Gross Ana Finals[1]

November 9, 2017 | Author: PinayMD OnHold | Category: Common Carotid Artery, Coronary Circulation, Aorta, Liver, Larynx
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GROSS ANATOMY Final Examination Mar.19.2009

1. This layer of the scalp is also known as the dangerous area in the scalp: a. Skin c. galea aponeurotica d. loose areolar tissue [emissary veins] b. subcutaneous layer 2.

Origin of the blood supply to the scalp:

a. b.

external carotid artery [superior temporal]

3. a. b.

Innervation of the muscles of facial expression: mandibular c. ophthalmic maxillary d. facial

4. a. b.

Pulsations of the facial artery are felt over the : inferior border of the mandible c. 3cm anterior to the angle of the mandible d.

5. b.

Nerve that conveys secretomotor fibers to the parotid gland: c. great auricular Glossopharyngeal [psy secretomotor] d. maxillary facial


Peirced by the Stensen’s duct EXCEPT:

a. b.

buccal mucosa opposite 2nd molar tooth buccal fat pad

7. a. b.

Level of termination of the common carotid artery: anterior arch of the cricoids c. hyoid superior border of the thyroid cartilage d. none of the above


nerve that accompanies the superior thyroid artery as it descends to the apex of the thyroid gland: external laryngeal c. inferior laryngeal internal laryngeal d. recurrent laryngeal [accompanies ITA]


a. b.

9. a. b.

ophthalmic [supratrochlear, supraorbital]

c. d.

c. d.

Fibers carried by the hypoglossal nerves: motor c. sensory d.

both neither

Both neither

buccinators masseter

parasympathetic all of the above

10. The internal carotid artery gives off its branches in the: a. cranial cavity c. both b. orbital cavity d. neither 11. Enclosed by the carotid sheath EXCEPT: a. cervical sympathetic trunk b. common carotid

c. d.

internal jugular vagus

c. d.

hypoglossal nerve none of the above

12. Nerve supply to the infrahyoid muscles: a. b.

ansa cervicalis cervical branch of the facial nerve

13. The insthmus of the thyroid gland lies anterior to the: a. cricoid cartilage c. 2nd-3rd tracheal rings b. thyroid cartilage d. 4th-05th tracheal rings 14. Origin of the blood supply to the thyroid gland:

a. b.

arch of the aorta [thyroidea ima]


external carotid [sup thyroid artery]


thyrocervical trunk [inf thyroid artery] all of the above

c. d.

both neither

15. Venous drainage to the thyroid gland join the:

a. b.

brachiocephalic veins [ITV] internal jugular veins [STV, MTV]

16. The parathyroid glands are located at the posterior border of which part of the thyroid gland? a. apices of the lateral lobe c. middle & base of the lateral lobe b. isthmus d. pyramidal lobe 17. Commencement of the subclavian vein: a. outer border, clavicle


outer border, 1st rib

c. d.

inferior border, teres major sternoclavicular junction

“Mod”=Module, “mk!”=must know!, “Snell”=Snell Clin Ana by Regions, “???”=not quite sure due to chuvalers! Haha [explanations & chuvalers! haha]

The more you understand, the less you have to remember… Fight one more round… Aja aja! Ü

GROSS ANATOMY Final Examination Mar.19.2009

18. Common to both subclavian arteries EXCEPT: a. branches c. b. division d.

origin [R-brachiocephalic, L-arch of aorta] termination

19. Foramen traversed by the vertebral artery:

a. b.

6th-1st cervical transverse foramen Foramen magnum

c. d.

Both neither

20. Nerve that courses along the anterior surface of the scalene anterior muscle: a. long thoracic c. spinal accessory b. phrenic d. supraclavicular 21. The cervical plexus:

a. b. c. d. e.

is located anterior to the SCM [deep to SCM] formed by the posterior rami of cervical spinal nerves 1-4 [anterior rami] both neither

22. Paranasal sinus that drains into the middle meatus EXCEPT: a. anterior ethmoidal c. maxillary b. frontal d. posterior ethmoidal 23. Elastic cartilage of the larynx: a. arytenoid b. cricoid

c. d.

epiglottis thyroid

24. Innervation of the arytenoids muscles: a. external laryngeal b. internal laryngeal

c. d.

superior laryngeal recurrent laryngeal

25. Abductor of the vocal cords: a. cricothyroid b. posterior cricoarytenoid

c. d.

thyroarytenoid transverse arytenoid

c. d.

both neither

26. Bifurcation of the trachea is:

a. b.

at the level of the 4th-5th TV [TV 6-7] marked by the carina externally [internally]

27. True of the primary bronchi:

a. b. c. d.

left bronchus is wider, shorter, more vertical [right – vertical, wider, shorter] right bronchus crosses over the azygous vein left bronchus arches over the aorta left bronchus passes in front of the esophagus

28. The “eparterial bronchus” refers to: a. left primary bronchus b. right primary bronchus

c. d.

right lower lobe bronchus right superior lobe bronchus

29. True of the apices of the lungs: a.

rise 3-4cm above the sternal end of the clavicle


summit is at the level of the vertebral end of 1st rib both neither

c. d.

