background of HIV/AIDS 2. Overview of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines 3. Policies prescribed on: 3.1. Health Awareness 3.2. Test and screening 3.3. Violations and Penalties 4. PNAC: Philippine National AIDS Council 5. A.O. 55 Series of 1989: Rules and Regulations governing the Accreditation of Laboratories Performing H.I.V. testing.

3 hrs

VI. RA 9165: The Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002 1. Review on Prohibited Drugs 2. Implementing Guidelines of RA 9165

3 hrs

Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Case Study

Conceptual Skills, Critical Thinking Skills

Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Interview with key person with echo classroom discussion

Conceptual Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Interpersonal Skills

Appreciation of the importance of sharing through voluntary blood donation Respect Confidentiality

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation


Awareness of drug addiction

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation

Respect Confidentiality Professionalism

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At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Explain the rationale behind the current updates in the PSG 2. Identify the revisions on the PSG

VII. RA 7722: Higher Education Act of 1994 1. Policies, Standards and Guidelines for Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science Education (CMO 14 S. 2006) 2. Implementing Guidelines of RA 7722

4 hrs

At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Explain the different regulations governing internship training program 2. Discuss the rules and regulations regarding the accreditation of clinical laboratory for training medical technology interns At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Analyze the trends in water analysis 2. Explain the importance of water testing facilities 3. Appreciate the role of medical technologists in newborn screening and organ donation programs

VIII. Regulations governing Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science Internship Training Laboratories 1. AO and other Issuances related to Medical Technology Internship Training

2 hrs

IX. Other Laws Related to the Medical Technology Practice 1. AO and other issuances related to Water Testing Laboratories 2. Newborn Screening Act 3. Organ Donation Act

3 hrs

At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Abide by the Code of Ethics 2. Compare the local and international versions of the Code of Ethics of Medical Technologists. 3. Recognize the Ethico-Moral and legal responsibilities of a registered medical technologist 4. Recite/sing the Code of Ethics of Medical Technologists, PAMET Hymn and Medical Technologist prayer At the end of these units, the student is able to: 1. Define terms related to Bioethics and Ethics 2. Review the nature of a disease process: etiology, development

X. Code of Ethics 1. PAMET Version of the Code of Ethics (1997 Revision) 2. IAMLT Version of the Code of Ethics 3. PAMET Hymn 4. Medical Technologist Prayer

2 hrs

Part II. Bioethics I. Overview of Bioethics 1. Introduction to Bioethics 1.1. Definition of Health 1.2. Definition of Disease/Illness

2 hrs

Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Case Study Debate Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Interview with key persons with echo classroom discussion Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Case Study Debate

Conceptual Skills, Critical Thinking Skills

Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Skit presentation Drawing interpretation

Conceptual Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Interpersonal Skills

Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity

Conceptual Skills, Critical Thinking Skills

Global competitiveness

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation


Conceptual Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Interpersonal Skills

Appreciation of the rights and privileges of a medical technology intern

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation

Conceptual Skills, Critical Thinking Skills

Valuing lifestyle

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation


Appreciation of the importance of quality management in water testing laboratories, newborn screening and organ donation centers Virtues inherent of a future health care professionals

Appreciation and Awareness on the importance of Ethics in the biomedical field

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation

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3. 4.

and diagnosis Differentiate between health and disease Discuss the relevance of ethical principles to the practice of Health Profession

At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Explain the nature of the Human Person 2. Differentiate needs and values based from different person’s point of view 3. Define terms related to conscience

At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Acquire basic knowledge regarding health care profession 2. Define the different terms related to basic ethical principles 3. Discuss the responsibilities of both the patients and the health care providers

2. 3.

Enthusiasm in learning the language of ethics as applied in the medical technology field

Concepts of Disease 2.1. Ontological 2.2. Physiological Ethics 3.1. Etymology 3.2. Ethos of Man 3.3. Meaning/Definition 3.3.1. Human Acts 3.3.2. Morality 3.4. Ethics as a Practical Science 3.5. Bioethics, Health Ethics, Professional Ethics

II. Importance of Ethics And Health Ethics III. The Human Person 1. The Notion of a Person: 1.1. Needs and Values of Human Persons 1.1.1. Biological 1.1.2. Psychological 1.1.3. Social 1.1.4. Spiritual 2. The Human Act: Its Characteristics 2.1. Knowledge 2.2. Freedom 2.3. Willfulness 3. Conscience 3.1. Definition of Conscience 3.2. Conscience as a “Practical Judgment” 3.3. Kinds of Conscience 3.3.1. Correct or True 3.3.2. Erroneous or False Culpable Inculpable 3.3.3. Certain 3.3.4. Doubtful 3.3.5. Scrupulous 3.3.6. Lax IV. The Calling of Health Care Provider 1. The Health Care Profession 1.1. Merton’s Values of a Profession 1.2. Merton’s knowing, doing and helping principles 1.3. Differences between profession and occupation 1.4. Characteristics of trust 1.5. Relationship of health care provider and patient

1 hr 3 hrs

Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Skit presentation

Conceptual Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Interpersonal Skills

Appreciation of the value of a human person as God’s ultimate expression of love

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation

Conformance with the accepted moral norms

2 hrs

Lecture Discussion Group Dynamics Skit presentation Film viewing

Conceptual Skills Critical Thinking Interpersonal skill Communication Skills

Appreciation of the value of the Medical Technology profession as part of the health care delivery system

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation Project

Responsibility in the performance PASMETH, Inc. Copyright © 2008 All Rights Reserved.

