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Ghid de Limbă Engleză (Teorie şi aplicaţii practice)

NOTA AUTOAREI Acest suport de seminar se adresează în principal studentilor şi celor care urmează cursuri de învăţare a limbii engleze, prezentând noţiunile de gramatică într-o manieră clară şi concisă. Studierea principalelor noţiuni de gramatică este cu atât mai uşoară cu cât acestea sunt structurate în capitole şi subcapitole. Un alt aspect care face mai plăcută studierea noţiunilor de gramatică sunt textele existente la începutul fiecărui capitol şi care pot fi citite şi traduse în limba română acest lucru favorizând şi studierea vocabularului aferent. La sfârşitul fiecărui capitol de gramatică există o parte practică cuprinând o serie de exerciţii cu grade diferite de dificultate care ajută la fixarea respectivelor noţiuni.



UNIT I: THE VERB FOCUS: 1. TYPES OF VERBS 2. VERBAL FORMS 1. TYPES OF VERBS Verbele din limba engleză pot fi împărţite în mai multe categorii: 1.1.Verbe auxiliare 1.1.1. DO 1.1.2. BE 1.1.3. HAVE 1.2. Verbe semi-auxiliare 1.3. Verbe modale 1.4. Verbe modale 1.5. Verbe semi-modale 1.6. Verbe regulate şi neregulate 1.7. Expresii verbale


1.1. THE AUXILIARY VERBS (VERBELE AUXILIARE) A. EXPLICAŢII GRAMATICALE B. EXERCIŢII Categoria verbului este una dintre cele mai importante categorii din gramatica limbii engleze. Verbele din limba engleză au mai multe sub-categorii printre acestea fiind verbe auxiliare şi verbe semiauxiliare. Aceste verbe auxiliare şi semiauxiliare pot avea valori diferite. De exemplu, to have, to be şi to get sunt folosite atât ca verbe principale cu înţeles de sine stătător dar, în acelaşi timp, pot să îşi piardă înţelesul de bază atunci când însoţesc alte verbe în alcătuirea timpurilor verbale compuse. În acest caz ele adoptă înţelesul verbelor pe care le însoţesc. VERBELE AUXILIARE pot fi împărţite în: A. Verbe auxiliare de timp: to have, shall/should, will/would. B. Verbe auxiliare de mod: shall/should, may/might, to let. C. Verbe auxiliare de aspect: to be, will/would. D. Verbe auxiliare de diateză: to be, to get.

Eg. 1: I have done it. I have a box. Eg. 2: They were here yesterday. Are you from this part of the country? 4

Verbele auxiliare au anumite caracteristici: 1. Atunci când fac parte din anumite structuri gramaticale ele îşi pierd înţelesul de bază şi îl iau pe cel al structurilor din care fac parte. Eg.: I am going home after I finish my lectures. 2. Au aceleaşi categorii gramaticale de diateză, mod, timp, persoană sau număr ca şi verbele pe care le însoţesc. Eg.: Mary was given a rose. You are writing a novel now. 3. Verbele auxiliare sunt folosite în răspunsurile scurte şi întrebările disjunctive:

Eg.: 'Do you like this book?' 'Yes, I do.' You are going to go there, aren’t you? 4. Trebuie ştiut faptul că verbele auxiliare sunt folosite atât cu formele lungi cât şi cu cele contrase. Formele lungi sunt folosite mai ales în engleza „oficială” în timp ce formele scurte pot fi întâlnite mai mult în engleza de zi cu zi. Eg.: 'Excuse me, do you have a pen?' 'Yes, I have'. Today, I don’t have time for shopping.


Formele contrase ale verbelor auxiliare la afirmativ nu pot fi folosite în următoarele situaţii: → în răspunsuri scurte: Eg.: 'Has he got a new bike?' 'Yes, he has.' → în propoziţii interogative: Eg.: Where did he go? → în partea finală a propoziţiilor disjunctive: Eg.: He wasn’t there, was he? A. TO BE

Cel mai des întâlnit verbul copulativ este TO BE. Aşa cum am explicat mai sus, TO BE are sens de bază, el însemnând „a fi”. Atunci când este asociat cu alte părţi de vorbire îl adoptă pe al acestora. Este folosit ca verb principal, verb auxiliar (de aspect şi diateză), verb copulativ şi echivalent modal: Forma afirmativă este: am, are, is, is, is, are, are, are. Formele interogativă şi negativă ale timpurilor prezent şi trecut se construiesc fără ajutorul auxiliarului DO: Eg.: I am a good student. 6

Are you coming with us? He is not the right person for you. Ca verb auxiliar, TO BE este folosit: La construirea, împreună cu participiul trecut al verbelor noţionale, formelor aspectului continuu. Ca verb copulativ, în afară de întrebuinţările obişnuite, el este folosit la prezent sau la trecut, cu participiul trecut al câtorva verbe intranzitive ca: to come, to go, to set etc. Eg.: The guests were all gone. The postman is coming. Ca echivalent modal având sensul de “a trebui” sau “a urma”, este folosit la timpurile prezent şi trecut ale modului indicativ împreună cu infinitivul lung al verbelor noţionale pentru a exprima: 1. un aranjament cu caracter viitor: Eg.: You are to be visited by your friend next week. 2. o necesitate, o obligaţie: Eg.: He is to write a book. 3. La persoana a-III-a singular şi plural împreună cu prezentul verbului de conjugat pentru a arăta un ordin:


Eg.: You are to report to the commander at 12 a.m.

B. TO HAVE Este folosit ca verb principal, verb auxiliar de timp şi echivalent modal. Forma afirmativa este: have, have, has, has, has, have, have, have. Spre deosebire de verbul To Be, interogativul şi negativul verbului To Have se formează atât cu ajutorul lui DO cât şi singure: Eg.: The children have an interesting idea. Have you participate to this show? I have not come here for nothing. Do you have pencils? 1.

Verbul HAVE este folosit la interogativ şi negativ cu forma TO DO atunci când

este considerat verb principal cu sensul de “a avea” – arătând că deţinem ceva pentru o perioadă scurtă de timp sau cu sensul de “a primi”, “a lua”. Eg.: You didn’t have to come here for this. Did you have to behave like this? 2.

Verbul HAVE poate fi folosit cu sensul de ‘a mânca’, ‘a se simţi bine’, sau ‘a lua’: Eg.: I had already eat. She had the time of my life.




Atunci când este folosit ca verb auxiliar, TO HAVE ajută, la fel ca şi TO BE, la

formarea timpurilor compuse cum ar fi: prezentul continuu, trecutul continuu, viitorul continuu, prezentul perfect, mai-mult-ca perfectul etc. Eg.: She has come often. John has been reading this book since we’ve gone. 4.

Se foloseşte ca echivalent modal, cu sensul de “a trebui”, combinat cu infinitivul

lung al verbelor noţionale, pentru a exprima o obligaţie sau o necesitate atunci când înlocuieşte timpurile lipsă ale lui must. Eg.: He has to participate to lectures. TO DO Este folosit doar ca verb principal cu sensul de “a face” şi ca verb auxiliar. Forma afirmativă este: do, do, does, does, does, do, do, do. Formele interogativă şi negativă se construiesc cu ajutorul aceluiaşi verb. Eg.: I do this every day. Do you do this work often? You didn’t do anything wrong. Verbul TO DO este folosit ca: 1.

ajutor în formarea propoziţiilor interogative şi negative atât la timpuri prezente cât

şi la timpuri trecute.


Eg.: Do you like this book? I did come here for nothing. 2.

în întrebări de confirmare sau infirmare Eg.: Mary participates to this party, doesn’t she?


pentru a sublinia ceva evident Eg.: I do want to help you.


la construirea formei negative a modului imperativ a verbelor principale inclusiv a

lui TO BE. Eg.: Don’t do this ever again! Do they work as much as before? Did you came here yesterday? 5.

verbul TO DO poate fi folosit cu sensul sau de bază de „a face” şi în acest caz

este aproape întotdeauna urmat de terminaţia –ing. Eg.: Jane is bakeing a cake.

ATENŢIE! Aşa cum am spus mai sus verbul to do poate fi folosit şi cu sensul de a face o acţiune. În acest caz trebuie subliniată diferenţa de sens între acesta şi verbul make. 10

În general verbul do are sensul de a se implica într-o activitate: Eg.: What are the children doing? They are making little cookies. În timp ce verbul make are sensul de a face ceva: Eg.: What is Tom making? He is making a model of a plane. Aceste două verbe pot apărea şi în expresii de tipul: DO Do bussiness; do harm; do good; do one’s best; do the garden; do a good job; do the shopping; do a favour; do the washing up; do repairs; do one’s duty; do someone a good turn; do an exercise; do one’s hair; do homework; do an examination; do justice; do research; do something for the living etc. MAKE Make a journey; make an experiment; make a speech; make the best of it; make an attempt; make an attempt; make a mistake; make fun of someone; make a complaint; make arrangements; make a bargain; make the beds; make a fuss over…; make a nuisance of oneself; make an progress; make an impression; make a profit; make an accusation, make an appointment; make a proposal etc. 1.2. THE SEMI-AUXILIAR VERBS (VERBELE SEMI-AUXLIARE) Aşa cum am specificat mai sus verbele TO BE, TO HAVE sau TO DO pot fi folosite ca verbe semi-auxiliare atunci când ajută la formarea diferitelor timpuri verbale. În limba engleză mai putem întâlni şi o serie de construcţii verbale care pot fi 11

considerate ca semi-auxiliare. Acestea sunt: be about to, be bound to, be certain to, have got to, fail to, tend to, happen to, turn aut to, be going to, be sure to, have to, come to, get to, appear to, seem to, proved to etc. EXERCISES (EXERCIŢII) 1.

Make up sentences using the following prompts, according to the model. (Alcătuiţi propoziţii folosind cuvintele următoare, conform




interested/bored; pretty/ugly; new/old; ill/healthy. MODEL: I…………(not) wrong. I am not wrong. I am right. 1. He………….(not) busy. 2. We…………(not) interested. 3. They………..(not) pretty. 4. You…………(not) new. 5. She …………(not) ill. 1

2. Give short answers to the following questions. (Daţi răspunsuri

scurte la următoarele întrebări): MODEL: Is your teacher an interesting person? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. 1

Olea Ciuciuc, Eugenia Tănase, Curs de Engleză Generală, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti, 1998, pag.14


1. Is this Mary’s book? 2. Are they at home in the evening? 3. Are these the architects’ papers?

4. Have the Browns a beautiful house? 5. Is your son a student?

6. Can you translate the text? 7. Has Mrs. Johnson a new car? 8. Can Margaret speak Japanese? 9. Are these your apartments?2


Read the passages and underline the forms of the verb TO BE. (Citiţi acest

pasaj şi subliniaţi formele verbului TO BE): 1. My name is Alex Scott. I am a high school student. 2. My favorite subject is computer science. Computers are useful. They are also fun.

There are also many games that I like to play on my computer. 3. I have a sister. Her name is Betty. She is also sixteen. We are twins. 4. Betty and I are students in the same high school. Betty’s favorite subject is

Spanish. Spanish is a beautiful language. 5. Our family is from northern California, but we live in San Diego. San Diego is in

the southern California. 6. The weather is generally worm in southern California. There is some snow in the

mountains but hardly any in the valleys. In the valleys it is usually sunny and hot. That is why the movie industry is here. And the Scott family!


Olea Ciuciuc, Eugenia Tănase, Curs de Engleză Generală, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti, 1998, pag. 31


4. Talk or write about the Scott family using the words below. Supply the right

forms of the verb BE. (Vorbiţi sau scrieţi despre familia Scott folosind cuvintele de mai jos. Completaţi cu formele verbului BE): 1. Alex Scott is 16 years old. 2. Alex………….a high school student. 3. Alex’s favorite subject…………….computer sciences. 4. Computers…………important to Alex. Computers……….also fun.

5. There………..many computer games that Alex likes to play. 6. Betty ………..Alex’s sister. She ……….also 16. 7. Alex and Betty………….twins. 8. They…………students in the same high school.

9. The Scotts………..from northern California. 10.They………….in San Diego now. 11.San Diego……… southern California. 12.The weather……………always warm in southern California. 5. Ask your partner questions using the words below. Have your partner answer

your questions. (Puneţi întrebări colegului folosind cuvintele de mai jos. Colegul vostru va răspunde la întrebări):

Model: What’s your name? My name is………….. 1. How old/you? 2. What/your favorite subject? 3. Why/this your favorite subject? 14

4. Where/you from? 5. Where/your parents from?

6. What/the population of your town/village? 7. What/the weather like in your area in winter/summer?

6. Write down yours partner’s answers to the questions above. Use your notes to

describe your partner to the class. (Scrieţi răspunsul colegului vostru la întrebările de mai sus. Folosiţi-vă de acestea pentru a vă descrie colegul celorlalţi colegi): Model: This is my partner. His/Her name is……….. . He/She is…years old. 7.

Read this passage, translate it and say which are the forms of the verb BE. (Citiţi acest fragment, traduceţi-l şi spuneţi care sunt formele verbului BE):

FACTS ABOUT THE UNITED STATES 1. The United States is the fourth largest country in the world, in area. It has an area

of over 9 millions square kilometers. There are fifty states in the United States. Alaska is the largest. Rhode Island is the smallest. 2. The United States is the third largest country in the world, in population. Its

population is over 260 million. The largest state is California with a population of 35 million. Alaska, which is the largest state in area, is one of the smallest states in population. Its population is about one half million. 3. In general, the climate of the United States is temperate. There are differences,

however, from east to the west and from south to the north. In the northern half of the 15

country, there is snow in winter. In the southern half, there is less snow or no snow at all. The East Coast is better than the West Coast. In the southwest, there are some dry, semiarid areas. 8.

Make true sentences about yourself. Use the words below and suitable adverbs of frequency: always, often, usually, seldom, sometimes, occasionally, never. (Alcătuiţi propoziţii despre voi. Folosiţi cuvintele de mai jos şi adverbele de frecvenţă): Model: late I’m never late.














Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms of the verb “TO BE”. (Completaţi spaţiile libere cu formele corespunzătoare verbului “TO BE”):

1. We………………students at the Banking College. 2. I…………………a hard-working type of person. 3. They…………….not my enemies, they……… friends. 4. She……………...a very good typist. 5. You…………… the seminar room right now. 6. My girl-friend………..a good dancer. 3

Georgiana Gălăţeanu-Fârnoagă, Debora Parks, Exerciţii de Gramatică Engleză, Timpurile Verbale, Ed. Paralela 45, Bucureşti, 2000, p. 19-27



Change the long, verbal forms into short ones. (Scrieţi formele verbale contrase corespunzătoare exemplelor de mai jos): Model: He is not my colleague. He’s not/He isn’t my colleague. They are my colleagues. They’re my colleagues.

1. She is my friend. 2. Are you not an assistant to the General Manager? 3. They are not interpreters, they are translators. 4. I am always early, I am never late for school. 5. It’s a new college, it is not an old one.

6. Are they not your teachers? 11. Transform these sentences into interrogative ones. (Transformaţi următoarele

propoziţii în întrebări): Model: He is a hard-working student. Is he a hard-working student? 1. They are both famous doctors. 2. The color of my pen is blue.

3. I am always at home after 8 a.m. 4. She is present. 5. You are at the office before 9 a.m. 6. We aren’t guilty. 17


Give short answers to the following questions and translate them into Romanian. (Daţi răspunsuri scurte întrebărilor de mai jos şi traduceţi-le în limba română):

Model: Are all students present? Yes, they are. Is the teacher nervous? No, she is not. 1. Is Betty a good student? Yes,……….. 2. Are you at home now? Yes,………… 3. Are you a French citizen? No,………

4. Is this your English book? Yes,……… 5. Is Mrs. Sârbu your new neighbor? Yes,…………

6. Are you at home in the afternoon? No,……….. 13. Translate into English. (Traduceţi în limba engleză):

1. Sunteţi la serviciu azi? 2. Colega mea este o mare iubitoare de animale. 3. Mâine după-amiază nu sunt acasă. 4. Sunteţi cetăţeni britanici? 5. Toţi prietenii mei sunt români. 6. Nu sunt sigur de rezultatele eforturilor mele. 7. Dacă suntem atenţi la curs ne este mai uşor să rezolvăm exerciţiile. 8. Nu sunteţi la cursuri? 18

9. Profesorii noştri sunt foarte exigenţi. 10. Îmi pare rău, am întârziat.4

UNIT II FOCUS: PRONUMELE 2. CLASIFICARE 2.1. PRONUMELE PERSONAL 2.2. EXPLICAŢII GRAMATICALE 2.3. EXERCIŢII 2. CLASIFICARE Pronumele în limba engleză poate fi clasificat în: 2.1. Pronumele personal 2.2. Pronumele posesiv 2.3. Pronumele „self” 2.4. Pronumele demonstrativ 2.5. Pronumele interogativ 2.6. Pronumele relativ 2.7. Pronumele indefinit 2.1. PRONUMELE PERSONAL 4

Olea Ciuciuc, Eugenia Tănăsescu, Curs de Engleză Generală, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti, p. 21-23.


