Gre Mnemonics

August 28, 2018 | Author: atiqorin | Category: Nutrition, Affidavit, Taste
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abase lower; degrade; humiliate; make humble; make (oneself) lose self-respect

Bangla meaning: Mneonics: (Tag: Tag: Global) abase = a + base; without a base; Imagine you shifted to a new house whose base is not very very strong (without base) and hence it may fall down anytime and can abase you in front of your neighbours.

Origin : From Old French abaissier , from baissier  “to lower,” ultimately from Latin bassus “short of stature .

Examples: when Anna was told to cast cast herself down on the ground before the King,how ever she refused to abase herself.

abash embarrass

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics:  

(Tag: Tag: Global) Global) What happens happens when u get a bash? (bashing)....u (bashing)....u get embarrassed. embarrassed. (Tag: Tag: Hindi) sounds like like ab-ash (Abhishek-Aishwarya, Bollywood Actor-Actress) married and abashed Salman(Bollywood Actor)


From the Anglo-Norman stem abaïss-, from, ultimately, Old French baïr  “to  “to astound.”

Examples: When he saw Ruth, he looked slightly abashed.

abate To reduce in amount;Put an end to; subside or moderate

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: Focus on ‘ate’ part of abate. (eat, ate, eaten). When you eat anything, you reduce it's quantity.


From Old French abatre “to beat down,” from, from, ultimately, Latin batt(u)ere “to fight or beat”  battle,, combat combat,, and debate ) (source of English battle

Examples: Examples: Our ship ship could not not sail until until the storm abated. abated.

abbreviate shorten

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: a+brevity(br a+brevity(breviate eviate)) which is the quality quality of speaking speaking in short words....implies plies to shorten. shorten.

(source of English Origin : From Latin abbreviat-, the past participle stem of abbreviare “to shorten” (source

abridge ), from, ultimately, brevis “short” (source of of English brief ).

Examples: The word 'street' is often abbreviated to 'St'.

abdicate renounce; give up (position, right, or responsibility)

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: (Tag: Tag: Global) ab (root ab means away as in abandon) + dic (dictatorship) + ate (to eat and hence reduce) : means to give away (or reduce) dictatorship and hence to give-up power.

Origin : From Latin abdicat-, the past participle stem of abdicare “to renounce,” from dicare “to proclaim” (source of English dedicate , indicate, and predicate ).

Examples: 1. He abdicated in favour of his son. 2. She was forced to abdicate the throne throne of Spain.

aberrant abnormal or deviant

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: (Tag: Tag: Global) ab (away) + err (error) + ant : focus on ERR and ANT, usually an ant follows a path ... so moving away from (root ab means away from) that path means, error in regular path and hence deviating from normal path...or behavior.

Origin : From the

Latin Latin stem stem aberration-, from aberrare “to go astray,” from errare “to wander, err” 

(source of English error and erratic )

abbreviate shorten

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: a+brevity(br a+brevity(breviate eviate)) which is the quality quality of speaking speaking in short words....implies plies to shorten. shorten.

(source of English Origin : From Latin abbreviat-, the past participle stem of abbreviare “to shorten” (source

abridge ), from, ultimately, brevis “short” (source of of English brief ).

Examples: The word 'street' is often abbreviated to 'St'.

abdicate renounce; give up (position, right, or responsibility)

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: (Tag: Tag: Global) ab (root ab means away as in abandon) + dic (dictatorship) + ate (to eat and hence reduce) : means to give away (or reduce) dictatorship and hence to give-up power.

Origin : From Latin abdicat-, the past participle stem of abdicare “to renounce,” from dicare “to proclaim” (source of English dedicate , indicate, and predicate ).

Examples: 1. He abdicated in favour of his son. 2. She was forced to abdicate the throne throne of Spain.

aberrant abnormal or deviant

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: (Tag: Tag: Global) ab (away) + err (error) + ant : focus on ERR and ANT, usually an ant follows a path ... so moving away from (root ab means away from) that path means, error in regular path and hence deviating from normal path...or behavior.

Origin : From the

Latin Latin stem stem aberration-, from aberrare “to go astray,” from errare “to wander, err” 

(source of English error and erratic )

Examples: Given the aberrant aberrant nature of the data, we come in doubt doubt the validity of  the entire experiment.

aberration deviation from the normal; mental disorder 

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: ab+err+ation.. in this if we concentrate on err.. which relates to error.. which is deviation from normal.

Origin : From the Latin stem aberration-, from aberrare “to go astray,” from errare “to wander, err” (source of  English error and erratic )

Examples: The current high oil prices are a temporary aberration.

abet assist usually in doing something wrong; encourage

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: a+bet ; a bet generally assists you to do something wrong.

Origin : From Old French abeter  “to  “to urge, stimulate,” from beter  “to  “to hound or drive on.” on.” Originally “to urge”; urge”;  “to assist” came from the legal legal phrase “to aid and abet.” 

Examples: He was abetted in the deception deception by his wife.

abeyance suspended action

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: Interpret it as opposite of obey+ance obey+ance -- not obeying the given orders and suspend the work (action)

Origin : From Old French abeyance “expectation, desire,” from abaer  “to desire,” from baer  “to gape” (source of English bay ), from medieval Latin batare.

Examples: The plan is currently in abeyance.

abhor detest; hate

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: a + bhor (bore).. a bore person is always rejected. Many people generally abhor a bore person.

Origin : From Latin abhorrere “to shrink back in horror,” from horrere “to shudder,” literally “to bristle” (source of English horrid and horror )

Examples: He abhorred violence in any form.

//abide dwell; abide by: comply with; put up with; tolerate; Ex. abide by the rules

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: abide : concentrate on bide it sounds like hide,to escape you hide as u can't bear/tolerate them.

Origin : Old English ābīdan “to wait for or expect,” from bīdan “to wait”  Examples: I can't abide rude people.

abject (of a condition) wretched; as low as possible; lacking pride; very humble; showing lack of selfrespect; Ex. abject apology

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: Abject sounds like Reject...hopeless person is always rejected.

Origin : From Latin abjectus, past participle of abjicere “to throw away, reject,” from jacere “to throw” (source of English eject , ejaculate, and trajectory ). The underlying sense is “rejected.”]1

Examples: On the streets of New York, the homeless people live in abject poverty,huddling in doorways to find shelter from the wind.

abjure renounce upon oath

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: abjure=ab + jure. ab shows -ve meaning and jure=jury hence ,-ve jury means jury gave up his oath and hence renounce.

Origin : From Latin abjurare, “to deny on oath,” f rom jurare “to swear.”  Examples: Pressure from the university authorities caused the young scholar to abjure his heretical opinion.

ablution washing

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: ablution ends just like solution. solution...a liquid solution used for cleaning and washing purposes.

Origin : Directly or via French from the Latin stem ablution-, from abluere “to wash away, wash clean,” from luere “to wash” (source of English dilute )

Examples: His daily ablutions were accompanied by loud noises that he humorously labeled “ opera in the bath”.

abnegation renunciation; self-sacrifice; self-abnegation

Bangla meaning:

Mnemonics: Ab-negate relate negate to negative. It implies subtracting something. Subtracting (removing) some important aspect of your life means sacrificing something.

Origin : From Latin abnegat-, the past participle stem of abnegare “to refuse, reject,” from negare “to deny”  (source of English deny , negative, and renegade ).

Examples: Through laili and mojnu loved each other, laili had to wed the king,their act of abnegation was necessary to preserve the kingdom.

//abode dwelling place; home

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: abode sounds jus like aboard= a+board... boarding refers to living room or place.

Origin : Via Spanish, from Arabic at-t ūb “the bricks.”  Examples: You are most welcome to my humble abode.

abolish cancel; put an end to

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics: abolish sounds like a+polish which means it cleans good and put an end to dust.

Origin : Via French aboliss-, the stem of abolir , from Latin abolere “to destroy. Examples: This tax should be abolished.

abominable detestable; extremely unpleasant

Bangla meaning:

Mnemonics: bomi in bengali means Vomit...and sure it is unpleasant.

Origin : Old French from Latin abominabilis , from abominari  “to shun something as being a bad omen,” from omen “omen.” 

Examples: 1.The judge described the attack as an abominable crime. 2. We were served the most abominable coffee.

abominate loathe; hate

Bangla meaning: Mnemonics:

1.abominate has BOMI(bengali of Vomit)....which is unpleasant experience

2. the last four letters sound like hate(nate)....hence abominate is to hate something. Origin : previous Examples: He abominated the custom.

aboriginal  being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native; indigenous; N. aborigine  

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(Tag: (Tag: refers (Tag: (Tag: (Tag:

) "a"--b--"original" 'a' is the first alphabet,so it says the 'first'. 'original' is 'oroginal' -->"first-original" ) abo+regional(riginal)whch correspons to a aprticular place or a native place..hence aboriginal to indigenous or native place..... ) see the word origin which means first of a kind. ) intepret the meaning from 'original' in this word.. ) ab many things we buy are not original we used to get these earlier in primitive days

abortive unsuccessful; fruitless  

(Tag: English) abortion---the 'protection' used during sex was UNSUCCESSFUL. (Tag: ) Relate it to abort..things usually gets aborted when it seems that it would be unsuccessful or fruitless (Tag: ) Antonyms:complete, consummated, effective, effectual, efficient, fruitful,successful

abrasive rubbing away; tending to grind down  

(Tag: ) hav a look at "RAS..E" it sounds lik erase which means rubbing (Tag: ) take first three letters of this word...i.e. ABR... nw simply jumble the wrd.. it will give u...RAB...n it sounds like RUB..i.e. meaning too (Tag: ) sounds like aggressive,which means harsh behavior

abridge condense or shorten  

(Tag: ) bridges can shorten the transportation time.. (Tag: ) a+bridge..well bridges are meant to reduce the gap between abridging..something means reducing�or shortening something.

Abrogate……..abolish   

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(Tag: ) A�s Brother is standing on the INDIA GATE to abolish the excise duty law (Tag: ) ab+*rog*+gate What does a ROGUE do if he is given power? -> Abolish things officially !!! (Tag: ) Imagine a boy is making sighs to a girl standing in front of her GATE,seeing that her BRO comes & get rid of the boy (abolish) (Tag: english) ab*ROG*ate .. concentrate on ROG , it sounds like rogue and normally we like to ABOLISH rogues (Tag: English) (this mnemonic needs understanding of Hindi language) ab ro gate par aakar (in Hindi) imagine a person crying(ab ro gate par aake) in front of a gate because his form has been cancelled (abolished) (Tag: English) abro-gate to ask someone to get out of our gate . thus you are abolishing that person. (Tag: telugu,rogam meaning disease) rogam-disease need to b abolished

abscission cutting off; separation  

(Tag: English) ab +scission=scissor scissor seprates two things by cutting them ,so separation (Tag: english: plant hormone) its from word abscissnic acid which causes cutting of bud off the plant. so abscission is cutting off  (Tag: rogam meaning disease need to b abolished3) rogate is something that sounds rogam which should b abolished......

abscond depart secretly and hide 

(Tag: ) Abscond � ab + scond. �Absent in a second�. When you will absent in a second? =when u STEAL OFF & HIDE, or when u DEPART secretly. (Tag: ) focus on cond=condition if elders keep conditions to do this n that we will do it secretly or we will escape from that place secretly

absolute complete; totally unlimited; having complete power; certain; not relative; Ex. absolute honesty/ruler; CF. absolutism 

(Tag: ) "solute" sounds like salute and we use to salute people having complete power.

absolve  pardon (an offense) 

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(Tag: English) ab -solve . so you solved a dispute between you and your friend , how did you solve it by forgiving and pardoning him/her . (Tag: ) as u solve the prblm i will pardon u (Tag: english) absolve also=exempt,discharge,dispense,exculpate,acquit,exonerate,vindicate

abstain refrain; withhold from participation; intentionally not use one's vote;  