2. 3. 4. 5.

At the end of this unit, the student is able to: 1. Explain the major bioethical principles 2. Uphold the quality of life through practice of morality 3. Apply theoretical concepts and principles to practical situations

At the end of these units, the student is able to: 1. Relate health ethics and the different stages of life 2. Analyze relevant social and ethical issues to highlight biomedical concerns

of task-related activity

Duties and Rights of a patient Personalizing the Health Care Profession: Factors needed in ethical decisions Psychoanalytical Model Duties and Rights of a health care provider 5.1. Characteristics of a good health care provider 5.2. Commitment of a health care provider

V. Basic Ethical Principles 1. Stewardship 2. Totality 2.1. Application in Health Care 2.2. Relationship of totality to wholeness 3. Principle of Double Effect 4. Principle of Cooperation 4.1. Formal /Informal 4.2. Immediate / Mediate VI. Major Bioethical Principles 1. Respect for Person 1.1. Respect as a Value 1.2. Principle of Free and informed consent 1.3. Principle of Autonomy 2. Importance of Free and Informed Consent 2.1. Patient’s right to information 2.2. Proxy consent 3. Principles of Justice 3.1. Neighborly relations 3.2. Types of Justice 4. Beneficence: Its application to health care 5. Inviolability of Life: 5.1. Crimes against human life 5.1.1. Suicide 5.1.2. Mutilation 5.1.3. Sterilization 5.1.4. Euthanasia 5.1.5. Drug Addiction 5.1.6. Alcoholism 5.1.7. Abortion 6. Non-Maleficence VII. Applied Health Ethics 1. Informed Consent 1.1. Functions 1.2. Elements 2. Beginning of Life 2.1. Principal value of Human Sexuality 2.2. Rights of a person to sex and

3 hrs

4 hrs

2 hrs

Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Skit presentation Film viewing Interview with key persons with echo classroom discussion

Conceptual Skills Critical Thinking Interpersonal skill Communication Skills

Lecture Discussion Core Group Activity Actual immersion to health

Conceptual Skills Critical Thinking Interpersonal skill Communication Skills

Appreciation of the significance of bioethical dogma as primary guiding posts to quality of life

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation Project

Demonstration of positive attitudes as an “agent of change” and guardians of Christian values

Manifestation of enthusiasm in the practical application of concepts in various health fields

Quizzes Class Participation Graded Recitation Project

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3. 4.

Demonstrate positive virtues inherent of a health care provider Criticize the attitudes of health care providers based on their actual experience 3.

4. 5.

community Interview with key person with echo classroom discussion

parenthood 2.3. Maternal and Fetal conflicts 2.4. Double Effect principle to maternal and fetal conflicts 2.5. Artificial Insemination and In Vitro Fertilization End of Life 3.1. Needs of a dying person 3.2. Role of Health Care provider in caring for the dying person 3.3. Suffering 3.4. Role of suffering in man 3.5. Role of the healthcare provider in a suffering patient Death 4.1. Karl Rahner’s view on death 4.2. Dying with Christ Health Professional Relationships with other Health care Professionals 5.1. Mutual Responsibility 5.2. Mutual Support 5.3. Mutual Respect

VIII. Analysis of Bioethical Issues 1. Introduction 2. Ethical Method 3. Deontological Methods 3.1. Legalism 3.2. Deontologism 3.3. Legal Positivism 3.4. Teleological Methods 3.4.1. Utilitarianism 3.4.2. Proportionalism 3.4.3. Emotivism 4. Prudential Personalism

2 hrs

IX. Virtues of Healthcare Providers 1. Definition of virtues/Role of Virtues in Health Care 1.1. Fidelity 1.2. Honesty 1.3. Integrity 1.4. Humility 1.5. Respect 1.6. Compassion 1.7. Prudence 1.8. Courage

2 hrs

Initiation of catechetical effort to share proper examples of moral values in various types of communities

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1.9. Truth 1.10. Love 1.11. Faith 1.12. Hard work 1.13. Social Justice Vices 2.1. Authority and Power 2.2. Pride 2.3. Greed

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Technical Working Group for Prototype Course Syllabi Development (2007-2008) Zennie Aceron Petrona Benitez Sergia Cacatian Zenaida Cajucom Edwin Cancino Jacinta Cruz De Carlos Leon Oliver Shane Dumaoal Bernard Ebuen Nini Lim

Frederick Llanera Carina Magbojos Gregorio Martin Fe Martinez Josephine Milan Ferdinand Mortel Magdalena Natividad Rodolfo Rabor Ma. Teresa Rodriguez Celia Roslin

Anacleta Valdez Rowen Yolo and other PASMETH members not cited in this page who in one way or another has contributed greatly to the success of this endeavor…

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