Grid and Cloud Computing Notes

February 1, 2019 | Author: Sherril Vincent | Category: Grid Computing, Cloud Computing, Computer Cluster, Web Service, Technology
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CS6703 GRID AND CLOUD COMPUTING UNIT I INTRODUCTION Evolution of Distributed computing: Scalable computing over the Internet – Technologies for  network network based systems – clusters clusters of cooperative cooperative computers - rid computing computing Infrastru Infrastructures ctures –  cloud computing - service oriented architecture – Introduction to rid !rchitecture !rchitecture and standards  –Elements of rid – "verview of rid !rchitecture# !rchitecture# 1.1 1.1 Evol Evolut utio ion n of Dist Disti i!u !ut" t"# # $o%& $o%&ut utin in'( '( S$)l S$)l)! )!l" l" $o%& $o%&ut utin in' ' ov" ov" t*" t*" Int" Int"n n"t "t + T"$*nolo'i"s fo n"t,o- !)s"# sst"%s + Clust"s of $oo&")tiv" $o%&ut"s $ertainly one can go back a long way to trace the history of distributed computing# Types of distributed computing e%isted in the &'()s# *any people were interested in connecting computers together for high performance computing in the &'+)s and in particular forming multicomputer or multiprocessor systems# ,rom connecting processors and computers together locally that began in earnest in the &'()s and &'+)s distributed computing now e%tends to connecting computers that are geographically distant# The distributed computing technologies that underpin rid computing were developed concurrently and rely upon each other# There are three concurrent interrelated paths# They are: ./etworks .$omputing platforms .Software techni0ues N"t,o-s(  rid computing relies on high performance computer networks# The history of such networks began in the &'()s with the development of packet switched networks# The most important important and ground-break ground-breaking ing geographical geographically ly distribut distributed ed packet-swi packet-switched tched network network was the DoD-funded !12/ET network with a design speed of 3) 4bits5sec# !12/ET became operational with four nodes 67niversity of $alifornia at 8os !ngeles Stanford 1esearch Institute 7niversity of $alifornia at Santa 9arbara and 7niversity of 7tah in &'('# &'('# T$2 T$2 6Tra 6Transm nsmis issio sion n $ontrol $ontrol 2rotoc 2rotocol ol was concei conceived ved in &'+; and became became T$25I T$25I2 2 6Transmission $ontrol 2rotocol5Internet 2rotocol in &'+
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