2.2. EXPLICAŢII GRAMATICALE Ca şi în limba română, pronumele personal arată persoanele care participă la un dialog (vorbitorul, interlocutorul) sau înlocuieşte obiectul despre care se vorbeşte, are categoriile gramaticale de persoană, număr şi caz şi poate îndeplini funcţiile sintactice de subiect, nume predicativ, atribut şi complement. În limba engleză, pronumele şi verbul sunt singurele părţi de vorbire care au categoria gramaticală a persoanei: Eg.: I am a teacher. He is a chemist. Aşa cum bine ştim în limba română nu este întotdeauna nevoie să fie prezent pronumele atunci când sunt folosite verbe. În limba engleză, din contră, nu este propoziţie fără pronume, el fiind singurul indicator al celorlalte persoane. ATENŢIE! În limba engleză pronumele I se scrie întotdeauna cu literă mare. Eg.: I come here all the time. Pronumele he/she sunt folosite cu valoare generică în propoziţii care exprimă un adevăr universal.

În ceea ce priveşte categoria gramaticală a genului, aceasta este vizibilă numai la persoana a-III-a singular. Eg.: He will come tomorrow. 20

She is the best. Pronumele personal, persoana a-III-a, singular, it este folosit numai pentru lucruri şi animale. Acest pronume nu are traducere în limba română deoarece nu există. Se traduce prin menţionarea lucrului sau animalului respectiv. Eg.: It drinks milk every day. The cat drinks milk every day. Există anumite verbe în limba engleză care se folosesc cu pronumele personal it. Acestea sunt: find out, forget, know, manage, mind, refuse, remember, show, tell, try, understand etc. Eg.: It was forgoten for a thousand years. It mai poate fi folosit într-o frază pentru a introduce evenimentele care urmează. Eg.: It is a shame you participate to this pharse. It is incredible: that man survived the crash. Mai putem întâlni acest pronume în propoziţiile care nu au subiect clar definit pentru a introduce vremea, distanţa sau timpul. Eg.: It is still snowing outside. It is near this house. 21

Pronumele personal pentru persoana a-III-a, numărul plural este they. Acesta are aceeaşi formă pentru feminin şi masculin şi înţelesul lui poate fi dedus numai din context.

Eg.: They are building a house. The workers are building a house. They are washing every day. The girls are washing every day. ATENŢIE: Există două excepţii de la regulile generale:


It este înlocuit de pronumele personal he/she atunci când avem o pisică, câine etc. pe care le considerăm membrii ai familiei noastre. Eg.: He is just a puppy. My brother and I love him very much.


He/She sunt folosite pentru a înlocui unele substantive animate sau inanimate care sunt de obicei neutre. Eg.: The ship/She left. Pronumele personal are două numere: singular şi plural 22


Formele de singular ale pronumelui personal sunt: I, You, He, She, It.


Formele de plural ale pronumelui personal sunt: We, You, They. ATENŢIE: Pronumele personal you aceeaşi formă pentru singular şi plural. În limba engleză

nu există forme anume pentru pronumele de politeţe aşa că aceasta formă este folosită în acest scop. You se traduce prin dumneavoastră, dumneata, tu sau voi.


Translate the following sentences into Romanian and say which personal

pronouns are found in them. (Introduceţi următoarele propoziţii şi spuneţi ce pronume personale se găsesc în ele): 1. I know you are highly interested in modern technique and you hope to

become an engineer. 2. Dora prefers design to anything else. She is found of inventing beautiful shapes of all sorts of practical objects. 3. We are going to explain what a laser means. We have learnt of lot about that wonderful discovery of modern times and we are really fascinated. 4. The laser is a device that generates an intense, highly concentrated beam of light. Could you think that the laser is able to perform even medical operations? 5. Our friends Jack and Jill are often talking about the possibility of reaching some planet belonging to another solar system of our galaxy. They have already thought how to manage everything. You may guess that this is science fiction for the time being. 23

6. The essence of life is just the same for both plants and animals. It is something we cannot detect though we know about the existence of vital acids and their activity. 2.

Translate the following sentences into English, observing how the pronouns became necessary in this language. (Traduceţi următoarele propoziţii în limba engleză, observând cum pronumele devin necesare în aceasta limbă):

Trăim pe o planetă minunată. Este cea mai prielnică vieţii dacă o comparăm cu celelalte planete ale sistemului solar. Ne putem bucura de condiţii excepţionale de lumină şi căldură. Radiaţiile care vin de pretutindeni sunt moderate. De care factor suntem protejaţi împotriva lor? În primul rând de existenţa învelişului gazos al Pământului. De aceea trebuie să păstrăm acest înveliş cu foarte multă grijă. Nu se cuvine să-l subţiem sau să-i stricăm echilibrata sa compoziţie cu nimic. Natura este totuşi mai puternică decât noi şi a creat de-a lungul milioanelor de ani condiţii de viaţă pe care nu le putem schimba fără a schimba viaţa însăşi, ceea ce este imposibil. 3.

Replace the subject nouns with feminine personal pronouns according them a sentimental value. (Înlocuiţi pronumele subiecte prin pronume personale la feminin, acordându-le un aspect sentimental):

1. The ship weighed anchor. 2. Our car has been painted again.

3. The sea is sometimes green. 4. Romania is a picturesque country. 24

5. Life is a wonderful phenomenon. 6. The airplane takes off at half past two. 4.

Translate into Romanian the following sentences, in which the pronoun it was

used to indicate the time, the weather, the distance or is used as an impersonal expression. (Traduceţi, în limba română, următoarele propoziţii în care pronumele personal it este folosit pentru a indica timpul, vremea, distanţa ori este folosit ca şi construcţie impersonală): 1. What time is it? It’s five past two.

2. It’s a fine weather today. 3. It’s rather worm at the seaside.

4. It is raining in the mountains. 5. It is freezing hard at the North Pole. 6. It is five miles to the next port. 7. It is possible to us to improve our English. 8. It is necessary for them to know it perfectly well if they what to get that job. 9. It seems the temperature of the Globe is increasing. 10. It appears the Sun will get its usual explosions very soon.5


Mariana Ţăranu, Limba Engleză, Sinteză Gramaticală completă prin enunţuri şi exerciţii, Ed. Corint, Bucureşti, 2002, p. 8891.


UNIT III FOCUS: ARTICOLUL 1. TEXT CU ARTICOLUL 2: EXPLICAŢII GRAMATICALE 2.1 CLASIFICARE: 2.1.1 ARTICOLUL HOTĂRÂT 2.1.2 ARTICOLUL NEHOTĂRÂT 2.1.3 ARTICOLUL ZERO 3: EXERCIŢII 1. TEXT CU ARTICOLUL Program Early To get up To turn on Teams Entertainment To provide News Piece of news Bathroom Cold Shower Morning Opportunity To practice Tunes To rub Face Neck Towel Blood To run To feel

s. adv. v. v. s. s. v. s. s. s. adv. s. s. s. v. s. v. s. s. s. s. v. v.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Program Devreme A se scula A porni Echipe Divertisment A furniza Ştiri Ştire Baie Rece Duş Dimineaţă Şansă A practica Acorduri muzicale A freca Faţă Gât Prosop Sânge A alerga A simţi 26

Anything Can To occur During To practice Neighborhood Soon Breakfast Unfortunately Heavy Ride Riser To wake up Downtown To miss Newspaper Anyway Drive

pr. v. v. prep. v. s. adv. s. adv. adv. s. v. s. v. s. v. s. adv. s. v.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Orice A putea A se întâmpla În timp ce A practica Vecinătate Curând Mic dejun Din nefericire Greu; aglomerat Plimbare A călări Matinal A se trezi Centru A rata Ziar Oricum Impuls A conduce

→ PHRASES To keep fit = a fi în formă To have a breakfast = a servi micul dejun Out of habit = din obişnuinţă To take a ride = a face o plimbare

→ TEXT: Read and translate this text in Romanian. (Citiţi şi traduceţi acest text în Română): MY DAILY PROGRAM: 27

My program starts very early every day. The first thing I do is get up and turn on the radio. I like listening to the ‘Radio Total’ in the morning because they have young teams for entertainment and provide the latest news in an optimistic way. Next, I go into the bathroom and if it is not very cold, I have a shower to start my energetic morning and to have the opportunity of practicing some of the modern tunes from the radio. If it is a cold morning, I just rub my face and my neck with a special towel to make my blood run faster and soon I feel ready for anything can occur during that day. My favorite activity in the morning is to practice jogging in my neighborhood. I often meet my friends and talk about this and that while running. A cold shower comes next and soon I have breakfast. Like all the people who want to keep fit, I usually, have a heavy breakfast. It gives you the energy you need for a busy day. If I do not have enough time for jogging, I go to the office by bike. Unfortunately, the traffic is too busy for a morning ride. I am an early riser so I usually wake up at 6 o’clock. I go to my office at 8 a.m. and go back at home at 4.30 p.m. I work 8 hours a day, which mean 40 hours a week. Sometimes in the afternoon, I go downtown to see a film or a play. I watch TV every evening and I never miss talk shows. I buy a newspaper every day, out of habit, but I do not have enough time to read it. Anyway, I read the daily horoscope, which gives me the drive for the everyday activities, of course, if it is optimistic. If not, I simply do not believe it!6 2.



Olea Ciuciuc, Eugenia Tănăsescu, Curs de Engleză Generală, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti, p. 38.


Articolul constituie un mijloc de individualizare a obiectelor şi fenomenelor. El nu este o parte de vorbire de sine stătătoare ci însoţeşte substantivul. În limba engleză articolul are următoarele forme: → articolul hotărât: the → articolul nehotărât: a sau an → articolul zero 2.1.1 ARTICOLUL HOTĂRÂT: THE Articolul hotărât în limba engleză are următoarele tipuri de pronunţare: a.

the se pronunţă [ðƏ]


înaintea sunetelor consonantice

Eg.: the pupil; the house -

înaintea sunetelor semi consonantice reprezentate de obicei prin literele: u, y, w.

Eg.: the university, the window, the year, the one. b.


the se pronunţă [ði(:)]

înaintea sunetelor vocalice

Eg.: the artist



înaintea lui h mut:

Eg.: the honor; the heir; the hour; the honest man. Articolul hotărât identifică un membru anume al unei clase şi este folosit în mai multe situaţii: 1. Articolul hotărât este folosit cu substantive al căror înţeles este dedus din

context. Eg.: the door, the window, the table, the wind, the sky, the ground, the town hall, the police station, the hospital, the radio, the press, the telephone, the sun, the moon, the stars. Close the window, will you? The wind blows so hard tonight. Can you tell me who is on the phone? The telephone is a marvelous invention. Tonight, the moon will be full. 2. Articolul hotărât apare înaintea unor substantive care sunt reprezentante ale

unei categorii de obiecte, fiinţe sau animale: Eg.: The hall was occupied at its full capacity. 3. Articolul hotărât însoţeşte şi substantive care apar în menţionări anterioare:

Eg.: I saw this house last month. The house was still in construction yesterday.


4. Cea mai folosită întrebuinţare a articolului hotărât este cu numele proprii.

Acestea sunt însoţite de articol atunci când în structura lor apare un adjectiv sau un substantiv adjectival sau o construcţie prepoziţională.

Eg.: the United States of America the University of Craiova ATENŢIE: În cazul denumirilor de instituţii alcătuite din doi termeni şi prepoziţia of, articolul the apare chiar dacă unul din termeni este omis. Eg.: the (river) Thames, the Tate (Gallery), the Pacific (Ocean) etc. 5. Articolul hotărât însoţeşte următoarele clase de nume proprii: substantive la

plural, denumiri geografice, nume de instituţii, de ziare sau de nave etc. Eg.: the Alps, the Danube, the Thames, the Atlantic Ocean, the Sahara, the Lido, the National Theatre, the British Museum etc.

2.1.2 ARTICOLUL NEHOTĂRÂT: A, AN Cele două forme ale articolului nehotărât sunt a şi an. A însoţeşte cuvintele care încep cu o consoană sau semiconsoană.


Eg.: I want to buy a magazine. An însoţeşte cuvintele care încep cu un sunet vocalic sau h mut. Eg.: an arhitect, an orange, an hour etc. For this project I must see an arhitect. Articolul nehotărât îndeplineşte următoarele funcţii: 1. Este folosit pentru a introduce o noţiune, un obiect sau o persoană care este

necunoscută ascultătorului. Eg.: It was an interesting novel, the one I read last week. A man came and introduced himself to us. 2. Articolul nehotărât mai este folosit atunci când cel sau cea despre care se

vorbeşte este reprezentantul unei clase şi nu este definit concret prin comunicare: Eg.: I saw a cat yesterday on the roof. 3. Articolul a sau an poate înlocui ca valoare numeralul one. În această situaţie

el se foloseşte cu substantive numărabile la singular de obicei în serii numerice: Eg.: She has a dog, three cats and a bird.


4. El mai este folosit şi cu numerale (în locul lui one):

Eg.: a/one hundred; a/one thousand 2.1.3 ARTICOLUL ZERO Substantivele nenumărabile, numărabile la plural sau numele proprii pot apărea ca neînsoţite de articol: Eg.: She drinks coffee every day. Dar, de fapt, el este prezent şi se numeşte articolul zero. Ca şi articolul nehotărât sau hotărât şi articolul zero are anumite funcţii: 1. Atunci când este folosit cu substantive nenumărabile, articolul zero indică o cantitate nedefinită: Eg.: You can buy vegetables and fruits at this supermarket. 2. Este des întâlnit în proverbe şi în limbajul ştiinţific: Eg.: This supersonic broke the sound barrier. 3. Atunci când însoţeşte substantivele numărabile la plural, articolul zero arată membrii unei clase: Eg.: Cats and dogs love to play. 33

4. Articolul zero este des întâlnit cu numele proprii: Eg.: Peter is his best friend. Există anumite categorii de nume proprii care sunt însoţite de articolul zero: Nume de persoane Eg.: Peter, Dr. Smith, lord Nelson etc. Numele membrilor familiei: Eg.: father, mother etc. Diviziuni de timp: zilele săptămânii, lunile anului sau sărbători etc. Eg.: Monday, May, Woman’s Day Denumiri geografice: nume de oraşe, ţări, continente, lacuri sau munţi etc: Eg.: Europe, Austria, Everest Nume proprii însoţite de substantive comune denumind clădiri, străzi sau poduri etc. Eg.: Bran Castle, Westminster Abbey, Oxford Street, London Bridge etc.




What is the right form of the indefinite article for the following nouns? (Care este forma corectă de articol nehotărât?): Eg.: example – an example, course – a course

brother; economy; record; Eskimos; picture; dance; Australian; language; issue; problem; bussiness; English; newspaper; youth; student; village; Italian; story; family; leaf, way etc. 7 2. Read the following nouns and insert the corresponding indefinite and definite

articles. (Citiţi următoarele substantive utilizând articolul nehotărât şi hotărât corespunzător): programme; early-riser; breakfast; after-noon; friends; shower; talk-show; newspaper; horoscope; energetic afternoon; day; blood; evening; activity; neighbourhood. 3. Insert the right article where necessary. (Utilizaţi articolul corespunzător

acolo unde este cazul): 1. I am ……..politician. 2. ……capital of…….England is…….London. 3. They are ……..teachers. 4. …….University of Bucharest is in……….center of the city.

5. ……Times is one of ……..most interesting newspapers in…….United Kingdom and ……..Northern Irland. 7

Olea Ciuciuc, Eugenia Tănăsescu, Curs de Engleză Generală, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti, p. 21


6. I always have………breakfast in………..morning.

7. To









for……..archaeologists. 8. He hasn’t got ………punishment I think he deserves. 9. …… like that seems to be very cheap. 10. He is……right man for this job. 11. My husband is……..difficult man. 12. They want to become……….pilots.

