Grids pdf
April 22, 2017 | Author: samlane182 | Category: N/A
Short Description
Phils Presentation of Grids and Divine Proportions...
BAGD Phil McDonald
& divine proportions
Introduction to grids
BAGD Phil McDonald
Fibonacci Sequence
Introduction to grids
BAGD Fibonacci Sequence
Fibonacci sequence ratio 8:13 links to Golden section This sequence is not only evident within design but also nature.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Fibonacci Sequence
The human face follows the ratio and we find people whose faces are truer to the ratio more attractive. (?) Classic Renaissance masterpieces, architecture from antiquity, and even human body parts are proportioned based on the ratio down to the fingers themselves.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Fibonacci Sequence
A series of numbers in which each number is the sum of two preceding numbers.
0+1= 1 1+1= 2 1+2= 3 2+3= 5 3+5= 8 5+8= 13 8+13= 21 13+21= 34 21+34= 55 34+55 = 89
0+1= 1 1+1= 2 1+2= 3 2+3= 5
Introduction to grids
BAGD Fibonacci Sequence
Draw two small squares together.
1 1
Draw a third square using the combined lengths of the two original squares together.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Fibonacci Sequence
Continue to repeat this process and the set will form as shown...
3 5 2
1 1
Introduction to grids
BAGD Fibonacci Sequence
55 point title should be complemented with 34 point body copy by applying Fibonacci’s sequence.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Fibonacci Sequence
Apply your understanding of the fibonacci sequence using grided paper.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Dividing the page
Dividing the page Introduction to grids
BAGD Golden Section
Golden Section
Introduction to grids
BAGD Golden Section
...Forms the basis of paper sizes and its principles can be used as a means of achieving balanced designs. Many ancient cultures from Egyptians to the Greeks used this thinking to gain beautiful designed proportions. *Fibonacci sequence ratio 8:13 links to Golden section
Golden Section Rule - 8:13
is the golden number
Introduction to grids
BAGD Golden Section
Is also known as the Golden Rectangle.
Basic Calculations to finding the Golden Section of a page:
Definition -
1.62 divided with page width.
“Golden Rectangle is a rectangle in which the ratio of the length to the width is the golden ratio”
56cm Divide by 1.62 = 34.56 (Round off to... 35)
Introduction to grids
BAGD Golden Section
Divide by 1.62 = 34.56 (35)
Introduction to grids
BAGD Golden Section
35 Divide by 1.62 22cm
= 21.60 (22)
Introduction to grids
BAGD Golden Section
22 Divide by 1.62
3cm 9cm
= 13.58 (14)
Introduction to grids
BAGD Golden Section
Introduction to grids
BAGD Fibonacci Sequence
Apply your understanding of the Golden Section by dividing your grided paper into the golden ratio.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Golden Section
The Rule Of Thirds Introduction to grids
BAGD Rule of Thirds
The concept of the golden ratio can be simplified. The rule of thirds governs the placement of points of interest in a scene. Divide any given image into thirds both horizontally and vertically. You’ll get 9 grids.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Rule of Thirds
According to the rule of thirds, the vertices of those lines (where the lines cross) are the ideal placement for points of interest. People scanning the page are more likely to notice things placed near the points, and the division is comfortable to view.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Rule of Thirds
People scanning the page are more likely to notice things placed near the focal points, and the division is comfortable to view. More complex design is possible by breaking down those thirds into further thirds.
focal point Introduction to grids
BAGD Rule of Thirds
Major images, news boxes, search bars and any other points of interest can be nestled on or near the horizontals. This little shortcut will give you a design that is both easy on the eyes and makes people drawn to key pieces of information.
information point Introduction to grids
BAGD Fibonacci Sequence
Break down & cut out your layouts using the rule of thirds. Find focal points & information points. Introduction to grids
BAGD Golden Spirals
Another method of using both the golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers are the golden spirals and Fibonacci spirals. The spirals have been used in artwork for as long as the numbers and ratios themselves. The theory is that areas of negative space and visual interest should fit within the spiral. Within this image, as with the rule of thirds, the eye is naturally drawn to the center of the spiral to look for details.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Golden Spirals
The spirals can serve as a guideline for content density and clustering. They can serve as the foundation for the ratio of your website header images, search bars and tool bars.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Identify Your Grid
Cut layouts into columns, headers, footers, images, subheadings etc... Identify its grid.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Identify Your Grid
Using different magazine layouts Frankenstein a custom layout of your choice and hand make a grid of your own...
