Munandar Dina Ratnasari Gusti Adiza Khairina Hendra an!"it Pramana
Defnition Arthropoda comes from Latin words, arthra and and podos podos . Arthra Arthra means segment and podos and podos means foot. foot. So Arthropod means a group of animals with the characteristics of segmented feet. Its body is also segmented.
Arthropod’s Body
Are triploblastic coelomate animal The body is covered covered by by a hard cuticle cuticle that orms orms as an exoskeleton (composed by chitin)
ave speciali!ed sense or"ans that are #ell$ developed to respond to stimuli %uickly
ave complete di"estion system
Breathe #ith "ills& trachea& body surace& or book lun"s'
ave open circulation system
xcretion system usin" malphi"ian tubules andor certain excretion "lands
Arthr&'&ds( )i*e+ habitat+ and re'r&ducti&n Habitat Arthropods can almost be
M&des &* Li*e Arthropods live reely asparasite& comensal& or symbiotic'
ound every#here rom the sea& resh#ater re"ions& deserts& and Re'r&ducti&n savannas' Arthropods reproduce se,ua))- by ormin" "ametes' The male and emale repr reproductive oductive or"ans are separated' ach individual produces "ametes (dioecious) ' *ertili!ation occurs internally and produces ertili!ed e""s' They also reproduce reproduce ase,ua))- throu"h partheno"enesis and paedo"enesis' +artheno"enesis is reproduction #ithout ertili!ation by male individual' ,hile paedo"enesis is
ARTHROPOD. /LA..010/AT0ON Arthr&'&ds divided c)asses+ that are a3 b3 c3 d3
Arachnida 0nsects M-ria'&da /rustaceae
The Di-erences Di-erences o characteristics o the fv fv e classes o Arthropod
%3 Arachnids Arachnida (arachne (arachne . spider) is the spider "roup eventhou"h the members are not /ust spiders& or example scorpions& ticks& mites and horseshoe crabs' They are /oint$ le""ed invertebrate animals' All arachnids have ei"ht le"s& althou"h the ront pair o le"s in some species has converted to a sensory
unction' Arachnids are terr terrestrials estrials
&d- structure &* Arachnids
The spider body body is composed o t#o parts& cephalothorax (head$ breast) at interior and abdomen at posterior' Cephalothorax consists o 1 • A pair o chelicerae (stin"ers) • A pair o pedipalps • *our pairs o(pincers) #alkin"
The 1uncti&n &* each
Three Orders &* %4
2corpionida has poisonous stin"er on the last se"ment o the abdomen& or ) example 1 scorpions (Uroctonus (Uroctonus mordax
54Arachneae 3n Arachneae & the abdomen is not se"mented and has poisonous "lands in chelicerae' xample 1
,ol 2pider (Pardosa (Pardosa 2p')
4olden #eb spider ()
Acarina has a small body& includin" the "roup o ticks such as Acarina as Acarina sp.
R7PRODU/T0ON O1 ARA/HN0D. Arachnids may have one or t#o "onads& #hich are located in the abdomen' The "enital openin" is usually located on the underside o the second abdominal se"ment' 3n most species& the male transers sperm to the emale in a packa"e& or spermatophore'
Arachnids usually lay yolk yolky y e""s& #hich hatch into immatures that resemble adults' 2corpions& ho#ever& are either ovoviviparous or vivipar viviparous& ous& dependin" on species& and bear
The 5 5ole ole 6 Arachnids They have harmul harmul property& property& such as 1 • Do" *lea 1 they suck the bird& mammal& even also human blood' •
2arcoptes 1 can cause skin disease called 2arcoptes scabies
Ctenocephalides canis (Do" *lea)
Sarcoptes scabiei
53 0N.7/T. 3nsect comes rom 7atin #ord Insectum Insectum that’s that’s mean 8Cut into sections9' 3nsect is the animal #hich # hich has the most species amon" all o animal so not surprisin"ly i insect is the animal most oten ound by human and maybe ound in nearly all enviroment' 3nsect has around :;ediator or disease (ex 1 =y& mos%uito& bu") A"ricultural disease (ex 1 4rasshopper&
Cotton puller)
Based on the presence of wings
0nsects /)assi2cati&n
63 M-ria'&da >yriapoda (myriad 1 (myriad 1 that many& many& podos podos 1 1 le") is a "roup o arthropods have many le"s' >yriapoda live on land in humid places such as underneath rocks& #ood& or leaves' >yriapoda are dioecious and reproduce sexually sexuall y by b y internal ertili!ation'
Body 2tructure .e!ment
The thorax and abdoment of Myriapoda are difficult to be differentiated. The head has antennae, mouth, and a pair of mandibles, two pairs of maxillae, and ocelli eyes.
The segmented body has one or two pairs of appendages on each segment. Eery body segment has respiration pores called spiracles.
