Group 5 Part 2

September 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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CHAPTER 1 The Problem and Its Background I.


 Nowadays, paper products has been part of people’s life – in writing, printing, packaging, decorations and more. They are into buying papers and looking for a quality of paper that could satisfy their want. Most of them still prefer buying expensie papers but are not in good quality. !n making  paper, you will use these ingredients that can be pulped. "ue to abrupt increase of price of commodities, co mmodities,  people especially the students with aerage allowance find it difficult to suffice their paper pro#ect’s needs for their requirements in school. $pecialty paper is one of the top choice used in making pro#ects of the students, students, but most of the commercial specialty specialty paper are expensie expensie but still in a low quality and easy to break. %ith these obserations, the researchers hae explored the possibility of &ogon '!mperata &ylind &yl indric rica( a( )rass )rass and *anana *anana 'Musa 'Musa +aradi +aradisia siacal cal(( iber iber being being the main main compon component entss in making making homemade speacilty paper. A.

Background of th the St Stud

+aper is ery essential in our daily lies. %e use it in writing letters, cards, reports, etc.- we also use it in printing and making paper bags used in the market.  big fact is that, it is an eco/friendly, which means that if we use paper instead of plastic we can help reduce the pollution that damages our  enironment. To produce paper, it is necessary to cut down trees. Nearly 0 billion trees or 12 percent of the total trees cut around the world are used in paper industries on eery continent 'Martin, 3455(. +aper  made of grasses and fibers requires much less processing than wood/deried paper, and is far better for  the enironment. nyone who’s eer isited a pulp mill can attest to the unpleasant smells, and moreoer, turning wood into paper releases harmful chemicals like dioxin '$triepe, 3455(. $o if we



 produce paper out of *anana iber (Musa paradisiaca) and &ogon )rass (Imperata Cylindrica) we can help reduce the cutting of trees. +apermaking is the process of manufacturing paper, a substance which is used ubiquitously today for writing and packaging. !n papermaking, a dilute suspension of fibers in water is drained through a screen, so that a mat of randomly interwoen fibers is laid down. %ater is remoed from this mat of fibers by pressing and drying. Most paper is made from wood pulp, but other fiber sources such as cottons and textiles may be used '$urhone, et al., 3454(. *anana *an ana fiber fiber (Musa paradisiaca)  paradisiaca)  is a natural fiber with high strength, which can be blended easily with cotton fiber or other synthetic fibers to produce blended fabric 6 textiles. *anana fiber also finds use in packing cloth for agriculture produce, ships towing ropes, wet drilling cables etc. 7n the other oth er hand, cogon cogon grass grass (Imperata cylindrica) forms cylindrica) forms a dense mat and produces plenty of leaes that make it nearly impossible for other plants to coexist. !t can inade and oertake disturbed ecosystems by displacing a large ariety of natie plant species. !t is a ery strong competitor for water, nutrients and light because it sprouts and grows faster than most crops '$herley, 3444(. This grass can be found anywhere. !t has been ranked as one of the ten worst weed of the world '8olm et al., 59::( 'ig. 5(. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the feasibility of cogon grass and banana fiber as a material in paper making. Money makes the world go around. ;iing in today’s world is not easy than we thought.


%ater ?etenti ntion







C. H&othesis Ho%

There is N7 significant differences between the 8omemade +aper from &ogon )rass and *anana iber  compared to &ommercial $pecialty +aper in terms of> a. %ater ter ?ete ?etent ntio ion n  b. $trength c. Texture d. "urab abiility   Ha%

There is  significant significant differences differences between the 8omemade 8omemade +aper from &ogon )rass )rass and *anana iber  compared to &ommercial $pecialty +aper in terms of> a. %ater ter ?ete ?etent ntio ion n  b. $trength c. Texture d. "urab abiility



Conce&tual 'rame(ork 

 Figure 1.0

 t  i  l  i  b  a  t  p  e  c  c   A  i  a  s   m  a r  e  b  i  F a  n  a  n  a  B   d  n  a s  s  a  r  G y  n  o  g  o  C   m  o  r  f  r  e  p  a  P y  t  l  a  i  c  e  p  S


Dependent Variable Independent Variable

). Signific Significance ance of the the Stud Stud This study is significant in proiding people an inexpensie homemade specialty paper for 

writing purposes and many more. The researcher chose to work on this study because it can help the needs of man and it can help lessen the enironment’ enironment’ss top ranked worst weeds in the world which is the cogon grass. nd aboe all, it costs cheaper so that eeryone can afford it, thus,  preent the productiity of the worst weeds in the enironment. E. Sco&e Sco&e and *i *imit mitat ation ionss This inestigatory pro#ect was conducted in the locality of &albiga, $amar, its scope focuses only on &ogon )rass and *anana iber which was found capable of producing cheap and enironmental $pecialty +aper. The research study utili=ed as searched for alternatie specialty paper  using the &ogon )rass and *anana iber. !t also entails the enironmental and economic benefits of  the specialty paper. This study used the ingredients found in the locality such as the &ogon and *anana. The product also undergoes T/$tatistical Test. This study focuses on the easibility of  &ogon (Imper (Imperata ata Cylind Cylindric rica) a) )ras )rasss an and d *ana *anana na (Mu (Musa sa Paradis Paradisiac iacal) al) ib iber er as materi materials als for  $pecialty +aper Making. '. )efin )efiniti ition on of of Te Terms rms 5.  Acce&tabilit / 3. /  Pa&er

satisfactoriness thin sheets sheets prom the pulp of wood or other fibrous fibrous substances, substances,

used for writing or printing on or as wrapping material 4





substance, or textile is formed 0.  Strength 2.  +tili,e @. )urabilit

a thr threa ead d or or fil filam ament ent whic which h a pl plan antt or or anima animall tis tissu sue, e, mi mine nera rall

/ / -

quality or state of being strong make practical and effectie us use of   strong stro ng and lasts lasts a long time without breaking breaking or becoming becoming

 Te  Teture


the way that it feels when you touch it, for example how

smooth or rough it is. A. Pul&ing


a process in making paper- an ob#ect is pressed into a pulp,

weaker  :.

it is crushed or beaten until it is soft, smoth and wet. 9. T-test t/tes t/testt is any stat statisti istical cal hypothesis test in which the test statistic statistic follows a $tudentBs t distribution if the null hypothesis is supported .

CHAPTER II Re$ie( of Re$ie( *iterature

cellulose pulp fibers, typically cellulose pulp Pa&er  is a thin material produced by pressing together moist  fibers, deried from wood wood,, rags or rags or grasses, grasses, and drying them into flexible sheets.

+aper is a ersatile material with many uses. %hilst the most common is for writing and printing upon, it is also widely used as a packaging material, in many cleaning products, cleaning products, in a number of  industrial and construction processes, and een as a food ingredient – particularly in sian cultures.



+aper, and the pulp papermaking process, was said to be deeloped in &hina during &hina during the early 3nd century ", possibly as early as the year 542 ."., C5D by the 8an court 8an court eunuch  eunuch &ai ;un, ;un, although the earliest archaeological fragments of paper derie from the 3nd century *& in &hina. C3D

The modern pulp modern pulp and paper industry is industry is global, with &hina leading production and the Enited $tates behind it.


The oldest known archaeological fragments of the immediate precursor to modern paper date to ;un, a 3nd/century the 3nd century *& in &hina. &hina. The pulp papermaking process is ascribed to &ai ;un, "  8an court " 8an court eunuch.C3D %ith paper an effectie substitute for silk in many applications, &hina could export silk in greater quantity, contributing to a  a )olden ge ge..
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