(Tag: ) ab+stain...we tend to stay away from stain.... (Tag: ) this can be written as "ab+stai......and stai......sounds like stay.... and .. stay out of something means not involving in sth that doesn't concern to one. (Tag: ) Focus on stain mom will scold us if we have some ud or ink stains on our dress .So,promise to mom i wont play in mud again(choose not to do something") (Tag: ) like in above case intentionally not using one's vote.means one knows that even if he/she uses thier votes politicians will never change hence they are concern about it and staying out of the voting process

abstemious sparing in eating and drinking; temperate    

(Tag: ) ab+stemious sounds like stamina.. n who has stamina, the one who eat n drink carefully.. (Tag: ) ABstain from eating STEM (Tag: English) focus on 'abs' part of this word. Abs...To build a six-pack abs, eat n drink carefully (Tag: English) *ABS*temious , concentrate on ABS .. one who eats and drinks less/lightly will have abs ( of  course with work out :) ) (Tag: ) just focus on abs we get abs by eating food and its abstemious soo abs for u

abstinence restraint from pleasant things, esp. eating or drinking; CF. abstention: act of abstaining from vote  

(Tag: ) abstinence is like being absent from enjoying pleasant things (Tag: ) ab+stinence..(looks like STRINGENC(y)....MEANS sticking to the rules) your doctor has asked you to stick to the rule of eating only bread ,if you want to reduce your belly.

abstract theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational 

(Tag: ) Ab..A(NOT)+stract(EXTRACT)..(here it gain an information from something) if you are a given passage on philosophy,will you be able to understand something,as it very much theoretical and based on general ideas. (Tag: ) abs+tract(able). Do u think getting abs is tractable(manageable) or easy,certainly not its only theoretical in most case. (Tag: ) abstract: sounds close to extract....and you cant extract anything from an abstract speech or passage.

abstruse obscure; profound; difficult to understand 

(Tag: ) it conatins "ab....use" ab stands for negavtive sense and so difficult to use.A word will be difficult to use if it is diificult to understand and so the meaning got it ? (Tag: English) abstruse=>absurd..(remove se from the word)and arrange abstru to absurt.. or absurd.. which can be correlated to difficult to understand.. (Tag: english/hindi) (ab+str+use)ab=now str use or v can say use str now.its difficult to use n that it means (Tag: english/hindi) (ab+str+use)ab=now str use or v can say use str now.its difficult to use n that it means (Tag: english/hindi) (ab+str+use)ab=now str use or v can say use str now.its difficult to use n that it means

abusive coarsely insulting; physically harmful 

(Tag: English) ab meane s not usive means use.The languagwhich should not be used becuase it makes insult of person

Abut…… border upon; adjoin  

(Tag: ) A+But. 'But' is used to (ad)join two sentence example He is good guy, but not a good student. (Tag: English ) Look at your BUTT (Dont take it offensively).Its like two pieces of flesh together marked by a boundary in between them ..Thats abut . (Tag: English) ab+hut=> all huts generally will be side by side.

abysmal  bottomless 

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(Tag: ) a+bys(take dis as 20 i.e.bees in hindi)+mal(take it as mile) a 20 mile deep pit in the ground looks like its bottomless (Tag: ) bys...sounds like bottomless (Tag: ) You might have seen "Aladdin" dat there was a negative character named as "Abysmaal"...i.e. "extremely bad" man... (Tag: ) if use rearrange the word abysmal u get "smalbays" which sounds lik "small base" which is approximately equal to no base ie bottom less..

abyss enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit 

(Tag: ) A+bys....(this mnemonic is in hindi...ek 20(bees) fit ka gadda)..i.e. Vast bottomless pit....

academic related to a school; not practical or directly useful

accede agree   

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(Tag: ) sounds like accept....u accept only when u agree (Tag: english) ac+cede( means to yield) accede means to yield to somebody opinion or wish. (Tag: English) Sounds like exceed,a boy request a girl to exceed the limits of her parents and run away with him, also excess of money will make the person the King(the other meaning of the word) (Tag: ) take last word cede as,i agree seed is not there plant will also not be there. (Tag: English) accede = a + ccede This means proceed as I agreed.e.g. you can proceed as I agreed.

accelerate move faster  

(Tag: ) accelerate..A+CCELERATE(SOUNDS LIKE CELEBRATE).....well imagine you got a chance to CELEBRATE your birthday with britny spears and you need to be on time,so please MOVE FASTER , so you can reach on time.

accessible easy to approach; obtainable 

(Tag: ) ACCESS(something which you are able to use or enter)+ible(ABLE)...SO you are ABLE to use your computer,well mail ur resume to companies as it EASY TO APPROACH them via mail.

accessory additional object; useful but not essential thing 

(Tag: ) access(EXCESS)+ory(ornaments)..SO you have got excess of ornaments ,which are not very essential for you,as your clothes,then why do you waste so much money on additional objects like this.

acclaim applaud; praise; greet with great approval; announce with great approval; Ex. The new drung has  been acclaimed as the most important discoveries for years; N: strong expression of approval and  praise  

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(Tag: ) look at the last 3 letters AIM -> when you had reached ur aim u will be praised (Tag: ) A+claim..imagine you have claimed to a news channel that you have designed a super computer ,so every where people are praising you for your great invention (Tag: ) look at the last 3 letters AIM -> when you had reached ur aim u will be praised (Tag: ) look at the last 3 letters AIM -> when you had reached ur aim u will be praised (Tag: ) like if u claim that u get teh drug to make man immortal, what u will get? acclaim

acclimate adjust to climate or environment; adapt 

(Tag: english) you are adjusting your self accordingly the climate change...means you have learned to ADJUST ACCORDING to THE CLIMATE. (Tag: ) ACCording to CLIMATE = acclimate

acclivity sharp upslope of a hill; OP. declivity   

(Tag: (Tag: (Tag: hill (Tag:

) remember it with cliff+elevate, dat gives ramp,incline,gradient,rise,gade.. ) if u knwo that cliff is A steep high face of rock, then its easy to remember ) ac+cliv+ity....cliv is similar to CLIMB..can relate to the meaning...climbing the steep upslope of a english) ac+CLIV+ity..cliv= means SLOPE or tendency so an UPWARD SLOPE.

accolade award of merit; strong praise and approval 

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(Tag: ) a+col+lade.. seems like "a college leader"..and if u r a college leader then u'll get a strong praise and approval... (Tag: English) it sounds like chocolate.. parents accolade if kids do home work properly (Tag: ) let ac means not...colade means collision...a person prevented two buses from collision,so he was praised (Tag: ) focus on COLA-coca cola the worker in coca cola company got award of merit 4 giving the idea of  chota coke

accommodate oblige or help someone; adjust or bring into harmony; adapt; make enough space for; ADJ. accommodative; CF. accomodating: helpful and obliging 

(Tag: English) you accomodate when you provide accomodation. so you are helping

accomplice  partner in crime 

(Tag: ) A+com(COMBINE.....means partenering)+plice(POLICE) seems that police was combined with murderer who shot the famous celebrity. (Tag: ) i alter the mnemonic given by preetisoni...Accomplice-Ac+com+plice rearrange it u ll get com(company)+ac(assume as "against")+police and it looks like company against police which is a crime.. (Tag: ) com sounds as come ,u move with partners and plice reminds of police who r always related to crimes ,so we could take this as partner in crime

accord agreement 

(Tag: ) sounds like ACC(ACCORDING)+cord(record)...well ACCORDING TO our RECORDS we are in agreement with our investors ,as where to invest their money. (Tag: ) agreement between father and son that he will buy accord(car name)for his son if he scores top in GRE.

accost approach and speak first to a person 

(Tag: English) accost -- sounds like at any any cost-- i will approach and speak to her at any cost.

accoutre equip; N. accoutrement 

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(Tag: ) Accouter =equip accoutre ~sounds like encounter.....imagine... cops often need to be well equipped (accoutred) during encounter (Tag: ) accoutre: sounds like "scouts" , hence scouts students shld be trained with equipments. (Tag: ) accouture...well u al must b aware f haute couture-whch is a busines f fashionable n expensive clothes 4 whch womens take part in fashion showz wid wel equipd basically couture counts for well equipped dresses

accretion growth or increase in size by gradual addition; growth; increase; increase by natural growth; Ex. towers and other accretions of the castle; V. accrete  

(Tag: English) accretion= add+creation , this addition to creation leads to growth (Tag: ) ACCRETION sounds like secretion which gives an idea of growth in size.

accrue come to one as a gain; accumulate over time; come about by addition; Ex. benefits that accrue from scientific research; Ex. interest accruing in a bank account; N. accrual  

(Tag: ) sounds like AKDU(hindi...means haughty) a person becomes akdu when he gains a lot (Tag: ) Accrue also means accumulate,increase,mount up,amass..And sounds like a-crew and crew means: all the people working on a ship, plane, etc.. so rem it with crew members woh accumulate food,other necessary things while they sail.. (Tag: Hindi, English) Sounds like 1 crore, one who has 1 crore bugs will do the following :acquire, amass, collect, earn, gain, grow, increase, multiply, redound, snowball, swell, these are the synonyms of  ACCRUE

acerbity  bitterness of speech and temper; ADJ. acerbic: bitter; acrid (in taste, manner, or tone) 

(Tag: Hindi) a + cerbity( in hindi language sharbati means sweet solution) and 'a' shows negation hence its like something which is not sharbati hence bitter. (Tag: ) acer( SIR)+bity(BITE)...well your boss(SIR) is using BITTER WORDS FOR YOU,what are you thinking??(man to karta hai KACCHA BITE (kha) jauo) (Tag: English) ACER laptops!!! sounds sarcastic, Ppl dnt buy them much,rather prefer IBM,HP,SONY laptops... don't they? (Tag: ) bity there gives some idea of bitterness

Acetic….vinegary 

(Tag: ) acetic is derived from acetic acid..which is a week acid,which we generally use to make bakery products.

acidulous slightly sour (in taste or manner); sharp; caustic 

(Tag: ) ACID..(USUALLY SOUR AND BITTER IN TASTE) anything which include acid will automatically give you sour and bitter taste


recognize; admit 

(Tag: ) ac(ACCORDING)+knowledge...according to my knowledge B SCHOOL generally ADMIT very intelligent students. (Tag: ) ac(ACCORDING)+knowledge.. in Hindi we say...("Hume apni akal se hi logo ko pehchaana chahiye") In English-("We shud RECOGNIZE ppl acc(according) to our own KNOWLEDGE")

acme  peak; pinnacle; highest point 

(Tag: ) sounds like LAKME...whose products promise your beauty to reach its peak

acne skin disease (on the face)  

(Tag: ) sounds like lakme aswell.whose products may cause skin disease on face:p. (Tag: ) it sounds like LAKNE the duplicate product of LAKME... so dnt use dis otherwise dis will cause SKIN DISEASE...

acoustics science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in 

(Tag: ) It "sounds" like a "scientific" wrd.... so better understand by these line only....

acquiesce assent; agree passively; comply without protest  

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(Tag: English) acquiesce - a+kiss......a girl is agreeing (passively) for a kiss when u asked for one (Tag: English) acquiesce--aqua--water which is easly avaibale, acquiesce is easily tractable means compliant (Tag: English) sounds some thing like quiet ac-quiesce agreeing something quietly (Tag: ) quiese sounds like quiz , i agree passively that i lost in quiz (Tag: English) acQUIEsce..concentrate on the part quie. and remember quiet.. which means submissive.. or imagine some1 who is quiet will give in without any protest

acquittal deliverance from a charge; V. acquit: free from a charge or accusation; discharge from a duty; conduct (oneself) in a specified manner  

(Tag: English) Sounds like quit.. i.e., to quit an accusition

acrid  bitter (to the taste or smell); sharp; bitterly pungent 

(Tag: ) remove "r" now it becomes acid... and acid is always bitter in taste and when smelt its pungent too (Tag: ) Remove ac, it becomes rid,,so to remove something or cut ,, we need a sharp thing to cut..

acrimonious stinging; caustic; bitter in words or manner; N. acrimony: bitter ill-natured animosity in speech or behavior   

(Tag: ) acri+moni+ous ..excess of money ,which generally make person bitter,harsh (Tag: ) a+cri+monious...take cri as cry.....stinging bitter words hurt and make people cry

acrophobia fear of heights  

(Tag: english) a-crow,crow flys at a HEIGHT, phobia-fear hence esay to remember (Tag: English) acro + phobia=height+fear

actuarial calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics   

(Tag: ) actuarial sounds like factorial which implies doing calculation. (Tag: ) act-tutorial actuarial doing math stuff calculating (Tag: ) actual+arial=caluclating the cost of ARial

actuary someone who advises insurance companies 

(Tag: ) actuary actual, serious who deals with insurance companies

actuate motivate; activate; cause to act  

(Tag: ) actuate.. sounds like activate..we need motivation to activate our thinkings.. (Tag: ) sounds like accurate and when you presented ACCURATE sales figure to the BOARD,they motivated you for your honest work (Tag: ) The senior actor, performed and motivated his junior actor. act - to - motivate,,thus gives ,,cause to act and motivate as synonym.

