Greek Papyri in the British Museum

January 5, 2018 | Author: Asterios Aidonis | Category: N/A
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to the word in its other senses. recurs in Pap. 1 164 /;, 1. 10 (p. 164) as part of the tackle of a boat. 42, Pap. 929, note on 1. 23. The term It presumably means ropes of palm-fibre. read probably Page 47, Pap. II07, \. 2. For cf. Pap. II70, 1. 9 (p. 93). Page 50, Pap. 851, 1. 30. For . . 8 read perhaps em'', sc. (G). read i. e. Page 51, Pap. 913, 1- 3. For (G). 11. 4, 7. For read probably Nf though the letters are extremely cursive and ill-formed (G). „ The symbol before 1. 7. is doubtful, and rather resembles (G). „ Page 54, Pap. 844, note on 1. 3. For 6 obols read 6 chalchi. It may be noted that it is to this tax, and not the poll-tax (unless the be Some variant of the that the account printed by Preisigke in Archiv, iv. 95 ff. (from Fayum


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Pap. 153) no doubt relates. Above afi^ the scribe has inserted 1. 5. 11. 6, 8. For (is read f\ sc. (G).

55, ib.,





its {G). read e> sc. neiiav Kfp|3atn)€Mr. Page 56, Pap. 919a, 1. 5. Read probablynaii may perhaps be read. read In 1. 3 \\ is doubtful, and Page 61, Pap. 1217 a, 1. 6. For (G). read Page 72, Pap. 604 a, 1. 35. For read Page 75, ib., 1. 138. For read Page 76, ib., 1. 199. For Page 91, Pap. 856, 1. I. Restore [i;]\iKtar, and so also in !. 13 (G). 1. 2. insert i.e. I obol (G). After ,, Page 92, ib., 1. 7. After aS has been added above the line (G). 1. 12. is also possible. For\faTovvTai. read (G). „ 1. 19. For te read (G). „ 1. 30. For read „ cf. Hibeh Pap. 27, 1. 26 (G). 1.31. For i^ perhaps read {G). „ {G). 1.33. Before ([] ,! ]


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read probably read ]s





For 162, ib.f, 1. 34. For 1.38. 164, Pap. 1164 A, 1. 8. 168, Pap. 890, introd.







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1. 3. Note that here and in all the other documents included in this Daisius, and Pachon Normally the equations are Pharmouthi the explanation of the abnormality here can be.

157, Pap.




read For 145, ib., 1. 37. (wf read For ?] , cf. Pap. Il64 Lips. 10. read Pap. Pap. Lips, i



roll the month Panemus is equated with Panemus, and it does not appear what





xamois read


On documents of this class see Preisigke on Strassb. Pap. 19. It is inexact to describe them as addressed by the payer to the recipient. They are certificates by the bank of the payment having been made, with the recipient's acknowledgement that he has received it. They consequently serve as a guarantee to the payer that his money has reached its proper destination. For Xj• read (j•. \. 7. „ read Si", sc. Page 186, Pap. 1177, 1. 189. For read sc. Page 192, Pap. 965, 1. 9, For Page 197, Pap. 1170 verso, 1. 141. For tpy^vi read tpy (. Page 223, Pap. 755 verso, note on 1. 38. For 1. 36 read 1. 35. read Page 227, Pap. 1249, 1. 17. For is certain. (Hunt). The read cf. BGU. 974, 1. 4, Page 228, Pap. 1245, 1. 3. For read (Hunt). There is a wide space between and ivhiKTiovoi, and perhaps t or should have 1. 8. Far ,, 1. with te in been written there, to correspond 3. See also Pap. is a part of the building. Page 233, Pap. 978, note on 1. 10. It appears from Pap. 1023, 1. 19 (p. 268), that 210, 1. 29 (ed. Grenfell m. Journ. of Philol. xxii, pp. 272, 276, where the reference should be to Strabo xvi. i, 5), and Pap. Fior. 5, 1. 9. read Page 234, ib., 1. 18. For Pap. 979, 1. 13. For the spelling cf. Pap. 239, 1. 18 (vol. ii. p. 298), and Wilcken, Archiv, i. 556. „ read Page 257, Pap. IOI5, 1. 19. For and cf. Strassb. Pap. 4, 1. 3. Page 265, Pap. 1008, 1. 8. For ApaXear read Page 272, Pap. 1020. If the Georgius, son of Silvanus, mentioned in 1. 2, is identical with the person of that name who occurs in Papp. 997, 1000, and looi, the date (being in the 5th indiction) is presumably a.d. 541/2. British Museum, p. 453 i. read cf. Crum, Catalogue of Coptic MSS. in the Page 283, Pap. 1032, 1. 3. For was common to all ranks, and the name Mr. Crum states that the title read For 11. 4, 5. „ NoKiof occurs in the same document as read Page 284, Pap. 1029, note on I. 1. For read Page 285, Pap. 1029 verso, note on\. I. For after y'lvtadM. comma 1. 12. Delete note on „ „


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by Prof W. M. Flinders Petrie from the cartonnages of Ptolemaic mummies found by him at Gurob in 1889-1890. Pap. 485 was presented to the Museum by Jesse Haworth, Esq., the remainder by H. Martyn Kennard, Esq. Most of them have been edited by Prof. J. P. Mahaffy in the Cunningham Memoirs, nos. VIII and IX, of the Royal Irish Academy, On the Flinders Peirie Papyri (D\ib\\n, 1891 and 1893), and revised, mainly by Prof J. G. Smyly, in Cunningham Memoirs, no. XI (Dublin, 1905). References to the original publications {P. P. 1. and 11.) are attached to the descriptions below, in which the original order is preserved, and the numbers assigned to them in the supplementary volume {P. P. in.) are also given. Some of the papyri which had been assigned to the Museum, when the distribution of the collection was made, were never transferred to it, having been previously mislaid. These are included in the descriptions (see nos. 505, 506, 509-512, 515), but are marked as missing]

[Papp. 485-603 form

part of the collection of papyri extracted


The Antiope

Fap. 485.

of Euripides


three fragments containing 112 lines, mutilated or complete.

Written on papyrus 8^ in. high, in columns measuring 3I in. in width (including margin), and containing thirty-six or thirty-seven lines each, in a small, firm, but rather uneven uncial hand. 3rd cent. B.C. \P.P. 1. i and 2] {a) Fragment from an Anthology, containing portions of four lines from Epicharmus and 3rd cent. B.C. three from Euripides, otherwise unknown. 4 in. 3^ in. Written in a rather large [P. P. i. 3 (i)] semi-uncial hand.

Pap. 486.

Fragment of a tragedy,


relating to

Agamemnon and 3rd cent. b.c.

of seventeen lines are preserved. [P. P. i. 3 (2)] uncial hand.

the delay of the Greeks at Aulis; the beginnings 2^ in. Written in a rather large semi-

5 in.

Fragment of an epic poem, perhaps the of Hesiod portions of cent. B.C. 2 in. Written in a rather large semi-uncial hand. 2 J in.

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