
September 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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あまり~ない (amari~nai)  (amari~nai)  

3. In limited situatio situations, ns, amari can be used used in affirmative sentences, too. In this case, it means ‘ very; too’ with a negative implication. Examples:


1. スコットが まり 失礼 なことを言うのでサリーは The very degree [ADV] of something is not great. (not) very much; (not) Examples

1. 鈴木さんは まり食べない べない。 。  Suzuki-san wa amari  tabenai   tabenai . (Miss Suzuki does not eat much.)

はや はし 2. 私は まり 速 く 走 れません。  Watashi wa amari  hayaku  hayaku hashiremasen.  hashiremasen.  (I cannot run very fast.)

Notes 1. The adverb amari  usually  usually occurs in negative sentences, meaning “not very (much)”.  (much)”. Amari   Amari  is  is one of a group of adverbs which co-occur with negative predicates. They include: zenzen  “(not) at all”‘;  zenzen all”‘;  mettani  “rarely, seldom”;  seldom”;  kesshite  “never, by no means”;  kesshite means”;  sappari  “(not) at all ‘;  ‘;   sukoshimo  “(not) a bit”;  sukoshimo bit”;  chittomo  “(not) a bit”  chittomo bit”  2.  Anmari  is  is a phonological variant of amari  and  and usually used in conversation.

おこ 怒 ってかえ 帰 ってしまった。  Sukotto ga amari  shitsureina  shitsureina koto o iu node Sari wa okotte kaette shimatta. shimatta. (Since Scott was very rude (lit. said very rude things), Sally got mad and went home.) さけ


2. 井上さんは まり 酒 を飲んだので 病気 になった。  Inoue-san wa amari  sake  sake o nonda node byōki   ni ni natta.   natta.  (Mr.Inoue drank too much and became ill.) 3. それは んまりです。  Sore wa anmari  desu.  desu.   (You’re too cruel.)  cruel.) 



あと あとで で (ato de)  de) 

4. 食事 の とでテニスをした。  Shokuji no ato de tenisu de tenisu o shita. (I played tennis after my meal.)

Some state or action takes place at a time (not always immediately) after another state or action has taken place. [CONJ] Formation   V-た + あとで  

た 食べたあとで   

N + あとで 

べんきょう 勉強 のあとで 




1. ご 飯 を食べた とですぐ 勉強 しました。  Gohan o tabeta ato de  de sugu benkyōshimashita.  benkyōshimashita.  (I studied right after I had eaten my meal.)

2. 山田さんはビールを飲んだ とで寝てしまった。  Yamada-san Yamadasan wa bīru o nonda  nonda  ato de nete de nete shimatta. (Mr. Yamada fell asleep after he drank beer.) 3.

せんそう もど 戦争 が終わった とで東京 東京に に 戻 りました。  Sensō ga owatta ato owatta ato de  de Tōkyō ni modorimashita.  modorimashita.  (I went back to Tokyo after the war ended.)

Notes The particle de may de may be omitted in informal speech.




Group 2 Verb V-stem れば 

た 食べれば   

Irregular Verb

く る  →  来 く れば  来 する  →  すれば   

Adj (i) Adj (i) stem ければ 

たか 高 ければ   

Adj (na) Adj (na) stem { なら(ば)/で  あれば} しずかなら(ば)/しずかで  あれば 


ば (ba) 

Noun N {なら(ば)/で  あれば}

せんせい せんせい 先生 なら(ば)/   先生 で  あれば 

A conjunction which indicates that the preceding clause expresses a condition.[CONJ] Formation   Group 1 Verb V-condition ば  

なは 話 せば 

Formation 1.  これは松本先生に聞けば分かります。  Kore wa Matsumoto-sensei ni kikeba kikeba wakarimasu.  wakarimasu. Matsumoto.) (You’ll understand it if you ask Prof. 2.  その町は車で行けば三十分で行ける。  Sono machi wa kuruma de ikeba ikeba sanjuppun  sanjuppun de ikeru. (You can get to that town in thirty minutes if you go by car.)



3.  安 ければ買います。  Yasukereba kaimasu.

(I’ll buy it if it’s cheap. / I would buy it if it were cheap.)  きょうと 時間が れば 京都 へも行きたい。

  4.  Jikan ga areba areba Kyoto  Kyoto e mo ikitai. (If I have time, I want to go to Kyoto, too. / If I had time, I would want to go to Kyoto, too.) 5.  見たければ見なさい。  Mitakereba minasai. (If you want to see it, see it.) 6.  出来ればこれもやってください Dekireba kore mo yatte kudasai. (Please do this, too, if you can.) Notes

” SI ba ba  S2 ” basically expresses a general conditional relationship between the two propositions represented by SI and S2. S1 represents a condition and S2 a proposition which holds or will hold true under the condition. (Ba ( Ba is,  is, in fact, the origin of the topic marker wa wa.) .)

場合 /ばあい (bāi)  Bāi is a noun that means ‘situation,’ but it Bāi  i t must be preceded by some modifier.[N]

1. 1.Preceded Preceded by konna konna,, sonna sonna,, or anna anna  

こんな場合はどうすればいいですか。  Konna bāi wa dō sureba ii desu ka.   What should I do in this case?

そんな場合は何もしなくてもいいです。   Sonna bāi wa nani mo shinakutemo ii desu. You do not need to do anything in such a case. 2. 2.Preceded Preceded by (adjectival) noun + no  no 

きんきゅう 緊急 の場合はこのボタンを押して下さい。   Kinkyū no bāi wa kono botan o oshite kudasai. In case of emergency, push this button.

あくてんこう ちゅうし 悪天候 の場合は 中止 します。  Akutenkō no bāi wa chūshi shimasu.  If the weather is bad (In case of bad weather), we will cancel it. 3. 3.Preceded Preceded by adjectival nouns + na/no/datta/ja nai/ja nakatta  nakatta 

しゅうり かのう みつ れんらく 修理 が 可能 な場合(は)見積もりを 連絡 ください。  Shūri ga kanō na bāi (wa) mitsumori o renraku kudasai.   If repair is possible, tell me an estimated sum.

修理が可能じゃない 場合(は)リサイクルします。  Shūri ga kanō ja nai bāi (wa) risaikuru shimasu. If repair is not possible, I will recycle it. 4. 4.Preceded Preceded by verbs in the dictionary, tata- , , or nainai- form  form

もう こ しょるい ていしゅつ 申 し込む場合(は)あさってまでに 書類 を 提出 してください。  Mōshimomu bāi (wa) asatte madeni shorui o teishutsu shite kudasai. If you apply, please hand in the papers by the day after tomorrow.

Formation and examples


と りょう ひつよう ホテルに泊まらない場合(は)キャンセル 料 が 必要 です。  Hoteru ni tomaranai bāi (wa) kyanseruryō ga hitsuyō desu.   If you do not stay at the hotel, a cancellation charge will be demanded.

only, just, simply, as much as, as . . . as The focus particle dake follows nouns, particles, phrases, and clauses to mean ‘just.’ It can form an  adverbial phrase, or it can end a sentence along with a linking verb da/desu da/desu.[PRT] .[PRT]

(followed by dewa/ja nai , meaning “is “ is not the time to do”)   今そんなことを言っている場合ではない。 

Formation and examples

Ima sonna koto o itte iru bāi dewa nai. Now is not the time to say such matters.

1. After nouns  nouns 

あい あなただけを 愛 しています。   dake o dake  o aishite imasu. IAnata love only you.

それができるのは太郎 だけです。  Sore ga dekiru no wa Tarō  dake dake desu.  desu. Taro is the only one who can do it. 2. After particles  particles  

はな あなたとだけ 話 したい。  Anata dake hanashitai.  hanashitai. I wantto todake talk just with you (alone).

ねこ おきなわ その 猫 は 沖縄 にだけいます。   Sono neko wa Okininawa ni dake dake imasu.  imasu. That cat lives only in Okinawa. 3. After number + counter  counter 

ちち のこ つか 父 はお金は1万円だけ 残 して して、す 、すべて べて 使 ってしまった。  

だけ (dake) 

Chichi wa o-kane wa ichiman-en dake dake nokoshite,  nokoshite, subete tsukatte


shimatta. My father used up all of his money, leaving just 100 yen.


いっぱい かえ コーヒ コーヒーを ーを 一杯 だけ飲ん 飲んで、 で、 帰 りました。  Kōhī o ippai dake dake nonde,  nonde, kaerimashita.

Kore wa takai dake dake desu.  desu. Amari yoku arimasen. This is just expensive. It’s not so good.   6. After verbs and adjectives in the nai- form, followed by da/desu da/desu  

He left after having just onein cup coffee. 4. After verbs/adjectives theofdictionary form and (adjectival) nouns + na na  

きら です。 。 嫌 いじゃありません。  彼とはあまり話をしないだけです

明日またできるだけ早くここに来て下さい。  Asu mata dekiru dake dake hayaku  hayaku koko ni kite kudasai. Please come here again tomorrow as soon as you can.

ほしいだけ飲んでけっこうです。  Hoshii dake dake  nonde kekkō desu.  You can drink as much as you want. 好きなだけ食べて下さい。  Suki na dake dake tabete  tabete kudasai. Please eat as much as you like.

ゆうめい せいじか 彼は 有名 なだけでたいした政治家 ではありません。  Kare wa yūmei na dake dake de  de taishita seijika dewa arimasen. He is merely famous, and not much of a politician.

べんきょう がくせい 彼は 勉強 ができ ができる る 学生 なだけです。  dake desu.  desu. Kare wa benkyō ga dekiru gakusei na  dake He is just a student who is academically strong. 5. After verbs and adjectives in the dictionary form, followed by da/desu da/desu  

私はここで人を待っているだけです。  Watashi wa kokode hito o matte iru dake dake desu.  desu. I am only waiting for somebody here.

Kare to wa amari hanshi o shinai dake dake desu.  desu. Kirai ja arimasen.

I simply don’t talk with him so often. I don’t mean I dislike him.   いじょう 言いたくないだけです です。そ 。それ れ 以上 聞かないで下さい。  Iitakunai dake dake  desu. Sore ijō kikanaide kudasai.   I just don’t want to say it. Don’t ask me anymore.   7. After verbs and adjectives in the ta- form, followed by da/desu da/desu  

ここにこれを見に来た だけです。  Koko ni kore o mi ni kita dake dake desu.  desu. I just came here to see this.

ねむ 少し 眠 かっただけです。どうもすみません。  Sukoshi nemukatta dake dake  desu. Dōmo sumimasen. 

I was just a little sleepy. I’m sorry.  



出す (dasu)  abruptly begin (doing something), (do something) and take out, (do something) and go out Dasu is Dasu  is attached at the end of a verb in the combining form, and means ‘to  abruptly start doing something, to do something to bring out some result or item, or to do something and move out from somewhere.’.[AUX]  

Formation and examples 1. To abrupty start doing something  

とちゅう 駅に行く 途中 みぞれが降り 出した。  Eki ni iku tochū mizore ga furidashita. Sleet began to fall on my way to the train station.

かぜ ふ 夜に 夜になっ なって て 風 がひどく吹き出した。  Yoru ni natte kaze ga hidoku fuki dashita. When night came, it began to blow hard.