(Tag: ) actuate: act+uate..move to act...

acuity sharpness (of mind or senses of sight or hearing)  

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(Tag: ) There was a cuty(cute) girl with sharp(sharpness) features.. (Tag: hindi) a-CUIty,CUI seems like SUI{needle} in hindi,sui is sharp and penetrating...INTELLIGENT people are such-SHARP QUICK & PENETRATING (Tag: English) acuity .. when u tell it , it kinda sounds like ACUTE and hence the meaning (Tag: ) acuity....sounds like acute-means intelligent and quick and intelligence is nothing but sharpness of mind. (Tag: Global) Everyone at party was impressed by her cuteness (look) as well as acuteness (brain). (Tag: ) ACUITY= sounds like accuracy which menas sharpness.

acumen mental keenness; sharpness of judgment; ability to judge quickly and well; Ex. business acumen  

(Tag: ) acumen sounds like IQ-men.. men with high IQ have ability to judge quickly.. (Tag: English) acu+men its sounding like active men. Active men have an ability to think and judge quickly (Tag: English) acute of men-->ability to understand and judge any men quickly Ex:Business ACUMEN

acute (of the senses) sharp; quickly perceptive; keen; penetrating; brief and severe; Ex. acute sense of  smell/analysis/pain (Tag: ) acute angle is angle less than angles with small measurement will have SHARP vertex...

Adage…..wise saying; proverb 

(Tag: English) Adage-add+age=when a person is adding in age (increase in age) he is always saying WISE words to his children

Adamant…….hard; inflexible (Tag: ) A+DAM+ant...A DAM IS GENERALLY INFLEXIBLE AND HARD so vehicles can pass through it. 

(Tag: Hindi) Adiyal Man is always: hard, immovable, inflexible, relentless, rigid, stony, stubborn, unbendable, unyielding... (Tag: ) adam+ant...adam is comparing with the ant and saying he is hard and inflexible than the ant

adapt make or become suitable for a specific use; alter; modify; adjust; N. adaptation: act of a dapting; composition recast into a new form; Ex. The play is an adaption of a short novel. 

(Tag: ) A(according)+dep(devloping) you are trying to devlop your self according to requirment.

addendum addition; appendix to book; something that is added (as at the end of a speech or book) 

(Tag: ) add+end+um...anything added at the end

Addiction……compulsive habitual need 

(Tag: ) diction sounds like fiction.reading fiction stories became a compulsary habbit to me to read until i will complete the book.

Addle…….make or become confused; muddle; drive crazy; become rotten (egg) (Tag: ) ADDLE= sounds like riddle which is usuallu confusing and hence we get confused.    

(Tag: (Tag: (Tag: (Tag:

) addle like idle no work and no thought eventually no brain. English) Sound like "a+ dull”, and a dull person is always confused English) a+ dull : rotten eggs always look dull. ) Ad + dull..for a dull person everything is confusing...

address direct a speech to; speak to; deal with or discuss; direct one's efforts or attention to; make with a destination; N: formal speech

adept expert at; very skilled  

(Tag: English) A+dept – dept – department - consists of EXPERTS. (Tag: English) Adding to above mnemonic, DOD- that is Department of Defense in USA has group of  experts working for it..

adhere stick fast; be a devotd follower; N. adhesion: adhering; devotion; loyality 

(Tag: english) Adhere is relating to a adhessive which is used to stick or join two the meaning (Tag: ) ADD+here....i.e. stuck to something..whether it be as a follower,believer..etc

adherent supporter; follower    

(Tag: ) add+her+in to the group....because she is a supporter and follower of our group (Tag: ) Ad(Add)+Here. Some who remains added here. (Tag: ) It means someone always with you to support.

adjacent adjoining; neighboring; close by

adjoin  be next to

adjourn suspend until a later time; move from one place to another   

(Tag: ) journ-short for a journey we move from one place to another (Tag: ) adjourn:relate it like end/adh + journey means to break/half left the journey

adjunct something attached to but holding an inferior position 

(Tag: English) Remember "junk" as soon as u hear adjunct. Junk is something waste...which is added...therefore adjunct.

adjuration solemn urging; V. adjure: entreat earnestly; enjoin solemnly   

(Tag: ) adjuration:ad+jur(JURY) a request to jury about something... (Tag: English) solemn urge to make addition to jury-->adjuration (Tag: ) Jury adding some work. so its Adjuration

adjutant staff officer assisting the commander; assistant 

(Tag: ) ADJUT(adjecent of an) ANT....ants usually assist one other to trace path..since all ants are side by side **** so fictiously think that an staff officer ant is assiting path to the commander during the war (Tag: English) Sounds like sergeant,lieutenant in army , thus they are:an army officers who does office work and helps other officers

admonish warn or speak to with gentle disapproval; reprove 

(Tag: ENglish) to avoid A DEMON-ish act, a mother Warns her naughty child [Note: A face of a demon as the warning Sign] (Tag: English) 'admonish - ADD MANISH' -- Add Manish in the list of guys whom we will WARN to stay away from her (Tag: Ammonic) sounds like Am-mo-nic. An Ammonic smelling is a sign of warning.

adore love deeply and respect highly     

(Tag: (Tag: (Tag: (Tag: (Tag:

) ) ) ) )

[hindi] ye(A) doore(DORE) pyar bhadathi hai.. ADORE = a+ dore (in hindi...that helps kite to fly) adore is pyaar ki doori or dore ADORE=replace D with L and R with V, hence a love. A+DOR I Love ADORE=replace D with L and R with L, hence a love.

adorn decorate 

(Tag: English) adorn=ad(d)+orn(ament). that is adding an ornament is to decorate

adroit skillful (in using mind or hand)  

(Tag: ) adoroit sounds like draw.for drawing u must be skillfull. (Tag: ) Remember with Detroit which is famous for its motorcycles,which are made by able, adept, artful, brainy, canny, clever, cunning, deft, dexterous, dextrous, expert, facile, finished, good, handy, ingenious people (Tag: ) if u wanna dro.. draw something u hav to be adroit.

adulation flattery; admiration that is more than is necessary or deserved 

 

(Tag: English) adulation-->(to act)AD U(came)late so producer became order to cool him u need to FLATTER producer abt how handsome he is.... (Tag: ) adult boy flattering with his girlfriend. (Tag: ) u get a word lesson sounding like that.. so when a kid doesnt do his lesson homework his mother butters him by saying that she would give him ice adulation

adulterate make impure or of poorer quality by adding inferior or tainted(contaminated) substances 

(Tag: ) when a child becomes adult he loses his purity and any thing adulterated is contaminated or has lost its purity

Advent arrival 

(Tag: ) assume that if you call dad's office to know the arrival of your father the the office boy says.....your dad(AD) went(vent) to home...that means he is arriving.

adventitious accidental; casual; happening by chance 

(Tag: ) sounds like adventurious.. when u go for adventure then somehting happens accidental..or by chance.

Adversary……. opponent; enemy 

(Tag: ) adversary..concentrate on who gives us adverse effects i.e opponents

(Tag: English) Adversary sounds like Adviser, generally Enemies,opponent make sarcastic comments, Like for eg in the film Troy, King Agmemnon comments to many of his enemies to surrender the army to him, so that he cud use them whenever he wants

adverse going against; opposing; unfavorable; hostile 

(Tag: ) adverse or say ad-worse, worse means unhappy and can be linked to adverse as unfavorable,contrary,unfortunate,inopportune which r its synonym.. (Tag: ) verse sounds like versa car- versa car is nt favourable to buy

adversity great hardship or affliction; misfortune; calamitous event 

(Tag: ) ad-worse, when the conditions r worst, its your misfortune..

advert refer   

(Tag: ) advertisement.. it sounds like that.. so ads refer to a product (Tag: ) Advert sounds linke Adword and Google adword used for advertisement.

advocacy support; active pleading on behalf of someone or something 

(Tag: English) advocate always supports his client

Advocate speak in favor of; support (an idea or plan); urge; plead for 

aegis shield; protection; defense  

(Tag: ) sounds like ages of empire.. the game where the soldiers wear that shield.. for protection (Tag: ) aEGiS, EG means and EGG and S stands for SHELL, which is a SHIELD,that PROTECTS

aesthetic artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful (of a person or building); CF. aesthete; CF. aesthetics

(Tag: ) aes sounds like,everyone appreciates the beauty of aishvarya.

affable easily approachable; easy to talk to; warmly friendly 

(Tag: ) Affable reminds of affinity which means attraction... those who are attracted to each other are friends and they can be easily approached by each other (Tag: ) aff+able able means sumthin possible so a friend is easily approcahble able to approach a fren in distress

affected artificial; pretended 

(Tag: ) affected.....past form of SOMETHING which has nothing to do with facts....or reality hence ARTIFICIAL AND THE KEY WORD HERE IS FACT...reality..and opposite of it artificial....

affidavit written statement made under oath (for use as proof in a court of law) 

(Tag: English) AFF-ID-AVIT: now making a sentence out of it, I gave my ID to David th judge, thus a written statement that you swear is true, and that can be used as evidence in court

affiliation  joining; associating with 

(Tag: ) affiliation....AFFI+li+ation.......look at the letters AFF+ATION...this word rhyms like AFFecTION......SO YOU JOIN a group or you ASSOCIATE with only people whom you like or you have some kind of affection FOR THEM. (Tag: Affiliated to university�so joining of a college to a university..or association of  college�) Affiliated to university�so joining of a college to a university..or association of college �

affinity feeling of kinship; similarity; Ex. strong affinity for her; Ex. many affinities between two languages 

(Tag: ) fin- is the thing to see,fish fins ae almost similar.

affirmation  positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath; V. affirm; ADJ. affirmative; CF. affirmative action: positive discrimination 

(Tag: ) firm in the middle of the word tells there is somthing positive.a positive notion.

affliction state of distress; trial; cause of distress or suffering; V. afflict: inflict grievous suffering on 

(Tag: ) it can be a combination of two words..affection and when thr is a conflict in affection its a cause of great distress and suffering. (Tag: English) lic(lick)-refers to tongue rite,so if we all remember ,a proverb says - tongue is the root cause for many family problems,so think b4 u talk.hence ,wen there is a problem,there is a state of  distress. (Tag: ) Affliction - flic(flick) is the middle word which means to steal in slang. So if you steal somebodies things, they go to a state of distress

affluence abundance; wealth  

(Tag: ) sounds like influence....wealthy ppl have influence...hence affluence is wealth... (Tag: ) afFLUENCE-fluence resembles somthing fluent in our mind. someone fluent in somthing will talk much to show there skill,which is there wealth.

affront insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect; V: insult or hurt the feelings of intentionally 

(Tag: ) and whenever you insult someone in front of others you do it intentionally to hurt them. (Tag: English) In life this happens many a times, When 2 elder or wise ppl are talking and U come in front and say something or try to give them sum advice, U insult them,dis.Or imagine U going and challenging a Sage !!!


