/'!e a"dioling"al met!od foc"ses on t!e com0re!ension of lang"age at a largely mec!anical level *Davidson# 12.5 /E6am0les of mec!anically str"ct"red activities mig!t incl"de re0etition or s"bstit"tion5 '!e teac!er is in control of t!e lesson# and st"dents can often s"ccessf"lly 0artici0ate 7it!o"t any "nderstanding of meaning *Davidson# 12.5
&"nctional A00roac!es
/'!ese are "s"ally based on sit"ational lang"age needs *)inkel + &otos# ,--,.5 / According to 8ke!an# t!ese activities often follo7 a 90resentation# 0ractice# and 0rod"ction 0rotocol *cited in )inkel + &otos# ,--,.5
omm"nicative;)"manistic A00roac!es
/'!ese met!ods mimic a nat"ral ac("isition of lang"age# for e6am0le# !o7 a c!ild ac("ires L1 *)inkel + &otos# ,--,.5 /Lang"age is ac("ired "sing meaningf"l in0"t# 7it! no formal grammatical instr"ction5 .5 / '!ere are 3 dimensions to grammar instr"ction: form# meaning and f"nction;"se *Larsen/&reeman# 122>.5 / =rammar instr"ction s!o"ld incl"de t!e ans7ers to 7!en and 7!y to "se any given str"ct"re *Larsen/ &reeman# 122>.5
Myt!: =rammar ac("isition consists of arbitrary r"les *Larsen/&reeman# 122>.
/.5 '!is does not mean t!at an ELL 7o"ld be "sing a grammatical str"ct"re as a $8 7o"ld from first e60os"re# b"t t!at t!ey are still moving to7ard its 0ro0er "se 7!ile forming r"les in !is;!er .5
Myt!: =rammar is ac("ired nat"rally# and doesn@t !ave to be ta"g!t *Larsen/&reeman# 122>. / .5
Lig!tbro7n and 80ada *122-.researc! *cited in Larsen/&reeman# 122>.:
/'!is st"dy looked at 4 *0rimarily comm"nicative. &renc!
immersion classes# eac! of 7!ic! incor0orated a varying level of form/based instr"ction in grammar5 /'!eir res"lts demonstrated t!at t!e class t!at never foc"sed on grammatical form 0erformed t!e 7orst according to t!e assessment "sed5 / Part of t!e reason for t!is# according to Larsen/&reeman *122>.# is t!at foc"sing st"dent attention may facilitate learning5
Myt!: Error correction and negative evidence mig!t be "nnecessary 7!en instr"cting grammar *Larsen/&reeman# 122>.
/.5 /$egative evidence mig!t be 0art of t!e in0"t t!at ELLs need# t!o"g! t!ey may not !ave needed it to t!e same e6tent for t!eir L1 *Larsen/&reeman# 122>.5
Myt!: All grammatical str"ct"res are learned in t!e same 7ay *Larsen/&reeman# 122>.
9Any claim to t!e effect t!at all ac("isition is t!e 0rod"ct of !abit formation or of r"le formation# or today# of setting;resetting 0arameters or t!e strengt!ening of connections in com0le6 ne"ral net7orks# is an obvio"s oversim0lification of a com0le6 0rocess *Larsen/&reeman# 122># 05 141.5
3 o0tions in lang"age teac!ing:
on &orms
on meaning
on form
&oc"s on &orms: 9Parts
of t!e lang"age are ta"g!t se0arately and ste0 by ste0 so t!at t!e ac("isition is a 0rocess of grad"al acc"m"lation of 0arts "ntil t!e 7!ole str"ct"re of lang"age !as been b"ilt "0BAt any one time t!e learner is being e60osed to a deliberate limited sam0le of lang"age *?ilkins# 12C# 05 ,.5
&oc"s on Meaning: '!e
essential claim is t!at 0eo0le of all ages learn lang"age best# inside or o"tside t!e classroom# not by treating t!e lang"ages as t!e obect of st"dy# b"t by e60eriencing t!em as a medi"m of comm"nicationB 9lang"age is organied in terms of t!e 0"r0ose for 7!ic! 0eo0le are learning lang"age and t!e kinds of lang"age 0erformance t!at are necessary to meet t!ose 0"r0oses *?ilkins# 12C# 05 13.5
&oc"s on &orm: 9vertly
dra7s st"dents@ attention to ling"istic elements as t!ey arise incidentally in lessons 7!ose overriding foc"s is on meaning or comm"nication *Long# 1221# 005 4>/4C.5 9ften consists of an occasional s!ift of attention to ling"istic code feat"res by t!e teac!er and;or one or more of t!e st"dents triggered by 0erceived 0roblems 7it! com0re!ension or 0rod"ction *Long + %obinson# 1222# 05 ,3.5
Advantage of &oc"s on &orm: 9'!e
learner@s attention is dra7n 0recisely to a ling"istic feat"re as necessitated by a comm"nicative demand *Do"g!ty + ?illiams# 1222# 05 3.5
Arg"ments against =rammar .5 8t"dents s!o"ld be able to learn e60licit grammar r"les as 7ell as !ave a c!ance to 0ractice t!em in comm"nication in t!e a"t!entic or sim"lated tasks *M"s"meci# 122.5
PPP Presentation ; Practice; Prod"ction based
on t!e =rammar/'ranslation Met!od in 7!ic! grammar e60lanations are follo7ed by e6ercises5 follo7s t!e 0remise t!at kno7ledge becomes skill t!ro"g! s"ccessive 0ractice and t!at lang"age is learned in small c!"nks leading to t!e 7!ole5 vie7s acc"racy as a 0rec"rsor to fl"ency5
PPP/ 8tage 1 . C.
Listing brainstorming# fact/finding rdering and 8orting se("encing# ranking# categoriing# classifying om0aring matc!ing# finding differences and similarities Problem 8olving 8!aring Personal E60eriences reative 'asks
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