すわ す 彼は 座 ってたばこを吸い出した。  Kare wa suwatte tabako o sui dashita. He sat down and began to smoke.


からないから いから 困 る。  彼女は何を言い出すか分からな

Kanojo wa nani o ii dasu ka wakaranai kara komaru. I’m in difficulties because I can’t imagine what she will start to say.

2. To do something and bring out something or result  

と 彼はケースから何か取り出した。  Kare wa kēsu kara nanika tori dashita. He took something out of his case.

たんまつき ひ このカードでコンビニの 端末機 からお金を引き出すことができる。   Kono kādo de konbini no tanmatsu ki kare okane o hikidasu koto ga dekiru. With this card you can withdraw money from a terminal in convenience stores.

かいけつさく み いい 解決 解決策 策 を見つけ出した。  Ii kaiketsusaku o mitsukedashita. I found out a great solution. s olution. 3. To do something and move out from somewhere 


じゅぎょう ぬ

私は 学生 時代 によ によく く 授業 を抜け出した。  Watashi wa gakusei jidai ni yoku jugyō o nukedashita. I would often skip out of classes when I was a student.

でも (demo)  even, in spite of, any . . . , something, anything The particle demo can follow a noun to show that the item

denoted by the noun is some kind of example, meaning ‘. . . or something,’ or the least expected item, meaning ‘even. . . .’ It may follow a particle associated with the noun except when the particle is ga is ga or  or o.[PRT]

Formation and examples 1. After (adjectival) nouns  

コーヒーでも飲みたいです。  Kōhī  demo nomitai desu. I’d like to drink coffee or something.  something. 


おとな かんじ し 大人 でもその漢字 を知らない人がいます。   Otona demo sono kanji o shiranai hita ga imasu. There are even some grownups who don’t know that kanji.  kanji. 

はたら 彼は日曜日でもとき ときどき どき 働 きます。  Kare wa Nichiyōbi demo tokidoki hatarakimasu. hatarakimasu.   He sometimes works even on Sundays.

よてい まつ かいさい 雨でも 予定 通り 祭 りを 開催 します。   Ame demo yotei dōri matsuri matsuri o kaisai shimasu.  shimasu.  They will hold the festival according to schedule even if it is rainy. 2. After some particles  

てんき とうきょう ふじさん 天気 のいい のいい日には 日には 東京 からでも富士山が見えます。  Tenki no ii hi ni wa Tōkyō kara  kara demo Fuji san ga miemasu. Even from Tokyo, Mt. Fuji can be seen when the weather is fine.

でございます (de gozaimasu) 


de gozaimasu is a humble (honorific expression) equivalent of desu desu.[TOBE] .[TOBE]

ほ 彼はもっといい車を欲しがっています。 


Kare wa motto ii kuruma o hoshigatte imasu. He wants a better car. 2. Used with adjectives that express emotions 

A:もしもし。 ABCびょういんで  ございます。 

ば けの話をこわがります。  子供はすぐお化

B:Bと  もうしますが、たなかさんは もうしますが、たなかさんは   いらっしゃいますか。 

Kodomo wa sugu obake no hanashi o kowagarimasu. Children are easily scared by ghost stories.

A:moshimoshi. ABC Byōin de gozaimasu. gozaimasu. B:B to mōshimasu ga, tanaka -sa wa irasshaimasuka.

しつれん こな 彼女は 失恋 して今悲しがっています。  彼女は

A: Hello, ABC Hospital residence. B: This is B. Is Mr./Ms. Tanaka there?

Kanojo wa shitsuren shite ima konashi gatte imasu. She had a broken heart, and now she is grieving.

しゃちょう こちらは らは 社長 の山田でございます。  こち

3. Used with adjectives that express sensations  あのけが人はひどく痛 がっています。 

kochira wa shachou no yamada de gozaimasu. gozaimasu. This is president Yamada

 Ano keganin wa hidoku ita itagatte imasu. That injured person looks to be in terrible pain.

彼はとても寒がっています。  Kare wa totemo samugatte imasu. He is very sensitive to cold.

   (garu) The suffix garu  can be attached to the root of adjectives that suffix garu can がる

4. After adjective phrases made of verbs and -tai   彼女はヨーロッパに行きた がっています。 

express psychological states such as desires, emotions, e motions, and sensations and create a verb that means ‘to show the signs of. . . .’.[SUFF] 

Kanojo wa Yōroppa ni ikitagatte imasu. She is eager to visit Europe.

Examples 1. Used with adjectives that express desires 

太郎さんはあなたにとても会いたがっていました。  Tarō san wa anata ni totemo aitagatte imashita. It looked like Taro longed to see you.



がする (ga suru)  がする

to affect the senses (to taste, to smell of, to feel like, to give the sensation of etc.) [SUFF]

Formation Noun + がする  Examples

となり いえ 隣 の 家 でピアノの音がしている。  tonari no ie de piano no oto ga shiteiru. There’s a sound of piano coming from the house next door.


ごろ (goro)  The suffix goro suffix goro follows  follows a noun that specifies a point in time, and

means ‘approximately,’ ‘about,’ or ‘around.’ The particle ni may or may not be used after goro after goro , , but the presence of ni ni stresses  stresses the time phrase.[SUFF]

Formation Noun + ごろ 

Ii nioi ga suru. Smells good.

Examples 1. After specific time expressions  

へん あじ このピザは このピザ は 変 な 味 がします。 


Kono piza wa hen na aji ga shimasu. This pizza tastes weird.

へや この部屋はガスのにおいがする。  Kono heya wa gasu no nioi ga suru. This room smells of gas.

Watashi wa kesa wa shichi ji goro (ni) okimashita. I got up about seven o’clock this morning.  morning.  十日頃(に)もう一度会って話しましょう。  Tōka  goro (ni) mō ichido atte hanashimashō.  Tōka hanashimashō.  Let us meet again around the 10th and talk about it. 2. After itsu itsu or  or nan ji  

その橋はいつごろ出来上がりますか。  Sono hashi wa itsu goro dekiagarimasu ka.  About when will that bridge be completed?


何時頃(に)伺いましょうか。   Nan ji goro (ni) ukagaimashō ka.  ka.   At about what time shall I call on you?

ございます (gozaimasu)  to be, to exist (the polite form of いる/ある)

Formation いる/ある = ござる  Examples

うけつけ 受付 はこちらでございます。  

始め 始める る (hajimeru)   JLPT N4 Grammar List The verb hajimeru can serve as an auxiliary verb, following other verbs in the combining form, to mean ‘to ‘ to start …ing.’[AUX] 

Uketsuke wa kochira de gozaimasu. The reception desk is this this way.

Formation Verb-stem + 始める 

よやく そのお客様は予約 がございますか?  


Sono okyaku-sama wa yoyaku ga gozaimasu? Does the customer have a reservation?

ともだち べんきょう 私の 友達 も最 も最近日本 近日本語を 語を 勉強 し始めました。  Watashi no tomodachi mo saikin Nihongo o benkyō shihajimemashita shihajimemashita.. My friend also began to study Japanese recently.


じゅうどう 来月からヨ らヨガと ガと 柔道 を習い始めます。  来月か hajimemasu.. Raigetsu kara yoga to jūdō o narai hajimemasu I will start learning yoga and judo beginning next month.

→ See  See ni chigai nai, mitai da , and  yō  yō da  da .) Hazufollows words, phrases, or clauses and creates a new no-type adjectival noun. Formations & Examples 1. After adjectival nouns + na/no 


かいわい この 界隈 はにぎやかなはずです。

Minna wa itadakimasu to itte tabehajimemashita tabe hajimemashita..

  Kono kaiwai wa nigiyaka na hazu desu. This neighborhood is supposed to be bustling.

Everyone said “let’s eat” and started eating.  

びょうき 彼は 病気 のはずです。  Kare wa byōki no  no hazu desu. He is supposed to be sick. 2. After nouns + no 

彼女は今 がくせいの 学生 のはずです。  彼女は今がくせい Kanojo wa ima gakusei no hazu desu. I’m I’m sure  sure she is a student now. 3. After (adjectival) nouns + ja +  ja nai, datta, or ja nakatta 

はず はずだ だ (hazu da)   JLPT N4 Grammar List to be supposed/expected to (do), be sure to (do), ought to (do)…[PREDICATIVE PHRASE]  Hazu is an unsubstantial noun that roughly means ‘the case that is supposedly true.’ It can be placed at the end of a sentence followed by da or desu to mean ‘it is supposed to be the case that. . . .’ It is used when the speaker draws a conclusion based on the circumstantial evidence or preexisting understandings. (

から 彼は 辛 いものが好きじゃない はずです。  Kare wa karai mono ga suki ja nai hazu desu. I suppose that he does not like hot spicy foods. 4. After verbs and adjectives in the dictionary form  

つ 彼はもうすぐここに着 くはずです。  Kare wa mō sugu koko ni tsuku  tsuku hazu desu. He is supposed to arrive here soon.

きゅう やす このカメ このカメラは ラは 旧 タイプ タイプだから だからもっ もっと と 安 いはずです。  Kono kamera wa kyū taipu dakara motto yasui  yasui hazu desu. This camera ought to be much cheaper because it’s an old type.


5. After verbs and adjectives in the nai – form 

彼女はそんなことをしないはずだ。  Kanojo wa sonna koto o shinai hazu desu. I don’t expect that she is going to do such a thing.  thing.   6. After verbs and adjectives in the ta ta-form -form 


たんじゅん 彼がそん 彼が そんな な 単純 なミスをした はずがない。 

とき 私は 私はその その 時 そう言ったはずです。 

Kare ga sonna tanjun na misu o shita hazu hazu ga  ga nai.  nai.  He cannot have made such a simple mistake.

Watashi wa sono toki sō itta  itta hazu desu. I’m sure I told you so at that time. time.   7. Before the particle no that precedes a noun  

ちょうきょり 長距離 バスがまだ来ていない はずがない。 

し 死んだはずの人がどうしてここにいるんですか。 

Chōkyori basu Chōkyori  basu ga mada kite inai hazu hazu ga  ga nai.  nai.  It is impossible that the long-distance bus has not arrived yet. (The long-distance bus should have already arrived.)

Shinda hazu no hito ga dōshite koko ni iru n desu ka?  ka?  

はなし ほんとう 彼の 話 が 本当 のはずがない。 

Why is the person who was supposed to be dead here?

Kare no hanashi ga hontō hontō no  no hazu hazu ga  ga nai.  nai.  His story cannot be true.

かね もう そんなに なにお お 金 が 儲 かるはずがありますか。  そん Sonna ni okane ga mōkaru mōkaru  hazu hazu ga  ga arimasu ka.  ka.  Is it possible that one would make so much money?

むず もんだい しょうがくせい そんな 難 しい 問題 は 小学生 ができるはずがない。  

はずがない (hazu ga nai) 

Cannot be; it’s impossible that…[PREDICATIVE PHRASE]  

Sonna muzukashii mondai wa shougakusei ga dekiru d ekiru hazu hazu ga  ga nai.  nai. 

There’s no way an elementary school student can answer such a difficult question.