life after death; later part of one's life

agape openmouthed  

(Tag: ) A+gap(narrow opening) in mount (Tag: English) A-Grape: Imagine U are sitting on ur couch watching movies and eating a bunch of grapes, ur mouth is opened, and suddenly ur Parents arrive, U will b shocked !! Will not U? (Tag: ) agAPE- a person with a ape attitude,is open mouthed. ( always ready to eat)

agenda items of business at a meeting

agglomeration collection; heap; V. agglomerate: gather into a rounded mass; N. aggolmeate: jumbled mass; heap 

(Tag: ) ration is the word to see. if we all remember ,ration is a place ,where heaps of rice ,wheat are stored for sale. (Tag: ) glaomer is similar to Glamour. Glamourous people have collection or heap of money,fame etc.

aggrandize make greater; increase in power, wealth, rank, or honor; N. aggrandizement  

(Tag: ) aggregate + grand = sum up the success details (Tag: ) grand in the middle sounds like grand,we will get fame from our grandparents popularity sometimes. (Tag: ) grand- this resembles to somthing huge,great,wealthy.

aggregate sum; total; ADJ. V: gather into a mass or whole; accumulate; add up to; Ex. aggregate 100 dollars 

(Tag: ) What is your aggregate marks? means what is your total marks

aghast filled with great surprise or fear; horrified 

(Tag: ) i we replace "a" by "o", then the word becomes aghost.take only ghost,now a ghost house is filled with a lot of surprises and fear and we get horrified.

agility nimbleness; ability to move quickly 

(Tag: ) GILI- this is the one to watch out.gili refers to gilchrist,who has the ability to move quick behind stumps. (Tag: ) Agility consider it as "Age I L� i.e.; Age I Love. And in this age you are naturally agile or very quick.

agitate stir up; disturb 

(Tag: ) Agitate is rhyming to Irritate. You get irritated if somebody disturbs you

agnostic one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god or any ultimate reality 

(Tag: ) This word can be remembered from ego. One who has ego would always consider himself superior and would deny the existence of others. (Tag: ) a - G - NO - stic => God No => Deny existance of god. But he is not sure. So confused about existance of god.

agog highly excited; intensely curious  

  

(Tag: ) when u wear goggle at the first time u were so excited n drive ur bike so fastly (Tag: Hindi) Remember the song of Anil Kapoor: AG OG yeh bhi sunogi,kehta hu mai jo woh tum bhi sunoji..1 2 ka 4 4 2 ka 1, My name is lakhan.. ;) He is to excited in that song, and is curious to tell his story to everyone... (Tag: ) a gog sounds like a dog(may be silly but helps) dog always barks.u shout wen ur excited. (Tag: ) aGOG = sounds like gong = strike a bell with a gong - it gets excited and produces sound. (Tag: ENGLISH) wen u race u feel excited wen refree say GO!!

agrarian  pertaining to land or its cultivation; Ex. agrarian reform 

(Tag: ) agra-tkae this as agri. wen its agri,then its somthing related to agriculture.and wr is agriculture done ? Ans- on land. (hehehe-probly a silliy one),but,its gre u c..


of air; high in the air; lofty; immaterial; unreal 

(Tag: ) air itsel relates to the answer.

alacrity cheerful promptness without reluctance 

(Tag: ) (In Hindi Language) alacrity=Alag aakrity. wen do u make alag aakrity??=when you have GREAT WILLINGNESS & ENTHUSIASM. alag aakrity banane ke liye you should have Alacrity (Tag: ) take the suffix crity we can link it with creativity.creative peopple are so eager to leran n create things differently. (Tag: ) alacrity sounds like AT+LAST+IN+CITY..a person who is first time in a big city is excited n eager to c da city... (Tag: English) "Alas, she cried out. I am ready to help!" Think of the "a" in "alas" and the "c" in "cried" as phonically related to "alacrity."

alchemy medieval chemistry 

(Tag: ) ALL+CHEMIcal--related with chemistry

alcove nook; recess 

(Tag: English) alcove reminds us of a cave which has a small opening

alias an assumed name esp. by a criminal (usually to mislead people); ADV. alias

alienate make unfriendly or hostile; estrange; separate; change the ownership of   

(Tag: ) Alien+ate. treat someone like alien i.e. being unfriendly or getting seperated. (Tag: ) alian+ate...if a alian comes and eat all food on earth .we all become unfriendly and hostile to it.

alimentary supplying nourishment 

(Tag: ) ailment..sounds like element..element like calcium is very much necessray for they provide nourishment to our bones nad made them stronger. (Tag: ) aliment sounds like ailment (some problem with health). You need nourishment to cure your ailment. (Tag: ) mentary,if u think it as mentally,then u can probly remember like this- nourishment is supplied for the mentally retarded for them to get well. (Tag: ) People who have studied biology must be knowing that stomach is called alimentary canal because it provides nutrition. Similarly alimentary food is nutritious food and alimentary talk is healthy discussion. (Tag: ) change 'a'in alimentary, it sounds like elementary i.e. essential or basic part and essential thing always require nourishment.

alimony  payments made regularly to an ex-spouse after divorce  

(Tag: ) Ali(name of the person) + mony(money), Ali giving money to his ex- wife everymonth. (Tag: English) Ali+mony mony==All I need is Money and not my wife.

allay calm; pacify  

(Tag: ) lay calm...!!!! (Tag: Hindi) ale ale ale chup ho jaao

allege state without proof  

(Tag: ) can be taken as eligible ,,so an eligible person will also have a proof with him, like if a boy turns 18 and now he is eligible for voting,then , he has to show his birth certificate as a proof for his age. (Tag: ) all ege(is) fine wen there is a statement without proof..

allegiance loyalty 

 

(Tag: Hindi) allegiance = alleg + ia + it as allege n..alag nahi (in Hindi)..and hence loyal or binded. (Tag: ) this sounds together like alleg(ALLEGE)+iance(sounds like fiance) allege your fiance of not being loyal to you. (Tag: ) ALLE+JEANS- this jeans u put on for all time, binding with u. (Tag: ) this word brings in mind the word ,elegance,isnt it ? well,if so- loyalty is for elegance,vice versa.

(Tag: ) sound like reliance. so, when will u rely on anyone, simply if he is loyal to u. :) (Tag: English) ally+giance,ally means friend and a good friend is always loyal

(Tag: ) calling �allah ji� instead of �allah� shows loyalty

allegory story, play, or picture in which characters are used as symbols; fable  

(Tag: ) A girl to be ALL+GORY in all characters is like a dream and can be only portrayed in story or play (Tag: ) all-e-gory. gory ,somthing like a story.or,all gories are generally seen on a play or picture,isnt it ?,next.. all-e, all are e(symbols) in this story. so , sorry,this may be a height of  silliness,but,wat to do we cant help..hehehe

alleviate relieve (pain) 

(Tag: English) It sounds like elevator...and elevator helps us reduce leg pain while walking or climbing stairs. (Tag: ) viate-supress

alliteration repetition of beginning sound in poetry  

 

(Tag: ) All+Iteration(repeating) (Tag: English) sounds like literature iteration (observe the word very carefully). hence can be related to repetitions(iterations) in poems. (Tag: ) add + letter makes it "add the same occurrence letter" (Tag: ) add + letter makes it "add the same occurrence of letter"

allocate assign; set apart for a particular purpose 

(Tag: ) Allocate- to locate, and then assign a value.

alloy mixture as of metals; something added that lowers in value or purity; V: mix; make less pure; lower in value or quality; spoil; CF. unalloyed: not in mixture with other maetals; pure; complete; unqual

allude refer indirectly; N. allusion: indirect reference

(Tag: allude sounds like 'elude' elude is to avoid. Normally if u want to avoid anyone u avoid him indirectly.) (Tag: English) All-u-Did.Imagine some one scolding a group of people but his eyes were only on one person REFER INDIRECTLY that everything was done by him.-all-u-did.(Tag: ) allude sounds similar to a lewd,meaning a yu dont refer someone a lewd directly,u REFER INDIRECTLY

allure entice; attract; tempt  

(Tag: ) allure= take 'lu' and tempted to got lu. (Tag: ) ALLURE=take 'lu', hence tempting to go to lu hehehe

alluvial  pertaining to soil deposits left by running water 

alms money or goods given to the poor  

(Tag: ) alms.take alm..take alm as alma matter,if u can reemember,alma matter,is somthing christian,godly.christly,so christ used to give money,food to the poor. or alms,take this as arms,give an arm,refers to help some one or give a support.. (Tag: ) alms = 'al=all & m=money'

aloft upward; high up in the air   

(Tag: ) aloft= sounds like lift which is used to go upward. (Tag: ) aloft..sounds like left alone.....(alone in this sense means leave something without any help of  other things) imagine you go to a fair..and you buy. few if you leave them will automatically go high up in the a (Tag: ) it will go high up in the air

aloof  apart; not open in one's relationship with other people; reserved; ADV. 

(Tag: English) Alone on roof top !!

altercation noisy quarrel 

(Tag: ) wen things are altered without telling the elders,then there is a noisy quarrel..hehehe..

(Tag: Chemistry) A little bit of basic chemistry understanding is needed for this : Alter + cation : if you alter (change) cation, it will become anion... and there is always a dispute bet ween cation and anion. (Both are of opposite nature) (Tag: English) When taken alteration of physical things like, cutting of clothes,marble,wood(by carpenter) there is always lots of noise. Isn't it? (Tag: English) ALTERCATION (Altering conversation) Imagine a peaceful conversation altering into a noisy quarrel (as in group discussion)

altruistic unselfishly generous; concerned for others; N. altiruism: unselfish concern for the welfare of  others; unselfishness; OP. egoism  

(Tag: ) chk out tru in this word..a person with tru(e) heart ,will have the above charecters.. (Tag: ) al+tru.. someone who is always true i.e. somelike Gandhiji.. unselfish concern for welfare of  others

amalgam combination of different things; mixture of metals (containing mercury) used for filling holes in teeth

amalgamate (of societies or groups) combine; unite in one body

amass collect (gradually, in a very large amount)  

(Tag: English) add masses or collect things. (Tag: ) aMASS-how does a mass gets made? or how does some mass gets accumulated ? ans-when it is collected( and stored).

amazon female warrior   

(Tag: ) amazed on female warrior (Tag: telugu) amazon..ame don

ambidextrous capable of using either hand with equal ease 

(Tag: ) need to know cartoon network: in dexter show the small kid's name is dexter who is highly talented,skilled...

ambience environment; atmosphere; Ex. restraurant with a pleasant ambience; ADJ. ambi ent: completely surrounding; Ex. ambient temperature 

(Tag: ) if u can remember, the room spray called ambience,then that will do things easy.a room freshner is sprayed to keep the room environment or atmosphere smell nice..

ambiguous unclear or doubtful in meaning; having more than one possible interpretation 

(Tag: ) Ambi means 2, while guous sounds like guess. So if 2 people guess on something, then it will make the subject doubtful or unclear.

ambivalence the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes or opinions  

(Tag: English) ambiguous + equivalent (Tag: ) Holy Valence...!!!

amble walking at an easy unhurried pace; V: walk slowly and aimlessly    

(Tag: (Tag: (Tag: (Tag:

English) Sounds like tumble. Amble man always tumbles Hindi) Amble sounds like AM(general)Lok. am lok akser paidal chalta hai. ) AMBLE:..SOUNDS LIKE you are ABLE to walk at an easy pace after a heavry injury.... ) There's an ample park to amble every evening.

ambrosia food of the gods 

(Tag: Hindi) Aam Ka rasia (Mango Juice) the food of the God.


able to walk  

(Tag: ) why do u need ambulance when u are ambulatory

ambush act of lying in wait to attack by surprise; sudden attack made from a concealed position; Ex. lie in ambush; V. 

