Grammar in Use Intermediate Murphy R Smalzer W 3 Ed 2009 380s

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C  a m b r i d g e


mmar Intermediate THIR 


Raymond with William Murphy R. Smalzer

Self-study reference and practice for students of North American English

with answers


Grammar Intermediate

Self-study reference and practice for students of North American English



with answers

Raymond Murphy

with William R. Smalzer C a m b r id g e




Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi Cam bridge Un iversity P Pres resss 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA Information on this title: title:  ' Cam bridge Unive rsity Press 20 2009 09

First  pn bb sh e d 1989 Th ird Edition 2909

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Studen t’s t’s Book w ith answers and


Studen t’s t’s t’ss Book ith answers CD-ROM Studen t’ Book w w ith Workbook with answers Workbook 

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Contents To the Stude nt To the Teacher

vi viii ix

Present and Past 1 Present Con tinuous (I (I am doi ng ) 23 4 5 6

Simple (I do) and Present Present Continuous Simple Simple Present 1 (I am d oi n g and Ido I do ) Present Continuous and Simple Simple Present 2 (I am d oi n g and Ido I do ) Simple Past (I di d) Pa Past st Continuous (I wa s doing )

Present Perfect and Past 7 Present Perfect Perfect (I (I hav e don e) 8 Present Perfect and Past 1 (I ha ve do n e and I did ) 9 Present Perfect Perfect and Past Past 2 (I hav e do ne and I did) 10 Present Perfect Perfect Continuous (I have be en do ing ) 11 Present Perfect Perfect Continuous and Simple (I (I hav e bee n d o in g and I have done) 12 13 14 15

H o w lo n g h a v e y o u ( b ee ee n ) . . . ? F o r a nnd d s in i n c e W h e n . . . ? a nndd H o w l o n g . . , ? Past Perfect (I (I h ad do ne ) Past Past Perfect Co ntinuous (I ha d be en d oin g)

16 H ave and have go t 17 Used to (do)

Future , 18 Present Tenses Tenses (I (I am d oi n g / I do) with a Future Meaning 19 (I’ (I’m m ) go in g to (do) 2 0 Will 1 21 W ill 2 22 I w ill and and I’ I’m m go ing to 2 3 W ill b e d o in g a nd nd w ill h a v e d o n e 2 4 W h e n I d o / W h e n I ’v ’v e d o n e W h e n a nndd i f  

Modals 25 Can , could , and (be (be)) able to 26 C ou ld (do) (do) and and co uld have (done) (done) 27 M ust (You m us t be tired, etc. etc.)) 2 8 Ma y a nd nd m ig h t 1 2 9 Ma y a nd nd m ig h t 2 3 0 Ha v e to an an d m u st 31 Should  32 Subjunct Subjunctive ive (I (I su gg est you do) 3 3 H a d b e t t e r I t ’’ss t i m e . . . 34 Would  35 C an /C o u ld /W o u ld you . . . ?, et etc. c. (Req (Reque uest sts, s, Offer Offers, s, Per Permis missi sion on,, and Invitations)

and Invitations)

If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 319.  

If and Wish 36 I f I do . . . an and d I f I di d . . . 37 If I kne w . . . I wish I knew . . . 38 I f I h a d k n o w n . . . I wish I had know n . . . 39 Wish Passive 40 Pass Passiv ivee 1 (is (is do ne / was do ne) 41 42 43 44

Passive 2 (be (be done / bee n do ne / be ing done) Passive 3 It is said t h a t . . . H e is said to . . . H e is sup po sed to . . . H ave/get som ething done

Reported Speech 45 Reported Speech Speech 1 (He said t h a t . . .) 46 Rep orted Speech 2 Questions and Auxiliary Verbs 47 Questions 1 48 Questions Questions 2 (Do you k no w w he re . . . ? / H e asked m e wh ere . . .) 49 Auxilia Auxiliary ry Verb Verbss h av e/ do /c an . etc etc..) I th in k so / I ho pe so, so, et etc. c. 50 Ta Tag g Questions (do yo u? / isn ’t it?, etc. etc.))

-ing and the Infinitive 51 Verb Verb + -ing (enjoy doi ng / stop doin g, etc. etc.)) 52 Verb erb + to to . . . (decide to . . . / forg et to . . . , etc.) 53 Verb Verb (+ Object Object)) + to . . . (I w an t you to . . . , e t c . ) 54 Ver Verb + -ing or to . . . 1 (rem em be r/re gr et, etc.) 55 Verb + -ing or to . . . 2 (try/n ee d/h elp ) 56 Ver Verb + -ing or to . . . 3 (li (like ke / w ou ld like, et etc.) 57 Pre fer and and w ould rath er  58 Preposition (in/for/about, etc.) + -ing 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

B e/ g et use d to something something (I’m (I’m used to . . .) Verb Verb + Prepositi Preposition on + -in g (succeed in - ing / accuse somebody somebody o f -ing, etc. etc.)) Expressions + -ing To . . . , fo r . . . , and sso o th a t . . . (Purpos (Purpose) e) Adjective Adjec tive + to . . . To . . . ((afr afraid aid to do) and Preposition + -i n g (afrai (afraid d o f -ing ) Se Seee someb ody do and and see see som ebod y doing -in g Phrases Phrases (Fee ling tir ed , I wen t to to bed ear early ly.) .)

Articles and Nouns 67 Countable and Uncountable 1 68 Countable and Unc ountable 2 69 Countable Nouns with a /a n and som e 70 A /an and the 71 The 1


72 73 74 “5


Th e 2 (schoo l / th e school, etc. etc.)) The 3 (children / th e children) The 4 (the giraffe / the te lep ho ne / the p iano, etc etc., the + Adje Adject ctiv ive) e) Names with and and without the 1

• you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 319.


76 77 78 79

Names with aand nd without the 2 Singular and Plural N oun + N oun (a ten nis b all / a hea dach e, etc etc.) .) -’s -’s (your sis ter’s na name) me) and o f . . . (the (the na name me o f the boo k)

Pronouns and Determiners 80 M yself/yo urself/the m selve s, et etcc. 81 A frie friend nd o f m ine My ow n ho hous usee By m ys elf  82 T he re . . . and I t . . . 83 Some and any 8 4 N o / n o n e / a n y N o t h i n g / n o b o d y , et c. 85 M uch, many, little, fe few, w, a lot, ple nty 8 6 A l l / a llll o f m o s t / m o s t o f n o / n o n e o f, f, etc. 87 B o t h / b o t h o f n e i t h e r / n e i tthh e r o f e i t h e r / e iitt h e r o f   88 All, every, and whole 89 Each and every Relative Clauses Relative 90 Rel Relat ativ ivee Cl Clau ause sess 11:: Cla Clause usess with w h o /th at /w h ic h 91 Rel Relat ativ ivee Cla Claus uses es 2: Cla Claus uses es with and without w h o /th a t/w h ic h 92 93 94 95

Rel Relat ativ ivee Cl Clau ause sess 3: w ho se /w ho m /w he re Relative Clauses 4: Extra Infor m ation Clauses (l) Relative Clauses 55:: Extra Infor m atio n Clauses (2 (2)) -in g an andd -ed Ph Phra rases ses (the (the woman tal k in g to Tom , th thee bboy oy inj ur ed in the a cciden t)

Ad jecti jectives ves and Adverbs 96 Adj Adjec ecti tive vess En Ending ding in -in g and -ed (b or in g/ bo re d, etc. etc.)) 97 Adjec Adjectiv tives: es: a n ice n ew house, you look look tire d  98 Adjec Adjective tivess and Adverb Adverbss 1 (q ui ck /q ui ck ly ) 99 Adjectives and Adverbs 2 (well/fast/late, hard/hardly) 10 1000 So and su ch 101 Enough and too 102 103 104 105

Com parison 1 (che ape r, m o re expe nsive , et etc. c.)) Co mp aarr iso ison n 2 ( mu c h b e tte r / a n y b e tte r / b e tte r a n d b e tte r / th e so o n e r th e b e tte r ) Compariso Comparison n 3 ((as as . . . as / than) Sup Super erla lati tive vess (the lon ge st / the m os t enjoyable , etc etc.) .)

10 1066 W ord O rde r 1: Ver Verbb + Object; Plac Placee and Tim e 10 1077 W ord O rde r 2: 2: Adverbs Adverbs with the Verb 108 Sti Still ll,, y eet, t, a nd nd a lr e a d y 109 Even

A n y m o r e / a n y lo n g e r / n o lo n g e r  

Conjunctions and Prepositions 110 A l th t h o u g h / t h o u g h / e vvee n tthh o u g h / i n s p iitt e o f / d e s p iitt e

111112 113 114 115 116 117

In cas Un le sse As lo n g a s Pr o v id e d /p r o v id in g As (= at the sam e time) and as (= bec because) ause) L ik e and as Lik e / a s if / a s th o u g h For, du rin g, and w hile By and u n til By the tim e . . .

If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 319.  

Prepositions 118 A t/o n /in (Time (Time)) 119 O n tim e and and in tim e 120 I n /a t/ o n (Posit (Positio ion) n) 1 121 In /a t/ o n (Positi (Position) on) 2 122 In/at/on (Position) 3 123 To/at/in into 124 125 12 1266 127 128 129 130 131 132 133

At the end an andd in the end 

In/at/on (Other Uses; By N oun + Preposition (rea so n for. ca use of( of( etc etc.) .) Adjective Adjective - Preposition 1 Adjective —Preposition 2 Verb Verb - Preposi Prepositi tion on 1 to and and at Ver Verb - Prepo Preposi siti tion on 2 ab o u t/f o r/o f/a fte r  Ver Ver! - P reposition 3 a b o u t and o f  Ve Verl - Preposi Prepositi tion on 4 o f/ fo r/ fr o m /o n V - Pr Pree ppoo ssit itio ionn 5 in /in to /w ith /to /o n

Phrasal Verbs 13- Phr_s Phr_s,»l ,»l Verbs 135 Phrasal Phrasal Verbs Verbs 13 136 6 Phrasal Verbs Ph Phra rasal sal Verb Verbss 138 Phrasa Phrasall Verbs Verbs 13 139 9 Phrasal Phrasal Verbs Verbs 14 140 0 P hrasal Verbs 141 Phra sal Verbs 14 1422 Phrasal Phrasal Verbs Verbs App endix Appendix Appendix Appendix Append ix Appendix App endix Appendix

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In trod tr od uc tio n in /o u t out o n /o ff (l ) o n /o ff (2 ) u p /d o w n u p (l) u p (2) aw ay /b ac k 


Regula r and Irregul ar Verbs 286 Present and Past Past Tenses Tenses 288 Th e Future 289 2 90 Modal Modal Verb Verbss (c an /co u ld /w ill/w o u ld , eettc.. Short Forms (T m /y o u ’v e /d id n ’t, ’t, et etc. c.)) 291 Spelling 292 British English 294

Add itional Exercises Study Gui de


319 319

Answ er Key to Exercises 328 Answ er Key to Addition al Exercises Answ er Key to Study Guid e 362 Index



eh units  you need to study, use the th e STUD ST UD Y G U IDE ID E on page 319.


To the Student This book is for students who want help with English grammar. It is written for you to use without a teacher. The book will be useful for you if you are n ot sure sure o f the answers answers to questions like these: these: ■ W hat is the differ difference ence betwe en  I did  and   and  I have done? ■ W hen do we us usee will for the future? ■ W ha t is the structure after  I wish ? ■ W hen do we say say used to do and when do we say used to doing? ■ W hen do we us usee the? ■ W hat is the differen difference ce between like and as? These and many oth er points o f English gramm ar are explained in in the book , and there are exercises on each point. Level

 ______________________ _________________________ ____________________________ _ 

The book is intended mainly for intermediate  students (students who have already studied the basic basic gramm ar of English). English). It concentrates on those structures that intermediate students want to use, but that often cause difficulty. Some advanced students who have problems with grammar will also find the book useful. The book is not   suitable for beginning learners. Ho w th e Bo o k I s Or g an ized

 _______  ___ ________ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

There are 142 units in the book. Each unit concentrates on a particular point of grammar. Some problems (for example, the present perfect or the use of the)  are covered in more than one unit. For a list of units, see the Contents at the beginning of the book. Each unit consists of two facing pages. On the left there are explanations and examples;; on the righ t there are exercis examples exercises. es. At the back o f the book th ere is an  Answ  Answer  er   Key  for you to check your answers to the exercises (page 328). There are also seven  Appendices at the back of the book (pages 286-295). These include irre gula r verbs, summ aries o f verb forms, spelling, and British English. English. Finally, there is a detailed  Inde x at the back of the book (pages 363-369). Ho w to Use Use tth h e Bo o k

 ________  ____ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 

The units are not  in   in order of difficulty, so it is not  intended   intended that you work through the  bo ok from fr om be gi ginn nn in g to en end. d. E ve very ry le ar n er has di diff ffer eren en t p ro bl blem em s, an d yo youu sh ou ld use this book to help you with the grammar that  you find difficult.

It is suggested that you work in this way: ■ Use the Contents and/or  Ind  Index ex  to find which unit deals with the point you are interested in. ■ If you are are not sure which units you need to study study,, use use the Study Guide  on  page  pa ge 319. ■ Study the explanations explanations and examples on theleft-hand the left-hand page of the unit you have chosen. ■ Do the exercis exercises es on the right-han d page. page. ■ Check your answers answers with the  Ans  Answer wer Key. ■ If your answers are are not correct, study study the left-hand page again again to see seewhat what went wrong.


You can, of course, use the book simply as a reference book without doing the exercises. A d d i t io io n a l E x e r c i s e s

 ________  ____ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ ______  __ 

At the back of the book there are  Add  Additio itional nal Exercises Exercises  (pages 296-318). These exercises  b  bri ring ng to g e th e r so som m e o f th e gr am m ar po in ts from fr om a n u m b e r o f ddif iffe fere rent nt un its . Fo Forr exampl exa mple, e, Exerc Exercis isee 16 br bring ingss c ther grammar grammar poi points nts from from Unit Unitss 25-34. You can can us usee these exercises for extra practice liter you have studied and practiced the grammar in the units concerned. CD-ROM

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

The book is sold sold w ith -Yh -Yhcut cut a C D-R O M . O n the CD -R OM , you will find more exercises c:. all the units. There are also more than 500 test questions that you can use to make vour own tests, as well as three interactive games.


To the Teacher Grammar Gramm ar in Use Intermediate Intermedi ate was written as a self-study grammar book, but teachers

may also also find it useful as as additional course material in case casess whe re fu rther wo rk on grammar is necessary. The book will probably be most useful at middle- and upper-intermediate levels (where all or nearly all of the material will be relevant), and can serve both as a basis for revision and as a means for practicing new structures. It will also be useful for some more advanced students who have problems with grammar and need a book for reference and practice. The book is not intended to be used by beginning learners. The units are organized in grammatical categories (Present and Past, Articles and Nouns,  Prepositions, etc.). They are not ordered according to level of difficulty, so the book should not be worked through from beginning to end. It should be used selectively and flexibly in accordance with the grammar syllabus being used and the difficulties students are having. The can be consolidation or for later revision or remedial It might beused used for by immediate the whole class or by individual students needing extra help. The left-hand pages (explanations and examples) are written for the student to use individually, but they may of course be used by the teacher as a source of ideas and information on Vhich to base a lesson. The student then has the left-hand page as a record of wh at has been taugh t and can refer to it in the future. The exerci exercises ses can be done individually, in class or as homework. Alternatively (and additionally), individual students can be d irected to study certain units o f the book by themselves if they have  pa rt rtic icul ular ar diffic dif ficul ultie tiess n o t sh ared ar ed by o th er stud st ud en ts in th e ir class. D o n ’t fo rg et the th e  Addition  Addi tional al Exercis Exercises es at the back of the book (see To the Student). The forms presented in Grammar in Use a  are re those th at are mo st used and generally generally accepted in standard spoken North American English. Some native speakers may regard some of the usages as “incorrect,” for example, the use of who as an object  p  pro ro no u n , or th e use o f they  to mean “he or she.” In this book, such usages are treated as standard. The book is is sol sold d with or without a CD -RO M . The C D-R OM contai contains ns fur further ther

exercises on all the units in the book, a bank of more than 500 test questions from which users can select to compile their own tests, and three interactive games. An edition of Grammar in Use Intermediate without the  Ans  Answer wer Key K ey   is also available. Some teachers may prefer this for use use w ith their students. students.

Gram Gr amma marr in Use I ntermedi ntermedi ate Third Edition This is a new edition of Grammar in Use Intermediate.  The differences between this edition and the second edition are: ■ There are eight new units on phrasal verbs (Units 134-142). Th ere is also also a new unit on Wish  (Unit 39). Units 40-79 and 81-134 all have different numbers from the second edition. ■

Some of the material has has been revised revised or reorganized, and in most units there are minor changes in the examples, explanations, and exercises.

■ The  Addi  have ave been ex tended. Th e new exercise exercisess are 14-16,  Addition tional al Exerci Exercises ses h 25 30-31, and 37-41. ■

The book has has been redesigned with new color illustrations. illustrations.

■ There is a new C D -R O M with further exer exerci cise sess to accompany accompany tthe he book. book.


Grammar in Intermediate


Present Continuous (I am doing) Study this example situation: Sarah is in her car. She is on her way to work. She She is driv in g to work. This means: she is driving now, at the time of speaking. The action is not finished. A m /is/ar e + -ing iiss the the pre  presen sentt ccon ontin tinuo uous us: I h e/ sh e/ it w e/y ou /the y

am is are

(= I’m) I’m) (= he’s, he’s, et etc. c.)) (= w e’re, e’re, et etc. c.))

driving w ork ing doing, etc. etc.

I am doing >omething = I'm in the middle of doing it; I’ve started doing it and I haven’t finished yet: ■ ■ ■ ■  ■

::>e. Pm trying to work, (not  I try) Pie ~W; . H e’s ta k in g a shower.” (not He takes a shower) Let’s Let’s go out now. now. It is n’t ra in in g any more. ( not  It   It doesn’t rain) (at a party)  Hello. Jane. Are you enjoying the party? (nor   Do you enjoy) W ha t’s t’s all tha t noise? noise? W hat’s g o in g on? on? (= W ha t’ t’ss happening?)

The action is not necessarily happening at the time of speaking. For example: Steve is talking to a friend on the phone. He says: I'm reading a rea lly g ood book a t the m o m e n tt.. IItt ''ss ab ab o u t a m a n w h o . . . .

Steve is not reading the book at the time of speaking. He means that he has started it but has not finished it yet. He is in the middle of reading it. Some more examples: ■ Kate wants to work in IIta taly ly,, so so she’s st ud yi n g Itali Italian, an, (but perhaps she isn’t isn’t studying Italian Itali an at the time of speaking) speaking) ■ Some fri friends ends of mine ar e bu ild in g their own ho house. use. They hope ttoo fi finish nish it next summer. You ca You cann uuse se th thee present continuou continuouss with to da y / this w eek / this year, et etc. c. (p (per erio iods ds around now): ■  A:   You’ You’re w ork ing hard today. (not  You   You work hard today)  B:  Yes, Yes, I have a lo t to do. ■ The company I work fo forr isn ’t do ing so well this year. We use the present continuous when we talk about changes happening around now, especially especi ally with these verbs: verbs: get f aall l

change grow

beco m e imp rove

in in c r e a se begin

r ise start

■ Is your English English g e ttin g better better?? (not  Does   Does your English get better) ■ The population of the world is in cr ea sin g very very fa fast st.. (not  increases)  increases) ■ At ffirst irst I didn’t didn’t like like my job, but I’m b eg in n in g to enjoy it nnow. ow. (not  I   I begin) Present Continuous and Simple Pre Present sent Units 3-4


Present Tenses with a Futur Future e Meaning Unit 18


Exercises 1. 1.1 1 Complete the sentences senten ces with the fQllowing verbs in the correct form: get get 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.






start start

stay stay


“You r e w o r k i n g   har d today.” “Yes, “Yes, I have a lot to do. do.”” I for Christi Christine. ne. Do you know where she is is?? It dar dark. k.Should Should I turn on the light? light? They don ’t hav havee anywhere to to liv livee at at the mom ent. T h e y friends until they find a place. Things aare re not so so good at work. The com pa ny Do you have an umbrella? I t to rain.  _____ __________   _____  ; __________  _____  a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I Y o u  __ to concentrate. W hy aare re all all these people here here?? W h a t ?

 _________________  ________ ________________  _______ 

 ________________  _______ _________________  ________ 



 _________________  _________ ______________  ______ 

1. Please don ’t ma ke so m uc h noise. I rn trying  

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


 _________________  ________ ________________  _______ 

Put Put the verb into the correct correct form. Sometimes you need the negative

2. 3. 4.

wo rk 

(I'm not doing doing ,  etc.).

(try) (try) to work.

isn 't't rain ing   (rain)any Le t’s t’scan go ou t now. It radio. (rain)any it.   (listen) You tu rn off the I Kate called me last night. She’ She’ss on vacation in Qu ebe c. S h e   (have) a great time and doesn’t want to come home. I w ant to los losee weight, so this week I (ea (eat) t) lunch. Andre w has jus t started evening cl clas asse ses. s. H e   (study) German. Paul and Sal Sally ly had aan n argu me nt. T h e y   (speak) (speak) to each other. I ‘ (g et) ttii r e dd.. I n eeee d a b re re a k . Tim   (work) this week. H e has a we ek off off..   _____________ 

 __________________  _________ ______________  _____ 

 __________________  _________ _____________  ____ 

 _________________  ________ ______________  _____ 




1 3 Complete Complete the conversations. 1.  A: I  saw   saw Brian a few days ago.  B:  Oh , did you? What's he doing  

these da days ys?? (what / he / do)

 A  A::  He’s in college now.  B:   _________  _________________ ________________ _____________  _____  ? (what / he / study study))  A  A::  Psychology.  _________________ ________________ _____________  _____  it? (he / enjo enjoy) y)  B:   _________  A  A::  Yes, he says ________  ________________ __________________ ______________  a lot. (he / learn)

2.  A:   Hi, Li Liz. z. H o w ? (y (your our new job / go) go)  B:  N ot bad. It wasn ’t so good at firs first, t, b u t  be  b e tt e r now now.. (it / get get))  A  A::  W hat about Jonathan? Is he OK? Yes, s, b u t ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___hi _hiss work at the m om ent , (he / no t / enjoy) enjoy)  B:  Ye He’s been in the same job for a long time, and  to get bored  w ith it. (he / begin begin))  _________________  _________ _________________ _____________  ____ 

 ________________________  ________________ ______________  ______ 


Complete the sentences using the follo following wing verbs:  begin 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.







The pop ulation of the wo rld /s increasing   very fast. The w o rl d . Things never sta stay y the same same.. The situation iiss already bad and i t worse. The cost cost of livin g . Every year things are more expensive. The w eath er  to improve. The rain has stopped, and the wind  isn’t as strong.  _________________  ________ _________________  ________ 

 _________________  _________ ________________  ________ 

 _________________________   _________________ ________ 

Simple Present (I do) Study this example situation: Alex is a bus driver, but now he is in bed asleep. He is no t driving a bus. (He is asleep.) asleep.) but   He d riv es a bus. (He is a bus driver. driver.))

D rive (s)/w ork (s)/do (es), et etcc., iiss the the simple present: I /w / w e / y o u / th th e y h e/sh e/it

d r i v e / w o r k / d o , etc. dr iv e s/w o r k s /do e s, et etcc.

We use the simple present to talk about things in general. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general: ■ Nurses ta k e care care of patients in in hospitals. hospitals. ■ I usually leav e for wo rk at 8 a.m. a.m. ■ The earth goes around the su sun. n. ■ The coffee coffee shop shop ope ns at 7:30 in the morning.

Remember: I w o rk . . .


H e w o r ks .. .

T hey hey teach ...


My sister te ac he s . . .

For spelling (-s or -es), see Appendix 6. We use do / do es to make questions questions and negat negative ive sentences: sentences: do d oes ■ ■ ■ ■

I /w e/y o u/th ey he/sh e/it

work? drive? do ?

I /w e/yo u/they he/she/it

don’t d o esn’ t

work  drive do

I come fr from om Japan. Japan. W here do you co m e from? from? I d o n ’t go to church very often. often. W hat does this this word m ean? (not  What   What means this word?) Rice Rice do es n ’t gro w in cold cli climate mates. s.

In the following examples, do is aalso lso the m ain verb (do you do / doesn’t doesn’t do, etc.) etc.):: ■ “W hat do you you do? ” “I work in a departm ent store.” store.” ■ H e’ e’ss always always so lazy lazy.. He do e sn ’t do an ything to help. help. We use the simple present to say how often we do things: ■ I get up up at at 8:00 8:00 every m orn ing . ■ H ow o ften do you go to to the denti dentist st?? ■ Julie Julie do esn ’t d rin k tea tea very often. ■ Robert usual usually ly plays tenni tenniss two o r thre e tim es a w eek in the summer. summer. I p r o m ise / I apo lo g ize, et e t c. Sometimes we do things by saying them. For example, when you promise to do something, you can say say “I prom ise . . . w he n you suggest someth ing, you can ssaay, ““II su gg es t. . .”: ■ I p ro m ise I wo n’ n’tt be lat late. e. (not  I’m   I’m promising) ■ “W hat do do you sug ge st I do?” “I sug ge st that you spend le less ss money.” In the same way, we say: say: I ad vis e . . . / 1 in si st . . . / 1 re fu se . . . / I su p p o se . . . , etc.

Simple Present Present and Present Continuou s Units 3-4

Present Tenses with a Future Meaning Unit 18




2.1 Complete the sentences sentenc es using using the following follo wing verbs: drink(s) live(s) open(s) spcalt(s) cause(s) connect(s) 1. Tanva s p eo ks   German very well. 2. I don’t much coffee. a t 7 :3 0 ev e ry m o rn i n g . 3. T h e s w i m m i n g p o o l m a n y accid ents. 4. B ad d r i v i n g in a verv small apartment. 5. My parents 6. T h e O l y m p i c G a m e s p l a c e e v e r y f o u r y e a rs . 7. T h e P a n a m a C a n a l t h e A t l a n t i c a n d P a c if ic O c e a n s .


2.2 Put the verb into the correct form. 1. Julie doesn't drink   (not / drink) tea very often. 2. W h a t tim e   (the banks / close) close) here? 3. I have a TV, bu t I   (not// watch) (not watch)it itmuch. much.  _______________________  ____________ __________________  _______ 

  _____________ ________________________ ____________  _ 

45.. “W “W he   (Ricardo / come) “He ’s Cu ban .” h a re t (you / do)?” “I’m “I’m from?” an electrician.”  __  _____ ______  ___    (ta (take) ke) me an hou r to get to work. How long 6. I t  ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____  *   (it / take) you? you? 7. Look at this this sentence. sentence. W h a t (this (this word / mean)? 8. David isn’t isn’t in very good shape. shape. H e (not / exercise exercise). ).  ________________________  ____________ __________________  ______ 

 ________________________ __________________  ______ 

2.3 Use the following followin g verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative: believe 1. 2. 3. 4.

eat eat

flow flo w



Th e ear th goes   around the sun. sun. Rice d o e s n t g r o iv i v   in.Canada. The su n in the east. Bees honey.  __________________   ____________ ______ 

 __________________   ___________ _______ 

_____ _____ ____  _  5. Vegetarians ______ ! 6. An ath eis t

m e a t. in i n God.

 __________________   ____________ ______ 

make mak e




7. An in ter pr ete r  from one language into another. 8. L iars are peo ple wh o the truth.

 __________________   __________________ 

 ________ ___________  _____  9. T h e A m a z o n R iiv v er e r _____   into the Atlantic Ocean.

2.4 You You ask Liz Liz questions questio ns about herself and and her family. Write the questions. 1. You know that Liz plays plays tennis. You w ant to know h ow often. Ask her. her. How often do you pla y tennis 2. Perhap s Liz’s Liz’s sister plays plays tennis, too. You w an t to know. Ask Liz. Liz. . your s ist er . 3. You You know that Liz reads reads a new spaper every day day.. Yo You u wan t to know w hich one. Ask her. her.

4. You know that Liz’s Liz’s bro ther works. You w ant to know w hat he does. Ask Liz. Liz. 5. You know tha t Liz goes goes to the movies a lot. lot. You You want to kno w how often. Ask her. her. 6. You do n’ n’tt kno w w her e Liz’s Liz’s gran dpare nts live. live. You w ant to know. Ask Ask Liz. Liz.

2,5 Complete using the following: follo wing: I apologize I i n s is is t I prom ise 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I recom m end

I s u g g es es t

It’ It ’s a nice ni ce day. / s u g g e s t  we go for a walk. I w on’t on’t tell anybody wh at you said . . I w on’t on’t let you pay for the m ea l. that you let me pa pay. y. for what I did. It won’t happen again. The new restaurant restaurant dow ntown is is very go od .   it ithighly. highly.  _____________________  ___________ ____________________  __________ 

 ______________________  ___________ ___________________  ________ 

 ______________________  ___________ ___________________  ________ 



Present Continuous and Simple Present 1 (I am doing and I do)_______________________ Compare: Present continuous  (I (I aam m d o in g

Simple present  (I   (I do)

We use the continuous for things happening at or around the time of speaking. The action is not com plet plete. e.

We use the simple for things in general or things that happen repeatedly.

I a m d o in g  p a s t


I do  past


■ The water is bo ilin g. Can yo you u turn it off? off? ■ Liste Listenn to those people. W hat llanguage anguage are they speaking? I Let Let's 's go out out.. IItt isn ’t ra in in g nnow ow.. ■ "I'm bus busy.” y.” “W hat are you do in g? ” ■ I’m I’m g e tt in g hungr hungry. y. Let’ Let’ss ea eat. t.


futur fut uree

» ■

W ater bo ils at 100 100 degrees Celsiu Celsius. s. Excuse me, do you sp ea k Engli English? sh?

■ ■ ■

It do es n’t ra in very very much in summer summer.. W hat do yo you u usua usually lly do after work? I always always ge t hung ry in the afternoon.

■ ■

Kate wants to w ork in Ita Italy, ly, so she s learning Italian. The population of the world is inc rea sin g very fa fast st..

We use the present continuous for temporary situations: ■ I’m I’m liv ing with some fri friends ends until I fin find d a place place o f my own.

Most people people le ar n to swim whe n the they y are children. Every day day the population of the worl world d increases by about 200,000 people.

We use the simple present for  permanent   permanen t  situations:   situations: ■ My parent parentss live in Vanco Vancouver uver.. They hav havee lived there all their lives.

 A :   You ■  A: You’’re w or k in g hard to toda day. y.  B:  Yes, I have a lot lo t to do.

■ Joh n isn isn’’t lazy lazy.. He wo rk s hard most of the time. See U nit 2 for more information.

See U nit 1 for more information . I always always do and and I’ I’m m always doing

I always do (something) = I do it even,- time: ■ I always driv e to work. (not   I’m always driving) “I’m “I’ m alway s d o in g something” hhas as a diff different erent meanin meaning. g. For examp example: le: again. |'m always losing things.

I ’m alw ays lo sin g things = I llose ose thin things gs very ofte often, n,  pe rh rhap ap s to o ofte of ten, n, or m or e ofte of ten n th an norm no rmal al..


'r e exam ex ample ple s: C \ : r’re alw ays w at ch in g telev televisio ision. n. Yo Youu should do something more acti active ve.. = watch too m uch telev television) ision) •

T — • nev never er sa sati tisf sfie ied. d. H e’s always com pla ini ng . (= He compl complai ains ns too much much))



r esen t 2 Unit 4

Present Tenses with a Future Meaning Unit 18


Exercises Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. O Y  2. The wa ter boils. Can you turn it off? off? /s boiling 3. Look! Th at m an tries to op en the door o f your ca car. r. __  ________  4. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? 5 The mo on goes around the earth in about 27 day days. s. 6 .1 have to go go now. It gets gets late. late. 7 .1 usually usually drive drive to work. 8. "H urr y up! It’ It’ss tim e to leave.” “OK , I com e.” 9 .1 hear you’ve you’ve got a new job. How does does it go? go? 10. Paul is never late. He^s always getting to work on time. 11. They don’t get along well. They’re always arguing.  x .

 _  ______ 


 ________ ______   ______  _____

 ________ ______   _________  _____

 ________ ______   ________________________  ____________ _________________  _____  _____

 _______________________  ___________ ______________________ ___________  _  _____  ________ ______ 

 ______  ___ ______ _____ __ __ _____ ______ ______ 

 ______________   ___________ ___   ___________ 

 ______  ___ ________  _____ 

 ________ ______    _________  _________  _____

2 Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or simple present. 1. 2.

L et et’’sgo ou out. t. It i s n f r a i n in rain) now. now. in g   (not / rain) Julia is very good at languages. She s p ea ks   (speak) fou r languages very well. Juliais

3. H urry up! up! E very bod y   (wait) for you. 4. “ _________ _________ ______ ______ _____  __    (you / listen) listen) to the radio?” “No, you can turn it off.” off.” 5. “ _________ _________ ______ ______ _____  __    (you / listen) listen) to the radio every every day?” day?” “No, ju st occasiona occasionally. lly.”” 6. The River River N ile   (flow) into the Mediterranean. 7. The riv er    (flow) (flow) very fast fast today - m uch faster than usual. usual. 8. We usu ally  _________ ______ ______ ______ _____    (grow) vegetables in in our garden, but thisyear thisyear we   (not / grow) an any. y. 9.  A:   H ow ’s you r English? bad. d. I think i t   (improve) slowly.  B:  N ot ba 10. Rachel is is in New York right now. S h e   (st (stay ay)) at the Park H otel. She  _____________________   ____________ _________ 

 _____________________   ____________ _________ 

 _____________________   _____________________ 

 _____________________   __________ ___________ 

 _____________________   ___________ __________ 

 ______________________   __________ ____________ 

always   (stay (stay)) there w he n she’s in Ne w York. York. Ca n we stop wa lking soon? I   (start) to feel tired.  A:   Can you drive?  B:  I (lea (l earn rn). ). My fath er  : (t e a c h ) m e . N orm ally I   ____________________    (fi (finish) nish) work at five, five, bu t this we ek I   (work) unt il six to ear n a little m ore .money. .money. My p ar en ts  ___  ______ _________ ______ ______ _____  __    (liv (live) e) in Taipei. Taipei. They were bo rn there andhave and have never  lived live d anywhere else else.. W h e re   (your parents / liv live) e)?? Sonia   (look) for a place to live. live. S h e   (stay) with her sister until she finds a place.   (your (your brother / do)? do)?  A:   W h a t  B:  H e’ e’ss an architect, but h e   (not / work) right now. now. (enjoy) (enjoy) parties, bu t _I   _____________________  (at a party)  I us ua lly (not / enjoy) enjoy) this one very much.  _____________________   __________ ___________ 

11. 12.


 _____________   _____________ 


 _____________________   __________ ___________ 


 _____________________   ___________ __________ 

15. 16.

 _____________________   ____________ _________ 

 _____________________   __________ ___________ 

 _____________________   __________ ___________ 



3 3 Finish B's B's sente sen tence nces. s. Use always -ing. 1.  A: I’ve lost my keys again. again ! You're always losing your keys  B:  N o t again! 2.  A: The car has broken down again. useless. ss. I t  B: T hat car is usele 3.  A: Look! You made the same mistake again. again!! I  B:  O h no, not again 4.  A:


 _______________________  _____________ _______________________ _______________  __ 

 ________________________  ____________ ________________________ ______________________ _______________  _____ 





Present Continuous and Simple Present 2

(I am doing and I do)

We use continuous forms for actions and happenings that have started but not finished (they (the y are ea tin g / it is rain in g, etc.). etc.). Some Some verbs verbs (for (for eexample, xample, kn ow and like) are not norm ally use d in this way. way. W e do n ot say “I am kn ow ing ” or “they are liking”; we say I know, they like. The following following verbs verbs are no t normally used in the present continuous: lik e

lo s e

h a te

w ant


p re fer  



su p p o se


u n de d e rs r s ttaa nndd

b eliev e

 b e l o n g


c o n ta in



I'm hungry. I w an t someth ing to eat. (not  I’m   I’m wanting)

re m e m b e r  

Do v ou ou u n d e r s ta n d wh a t I me a n ? ■ Ann doe sn ’t see m very very happ happy. y. Think  ^ l i e r th in k means “belie “believe” ve” or “hav “havee an opinion,” we do not use use the the continuous: ■ I th in k Mary is is Canadian, but I’m I’m not sure. sure. (not  I’m   I’m thinking) ■ W hat do you T hin k about my plan? plan? (= W hat iiss your opinio opinion?) n?) W hen th in k means “consider “consider,” ,” the continuous is possib possible: le: I’ I’m m th in k in g about what happened. happened. I often often th in k about it it.. ■ Nicky is th in k in g of quitting her job. (= she she is considering considering it it)) H e is selfish selfish and and H e is be ing selfish selfish H e’s b ei n g = H e’s e’s behaving / H e’s e’s acting acting.. Com pare: ■ I can’t can’t unde rstand w hy he’s b e in g so selfish. selfish. He isn’t isn’t usually like that. (b ein g selfish selfish = behaving selfish selfishly ly at the m oment) ■ H e never thinks about oth er people. He is very selfish. selfish. (not  He   He is being) (= He is selfish generally, not only at the moment) We use am / is / are b ei n g to say say how som ebody is is behaving.  It is not usually possible in other sentences: ■ It’s hot today. today. (not  It’s   It’s being hot) ■ Sarah is very tired. (not  is   is being tired) Se e


sme ll

ta ste

We normally use the simple present (not continuous) with these verbs: Do you see that man over there? (not  Are   Are you seeing) ■ This room sm ells. Let’s Let’s open a window. We of ofte ten n use use can —see —see he ar / s m ell / taste: ■ I can h ea r a strange strange noise. noise. C an you h ea r it? it? Look


You can use the simple present or continuous to say how somebody looks or feels now: ■ You You lo o k good to toda day, y, or   You’re You’re lo o k in g good to toda day. y. ■ How do you you feel now? or   How are yo youu feeling no now? w? bu t 

I usually fee l tired in the m orning . ( no t  I’m   I’m usually feeling)



' i c   Present 1 Unit 3

Have Unit 16

Present Tenses with a Future Meaning Unit 18



Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. 1. Nicky is thinkin g of giving giving up her job. O K  . 2 Are you believin g in God? 3 I'm feeling hungry. Is Is the re anything to eat? - This sauce is great. It’s tasting really good. 5 I’m I’m thin kin g this is yo ur key. Is it?  ________   ___ _____ 

 _________________   ______________ ___ 


 __________  _________________   _________________   ___________ ______ 


«Jse the words in parentheses parenthese s to make make sentences. (You should also also study Unit 3 before you you  d o this exercise.)



(what  I   you  I  do?)   do?)

8? quiet! (I / think)  


r i i in< ..I „

(dinner / smell / good)

s  jmb  jmbrell rella a / belon belong g to?)

Ladles Gkr>«*


lanybody / sit / there?)


(these oloves

C 3 Put Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or simple present. present. 1. Are you hu ngry ?  D o y o u u /a n t   (you (you / want)something want)something to eat? 2. D on ’t pu t the dictionary away away.. I   (use) it. 3. D on ’t pu t the dictionary away away.. I   (need) ity 4. W ho is that man? W h a t (he (he / want)? want)?   ______________________ 


5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

W ho is that man? W h y (he / look) look) at us us?? _____    (believe) him. Alan sa says ys he ’s 80 years old, bu t n o b o d y  _________ ________     ________  She told me he r nam e, bu t I   (not/ (not / remember) it now now.. I   (think) o f selling selling my car. car. Are you interested in buying it? I   (think) you should sell sell your car. car. Y ou  ___  ______ _________ ____________  ______  (not / use) use) it very often. often. 10. A ir    (consist (consist)) mainly o f nitrogen and oxygen. oxygen.   ___________ _______________________  ____________ 



 _______________________   ______________________ _ 

- 4 Complete the sentences sentence s using the most appropriate form of be,  simple present  (am/is/are)  or present continuous (am (am/is/a /is/are re be beii ng ). 1. I can’t can’t un der sta nd why he's being   so soselfi selfish. sh. H e isn’t isn’t usually like that. 2. Sarah very nice to me these days. I wonder why. 3. You’ll You’ll like De bbie w hen you m eet her. her. S h e very nice. nice.  _____________________  ___________ ____________  __ 


You’re You’re usually usually very patient, so so w h y waiting 10 more minutes? 5. W hy isn’ isn’tt Steve Steve at wo rk toda y?

 ______________________  ___________ ____________  _ 

 _____________________  ___________ ____________  __ 


unreasonable unreasona ble abou t



Simple Past (I did) Study this example: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian musician and composer. He lived from 1756 to 1791. He started composing at the age age o f five five and and w ro te more than 600  piec  pi eces es o f m us usic ic.. H e w a s only on ly 35 year ye arss old ol d w h e n he d ie d . L iv e d /sc a r te d /w r o te wa s d ie d are all simple past.

Very often the simple past ends in -ed (regular  verbs):  verbs): ■ I work in in a trave travell agency agency now. now. I w o rk e d in a departmen t store store befor before. e. ■ We in vite d theqa theqa to our pa part rty, y, but they they de cid ed not to co come. me. ■ The police police stop p ed m e on on my way hom e llast ast night. night. ■ Laura pas sed her exam exam because because she st ud ie d very very hard. hard. For spelling (stopped, studied, etc.), see Appendix 6. But many verbs are irregular. This means the simple past does no t   end in -ed. For example: piecess of musi music. c. write -*■ w r o t e ■ Mozart w ro te more than 600 piece ■ We saw Rose at the mall a few days ago. see -*• s a w -► w e n t ■ I w en t to the m ovies ovies three times last last week. g° shut  —  sh u t ■ It was cold, so I shut the window. For a list of irregular verbs, see Appendix 1. In questio questions ns and negativ negatives es we use did / d id n ’t + base form   enjoy / see / go, et etc. c.): ): I sh e th e y

enjoyed  saw w ent

d i d 

you she th e y

enjoy? see? go?

I she th ey

d i d n ’t

enjoy see g°

■  A :   D id you go o ut last last night? night? es,, I w en t to the movies, movies, but I di d n ’t en joy the film much.  B:  Yes ■ “Wh en d id Mr. Tho ma s die ?” “A bout 10 10 years ago.” ago.” ■ They did n ’t in vi te her to to the the party party,, ssoo sh shee did n ’t go. go. ■ "D id you have time to write the letter?” “No, I d id n ’t.” In the fol following lowing example examples, s, do is tthe he m ain verb verb in the sentence sentence (did . . . do / d id n ’t do): ■ W hat did you do on the weekend? (not  W   W hat did you on the weekend?) ■ I d id n ’t dc anyth anything ing,, (not  I   I didn’t anything) The past of be (am I/he/she/it we /y o u /th e y

is / are) is is sv svas as / sv sver ere: e: was vasn t w ere/ ’w ere n’t

w as we r e

I /h e /sh e /it? we/you/they?

 N o te th at w e do n o t us usee d i d in nega ne ga tiv es an d qu es esti tion on s w it ithh w a s / w e re : ■ I wa s angry angry because because they w ere late. late. ■ Was the weather good wh en you you wer e on vacatio vacation? n? ■ They w er en ’t aable ble to come come because because they w ere so busy busy.. ■

Did you go go out last night, or w er e you you too tired? tired?

: sr

Past Continuous Unit 6

Present Perfect and Simple Past Units 12-13



ercises €3d what Debbie says about a typical working day: I usually get up at 7:00 and have a big breakfast. I walk to wo rk, which takes me abo ut half an hour. I start wo rk at 8:45 . I never have lunch. I finish work at 5:00. I'm always tired when I get home. I usually cook dinner a little later. I don't usually go out. I go to bed around 11:00, and I always sleep well.


-sterday was a typical working day for Debbie. Write what she did or didn't do yesterday. S h e p o t up a t 7:00.

She She

. at 5:00.


. .i big bre akfast akf ast..

8. 9.

. to get to work.   at 8:45.  ________  lunch.


 _ ho m e. . di dinn nn er a little later.   out last night.  _________ _______  at 11:00.   we ll last night.

tired when

11 . 


Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form:    b u y c a tc h cost f a ll h u rt se ll spend te a c h 2 3. 4. 5. 6.

Mozart w r o t e   mo re than 600 pieces of music. “How did you learn to drive?” “My fa th e r  ______  _________ ______ ______  me." . it. We o  _ do w n th e stairs sta irs th this is m o rn in g an d . Dave it. . the ball to Sue, w h o  _________ _________ ____  _  J im a lot o f money yesterday. yesterday. She . A nn



his leg. a dress that

$2 0 0 .

3 You You ask James about his vacation. vacati on. Write your questions. Hi. How are things? Fine, thanks. I’ve just had a great vacation. 1. Where d i d yo u g o  ? We went on a trip from San Francisco to Denver. 2. H ow ? By car? Yes, we rented a car in San Francisco. 3. It’ It’ss a long way to drive. drive. Ho w lo n g Tw o weeks. weeks.   _________________________________________ 


4. W h e r e Yes, small hotels or motels. 5. It was was very hot - sometimes too hot.

 ________________________  ____________ ________________________  ____________ 

? In hotels?'

the Grand Canyon?


