Download Group 6 Lifes Stories of Recent MBA - Final...
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GROUP 6 Life Stories of Recent MBAs
Rezki Ramadhani Monica R.Siska
Yerrikho Bergas Yerrikho Adi B.Fajarwanto Reza ein ei n
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Fakhr"din Angga Risnando
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Daniel Salvador Life Background :
$ta%ian &ewish 'ami%() *orn and raised in Mi%an +ost his co"sin *eca"se o' *om*ing when he was 5 ,he tra"ma o' the *om*ing e-ent made him *egin to acuire a sense of self, !ature faster, and gro" a lot of intellectual curiosit# a$out %is &ast
e gets o' attac%ed to to %is !aternal grand&arents who de-e%o/ed grand&arents who a sense /rotection their grandchi%dren igh%( in0"enced *( high schoo% teacher to ha-e %u!anistic' sensitivit# ( intellectual curiosit# St"died in $srae%) starting with str"gg%ing ada/tation
Bache%or o' econom( in e*rew ni-ersit() and MBA in BS
GROUP 6, Life Stories of Recent
Daniel Salvador )*+ %aracter:
Attach to &ewish tradition
/en minded) ada/ta*%e with man( en-irontment Socia% awareness ard worker
)'+ %aracter:
ot %o(a%ist easi%( change his jo*6
Se%' awareness Smart ersistence Re%igio"s
GROUP 6, Life Stories of Recent
Daniel Salvador areer :
,eaching , eaching assistant in $srae% $srae%
Banker in +ehman Brothers) Y
7 8rm) in-esting in hea%thcare com/an( harmace"tica%s 9om/an() :erman
Personal Life :
;i'e < h(sician French=>enez"e%an Master in "*%ic ea%th
Met when taking MBA) in &ewish comm"nit( meeting
GROUP 6, Life Stories of Recent
Daniel Salvador -a&&iness : a//( with his %i'e < Yes he was ha//(. ?e8nition o' s"ccess 'or him is -er( sim/%e. @S"ccess means *eing ha//( with what (o" ha-e done If at any point in time in your life, when you’re 30 or 90 years old, you turn back and have no regrets, then you are successful
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