 

(Tag: ) if u remember, the tribal people attack the animals,by hiding behind a bush or a huge rock. ,else,a tiger attacks its prey ,waiting behind the bushes and with a surprise. (Tag: English) am"bush"- somebody hides in a "bush" and attacks you They fired from ambush. (Tag: ) as we know president bush has attacked 2 countries so.

ameliorate improve    

(Tag: (Tag: (Tag: (Tag:

) Take the suffix 'rate' so,if the rate increases then the product improves in quality ) In movie Amelie, Amelie tries to improve other's life. English) Ameli (Imli) improves the taste of food. English) deteriorate = degrade ameliorate = improve

amenable obedient; compliant; readily managed; responsive; willing to be led; answerable or accountable legally; responsible; able to be tested by; Ex. amenable to sensible suggestions; Ex. He is very amenable 

(Tag: ) Amen is a word used in islam and christinity. meaning of which is i agree. So amenable means something table to be agreed. (Tag: ) a MEN ABLE-ABLE MEN are obedient,compliant,readily managed,etc.

amend correct; change ; generally for the better 

amenities convenient features that helps to make life pleasant; social courtesies 

(Tag: ) Sounds like "A+man+at+ease" so its "features that helps to make life pleasant"


agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly  


amicable  peaceful; politely friendly; not quarrelsome; Ex. amicable settlement  

(Tag: ) there is a CABLE in between A and MI(me) that means we have a friendly connection... (Tag: ) amicable= tkae mic means microphone which always makes sound and opposite of it is peaceful.


L. amicus "friend," related to amare "to love."

amiss wrong; faulty; Ex. something amiss; ADV. 

(Tag: english) a+miss..miss..when you miss to do something..important...that is you you have missed something.. (Tag: English) a+miss -- a mistress is always "wrong" to keep!

amity friendship; peaceful relationship as between nations 


amnesia loss of memory 

(Tag: ) iAM iN aSIA?(am i in asia or AMNESIA). i lost my memory please tel where am i he..he.he.

amnesty  pardon (allowed by government to political criminals) 

(Tag: ) amnesty.amnes+ty..amnesia....a mental which a person forgets forgetting someone mistakes and ..granting them pardon.........

amorous Strongly attracted or disposed to love, especially sexual love. 

(Tag: ) if you check the word properly, you will get the answer by yourself. amorous::am - or - us...hope u get some meaning out of it.

amorphous formless; lacking shape or definition

amphibian able to live both on land and in water; N.

amphitheater oval building with tiers of seats; CF. arena

ample enough; abundant; spacious; large in size; Ex. ample opportunity/garden; N. amplitude: qua lity of being ample; abundance; largeness of space 

(Tag: ) amplifier means to increase in strength of signal so ample means in abundance

amplify increase in size or effect; expand; broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make stronger; Ex. amplify one's remarks with a graph

amputate cut off part of body; prune (a limb)  

(Tag: ) break like - ARM PE TAPE ... you have to put tape on arm because its surgically cut. (Tag: ) amPUTate,concentrate on the highlighted word,put which rhymes with cut,so the meaning is CUT OFF

amulet charm; talisman; an object worn believed to protect against evil, bad luck  

(Tag: ) AMULET=amul + et = amul baby which is charm.

anachronism an error involving time in a story; something or someone misplaced in time; ADJ. anachronistic

(Tag: ) you know about chronometer- means clock. Anything with "chron" is related to time. Anachronisim-an+chron+ism> here an is used in negative sense> so anachronism means something or someone that is not in its correct time (Tag: ) Anachronism = Ana + chron (chronology) + ism = A person or thing who is out of chornological order .i.e. Person belongs to earlier time.

analgesia condition of being unable to feel pain

analgesic causing insensitivity to pain; N. 

(Tag: ) a person who has taken analgesic, is in the state of analgesia.

analogous comparable; similar  

(Tag: ) Analogies are given by the lecturers while teaching which compares the example with the present subject

analogy similarity; parallelism; comparing two similar things

anarchist  person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority 

(Tag: English) ANA-ARCHEIN-IST....person against the rule or law..

anarchy absence of governing body; state of disorder  

(Tag: ) sounds like hierarchy take �a� as no hierarchy i.e state of disorder

(Tag: ) anarchy(noun)�.divde this word like AN(.when used as prefix before noun it

means..person)+arch(y)�means�most important or head of something ��now think of a country in which there is no person at the most importanat position(usually a rular,or PMor (Tag: ) sounds like 'monarchy'(king ruler).so related government.

(Tag: ) the most importanat position(usually a rular,or PMor president...).to rule the amend laws for country. so now think what will be the situation of that nation....obvieously..disorderness everywhere.

anathema solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse; V. anathematize   

(Tag: Hindi) Sounds like ANAATH MAA; Being ANAATH or having no MAA is obviously a CURSE... (Tag: English) ANA-THEMA..against the concept...hence it is disliked and disapproved (Tag: Hindi) sounds like ashwathema who had SOLEMN CURSE of Lord Krishna

ancestry family descent; ADJ. ancestral 

(Tag: ) lean it from ancestors

anchor secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place; N. anchorage  

(Tag: ) remember logo of Anchor switches ,_|_,. Anchor is used to harbour the ship to the sea shore. (Tag: ) or you can tie the chor with rope and call the you are tieing the chor because you want him to be fixed in one place.. (Tag: ) anchor..split it like an.+chor..a chor(a thief).....and a thief enters your house, so you tie him with rope and plan to drop him down from ur roof.......same wise,..anchor is tied with rope and dropped down from ship or boat

ancillary serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary; N. 

(Tag: ) if u guys kno,there is a book calld ANCI C. anci serves as an aid or accessory to learn c language.

anecdote short story of an amusing or interesting event 

(Tag: ) anecdote= sounds like date, hence story of an old date.


condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles; ADJ. anemic

anesthetic substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness; N. anesthesia

anguish acute pain; extreme suffering 

(Tag: ) anguish..split it like ang(anger)+uish...when you are in ANGER with someone you wish him/her to suffer pain and distress...............

angular sharp-cornered; having an angle; not rounded (body); bony; lean; gaunt; stiff in manner 

animadversion critical remark; V. animadvert: comment critically with disapproval 

(Tag: ) a mad version of a speech or sentence is a remark.and above that,it is mad,so things are critically needed.

animated lively; spirited

animosity active enmity 

(Tag: ) pronounce animosity like 'Enemy'sity. so i someone is having enemysity he will have ill will intentions.

animus hostile feeling or intent; animosity; hostility; disposition  

(Tag: ) pronounce it like 'enemy'us. So having hostile feeling (Tag: English) relate it with "animal"(feeling like a raging bull)


records arranged in yearly parts; history  

(Tag: ) annals as channels which keep records of everything (Tag: English) canal is always kept a record about for over flowing, hence (c)annals means record

anneal reduce brittleness and improve toughness by heating and cooling (metal or glass) 

(Tag: English) TO make "NAAL" ( horse shoe) One has to heat the iron then cool it, and repeat the process to get a tough horse shoe...A-NAAL ..:)

annex attach; add to a large thing; take possession of; incorporate (territory) into a larger existing  political unit (by force); N: building added to a large one 

(Tag: ) Annexure in passport application form means some additional sheets attached with it

annihilate destroy 

(Tag: english) annihilate sounds like ELIMINATE someone completely from your life.. means kill them (Tag: English) Can be remembered by inhalation of poisonous gas that causes destruction and death,also the incident: Union Carbide subsidiary pesticide plant released 40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas, killing approximately 3,800 people. (Tag: ) remember nihl of roadies who destroyed everyone to reach 2 finals

annotate comment; make explanatory notes  

(Tag: ) split the word into an+ note...does it make any sence (Tag: English) U made a note while eating, a(n)-note-ate, its a rough note , it provides explanation and reference ..

annuity yearly allowance 

(Tag: English) annual + I(cap. I is for income )...... got it !!

annul make void  

(Tag: ) nullify something means cancelling something (Tag: C Programming) AN NULl value is VOID.. C programming !

anodyne drug that relieves pain or trouble;opiate; ADJ. Ex. anodyne statement 

(Tag: ) read it like a no die.a drug which wont let u die it means it wil relieve pain hehehe;

anoint consecrate; put oil on (in a religious ceremony)  

(Tag: English) Can be treated as AN-OINTMENT that is applied on hair !!! (Tag: ) an+oin+t...oin souds like oil.....and in some communities during weding they put oil on bridegroom and bride head before they get ready for wedding they consider it sacred

anomalous abnormal; irregular  

(Tag: English) PRONOUNCE IT AS a-nomal(normal)-ous WHICH IT SELF SOUNDS AS anormal i.e not normal

anomaly irregularity  

(Tag: ) Anomaly sounds like abnormal.. that is one who deviates from normal order (Tag: English) Anomaly= A(means NO) + Nomaly = A(no) + Normality = ABNORMALITY, DEVIATION FROM NORMAL ORDER

anonymity state of being nameless; anonymousness; ADJ. anonymous 

(Tag: ) a+no+nym(name)+mity. conentrate on middle two i.e. NO nym(NAME) this is the meaning of the word. (Tag: ) a+no+nymity....nymity...sounds simillar to amity.....means having good relation with somebody....but if we dont know somone we cant devlop no amity.... means not knowing the other person is anonymous to us

antagonism hostility; active opposition; V. antagonize: cause to become an enemy; N. antagonist: person who is opposed to another; opponent; adversary; principal character in oppostion to the  protagonist (Tag: ) Anta(anti-against)+go+nism. Going against someone is being hostile or opposing someone.

antecede  precede

antediluvian antiquated; extremely ancient  

(Tag: English) ANTIQUE-LUV, we love antique,old fashioned things, try to preserve them. (Tag: ) ANTE== BEFORE DILUVIAN== DILUGE (FLOOD {BIBLICAL})means === extremely old fashioned

anthem song of praise or patriotism; Ex. national anthem

anthology  book of literary selections by various authors; CF. omnibus  

(Tag: ) like ants groups, groups or collections of literacy sections as logy relates to literate sections (Tag: English) nth, we say nth term in maths,so N number of writers compiling and publishing there written stories,acc to Oxford: a collection of poems, stories, etc. that have been written by different people and published together in a book

anthropoid manlike; resembling a human being; N. 

(Tag: ) Many of u must be knowing that anthropology is study of human beings. I think anthropoid is the root word for anthropology.

anthropologist student of the history and science of humankind


having human form or characteristics 

(Tag: ) etymologically anthropos means 'mankind' and morph means 'shape or figure' anthropomorphic is having human form or figure

anticlimax letdown in thought or emotion; something unexciting, ordinary, or disappointing coming after  something important or exciting

antidote remedy to counteract a poison or disease; Ex. antidote to the economic troubles 

(Tag: English) anti=against,dote = poison,because poison is consumed in small drops,so poison can be dote

antipathy aversion; dislike or opposition  

(Tag: ) remember antipathy as anti party. in politics the people of anti-party are quite opposite in feeling (Tag: ) if u can remember this like anti-pathy(desi),then a person who is anti to her pathy,is an opposition in the house as she dislikes him..hehehe... (Tag: English) CAN REMEMBER IT AS OPPOSITE OF sympathy. RHYMING n OPPOSITE WORDS - antipathy n sympathy

Via French antipathie < Greek antipathēs "feeling the opposite" < pathos "feeling

antiquated obsolete; old-fashioned; outdated 

(Tag: English) Antiquated has the syllable sound antique...antique is something that is very old.

antique made in an earlier period and usu. valuable; N: object that was made in an earlier period and that is rare or valuable 

(Tag: anti has to be refered t que to refers to queue, because if some thing is rare and very beautiful people stand in a queue to watch it) antique.anti= ante=former,que="queue"

Via French < Latin antiquus "old"]

antiquity quality of being very old; ancient times;

antiseptic substance that prevents infection in a wound; ADJ.

antithesis contrast; direct opposite of or to; ADJ. antithetic or antithetical 

(Tag: ) split the wor into...anti + the + sis....which means anti to his sister which is common in means directly opposite...

late Latin < Greek antitithenai "set against" < tithenai "set

antler  bony growth on the head of a deer  

(Tag: ) antler- this reminds of an antelope(=horned mammal).

anvil iron block used in hammering out metals anfilte, anfealt < Indo-European, "to beat

apathy lack of caring; indifference; lack of concern or interest in important matters; Ex. He was sunk in apathy after his failure; ADJ. apathetic 

(Tag: ) A mean without and pathy mean feeling in latin.(a+pathy),without feeling

Early 17th century. < French apathie < Greek apathēs "without feeling" < pathos "feeling"]

ape imitate or mimic (a person's behavior or manner)

(Tag: English) Apes or monkeys can imitate human actions efficiently

aperture opening; hole; adjustable opening in a camera that limits the amount of light 

(Tag: ) aperture = perture = puncture ; where puncture is a hole or opening in the tube etc...

