Gratuitous Permits and Desilting Permits
September 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Republic Act No. 7942 PHILIPPINE MINING ACT OF 1995 ectio! 49 Go"e#!$e!t G#%tuitou& Pe#$it Any gov gover nment nt ent entity ity governor or ins instru trume menta ntalit lity y sand mayand be gravel, gra grante nted d a gra gratui tous s permit byernme the provincial to extract quarry ortuitou loose uncons unc onsoli olidat dated ed mat materi erials als nee needed ded in the con constr struct uction ion of bui buildi lding ng and/ and/or or infrastructure for public use or other purposes over an area of not more than two hectares (2 has.) for a period cotermino coterminous us with said construction.
ectio! 5' P#i"%te G#%tuitou& Pe#$it Any ow Any owne nerr of la land nd ma may y be gr gran ante ted d a pr priv ivat ate e gr grat atui uito tous us pe perrmi mitt by the the provincial governor.
(ENR A)$i!i&t#%ti"e O#)e# No. 9*+4' Re"i&e) I$ple$e!ti!, Rule& %!) Re,ul%tio!& o- Republic Act No. 7942 Ot/e#0i&e !o0! %& t/e P/ilippi!e Mi!i!, Act o- 1995 ectio! 73. G#%tuitou& Pe#$it& %. Go"e# Go"e#!$e! !$e!tt G#% G#%tuit tuitou& ou& P Pe#$i e#$itt Any government entity or instrumental qua rry, instrumentality ity in need of quarry, sand and gravel or loose/unconsolidated materials in the construction of building and/or infrastructure for public use or other purposes may apply for a Go"e#!$e!t G#%tuitou& Pe#$it with the rovincial !overnor through the rovincial "ining •
• •
#egulatory #egul atory $oard ("#$), covering an area of not more than two (2) hectares %alid for &it 6*' )%& from the date of issuance &he applicant shall submit a pro'ect pro'ect proposal stating where where the materials to be taen shall be used and a nd the estimated volume needed.
b. P#i" P#i"%te %te G# G#%tui %tuitou& tou& Pe#$ Pe#$it it Any landowner may apply for a P#i"%te G#%tuitou& Pe#$it with the rovincial !overnor through the P#o"i!ci%l Mi!i!, Re,ul%to# 8o%#) for the extraction, removal and utiliation of quarry, sand and gravel or loose/unconsolidated materials from •
his/her land for a non*renewable period of sixty (+) calendar days
&here should be %)eu%te p#oo- o- o0!e#&/ip and that the materials shall be for personal use.
ectio! 79. Ge!e#%l Te#$& %!) Co!)itio!& o- % :u%##;Co$$e#ci%l o# I!)u&t#i%l %!) %!) G#%"el;Go"e#!$e G#%"el;Go"e#!$e!t !t G#%tuitou&;G G#%tuitou&;Gu%!o;Ge$&to!e u%!o;Ge$&to!e G%t/e#i!, Pe#$it &he following terms terms and conditions shall be incorporated in in the -uarry/ommercial -uarry/om mercial or ndustrial 0and and !ravel/!overnment !ratuitous/!uano/!emstone !ratuitous/!uano/!emston e !athering er ermit1 mit1 a. o extr extraction action,, remov removal al and/or dispo dispositio sition n of mate material rials s shall be allowed within a distance of one (3) ilometer from the boundaries of reservoirs established for public water supply, archaeological and historical sites or of any public or private wors or structures, unless the prior clearance of the concerned !overnm !overnment ent agency(ies) or owner is obtained. o extraction, removal and/or disposition of materials shall liewise be allowed in o4shore areas within 5ve hundred (6) meters distance from the coast and two hundred (2) meters from the mean low tide level along the beach7 b. &he ext extracti raction, on, rem removal oval and/o and/orr disposit disposition ion of materi materials als under the ermit er mit shall be con5ned within the area speci5ed therein, the boundaries of which, according to the application, are established on the ground with prominent mars7 c. &he erm ermit it 8olde 8olderr shall assum assume e full re responsi sponsibilit bility y and be liable for damages to private and/or public property( p roperty(ies) ies) that may be occasioned by its operations under the ermit7 d. &he erm ermit it 8olde 8olderr shall manag manage e its operations operations in a techni technicall cally y and environmentally environme ntally responsible manner to achieve a safe, non*polluting and self*sustaining post disturbance landform7 e. &he ermit ermit 8older shall conduct its operations iin n accor accordance dance with the provisions of the Act and these implementing rules and regulations7 f. &he erm ermit it 8ol 8older der shal shalll not dis discrim criminate inate o on n the basi basis s of gende genderr and that the ermit 8older shall respect the right of women worers to participate in policy and decision*maing processes a4ecting their rights and bene5ts7 g. &he ermit ermit 8older shall conform to laws, rules and regulations regarding, regar ding, among others, labor, safety and health standards7 h. &he ermit ermit 8ol 8older der shall not int interfere erfere wi with th the rights of other ermit ermit 8olders/operators/ ontractors7 i. &he erm ermit it 8ol 8older der shal shalll re recogni cognie e and rrespec espectt the ri rights, ghts, c custom ustoms s and traditions of local communities, particularly ndigenous ultural ommunities7 '. &he er ermit mit 8older shall imme immediately diately stop digging and ex extracting tracting materials moment man*made articles or are found. t shall notify the the 9irector of the ational "useum ofartifacts such 5ndings, in which
case, the digging shall be under the supervision of the ational "useum until said artifacts are recover recovered7 ed7 and . &he ermit ermit shall be sub'ect to cancellation, revocation and ter termination mination as provided for in 0ection 3 hereof.