Verb-casual + はずがない 


Noun + のはずがない 


いadj + はずがない  なadj + なはずがない 



必要 (hitsuyou)


 JLPT N4 Grammar List Need; necessary [N/ADJ]

Formations 



Verb-dictionary form + 必要がある  Noun + が必要だ 


Noun + が欲しい 

The adjective hoshii is used for expressing one’s desire for f or items. The understood object (the item one wants) is marked by the particle ga.

This adjective is used for expressing the first person’s desire or asking the second person’s desire. For expressing the third person’s desire, hoshii must be followed by gatte iru i ru or sō da as in hoshigatte iru or hoshisō da. This is because hoshii express es the

しは う ぎんこうこうざ ひら ひつよう 支払いを受けるため けるために に 銀行口座 を 開 く   必要 がある。 

inner desire.

Shiharai wo ukerutameni ginkoukouza wo hiraku hitsuyou hitsuyou ga  ga aru.   You need to open an account at a bank to t o receive the payment.

To express one’s desire for his/her own actions rather than items,

しあい ちか れんしゅう ひつよう 試合 が 近 い。 練習 が   必要 だよ!  Shiai ga chikai. renshuu ga hitsuyou hitsuyou da  da yo.  The match is near. We need to practice!

すこ かんが じかん ひつよう 少 し 考 える時間 が   必要 です。  Sukoshi kangaeru jikan ga hitsuyou hitsuyou desu.  desu.  I need a bit of time to consider.

欲しい い (hoshii)  欲し  JLPT N4 Grammar List

do not use hoshii, but use the suffix tai right after the verb that expresses the action. Examples

ほ わたしはパソコンが欲しいです。  Watashi wa pasokon ga hoshii  desu.   desu.  I want a computer.

ほ 今何が欲しいんですか。  Ima ga hoshii   now? n desu ka.  ka.  Whatnani do you want  n

Want   (someone to do something) [AUX] Formations

Want [ADJ]

Verb-て + ほしい 


The auxiliary adjective hoshiisomeone follows verbs theThe te-form and expresses what    one wants else toindo. Th e person who performs the action is marked by the particle ni.


To express what one does not want the person to do, use the verb in the nai-form followed by the particle de Examples

Formations いる/来る/行く => いらっしゃる  Verb-てform + いらっしゃる 

あに はたら ほ 私は 兄 にもう少 にもう少しまじめ しまじめに に 働 いて欲しいんです。 

The auxiliary verb irassharu is the honorific version of the

Watashi wa ani ni mō mō sukoshi  sukoshi majime ni hataraite hoshii  n  n desu.  desu.  I want my brother to work a bit more seriously.

auxiliary verb iru . It is than an u-verb, but its masu-form irassharimasu is irasshaimasu  rather . Examples

てつだ ちょっと手伝 って欲しいんですが。 


Chotto tetsudatte hoshii  n  n desu ga.  ga.  I want you to help me for a while.

Nani o kaite irassharu irassharu n  n desu ka.  What are you writing?

行かないで欲しいです。 彼も行かないで欲しそうです。 

がっこう 先生、何時まで 学校 にいらっしゃいますか。 

hoshii Kare mo ikanaide  desu.   desu. IIkanaide don’t want youdesu. to go. He also seems to hoshisō want you not to go.  

Sensei, nanji made gakkou ni irasshaimasu irasshaimasu ka.  ka.  Teacher, what time will you remain at school?

こうちょうせんせい としょかん 校長先生 は 図書館 にいらっしゃいます。  Kouchou sensei wa toshokan ni irasshaimasu irasshaimasu..  The headmaster is in the library.

いらっしゃる (irassharu) 

いたす いたす (itasu) 

The polite form of いる, 来る, 行く. Be . . . ing, have (done), be (done), have been . . . ing [AUX]

to do (the polite form of する) [VERB]



する  いたします  お/ご + Verb-stem + いたします  You use いたす to say that you yourself will do something. Examples

しごと この仕事 はわたしがいたします。  Kono shigoto wa watashi ga itashimasu itashimasu..  I’ll do this job.  job. 

せき あんない お 席 にご 案内 いたします。  oseki ni goannai itashimasu itashimasu..  I’ll take you to your seat.  seat.  

Formations Phrase + じゃないか  Examples

今日はよほどよさそうじゃないか!  You look really better today!   Kyou wa yohodo yosasou janai ka.

いいじゃないか。  Isn’t  it  it great?   Ii janai ka.

顔色が悪いね。疲れているん じゃないか。  You look pale. You are tired, aren’t  you?   you?   Kaoiro ga warui ne. Tsukarete irun janai ka.

にもつ らいしゅう げつようび とど はわたし たしが が 来週 の 月曜日 にお 届 けいたします。  荷物 はわ Nimotsu wa watashi ga raishuu no getsuyoubi ni otodoke itashimasu itashimasu..  I’ll send the luggage next Monday. Monday.  

じゃないか (janai ka)  right?; isn’t it? 

かどうか (ka dou ka) 


 JLPT N4 Grammar List whether or not.

Formations Noun + かどうか 

かい (kai) 

いadj + かどうか 

Use かい to turn a sentence into a yes/no question.

Verb-casual + かどうか 

なadj + かどうか  Examples

Formations Verb-casual + かい 

かれ 彼 が来るかどうか分からない。 

Noun + なのかい 

Kare wa kuru ka dou ka wakaranai.  wakaranai. 

いadj + かい 

It isn’t certain whether he will come or not.   おいしいかどうか食べなければわからない。 

なadj + なのかい 

You won’t  know  know if it’s good it’s good or not until you taste it.  it.   Oishii ka dou ka tabenakereba wakaranai.


しんぱいごと 心配事 があるのかい?  Shinpai goto ga aru no kai .  Anything worrying you?

だいじょうぶ 大丈夫 かい?  Daijoubu kai .  Are you alright?

おれのせいだと思うかい?  Ore no sei da to omou kai .  You think this is all my fault?


はな なに 話 してくれるかい?い ?いった ったい い 何 があったんだ?  Hanashite kureru kai . ittai nani ga attan da.  da.  What’s the story? What’s been happening?  

お まだ終わってないの かい? 

Mada owatte nai no kai .  Aren’t you finished yet? 

てき あそこに あそこに 敵 がいるのが見えないの かい?   Asoko ni teki ga iru no ga mienai no kai . 

Can’t you see the there’s an enemy over there? 

かもしれない (kamoshirenai)  may, might, possibly  [PREDICATIVE PHRASE] Kamoshirenai or its polite form, kamoshiremasen kamoshiremasen,, can be placed at the end of a clause and shows that the statement expressed by the clause is “possibly” true. 

Examples 1. After (adjectival) nouns (+ na no) no)  When the particle no is used, the noun must be followed by na.

かんたん 日本語はあなたに あなたには は 簡単 (なの) かもしれません。  日本語は Nihongo wa anata ni wa kantan (na no) kamoshiremasen kamoshiremasen..  The Japanese language might be easy for you.

やさ 田中さんは 田中さん は 優 しい人(なの) かもしれませんね。  Tanaka san wa yasahii hito (na no) kamoshiremasen kamoshiremasen ne.  ne.   Mr. Tanaka may be a kind person. 2. After (adjectival) nouns (+ ja (+  ja nai , datta datta,, or ja or ja nakatta (+ nakatta  (+ no no)) ))  

ねこ こども あれは 猫 じゃないかもしれない。トラの子供 かもしれない。   Are wa neko ja nai kamoshirenai. Tora no kodomo kamoshirenai .  That one may not be a cat. It may be a tiger’s baby. 

ゆめ あれは 夢 だった (の) かもしれない。   Are wa yume datta (no) kamoshirenai .  That might have been a dream. 3. After verbs and adjectives in the dictionary form (+ no) no) 

ごご ゆき 明日は午後 雪 が降るかもしれないでしょう。 


 Asu wa gogo yuki ga furu kamoshirenai  deshō. deshō.   It may snow tomorrow.

Verb-casual + かもしれない 

彼の言うことが正しい (の) かもしれません。 

Noun + かもしれない 

Kare no iu koto ga tadashii (no) kamoshiremasen kamoshiremasen..  Possibly what he says is right.

いajd + かもしれない  なadj + かもしれない 


こじんじょうほう ぬす 知らな 知らない間に い間に 個人情 個人情報 報 を 盗 まれるかもしれません。  Shiranai aida ni kojin jōhō kojin jōhō o  o nusumareru kamoshiremasen kamoshiremasen..  Our identity may be stolen without our knowing it. 4. After verbs and adjectives in the nai-form (+ no no)) 

彼は一緒に行かない (の) かもしれない。  Kare wa isshoni ikanai (no) kamoshirenai .  He may not go together (with us).

にゅういん 入院 しなければならないかもしれない。  Nyūin shinakereba Nyūin  shinakereba naranai kamoshirenai .  I may have to be hospitalized. 5. After verbs and adjectives in the ta-form (+ no no)) 

その方がよかった (の) かもしれません。  Sono hō hō ga  ga yokatta (no) kamoshiremasen kamoshiremasen..  It might have been better.

彼女はもう帰った (の) かもしれない。  Kanojo wa mō kaetta mō kaetta (no) kamoshirenai .  She may have already gone back home.

かな (kana)  I wonder if . . .  [PRT] Kana is Kana  is added at the end of a sentence in an informal style when the speaker is unsure about the status of the th e statement. It can be replaced by kashira kashira in  in a female speech.

Formations Sentence + かな 


  Examples 1. After verbs and adjectives in the dictionary, nai -, -, and ta–  form 

でんしゃ ま あ 電車 に間 に合うかな 。  . Densha ni maniau kana I wonder if I can catch the train. かのじょ い 彼女 はもう行ったかな。  Kanojo wa mō itta  itta kana. I wonder if she has gone already.

これでいいかな。  Kore de ii kana. I wonder if this is all right.

これでよかったかな。  Kore de yokatta kana. I wonder if this has been all right.

まど 窓 を開けてもいい かな。  Mado o aketemo ii kana. I wonder if it’s okay to open the window? window?   2. After (adjectival) noun (+ na no) no) 

先生は元気(なの)かな。  Sensei wa genki (na no) kana. I wonder if my teacher is fine.

これは誰の鞄(なの)かな。  Kore wa dare no kaban (na no) kana. I wonder whose bag this is.

かた (kata)  method/way, person[N] Kata is Kata  is syntactically a noun but cannot be used by itself. It means either “method” or “person”.  



Indicates that you are not sure about something. “Kashira(かしら Formations

)” is used only by women. 

Verb-ますstem + かた (方) Examples 1. Following a verb in the combining form to mean “method”  or “way” 

Formations かしら Phrase +   Examples

ひらがなとカタカナの 書き方を教えて下さい。  


Hiragana to katakana no kakikata kakikata o  o oshiete kudasai. Please teach me how to write hiragana and katakana

Kore wa dare no kuruma kashira. I wonder whose car this is.