Introduction to grids
BAGD End bit...
“Using the divine proportion, you give yourself an edge of natural logic and organic grace that all humans have a subconscious attraction to. The golden ratio is yet another tool at your creative disposal...”
Introduction to grids
BAGD Phil McDonald
Canons & Grids week 2
Introduction to grids
BAGD Phil McDonald
Van De Graaf canon
Introduction to grids
BAGD Van De Graaf
...A gridded page is much like scaffolding for a building.
It is a structure that elements can be organized.
A grid will help continuity to be maintained and information digested with flow.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Van De Graaf
The Van de Graaf canon is a historical reconstruction of a method that may have been used in book design to divide a page in pleasing proportions.
This canon is also known as the “secret canon” used in many medieval manuscripts and incunabula.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Van De Graaf
The construction of Van de Graaf’s canon, works for any page width:height ratio.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Van De Graaf
Introduction to grids
BAGD Van De Graaf
Symmetrical layout.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Van De Graaf
Single Page Canon
Introduction to grids
BAGD Van De Graaf
Asymmetrical Layout
Introduction to grids
BAGD Gutenberg
Historian John Man suggests that Gutenberg’s Bible page was based on the golden ratio.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Octavo Format
The text area and margin proportions are determined by the starting page proportions.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Golden page & Resarivo’s 9ths
Introduction to grids
BAGD Application of Canon
Introduction to grids
BAGD Application of Canon
Introduction to grids
BAGD Application of Canon
Introduction to grids
BAGD Phil McDonald
Leading a very brief overview
Introduction to grids
BAGD Width Of Column
Column width is more than just design or format. it is also based on legibility. Printed Collateral (text) is read by the eye of a distance of 30 35cm.
According to empirical rule there should be 7 words per line for a text of any length. To keep the type area light and open (in appearance) we must consider the leading.
i.e. The vertical distance from line to line which suits the size of the type.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Width Of Column
Overlong text lines tire the eye, as do overshort ones. Readers find overlong lines strenuous to read. This is because too much energy is spent keeping the horizontal line in sight over a long distance. Too short of a line and your eye chages text lines too often.
Wrong column widths lead to... Time and Energy wasted.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Width Of Column
Column widths with 12 point sans serif. 14 point leading. A column is easy to read if it is wide enough to fit in average 10 words per line.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Width Of Column
15 point sans serif. 17 point leading.
20 point sans serif. 24 point leading.
24 point sans serif. 28 point leading.
28 point sans serif. 32 point leading.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Width Of Column
The key is ease of reading. Text must not impair the rhythm of reading. This can not apply to titles and subtitles.
Advertising It’s function functions is to sell. require headings to standout and be absorbed by the eye.
Are columns just aesthetic creatures?
Introduction to grids
BAGD Phil McDonald
Margin Proportions Introduction to grids
BAGD margins
Margins can have a influence on the overall feel of a page of print.
Too small - looks over full. Too large - exageration.
Well balanced margins on the sides, head and tail can create an agreeable impression.
Introduction to grids
BAGD margins
BADLY PROPORTIONED... 1 X 1 X 1 X 3 (pica’s)
Side margins are the same width, looks wishy-washy. Same sized margins can never generate an interesting page design...
3 Introduction to grids
BAGD margins
Introduction to grids
BAGD margins
WELL PROPORTIONED... Intended to be the right hand page due to larger left margin.
More applicable to literature rather than advertising etc... The margins are luxurious but would this increase print costs?
7 Introduction to grids
BAGD margins
Well... Is it all just about aesthetics? Introduction to grids
BAGD Phil McDonald
The type area! no... really.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Type Areas
1 & 2 Column Grids
Introduction to grids
BAGD Phil McDonald
Construction of grids week 3
Introduction to grids
BAGD construction
Before you can apply a grid you must understand the requirement of the grid for the work to be produced. Typeface, text & illustrations, print method and paper quality must be confirmed beforehand (ideally).
Always start with small sketches...
Thumbnail sketches will make your job of final layouts easier and productive. Thumbnail sizes should be proportonate to the final format...
... to make your job of final layouts easier and productive.
Introduction to grids
BAGD construction
Before drawing your sketches, consider the number of columns needed. For example... 1 column only for text and illustrations gives little freedom of layout.
2 columns, logically, gives you more scope: 1 column for text
2 column division can be subdivided to create a 4 column page...