O f c ou ou rrse se It was wonderful.

5.4 Complete the sentences. sentenc es. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

It was warm, so I took   off my coat, (take) (take) The movie wasn’t very good. I didn' (enjoy) didn'tt en joy   it very m uch, (enjoy) I knew Sarah was very busy, so I   _ _ _ her . (d (dis istu turb rb)) I was very tired, so I the party early, (leave) (leave) The bed was very very uncomfortable. I very well, (sleep)   __________________ 


  _____________ _______________________  __________ 

 _______________________  ___________  6 . The w indow was was open and and a b ird  ____________ into the room, (fly (fly))

expensive. ve. I t 7. Th e h otel wasn ’t very expensi 8 . I was in a hurry, so I   _____________  9. It was hard carrying the bags. They .

very much, (cost) tim e to call call you. (have) (have) ver y heavy, (be)

 _______________________   ___________ ____________ 

 ______________   _____________ _ 



Past Continuous (I was doing) Study this example situation:

;  I   ■

Yesterdayy Karen and Jim played tennis. The y Yesterda  be ga n at 10:00 an d fin ishe is he d at 11:30. So, at 10:30 they were playing tennis. They were p lay ing = they wer weree in tthe he middl middlee of playing playing.. T hey had not finished playi playing. ng.


Was / we re -ing is the the  past con continu tinuou ous: s: I/he/she/it w e/yo u/th ey

w as w er e

 pla  p la y in g doing working, etc.

I was doing something = I was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this time, but had not finished: I s ta rte d d o in g  past

■ ■ ■

I w as d o in g

 / I X



This time las lastt year I wa s liv in g in Brazi Brazil. l. W hat w ere you d o in g at 10:0 10:00 0 last last nig night? ht? I waved to Helen, but sshe he w as n’t loo kin g.

Compare the  past contin continuous uous  (I was doing) and simple past  (I   (I did): Past continuous (in the m iddle of an act action) ion)

■ ■

I was w alk ing home when I met D Dav ave. e. Ka Kate te was w atc hin g ttel elevi evisi sion on when we arrived.

Simple past  (comp   (comp lete action)

■ ■

I w alk ed home after the party last last nig night. ht. Kat Katee w atc he d tel televis evision ion a lot when she was sick last year.

We often use the simple past and the past continuous together to say that something happened in the middle of something else: ■ Matt b ur n ed his his hand whil whilee hhee was coo kin g di dinne nner. r. ■ It was rain ing when I go t up. up. ■ I saw yo youu in the par parkk ye yest ster erday day.. Y You ou w ere s itti n g on the gr gras asss and re ad in g a bbook. ook. ■ I h u rt my bac back k whil whilee I was wo rk in g in the ggar arde den. n. But we use the simple past to say that one thing happened after another: 9 I was w alk in g dow ntown when I saw D Dave ave.. S So o I sto pp ed , and we talk ed for a whil while. e. Compare: W hen Karen ar arri rive ved, d, we we we re ha ving dinner. (= we had already started  befo  be fore re she arrive arr ived) d)

When Karen arrived, we had dinner.. (= Karen arr dinner arrived, ived, and then we had dinner together.)

Some verbs (for example, know and want) are not normally used in the continuous (see Unit 4A): ■ We were good frien friends. ds. We kn ew each other well well,, (not   We were knowing) ■ I was having a good ttime ime at the ppart arty, y, but Chris w a n te d to go home, (not  was   was wanting)


ercises 1 What were you doing at these times? Write sentences as in the examples. examples. The past past  continuous is not always necessary (see the second example).

U N I T £

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


(at 8:00 last nigh night) t) / wa s having dinner dinner.._________________________________________________ (at 5:00 last Monda y) / was on a bus on m y w ay home home.._____________________________ (at 10:1 10:15 5 yesterday m or ni n g ) ___  ______ ______ _____  ’ (a (att 4:30 thi thiss m or nin g) (at 7:45 last n ig h t) (half an hour ag o)  ____________________________________   _________________________ ___________ 

 ________________________  ____________ __________________________ __________________________ ________________  ____ 

 ________________________  ____________ _________________________ __________________________ _____________________  ________ 

 _________________________  _____________ __________________________ __________________________ ___________________  _______ 

Us Use e your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use the past continuous. 1. M att burn ed his hand while he was cooking dinner __________________________________ __________________________________ 2. The doorbell rang while I 3. We saw saw an accident while w e asleep while sh e 4.   Lauren fell asleep 5. The tel televis evision ion was on, but nob od y

_________________________ _____________ _________________________ __________________________  _____________   _________________________  _____________ _________________________ _______________________  __________ 

 _________________________  _____________ ________________________ ________________________  ____________ 

 ________________________  ____________ ________________________ ___________________  _______ 

Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or simple

I   (ride) my  bicycle yeste y esterda rdayy w he n a m an   (step) out into the street in in front of me. I (go) pretty fast, but luckily I   (manage) to stop in time and  (not / hi hit) t) him.

I   (meet) Tom and Jane at the airport a few weeks ago. They (go) (go) to Boston aand nd I

I s a w   (see) Sue in townn yeste tow yesterda rday, y, bu t she   (not / see) me. She (lo (look) ok) the th e o the therr way. way.



 ______________   ____________ __ 

 ______________   _____________ _ 




  (g°) to Montreal. We   (talk) while whi le w e (wait) (wai t) for our o ur flights.



 ______________   ____________ __ 

 ______________   ____________ __ 

 ______________   ___________ ___ 

Put the verb intothe intothe correct form, past continuous or simple past. Jane was waswaiting waiting  


2. ““W W ha t 3. " 4. How fast

(wait) for me when I

arri ved   (arrive).

  (you / do) at this time yesterday?” “I was asleep.” (you / go) ou t last night? ” “No, I was too tired .”   (you / drive) drive) when the accident   (happen)? Sam   (take) (take) a picture o f me while I   (not / look). look). We were in a very difficult difficult position. W e (not / know) wh at to do do.. I haven ’t seen David for ages ages.. Th e last time I (see) (see) him, he   (try) (try) to find a jo b in Miam i. I   (walk) (walk) along the street whe n sudden ly I   ___________    (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody   (follow) me. I was scared and  I (start (start)) to run. W he n I was young, I   (want) to be a pilot. Last nig ht I   (drop) a plate while I   (do) the dishes. Fortunately it   (not / break).  _________________________   ___________ ______________ 

 _________________________   ____________ _____________ 

 _________________________   ____________ _____________ 

5. 6. 7.


  _____________ ____________________  _______ 

 _________________________   ____________ _____________ 


  ____________________  ____________________ 

 _______________________  ___________ ______________  __ 

9. 10.

  ____________ _________________________  _____________ 

  ____________ _______________________  ___________ 

  ____________ _______________________  ___________ 

 ________________________   ____________ ____________ 

■on onal al Exercise Exercise 1 (page 296) 296)



Present Perfect (I have done)


Study this example conversation: lot, t, Jane?  Dave:  Ha ve you tra ve led a lo  Jane:  Yes, Yes, I’ve b e e n to lots lots of places. places. Really? H av e you you ever b ee n to China?  Dave:  Really?  Jane:  Yes, es, I’ I’ve ve be e n to to China twice. twice. India??  Dave:  W hat about India  N o , I h a v e n ’t b e e n to India. Ind ia.  Jane::  No  Jane

Jane’s life (a period until now) now

 pa  past  st 

Have/ has + t ravel ed/ been/ done, et c. , (past participle)  is the presen t perfect: perfect: I/w e/the v/y ou have (= I’ I’ve ve,, et etc. c.)) trave led   be  b e e n he /sh e/i t has (= he’s, he’s, et etc. c.)) do ne . et etc. c. The past papriciple often ends in -ed (traveled/decided, etc.), but many important verbs are   (bee n d o n e/ w rit te n , etc.) etc.).. For a list list of irregular irregular verbs verbs,, se seee Appendix 1. 1. irregular  (bee We use the  pre sen t perfect  when we talk about a period of time that continues from the past until now. In the conversation in A, Dave and Jane are talking about the places Jane has visited visit ed in her life life - wh ich is a period that continues un til now. now. Some more examples: examples: ■ H av e you ever ever ea te n cavi caviar? ar? (in (in your lif life) e) ■ ■ ■ ■

W e’ve e’ve never h ad a car ar.. “Have you you read  Ham Shakespeare’s plays.” plays.”  Hamlet  let ?” “No, I h av en ’t rea d any of Shakespeare’s Susan really loves loves tha t movie. She’s see n it eigh t times! W ha t a boring movie! movie! It’s It’s the most boring movie I’ve I’ve ever seen.

In the following examples, too, the speakers are talking about a period that continues until now (recen tly / in the last few days / so far / since breakfast, etc etc.). ■ Have you you he ard from Brian Brian recently? ■ I’ I’ve ve m et a lot of people in th e last few days. days.   recently ■ Everything Everything is is going going well. well. We h av en ’t had any problems in t he last few fe w days so far. ■ I’ I’m m hungr hungry. y. I ha ve n’t ea ten anythin anythingg since bre akfa st.  — since sin ce b re ak fa st ---■ It’s It’s nice to see see you again again.. We h av en ’t see n each othe r no now w  past  for a l ong t i m e. ---------

We use use the present perfect with tod ay / this m o rn in g / this year, etc. etc.,, when these these  pe ri rioo ds are n o t fi fini nish shed ed at th thee tim e o f spe s peak aking ing (see also U n it 9B): ■ I’ I’ve ve d ru n k four cu cups ps of co coff ffee ee today. ■ Ha ve you you had a vacation vacation this yea r ((ye yet) t)?? ■ I hav en’t seen Tom this m orn ing . Hav e you? you? today oday ■ Rob Rob hasn’t stud ied ver very y ha hard rd this sem ester.  past  We say: It’s the (first) time something has happened. For example: ■ D on is taking a driving lesson. It’s It’s his first one. It’s It’s the first time he ha s d ri v e n a ca car. r. (no t  drives)   drives) or  

He has neve r drive n a ca carr before. ■ Sarah has lost he r passp ort again. again. This is is the second time this has happened. (not  happens)  happens) ■ Bill is calling his girl friend frie nd again. T h at ’s the thir d time he’s called her tonight. ■*•6 •61 111 an d Sara S arah h w o n . . .) ■ The road is closed. closed. T he re’s b ee n (there ha s bee n) an accident. accident. (or  There   There was an accident) Use the simple past only (not   the present perfect) for things that are not recent or new: ■ M ozart was a composer. composer. He w ro te more than 600 600 piec pieces es of music. music. (not   has been . . . has written) ■ My m other gre w up in Chile. Chile. (not  has   has grown) Compare: ■ Shakespea Shakespeare re w ro te many pl play ays. s. ■ My brother is is a writer. He has w ri tt e n many books, books, (h (hee sti still ll writes book books) s) The present perfect always tells us something about now: ■ I’ I’m m sorr sorry, y, but I’ve I’ve fo rg o tte n your name. (= I can’t can’t reme mb er it now) ■ Sally Sally isn’t isn’t here. She’s g o n e out. (= she is ou t now) ■ I can’t can’t find my ba bag. g. H av e you seen it? it? (= do you know wh ere it is now?)  You can also use the simple past in all these examples (“I forgot your name,” etc.). Use the simple past only (not   the the present perfect) if the situation now is different. Compare: ■ It has s to pp ed raining raining,, ssoo you don’t don’t need the umbrella. umbrella. It stopped raining for a while, but now it’s raining again. You Yo u can use use the simple simple past or present perfect perfect with ju st , alrea dy, and yet. Just = a short time ago: ■ .4: .4: Are you hungry?  B   No, I ju st had lunch lunch or   I’ve I’ve ju s t ha d lunch. lunch. ■  A:  Why are you so happy?  B:  I ju st he ard so some me good good news, news, or I’ve  I ’ve ju st he ard so some me good good news. news. We use already to sav that something happened sooner than expected: ■  A:  A : Don’t forget to mail the letter.  B:  I already m ailed it. or   I’vea I’vea lr e a d y m a ile d it.  A : What time is Mark leaving? ■  A:  B:  He already left, left,

Yet only ■ ■

or   H e’s alre ady left. left.

= until now. Ye t shows that the the speaker is expecting som ethingto ething to happen.Use happen. Use yet in questions and negative sentences: D id it stop rain raining ing yet? or   Ha s it sto pp ed rai raining ning yet? yet? I wrote the le lett tter er,, but I d id n ’t m ail it yet. or   . .. I h a v e n ’t m a ile d it y eet. t.

Bresent Perfect Unit 7


Present Perfect and Past 2 Unit 9

British English Ap pen dix 7




8.1 Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses. Use the present perfect where wher e  possible. Otherwise, use the simple past. 1.

2. before

It h a s s to t o p p e d    ( st op) raining, so you don't need y o u r u m b r e l llaa .

The town is very different now. It (change) a lot.

I m eant t o call you last night , but I

( go) t o P eru for a vacation, but she's back home in Austin now.

Are you OK? You look great ! You (have) a headache, but I feel fine now.

(lost) weight.

8.2 Which sentence is correct: (a), (a), (b), (b), or both 1. a) My mother has grown up in Chile. 2. a) Did you see my purs purse? e? 3. a) I already paid the gas bill. 4. a) The Chinese invented paper. 5. a) Where have you been born? 6. a) Ow! I cut my finger. 7. a) I forgot Jerry’s address. 8. a) Did you go to the store yet? 9. a) Albert Einstein has been the scientist who has developed the theory of relativity. 10. 10. a) My father was raised by his aunt.

of them? the m?  b)  b)  b)  b)  b)  b)  b)  b)  b)

My mother grew up in Chile. Flave you seen my purse? I’ve already paid the gas bill. The Chinese have invented paper. Where were you born? Ow! I’ve cut my finger. I’ve forgotten Jerry’s address. Have you gone to the store yet? Albert Einstein was the scientist who developed the theory of re relat lativi ivity. ty.


 b) My father has been raised by his aunt.

8.3 Read the situations and write sentences with j  juu s t , perfect or simple past.

alr al r ead eady  y , or y  yet et..  You can use the present 

1. Afte r lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She ssay ays, s, “Wou ld you like some thing to eat?” You say: No, thank you.  I'v  I'vee j u s t h a d lunc l unch h OR  / j u s t h a d llunc unch h  . (have lunch) 2. Jo e goes out. Five minute s later later,, the pho ne rings and the caller says says,, “Can I spe speak ak to Joe ?” You say: say: I’ I’m m so rr y, . (go out) 3. You are eating in a restau rant. The w aite r thinks you hav havee finished and starts to clear the tabl table. e. Youu sa Yo say y: Wait a m in ute ! . (not / finish) 4. You are going to a res tau ran t tonig ht. You call to reserve a table. Lat Later er yo ur frien d sa says ys,, “Should I call to reserv e a table ?” You ssay ay:: N o , . ((do do it) 5. You know tha t a friend of yours is looking for a place to liv live. e. Perhaps she has been successfu successful. l. Ask her. You sa y: ? (find) 6. You are st still ill think ing abo ut whe re to go on vacation. A friend aasks sks,, ““W W he re are you going on vacation?” You say : . (not / decide)  _____________  ______ ______________ ____________________ ____________________ _________________  __________ 

 _____________  _______ _____________ _____________ _____________ _________  __ 

7. Linda we nt to the bank, but a few minut es ago sh shee return ed. S omebo dy aasks sks,, “I “Iss Linda still still at the bank?” You ssay ay:: N o , . (come back) 8. Yesterda Yesterdayy Carol invited you to a party on Saturday. Saturday. Now ano the r friend is inviting you to the same party. party. Y You ou ssay ay:: Thanks, b ut C ar o l . (invite)  _____________  _______ _____________ ____________________ ____________________ ______________ _________  __ 

 ______________  _______ _____________________ ____________________________  ______________ 


Present Perfect and Past 2 (I have done and I did) Do not use the present perfect (I have done) when you talk about a fin   time (for example,  finish ished  ed  time yesterd ay / 10 m inu tes ago in 1999 1999 / w he n I was a child). U Use se a pas pastt te tens nse: e: ■ It was very very cold cold yesterd ay, {not  has   has been) ■ Pau Paull and Lucy Lucy w en t out 10 m in ute s ago. (not  have   have gone) ■ D id vo vouu eat - lot lot of candy candy w he n you were a child? (not  have   have you eaten) ■ I g o t home la late te las t n igh t. I w as very very tired and w en t straight straight to bed. Use t he simple past to ask W h e n . . . ? or   W h a t tim e . . . : ■ W he n did your friends friends ge t her here? e? (not   have .. . gotten) ■ W hat ttii m e di d you you fi ni sh wo work rk?? Compare: Simple Past only

Present Perfect or Simple Past 

Tom ha s lo st his ke key. y. He can’t can’t get into the house, (or  Tom l o s t. . .)

Tom los t hi hiss key yesterd ay. He couldn’t get into the house.

Is Carla here or ha s she left?   Di d she she leav leave?) e?) (or  Di

W hen did Carla Carla le leave ave??

Compare:   (did) Simple Past  (did)

  (have done) Present Perfect  (have ■

I’ve I’ve do ne a lot lot of work today.

We use the presen t perfect for a period of time that continues until now. now.  For example: t oday / t hi s week / si nce 19 1999.


* ■

I di d a lot of work yesterda y.

We use the simple past for a fini   time in  finishe shed  d  time the past. For example: yest erday / l ast we ek / fro m 1999 t o 2005 2005..


 —   fin ished  ish ed  — 


yest erday


It ha sn’t rai n ed t hi s week. H ave you seen Lis Lisa this m orn ing ? (It is still morning)



■ It di d n ’t rai n l ast week. hi D id you see Li Lisa sa this m o rn in g? (it is now afternoon or evening)

you ou seen Tim recently? *  Have y


D id you you see Tim on Sunday?

I do n’t n’t know wh ere Li Lisa sa is. is. I h av e n ’t see n her. (= I haven’ haven’tt seen her recently)

■  A :   Was Li Lisa sa at the part party y on Sun day ? n’tt think so. so. I d id n ’t see he her. r.  B:  I do n’

W e ’’v ve been waiting for an hour. (We are still w airing now)

■ We w ai t ed (or    w e r e w a i ti ti n g ) f o r a n (or  w h o u r. (We are no longer longer wai waiti ting) ng)

* Jo hn liv lives es in Los Angeles. He ha s live d there for seven years.

■ Joh n lived in New York York fo r 10 10 years.  N o w he live livess in Los An geles ge les..

*> I have neve r played g o lf (in (in my life) ■  It ’s the last day of o f your  your vacatio vacation. n. You 

■ I di d n ’t pl ay gol golff l ast sum m er. ■  After  Aft er you com comee back back jrom vaca vacatio tion, n, yyou ou say: say: 

It was a really good vacation. I really enjoyed it.

say: It’s been a really good vacation.

I’ve really enjoyed it.

S« S«-p -p4 4 e Pas Pas t

Pres Pres e en n t Pe rfe rfect ct U nit nit 7

Pres Pres e nt nt Pe rfe rfect ct a n d Pa Pass t 1 U n it it 8


Pres Pres e en n t Pe rfe rfect ct C on tin tin uou uou s U n it it s 1


E «ercises

Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. O K  I ve lost my key. I can’t find it anywhere.  D i d y o u e a t  Have you eaten a lot of candy whe n you w ere a child? child? I’ve bought a new car. You have to come and see it. I’ve bought a new car last week. Where have you been last night? Maria has graduated from high school in 2004. I’m looking for Mike. Have you seen him? “Have you be en to Paris?” “Yes, Yes, ma ny tim es.” I’m very hungry. I haven’t eaten much today. When has this book been published? Make sentences from the words in parentheses. Use the present perfect or simple past. (itt / not / ra (i rain in / th this is week) week)  I  Itt h a s n 't r a i n e d th is w ee k . (the (the weather / be / co cold ld / recen recentl tly) y) The w eath er  (itt / co (i cold ld / la last st week week)) I t . (I / not / read / a newspa per yester yesterday) day) I (I / not / read / a newspaper tod today ay)) (Kate (Ka te / make / a llot ot of money / this this year year))  ________   ______ __ 

(she (s he / not / make / so much / last last ye year ar)) _ (you / take / a vacation recent (you recently?) ly?)


Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or simple past. see) her? I don’t don’t know w here Lisa Lisa is ..  H a v e y o u s e e n   (you / see) (be) (get) (get) home last night, I . When I (go) straight to bed. very tired, so I   (you / eat) at the ne w sushi place place on Jo e’s e’s birthday? 3.  A:     (we / be) there twice this this month.  B:  N o, o, b u t . bus us drivers’ strike strike last week. T h e re   (not / be) any any buses buses.. 4. The re was a b (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he quit. 5. Mr. Lee (live) there all her life. 6 . Kelly lives in Toronto. She (you / go) go) to the movies last night? 7.  A:    B:  Yes, es, bu t i t (be) awful. (be) a mistake. The movie (die) (di e) before I was born. I . My grandfather . (never (ne ver / meet) hi him. m.   (never (never / meet) him. 9. I don’t know Karen’s husband. I (not / see) see) Martin all morning. It’s nearly lunchtime, and I I wonder where he is. live?? 11 .  A:   W here do you live  B:  In Rio de Janeiro. (you / liv live) e) there?  A:   H o w l o n g  B:  Five years. (you / live live)) before that?  A:   W h e r e B: In Buenos Aires.   _________________ 

 ________  ____ ______ 

 ________  ____ ______ 

 _______  ____ _______ _______ ______  ___ 

 _______  ___ _______ _______ _______ _______  ____ 

 _______  ____ _______ _______ _______ _______  ___ 



 ________  ____ _______ _______ _____  _ 

 ______  ___ _______ _______ _______ ______  __ 


 B: In Buenos Aires.  A: And how how lon g  __  years ars..  B: Tw o ye

~ A

 ______   ____ __ 

  (you / liv live) e) there?

Writ Write e sen sentences tences about yourself usin using g the ideas iin n paren parentheses. theses. / hav e n' t e at e n any f rui t t oday oday.. 1. (something you haven’t done today) 2 . (something you haven’t done today) 3. (something you didn’t do yesterday) 4. (something you did last night)  D. (something you haven’t done recently) 6 . (something you’ve done a lot recently)

i3 Exercises 2-4 (pages 297-298), 14-15 (pages 304-305)


Present Perfect Continuous (I have been doing) It has been raining. Study this example situation: Is it raining?  N o , b u t th e gr o un d is w et. et . I t has been r ain in g . H ave /has b ee n - in g is is th thee  pre sen t pet fec t continuo cont inuous: us: I / w e/they /y o u he/she/it

have has

(= I’ve, etc.) (= he’s, etc.)

 b e e n

doing waiting  pl ay in g, etc.

We use the prese nt perfect co ntinuous for an act activity ivity tthat hat has recently stopped o r jus t stopped. There is a connection with now: ■ Yo You’ u’re re out of bre breath ath.. Hav e you be en ru nn ing ? (= you’ you’rre out of breath now) ■ Jason is is very tired. tired. He ’s be en w o rk in g very hard hard.. (= he’ he’ss tired now) ■ W hy ar aree your clo clothe thess ssoo ddir irty ty?? Wha t have you be en doin g? ■ ■

(on (on the phone)  I’ I’m m glad glad you ca call lled. ed. II’’ve bee n t h in k in g abo ut ccall alling ing you .. . W here ha have ve you been been?? I’ I’ve ve be en lo ok in g every everywhere where for for you. you.

I t h as as b e e n r a i n i n g f o r t w o h o u r s . Study this example situation: It began raining two hours ago, and it is still raining. How long has it bee n rain ing? It has bee n ra inin g fo forr two two hou hours rs.. We use the present perfect continuous in this way with ho w lon g, for, and since. The acti activit vity y is is ssti till ll happening (as in this example) or has just stopped. ■ ■ ■ ■

H ow lo ng have you bee n stu dy ing Engl Englis ish? h? (= you’ you’re re st stil illl sstud tudyin ying g Engli English sh)) Tim is st stil illl watching ttelevi elevision. sion. H e’s be en w at ch in g televisi television on all day. W here hhav avee yyou ou bee been? n? II’’ve be en lo ok ing fo forr yo youu for the last h a lf hou r. Chris Christopher topher ha sn’t bee n feeling we well ll recently.

You can use the present prefect continuous for actions repeated over a period of time: ■ Debbie iiss a very good ttennis ennis playe player. r. She’ She’ss be en pl ay ing since sh e was eigh t. ■ Even Even-- morning tthey hey meet in in the sa same me caf cafe. e. They’ve They’ve bee n g oin g there fo r years years..

Compare I am doing (see Unit 1) and I have been doing:


I am doing

I h av e b een d o in g

 pr esen es entt conti co ntinuo nuo us

 pre sen t per perfect fect con tin tinuou uou s


no w

I’ve been working hard. Now I’m going to take a break. The ground iiss wet. wet. It’ It’ss be en rain ing . W e’ve e’ve bee n w aitin g fo forr an hour hour..

Don’t bother me now. I’m working. We need an umbrella. It’s raining. Hun up! up! W e’ e’re re w aiting.

PePe-^ec ^ectt S m >l >le and Continu ous Units 11-12


Prese nt Perfect w ith  for   f or  / si nc ncee   Units 12-13


Exercises 10.1 10.1 What have these thes e people been doing or wh what at has been happening? happen ing? 1.

2. earlier 




They ve been shoppi shopping. ng. 3.


10.2 Write a question for each situatio situation. n. 1. You m ee t Paul as he iiss leaving the swim m ing pool. You ask: ask: (you / swim?)  H a v e y o u b e e n s w im m in g ? 2. You have just arrived to meet a friend who is waiting for you. You Yo u ask: ask: (you / wait / lon long?) g?) 3. You m ee t a frien d at the store. His fa face ce and hand s are very dir dirty. ty. You ask ask:: (wha t / you / do?) do?) A friend of yours is now working at a gym. You want to know how long. You Yo u ask: ask: ((how how long / you / work / the there?) re?) 5. A friend tel tells ls you abo ut hi hiss jo b - he sel sells ls computers. You wa nt to know ho w long. You Yo u ask: ask: ((how how lon longg / you / sell sell / com puters? ) ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________  ___ 

10.3 Read the situa situations tions and complete the senten sentences. ces. 1. It’ It’ss raining. Th e rain started two hours ago. It 5 been raining   for two hours. 2. We are waiting for the bus. We go t ttoo the bus st stop op 20 minutes ago. W e  ______  ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________  for 20 minutes. 3. I’ I’m m studyin g Sp Spanish. anish. I started clas classes ses in Decem ber. I   ______________________________________________________  since December. 4. Jessica iiss wo rking in Tokyo. Sh Shee started work ing there on Jan uary 18. s ince January 18. since  _______________________________________________________ 

5. O ur fr friends iends aalway lwayss spend their summe rs iin n the mounta ins. They start started ed going there years ago. _____  ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _______  for years.

10.4 Put the verb into the present presen t continuous contin uous (/ (/ am (I have been been -i-ing). ng).

-ing)  or present perfect continuous 

1.  M a r ia ha s be en st ud y in g   (Maria / stu study) dy) English for two years years.. 2. Hello. Hello. T om . ______  ___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ _______  __    (I / look look)) for you al alll morning. W here hav havee you been? 3. W h y  ____________ ____________ ___________ ___________ _______  _    (you / look) at me like that? Stop i it! t! 4. Linda is a tea ch er.  ______  ___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ _______  __    (she / teach) fo r 10 years. 5. (I / think) abo ut wh at you sai said, d, and I’ve I’ve decided to take your advice. 6. “I “Iss Kim on vacation this wee k?” “N o , ______ (she / work).”  ___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ _______  __    (she 7. Sarah is very ti re d . ______ (shee / work) very hard recentl recently. y.  ___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ _______  __    (sh


Present Perfect Continuous and Simple (I have been doing and I have done) Study this example situation:

Ling’s cl Ling’s clothes othes are c overed w ith paint. She has been painting the ceihng.

The ceiling was white. Now it is red. She has painted the ceiling.

H as been pa intin g iiss the the  pres  pr esen entt perfect  perfec t  

Has painted is the  pr  prese ese nt perfect pe rfect simple.


We are interested in the activity. It does not matter whether something has been finished or not. In this example, the activity (painting the ceiling) has not been finished.

Here, the im portant thing is that something has been finished. Has painted is a completed action. We are interested in the result of the activity (the painted ceili ceiling), ng), not the activity itself.

Com pare these examp examples les:: ■

My hands are are vvery ery dirt dirty. y. I’ I’ve ve be en f ix in g the car. ■ Joe has be en ea ting too much recen recentl tly. y. He should eat less. m  It’ It’ss nice to ssee ee you aga again. in. W ha t ha ve you ■

 b e e n d o i n g sin since ce th e last las t tim ti m e w e saw you you?? W here hhav avee you been been?? Ha ve yo you u be en  p l a y i n g tenn te nnis is??

We use the continuous to say or ask how long  (for an activity that is still happening):

■ Th e car is OK again now. I’ve I’ve fix e d it it.. ■

Somebody has ea ten all my can candy dy.. The  bo x is empty em pty . ■ W he re’s re’s the book I ga gave ve you? W ha t ■

have you done with it? Ha ve yyou ou eve everr play ed te tenn nnis is??

We use the simple to say or ask hoiv much,  how many,  or how many times  (for completed

How llong ong have you you bee n rrea ea din g th that at  book  bo ok?? ■ Lis Lisaa is still still writing her report. She’s be en w ritin g it al alll da day. y. ■ They ’ve be en play ing te tennis nnis since 2:0 2:00. 0. ■

I’m I’m stu studying dying Span Spanis ish, h, but I ha ve n’t be en stu dy ing it vvery ery llon ong. g.

actions): ■ How much of that book have yo you u read: ■

Lisa Lisa has w ri tt e n 10 pages tod today. ay.

The y’ve y’ve pla ye d ttennis ennis three time timess

this week. I’m I’m st studying udying Spani Spanish, sh, bu t I h av en ’t learned very much yet.

Some ver verbs bs (f (for or eexamp xample le,, k n o w /lik e/ b el ie v e) are are not nor normally mally us used ed iinn the cont continu inuous: ous: ■ I’ve I’ve kno w n abou t it for a long time. (not   I’ve been knowing) For a list of these verbs, see Unit 4A. But note that you can can us  usee w an t and m ean in tthe he  pre  p re se n t p er fe c t co ntin nt in uo us : ■ I’ I’ve ve te e n m ea ni ng to phone Pa Pat, t, but I keep for forget getti ting. ng. 5 —: e Pre sen t'erfe ct


ni nits ts 7-8

Present Present Perfect Perfect Continuous U nitI O

Present Present Perfect Perfect with for / si nc ncee  Units 12-13



' 1 For For each each situation, situation, write two sentences usin using g the words in parentheses. parentheses. 1. Luis started reading a boo k two ho urs ago. He is still reading it, and now he is on page 53 53.. (readd / for two hours)  He (rea  H e ha s b e e n re ad in ing g f o r tw o hours. hour s.  H e ha s r e a d 5 53 3 p ag es so far. (read / 53 pages so far far))  He 2. M in is from K orea. S She he iiss traveling around Asia right now. She began her trip thre e



months ago. (tra (trave vell / for three months) S he (v (visi isitt / si sixx countries so far ) 3. Jim m y is a tennis playe player. r. He b egan playing tennis wh en he was 10 year yearss old. This year he iiss national champion again - for the fourth time. (winn / the na (wi nationa tionall champio championshi nships ps / four tim es ) (p (pla layy / tennis sinc sincee he was 1 0) 4. W hen they graduated from from colle college, ge, L Lisa isa and Amy started making movie moviess together. They still make movies. (make / fiv fivee movies sin since ce they fi finished nished coll college ege)) T h e y  _____________  ______ _____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _____________ ___________ 

 _____________  _______ ____________ ____________ _____________ ____________________ _________________________ _____________  _ 

 ____________  _______ ___________ _____________ ____________________ ______________  _ 

 ____________  ______ ____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ___________________ __________________  ______ 

 ____________  ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________  ___ 

(make / movies si since nce they fi finished nished colle ge )

 ____________  _______ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________  _______ 

2 For For each situation, ask a question using the words word s in parentheses. 1. You have a frien fri en d who is studyin g Arabic. You ask ask:: (how long / study / Arab Arabic? ic?))  H o w Iona h a v e y o u b ee n st u dy in g A ra b ic ? 2. You have ju st arriv ed to m eet a friend. She iiss waiting for you. Y You ou aask sk:: (wait / lon long?) g?) Have . 3. You see som ebo dy fishing by the river. You ask ask:: (catch / any ffish? ish?)) Some friends of yours are having a party next week. You ask: (how many people / inv invite ite?) ?) A friend of yours is a teacher. You ask: (how long / tea teach? ch?)) You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask: (h (how ow many many boo books ks / w rite?)  _  (how (ho w long / write / bo book oks? s?)) A friend of yours is saving money to take a trip. You ask: (how long / sa sav ve? e?)) (how much mone y / sa sav ve? e?))  ____________  ______ _______  _ 


! 3 Put Put the verb into the more appropriate form, present perfect simple simple (/ (/ have done)  or  been do doing ing ). continuous (/ have been 1. W he re hhave ave you been?  H a v e y o u b e e n p la y in g   (you / play play)) tennis? 2. Lo ok ! (somebody (someb ody / bre break) ak) that wind window. ow. 3. You look ti re d .   (you (you / work) har hard? d? 4. “ (you (yo u / ever / work) in a facto factory?” ry?” “No, never. never.”” 5. “Hi, is Sam ther e?” “No, h e   (go) for a run. ” 6. My bro the r is an actor  (he / appear) in several fi films. lms. 7. “Sorry I’ I’m m late. late.”” “Th at at’’s all ri g h t.   (I/ not / wait wait)) long.” 8. “Is “Is it stil stilll raining?” “N o ,   (i (itt / stop). stop).”” 9. (I / los lose) e) my cell p  p h o n e . (you / see see)) it anywhere? 10. (I / read read)) the book you lent me, b u t   (I / not / finish) it yet. It’ It’ss very interesting. 11. (I / read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now.  ____________  ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________  _____ 


 __________________  ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _______  _   ____________  ______ ____________ ____________ _______  _ 

 _____________  ______ ___________________  ____________ 

 _____________  ______ ____________________ _________________ 

 _____________  _______ __________  ____ 

U N I T  


How Ho w llo ong h ha ave you (be (been) en) . . . ? Study this example situation: Bob and Alice are married. They got married exactly 20 years ago, so today is their 20th wedding anniversary. They have been married for 20 years. We say: They are married, (present) b ut  

H ow lon g have th they ey bee n marri married? ed? (present perfect) (not  How   How long are they married?) They have b ee n m arried arried for 20 20 years. (not  They   They are m arried for 20 years) years)

We use the present perfect (espec (especial ially ly with h o w lon g, for, and since) to talk talk about something that began in the past and and continues to the prese nt time. Com pare the  pr ese nt  and   and the  pres  pr esen entt perfect: ■ but  

Bill is in the hospital. He has be en in the hospi hospita tall since M onday . (not  Bill   Bill is in the hospital since Monday)

■ bu t  

D o you kn ow each other well? well? Ha ve yo youu kn ow n ea each ch other other for a lon g time? (not  Do   Do you know)

■ bu t  

She’s She’s w ai tin g lor somebody somebody.. Sh She’ e’ss b een w aitin g all m o r n in g .

■ bu t  

 pa  past  st 



 present perfict  no w

D o they hav e a ca car? r? H ow lon g have th they ey had their their car? ar?

I have kn o w n/h ad /live d, etc., etc., is th thee  pres  pr es ent en t perfec perfectt sim ple. I h av av e b een lear n in g / b een w aitin g / b een d o in g , etc etc., is is th th e  pr  pres esen entt perfect perfe ct con tinuous tinu ous..

W he n ■ ■ ■ ■

we ask or say say “how long,” the continu ous is mo re com m on (s (see ee U nit 10): I’ I’ve ve bee n study ing Engli English sh fo r six m onth s. I t’ t’s b een r ain in g sin sin ce lu n ch tim e. Richar Richardd has been d oi ng the same same job fo r 20 years. years. H ow lon g have you be en dr iv in g ?” “Sin “Since ce I was 17.”

Some verbs verbs (for (for example, example, k n o w /li k e/ b e lie v e ) are are not normally used in the continuous: continuous: ■ How long long have you kn ow n Emily Emily?? (no t  have   have you been knowing) ■ I’ I’ve ve h ad a stom achach e all all da day. y. ( no t  I’ve   I’ve been having) See also Units 4A and 10C. For have, see Unit 16A. You Yo u can use use either the presen t perfect continuous continuous or simple simple with live and w ork : ■ John has be en liv ing / has lived in Montreal for a long long time time.. ■ Ho w lo lo nngg h av e y ou ou b een wo r k in g / h av e y ou ou w o r k e d h er ere? But we use the simple simple (I’ve (I’ve lived / I’ve I’ve do ne , etc.) etc.) with always: ■ Ha ve you alway s lived in the country? country? (no t  always   always been living) e ssaav “I have n’t do ne somethin something g sin ce /fo r . . . ” (present perfect simple): ■ I ha ve n’t seen Tom sinc e Monday. Monday. (= M onday was the last last time I saw him) ■ S^-j ^-j h a sn ’t ca lle d fo r ages. ages. (= the last time she called called was ages ago) ago)

 s - ' . e f or   U n ' 7 C

Presen Presentt Perfec Perfectt Continuous Units 10-11

 and  si nc Fo r  and ncee  Unit






- _r the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. L 2. ; r. &

Bob is a friend o f mine. I kno w him very well. O K  Bob is is a friend o f mine. I kno w him for a long time. _________ ____   / v e k n o w n h im  _________ Sue and Scott Scott are m arrie d since since July. _________ _________ ______ ______ ____  Tlie w eath er is awful. It’s It’s raining again. again. Th e weath we ath er is is awful. It’s It’s raining rain ing all day. day. I like like your house. Ho w long are you living living there? Gary is working in a store for the last few months. I don’t know Tim well. We’ve only met a few times. V I quit drin kin g coffee. I do n’t drink dr ink it for a year. year. _________  ______  That’s a very old bike. How long do you have it?

 _________________________   _________________________ 

  ______________ ____________________________ ________________  __ 

 ____________________________  ______________ ________________  __ 

 ____________________________  ______________ ________________  __ 

 __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____ 

 ____________________________  ______________ ________________  __ 

 __________________________  ____________ __________________  ____ 

____________________________ ______________ ________________  __ 

 ____________________________  ______________ ________________  __ 

: ead ead the situations and write questions from from the words in parentheses parentheses.. John tells you that his mother is in the hospital. You ask him: (how long long / be / in the hospit hospital al?) ?)  H o w Ion a h a s y o u r m o t h e r b e e n in th e h o sp ita it a l? 2. You m eet a w om an wh o tells tells you tha t she teaches English. You ask her:

  _  _ 

 ____________________________  ______________ __________________________ ________________________  ____________ 


  __  __ 

(how (howknow lo long ng that / te teach ach / English?) You Erica is a good friend of Carol’s. You ask Erica: (how (h ow long long / know / Carol?) - Your frie nd ’s br oth er mov ed to Cos ta Rica a wh ile ago. ago. You ask your friend: (how (how lo long ng / be / in Costa Costa Rica?) 5. Chris Ch ris drives a very old car. car. You ask him : (how (how lo long ng / ha have ve / that car?)  _  You are talking to a friend about Scott. Scott now works at the airport. You ask your friend: (how (ho w long long / work / at the airport?) A friend of yours is taking guitar lessons. You ask him: (how (ho w long / take / guitar guitar lessons?) You meet somebody on a plane. She says that she lives in Chicago. You ask her: (a (alw lway ayss / li live ve / in Ch icago? )

 ______________________________ ___________________________ __________________________ ______________ _ 

 ___________________________  _____________ ___________________________ __________________________  _____________ 

 __________________________  ______________ _________________________ ____________________________  _______________ 

 __________________________  ______________ ___________________________ _________________________  __________ 

 ____________________________  ______________ __________________________ _______________________  ___________ 

 _________________________  ____________ __________________________ ____________________________ ___________________ 

Complete B s answers to A s questions. A

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Amy is in the hospital, isn’t she? Do you see Ann very often? Is Margaret married? A re y o u w a i t i n g f o r m e? You kno know w Lin Linda, don’ don’tt yyoou? Do yo you u st still play tennis? Is J im im w at atc hi hin g TV TV? D o y o u w at atc h T V a lot? Do yo youu have a headache? Geor Ge orge ge is neve neverr si sick, is he?

Yes, she h a s b een   in the hospital since Mondav.  N  No. o. I have n't seen her for three months. Yes, she m a rr ie d for 10 years. Yes. I fo r th e last h a lf hour. each other a long time. Yes. we tennis for years. No. No. I TV all night. Yes. he he TV for ages. ages. N o, o, I a headache all morning. Yes. I sick since I met him. No. he

11. 12.

Are you feeling sick? Sue lilives in Mi Miami ami, doe doesn sn’’t sshhe?

13. 14.

Do you go to the movies a lot? Would you like to go to Taiwan one day?

Yes, I Yes, she for the last few years.  N  No, o, I Yes. I (use al  always ways / want)

1. 1

U N I   



sick all dav. in Miami to the movies for ages. to go to Taiwan.

For and since When . . . ? and How long We use for and since to say how long something has been happening. We us usee fo r + a period of time time (two ho urs, six weeks, etc. etc.): ): ■ I’ I’ve ve been waiting waiting fo r tw o hou rs.

We use s ince + the start start of a period period (8:00, M on da y, 1999, 1999, etc. etc.): ): ■ I’ve I’ve bee n wa iting since since 8:00. since 8:00

for two hours  —► now

two hours aoo

two hours 20 minutes five davs

f o r  a long time six months 50 years

a wee k ag e s years

8:00 --------

8:00 8:00 M on day May 12

Kelly Kel ly has has been working here f o r six (not 

m o n t h s . seen since I haven’t Tom six for months) three days.


since A p ril 1985 Christmas

You can use in instead of for in negative sentences: ■ They ha ve n’t ha d a vacat vacatio ion n in 10 10 years.

► now

lu n c h tim e we arrived  yesterday

Kelly has been working here since A pri l. (= from April April until now) I haven’t seen Tom since Monday.

It iiss possible possible to leave leave ou t fo r (but no t in negative sentences): sentences): ■ The y’ y’ve ve been married (for) (for) 1100 yea rs, (with or w ithou t for) ■ They hav en ’t ha d a vacation vacation fo r 10 years years,, (you (you must use for) We do not   use use fo r + a l l . . . (all day / all m y life, etc etc.) .):: ■ I’ve I’ve lived lived here all m y life. (not   for all my life)


C om om pa pa r e W h e n . , . ? ( + simple past)  a n d H o w lo lo n g . . . ? ( +  present pe perfe rfect) ct)::  A:   W he n did it it start start rainin raining? g?  B:  It st start arted ed rain raining ing an h o u r ago / at 1:00. 1:00.  A:   H ow lon g has has iitt been been raini raining? ng?  B:  It’s It’s been rain raining ing fo r an h o u r / since 1:00 1:00..

 A:   W he n did Joe and Carol first first meet?  B:  They first first met

a long time ago. w he n they were in high school school..

have the they y kno w n each each other other??  A:   H ow lon g have for a long time.  B:  They’ve They’ve kn ow n each each other  since they were in high school.


We sa say y “I t’s (= It It has has)) be en a lo n g tim e / tw o years, etc. etc.,, since som ething happe ned”: ■ I t’s be en tw o years sin ce I saw saw Joe. (= I ha ve n’t seen Joe for two ye year ars) s) ■ I t’s be en ages sinc e we w'ent w'ent to the movie movies. s. (= We hav en ’t go ne to the movie moviess for ages) You Yo u can can as ask k “H “H ow lo ng has it be en since ■ H ow lon g has it bee n since you saw saw Joe? (= W hen did you last last se seee Jo Joe? e?)) ■ H ow lon g has it been since Mrs. Mrs. Hill Hill died died?? (= W hen did Mrs. Mrs. Hill Hill die? die?))

H ow ortg ortg have you been ). . .  ?

Unit 12


Exer Ex ercis cises es

u N 1T |J

Write for   f or  or si nce. 1 It It’’s been been rai raini ning ng


lunchtime.  ________ 

25. Sarah hi ca go   1995. Joe has hahas s lived livlived ed ininD C alla s __  _____ ______  ___  10 years. I’m tired of waiting. We’ve been sitting here  ___  ______ ______  ___  an hour. 5 Kevin has bee n looking for a j o b  _________  he graduated. I haven’t been to a party  _________  ______  ages. I wond er how Joe is is.. I haven ’t seen h im   ________  last week. Jane is away at college. She’s been away  ________  ____  last August.  _________  ______  a few weeks.  > The weather is dry. It hasn’t rained  ___

Write questions with i.

how long long  and when.