4. Choose a job from the right column for each of the following people. (Alegeţi

din coloana din dreapta o slujba corespunzătoare fiecărei persoane de mai jos): E.g.: Mr. Thomson is a businessman. Mr. Thomson Mrs. Johnson Mr. White Mr. Blackwell Sir James Mrs. Anderson Lady Ann Mr. Lloys Mrs. McCavin Ms. Danvers

Accountant Electric fitter Mnufacturer Businessman Assistant Dean Writer Banker Porter Inventor

5. Turn the following sentences into the plural. (Transformaţi următoarele propoziţii la plural): E.g.: I am a teacher. We are teachers. 36

1. She is an economist. 2. Are you an assistant or a journalist? 3. An option is something you agree or disagree with. 4. He is an Englishman. 5. The engineer is not in the office. 6. A banker is a man who deals with the money. 7. The bookkeeper isn’t in. 8. Is an accountant a good mathematician? 9. Mr. McCloud is a trainer, he is not a trainee. 6. Turn the following sentences into the singular. (Transformaţi următoarele

propoziţii la singular): 1. We are students. 2. The men are businessmen and the women are businesswomen. 3. The Browns are doctors. 4. Are you mechanics or drivers? 5. The Steinbecks aren’t politicians.

6. All my friends are officeworkers. 7. Loan officers are people who lend money.

8. Are your parents university lecturers? 9. They aren’t foreigners, they are strangers.

7. Insert









corespunzătoare): I have………car. It is …….beauty. I like all….big cars but my car is…….little one. Some people like……spead; this is…….cause of many accidents that occur nowadays.


……..question is: what is to be done in order top revent them? …….legislators are…… people who can answer this question. 8

8. Use the definite article the before the following geographical names. (Folosiţi

articolul hotărât the înaintea următoarelor denumiri geografice): …….Carpathians, …….Alps, ……..mont Retezat, ……..Atlantic Ocean, …..Pacific Ocean, …….Mediteranean Sea, ……Danube, ………Mississippi, ……..Colorado, …..British Ilands, ……..Shetlands, ……..hebrides, …..Balea,……..Como, …….Ontario, …….Panama,…….Suez,……..Gibraltar.

9. Say if the following sentences are true or false. (Spuneţi dacă următoarele propoziţii sunt adevarate sau false): 1. The European Regional Airlines Association deals with Europe’s air transport

system. 2. Today we are going to see the Antipa Museum. 3. The British Museum displays many interesting objects from remote countries.

4. The Intercontinental Hotel is the highest building in Bucharest. 5. We will get more electricity from the Cernavoda Atomic Power Station in the near

future. 6. The Titanic was a huge liner; its sinking could not be forgotten by anybody.

7. An old Romanian ship was called the Transylvania. 8. Have you ever read the Times? 9. Or have you read the Wall Street Journal? 8

Olea Ciuciuc, Eugenia Tănăsescu, Curs de Engleză Generală, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti, p. 40-42


10.The Nelson Monument in Trafalgar Square is very tall. 11. The Victoria Memorial can be seen in front of the Buckingham Palace. 12. The European Council has settled a great number of international affairs.

13.A lot of people have received important supplies from the Red Cross.

10.Translate the English using the definite article the. (Traduceţi în limba engleză folosind articolul hotărât the): 1. Soarele nostru şi planetele lui fac parte dintr-o galaxie a Universului. 2. Luna reprezintă un satelit natural al Pamântului. 3. Cosmosul nu şi-a arătat încă toate secretele. 4. Publicul a ascultat conferinţa despre zborurile spaţiale cu multă atenţie.

5. Punctele cardinale sunt: nord, sud, est şi vest.

11. Translate into Romanian using the definite article the. (Traduceţi în limba

română folosind articolul hotărât the): 1. We must not expect to get a reward for the good we do.

2. The beautiful has always been an ideal in art. 3. Some contemporary painters, sculptors and musicians have changed their ideas concerning the beautiful by addressing the irrational. 4. The hand is a perfect tool able not only to achieve the most complicate things, but

also to express our ideas and feelings by means of gestures. 5. They reflect the activity of the brains and the feeling of the hart as well.


12. Use the definite article the, to show a species or a category. (Folosiţi articolul

the pentru a desemna o specie sau o categorie): 1. ……….skylark may be the symbol of the morning.

2. ……….nightingale could mean a poetical night. 3. ……bear, …….the fox, …….wolf, all of them are animals to be found both in the

fables and in the fairy-tales. 4. ……trout lives in cold mountain rivers. 5. …….bee is a hardworking insect. 6. …….butterfly has got wonderful colors on its wings.

13. Translate and then read the following dates using the article the. (Citiţi şi traduceţi următoarele date, folosind articolul hotărât the). 4 februarie, 20 martie, 5 aprilie, 12 iulie, 9 septembrie, 18 noiembrie.


Use the definite article the before the numerals to complete the sentences.

(Folosiţi articolul hotărât

the înaintea numeralelor pentru a completa spaţiile

libere): 1. ………the first meridian of the world can be “seen” at Greenwich: it is just a steel

rail in the yard of the Observatory. 2. World War One (…….the first World War) and World War Two (……second

World War) meant awful periods in the history of the mankind. 3. Elisabeth I (…..first) was an important queen of England. She was the daughter of Henry VIII. (….eight) 40


Complete the following sentences with your own ideas, observing that they

include groups of words in which was used the definite article. (Completaţi cu propriile idei cele ce urmează, observând că includ grupuri de cuvinte în care s-a folosit articolul hotărât): ………the day after tomorrow; ……..the day after yesterday; ……..all the year round; ……..the right time; ……..the time being; ……pass the time; ……..the street;…….the bottom of the lake. ARTICOLUL NEHOTĂRÂT 16.

Fill in the following expressions. (Completaţi următoarele expresii):

…….egg;…….arm;………umbrella;………..wing; ……year; ……….university.


Translate into English. (Traduceţi în limba engleză): 1. Citim despre farfurii zburătoare în toate publicaţiile ştiinţifico-fantastice. 2. Ştim o mulţime de lucruri despre computere, dar nu le putem înţelege. 3. Fizica modernă se ocupă de atomi, electroni încercând să descopere structura

materiei. 4. Laserul generează raze puternice. 5. Aparate electronice de toate tipurile vin în sprijinul omului modern.

6. Totuşi ceasurile electronice nu mai sunt la modă.



Fill in the blanks with the indefinite article. (Completaţi spaţiile libere cu

articolul nehotărât): 1. The pupils welcomed …..Englishmen in their school. 2. He was accompanied by …….Scotsman. 3. …… Frenchwoman has brought toys, sweets and cloths for the orphan pupils of a

school in Târgovişte. 4. We met……. Swede at an international congress.

5. ……Spaniard told us about his fascinating country. 6. …….Greek has come to Constanţa transporting some goods from Egypt.

7. …….Pole has invited us to see Poland.


Fill in the following sentences with names of professions using the indefinite

article before them. (Completaţi următoarele propoziţii cu nume de ocupaţii şi profesii folosind articolul nehotărât înaintea lor):

1. Tom’s father works in an office, he is………. 2. His mother works in a hospital, she is………. 3. Tom’s elder brother reads law, he is…………

4. Tom’s younger sister knows how to play the piano, she will be………….. 5. Tom’s grandfather worked in the army, he was……….


Use the indefinite article instead of the numeral one in the following sentences.

(Folosiţi articolul nehotărât în locul numeralului one în următoarele propoziţii):


1. I have bought one doll and two teddy bears for my little nice.

2. My friend has bought one magazine for herself and three newspapers for her family. 3. Fetch one knife and four carrots, please. 4. The painter has used several brushes for his oil color and one big palette.


Say which from the following sentences express truths and underline the

indefinite article. (Spuneţi care din următoarele propoziţii exprimă adevăruri şi apoi subliniaţi articolele nehotărâte): 1. We like to be on holiday once a year only.

2. The violin and the violoncello are of a size. 3. You must take care not to break the dishes when washing up. 4. Many friends have gathered in that narrow room to dance.

5. Do you take a fancy to wear shorts in winter? 6. It is a pity not to attend a good concert.

7. They drove at a speed of 60 km. an hour. 8. You cannot kill many flies at a blow. 9. They were in a nice mood when they lost their way in the wood. 10. Yesterday a comet appeared all of a sudden. 11. We are in a hurry to eat all the chocolates we find in a box. 12. We cannot make a comparison between summer and winter.


Answer the following questions and explain the exceptions. (Răspundeţi al

următoarele întrebări şi explicaţi excepţiile): 1. Have you ever been to Great Britain?

2. Is Warwickshire the province in which Shakespeare was born? 43

3. Have you seen Holland? 4. Have you visited Hague? 5. Have you read anything about Argentina? 6. Can you show me the Sudan and the Congo on the map of Africa? 7. Washington or New York is the capital of the United States.

8. What do you know about the climate of Canada?


Translate into English. (Traduceţi în limba engleză): 1. Ne sculăm de dimineaţă în fiecare zi a săptămânii. 2. Duminica uneori plecăm din oraş, în special primăvara şi toamna când vremea este

cât se poate de plăcută în ţara noastră. 3. Ne dorim să facem excursii lungi în zilele călduroase din iulie şi august. 4. Dar suntem gata să pornim către munţi în decembrie când este ger şi zăpada este



Mariana Ţăranu, Limba engleză………, Ed. Corint, Bucureşti, 2002, p. 23-26.




Abroad Adjective Airplane Attentive Care Community Comparison Contribution Development Engine To grow, grew, grown Healthy Hospital Joyful

adv. s. s. adj. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. v. v. adj. s. adj. adj.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

În străinătate Adjectiv Aeroplan Atent Grijă 1. Comunitate 2. Colectiv Comparaţie Contribuţie Dezvoltare Motor 1. A creşte 2. A dezvolta Sănătos Spital 1. Bucuros 2. Vesel 45

Life Medical Motor Musician To owe, -ed Patient Philosopher Plant Power-station Press-reporter Profession Research-work Satisfaction Science Sculptor To send sent sent Visit

s. adj. s. s. v. v. s. adj. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. v. s.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Viaţă Medical Motor Muzician A datora A deţine 1. Pacient 2. Răbdător Filozof Uzină Centrală electrică Reporter Profesie Muncă de cercetare Satisfacţie Ştiinţă Sculptor A trimite Vizită

→ PHRASES: To pay somebody a visit – a face cuiva o vizită To give somebody (medical) care – a acorda cuiva îngrijire (medicală) Anything else – orice altceva To grow older – a îmbătrâni He’s perfectly right – are perfectă dreptate → TEXT: Read and translate this text in Romanian. (Citiţi şi traduceţi acest text în Română): Maria: ‘Good-afternoon, everybody.’ Adrian: ‘Good-afternoon, Maria. You look very happy today.’ 46

Maria: ‘Well, yes, I am. One of my patients paid me a visit today to thank me for the care I gave him when he was in my hospital. He looked so healthy and strong again and so joyful that it really made me happy.’ Liza: ‘You have a nice job, Maria. I think it is much nicer to be a doctor than everything else.’ Maria: ‘Of course, I love my job very much, but I think it is also interesting to be an engineer and build factories and bridges and power stations or big ships and airplanes.’ Alexandra: ‘When I was younger I thought that the most beautiful thing was to be a cinema or theatre star. But, I can’t say that I don’t love my job, now. I write letters in French, I type texts in Russian. Now, I am learning English. And I find it is very satisfying to be able to read books in foreign languages.’ George: ‘I think the most interesting thing is to be a journalist, especially if you are sent abroad as a press reporter.You can then learn everything about the whole world.’ Victor: ‘The nicest thing, I think, is to be a teacher. When you grow older you see thousands of people around you who were taught by you and who owe something to you.’ Eva: ‘As a teacher, I love my profession but I think there’s nothing which brings more satisfaction in life than research work, which means your contribution to the development of science.’10

2. EXPLICAŢII GRAMATICALE 2.1. CLASIFICAREA ADJECTIVELOR Adjectivul din limba engleză se clasifică în:


Virgiliu Ştefănescu-Drăgăneşti, Adrian Nicolaescu, Victor Hanea, Limba Engleză Curs Practic, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, pag. 270-271


1. Adjective proprii. Acestea însoţesc de obicei substantivele acordându-le acestora

valoarea unui nume propriu. Eg.: French language, Chinese towns, American landscape ATENŢIE! Acest tip de adjective se scrie întotdeauna cu litere mari. 2. Adjectivele descriptive. Acest tip de adjective arată calităţile sau defectele unui

obiect sau ale unei persoane. Eg.: a beautiful house, a ugly face 3. Adjective cantitative. Aşa cum sugerează şi numele aceste adjective indică

cantitatea: much, none, some any, enough, all, whole, half, few etc. Eg.: They say you have enough prouves. The whole world wated the news. 4. Adjectivele demonstrative: this, that, such, the same, the other, these, those, a, an,

any, a certain, such, some, another. Eg.: I never see such odacity before. Certain facts were presented there. 5. Adjective interogative: which, how, what, whose etc.


Eg.: What questions should I ask? Whose hat is it? 2.1.

ORDINEA ADJECTIVELOR În general, în propoziţia engleză, adjectivul care însoţeşte un substantiv stă

întotdeauna înaintea substantivului pe care îl determină. Eg.: an old lady, a short song În cazul în care două sau mai multe adjective însoţesc un substantiv locul lor în propoziţie este următorul: 1. la adjectivele care descriu obiecte se începe cu numărul acestora apoi urmează însuşirile, vârsta, marimea, forma, culoarea, materialul. Eg.: Many, interesting, new, all shaped, multicolored, silk cloths were sitted on chairs. 2.

la adjectivele care descriu o persoană se începe cu numărul, apoi calităţile/defectele, înălţimea, vârsta şi se termină cu locul de provenienţă.

Eg.: In that room were five, beautiful, tall, young, international models. Un alt lucru care trebuie reţinut este următorul: în limba engleză locul adjectivelor în propoziţie poate depinde şi de forma adjectivelor. Mai precis, adjectivele scurte sunt aşezate înaintea adjectivelor lungi. Eg.: The book had an abrupt, unexpected ending. 49

ATENŢIE! Există şi câteva excepţii de la regula generală în ceea ce priveşte locul adjectivelor în propoziţie. De exemplu: -

adjectivele care intră în alcătuirea unor nume proprii pot să stea după substantiv.

Eg.: attorney general, court martial, by all means possible etc. - când aceste adjective intră în alcătuirea numelor proprii: Eg.: Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror -

când anumite cuvinte se temină în: - body, -one, thing adjectivul stă după.

Eg.: Look over there! That woman must be someone important. Did you see something nice there? 2.3. ADJECTIVE ŞI ADVERBE De multe ori, în limba engleză, adjectivele au aceeaşi formă cu adverbele. Eg.: John is such a nice person. → adjectiv This car is nice. → adverb Ele pot fi transformate în adverbe clasice dacă li se adaugă terminaţia –ly. 50

Eg.: Nicely done you two! Trebuie menţionat faptul că adjectivele şi adverbele chiar dacă au aceleaşi forme nu au întotdeauna şi acelaşi sens. Eg.: John felt bad at the thought he abandoned his mates. (guilty) After failing the examination she felt badly a whole week. (unhappy) În cazul verbelor: be, become, taste, feel, look, smell, sound există anumite diferenţe în folosirea lor ca adjective sau adverbe. Ele sunt folosite ca şi adjective atunci când actiunea se referă la subiectul propoziţiei şi ca adverbe atunci când actiunea propoziţei se referă la verb. Eg.: The girl tastes the coffee she wants to buy. The coffee tasted by John was good. 2.4. GRADELE DE COMPARAŢIE ALE ADJECTIVELOR Adjectivul în limba engleză ca şi în limba română exprimă calitatea unui obiect: an interesting lecture şi are categoria gramaticală a comparaţiei. Spre deosebire de limba română unde adjectivul se modifică în funcţie de gen, număr, caz şi comparaţie, în limba engleză nu se schimbă în funcţie de aceste categorii ci numai în funcţie de comparaţie. Eg.: El este un băiat inteligent. He is a clever boy. Ea este o fată frumoasă. 51

She is a beautiful girl. Categoria gramaticală a comparaţiei are în limba engleză ca şi în limba română trei grade de comparaţie: 1.

GRADUL POZITIV Arată forma obişnuită a unui adjectiv aşa cum se găseşte într-un dicţionar. Eg.: nice, short, clever, exciting, beautiful etc.