日本語の勉強の仕方が分かりません。   shikata ga  ga wakarimasen. Nihongo no benkyō no shikata


I don’t know how to study Japanese.   子供みたいなしゃべり方や食べ方をしないように。  Kodomo mitai na shaberikata shaberikata ya  ya tabekata tabekata  o shinai yōni.  Don’t talk or eat like a kid.   2. Preceded by a demonstrative adjective to mean “person” 

この方はどなたですか。  Kono kata kata wa  wa donata desu ka. Who is this person?

あの方は本当にきれいな方ですね。  Ano kata wa hontō ni kirei na  kata kata desu  desu ne. That person is a truly beautiful person.

かしら (kashira)  かしら I wonder… 

Kare wa honki kashira kashira.. I wonder if he is serious.


Densha ni maniau kashira kashira.. I wonder if I can catch the train.


こと (koto) 

Suki na koto o suru beki desu. You should do what you like. 

[Noun & nominalizer] Thing (in the abstract sense), … ing, i ng,  to

病気のことを心配しているのでしょう。  Byōki no koto o shinpai shite iru no deshō. 

(do), (the fact) that

(He/She) must be worried about his/her illness. 

Koto is an abstract noun that means ‘thing,’ ‘fact,’ ‘fa ct,’ ‘occasions,’ or ‘matter.’ As an unsubstantial noun, it also functions as a nominalizer following clauses, so the latter can occur in a position where only nouns can occur in a sentence. Certain verbs that

express mental activities such as shiru ‘to know’ and nozomu ‘hope’ need a clause followed by koto or no to complete their meanings.

Examples 1. Used by itself  

あいつはことの重大さが ( or を) わかっていない。  Aitsu wa koto koto no  no jūdaisa ga (or o) wakatte inai. He does not understand the gravity of the matter.  2. After nouns + no

4. After verbs and adjectives in the dictionary form  form  

今日はすることがたく  さんあります。  Kyō wa suru koto ga takusan arimasu. I have a lot of things to do today. 

見ることは信じることです。  Miru koto wa shinjiru koto desu. Seeing is believing. 

よく休むことが必要です。  Yoku yasumu koto ga hitsuyō desu. It is necessary (for you) to get enough rest. 

彼女のことはよく知っています。  日本は地震が多いことはよく知られている。 Kanojo no koto wa yoku shitte I know her circumstances well. imasu. (I know her h er well.) 

  Nihon wa jishin ga ōi koto wa yoku shirarete iru. That earthquakes are frequent in Japan is well known. 

父のことを考えていました。 父のことが心配です。  Chichi no koto o kangaete imashita. Chichi no koto ga shinpai desu. I was thinking about my father. I am very worried about him.  

世の中が平和になることを期待します。  Yononaka ga heiwa ni naru koto o kitai shimasu. I hope that the world will be peaceful.  5. After verbs and adjectives in the nai-form  nai-form  

3. After adjectival nouns + na/no  na/no  


分からないことが沢山ありますので, 色々教えてください。 

Wakaranai koto ga takusan arimasu node, iroiro oshiete kudasai.


There are so many things I do not know (around here), so please teach (or help) me. 

simpler way of expressing one’s potential is to use verbs in the potential form. (→ See Potential form under Verbs.) Formations

6. After verbs and adjectives in the ta-form  ta-form  

V る/ V ない + ことができる 

花子さんがヨーロッパに行ったことを知っていますか。  Hanako san ga Yōroppa ni itta koto o shitte imasu ka.

Examples 1. After verbs in the dictionary form  form  

Did you know that Hanako has gone to Europe? 



Gogo san ji made ni kuru koto ga dekimasu ka. ka. Are you able to come by 3 p.m.? 

Watashi ga itta koto o kare ni tsutaete kudasai. Please tell him what I’ve said. (Note that the above koto is used differently, and it indicates the


contents of statement.)  7. After declarative statement (used as a command form)  form)  

敷地内に入らないこと。  Shikichi nai ni hairanai koto. koto.  enter the premises.   Don’t  enter

Watashi wa amari kanji o kaku koto ga dekimasen. dekimasen. I cannot write many Chinese characters.  

飛行機の予約を取ることができました。  Hikōki no yoyaku o toru koto ga dekimashita. dekimashita. I was able to make a plane reservation.  2. After verbs in the nai-form  nai-form  


ことができる (koto ga dekiru)  Can (do), to be able to (do) Koto ga dekiru consists of koto (nominalizer), ga (subject particle), and dekiru (verb) and expresses one’s potential,

meaning ‘to be able to do such and such.’ (→ See koto and dekiru.) Koto ga dekiru directly follows verbs in the dictionary form. A

Himitsu o morasanai koto ga dekimasu ka. ka . Can you keep (from letting out) a secret?



Mitai can be placed at the end of a sentence to express supposition based on what the speaker has h as seen or heard and also slightly based on what he/she has guessed.


までに に (made ni)  まで By (the time when…), before  The combination of the particles made and ni expresses the deadline or due date.

Noun + (だった)みたい(だ)  Verb-casual + みたい(だ)  いadj + みたい(だ)  なadj + (だった)みたい(だ)  Examples 1. After (adjectival) nouns (+ ja nai, datta, ja nakatta)  nakatta) 

Formations N + までに 

あの人は店員みたいですよ。ちょっと聞きましょうか。  Ano hito wa tenin mitai mitai desu  desu yo. Chotto kikimashō ka. That person seems to be a store clerk. Let’s ask him. 

V る + までに  Examples


今週の終わりまでにこの仕事を終えなければなりません。  Konshū no owari made ni kono ni kono shigoto o oenakereba narimasen.

Ano hito wa kekkon suru mae ni furaito atendanto datta mitai mitai desu  desu yo. It appears that she was a flight attendant before getting married.  

I have to finish this work by the end of this week.  

彼女が来るまでに用意しておきましょう。  Kanojo ga kuru made ni yōi shite okimashō.  Let’s be prepared by the time she comes. 

みたい (mitai)  みたい like . . . , seem to, look like

この電子辞書は便利みたいですから, 買いましょう。  Kono denshi jisho wa benri mitai mitai desu  desu kara, kaimashō.  This electronic dictionary appears to be convenient, so let’s buy it.  2. After verbs and adjectives in the dictionary form  form  

彼女は疲れている みたいだ。  Kanojo wa to tsukarete mitai da.  da. She seems be tired.iru   mitai



あの先生は厳しいみたいですよ。  Ano sensei wa kibishii mitai mitai desu  desu yo. It appears that that professor is very strict.  3. After verbs and adjectives in the nai-form  nai-form   彼女はすもうに興味がわかないみたいです。  Kanojo wa sumō ni kyōmi ga wakanai mitai desu.   It looks like she doesn’t take interest in sumo wrestling.  wrestling.   4. After verbs and adjectives in the ta-form  ta-form  

彼は日本語の試験に合格したみたいです。  Kare wa Nihongo no shiken ni gōkaku shita mitai mitai desu.  desu. He seems to have passed the Japanese exam. 

パーティーは楽しかったみたいです。  mitai desu.  desu. Pātī wa tanoshikatta mitai It seems that the party was fun.  5. To form adjectival nouns to express simile  simile 

みたいに /みたいな (mitai

彼は学者みたいです。  Kare wa gakusha mitai mitai desu.  desu. He looks like a scholar. 

彼は芸術家みたいな格好をしている。   Kare wa geijutsuka mitai mitai na  na kakkō o shite iru. He is dressed just like an artist.

あなたみたいに日本語が話せません。   Anata mitai mitai ni  ni Nihongo ga hanasemasen. I can’t  speak  speak Japanese like you. 


ni/mitai na) like, similar to Formations Noun + みたいに + Verb/Adjective Noun + みたいな + Noun Verb-casual + みたいに + Verb/Adjective Verb-casual + みたいな + Noun



彼は芸術家みたいな格好をしている。   Kare wa Kare  wa   geijutsuka  geijutsuka mitai mitai  na na  kakkō kakkō o  o shite iru. He is dressed just like an artist.


Formations Noun + など  Examples


 Anata  mitai  Anata mitai  ni Nihongo ga  ga hanasemasen. I can’t speak Japanese like you.  

Watashi wa yoku keshiki nado o shashin ni torimasu. I often take photos of scenery and the like. 



Kare no kuruma wa sakura no hana mitaina mitaina pinkuiro  pinkuiro deshita. His car was pink like a cherry blossom.

Gorufu nado nado wa  wa shimasu ka. Do you play golf or any other sport like that? 

私はよくコンビニで弁当やお茶 などを買います。  Watashi wa yoku konbini de bentō ya ocha nado o kaimasu. I often buy a boxed lunch, green tea, and so on at a convenience store.\ 

寿司や刺身などの生ものは食べられますか。  Sushi ya sashimi nado no namamono wa taberaremasu ka. Can you eat raw foods such as sushi, sashimi, and the like?  

など (nado)  and so on, etc., and the like, or something like that, things such as . . . , the likes of, (not) . . . absolutely The particle nado follows a single noun or multiple nouns

テレビゲームなどはしません。  Terebi gēmu nado wa shimasen. I don’t  play  play games like video games. 

conjoined by the particle ya; it means ‘and ‘a nd so on,’ and shows that the item is just one of the examples. (→ See also to, toka, and ya.)


The resulting phrase nouninphrase, thus can be followed by any case constitutes particle andaused a sentence.

It is impossible for the likes of me to do the work. 

Watashi nado ni wa sono shigoto wa muri desu.


なが ながら ら (nagara) 

2. After adjectives in the dictionary form  form 

この携帯電話は小さいながらたく さん機能を持っている。  Kono keiwai denwa wa chīsai nagara takusan kinō o motte iru. Though it is small, this mobile phone has many functions.

while, as, although, in spite of Nagara can follow a verb in the combining form and form an adverbial phrase showing the action that simultaneously takes

place with the action expressed by the main sentence. (→ See also aida.) Nagara can also follow an adjective in the dictionary form or an adjectival noun, besides a verb in the combining form, to show the state that is in contrast with the state expressed by the main sentence. (→ See also daga, ga, keredo(mo), and noni.)   Formations Verb-stem + ながら 

3. After adjectival nouns  nouns 

彼は病気ながらやってきました。   Kare wa byōki nagara yatte kimashita. He came up in spite of illness.

ないで ないで (naide) 


without (doing), not (do) and then (do) The verbs in the nai-form plus the particle de create a phrase that

1. After verbs in the combining form  form  

literally means ‘not do . . . and,’ and is often translated into English as ‘without doing. . . .’ The phrase . . . nai de can be followed by

いつもラジオを聴きながら眠ります。  Itsumo rajio o kikinagara nemurimasu. I usually fall asleep while listening to the radio.

スタバでコーヒーを飲みながら話しましょう。  Sutaba de kōhī o nominagara hanashimashō.  Let’s talk over a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

kudasai (to request someone not to do something), by the main sentence that expresses the action one actually does, or by certain auxiliary verbs including oku and iru. An alternative form for . . . nai de (e.g. tabenai de) is . . . zu ni (e.g. tabezu ni), but the latter cannot be used before kudasai.

Formations Verb-ないform + で 



Kanojo wa yakusoku o shinagara amari mamorimasen. Although she makes promises, she seldom keeps them.