1 column for illustration they can be mixed together
Restriction of making illustrations small, medium or large.
Introduction to grids
BAGD construction (with Tom Selleck - Magnum P.I)
1 column only
2 columns
mixed together...
1 column for text 1 column for illustration
Introduction to grids
BAGD construction (with Tom Selleck - Magnum P.I)
Three columns opportunities for arranging and accomodating text and illustrations in numerous sizes. You could also subdivide the three column grid into a 6 column arrangement.
Three columns
Subdivided into 6
Introduction to grids
BAGD construction
Disadvantages of 6 column systems are: Lines of text will be narrow. Small typeface will have to be used. ... But ... This solely rests on the function that is to be performed!
Introduction to grids
BAGD construction
For statistics, figures, graphs & trend line publications: Use 4 columns per page.
Introduction to grids
BAGD construction
Remember: 4 columns can be subdivided into 8, 16 + columns... Convenient for representing stats.
Introduction to grids
The width of a column dictates the size of typeface used. The rule: The narrower a column is, the smaller the typeface.
Why is that?
Introduction to grids
BAGD Quick Task...
You have an annual report to layout. You can only use one single page. You have to use a minimum of 3 columns. You have six images of pie charts to use. **Include header, footer, headline, subheading, body text**
Introduction to grids
BAGD Thumbnails
Thumbnails & Developments
Introduction to grids
BAGD Thumbnails in design process...
in a nut shell
Make a variety of thumbnails of layouts / designs. Do not rely on just one set of thumbnails. Enlarge a small selection of appropriate thumbnails by 1:1. Compare them and select and repeat process until you are confident with the design.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Thumbnails
Apply type to columns... Introduction to grids
BAGD Apply type to columns
The first line must fit flush to the top limit of the column grid. The last line must stand on the bottom limit. Keep calm, it is difficult to find the final solution the first time around. It could mean that your grid field is too high or too low.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Apply type to columns
1:1 thumbnail type area with the depth and breadth that fits best both functionally and aesthetically
Divide into further 2 or 3 text columns. example shows 2 columns. Divide the type area into two columns by adding gutters.
Divide the text column into 2 or 3 fields.
Decide what type point size and leading for the text. To know that you have the correct type point size for the space you are filling in you must have the same amount of lines per field within the overall column.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Apply type to columns
10 point type 15 point leading Column length 15cm loosely means use 15 point leading. at this length there must be 10 lines per field. meaning 30 lines every per 15cm. The depth of my fields ascertains how many 10point type lines i have.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Apply type to columns
Figure 1 Match grid fields to the lines of text that live next to field line. It must be measured as 1 line space. A proportion of the leading and type point size. Figure 2 Final 6 field grid.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Apply type to columns
Lines of text aligned to grid fields.
Introduction to grids
BAGD Headings and body text
Font Heights
Introduction to grids
BAGD Font heights
4 point type 6 point leading Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Caption text
7 point type 10 point leading Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Header & Footer text
Introduction to grids
BAGD Font heights
10 point type 13 point leading
20 point type
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recent-
subheading example one
Body Text
40 point type
Headline 2 Headline
Introduction to grids
BAGD Type & Picture
Type & picture 8 field grid...
Introduction to grids
BAGD 8 Field Grid
A4+ Format. 8 & 20 grid fields. 8 grid fields are used frequently for advertising material and brochures.
If using 8 field grids, you can subdivide into 16 grid fields. 8 and 16 grid fields give you a range of possibilities.
Introduction to grids
BAGD 8 Field Grid
Introduction to grids
BAGD 8 Field Grid
8 grid fields allow various sizes of illustrations to be portrayed. You can use with or without text.
You need to have a good perception of composition.
Introduction to grids
BAGD 8 Field Grid
The grid is only an instrument in which you, a designer, can make interesting and balanced designs.
Introduction to grids
BAGD 8 Field Grid
Introduction to grids
BAGD 8 Field Grid
Introduction to grids
BAGD 8 Field Grid
Introduction to grids
BAGD 20 Field Grid
20 field grid has quite a large scope for idea solutions. There is around 42 possible layout options.
Introduction to grids
BAGD 20 Field Grid
Example.... and so on....
Introduction to grids
BAGD 20 Field Grid
Introduction to grids
BAGD Overall So far...
So, there you have the basics. It is up to you to use the teachings to create and develop your design response. ...Are grids et al an aesthetic choice? Introduction to grids
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