Mid-17th century. < Latin apertura < apert- , past participle of aperire "to open"]

apex tip; summit; climax; highest point

aphasia loss of speech due to injury or illness  

(Tag: English) a face(phasia) injury..... i.e. unability to speak (Tag: ) Try to remember with the word "amnesia", means loss of memory whereas, "aphasia" means loss of speech. (Tag: ) i think ,this problem is commonly seen among asians.remember the word asia.

[Mid-19th century. < Greek < aphatos "speechless" < phanai  "speak"]

aphorism  pithy maxim or saying; ADJ. aphoristic  

(Tag: ) hor-pit(hy) maxim(um) hope u guys understand this. (Tag: ) break aphorism into a-phor-ism : interpret this into a (saying) - for - (hindu)ism

Early 16th century. < French aphorisme < Greek aphorizein "define" < horizein "delimit" (see horizon)]

apiarist  person who keeps bees


a place where bees are kept 

(Tag: ) bee hives are usually pear shape..... so a-piary

Mid-17th century. < Latin apiarium "beehive" < apis "bee

apiculture  bee-keeping

aplomb  poise; composure in difficult situations; assurance; self-confidence 

(Tag: ) you have the word "om" in it which ppl normally chant when they do meditation and be calm and poise (Tag: English) Take it as a-bomb, so a bomb defusing team must have following characteristics: assurance, balance, confidence, coolness, equanimity, nerve, nonchalance, poise, surety, tact... Nd these are the synonyms of aplomb!!!

[Early 19th century. < French à plomb "perpendicular"]

apocalyptic  prophetic; pertaining to revelations especially of disaster; N. apocalypse 

(Tag: ) calamity means a disaster- so focus on 'cal' in apocalyptic

13th century. Via late Latin < Greek apokalupsis "revelation" < apokaluptein "uncover" < kaluptein "to cover

apocryphal (of a story) widely believed but untrue 

(Tag: ) Derived from root "crypt" which means "secret" Apocryphal means "of doubtful authenticity"

14th century. Via ecclesiastical Latin, < Greek apokruphos "hidden away" < kruptein "to hide

apogee highest point; the point farthest from the earth; OP. p erigee

Late 16th century. < French < Greek apogaios "away from the Earth" < gaia "Earth

apolitical having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs tag: a=without+ politics= political activities….i.e without  political activities

apologist one who writes in defense of a cause or institution; N. apologia

(Tag: english) think "apologize". a person who apologize is apologist. Mid-16th century. Via French apologie and Latin apologia < Greek, "speech in defense" < logos "speech" (see Logos)]

apoplexy stroke; loss of consciousness caused by too much blood in the brain 

(Tag: ) Remember 'perplex'?- means cant decide what to do- a sudden loss of sense? Like that apoplexy means to loose consciousness. The preffix Apo sometimes mean away from. So apoplexy means 'away from plex or consciousness'

14th century. Via French and Latin < Greek apoplēxia < apoplēssein "strike completely" <  plēssein "to strike

apostate one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs; N. apostasy 

(Tag: ) Prefix "apo" means away from "state" :: One who's away from his state or religion. (Abandonment of religious values) (Tag: ) a-po-state:: a means no,generally as we kno. po- take this meaning in tamil,that means "go". state- this is a normal state,state in a country. so, no going to going to his state,or one who abandons his state..(im sorry,if it is silly)

14th century. Via French and Latin < Greek apostatēs "somebody caused to stand away" < stat-, related to histanai "cause to stand

apothecary druggist; pharmacist

(Tag: ) a+pot+he+cary=imagine a pharmacist carrying drugs in a pot

14th century. Via French < late Latin apothecarius "storekeeper" < Greek apothēkē "storehouse" < apotithenai "put away" < tithenai "put

apotheosis elevation to godhood; an ideal example of something   

(Tag: ) theo- theological, somthing related to god. theology elevates oneself to god hood. (Tag: ) apotheosis = apo(person) theo(god) size(raise) == means "raise to the level of the god" wid ur gf/ will take care of itself :-P..afterall Krishna's apo wid Radha is like a religious "theory"

appall dismay; shock deeply 

 

(Tag: ) appall- all app(lications). if u are asked to learn all the applications of a perticular thing. a kind of shock is displayed on ur face.. (Tag: Marathi) a+pal(in marathi it means lizard)...when u see lizard u r shocked (Tag: ) App(sounds like Apes)+All. think of a situation where there is a sudden attach of all the Apes, u will be in deep shock.

apparent evident; easily seen or understood; appearing as such; Ex. apparent improvement

apparition ghost; phantom  

(Tag: ) A + PARI i.e. ghost (Tag: ) sounds like appear ur dead son appeared in front of u last night, and hwen u went near to him.he disappeared....means a ghostly apperance in front of you..KEY WORD APPEAR ..WILL REMIND YOU APPEARNING OF YOUR DEAD SON IN MIDNIGHT.......SO....A (Tag: Mr. India, Mogambo) Anil Kapoor in Mr. India movie.

appease  pacify or soothe; Ex. appease a crying baby; N. appeasement 

(Tag: ) appease�app(appeal)+pease(peace) appeal for peace..�when war was going on in kasmir �our prime minister appealed people to maintain peace in the region. (Tag: ) ease is somthing to pacify, soothing,very ease.

appellation name; title   

(Tag: ) Imagine the finest Tech company- Apple.....It's a symbol of designation,a prestigious title (Tag: ) sounds like application name which shows title. (Tag: English) appellation=app(aap) the thing which has relation with you is of course your title

append attach  

(Tag: ENtertaghere) append=ap+pend(if we keep on pending our work it will attach/add to tension ) (Tag: English) app-end : add to the end - attach

application diligent attention; diligence; V. apply oneself 

apposite appropriate; fitting  

(Tag: English) "application on site" that is fitting something appropriately on the site... (Tag: ) remember with opposite,

appraise estimate value of; N. appraisal 

(Tag: ) appRAISE- raise means ,somthing in rise, value is onething where u can estimate ,and which has this feature.

appreciate  be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of; ADJ. appreciable: enough to be felt; Ex. appreciable difference tag: < late Latin appretiare "value, estimate, rate, appraise" < pretium "money spent, worth, value

apprehend arrest (a criminal); dread; perceive; N. apprehension

(Tag: english, hindi) appre(sounds simillar to hindi word UPPER karo)+hend(HAND)...SO when POLICE come to ARREST SOMEONE or take someone in custody..they ask HANDS UP!!! appre(upper +hands.. (Tag: ) when you read it like.....A PRE HAND......sitution....PERCEIVEING about sth which will happen in future..... (Tag: English) up your hands - said the FBI before grabbing the criminal.

14th century. Directly or via French < Latin apprehendere "take hold of" < prehendere "seize

apprehensive fearful; discerning tag:apprehend=arrest+sive(sounds like seize)=apprehensive…when someboby is arrested he might be FEARFUL.

apprise inform 

  

(Tag: when apple price increases it means that its value has been increasedgenrally people are instructed about price of apple because,apple a day keeps the) ap=apple,p=price,rise=increase (Tag: ) when u get a ap+PRISE(PRIZE)......SO WHEN U GET A PRIZE....YOU ARE INFORMED BY AUTHORUTY OR NOTIFIED BY THE OFFICIALS THAT U HAVE TO BE PRESENT ON THAT DAY. (Tag: English) one who will inform will get the prize (apprise) (Tag: English) relate it with "surprise" means inform suddenly(Tag: English) apple tell the price of apple (to inform)

Late 17th century. < French appris, past participle of  apprendre "make learn, teach

approbation approval 

(Tag: English) APPRO-bation something related to approve or approval

appropriate acquire; take possession of for one's own use without permission; set aside for a particular   purpose; allocate; CF. misappropriate 15th century. < Latin appropriatus, past participle of appropriare "make your own" <  propius "own

apropos with reference to; regarding; Ex. remarks apropos (of) the present situation; ADJ. ADV.

 

(Tag: English) apropos = apro+pos = appropriate+position -appropriate+situation... (Tag: ) apropos sounds like "Propose" This issue is faced by many teenage boys/girls :) When is the right time to propose to a Girl/Boy you love? Hence apropos is an opportune moment or right moment/time. (Tag: ) split it like a+propos.sounds like..propose...and you propose a plan in your office related to or concerning to" how to increse sales of product.." (Tag: ) sounds also similar to purpose.... so if you have .a. purpose .or do something you wait...for the opportune time to come..

Mid-17th century. < French à propos "to the purpose

aptitude fitness; talent

aquiline curved; hooked; of or like an eagle; Ex. aquiline nose 

(Tag: ) aqui(aqua) reminds us of water(or catching fish)..a curved hook is used for fishing or catching fishes. (Tag: ) Aquiline-> A-Q-Line ,now when we write the letter Q, its not a straight line,but a curved line.

Mid-17th century. < Latin aquilinus < aquila "eagle

arable fit for growing crops; Ex. arable land  

(Tag: English) agriculture-able (Tag: English) associate the word with ARAB.The desert is totally unfit for agriculture.hence,you remember ARABLE as it's exact opposite

15th century. Via French < Latin arabilis < arare "to plough

arbiter  person with power to decide a matter in dispute; judge who is in a position ot make influential  judgments; Ex. supreme arbiter of fashion in beachware 

(Tag: Technical+Eng) Its similar to arbitrate and Mnemonic for arbitrate is bit-rate, bit rate is the judging or deciding parameter for the transfer rate or say speed of data transfer.. (Tag: English) Arbiter: A person who listens to arbit discussions and give arbit judgements.

arbitrary unreasonable or capricious; random; tyrannical; Ex. a rbitrary ruler  < Latin arbitrarius "uncertain, depending on the judgment of an arbi ter" < arbiter "judge

arbitrate act as judge (at the request of both sides) 

(Tag: Technical+Eng) bit-rate, bit rate is the judging or deciding parameter for the transfer rate or say speed of data transfer.. (Tag: ) arbitrate sounds similar to "illiterate". An illiterate cannot read or judge anything. So opposite of  illiterate is arbitrate.

arboreal of or living in trees 

(Tag: ) ar-bore-al : think of a woodpecker who makes a bore (a hole) to live in trees

arboretum  place where different trees and shrubs are studied and exhibited 

(Tag: ) ARBORE(t)um arboreum.sounds like herbarium.and it is a collection of plants & .all botany students need to prepare herbarium.....the word herb is related with small trees in herbarium you exhibit...all kind of trees and a sample.....

Mid-19th century. < Latin, "place grown with trees, plantation of trees" < arbor  "tree

arcade a covered passageway usually lined with shops Mid-18th century. Via French < Italian arcata < Latin arcus "bow, curve, arch

arcane esoteric; secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated; Ex. arcane ritual; Ex. arcane process closed to the uninitiated listener  

 

(Tag: ENtertaghere) Arcane=ar+cane(Kane).... this is for WWF watchers...Kane (undertaker brother) he has really mysterious he many times fought with his brother also. (Tag: ) To change a sugarCANE into ARC needs a mysterious knowledge.

(Tag: ) improvising the first mnemonic.., Ar + Kane - Kane's face always remains secret, as he uses a mask. Early 16th century. < Latin arcanus "closed, secret" < arca "box

archaeology study of artifacts and relics of early mankind

archaic antiquated(out of date, out of fashioned); no longer used; belonging to the past; N. 

(Tag: ) Remember with Archive. As we keep very old thing in archive- Archaic is related something very old.

