November 13, 2017 | Author: Gadde Gopala Krishna | Category: Physical Sciences, Science, Chemistry, Nature
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FILE NO. IIT-777/66 (31/01/09) − VSSS.




IIT JEE – 2009 NARAYANA GRANDTEST-10 PAPER – I Ti m e: 3 hou rs

Max. Marks:207 DA TE : 02– 02 – 09

Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for this purpose. 12.


General: 1. This booklet is your Question Paper containing 48 questions. The booklet has ____ pages . 2. 3. 4. 5.


13. 14.

The question paper CODE is printed on the right hand top corner of this booklet. Blank papers, clipboards, log tables, slide rules, calculators, cellular phones, pagers, and electronic gadgets in any form are not allowed to be carried inside the examination hall. The answer sheet, a machine–readable Objective Response Sheet (ORS), is provided separately. DO NOT TAMPER WITH / MUTILATE THE ORS OR THE BOOKLET.

Filling the ORS 6. On the lower part of the ORS, write in ink, your Registration

15. 16.


Number in box L 1 ,Test No. in box L 2 ,Date in box L 3 ,Your Name in box L 4 ,Signature of the candidate in box L 5 ,Signature of Invigilator with name in box L 6 and Name of the Center in L 7 .Do not write these anywhere else. 7.

8. 9.

10. C.

Write your Registration No. in ink, in the box L 8 provided in the Upper part of the ORS and darken the appropriate bubble UNDER each digit of your Registration No. with a good quality HB pencil. The ORS has a CODE printed on its lower and upper parts. Make sure the CODE on the ORS is the same as that on this booklet and put your signature in ink in box L 5 on the ORS affirming that you have verified this. IF THE CODES DO NOT MATCH, ASK FOR A CHANGE OF THE BOOKLET.

Question paper format: 11. The question paper consists of 3 parts (Part I: Physics: Part II: Chemistry, Part III: Maths). Each part has 5 sections.

8.314 J K−1 mol−1 0.0821 Lit atm K−1 mol−1 1.987 ≈ 2 Cal K−1 mol−1 6.023 × 1023 6.625 × 10−34 J ⋅ s 6.625 × 10–27 erg ⋅ s

Marking Scheme: 17. For each questions in Section I, you will be awarded 3 marks if you have darkened only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer and zero mark if no bubble is darkened. In all other cases, minus one (–1) mark will be awarded. 18. For each question in Section II, you will be awarded +5 marks if you have darkened only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer and zero mark if no bubble is darkened.. In all other cases, minus one (–1) mark will be awarded 19. For each question in Section III, you will be awarded +4 marks if you darkened only the bubble corresponding to the correct answer and zero mark if no bubble is darkened. In all other cases, minus one (–1) mark will be awarded. 20. For each question in Section IV, you will be awarded +6 marks if you darkened all the bubble corresponding only to the correct answer. No negative mark will be awarded for an Incorrectly bubbled answer 21. For each question in Section V, you will be awarded +6 marks if you darkened all the bubble corresponding only to the correct answer. No negative mark will be awarded for an Incorrectly bubbled answer

Useful Data 1 Faraday 1 calorie 1 amu 1 eV

= = = =

96500 Coulomb 4.2 Joule 1.66 × 10–27 kg 1.6 × 10–19 J

Gas Constant


Avogadro's Number Planck’s constant

Na h

Atomic No:

H = 1, D = 1, Li = 3, Na = 11, K = 19, Rb = 37, Cs = 55, F = 9, Ca = 20, He = 2, O = 8, Au = 79, Ni = 28, Zn = 30, Cu = 29, Cl = 17, Br = 35, Cr = 24, Mn = 25, Fe = 26, S = 16, P = 15, C = 6, N = 7, Ag = 47. He = 4, Mg = 24, C = 12, O = 16, N = 14, P = 31, Br = 80, Cu = 63.5, Fe = 56, Mn = 55, Pb = 207, Au = 197, Ag = 108, F = 19, H = 1, Cl = 35.5, Sn = 118.6, Na = 23, D = 2, Cr = 52, K = 39, Ca = 40, Li = 7, Be = 4, Al = 27, S = 32.1

Atomic Masses:

= = = = = =

Section I contains 6 multiple choices questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which only one is correct. Section II contains 3multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which one or more answer/s is/ are correct. Section III contains 1 paragraph based upon paragraph 3 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which only one is correct. Section IV contains 2 subjective or numerical or ICR model type questions Section V contains 2 questions .each question contains statements given in 2 columns .Statement in the Column I have to be matched with the statement/s in the Column II. The answers to these questions have to be appropriately bubbled in the ORS as per the instructions given at the beginning of the section.





PART – I SECTION – I Straight Objective Type This section contains 6 multiple choice questions, numbered 1 to 6 .Each question has four choices (A),(B),(C) and (D),out of which ONLY ONE is correct. 1.