1. Followed by kudasai  kudasai 



Katte ni shashin o toranai de kudasai. de kudasai. Please don’t  take  take a photo of me without my permission. → See also kudasai.   2. Followed by a verb phrase, meaning ‘without  doing  doing . . .’ 

宿題をしないで何をしているの。   Shukudai o shinai de nani o shite iru no. What are you doing not doing your homework?  

朝食を食べて出勤しますか。それとも食べないで出勤しますか。  Chōshoku o tabete shukkin shimasu ka. Soretomo tabenai de shukkin de shukkin shimasu ka. Do you go to work after eating breakfast? Or do you go to work without eating breakfast? 

しゃべりながら食べますか。しゃべらないで食べますか。  Shaberi nagara tabemasu ka. Shaberanai de tabemasu de tabemasu ka. Do you eat while talking? Or do you eat without talking?  

今日はテレビを見ないで宿題をした方がいい。  Kyō wa terebi o minai de shukudai o shita hō ga ii. It’s better to do your homework without watching TV today.  cf. 今日はテレビを見ながら宿題をしない方がいい。 

Kyō wa terebi o minagara shukudai o shinai hō ga ii. It’s better not to do your homework watching TV today. → See also zu ni, te, and nagara  3. Followed by auxiliary verbs/adjectives  verbs/adjectives   これ以上お金を使わないでおきます。 

Kore ijō okane o tsukawanai de okimasu. de okimasu. I’ll stop using more money. (I will keep money without using it.)  

」という。 。  言いたいことを言わないでおくのを「言わぬが花。 」という Iitai koto o iwanai de oku de oku no o “Iwanuga hana.” to iu. Leaving unsaid what one would rather say is expressed as “No  word is a flower [beautiful].” 

まだ本当のことを知らせないでいるんですか。  Mada hontō no koto o shirasenai de iru de iru n desu ka. You still haven’t  let  let (him) know the truth? .


なくてはいけない /なくてはならな

Ashita Bosuton ni ikanakutewa ikemasen. ikemasen. I need to go to Boston tomorrow. 2. For adjectives  adjectives 


い (nakutewa

ikenai/nakutewa naranai)   JLPT N4 Grammar List need to . . . , must . . . , have to . . . Obligation and necessity can be expressed by a sentence that has two parts. One is the condition part, and the other is judgment part. The condition part has a verb, an adjective, or a linking verb in the negative te-form plus the particle wa. The judgment part is usually ikenai or its variant, naranai. Formations

Piza wa atsukunakutewa ikemasen. Pizzas must be hot.

あの大学に入るには数学の成績がよくなくてはいけません。  Ano daigaku ni hairu ni wa sūgaku no seiseki ga yokunakute wa ikemasen. ikemasen. In order to enter that college, you must have a good grade in math. 3. After (adjectival) nouns + de  de  

寝室は静かでなくてはいけません。  Shinshitsu wa shizuka de nakutewa ikemasen.  ikemasen.  Bedrooms have to be quiet.

Verb-ないform (-い) + くてはいけない/くてはならない 


N/Na + でなくてはいけません  

Asagohan wa nihonshoku de nakutewa ikemasen.  ikemasen.  My breakfast has to be Japanese-style.

A – くなくてはいけません  Examples 1. For verbs  verbs  

この漢字は覚えなくてはいけませんよ。  Kono kanji wa oboenakutewa ikemasen yo. ikemasen yo. You need to memorize this kanji.



  なければいけない /なければなら ない (nakereba ikenai/nakereba naranai)   JLPT N4 Grammar List must, have to Obligations and necessity are typically expressed by a sentence that has two parts. One is the condition part and the other is the judgment part. The condition part has a verb, an adjective, or a linking verb in the nai-form, which ends in nakereba, nakute wa, nai to, or nakya (informal). The judgment part can be either ikenai

Motto benkyō shinakereba ikenai. ikenai. You must study harder. 

「私も行かなければいけませんか。 」「いえ,けっこうです。 」  “Watashi mo ikanakereba ikemasen ka.” “Ie, kekkō desu.”   need to.”  “Do I have to go, too?” “No, you don’t  need 九時までに会社に 行かなければなりません。  Kuji made ni kaisha ni ikanakereba narimasen.  narimasen.  I have to go to the company by nine o’clock. 

もっと単語を覚えなければなりません。  Motto tango o oboenakereba narimasen.  narimasen.  I have to learn more words.   2. Used for adjectives  adjectives  

荷物はもっと軽くなければいけません。  Nimotsu wa motto karuku nakereba ikemasen. ikemasen. The luggage needs to be lighter.  

アパートは駅にもっと 近くなければならない。 

or naranai, but the former sounds more subjective (the speaker’s

naranai.  Apāto wa eki ni motto chikaku nakereba naranai.  The apartment house needs to be much closer to the train station. 

Formations Verb-ないform (remove い) + ければならない 

3. Used for (adjectival) nouns + de  de 

 A  A –  –  くなければならない 

Jisho wa benri de nakereba ikenai.  ikenai.  Dictionaries must be convenient.  

idea) than the latter.

N/Na + でなければならない  Examples 1. Used for verbs  verbs 





Kōreisha ni shinsetsu de nakereba ikemasen.  ikemasen.  You must be kind to old people.  話は論理的でなければならない。  Hanashi wa ronriteki de nakereba naranai.  naranai.  The speech needs to be logical. 

電話をしてくれればわざわざ来なくてもよかったですよ。  Denwa o shite kurereba wazawaza konakutemo yokatta desu yo. If you had given me a call, you need not have come all this way.  


なくてもいい (nakute mo ii) 

Kore wa kakanakutemo ii desu ii desu ka. Is it all right if I don’t  write  write this?  2. For adjectives  adjectives 

車は動けば新しくなくてもよいです。  need not, (not) have to The lack of obligations and necessity is typically expressed by a sentence that has two parts. One is the condition part and the other is the judgment part. The condition part has a verb, an adjective, or a linking verb in the negative te-form plus the particle mo. The judgment part is usually ii or its variant, yoi.

Formations ない い くて(も)いい Verbform (remove ) +   Noun + じゃなくて(も)いい  いadjective (remove い) + くて(も)いい  なadjective + じゃなくて(も)いい  Examples 1. For verbs  verbs  

そんなに急いでやらなくてもいいです。  Sonna ni isoide You need not doyaranakutemo it so hastily.  ii desu.

Kuruma wa ugokeba atarashiku nakutemo yoi desu. As long as the car moves, it needn’t   be new. yoi desu.  be (The car needn’t  be  be new; it just has to run.)  3. After (adjectival) nouns + ja/de  ja/de  

お気に入りの車なら新車じゃなくてもいいです。  Okiniiri no kuruma nara shinsha ja nakute mo ii desu. ii desu. It does not have to be a brand new car if it’s my favorite car.

返事は今日でなくてもいいです。  Henji wa kyō de nakutemo ii desu. ii desu. A reply does not need to be made today. 

文法の説明は完全でなくてもよい。  Bunpō no setsumei wa kanzen de nakutemo yoi. yoi. The explanation of grammar does not need to be perfect. 



Examples 1. After (adjectival) nouns and pronouns  pronouns  

それならなぜやめないんですか。  Sore nara naze yamenai n desu ka. If that’s the case, why don’t  you  you stop?

私ならそんなものは買いません。   Watashi nara sonna mono wa kaimasen. If it were me, I would not buy such a thing.

彼女なら喜んでしてくれるでしょう。  Kanojo nara Kanojo  nara yorokonde shite kureru deshō. 

なら (nara)  if, supposing . . . , on condition that . . . , as for Nara derives from the conditional form of the linking verb da. It may be followed by the conditional particle ba, as in naraba. Nara can directly follow (adjectival) nouns (with particles), but it can also follow a clause that ends in a verb or an adjective in the

Certainly, she’d be happy to do it for you.

お金なら要りません。   Okane nara irimasen. If it’s money (you’re offering), I don’t  need  need it.


dictionary form, in the ta-form, or in the nai-form. In the latter case, no or n can be optionally placed before nara. Nara can occasionally follow verbs in the masu-form (with no).

Eigo nara hanasemasu. If it’s English (you need), I can speak it.


歴史的な街なら京都がいい。  Rekishiteki na machi nara machi nara  Kyōto ga ii.

Verb-casual + なら 

As for historical cities, Kyoto is nice.

Noun + なら 

結婚ならまだ相手がいません。  いadj + なら  なadj + なら 

Kekkon nara nara mada  mada aite ga imasen. If you’re talking about my marriage, I have no partner yet.



「先生はどこですか。 」「先生なら図書館にいらっしゃいますよ。 」  “Sensei wa doko desu ka.” “Sensei nara toshokan ni irasshaimasu yo.”  “Where is the teacher?” “If  you’re looking for your teacher, he/she

あなたができない  (の) なら私がしましょう。   Anata ga dekinai (no) nara watashi ga shimashō. 

is in the

欲しかった (の) なら言ってくれればよかったのに。 

library.”  「トイレに行きたいんですが。 」「トイレなら二階にありますよ。 」  “Toire ni ikitai n desu ga.” “Toire nara ni kai ni arimasu yo.”  “I want to go to a restroom.” “If  you’re looking for a restroom, it’s  on the second floor.” 

If you cannot do it, I will do it for you.

Hoshikatta (no) nara itte kurereba yokatta no ni. If you wanted it, you should have told me so. 4. After verbs in the masu-form (with no)  no)  

東京にいらっしゃいます  (の) なら, 是非うちにお寄りください。  nara, zehi uchi ni oyori kudasai. Tōkyō ni irasshaimasu (no) nara, If you are coming to Tokyo, please come to visit our house.

2. After nouns + particle  particle  

来週までなら出来上がります。  Raishū made nara dekiagarimasu. I will be able to complete it by next week (if you can wait till then). 3. After verbs and adjectives in the dictionary, nai-, or ta-form optionally followed by no/n  no/n 

ちゃんと返してくれる (の) なら貸してあげましょう。  Chanto kaeshite kureru (no) nara kashite agemashō.  On condition that you return it to me without fail, I will lend it to you.

なさい い (nasai)  なさ Do . . . (command/order somebody to do something) Nasai follows a verb in the combining form to create a command form, which can be appropriately used in i n instructions in exams and manuals and commands by parents to their children. As it is a command form, it should not be used to one’s superiors at all, and

is better not to use it to one’s colleagues unless with a friendly

そんなに安い (ん)なら買います。 

intonation and sentence-final particles. There is a more informal

Sonna ni yasui (n) nara kaimasu. If it is so cheap, I’ll buy it.

and rude command i s called a plain command form: e.g. tabero or nome. form, which is




Verb-stem + なさい 

Go chūmon  chūmon nasaimasu nasaimasu ka.  ka. Would you like to order?


お支払いはどのように なさいますか。 

答えを紙に書きなさい。  Kotae o kami ni  Kotae  ni kakinasai . Write your answers on the paper.

早く しなさい。  Hayaku  shinasai  Hayaku  shinasai . Hurry up!

目を閉じなさい  Me wo tojinasai. Close your eyes.

O shiharai yōpay? ni nasaimasu ni  nasaimasu ka.  ka. How wouldwa youdono like to

お飲み物はどうなさいますか。  O nomimono wa dō nasaimasu  nasaimasu ka.  ka.   Would you like something to drink?