It It’’s rain ing. (how long?) long?)  H o w Iona h as i t b e e n rain ra inin ing? g? _____________________ (when?) When d id it s ta rt raining raining? ? Kate is studying Japanese. (how long / st study udy?) ?) ; (when (wh en / start?) start?) _____  ________ _____  __  I kno w Jeff. Jeff. (how long long / you / know?) know?) (when / you / meet? meet?)) Rebecca and David are married. (h (how ow long? ) (when (wh en / get ?) ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _   _  _____ 

 __________________   ______________ ____ 

V 3 Re Read ad the situations situat ions and complete the sentences. It’s It’s raining. It’ It’ss bee n raining since lunc htim e. It sta rte d raini at lunchtime. raining ng   Ann and Sue are friends. They met years ago. ________  years. They \/e \/e been friends for   __ Mar k is sic sick. k. He got sick on Sunda Sunday. y. He h a s Ma rk is is sic sick. k. He go t sick a few days days ago. H e h a s Sarah is ma rried. She’s She’s bee n ma rried for a year. year. She g o t You have a headache. It started when you woke up. I’ I’v ve Megan has been in France for the last three weeks. She w en t You’re working in a hotel. You started six months ago. I’ I’v ve

Sunday. a few days. .

 ___________________________  ______________ ____________________  _______   _________________________  ____________ ________________  ___ 

 ___________________________  _______________ ________________  ____ 

 ___________________________  _______________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ____________________  ________ 

I woke up.  

 ____________________________  ______________ ____________________________ __________________  ____ 

- -

/rite B's sentenc sen tences es using the words wor ds in parenthes pare ntheses. es. ..  A:   Do you take vacations often?  B:  (no / five years)  No.  / have n't taken a vacation for five years. 2.  A:   Do you see Laura often?  ________ ____  _   B:  (no / about a m on th)  _____ 3.  A:   Do you go to the movies often? often?  B:  (no / a long time) 4.  A:   Do you eat out often? often?  B:  (no / ages)  __________ 

Now write B's answers again. This time use It’s been . . . since  . . . . 5. (1)  No. i t ''ss b bee e n fi v e y e a r s si n c e   / took a vacation. _____________ 6. (2) N o, it it’’s 7. (3 (3)) N o ,. 8. (4) ------


Past Perfect (I had done) Study this example situation:  A t 11:00  A t 10:30

Sarah went to a party last week. Eric went to the  pa  party rty,, too, to o, b u t th ey d id n’t see each ea ch othe ot he r. E ric lef leftt the party at 10:30 and Sarah got there at 11:00. So: W he n Sarah got to the party, Eric wasn’ wasn’tt there. He had gone home. H ad gon e iiss the  past perfec perfectt (si (simp mple) le):: I/w e/t he y /yo u ^ ^ (= I’ I’d, d, etc. etc.)) he/she/it (= h e’d, etc.)

gone seen ~ . , , finished, etc.


The past perfect is had +  past particip participle le ( g o n e / se e n / f in ish e d , e ttcc). Sometimes we tal talkk about something that ha ppened in the pa past: st: ■ Sara Sarahh g o t to the party. party. This is the starting po int o f the story story.. The n, if we w ant to talk abou t things that happ ened before this time, we use the past perfect (had . . .): ■ W hen Sarah Sarah aarrive rrivedd aatt the par party ty,, Eric ha d already already gon e home.

Some ■ ■ ■

more examples: W hen we got home las lastt nigh night, t, we found that ssomebod omebodyy had b ro k en int intoo our ho hous use. e. Karen didn’ didn’tt w ant to ggoo tto o the movies wi th us because she’ she’dd already see n the film. At first first I though t I’ I’dd d on e the right thing, thing, but I so soon on re realiz alized ed that II’d ’d m ad e a  big mi mist stak ake. e. ■ The m an si sitti tting ng next to me on tthe he pl plane ane was was very nervou nervous. s. He h a d n ’t flo w n before. before. or   . . . He ha d nev never er flow n be befo fore re..

Compare the  present perfec perfect  t   (have seen, etc.) and the  past perfec perfect  t   (had seen, etc.): Past Perfect 

Present Perfect  Perfect 

h a d se een n

have seen  past



■ W ho is that woman? I’ve I’ve never seen her before. ■ We aren’t aren’t hhungr ungry. y. W e’ e’ve ve jus t had lunc lunch. h.

The house is dirt dirty. y. They hav en ’t cleaned it for weeks.


I did n’t n’t kno w who she was. I’d never see n her before. (= before that time) ■ We we ren’ ren’tt hung hungry. ry. W e’d just h ad lunch lunch.. The house was dirt dirty. y. They h a d n ’t clea ned it ffor or wee weeks. ks.

Compare the simple past  (left,   (left, was, etc.) and the  past perf   (had left, ha d b een, etc etc.) .):: perfect  ect  (had  A:   Was Tom tthere here wh en you arri arrived? ved? Yes, s, bu t he le ft a little late later. r.  B:  Ye

■  A:   Was Tom there w hen you aarri rrived? ved? he ha d alr already eady left.  B:  No, he

Amy wasn’t at home when I called. She was at her mother’s house.

"ast Perfect Continuous Unit 15


Irregular Verbs

Amy had just go tte n home when I call called ed.. She had been at her mother’s house.

(had g one, had see seen, n,   etc.)

Appendix 1



14 14.1 .1 Read Read the situatio situations ns and write sentences sentences using using the words words in paren parenthese theses. s. 1. (she You en t/ toout) Jill’s Jill’s house, bu tgone she wa sn’t t there. (s he /w go Sh e h ad ou outsn’ t.___________________________________________ 2 . You w ent back to y our ho me tow n after m any years. years. It wasn’ wasn’tt the same as bef before, ore, (it (it / chan change ge / a lot lot)) 3. I invited Rachel to the party, but she couldn’t come, (she (she / make / plans tto o do something el else se)) 4. You went to the movies last night. You got there late, (t (the he movie movie / al alrea ready dy / be gin) It was nice to see Daniel again after such a long time. (I / not / se seee / him in fi five ve yea years rs)) 6 . I offered Sue something to eat, but she wasn’t hungry, (sh shee / just / have have / breakfast) breakfast)  ______________________   ____________ __________ 

 ______________________   ____________ __________ 

14.2 in Forparentheses. each situation, situati on, write a sentence sentenc e ending with

n ev er . . . before. Use the verb 

1. Th e ma n sitting nex t to you on the plane was very nervo us. It was hi hiss first first flight. ___________________________________________________________________ (fly)  He  H e h a d n e v e r fl flo o w n b e fo r e ._____________________________________________________________________ 2. A wom an walked into the room room . She She was a comp lete stranger to me. me. (see) I  befo  be fore re.. _________________________ ____________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________  _____ 


3. Sam played tenn is yesterday. yesterday. He wa sn’t sn’t very good at it it because it was his first game. (play (pl ay)) H e


4. Last year we wen t to Mexico. Mexico. It was our first time there. (be (be there) W e

 ________________________  ____________ __________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ___________________  _______ 

4.3 Use the sentences on the left to complete the paragraphs on the right. right. These sentences  are in the order in which they the y happened ha ppened - so (1) (1) happened before (2), (2) (2) before (3), etc. etc. But your paragraph begins with the underlined sentence, so sometimes you need the   past perfect. 1. (l) Some body brok e into the of office fice durin g the night. (2) We arrived at work in the morning. (3) We called the police.

We arri arrived ved at work in the morn ing and found that somebody ||ac. ||a c. boo ''an  into the office during the night. So we

2. (1) Laura w ent out this mo rning . (2) I tried to call her. (3) There was no answer.

I tried to call Laura this morning, but no answer. S h e  _________ _________ _________ _______  oout. ut.

 __________________________  _____________ _______________  __ 

 ___________________________   ______________ _____________ 

I me t Jim a few days days a g o. .  j u s t

3. (l) Jim ca me back from vacation a few days ago. (2) I met him the same day.


. vacation.  _ rela r elaxe xed. d.

(3) He looked relaxed. 4. (l) K evin sen t Sally lots o f e-mails. (2) (2) She never answe red them. (3) Yesterday he got a phone call from her. (4) He was very surprised.

Yesterday Kevin. from Sally Sally.. H e _  He  b  bu u t s h e  ___  ______ _____   ____________ 

M 4 Put the verb into the correct form, past perfect (/ (/ had 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

. very surprised.  _ lots o f e-ma e- mails ils,,

done)  or simple past (/ did).

“Was Ben at the party wh en you got there?” “No, he h a d g o n e   (g (go) o) ho m e.” I felt very tired w he n I got hom e, so so I   (go (go)) straight to bed. The house was was very quiet whe n I got home. Every bod y   (go) to bed. Sorry I’m I’m late. late. My c a r    (break) (break) dow n on the way here. We were driving on the highway wh en w e (s (see ee)) a car that   ____________ ____________________  ________ 

 ____________________   ______________ ______ 

 ____________________   ____________________ 

(break) down, so we .

(stop) to help.

= Exercises Exercises 5-8 (pages 298-301) 298-301)


Past Perfect Continuous (I had been doing) Study this example situation: Yesterday morning

Yesterday Yesterda y mo rning I got up and looked ou t of the the window. The sun was shining, shining, but the ground was very wet. wet. It h ad b ee n r ain in g . It was no t  raining   raining when I looked out of the window; the sun was shining. But it had been raining before. H ad been -ing is is the  pa st pe perfec rfectt contin co ntinuou uous: s: I we vo u/ th ev

, . h e / s^ s^ e i t



ha d

(= I’d. etc.) etc.)

. ,. . i = h e d. etc.) etc .)


bee n

do in g

w or kin g , ay .in g , etc.  pl  play

Some more examples: ■ W he n the boys boys came into the house, their clothes clothes were d ir r- their hair was messy messy,, and one of them had a black black eye eye.. They’d bee n figh tin g. ■ I was was very tired tired when I got home. I’d I’d be en w o rk in g hard all all day. ■ W he n I wen t to Tokyo a few year yearss ag ago, o, I stayed stayed with a friend friend o f mine. She’d She’d be en living there only a short time but knew the city very well. You can say that something had been happening for a period of time before something else happened: ■ W e’ e’d d bee n pl ay ing tennis for for about half an hour whe n it started started to to rai rain n hard. hard. ■ Jim w ent to the doctor last last Fr Frid iday ay.. He h ad n ’t bee n fe eli ng well for some time. time. Comparee have been -ing (present perfect c ontinuous) an d h ad b een - in g (past perfect continuous): Compar Past Perfect Continuous  

Present Perfect Continuous

I had been -in g

I h av e b een - in g  pas  p as t

I hope the bus comes soon. I’ve I’ve be en

w aitin g for 220 0 m inutes inutes,, (bejore now) ■ James is is out of breath. breath. He has bee n running.

now no w

 pas  p as t 


The bus finally came. I’d been waiting for 20 minutes, (before the bus came)  James was out of breath. breath. He h ad be en running.

Compare was -ing (past continuous) and had been -i -ing: ng: ■ It w asn ’t ra in in g when we we went out. out. The ssun un was shinin g. But it had b een raining, so the ground was wet. ■ Stephanie was s itt in g in an armchair resti resting. ng. S She he was tired because because she’ she’dd b ee n w ork ing very very har hard. d. Some verbs verbs (for example, kn o w and like) are no t normally used in in the continuous: ■ We were good good friends friends.. We had k no w n each each other for ye year ars. s. (not  no t  had   had been knowing) For a list of these verbs, see Unit 4A.

P'esent Perfect Perfect Continuo us Unit 10


Past Perfect Unit 14



B 1 Read Read the situations situations and and make make sentences from the words in in parentheses. parentheses. 1. I was very tired w he n I got home. (I / work / hard al alll day day))  I d b e e n w o rk in g h a r d al l day. 2. The two boys came iinto nto the house. They had a soccer soccer ball ball,, and they were b oth very tired, tired, (they (they / play play / soc cer) 3. I was disapp ointed wh en I had to to cancel my vacati vacation. on. (I / lo look ok / forward forward to to it )  _ _ __   __  4. Ann w oke up in tthe he m iddle of the the night. She was sscared cared and didn’t didn’t know w here she w was as.. (she / dream ) 5. W he n I got home, Mike was sitting sitting in front of the T TV. V. He had ju st turn ed it off. off. (he / wat watch ch / a D V D ) _______________________________________

 ___________________________  _____________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ____________________  _______ 

 ___________________________  _____________ __________________________ ________________________ _________________  _____ 

 ___________________________  _____________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ________________________ _______________  ____ 

 __________________________  ____________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________  _________ 

'5 2 Read Read the situations situation s and and complete complete the sentences. 1. We played tennis yesterday. H alf an hou r after we began playing, it started to rain.


W e ha d been playing for ha lf an hour   when it sta rte d to ra rain in  . 2. I had arranged to me et Rob ert in a restaurant. I arrived and waited for him. After 20 minutes I suddenly realized that I was in the wrong restaurant. I for 20 minutes when I   the wro ng restaurant. 3. Sarah got a jo b in a factory. factory. Five Five years later the factory closed down. W hen the factory factory ,Sa rah there for five years. 4. I w ent to a concert last last week. Th e orche stra began playin playing. g. After about 10 minu tes a man in the audience suddenly started shouting. The orchestra when  ___    _  ___  __________________________ ______________ ______________________  __________ 

  ____________ ________________________  ____________ 

 _________________________  _____________ _______________________  ___________ 

 ________________________   _____________ ___________ 

 _________________________  __________ _________________________  __________ 

 __________________________  ___________ ___________________________ ________________________ ___________________________ ___________________ 

 _________________________  ___________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _____________________  _________ 

This time make your own sentence: 5. I began driving hom e from wor k. I when

 ________________________  ____________ _______________  ___ 

Put the verb into the most appropriate form, past continuous (I (/ had done) done) , or past perfect continuous (/ had been been doing doing ).

was doing doing ),  past perfect 

1. It was very noisy noisy nex t door. O u r neigh bors w ere havin having g   (have) a party. 2. We were good friends. friends. We had known   (know) each other for years. 3. Jo hn an d I w ent for a walk. I had trouble keep ing up with him because he   (walk) (wa lk) so fast. 4. Sue was sitting sitting oon n the ground. She was out of breath. S h e   (run). 5. W he n I arrived, arrived, everybody was was si sitti tting ng around the table with the ir mouths full. They  ___________________________  ______________ ________________  ___ 

 ________________________   ____________ ____________ 

  (eat)6. W he n I arrived, arrived, everybod y was sitti sitting ng around the table and talkin talking. g. Their mo uths were empty, empt y, but their sto stomachs machs were ful full. l. Th e y   (eat). 7. Jim was on his hands and knees on the fl floor oor.. H e   (look) for his contact lens. 8. W hen I arrived, arrived, K a te   (wait) for me. She was upset with me because I was late and s h e (wait) for a long time. 9. I was sad w he n I sold my car. car. I   (have) it for a long time. 10. We were exhausted aatt the end of our trip. trip. W e   (travel) for  more than 24 hours.  ___________________________  _____________ _________________  ___ 

 __________________________  _____________ _________________  ____ 

 ___________________________  ______________ ________________  ___ 


 ________________________  ___________ ___________________  ______ 

: tional Exercises 5-8 (pages 298-301)




Have and have got Have and have got (for possession, relationships, illnesses, etc.) You can use You use hav e g o t or have (without go t). There is no difference difference m meaning: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

I've got a new cell phone, too.

I have a n e w c e l l p h o n e .

car. They have a new car car.. or   Th ey’ve g ot a new ca sister ers. s. Nancy has two two sis siste ters rs.. or   Nancy has g o t two sist I ha ve a headache, or   I’ I’ve ve g ot a headache. headache. He has a few problems, or   H e’s g o t a few problems. O ur house house has a big yard, yard, or   O ur house house has go t a big ya yard rd..

When have means “possess,” etc., you cannot use continuous forms (i (iss ha vin g / are hav ing, etc. etc.): ): ■ W e’ e’re re enjoying enjoying our vacat vacation. ion. We ha ve / h av e go t a nice room in the hotel. (not  We’re   We’re having) In questions and negative sentences there are two possible forms: Do you have any questions? I don’t have any questions.

Have you got any questions? I haven’t got any questions.

Does she have a car? She doesn’t have a car.

Has she got a car? She hasn’t got a car.

For the past we use had (without got): ■ Ann ha d long hair wh en she was a child child.. In past questions questions and negati negative ve sentences, sentences, we use d id /d id n ’t: ’t: ■ D id they have a car wh en they were livin livingg in Miami? Miami? ■ I d id n ’t ha ve a watch, so so I didn’t didn’t know what time time it was. was. ■ Ann h ad long hair hair,, d id n ’t sh she? e? H a v e b r e a k f a s t / h a ve v e t r o u b l e / h a v e a g o o d t im im e , et e t c. We also use have (but not   have got) for many actions and experiences. For example:


 b r e a k f a s t / d i n n e r / a c u p o f c o f f e e / s o m e t h i n g to e a t a p a r ty t y / a sa s a fe fe t r ip ip / a g o o d f l i g h t a n a c c i d e n t / a n e x p e r ie ie n c e / a d r e a m a look (at something) a conv ersa tion / a discu ssion / a talk (with (with ssome omebo body dy)) t ro r o u b l e / d i f f i c u l t y / f u n / a g o o d ti t i m e , et e tc. a ba by (= giv givee birth birth to to a baby baby)) / an op er atio n

Ha ve g ot is is not  possible   possible in the expressions in the box. Compare: ■ Sometimes I ha ve (= eat) eat) a sandwich for for lunch. (not   I’ve got) I’ I’ve ve go t / 'I have some sandwiche sandwiches. s. W ould you like like one? but   You can use continuous forms (am having, etc.) with the expressions in the box: ■ W e’ e’re re enjoying enjoying our vacati vacation. on. W e’re ha vin g a great time. time. (not  We   We have) have) ■ Mike is h av in g trouble with his car. car. He often has troub le with his his car car.. In questions and negative sentences, we use do/does/did: ■ I d o n ’t usuall usually y have a big breakfast breakfast.. (not  I   I usually haven’t) ■■

Have to

W hatvou ti time me Ann have finding lunch lunch?? a(not    hastoAnn  has D id ha does ve any trouble place live live??lunch)

. .  un i t 3 0




Exercises 16 16.1 .1 Write negative negativ e sentences sentenc es with have. Some are present (can't)  and some are past (couldn't). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

I can’ can ’t get into the house, hous e, (a key) / don t ha ve a key. key. I co uld n’t read rea d the letter, (m y glasses) glasses) / d id id n t h a ve m y q h'asses. I can can’’t climb up on the roof, (a ladder) We couldn ’t visit visit the museum , (enough time) time) We He couldn’ couldn’tt find our house, (a m ap ) ______ ______ ______  ___  She can’ can ’t pay he r bills, (a (any ny mon ey) I can’t can’t fix the car tonig ht, (en oug h energy) .

8. Th ey co uldn ’t take any pictures, (a camera)

16.2 16. 2 Complete the questions questi ons with have.  Some are present and some are past. 1. Excus Ex cusee me, me , do you h a v e   a pen I could borrow? 2. W hy are are you holding your face face lik likee tha t? a toothache? 3. a lot of toys toys whe n you were a chil child? d? 4.  A the time, please?  A::   Yes,, it’s ten aafte fterr seven. seven.  B:  Yes 5. I need a stamp for this le tte r. one? 6. W hen you took the te st, time to answer all the questions? 7.  A:  A :   It started started to rain very hard while I was was taking takingaa walk. an um brella? brella?  B:  Did it?  ________________________   _____________ ___________ 

 ________________________   _____________ ___________ 

 ________________________   _____________ ___________ 

 ________________________   ____________ ____________   ____________________   ____________ ________ 

 _____________________   ____________ _________ 

16 16.3 .3 Write sentences about yourself. Do you have these things now? now ? Did Did you have them them  10 years ago? Write two sentences each time using I have / I don' t hav havee  and I had  / / I didn 't have have..  N o w

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

10 years yea rs ago (or 5 i f yo  y o u ’re you young ng))

(a car) / ha ve (a bike) I (a cell cell p h o n e ) (a dog dog)) (a g ui ta r) (long h a ir) (a dr driv iver er’’s license license))

a car. car. OR I ’v e got a car.  

  ____________ _________________________ ____________________  _______   __________________________  ____________ ________________  __ 


/ didr. . ha ve a car.



  ____________ _________________________ _________________  ____ 

 __________________________  _____________ __________________  _____ 

 ________   ______ 

‘ 6.4 Complete the sentences. sentence s. Use an expression from the list and put the verb into the cor correct rect  form where necessary. have a baby have a dream have a talk have trouble troub le have a good flight fligh t have a look have have lun ch have have a party have have a nice time have have dinner dinn er 1. I do n’ n’tt eat m uc h durin g the da day. y. I neve r have lunch . 2. If you’ you’re re angry with your friend, it it might be a good idea to to sit down and with her. 3. W e lastt week. It was great - we invited lot las lotss o f people. 4. Excuse me, can I at your newspaper, please? 5. Jim is on vacati vacation on in Hawaii. I hope h e . 6. I did n’ n’tt sleep well last night. I abo ut my exam. 7.  A  A::   finding the book you wanted?  B:  No, I found it OK. 8. Crystal a few weeks ago. It’s her second child. 9.  A didn’tt yyou ou answer the the phone?  A::   W hy didn’ with friends friends..  B:   W e  ________________________  ____________ ________________________  ____________ 

 __________________________  _____________ ______________________  _________ 

___________________________ ____________ _______________________ 

_________________________ ____________ ________________________  ___________ 

 ________________________  ____________ _______________________  ___________ 

 __________________________  ______________ _____________________  _________ 

 _________________________  _____________ ______________________  __________ 

ll y at the airport. Sh e has ju s t arrived. You say: 10. You meet your fr ie n d Sa lly Hi, Sally. How are you? ?  ____________________________________ 

U N I T  


Used to (do) Study this example situation:  A fe iv ye year arss ago ago

David q uit jogg ing two years ago. He doesn ’t jog any more. But he used to jog . He use d to jo g three miles a day. He used to jo g = he jogged regul regularl arly y in the past, past, but he doesn ’t jo g now. now. he doesn’t  jo g no now w i

he used to jog  past

2 years years a ag go

these days

Something used to happen = it happened regularly in the past but no longer happens: ■ I us ed t o p la y tennis a lot, lot, but I don ’t play very often now. ■ David use d to sp en d a lot of m oney on clothes. clothes. These days days he can’t can’t affor afford d it. it. ■ “Do you go to the movies mu ch?” “No t any mo re, bu t I us ed to .” (= I used to go go)) We also use used to . . . for something that was true but is not true any more: ■ This building is is now a furnitu re store. store. It us ed to b e a movie theater. theater. ■ I use d to th in k M ark was was unfri unfriendly, endly, but now I realize realize he’s he’s a very nice nice person. person. ■ I’ve I’ve started drinking coffee coffee recently. recently. I never us ed to lik e it before. ■ Nicole use d to ha ve very long hair wh en she was a child. child. “I use d t o d o s o m e th in g ” is past. past. There is no presen t fform. orm. You You cannot say say “I use to do.” To talk about the present, use the simple present (I do). Compare: Past  Present 

■ ■

he used to play he plays

w e us u s ed ed to t o li li v e we live

t h er er e us u s eed d to t o be be there is

We use d to liv e in a small small town, but now we live in Chicago Chicago.. There us ed to b e four movie theaters in town. Now there is is only one.

The normal question form is did (you) use to . . . ?: ■ D id you use to ea t a lot of candy wh en you were a child child?? The negat negativ ivee form form is is d id n ’t use to to . . . : ■ I d id n ’t use to like him. him. Compare I used to d o and I was doing: ■ I use d to w atc h TV a lot whe n I was lit little tle.. (= I watched TV regularly regularly in the the pas past, t,  b  bu u t I no lon lo n ge r do this) this ) ■ I was w a tc h in g TV when M ike call called. ed. (= I was in the middle of watching a program) program) Do not confuse I used to do and I am used to doing (see Unit 59). The structures and meanings are different: ■ I us ed to live alone. (= I lived alone in the past, past, but I no longer live live alone alone.) .) ■ I am us ed t o li v in g alone. (= I liv livee alone, alone, and I don ’t find it strange or difficul difficultt  beca  be caus usee I’ve I’ve b ee n liv ing alon al onee for fo r some so me tim e.) Past Co rt n jO jS '/ was

doing )   doing

Uni t 6

Would   (= (= used to)   Unit






Co m pile the the senten sentences ces with

B e /  g et u s ed to ( do doii n g ) so som m et ethh i n g   Unit

use(d) to t o + an appropriate verb.





 y j 

1 David quit jogg ing two years years ago. He u s e d t o j o g   thre e miles a da day. y. L iz a motorcycle, bu t last year she sold sold it and bou ght a ca car. r. We m oved to Spain a few years years ago. ago. W e in Paris. it when I was a child. *  I seldom eat ice cream now, bu t I Tracy my best friend, bu t we a ren’ ren’tt friends anymore. It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the new highway is open. It more than an hour. There a hotel ne ar the airport, bu t it closed closed a long time time ag ago. o. S W hen you li lived ved in New Y ork, ___  ______ _________ _________ _________ __________  ____  to the theater very often?  _________________________   ____________ _____________ 

  _____________ _________________________  ____________ 

 _________________________   ___________ ______________ 

 _________________________   ____________ _____________ 

 _________________________   ____________ _____________ 

d Matt Matt changed his lifestyle. He stopped doing some things and and started doing other things: stopped 

studying hard  going to bed early running three miles miles every morning

He started  started 

Write sentences about Matt with used to  and di didn' dn' t use L  He  H e u s e d to s tu d y ha hard rd..________________________________  He  H e did didn n I u se to s/ e e p late late..


-sleeping late going out every night spending a lot of money

to to.

Com Compare pare what wh at Karen said five years ago and what wh at she savs today: Five years ago

tra vel a lot

I'm a hotel 1  jde sk de rk .^J .^ J

W    I play pl ay the piano, j I never read newspapers


I don't drink tea. '

go to a lot L o f Darties.

f rI ' v e g o t a d o g . •

usee to / never   Now write sentences about how Karen has changed. Use used to  / didn' t us used to in the first part of your sentence. She used tto o trave l a lot  doesrtt t take m any trips these da days ys.. , but she doesr -> She . but 3. She , but 4. She , but 5. She , but 6. She , but 7. She . but 8. She . but 9. She , but 10. She . but

Dn Dnal al Exerc ise 9 (page 301)



Present Tenses (I am doing / 1d 1do) o)  with a Future Meaning Present continuous (I  (I am do ing ) w ith a future future meaning

This is Ben’s calendar for next week. He is play ing tennis tennis on Monday afternoon afternoon.. He is going to the dentist on Tuesday morning. He is having dinner with Ann on Friday. In all these examples, Ben has already decided and arranged to do these things.

I’m I’m d o in g s o m et h in g (tomorrow) = I have have alread already y decided decided and arranged to do it it:: ■  A :   W hat are you d oi ng Saturd Saturday ay night night?? ( no t  Wh   Wh at do you do)  B:  I’m I’m g o in g to the theat theater. er. (no t  I   I go) ■  A :   W hat time is Cathy Cathy ar riv in g tomorrow? tomorrow?  B:  At 1 10: 0:30 30.. I’m I’m m ee tin g her at the airport airport.. ■ ■

I’m I’m n o t w o rk in g tomor tomorrow, row, so we can can go out somewhere somewhere.. Sam Sam isn ’t pl ay in g football football next Satu Saturd rday ay.. He hu rt his his le leg. g.

“I’m “I’ m g o in g to (do)” is also also possible possible in these sentences: sentences: ■ W hat are you you go in g to do Satur Saturday day ni night ght?? But the present continuous is more natural for arrangements. See also Unit 19B. Do not use w ill to talk about wha t you have have arranged to do: do: ■ W hat are yo you u do ing ttoni onight ght?? (no t  W   W hat w ill you do do)) ■ Eric Eric is g ett in g married next month. (no t  will   will get) you u begin to do it.  This You can also use the present continuous for an action ju s t before yo happenss especi happen especial ally ly with verbs verbs of movement (g o/c om e/le av e, et etc. c.): ): ■ I’m I’m tired tired.. I’m I’m go in g to bed now. now. Goodnight. (no t  I   I go to bed now) no t 

“Tina, are you ready yet?” “Yes, es, I’m I’m co m in g .” (

 I come)

Simple present   (I do) with a future meaning

You can use the simple present when you talk about schedules, programs, etc. (for public transpo rtation, movies, etc.) etc.):: ■ My flight lea ve s at11:30, 11:30, so I nee d to get to the airp ort by 10:0 10:00. 0. ■ W hat time time does the movie beg in? ■ It’s Wednesday tomorrow. / Tom orrow is Wednesday Wednesday.. You can use the simple present to talk about about people if their plans are fixed like a schedule: ■ I sta rt my new new job on Mond Monday ay.. ■ W hat time time do you you finis h work work tomor tomorrow? row? But the continuous is more comm only used for personal arrangements: arrangements: ■ W hat time time are you you m ee tin g Ann tomorrow? tomorrow? (not  do   do you meet) Compare: Presentt Continuous Presen Continu ous

■ ■

W hat time are you arri arrivi ving? ng? I’m I’m g oi ng to the movie moviess tonight. tonight.

Sim Simple ple Present 

■ ■

W hat time does the plane plane arrive? The movie sta rts at 8: 8:15 15 (tonigh (tonight). t).

I'm going to  Units


19, 22

Will  Units Units


Simple Present after

when   / i f,   etc.

Unit 24


1 1  e x c is e s

• end of yours is planning to go on vacation soon. Ask her about her plans. Use the   -ds in parentheses to make your questions. !wh ere / go go?) ?) W h e r e a r e y o u g o in g 7   (how (ho w long / stay? stay?)) Iwhen / lea leave?) ve?)  j o / alon al on e? ) Itra travel vel / by car?) Iwhere / stay?)

Quebec. Ten days.  N  Nee xt Friday.  N  No, o, w ith it h a frie nd.  N  No, o, by plane. pl ane. In a hotel.

 ___________________   _________ __________ 

 ___________________  __________ ___________  __ 

 _____________________  ___________ _____________ 


 ___________________  _________ _____________  ___ 

f t:

: en wants you to visit him, but you are very busy. Look at your calendar for the next few   rays and explain to him why you can't come.  Be n:  Can you come over on Monday n  Ben: night? ight? You:  Sorry Sorry,, bu t  I'm p la y in g vo lle ll e y b a ll  

-• (1)

 Ben :  W hat about Tu Tuesda esdayy nnight ight th then? en? You:  N o, not Tues Tuesday day.. I   _________________ 


 Ben :  And Wednesday nig night? ht? You: 


 ____________________ ____________________ ______________  ____ 

 Be n:   Well, are you free on Thursday? You:  I’ I’m m afrai afraid d n o t.  ___________  _____________________  __________ 

L l j


- (4)

i-.ave you arranged to do anything at these times? Write true sentences about yourself. L (tonight)  I'm g o in g o u t to n ig h t OR I'm n o t d o in g a n y th in g to n ig h t.   2 (tomorrow morning) I 3. (tomorr (tomorrow ow nig ht ) (next Sunday) 5. (ch choos oosee another day or tim e )

 ____________   _________ ___ 



 ____________________  __________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ _____________ 

 ___________________  _________ ____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ____________________ _________________  _______   ____________________  __________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ _________________  ________ 

3ut the verb into the more appropriate form, present continuous or simple present. I m going  

(go (go)) to the movies tonig ht. 2.  D o e s t h e m o v ie b e g in   (the movie / begin) at 3:30 or 4:30 4:30?? 3. W e   (hav (have) e) a part y next Saturday. Saturday. Wou ld you like to come?  ______________________ _____________  ___ 

- The art exh ibit 5. I at home.



  (open) on May 3.   (not/ go go)) o ut tonight tonight.. I

 ____________________  ___________ ______________  _____ 


(you / do) anything tom orrow m orning ?” (you (g (go) o) to a concert tonight. I t

“   _____


“No, I’ I’m m free. free. W hy?”   (start)

7. We at 7:30. 8. I   (leave (leave)) now. I cam camee to sa say y good -bye. >.  A :   Have you seen Liz rrecently? ecently?  B  B::   N o , b u t w e   (meet) for lunch next week. 10. You are are on the train to Bo ston and you ask a nothe r passenger: passenger: Excuse me. What time . (this (this train / get get)) to Boston? 11. You are talking to Julie:   Julie Jul ie,, I . (go) to the store now.. (y (you ou / come) with me? say:  12. You and a fr ie nd are watch ing television. You say: I’m I’m bored with this sh show ow.. W hat t im e  ___  _____  __  (i (itt / end)? end)? 13. I (not / use) the car ton ight, so you can have it. 14. Sue (come) to see us tomorrow. She

 ____________________  __________ _______________ 


 ____________________  __________ _______________  _____ 



(fl (fly) y) from Seatt Seattle, le, and he r plane

(arrive) at 10:15 a.m.


onal Exercises Exercises 10-13 (pages 302-304)


(I'm) going to (do) I am g o in g to do something = I have have alrea already dy decided to to do it, it, I intend to do it: it: ■  A:   A re you you go ing to w atc h the foot footbal balll game game on TV tonight tonight??  B:  No, I’m g oi ng to go to bed ear early ly.. II’’m tired from from my trip trip.. ■  A:   I heard Lis Lisaa won some money. W hat is she she go in g to do w ith it? it?  B:  She’s She’s g oi ng to b u y a new ca car. ■ I’m I’m go ing to m ak e a quick quick phone call call.. Can you wait for me? me? ■

This cheese cheese smell smellss awful awful.. I’m I’m n o t go in g to ea t it it..

I am do ing and and I am goin g to do We use I am doing (present continuous) when we say what we have arranged  to   to do - for example, arranged to meet somebody, arranged to go somewhere: ■ W hat time time are you m ee tin g Amanda tonigh tonight? t? ■ I’m I’m lea vin g tomorrow. tomorrow. I already already have have my plane ticke ticket. t. I am going to do something = I’ve decided to do it (but perhaps not arranged   to do it): ■ ‘Th e windo ws are dirty.” dirty.” “Yes, es, I know. I’m g o in g to wa sh them later. later.”” (= I’ve decided to wash them, but I haven’t arranged  to   to wash them) ■ I’ve I’ve decided not to sta stay y here any any longe longer. r. Tom orrow I’m I’m go in g to lo o k for another  place  pla ce to live. Of ten the difference is very small and eith er form is possible. possible. You can can also also sa say tthat hat “something is g o in g t o h ap p e n ” in the future. For example: example: The man can’t see the wall in front of him. Fie Fie is go ing to w alk into into the wall wall.. W hen we say that that “somethi “something ng is go ing to ha pp en ,” the situat situation ion now   makes us believe this. The man is walking toward the wall now, so we can see see that that he is go in g to w alk into it it.

situation now

ju jutur tur e happening happening

Some more examples: ■ Look at those dark clou clouds! ds! It’s g o in g to rain , (the clouds are there now) ■ I feel awful. awful. I think I’m g o in g to be sick. (I feel awful now) ■

The econom ic situa situation tion is bad now, now, and things things are g oi n g to g et worse worse..

I was going to (do something) = I intended to do it, but didn’t do it:

■ ■ ■

We we re g oi ng to fly to New York York,, but then we decided decided to driv drivee inst instead. ead. Peter was go ing to tak e the exa exam, m, but he changed changed his his mind. I wa s jus t go in g to cro ss the the street wh en somebody shouted, shouted, “St “Stop! op!””

You can say that “something was going to happen” (but didn’t happen): ■ I thought it it was go ing to r ain , but it didn’t didn’t.

 / am c/o/ c/o/ng ng w ith it h a Futu Fu ture re M ea ni ng Un it 18 A

I will and I'm going to 

Unit 22


ExeEx e-cise cise s



i t

ne a question with g oi n g to  for each situation. Y: ur friend has won some money. You ask: what / do with it? it?) What are you going to do with it?   Your friend is going to a party tonight. You Yo u ask: ask: (wh at / wear?) ar friend has ju st b oug ht a new table. table. You ask ask:: (w here / pu t it it?) ?) . ur friend has decided to have a party. party. Youu aask Yo sk:: (who / inv ite? )  ______________   ___________ ___ 

; ^ad ^ad the situations and complete the dialogs. Use g oi n g . Yo You u hav havee decided to clean clean your room this morn ing. Friend:  Are you going going out this this morning ?  N o ,  I'm g oi ng to d e a n m y room You:   No ro om .


 _____  ________ ______ ______ 


Yo You u bo ug ht a sweater, bu t iitt doe sn’ sn’tt fit you very well. You You have decided to retu rn it. is too big for you. Friend:  T ha t sweater is You:  Iknow .

 ________________________  ____________ _________________________ ___________________________ __________________________  ____________ 


You You have have been offered a job , but you have have decided not to take it it.. u’ve ve been offered a job . Friend:   I hea r yo u’ You: 


Th at’s at’s right, b u t You have to call call Sarah Sarah.. It’ It’ss m orn ing now, and you inte nd to ca call ll he r tonight. Friend:  Have you called Sarah yet? You:  N o ,

 __________________________  ______________ __________________________ __________________________ ______________  __ 

 _________________________  _____________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________  _ 

1 You You aare re iin n a restaurant. The food is awful and you’ve you’ve decided to complai complain. n. food od is awful, isn’ isn’tt it? Friend:  This fo Yes, Yes, it’s di sg us tin g. You: 

 ________________________  ____________ __________________________ __________________________ ______________  __ 

What is going to happen in these situations? Use the words in parentheses. . Th ere are a lot of dark clouds in the sky. sky. (rain)  I t s g o in g to r a in . 2. It is 8:30. Tom is leaving his his house. He should be at work at 8: 8:45, 45, but it takes him

 ____________________________________________  ______________ ________________________  _________ 

30 minutes to get there, (la (late) te)ofHethe boat. A lot of wa ter is . Ther e is a hole in the botto m is coming in through the hole. (sink) The boat 4. Erica and Chris are driving in the country. There is very little gas left in the tank. The nearest gas station is miles away. (run out) They  __________________________  ____________ ___________________________ __________________________ ___________________________ _________________ 

 ___________________________  ______________ __________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________  ____ 

Complete Com plete the sentences with  b u y call

-fl -fly-


w as  / were g oing to + the following verbs:  play

qu it

1. We were going to fly   to Ne w Yo York, rk, bu t then we decided to to dr drive ive instead. instead. 2. I some new clothes yesterday, but I was very busy and  didn’t have time to go shopping. 3. Joshu a and I tennis last last week, bu t he h ur t his ankle. ankle.   _____________ ___________________________ ______________________  ________ 

  ______________ ___________________________ _____________________  ________ 

j g

4. I Jane, but I decided to e-mail her instead. 5.  A:   The las lastt time time I ssaw aw Bob, h e his job . at’s right, bu t in in the end he decided no t to. to.  B:  Th at’s 6. W e a party las lastt week, bu t some o f our friends couldn ’t come, so we changed our minds. ________________________ ____________ _______________________  ___________ 

_________________________ ____________ _______________________  __________ 

 ________________________  ____________ ________________________  ____________ 


Will 1 We use I’ll (= 1 will) when we decide to do something at the time of speaking: ■ Oh , I left the door open. I ’ll go and shut it it.. ■ “W hat would you like like to drink?” “I ’ll hav e some orange juice,  plea pl ease se.” .” ■ “Did you call call Julie? ” “Oh no, I forgot. I ’ll ca ll her now.” You cannot use the simple present  (I   (I do / I go. etc.) etc.) in these sentences: ■ I’ll go and shut the doo door. r. (no t   I go and shut) We ofte often n use use I thin k I’l I’l l . . . and I do n ’t th in k I ’ll . . . : ■ I am a little little hungry. I th in k I ’ll hav e som ething to eat. eat. ■ I d o n ’t th in k I’ll go out tonight. I’m I’m too tir tired, ed, (not  I   I thinkI think I wo n’ n’tt go go o u t . . .) In spoken Englis English, h, the negative negative of wi ll is usual usually ly w o n ’t (= w ill not): ■ I can see see you ’re busv busv,, so I w o n ’t sta y long. D o no t  use   use will to talk about what you have already decided or arranged to do (see Units 18-19): ■ I’m I’m go in g on vacation vacation next Satu Saturd rday ay,, (not  I’ll   I’ll go) ■ Are you you w ork ing tomorrow? tomorrow? (not  Will   Will you work) We o ften use w ill in these situations: situations: Offering to do something

Th at bag looks heavy heavy.. I’ I’ll he lp you with it. it. (not  I   I help)

 Ag ree ing to do some so me thi thing ng

■  A :   Can you give give Tim this book?  B :   Sure, Sure, I’ll I’ll giv e it to him whe n I see see him this afternoon. Promising to do something

■ ■

Thank s for lending me the money. I’ll I’ll pa y you back on Frid Friday. ay. I w o n ’t tel l anyone what happened. I promise. promise.

 A s k in g som ebo dy to do s om eth ing in g   (Will

■ ■

you . . . ?) W ill yo u pi ease ease be quiet? I’m I’m trying to concentrate. concentrate. W ill yo u shu t the doo door, r, plea please se??

You Yo u can use use w o n ’t to to say that som ebody refuses refuses to do something: ■ I’ve I’ve tried to to give give her advice, advice, bu t she she w o n ’t liste n. ■ The car w o n ’t sta rt. (= the car car “ref “refuses” uses” to start start))

Sh all I . . . ? Sh all we . . . ? S ha ll is used in the questions S ha ll I . . . ? / S ha ll we . . . ? to ask somebody’s somebody’s opinion (especially in offers or suggestions): ■ Sh all I op en the window? (= Do you want me to open the the window?) window?) ■ “Wh ere shal l we hav e lunch?” “Let’s “Let’s go to M arino’s. arino’s.”” We use should more often in the same situations: ■ Sh ou ld I op en the window? window? (= Do you you want me to to open open it?) ■ W here sho uld we have lunc lunch? h?

W/'//2 /'//2 Un it 21  

I will and I'm going to

Unit 22

British English App end ix 7


I r'cises -piete the sentences with

I'll + an appropriate verb.

7m too tired to walk home. I think  I'll ta t a k e   a taxi. 'It's a little little cold in this roo m .” “You’re “You’re ri g h t. “W e do n’ n’tt have any milk.” “We do n’t n’t ?  ______ ______ ______ ____  'C an I wash the dishes dishes for you?” “No, that’s that’s al alll rig h t..

on the heat.” and get some now.” it later.”


 ______________   _____________ _ 

 ______________________   _____________ _________ 

'I don’t how this computer.” “D on ’t worry, coffee, please.” you." 'W ou ld know you lik like e teatooruse co coffee?” ffee?”   you a postc ard.” 'Good-bye! Have Have a nic nicee trip.” “T ha nk s. __  i t back to you on it Thanks for letting letting me b orrow your ca m era.. Monday, OK? here.” 'Are you coming with us?” us?” “No, I th in k  _   _________ 

: ^ad the situations and write sentences with / think 1

I ’l l . . .

or I

don’tt think I ’l l . . . . don’

It’ It’ss a little little cold. The w ind ow is open, and you dec ide to close iit. t. You say: say: .Ink I'll d o s e tthh e w i n d o w . You’ You’re re tired, and it’s it’s ge getting tting late. You dec decide ide to go ttoo bed. Yo Youu ssay ay:: I thin k  A friend of yours offers you a ride in his car, but you decide to walk. You say:

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


 _______________________________________  __________________________ _________________________ ________________________ _______________________  ___________ 

Thank you, but I think  You arran ged to play tennis today. today. No w you decide th at you do n’ n’tt w an t ttoo pplay lay.. You say: say: I don’t don’t th in k  You were going to ggoo swimming . No w you decide that you do n’ n’tt w ant to go. You say: say:

 __________________________  ____________ __________________________ __________________________ _____________________  _______ 


 _______________________________________  _________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ _________________  _____ 


lich is correct? (If necessary, study Units 18-19 first.) “Did you call call Julie ?” “O h no, I forgot. I cal calll / I’ll I’ll call he r now.” (  II ’ll call call is correct) 7. I can’ can’tt m ee t you tomorr ow. I’m I’m playing / I’ll I’ll play tennis. {I’ {I’m m playing play ing is correct) “I m eet / I’ll I’ll m ee t you outside the ho tel in ha lf an hour, OK ?” “Yes “Yes,, tha t’ t’ss fine.” “I need some money.” “OK, I’ I’m m lending / I’ I’ll ll lend you some. some. How m uch do you need?” I’m I’m having / I’ll I’ll hhave ave a par ty ne xt Saturday. Saturday. I hope you can c ome. . “Reme mb er to get a newspa per wh en you go go ou t.” “OK. I don ’t forget / I wo n’ n’tt forge t. t.”” W ha t time time does your plane leave leave / will your plane leave leave tomorrow? I asked asked Sue what h appene d, bu t she doesn ’t tell / wo n’ n’tt tell tell me. “Are you doing / W ill you do anything tom orro w night?” “No, I’m I’m free. free. W hy?” A I don ’t wa nt ttoo go out alone. Do you come / W ill you come with me?

Complete the sentences with I’ll / I w on’ on’t  t   // sh  shal alll I  / sh  shal alll  A:   Where s h a ll ll w e h a v e   lunch?

w e + an appropriate verb.