GRADUL COMPARATIV Compară calităţile sau defectele a două sau mai multe adjective la diverse grade. În limba engleză există două tipuri de comparaţie: A. Comparaţia scurtă B.

Comparaţia lungă A. Comparaţia scurtă se aplică în cazul adjectivelor care au maxim patru silabe în

timp ce comparaţia lungă se foloseşte în cazul adjectivelor care au mai mult de patru silabe. Comparaţia scurtă adaugă terminaţia –er pentru gradul comparativ şi the şi –est pentru gradul superlativ. Eg.: small – smaller – the smallest = mic big – bigger – the biggest = mare short – shorter –the shortest = scurt, scund 52

happy – happier –the happiest = fericit

ATENŢIE! 1. Adjectivele terminate într-o consoană precedată de o vocală scurtă dublează consoana respectivă: Eg.: big – bigger – the biggest fat – fatter – the fattest 2. Adjectivele terminte în –y precedat de o consoană transformă y în i: Eg.: dry – drier – the driest 3. Adjectivele terminate în –e sau –ee pierd e final înaintea lui –er sau –est.

Eg.: nice – nicer – the nicest 4. Există unele adjective care au fie numai comparaţie scurtă sau numai comparaţie

lungă. Adjective ca: fit, huge, calm, just, keen, kind, plain rare, stiff, vague etc. se compară în mod scurt în timp ce adjectivele de genul active, civil, common, hostile, constant, prudent, pleasant or sudden preferă comparaţia lungă. Tot în această ultimă categorie se încadrează şi adjective de tipul: carefull şi different. B. Comparaţia lungă are următoarele subdiviziuni: ► Comparativul de inferioritate 53

Se formează prin adăugarea cuvântului less înaintea adjectivului şi a cuvântului than după adjectiv. Eg.: This film is less interesting than the other. ► Comparativul de egalitate Se formează prin adăugarea expresiei as……as la adjectiv. Eg.: He writes as beautiful as his sister. ► Comparativul de superioritate Se formează prin adăugarea cuvintelor the most în faţa adjectivului. Eg.: It is the most beautiful thing I ever seen. 3. GRADUL SUPERLATIV Gradul superlativ se formează în funcţie de numărul de silabe din care este alcătuit adjectivul. Adjectivelor monosilabice precedate de the li se adaugă sufixul –est. Eg.: great – the greatest cheap – the cheapest long – the longest 54

Adjectivele formate din două sau mai multe silabe sunt precedate de the most. Eg.: the most frightening the most beautiful the most important Adjectivele compuse formează gradele de comparaţie astfel: Când primul element este un adjectiv care îşi păstrează sensul acesta se schimbă la comparativ şi superlativ: Eg.: well-known – better-known – the best-known ill-paid – worse-paid – the worst-paid Când cele două elemente formează un tot din punct de vedere al sensului, comparaţia se realizează cu more şi the most. Există în limba engleză o categorie specială de adjective care nu formează gradele de comparaţie ca restul adjectivelor. Acest tip de comparaţie poartă numele de comparaţie neregulată a adjectivelor. Acestea sunt: ►good – better – the best = bun ►bad – worse – the worst = rău ►ill – worse – the worst = bolnav ►much – more – the most = mult ►many - more – the most = mulţi, multe ►far – further – the furthest = departe (în spaţiu şi timp) ►old – older – the oldest = bătrân, în vârstă (folosit pentru fiinţe şi lucruri) 55

►old – elder – the eldest = bătrân (folosit pentru fiinţe, în contexte ce sugerează gradul de rudenie)


Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order. (Puneţi adjectivele din paranteză în ordinea corectă): 1. Do you have…….car? (a, racing, new)

2. The museum has……..mirrors. (beautiful, very, some, Venetian, old) 3. ………blouse isn’t in the wordrobe. (green, nice, silken, her) 4. …..names are Richard Christian. (first, son’s, his, two) 5. She is……doctor. (woman, English, young, a, pleasant)

6. I hate…..ladies. (three, ugly, those, old, boring) 7. ….books are on sale this week. (or, new, geography, old, and, good, bad) 8. …..classes end at 8 o’clock. (teacher’s, the, interesting, afternoon) 9. …..blouses are for you. (up-to-date, silk, three, these) 10. Mr. Brown is wearing …..suit. (long, a, becoming, very, grey) 11. Peter has already read…..books. (English, several, easy, very)

12.………acts were presented in a Romanian film. (Michael, courageous, brave, the, Brave’s, and) 13. I’d like to have……..teacher as you. (good, so, intelligent, and, a) 14. …….laugh was heard. (musical, a, malicious, but) 15.This museum has…….paintings. (Spanish, old, very, valuable, many) 16.I bought a pair of…….shoes. (leather expensive Italian handmade) 17.I’m looking for……….clock radio. (white, a, Taiwanese, cheap, for my bedside table) 56

18. The car he drives is……..sports car. (well-maintained, second-hand, a, with a low

2mileage) 19. I have in my dining room …..dining-table (well-plished, beautiful, the, antique,

mahogany, English) I bought from John. 20.I lost…….trainers (canvas, American, a pair of, grey and red, which I use for jogging) 21.We live in a…….cottage (stone build, small, old, country) 22. I’m going to buy a…..dress (cotton, summer, pink and white, for my holiday)11


Choose the correct word (adjective or adverb) according to the meaning.

(Alegeţi cuvântul corect (adjectiv sau adverb) în funcţie de sensul propoziţiei): 1. That was a ……..mountain. (high, highly)

2. Treat him………..(fair, fairly) 3. Birds can fly…….in the sky. (high, highly) 4. Still waters run….(deep, deeply) 5. He was…….shocked. (deep, deeply)

6. The swan ……in the lake. (deep, deeply) 7. The book cost…..(dear, dearly) 8. He loves his son……(dear, dearly) 9. He acted (cool, cooly) 10.This is a …..task. (hard, hardly) 11.He works……for the exams. (hard, hardly) 12.He has……..worked this week. (hard, hardly) 13.He was… me. (kind, kindly) 14.Boxers are not allowed to hit…..(low, lowly) 15.His position is……..(low, lowly) 16.That was……..a good attempt. (pretty, prettily) 11

Mihai M. Zdrenghea, Anca L. Greere, A Practical English Gramar with exercises, Ed. Clusium, 1999, Cluj-Napoca, pag. 91


17. I’ll sell you the car ……(cheap, cheaply) 18.Send this letter…..(express, expressly) 19.You played me……..; you shall pay for it. (false, falsely) 20.I did not; you accused me …..(false, falsely) 21.I got off first in the race but managed to come…..(last, lastly) 22.And,…..I’d like to thank all those who helped me. (last, lastly) 23. We’ve been receiveing a lot of junk mail……(late, lately)

24.I don’t think you’ve been treated very….. (just, justly) 25. I……fell off the edge of the platform! (near, nearly)12


Using the expression as……… to indicate the quality, translate into English

the following sentences. (Folosind expresia as…… pentru a indica egalitatea traduceţi în limba engleză următoarele propoziţii): 1. Dicţionarul meu este tot atât de gros ca şi dicţionarul tău. 2. Explicaţiile cărţii tale de gramatică sunt tot atât de interesante ca şi explicaţiile din cartea mea. 3. Exemplele pe care le dai tu sunt tot atât de uşoare ca şi exemplele pe care le dau

eu. 4.

Show the forms of the comparative and superlative of the adjectives in

brackets. (Spuneţi care sunt formele de comparativ şi superlativ ale adjectivelor din paranteze): a. A poplar is (tall than an apple-tree). b. Peonies are (big) than roses. c.

A garden with flower-beds is (nice) than a simple lawn.


Mihai M. Zdrenghea, Anca L. Greere, A Practical English Gramar with exercises, Ed. Clusium, 1999, Cluj-Napoca, pag. 102




Gardening is (easy) than agriculture.


Which is (tall) column in London?


Which is (merry) English song you know?


Are sunflowers the (big) flowers growing in Romania?


Diamonds are (expensive) than rubies.

Translate into English. (Traduceţi în limba engleză): 1. Răspunsurile lui Dick au fost cele mai inteligente. 2. Albastrul este o culoare mai comună decât violetul. 3. Romeo este cel mai chipeş tânăr din Verona. 4. Domnul Brown este un neguţător mai cinstit decât domnul Smith.

5. Şti care este trecătoarea cea mai îngustă din Carpaţi? 6. Este un lucru mai nobil să taci decât să pronunţi vorbe rele drept răspuns. 7. Una dintre cele mai plăcute zile din viaţa studenţilor a fost serbarea dedicată

teatrului englez. 8. Este o atitudine mai politicoasă să spui “thank you” decât “thanks”. 9. Se pare că iarna este mai severă în emisfera nordică a pământului.

10. Cel mai simplu lucru este să spui adevărul. 11. Afişul a devenit mai galben din cauza soarelui. 6.

Write the correct forms of comparative and superlative of the following

adjectives. (Scrieţi formele corecte de comparativ şi superlativ ale următoarelor adjective): Eg.: determined-more determined-the most determined Accustomed; pleased; endeavoring; hardworking; appreciated; organized. 59


Translate the following sentences into English. (Traduceţi următoarele

propoziţii în limba engleză): 1. Lucrarea lui Tom a fost mai puţin interesantă decât cea a lui Victor. 2. Poate că a fost cea mai puţin interesantă dintre toate lucrările. 3. Luna este mai puţin interesantă decât pământul. 4. Muntele Omul este mai înalt decât muntele Ceahlău. 5. Oltul este unul dintre cele mai lungi râuri din România. 6. Arcul de Triumf din Bucureşti este mare, dar nu tot atât de mare ca cel din Paris. 7. Muntele Retezat este unul dintre cei mai înalţi munţi din ţara noastră. 8. Oltul este mai lung decât Prahova. 9. Dunărea este mai puţin adâncă decât Marea Neagră. 8.

Put the following words in the necessary order. (Puneţi cuvinte următoare în

ordine): 1. More than beautiful Our and garden than is their larger garden.

2. That more interesting meci than was the shorter other one but. 3. And more lasting That pair of shoes than her sister’s she bought was cheaper. 4. The T-shirts thinner worn by than were their teams and our more expensive. 9.

Translate into Romanian. (Traduceţi în limba română): 1. Jack is the tallest of the twins. 2. Pussy seems the milder of our cats. 3. Peter is the more skillful of the two sculptors.13


Mariana Ţăranu, Limba Engleză, Sinteză Gramaticală completă prin enunţuri şi exerciţii, Ed. Corint, Bucureşti, 2002, p. 5964.



Read the following text and notice the use of the comparative of equality.

(Citiţi următorul text şi observaţi folosirea comparativului de egalitate): As pretty as a picture – as ugly as sin. As sour as lemon – as happy as a grin. As brave as a lion – as sly as a fox. As weak as a kitten – as strong as an ox. As thin as a shadow – as solid as a brick. As hungry as a bear – as full as a tick. As heavy as a lead – as light as a feather. As steady as a rock – as uncertain as the weather. As hot as an oven – as cold as ice. As rich as Croesus – as poor as a church mice. As blind as a bat – as deaf as a post. As cool as a cucumber – as warm as a toast. As brittle as glass – as tough as a gristle. As neat as a pin – as clean as a whistle. As dull as the dishwater – as bright as a button. As generous as the day is long – as greedy as a glutton.



Give the comparative of superiority to the following adjectives. (Spuneţi care

este comparativul de superioritate al următoarelor adjective): Sweet; lazy; fond; unhappy; clumsy; good; bad; old; far; fresh. 12. Give the comparative of

inferiority for the following adjectives. (Spuneţi

care este comparativul de inferioritate al următoarelor adjective): Rapid; little; interesting; cold; tall; clever; intelligent; far; ill; quick. 13. Give the superlative to the following adjectives. (Spuneţi care este superlativul

următoarelor adjective): Amazing; old; near; little; high; quick; captivating; obsolete; good; fast. 14. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms (comparative or superlative) of the

adjective in brackets: a.

He is the (great) man I have ever met.


Your composition is much (good) than mine.


The weather today is (bad) than yesterday.


This is the (boring) movie I have ever watched on TV.


Parents are usually (conservative) than their children.

15.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms (comparative or superlative) of the adjective in brackets: a. I missed the (exiciting) part of the party. 62

b. I have (much) homework than you do. c. We have (demanding) customers today than we had in the past. d. The Dead Sea is the (low) place of the world. e. (Many) of the women were wearing evening dresses. Translate into English. (Traduceţi în limba română):


1. Eu nu sunt la fel de interesant ca şi colegii mei. 2. Într-o economie de piaţă băncile sunt mai puţin importante decât banii. 3. Cele mai bune piese de teatru se transmit pe programul 1.

4. Cartierul Ferentari este cel mai murdar din Bucureşti. 5. Care este grupa cu cel mai mic număr de studenţi? 6. În această regiune este mai multă zăpadă decât în restul ţării. 7. Prietena mea a fost la munte. Erau foarte multe cabane acolo. 8. Care este cel mic număr de ani din familia ta? 9. Cine cheltuieşte mai puţin în familia ta? 10. Eu nu am mers la mare. Era prea mult soare.14


Olea Ciuciuc, Eugenia Tănăsescu, Curs de Engleză Generală, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti, p.131-132.





Tram To stand Noise Suddenly To cross

s. v. s.

= Tramvai Crossing = A sta in picioare To carry = Zgomot To move on

adv. = Brusc v. = A traversa

Rails Useful 64

s. v. v.

= Intersectie = A transporta = A se deplasa

A merge mai departe s. = Sine adv. = Folositor

Wheel To go off

s. v.

= Roata = A deraia

To remember


= A-şi aduce aminte

→ PHRASES: To fell behind = a rămâne în urmă For a long time = pentru mult timp To go back = a se întoarce At that time = în acest timp → TEXT: Read and translate this text in Romanian. Identify the adverbs in the following text. (Citiţi şi traduceţi acest text în română. Identificaţi adverbele în textul de mai jos):

WHAT IS MORE USEFUL? Once a tram, a trolley-bus, a car and a bycicle met at crossing. As they were waiting for the green light, they began to talk. The car said to the bycicle, ´Why do people use you? You are so slow! When you do not move you cannot stand – you fall on your side. I have four wheels and I move very quickly and I can carry not one man, but five. I am more useful than you.´ ´It depends on when and where´, said the little bycicle. Then the tram began to speak. ´I am more useful than you´ it said to the car. ´You can carry five people and I can carry more than one hundred. I am more useful than you.´ 65

´It depends on when and where´, said the bycicle again. Then the trolley-bus spoke. ´I think I am more useful´, said the trolley-bus to the tram. ´You make so much noise! I am better than you.´ ´It depends on when and where´, said the bycicle for the third time. At that time they saw a green light. They began to move. They wanted to see which of them was the quickest. Soon the bycicle fell behind. The other three moved on, but as the tram and the trolley-bus had to stop, they fell behind the car too. Then suddenly the tram went of the trails and had to stop. And the trolley-bus said to the train, ´I hink you will stay here for a long time. I do not need any rails. Good-bye!´ And it ran on. But soon it came to its last stop and had to go back. At that time the car was moving very quickly. It came to a place were there was a bridge across a river. But some men were repairing the bridge and the car had to look for a place to cross the river. When it came to a village on the other side of the river, it saw the the bycicle there. ´How did you cross the river?´ asked the car. The men who were repairing the bridge left a little place for me to cross the river. And so here I am. Do you remember what I said? It depends upon when and where.´15


EXPLICAŢII GRAMATICALE Ca şi în limba română, adverbul din limba engleză este partea de vorbire care

determină, în principal, un verb şi care arată caracteristicile unei acţiuni, mai precis locul, timpul sau modul în care se desfăşoara acţiunea. Există totuşi şi cazuri în care adverbele modifică sensul adjectivelor, altor adverbe, substantivelor sau chiar a unor propoziţii: 15

Monica Milcoveanu, Engleza Rapida, Ed. Steaua Nordului, Bucuresti, 2008, pag. 157-158


Eg.: He acted bravely. Nicely done you two! This song is very nice. 2.1. TIPURI DE ADVERBE Adverbul din limba engleză are următoarele tipuri: 2.1.1 Adverbul de mod 2.1.2 Adverbe de loc 2.1.3 Adverbe de timp 2.1.4 Adverbe de frecvenţă 2.1.5 Adverbe de opinie 2.1.6 Adverbe interogative 2.1.1 ADVERBUL DE MOD Este unul dintre cele mai cunoscute şi mai des folosite adverbe datorită terminaţiei –ly. Această terminaţie a devenit de altfel marca adverbului din limba engleză. Adverbul de mod aşa cum îi arată şi denumirea arată modul în care se desfăşoară o acţiune şi răspunde la întrebarea: how? Eg.: He solved the problem fast and cleany. The night came and the stars shine brightly. Adverbele de mod pot fi, la rândul lor, împărţite în:


Adverbe de mod clasice: abruptly, accuratly, badly, beautifully, brightly, briskly, careslly, casually, clearly, closely, confortably, correctly, distinctly, dramatically, easily, faitfully, fiercefuly, fluently. Eg.: He watched the case closely. She easily followed the signs. He spoke fluently many foreign languages. The girl raised her head fiercefully. Adverbe de mod care arată sentimentele persoanei care face acţiunea: angrily, bitterly, oldly, calmly, cherfully, furiously, gladly, gloomly, greatfully, hapilly, impatiently, miserably. Eg.: The boy entered boldly into the room. He answered bitterly to our question. He always behave calmly.

