Gris-Gris, Magic & Spells

May 3, 2017 | Author: Calliaste | Category: N/A
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Gris-Gris, Magic & Spells Voodoo, Magick, Hex, Witchcraft, Wicca, Santeria...


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Gris-Gris, Magic & Spells ©1998 By John R. Milam Voodoo, Magick, Hex, Witchcraft, Wicca, Santeria

Their Tools & Components We will not deal extensively with the laws of magic and spellworking here. As most of our regular customers know, the greater the number of associations and closer the similarities of those associations the greater the chance of the work being successful. This is in accordance with the Law of Association and the Law of Similarities. Our products are designed to enhance such associations and similarities. They also contain whatever accumulated power that may be attributed to traditional formulae. ~ Candles ~ Candles are one of the most widely used tools of magical working. They are not used as a source of light, but also it is believed that they enhance the magical efficacy of the spell. Sometimes they are even used as the sole tool of the magical work. When used magically, the particular candle is chosen for its color, shape or ingredients (other than wax & dye) contained in the candle. ~ Herbs ~ Herbs have been used magically for centuries. Herbs are often selected for their properties of taste, smell, color, and even shape (as in the case of the mandrake root). Some have been so long associated with certain results, that the origin of such association has been long since forgotten. ~ Incenses ~ Incenses have played a significant role in both religious and magical ritual. Certain scents are believed to have magical effect, but that is not all there is to incenses. Incenses may contain other ingredients which contribute little to the scent, but are still considered create a powerful ambiance that attracts certain desired effects. ~ Oils ~ Oils are a major component of the magical worker or gris-gris person's stock & trade. The thing that makes oils so popular is their flexibility of use. Oils can be worn, smeared or sprinkled. Unlike incenses, waters or powders, they have lingering effect. Oils are a convenient and lasting way of transmitting the essences of magical herbs.

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~ Powders & Sachets ~ Powders have been used for centuries by those who practice magic. They may consist of herbs, minerals and/or chemicals. Some powders, like oils, are worn by the person hoping to produce a magical result. Others are sprinkled about the user's home or in his/her personal items (eg. a purse for money). Sometimes, when harm is desired to another an appropriate powder will be dusted on the enemy's doorstep or the path upon which he must tread.

~ Traditional Meanings & Magical Uses ~ ~ Candle Shapes ~          

Crucifix Altar - For divine assistance. Cat - To fetch or hunt down your desire. 7 Knob - For 7 day workings - adds power. Male/Female Image - To work a person. Gender - To affect the sexual nature. Skull - To invoke help of deceased spirits. Mummy - Same as Skull, only with a lasting effect. Marriage - To work a marriage or lover pair. Coiled Snake - To bind or control. Reversible - To reverse for better or worse.

~ Colors in Magic ~          

Black - To remove or send evil and harm. Blue - For health, peace and abundance. Brown - For practical and material blessings. Green - For fertility, money and growth. Orange - Recognition, control and creativity. Pink - To draw love and success; attraction. Purple -For abundance, power & psychic ability. Red - For passion, energy, love, attention. White - Healing, spiritual cleansing and jinx removing. Yellow - Mental agility, fast action, communication.

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Some Traditional Uses Of Oils, Incenses, Powders, Etc.                    

Attraction - Attracts lovers & brings luck in other areas. Black Salt - To get rid of bad neighbors. Boss Fix - Stop harassment & get favor from boss. Come To Me - Strong attraction - make people want to come to you. Commanding - Dominate others or sexually control them. Confusion - To confuse and disorient enemies. Court Case - Put judge and jury on your side. Crossing - To mess-up enemy's life, close his roads. French Love - Draw love and attention. Graveyard Dirt - To cause enemies confusion and bad luck. Helping Hand - For fast help when needed in tight situation. High John Conq. - General purpose power to win in all areas of life. Job - To find employment. Jinx removing - As the name says. Lodestone/Magnet - Powerful attraction. Reversible - To send back evil directed to you & reverse bad luck. Road Opener - To open blocked paths and doors of opportunity. Spirit - Used when working with disincarnates. Wealthy Way - To attract money and financial improvement. Weed Of Misfortune - To cause enemy misfortune and make him lose everything. ----------------------------------------

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