>yriapoda is "rouped into t#o orders& Chilopoda (centipedes) and Diplopoda (milipedes)'
This "roup "roup o animals is kno#n more oten centipedes' body and isas a bit =attened'The They areelon"ates ast& predatory and venomous& huntin" mostly at ni"ht' Centipede has poisonous stin"ers that is modifed rom its le"s to kill prey such as insects and small invertebrates& also its enemies or intruders' The stin" is painul and s#ells the skin
b3Di')&'&da This animal is kno#n kno#n as milipedes' The body is sli"htly rounded and have a pair o le"s in each o its se"ment' Diplopoda lack o stin"ers' They are herbivores or scaven"ers' They are are slo# and the le"s move lik like e an oceanic #ave' ,hen disturbed or touched& a millipede #ill roll itsel and pretend to die'
5usty millipede (rigoniulus (rigoniulus
corallinus)) corallinus
Reproduction of Myriapoda ! "oth the centipede and millipede hae separate sexes ! The female lay eggs which are fertili#ed sexually by the male ! Some species the eggs in a $nest% where they are guarded by thelay male ! &thers lay one egg at a time and then leae it.
3 /rustacea The "roup o crustacea (crusta 1 skin) has a hard exoskeleton' exoskeleton' Crustaceans are a%uatic animals #ith some exceptions that live on land they alson can be ound in marine& resh#ater& and terrestrial habitats' Crustaceans have t#o pairs o antennae and t#o pair o maxillae' 2ome appenda"es are biramous' xoskeleton made o chitin #ithout a #axy cuticle' 5espiration is throu"h "ills' Crustaceans are are hi"hly se"mented' se"mented' >ore derived orms orms are ta"mati!ed and sho# e#er& more speciali!ed& limbs'
/RU.TA/7AN(. R7PRODU/T0ON • Barnacles are monoecious but "enerally cross$ ertili!e' • 3n some ostracods& males are scarce and reproduction is by partheno"enesis' • >ost crustaceans brood e""s in brood chambers& in brood sacs attached to the abdomen& a bdomen& or attached to abdominal appenda"es' • Crayfshes develop directly #ithout a larval orm'
>ost crustaceans have larva unlikeathe adult in orm& and under"o metamorphos is • 4ul shrimp
Subclasses of Crustaceans Crustaceans are grouped into two subclasses : a) Entomostraca
is the group of crustaceans with microscopic size. They live freely and are composed of zoo plankton or bentos, or live as parasites.
Cyclops sp
Daphnia pulex
b) Ma Mala lacos costra traca ca • Malacostrac Malacostraca a has more members than ntomostraca.
!hrimp or prawns, lobsters, and crabs are Malacost Malacostraca. raca. • The following will describe the most familiar malacostracans, malacostracan s, the prawn. • "rawn have a hard e#oskeleton for protection. The body is composed of two parts, head and thora# that merge into one cephalothora#, and abdomen
Grapsus grapsus
Penaeus monodon
The R&)e &* /rustacea
*ood or some kind o fsh (because most o them is !oo$plankton)
ave very important economic value (because they are the ood that contain hi"h protein de"ree as one o the ood material re%uired or human
Di ffe r e nc e sofEa c hCl a s sofAr t hr opod’ sc l a s s TheDi CLASS
t wofiveormor e c e p h a l o t h o r a x * anda bdome me n ( s ome mewi t hhead andt r unk)
t wo
abs e nt
t wo-headand t r u n k
many-oneort wo one pert r unks e gme ment
abs e nt
t woc e p h a l o t h o r a x * anda bdome me n
f our
none( t hough absent pal psma y r es emb mbl eant ennae orl e gs )
t hr e e-he ad, t hor axand
t hr e e
abdome n
us ual l ypr e s e nt ( butmany wi ngl es sf orms ms )
c e pha l o t ho r a x=f us e dhe a da ndt hor a x
Arthr&'&ds( R&)e t& Human Li*e The ene2ts as
hi"h protein ood source such as "iant river pra#ns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)& rosenbergii)&
vector or many human diseases such as Anopheles (malaria Anopheles (malaria vector)& Aedes vector)& Aedes aegypti as den"ue ever vector& tse tse =y ("lossina ( "lossina palpalis) palpalis) as sleepin" sickness vector& and house =y (Musca ( Musca domestica) domestica) as the vector o thypus'
skin disorder by Sarcoptes scabiei& scabiei& head lice (Pediculus humanus) humanus) and bed bu"s (Cimex (Cimex rotundatus) rotundatus) Crop and industrial pests like rice bro#n plant hoppers (#ilapar!ata lugens) lugens) and coconut rhinoceros beetles ($ryctes rhinoceros) rhinoceros) *ood destroyer such as lesser "rain borers b orers (%hy&opertha dominica) dominica) Destroyer o natural products such as #ood by termites and silverfsh (Lepisma (Lepisma saccharina) saccharina)
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