2.1.2 ADVERBUL DE LOC Acest tip de adverbe oferă informaţii despre locul în care are loc acţiunea dar şi despre direcţia sau destinaţia acesteia. Adverbele de loc răspund la întrebările: where? where to? from where? which way? etc. Adverbele de loc pot fi la randul lor clasificate în: Adverbe de loc care arată locaţia: abroad, ahead, anywhere, around, ashore, away, downstairs, upstairs, everywhere, here, there, inland, midway, nearly, nowhere etc. 68

Eg.: He travels abroad each year. Ahead is the building we are looking for. She went upstairs. They are everywhere. He was here a minute ago. Adverbe de loc care arată destinaţia: ashore, home, inside, near, next door, outside etc. Eg.: He came home a minute ago. It is near. She lives next door. Adverbe de loc care arată direcţia: ahead, along, back, backwards, forward, left, clockwise, east, north, south, west etc. Eg.: The house is strait ahead. You must go forward. ATENŢIE! Există de asemenea, o categorie de prepoziţii care pot fi folosite ca şi adverbe: above, behind, below, beside, between, opposite, here and there, in front of, next to, under etc.


Adverbele de timp arată două lucruri: timpul/perioada exactă când a avut loc acţiunea şi în acest caz răspund la întrebarea: when? şi lungimea acţiunii în materie de timp, întrebările fiind: since when?, for how long? Atunci când ne referim la adverbe de timp exacte indicatorii de timp sunt zilele, lunile sau anii: yesterday, today, tomorrow, Sunday, Wensday, in 1980, last week sau anumite momente ale zilei, evenimente concrete din an ca: at noon, in the afternoon, in the evening, at luch, at dawn, at night, on Christmas, on Easter, on New Year’s Eve etc. ATENŢIE! Un lucru important de reţinut este ordinea diferitelor adverbe de timp din propoziţie. În limba engleză adverbele de timp păstrează următoarea ordine: TIME + DAY + DATE + YEAR TIMP + ZI + DATĂ + AN Eg.: Our group will still meet at 12 o’clock sharp, on Sunday, August 22nd 2009. You have an appointment with our project manager at 8 o’clock, Monday morning, July 4th 2009. Există în limba engleză un adverb de timp des folosit şi anume ago. Acest adverb are formă de trecut dar el indică întotdeauna o acţiune prezentă şi mai mult trebuie însoţit de repere temporare.


Eg: He received a disturbing letter 4 months ago. Dacă vrem subliniem faptul că acţiunea a avut loc în trecut, ago trebuie înlocuit cu before. Eg.: The children met before lunch. Alte adverbe de timp des folosite în limba engleză sunt: all day long, any more, no longer, briefly, forever, over night. Există şi expresii adverbiale de tipul: after, before, during, for,, in, since, until etc. Eg.: He worked all day long. The flowers flourish over night. They continue to wolk from dask till down. În limba engleză adverbul for indică în general lungimea de timp a unei acţiuni. Dar există şi situaţiile în care vrem să subliniem într-un mod oarecum exagerat că această acţiune a durat prea mult. Eg.: I waited you for ages! Your studies lasted four years! Dacă acţiunea nu este definită clar din punct de vedere temporar se folosesc adverbe ca: about, almost, around, more than, nearly etc. Eg.: The events happened almost 80 years ago. Locul adverbelor de timp în propoziţie este la început sau la sfârşit de propoziţie. 71

Eg.: Last summer, I went to the seaside. He returned home last month. 2.1.4. ADVERBE DE FRECVENŢĂ Acest tip de adverbe arată cât de des sau de rar are loc o acţiune: often, seldom, rarely, never, ever etc. Eg.: He often participates to the race. Sometimes, it rains in this region. The girl had that reaction rarely. Adverbele de frecvenţă răspund la întrebarea how often? şi se clasifică în două categorii: A. Adverbe de frecvenţă bine definite sunt acel tip de adverbe care indică timpul

concret al unei acţiuni: daily, nightly, monthly etc. În general, acest tip de adverbe este aşezat la sfârşitul propoziţiei. Eg.: I shall give you the report hourly. The boy worked daily. B. Al doilea tip de adverbe de frecvenţă sunt cele indefinite: usually, commonly,

generally, normaly, constantly, permanently etc. Eg.: John usually runs in the park. The Browns normally go to the seaside but this year they went to 72

the mountains. Locul adverbelor de frecvenţă indefinite este după verbul to be ori după alte timpuri verbale. Există totuşi anumite adverbe de frecvenţă care sunt aşezate la începutul propoziţiei pentru a sublinia ceva. Acestea sunt: never, ever, in no circumstances, only by, only when etc Eg.: Never, has he behave like this. In no circumstances, must he have this building. Only by chance, we saw him. 2.1.5. ADVERBE DE OPINIE Aceste adverbe arată opinia cuiva despre un anumit eveniment de care a auzit sau la care a participat. Aceste adverbe pot avea grade diferite de intensitate. a.

Siguranţa sau incertitudinea în legătură cu un eveniment: certainly, clearly, definitely, evidently, maybe, perhaps, probably, really etc. Eg.: He is certainly at home. He clearly did not understand anything. Evidently, she missed the event. Perhaps, tomorrow will be better. It is not important, really.


Dimensiunile discursului cuiva: anyhow, anyway, briefly etc. Eg.: Anyhow, he reacted like he always does. 73

It is not your problem anyway. I will present my paper briefly. c.

Adverbele de opinie arată ce crede vorbitorul despre ceva: absurdely, agreably, curiously, fortunately, frankly, happily, hopefully, ironically, sadly, unnecessarly etc. Eg.: What you say is absurdely. Curiously, they did not reply. Fortunately, the people saw the accident. Sadly, he could no longer move his leg. What you did was unnecessarely.

2.1.6. ADVERBE INTEROGATIVE Adverbele interogative sunt folosite în general în întrebări privind circumstanţele unui eveniment. Aceste adverbe sunt: where? when? why? how? Eg.: When did all this happened? Where is that place? I wonder why did he react like this? 2.2.

FORMA ADVERBULUI Din punct de vedere al formei adverbele din limba engleză pot fi:


a. Cuvinte simple sau compuse: here, soon, then, when, how, abroad, anywhere,

somewhere, well etc. Eg.: We will stop here for the moment. The pakage will arrive soon. How will you solve this problem? This couple often travels abroad. Put it anywere. b. Locuţiuni adverbiale: in the morning, at dawn, in the distance

Eg.: I see the house in the distance. In the morning, everything is bright. c. Sufixul – ly adaugat la un adjectiv: badly, briefly, sudenly, loudly, beautifully,

usually, slowly etc. Eg.: He moved the box slowly. She felt badly about what happened. He informed briefly his superior. Her performance was beautifully. Adăugarea acestui sufix la adjectiv implică anumite modificări cum ar fi: -

Adjectivele care se termină în e îl păstrează atunci când terminaţia -ly este adăugată. Eg.: extreme – extremely 75

large – largely This subject seems extremely interesting. It was a largely debated oppinion. Există şi excepţii de această regulă. De exemplu adjectivul true pierde e-ul final atunci când terminaţia -ly este adăugată. Aceeaşi situaţie se aplică şi în cazul adjectivului whole – wholly. Eg.: He seemed truly disturbed by the current situation. - Adjectivele care au terminaţia le o modifică astfel: e –ul este înlocuit cu y: Eg.: gentle – gently She lifted the child gently. - Adjectivele care se termină în l precedat de o vocală, îl păstrează şi adaugă –ly: Eg.: It was a beautifully interpreted play. You finally came! -

Adjectivele care se termină în y la adăugarea terminaţiei –ly îl transformă pe acesta în i: Eg.: This exercise was easily resolved. They participated to this project happily. ATENŢIE!


Există, în limba engleză, o clasă specială de adjective care pot fi transformate în adverbe păstrându-şi forma iniţială sau adăugând terminaţia – ly. Adăugarea acestei terminaţii poate schimba sensul adjectivului. A. Adverbe cu acelaşi înţeles: 1. bright/brightly Eg.: His face was bright/brightly. 2. dear/dearly Eg.: This will cost him dear/dearly. 3. fair/fairly Eg.: This story was fair/fairly true. B.

Adverbe cu înţeles diferit:

1. close/closely: close = aproape; closely = folosit descriptiv Eg.: The little girl walked close to her mother. I will supervise this project closely. 2. deep/deeply: deep = adânc din punct de vedere literar cât şi figurat; deeply =

folosit figurat cu sensul „din toată inima/sufletul”


Eg.: The pit was deep. We are deeply greatful for your deed. 3. direct/directly: direct = arată în general modul de a ajunge undeva şi este asociat în general cu verbe de mişcare ca: to go, to went; directly = are sensul de imediat, chiar acum. Eg.: This road is direct. You will come directly here! 4. easy/easily: easy = înseamnă uşor dar este foarte des întâlnit în expresii de

tipul: take it easy; go easy; easily = cu uşurinţă Eg.: It went easy. I hope next time will be the same. You may easily interpret her attitude. 5. hard/hardly: hard = cu mare efort; cu mare atenţie; hardly = de-abia; puţin

probabil Eg.: It is hard for me to see her. I hardly see her.

2.3. COMPARAŢIA ADVERBELOR Comparaţia adverbelor nu este diferită de cea a adjectivelor. Ca şi acestea, adverbele au două categorii: adverbe scurte de tipul: early, fast, high, late, long, near care formează comparativul prin adăugarea terminaţiei – er la comparativ şi the şi – est la 78

superlativ şi adjective lungi care formează comparativul cu more şi superlativul cu the most. Eg.: It was late in the afternoon when he came. This morning he arrived later than usual. Ca şi în cazul adjectivelor, există adverbe care nu se pot compara după regula generală, ele având forme speciale. Acestea sunt: Well – better – the best Bad – worse – the worst TIPURI DE COMPARAŢII – EXEMPLE A. COMPARAŢIA SCURTĂ ADVERBUL: LATE Gradul pozitiv: I went late to the show. Gradul comparativ: He came later that evening. Gradul superlativ: The children wake up the latest. B. COMPARAŢIA LUNGĂ ADVERBUL: FLUENTLY Gradul pozitiv: He speaks fluently severeal foreign languages. Gradul compartiv de superioritate: This candidate speaks more fluently than others. 79

de egalitate: English is spoken as fluently as French today. de inferioritate: Her brother speaks less fluently than his sister. Gradul superlativ: For an outsider you speak German very well.

3. EXERCIŢII 1. Completaţi spaţiile libere cu următoarele cuvinte. Spuneţi când sunt folosite ca

adverbe sau ca adjective. (Fill in the blanks with the following words. State when they are used as adverbs or adjectives): monthly, last, better, wide, sudden, best, lively, lovely 1. I’m a ......player than you are. 2. I pay my rent.... 3. Open that window....... 4. My name is .....on the list. 5. He made a .....move and got up. 6. Do try and help him. 7. They performed in a .......manner. 8. She is a .........teacher, all children take her. 2.

Traduceţi în engleză. (Translate into English): 1. M-am purtat prosteşte, te rog iartă-mă. 2. A dat un răspuns obraznic. 3. De-abia mi-am dat seama despre ce vorbea.

4. Nu este cazul să mă priveşti atât de neprietenos. 80

5. Voi cere să văd actele în cursul acestei dimineţi. 6. Se pare că tot nu a priceput. 7. Nu voi putea ajunge decât la 5. 8. Nu voi putea ajunge la 5 ci doar la 6. 9. Nu l-am văzut de foarte mult timp, dacă mă gândesc bine nu l-am văzut de când

am terminat facultatea, deci l-am văzut ultima oară acum 15 ani. 10. În timpul discursului s-a ridicat şi a plecat. 11.Tot nu a terminat să se aranjeze pentru petrecere. 12. Mă întâlnescu cu John a doua zi. 13. Sistematic uită să stingă lumina la baie. 14. S-ar putea să aibă dreptate. 15. Nu mi-e deloc frică. 16. Cel mai probabil asta se va întâmpla. 17. Contrar tuturor aşteptărilor, el a luat examenul. 18. Este un student mult mai bun decât se spune despre el.16

3. Formaţi adverbe de la următoarele adjective. (Form adverbs from the following adjectives): Abrupt, aimless; anxious; attentive; bitter; brave; cautious; confortable; coward; early; efficient; equal; fast; fatal; frearless; friendly; glad; good; hard; hopeful; humble; immediate; kind; late; lively; lovely; loyal; long; lucky, mental; merry, motherly; near; noble; noisy; patient; poor; proud; right; scornful; sensible; silly; simple; skilful; steady; straight; sudden; suitable; sweet; terrible; truthful; wrong. 4. Completaţi următoarele propoziţii alegând cuvântul potrivit din propoziţie.

(Complete the following sentencs by choosing one of the words in brackets): 16

Mihai M. Zdrenghea, Anca L. Greere, A Practical English Grammar with exercises, Ed. Clusium, Cluj, 1999, pag. 470-471


1. My sister plays the piano (good/well). 2. The boy is very (careful/carefully). 3. This table has a (smooth/smoothly) surface.

4. These girls speak English (fluent/fluently). 5. They looked at us (amazing/amazingly). 6. I do not know why they looked (unhappy/unhappily). 7. That music sounded too (noisy/noisily). 8. My brother feels (bad/badly). 9. The doctor felt my arm (careful/carefully). 10.The tourist remaind (calm/calmly) in spite of the thunderstorm. 11. Mark was working (diligent/diligently) on the project. 12. The boy became (sick/sickly) after eating those sasages. 13. The foodin this restaurant always tastes (good/well). 14. The woman tasted the meat (cautious/cautiously).

5. Folosiţi un adverb în răspunsul vostru, ca în model. (Use an adverb in your response, as shown): Model: Peter is a slow worker. Yes, he works slowly. 1. George is a bad actor. 2. Alice is a fast swimmer.

3. Mary is a fluent speaker. 4. Lucy is a good teacher. 5. Susan is a careful typist. 6. Christine is a noisy eater. 7. George is a bad worker. 82

8. Ben is a dangerous driver. 9. Philip is a persuasive speaker. 10. Jack is a dilligent student. 6. Write these sentences again. Put the words in brackets in the right place. (Citiţi

propoziţiile din nou. Puneţi cuvintele din paranteză la locul potrivit.): 1. She answers to my letters. (rarely) 2. The shops close on Saturday afternoon. (always) 3. We work after 6 o’clock. (never) 4. We spend our holidays abroad. (sometimes) 5. Do you buy gramaphone records? (ever)

7. Translate into Romanian paying attention to the use of adverbs. (Traduceţi în

limba română fiind atenţi la folosirea averbelor): 1. He rightly refers his success to the good training he has had. 2. I am afraid the new machine does not work right.

3. Did I guess wrong or right? 4. He directed me wrongly. 5. The aeroplane flew high over the ocean. 6. A computer is a highly complicated piece of machinery. 7. This book of English grammar and exercises is for students at a fairly advanced students. 8. A sportsman should always play fair. 9. We were sitting close to the door. 10. She resembles her mother closely. 11. The delegation arrived late in this evening. 83

12. I have not been to the theatre lately. 13. This is just what I wanted. 14. Just listen to him. 15. He may be justly proud of his succes. 16. Do not go far away; stay somewere near. 17. We have nearly run out of potatoes. 18. The gate was wide opened. 19. The two parties differ widely in opinion. 20. The carstopped short only some inches from the pedestrian. 21. I met him shortly. 22. His lecture will begin at ten o’clock sharp. 23. The road turns sharp(ly) to the right. 24. He drove his car clear of the blazing petrol. 25.It is clearly impossible to talk him out of his plans. 26. She was sleeping sound(ly) on the couch. 27. Last week Dinamo were soundly beaten by Steaua.

