
July 21, 2018 | Author: Lyana Lorenza | Category: Perfect (Grammar), Language Mechanics, Languages, Linguistic Typology, Linguistic Morphology
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Simple Present


A: He A: He speaks. N: He N: He does not speak. Q: Does Q: Does he speak?

Use action in the present

taking place once, never or several times 


actions taking place one

Signal Words al"a!s# ever! $# never# normall!# often# seldom# sometimes# usuall! if sentences t!pe % &If I talk , …' …'

after another  action set ! a timetale

or schedule Present A: He A: He is speaking. Progressive N: He N: He is not speaking. Q: %s Q: %s he speaking?

action taking place in

the moment of speaking action taking place onl!

at the moment# (ust#  (ust no"# no"# )isten*# )ook*# no"# right no"

for a limited period of time action arranged for the

future Simple Past A: He A: He spoke. N: He N: He did not speak. Q: Did Q: Did he speak?

!esterda!# + minutes ago# in place once, never or several ,--# the other da!# last rida! times if sentence t!pe %% actions taking place one talked , …' &If I talked  …' after another  action in the past taking

action taking place in

the middle of another action Past A: He A: He "as speaking. Progressive N: He N: He "as not speaking. Q: Was Q: Was he speaking?

action going on at on  at a

certain time in the past

"hen# "hile# as long as

actions taking place at

the same time action in the past that is

interrupted ! another action Present Perfect Simple

A: He A: He has spoken. N: He N: He has not spoken. Q: Has Q: Has he spoken?

putting emphasis on

the result action that is still going

on 

action that stopped recentl!

finished action that has an influence on the present

alread!# ever# (ust# never# not !et# so far# till no"# up to no"

action that has taken

place once# never or several times efore the moment of speaking Present A: He has een speaking. Perfect N: He has not een speaking. Progressive Q: Has he een speaking?

putting emphasis on

the course or duration¬ the result'

all da!# for 0 !ears# since ,--1# ho" long?# the "hole "eek

action that recentl!

stopped or is still going on finished action that

influenced the present Past Perfect Simple

A: He had spoken. N: He had not spoken. Q: Had he spoken?

action taking place

efore a certain time in the past sometimes

alread!# (ust# never# not !et# once# until that da! if sentence t!pe %%% &If I had talked , …'

interchangeale "ith past perfect progressive putting emphasis onl!

on the fact ¬ the duration' Past A: He had een speaking. Perfect N: He had not een speaking. Progressive Q: Had he een speaking?

action taking place

efore a certain time in the

for# since# the "hole da!# all da!

past 

sometimes interchangeale "ith past perfect simple

putting emphasis on the duration or courseof an action

Future I Simple

A: He "ill speak. N: He "ill not speak. Q: Will he speak?

action in the future that cannot e influenced

spontaneous decision

assumption "ith regard to the future

Future I Simple &going to'

A: He is going to speak. N: He is not going to speak. Q: %s he going to speak?

decision made for the future

conclusion "ith regard to the future

in a !ear# ne2t $# tomorro" %f3Sat4 5!p % &If you ask her, shewill help you.' assumption6 % think# proal!# perhaps in one !ear# ne2t "eek# tomorro"

Future I A: He "ill e speaking. Progressive N: He "ill not e speaking. Q: Will he e speaking?

action that is going

on at a certain time in the

in one !ear# ne2t "eek# tomorro"

future action that is sure to

happen in the near future Future II Simple

A: He "ill have spoken. N: He "ill not have spoken. Q: Will he have spoken?

action that "ill

e finished at a certain time

! 7onda!# in a "eek

in the future Future II A: He "ill have een speaking. Progressive N: He "ill not have een speaking. Q: Will he have een speaking?

action taking place

efore a certain time in the

for $# the last couple of hours# all da! long

future putting emphasis on

the course of an action Conditional I Simple

A: He "ould speak. N: He "ould not speak. Q: Would he speak?

Conditional A: He "ould e speaking. I N: He "ould not e speaking. Progressive Q: Would he e speaking?

action that might take


if sentences t!pe %% &If I were you, I would gohome.'

action that might take

place 

putting emphasis on the course / duration of the action

Conditional II Simple

A: He "ould have spoken. N: He "ould not have spoken. Q: Would he have spoken?

Conditional A: He "ould have een II speaking. Progressive N: He "ould not have een speaking. Q: Would he have een speaking?

action that might have taken place in the past

action that might have taken place in the past

puts emphasis on the course / duration of the action

if sentences t!pe %%% &If I had seen that, I would have helped .'

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