As shown in the figure, initially both the springs are in normal length ( L0 ) . At t = 0 , the block is given a rightward velocity v 0 = 2 m/s. the mass of the block is (14/3) kg. How much distance does the block cover before it comes to rest for the first time? (The spring constant of the left spring is k 0 = 2N / m and that of the right spring is not constant and varies as k = k 0 x, where x is the compression in the spring)

(A) 2 m 2.

(B) 1 m

(C) 3 m

(D) 4 m

Two identical rods of length l and mass m are welded together at right angles and then suspended from a knife−edge as shown. Angular frequency of small oscillation of the system in its own plane about the point of suspension is

(A) (C)

3g 4 2l 3g 2l

(B) (D)

3g 2 2l 3g 2l

Space for rough work

FILE NO. IIT-572/48 (30/12/2008) 3. A sonic source starts falling under gravity at time t = 0 towards detector lying on the ground vertically below it as shown. v = velocity of sound. If f0 is the frequency of the source, then the apparent frequency recorded by the detector corresponding to sound wave emitted at t = 1 sec is


 v 

(A) f0

(B) f0  ÷  v −g

 v + g (C) f0  ÷  v 

 v −g (D) f0  ÷  v 

Two parallel straight rails of negligible resistance are l apart. At one end they are connected with each other by a resistanceless wire as shown in figure. A uniform magnetic field of induction B exists in the space, normal to the plane of rails. An isosceles right angled triangle abc, made of a uniform wire of resistance λ per unit length slides along rails with constant velocity v. Force required to pull it, is:


B2 l υ



B2 l υ

2 +1

(B) λ 2 + 1 ( )

λ 2 2

B lυ 2

(C) λ 2 + 1 ( ) 5.


B2 l υ λ r

A particle moves in the x - y plane under the action of a force F such that the value of its linear r

momentum p at time t is: p x = 2cos t

(A) 900


r and py = 2sin t . The angle θ between F and p at time t will be:

(B) 00

(C) 1800

(D) 300





If the width of slit S in Young’s double slit experiment is gradually increased: (A) Bright fringes become brighter and dark fringes become darker. (B) Bright fringes become less bright dark fringes become less dark. (C) Bright fringes become brighter, dark fringes lighter. (D) Bright fringes become less bright, dark fringes darker.

SECTION – II Multiple Correct Answer Type This section contains 3 multiple choice questions, numbered 7 to 9. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONE OR MORE is/are correct. 7.

A gas in a container A is in thermal equilibrium with another gas of the same mass in container B. If corresponding pressures and volumes are denoted by the suffixes A and B, then which of the following statements is / are possible? (A) PA = PB ,VA ≠ VB (B) PA ≠ PB , VA = VB P


A B (C) V = V A B


(D) PA .VA = PB .VB

A conductor is made of an isotropic material (resistivity ρ has rectangular cross − section. Horizontal dimension of rectangle decreases linearly from 2x at one end to x at the other end and vertical dimension increases from y to 2y shown in figure. Length of the conductor along the axis is equal to l. A battery is connected across this conductor. Then:

) the as


(A) Resistance of the conductor is equal to 9xy (B) Rate of generation of heat per unit length ismaximum at middle cross − section. (C) Drift velocity of conduction electrons is minimum at middle section. (D) At the ends of the conductor, electric field intensity is same. 9.

Y and Z are two partially reflecting thin glass sheets, a distance l a part in air. White light falls normally on Y; the light emerging from Z is analysed by a spectrometer. dark band is observed in the spectrum at wavelength λ . Possible values of l is / are: (A) (C)

nλ 2 1 λ  n + 2  2  

(B) nλ 1  (D) n +  λ 






SECTION – III Linked Comprehension Type This section contain 1 paragraph. Based upon paragraph, 3 multiple choice questions, numbered 10 to 12. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct Paragraph for Questions Nos. 10 to 12 A block of mass M is kept in elevator (lift) which starts moving upward with constant acceleration ‘b’ as shown in figure. Initially elevator at rest. The block is observed by two observers A and B for a time interval t = 0 to t = T . Observer B is at rest with respect to elevator and observer A is standing on the ground.

10. The observer A finds that the work done by gravity on the block is 1 2

(A) − MgbT 2


1 2 2 Mg T 2

1 2

(C) − Mg2 T 2


1 MgbT 2 2


The observer A finds that work done by normal reaction acting on the block is 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 (A) 2 M ( g + b ) T (B) − 2 M ( g + b ) T (C) − 2 M ( g + b ) bT (D) 2 M ( g + b ) bT


According to observer B (A) The work done by gravity on the block is zero (B) The work done by normal reaction on the block is zero (C) The work done by pseudo force on the block is zero (D) All the above are correct.

Section – IV

Subjective /Numerical Type /ICR Model Type Questions This section contains 2 Subjective /Numerical Type /ICR Model Type Questions numbered 13 and 14.if your answer is
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