28. He worked hard over the weekend. 29.They can hardly expect me to do all that work in one week. 30. Do not speak so fast. 31. Many people should eat and drink less.


Supply the correct forms of the adverbs in brackets. (Spuneţi care sunt formele corecte ale adverbelor din paranteză): 1. The Browns were (quiet) watching television.

2. All of a (sudden) three robbers appeared. 3. The robbers were (extreme) polite. 4. They (quick) bound up the couple in their chairs. 84

5. Then they (careful) placed cushions behind their heads to make them more

(confortable). 6. Then they search the house (thorough). 7. (Sad) Mrs. Brown watched her jewel box being emptied. 8. When she was asked if anything in the box was of a sentimental value to her, she

said (tearful), “Yes - everything”.17


Monica Visan, Metoda rapida de invatare a gramaticii limbii engleze, Ed. Viitorul Romanesc, Bucuresti, pag. 115-116





Along Among Another

adv. prep. adj.

To ask for Aunt Auntie Behind

nehot v. s. s. prep.

= = = =


îndărătul = A putea,


= Înainte = Printre = (un) alt; (o) altă A cere Mătuşă Mătuşică În spatele,

Complete Dictation Difficulty

= Complet = Dictare = Dificultate, greutate A simţi Domn Interesant Glumă

To feel Gentleman Interesting Joke

v. s. adj. s.

= = = =



= Doamnă

s. s.

= A lăsa = Doamnă



(numai la V.) = Expresie



= Politicos

To change v. To come v.

a fi în stare de = A (se) schimba To leave = A merge Madam

along May

împreună = 1. a putea


adj. s. s.

a avea voie To mean


2. a fi posibil = 1. A avea înţeles de 2. A însemna


To mind Mine


= A da atenţie la; To strike


= A bate


a-i păsa de = Al meu, a mea, Time


= Timp

pos. Must Nephew

ai mei,


ale mele = A trebui;



= Mâine


a fi necesar = Nepot

To want


= A vrea


mătuşă) = Următor;



= Fără


următoare = Nefumător

The other


(de unchi / Next Nonsmoker Permission s.

nehot = Permisiune

→ PHRASES: You mean – vrei să spui (că) Ladies and gentlemen – doamnelor şi domnilor In that case – în acest caz I don’t mind – nu-mi pasă; nu mă deranjează I say, Victor – ascultă Victor To be interested in – a se interesa de From time to time – din când în când Next time – data viitoare To take a dictation; to do a dictation – a scrie o dictare As usual – ca de obicei 87

Celălalt, cealaltă, = Ceilalţi, celelalte

→ TEXT: Read and translate this text in Romanian. (Citiţi şi traduceţi acest text în Română): The clock strikes five and the lesson begins. ADRIAN: Can I smoke here? EVA: You mean “may I smoke here”? ADRIAN: Yes, you’re right. Well, then: May I smoke here? EVA: What do the ladies say? ALL THE OTHER LADIES: Yes, he may. ADRIAN: Thank you, ladies, very much. DAN: “Ladies and gentlemen” is the complete phrase. ADRIAN: Must I also ask for permission from the gentlemen? DAN: Of course you must, if you want to be polite. There may be non-smokers among them, too. So you mustn’t smoke without their permission. But you have their permission, so you may smoke. ADRIAN: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. GEORGE: May I open the window behind you Alexandra? I don’t like cigarette smoke. ALEXANDRA: Yes, you may. But in this case I think I want to change my place. PAUL: You can change it with mine if you like. I don’t mind an open window behind me. MARIA: I say, Victor, tell your sister she can come and see me tomorrow evening. I have an interesting English book to show her. VICTOR: May I come along with her? You know I am very much interested in English books. MARIA: Certainly you may. It’s a pleasure.


EVA: Now, friends, I think we must have a dictation today. You cannot only speak here. From time to time you must also write. All of you may not like it but we must do this too. Our teacher wants us to do it. ADRIAN: Can’t we leave it for the next time? I feel I can’t dictation today. LIZA: You mustn’t say that Adrian. I am sure you can do a very good dictation, as usual. You may be a little tired today because we know you work very hard, but we are sure you can do it all right. EVA: All right then. Let us begin. Dictation. (Everybody begins to write.)18 1.3.2. EXPLICAŢII GRAMATICALE INTRODUCERE Verbele modale, constituie un capitol extrem de important în gramatica limbii engleze contemporane. Ele exprimă „modalitatea”, adică atitudinea vorbitorului faţă de conţinutul propoziţiei respective care poate să fie necesar, probabil, posibil, de dorit, obligatoriu etc. Cele 9 verbele modale în limba engleză sunt următoarele: CAN / COULD = „a putea”, „ a fi în stare de”, „a fi capabil să”. MAY / MIGHT = „a putea”, „a permite”, „a da voie”, „a-i fi permis să”, „a fi posibil” MUST = „a trebui”, „a fi obligat să” SHALL / SHOULD = „ a trebui”, „a se cuveni” NEED = „ a trebui”, „a fi necesar” DARE = „ a îndrăzni să” 18

Virgiliu Ştefănescu-Drăgăneşti, Adrian Nicolaescu, Victor Hanea, Limba Engleză Curs Practic, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, pag. 142-143


WILL / WOULD = „a vrea”, „a dori” OUGHT (TO) = „a trebui” USED TO = „obişnuia să” Din punct de vedere al formei verbele modale au anumite particularităţi: 1.

nu au infinitiv lung (particula to). Spre deosebire de alte categorii de verbe din limba engleză, verbele modale nu apar niciodată însoţite de aceasta. Ex.: I can speak Spanish fluently. All the students must translate the text. 2. nu îşi schimbă forma în funcţie de persoană. Mai precis, nu adaugă terminaţia

(e)s la persoana a treia singular. Ex.: She can come. He must write the lesson. 3. formează interogativul fără ajutorul verbelor auxiliare, inversând verbul modal cu subiectul: Ex.: May I have a glass of water, please? Must I enter there? 4. formează negativul cu ajutorul adverbului not aşezat după verbul modal:


Ex.: I cannot watch this film. It is too violent for me.

ATENŢIE! În limba română pot exista mai multe negaţii în aceeaşi propoziţie, în schimb, în limba engleză, nu se poate folosi decât o singură negaţie în propoziţie: “I tell you nothing”, „They can’t say anything.” Ex.: You must not say a word. You may not like it. 5.

verbele modale sunt defective. Acest lucru presupune lipsa anumitor forme

pentru timpuri trecute sau viitoare. În general, forma de bază a verbelor modale: can, must sau may este folosită numai pentru timpul prezent. Atunci când aceste forme trebuie folosite la alte timpuri verbale cum ar fi trecut sau viitor, ele sunt înlocuite de anumite construcţii verbale care prin alcătuirea lor permit această trecere. Aceste construcţii verbale poartă numele de echivalenţi modali şi ei sunt: CAN – TO BE ABLE TO MUST – HAVE TO MAY – BE ALLOWED TO / BE PERMITTED TO ATENŢIE!


Formele could, might, would, should sugerează o atitudine mai reţinută din partea vorbitorului, o formă politicoasă de a exprima ceva, fiindcă sunt mai puţin directe în propoziţiile interogative şi atunci când adresăm invitaţii. Ex.: Would you please send us a fax with your offer? Could you call on me this afternoon, please? Might I use your phone? CAN, MUST, MAY A.

CAN – COULD: Acest verb modal este unul dintre cele mai des folosite în limba engleză şi se

traduce prin: a putea, a fi în stare de, a şti, a se pricepe la. În limba engleză verbul modal can este asociat cu verbul modal may, amândouă indicând acelaşi lucruri. Diferă numai exprimarea şi gradul de incertitudine. De exemplu: -

Can/Could exprimă o posibilitate certă în timp ce May/Might exprimă o posibilitate incertă mai precis o bănuială sau o presupunere. Ex.: He can resolve this problem quickly. Mary may come later this evening.


În propoziţiile negative Can neagă modalitatea în timp ce May are sens de permisiune refuzată. Eg.: He can not say anything bad about this person. He may not go there. 92


Există şi situaţiile în care may îl poate înlocui pe can pentru a exprima permisiunea. În această situaţie trebuie reţinut faptul că may este mai formal, mai politicos în timp ce can este des folosit în limbajul familiar. Eg.: Can I open the window? May I open the window? Can/Could are următoarele caracteristici:


Forma CAN este cea a modului Indicativ.


Forma de negativ a lui CAN variază în funcţie de engleza britanică sau cea americană. În cea britanică este folosită forma CANNOT în timp ce în cea americană este mai des întâlnită forma despărţită CAN NOT.


Forma COULD este o formă de trecut şi are ca formă de negativ COULD NOT.

EXCEPŢIE! NOT poate fi separat de CAN când se intenţionează negarea verbului însoţitor, când este necesară o subliniere sau o separare a cuvintelor cu înţeles negativ. Eg.: Can/Could you not interrupt, please? CAN exprimă capacitatea fizică sau intelectuală de efectuare a unei acţiuni prin urmare este însoţit mereu de verbe de percepţie fizică cum ar fi: feel, hear, notice, perceive, see, smell, taste and touch sau mintală: believe, forget, imagine, recall, remember, think etc.


Ex.: Tom can speak French. I can lift the heavy box. I can feel the cold. I can only imagine her joy. Can mai poate fi folosit şi cu verbe de tipul guess, tell, see sau know Ex.: I can guess the right answer. I can tell she was very mad. sau de verbele get, become sau seem folosite mai ales în avertismente. Ex.: Things can get worse here. John cannot seem to understand anything. Can/could pot fi folosite cu stări emoţionale ca: neîncredere, mirare, nedumerire sau surpriză: Ex.: It cannot be true! How could you say such things? Aşa cum am mai spus forma can este folosită numai la timpul Prezent. Atunci cand acţiunea a avut loc în trecut sau va avea loc în viitor aceasta formă nu mai poate fi folosită deoarece nu arată aceste transformări. În această situaţie, can trebuie înlocuit cu o construcţie care să reflecte acest lucru. Dacă acţiunea a avut loc în trecut există două moduri de a exprima acest lucru: Acţiunea a avut loc într-un trecut foarte aproape de momentul vorbirii. În acest caz, este folosită forma COULD. 94

Ex.: Tom could go to a party last week. Acţiunea a avut loc într-un trecut mai îndepărtat. Prin urmare, se foloseşte echivalentul modal al lui can to be able to. Trebuie reţinut faptul că folosirea acestui echivalent modal este determinată de existenţa unor intervale de timp concrete cum ar fi: yesterday, for an hour, at 8 o’clock etc. Ex.: I can skate now. I was able to skate yesterday. We were able to skate for an hour. I could skate when I was a child. Dacă acţiunea va avea loc în viitor can va fi înlocuit cu will able to. Eg.: Kate will be able to win this competition next year. - verbul CAN este adeseori folosit în locul verbului MAY, în vorbirea familiară, pentru a exprima cerea, refuzul sau acordarea permisiunii sau pentru idea de a-i fi permis ceva cuiva. Eg.: Can I open the window? / May I open the window? Can I take it? / May I take it? He cannot accompany you. You can go and give her the gift. -

exprimă o posibilitate, mai precis realizarea unei acţiuni care depinde de anumite înprejurări concrete. Eg.: I can do what you say. 95

It is so ugly outside. We cannot leave the party. - exprimă o cerere, rugăminte politicoasă: Eg.: Can you wait a few minutes? - forma could + infinitivul perfect este folosită pentru a exprima capacitatea nerealizată de efectuare a unei acţiuni în trecut: Eg.: She could have helped me. (But she didn’t) 2.

COULD este forma de trecut a lui can şi are aceeaşi formă pentru toate persoanele

la Indicativ şi Condiţional. Când este urmat de Infinitivul simplu se traduce prin: putea, ştia, era în stare de. Eg.: He could do that last week. - forma negativă este COULDN’T. - întrebuinţat la prezent COULD sugerează o atitudine mai reţinută din partea vorbitorului iar în propoziţiile interogative sau atunci când adresăm invitaţii reprezintă o forma politicoasă. - Aşa cum am mai spus atât could cât şi to be able to sunt forme de trecut. Trebuie să subliniem când folosim could şi când folosim to be able to. COULD arată o acţiune obişnuită în trecut în timp ce to be able to arată ceva concret, ceva ce am reuşit să facem. 96

Eg.: His brother could learn everything very fast. She was able to earn to skate last year. - Formulele CAN şi COULD sunt mai uzuale în vorbire în timp ce BE ABLE TO sună formal. I can guess what you want to say. I can tell from this moment that the plan will not work.

1.3.3 EXERCIŢII 1.

Construiţi propoziţii cu CAN sau CAN’T. Daţi răspunsul potrivit. (Build up

sentences with CAN or CAN’T. Give the right answer.) Model: to speak English; (not) to speak English. Can you speak English Mary? Yes, I can. Can you speak French Mary? No, I can not. Mary can speak English but she cannot speak French. 1. to swim 100 meters; to run 1000 meters. 2. to play tennis; to play baseball. 3. to lift 25 kilos; to lift 100 kilos. 4. to coke only omelets; to cook well. 5. to play only piano; to play the violin. 6. to ride a bike; to drive a car. 97

7. to type; to do shorthand. 8. to do easy exercises at English; to do hard exercises at English. 9. to help one’s friend today; to help one’s friend tomorrow. 10. to do the work now; to do the work next week. 2.

Completaţi spaţiile goale cu CAN (Prezent), COULD (Trecut) sau SHALL /

WILL BE ABLE TO (Viitor). (Put CAN (in the present), COULD (in the past) and SHALL / WILL BE ABLE TO (in the future) in the following sentences): 1. …………… stand on your heady? Yes, I…………..when I was at school, I…………now. 2. When I have passed my driving test, I …………………..hire a car from our local garage. 3. At the end of the month the Post Office will send him an enormous bill which he…….not pay. 4. I ………..remember the address. ………… not even remember the street? 5. When the fog lifts, we…………. see where we are. 6. You’ve put too much in your rucksack; you never ………..carry all that. 7. When I was a child I ………(not) understand adults, and now that I am an adult I……….(not) understand children. 8. Don’t try to look at all the pictures in the gallery. Otherwise when you get home you… not….remember any of them. 9. When I first went to France, I …….read French, but I …….(not) speak it. 10. …… type? Yes, I……type but I ……do shorthand. 11. I’m locked in. I………get out. 12. I think I………come next week. I am very busy these days.



Completaţi următoarele propoziţii cu CAN sau CAN’T apoi traduceţi-le în

limba română. (Fill up the following sentences with CAN or CAN’T and then translate them in Romanian): 1. ……….you read an English book? Yes, I…… 2. ……….you read all the English books? No, I……. 3. Granny……… without glasses. 4. ……….Bob lift the box? Yes, he…….. No, he……… 5. If you have money, you…….. buy things. 6. If you have only little money, you…… things. 7. What……….you buy if you have no money? You….buy anything. 8. ……… see her face? No, I ……..see her face. 9. ……. you see the clock? It’s over the door. What time is it? 10. Everybody……..fall ill. 11. John…….write because he has ink, paper and pen. 12. ………..we send a letter without a stamp on the envelope? No, we…….. 13. This man………..see; he’s blind. 14. It was a long time ago; I…….remember it now. 15. Blind men…….see. They…..see anything. 16. Deaf men…..hear. They…..hear anything. 17. I……do all the exercises as they’re quite easy. 18. I……forget our walking along the river on that wonderful evening. 19. ……you taste anything particular in the soup? No, I…… 20. I…..smell something burning. 4.

În propoziţiile care urmează, folosiţi CAN sau CAN’T împreună cu unul dintre

aceste verbe: hear, look, read, see, understand, walk. (In the following sentences use CAN or CAN’T with one of these verbs: hear, look, read, see, understand, walk):


1. I’m afraid my grandfather is deaf. He……..what you want. 2. I have to wear glasses. I…………very well. 3. The manager likes books with large print. He………………….them more easily. 4. David uses a wheelchair. He……………very far. 5. Aunt Betty is quite happy living alone. She…………..after herself. 6. It’s too noisy in here. I……………….. what you are saying. 7. David is very tired. He………….any more. 8. Turn on the light please. I…………read. 9. I’m sorry but I…………him. He speaks so quickly. 10. My father has marvelous eyes; he…………….the tiniest details. 5.