デザートは何になさいますか。   wa nani ni nasaimasu ka. nasaimasu ka.   Dezāto What would you like for dessert?

なさる る (nasaru)  なさ to do (honorific)

Formations する => なさる 

に気がつく (ni ki ga tsuku) 


 JLPT N4 Grammar List to notice, to realize


  Formations Verb-casual + ことに気がつく 

にく にくい い (nikui) 

Noun + に気がつく 

to be hard/difficult (to do), can not (do) easily The auxiliary adjective nikui follows a verb in the combining form


to mean ‘to be difficult to do. . . .’ The resulting form patterns like



Saifu o wasureta koto ni  ni ki  ki ga ga  tsuita. I notice I forgot my wallet.


Formations Verb-stem + にくい 

Kare ga suki ni natta no ni  ni ki  ki ga ga  tsuita. I realized that I liked him.

Examples 1. Used as a sentence predicate  predicate 

Kare ga yotte iru koto ni kigatsuita. kigatsuita. I noticed that he was drunk.


彼が酔っていること に気がついた 。 

Hashi wa tsukainikui tsukainikui desu  desu ne. Chopsticks are hard to use, aren’t  they?  they?

彼女とは話しにくいです。  Kanojo to wa hanashinikui desu. She is difficult to talk with. (follows the subject it describes) 2. Used as a noun modifier modifier  

覚えにくい漢字がまだたく さんあります。  Oboenikui kanji ga mada takusan arimasu. There are still a lot of Chinese characters that are difficult to memorize.


3. Used as an adverb  adverb 

このテレビは古くて見にく くなってきました。   Kono terebi wa furukute minikuku natte kimashita. This TV set is old and getting harder to watch.

にみえる (ni mieru)  to look; to seem; to appear Formations Verb-てform + 見える  Verb-casual, non-past + ように見える 

いadj (-い) + く見える 

のに (noni) – 1  In order to Formations Verb-dictionary form + のに 

なadj + に見える 


Noun + (のよう)に見える 

彼女は料理を作るのに2時間 かかります。  Kanojo wa ryōri o tsukuru  no ni ni-jikan ni ni-jikan kakarimasu.


It takes two hours for her to make the food.

彼は厳しそうに見えるが実際はとても親切だ。  Kare wa kibishi-sō ni  ni mieru mieru ga  ga jissai wa totemo shinsetsuda. He looks stern, but actually he’s very kind.  彼女はお化粧のせいで若く見える 。  Kanojo wa o keshō no sei de wakakumieru. 


She looks young because of her makeup.

あなたの猫はのんびりとくつろいでいるように見えます。  Anata no neko wa nonbiri to kutsuroide iru yō ni miemasu. miemasu. Your cat looks comfortably accommodated.

Sore o kiru no ni watashi ni watashi wa naifu ga hitsuyō desu.  I want a knife to cut it with.

あの店はいろいろなものを 買うのにとても便利です。  Ano mise wa iroiro na mono o kau o  kau noni totemo noni totemo benri desu. That store is very convenient for buying various things.

渋滞のために空港に着くのに二時間もかかりました。  Jūtai no tame ni kūkō ni tsuku  ni tsuku noni ni jikan mo kakarimashita. It took no less than two hours to get to the airport due to the traffic jam.



2. After verbs and adjectives in the nai-form  nai-form  

彼はそのことを何も知らないのに偉そうにしている。  Kare wa sono koto o nani mo shiranai noni erasō ni shite iru. Though he doesn’t  know  know anything about that, he acts like a knowit-all. 

暑くないのにエアコンをつけるのはもったいない。   Atsukunai noni eakon noni eakon o tsukeru no wa mottainai. It’s a waste (of money) to turn on the air conditioner when it isn’t   hot (out). 

のに (noni) – 2  although, in spite of, even though Noni creates an adverbial phrase based on which the speaker judges the fact stated in the main sentence to be unexpected surprise, dissatisfaction, disappointment, regret, etc.

Formations Verb-casual + のに  Noun + なのに  いadj + のに  なadj + なのに 

3. After verbs and adjectives in the ta-form  ta-form  

あれほど注意したのに彼女はやめなかった。  Are hodo chūi shita noni kanojo wa yamenakatta. Even though I cautioned her to that extent, she would not stop it. 

天気がよかったのにどこにも出かけませんでした。   Tenki ga yokatta noni doko noni doko ni mo dekakemasen deshita. Even though the weather was good, I didn’t  go  go out anywhere. 

電話してくれるように たのんだのに。  Denwa shite kureru yō ni tanonda noni. noni. Even though I asked you to call me . . . (you didn’t).  4. After (adjectival) nouns + na/datta/de nai/de nakatta  

Examples 1. After verbs and adjectives in the dictionary form  form  



Kare wa genki na noni yoku shigoto o saborimasu. Though he is healthy, he often skips out of work.  

Minna yasunde iru are nonitaking kare wa  hataraite isshōkenmei Though the others a rest, he is working hard. imasu.



Kyō wa taifū na noni tsuri ni iku n desu ka. Are you going fishing today in spite of the typhoon?  

彼女は病気でないのによく学校を休みます。  Kanojo wa byōki de nai noni yoku gakkō o yasumimasu. Though she is not sick, she is often absent from school.  

あの人は金持ちだったのに今は貧乏です。  Ano hito wa kanemochi datta noni ima noni ima wa binbō desu. Even though that person was rich, he is poor now.   5. After verbs and adjectives in the ba/tara-form + ii/yokatta  

あなたも一緒に来ればいいのに。  Anata mo isshoni kureba ii noni. noni. I wish you would come with me . . . (but you won’t) 

往復切符を買えばよかったのに。  noni. Ōfuku kippu o kaeba yokatta noni. You should have bought a round-trip ticket. (but you didn’t) 

のように / のような (no yō ni/ no yō na)   JLPT N4 Grammar List like, similar to



Noun + のように/のような  Examples

猿のように彼は木登りします。  Saru no yō  yō ni kare ni kare wa kinobori shimasu. He climbs trees like a monkey. 父のように、私はとても短気だ。   Chichi no yō ni, watashi wa totemo tankida. I am very impatient, like my father.

今日は秋のような 天気です。  Kyō wa  wa aki no yōna yōna tenkidesu.  tenkidesu. The weather is like autumn today.


Watashi wa kanojo no yōna hito ni naritaidesu. I want to become someone like her.

Please do (honorific)

Formations お + Verb-stem + ください   Examples

ここでお待ちください。  Koko de omachi omachi  kudasai. Please wait here.

ここにお名前をお書きください。  Kono ni onamae wo okaki okaki  kudasai. Please write your name here.

おかけください。  Okake kudasai.  Please sit yourself down.

お入りください。  Ohairi kudasai.  Please come right in.

お~ください (o~kudasai)   JLPT N4 Grammar List

お~になる (o ni naru) 


to do something (honorific) Formations

おきに に (oki ni)  おき

お + Verb-stem + になる  repeated at intervals, every Examples

Oki ni follows quantity phrases, meaning ‘every,’ indicating the

キム先生は何時 にお起きになりましたか。 

intervals of some action.

Kimu sensei wa nanji ni o oki ni narimashita ka. What time did Ms. Kim get up?

田中部長は受付でお待ちになります。  omachi  ni  ni narimasu narimasu.. Tanaka buchō wa uketsuke de omachi

Formations Noun + おきに  Examples

Tanaka Manager waits at the reception desk.


加藤社長はその言葉の意味を英語の辞書でお調べになります。  Katō  shachō wa sono kotoba no imi wo eigo no jisho de  oshirabe

Sono kaigi wa ni-nen-oki ni-nen-oki  ni ni aka  aka remasu. The conference is held every two years.

ni narimasu.  narimasu.  President Kato looks up the meaning of the word in her English dictionary.

4時間おきに この薬を飲んでください。  yo-Jikan-oki  ni yo-Jikan-oki ni kono  kono kusuri o nonde kudasai. Take this medicine every four hours. 私はうちで一日おきにお酒を飲みます。 

スミス氏はその日、会社をお休みになります。  Sumisu shi wa sono hi, kaisha wo oyasumi ni narimasu.  narimasu.  Mr.Smith will take a day off on the day.

Watashi wa uchi de ichi nichi oki ni osake o nomimasu. I drink (alcohol) at home every other day. 

この駅では普通電車は15分おきに来ます。  Kono eki de wa futsū densha wa jū go fun oki ni kimasu. Local trains arrive every fifteen minutes at this train station. 

この用紙には一行おきに書いて下さい。  Kono yōshi ni wa ichi gyō oki ni kaite kudasai. Please write on every other line of this paper. 



Ano dōro ni wa go mētoru oki ni ki ga uete arimasu. Trees are planted along that road at intervals of five meters.  

おわる (owaru)  おわる  JLPT N4 Grammar List to finish, to end The auxiliary verb owaru follows verbs in the combining form to mean ‘to finish . . . ing.’ (→ See hajimeru and shimau.)  

Formations Verb-stem + 終わる  Examples

原稿は来週書き終わります。  Genkō  wa  Genkō wa raishū raishū  kakiowarimasu. (= kakioemasu) I’ll finish writing the manuscript next week.

この本は面白かったのですぐに読み終わりました。   Kono hon wa  wa omoshirokatta node sugu  sugu ni  yomiowarimas  yomio warimas hita. (= yomioemashita) I read this book fast because it was interesting.

コーヒーが飲み終わったら、少し散歩しましょう。  Kōhī ga nomi owattara, owattara, sukoshi sanpo shimashou.  shimashou.   Let’s walk a little after we finish drinking coffee.

られ られる る (rareru) – 1   JLPT N4 Grammar List to be able to do something The potential form of a verb can be created by replacing the final ru of a ruverb and the final u of an u-verb with rareru and eru,

respectively. The potential form of suru ‘to do’ is i s dekiru, and the potential form of kuru ‘to come’ is korareru or koreru. (→ See Potential form under Verbs.) Verbs in the potential form express

one’s potential and ability, meaning ‘be able to do. . . .’ The potential form can also express what one is permitted to do. The

direct object of potential verbs is marked by ga or o. (→ See also ga.) Some verbs lexically have the meaning of ‘potential’ and are rarely used with (rar)eru. (→ See also Spontaneous-potential verbs under Verbs.)

Formations Verb-stem + られる 

来る (kuru) -> こられる (korareru) する (suru) -> できる (dekiru)

(→ See Potential form under Verbs.)  Verbs.) 




ga toremasu toremasu.. This camera lets photos come out well. I can take nice photos.  

Otōto wa ashita jyuu-ji jyuu-ji ni koko ni koraremasu koraremasu.. My brother can come here at ten o’clock tomorrow.  tomorrow. 

その試験に合格したことを私は信じられなかった。   Sono shiken ni gōkaku shita koto o watashi wa shinjirarenakatta. I could not believe that I passed the exam. e xam.

山田さんは泳げますか。  Yamada san wa oyogemasu ka. ka. Mr. Yamada, can you swim? 