Street.  B:  Let s go to that new restau rant on No rth Street. 2.  A:   It’ It’ss M ark ’s birthda y soon, and I w ant to get him a prese nt. What h im? him? n’tt know. I neve r know w ha t tto o give give people.  B:  I do n’  A:   Do you wa nt me to put these groceries groceries awa away? y?  B:  N o that’s that’s O K . it la late ter. r.  A:  Let’s go ou t tonigh t. ?  B:  O K , w h e r e I’ve told you is a secret. Idon ’t wa nt anybody els elsee to know. know.  A:  W ha t I’ve  B:  Don’t worry. anybody.  A  A:: I kn ow yo u’ u’re re busy, busy, bu t can you finish this repo rt rtthis this afternoon? , but I can’t promise.  B:  W e l l ,  __________________________  ______________ ______________________  __________ 

3. 4.

 __________________________  _____________ _______________________  __________ 


 _________________________  ____________ __________________  _____ 


 _________________________  ____________ _______________________  __________ 

al Exercises 10-13 (pages 302-304)


Will 2 We do not use w ill to say wh at somebo dy has has already already arranged or decided to do in the future: ■ Ann is w ork ing next week. week. (not  Ann   Ann will work) ■ A re you go ing to wa tch televi televisi sion on tonight tonight?? (not  Will   Will you watch) For “is w o rk in g ” and “A re you go in g to . . . ?”, se seee Units Units 18-19. 18-19. But often, when we talk about the future, we are not  talking   talking about what somebody has decided to do. For example: Joe and a friend are waiting in line at a movie theater.

W e’ e’ll ll ge t in do does es not  mean   mean “we have decided to get in.” Joe is saying what he knows or thinks will happen. He is  pr ed ic icti tin n g th thee fu futu ture re.. When we predict a future happening or situation, we us usee w ill/w o n ’t.

Joe Some more examples: ■ Jill has lived abroad for a long time. W he n she comes back, back, she’ll she’ll fi n d a lot of changes here. ■ “W here w ill you be this this time next year?” year?” “I’ll “I’ll be in Japan.” ■ Tha t plate plate is is hot. If you touch it, it, you’ll you’ll b u rn yourse yourself lf.. ■ Tom w o n ’t pass the exam. exam. He hasn’t hasn’t studied studied hard enough. ■

W hen will you fin d o u t how you did on the exa exam? m?

W e o ften use w il l (’11 (’11) with:  p ro b a b ly

I’ll I’ll pr ob ab ly be home la late te tonigh tonight. t.

I exp ect

I expect the test will take two hours.

I ’m s u r e

Do n’t n’t worry about the exam. I’m I’m su re you’ll you’ll pass. pass.

I th in k

D o yo u th in k Sara Sarah h w ill like like the present present we bought her? her?

I d o n ’t t h i n k

I g u e ss I suppose I doubt I wo nder 

I d o n ’t th in k the exam will be very very dif diffi ficu cult lt..  A :   W ha t are you doing after dinner? dinner? ■  A:  B:  I do n’t n’t know. I gu es s I’ll I’ll read the paper. Mark w ill get marr marrie ied? d? ■ W hen d o you supp ose Jan and Mark ■ I doubt you’ll need a heavy coat in Las Vegas. It’s usually warm there. I worry about those people who lost their jobs. I w o n d e r what w ill happen to them.


After I hope, we generally use the present: ■ I ho pe Kate Kate passes the exam. exam. ■ I ho pe it it do esn ’t rain tomorr tomorrow. ow.

nit 20 20 I will  and I'm going to   Unit 22 W ill be Will 1 U ni The Future Append ix 3 Brit British ish English Ap pendix 7


doing  and wi ll have have done   Unit

E ercises



h ch form of the verb is correct (or more natural) in these sentences? (S he’’s working  is correct) . Di Diane ane isn’t free on Saturday. She ’ll w e f k - / She’s working. (She I . _ ft ftp / I’ I’m m going to a party tom orrow n ight. W ould you like like to come,too? come, too? think Am y will get / is getting the job. She has has a lot of experience. experience.

. can’t can’t m eet you tonigh t. A friend of min e will come / is coming over. over. " . Have you decid ed w he re to go on vacation?  B  Yes, we’ll go  / we are going to Italy, on’tt be afraid of the dog. It won ’t hu rt / It isn’t on’ isn’t hurt ing you.

Complete the sentences with com e


lik e

will ('II) + the following verbs: 

liv liv e

lo o k

p a ss

se seee

ta ta k e

on’t worry about the exam. I’m sure you  H p a s s   . nice on you. W hy do n’t n’t you try on this jacket? I t . I wa nt you to me et Brand on som etime. I think you . It’s raining. Don’t go out. You . wet. longer in the future? ~  Do yo you u think think peo ple   each oth er again soon. Good-bye. I’m sure we . I invited Sue to the party, but I don’t think she  ___  ______ __________  ____  W hen the n ew road is finished, I expect tha t my trip to work . less time.




 _____________   ___________ __ 

will ('II)  or won't.

Can you wait for me? I . w o n t   . be very long. You Yo u don’t don’t need to take an um brella along. along. I t . If you d on ’t eat anything now, you I’m I’m sorry sorry about w hat happe ned yeste yesterda rday. y. I t . I’ve got some incredible news! You  _  __  _  Th ere’s ere’s no m ore bread. I guess guess w e  ________  Don’t ask Amanda for advice. She  _________ 

ram.  be h u n gr y later. late r. happe n again again..  _ ne ve r be belie lie ve w h a t ha pp en ed . . have to go shopping before we eat. know what to do.  _____  ___ ___  _ 

come to our party. Jack doesn’t like crowds. I don’t think he . Vhere do you think you will be at these times? Write true sentences about yourself. Use:  


I ’l ’l l b e . . .

I ’’ll l p r o b a b l y b e . . .

I d o n ’t ’t k n o w w h e r e I ’l ’l l b e . . .

I g uuee ssss I ’l ’l l b e ,

(next Monday night at 7:45) om e   OR / don t know w here II IIII be _________  // / b e a t h o me OR  / guess  /// b e a t h om (at (at 5:0 5:00 0 tom orrow morning) (at 10:30 tomorrow morning) -

(next Saturday Saturday afterno on at 4: 4:15) 15) (th (this is time nex t year) year)


Write Write questions quest ions using  b e b a c k

do you think   . . . w i ll. . .



get m a rr ie d

? + the following following verbs: verbs:


lik e

ra in

 D o you yo u th in k sh e 'l 'lll lik e i t  1. I bought Rosa a present.  Do n The sky is dark and cloudv. Do vou 3. The meeting is still going on. When do vou 4. My car needs to be fixed. How much 5. Sallv and David are in love. Do “I’m going out now.” “OK. W ha t time 6. “I’m 7. The future is uncertain. What


a I Exercises 10-1 10-13 3 (pages 302-304)

U N I T  

22 A

I will and I'm going to Future actions Study Stu dy the differ difference ence between w ill and (be) g oi ng t o: w ill (’ (’1 11): We use w ill w hen we decide to do Sue is talking to Erica: That's a great idea. something at the time of speaking. The speaker W e ' lll l invite lots L et's have a party. of people. has not decided before. The party is a new idea.

decision now

I’ll Su Sue e

Later that day, Erica meets Dave: Sue and I have deci ded to have a party.

We're going to invite i o tsts o f p e o p l e .



 future  fut ure

(be) goin g to: We use use (be) goin g to when we have already decided   to do something. Erica had already decided to invite lots of people before  she spoke to Dave.

 de  decis cision ion  be  befo fore re

.1 I’ I’m m goi ng to to .. .






Compare: ■ “Daniel called called while you were out.” “OK. I’ I’ll ca ll him back.” “Daniel called called while you were out.” “Yes “Yes,, I know. I’ I’m m g o in g to call him back.” ■ “Anna is in the hosp ital.” “O h really? really? I did n’ n’tt know. I’ll I’ll go and visit her.” “Anna is is in the hospital.” “Yes, es, I know. I’ I’m m g o in g to v isi t her tonight.” Future happenings and situations (predicting the future) Sometimes there is not m uch difference difference betwee n w ill and g oi ng to. For example, you you can sa say: ■ I think the we ather wi ll be nice later. later. ■ I think the the weather is go in g to be nice nice lat later er..


W hen we say say something something is go in g to happen, we think this this because because of the situation situation now (see Unit 19C): ■ Look at those those black black clouds clouds.. It’ It’ss go in g to ra in, (not  It   It will rain) (We can see that it is going to rain from the clouds that are in the sky now.) ■ I feel feel terrible. terrible. I think I’m I’m go in g to be sic sick. k. (not  I   I think I’ll be sick) (I think I’m I’m g o in g to b e sick sick because because I feel terrible now.) Do not use will in this type of situation. In other situations, use will: ■ Tom w ill probably probably ge t here at at about 8:0 8:00. 0. ■ I think Jessi Jessica ca w ill lik e the present we boug ht for her her.. ■ These shoes are very well made. The y’ll la st a long time. time.

I'm going to  Unit  


Will  Units 20-21

The Future Appendix 3


u n i t

I Complete Complete the sentences sentence s using

will ('II)  or g oi n g to.

1  A:   W hy are you turning on the televisi television? on?  B: I'm g o in g to w a t c h   the news. (I / watch) 2  A:   Oh , I ju st realized. I don ’t have any money.  B:  You do n’ n’t? t? Well, don’t w or ry . you some. some. (I / lend) lend) .4: .4: I have a headache hea dache . You do? W ait a second and an aspirin for vou. (I / get)  B:  You - .4: .4: W hy are are you fillin filling g that bucke t with water? the car. car. (I / wash) .4: .4: I’ve I’ve decided to pain t this this room. r___________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____it? _it? (you / paint) p aint)  B:  O h, really? W ha t c o lo r________ 1 .4: .4: W he re are you going? Are you going shopping? some things for dinner. (I / buy) buy)  B:  Yes, don’t know ho w to use thi thiss camera.  A:   I don’t  B:  It’ It’ss eas y. you. (I / show)  _________________________  _____________ ____________________  ________ 

 _________________________  ____________ _______________________  __________ 

 A: you sorry. mail that letter for me? Oh, I’m I completely forgot.  ____________  _________________________ ___________________  ______  it now. (I /  B:  Did  A:   Th e ceiling in this this roo m d oesn ’t look very safe, safe, does it? it?  B:  No , it looks aass i f  _________________________  ____________________________________  ___________ down d own , (it / fa fall ll)) finishes high school school??  A:   Has Dan decided wh at to do wh en he finishes  B:  Yes es.. Everything is p la nn ed . a few mo nths

off. ff. (he (he / take take)) T h e n college, (he / start)

 _________________________  ___________ ____________________  ______ 

classe cla ssess

2 Poad the situations situat ions and complete the sentences senten ces usingwill ('II)  or g oi n g


at the com mu nity


The phone rings and you answer. Somebody wants tospeak to speak to toJim. Jim. please? Caller:  He llo. Can I speak to Jim , please? get) You:  Jus t a minute.  Il l p e t   him. (I / get) 2

It’ It’ss a nice day day,, so you have have decid ed to take take a walk. Jus t befo re you go, you ttell ell you r friend. The we athe r’ r’ss too nice to st stay ay ind oo rs. a walk. (I / tak take) e) Friend:  Good idea. I think  you. (I / join) join) Your friend is worried because she has lost an important letter. You:  D on ’t worry abo ut the letter. letter. I’ I’m m su re it. (you / find) find) Ther e was a jo b advertised iin n the n ewspa per recently. recently. At first first yo you u were interested, bu t then you decided not to apply. o do about that jo b you were intere sted in? in? Friend:  Have you decided wha t tto f or it for it.. (I / not / apply apply)) You:  Yes, Yo You u and a friend come ho me very late. late. O the r peop le in tthe he house are asleep. asleep. Your friend is noisy. You: 

 __________________________  ______________ ______________________  __________ 

 ___________________________________   ___________________________ ________ 

 ___________________________  _____________ _______________________  _________ 

 _________________________  _____________ _______________________  ___________ 



Shh! Shh! D on’ on’tt make so muc h no ise. everybody up. (you (yo u / wake) wake) John has to go to the airport to catch a plane tomorrow morning.  John:  Ann, I need a ride to the airport tomorrow morning.  Ann:  An n:   That’ That’ss no pro blem . you. (I / take) take) W ha t time is your flight flight??  John:  10:50. at about 8:00. 8:00. (we / le leav ave) e)  Ann:  An n:   O K , Later that day, Joe offers John a ride to the airport.  Joe:  Joe:  John , do do you wa nt me to take you you to to the the airport? airport? thanks, J o e . me. (Ann / ta take ke))  John:  No thanks,  ___________________________  _____________ _______________________  _________ 

 __________________________  _____________ ______________________  _________ 


= Exercise Exercisess 10-13 10-13 (pages 302-304) 302-304)


U N I T 1

Will be doing and will have done

1 Study this example situation: 3f^$TAo7uZr

These people are standing in line to get into the stadium. now

An hour from now, the stadium will be full. Everyone will be watching the game.

ha lf an hour from now

Three hours from now, the stadium will be empty. The game game will have ende d. Everyone will have gone home. three hours hours from fro m now

I will be do ing somethin something g (future continuous) = I will be in the middle of doing it:

I’m I’m leaving on vacation this Satu Saturda rday. y. This time nex t week, I’ll I’ll be ly in g on the  be ac h or s w i m m i n g in th e oce an. ■ You You have have no chance of getting getting the job. You’ll You’ll be w as tin g your time if you apply apply for it. it. Compare w ill be do ing and Compare and ill do: ■ D on ’t call call me between 7 and 8. 8. W e’ll e’ll be hav ing dinner. ■ Let’s Let’s wait for Maria to arriv arrive, e, and then w e’ll hav e dinner. Compare w ill be d oi ng with other continuous continuous for forms ms:: ■ At 10:00 10:00 yester yesterday, day, Kelly Kelly wa s at the office office.. She She wa s w o rk in g , (past) It’ It’ss 10:00 10:00 now. She She is at the office. She is is w o rk in g , (present) At 10:00 tomorrow, she will be at the office. She will be working, (future) We also also use use w ill be -in g to talk talk about com plete actions actions in in the f u t u r e . For example: ■ The gover government nment w ill be m ak ing a st state atement ment about about the crisis later today. ■ W ill yo you u be go ing away away this this summer? summer? ■ ■

Late aterr jn I'll be

pr0gra pr0grarr rrii ii talking to ...

Later Later in the program, program, I’ll I’ the Minister of Education ..ll. be ta lk in g to the Ou r best playe playerr is injured injured and w on ’t be play ing in the game on Saturday.

In these examples, will be -ing is similar to (be) going to . .. We use use will have don e (future perfect) to say that something will already be complete before a time in the future. For example: ■ Sally Sally always always leaves leaves for wo rk at 8:30 in the m orn ing . She w on ’t beat be at home at 9:00 9:00 - she’ll she’ll have gon e to work. ■ W e’re e’re late. late. The movie w ill already already hav e sta rte d by the time weget we get to the theater. Compare w ill have d on e with other perfect perfect for forms: ms: ■

Ted and Amy hav e be en m arried for for 24 years years,, (present perfect)  N e x t ye year ar they th ey w i l l h a v e b e e n m a rrie rr ie d fo r 25 years, yea rs, (future perfect) perfect) When their first child was born, they had been married for three years, (past perfect)

Will   Units  


By the time / By then   U nit117C


Exercises 23.1

The Fut Future ure Appendix 3

Read about Josh. Josh. Then put a check check (/) (/ ) by the sentences senten ces that are true. In each group group of   sentences, at least one is true. Josh goes to work every day. After breakfast, he leaves home at 8:00 and arrives at work at about 8:45. He starts work immediately and continues until 12:30, when he has lunch (which takes about half an hour). He starts work again at 1:15 and goes home at exactly 4:30. Every day he follows the same routine, and tomorrow will be no exception. 1.

A Att a)  b) c) d)

7:4 7:455 h e’ e’ll ll be leaving the house h e ’ll hav havee left le ft the th e ho hous usee he ’ll be at hom e / he ’ll be having breakfast /


A t 8:15 8:15 a) he ’ll be leaving the house  b) h e ’ll have left the ho house use



12:45 he’ll have lunch he’ll be having lunch he’ll have finished his lunch he’ll have started his lunch

A t 4:0 4:000 a) he ’ll have finished finish ed w ork   b) he ’ll finish finis h w ork  or k 

c) he ll have arrived at wo rk  d) he ’ll be arriving at wo rk 




9:15 he’ll be working he’ll start work he ’ll hhave ave started w ork he ’ll be arriving at wor work  k 

Put the verb into the correct correct form,

c) he ll be wo workin rkingg d) he won ’t have finished work  wor k 

At 4:45 a) h e’l e’lll leave w ork   b) h e ’ll be le leav avin ing g w o rk he’ll have left work he’ll have arrived home

wi ll be ( do do)i)i ng  or wi ll have (done). (done).

1. D on ’t call call me be tw ee n 7 and 88.. We II be having   (we / have) have) dinn er then. 2. Call me after 8 :0 0.   (we / finish) finish) dinne r by then. 3. Tom orrow afterno on w e’ e’re re goingto goingto play playtennis tennisfrom from 3:00 until 4:30. So at 4:00,   (we / play) play) tenni tennis. s. 4.  A  A::   Can we meet ttom om orrow afternoon? afternoon?  B:  I’m I’m sorry I can’ can ’t .   (I / work). 5.  B ha hass to go to a meeting that be begi gins ns at 10:00.It will last last about an ho hour ur..  A:   W ill you be free at 11:30 11:30??  B:  Yes,   (the (the meeting / end) by by then. then. 6. Ben is on vacation, and he is is spend ing his mo ney very quickly. quickly. If he con tinues like this,   (he / spend) all all hhis is money before the end o f his vacati vacation. on. 7. Do you thin k   (yo (you u / still still / do) the same job 10 years from now? 8. Lisa is from N ew Z ealand. She iiss traveling aro und Sou th Amer ica right now. So far she she has ha s traveled about 1,000 miles. By the end of the trip, (shee / tra (sh travel) vel) more than 3,000 miles. 9. If you need to to contact contact m e ,   (I / st stay ay)) at the Bellm ore Hotel until Friday. 10.  A:     (you / see) see) Laura tomorrow ?  ______________________________   ____________________ __________ 

 ___________________________________   ____________________ _______________ 

 ___________________________________   ______________________ _____________ 

 ___________________________________   __________________ _________________ 

 _________________________   __________________ _______ 

 __________________________________   _____________________ _____________ 

 ___________________________________   __________________ _________________ 

 ___________________________________   ___________________ ________________ 

 ___________________________________   __________________ _________________ 

 B: Ye s, proba probably. hy? from her. Can you give  A  A::   Yes, I borrow edbly. thisWCD give it back to her? her? Additional Exercises 12-13 (pages 303-304)


When I do / When I've done   When and if  Study this example: “I’ll call you when I get home” is a sentence with two parts: the ma in part: I’ll I’ll call call you and the w he n part: part: w he n I get home from from work  The time in the sentence is future (tomorrow), but we use a  present  tense   tense (I get) in the w he n p art of the sentence. sentence. We do not  use   use w ill in the w he n part of the sentenc sentence. e.

Some ■ ■ ■

more examples: W e’ll e’ll go out w he n it stop s raining. raining. (not  when   when it will stop) W h en you ar e in Los Los Angeles again, again, give give us a ca call. ll. (not  When   When you will be) (said to a child)  W hat do do yo you u want to be w he n you gro w up? up? (not   will grow)

The same same tthing hing happens happens after after w hile / be fore / afte r / as soon as / u n til or till: till: ■ I’ I’m m going to read read a lot of books w h ile I’m on vacation. vacation. (not  while   while I will be) ■ I’m I’m going back ho m e on Sunday Sunday.. B ef o re I go, I’d I’d like like to visit visit a mu seum . ■ Wait here u n til (or (or till) I co m e bbac ack. k. You ca can n als also o use use the the present present perfect (have (have don e) after after w he n / af ter / u n til / as soo n as: as: ■ Can I borrow borrow that that book w he n you’ve you’ve finish ed it? it? ■ D on ’t sa say anything while Ben is is here. W ait u n ti l he has go ne. If you use the present perfect, one thing mu st be com plete before  the other (so the two things do not happen together): ■ W he n I’ve I’ve ca lled Kate, we can can have have dinner. dinner. (= First I’ll call Kate, and after that   we can have dinner.) Do n ot use the present perfect if the two things happen together: ■ W he n I ca ll Kate, Kate, I’ll I’ll ask ask her about the party. party. (not   W he n I’ I’ve ve called) called) It is ofteri'possible to use either the simple present or the present perfect: ■ I’ I’lll come as as soo n as I finis h, or   I’ I’lll come as so on as I’ I’ve ve fin ish ed . ■

After ■ ■ ■

or   You’ll You’ll feel be tter a ft e r yo u’ve

You’ll You’ll feel better af te r you hav e something to eat. eat.

h ad something to eat. eat.

if we norm ally use use the simple present ( if I do / i f I see, etc etc.) .) for the future: It’ It’ss raining hard. hard. W e’ll e’ll get we t i f we go out. (not  if   if we will go go)) I’ I’lll be angry i f it h ap p en s again again,, (not  if   if it it will ha ppen) Hurry up! up! I f we do n ’t hu rry , we’l we’ll be la late te..

Compare w he n and if: if: We use when for things that are sure to happen: ■ I’ I’m m going shoppin g later, (for sure) W h e n I go shopp ing, I’ll I’ll get some cheese. cheese. We us usee i f (not   when) for things that will  possibly happen: ■ I m igh t go go shoppin g later, later, (it’s (it’s possible) I f I go shopping, I’ll I’ll get some cheese. ■ I f it is raining tonight, I w on ’t go out. (not  When   When it is raining) ■ Do n’t n’t worry i f I’ I’m m late late tonight, tonight, (not  whe   whe n I’m I’m lat late) e) ■ I f they don’t don’t come soon, soon, I’m I’m no t going going to to wait, wait, (not  When   When they don’t come)

I f   Units


Evenn i f / Eve Eve Evenn when   Unit


Unless   Unit112A




-r-nplete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses. All the sentences are about the  ---rure. Use will  / won't  or   or the simple present (/ see / he plays  / i t is, is, etc.). I call   (c (cal all) l) you w he n I a c t   (get) (get) hom e from work. I I want to see see Jennifer before before sh e   (go) out. out . 3 W e’re going on a trip tomorro w. I   (teH) (teH)you all all abo ut it wh en we   (come) back. now. W he n y o u (s (see ee)) him again again,, -   Brian looks very different now. vou   (not / recognize) recognize) him. him. (you (yo u / miss) miss) me wh ile I   (be) gone? We should should do som ething soon soon before before i t   (be) too late.  _______  ____ _______ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 


 _______  ____ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______  ____ 

 _______  ___ ________ ________ _______ _______ ______  __ 


 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ _____  _ 

I don’t want to go without you. I   (wait) (wait) un til you   (be) ready. Sue has applied for the job, but she isn’t very well qualified for it. I   (be) (be) surprised surprised if s h e   (get) it. I’ I’d d like like to play tennis tennis tom orrow if the w ea th er    (be) nice. I’ I’m m going ou t now. If an yb od y (cal (call) l) while I   (be) out, can you take a message?   _________________________ 

 ________  ____ ________ ____________ ____________ _____  _ 

 _______  ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

 ___________  _______ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

 _______  ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ 

ike one sentence from two. You’ll be in Los Angeles again. Give us a call. (sive us a call when  y o u a r e in L o s A n g e le s a ga in . I’ I’ll ll find a place to t o live. live. Th en I’ll I’ll ggive ive you m y address. I when I’ll go shopping. Then I’ll come straight home.  ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ _____  _ 


 ________  ____ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

 _______  ____ _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ _______ ______ _______ ______  __ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

after  It’s going to get dark. Let’s go home before that.  b e f o r e She must apologize to me first. I won’t speak to her until then. until

 ________  ____ ________ _______ _______ ________ ________ _______ ______ _______  ____ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

 _______  ____ _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ _______ ______ _______ ______  __ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

Read the situations and complete the sentences. A friend of yours is going on vacation. You want to know what she is going to do. You ask: What are you going to do when  y o u go o n v a c a ti o n i 2. A friend of yours is visiting you. you. She has has to go go soon, but you ’d like to show her some  pi  pict ctur ures es.. You ask: Do you have time to look at some pictures before 3. You wa nt to sell you r car car. Jim is inte reste d in buyin g it, it, bu t he hasn’t hasn’t decide d yet. You ask: ask:  ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________  ____ 

Can you let me know as soon as. A friend o f yours is going to visit H ong Kong. You You wan t to know wh ere she iiss going to stay. You ask: Where are you going to stay when . 5. The traffic traffic is is very bad in you r town, bu t they are going to build a new road. You say: say: I think things will be better when they



 _______  ___ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ _______ _____  __ 

- Put in

when   or i f.

Don’t worry i f   I’m I’m late tonigh t. Chris might call while I’m out tonight. he does, can you take a message? I’m going to Tokyo next week. I’m there, I hope to visit a friend of mine. I think Be th will get the job. I’ll I’ll be very su rpr ise d she doesn’ doesn’tt get it. it. you want anything, I can get it for you. I’m going shopping. I’ I’m m g oing away aw ay for a few days. I’ll I’ll call call y o u I get back. I wa nt you to come to the party, party, b u t you don ’t wa nt to come, that’s that’s all all right. right. We can eat at home or, you prefer, we can go to a restaurant.  _______  ____ _____  __ 

 ________  ____ _____  _ 

 ________  ____ _____  _ 

 _______  ____ _____  __ 

 ________  ____ _____  _ 

onall Exercises 10-13 (pages 302-304) ona

U N I T  



32 (pages 314-315 )

Can, could, and (be) able to We use can to say that something is possible or allowed, or that somebody has the ability to do something. We use can + bas basee for m  (can d o / can se see, e, etc etc.) .):: ■ We can see the ocean ocean from our hotel window. window. ■ “I don ’t have a pe n.” “You ca n us e min e.”

■ ■ ■

C an you sp ea k any any foreign foreign langua languages ges?? I can c om e and help help you you tomorrow if you want. want. The word “dream “dream ” ca n be a nou n or a verb. verb.

The negative is can’t (= cannot): ■


I’ I’m m afraid afraid I ca n ’t co m e to your party on Frid Friday ay..

You can say that somebody is able to do something, but can is more common: ■ We are able to see the ocean ocean from from our hotel window. window. But can has only two forms: can (present)  and and cou ld (past).  So sometimes it is necessary to us usee (be) ab le to. Com pare: pare: I can’t sleep. Tom can come tomorrow. Maria ca n speak speak French, Spanish, and English.


I haven’t been able to sleep recently. Tom m ig h t be able to come tomorr tomorrow. ow. Applica Appl icants nts for the job m u st b e ab le to speak two foreign languages.

Could  Sometimes could is the past of can. We use could especially with: se e ■ ■ ■


sm ell

t a s te te

f e el el

re re m e m b e r

und erstand 

We had a nice room in the hotel. hotel. We c o u ld see the the ocean. ocean. As soon as I walked into into the the room, I co u ld s m ell ga gas. She She spok spokee in a very very so soft ft vo voic ice, e, so I co u ld n ’t un d er sta n d what she said.

We al also so use use c o u ld to say say that somebody had the general abilit ability y or permission to do something: ■ My grandfather co ul d spe ak five five languag languages. es. ■ We were were tota totall llyy free free.. We co ul d do what we wanted. (= we wereallowed were allowed to do) C ou ld and was able to to We use c o u ld for general abili ability ty.. But if you w ant to say say that somebody did something in a sp spec ecif ific ic si situ tuat atio ion, n, use use w as/w ere able to or m an ag ed to (not  could):  could): ■ The fire spread spread through the building very quickl quickly, y, but fortunately everybody everybody was able to escape / m ana ge d to escap escape. e. (not  could   could escape) ■ We didn’ didn’t know where Davi Davidd was was, but we m an ag ed to find / w ere able to find him in the end. (not  could   could find) Compare: ■ Jack was was an excellent tennis player wh en he was younger. younger. He co u ld b ea t anybody. anybo dy. (= he had the gene ral ability ability to beat anybody) anybody) but   Jack and and Ted played tennis yester yesterday day.. Ted played very well, well, but Jack m an ag ed t o / was a ble to b ea t him. him. (= he he managed to to beat him this this time) time) The negative couldn’t (could not) is possible in all situations: ■ My grandf grandfat ather her co u ld n ’t swim. ■ We looked looked for David David everywher everywhere, e, but we co u ld n ’t fin d him. ■ Ted played played well, well, but he c o u ld n ’t be at Jack. Jack.



Could (do)  and could have (done)   Unit 26

Mu st Unit 27

Ca Cann / Could you .

?  Unit

Exercises 25.1 Complete the sentences using using use (be) able to.



can  or (be) able to.  Use can  if possible; otherwise 

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Eric has trav ele d a lot. He c a n   speak four languages. I ha ve n’t been able to   sleep very well recently. Nicole drive, but she doesn’t have a car. I used t o stand on my head, but I can’t do it any more. I can’t can’t un der sta nd Michae l. I’ve I’ve n e v e r  understand him. I can ’t see see you on Friday, bu t I m eet you on Saturda Saturday y morning. Ask Catherine about your problem. She She m ig h t help you.  _______________________  ___________ ______________  __ 


 _________________________   ______________________ ___ 

  ____________ ________________________ _____________  _ 

 _______________________  ___________ ______________  __ 

25.2 Write sentences sentence s about yourself yoursel f using using the ideas in parentheses. 1. (som ethin g you used to be able to do) do)  /

u sed ttoo be able to to sing w ell. ll.


2. (som ethin g you used to be able able to do) do) I used  3. (somethin g you wo uld like like to be able able to do) do) I’d  4. (som ethin g you have neve r bee n able to do) I’v I’v e

 ____________________________________  ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _____________________________  _________________ 



 _______________________  ____________ ________________________ ______________  _ 


Complete the sentences with com e


1. I’m so rry I


can/can't/could/couldn't +  the following run

ca n t co m e  

s llee ep ep


w ait

to your party next week.

2. W he n Bob was 16, h e 100 meters in 11seconds. 11 seconds. 3. “Are you in a hurry ?” “No, I’ve I’ve got plenty of time. I . 4. I felt sick yesterday. I   _________________________  anything. 5. Can you speak a little louder? I you very well. 6. “You look lo ok tire ti re d. ” “Yes, “Yes, I l ast night.” last _______________________ ___________ ______________  __ 

  _____________ _________________________  ____________ 


Complete Complete the answers to the questions with was/w was/were ere able to. to. 1.  A: Did everybody escape from the fire?  B: Yes. Although the fire spread quickly, everybody was able to escape 2.  A:  B: 3.  A:  B:

4.  A: d the thi ef get away? away? Yes. s. N o one realized w hat was was happening , and the th ie f   B:  Ye

 _________________________   ______________________ ___ 


to.. Complete the sentences sentence s using could, couldn't,   or manag ed to 1. My grandfa ther traveled a lot. He c o u l d   speak five languages. 2. I looked everywhe re for for the book, but I couldn t    find it. 3. They did n’ n’tt wa nt to come w ith us at first, first, but we m a n a g e d to   persuade them. 4. Laura had hur t her leg leg a n d  walk very well. 5. Sue wa sn’t sn’t at hom e wh en I called, bu t I c ontact her at her office. contact 6. I loo ked very carefully, carefully, and I see someone in the distance. 7. I w ant ed to buy some tomat oes. Th e first store I w en t to didn ’t have any good ones,  bu  b u t I get some at the next place. 8. My grandm other loved loved music. music. S h e  pla y th e pi pian an o ve very ry we ll. 9. A girl girl fell fell into the river river,, but fortunate ly w e rescue her. 10. I had forgo tten to bring my camera, so I take any photos.  _________________________   ________________________ _ 

  ____________ ____________________  ________ 

  ____________ ________________________ _____________  _ 

 ________________________   ____________ ____________ 

 _______________________  ___________ ______________  __ 

 _______________________  ___________ ______________  __ 


Could (do) and could have (done)


26 We use c o u ld in a num ber o f ways ways.. Sometimes co u ld is the past past of ca n (se seee Unit 25C): ■ Listen Listen.. I can he ar something, something, (now) ■ I li list stened ened.. I co uld h ea r somethi something, ng, (past) But could is not only used in this way. We also use could to talk about possible actions now or in the future (especially to make suggestions). For example:

W hat would you l iike ke to do to ni ght?

 A :  W hat would you like ■  A: like to to do tonight? tonight?  B:  We co uld go to the movies movies.. ■  A:  A :  When you go to New York next month, you could stay with Candice.  B:  Yes, es, I guess I co u ld .

Can is also possible in these sentences (We can go to the movies, etc.). etc.). C o u ld is less less sure sure than can .

W e could go to the movi es.

We also use could (not  can)   can) for actions w hich are not realisti realistic. c. For exam ple: ■ I’ I’m m so so tired, tired, I co u ld slee p for a week. ( not  I   I can sleep for a week) Compare can and could: ■ I ca n stay with Cand ice w he n I go to N ew York, York, (reali (realisti stic) c) ■ Maybe I c o u ld sta y w ith Candice wh en I go to New York, York, (possib (possible, le, bu t le less ss sure) sure) ■ This is is a wo nde rful place. I co u ld sta y here forever forever,, (unrealisti (unrealistic) c) We also use could (not  can)   can) to say that something is possible now or in the future. The meaning is is simi similar lar to m ig h t or m ay (see see Units 28-29 ): ■ The story story c o u ld b e true, true, bu t I don’t don’t think it is is.. (not  can   can be true) ■ I don’t don’t know what time time Liz is is coming. She co u ld g et here at any time. We use could have (done) to talk about the past. Compare: ■ I’ I’m m so tired, tired, I co u ld sleep for a week, (now) I was so tired, I could have slept for a week, (past) ■ The situation is bad, but it co u ld be worse, worse, (now) The sit situat uation ion was was bad, bad, but it co ul d hav e be en worse, worse, (past) Something c ou ld have happened = it was Something was poss possibl iblee but did not happen: ■ W hy did you sta stayy at a hotel when you were in in New York York?? You You co u ld ha ve staye d wi th Candice, (you did n’ n’tt stay stay wit h her) ■ I didn’t didn’t know that you you wan ted to go to the the concert. I co u ld h av e go tte n you a fr free ee ticket. (I did n’ n’tt get you a ticket) ■ Dave was luck lucky. y. He co u ld ha ve h u r t himself wh en he fell fell,, but he’s he’s OK. We use couldn’t to say that something would not be possible now: ■ I c o u ld n ’t live in a big city city.. I’d I’d hate it. (= it w ou ldn ’t be possible for me) ■ Everything is fine right now. Things c o u ld n ’t be better. better. For the past, we use couldn’t have (done): ■ We had a real really ly good vacati vacation. on. It c o u ld n ’t have bee n better. better. ■ The trip was canceled canceled las lastt week. Paul Paul c o u ld n ’t have g on e anyway because because he he was was si sick. ck. (= it wo uld no t have have been possible for him to go) go)



ercises *


-nsw -nswer er the que questi stions ons with a sug sugges gestio tion. n. Us Use e could  and   and the words in parentheses.   s r  We cou ld go to Sa n Diego. Diego. Where would you like to go on vacation? (to San Diego) W hat should we have have for dinner tonight? (fis (fish) h) W e When should I call Angela? (now) You What should I give Ana for her birthday? (a bo ok ) W he n should we go and see see Tom? Tom? (on Friday)

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___   ________  ____ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ _______ _______  ____ 

 _______  ____ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ _______ ______  ___   ______  ___ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

some of these sentences, you need could  (not can).  Change the sentences necessary. The story can be true) but I don’t think it is. c oul d be t rue ____  _______ ________  _____  It’s a nice day. We can go for a walk. O K   (could go is also possible) I’m so angry I can scream. If you’re hungry, we can have dinner now. __  _____ _____ _____  ___  It’s so nice here. I can stay here all day,  bu  b u t u n fo rtu rt u n at atee ly I have hav e to go.  A:   W he re ’s my bag. Have you seen it? it? car.  B:  No , but it can be in the car. Peter is a good musician. He plays the flute, and he can also play the piano. n

 ________  ____ _______ _______ ________ ________ ______  __    ___________________________    ___________________________ 

 ________  ____ ____________ ____________ _____ _ ____ _______ _______ _______ _______ ___________ _________  __ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ________ _____ _

_______ ___________ _______ _______ ___________ _________  __ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ _____ _ _______ ___________ _______ _______ ___________ _________  __ 

 A:   I nee d to borro w a camera.  ______ _______ ________ ________ ________ _______ ___  B:  You can borrow mine. ___

The weather is nice now, but it can change later.

Complete the sentences. Use

________ ___________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _____  __   _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ ____  _ 

 or co could  or could uld have h ave + appropriate verbs.

.  A:   W hat should we do tonight?  B:  W e could go   to the movies. yesterday..  A:   I spent a very boring even ing at hom e yesterday  B:  Wh y did you stay stay at home? Y ou out with us us.. for..  A:   Th ere ’s a jo b advertised in the pap er that I thin k you are really qualified for  B:  I guess guess I for it, it, butI but I like my pre sent job. -  A:   Ho w was your test? test? Was it hard? hard?  B:  It wa sn’t sn’t so bad. I t ~ __________w or ors e . 5.  A:   I got very we t walking hom e in the rain last last night. night.  B:  Why did you walk? walk? Y ou a taxi.  A:   W here should we meet tomorrow?  B:  Well, I to your house if you want.  ________  ____ ________ ________  ____ 

 ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ _______ ____  _ 


Complete the sentences. Use -be-



 or co couldn't  or couldn' uldn'tt have + these verbs in the correct form: 





I couldnt live   in a big city. I’d hate it. We had a really good vacation. It couldn't have been    bette  be tter. r. I tha t hat. I’d I’d look sill silly, y, and people w ould laugh at me. We managed to find the restaurant restaurant you recommended, but w e it without the map that you drew for us.   _______________________________ 


 _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ _____  _ 


Paul has to get up at 4:00 every mo rnin g. I don’t don’t know ho w he does it. it. I up at that time every day. The staff at the hotel was really nice nice w hen we stayed stayed there last summer. summer. They more helpful. 7.  A:  I tried to call you last week. We had a party, and I wanted to invite you.  _______  ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______  __ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

T hat’s nice of you, but I   _______________________________  anyway. I was away all  B:  _  _ That’s last week.

: rial

E: ercises 16-18 (pages 305-307)




Must (You must be tired, etc.) M u s t (n (n o t ) My hou se i s ne xt to the freeway.

i t must be very noi sy,

We use m u st to say say that we feel sure sure som ething is true: ■ You’ve You’ve bee n traveling all all day day.. You You m u st b e tired. (Traveling (Travel ing is is tiring and yo u’ u’ve ve bee n traveling all day day,, so you m u s t b e tir tired.) ed.) ■ “Jim is a hard wo rker.” “Jim? You You m u st be jokin g. H e’ e’ss very lazy.” lazy.” ■ I’ I’m m sure Sall Sally y gav gavee me her phone num ber. I m u st ha ve it somewhere.


We use use m u st n o t to say say that that we feel sure sure something is not true: ■ The ir car car isn’ isn’tt outside outside their house. house. They m u st no t be home. (= They m u st be out) ■ Brian said said he wo uld be here by 9:30. 9:30. It’s It’s 10:00 10:00 now, and he’s never late. late. He m u s t no t be coming. ■ They haven’ haven’t liv lived ed here very very long long.. They m u st n o t kn ow many people. people. Study the structure: I/yo u/h e (etc. etc.))

m us t (not)

 b e (tir (t ired ed / h u n g ry / ho m e, etc.)  b e ( d o i n g / c o m i n g / j o k i n g , etc.) d o / g e t / k n o w / h av a v ee,, et etc.

M u s t ( n o t) t) h a v e d o n e For the past, past, we use use m u st (n ot) h ave do ne : ■ “We used to live live clos closee to the free freeway. way.”” “Did you? you? It It m u st hav e be en noisy. noisy.”” ■ There’s There’s nobody at home. They m us t have go ne out. out. ■ I’ve I’ve lost lost one one of my glo glove ves. s. I m u st have d ro p p ed it somewhere. somewhere. ■ Sh Shee walked past me without spe speaki aking. ng. She She m u st no t have seen me. ■ Tom walked walked into into a wall wall.. He m u st no t have bee n lo ok in g where he was was goi going ng.. Study the structure: I / y ou o u / h e (etc.)

C a n ’t ’ t a nd nd m u s t n o t

m u s t (n o t)

h av e

 b e e n (t (tir ired ed / h u n g ry / noisy, nois y, etc.)  b e e n ( d o i n g / c o m i n g / l o o k i n g , etc.) g o n e / d r o p p e d / s ee ee nn,, eettc.

It can t be true = I believe it is impossible: ■ H ow can you say say such a thing? You You ca n ’t b e serious serious!! Compare can ’t and Compare and m us t not: som ething to eat. eat. ■  A:   Joe wants som lunch. He c a n ’t be hu ngry alre already ady.. (= it’s it’s impossible impossible that he is is hu ng r ■  B:  But he jus t had lunch.  beca  be caus usee he ju s t ha d lunc lu nch) h) Bill some thing to eat, eat, but he d idn’t idn’t wa nt anything. ■  A:   I offered Bill  B: He m u st n o t be hungry. hungry. (= I’ I’m sure he is is not hungry - otherwise he wou ld eat eat something)

Can't {I can't swim , etc. etc.))   Unit25A,


 M u s t ( I m u st g o,   etc.) etc.)

U nit3 0B ,C

Britis British h Engli English sh Appendix 7



►-t ,n I 1.


i t  j y

mu st  or must   or must not n ot..

V u've bee n traveling all da day. y. You m u s t   be tired. That res tau ran t  be ve very ry go good od.. It It’’s alway al wayss full fu ll o f peop pe op le. le . That restaurant  be ve very ry go good od.. It It’’s alway al wayss em pty. pty . You  be look lo ok in g fo rw ar d to go ing in g on vaca va catio tio n ne xt w eek. ee k. ■'ained every day during their vacation, so they have had   _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ _____  _ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ _______ _______ _______  ___ 


 _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ _______ _____  __ 

try nice time. a got here very quickly. quickly. Y ou

have wa lked very fast. fast.

I : -p le lete te eac each h sentence with a verb (on (one e or two words) in the corre correct ct fform orm.. I've lost one of my gloves. I must h a v e d r o p p e d   it somew here. They haven’t lived here very long. They must not k n o w   many people. Ted isn’t isn’t at wo rk today. today. He m u s t sick. sick. - Te Tedd wasn’t wasn’t at wo rk last last week. He m u s t sick. sick. Sarah knows a lot about movies. She She m u st to the movies a lot. ~ Sarah Look.. James is puttin g on his hat and coat. Look coat. He m u s t out. I left my bike outside last night and now it is gone. Somebody m u s t it. I Sue was in a difficult difficult situation wh en she lost lost her job. It must n o t easy for her. There is a man walking behind us. He has been walking behind us for the last 20 minutes. He m ust us. us.  _______  ____ _______ _______ _______ ________ _______ ____  _ 

 _______________________ ___ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ _______ _____  __ 

 _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

 _______  ___ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ________ ________ _____  _ 

 _______________________ ___ 

■rs rsd d the situ situations ations and use the words word s in parenthes parentheses es to wri write te sente sentences nces wit with h  z --dd must n ot have. have.

must have 

- The phon e rang, but I didn ’t hear it. (I / asleep) asleep) / m ust hav e be e n asl asl ee ee p p.. I Ju Juli liee walked past me w itho ut speaki speaking, ng, (she (she / see / me) S h e m u s t n o t h a v e s e e n m e . The jack et you bo ugh t is is very good quali quality, ty, (it (it / very expensi expensive) ve)

 _______  ____ _______ ______  __ 


I can’t can’t find my umbrella. (I / leave leave / it in the restaurant last last night) Dave passed the exam with out studying for it. it. (the exam / very diffi difficult cult)) She knew everything about our plans, plans, (she (she / listen / to our conversation conversation)) Rachel did did the opposite of wha t I asked her to do. do. (she (she / unders tand / w hat I sai said) d) W hen I woke up this this morning, the light was was on. (I / forget / to turn it off) off) . I was awakened in the night by loud music next door, door, (the neighbors / have / a part party) y)

Complete the sentences with

must not  or  or can't,

How can you say such a thing? You c a n t   be serious! Their car isn’t outside their house. They m u s t n o t   be home. I jus t bo ugh t a box o f cereal cereal yeste yesterda rday. y. I t  be em pt ptyy already. alrea dy. The Smiths always go on vacation this time of year, but they are still home. They  be taki ta king ng a vac v acat atio ionn this thi s year. 5. You ju st starte d filling filling out your tax forms 10 m inutes ago. Y ou  be fini fi nish sh ed w ith it h th em already! alre ady! Eric is a good friend of Ann’s, but he hasn’t visited her in the hospital. He know she’s in the hospital.  _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

 _______  ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ____  _ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ _______ ______ _______  ____ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

-al Exerc Exercises ises 16-18 (pages 305-307)



May and might 1 Study this example situation: You are looking for Bob. Nobody is sure where he is, but you get some suggestions. H e may be in his office.

W h e r e ''ss B o b ?

(= perhaps he is in his office)

H e might be having l u n c h .

(= perhaps he is having lunch)

A s k A n n . S h e might know.