30. The following statement are true regarding the bronchopulmonary segments EXCEPT: a. b.

coronary sinus right coronary artery

c. d.

both neither

40. Veins that drain into the coronary sinus EXCEPT: a. great cardiac c. oblique b. middle cardiac d. vena cordis minimae 41. The SA node is located: a. at the top of the crista terminalis b. near the opening of the superior vena cava 42. a. b. c. d.

c. d.

both neither

The interventricular septum: forms the oblique anterior wall of the left ventricle projects into the left ventricle thick and muscular superiorly thin and membranous inferiorly

43. The thebesian valve guards the opening of the: a. coronary sinus c. b. foramen ovale d.

inferior vena cava superior vena cava

44. Papillary muscle are attached to the: a. chordae tendinae [apex attachment] b. septal wall [base attachment]

ventricular wall [base attachment] all of the above

c. d.

45. The sound of the aortic valve is best heard clinically on the:

a. b. c. d.

left 2nd intercostal space close to the sternal border right 2nd intercostal space close to the sternal border left 5th intercostal space along the midclavicular line xiphisternal junction

46. The deep cardiac plexus is located at the: a. aortic arch b. atrial wall

c. d.

ligamentum arteriosum tracheal bifurcation



47. Feature of the left ventricle:


bicuspid AV valve [MV @ level of 4th cs jxn]

“Mod”=Module, “mk!”=must know!, “Snell”=Snell Clin Ana by Regions, “???”=not quite sure due to chuvalers! Haha [explanations & chuvalers! haha]

The more you understand, the less you have to remember… Fight one more round… Aja aja! Ü

GROSS ANATOMY Final Examination Mar.19.2009


semilunar cavity


smaller papillary muscle

48. Termination of the thoracic aorta: a. TV 8 b. TV 10

c. d.

TV 11 TV 12

49. The thoracic duct drains into: a. right subclavian b. right internal jugular vein

c. d.

left subclavian left internal jugular

50. The azygous vein is a tributary of the: a. hemiazygous vein b. right ascending lumbar vein

c. d.

right subcostal vein superior vena cava

51. The following statements concerning the superficial fascia of the anterior abdominal are true EXCEPT: a. it has a superficial fatty layer and a deep membranous layer b. Scarpa’s fascia fuses with the fascia lata just below the inguinal ligament

c. d.

Camper’s fascia is continuous with the Colle’s fascia in the perineum It is continuous with the Dartos muscle in the wall of the scrotum

52. The rectus sheath contains the following structures EXCEPT: a. inferior epigastric artery c. pyramidalis muscle b. ligamentum teres d. rectus abdominis 53. Peritoneal fold that encloses embryonic remnant:

a. b.

falciform ligament [remnant of umbilical vein] hepatoduodenal ligament

c. d.

mesocolon omenta

54. Distinguishing internal feature of the large intestine: a. appendices epiploicae c. plica semilunaris b. haustrations d. taenia coli 55. Part of the large intestine that is retroperitoneal: a. ascending colon c. b. transverse colon d.

sigmoid colon vermiform appendix

56. The lesser omentum attaches the inferior surface of the liver to which part of the stomach: a. body of the stomach c. lesser curvature b. greater curvature d. pyloric end 57. It is the embryonic remnant of the vitelline duct: a. cysterna chylii c. Peyer’s patches b. Meckel’s diverticulum d. Vermiform appendix 58. The common bile duct drains into which part of the duodenum:

a. b.

1st part 2nd part

c. d.

3rd part 4th part

59. The largest glandular gland in the body consisting of about 1/50th of the body: a. b.

large intestine liver

60. Blood supply to the liver: a. hepatic artery [30%] b. portal vein [70%]

c. d.

pancreas spleen

c. d.

both neither

61. Beneath the right lobe of the liver are the impressions of the following structures EXCEPT: a. duodenum c. right colic flexure b. right kidney d. spleen 62. The portal vein is formed: a. at the porta hepatis b. behind the neck of the pancreas

c. d.

at the left side of LV2 at the triangle of Calot

63. The falciform ligament: a. divides the liver into the true left and right lobes “Mod”=Module, “mk!”=must know!, “Snell”=Snell Clin Ana by Regions, “???”=not quite sure due to chuvalers! Haha [explanations & chuvalers! haha]

The more you understand, the less you have to remember… Fight one more round… Aja aja! Ü

GROSS ANATOMY Final Examination Mar.19.2009

b. c. d.

is the continuation of the round ligament divides the abdominal cavity into right and left cavities encloses the ligamentum teres hepatis

64. a. b. c. d.

The gallbladder: concentrates bile secretes bile supplied by branches of the gastroduodenal artery devoid of peritoneal covering

65. a. b. c. d.

The inferior vena cava: directly drains blood from GIT formed by the union of the external iliac veins pierces the central tendon of the diaphragm at the level of TV10 drains into the right atrium of the heart

66. The abdominal aorta: a. enters the abdomen at the level of TV12 b. divides into 2 external iliac arteries


has three paired anterior visceral branches


has three terminal branches [EIA,IIA, SMSA]

67. The following structures passes thru the hilum of the kidney EXCEPT: a. renal artery c. renal vein b. renal pelvis d. ureter 68. True of the peritoneum EXCEPT: a. bounded laterally by the pubic arch and anteriorly by the symphysis pubis

b. c. d.

separate from the pelvic cavity by the perineal membrane [by the pelvic diaphragm] composed of the superficial and deep pouches supplied by the internal pudendal artery

69. True of the uterus:
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