この大学の学生だと, 映画がただで見られます。 

Kono daigaku no gakusei da to, eiga ga tada de miraremasu miraremasu.. If you are a student in this college, you can watch the movie for free. 

られる (rareru) – 2  られる

ホテルの部屋でインターネットができますか。  Hoteru no heya de Intānetto ga dekimasu ka. ka.

(passive voice) The passive form of verbs is created by replacing the final ru of a ru-verb and the final u of an u-verb with rareru and areru,

Can I access the Internet in the room of the hotel? 

respectively. (→ See Passive form under Verbs for more details

ここで講義を受けられますか。  Koko de kōgi o ukeraremasu ka. ka.

about how to create passive forms.) Not only transitive verbs but

Can we take the lecture course here? 

「ここで写真が撮れますか。 」「いいえ,撮れません。 」  “Koko de shashin ga toremasu ka.” “Iie, toremasen.”  “Can I take a photo here?” “No, you cannot.”  このカメラは写真がきれいに撮れます。いい写真が撮れます。  Kono kamera wa shashin ga kirei ni toremasu toremasu.. Ii shashin

also intransitive verbs such as kuru ‘to come’ can be in the passive form (korareru), because the Japanese language allows not only

“direct passive” sentences, where the direct object is treated as the subject of the sentence, but also so-called “adversative passive” sentences, where the direct object of a sentence does not have to be converted to the subject and even does not have to exist. Mostly the latter kind of passive sentence simply implies that the person denoted by the subject was annoyed, disturbed, or negatively influenced by the fact expressed e xpressed by the sentence. The agent of the action is marked by the particle ni in both types of


passive sentences. The agent of the action can also be marked by the phrase ni yotte in the direct passive.

Formations られる ( = rareru) ・れる ( = reru) Group 2 verb (ru-verb)→ (ru- verb)→ られる ( = rareru) ——————————————   —————————————— Group 1 verb (u-verb)→ (u-verb)→  れる ( = reru) Irregular   する ( = suru ) = to do ↓  される ( = sareru) to be done Examples 1. Direct passive  passive 

忙しい時にお客さんに来られて大変です。  Isogashii toki ni okyaku san ni korarete taihen desu. I’m in trouble because I have guests when I’m busy. 

私は帰る途中で雨に降られてずぶぬれになりました。  Watashi wa kaeru tochū de ame ni furarete zubunure ni narimashita. I was caught in the rain on my way home, and I got soaking wet.  

父に早く死なれてずいぶん苦労をしました。  Chichi ni hayaku shinarete zuibun kurō shimashita. I had a hard time because my father died young. 


鯉のぼりが風に 吹かれて空高く泳いでいます。 

Densha no naka de saifu ga nusumaremashita nusumaremashita.. My wallet was stolen in the train. 

Koinobori ga kaze ni fukarete sora takaku oyoide imasu. Carp streamers are blowing high in the sky and waving.  

弟は父に叱られました。  shikararemashita.   Otōto wa chichi ni shikararemashita. My younger brother was scolded by my father. 

その小説は夏目漱石によって書かれた。  Sono shōsetsu wa Natsume Sōseki ni yotte kakareta kakareta.. The novel was written by Soseki Natsume. 

らしい (rashii)  らしい I hear, seem to, be likely to, like…, [PREDICATIVE PHRASE (CONJECTURE)]

2. Adversative passive  passive  

電車の中で財布を 盗まれました。 

Rashii or rashii desu can follow a clause and express hearsay or

Densha no naka de saifu o nusumaremashita. nusumaremashita.   I had my wallet stolen in the train. 

the speaker’s objective conjecture. By contrast, mitai da or yō da represents objective conjectures and intuitive conjectures and


gives the impression that the speaker is quite confident of his/her conjecture. There is a past form rashikatta, which means ‘to have seemed,’ but it is rarely used. Instead, the ta-form + rashii is

commonly used, meaning ‘to seem to have (done)’ or expressing hearsay of a past event. (→ See also mitai da, ppoi, sō da, and yō

4. After verbs and adjectives in the nai-form  nai-form  

彼は肉は食べないらしい。  Kare wa niku wa tabenai rashii. rashii. It seems that he doesn’t  eat  eat meat.

da .)


Formations Verb-casual + らしい 

Kare wa amari yokunai rashii. rashii. It seems that he is not very well.

Noun + らしい/ だったらしい 

5. After verbs and adjectives in the ta-form  ta-form  

いadj + らしい/ いadj-た form + らしい 

彼は先月ヨーロッパを 旅行したらしい。  Kare wa sengetsu Yōroppa o ryokō shita rashii. rashii.

なadj + らしい/ だったらしい  Examples 1. After (adjectival) nouns  nouns 

I hear he traveled in Europe last month.


彼が買ったバイクは軽自動車ほど高かったらしい。  Kare ga katta baiku wa keijidōsha hodo takakatta rashii. rashii.

Kanojo wa infuruenza rashii.  rashii.  I hear she has influenza.

I hear that the motorcycle he bought was as expensive as a small car.

2. After (adjectival) nouns + ja nai, datta, or ja nakatta  

彼女は先週インフルエンザだったらしいです。  Kanojo wa senshū infuruenza datta rashii desu. I hear she had influenza last week. 3. After verbs and adjectives in the dictionary form  form  

天気予報によると明日は晴れるらしい。  Tenki yohō ni yoru to ashita wa hareru rashii. rashii.

さ (sa) 

According to the weather forecast, it is likely to be clear tomorrow.

(nominalizer for adjectives)


You attach さ to an adjective to turn it into a Noun. The sa-form allows to use an i-adjective as a noun or in other words to add ~ness to it.

Formations いadj (-い) + さ  なadj + さ  Examples


させる る (saseru)  させ  JLPT N4 Grammar List to make/let somebody do something

Formations Rules for causative form conjugation

Sono Hon no omo-sa wa ichi kiro guramu desu. The weight of the book is 1 kilogram.

For ru-verbs: Replace the last 「る」 with 「させる」.

今年の暑さは普通ではありません。  Kotoshi no atsusa atsusa wa  wa futsūde wa arimasen.  arimasen.  This year’s heat is not normal.  normal. 

Example 食べる+させる = 食べさせる  出る+させる  = 出させる  For u-verbs: Change the last character as you would for negative verbs but attach 「せる」 instead of 「ない」.

私はかわいさでは誰にも負けない。   Watashi wa kawai-sa de wa de wa darenimo makenai.  makenai.  Nobody can beat my“cuteness” 

Example 飲む+ま+せる = 飲ませる  待つ+た+せる = 持たせる 


買う+わ+せる = 買わせる 


Exceptions: する → させる  くる → こさせる 

Watashi wa Nihon no otera no utsukushi-sa utsukushi-sa ga  ga sukidesu.  sukidesu.  I like the beauty of Japanese temples.  temples. 

Watashi wa tsukai yasuisade, yasuisade, kono keitai o erabimashita.  erabimashita.  I chose this cell phone by the user-friendliness.  user-friendliness. 


機内に持ち込めるバッグの 重さと大きさを知りたい。  Kinai ni motte kuru baggu no omo-sa omo-sa to  to ōki-sa o -sa o shiritai.  shiritai. 

I would like to know the weight and the size of the carry-on bags.  


母はわたしに自分の部屋を 片付けさせた。  Haha  wa  Haha wa watashi  ni  jibun  jibun no heya o katadzuke s  s aseta. My mom made me clean my room.

その部長は、よく長時間働かせる 。  Sono buchō Sono  buchō  wa, yoku  yoku chōjikan chōjikan  hatarakaseru. That manager often makes (people) work long hours.

わたしは息子を買い物に行かせる。  Watashi wa musuko o kaimono ni ikaseru ikaseru.. I make my son go shopping.  shopping. 


させられる (Saserareru)  to be made to do something Meaning: X is made/will be made to [do] (by someone) (passive causative)

Kyō wa shigoto o  o yasumasete kudasai.


Please let me rest from work today.

Verb (stem) + させられる 

させられない  させられます  させられません  くる くる   ->  こさせられる   やる  ->  やらせられる 


私は毎日母に野菜を食べさせられる。  Watashi wa Mainichi haha  Watashi  haha ni  ni  yasai yasai o tabe tabe   sase  sase rareru rareru.. My mom makes me eat vegetables every day.

私はいつも彼にびっくりさせられる。  Watashi wa itsumo kare ni bikkuri bikkuri  sase sase  rareru.

I’m always surprised by him.  



いろいろな人に 会えるし、日本語を話す機会も あるし、そのパーティーは出

Chichi wa shigoto o yame sase rareta.  rareta.  My dad was forced to quit his job.



Iroirona hito ni aerushi, nihongo o hanasu kikai mo arushi, sono pātī wa shusseki suru kachi ga arimasu.  arimasu. 

Watashi wa sensyu ni-jikan zangyō sase rareta. rareta. I was forced to work overtime in two hours last week.

Since we can meet a variety of people and have opportunities to speak Japanese, that party is worth attending.

し (shi)  and You use ~し to list reasons for multiple states and actions.

Formations Verb-casual + し  いadj + し  なadj/ N + だし  Examples

しか~ない (shika~nai)  only; nothing but Formations Noun + しか + Verb-ないform



 Ano e wa utsukushīshi, kono e mo mata utsukushīdesu.  utsukushīdesu.   That painting is beautiful, and so is this one.

私は4 時間 しか寝なかった 。 

今日、私は少し熱があるし、頭が痛いので早退 します。  Kyō, watashi wa sukoshi netsu ga  ga arushi arushi,, atama ga itainode sōtai shimasu.  shimasu.  Today, I have a slight fever and headache so I will leave early.

Watashi wa yo-jikan shika shika nenakatta.  nenakatta. I slept only four hours.

彼は自分しか信じません。  Kare wa jibun shika shika shinjimasen.  shinjimasen. He only believes in himself.


私は日本語しか 話しません。 


Watashi wa nihongo shika shika hanashimasen.  hanashimasen.   I only speak Japanese.

Nihongo wa sonna sonna  ni ni muzukashikunai.  muzukashikunai. Japanese is not that difficult.

人は経験からしか 学びません。 


Hito wa keiken kara shika shika manabimasen.  manabimasen.   Man learns from experience alone.

 Anata wa sonna ni kowagaru hitsuyō wanai.  wanai.  You need not have such fear.

僕はそんなに近いとは知らなかった。  Boku wa sonna ni chikai to wa shiranakatta. I didn’t know it was that close.  close.  

そんなに (sonna ni)  so, so much, like that

Formations そんなに + Verb / adj Examples

そんなに急がないでください。  Sonna  ni isoganaide Sonna ni isoganaide kudasai. Don’t be in such a hurry!  hurry!  

それでも (sore demo)  but still; and yet; even so


Phrase 1 + それでも + Phrase 2



彼に欠点はあるが, それでも私は彼が好きだ。  

people say that; it is said that; I heard that

Kare ni ketten wa aru ga, sore demo watashi demo watashi wa kare ga sukida. He has his faults. Still, I love him.

Formations Verb-casual + そうだ  いadj + そうだ 


なadj/ N + だそうだ 

kare wa tabōdattaga, tabōdattaga, sore demo watashitachi o tetsudai ni kitekureta. He was busy, and yet he came to help us.