(= perhaps she knows)

We use use m ay or m ig h t to say say that som ething is is a possi possibil bilit ity. y. Usual Usually, ly, you can use use m ay or m ig ht , so you can say: ■ It m ay be true, true, or   It m ig h t be true. (= perhaps it is true) true) ■ She She m ig ht kn know, ow, or   Sh Shee m ay know. know. The negat negativ ivee forms forms are are may no t and m ig h t not: ■ It m ay n o t be be true. (= perhaps it isn’t isn’t true) true) ■ She She m ig h t no t work here here aany ny more. (= perhaps sh shee doesn’ doesn’tt work here here)) Study the structure: I / y o u / h e (etc.)

m ay might

( n o t)

 b e e n (t (tru ru e / in his off office ice,, etc.)  b e ( d o i n g / w o r k i n g / h a v in g , etc.) d o / k n o w / w o r k / w a n t, t , et etc.

For the past past we use use m ay have do ne or m ig h t have done: ■  A:  I wond er w hy Kate didn ’t answer th e ph one.  B:  She m ay h ave b ee n asleep. asleep. (= perhaps perhaps she was asl asleep eep)) ■  A:  I can’ can’tt fin d m y bag anyw here.  B:  You m ig h t have le ft it in the stor store. e. (= perhaps you left it in the store) store) ■  A:  I was surprised that Sarah wasn’t wasn’t at th e m eetin g yesterday. yesterday.  B:  She She m ig h t n o t have kn o w n about it. (= perhaps she she didn’t didn’t know) know) ■  A:  I won der why David was in such a bad m ood yesterday. yesterday.  B:  He m ay n o t have bee n fe elin g well. well. (= perhaps he wasn’t wasn’t feeli feeling ng well well))

Study the structure: I / y o u / h e (etc.)

m ay might

(n o t) h a v e

 b e e n (as (aslee leepp / at ho m e, etc.)  b e e n ( d o i n g / w o r k i n g / fe e li n g , etc.) k n o w n / h a d / w a n t e d / l eeff tt,, et etc.

C ou ld is si simi mila larr tto o m ay and m igh t: ■ It’ It’ss a strange strange sto story ry,, but it co u ld b e true. (= it m ay/m ight be true) true) ■ You You c o u ld ha ve lef t your bag in the store store.. (= you m ay/m ight have have left it there) there) B u t c o u l d n ’t (negative) is differ different ent from from m ay n o t and m ig h t no t. Compare: Compare: ■ Sarah Sarah c o u ld n ’t have g ot te n my messa message ge.. Otherwise she she would hav havee call called ed me. (= it is not possible that she got my message) ■ I wonder why Sar Sarah ah hasn’t hasn’t cal calle led d me. me. I suppos supposee she she m ig h t n o t have go tte n my message. messag e. (= perhaps she did n’ n’tt get it, it, and perha ps she did)

26  M a y  / mig ht 2  Unit 29  M a y  / . . . ? U n nii t 35 Could   Unit Modal Verbs ( can/could/will/would  , etc.) Appendix 4


 M i g h t  with i f   Units

29B, 36C, 38D  



28.1 Write these sentences in a different way using m ay  or  or might. 1. Perha ps El izab eth iiss in he r office. S h e m ig h t b e iinn h e r o ff ffic icee . O R S h e m a y b e . . . 2. Pe rha ps E liza li za be th is b u s y .____________ .___________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _____________  ______  3. Perhaps she is w or ki ng . 4. Perhaps she wants to be alo ne .  ______________  ______ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _____________  _____ 

 _______________  ________ ______________________ ______________________________ ______________________ __________  ___ 

5. 6. 7. 8. In

Perhaps sh shee was sick yes terd ay. Perhaps she w ent hom e earl y. Perhaps she had to ggo o hom e earl y. Perhaps she was work ing yesterd ay. sentences 9-11, use may not  or  or mig ht

 _____________  ______ _______________ _______________ _____________ _____________ _______________ ______________ 

 _______________  _______ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ ________________ ___________  ___   ______________  _______ ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ ________________  _________   ______________  _______ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _________ 

nnot ot..

9. Perhaps she doesn’t doesn’t wa nt to se seee m e . 10. Perhaps sshe he isn’ isn’tt wo rking tod ay . 11. Perhaps she wa sn’ sn’tt feeling well yeste rda y.

 _______________  ________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________  _______ 

 ______________  ________ _____________ _______________ ______________ _____________ _______________ ____________  ____   ______________  ______ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ___________  ___ 

28.2 Complete each each sentence with a verb in the correct form. 1. “W he re ’s Sam?” “I’ “I’m m no t sure. He m igh t be having   lunch.” 2. “W ho iiss that man w ith Anna?” “I’ “I’m m not ssure ure.. It m ig h t her brother.” 3. “W ho was the man we ssaw aw w ith Anna yester yesterday?” day?” “I’ “I’m m not sur sure. e. It m ay her brother. brother.”” 4. “W ha t are those people doing by the side of the road?” “I do n’t n’t know. Th ey mi ght f or a bus.” for 5. “Do you have a stamp?” “No, but ask Sam. He m a y one.”  ______________  _______ ___________  ____ 

 ______________  _______ _________  __ 

 ______________  _______ ___________  ____ 

 ______________  _______ ___________  ____ 

28.3 Read Read the situations and make make sentences from the words in parentheses. Use m ay  or  or might. 1. I can’ can’tt find Je ff anyw here. I w ond er wh ere he is is.. pi ng . a) (he / go / shopping shopping))  H e m a y h a v e g o n e sh op ping  b) (he / pla y / tenn te nnis is))  H e m i g h t b e p la y in g te nn is .

 ______________  _______ ______________ ______________ __________  ___ 

 _______________  ________ ______________ ______________ ____________  _____ 

2. I’ I’m m looking for Tiffa Tiffany. ny. Do you know wh ere she is? is? a) (s (sh he / wat watch ch / TV / in her roo m )  b) (she / go / o u t )

 _______________  _______ ________________ _______________ ______________________ ___________________  ____ 

 ________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _____________  _____ 

3. I can’ can’tt find my umbrella. Have you seen iit? t? a) (it (it / be / in the car)  b) (you (yo u / leav leavee / in th e re sta st a ur an t last las t n i g h t )

 _______________  ________ _____________ ______________ ________________ _______________ ______________ _____________ ___________  _____   _____________  _______   ________________________ _____________  _____  ______

4. W hy did n t Dave answ er the doorbell? I m sure he was at hom e at the time. a) (h (hee / not / hear / th thee doorbe ll)  b) (he / be / in th e s h o w e r )

 _______________  _______ ________________ _______________ ______________________ _____________________  ______ 

 ______________  _______ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ________  _ 

28.4 Complete the sentences using mig ht 1.  A:    B:  2.  A:    B:  3.  A:  B:  4.  A:    B:  5.  A  A::   B:  6.  A:    B: 

not ha have ve .. .

couldn' uldn'tt or co

have . . . .

Do you thin k Sarah got the message we left her? her? cou/dn t ha ve g otten it. No , sh shee wo uld ha have ve contacted us. us. Sh e cou/dn I was surprised Kate wa sn’ sn’tt at the me eting. P erhaps she didn’ didn’tt know ab out it it.. T ha t’s t’s possible . S h e m ig h t n o t h a v e k n o w n a b o u t iitt. I  wonder   wonder why they never replied to our letter. Do you think they received it? Mayb Maybee not not.. T he y . I wo nder how the fire start started. ed. Was it an ac acciden cident? t? No , the police sa say y it . Mik e say sayss he needs to see you. He tri ed to find you yester yesterday. day. Wel Well, l, h e very hard. I was in my office all day. The man you spoke to - are you su sure re he was Chinese? No, I’m I’m not su sure re.. H e .  ______________  _______ _____________  ______ 

 _______________  ________ ______________ _____________ _______  _ 

 ______________  _______ _____________ ______________ _______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________  _______ 

 _______________  _______ _______________ _______________ ________________ _______________ ______________________  _______________ 


 ________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______  _ 

Additional Exercises 16-18 (pages 305-307)




May and might 2 We use m ay and m ig h t to talk abou t possible possible actio actions ns or happenings happenings in the future: future: ■ I haven ’t decided yet wh ere to go go on vacation. I m ay g o to Hawaii. Hawaii. ■ ■

(= perhaps I will go there) Take an um brella with you. you. It It m ig h t rai n later. later. (= perhaps it it will ra rain) in) The bus isn’ isn’tt alway alwayss on time. We m ig h t have to wait a few minutes. (= perhaps we will have to wait)

The negat negativ ivee forms forms are are m ay n ot and and m ig h t not: ■ Ann m ay n o t go o ut tonight. She She isn’t isn’t ffeeling eeling well. well. (= perhaps she she will will not go out) ■ There m ig h t no t be enough time to to disc discus usss everythi everything ng at at the meeting. C o m pa p a re re w i l l a nd nd m a y / m i g h t : ■ I’ll I’ll b e late this evening, (for sure) sure) ■ I m a y /m ig h t be late late this this evening, evening, (poss (possib ible le)) Usually you can use may or  m ig h t. So you can say say: ■ I m ay go to Hawaii, Hawaii, or   I m ig h t go to Hawai Hawaii. i. ■ Lisa m igh t be able to help you. or Lisa Lisa m a y be able to help you. But w wee use use only only m ig h t ( not  may)   may) when the situation is not real: ■ If I were in Tom’s Tom’s position, position, I think I m ig h t look for anothe r job. The situation here is not real because I am not   in Tom’s position (so I’m not going to look for ano ther job) . M ay is no t possible possible in this example. There iiss al also so a continuous continuous form: form: m a y /m ig h t be -ing. Compare this with will be -ing: ■ D on ’t call call me at 8:30. I’ll I’ll be w atc h ing the baseba baseball ll game game on TV. TV. ■ D on ’t call call me at at 8:30. 8:30. I m ig h t be w a t c h i n g (or  I   I m ay be watching) the baseball game on TV. TV. (= perhaps I’ll I’ll be watc hing it) We aallso us usee m ay /m igh t be -in g for possib possible le plans. plans. Compare: ■ I’m I’m g o in g to Hawaii in July, July, (for (for sure sure))

(or  r  I I m a y be g o i n g (o   I m i g h t be go in g) to Hawaii in July, (possib (possible) le)

Bu t you can also also say say “I “I m ay go (o (or  r   I m ig h t go) to Hawaii” with little little difference difference in meaning. M ight as well / m ay as as well well Rosa and Maria have just missed the bus. The buses run every hour. What should we do? Should we walk? W e might as well. It's a ni ce day, and I d o n ' t w a n t ttoo w a i t h e r e f o r a n h o u r .

We m ig h t as w ell do somethin something g = We should should do it because there is no better alternative. The re is no reason not to do it. May as we ll is also possible. ■  A:   You’ll You’ll have to wa it two hour s to see the doctor.  B:  I m ig h t as as w ell go home and and come come bac back. k. ■ Rents are are so so high these these days days,, you m ay as w ell bu y a house, house, (buying a house is as good, no more expensive)

Will be -ing   Unit


 M a y   // mig ht   1

Un it 28

 M ay I . . . ?  Unit


 M i g h t  with  with i f   Units

36C, 380



erases Write sentences with m ay  or  or might. W he re are you going on vacation? (to Hawaii??) Hawaii??) I haven’t haven’t decid ed yet. / might go to Hawaii. W ha t kind o f car are are you going to buy? (a Toyota? Toyota??) ?) I’ I’m m not sure yet. yet. I . What are you doing this weekend? (go to the movies??) I haven’t made up my mind yet. W he n is Jim com ing to see us? us? (on Saturd Saturday?? ay??)) I don’t know for sure. W here are you going to to hang that picture? (in (in the dining room??) room??) I haven’t made up my mind yet. W ha t iiss Juli a going to do whe n she graduates from hig h school? (g (go o to colleg college??) e??) She’ss sti She’ still ll thinking about i t .  ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ________ ______  __ 

Complete the sentences using

mig ht + the following: 

 b i t e b re ak need ra in s li p w ake up Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It m i g h t , Don’t make too much noise. You . you. Watch out for thf t dog. dog. I t I don’t don’t think w e should throw that letter away. away. We . Be careful. The sidewalk is very icy. You . I don’t want the children to play in this room. They .

later. the baby.


Complete the sentences using

it later.  _ so m ethi et hing ng .

mi g ht be able able to  or mig ht have to to  + appropriate verbs.

I. I can’t can’t help you, but why d on ’t you ask ask Jane? She 2 I can’t can’t m ee t you tonig ht, bu t I

might be able to help   you. y ou tomorrow. you



I’ I’m m not w orki ng on Saturday, Saturday, bu t I I can come to the meeting, but I

Write sentences with

on Sunday.  befo  be fore re th e end .


mig ht not. not.

I’m not sure that Ann will come to the party.  / Inn m ig h t n o t co m e to th e p a rt rtyy . _________ 2. I’ I’m m not sure that I’ll I’ll go ou t tonigh t. I   ____________________________________ 3 You do n’t n’t kno w if Sam will like like the pres ent you bou ght for him. S am - We don ’t know if Sue will be ab able le to get toge ther with us tonight.  _______  ____ _______ _______ _______ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _____  __ 

.5 Re Read ad the situat situations ions and make sente sentences nces with

mi g ht as as well. well.

1. You have stitmissed th fo e bus. every hour. You and ssay ay:: aWfriend e’ll e’ll have have to ju wa an ho ur r the The nex tbuses bus. runWe migh t as w ell walk walk.. 2. You have a free ticket for a conce rt. You’re You’re not very excited about the co ncert, bu t you decide to go. You say: I to the concert. It’s a shame to waste a free ticket. 3. You’ve You’ve ju st pa inted y our kitc hen. You still still have a lot o f paint, so why n ot pain t the  ba th ro om , too? too ? You sa say y: W e . Th ere ’s plenty of paint lef left. t. 4. You and a friend are at home. You’re You’re bored. T he re ’s a movie o n TV s tarting in a few minu tes. You say: . There’s nothing else to do.   ________________________________________ 

 ________  ____ ________ _______ _______ ________ _______ _______ ________ _______ _______  ____ 

• a E xercise s 16-1 8 (page s 305-3 07)


Have to and must I have to do something = it is necessary to do it, I am obliged to do it: ■ You You can’t can’t turn right here. here. You You hav e to tu rn le left ft.. ■ I hav e to g et up early early tomorrow. tomorrow. My flight flight le leav aves es at 7:30. 7:30. ■ Jason can’ can’tt meet us us tonight. tonight. He has to w o rk la late te.. ■ Last Last week Nicole Nicole broke broke her arm and and ha d to go to the hospital. ■ Have you ever ha d to go to the the hospit hospital? al? We use d o /d o e s/ d id in ques questi tions ons (for (for the present and and past simp simple le): ): ■ W ha t do I hav e to do to get a driver’s driver’s li licen cense? se? (not  What   What have I to do?) ■ Do es Kimberl Kimberlyy have to w or k tomorr tomorrow? ow? ■ W hy d id you you have to leave ear early ly?? In ne negat gativ ivee sen sente tenc nces es,, we use use do n ’t/d o e sn ’t/d id n ’t: ■ I d o n ’t have to ge t up early early tomorrow. tomorrow. (not  I   I haven’t to) ■ Kimberly Kimberly d oe sn ’t have to w or k on Satu Saturd rday ays. s. ■ We d id n ’t have to pay to to park the ca car. You can say: I’ll I’ll have to / I w o n ’t have to . . .

I’m I’m go ing to hav e to . . . I m ig h t/ m a y ha ve to . . . (= perhaps I’ll I’ll hav havee to) to) ■ They can’t can’t fix fix my computer, so I’ll I’ll have t o b uy a new one. . .. so I’ I’m go ing to have to bu y a new one one.. ■ I m ig h t have to leave the meeting early arly,, or   I m ay have to lea ve . .. M us t iiss similar similar to have to : ■ The economic situati situation on is is ba bad. d. The governm ent m u st d o som ething ething about it. The government has to do . .. ■ If you go to New York, York, you reall reallyy m u st v isit the Empire State State Building. Building. (or.. .  you really have to visit. ..) But have to is more common than must. We use use m u st especi especiall ally y in writte n rules and instructi instructions: ons: ■ Answer all all the questions. questions. You You m u st w rit e your answers answers in ink. ink. ■ Applica Applicati tions ons for the job m u st be rece ive d by May 18 18. You Yo u m u st n o t do som ething = it is necess necessary ary that you not  do   do it (so don’t do it): ■ Students m u st n o t use cell cell phones in cla class ss.. (= it is not allowed) allowed) Compare m ust n o t and Compare and do n ’t have to: to: ■ You m u st ke ep this this a secr secret et.. You m u st n o t te ll anyb anybod ody. y. (= don’t tell anybody) ■ You You do n ’t have to tell Tim about what happened. I ca can n tell tell him mysel myself. f. (= you d on ’t need to tell him, bu t it’s it’s O K if you do) You Yo u can use use ha ve g o t to instead instead o f hav e to . So you can sa say y: ■ I’ve I’ve go t to w or k tomor tomorrow, row, or   I have to w or k to tomorr morrow. ow. ■ H e’s go t to visit his his aunt tonight, tonight, or   He has to vis it hi hiss aunt tonight. tonight.

 M u s t ( Y ou m u s t bbee ttii r ed)   Unit 27  


Exercises 30.1 Complete the sentences sentence s with 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

have to / has to  / had to to..

Jaso n can’t can’t jo in us tonight. H e has to   wo rk late. late. Be th left before the end of the meeting. S h e go hom e ea earl rly. y. I do n’ n’tt have m uch time. I go soon. Kathy m ay go out of town on business next week. Eric is usually usually free on weekends, but som etimes h e work. Th ere was was nobody to help me. I do everything by myself. Julie h a s wear glasses since she was a small child. Je ff can’t can’t pay his bills. bills. H e’s going t o sell his car.  ________________  ________ ________________ _________  _ 



 ________________  ________ ________________ _________  _ 


30.2 Complete the questions with a form of have

wordss to  + the word

in parenthese paren theses. s.

1. “I bro ke my arm last w ee k.” “  D i d y o u h a v e to g o   (you / go) go) to the hospital?” 2. “I’ “I’m m sorry I can’t can’t stay very long.” “Wh at t im e   (you (you / go)?” 3.   (you / wait) long for the bus last night?  ________________  ________ ________________ _________  _ 

 ________________  ________ _________________ ______________  _____ 

4. How o ld  5. Ho w does does Chris like hi hiss new jo b ?

 _______________  _______ ________________ _______________  _______ 

  (you (you / be) to drive in your country?   (he/ travel) a lot? lot?

 _______________  _______ ________________ _______________  _______ 

30.3 Complete the sentences using using have to  + the verbs in thelist. thelist. Some Somesentences sentences are positive (I have to  . .. etc.) and some are negative (I don' t have to  . ....etc.).


a sk


get up

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


m ake

m ake

sh shaa ve ve

sh o w

I’m I’m not wo rkin g tom orrow , ssoo I don 't ha ve to p et up  early. Steve did n’ n’tt kno w how to use use the compute r, so so I h a d t o s h o w   him. Excuse me for a min ute - I a phone call. I co uld n’ n’tt fin d the stree s tree t I w anted. ant ed. I __ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ ___som som ebo dy for directions. direct ions. Jack has has a beard, so so h e . A man was injured in the accident, accident, but h e to the hospital  beca  be ca use us e it w as n’t se serio rious. us. 7. Sue Sue is the vice vice presiden t of the company. company. S h e im porta nt decisions decisions.. 8. I’m I’m no t so busy. I have a few thin gs to do, but I them now. now.   _________________________ 




30.4 Complete Complete the sentences with

mi g ht have to, to, wi ll have to, to,  or w on' t have to. to.

1. Th ey can’t can’t fix my com pute r, so I 'Hhave to   buy a new one. 2. I m i g h t h a v e t o   leave the party early. early. My son is going to call call me if he needs a ride home. 3. W e take take the train down town instead instead of drivin driving. g. It depends on the traffic. 4. S a m go to jail if he does n’ n’tt pay al alll his old park ing tickets. 5. Unfortun ately, my fa th e r stay stayin the hospital anoth er week. The doctor is going to decide tomorrow.  ________  ___ ___  _  go to cla 6. If it snows all all night, w e class ss tom orro w. It’ It ’ll be cance led.  _______________   ________ _______ 

30.5 Complete Complete the sentences with 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

must not  or  or don't   // doesn' t have to. to.

I do n’ n’tt wa nt anyone to know ab out this. You m u s t n o t   tell anyone. He doesn't ha ve to   wear a suit to work, but he usually does. does. I can sleep sleep late tom orrow m orning because I go to work. W hatever you do, y o u touch that switch. It’s very dangerous. T her e’ e’ss an elevator in the building, so w e climb the stairs. You forget what I told you. It’s very important. L a u re n get up early, early, bu t she usually does. Y ou eat or drink on buses. It’ It’ss no t allowed. Y ou be a good player to enjoy a game of tennis.   _________________________ 

 ________________  ________ ________________ _________  _ 

 ________________  ________ ________________ _________  _ 

 ________________  ________ ________________ _________  _ 

Additional Exercise 16 (pages 305-306)

U N I T  


Should You should do something = it is a good thing to do or the right thing to do. You can use should to give advice or to give an opinion: ■ You You look tired. tired. You You sho ul d go to bed. ■ The government sh ou ld do more to reduce reduce cr crime ime.. ■ “Sh o u ld we in v ite Susa Susann to the party?” “Yes, I think we sh o u ld .” We of ofte tenn us usee should with I th ink / I do n’t thin k / Do you th ink . . . ?: ■ I th in k the government government sho uld do more to to reduc reducee cri crime. me. ■ I d on ’t th ink you shou ld w ork so hard hard.. ■ ‘Do you th in k I sho uld ap ply for for th this is job?” “Yes, I th in k you you sho uld.” You shouldn’t do something = it isn’t a good thing to do: ■ You You sho u ld n ’t be lieve everythi everything ng you read read in in the the newspa newspaper pers. s. S ho uld is not as as str strong ong as as m u st or ha "e to: ■ You You sho u ld apologize. apologize. (= it would be a good thing to do) do)

You You m u st apologize. apologize. / You You hav e to apologize. apologize. (= you have have no alternat alternative) ive)

We also use should when something is not right or not what we expect: ■ I wo nder where Liz is. is. She sh o ul d be here by now. now. (= she isn’t here yet, and this is not normal) ■ The price on this this package package iiss wrong. It sh ou ld b e $1.2 $1.29, 9, not $1.59. ■ That man on on the the motorc motorcycl yclee sho uld be w earin g a helmet. helmet. We al also so use sh o ul d to say say that that we expect som ething to happen: ■ ■

She’s She’s bee n studying hard for the exam, so she sh o u ld pass. (= I expect her to pass) The re are are plenty plenty of hotels in this this city city.. It sh o u ld n ’t be hard to to find a place to stay. stay. (= I don ’t expe ct it to be hard)

You sh ou ld have do ne something = you didn’t You didn’t do it, it, but it would would have been the right thing to do: ■ You You misse missed d a great party last last night. You You sho u ld h ave co m e. W hy didn’t didn’t you? you? (= you didn’t come, but it would have been good to.come) ■ I wo nder why they’re they’re so late. late. They sh o u ld ha ve bee n here an hou r ago ago.. You Yo u sh o u ld n ’t have do ne something something = you did did it, it, but it was was the the wrong thing to do: do: ■ I feel sick sick.. I sh o u ld n ’t hav e eate n so much. (= I ate too much) ■ She She sh o u ld n ’t have be en lis ten in g to our conve convers rsati ation. on. It was privat private. e. Compare should (do) and should have (done): ■ You You look tired. tired. You You sho ul d go to bed now. now. ■ You You we nt to bed very late late last last night. You You sho u ld hav e go ne to bed earl earlier ier.. O u g h t to to . . . You can use ought to instead of should. We say “ought to do” (with to): ■ Do you you think think I o u g h t to ap ply for this this job? (= Do you think I should apply?) ■ T ha t’ t’ss a terrible thing to sa say. You You o u g h t to be asha med o f yourself yourself!! ■

She’s She’s been studying hard for for the exam, so she she ou g h t to pass.

 S  Shh ou ld  and had better   Unit





For each situation, write a sentence with sh  s h ou ld  or sh ou ld ldnn ' t + one of the following:  _c a w a y f e r a fe w d ay s g o to b e d so la t e l o o k f o r a n o t h e r jo b  p u t s o m e p i c t u r e s o n t h e w a ll s ta k e a p h o to u se h e r c a r so m u c h Liz needs a change. She should go aw ay for a f ew da days ys.._________________________________ Your salary is too low. You . Eric always has trouble getting up. He . What a beautiful view! You  _____ _____ ____  Sue drives everywhere. She never walks. She . Bill’ss room isn’t Bill’ isn’t very interestin g. H e  _____ ____  __ 

3ead the situations and write sentences with

I think   / / 1 d on ' t th thii n k . . . s h o u l d . . . .

n i t

j |

1 Chris and Amy are are planning to get married. married. You You think it’s it’s a bad bad id idea ea.. _________________________________________________________  / don don t think they should ge t ma rried _________________________________________________________  _ I have a ba badd cold col d b u t pl plan an to go o u t to ni nigh gh t. You d o n ’t th in k this thi s is a g oo d idea. ide a. Youu sa Yo sayy to m e : Peter needs a job. H e’s e’s ju st seen an ad for a job whic h you thin k w ould be ideal ideal tor him, but he’s not sure whether to apply or not. You say to him: I think 

 _______  ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ __________  ______ 

The government wants to raise taxes, but you don’t think this is a good idea.

Complete each sentence with  sh  s h ou ld

( have) ha ve)  + the verb in parentheses.

Tracy should pass   the exam . She’s She’s been studying very hard, (p (pass ass)) You missed a great party last night. You should have come,   (come)  ________  ____ ________ _______ _______ ________ _____  _ 

3 We do n’t n’t see you enou gh. Y o u - I’ I’m m in a difficult difficult position. W hat do you think I 5. I’ I’m m sorry th at I did n’ n’tt follo w yo ur advice. I said, (do) -. We lost the game, game, bu t w e ~ “I “Iss Jo hn here yet?” “N ot yet, bu t he I maile d the le tter thre e days ago, so i t

and see see us us mo re often, (come) ? (d (do) o) what you


 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

. O ur team is bette r than theirs, theirs, (win) (win) here soon.” (be)  by now. now . (arrive) (arri ve)

 ________  ____ ________ ____________ ____________ ________ _____  _ 

 _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

Read the situations and write sentences with  sh  s h ou ld   // sh  shou ould ldnn ' t.  Some of the sentences  are past and some are present. I’ I’m m feeling sick. sick. I ate too mu ch. / shouldn t have eaten so much._________________________ That man on the motorcycle isn’t wearing a helmet. That’s dangerous. H e should be we aring a helmet._________________________________________________________________ 3. W he n we got to to the restaurant, there were no free tables. tables. We h adn’t adn’t reserved reserved one. one. W e _______________ _______________________ ________________ _______________ _______________ ________________ ________________ _______________ _______________  ________  • The sign sign sa says that the store opens every dday ay at 8:30. 8:30. It is 9:00 now, now, but the store isn’t isn’t open yet. 5. Th Thee speed limit is is 30 miles an hour, bu t Kate is is driving 50. 50. She   __ Mai gave me her e-mail address, but I didn’t write it down. Now I can’t remember it. I   __________________________________________________________________________________________ I was was driving right be hind anoth er car. car. Suddenly, Suddenly, the driver in front o f me stopped, and I drove into the back of his car. It was my fault.

 ________  ____ ________ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ______  __    _ __ 

I walked into a wall. I wasn’t looking where I was going.


-a Exercises 16-18 (page s 305-307)




Subjunctive (I suggest you do) Study this example: Why don't you buy some nice clothes?

Lisa said to Mary, “Why don’t you buy some nice clothes?” Lisa suggested that Mary buy some nice clothes. In this example, buy is the subjunctive. The subjunctive is always basee form for m   (I buy, he buy, she buy, etc.): the same as the bas I/he/sh e/it , ., we/you/they

, . do /bu y /be , etc.  J 

We use the subjunctive after these verbs: demand





■ I ins isted he have dinner with us. us. ■ The doctor doctor rec om m en de d that I rest for for a fe few w da days. ■ John dem an de d that that Lisa apo log ize to to hi him. m. ■ W hat do you sug ges t I do? We aallso sa say It ’s ess en tial/im pe rativ e/im po rtan t/ne ce ssa ry /vita l (tha (that) t) somet somethi hing ng happe n: ■ I t’s es se ntia l tthat hat everyon everyonee be at work by 9:00 tom orrow morning. No exceptions. exceptions. ■ It ’s im pe rati ve that the government do something about health health car care. e. You can also say: ■ It ’s esse ntial fo r everyo everyone ne to be aatt work by by 9:00 9:00 tomorrow morning. ■ It ’s im pe rati ve f o r the the government to do something something about health health car care. e. basee form for m   (I no t be, you no t leave, The negative is not + bas leave, she she no t go, etc etc.) .):: ■ The doctor stron strongly gly re co m m en de d that I n o t go to to work for for two day days. s.

■ It ’s very im p o rt a n t that that you n o t miss this this appointment with your ey eyee doc docto tor. r. You can use the subjunctive for the present, past, or future: ■ I insist insist you co m e with us. us. ■ They insisted insisted I go with them.  N o te th e su subj bjun un ctiv ct ivee b e (o (oft ften en passive) pass ive):: ■ I ins iste d that something be do ne about the problem. problem. ■ It ’s esse ntial that this this medicine medicine not be tak en on an empty stomac stomach. h. ■ The airl airline ine re co m m en de d we be at the airport airport two hours before before our fli fligh ght. t. Other structures are possible after insist and suggest: ■ They ins iste d on pa yin g for for dinner dinner,, (see (see Un it 60 60A) A) ■ It is a beautiful beautiful evening, evening, so I sugg est g oi n g for a walk, walk, (see (see U nit51 nit 51)) You cannot use the infinitive  (to . . . ) afte afterr suggest or insi insist st:: ■ She She sug gested th at he buy some some new cl clot othe hes. s. (no t  suggested   suggested him to buy) ■ He insists on goin g with us. (not  he   he insists to go)




nte a sentence that means the same as the first sentence. Begin in the way shown. “Why don’t you buy some new clothes?” said Lisa to Mary.

Li Lisa sa suggested suggested that A la ry buy som e n e w c lot lothe hes. s. "I do n’t n’t think you should go to work for two days,” the do ctor said to me. The doctor recomm ended that / no t go to to wo rk f or t w o days. days. “You really must stay a little longer,” she said to me. Sh Shee insisted insisted th a t “W hy don ’t you visit the mu seu m after lunc h?” I said said to her. her. I sugge suggeste sted d th a t - ____  _______ ________  _____  “I think it would be a good idea to see a specialist,” the doctor said to me. The doctor doctor recommended recommended th at “I think it would be a good idea for you not to lift anything heavy,” the specialist said to me. The specialist recommended that “You have to pay the rent by Friday at the latest,” the landlord said to us. The landlor landlordd demanded th a t “Why don’t you go away for a few days?” Josh said to me. Josh suggested that “I don’t think you should give your children snacks right before mealtime,” the doctor told me. The doctor suggested that “Let’s have dinner early,” Sarah said to us.

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________  ____ 


 ________  ____ ________ ________ _______ ____  _ 

 _______  ____ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _____  _ 


 ________  ____ _______ _______ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ ___________ ___________ ________ _______  ___ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ _______ ______ _______ _______ _______ ________ ________  ____ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

 _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

 _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

 _______  ___ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

 ________   ____ ____  ____  ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ________ _____  _ 

Sarah proposed that : Comple Co mplete te these sentences with appropriate verbs:  I  I..    }. 

It’s imperative that the government do   som ething about health care care.. I insisted insisted that som ething b e   done about the problem. O ur frien friends ds recommended that w e our vacation in the mountains. Si Since nce Dave hu rt Tracy’s Tracy’s feelings feelings,, I stongl stongly y reco mm ende d that h e to her. Th Thee worke rs at the factory factory are dema nding that their wa ge s raised. Li Lisa sa w anted to walk hom e alone, alone, bu t we insisted insisted that sh e for us. The city city council council has proposed that a new convention ce n te r   built  bu ilt.. What do you suggest I to the party? Something casual? It is essential that every child  the opportunity to get a good education. Brad forgot his wife’ wife’ss birthda y last year, year, so so it’s it’s really im po rtan t h e it this year. It is vit vital al that every every ru n n e r  water during the marathon.  _______  ____ _______ _______ ____  _ 


5. -. ~

 _______  ___ ________ ________  ____ 

 ________  ____ ________ _______  ___ 

 ____________  ________ _______  ___ 


 ___________  _______ ________  ____ 

. II II..


 ____________  ________ _______  ___ 

Tom wants to get healthy. His friends have made some suggestions: Why d o n ' t y ou ou -

 jo g g in g ?

How abo ut w alking to w o r k in t h e m o r n in g ?

Eat more fruit a n d v e g e t a b le s .




Why don't you take vitam ins?


Write sentences telling what Tom's friends suggested. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Linda suggested that he tr y jogging. jogging. _____ _____ _____ ____  __  Sandra suggested suggested that h e Bill Bill sug ges ted  Anna  _   _    ________________________ 

 ___________  _______ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ ________  ____ 

 _______  ___ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 





Had better

It s time . . .

H ad b ette r (I’d (I’d be tter / you’d you’d be tter, et e tc . ) I’ I’d d b e tte r d o something = it is advis advisabl ablee to do it. If I don’t, don’t, there there will be a problem or a danger: ■ I have have to meet Amy in in 10 minutes. I’d I’d b e tte r go now or I’ll I’ll be late late.. ■ “Do you think I should take an umbrella?” “Yes, you’d b et te r. It might rain.” rain.” ■ W e’d e’d b e tte r stop for gas soon. soon. The tank is is almost empty. empty. The negati negative ve is is I’ I’d b e tte r n o t (= I had had better not): not): ■ “Are you going going out tonight?” “I’d “I’d b e tt e r no t. I’ve I’ve got a lot of work to do.” do.” ■ You You don’t don’t look very very well. well. You’d You’d be tt e r n o t go to work toda today. y. Remember that: The form is “ha “ha d bette r” (usual (usually ly I’d I’d better / you’d better, etc. etc.,, in spoken English) English):: ■ I’d I’d b e tte r go go now = I ha d better go no now. w. H ad is normally normally pas past, t, but the m eaning of ha d b e tte r is present or future, future, not past past:: ■ I’d I’d b e tte r go to to the the bank bank now / to tomorr morrow. ow. We sa sayy I’d I’d b et ter do (not  to   to do). ■ It might rain rain.. W e’d e’d b e tte r ta ke an umbrella. umbrella. (not  We’d   We’d better to take) H a d b e t t e r a nd nd sh sh o u l d   H ad b e tte r is simil similar ar to sh ou ld but not exact exactly ly the the same. same. We use had b e tte r only for for a specific situation (not for things in general). You can use should in all types of situations to give an opinion or give advice: ■ It’ It’ss cold. You’d You’d be tt e r w ea r a coat wh en you go go out. (a specific specific situation) situation) ■ You’re You’re alway alwayss at at home. You You sh o u ld g o out more often, (i (inn general - not  “had   “had  b  bee tt e r go ”) Also, with h a d b e tte r, there is alwa Also, always ys a dange r or a pro blem if you do n’ n’tt follow follow the advice. advice. Should only means “it is a good thing to do.” Compare: ■ It’ It’ss a great movie. You You sh o u ld go and see see iit. t. (but no prob lem if you don ’t) ■ Th e movie starts starts at 8:30. 8:30. You’d You’d b e tt e r go now, or you’ll you’ll be late. late. I t ’s ’s t i m e . . . You Yo u can sa say It ’s ti m e (for (for somebody) somebody) to do something: something: ■ It’ It’ss time to g o home. / It’ It’ss time for us to g o home. You can also say: ■ It’ It’ss late. late. It’ It’ss time we w e n t home. Here we use the past (wen t), bu t the m eaning is present, not past: past: ■ It’ It’ss 10:00 10:00 and he’s he’s sti still ll in bed. I t’s ti m e he g o t up. (not  It’s   It’s time he gets up) I t ’s ti m e y ou d id something = you should have already already done it or started started it. it. We often use use this structure to criticize or to complain: ■ I t ’s tim e you ch an ge d the oil oil in in the car car.. It hasn’t hasn’t been changed in a long time. time. ■ The windows are are very very dir dirty ty.. I think it ’s tim e they w ere w ashe d. You Yo u can can also also say It’s ab o ut tim e . . . . This makes makes the the critici criticism sm stronge stronger: r: ■ Jack is is a great talker. talker. But i t ’s ab o u t tim e he d id something instead of jus t talki talking. ng.

 S  Shh ou ld    

Unit 31


u n i t

lead the situations and write sentences with r .  parentheses.

had better (not). (not).  Use the words 

You’re going out for a walk with Tom. It looks as if it might rain. You say to Tom: (an umbrella) W e d b e t t e r t ak e an um bre bre ll lla. Alex has has ju st cu t himself. hims elf. It’s It’s a bad cut. You You say to him: (a bandage) You and Kate plan to go to a restaurant tonight. It’s a popular restaurant. You say to Kate: make a reservation) We .

 _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ________  ____ 


 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

-- Jill does n’t n’t look very well - no t well en oug h to go to work. You say say to her: (work) : You You rreceived eceived your pho ne bill four week s ago, ago, but you haven’t haven’t paid it yet. If you do n’ n’tt  pay soon, soo n, yo u co ul uldd be in trou tr ou bl ble. e. You say to yours yo urself elf:: (pay) . .--------------You want to go out, but you’re expecting an important phone call. You say to your friend: (go out) I * You and Je ff are going to the theate r. You’ You’ve ve missed the bus, and you d on ’t wan t to be late. late. You say to Jeff: (a ta x i)

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ___________ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ _______ _______ _____  _ 

--------------------------------------------   ---------- -------------------------------------------------------



 ________  ____ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

Put in had better  where  where appropriate. If had better  is   is not appropriate, use sh  shou ould ld.. 1. I have an ap po in tm en t in 10 10 mi minut nutes. es. I d b e t te te r   go no w or I’ I’ll ll be late. . It’s a great gre at movie mo vie.. You shoul d   go an andd see it. You’ll really reall y like it. ?. You set your alarm. You’ll never wake up on time if you don’t. When people are driving, they keep their eyes on the road. I’m glad you came to see us. You come more often. She’ll She’ ll be h urt i f we d on’t on’t invite her to the wedding, so w e invite her. *. The se cookies are deliciou s. Y o u try one. . I think ev ery bo dy learn a foreign language.  ________  ____ ________ _______ _______  ____ 

 _______  ___ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ________  ____ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ________  ____ 

 _______  ___ ________ ___________ ________  _ 

Complete the sentences. Sometimes you need only one word, sometimes two. 1.

a) I ne need ed som e mon ey. I’d I’d be tte r g o   to the bank.  b) J o h n is ex pe ct ctin ingg yo u to call hi him m. Y ou  b  bee tte tt e r call hi him m now. c) “Should I leave leave the win dow open?” “No, you’d you’d b e tt e r  it.”  ________  ____ ________ _______  ___ 

 ____________  ________ _______  ___ 

It’ss time the go ve rn m en t ____  ________ ________ _______  ___ something s omething about the problem. 2.  a) It’  b) It’s It ’s tim e s o m e th in g c) I thin k it’s it’s abo ut time y o u about yourself. yourself.

 _______  ___ ________ ________  ____ 

about the problem. about other people instead of only thinking

 _______  ____ _______ _______ ____  _ 

fe.-* Re Read ad the situ situations ations an and d writ write e senten sentences ces with

It's time . . . .

1. You thi nk the childre chil dre n sho uld be in bed. It ’s alread y 11 11 o’clock. o’clock.  ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________   I  Itt 's t im e t h e c h il d r e n w e r e in be d. ____

Z. You haven’t tak en a vacation vac ation in ages. ages. You ne ed o ne now. It’ It’ss time I 1 3. You’ You’re re sitting on a train waiting for it to leave. leave. It should have left ffive ive minute s ago.

 __________________________ _______________   __________________________

4. You eenjoy njoy having parties. You haven ’t had one for a long time. 5. Th e comp any you work for is is badly managed. You thin k some changes should be made. 6. Andrew has been doing the same job for the last 10 10 years. years. He should try som ething else. else.

j j

h i



:nal Exercise 16 (pages 305-306)


Would We use w ou ld (’d) (’d) / w o u ld n ’t when we imagine imagine a sit situati uation on or act action ion (= we think of something that is not real): ■ It w o u ld b e nice to to buy a new car, car, bu t we can’t can’t afford afford it it.. ■ I’d lov e to to live live by the ocean. ■  A:   Should I tell Chris what happened?  B:  No, I w o u ld n ’t say anythi anything. ng. (= I w ould n’t n’t say say anything in y our situation) situation) We use would have (done) when we imagine situations or actions in the past (= things that didn’t happen): ■ They helped us us a lot. lot. I don ’t know what we w ou ld hav e do ne without their their help help.. ■ I didn’t didn’t tell tell Sam Sam what happened. happened. He w o ul d n ’t have  b e e n pl plea eased sed.. Compare wou ld (do) and Compare and wo uld have (done): ■ I w o ul d ca ll Sue Sue,, but I don ’t have have her number, (now) I would have called Sue, but I didn’t have her number, (past) ■ I’m I’m not going going to invite invite them to the party party.. They w o u ld n ’t co m e anyw anyway ay.. I didn’t didn’t invit invitee them to the the par party. ty. They w o u ld n ’t hav e co m e anywa anyway. y. We often use wo ul d in sentences sentences with i f (se (seee Units 36-38): ■ I w ou ld call Sue Sue i f I had her number. number. ■ I w ou ld have calle d Sue Sue if I’d I’d had her number. number. Com pare w ill (’1 (’11) and w o ul d (’d): (’d): ■ I’ll I’ll sta y a little little lo longer. nger. I’ve I’ve got plen ty of time. I’d stay a little longer, but I really have to go now. (so I can’t stay longer) ■ I’ll I’ll ca ll Sue. Sue. I’ve I’ve got her num ber. I’d c al l Sue, bu t I do n’t n’t hav havee he r num ber, (so I can’t can’t ccall all her) Sometime Somet imess wo uld / w ou ldn ’t is is the pa past st ol w ill / w on ’t. Compare: Present  Tom:  I’ll I’ll cal l you on Sund Sunday. ay.  Ann:  An n:   I promise I w o n ’t be late late..  Liz:  Li z:   Dar Darn! n! The ca carr w o n ’t start.


 —► To m said h e ’d c a ll m e o n Sunday. Sund ay.  —► A n n pr o m is isee d th a t she w o u l d n ’t b e late. late .  —► Liz was an no ye d be beca caus usee h e r ca carr w o u l d n ’t s c J

Somebody w o u ld n ’t do something = h e/she refuse Somebody refused d to do it: ■ I tried to warn him, but he w o u ld n ’t lis te n to me. (= he refused to lis listen ten)) ■ The car w o u ld n ’t sta rt. (= it “refused” “refused” to st star art) t) You can also also use w o u ld wh en you talk abou t things things that hap pen ed regularly in the past: past: ■

W hewno uwe children, chil lived livgo by by athe ocean. ocean. Inwesummer, the weath was nice, nice, we ld were all all get updren, earlywe and ged o for swim. (=In did this this ifregularly reg ularly) ) er was

W hene ver Richard Richard was angr angry, y, he w o u ld walk out of the room. room.

With this meaning, would is similar to used to (see Unit 17): ■ W henever Richar Richard d was was angr angry, y, he used to w alk out of the room. room.

Will  Units 20-21 W o ul u l d y ou o u . . . ?   Unit 35A W o ul ul d . . . i f    Units 36would   Unit 36-38 38 W ish .. . would  W oul ouldd llik ik e  Units 35E, 56 W oul ouldd pr efer   // w ould rathe rather  r   Unit 57  



rcises ite sentences about yourself. Imagine things you would like or wouldn't like. (a place you’d love to live)  I'd h u e to li livv e b y th e ocean. oce an. _________________________ a jo b you w ou ldn’t ldn’t like to do) ;something you would love to do) i someth ing th at w ould be nice to have) have) la place you’d you’d like to go t o )  _________ ____  _   ____ 

Complete the sentences using would  + the following verbs (in the correct form):    b  bee be -d -doodo e n jo y e n jo y h ave p a ss s to p They helped us a lot. I don’t know what we would have done  w ithou t their help. help. C You should should go go and and see see the movi movie. e. Y ou it. It’s too bad you couldn’t come to the concert yesterday. You it. - Do you you think I should apply for the job? W h a t ___ you u  ______ ____________ ______ __________  yo in my position? : I was in a hurr y wh en I saw saw you. Oth erwis e, I  _________________________  to talk. We took a taxi hom e last nigh t but got stuck in the traffic traffic.. I t quicker to walk. Why don’t you go and see Claire? She very pleased to see you. Why didn’t you take the exam? I’m sure you  ______ ______ ____________ ______ _______  it.  ______ _______________ ______ _______  enough to eat. - In an ideal world, ev ery bo dy  ___  __________  _____ __________ __________ __________  _____ 

 __________  _____ __________ __________ __________  _____ 

 __________  _____ __________ __________ __________  _____ 

 __________  _____ __________ __________ __________  _____ 

 ___________  _____ ___________ __________ _________  ____ 

Each sentence on the right follows a sentence on the left. Which follows which? i  like to go to Australia on e da day. y. 2 . I would wo uldn’ n’tt like to live live on a busy street.