ectio! .
haulingmay and enter transporting the materials1 &hat the ermit 8older into a contract with a rovided, private person/entity for the purpose of hauling and transporting such materials7 &he mate materials rials aut authori horied ed to be remo removed ved shall be str strictl ictly y for infrastructure pro'ect pro'ect and in no case shall the same be disposed of commercially, otherwise, persons responsible thereof shall be liable for prosecution under appropriate laws7 @nless otherw otherwise ise amended amended,, the er ermit mit shall ipso facto terminate after the whole quantity and ind of materials speci5ed therein have been removed or taen7 &he ermit ermit 8older shall 5le quarterl quarterly y with the concer concerned ned # #egional egional =ce/ rovincial/ ity "ining #egulatory $oard a sworn statement of the quantity of materials extracte extracted, d, removed and/or disposed under the er ermit mit and the amounts of fees paid therefor therefor.. At the end of the term, the er ermit mit 8older shall submit to the concerned #egional =ce/ rovincial/ity "ining #egulatory $oard a 5nal report with the detailed list of activities and the corresponding corre sponding expenditur expenditures7 es7 &he ermit/per ermit/permit mit ar area ea can be inspected and examined at all times by the concerned #egional 9irector/rovincial !overnor/ity !overnor/it y "ayor7 &he ermit ermit 8older shall comply wit with h its obligatio obligations ns under its B and Bnvironmental rotection and Bnhancement rogr rogram am (BB), including the allocation of the p prescribe rescribed d environmental expense pursuant to 0ection 3:3 hereof7 and
C. &he ermit ermitimplementing 8older shall comply wit with h pertinent provisions of the Act, these rules and regulations and such other
terms and conditions not inconsistent with the onstitution, the Act and these rules and regulations, as well as those which the concerned #egional 9irector/ rovincial !overnor/ity "ayor may deem to be for the national interest and public welfare.
peci%l Pe#$it& i&&ue) 0it/i! t/e P#o"i!ce o- P%$p%!,% •
CRAPING B o. 6* 6*B& B&*2 *2C C (D (D# #eha ehabil bilita itatio tion n of Agr Agricu icultu ltural ral Ean Eand d and roviding !uidelines &heretoF) 0cra 0c rapi ping ng ac acti tivi viti ties es ha have ve to be un unde dert rta aen en to reh ehab abil ilit itat ate e unproductive parcels parcels of lands and mae them productive ssued to farmers or private landowners (EILTING B o o.. 36*B *B& &*2 *2 C (D (D pe peni ning ng of al alll #ive verr h han anne nels ls for for 9esiltingF) s conducted to scrape o4 the sediments and transport the same out of silted waterways to prevent p revent imm imminent inent Gooding
(ENR Me$o#%!)u$ O#)e# No. 99+'3 Procedural Guidelines in the Processing and Issuance of Special Quarry Permit and Sand Gravel Permit to Extract Sand and Lahar Materials in the Mineral eservations eservations Established and !eclared "nder Proclamation Proclamation #o$ %% and &ther Lahar'()ected (reas in the Provinces of Pampanga* +arlac* and ,ambales
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