あの人気グループが解散するそうだ 。 


 Ano ninki gurūpu ga  ga kaisan suru sōda sōda.. I hear that popular group will be disbanded.

Tabemono wa hidokatta. Sore demo watashi wa monku o iwanakatta.

あの古い家には 幽 霊 がでるそうだ 。 

The food was terrible -all -all the same I didn’t complain.  complain. 


Mina wa hantai shitaga, sore demo yahari karera wa kekkon shita. Everyone opposed it, but they got married all the same.

 Ano furui ie ni wa yūrei ga  ga deru deru  sōda sōda.. They say that old house is haunted. あの映画は面白いそうだ 。   Ano eiga wa omoshiroi-sōda. They say that the movie is an interesting one.

先生の話によると、山田さんはもう日本へ帰ったそうだ 。  Sensei no hanashi ni yoru to, YamadaYamada-san san wa mō Nihon  Nihon  e kaetta sōda.  According to our teacher, Yamada already already returned to Japan.

そうだ だ (sou da) – 1 そう

そうだ (sou da) – 2 そうだ




look like; appear; seem; feel like Formations Verb-ますstem + そうだ 

い Adj (remove い) + そうだ  な Adj + そうだ 

たばかり (ta bakari) 

***Exception: よい => よさそう  Examples

この問題は、 難しそうだ。  Kono mondai wa, muzukashi-sōda. This problem seems difficult.

長い一日になりそうだ。  Nagai ichinichi ni nari-sōda. It’s going to be a long day.  

午後は晴れそうだ。  Gogo wa hare-sōda. It looks like clearing this afternoon.

just finished; something just ended/occurred

Formations Verb-casual, past + ばかり  Examples

私は日本に来たばかりです。  Watashi wa Nihon ni kita bakaridesu. bakaridesu. I have just come to Japan.

あの二人は 結婚 したばかりです。   Ano futari wa kekkon kekkon  shita shita  bakaridesu bakaridesu.. Those two just got married.

彼は体調が悪そうだ。  Kare wa taichō ga waru-sōda.

彼は、今朝ここに 着いたばかりです。 

He looks out of shape.

Kare wa, kesa koko ni tsuita bakaridesu. He arrived here only this morning.

入社したばかりなのに、毎日とても忙しい。   isogashī.  Nyūsha shita bakarinanoni, mainichi totemo isogashī.  Though I just entered the company I am very busy every day.



たがる たが る (tagaru)  to want to You use たがる to say that someone other than you want to do something. Formations Verb-ますstem + たがる/たがっている 

たら (tara)  if… then; after; when Formations Verb-casual, past + ら 

彼はだれでも 喜ばせたがります。 

いadj-たform + ら  N/なadj + だったら 

Kare wa dare demo yorokoba yorokoba  seta garimasu. garimasu. He is anxious to please everybody.



賢い子供は人生や現実について 知りたがる。  Kashikoi kodomo wa jinsei ya genjitsu ni tsuite shirita shirita  garu garu.. A bright child is curious about life and reality.

子どもは大人のようにふるまいたがります。  Kodomo wa otona no yō ni  furumaita garimasu.  garimasu. 

100万円を獲得したら、あなたはどうする 。  hyaku Man-en o kakutoku kakutoku  shitara, anata wa dō suru.  If you won a million yen, what would you do?

追加情報があったらいつでも私に連絡して。   attara itsu  itsu demo watashi ni renraku shite. Tsuika jōhō ga attara

Children want to act like grown-ups.

Please call me anytime with more information.

この小説を読んだら、あなたはこの作家が好きになります。   Kono shōsetsu o yondara yondara,, anata wa kono sakka ga suki ni




Kare ni denwa denwa  shitara shitara  dōdesu dōdesu  ka. ka. Why don’t you call him up?  up?  

If you read this novel, you’ll fall in love with the author.  

通訳の仕事に 応募したらどう。  Tsūyaku no shigoto ni  ni  ōbo ōbo  shitara shitara  dō dō.. Why don’t you apply you apply for the job of an interpreter?

それはネットで調べたらどうですか。  Sore wa netto de shirabetara dōdesu ka.  Why don’t you look it up on the Internet?  Internet?  

たらどう (tara dou)  why don’t you…  You use たらどうですか to advise somebody to do something

たり~たり (tari~tari) 

Formation Verb-casual, past + たらどう(ですか)  Examples

do such things like


 Formations Verb-casual, past + り ~ verb-casual, past + り + する 

いadj(-い) + かったり ~ いadj(-い) + かったり 

just finished doing, was just doing Formations V-casual, past + ところ(だ)  

N/ なadj + だったり ~ N/ なadj + だったり  Examples

週末、私は図書館で本を読んだり勉強したりする。  Shūmatsu, watashi wa toshokan de hon o yondari benkyōshitari suru. suru.   I read books and study at the library on weekends.

V-てform + いたところ(だ)   Examples

私はたった今、家へ帰ったところだ 。  Watashi wa tattaima, uchi e kaetta tokoroda. tokoroda. I just arrived home.

私たちは、あなたについて 話していたところだ 。 


Watashitachi wa, anata ni tsuite hanashite hanashite  ita  ita tokoroda tokoroda.. We were talking about you.

Watashi no shumi wa e o kaitari utattari ongaku o kiitari kiitari suru  suru koto. My hobbies are drawing pictures, singing and listening to music.

彼女はアメリカから日本に 戻ったところです。 

私は文化の違いで混乱したり驚いたり怒ったりしたことがあります。  Watashi wa bunka no chigai de konran shi tari odoroi tari okottari shita okottari  shita koto ga arimasu. I have gotten confused, shocked and angry over cultural differences.

たところ (ta tokoro) 

Kanojo wa Amerika kara Nihon ni modotta tokoro desu.  desu.  She just returned to Japan from America.

私たちは祖父を見送りに駅に 行ってきたところです。  Watashitachiha sofu o miokuri ni eki ni itte kita tokoro desu.. desu.. We have been to the station to see my grandfather off.


てあげる (te ageru)  to do something for someone

てある (te aru)  てある

Formations Verb-てform + やる/あげる/さしあげる  Examples

something is/has been done (and the resultant state of that action remains)

帰りは車で送ってあげますね。  Kaeri wa kuruma de okutte okutte  agemasu ne. ne. I will drive you home in my car.


Formations Verb-てform + ある  Examples

Orei ni eigo o oshiete oshiete  ageru ageru  yo yo.. I will teach English as a thank you.

私はそのドアを 開けてあります。 

おいしい夕食をつくってあげます。  agemasu.  Oishī yūshoku o tsukutte agemasu. 

Watashi wa sono doa o akete akete  arimasu. I kept the door open.

I’m going to cook you a nice dinner.  本は必要なだけ貸してあげます。  Hon wa hitsuyōna dake kashite agemasu.  agemasu.  I will loan you any books you need.

君の靴下は全部洗濯してある。   Kumi no kutsushita wa zenbu sentaku shite aru. All your socks have also been washed.

この新しい町は美しく 設計してあります。  Kono atarashī machi wa utsukushiku sekkei shite arimasu. arimasu. This new town is beautifully laid out.

私はその物語の結末を考えてある。  Watashi wa sono monogatari no ketsumatsu o kangaete aru. aru. I have thought of a nice ending for the story.



私はあなたに代わりにそこへ行って欲しいです。  Watashi wa anata ni kawarini soko e itte hoshīdesu. I wish you to go there instead.

てほしい (te hoshii)  I need you to You use てほしい to ask somebody to do something for you.

てい ていく く (te iku) 

Formations Verb-てform + ほしい  Verb-ないform + でほしい  to go on, to continue, to start


私はあなたに手伝って欲しいです。  Watashi wa anata ni tetsudatte tetsudatte  hoshīdesu. hoshīdesu.   I want you to help.

私は彼女に元気になって欲しい。  Watashi wa kanojo ni genki ni natte natte  hoshī. hoshī.   I want her to feel better.

私はこの時間が永遠に続いて欲しい。  Watashi wa kono-jikan ga eien ni tsudzuite hoshī.  I want this time to continue forever.

Formations Verb-てform + いく  Examples

私はこれからも頑張っていきます。  Watashi wa korekara mo ganbatte ganbatte  ikimasu ikimasu.. I’ll continue to try my best from now on.  on.  

結婚してからも仕事を 続けていきます。  Kekkon shitekara mo shigoto o tsudzukete tsudzukete  ikimasu ikimasu..

I ll continue working after getting married.  married.  


学校を卒業しても、日本語の勉強を 続けていくつもりだ。 


Gakkō o sotsugyō shite mo, nihongo no benkyō o  o tsudzukete iku tsumorida. Even after I graduate from School, I intend to continue learning Japanese.

Futari wa nani o shite iru  iru tokorodesu tokorodesu  ka ka.. What are you two doing?


Chōdo kanojo wa apāto no keiyaku tetsudzuki o shite iru

Toki wa kyūsoku ni  ni  sugite ikimasu. Time passes quickly.


ちょうど彼女はアパートの契約手続きをしているところです。  tokorodesu.  tokorodesu.  She is just doing the procedures for the apartment contract.

Ima, watashi wa sore o kakunin shite iru tokorodesu.  tokorodesu.   I’m checking it now. 

ているところ (teiru tokoro)  in the process of doing Formations Verb-てform + いるところ(だ)   Examples


Watashi wa taisaku o kangaete kangaete  iru iru  tokoroda tokoroda..

ていた ていた (te ita)   JLPT N4 Grammar List was doing something (past continuous) Formation   Formation

I’m thinking of a counter -plan.


Verb-てform + いた  The polite form is ていました. い is usually omitted, so you’ll mostly hear てた/てました. Examples

彼は公園で散歩していました。  sanpo  shite imashita. imashita. Kare wa kōen de  sanpo He was walking in the park.

昨日、激しい風が吹いていた 。  fuite  ita. ita. Kinō, hageshī kaze ga fuite The wild wind was blowing yesterday.


Watashitachiha shizukani shite imashita.  imashita.  We kept quiet.

彼は仕事をさぼっていた。  Kare wa shigoto o sabotte ita.  ita.  He was skipping work.

ていただけませんか (te   itadakemasen ka) Could you please; could I get Formations Verb-てform + もらえませんか/いただけませんか 


切符を買う場所を教えていただけませんか?  Kippuwokau basho o oshiete oshiete  itadakemasen itadakemasen  ka? Could you please tell me the place to buy a ticket?

池袋駅までの行き方を教えていただけませんか?  Ikebukuro-eki made no ikikata o oshiete oshiete  itadakemasen itadakemasen  ka? Could you please tell me how to get to Ikebukuro station?

東京スカイツリーに行くために、どの駅で降りるべきか教えていただけません か?  Tōkyō sukaitsurī ni iku tame ni, do no eki de orirubeki ka oshiete itadakemasen ka?  Could you please tell me in which station I should get off in order to get to Tokyo Sky Tree? 成田空港駅までいくらかかるか教えていただけませんか?  Naritakūkō-eki Naritakūkō -eki made ikura kakaru ka oshiete itadakemasen ka?  Could you please tell me how much it will cost to Narita Airport




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