I’m I’m I’m I’ m I’m I’m I’m I’m

sorry the trip was canceled. looking forward to going out tonight. glad we didn’t didn’t go out ou t in the rain. not no t looking forward forwa rd to the trip.

a) It would wo uldn’ n’tt have bee n very pleasant. b) It wou ld have bee n fun.-----------------c) It wou ld be nice. d) It wo n’t n’t be mu ch fun. fun. e) It would wo uldn’ n’tt be very pleasant. f) It will be fun.

 ______   _____ _    ---------

iVrlte sentences using p  + would I would  prr om i s ed  + wouldn't. n't. I wonder why Laura is late. Sh e pro m ised she wouldn wouldn t b e late. late.______________________________ Z. I wo nde r why Steve Steve hasn’t hasn’t called. called. He pr om ise d  : W hy did you tell tell Jane wh at I said said?? Y ou I’m I’m surprised they did n’ n’tt wait for us. us. T h e y

 ________________  ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ ________  __ 

 ____________  ______ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ _________  ___   __________  _____ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ________  ___ 

Complete the sentences. Use

wouldn't + a suitable verb.

I tried to warn him, but he would n ’t liste n   to me. Z. I asked asked Am anda what had happened, but sh e 3 Paul was very angry abo ut wh at I’d I’d said said a n d  - iMarti iMartina na insisted on carrying carrying all all her luggage. luggage. S h e

me. m e. to me for two weeks. me help her.

 __________  _____ __________ __________ __________ ______  _ 

 _______________  __________ __________ ________  ___ 

 _________  _____ _________ __________ __________ ______  _ 

These sentences are about things that happened many times in the past. Complete the  

sentences using

would + the following:

forget help shake share walk  Whenever Richard was angry, he would walk   out o f the room. room. Z. We used to live next to railroad tracks. Every tim e a train w en t by, by, the house . 3. George was a very kind man. H e always you if you h ad a problem. Brenda was always very generous. She didn’t have much, but she what she had with everyone else. 5. You You could never rely on Joe. It didn’t didn’t matte r how many times you rem inde d him to do something, somet hing, h e always .  __________  _____ __________ __________ __________ ______  _ 

 __________  _____ __________ __________ _______  __ 

 __________  _____ __________ ___________ _________  ___ 

 ___________  ______ __________ ___________ ________  __ 


a4  Exercises

 __________  _____ __________ __________ ______  _ 

16-18 (pages 305-307)


Can/Could/Would you . . . ?, etc. (Requests, Offers, Permission, and Invitations) Asking people to do things (requests) We use can or could to ask people to do things: ■ C an yo u wait a minu te, please please?? or  

■ ■ ■

Could you open the door, please?

C o ul d you wait a minute, plea please se?? Liz, Liz, ca n yo u do me a favo favor? r? Excuse Excuse me, co u ld yo u tell me how to get to the airport airport?? I wonder if yo u cou ld help help me. me.

 N o te th a t w e say D o y o u t h i n k y o u c o u l d . . . ? [not usually can): ■ D o you thin k you cou ld lend lend me some some money until until next week? We also use will and would to ask people to do things (but can/could are more common): ■ Liz, Liz, w ill you do me a favor? avor? ■ W ou ld yo u please please be quiet? quiet? I’m I’m trying to concentrate. concentrate. Asking for things To ask ask for for something, we use Ca n I have . . . ? / C o u ld I have . . . ? or C an I g et ■ (in a gift shop)  C an I have these postcar postcards, ds, please? please? (or   Ca n I g e t . . . ?) ■ (during a meal)  C o u ld I have the sal salt, t, please please?? May I have . . . ? is also possible: ■ M ay I hav e these these postcards postcards,, pleas please? e? Asking to do things To ask to do something, we use can, could, or may: ■ (on the phone)  Hello, ca n I speak speak to to Tom, please? please? ■ ■ ■

“C o u ld I use your phon e?” “Ye “Yes, of course.” course.” D o you th ink I could borro borrow w you yourr bi bike ke?? “M ay I com e in?” “Yes “Yes,, please do.”

May is formal and less common than can or could. To as ask k to to do something, something, you can can also also say D o yo u m in d i f I . . . ? Is it all righ t / Is it O K i f I . . . ?: ?: ■ “D o you m in d if I use use your phone?” phone?” “No. No t at al all. l.””


“Is “Is it all ri g h t i f I come in?”

“Yes, es, of course.” course.”

Offering to do things We use Can I . . . ? or   May I . . . ? when we offer to do things: ■ “C an I get you a cup of coffee?” “Yes “Yes,, that wou ld be very nice.” ■ (in a store)  “Ma y I help you?” “No, thanks. I’m I’m being helpe d.” May is more formal than can. Offering and inviting To offer or to invit invite, e, we use use W ou ld yo u lik e . . . ? (not   Do you like): ■ “W ou ld yo u lik e a cup of coffee? coffee?”” “Yes es,, please.” please.” ■ “W ou ld yo u lik e to go to the movies with us tonig ht?” “Yes “Yes,, I’d I’d love love to.” I ’d lik e . . . is is a polite way of sayi saying ng what you want: ■ (at a tourist information center)  I’d lik e some information informationabout about hotels, please. ■ (in a store)  I’d lik e to try on this this jacket, please please..

Cart   and could   Units


 M i n d - i ng   Un it 51 W ould like  Units

53A, 56B


'dses 'ds es * =a the situations and write questions beginning with

Can  . . .


Could . . . .

u N 1T J5

You’re carrying a lot of things. You can’t open the door yourself. There’s a man standing ar the door. You say to him: Can you op en th e door door,, ple as e? OR Could yo u open th e door door,, please? _______________ You phone Ann, but somebody else answers. Ann isn’t there. You want to leave a message tor her. You say: You’re a tourist. You wan t to go to th e po st office, but you don ’t know how to get there. You ask at your hotel:. You You aare re in a dep artm ent store. store. You You see see some pants you like, like, and you wa nt to try them them on. You say to the salesperson: You need a ride home from a party. John drove to the party and lives near you. You say to  ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ _____________  ___  i h m : __________  ________  ____ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ __________  __ 


 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ _________  _ 

: ea ead d the situatio situation n and write a question using the word in parentheses. 1 You You wa nt to borro w your frien d’ d’ss camera. W ha t do you say say to him? him? think)  D  Do o y o u th in k   / coul could d borrow your camera camera? ? _________________________________________ 2 You You aare re at a frien d’s d’s house a nd you w an t to use he r pho ne. W ha t do you say? say? (all right)  /s i t a ll r ig h t i f  / use you r phon phone? e?___________________________________________________ You’Ve written a letter in English. Before you send it, you want a friend to check it for vou.. W ha t do you ask? vou ask? ( th in k ) You You w ant to leave wo rk early early.. W ha t do you ask ask you r boss? boss? (mind) The woman in the next room is playing music. It’s very loud. You want her to turn it down. What do you say to her? ( th in k ) You Yo u are calling calling the own er o f an an apa rtm ent tha t was advertised in the newspaper. You are interested in the apa rtme nt and w ant to see it today today.. W ha t do you sa sayy to the ow ner? (OK) .

 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 


 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ _______ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 _______  ___ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ _________  _ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

You’re on a train. The woman next to you has finished reading her newspaper, and you’d like to have a look at it. You ask her. ( th in k )

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

hat would you say in these situations? Paul has come to see you. You offer him something to eat. _________________________________________________________ ? You: Would you like something to e at _________________________________________________________ I’ve ju st eaten. Paul:  No, tha nk you. I’ve I You You need help replacing replacing the m em ory card card in in your camera. camera.You You askKate. askKate. You:  I don’t don’t know how to to repl replace ace the memory ca rd . ? easy. All yo you u have to do d o is this. Kate:  Sure. It ’s easy. 5 You’re You’re on a bus. You have a seat, bu t an elde rly m an is is standin g. Youoffer Youofferhim him your seat. seat. You:  ?  ________  ____ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 ______________________ ____________________________ _________________________ _ 

 Man:   Oh , tha t’ t’ss very nice nice of you. Thank you very much.

You’re th e pa ssenge You’re sse nge r in a car. car. Your frie nd is drivin g very fast. You askhe r toslow to slow down. You:  You’ You’re making me very ne rvo us . ? I’m sorry. I di didn dn ’t realize I was going so fast fast..  Driver:  Driv er:  O h, I’m 5 You’ve You’ve finished your meal in a restau rant and now you wan t thecheck. the check.You You ask the waiter: ? You:  I’ll get it for you now. Waiter:  Sure. I’ll 6. A friend of yours is is interested in one of your books. You invite him to bo to bo rr rrow ow it. Friend:  This book looks looks very interesting. interesting. Yes, Yes, it’s very g o o d . ? You:   ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ________  ____ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _____  __ 





If I do . . . and and If I did . . . Com pare these examples examples:: 1) Sue has lost he r wa tch. She tells Ann : Sue:  I think I left my watch at your house. Have you seen it it??  Ann:  An n:   No , bu t I’ I’ll ll look wh en I get hom e. I f I fin d it, I’ll I’ll tell you. you. In this example, Ann feels there is a real possibility that she will find the watch. So she says: I f I ffii n d . . . , I ’l ’l l . . . .

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ _________ _________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

2) Ca rol says says:: I f I fo u n d a wallet in the street, I’ I’dd take it to the police stati station. on. This is a different different type of situat situation. ion. H ere, C arol do esn’t esn’t expect to find a wallet in the street street.. She is imagining a situation that will probably not happen. So she says: I f I foun d . . ., I ’d (= I wo uld) . . . . (not  if   if I find . . . , I’ll . . .) W hen you imagine som ething llike ike th this, is, you use i f +  past   (if I foun d / if th ther eree was / i f we did n’t n’t, et etcc.). But the meaning is not  past:  past: ■ W hat would you do i f you w on a mill million ion ddol olla lars rs?? (we do n’t n’t really expect this to happ en) ■ I do n’ n’tt really really w ant to go to their par party, ty, bu t I  pr  pro o ba b ly w ill go. T h ey ’d be h u rt i f I d i d n ’t go . ■ I f t he he re re w a s (or  w ere) an electi election on tomorrow, who would you vote for? F or or i f . . . w a s/ w e r e , sseee U n iitt 337 7 C. C.

If I won a m illion illion do llars . . .

We do not normally normally use w ou ld in the i f part o f the sente sentence: nce: ■ I’ I’dd be ver veryy ffright rightened ened if some somebody body po in te d a gun at me. (not  if  if somebody would point) ■ I f I d id n ’t go to their par party ty,, tthey’ hey’dd bbee hurt, (not  If   If I wou ldn ’t go) In tthe he other part of the sent sentence ence (not tthe he i f par part) t) we use w ou ld (’ (’d) d) / w o u ld n ’t: ■ If you got mo re exe exerci rcise, se, you ’d fee l bett better. er. ■ I’ I’m m not ttired. ired. If I we nt ttoo bed now now,, I w o u ld n ’t sleep. ■ W ould yyou ou m in d if I use usedd your phon phone? e? C ou ld and m ig h t ar aree al also so pos possi sibl ble: e: ■ If you got more exer exerci cise, se, you m ig h t feel bett better. er. (= iitt is possible possible that you would feel better ) / ■ If it stopped rai raining ning,, we co u ld g o out. (= we would be abl ablee tto o go go oout) ut) Do not use w he n in sentences li like ke the ones on this pag page: e: ■ Th ey’ ey’dd be hu rt i f I di didn’ dn’tt ggo o to their par party, ty, (not  when   when I didn’t go) ■ W hat would you ddoo if you were bitten by a sna snake? ke? (not  when   when you were bitten)

Would   Units

34, 39

I f I k n ew e w    Unit


If I h ad k n ow n   Unit 38



erases Put the verb into the correct form. They would be hurt if / didn t go  to their party, party, (not / go go))

If you got more exercise, you would feel    be  bett tter er,, (feel) If they offered me the job, I think I it. (take) A lot of people w ould be ou t of work if the the car fac tory (close down) If I sold my car, I much m oney for for iit. t. (not / ge get) t) . that red  would happen happen if somebody (in an elevator)  W hat would  bu tt tton on ? (pres (press) s) I’m sure Amy will lend you the money. I’d be very surprised if she   . (refuse) (refu se) . very u pse t if I lost it. (be) Liz gave me this ring. She . Dave and Kate are expecting us. They w ould be very disappointed if we . (not / come) Would Bob m ind if I his bike with out asking asking him? (borrow) (borrow) W hat would you you do if som ebod y in here with a gun? (walk) if you explained the situation to he her. r. (understand) I’m sure Sue .   _______________________ 

 ________  ____ ________ ______  __ 


 ________  ____ _______ _______ _____  _ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ _______ ______  ___ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 


 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

-I Yo You u ask a friend to imagine these situat situations. ions. You ask

W ha hatt would you do i f . . .  ?

. (imagine (imagine - you win a lot of money) W hat w ould you do i f you won a lot o f money money? ? ______________________________________  _. (im ag agine ine - yo u lose los e yo u r pa pass sspo port) rt) What  ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

3. (imagine - th ere ’s a fire in the building)

4. (imagi (imagine ne - you’re you’re in an elevator and it stops stops betw een floors) 3 Answer th the e questions in the wa way y shown. 1.  A: Should we catch the 10:30 train? (ar rivee to o earlv) ear lv)  I f w e c a u a h t th e 10:30. tr train, ain, w e d a r r iv e to too o ea early rly .  B:  N o (arriv ->  A: Is Ken going to take the driver’s test?  N o . (fail) Tfhe T fhe  B:  No 3.  A: Why don’t we stay at a hotel?  N o. (cost (co st too t oo m uc uch) h) If   B:  No. 4.  A: Is Sally going to apply for the job?  N o . (n (not ot /  pet  it) If   B:  No 5.  A: Let’s tell them the truth.  N o. (n (not ot / be belie lieve ve us) If   B:  No. don’t we invite Bill to to the party? 6.  A: W hy don’t  N o . (have (hav e to in invi vite te his frien fri en ds ds,, ttoo oo))  B:  No

3= - Jse Js e your own ideas to complete these sentences. 1. If you got m ore exercise,  y o u d f e e l b e tte tt e r . 2. I’ I’d d feel very angr y i f  3. If I didn’t didn’t go to work tom orr ow , 4. W ould you you go to the part party y if  5. If you bought a ca r, 6. W ould you mind i f 

 ____________  ________ ________ ________ ________  ____   _______  ___ ________ ______  __ 

 ____________  ________ _______ ____  _ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ _________  _____ 

 ____________  ________ ________ ________ ________ _____  _ 




If I knew kn ew . . .

I wis wish h I knew kne w

Study this example situation: Sue wants to call Paul, but she can’t do this because she doesn’t doesn’t kno w his pho ne num ber. She sa say ys:

If I knew h i s n u m b e r

I f I kn ew hi hiss numb number er,, I w ou ld call hi him. m. Sue sa says: I f I kn ew hi hiss num ber . . . . This ttel ells ls us that she doesn’t know his number. She is imagining the situation.

W he n you imagine a situation li like ke this this,, you use i f + past  (  ( i f I k n e w / i f y ou ou w e r e / i f we d id n ’t, et etc. c.). ). But the m eaning iiss pre present, sent, not pas past: t: ■ Tom would read more i f he ha d m ore ti time, me, (b (but ut;; he doesn’ doesn’tt hhav avee much time) ■ I f I d id n ’t wa nt ttoo go to the party party,, I w ould n’t n’t ggo. o. (but I wa nt ttoo ggo) o) ■ We wouldn’ wouldn’tt have have any money if we d id n ’t work, (but we work work))

■ ■

I f you w ere in my posit position, ion, wh at would you do? do? It’s It’s a shame you can’ can’tt dri drive. ve. It wou ld be helpful i f you co uld .

We use the the pa past st in tthe he same way aft after er w ish (I wish I kne w / I w ish you youwere, were, etc.). We use w ish to sa sayy that we regret som ething, that som ething iiss not as we would like it to be: ■ I w ish I kn ew Pau Paul’ l’ss phone numbe number. r. (= I don’t know it and I regret this) ft Do you ever w is h you c o u ld fl fly? y? (you can’ can’tt fl fly y) at It rrains ains a lot here. I w ish it d id n ’t rain sso o often. ■ It’ It’ss very crowded here. I w ish there w er en ’t so many peopl people. e. e   I wish I didn’t have to work tomorrow, but unfortunately, I do.

If I was / If I were After i f and w ish, we uuse se was or w ere w ith I/ h e /s h e /it . W as iiss more in infor formal. mal. So you can say: ■ ■ ■

I f I was you you,, I w ouldn’ ouldn’tt buy that coa coat, t, or   I f I w e r e y o u , . . . I’ I’dd ggoo out i f it w as n’t ssoo col cold, d, or   . . . if it w eren’t so co colld. I w ish C aro l was here here,, or   I w ish C aro l w ere h eere re..

We do not normall normallyy us usee w ou ld in the i f part of tthe he sent sentenc encee or aft after er w ish ? ■ I f I w ere ric rich, h, I w ou ld hav havee a yach yacht. t. (not   If I w ould be rich) ( ■ I w ish I ha d someth something ing to read. read. (not  I   I wish I would have) Sometimes Somet imes w ish . . . w ou ld is poss possib ible le:: I w ish you w ou ld listen . Se Seee Unit 39 39D. D. C ou ld sometimes means ““would would be abl ablee to” an andd sometimes ““was was / were abl ablee to”: ■ You c o u ld get a better job (you (you co u ld get = you wou ld be abl ablee to get) get) if you co u ld use a computer, (you (you co u ld use = you were abl ablee to uuse se))

Could   Units  


I f I d o  and I f I d id    Unit


If I had known   / I wi sh I ha hadd know n   Unit 38 Wish   Unit



=ut the verb into the correct form. If I k n e w   (know) (know) his phon e numb er, I wo uld ca call ll him. I wouldn' you. wouldn'tt bu y   (not / buy) that coat if I were you.

I   (help) you i f I could , bu t I’m I’m afraid afra id I can’t. can’t. We would nee d a car car if w e   (live) (live) in the country. count ry. If we had the choice, choice, w e (liv (live) e) in the country. country. This soup isn’t isn’t very good. I t   (taste) (taste) be tter if it we ren ’t so salty salty.. I wouldn’t wouldn’t mind li livin ving g in Maine if the w ea th er    (be) better . If I were you, I   (not / wait). wait).  __I   (go) now. You’re You’ re always tired. I f y o u   (not / go) to to bed so late every night, you jvo uld n’ n’tt be tired all all the time. I think there are too many cars. cars. If th e re   (not/ (not / be) so many cars cars,, there   (not / be) so so mu ch pollution.   ______________________ 

 _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ 

 _______  ____ _______ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 ____________  ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 



 _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

 _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 _______  ___ ________ _______ _______ ________  ____ 


i t  j y

r 2 .Vrit .Vrite e a sentence with

i f . . .  for each situation.

We don’t see you very often because you live so far away.  ________ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________  ____   I f y o u d id n 't li v e s o f a r a w a y , w e 'd s e e vo u m o r e o ften ft en . ____

This book is expensive, so I’m not going to buy it. I’ I’d  d  i f  We don’t go out to eat because we can’t afford it. We I can’t meet you tomorrow. I have to work late.   ________________________________________ 

 ___________  _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ _____  _ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ ________ ________ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ ______  __ 

I f  



It’ It’ss rainin g, so we can’t can’t have lun ch on the patio . We

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ________  ____ 


I do n’t n’t w an t his his advice, and th at’ at ’s w hy I’m I’m no t going to ask for it. it. I f  :

 ___________  _______ ________ ________ _______  ___   _______  ___________ ________ ________ ____________ ___________ ______ _____  __ 

.Vrite sentences beginning with 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .

I wish  . . . .

I do n’t n’t kno w many peo ple (and I’m I’m lonely). / wi sh   / k n e w m o r e p e op op le le . I do n’t n’t have have a cell ph on e (and I nee d one). I w is h Am anda isn’t isn’t here (and I need to see see he r) . It’s cold (and I hate cold we athe r). I live in a big city (and I do n’t n’t like it ) .. I can’t can’t go to th e party part y (and I’d I’d like to). I have to work tomorrow (but I’d like to stay in bed).

 ________  ____ _______ _______ ________ _______ _____  __ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ _______  ___ 

I don’t don’t know anything ab out cars (and my car has has jus t brok en down). . I’ I’m m not feeling well (and tha t’s t’s no t pleasant).

Write your own sentences beginning with

I wish   . . . .


(som ewh ere you’d you’d like to be now - on the beach, in Vietnam , in bed, etc. etc.)) I wish I w e r e a t h o m e i n b e d n ow ow . 2. (som ething you ’d liketo liketo have - a com puter, a good job , m ore friends, etc.) etc.)  _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ ______  ___ 


(som ething you ’d

liketo liketo be able to do - sing, speak a languag e, fly, fly, etc.)


(som ething you ’d

liketo liketo be - beautiful, strong, rich, etc.)


: nal nal Ex ercise 19 (page 307)


If I ha had d known . . .

I wish I ha had d known . . .

Study this example situation: Last month Brian was in the hospital for a few days. Liz didn’t know this, so she didn’t go to see him. They met a few days ago. Liz said: I f I had kn ow n you were were in the the hosp hospit ital al,, I w ou ld h ave g on e to see see yyou ou.. Li Lizz said said,, ““II f I had kn ow n you were in the hospital hospital . . . ” So she she didn’t  know   know he was in the hospiu

We us usee if + ha d (’d) (’d) . . . to tal talkk ab about out the past past (if I had k no w n/b ee n/d on e, etc.): ■ I didn ’t see see you whe n you passed me in the street. street. I f I’ I’d d se en you , of course I wou ld have said hello , (bu t I did n’t n’t ) ■ I didn ’t go go out last last night. I wo uld have have gone out i f I h a d n ’t be en so tire tired. d. (but I was tired) ■ I f he ha d be en lo o k in g where he was goi going, ng, he wo uldn’t uldn’t hav havee walked walked into into the wall. wall. (but he wasn’t looking) ■ The view was was wonderful. I f I’d h ad a camera, I wo uld have have taken some pictures. pictures. (but I didn’t have a camera) Compare: ■ I’m I’m no t hungry. hungry. I f I wa s hungry, hungry, I wou ld eat something, (now) ■ I wasn’t wasn’t hungr hungry. y. If I h ad be en hungr hungry, y, I would have eaten something, something, (past) Do not use would in the if-part of the sentence. We use would in the other part of the sentence: ■ I f I ha d seen you, you, I w ou ld have said hello hello.. ( no t  If   If I would have seen you)  N o te t h a t ’d can be w o u l d or h a d : ■ I f I’d I’d seen you, (I’d (I’d seen seen = I ha d seen) seen) I’d I’d ha ve s aid hello. (I’ (I’d d have sai saidd = I w o u ld have have sa said id)) We use ha d (done) in the same same way way aft after er wish. I w ish something something had ha pp en ed = I am sorry that it didn’t didn’t happen: ■ I w is h I’d I’d kn o w n that Brian was was sic sick. k. I wo uld have have gone to see see him. (but I didn’t didn’t know ■ I feel sick sick.. I w ish I h a d n ’t ea te n so m uch cake. cake. (I ate too much cak cake) e) ■ Do you w ish you h ad st u d ie d science science instead instead of languag languages? es? (you (you didn’t didn’t study scienc science) e) Do ■notThe use weather would have . after wish: was was .cold co. ld on on our vacatio vacation. n. I wish it ha d b ee n warmer. (not  I   I wish it would have been) Compare w ou ld (d Compare (do) o) and and wo uld have (done): ■ If I had gone gone to the the party party last last night night,, I w ou ld b e tired tired now. now. (I am am not tired tired now -  pre  presen sent) t) ■ If I had gone gone to the the party last last night, night, I w ou ld h ave m e t lo lots ts of people. (I didn't meet lo lots ts of people -  past) Comparee wo uld have, Compar have, cou ld have, have, and and m igh t have: have:

If the w eather hadn ’t been so bad, bad,

we wo uld have g one ou out. t. we cou ld have gon e out. out. (= we would have been able to go out) we m igh t have gone ou out. t. (= maybe we would have gone out)

Had done  Unit


If I do  and if I did   Unit


If I knew  / / I wish I knew   Unit


Wish  Unit





*■-" the verb verb into int o the correc cor rectt form. for m. . I didn’ didn’tt kn ow you were in the hospital hospital.. If  I'  I'd d kn o w n   (I / know), / would have gone gone   (I :■ se seee you you.. 2. John got to the station in time to catch the train. I f (he / mis miss) s) the tr a in , (he / be) late late for his inter interview. view.

I m glad that you reminded me about Rachel s birthday. I forget) i f  ____  ___________ ___________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _____  _    (you (you / not / remi remind) nd) me. itortunately, I didn’t have my address book with me when I was on vacation. If    (I / have have)) your addre ss, I send) you a postca postcard. rd.

 __________________  _________ __________________ ____________  ___ 

 _______________  _______ __________________ _______________  _____ 

.a Ho w was your trip? Did you hav havee a nice ttime? ime?

 B  It wa  _________________ _________________ _____________  _____    (we / wass OK, b u t ________ enjo enjoy) y) it more if 

  (the w eather / be) nic nicer. er. ________ ______________    (it/ I took a taxi to the hotel, but the traffic was bad.  ________________ (it/ be) quicker quic ker i f (I/ walk walk). ). I'm not tired. If  _______  _______________ _______ _______ ________ ________  ____    (I/ be) tired, I’ I’dd go hom e now. I wa sn’ sn’tt tired last night. I f    (I / be) tir tired, ed, I wo uld ha have ve gone home earlier.  ____________________ _______ _______ _______  ___ 


 __________________________  ________________ ______________  ____ 

■ « ite a sentence starting with

I f  for each situation.

„ wasn’ wasn’tt hungry, so I didn ’t eat anything.  I f I d b e e n hu hung ngry ry,,  / would hav e eaten someth somethin ing. g.______________________________________________ The It theaccident road  happened because the road was icy. I didn’t know that Matt had to get up early, so I didn’t wake him up. If I I was able to buy the car only because Jim lent me the money money..

 __________________________  _________________ __________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________ __________________ __________  _ 



Michelle wasn’t injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt. You didn’t have any breakfast - that’s why you’re hungry now. I didn’t take a taxi because I didn’t have any money.

■nagine that you are in these situations. For each situation, write a sentence with I wish. You’ve eaten too much and now you feel sick. You say:  I w is h   / hadn t eaten so much. _______________________________________________________________________  _ T he re wa wass a jo b ad ve rti rtise sedd in th e ne new w sp spap ap er. er . You de ci cide de d n o t to ap appl ply y for fo r it. N o w you yo u think that your decision was wrong. You say: I wi wish sh I ________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ _________  _  When you were younger, you didn’t learn to play a musical instrument. Now you regret this. You say: -

You You’’ve painted the do or red red.. No w you think that red was the wron g ccolo olor. r. You say say:

5. You are walking in the country. You’ You’dd like to take some pictures, bu t you did n’t n’t bring your camera. You say: You have some unexpected guests. They didn’t call to say they were coming. You are very  busy  bu sy an d yo u are n o t pr e pa re d fo forr th em . You say (to your yo urse self) lf)::

? Exercises 19-21 (pages 307-308)



Youu ccan Yo an ssaay “I wish yo u lu ck / all the b est / success / a hap py b irthd ay ,” etc.: ■ I w ish you all tthe he be st in the futu future re.. ■ I saw saw Tim bef before ore the exa exam, m, and he w ish ed m e luck. We say “wish somebody something” (luck (luck / a ha p p y birth da y, et etc. c.). ). But you you canno cannott “wish that som ething happens.”  We use hope in this situation. For example: ■ I h o p e you ge t tthis his letter before you llea eave ve town. (not  I   I wish you get) Compare I wish and I hop e: ■ I w ish you you a plea san t stay here here.. ■ I h o p e yo youu have a pleasant st stay ay here. (not  I   I wish you have) We also use wish to say that we regret something, that something is not the way we would like it. When we use wish in this way, we use the  past  (kn   (kn ew /live d, et etc. c.), ), but the meaning meaning is pre  presen sent: t: ■ I w ish I k n ew wh at to do about the problem. (I don’t don’t know andI andI regret this) ■ I w ish you d id n ’t have to go so soon, (you have to go go)) ■ Do you w ish you live d near the oce ocean? an? (yo (you u don’t don’t li live ve near the the oce ocean) an) ■ Jack ’s going on a trip to Mexico soo soon. n. I w ish I w as going too. (I’ (I’m m n ot goi going) ng) To sa say that we regre regrett somet something hing in tthe he ppast ast,, we uuse se wish + h ad . .. (had k n ow n / had■said), I etc.: w ish I’ I’dd k n o w n about the party party.. I would have have gone if I’ I’dd known.(I known. (Ididn’ didn’tt know ) ■ It was a stupid thing to ssaay. I w ish I h a d n ’t said it. (I sai saidd it it)) For more examples, see Units 37 and 38. I wish I could (do something) = I regret that I cannot do it: ■ I’ I’m m sorry I hav havee tto o go. go. I w ish I c o u ld s tay longe longer, r, (but I can’t) can’t) ■ I’ I’ve ve m et that man bef before. ore. I w ish I co uld re m e m b e r hhis is name, (but I can’t) can’t) I w ish I c ou ld have (do ne somet somethin hing) g) = I regr regret et that I coul could d not do it it: ■ I hear tthe he part party y was gre great at.. I w ish I co u ld h ave go ne , (but I couldn’t couldn’t go go)) You can ssay ay “I w ish (somebody) w o u ld (do something).” For example: It’s been raining all day. Jill doesn’t like it. She says: I w ish it w ou ld stop ra rain iniing. ng. Jill would like the rain to stop, but this will  p  pro ro b a b ly n o t ha p pe n . We use use I w ish . .. w ou ld w hen we would would lliike something to happen or change. Usually, the speaker doesn ’t expect this to h appen. We o ften uuse se I w ish . . . w o u ld to complain about a sit situati uation: on: ■ The phone ha hass been ringing ringing for five five minute minutes. s. I w ish somebody w ou ld a nsw er it it. ■ I w ish you w ou ld do somethi something ng inste instead ad o f just sitt sitting ing and doing nothing. nothing. Youu ca Yo can n use use I w ish . . . w ou ldn ’t . . . to ccompl omplai ainn about th thin ings gs that that people people do rrepe epeat atedl edly: y: ■ I w i sh y oouu w o u l d n ’’tt k e e p i n t e r r u p t i n g m ee.. We use I w ish . . . w ou ld . . . for act action ionss and and ch chang anges es,, not ssit ituat uatio ions. ns. Compare: ■ Iw ish Sara Sarahh wo uld come come.. (= I want her to come come)) but   Iw ish S Sar arah ah w as (or  we re) here now. (not  I   I wish Sarah would be) ■ Iw ish somebo somebody dy w ou ld bu y me a ccaar. but   I w ish I h a d a car car. (not  I   I wish I wo uld have)

I wish I knew   Unit


I wish I was  / I wish I were   Unit


I wi sh I had known   Unit




ercises I ;n

wish(ed)  or hope(d).

 A//sh h   you a plea sant sta I  A//s stayy here. you have a great time. Enjoy your vacation. I   ____________  you all the best. Good-bye. I each other luck.  __  We said good-bye to each other and  _   the w eather is nic nice. e. We’re going on a picnic tomorrow, so I  _________  it works out well for you. you luck in your new job. I I ,Vhat do you say in these situations? Write sentences with

I w i sshh . . . w o u lldd .  . . . It’s raining. You want to go out, but not in the rain. You say: / wish it wou ld stop rain rainin ing. g. 2 You’ You’re re wa iting for Jane . She’ She’ss late and you’ you’re re getting imp atient. You sa sayy to yourself: I w is h You’’re looking for a job - so ffar You ar w ithou t succ success ess.. N obo dy w ill ggive ive you a job. You say: I wish somebody - You can hear a baby crying. It’s It’s bee n crying for a long time and you’ you’re re ttrying rying to stud study. y. You say: sor the following situations, write sentences with I wish . . . wouldn't . . . . l.

 _______________  ________ _______________ ________________ ________________ __________  __ 

 _______________  ________ ______________ _______________ ________________ ________________ ________________  ________ 

 _______________  _______ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _______________  _______ 

Your friend drives very fast. You don’t like this. You say to your friend: I wish you Joe lea leaves ves the doo r open aall ll the time. This annoys you. Youu sa Yo sayy to J o e : A lot o f peop le d rop litter in the street street.. You don ’t li like ke this. You say: I wish people

 ________________  ________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ ____________  ____ 


 _______________  ________ _______________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ____________  ____ 

 ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ____________  ____ 

Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. now. 1. I wish Sarah wo uld be here now. / wish Sarah w ere here now. 2. I wish you would list listen en ttoo me. 3. I wish I w ould have m ore free time. -i. I wish ou r house w ould be a little big bigger. ger. 5. I wish the weath er wo uld ch change. ange. 6. I wish you w ou ldn ’t com plain aall ll the time.


 _______ _______ _______________ _______ ______________ 

 _______________ _______ _______________ _______ ______ 

 _______________ _______ _______________ _______ ______   _______________ _______ _______________ _______ ______   ___________ _______ _______________ _______ __________ 

7. I wish everyth ing w ou ldn ’t be so expensive.

 ___________ _______ _______________ _______ __________ 

Put the verb into the correct form. 1. It was a stup id thin g to say say. I w ish / hadn't said   it. it. (I / not / say) 2. I’ I’m m fed up with this rain. I w ish it would stop   . (it / stop stop)) 3. It’s It’s a difficult question . I w is h  ___  ______ _______ _____________  the answe answer. r. (I / know) 4. I should have listened to you. I w is h  ____  _______ _______ _______________ ___________  your advice advice.. (I / tak take) e)  _______ _______________ __________________ ____  _  with you. 5. You’ You’re re lucky to be going to Peru. I w is h  ___ (I / can can / co come) me) 6. I have absolutely no energy. I w is h so tired. tired. (I / not / be) be) 7. A ren ’t they ready yet? I w is h up. (the (they y / hurr hurry) y) 8. It wo uld be nice to ssta tay y here longer longer.. I w is h  ___  _______ ___________________ _______ ________  to go now.  ________________  ________ _______________ ____________  _____ 

 _______________  _______ ________________ _______________  _______ 

(we have hare ve))in Cairo last yea 9. (w Wehe/ nnot we / we year, r, we did n’ n’tt have time to see al alll the thing s we wan ted to see. se e. I w is h  ___  _______ ___________________ _______________  longer longer,, (we / can / stay stay)) 10. It’s fre ezing ez ing today. I w is h s o cold. I hate cold weather. so (i (itt / not / be)  _______________  _______ ______________ ______________ __________  __ 

11. Joe st stil illl doesn’ doesn’tt know w hat he wants to do. I w is h (he / deci decide) de) 12. I really did n’ n’tt enjoy the party. I w is h


 _______________  ________ ______________ ________________  _________ 

. (w (wee / not / go)

 ________________  ________ _______________ _______________  ________ 


Passive 1 (is done / w a s done done)) Study this example: This house was built in 1935. Was bu ilt is pa  passiv ssive. e.  passiv ssive: e: Compare active and  pa

Somebody built this house in 1935. (active) subject


This house wa s b u ilt in 193 1935. 5. (passive) subject 

When we use an active verb, we say what the subject does: ■ My gr grandfather andfather was a buil builder. der. H e bu ilt this house iin n 1935. 1935. ■ It’ It’ss a big comp company any.. It em plo ys two hund red ppeople. eople. W he n w e use a pass passive ive verb, we say what happens to the subject: ■ This house iiss pretty ol old. d. It was b u il t in 19 1935 35.. ■ Two hundred people are em plo ye d bbyy the co compa mpany ny.. W hen we use the pas passi sive ve,, who or wha t ca caus uses es the action iiss often unkno wn or unimp ortant: ■ A lot of money was sto len in tthe he ro robb bber ery. y. (somebody stole it, but we don’t know who) ■ Is thi thiss room cle an ed ever everyy dday ay?? (does (does somebody cl clean ean it it?? - it’ it’ss no t imp ortant who) If we w ant to say say wh o does or w hat causes the action, we use by : ■ Thi Thiss hou house se wa wass buil builtt by m y gra nd fathe r. ■ Two hundred peopl peoplee are are emp emplo loyed yed by the com pany . participle (don e/clea ne d/se en , et The passive is be (is/was, etc.) +  past participle etcc.): (be)) do ne (be (be) clean ed (be) dam ag ed (be) bu ilt (be) (be) seen, seen, etc.

For irr irregular egular past parti participl ciples es (d o n e/ se en /k n o w n , etc.) etc.),, see see Appendix 1. 1. Study the acti active ve and passiv passivee forms o f the simple present  and   and simple past: Simple Pres Present  ent  active:  clean(s) / see see(s (s), ), etc. etc.  passive  pas sive::  am /is /ar e + cleaned /seen, etc.

■ ■

Someb ody cle an s this room every da dayy. Thi Thiss room is clea ne d eve every ry day.

Many ac accid cident entss are ca us ed by ccar arel eless ess dri driving ving.. I’ I’m m n o t oft often en in v ite d ttoo parti parties. es.

How is thi hiss wor wordd pron oun ced ?

Simple Past 

Somebody cleaned this room yesterday.

active:  clean ed/sa w , et etc. c.  passi  pa ssive ve::  w as/w ere + cleaned /seen, etc.

■ ■ ■

We we re wo ke n up bbyy a loud noi noise se during during the nigh night. t. “Did you go to the party?” “No, I w as n’t in v ite d .” How much money was stolen in the rob robber bery? y?

Passive 2-3 Units 41-42


This room was cle an ed yest yester erda day. y.

B y   Unit



Exercises 40.1 Complete the sentences senten ces using these verbs in in the correct form, present or past: ccra crase dam age ho l d i nvi t e m ake  p  pas as s sh o w su rro u n d tra n sla te w rite

1. Ma Many ny accidents acc idents a r e c a u s e d   by dangerous driving. driving. 2. Cheese ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______  ___  from milk. 3. The roof of the bu ilding  ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______  ___  in a storm a few days ago. 4. You to the wedding. Why didn’t you go? 5. A movie theate r is a place wh ere film s . 6. In the U nited States States,, elections for p re sid en t every four years. 7. Originally the b o o k  in Spanish, and a few years ago it into English. 8. Altho ugh we were driving pretty ffast ast,, w e  ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______  ___   by a lo lott of othe r ca cars rs.. 9. You can’ can’tt see the house from the road. I t  ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______  ___   by tre trees es..  _______________________________ 



 _______________________________   _______________________________ 


40.2 Write questions using the passive. Some are are present and some are are past. past. 1. Ask abo ut gl glass ass,, (h ow / make?)  H o w is g la s s m a d e ? 2. Ask abou t television, television, (whe n / invent?) 3. Ask abou t mou ntains, (how / form?) 4. Ask about the planet Ne ptune, (when / dis disco cove ver?) r?) 5. Ask about silve silver, r, (wha t / use fo r? )____ )______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___  _ 


40.3 Put the verb into the correct form, simple present or or simple simple past, active or passive. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

It’s a big factory. Five hu nd re d pe op le a r e e m p l o y e d   (employ) there. clean) this this room yesterd yesterday? ay?  D i d s o m e b o d y c le a n   (somebody / clean) W at er  ______  _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _    (cover) (cover) m ost o f the Ea rth ’s surface. How mu ch of the Earth’s Earth’s sur fac e ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _    (cove (cover) r) by wa ter? The park ga tes   (lock) (lock) at 6:30 p.m. every evening. The le tte r    (mail) (mail) a wee k ago, and i t  ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _  (arrive) yesterday.  _______________________ 

 _______________________   _______________________ 

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _  7. The boat hit a rock a n d  ___   (si (sink) nk) quickly. quickly. For tun ately everyb ody  ______  ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _    (rescue). 8. Ro n’s n’s p ar en ts ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _    (die) (die) wh en he was very young. H e and his si sister  ster   ______  ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _    (bring up) by their grandparents. 9. I was bo rn in Chicago, bu t I   ______________________    (grow up) in Ho uston. 10. W hile I was on vacation, my ca m er a ___ (steal eal)) from my hotel room.  ______ ______ ______ ______ _____  __    (st 11. W hile I was on vacation, my ca m er a ___  ______ ______ ______ ____  _    (dis (disappear appear)) from my hotel room . 12. W h y  ___ (Sue / quit) quit) h er job? D idn ’t she lik likee it? it?  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _    (Sue 13. W hhyy • (Bill / fire ) f r o m h is jo b ? W h at at d i d h e d o w r o n g ?

 ______ ______ ______ ______ _____  __    (own) by a mu ch larger company. company. 14. The company iiss not independ ent. I t  ___ 15. I saw an accid ent last night. Som eb od y ___ (call ll)) an amb ulanc e, bu t  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _    (ca no bo dy (inju (injure), re), so the ambulance (not/ (not/ need). 16. W h e re (these (th ese pictures pictures / ta take)? ke)? In Hon g Kon Kong? g?  ______  ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _ 

  (you (you / ta take) ke) them? them?

 som m eb ebod odyy / th ey/ ey / peop pe ople le,, etc etc.,., wr wrii te  40.4 Rewrite these sentences. sentences. Instead Instead of using using so a passive sentence. 1. Som ebod y cleans cleans the roo m every da day. y. Th Thee room room is cleaned ev er y day. day. 2. The y canceled all all flights flights because of fog. fog. A ll 3. People don ’t use this road much. 4. Somebody accused me of stealing stealing money. I   ____  5. Ho w do peop le learn langu languages? ages? Ho w . 6. People wa rned us not to go out alone. alone.

 ______  ___ _____  __ 

 ______________________________________   _______________________________ _______ 

 _____   ___ __ 


Passive 2 (be done / been done /   being done) Study the following active and passive passive forms: A ft ft e r w i l l / c a n / m u s t / g o i n g t o / w a n t t o, o , et e tc . active:  d o /cl ea n /se e, etc. etc.

Somebody Somebody w ill clea n th this is room la late ter, r,

 passive  pas sive::  be + d on e/c lea ne d/s ee n, etc. etc.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Thi Thiss room w ill be clean ed lat ater er..

Th e situation is serious. serious. Som ething must be d o n e before it’s it’s too late. late. A mystery is something that that can’t can’t be e xp lain ed . The m usic was very loud and could could be h ea rd from far far away away.. A new superm arket is is going to be b u il t next year year.. Please Please go away away.. I wa nt to b e le ft alone.

A fftt e r s h o u l d h a v e / m i g h t h a v e / w o u l d h a v e / s e e m t o h a ve v e , et et c. active:

  do n e/c lea ne d/s ee n, etc. etc.  passive  pas sive::  been + do ne /clea ne d/se en , etc. etc.

Somebod Somebodyy sho uld have clean ed th this is ro roon on.. This This ro room om shou ld have bee n cleaned.

■ I haven’t haven’t rreceived eceived the letter yet. It mig ht have b ee n se nt to the wrong address address.. ■ If you had locked the the car, car, it wo uldn’t uldn’t hav e bee n sto len . ■ Th ere were some some problems at fir first st,, but they seem to to have bee n solved.

Present Perfect  active:  ha ve /ha s + (don e),

etc. etc.

 passiv  pas sive: e:  ha ve /ha s be en + (don e), etc. etc.

The room room looks looks mce- Somebody Somebody has cle an ed it The room looks looks nice- l t   has been cleaned.

■ Have you heard? heard? The concert has bee n cance led. ■ Ha ve you you eve everr bee n bitt e n by a do dog? g? ■ “Are you going to the party?” “No, I ha ve n’t be en inv ite d .” Past Perfect  active ha d + (do ne ) etc etc

The room looked ni nice. ce. Somebody Somebody ha d clea ned ■

 passiv  pas sive: e:  ha d bee n + (don e),

etc. etc.

Tbe room looks looks nice- Ic ha d be en clean ed.

■ The vegetabl vegetables es didn’t didn’t tas taste te very very good. good. They ha d b ee n co ok ed too lon long. g. ■ The car was was three three yea years rs old but ha d n ’t bee n use d very very much.

Present Pres ent Continuous Co ntinuous active:  a m /is /a re + (do )ing

Somebod Somebodyy is clea nin g th this is room room ri right ght now.

 passiv  pas sive: e:  am /is/a re + bein g (done)

This This ro room om is be ing cleaned ri right ght now.

■ Th ere’s ere’s somebody somebody walking walking behind us. us. I think we are be in g follow ed. ■ (in a shop)  “Can I help help you?” you?” “No, thank you. you. I’m I’m b ein g he lpe d.” Past Continuous active:  w as/w ere + (do )ing

Somebod Somebodyy was clea nin g th this is room when I arm

 passive  pas sive::  w as/w ere + be ing (don e)

This This room was be in § clean ed when I ar arri rive ved. d.

■ There was was somebody walki walking ng behind us. us. We we re bei ng follo w ed. Pass ive 1, 3 Units 40, 42



Exercises 41.1 What do these words mean? Use Use If something is

i t can can . . .

1. washable, it can be washed.  2. unbreakable, i t

 ______________________   ___________________ ___ 

. .

or it

can' t . . . . can'

Use Use a dictiona dictionary ry if necess necessary ary..