Traduceţi în limba română. (Translate into Romanian):

1. Nu ştiu să joc baseball. 2. Poţi să faci aparatul acesta de radio să meargă? 3. Te pricepi la şah/ştii să joci şah? 4. David poate să alerge 100 de metrii în 13 secunde. 5. În camerele acestea nu pot să încapă toţi musafirii. 6. Fiind aşa de mare sala asta poate servii ca loc de întrunire/şedinţă.19 B. MUST – HAVE TO – NEED: - Verbele modale MUST, HAVE (TO) exprimă necesitate şi obligaţie. a.

Must cu aceeaşi formă la toate persoanele, are valoare de Indicativ prezent şi viitor

în funcţie de adverbul de timp care îl însoţeşte. - Must exprimă o obligaţie sau o concluzie logică şi se traduce prin a trebui să. 19

Ion Vladoiu, Verbele modale englezesti, ed. AN-DA, Bucuresti, pag. 83-84


- Antonimul lui MUST este NEEDN’T des folosit în engleza britanică sau DON’T NEED TO care este caracteristic englezei americane. Ambele exprimă absenţa obligaţiei şi se traduc prin: nu trebuie să, nu este nevoie/necesar să. Cu ajutorul acestor forme se formulează deducţii negative. Eg.: He need not bring that present. It is not an anniversary. - Forma negativă a lui MUST este MUSTN’T şi exprimă o obligaţie negativă. 1. Must exprimă obligaţia vorbitorului de a efectua o acţiune: Eg.: I must attend all my classes to graduate this faculty. în timp ce forma have to exprimă o obligaţie obişnuită, repetată şi provine din exterior, de la altcineva: Eg.: You have to be punctual every morning. 2. must exprimă deducţia logică: Eg.: She must be at home. She left an hour ago. 3. verbul must este des utilizat în articole de lege, regulamente etc. pentru a exprima obligativitatea respectării lor. Forma negativă exprimă interdicţia. Eg.: „All the citizens of Romania must comply with the laws as derived from the ratified Constitution.” „Pedestrians must not cross the street when the traffic light is red.” 101

4. Must exprimă probabilitatea şi este întrebuinţat pentru a exprima concluzii logice, fiind tradus prin: cred (că), în mod sigur, de bună seamă, precis (că), probabil (că).. Eg.: Your daughter must have a problem. Mr. Brown must be older than Mrs. Brown. Mr. Green must be a rich man. John has got a new job in London. So he must go there every day. 5. Must mai exprimă reproşul faţă de o acţiune din prezent, exprimat prin forma interogativă: Eg.: Must you always react like this? 6. exprimă sfatul, recomandarea: Eg.: You must do as he says! 7. exprimă invitaţii cu caracter formal sau oferte în situaţia de gazdă sau musafir: Eg.: You must use my typewriter whenever you need to. You must come and visit us sometime. Must – puternic accentuat este folosit în engleza britanică pentru a exprima ceea ce trebuie neapărat făcut şi se regăseşte sub forma unei recomandări sau a unui sfat ferm adresat subiectului propoziţiei. Eg.: You must hurry if you want to catch the train. 102


NEED Need are un regim mai special în limba engleză deoarece este doar un verb semi-

modal. Această denumire se referă la faptul că există două aspecte ale acestui verb: unul de verb obişnuit – to need (a avea nevoie de, a-i fi necesar, a-i trebui) – şi unul modal, des întâlnit în engleza britanică, folosit numai în propoziţiile negative şi interogative. Eg.: People usually need the company of other people. Do you need anything before I leave? ATENŢIE! - Forma negativă, needn’t poate fi urmată doar de un verb la infinitiv: NEEDN’T DO. Ea exprimă absenţa necesităţii şi reflectă doar opinia vorbitorului. Eg.: You need not go to the shops; there is enough food. - forma DON’T NEED TO folosită în engleza americană, exprimă absenţa necesităţii mai precis nici persoanele nici evenimentele nu fac obligatorie efectuarea unei acţiuni. - NEED este folosit pentru a exprima absenţa necesităţii efectuării unei acţiuni mai ales la forma negativă şi se traduce prin „nu e nevoie”, „nu e cazul”: Eg.: You need not buy a gift for us. dacă răspunsul este pozitiv se foloseşte must:


Eg.: Yes, you must. dar dacă răspunsul este negativ se foloseşte needn’t: Eg.: No, you needn’t. - need şi needn’t sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt: Eg.: You needn’t come.

1.3.3 EXRCIŢII 1.

Completaţi spaţiile goale cu MUST sau MUSTN’T. (Put MUST or MUSTN’T

in these sentences): 1. You…… hard if you want to learn good English. 2. You………cross the road without looking left or right. It’s dangerous. 3. The exam is next month. I……..learn harder. 4. You……………. forget your umbrella. It’s going to rain. 5. We……………stay here any longer. We…….go to the station now, or we’ll miss our train. 6. I…………phone Susan tonight. I haven’t spoken to her for a long time. 7. You………listen to the teacher or you won’t understand the lesson. 8. It’s seven o’clock. Shall we go? We………miss the concert. 9. You……read this book. It’s fantastic. 10. It’s an important match for us. We…….play well and win it.



Completaţi propoziţiile următoare folosind forma corectă a lui HAVE TO şi a

cuvintelor din paranteză. (Complete these sentences using the correct form of HAVE TO and the words in brackets): 1. I (leave) now. I’ve got an appointment at the dentist’s. 2. You (study) the literature when you were at school? 3. You (not/come) with me now if you don’t want to. 4. I (not/work) hard because the job was very easy. 5. I (do) this work now, or can I do it tomorrow? 6. I (run) to school because I was late. 7. I (go) to an important meeting yesterday. 8. You (show) your passport when reached the border? 9. I (pay) in cash next week, or can I give you a card? 10. I want to be an airline pilot. What qualifications you (have) to be a pilot? 11. You (not/decide) today. You can tell me tomorrow. 12. I arrived late yesterday because I (wait) a long time for the bus. 13. We (work) on Saturday mornings. That’s our job. 14. Tim (do) some washing-up today; it’s his turn to help the kitchen. 15. I’m not content with my present results. I (work) harder from now on. 3.

Transformaţi următoarele propoziţii în propoziţii negative. (Make these

sentences negative): 1. Tom and Pam must come tonight. 2. Mary has to stay at home. 3. Bob has to go to the country. 4. She must speak to my sister about our trip. 5. You have to drive slowly here. 105

6. I must get up early tomorrow. 7. The children must play in the street. 8. They have to go to school every day. 9. We must begin work before ten. 10. They have to be very punctual. 4.

Transformaţi propoziţiile de mai sus în propoziţii interogative folosind Do/Does

…have to? şi daţi răspunsuri scurte cu Da sau Nu. (Turn them into interrogative using Do/Does …have to? And give short answers with Yes or No) 5.

Transformaţi propoziţiile de la exerciţiul numărul 3 în propoziţii negative

folosind forma needn’t. (Make negative sentences from exercise 3 using need not). 20


Ion Vladoiu, Verbele modale englezesti, ed. AN-DA, Bucuresti, pag. 152-158



adv. prep. adj.

To ask for Aunt Auntie Behind

nehot v. s. s. prep.

= = = =


îndărătul = A putea,


= Înainte = Printre = (un) alt; (o) altă A cere Mătuşă Mătuşică În spatele,

Complete Dictation Difficulty

adj. s. s.

= Complet = Dictare = Dificultate, greutate A simţi Domn Interesant Glumă

To feel Gentleman Interesting Joke

v. s. adj. s.

= = = =



= Doamnă

s. s.

= A lăsa = Doamnă



(numai la V.) = Expresie



= Politicos


2. A însemna = A da atenţie la; To strike


= A bate


a-i păsa de = Al meu, a mea, Time


= Timp

To change v. To come v.

a fi în stare de = A (se) schimba To leave = A merge Madam

along May

împreună = 1. A putea


A avea voie To mean


2. a fi posibil = 1. A avea înţeles de

To mind Mine

pos. Must Nephew

ai mei,


ale mele = A trebui;



= Mâine


a fi necesar = Nepot

To want


= A vrea


(de unchi / Next Non-


mătuşă) = Următor;




următoare = Nefumător

The other




= Fără Celălalt, = cealaltă, Ceilalţi, celelalte

Permission s.

= Permisiune

→ PHRASES: You mean – vrei să spui (că) Ladies and gentlemen – doamnelor şi domnilor In that case – în acest caz I don’t mind – nu-mi pasă; nu mă deranjează I say, Victor – ascultă Victor To be interested in – a se interesa de From time to time – din când în când Next time – data viitoare To take a dictation; to do a dictation – a scrie o dictare As usual – ca de obicei

→ TEXT: Read and translate this text in Romanian. (Citiţi şi traduceţi acest text în Română): The clock strikes five and the lesson begins. 108

ADRIAN: Can I smoke here? EVA: You mean “may I smoke here”? ADRIAN: Yes, you’re right. Well, then: May I smoke here? EVA: What do the ladies say? ALL THE OTHER LADIES: Yes, he may. ADRIAN: Thank you, ladies, very much. DAN: “Ladies and gentlemen” is the complete phrase. ADRIAN: Must I also ask for permission from the gentlemen? DAN: Of course you must, if you want to be polite. There may be non-smokers among them, too. So you mustn’t smoke without their permission. But you have their permission, so you may smoke. ADRIAN: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. GEORGE: May I open the window behind you Alexandra? I don’t like cigarette smoke. ALEXANDRA: Yes, you may. But in this case I think I want to change my place. PAUL: You can change it with mine if you like. I don’t mind an open window behind me. MARIA: I say, Victor, tell your sister she can come and see me tomorrow evening. I have an interesting English book to show her. VICTOR: May I come along with her? You know I am very much interested in English books. MARIA: Certainly you may. It’s a pleasure. EVA: Now, friends, I think we must have a dictation today. You cannot only speak here. From time to time you must also write. All of you may not like it but we must do this, too. Our teacher wants us to do it. ADRIAN: Can’t we leave it for the next time? I feel I can’t dictation today. LIZA: You mustn’t say that Adrian. I am sure you can do a very good dictation, as usual. You may be a little tired today because we know you work very hard, but we are sure you can do it all right. 109

EVA: All right then. Let us begin. Dictation. (Everybody begins to write.) 21

1.3.2 EXPLICAŢII GRAMATICALE: MAY – MIGHT MAY şi MIGHT au acelaşi regim cu CAN şi COULD, ele arătând posibilitatea sau permisiunea. Acest verb este folosit mai mult în stilul formal, oficial pentru a exprima: urare, dorinţă; speranţă sau temere; mirare, nedumerire; iritare sau reproş; sugestie sau scop etc. MAY are aceeaşi formă la toate persoanele, la singular sau la plural - forma negativă este MAY NOT. - se traduce prin s-ar putea, e posibil să. MAY/MIGHT exprimă: MAY 1. cererea sau acordarea permisiunii într-o formă mai oficială decât CAN:

Eg.: 'May I go?' 'You may go.' 2. exprimă o cerere, rugăminte politicoasă:


Virgiliu Ştefănescu-Drăgăneşti, Adrian Nicolaescu, Victor Hanea, Limba Engleză Curs Practic, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, pag. 142-143


Eg.: May I use your phone? - folosirea lui might cu acelaşi sens indică un grad mai mare de nesiguranţă: Eg.: Might I use your phone? (Aş putea să dau un telefon?) 3. exprimă posibilitatea: Eg.: He may be here now. MIGHT Este folosit pentru: 1. exprimarea unei posibilităţi mai îndepărtate. 2. exprimarea unei cereri insistente sau atunci când vorbitorul este iritat de neîndeplinirea unei acţiuni trecute: Eg.: You might have asked my permission before doing that.




Completaţi spaţiile libere cu may sau can. (Fill in the blanks with may or can):

1. It………..rain in the afternoon; you’d better take an umbrella. 2. Bob…….be sleeping now; let’s not disturb him. 3. If we are waiving him, he……give us a lift. 4. Diana…..swim very well. 5. You…….catch a cold if you’re going out in the rain; it’s already autumn. 6. Her daughter …….be three or four, I don’t know for sure. 7. Do you know where I………..find a drugstore? 8. We …..find mum when we get there. 9. She…..pass the examination; she has worked hard all the summer. 10. She…..pass the examination, but we doubt about it. 11. Tom isn’t going to eat it; I………well give it to the dog. 12. Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They…….have sailed from South America on rafts. 13. ……… tell me if there are any letters for me this morning? 14. If we ………give him a blood transfusion, we…….be able to save his life. 15. He………..have got to the station by now. 16. Everybody…… taken ill. 17. Everybody………be ill, not only these two boys, if they ate the same cake. 18. Anyone………learn English if he/she tries hard enough. 19. John………be at the races this afternoon. 20. Jane……….not like the color. No, she……not. 2.

Completaţi spaţiile goale folosind might sau might not şi verbele din paranteză.

(Complete these sentences, using might or might not and the verbs in brackets): 1. I …… (buy) her this doll for her birthday party. She likes dolls. 112

2. Take the jersey with you. It……….(be) cold tonight. 3. We……..(go) to Switzerland this winter, but we haven’t booked yet. 4. I……..(go) by car because there will be a lot of traffic. 5. They………(come) to the party this evening. They’re very busy. They have a lot of things at home. 6. What are you going to do tonight? I’m not sure. I……..(stay) at home. I’m tired. 7. I know Helen is at school today. But I don’t know where she is at the moment. She….. (be) at the gym, or she …..(be) in the chemistry lab. 8. Don’t worry to much about that mistake. It……(be) important. 9. I’ll try to change the time of my flight, but it …..(be) possible. The planes are often full at this time of the year. 10. You …….(find) a good hotel if you go to the main street – there are lots of hotels there. 3.

Completaţi cu pronumele potrivit şi may (not) sau might (not) precum şi cu

verbul din paranteză. (Put in an appropriate pronoun and may (not) or might (not) plus the verb in brackets): 1. The sky is full of clouds. ……(rain) later. 2. Don’t give it to Susan. ……. (like) it. 3. …….(be) late tonight. I have a lot of work to do. 4. I’m thinking of learning Spanish. ……. (go) to evening classes at the University. 5. I wonder why Bob is late. Well there ……(be) a lot of traffic. 6. It’s a long way to go in a day. We think……. (break) the journey somewhere. 7. Alexandra is pleased that she’d got an interview for a job. …… (get) the job of course. 8. The caravan is a bit small for all of us. ………(sell) it and buy a bigger one. 9. Don’t think that suitcase is too heavy for you? ….. (drop) it. 10. ……. (be) out of town as the gate is locked. 113


Completaţi următoarele propoziţii cu may sau (not) be allowed to, folosind eu

sau noi, sau alte pronume personale. (Complete these sentences with may or (not) be allowed to, using I or we, or other personal pronoun): 1. ……….use your typewriter this afternoon? Mine is out of order. 2. ……….smoke in the cinema hall? I’m afraid you can’t. 3. ……….cross the road here? 4. ……….ask you a question? 5. ……….go in this park? 6. ……….read your letter from Susan? 7. Granny says……….go swimming whenever we like. 8. I’ve got an interview tomorrow morning. …….record it on tape? 9. She couldn’t come because she …… 10. ………feed the animals at the Zoo yesterday – it’s forbidden. 11. Passengers……..take one bag onto the plane. 12. I think……join you. 13. ……..go in if you’re under 18. 6.

