Graphic Design

May 30, 2016 | Author: mariajorey4429 | Category: N/A
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GRAPHIC DESIGN 1. SUMMARIZE briefly the main idea/ideas expressed in the introduction.

2. Complete the OUTLINE of the report on graphic design

3. READ the section about the History of Graphic design A-Decide whether the following statements are T or F and say why.  Advertising art, graphic design and fine arts are clearly different areas.  In advertising art the ultimate objective is art itself.  Graphic design is used to give shape to ideas.  Kelmscott Press made no money publishing graphic design products.  Kelmscott Press has been a paramount influence for 20th century graphic design.

B-Answer the following questions:

 What is one of the most important examples of design in modern times?  Why is Soviet Constructivism important in relation to graphic design?  Who are the fathers of modern graphic design? C-Find the word in the text that means:  Objects with no purpose, not effective activities.  To give support to an idea.  Person, organization or country that has a large amount of money and other valuable things. Rich.  Something difficult to see clearly.  Interesting enough to be mentioned.  Luxuriously, wonderfully  An event that marks an important stage in a process.  Someone who helps a person or organization by giving money.  Extremely bright and impressive.  Bringing a lot of money.  Happening or existing in many places.  To do something for the first time.  Strict, plain and not attractive.  Not new or original D-Translate the last paragraph of the modern history of Graphic Design.

4. READ the section about Uses. A-Which area of use are these words or expressions related to? 1. memorandum 2. presentation of facts

3. sell products and ideas 4. interactive communication 5. corporate identity 6. layout and format 7. books 8. branding 9. mood 10. illustrate theories and diagrams 11. readability 12. online branding 13. films 14. inform B-Write complete sentences using previously mentioned words and expressions. (USE OWN WORDS) C-Look for an antonym in the text: 1. worsening, deterioration 2. above 3. stupid, fool 4. ineffective 5. strange, unusual, weird 6. inaccessible 7. thoughtless

5. READ the last section about TOOLS. A-Write the main idea of each paragraph. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

B-Answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4.

What is the most important tool? Name other tools. Has computer killed traditional working methods? Make a list with the advantages and disadvantages of both computer and traditional methods. 5. Do all designers follow the same creative steps? 6. Explain one of the different creative methods designers use. 7. What does the text mean with ´ hybrid process´ ?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C-Translate the last paragraph.

6. AFTER READING ALL THE TEXT DO THE MULTIPLE-CHOICE EXERCISE: o In advertising art the ultimate objective is the sale a)of the product b)of a good design c)of an idea o A main feature of the work of Kelmscott Press is a)the selling of historical books c)the buying of historical books b)the use of historical styles in their books o In revolutionary Russia they created objects a)for individualistic purposes c)for buildings b)for practical purposes o Minimalism was a graphic design approach which

a)appeared in The USA and Europe b)appeared in Europe

c)appeared in the USA

o In graphic design a)only pictures can be shown c)only words can be shown b)pictures are used and words too. o a)Graphic design and web application must always be done by the same person. b)It´s never good to mix design and computer programming. c)There´s a debate about the fact that tasks between graphic designers and software engineers must be split up. o Traditional tools a)have completely disappeared in graphic design b)are commonly used to develop ideas c)are commonly used to finish a task o Working with computers a)is always the best c)is always a bad idea b)sometimes does not help designers - CHOOSE 10 words from the text that are new to you and write a description.

GRAPHIC DESIGN 1. SUMMARIZE briefly the main idea/ideas expressed in the introduction.

2. Complete the OUTLINE of the report on graphic design

graphic design history early

uses modern

tools entertainment

Creative mind






modern computer

journalism administration web

3. READ the section about the History of Graphic design A-Decide whether the following statements are T or F and say why.  Advertising art, graphic design and fine arts are clearly different areas. F  In advertising art the ultimate objective is art itself. F  Graphic design is used to give shape to ideas. T  Kelmscott Press made no money publishing graphic design products. F  Kelmscott Press has been a paramount influence for 20th century graphic design. T

B-Answer the following questions:  What is one of the most important examples of design in modern times? THE SIGNAGE OF THE LONDON UNDERGROUND  Why is Soviet Constructivism important in relation to graphic design?

 Who are the fathers of modern graphic design? C-Find the word in the text that means:  Objects with no purpose, not effective activities. USELESS  To give support to an idea. ESPOUSE  Person, organization or country that has a large amount of money and other valuable things. Rich. WEALTHY  Something difficult to see clearly. BLUR / BLURRY  Interesting enough to be mentioned. NOTABLE / SIGNIFICANT  Luxuriously, wonderfully. LAVISHLY  An event that marks an important stage in a process. MILESTONE  Someone who helps a person or organization by giving money. BENEFACTOR  Extremely bright and impressive. DAZZLING  Bringing a lot of money. LUCRATIVE  Happening or existing in many places. WIDESPREAD  To do something for the first time. TO PIONEER  Strict, plain and not attractive. SEVERE  Not new or original. STALE D-Translate the last paragraph of the modern history of Graphic Design.

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