4. un us ab le, . 5. inv isib le, ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______  ___  .  ___________________________   ___________________ ________ 

 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____  __   ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______  ___  3. edible, ___ . 6. po rta bl e,  ___ . 41.2 Complete these sentences sentence s with the followin follo wing g verbs (in the correct correct form): form): arrest carry cause cause -4e-4em ake rep ai r sendsendspend wake up

have, should have, have,  etc.). Sometimes you need have  (mig ht have, 1. Th e situation situation is serious. Som ething m ust be done    be fo fore re it ’s too to o late late.. 2. I have n’ n’tt receive d the letter. letter. It mi ght have been been sen t   to the wrong address. 3. A decision decision will n o t until the next meeting. 4. Do you think that more money sh ou ld on education? education? 5. This road is in very bbad ad condition. It It sho u ld  a long time ago. 6. The injured man couldn ’t walk and had to . 7. I told the ho tel desk clerk I wa nte d to a t 6:30 the next morning. at 8. If you had n’ n’tt push ed the policeman , you w ould n’t n’t .  _________________________   _________________ ________ 

 _________________________   _________________________ 


  _________________ _________________________  ________ 



It’ It’ss not certain how the fire started, started, bu t it m ig h t electrical short circuit.

by an

 som m eb ebod ody  y  or 41.3 Rewrite these sentences. sentenc es. Instead Instead of using so  or they,  write a passive sentence. 1. Som ebod y has cleaned the room . The room has been cleaned.________________________________ 2. Somebod y is using the com puter right now. The com put er 3. I didn ’t realize that somebody was recording our conversation. I didn’t realize that _i 4. W he n we got to tthe he stadium, we found that they had canceled the game. When we got to the stadium, we found that. 5. The y are are building a new highway around the city city..


 ____________________________   ______________________ ______ 


They have built a new hospital near the airport.

41.4 41. 4

Make sentences senten ces from from the words in parentheses. parenthe ses. Sometimes the verb is active,  sometimes passive. 1. T he re’s somebod y beh ind us. us. (I think / we / follow) follow) / t h in in k w e re ’r e being followed. 2. This room looks different, (you / p aint / the w wal alls ls?) ?)  H a v e y o u p a i n t e d th e w a ll s ? 3. My car has disappeared , (it / stea steal!) l!) It 4. My umb rella has disappeared, (somebody / take) S om ebody. 5. W he n I we nt into the the room , I sa saw w that that the table and and chai chairs rs were n ot in in the same place, place, (thee furniture / move) (th move) The 6. The m an next door disappeared si six x mon ths ago. ago. (he / not / see / si since nce then) He 7. I wo nde r how Jane is these days days.. (I / no t / se seee / for age ages) s) I ______________ __________________________ __________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ __________________________ ____________________ _______  ____ 8. I w an ted to use a co m pu ter at the library last night, bu t I wa sn’ sn’tt ab able le to. to. (the (the computer computerss / us use) e) A ll 9. An n can’t can’t use her offi office ce this this week, (it (it / redecorate) It 10. The pho toco pier broke dow n yyest esterda erday, y, bu t now it’ it’ss OK. (i (itt / wo rk / again; again; it / repair) repair) It . It 11. A fri friend end o f mine was mugge d on hi hiss way hom e a few nights nights ago. ago. (yo (you u / ever / mug?)  _______________________________________  _____________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________  _________________ 

 _______________________________________  ____________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________  __________________ 



 _____________________________________  _________________ _____________________  _ 

 _____________________________________   ______________________ _______________ 

Additional Exercises 22-24 (pages 308-309)




Passive 3 I w a s o ff ff e re r e d . . . / w e w e r e g iv iv e n . . . , e t c . Some verbs can have two objects. For example, give: ■ Someone ggav avee th e po lic e the in fo rm at io n . (= Someo Someone ne ga gave ve the informati information on to the poh object 1

object 2

So it is possible to make two passive sentences: ■ T he po lice were gi give venn the inf informat ormation ion.. or  Th e in fo rm at io n wa wass ggiv iven en to to the pol polic ice. e. Other verbs that can have two objects are: ask o f f er p ay sh o w teach When ■ ■ ■ ■


we use these verbs in the passive, most often we begin with the  pe  perso rson: n: I was of fer ed the job, but I refused refused it. it. (= they they offer offered ed me the the job) You w ill be g iven plenty of time to decid decide. e. (= we will will give give you plenty of time) time) H ave you be en s how n the new new machin machine? e? (= has has anybod anybody y shown shown you? you?)) T he m en w ere pa id $200 $200 to do do tthe he work. work. (- somebody somebody paid paid the men $200 $200))

I d o n ’t llii k e b e i n g . . . The pass passiv ivee of do ing /se ein g, etc. etc. is be ing do ne / b ein g seen, eetc tc.. Compar Compare: e: don’t lik likee peo ple t el lin g m e what to do do.. active:  I don’ don’t like like be in g to ld what to to do. do.  passiv  pas sive: e:  I don’t ■ ■ ■

I remem ber be in g tak en to the the zoo wh en I was a chil child. d. (= I remember somebody taking me to the zoo) Stev Stevee hates hates b ei n g k ep t waitin waiting. g. (= he hates hates people keepi keeping ng hi him m waitin waiting) g) We managed to climb climb over over the wall wall witho ut bei n g seen. (= w ithout anybody anybody seei seeing ng us

I wa wa s b o r n . . .

I wa wa s b o r n . . . We sa say I was bo rn . .. ( not  I   I am born): ■ ■

I was b o rn in Chica Chicago go.. W h ere ere wer e y oouu b o r n ? (not  Where   Where are you born?)


How many babies are born every day?



G et You can use get instead of be in the passive: ■ There was was a fight at the game, game, but nobody g o t h u rt. (= nobody was hurt) hurt) ■ I don’t don’t often ge t in v ite d to parties. parties. (= I’ I’m not often often invit invited) ed) ■ I’m I’m surpri surprised sed Ann did n ’t get offere d the job. (= Ann w asn ’t offere d the job) You can use get only when things happen or change. For example, you cannot use get in the following sentences: ■ Jill is li k ed by every everybody body.. (not  gets   gets liked - this is is not a “happen ing”) ■ He was a mystery mystery man. man. Ver Veryy little little wa s kn o w n about him. him. (not  got   got known) We use g et mainly in informal spoken English. English. You You can use be in all all situations situations.. We also use get in the following expressions (which are not passive in meaning): get m arrie d, get divo rced get los t (= not know where where you are) ge t dre sse d (= pu t on your clothe clothes) s) ge t ch an ge d (= change change your cloth clothes) es)

Passive 1,2 Units 40, 41



Exercises 42.1 Write these sentences sentence s using using the passive, beginning in in the way wa y shown. 1. The y didn’t didn’t giv givee me the info rm ation I need ed. I wa sn't given the informati information on   / needed. _______________________________ 2. Th ey asked me some difficult questions at the interview. I   ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Jessica’s Jessica’s colleagues gave gave he r a pre sen t whe n she retired. Jessica. 4. Nob ody told told me about the meeting. I wasn’t 5. Ho w muc h will will they they pay you for your work? How much will you . 6. I think they should hav havee offered Joh n the job. I think John 7. Has anybody shown you wh at to do? Have Ha ve you /  _____    ____________ _________________________  _____________ 

 ______________   ______________ 

42.2 Complete the sentences sentenc es using being  + the following (in the correct form):   gi give ve hi t i nvi t e keep pay t reat 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Steve hates ha tes bei being ng kep t   waiting. We went to the party party w itho ut . I like giving pre sents, sen ts, and I also lik e ______ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____them _them . It’s a busy roa roadd and I do don’ n’tt like crossing iit. t. I’ I’m m afra afraid id of _  I’m I’m an adult. I do n’ n’tt li k e like a child. Few people are prepared to to work w ith o u t  ________________________  _____________ __________________  _______ 

 __________________________   ______________ ____________ 

42.3 When were they born? Choose five of these people and and write a sentence for each.  (Two of them were born in the same year.)

Beethoven Jo h n L ennon Walt Disney 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

G a lile o M a h a tm a G a n d h i M ar a r tin L u th e r K in g J r.

E lv is P r e s le y L e o n a rd o d a V in ci W il ill ia m S h a k e s p e a r e

1 452 1 564 1 7 70 1 929

1 8 69 49911940 19 35

Walt Visney was born in 1901.

 ______  ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___

 __________________________  ____________ ____________________  ______   _________________________  _____________ ___________________  _______   _________________________  _____________ ___________________  _______ 


7. And you? I .

42.4 Complete the sentences using get/g get /got ot + the following verbs (in the correct correct form): form):  ask

dam age

h u rt


steal steal

st iing ng

st op


There was a fight at the game, but nobody g o t h u r t . T e d   by a b ee w hile hi le he was wa s sit sittin ting g in th thee yard. yar d. These tennis courts don’t very often. Not many people want to play. I used to have a bicycle, bicycle, bu t i t a few months ago. Rachel works hard but doesn’t very much. Last night I  by the th e po polic licee as I w was as dr driv ivin ing g ho m e. O n e o f  the lights on my car wasn’t working. Please pack these things very carefully. I don’t want them to . that question. Peoplee often wa nt to know w hat my job is. I of te n Peopl  ______________________________   __________________________ ____ 

  _____________ __________________________ _________________  ____ 

 ___________________________  ____________ __________________ 

  ____________ _________________________ __________________  _____ 

  ____________ ________________________ __________________  ______ 

 ________________________   _____________ ___________ 

:: tional Exercises 22-24 (pages 308-309)

U N I T  


It is said t h a t . . . He is said said to . . .   He is is supposed supposed to to . . . Study this example situation: He nry is very old. Nobo dy know s exactly exactly how old he is is,, but: but: It is sa id th a t he is 108 108 years old. or  

He is is said to be 10 1088 years years old old..

Bo th these sentences m ean: People say tha t he is 108 years old old..

You can use these structures with a number of other verbs, especially: alleged believed considered Compare the two structures: ■ ■


Cathy works very hard. It is said that she works 16 hours a day. Th e police police are looking for a missing bo boy. y. It is believ ed th at the boy is wear wearing ing a wh ite sw eater and blue jeans. Th e strike strike start started ed three weeks ag ago. o.





or   She is said to w o rk 16 hours a day.

boy i s bel i eved t o be weari ng or   The boy a white sweater and blue jeans.

It is exp ecte d th at it will will eend nd soon soon.. ■ A friend of mine has been arrested. arrested. It is alleg ed th a t he hit a police police offi office cer. r. ■ Th e two two houses belong to the same famil family. y. It is said that there is a secret tunnel  be  b e tw e e n them th em .

strike ke is ex pe cted to end soo soon. n. or   The stri polic icee off  or   He iiss alleged to have h it a pol secret tunnel or   There iiss said to be a secret  be tw e e n th e m .

These structures are often used in news reports. For example, in a report about an accident: peoplee are rep orte d to to have or   Two peopl ■ It iiss re po rt ed t ha t two peopl peoplee wer weree  b e e n in j u r e d in th thee explosio exp losion. n. injured in the explosion. (B e) e) suppo sed t o Sometimes Someti mes (it is) sup po sed to . . . = (it (it is) sai saidd to .. . : ■ Let’ Let’ss go and see tha t movie. It’s su p p o se d to be good. (= it is said said to be good) good) U Mark is su pp os ed to h av e h it a polic policee off offic icer, er, but I don’t don’t believe believe it. it. But sometimes sometimes s up po sed to has has a di differ fferent ent meaning. meaning. We use su pp os ed to to say say wha t iiss intended, arranged, or expected. Often this is different from the real situation: ■ The plan is supp os ed to b e a secr secret et,, but eeveryb verybody ody seem seemss ttoo know about iitt. (= the plan is intended to be a secret) ■ W hat ar aree yyou ou doing doing at work? You’ You’re su pp os ed to be on vacat vacatio ion. n. (= you arranged to be on vacation) ■ Jane was su pp os ed to ca ll me llas astt night, night, but sshe he didn’ didn’tt. ■ O ur gu gues estts w ere su pp ose d to co m e at 7: 7:30 30,, but they they were lat late. e. ■ I’d I’d better hurry. hurry. I’m I’m su pp os ed to m ee t Chris Chris in 110 0 minutes. minutes. You’re not supposed to do something = it is not allowed or advisable: ■ You You’’re n o t sup po sed to p a rk your car car here. here. It’s It’s priva private te parking parking only only.. ■ Mr Mr.. Bruno iiss much better after after his his oper operati ation, on, but he’s still no t sup po sed to do an anyy heavy work.




43.1 Write these sentences sentence s in another anothe r way, beginning as shown. shown . Use the underlined words. 1. It is expe cted that the strike will end soon. Th e strike is ex pe cte d to en d soon soon.. 2. It is tho ugh t that the priso ner escaped by climbing over a wall wall.. The prisoner is thought to hav e e sca ped by cl climbi imbing ng ove r a wall. all.___________________ 3. It is repo rted that many people are homeless after the the floo floods. ds. Ma ny ny p e o p le 4. It is alleged that the man rob bed the store of $3, $3,000 000.. T he he m a n > > 5. It is repo rted that the b uilding was badly damaged by the fire. fire. The building _i _i_  _  6. a) It iiss said that the co mp any iiss losing a lot of money. Th e c o mp a n y .  b) It is be beli liev ev ed th a t th e co m pa ny los t a l ot o f m on ey las lastt year. Th e c o mp a n y .

 _______________________  ___________ ______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________________  ___________ 

 _______   ____________________  ___  _______________________________ ____________________  _________ 

c) Th It eis cexpec losee mone y th this is yea year. r. o mp ated n y that the comp any will los

 _______________________  ____________ ______________________ _________________  ______ 


There are a lot of rumors about Stan. Here are some of the things people p eople say about him: him: 4. 1. He has 12 children. Stan speaks 10 languages.

He knows a lot of famous people.


H e is v e r y r i c h .

H e w a s an a c to r w h e n he was younger.


Nobody is sure whether these things are true. Write sentences about Stan using  

 su  s u p p o s ed to.

q__________ Stan is supposed to speak 10 languages.   2. He 0 2  ___  ______ ________  ifv 3. a 4.[_ 5. __________________________________________________________________________  1.



 suu p p o s ed to be  + the following: Complete the sentences sentenc es using s on a diet a f lo lo w e r m y f r iiee n d a jok e o n - vvaa c a ttii o n w orking 1. W ha t are you doing at work ? You are s upp osed to he on vac vacat ation ion.. 2. You shou ldn’ ldn’tt cr critici iticize ze me al alll the time. Yo u


 ______________________  __________ ______________________ ___________  _ 

3. 4. 5. 6.


II’ really shoabou uld n’t n’ t be cake. I . to be fun I’m m sorry tw ha teating I sa said. id.this I was trying funny. ny. I t . W ha t’s t’s this drawing? IIss it a tree? O r maybe i t  ________  You should n’t n’t be reading the paper nnow. ow. Y ou  _________ 

 suu p p o s ed Write Write sentences with  s a r r iv iv e

b lo c k

c a ll

to  + the following verbs: 

- p a rhr- 


Use the negative (not su pposed to to))   where necessary. 1. You re not supposed to to park   here. It’s private parking only. 2. W e w ork at 8:15 8:15,, but we rarely do anything before 8:3 8:30. 0. 3. O h, I Helen, but I completely forgot. 4. Th is do or is a fire exit. Y o u ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______i ___it. t. at 11:30, but it was an hour late. 5. My tra in .   _______________________________ 

-dditional Exercises 22-24 (pages 308-309)

U N I T  


Have/get something done Study this example situation: Th e roo f of Lisa’ Lisa’ss house was dam aged in a storm. Yesterday a worker came and repaired it. Li Lisa sa ha d the roo f re p air ed ye yest ster erda day. y. This means: Lisa arranged for somebody else to repair the roof. She didn’t repair it herself.


We use have s om et hi n g d o ne to sa say that we arrange arrange for for somebody somebody el else se to to do something something

for us. Compare: ■ Li Lisa sa re p ai re d the roof. roof. (= she she repaired repaired it herself) herself) Li Lisa sa h a d the roo f re pa ire d. (= she she arranged for for somebody else else to to repair it it)) ■ “Did you p a in t you r apa rtm ent yourself?” “Yes “Yes,, I like doing things like that.” “Did you you hav e your apartme nt pa in te d ?” “No, I painted it it myself.” myself.” Be careful with word order. The  past participle participle  (repaired/cut, etc.) is after the object: have Lisa had  Where did you have Ou r neighbor has just h ad  We are are havin g How often often do you have W hy d on’t on’t you have I don’t don’t like like ha vi ng


P a s t P a r t i c i p le le

the roof  your hair  air conditioning the house your car  that coat my picture

re pa ire d ye yest ster erda day. y. cut? installed in her house.  p a i n t e d th this is we ek ek.. serviced? cleaned? taken.

Get something done You can also say “get something done” instead of “have something done” (mainly in informal spoken English): ■ W hen are you going going to ge t th e ro o f rep aire d? (= ha have ve the roof repair repaired) ed) ■ I think you should should get yo u r h a ir cu t rreal eally ly short short.. Sometimes hav e (or  get) so m et hi n g d on e has a different Sometimes different meaning. meaning. For eexamp xample: le: ■ Eric Eric had his licen se ta k en away for drivi driving ng too too fast fast again again and aga again in.. or   Eric Eric got his licen se tak en aw ay for for drivin drivingg . . . This does not mean that he arranged for somebody to take his license away. It means that his license was taken away by the police. With this meaning, we use have (or  get) s o m eth in g d on e to sa say that something something happen happenss to somebody or their belongings. Usually what happens is not nice: ■ James g o t his his passport sto len . (= his his passport was stolen stolen)) ■


Have you ever ever ha d your flight flight ca nc ele d? (= has has your flight flight ever ever been cancele canceled?) d?)


Exercises Check k (/ ) the correct correct sentence, (a) (a) or (b) (b),, for each picture. 44.1 Chec 3.




a) Sarah is cutting her hair. hair.

a) Bill is cutt cutting ing hhis is hair.

a) John is shining

 b) Sarah is having her hair cut.

 b) Bill is hav having ing his hair cut.

 b) John is having his shoes shined.

his shoes.



a) Sue is taking tak ing a  pictur  pic ture. e.  b) Sue is  pi  pict cture ure tak taken. en.

44.2 Answer Answe r the questions  using m y --ee a r -

m y eey yes

1. W hy did you 2. Why did you Whydid 3. Why did you Whydid 4. Why did you Whydid

ggoo go go go

To have som somethi ethi ng done.   Choose from the boxes: 

my jacket


my watch




to the garage? garage? To have m y c ar serviced. to the cle an er’s? er’s? To to the jew ele r’ r’ss? _  to the optic ian’s ian’s??

44.3 Write sentences sentence s in the way wa y shown. 1. Lisa did n’t n’t repair the ro of herself. She had it repair repaired. ed. 2. I did n’t n’t cut my hair mysel myself. f. I 3. 3.'' They d idn’ idn’tt paint the house themselves. They . 4. Joh n didn’ didn’tt build that wall him self. 5. I did n’t n’t deliver the fflowers lowers m ys elf . ______ ______ ____ 



Use the words in parentheses to complete the sentences. Use the structure 

have some something thing done.

1. We are having the house pain ted   (th (thee house / paint paint)) thi thiss week. 2. I lost my key. key. I’ll I’ll have t o (anothe r key / make). 3. W hen wa wass the last last time y o u   (your hair / cut) cut)?? 4.   (you (you / a ne newspaper wspaper / del delive iver) r) to your house every day, or do you go out and buy one? 5.  A:   What are those workers doing at your house? h,, w e   (garage (garage / build).  B:  O h 6. You can’ can’tt see tha t ssign ign from here? Yo You u sh o u ld  (your eyes eyes / check) check).. In the following sentences use  g et ssom om eth et h i n g do donn e.  _______________________  ___________ ______________________ ________________  ______ 

 ______________________  ____________ ______________________ ________________________ _____________________  _________ 

 _______________________  ____________ _____________________ ______________________ ___________________  _______ 

 __________________________________  _______________________ __________________  _______ 

7. H ow often do you ge t your ca r serviced   (your car / service) service)?? 8. This coat is dir dirty. ty. I sh o ul d (it / clean). clean). 9. If you w ant to wea r ear earrings, rings, why don ’t y o u (your ears ears / pierce) pierce)?? 10.  A:   I heard your com pute r was n’t n’t working.  B:  Th at’ at’ss right, but it’s it’s O K now. I (it / repair repair). ). In these items, use have somet somethi hi ng done  with its second meaning (see Section D).

 _____________________  __________ _______________________ ______________________  __________ 

11. D id you hea r abo ut Pete?  H e had his li license cense taken a w ay   12. Did I tell you about Jane? S h e (her purse / ste steal) al) las lastt week. 13. Gary was in a fight las lastt n ig h t.

(license / take away) away)..

 ______________________  __________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ___________  _ 

(h (his is nose / break).


Reported Speech 1 (H (He e said t h a t . . .) Study this example situation: I'm feel ng sick.

You want to tell somebody what Tom said. There are two ways of doing this: l

You can repeat Tom’s words (direct  speech):   speech): Tom said, aid, “ I’m fe elin g sic k.”

P O r you you can can use reported  speech:   speech: Tom sai said tha t he was fe eling sick.

Tom said, said, “ I  eported:  Tom said said that

In writing we use these quotation marks to show direct speech.

am feelin g sick.”

h e wa s feeling si sick ck..

W he n we use reported speech, speech, the m ain verb of the sentence is usually usually past past (Tom said t h a t. . . / I tol d her t h a t. . . , etc.). etc.). Th e rest o f the sentence is usually past, too: ■ Tom said that he was fee lin g sic sick. k. ■ I to ld her that I d id n ’t have any any money. money. You can leave out that. So you can say: ■ Tom said th a t he was feeling feeling sick, ick, or   Tomsai Tom sai d

he was feeling si sick ck..

In general, the  present   form in direct speech changes to to the  past  form   form in rep orted speech speech:: a m /i /iss —► w as d o /d o e s —► d id will wi ll —► w o u ld  are —► w e re ha ve /ha /h a s —► h a d can —► c o u ld  w ant/know /go, etc. etc. —► w an ted /k n ew /w en t, etc. etc. Com pare direct speech speech and reported speech speech:: You m et Jenny. He re are some o f the You the things she said to you in direct  speech:   speech:

Later you tell somebody what Jenny said. You use reported  speech:   speech:

" M y p a r e n t s are f i n e . "

■ Jenny said said that her parents w ere fine. fine.

"I'm g o i n g t o l e a r n t o d r i v e . "

She said said that she wa s going to learn to dr 

" I want to buy a car."

She said said that she w a n te d to buy a car ar..

■ ■

She She said said that John h ad q u it his his job. She sa said id that she c o u ld n ’t come to to the  p  paa rt rtyy on Friday. Frid ay.

She said said she d id n ’t have mu ch free free time. time.

She said said that she wa s going away for a te f da days ys and w ou ld ca calll me when sh shee go t b„.

has quit


his job."

"I can't c o m e t o t h e

party on Friday." " I don't h a v e m u c h f r e e t i m e . "


"I'm g o i n g a w a y f o r a f e w d a y s .

I ' l l c a l l y o u w h e n I get b a c k . "

The simple past   (d id /s aw /k n ew , etc.) etc.) can can usuall usually y sta stay y the same same in repo repo rted speech, speech, or you can change it to the  past perfec perfect  t  (   ( h a d d o n e / h a d s ee e e n / h a d k n o w n , e tc tc.): ■


Tom said said,, “I w o k e up feeling si sick ck,, so I d id n ’t go to wo rk.”

reported:  Tom said said (that (that)) he w ok e up feeling sic sick, k, so he d id n ’t go to work,


Tom said (that) he had woken up feeling sick, so he hadn’t gone to work.

Reported Speech 2 Unit 46

Reported Que stions Un it48 B





*5.1 *5.1 Yesterd Yest erday ay you met a friend of yours, your s, Rob. You You hadn't seen him for a lon long g time. Here are  some of the things Rob said to you: 1.

I'I'm m livi living ng in my ow n a p a r tm tm e n t n o w .


My father isn't very w ell.



I s a w Nic ole a t a pa rty in J une , and she seemed fine.


I 'm 'm n o t e n j o y i n g m y  jo b v e r y m u c h .

You can come and stay at my place if you're ever in Chicago.



A m a n d a a n d P a u l a r e g e t tit i n g married next month.

10 .

My sister has had a baby.

M y c a r w a s s t o llee n a f e w d a y s a g o .


I w a n t to ta ke a trip, but I c a n' t a f f ord it.

Rob 5.

I d o n ' t k n o w w h a t E r icic is d o ing . -


I ha ve n' t s een D ia ne rec en tly .

12 .

I'll I'll tell Am y I s a w y ou.

Later that day you tell another friend what Rob said. Use reported speech.  R  Rob ob s a id th a t h e w a s liv in ing g in hi hiss o w n a p a r tm e n t now ._______________ 1. 2. He sa said id th a t 3. H e 4. 5.

 _____________________  __________ __________________________________ _____________________ ____________  __ 

 ___________________  _________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ _______________  _____ 

 _____________________  ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ________________  _____   _____________________  ___________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ _____________________ _________________  _______ 


 _________________  _________ ________________ _______________ ______________ _______________ ________________ ___________ ___


 _______________  _______ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ______________ ______


10. 11. 12.


 ___________________  _________ ___________________ ___________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ _____________  ___ 



 _______________  _______ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ ______________ ____________  _____ 

Somebody says something to you that is the opposite of what wh at they said said before. Complete  the answers. 1.  A:   Th at restaurant is expen expensive. sive.  B:  It is? hit w a s c h e a p is? / th o u g h t y o u s a ic hit 2.  A:   Sue is coming to the party tonight. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

,  ____________________  __________ _____________________ _____________________ 

 _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________  __________   B:  She is? is? I tho ugh t you sai said d sh e  ___________  A:   Ann likes Paul.  B:  She doe does? s? La Last st wee k you sa id  ____________________  ______________________________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________  _   A:   I know lots of people.  B:  You do do?? I thou ght you sai d  ____________________  ______________________________ ____________________ ____________________ _____________  ___   A  A::   Pat will be here nex t week.  B:  She will will?? Bu t didn’ didn’tt you say  ___________  ____________________ ___________________ _____________________ _____________________ ____________   A  A::   I’m going out tonight.  B:  You are? B ut you said  ___________  _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ _________________  ________   A:   I can speak a little Frenc h.  B:  You ca  _____ ______  can? n? Bu t earlier you sa id  _____________________  _______________________________ ____________________  __________   _  _  __  A  A::  I have n’t n’t been to th e movies in ages ages..  B:  You haven’ haven’t? t? I tho ugh t yyou ou sa id  ____________________  ______________________________ ____________________ ___________  _    _  ______ 

: onal onal Exercise 25 ( pages 310-311)



Reported Speech 2 It is is not always always necessary necessary to change the verb in r epo rted speech. If you rep ort som ething and the situation hasn’t changed,  you do not need to change the verb to the past: ■ direct:  Tom ssaid aid,, “My new jo b is very interestin g.”

reported:  Tom said that his new job is very interesting.

(The situation hasn ’t changed. His job is still still interesting.) interesting.) ■ direct: 

Ann ssaid aid,, “I w a n t to go to South Am erica next year.” year.” reported:  Ann told me that she w an ts to go to South America next year year.. (Ann still wants to go to South America next year.)

You can also change the verb to the past: ■ Tom said said that his his new job wa s very very interes interesting. ting. ■ Ann told me that she she w an te d to go go to to South America next year year.. Bu t if you are rep orting a finished situation, you must  use   use a past verb: ■ Paul Paul left the room suddenl suddenly. y. He said said he h ad to go. go. (not  has   has to go) You need to use a past form when there is a difference between what was said and what is really true. For example: You met Sonia a few days ago. She said said:: “Jo e is in th e h o sp ita l.” (direct speech)

Sonia said you wer n the hospital.

Joe is in the hospital.

Later th at day you m eet Joe in the str street eet** You say say:: “I didn’t expect to see you, Joe. Sonia said you w ere in the the hospital.” hospital.” ( not   “Sonia said you are in the hospital,” because he clearly is not)

Say and tell If you sa sayy ivho somebody is talking to, use tell: ■ Soni Soniaa to ld m e that you were in the hospit hospital. al. (not  Sonia   Sonia said me) ■ W hat di didd yo youu tell the police? (not  say   say the police)


Otherwise use say: ■ Sonia Sonia said that you were in in the hospi hospital tal,, (not  Sonia   Sonia told th a t. . .) ■ W hat did you say? say?


But you can say something to somebody: ■ Ann said good-bye to me and left left.. (not  Ann   Ann said me good-bye) ■ W hat did you say to the police? police? Tell/ask somebody to do something We also use the infinitive infinitive (to d o / to stay, etc.) etc.) in in repo rted speech, especial especially ly with te ll and ask (f (for or orders orders and requests) requests):: ■ direct:  “Stay in bed for a few days,” days,” the doctor said said to me. reported:  The do ctor to ld m e to stay stay in bed for for a few day dayss. ■ direct:  “D o n ’t sh o u t,” I said said to Jim. reported:  I to ld Jim no t to sho shout ut.. ■ direct:  “P “Plea lease se d o n ’t te ll anybody wh at happe ned,” Jackie sa said id to me. reported:  Jackie Jackie asked m e n o t to te ll anybody anybody what (had (had)) happened. happened. You can also say “Somebody said (not) to do something”: ■ Jackie Jackie said not to tell anyo ne. ( but  wot   wot Jackie said me) Reported Repor ted Speec Speech h 1 Unit 45


Repor Reported ted Questions Unit 48B 48B

Exercises 46.1

Here are some things that Ann said to you:


I've never been to South America.

I ca n't drive.

I don't have any brothers or sisters.

I do n't lik lik e fish, j

I'm working tomorrownigh tomorrownight.t.

Rosa has a very w ell-p aid job.

Rosa is a fri friend end of mine.

DaveDave- is lazyr 

But later Ann says something different.What different.What do you say? A nn



 B u t y o u s a id h e w a s lazy. lazy .__________ 1. Dave works wor ks very hard. 2. Let’shavefish Let’shave fish for dinner. B u t 3. I’m I’m going to bu buyy a ca car. r. 4. Rosa is always always short of money. 5. Mysisterlives Mysister lives in Tokyo. 6. I thin k Peru is a great place. 7. Let’s go ou outt tom orrow orr ow night. 8. I’ve I’ve nev never er spo spoken ken to Rosa.


46.2 Comple Complete te the sentences with  sa  s a y  or  or

tell (in the correct form). Use only one word each time.


good-bye to me and left. said   ______  ___ _______ _______ _______ ________ _____  _  us about your vacation. Did you have a good time? Do n’ n’tt just stand stand th ere ! _____ something! _____ _____ ___  _    I wo nder wh ere Sue Sue is. is. S h e sh shee wou ld be here at 8:00. 8:00. Jack  _______  ___________ ____________ ____________  me that he was fed up with his job. The do cto r  ________  ___________ _______ _____  _    tha t I should rest for at |east a week. Don’t   ______________    anybody anybody what I   ________________________ . It’s a secret jus t betw een us us.. 8. “Did s h e  ____  ________ ____________ _______________  _______  you wha t happe ned?” “No, she didn’ didn’tt  _______  ____ _______ _______ _______ ________  ____  anything to me.” 9. Jason couldn’t couldn’t help me. H e m e to ask Kate. me  ______  ___ _______ _______  ___  to ask Caroline. 10. Gary cou ldn’t ldn’t help me. H e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.




46.3 The followi following ng sentences a are re direct speech: Don't wait for me if I'm late.

Mind your own business. business.

Can you open your bag, pl plea ease se??

Please slow do w n!

W i llll y o u m a r r y m e ?

Don't worry, Sue. Sue.

Hurry tipi

Do you think you could give me a hand , Tom ?

Choose one of these to complete each sentence below. Use reported speech. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Bill was takin g a long tim e to get ready, so so I told tol d him him t o hurry up Sarah was driving too fast, fast, so I as ke d  Sue was nervous about the situation. situation. I to ld I co uld n’t n’t mov e the piano alone, so I The customs officer officer looked at me suspicious suspiciously ly a n d  Th e man started asking me personal questions, so so I Jo hn was in love love with Maria, so he I didn ’t w ant to delay He len, so I

- :ditional Exercise 2 25 5 (pages 310-311)

 ________  ____ _________  _____ 

 ___________  _______ ____________ ________________ ____________ ____________ __________   ___ 


 ________  ____ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______  __ 

 _____   _____ 

 ___________  _______ _______ _______ ________ _______ ______  ___    ____________________________ 

 ________  ____ ____________ ____________ ____________ ________________ __________  __   ________  ____ ______  __ 

U N I T  

47 A

Questions 1 In questions we usuall usuallyy pu t the subject aft after er the first ve verb: rb: Verb + Subject 

Subj Subjec ectt + Verb

Tom you The house

w ill have wa s

—► —► —►

w ill have w as

Tom ? you? th e h o u se ?

■ ■ ■

W ill To m be her heree tomor tomorro row? w? H ave yo u been worki working ng hard hard?? W hen was the house bbui uilt lt??

Rem em ber that the subject co comes mes aft after er the fir  first  st  verb:  verb: ■ Is C ath erin e worki working ng today oday?? ( not  Is   Is working Catherine)


In simple present   questions, we use do/does: you t h e film

live b e g in s

 —  -*•

you live? the film begin?

do does

■ ■

D o y oouu llii v e n eeaa r h e re ? W h a t t i m e d o eess th th e f il m bbee g iin n?

■ ■

D i d yyo o u s eell l y o uurr ccaar? Why did the train stop?

In simple past  questions,  questions, w e u se ddii d : you the train

sold  stopped 



d i d   you sell? d id  the train stop?

But do not us usee d o /d o e s /d id if w h o/ w ha t, etc etc.. is is the su subje bject ct of the se sente ntence nce.. Compare Compare:: w h o subject  Somebody called Zoe.

w h o object  Zoe called somebody . object 


Who called Zoe?

Who did Zoe call?

In tthese hese exa example mples, s, w h o /w h a t, etc etc.. is is the subject: ■ W ho w ants ssomet omethin hing g to eat eat? (not  W ho doe doess want) ■ W ha t ha pp en ed to you you last last ni nigh ght? t? (not  Wh  Wh at did happe happen) n) ■ H ow m any peo ple cam e to the mee meeti ting ng?? (not  did   did come) ■ W hich bus goes downt downtown? own? ( not  does   does go)


 N o te th thee p os iti ition on o f pr pree po siti si tion on s in qu estio es tio ns b eg in inni ning ng W h o / W h a t / W h i c h / W h e r e . ■ W ho do you want to spe speak ak to? ■ W ha t was the weather like yest yester erda day? y? ■ W hich job has has Ann ap appl plie ied d for? ■ W here ar aree you you from ? You can use  prepo  prepositio sition n + w ho m in fo formal rmal ssty tylle: ■ To w ho m do you wish to spea speak? k? Is n ’t i t . . . ? / D id n ’t yo u . . .

etc. et c. (negat (negative ive quest question ions) s)

We use negative questions especially to show surprise: ■ D id n ’t yo u hear the door doorbell? bell? I rang it three ttimes imes.. or when we expect the listener to agree with us: ■ “H a v e n ’t w e m et some where before?” “Y “Yes es,, I think we have. have.””  N o te th e m ea ni ng o f yes y es and an d n o in answ an sw ers to nega ne gativ tivee qu ques estio tions ns:: Yes. (= Y Yes es,, I w an t to go) D o n ’t yo u w ant to ggoo to the ppar arty ty??  N o . (= N o , I d o n ’t w a n t to go)  N o te th e w o rd o rd e r in nega ne gativ tivee qu estio es tio ns b eg in ni ning ng W h y . . . ?: ■ W hy do n ’t w e go out for a meal toni tonight? ght? (not  Why   Why we don’t go) ■ W hy w asn ’t M ary aatt work yes yeste terd rday ay?? (not  W  W hy Mary w asn’ asn’t) t)

Q u e st st io io n s 2 U n niit 4 8  

Tag Q u e sstt io io n s ( .


do y o u ? .


isn't i t? t?,,   etc.)

Unit 5 50 0


Exercises 47.1 Ask Joe questions. questions . (Look (Look at his answers answ ers before you write the questions.) 1. 2. 3. 4.

(where / live live?) ?) Where do you live? (born there?) (married?). (how (how long long / married?).

In Vancouver.  No , I was bo rn in Toron To ronto. to. Yes. 17 years.

 _______________________   _________________ ______ 

Yes, two boys.

5. (children?).

12 and 15. I’m I’m a journalist. journalis t. She’s a doctor.

(how old / they ?). (wha (whatt / do?). (what / wif wifee / do?)_ 


Make questions question s with 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


w h o  or what.

Som ebody hit me. I hit somebody. Some body paid the bill. bill. Some thing happen ed. Dian e said som ething.

6. This boo k belongs to somebody. 7. Some body lives lives in that house. 8. I fell over som ething. 9. Som ething fell on the floor. floor. 10. This wo rd mea ns som ething. 11. I borrow ed tthe he money from somebody. somebody. 12. I’m I’m w orr ied abo ut som ething.

Putt the words in parentheses in the correct order. All the sentences are questions. 47.3 Pu was / buil builtt / this this ho house use)) When was this house built? 1. when / was 2 . how / ch chee eese se / is / mad made) e) invented ed / the the computer / was was) _  3. when / invent Suee / working working / is isn’ n’tt / today ) 4. why / Su coming / your frie friends nds / are) re) 5. what time / coming was / ca cance ncele ledd / the the c onc ert) __ 6 . why / was  ____  __  was / bor born) n) 7. where / your mother / was the part partyy / didn’t didn’t / co come) me) 8. why / you / to the thee acci acciden dentt / did did / hap pe n) 9. how / th this machi machine ne / doesn’ doesn’tt / w or k) 10. why / this





-7.4 Write negative questions from from the words in parentheses. parenthe ses. In each situation you  are surprised. 1.  A:  We won’t see Ann tonight.  B:  W hy not? (she (she / n ot / come / to the par party ty?) ?) 2.  A:   I hope we don’t see Brian tonight.

 I  Iss n 't s h e c o m in g to th e p a r t y ?

 _____________________________________ ______________________  __   ___ _   B:  Why? (you (you / not / li like ke / him ?)  _________________   ____  3.  A:   Don’t go and see that movie.  B:  Why not not? (it (it / not / good ?) ___________________  ___________________________________  ________________   ___________   _  ___________  4.  A:   I’ll have to borrow some money.

 B:  Why?


(you you / not / hav havee / any? )

 ____________________________________  __________________ __________________________  ________ 

Questions 2 (Do you know where . . . I I   He asked me where ...) ____________________________ D o yo y o u k n o w w h e re r e . . . ? / I d o n ’t ’t k n o w w h y . . . / C o u l d y oou u te te llll m e w h a t e t c . We say: but  

W here has To m gone gone?? D o you kno w where where Tom has gone gone?? (not  Do   Do you kno w w here has Tom gon gone?) e?)

W hen the quest question ion (W here has T om gone?) is part of a longer sent sentence ence (Do y ou kn ow . . . ? I d o n ’t kn o w . . . / C an y ou t ell m e . . . ?, et etc. c.), ), the word order changes changes.. Compare: time me it is? but   Do you kn ow what ti What time is it? I d on ’t know who those those pe opl e are. are. Who are t hose peopl e? C an y ou te ll m e where I can find Li Linda? nda? Where can I find Linda? Do you have an y ide ide a how much it w ill c How much w ill it cos cost? Be care carefu full with do /d o e s/ d id ques questi tions. ons. We say say: ■

W h a t t im i m e ddoo e s t h e m o v i e b e g iin n?

■ ■

What do you mean? Wh y did she leave ea earl rly? y?

begin; n; but  Do you k now what ttiim e t he m ovi e begi   does the movie begin) [not  does P l ease ease ex pl ai n what you m ean. I wonder why she left early.

Use i f or w h eth e r where there is is nnoo other questi question on word (w hat, why, et etc. c.): ): Did anybody see you?

saw yo you? u? but   Do you know i f anybody saw h e r an yb ody : yo u? or . . . w h e tth

H e asked m e w he re .. . (reported (reported quest questio ions ns)) The sam samee changes changes in word order happ en in reported   questions. Compare: ■ direct:  The polic policee officer officer sa said id to us us,, “W here are yo u g oi ng ?” reported:  The poli police ce of offi ficer cer asked asked us where we w ere g oin g .


Clair Clairee as aske ked, d, “W hat time time d o the ba nk s close ?”

Clairee wanted to know what time time the ban ks closed . reported:  Clair In repor ted .ques .questio tions, ns, the verb usually cchanges hanges to tthe he past (we re, clos ed , etc etc.) .)..See Unit 45. Study these examples. You You had an interv iew for a job, and these w ere som e o f the thequestions questions the interviewer asked you: W h a t do you d o i n y o u r s p a r e t i m e ?

Can you s p e a k a n o t h e r la la n g u a g e ?

Are you w i l l i n g t o t r a v e l ?

W h y did you a p p l y f o r t h e j o b ?

H o w l o n g have you b e e n working at your present job?

Do you h a v e a d r i v e r ' s l i c e n s e ?

Later ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

you tell a friend what the interviewer asked you. You use reported  speech:   speech: She asked if (or  whether)   whether) I was willing to travel. She She wanted to know what I d id in my spa spare re ti time. me. She She as asked ked how long I ha d been w orking at my present job. She She as asked ked why I ha d applied for the job. (or . . . why I applied) Sh Shee wanted to know if (or   whether) I could speak another language. She asked if (or  wh ether) I h ad a driver’ driver’ss lic license ense..

Reported Speech Units 45-46






48.1 Make a ne new w sentence sent ence from the question quest ion in brackets. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

W here ha hass Tom gone? gone?)) Do you know w he re Tom has gone ? Where is the post office?) Could you tell me . W ha t time is it?) it?) I wo nde r . What does this word mean?) I want to know . Has the plane left yet?) Do you know  ______  Is Sue going out tonight?) I don’t know . Where does Carol live?) Do you have any idea . W here did I park the ca car? r?)) I can’ can’tt rem em be r  __   __  Is there a bank near here?) here?) C an you tel telll m e What do you want?) Tell me . Why didn’t Kelly come to the party?) I don’t know _ Ho w m uch does it cost to park here here?) ?) D o you know . Who is that woman?) I have no idea . Did Ann get my letter?) Do you know How far is it to the airport?) Can you tell me  ___ 


48.2 You are making a phone call. You You want wan t to speak spea k to Amy, but she isn't there. Somebody Some body else  answers the phone. You want to know three things: (1) Where is Amy? (2) When will she be back? and (3) Did she go out alone? Complete the conversation: you u know w he re  A:   Do yo  B:  Sorry, I have no idea. t’s all right. I do n’t n’t suppose you k n o w  A:   T ha t’s  B:  N o, I’ I’m m afraid I do n’t. n’t. thing. g. Do you happen to kn ow  A:   One more thin  B:  I’ I’m m sorry. I didn di dn ’t see he r go out. B But ut I’ I’ll ll tell he r you called.

 _______________________  _____________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________  __ 

? (l) . (2 (2))


? (3)

-8.3 You have been been away awa y for a while whi le and have just come back back to your hometown. hometown . You meet meet  Tony, a friend of yours. He asks you a lot of questions: 5.


W hy did you come back?

W here are you living? living?


How are you?


W here have you been?


How long have you been back?


Do you plan to stay for a w hile?


W h a t a re re y o u d o in in g n o w ?


Can you lend lend me some mon ey?


Tony Now tell another friend what Tony asked you. Use reported speech. 1.  He a s k e d m e h o w   / was.________________________________________________

Are you glad to be bac k?

2. He ask asked ed m e 3. H e 4. 5.

 ______________________  ___________ ______________________ ______________________ ________________  _____ 

 _______________________  ___________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________  ____________ 

 ______________________  ____________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ _________________  _____ 



 ____________  ______ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ _________ ____  __________________________________  ______________________ ______________________ ____________  __ 

7. 9.

: * onal onal Exercise 25 (pages 310-311)


Auxiliary Verbs (have/do/can, etc.) I think thi nk so / 1hope so so,, etc. In each of these sentences there is an auxiliary verb and a main verb: I She The hotel Where

have can’t w as d o you

lost come b u ilt liv e ?

my keys. to the party. ten years ago.