Mid-19th century. Via French < Greek arkhaikos < arkhaios "old, ancient" < arkhē "beginning

archetype  prototype; primitive pattern 

(Tag: ) arch(means old) something of old type orof primitive pattern

archipelago group of closely located islands Early 16th century. < Italian arcipelago < Greek arkhi- "chief, main" + pelagos "sea

archives  public records; place where public records are kept 

(Tag: ) sounds like archies, which is a collection of greeting cards, which is also a collection of records

Via French < Latin archivaarchia < Greek arkheia "things kept at the public office," plural of  arkheion "ruler's house, public office" < arkhē "beginning, government

ardor heat; passion; zeal; ADJ. ardent    

(Tag: (Tag: (Tag: (Tag:

) ardor= arey zor sey means passion. ) ardor and eager are rhythmic so it's easy to remember. English) normally one works (H)ARD if he is ARDENT about it English) remember of a person who wants to say "order order" in a court;

14th century. Via French < Latin ardor < ardere "to burn

arduous hard; strenuous; Ex. arduous work  

(Tag: English) (h)ard+ u +ous (full of hard work for u) arduous is full of hard work.

Mid-16th century. < Latin arduus "steep, difficult

argot slang; speech spoken by only a small group of people 

(Tag: ) argot = ar + got (goat) goat when it says "meh...mheh...meh..." we cannot understand its lingo only goats can understand it. So...argot is a lingo only small group of ppl (here goats :) ) can understand.

aria operatic solo; a song sung by one person in an opera or oratorio   

(Tag: ) mARIA mARIA song of santana (Tag: ) imagine u r calling Riya Sen(Aa Riya!) 2 sing a song 4 u (Tag: ) a+ria...riazz...and we know that if we have to learn singing we have to do riaz... so a riaz is the way to improve our think if you are given an elaborate song for riaz. (Tag: Hindi) ARIA- if u remember salman khan in a movie sings a song in a program..O priya O priya..priya...(link it with Opera)

arid (of land) dry; barren; unproductive 

(Tag: English) Arid-> Take es as A-Rigid,, a rigid thing CANNOT b made to change its shape, thus it can be taken as dry, barren, and unproductive. (Tag: ) Arid-> Take es as A-Rigid,, a rigid thing can b made to change its shape, thus it can be taken as dry, barren, and unproductive.

Mid-17th century. Directly or via French < Latin aridus < arere "be dry

aristocracy hereditary nobility; privileged class; government by nobility; N. aristocrat 

(Tag: English) Remember by the famous liquor : ARISTOCRAT since its very costly, only UPPER CASS ppl can have it..

15th century. Via French aristocratie < Greek aristokratia "rule by the best" < aristos "best" + kratos "power, rule" (see -cracy

armada fleet of warships  

(Tag: ) remember the armagadon. Tag : arm+data=collection of arms…..of warships..

aromatic fragrant; having a sweet smell; N. aroma: strong pleasant smell

arraign charge in court; indict 

(Tag: ) remember with Err which means to do error. Arraign means to call before a court for making any error

array marshal; draw up in order; arrange in order; clothe splendidly; adorn; N: fine clothes; ordered group; Ex. in battle array

arrears  being in debt; money that should have been paid; work that should have been don e 

(Tag: ) sounds similar to 'in-tears', why..because of DEBT :)

< obsolete arrear "to the rear, overdue," via Old French < medieval Latin adretro < Latin ad  "to" + retro "backward, behind

arrhythmic lacking rhythm or regularity; N. arrhythmia  

(Tag: ) A(aginst-lack of)+rrhythmic. lacking rhythm

(Tag: ) arr(sounds like ERR which means ERROR)+rhythm= error or lacking of rhythm...

arrogance  pride; haughtiness; ADJ. arrogant: unpleasantly self-important (with a strong confidence in one's own importance and a lack of respect for other people) 14th century. Via French < Latin arrogant-, present participle of arrogare "claim for yourself" < rogare "ask

arroyo gully; narrow channel formed by rainwater  

(Tag: Hindi) ab mat rroyo, poori gali bhar di tuney to

arsenal storage place for military equipment 

(Tag: Hindi) SENA(HINDI) ke use mai aane waala saaman

Early 16th century. Directly or via French < Italian arzanale < Venetian Italian arzaná < Arabic dār -(aṣ-)ṣinā'a "workshop, factory

artery  blood-vessel; CF. vein

artful exhibiting art or skill; deceitful; cunning; CF. artifice

articulate effective; distinct; expressing ideas clearly; having clear sounds; having joints; Ex. articulate speech; V: express thoughts and feeling clearly; pronounce clearly; unite by joints (Tag: ) articulate speech is 'artistic' attracts attention of ppl..

12th century. Via French < Latin articulus "joint, section" < artus "joint, limb

artifice deception; trickery  

(Tag: ) ARTIFICE: sounds like artificial fish which is nothing but a trick. (Tag: ) art(ART)+fice(SOUNDS LIKE FISH)......fishermans only know art of catching fish,they use some clever techniques like giving them bait,and thus catch them,so offering bait to fishes,a trick commenly used by fishermans.

Early 17th century. Via French < Latin artificium "craft, art, cunning" < artific- "artisan, contriver" < art- "skill" + facere "make

artisan a manually skilled worker   

(Tag: ) sounds like mason who is manually skilled worker.

(Tag: ) Arti(artist)+ san (son): Son of artist is manually skilled worker or craftsman.

Mid-16th century. Via French < Italian artigiano < Latin artit-, past participle of artire "instruct in the arts" < art- "skill

artless without guile; open and honest 

(Tag: ) art + less, without having any art(skill)

ascendancy controlling influence; position of controlling influence; CF. in the ascendant 

(Tag: English) 1>2>3>4>5>6>7.. The numbers are arranged in ascending order with 2 ASCENDANCY OVER 1

14th century. < Latin ascendere "climb to" < scandere "to climb

ascertain find out for certain; make certain Late 16th century. < Old French acertain-, stem of  acertener < certain (see certain

ascetic  practicing self-denial; avoiding physical pleasures and comforts; austere; Ex. ascetic life of  Buddhist monks; N. asceticism (Tag: ) someone who leaves all AESTHETICs is an ascetic

Mid-17th century. Directly or via medieval Latin < Greek askētikos < askētēs "monk, hermit" < askein "to exercise

ascribe refer; attribute; assign 

(Tag: ) Scribe means refer to ex. describe-refer to something and expalin. Monthly subscribption to a magzine means referring to the mag wil be possible monthly

15th century. < Latin ascribere "add to in writing" < scribere "write

aseptic  preventing infection; having a cleansing effect 

(Tag: ) Antiseptic and aseptic is same

ashen ash-colored; deadly pale 

(Tag: ) split like ash coloured hen.

asinine stupid; Ex. asinine remarks 

 

(Tag: ) as(ASS)+inine.......focus on ass ....A TYPE OF DONKEY......AND DONKEYS OR ASS ARE GENERALLY STUPID in nature. (Tag: ) A fool teaching a ASS how to speak NINE. (Tag: ) asiNINE-nine, thenumber that represents the nuetral gender.people with this gender generally act sorry ,if it is stupid..hehehe

15th century. < Latin asininus < asinus "ass

askance with a sideways or indirect look (with disapproval or distruct); Ex. look askance at  

 

(Tag: ) ASKew+glANCE (Tag: ) askance.. reminds u of the word when u want to glance at someone , u look SIDEWAYS or give a INDIRECT LOOK.. (Tag: ) ask+an(ANN)+ce(SE) ...if something happens..and u suspect ann....but since you are angry on her ,you dont want to talk and look at her ,so u take your friend help .you say him"ask ann se bhai" kahi usne to nahi kiya ye sab. (Tag: ) u r viewing her with suspicion (Tag: ) so here u are indirectly...looking at her or in other u are viewing

askew crookedly; slanted; at an angle 

 

(Tag: ) a +skew......skewed....means something which is not straight and levelled...something which is crooked (Tag: ) as+kew....kew..sounds like we know all the keys are somewhat twisted in shape (Tag: English) Also it can b taken as SCREW which is not straight,it is bent, zigzag etc


sharpness; roughness; severity (of temper or weather); Ex. asperities of a Russian winter   

(Tag: Tag: ) aspiri+ty aspiri+ty..aspi ..aspiriN......A riN......ASPIRI SPIRIN...IS N...IS given when there SEVERE pAIN OR headache...... headache............... ......... (Tag: Tag: ) asPERItyasPERIty- chk the word PERI,peri PERI,peri,take ,take it as perinial.perinia riniall ,means highest highest point,thats point,thats the is a tip? Ans-its sharp.

13th century. Via French aspérité < Latin asperitas < asper "rough

aspersion slanderous remark; Ex. cast aspersions on 

(Tag: Tag: ) As + persion..Ass + person. calling calling someone As(s)pers[i]on means passing slanderous remark

aspirant seeker after position or status

aspire seek to attain (position or status); long for; Ex. aspire to become president; Ex. aspire to/after the leadership

assail assault 

(Tag: Tag: ) take 'sail' 'sail' from from 'assail''assail'- for begining begining an war many many warships warships are sailed sailed to the warfront warfront

assay analyze (to discover what materials are present); evaluate (soil or ore)  

(Tag: Tag: English) English) assay...SOU assay...SOUNDS NDS SIMILLAR SIMILLAR TO ESSAY.....and ESSAY.....and you you have been asked to analyze analyze an essay.. essay.. (Tag: Tag: ) say,is jus a say..ifu say it AS it is said,its assay.that means giving more presure to the word say,using AS.

assent agree; accept; N. assessment

assert state strongly or positively; demand recognition of (rights, claims, etc.); make a claim to (by forceful action); Ex. assert one's independence

assiduous diligent   

(Tag: Tag: English) English) acid+do, acid+do, to get acid sharp sharp results results you need to do it it diligently diligently (Tag: Tag: ) Ass is donkey and donkey donkey is hardworkin hardworking. g. (Tag: Tag: relevance) as+Siduo+us: If you know the meaning of Sedulous, which means diligentm, hardworking. One can find the same word in Assiduous too. AS+SEDUOL+OUS. ASS is also a trigger, Hardworking as an ASS or a donkey (Tag: Tag: English) I will add to logic87, logic87, that acid means vigorous, so doing doing work vigorously vigorously ....

assimilate absorb; take (food) into the body and digest it; understand (knowledge) completely and be able to use properly; cause to become homogeneous (the people of a country or race in the wasy of   behaving or  

(Tag: Tag: ) try to [as]simila [as]similate te means try to be similar to something something may be food habits, habits, language language or behaviour. (Tag: Tag: ) assimilate assimilate.. .. sounds like like getting (accumulating (accumulating)) similar things together.. together..

assuage mak less severe; ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger) 

 

(Tag: Tag: ) assuage .....sounds like AT YOUR AGE. AGE. imagine a nurse is ASSUAGING an 70 year old old PATIENT .and saying.." AT YOUR AGE you should take some rest...... (Tag: Tag: ) "as u age" age" your your exitement exitement temper temper etc come down down (Tag: Tag: ) a+sewage a+sewage provides provides the the relief relief ;) hope hope u get it it

assumption something taken for granted; the taking over or taking possession of; Ex. her assumption a ssumption of   power; V. assume

assurance firm statement that something is certainly true 

(Tag: Tag: ) a+SURE+ran a+SURE+ran(RUN)..s (RUN) o people people are sure that that your governme government nt will RUN for all all 5 years,beca years,because use people have confidence in you.

asteroid small planet

astigmatism eye defect which prevents proper focus; OP. stigmatism

astral relating to the stars  

(Tag: Tag: ) aSTRAl-check the letters in capital,ie STRA,jumble it a bit, related to stars.. (Tag: Tag: English) English) AS_SATRS, AS_SATRS, celestial,r celestial,remote, emote,sidere sidereal,sta al,starlik rlike,visi e,visionary onary.. ..

astringent  binding; causing contraction (stopping bleeding); harsh or severe; stringent; Ex. astringent criticism  