In thes thesee exampl examples es ha v e/c an ’t/ w a s/ d o are are aux auxil ilia iary ry (= he helpi lping) ng) ve verb rbs. s. You can use an auxiliary verb when you do not want to repeat something: ■ “Have you locked the doo r?” “Y “Yes es,, I ha ve .” (I have locked the door) ■ George wasn’ wasn’tt working, but Jane t was. (Janet was working) ■ She could lend me the mon money, ey, but she w o n ’t. (= she she wo n’ n’tt lend me the money) Use do/does/did for the simple present and past: ■ “Do you like oni onions ons ?” “Y “Yes es,, I d o .” (= I like onions) ■ “Does Mark pla playy soc soccer cer?” ?” “He did , but he d o es n ’t any mo re.” You can use auxiliary verbs to deny what somebody says (= say it is not true): ■ ■

your ur p plac lace) e) “You’ You’re re sitting sitting in my place.” “No, I’ I’m m n o t.” (= I’ I’m m not sitting in yo “Y “You ou did n’t n’t lock the doo r before you left.” “Ye Yes, s, I d id .” (= I locked th^door)

We use You have? / She is n ’t? / T hey do?, etc. etc. ttoo show iinteres nterestt in in what somebody has said: ■ “I’ “I’ve ve ju st seen David.” “Yo u have ? Ho w is is he?” ■ “Li “Lizz isn’ isn’tt feeling very well today today.” .” “She isn ’t? ’t? W ha t’s t’s wro ng w ith her?” ■ “It “It rained every every day day during our vacation.” vacation.” “It did ? W hat a shame! shame!”” ■ “Jim and Karen are getting m arried .” “T h ey are? Really?” We use auxiliary verbs with so and neither: ■■ ■

“I’ “I’m m tire d.” am I.” ”(= I’m I’ m etired, “I never read “So newspapers. newspapers.” “N ith e r too) do I.” (= I never read newspaper newspaperss either) either) Sue Sue doesn’ doesn’tt hav havee a car, ar, and n e it h e r does M ark .

 N o te th e w o rd or de r af ter te r so and an d n e i t h e r (verb (ve rb be befo fo re sub subjec ject): t): ■ I pass passed ed the exam, and so d id Pa ul. (not  so   so Paul did) You ca can n al also us usee' n o t . . . eith er inst instead ead of ne ithe r: ■ “I do n’t n’t have any money .” “N e it h e r do I.” or   “I don’t eith er.” I thin k so / I ho pe so, etc. tc.

After some verbs you can use so when you do not want to repeat something: ■ “Are those people Australian?” Australian?” “I th in k so.” (= I think they are Australian) Australian) ■ ■

“W ill you be hom e tomorrow mo rning?” “I gues s so. (= I gu guess ess I’ I’ll ll be hom e .. .) “Do you think Kate has has been invit invited ed to the party?” “I su pp os e so .”

You can al also so sa say y: I h o p e so and I’m af ra id so so.. The usual negative forms are: I think so I hope so / I’m I’m aafr frai aidd so / I gu gues esss so I suppos supposee so ■ ■

“Is that woman French French?” ?” “Do you think it will will rain rain?” ?”

British Britis h English


—► —► -►

I d o n ’t th in k so I h op e no t / I ’m afr aid n o t / I guess n ot I sup po se n o t

“I th in k so. / I d o n ’t th in k so.” “I ho p e so. / I h op e n o t. ” ( not  I   I don’t hope so)

App endix 7


Exercises 49.1 Complete each sentence with wit h an an auxiliary auxilia ry verb {do/was/could/should,   etc.).  Sometimes the verb must be negative (don't/wasn't , etc.). 1. I wa sn’ sn’tt tired, but my friends w e r e . 2. I lik likee hot weather, but A n n  _______________  .  _______________  five minutes ago, but I think he’s gone.” 3. “Is Eric here ?” “H e  _____ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 10..

 _____ _____ __________  Liz said ight ca call ll later to on the ttonight, onight, bu t “I I don ’t think s h e  ___ .  _____ ____  “Aresaid youshe andmChris coming party ?” , butC but C h r i s __ I don ’t know whe the r to ap apply ply for tthe he job or not. Do you think I   ____________  “Please do n’ n’tt tell anyb ody w ha t I said.” “D on ’t worry. I   _______________  .” “You nev er liste n to m e.” “Yes “Yes,, I !” “Can you play a musical instrum ent?” “No, but I wish I . “Please “Plea se hel helpp m e.” e. ” “I’ “I’m m sorry. I ____ _______ _______ _______if  ___if  _I , but I   ______________ 



49.2 You You never agree with Alex. Answer Answ er in the way shown. 1......... 2. 3. wtnf  4. 1c 56.


I’m hungry. I’m n o t tired. I like baseball. I didn’t like the movie. I’ve never been to South America. I thought the exam was easy.

49.3 You are talking to Lisa. Lisa. If you're in the same position as Lisa, reply with So . . . or Neither . . . as in the first example. example. Otherwise, Othe rwise, ask questions as as in the second second example. example. I feel really tired. I’m working hard. I watched TV last night. I won’t be at home tomorrow. I like to read. I read a lot. I’d like to live somewhere else. I can’t go out tonight.


So do i You are? W ha t are you doing?



In these conversations conver sations,, you are B. B. Read Read the information in parentheses and then answer answ er   with I think  so,   so, / hope not , etc. 1. (You do n’t like rain.)  A:   Is it going to rain?  B:  (hop (hope) e)

/ hope not.

 _________________  _________ ___________  ___ 

2. (You re not sure Sarah will get the jo b she applie d ffor, or, bu t her chances look pretty good.)  A:   Do you th ink Sarah will get the job?  B:  (guess) 3. (You’ (You’re re not sure w heth er Amy is is ma rried - prob ably no not.) t.)  A:   Is Amy marr ied?  B:  (think). 4. (You (You nee d m ore mone y quic quickly. kly.))  A:   Do you t hin k you ’ll get a raise soon soon??  B:  (hope) 5. (You’re (You’re a ho tel desk clerk. The ho tel is full. full.))  A:   Do you have a room for tonight?  B:  (afraid) __   __  6. (You’re (You’re at a party party.. You have to leave early.)  A:   Do you have to leave already?  B:  (afraid) . 7. (You are going to a party. You can’t stand Joh n.)  A  A::  Do you think Jo hn w ill b bee at the the party party??  B:  (hope) (You’re not sure' what time the concert is - probably 7:30.)  A:   Is the co nce rt at 7:30?  B:  (think) 9. (Ann norm ally works every dday ay,, M onda y ttoo Fri Friday day.. To mo rrow is Wednesday.)  A:   Is Ann working tomorrow?  B:  (suppose)  _ 


Tag Questions (do you? / isn't it?, etc.) Study these examples: It was a good movie,


Yes, I lovec

wasn't it?

Have you? and wasn’t it? are tags (= m ini-questions ini-questions that we often put on the end of a sent sentence ence in spoken English). In these tags, we use an auxiliary verb (have/was/will, etc.). We use do /d o e s/ d id for the present present and simpl simplee past past (se (seee Unit 49): 49): ■ “Lauren plays plays the piano, do es n ’t she?” “Well, yes, yes, bu t not very well.” ■ “You didn ’t lock the door, door, d id you?” “No, I forgot.”  N or m al ally ly we use a negative  question tag after a  positive sentence: Positive Sentence + Negative Negati ve Tag

Maria w ill be here soon, soon, There was a lot of traf traffi fic, c, Jim shou ld tak takee his his medici medicine, ne,

w o n ’t she? w asn ’t the the re? sh ou ld n’t he?

. . . and a positive question tag a£ter a negative sentence:  Negative Sentence Sentence + Positive Positive T: T:.

Kate w o n ’t be la Kate late, te, w ill sh she? e? They d o n ’t li like ke us us,, do the} the} You ha ve n ’t paid the gas You gas bil bill, l, hav e yo u

 N  No o ti tice ce th e m ea ni ng o f yes y es and an d n o in answ an sw er to a ne nega gativ tiv e se sent nten ence ce:: Yes. (= Yes, Yes, I am going goin g out) You’re not going out today, are you?  N o . (= N o , I am n o t go goin ingg ou out) t)

The meaning of a tag depends on how you say it. If your voice goes doivn,  you are not really asking a question; you are inviting the listener to agree with you: ■ “It’s a nice day, day, is n t it? it ? ” “Yes “Yes,, be au tifu l.” ■ “Eric doesn’t doesn’t look too good today, do ek \he ?” “No, he looks very tired .” ■ She’s She’s very funny. funny. She She has has a wo nde rful sense of hum or, do esh ^t she? B ut if the voice goes up up,, it is a real question: ■ “You hav en’t en’t seen Lisa today, h av e yy< yhu hu t we were uns unsuccessf uccessful. ul. We had to call the fire department. d) Sue need ed to borrow som e money. She tr ie d    (ask) (ask) Jerry, bu t he was short of money money,, too. e) I tr ie d    (reach) the shelf, bu t I wa sn’ sn’tt ta tall ll enough. f) Please do n’ n’tt bo  b o th e r me me.. I’m t r y i n g   (concentrate).  ____________  ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 ____________  ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 ____________  ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________  ____ 


a) I nee d a change. I n e e d    (go) away for a wh ile.  b) M y g ra n dm o th er isn’t is n’t abl ablee to look lo ok af ter te r h e rs el f an anyy m or ore. e. She ne need ed s   (look) after. c) The window s are _dirty. They need    (wash).  ____________  ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 ____________  ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

d) Your hair iiss getting very long. It n e e d s   (cut). e) You don ’t n e e d    (iron (iron)) tha t shirt shirt.. It doe sn’ sn’tt nee d   


  3. a)  b) c) d)



 ________  ____ ________ _________ _______  __ 

The y we re talking very loudly. I cou ldn ’t h e lp   (overhear) them. C an yo youu he help lp m e   (get) dinner ready? H e looks sso o funny. W he ne ve r I see him, I can’ can’tt h e lp   (smile). The be beautiful autiful we ather he lp ed    (make (make)) it a wo nderfu l va vacatio cation. n.  ________  ____ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 ________  ____ _______ _______ ________ _____  _ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

 _____________  _____ ____________ _______  ___ 

Verb + -ing or t o . . . 3 (like/would like, etc.) L i k e / lo v e / h a t e W he n you talk abou t repeated actions, you can use -in g o r to . . . after these ve verbs. rbs. So you can say: ■ Do you like ge tting up up ear early ly?? or   Do you lik e to get up ea earl rly? y? ■ ■ ■ ■

Stephanie ha tes flying, or   Ste Stephan phanie ie ha tes to fly. I love m eetin g people people,, or   I love to m ee t peo peopl ple. e. I don’ don’tt lik e bein g kept waiti waiting, ng, or   . . . llike ike to be kept wai waiti ting. ng. I don’ don’tt lik e fri friends ends calling me aatt work, or   . . . fr friend iendss to call me at work.


(1) We use -ing ( not   to . . .) when we talk about a situation that already exists (or existed). For example: ■ Paul live livess in Vancouve Vancouverr now. He lik es livin g there. there. (He like s living iinn Vancouver = He lives there and he likes it) ■ Do you lik e be in g a student student?? (Yo You u are a student - do you li like ke it? it?)) ■ The offi office ce I wo rked at was horrible. I h at e d w ork ing there. (I worke d tthere here and I hated it) (2) There is someti sometimes mes a diff differe erence nce between I lik e to do and I like do ing : I like doing something = I do it and I enjoy it: ■ I lik e cleanin g the kitchen. (= I enjo enjoy y it it)) I like to do something = I think it is a good thing to do, but I don’t necessarily enjoy it: ■ It’s It’s not my favor favorit itee job, bu t I lik e t o c lea n the kitchen as often aass poss possibl ible. e.  N o te th a t e n jo y an d m i n d are alw always ays follo fo llo w ed by - i n g ( not   to . . .): .): ■ I enjo y cleaning the kit kitchen. chen. (not   I enjoy to clean) ■ I d o n ’t m in d cleaning cleaning the the kit kitche chen. n. ( not   I don’t mind to clean) W o u lldd l iikk e / w o u l d l oovv e / w o u l d h a t e / w o u l d p r e f e r W ould lik e / w ou ld love, eetc tc.. aare re uusu sual ally ly fo foll llowed owed by by to . . . : ■ I’d I’d lik e (= w o u ld like like)) to ggoo aawa way y for a few da days ys.. ■ W ould yo you u like to co m e ttoo di dinner nner on Fr Frid iday ay?? ■ I w ou ld n’t like to go on vac vacat atio ion n al alon one. e. ■ I’d I’d love to m ee t your fa fami mily ly.. ■ W ould yo you u p re fer to have din dinner ner now or la late ter? r? Compare I like and I would like (I’d like): ■ I like p lay in g tennis tennis.. / I lik e to pla y te tenni nnis. s. (= I li like ke it in gen gener eral al)) ■ I’d I’d lik e to pla y tennis to toda day. y. (= I wa nt tto o pla play y tod today) ay) W ou ld m in d is al alwa ways ys fol followed lowed by -in g (not  to   to . . .):

W ould yyou ou m in d clos ing tthe he do door or,, pl plea ease se??

I would like to have done something = I regret now that I didn’t or couldn’t do it: ■ It’s It’s too bad we didn’ didn’tt ssee ee Joh nny wh en we were iinn Nashvi Nashville lle.. I w o u ld li k e to h ave seen him again. ■ W e’d e’d like to hav e go ne on vaca vacati tion, on, but we didn’ didn’tt hhav avee enough mon money. ey. You ccan an use use th thee sa same me st struc ructur turee aft after er w ou ld love / w ou ld h ate / w ou ld p refer: ■ Poor Tom! Tom! I w ou ld ha te to have be en in his his positi position. on. ■ I’d I’d love to h ave g o ne to the par party, ty, but it was imposs impossibl ible. e.

11 2  

Enjoy/mind   Unit


W oul ouldd like like   Units

35E, 5BA

Prefer   Unit 57

Briti British sh English A ppe ndix 7



56 56.1 .1 Write sentences about yourself. yoursel f. Say wheth wh ether er you like like or don't like these activities. Choose one of these verbs for each sentence: like lik e / don’t like love hate hate enjoy don’t min d 1. (fly) / don t like like flying. OR   / don't like to fly. 2. (play (play ca rd s)  _ 

 ______________________________  _____________ ___________________________  __________ 

 _________________________________  _______________ _______________________________   ____________________________   ____________________________ 

34.. (be (go (go al to on m e) use um s) 5. (cook)



 _________________________________  _________________ ________________________________ _________________  _   _____________________________  _____________ ______________________________  ______________ 

 ________________________   ________________ ________   ________________________   ________________________ 

 _______________________________   __________________ _____________ 

56.2 Make sentences sentenc es from the words in parentheses. parenthese s. Use -ing  or is possible.

to  . . .

. Sometim Sometimes es either either fo form rm 

1. Paul li lives ves in Vancouver Vanco uver now. It ’s nice. He H e likes it. it. (he (he / like like / live live / there there))  H e lik li k e s livi li vi n g th e re . 2. Jan e is a biology teacher. She li likes kes her job . (she (she / like like / teach / biolo biology) gy) S h e 3. Joe al always ways ca carri rries es his his camera with him and takes takes a lot of photograph s. (he (he / like like / ta take ke / photographs) 4. I used to w ork in a supe rm arke t. I did n’t n’t like it mu ch.

 _________________________________  __________________ _______________________  ________ 

  _  _  ____  _______ 

 ______________________________  ______________ ________________________________  ________________ 


(I / not / like / work work / t here ) Rache l is studying medic ine. She likes it. it. (s (she he / lik ikee / stud studyy / me dicine) Da n is famous, bu t he doe sn’ sn’tt like it. it. (hee / not / like / be / fam ous) (h Je nn ife r is is a very cautious perso n. She doe sn’ sn’tt take many risks. risks. (s (she he / not / like like / ta take ke / risks) I do n’t n’t like surprises. (I / like like / know / thin things gs / ah ahea ead d of tim e)



 _   _  ___  ______ ______  ___ 

 _______________________________  ________________ ______________________________  _______________ 


 ____  _   ________________________________  ________________ ________________________________ ___________________  ___    _  ___


 ______________________________  _____________ _________________________________ ___________________________  ___________ 


 ______________________________  ______________ ________________________________ _________________  _ 

56.3 Complete each sentence sentenc e with a verb in the correct form, either form is possible. 1. It’s good to visit ot he r places - I enjoy


-ing  or to  . . . .

In one one sen sente tenc nce e 


 ______ ______ ______ _________ _________ ______ ____  _  2. “Wo uld you lik e  ___ dow n?” “No, thanks, I’ I’ll ll stand.” 3. I’m I’m not quite ready ready yet. W ould you m in d  ______  _________ ______ ______ _________ _________ ____  _  a little longer? 4. W he n I was a child, child, I h a te d to bed ea earl rly. y. 5. W h en I have to catch a plane, plan e, I’m I’m always w orrie or rie d that I’ll I’ll miss it. So I like to the airport ahead of time. 6. I en jo y  busy.II don’t like it when there’s nothing  busy. nothingto to do. 7. I wo uld lo v e to your wedding, but unfortunately I can’t.  _________________________   ________________ _________ 

 ___________________________   _____________ ______________ 


5 $

8. I don ’t li k e inthis inthis part of town. I want to move somewhere else. 9. Do you have a minute? I’ I’d d li k e to you about something. 10. W he n there’s bad news and good news, I li k e the bad news first.  ______________________   _________________ _____ 

56.4 Write sentences sentenc es using would   .. .. . to have {do { done ne).).  Use the verbs in parentheses. 1. It’s too bad I co uld n’t n’t go to the we dding, dd ing, (like) / wou ld like like to ha ve gone to the weddi wedding. ng. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

It’ It’ss a shame I did n’ n’tt see the prog ram , (li k e) I’m I’m glad glad I did n’ n’tt lose my watch , (h a te ) It’ It’ss too bad I did n’ n’tt m ee t you r pare nts, (lo ve ) I’m I’m glad glad I wa sn’ sn’tt alone, (not / li k e ) It’s a shame I cou ldn’t ldn’t travel by train, (p re fe r)

 ______________________________   ______________ ________________  _______________    _______________ 


 ______________________________  ______________ ________________________________ __________________  __ 

 ________________________________  ________________ ____________________________  ____________ 

 ______ _____  __   _______________________________  _________________ ___________________________  _____________  _  ___


 _______________________________  ________________ ___________________________  ____________ 


- :ditional Exercises 26-28 (pages 311-313)


Prefer and would rather


P r e f e r tto o d o a nnd d prefer doing You Yo u can can use use p re fe r to (do) or pre fe r -in g to sa say what you prefer prefer in gener general al:: ■ I don ’t like cities cities.. I p re fe r to live in the country, country, or   I p re fe r liv ing in the co coun untr try. y. Study the differences in structure after prefer. We say:


I prefer I prefer prefer I prefer

some thing d oi n g something something to do something

to something else, to d o in g something something els else, ra th er th an (do) something something els elsee.

I prefer this coat to the coat you were wearing yesterday. I prefer driving to traveling by train. but 

I pre fer to drive ra the r th an travel by tr trai ain. n. Ann prefers to live in the country rather than in a city.

ra the r th an li live ve in in - -

W ould p refer (I’d (I’d pre fer . . .)


We use w ou ld p re fe r to say what somebody wants in a spec specif ific ic situati situation on (not in in general): general): ■ “W ou ld you p re fe r tea or coffee coffee?” ?” “Coffee “Coffee,, please.” please.” We say “would prefer to d o ” (not  doing):   doing): ■ “Should we take the train?” “No, I’d I’d p re fe r to drive .” (not  I’d   I’d prefer driving) ■ I’d I’d pre fer to stay at at home tonight tonight ra th er th an go to the mov movie ies. s. W ould rath er (I’d (I’d rath er . . .) W ould rath er (do) do) = wo uld p refe r (to (to do) do).. We use use w ould ra th er + base basefo form rm   ( d o / h a v e / s t a r   Compare: ■

“Should “Should we take the team?” team?” I "!?!  I * *  *  *°° d ’ T ’ ,  . . I " I’ I’d r a t h e r d r i ve v e , (not  to   to drive)

■ “W ou ld you ra th e r hav e tea or coffee? coffee?”” “Coffee, “Coffee, please.” please.” The negat negative ive is is II’’d r a th e r n o t (do (do something) something):: ■ I’m I’m tired. tired. I’d I’d ra th e r n o t go out tonight, tonight, if you don’t don’t mind. ■ “Do you want to go out tonight?” tonight?” “I’ “I’d ra th e r n ot .”

We sa say y w ou ld ra th e r do somethin something g th an do somethi something ng els elsee: ■ I’d I’d rat h e r stay at home tonight th an go to the movie movies. s. I’d I’d ra th er you you did someth something ing We say “I’d rather you did something” (not   I’d rather you do). For example: ■ “I’ll “I’ll fix your car car tom orrow, OK? ” “I’d “I’d ra th e r you d id it today.” today.” (= I’ I’dd prefe r thi this) s) ■ “Is “Is it OK if Ben sta stays ys here?” “I’d “I’d ra th e r he ca m e with us.” us.” (not  he   he comes) ■ Shal Shalll I tell tell them, or w ou ld you ra th e r tthey hey d id n ’t know? know? (not  do   do n’ n’tt know) In this structure, we use the  past  (d   (d id/c am e, et etc. c.), ), but the the meaning is is not  past.   past. Compare: ■ I’d I’d rather m ak e dinner no now. w. but   I’d I’d rather you m ad e dinner now. now. (not   I’d I’d rathe r you make) I’d I’d ra th e r yo u d id n ’t (do somethi something) ng) = I’d I’d prefer that that you you not do it: it: ■ I’d I’d ra th e r yo u did n ’t tell anyone anyone what I said id.. ■ “Should Should I tell tell Stephan Stephanie? ie?”” “I’ “I’d ra th e r yo u d id n ’t.”

W oul ouldd prefer   Unit



Prefer  (one   (one thing) to   (anothe r)

Unit 133D


Exercises 57.1 Which do you prefer? prefer ? Write sentences sentenc es using I pr efe  (something) efer  r  (something) Put the verb into the correct form where necessary.

to  (something else). 

1. (drive / fly)  / p r e f e r d r i v in g

to flying. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. (tennis / socc soccer) er) I p r e f er . 3. (ca (call ll peo ple / send e-mails) I  ____  ________ ________ ________ ______ __ 4. (g (go o to the movies / wa tch videos at home)

to .

Now rewrite sentences 3 and 4 using the structure I prefer to (do something) rather than   (something else). 5. (l) / p r e f e r to d r i v e r a t h e r th a n t r a v e l b y tr  __________________ ___________________ _________________  _______  trai ai n. _________ 6. (3)1 prefer to 7. (4 ) 57.2 57.2 Write Write senten sentences ces usin using g

. .. I'd prefer ...

eat at h o m e w ait a f ew m in u tes g o f o r a swim 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


I'd rather .... . + the following: 

-taf -tafcce--a tax i list listen en to so m e m u sic w ait till till late* late*--

Should we wal walkk hom home? e? Do you wa want nt to eat now? W ould you like to watc watch h TV? Do you wa nt to go to a restaurant? Le Let’s t’s leave now. W hat about a game of tenn tennis? is? I think thi nk we shou should ld decide now. W ould you like to sit down? Do you wan t me ttoo come with you you??

go alo ne stan d   th in k ab o u t it f o r a wh ile

(pr efe r).  I d p r e f e r to ta k e a taxi. l a te r. (ra th er) .  f d r a t h e r w a i t t il l la (ra th er) . (pr efe r). (ra th er) . (rather). (pr efe r). (rather). (prefer).


Now use the same ideas to complete these sentences using 10. I’ I’dd pr efe r to take a taxi rat he r t han wal k hom e . 11. I’ I’dd pr ef er to go for a s w im 12. I’ I’dd rather eat at h o m e 13. I’ I’d d pre fer to think a bou t it for a wh ile . 14. I’ I’d d rath er listen to some m u si c

than  and rather ra ther than than..

 _______  ___ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______  __ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ _______ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 


57.3 Complete the sentences using

w ould you r athe atherr I

... .

1. Are you going to make din ner or w o u l d y o u r a t h e r   / m a d e i t   2. Are you yougoi going ng to tell Ann w hat happ ened enedor or would you rather . 3. 4.

Are you going goingto to go shopping or . Are you going to call call Diane o r  _  __ __ 

57.4 Complete the sentences. 1. “Should I tell An n the news?” “No, I’ I’dd rath er she didn t   know.” Do you want me to go now, or would you rather I _  Do you want to go out tonight or would you rather  This is a private letter addressed to me. I’d rather you  ________ ________  I don’t really like these shoes. I’d rather they radio dio??  A:   Do you m ind if I turn on the ra  B:  I’ I’d d rather y o u . I’m trying to study.  ____________  ________ _____  _ 

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________  ____ 

.here?  _ at ho m e? read it. a differen t color color..

 ________  ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ _____  _ 


ditional Exercises 27-28 (pages 312-313)


Preposition (in/for/about, etc.) + -ing If a preposi prepositio tionn (in /fo r/a b o u t, et etc. c.)) is fol followed lowed bbyy a verb, the verb ends in -ing:

Are you interested  I’m I’ m not very good  Sue must be fed up W h a t a r e t h e a d v a n ta g e s T h a n k s v e r y m uucc h H ow W h y do do nn’’t y o u ggoo oouu t C ar ar o l w eenn t t o w woo r k


Verb  (-ing)

in at w ith o f  for  about i n sstt eeaa d o f   i n sspp iitt e o f  

w o rk in g le a rn in g stu d y in g . h a v in g inviting meetin g sitting fe e lin g

f o r us ? la n g u ag e s. a car? me to your party. for lunch tomorrow? at home all the time? sick.

You can aals You lsoo sa sayy ““inst instead ead of so m eb od y doing something,” “f “fed ed up with p eo p le doing something,” etc.: ■ I’ I’m m fed up with pe o p le tell telling ing me what to do. do.  N o te th e use o f the t he fo llo w in ing g pr ep os iti ition on s + - in g :  b e f o r e - in g and a f te r -i -ing ng : ■ B ef or e go in g out out,, I cal called led Sa Sara rah. h. (not  Before   Before to go out) ■ W hat di didd you do af ter finis hin g ssch choo ool? l? Youu ccan Yo an aals lsoo ssaay “B efo re I w en t o u t. . .’’ and ““.. . . af ter y ou f ini sh ed sch school ool.” .”  b y - in g (to say how som ething happens) happens):: ■ The burglar burglarss got into tthe he house by bre akin g a window and clim bing iin. n.

■ ■ ■

Yo You u can can iimprove mprove your Engli English sh by rea ding more. She made herself si sick ck by n ot eating prope properly rly.. Many acci accidents dents are caused b y peo ple driv ing too ffas ast. t.

w ith o u t -i -inn g : ■ We ran 1100 mil miles es w ith o u t stoppi stopping. ng. ■ It was a stupi stupidd thi thing ng to ssaay. I said said it w ith o u t thinking . ■ Sh Shee nee needs ds to work w ith o u t people disturbing her. her. (o r . . . w ith o u t b ein g d iist stuu rrbe bed d .) .) ■ I have have enough probl problems ems of my own w ith o u t having to worry about your yours. s. ■ ■■■ -   ....  ....................  

  ----------------------------------------------------To -ing (look forward to doing something, etc.) To is part o f tthe he infinitive (to do / to se see, e, et etc. c.): ): ■ We deci decided ded to go out out.. ■ Would yyou ou li like ke to m ee t for lunch tomorr tomorrow? ow? But to ■ ■ ■

is also a prep  prepositio osition n  (li (like in /f o r/a b o u t/f ro m , et etcc.) .).. F For or ex examp ample le:: We ddro rove ve fro from m Houst Houston on to Chicag o. I prefer tea to coffee. Are you look looking ing forwar forwardd to the wee ken d?

If a preposition is followed by a verb, the verb ends in -ing: in doing

ab ou t m eeting

w ith o u t stoppi stopping ng (etc.)

So, when to is a preposition and it is followed by a verb, you must say to -ing: ■ I prefer dr driving iving to trave ling bbyy trai train. n. (not  to   to travel travel)) ■ Are you llooking ooking forward to go ing on vac vacati ation? on? (not  looking   looking forward to go)

Betg et used to -ing   U nit 59 Verb In spite of   Unit 110 Prepositions  

+ Prep osition + -ing   Unit 60

W hile/whe hile/whenn -ing   Unit


Units 118-133

i s es

U N I T |g

 Z  'nplete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Whv is it useful to have a car? What are the advantages of h a vin g a ca r   ? . don’t intend to apply for the job. I ha have ve no inten inten tion o f  . Karen has a good memory for names. Karen is is good a t . Mark won’t pass the exam. He has no chance. Mark has has no chance o f  • Did you get into trouble because you were late? Did Di d you gget et into in to tro t ro ub le f o r _________ ______________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ _________ __________ _________ _____? _? We didn’t eat at home. We went to a restaurant instead. Instea Ins tead d o f  . We got into the exhibition. We didn’t have to wait in line.  ________  ____ _________ _________ _________ _________ ________ _________ _________ ________  ____ 

 _____________  _________ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ _________ __________ __________ __________ ______  _ 

 _________  _____ ________ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ________ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ______  _ 

 ______________  _________ _________ ________ _________ __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _______  __ 

 ______________  _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____  _ 

 __________  _____ _________ ________ _________ __________ _________ ________ _________ __________ _________  ____ 

We got got into into the exhibiti exhibition on w ith o ut Our team played well, but we lost the game. O ur team lost the the game in spite spite o f 

. .

 ______________  __________ ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ ______  _ 

: -np -nplet lete e the sentence sentencess using by :--ect form):

-ing. Use the following (with the verb in the 

borrow too mu much ch mo money ney put some pictures on the walls

break a-win window dow sta stand nd on a chair ch air

drive too fa fast st turn a key


The burglars got into the house b y b r ea kin g a w in d o w I was able to reach the top shelf  You start the engine of a car  Kevin Kev in got himself into financial financial tro u bl e You can put people’s lives in danger  We made the room look nicer 

 ________  ____ _________ __________ __________ _________ ______  __ 

 ______________  _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ________  ___ 

 ______________  __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______  _   _________  _____ ________ _________ __________ _________ ________ _________ __________ _________ _____  _ 

 ____________________  __________ ______________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _______  __ 

 ______________  _________ _________ ________ _________ __________ _________ ________ _________ __________ _________  ____ 

. . . . . .

-nplete the sentences with an appropriate word. Use only one word each time. We ran 10 miles without stopping   . He left the hotel without his bill. It’s a nice morning. How about for a walk? We were able able to translat translatee the letter into English English w ith o u t a dictionary. Before to bed, I like to have a hot drink. It was a long trip. I was very tired after  on a train train for 36 hours. I was annoyed annoyed because because the decision decision was made w ithout a ny bo dy me.. me A fte r the same jo b for 10 years, years, I felt I nee ded a change. We got lost because because we wen t straight straight instead instead o f  left.  __________  _____ __________ ________  ___ 

 ________________ ____________  __ 

 _________  ____ _________ ________  ____ 

 __________  _____ _________ ________  ____ 

 ______________  _________ _________  ____ 

 __________  ______ ________ ________  ____ 

 ____________  ________ _________ ______  _ 

I llike ike these pictures you took. You’ You’re re good a t

cr each situation, write a sentence with

 ________  ____ _________ __________  _____ 

 pi  pict ctur ures es..

I' m (not) (not) loo lookk ing forw ard ttoo.

You are going on vacation next week. How do you feel?  I'm lo ok in g f o r w a r d to g o in g on va ca tion ti on . _____  _________ ________ _________ __________ _________ _________ _________ ________  ____ 

Dian e is a good frien d o f yours and she is com ing to visit you soon. So you will see her  again soon. How do you feel? I’m You are going to the dentist tomorrow. You don’t enjoy going to the dentist. How do you feel? I’ I’m m not Carol hates school, but she is graduating next summer. How does she feel?

  _________________________________ _______________________________________________ __________________  ____ 

 _________  ____ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________  _____    __ 

. You’ve You’ve arrange d to play tenn is tom orrow . You You like tennis a lot. How d o you feel? feel?


Exercises 26-28 (pages 311-313)




Be/get used to something (I'm used to . . .) Study this example situation: Lisa is American, but she lives in Tokyo. When she first drove a car in Japan, she found it very difficult because she had to drive on the left, not on the right. Driving on the left was strange and difficult for her because: She wasn’t used to it. She wasn’t used to driving on the left. Bu t after a lot of practice, driving on the left  beca  be ca m e less strang str ang e. So: She got used to driving on the left.  N o w it’ it ’s n o p ro b le m for fo r Lisa: She is used to driving on the left.

I’m us ed to something = it iiss not new or st strange range ffor or me: ■ Fra nk liv lives es al alone. one. H e d oesn ’t mind this because he has lived alone for 15 years years.. It is not stran strange ge for him. He is used to it. H e is used to liv ing al alon one. e. ■ I bough t so some me new sho shoes. es. They felt strange strange aatt fir first st beca because use I w as n’t use d to the m . ■ O ur new apa rtmen t is on a very busy stre street. et. I expect w e’ e’lll get us ed t o th e noise,  bu  b u t fo r no w it it’’s vver ery y anno an noyi ying ng . ■

Diane has a new job . She has to get up m uch earlier now tha n before - at 6:3 6:30. 0. S She he finds this difficult, because she isn’t used to getting up so early. ■ Barba ra’ ra’ss husban d iiss often awa away. y. She doesn’ doesn’tt mind. She is use d to h im being aawa way y.

After be/get used you cannot use the infinitive  (to d o /t o driv e, etc etc.) .).. We ssaay: ■ Sh Shee is used to dr iv in g on the le left ft.. (no t   She is used to drive) W hen So we ■ ■

w e ssay ay “I am us ed to something,” to is a pre posit po sition ion , not a part of the infinitive. say: Frank is used to liv ing alo alone. ne. (no t  Frank   Frank is used to live) Lisa Lisa had to get used to dri v in g on the le left ft,, (not  get   get used to drive)

Do not conf confus usee I am used to d oin g and I used to do: I am used to (do ing) something = it isn’ isn’tt str strange ange or new for me: ■ I am used to th e w ea the r in in th this is co count untry ry.. ■ I am used to d riv in g on the le left ft becaus becausee I’ I’ve ve lived lived in Japan Japanaalong time. I used to do something = I did it regularly in the past but no longer do it. Youu can use this only for the past, n ot for the present. Yo The structure is “I used to do” ( not   “I “I am used to do”) do”):: ■ I us ed to d riv e to work every ddaay, but these da days ys I usuall usuallyy rride ide my bi bike. ke. ■ We u se d to liv e in a smal smalll town, bu t now we li live ve in Los Angeles Angeles..

Used to (do)   Unit



To + -ing   Unit



u n i t

59.1 59.1 Look again at the situa situation tion in Section A on the opposi opposite te page ("Lisa is American . . The following situations are similar. Complete the sentences using used us ed to. to. 1. Ju an is Spanish and w en t to li live ve in Canada. In Spain he usually had dinne r late in the evening, but in Canada dinner was at 6:00. This was very early for him, and he found it very strange at first. W hen Juan first wen t to Canada, Canada, he w a s n t u s e d to early, ly, bu t to h a v in in g   din ner so ear after aft er a while h e i t. Now he finds it normal. it. He at 6:00. 2. Julia is a nurse. A year ago she she started work ing nights. At first she found it hard and didn’t like it. She nights, and it took her a few months to it. Now, after a year, she’s pretty happy. She nights.   ____________________________________ 

 _______  ____ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ___________  _______ 

 _______  ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ ___________ __________ _______  ____ 

 _______  ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ ___________ __________ _______  ____ 

 _______  ___ ________ _______ _______ __________ __________ ________ _______  ___ 



59.2 What d do o you say in these situa situation tions? s? Use

I' m (not) used to  . . .


1. You llive ive alone. You You do n’t n’t min d this. You have always lived alone. Friend:   Do you get a little lonely sometimes? You:  No,  I'm u s e d to li livi vi n g alone alo ne.. 2. You sleep sleep on the floor. You do n’t n’t min d this. You have have always slept on the floor. Friend:   W ou ldn ’t you prefer to sleep in a bed? You:  N o, o, _   _ I 3. You have to work long h ours in you r job . This is no t a pro blem for you. You have always always worked long hours. Friend:   You have to work very long hou rs in your job, do n’ n’tt you? you? You:  Yes es,, bu t I do n’t n’t m ind that. I

 _____________________________________________ _ 



4. You usually to bed Last nig ht you we nt to bed very late (for you) and as a result, you are very go tired this early. morning. Friend:   You look tired this this mornin g.  ____ ___  _  You:  Yes, __

59.3 59.3 Rea Read d the situ situations ations and complete the sentences using g et/ et/gg ot

u s ed to.

1. Some friends of yours have ju st m oved into an apa rtm ent on a busy street. It’ It’ss very noisy noisy.. They’ll have to g e t use d t o t he noise noise.. 2. Sue mov ed from a big house to a mu ch sm aller one. She foun d it strange at first. first. She had to in a much smaller house. 3. Th e children at school got a new teacher. She wasdifferent wasdifferent from the teacher before her her,,  b  bu u t thi thiss w as n’t a pro p ro b lem le m for fo r th e ch child ild ren. re n. T he y s o o n 4. Some people you know from the U nited State Statess are are going to live live in in your country. country. W hat will  ________  ____ ____________ ____________________ ____________________ _____________  _____ 


 ____________ _______________ __________ _______ _______ ______ ____  _ 

they have to get used to? They’ll have to   ________ 

59.4 Complete the sentences using only one word eac each h time ((see see Section C C). ). 1. Lisa had to get used to driving   on the left. left. 2. We used to live   in a small town, b ut now we live live in LosAngeles. LosAngeles. 3. Tom used t o a lot of coffee. Now he prefers tea. 4. I feel very full after that meal. I’m I’m not used t o so much. 5. I w ou ldn ’t like to share an office. I’m I’m used t o my own office. 6. I used use d t o a car, but I sold it a few months ago. 7. W he n we were children, children, we used t o swimm ing every every day. 8. The re used t o a movie theater here, but it was torn down a few years ago. 9. I’ I’m m the boss here! I’m I’m no t used t o told w hat to do.   _________________________ 






: onal Exercises 26-28 (pages 311-313)


Verb + Preposition + -ing (succeed in -ing /   accuse somebody of -ing, etc.) Many verbs have the structure verb  +  prep  prepositi osition on  (in/for/about, etc.) + object.  For example: Verb  +

We ta lk e d   You should apologize If the object  is   is another verb, it ends in -ing:

Preposition  + Object 

about f o r 

the problem, wh at you sa said. id.

Verb  +

Preposition  + -ing ( Object )

ezde   You s h o u l d We a p o ta lloo lk g iiz

bro  uutt faobo

g o i n g to S o u t h A m e r i c a . not telling the truth.

Some more verbs with this structure: succeed (in) insist (on) th in k (o f) dream (of) approve (of) d e c i d e ( a g a in s t) feel (like) lo o k f o r wa r d ( to )

Have you succeeded  They in s is te d I ’m t h i n k i n g I wouldn’t dream H e ddo o e s n ’t a ppp p ro r o ve ve W e have d e c i d e d   Do you feel I ’m l o o k i n g f o r w a r d

in on o f  o f  of  a g a in st like to

find ing a job yet? yet?  pa  p a y in g for fo r dinn di nner er..  b u y i n g a hous ho use. e. asking them for money. swearing. moving to Chicago. going out tonight? m e e t i n g her.

You ca You cann al also so ssaay ““app approve rove of so m eb od y doing something,” “look forward ttoo s om eb od y doing something”: ■ I don’ don’tt aappr pprove ove o f pe op le killin g an animal imalss fo forr fu fun. n. ■ We are are al alll lookin looking g forward to Bo b com ing home. The following verbs can have the structure verb  + object   + +  prep  prepositio osition n  + -ing: Verb  +

c o n g r a tu la te ( o n ) a c cu se (o f) s u sp e c t (o f)  pk reeevp e (nftr o(fmro) m ) stop (from) th a n k ( fo fo rr)) e x c u s e (fo r)

 4Object  4-

I c o n g r a t u l a t e d   A nn T h e y a c c u s e d   us N o b o d y s u s p e c t e d   the general W T hhea tnpo irseev ke ne et epd  s The rain didn’t stop I forgot to thank  P le a s e e x c u s e

you yo m eu us them me

Preposition + -ing ( Object)

on o f  o f 

gettin g a new job. telling lies.  b e i n g a spy.

ff rr oo m m fro m fo r f o r 

comingasleep. to see us? falling e n j o y i n g o u r v ac atio n . h e l p i n g m e. not returning your call.

Some of these verbs are often used in the  pas  passiv sive. e.  For example: ■ We w ere accused o f telli telling ng llie ies. s. ■ The gen genera erall was sus pec ted o f bein g a spy spy.  N o te th at w e say “a p o l o g i z e to s o m e b o d y fo r . . . ” : ■ I apologi apologized zed to th em for keeping them wai waiting ting.. (not  I   I apologized them)

Decide to  . . .

U nit 52A

Prep osit ion + -ing   U nit 58

Verb + Preposition Units 129-133


Exercises 60.1 60. 1 Complete each sentence senten ce using using only one word.  

1. O ur neighbo rs apologized for making   so m uc h noise. lazy. I don ’t feel li k e  ___  ______ ______ ______ ______  ___  any work. 2 . I feel lazy. . with me. insisted on . 3. I w anted to go out alone, bu t Joe insisted .something else. I’m fed up w ith my job. I’m I’m thinking o f  4. I’m a new car because we can’t really afford it. 5. We have decided against 6. I hope you get in touch with me soon. I’m looking forward to   _______________  from you.  _  ____ 



out. this kept us from . 7. The we ather was extremely bad and this .a false passport. arrested is is suspected suspected o f   __ ____ ____ ____ ____  __  8 .  The man w ho was arrested .so rude to her. 9. I think you should apologize to Sue for .   a lot of television. television. parents don ’t approve approve o f their c hild ren  ___  ______ ______ _____  __  10. Some parents

. I’m sorry I can’t come to your party, but thank you very much for .


. me.

60.2 Complete each sentence using a preposition + one of the following followi ng verbs (in the  correct form): interrupt carry cause escape S * -  spend  walk  se seee solve live 1. Do you feel like 9 oi oin9 n9 out tonight? . the p rob lem . 2 . It took us a long time, but we finally succeeded . in a small house by the sea. 3. I’ve always dreamed  ______  _________ ______ ______ ______ ____  _   ______  ___ ______ _____  __  the accident. accused m e  __  4. The driver of the othe r car accused o n the grass. on 5. There’s a fence around the lawn to stop people Excu cuse se m e you, but may I ask you something? 6. Ex . your vacation this year? 7. Where are you thinking  ___  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______  ___  n’t able to to prev ent the p risone r . 8 . Th e guards w ere n’t it fo forr me. 9. My bag wasn’t very heavy, but Dave insisted . 10. It’s too bad Paul can’t come to the party. I was really looking forward  him.  ___________________   ______________________ 


60.3 Complete the sentences senten ces on the right. right. 1. m e T h a n k ! a lo t t0

K e vin thanke d

I 'll tak e you to the station.

Tom insisted _ 

2. I insist.

3. I-hear you got married. Congratulations!

Dan congratula congratulated ted m e . ___________________________

4. g /Jy


I t w a s n icic e o f y oouu t o c oom me to see me. Thank you.


I'm sorry I didn't call earlier.

Katee ap ologized. Kat

______ _____ _____ __



 J L




6. You're selfish.


Jane accused accused _ 



Additional Exercises 27-28 (pages 312-313)


Expressions + -ing When these expressions are followed by a verb, the verb ends in -ing: T h er e ’s n o p o in t in


■ T he re ’s no p o in t in having a ca carr if you never never uuse se it. it. ■ T he re was no p o in t in waiting aany ny long longer er,, ssoo we lef left. t. But we usually usually say say “the po int o f do ing something”: ■ W ha t’ t’ss the p o in t o f having a ca carr if you never us usee it it? T h er e’s no use / It ’s no use . . . : ■ The re’s re’s nothing you can do about the the situation, situation, so so th e re ’s no use w orry ing about it. it. or  . . . it’s no use worrying about it.

It ’s (no t) w o rth . . . : ■ I li live ve only a short walk from here, here, so so i t ’s n o t w o rt h ta kin g a taxi. taxi. ■ O ur flight flight was very early early in the morning, so so it w as n’t w o rth goin g to bed. You ca You can n say say “a “a movie is is w o rth see ing,” “a “a book is w o rth re ad in g ,” etc. etc.:: ■ W hat was the movie movie like? like? Was it w o rth seeing? ■ Thieves Thieves broke into into the house house but didn’t didn’t take take anyth anything. ing. There was nothing w o rth stealin g. Hav e tr o u b le - in in g , h ave av e d if f icu lty - in in g , h av e a p r o b le m - in g We say say “have “have tr o ub le doin g som ething” ething” (not  to   to do): ■ I ha d no tro u b le find ing a place place to live live,, (not  trouble   trouble to find) ■ ■

Did you have any any tro u b le ge tting a vi visa sa?? People People often often have a lot of tro ub le rea ding my writing writing..

You ccan You an als also o sa say “ha have ve dif fic ul ty / a p ro b le m doing something”: something”: ■ I had d iff icu lty find ing a place place to to liv live, e, or   I had had a pro b le m find ing a place place to liv live. e. We use -ing after: spend/waste (time) a He sp en t hours tryin g to to repair repair the clo clock ck.. ■ I w aste a lot of time daydreaming. (be) busy ■

She sa said id she could n’ n’tt go with us. She was too bu sy d oin g othe r things. things.

G o s w i m m i n g / g o fi f i sh s h i n g , et etc. We use go -ing for a number of activities (especially sports). For example, you can say: go swim ming

go sailing sailing

go fishing

go hikin g

go skiing

go jogg ing

 Also   go shopping, go sightseeing

■ ■ ■ ■



How often often do you go swimming? I’d I’d like to go skiing. W hen was was the last last time you w en t shopping? I’ve I’ve never go ne sailing. sailing.

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