(Tag: Tag: Englis English) h) astrin astrin + agent agent -- an agent agent who is is harsh harsh (Tag: Tag: ) aStringentaStringent- stringent stringent means harsh harsh , , we can can probly remember remember like like this..

astronomical enormously large or extensive 

(Tag: Tag: ) ASTRO(means STARS)+NOMICAL...and we all know that stars are many times bigger in shape than our solar systems member's.

astute wise; shrewd; keen; seeing quickly something that is to one's advantage 

(Tag: Tag: ) A(MEANS NOT)+STU(STUPID)..well think of someone someone who is NOT STUPID,MEANS he is very WISE WISE ,AND INTELLIGENT. (Tag: Tag: English) English) It an also b remembered remembered by ACUTE, that that has the same meaning, sharp,shrew sharp,shrewd. d.

asunder into parts; apart; V. sunder  

(Tag: Tag: ) Entry of a+ a+ sunder(beautif sunder(beautiful) ul) girl can break break a boys gang gang apart

(Tag: ) Asunder reminds me the word Thunder. The result of thunder is everything breaks apart into many parts. In the same way Asunder means intu parts, apart (Tag: ) if u remember this statement, famous one, "Under and apart " sure u can remember it...

asylum  place of refuge or shelter; protection (religious or political)

asymmetric not identical on both sides of a dividing central line

atavism resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; reversion to an earlier type; throwback; ADJ. atavistic

atheistic denying the existence of God; N. atheism 

(Tag: ) A(WITHOUT)+THEI(GOD)..someone who says this world is surviving without GOD ,actually he is DENYING THE EXISTANCE OF GOD

atone make amends for; pay for; Ex. atone for  

(Tag: English) atone and stone sound like.imagine someone throws a stone on someone else and then realizes his mistake .So he atones.

atrocity  brutal deed; ADJ. atrocious 

 

(Tag: English) Remember TROY-CITY, if hav seen the Holywood moive Troy, U can remember this easily.In Troy,Greek destroyed everything,killed thousands of unarmed man,children etc ..atrociousness, egregiousness, enormity, flagrance, flagrantness, (Tag: english) atro + city -- city where cruel (brutal) acts are done (Tag: ) divide it like.atro(sounds like metro)+city ...and we always get the news of brutel and cruel behaviour ..from METRO (ATRO)CITIES...

atrophy wasting away; V: weaken and lose flesh and muscle (through lack of blood or lack of use)

(Tag: English) A+trophy...Even after many years of practice, he didn't win a trophy, so that was just wastage of his energy.

attentive alert and watchful; listening carefully; paying attention; considerate; thoughtful; politely helpful; Ex. attentive audience; Ex. He was attentive to the old lady; N. attentions: act of courtesy and c

attenuate make thin; weaken  

(Tag: English) If tenu(=you) eat(ate) less you will attenuate (Tag: ) attenuate...A+tenu(TEND)+ate(past form of eat,eaten(P.P))..well if bacteria TEND TO EAT (degrade)your body,that is A indication of your weak IMMUNE SYSTEM.

attest testify; bear witness 

(Tag: ) A +TTEST(TEST)...ATTEST IS A TEST of your originality.

attire clothe; N: clothing; array; apparel  

(Tag: ) a(ALL)+ttire(TRIED) you have TRIED ALL kind of CLOTHES ,but nothing fits you. (Tag: ) the holy attire...!!

attribute essential quality; V: ascribe; explain  

(Tag: ) paying tribute to somone,is a good quality. (Tag: ) sounds like contribute...well anyone who has got the essential quality (of being educated)..can CONTRIBUTE alot the national growth.

attrition rubbing away by friction; gradual decrease in numbers or strength; reduction in the work force without firing employees; wearing away of opposition by means of harassment; Ex. a war of  attrition

 

(Tag: ) attrition = at + rition(sounds like RATION).. What is RATION? Something is given in DECREASED NUMBERS! (Tag: ) Sounds link Adulteration, which decrease the strength of purity. (Tag: ) attrition sounds like CONTRIBUTION,.. so you have contributed alot in your company's performance to decrese the trade deficit.

atypical not normal; not typical

audacious daring; bold; N. audacity   

(Tag: ) when you go for some audition you need to be bold and daring (Tag: ) When someone 'has the audacity' to do something, they have the nerve aka courage (Tag: English) audacious..auda(AUDIBLE)....IF YOU WANT to be audible to millions of people you have to be very daring and bold ,to go to the stage and deliver your massege.

audit examination of accounts of a business; official examination; V.

augment increase; add to   

(Tag: Hindi) AAG+MINT- if u put MINT in AAG then aag's intensity increases. (Tag: ) you can remember it as opposite of segment...... segment means to make less.... augment to add (Tag: ) say"augment"- ur mouth,opens in such a way that,somone or somthing is in ur mouth,and it is full and increasing.Ex- while ur rnds, keep birthday cake in ur mouth,wen u cut it.. (Tag: ) "augment" sounds bit like INCREMENT which means to increase....

augury omen; prophecy; sign of coming events; V. augur: predict; foretell; be a sign o f (something in future)  

  

(Tag: Hindi) aagey aa rahi events (Tag: ) augury..think it to be aug(aag i.e fire in HINDI) +u +ary(HARRY)..u got a prophecy that u will b in fire along with harry,,, (Tag: ) gury-replace u by gory...gory means somthing ghostly.. (Tag: relevance) Augury: Ogury: OMEN (Tag: relevance) Augury: Ogury: OMEN

august impressive; majestic

(Tag: English) august reminds the king augustus who was majestic and impressive

aureole sun's corona; halo; bright circle of light 

(Tag: we have to remember aurora australis) aurora+hole,aurora refers to star which is bright and hole refers to round shape,aureole refers t bright hole around a saint

auroral  pertaining to the aurora borealis; CF. aurora australis

auspicious favoring success; giving signs of future success; Cf. auspices

austere forbiddingly stern; ascetic; without comfort or enjoyment; severely simple and uno rnamented; Ex. a monk's austere life; Ex. austere grandeur of the cathedral; N. austerity  

(Tag: ENtertaghere) austere sounds like severe which it means (Tag: ) (in Hindi language) Austere = A(hindi, means NO) + Ustere = A + USTARA(Hindi, Knife) = No+Ustrara => Aaj ke jamane me one without Ustara, it means he is SEVERLY SIMPLE

authenticate  prove genuine

authoritarian subordinating the individual to the state; completely d ominating another's will; Ex. authoritarian regime/father 

authoritative having the weight of authority; regarded as providing knowledge that can be trusted; reliable;  peremptory and dictatorial; Ex. authoritative dictionary/manner; CF. definitive

autocratic having absolute unchecked power; dictatorial; N. autocrat, autocracy 

(Tag: ) auto(means self)+cratic(cracy)......means goverment...............goverment by self ,goverment by one person.

Via French autocrate < Greek autokratēs "independent authority" < kratos "power

automaton mechanism that imitates actions of humans; machine that works by itself  

(Tag: ) S: Zombie.. Somethin thats automatic like a machine and imitates actions of humans

Via Latin < Greek, neuter of  automatos "acting by itself 

autonomous self-governing; N. autonomy 

(Tag: ) Autonomous resembles automatic..somethin thats self governing doesn need or require help..

< Greek autonomia < autonomos "having its own laws" < nomos "law"]

autopsy examination of a dead body; postmortem; V. tag: Via French or modern Latin < Greek autopsia "seeing with your own eyes" < autoptēs "eyewitness

auxiliary offering or providing help; additional or subsidiary; N: helper; assistant

avalanche great mass of falling snow and ice.

(Tag): a(away or negative something)+valance=a great mass like vast snow or iceberg is something out of valance.

avarice greediness for wealth  

(Tag: ) avarice- a+very+rich > strong desire to be 'a very rich' (Tag: ) a+varice..varice...sounds like hindi word waris..and now imagine a family member of family kills the patriarch to obtain his that he can become wealth. (Tag: ) a+varice..varice...sounds like hindi word waris..and now imagine a family member of family kills the patriarch to obtain his that he can become wealth

where a greedy a waris of family's where a greedy a waris of family's

avenge take vengence for something or on behalf of someone; Ex. They avenged his death by burning the village; Ex. He swore to avenge his brother; Ex. They avenged themselves on their enemy. 

(Tag: ) avenge sound like revenge...............and to take a revenge on somebody means you want to take vengence for something

aver state confidently; declare as true 

(Tag: ) A(affirmated)+ version(descriptive something on account of person )

averse reluctant; disinclined; not liking or opposed; Ex. averse to cats/doing the house work   

(Tag: ) averse- remember with adverse> opposite situation (Tag: ) a(away,not liking something)+ver(true,reality).........anything which is not real or away from reality is never liked by people and people oppose these kind of thing,and thus they become disinclined to what you offer to them

aversion firm dislike 

(Tag: ) made of word averse(opposed to something)+ion....averse as in above who is disclined towards something...............and anyone who is disinclined always has firm dislike for that thing (Tag: ) averse(sounds like adverse=opposite to something)+ion

avert  prevent; avoid; turn away (eyes or thought); Ex. An accident was averted by his quick thinking; Ex. She averted her eyes from the terrible sight.  

(Tag: ) sounds like DIVERT. (Tag: ) i dunno if dis helps...but avert sounds like 'hurt' ......u always avoid getting avert=avoid

aviary enclosure for birds; large cage 

(Tag: ) not a mnemonic.. jus something that can help.. aviary is where birds are kept and apiary is where bees are kept.. this might help relate in some way..

avid greedy; extremely eager for; Ex. avid learner; N. avidity  

(Tag: ) a person is always eager to be in avid(a video) (Tag: English) aVID is made up of words a+vid=a video. Think of a person who is eager to get a video player and is too enthusiastic for it. It has been his longing desire and he is too dedicated for the cause.

avocation secondary or minor occupation  

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(Tag: ) in a vacation u do very little /minor work only....hence avocation implies minor occupation (Tag: ) a+vocation........(means work which we feel is suitable for us ...but may not be a primary source of earning for us , because we just do it for sake of our inner happiness) (Tag: ) we do not give much importance to it,as to make a living ,we need to concentrate on our work (Tag: English) A-V-OCATION ---> A - WORK - DONE OCCASIONALLY... (Tag: ) persuing a hobby of a secondary occupation

avow declare openly; N. avowal 

(Tag: ) (a-vow) vow means to make a promise so you declare openly


of or like an uncle 

(Tag: english...) split the word like av+UNCUL(UNCLE)+AR...SO related to an uncle or suitable to an uncle..avUNCULar..uncle.

awe solemn wonder; feeling of respect mixed with wond er and fear; V: fill with awe; ADJ. awesome (Tag: ) when surprised with a feelin of wonder n fear..we tend to say 'w'hao!! A'w'e (Tag: ) when surprised with a feelin of wonder n fear..we tend to say 'w'hao!! A'w'e

 

awful terrible; very bad 

(Tag: ) aw(an exclamation used to express something which you don't consider good,or you disapprove of  something)+ful.............and something which is full of aw is always very bad.

awl  pointed tool used for piercing 

(Tag: ) awl sounds like hole......and to make a hole in the leather we need a sharp and pointed tool which can pierce through it....hence we need a awl for this (Tag: ) we make a hole on the wal(awl) with an awl which is awry.

awry distorted; crooked; bent; Ex. Our plans have gone awry. 

(Tag: ) this mnemonic is in hindi....awry sounds like a cutting tool in hindi "aarii"which is bent and somewhat distorted in shape (Tag: TELUGU) AWRY sounds like AREY! in telugu . When do we call someone angrily AREY! .. When he doing something crooked, distorted .. ! (Tag: ) we make a hole on the wal(awl) with an awl which is awry

axiom self-evident truth requiring no proof   

(Tag: English) Ax +i+om - when axe is on me I will tell the truth. This is surely evident. (Tag: ) Axiom is a rule or principle that most people believe to be true( /universally recognized)... See "om" in Axiom which is universally believed

azure sky blue

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