Traduceţi în limba engleză. (Translate into English):

1. Pot să întârzii un pic mâine dimineaţă? 2. I s-a acordat permisiunea să consulte toate cărţile din biblioteca şcolii. 3. Nu permite nimănui să o strige pe numele mic, cu excepţia prietenilor apropiaţi. 4. Nu este înţelept ce aţi făcut, dacă mi se îngăduie să-mi spun şi eu părerea. 5. Îmi permiteţi să vă dau un sfat? 6. Nu cred că avem voie să pescuim aici. 7. E posibil să vin cu voi. 114

8. S-ar putea să nu fie acasă la ora aceea. 9. Nu intra încă s-ar putea să fie altcineva înăuntru. 10. De ce nu o asculţi? S-ar putea să spună adevărul.22 ALTE VERBE MODALE SHALL AND SHOULD Shall şi Should pot fi folosite atât ca verbe auxiliare de timp sau mod în engleza oficială mai ales în Marea Britanie cât şi ca verbe modale arătând obligaţie, datorie sau interdicţie. Forma SHALL este folosită în general la modul Indicativ, timpul Prezent şi se traduce cu „a nu vrea să…..”. Forma negativă este SHALL NOT. Atunci când această formă apare de în compania unor verbe ca: asume, be afraid, be sure, believe, doubt, expect, hope, etc. arată un viitor care nu poate fi controlat de noi. Eg.: I shall asume that he was here. I shall come and visit you tomorrow. Atunci când este folosit ca verb modal, shall este caracteristic englezei britanice mai ales la forma interogativă. Engleza americană preferă forma should I la toate persoanele. În general, atunci când se foloseşte forma shall I... se solicită sfaturi, dispoziţii sau instrucţiuni etc. Eg.: What shall I give you? Shall I buy this blouse or the other? Shall I serve you with tea or with a juice? 22

Ion Vladoiu, Verbele modale englezesti, ed. AN-DA, Bucuresti, pag. 127-129


Shall we listen this concert? Let’s eat at the restaurant tonight, shall we? Forma SHOULD este o formă de trecut şi este folosită de regulă cu verbe ca: like, prefer, love, care, hate, prefer şi wish etc. Ea arată absenţa sau prezenţa necesităţii sau obligaţiei. Ea este folosită în stilul formal al englezei britanice, în emisiunile postului BBC, sau în sus-estul Angliei. SHOULD poate apărea în construcţii de tipul: IF…..SHOULD (DO) arătând un grad mai mare de improbabilitate. O altă forma a lui SHOULD este aceea de verb modal şi arată necesitatea şi obligaţia în formă de sfat sau recomandare. Eg.: You should go there; you may actually have some fun. If I should do this it might not came out as we planed. SHOULD este des întâlnit în engleza britanică formală în propoziţii subordonate care încep cu THAT şi care arată cât de importantă este o acţiune sau care redau păreri personale, reacţii la aflarea unor acţiuni, comenzi, ordine, porunci, sfaturi, necesitate, insistenţă etc. Eg.: He should attend that social event. It is important that she should be there at 8 o’clock. I hope that nothing should spoil our work. He ordered that the plain should lend immediately. Michael insisted that they should take some extra precaussions. It is amazing that the witnesses shouldn’t say a word about the incident. It is strange that the girl should reacted like this.


WILL, WOULD Aceste două verbe intră în categoria verbelor auxiliar-modale şi exprimă: voinţa; consimţământul sau refuzul; dorinţa sau preferinţa; promisiunea sau amenţarea; comandă, ordin sau intrucţiuni; insistenţă, ofertă sau rugăminţi politicoase. Ele arată acţiuni care au loc în viitor sau impun o condiţie. Eg.: I will go to the seaside next summer. WILL este des folosit şi ca verb modal şi exprimă voinţă, refuz, hotărâre, comenzi, promisiuni şi ameninţări, rugăminţi, invitaţii, obiceiuri etc. Eg.: I will accompany you. I will accomplish all my goals. She will not say a word. You will obey my commands. WOULD este şi el folosit ca verb modal pentru a arăta dorinţa sau preferinţa cuiva pentru ceva sau varinta pliticoasă de a solicita ceva. Eg.: I would like a slice of your birthday cake. Would you like to come in? I wish he would be here. I would have liked to come with you. WOULD mai arată ceva ce o persoană obişnuia să facă în trecut. 117

Eg.: In the old days people would behave more politely then today.


A. CAN – COULD – BE ABLE TO 1. Folosiţi „can” pentru a exprima capacitatea de a efectua o acţiune în prezent sau

viitor. ( Use „can” to express the ability to perform an action in present or in future): 2. The boy (…..not) reach the sweets because they were on a top shelf. 3. The singer (…..not) sing tomorrow because he had a cold. 4. I (………) stay in bed later as I didn’t go to work yesterday. 5. You (…….) easily recognize her; she has got blonde hair and blue eyes. 6. They (……) come right now; they have finished their work. 7. I (……..) smell something burning in the kitchen. 8. It was so cold outside I (…….not) walk the dog for more than 20 minutes. 118

9. Mozart (…….) play the piano when he was 5 years old.


Folosiţi „can” şi cereţi permisiunea. (Use “can” to ask for permission): Eg.: Can I use your dictionary?

to go now. to open the window. to use Eurocard. to get a traveler’s check. to spend all the money on books. to phone her. 3.

Scrieţi trei lucruri: (Write three things):

- pe care le puteţi face acum (can) - pe care nu le puteţi face acum (cannot) - pe care le puteaţi face cu ani în urmă (could) - pe care le veţi putea face în curând (will be able to) - pe care nu le veţi putea face când veţi fi în vârstă (will not be able to) 3. Folosiţi următorul tabel pentru a exprima permisiunea la timp trecut cu „could”.

(Use the following table to ask permission in the past): Eg.: I could leave the office earlier last Monday. To leave the office To spend his friends To buy whatever she wanted

whenever she wanted on her birthday when he was not in town 119

To sell To look To use 5.

the week-end the old watch at the picture

earlier last Monday in the mountains to get some money

Folosiţi forma „could” pentru a exprima o cerere politicoasă. (Use the form

could to ask something politely): Eg.: You/show/the way Could you show me the way? 1. You/help/with the language. 2. You/carry/the bag. 3. You/bring/some tea. 4. You/read/the notice for me.

B. MAY – MIGHT – BE ALLOWED TO 7. Folosiţi verbul modal „may” pentru a cere permisiunea. (Use the modal verb

„may” to ask for permission): Eg.: You may ask for permission to sit by the window. May I sit by the window? 1. You enter a crowded cafeteria and see a vacant seat. Ask for permission to sit down. 2. You are late at a class and you want to come in. Ask for permission to come in. 3. You want to see a TV show and it is off. Ask for permission to see it again. 4. You want to take off your coat because it is too hot in that room. Ask for permission

to take off your coat.


5. You want too see a sweater that you intend to buy. Ask for permission to see a sweater. 8. Folosiţi „may” sau echivalentul lui modal pentru a exprima permisiunea în

prezent, trecut sau viitor. (Use „may” or his similar construction to express permission in present, past or future): 1. When I was younger I (…….not) to got o a disco. 2. People (…….not) touch the exhibits in a museum. 3. I (……not) get my driving license until I was 18. 4. You (…..) join the army when you are 18. 5. He (…….) drive a motorbike next year.


Completaţi spaţiile libere cu may/might sau could (not) şi cu forma de Infinitiv

prezent sau trecut a verbelor din paranteză. (Fill in the blanks with may/might or could (not) and the present/past Infinitive of the verbs in brackets): 1. I….never (see) you again, so keep this as a souvenir from me. 2. Your cousin ……..(be) in the garden now. 3. Granny…….(come) this evening, but I don’t think she will. 4. If he knew our new address, he……(come) and see us. 5. It……(rain) tomorrow, but I hope it will not. 6. Helen……(be) on the next train. We….very well (wait). 7. If we got there early, we…..(get) a good seat. 8. Grandpa said it…..(snow) tonight. 9. I wonder why they didn’t go. The weather…..(be) too bad. 10. Prices……(go up), so we ought to buy now. 11. You ought to attend his lectures – you ……(learn) something. 121

12. We’d better be early; there… (be) a crowd. 13. Don’t loose the dog – it….(bite) your guests. 14. His map….. (be) out of date. 15. I hope you…..(be) right. 16. She has refused, but she……..(change) her mind if you asked her again. 17. We…..(have) to stay here all night. 18. I saw them in the street but they didn’t stop to talk with me. They……(be) in a hurry. 19. Why did you swim in that river? It’s very dangerous ……(drown). 20. Don’t tease that dog. It…..(bite) you. 21. If you hurried, you …..(catch) the train. 22. If you had hurried indeed, you….(catch) the train. 9.

Traduceţi în limba română. (Translate into Romanian):

1. The teacher doesn’t allow his students to eat sweets in class. 2. Maggie and Mary do allow their little sister to play with their dolls. 3. Get to work – you have my permission to do it. 4. He could leave earlier because his boss gave him permission. 5. I don’t know if mum let’s me go out this afternoon. 6. Did she have your permission to go? 7. “There can be no excuse for it” says Mr. Brown. 8. Don’t let the fire go out. 9. I won’t allow him to go swimming this afternoon. 10. I’m sorry but you are not allowed to visit these rooms. 11. Does your teacher allow you to come to school without having your homework done? 12.They talked to the prisoner as they were given permission.



Alcătuiţi propoziţii cu fiecare formă a verbului modal „may”. (Build up

sentences with each form of the modal verb “may”). C. MUST – HAVE TO – NEED 10. Transformaţi următoarele instrucţiuni în propoziţii conţinând verbele modale

must sau mustn’t. (Change the following instructions into sentences containing the modal verbs must or mustn’t). 1. Do attend all classes. 2. Don’t take school books home with you. 3. Don’t make a noise in the corridors.

4. Arrive for lessons on time. 5. Don’t write on school books.

6. Bring your own pens and paper. 7. Don’t talk in class.

8. Air the classrooms at break. 9. Play in the schoolyard. 10. Don’t fight each other.

12. Cu următoarea listă de activităţi alcătuiţi propoziţii astfel încât ele să exprime ceea ce trebuie să facem, ceea ce trebuie să nu facem sau pe care alţii nu sunt nevoiţi să le facă. (Following is a list of activities. Some of them we MUST DO, some we MUST NOT DO, and others we DON’T HAVE TO DO. Make appropriate sentences for each of them): Ex.: 1. improve our English We must improve our English. 123

2. enter the classroom after the lesson begins We mustn’t enter the classroom after the lesson begins 3. leave the classroom during the breaks We don’t have to leave the classroom during the breaks. 4. stand up when the teacher arrives 5. cross the street when the light is red 6. be in time for school 7. be late for school 8. do your homework 9. buy expensive clothes 10. go swimming 11. obey the law 12. disturb your neighbors 13. visit the neighbors 17. În fiecare din următoarele propoziţii cineva va face ceva. Întrebaţi dacă

persoana sau persoanele în cauză trebuie să facă acel lucru, aşteptând un răspuns negativ şi dând un răspuns negativ. (În each of the following sentences somebody is going to do something. Ask if the person or the persons concerned need do things, expecting a negative reply and give a negative reply.) Ex.: 1. Tom is going to climb the apple tree. There are a lot of apples in a basket. ‘Need he climb the apple tree?’ ‘No, he needn’t.’


2. Lucy is going to telephone. Lily is expecting her. 3. Dan is going to eat pilaf. He doesn’t like rice. 4. Susan is going to invite Julia to a party although she doesn’t like her. 5. Barbara is going to wear an evening dress. All the other girls are wearing casual dresses. 6. George is standing. There are enough chairs for everybody. 7. The boys are going to finish the exercise. They can finish it tomorrow, if they like. 8. Mother is going to wash the dishes. Alice can wash them later. 14.

Alcătuiţi propoziţii folosind forma HAD TO. (Build up sentences using the

form HAD TO) Ex.: 1. carry luggage They had to carry their luggage themselves. 2. chop firewood. 3. fetch water 4. clean rooms 5. wash clothes 6. cook meals 7. make beds 15. Traduceţi următoarele propoziţii în limba engleză folosind verbele modale învăţate. (Translate the following sentence into English using the modal verbs) 1. Ştii să înoţi? Nu, dar voi şti la sfârşitul cursului. 2. Nu pot să scriu cu stiloul asta. Pot să-l împrumut pe al tău? 3. Poate rămâne şi el aici? Nu, nu are voie, e prea mic. 125

4. Pot să vin şi eu cu dumneavoastră? Da, ne poţi însoţi. 5. Am putut ieşi în grădină după ce a stat ploaia. 6. Anul acesta am ore după amiază. În fiecare zi trebuie să fiu la şcoală la ora 12 fix. 7. Trebuie să merg la Braşov săptămâna viitoare.23




Another 1pr. adj. Superpower s. Craft s. Most


= = =

Alt, alta Superputere Meşteşug

To estimate v. To identify v. Themselves pr.

= = =

A estima A identifica Înşişi


Îndemânare Marea





majoritate 23

Ion Vlădoiu, Verbe modale englezeşti, Ed. AN-DA, Bucureşti pag 82 – 84; 127 – 129; 152 - 158


Reader Like

s. = adv. =

Cititor Ca

Near To

adj. v.

= =

Aproape A

be scattered

fi împrăştiat

To set out Search To find To

v. s. v. v.

= = = =

A porni Căutare A găsi Ai displăcea

Throughout To want To look for To look for

prep v. v. v.

= = = =

A fi răspândit Printre A vrea A căuta ceva A căuta ceva

be displeased To know To feel Hope Few

v. v. s. adj.

= = = =

A şti A simţi Speranţă Puţin

Certainly Dream Somehow

adv. s. adv.

= = =

Cu siguranţă Vis Cumva

→ PHRASES: In the same time = în acelaşi timp As in terms = în termeni; referitor la To look for = a căuta The very subject = chiar subiectul Just over half = puţin peste jumătate To live on = a trăi pe By use = prin obişnuinţă

→ TEXT: Read and translate this text in Romanian. (Citiţi şi traduceţi acest text în Română): INDIANS OR AMERICANS 127

America is not just another country. It is a superpower but, in the same time, we can speak about it in terms of its population centers, economic statistics, educational systems, arts and crafts, politics and problems etc. Most readers, like most tourists, set out in search of America wanting to find what they are looking for and are very displeased with their guides if they don’t find it. We all know and feel that America – that dream and that promise, those myths, legends and hopes – is somewhat different. The very subject of America attracts opinions and judgments as no other country does. The United States is one of the few countries that have no ‘official’ language or languages. English is the common language by use but it is not the national language by law. About 30 million Americans speak a language other than English at home. It is estimated that some 20 million people in the United States may have some Indian blood. However, only about 1,4 million people identify themselves as Indian (American Indian, Eskimo, etc) in the 1980 census. Just over half of these live on or near federal reservations. The rest is scattered throughout the population. No Indian has to stay in a reservation. Less than 30 Indians were city residents in 1940 and today are over 700, 000. Nineteen metropolitan areas have 5,000 or more Indians; the Los Angeles urban complex has about 82,000. Over 10 percent of the more than 200 Indian reservations have 5000 or more Indians, the largest being the Navajo with some 166,000 Indians. Most of the 500 or so tribes and groups recognized by US Government have few members. In only five states (Alaska, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and South Dakota) Indians make more than 5% of the population. All American Indians are citizens of the US.24


Olea Ciuciuc, Eugenia Tănăsescu, Curs de Engleză Generală, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti, p. 78


EXPLICAŢII GRAMATICALE 1.2.1 FOLOSIRE Timpul Prezentul Simplu (The Simple Present Tense) este unul dintre cele mai importante noţiuni de gramatică din limba engleză şi, prin urmare, va fi primul studiat în acest suport de seminar. În ceea ce priveşte timpurile verbale există o deosebire importantă între timpurile verbale româneşti şi cele englezeşti: aspectul. Spre deosebire de timpurile verbale româneşti, cele englezeşti au aspectul simplu şi continuu. În limba engleză există următoarele timpuri verbale: 1. TIMPUL PREZENT (THE PRESENT TENSE) Prezentul Simplu – The Simple Present Tense Prezentul Continuu – The Present Continuous Tense 2. TIMPUL TRECUT (THE PAST TENSE) Trecutul Simplu – The Simple Past Tense Trecutul Continuu – The Continuous Past Tense 3. TIMPUL VIITOR (THE FUTURE TENSE) Viitorul Simplu – The Simple Future Viitorul Continuu – The Future Continuous Tense Alte Forme de Exprimare a Viitorului 129

Timpul Present Tense Simple exprimă o acţiune generală (mai precis obiceiuri, evenimente sau fapte care se repetă urmând un anumit model) sau adevăruri general valabile cum ar fi proverbe sau lucruri de necontestat. Adverbele care însoţesc de obicei acest tip de prezent sunt: every day/month/year, always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, ever, never, once a day etc. Prezentul Simplu mai exprimă şi o stare de fapt: Eg.: It is always cold in winter. He usually runs two hours in the park. -

comentarii la radio şi televiziune:

Eg.: Today the temperatures rise to 60 degrees. -

comentarii sportive:

Eg.: The goal-keeper misses the ball and one more goal is scored. -


Eg.: The army declares state of emergency in that state. -

titluri de ziare:

Eg.: John (the football player) transfers to the English team. 130

1.2.2 FORMARE Din punct de vedere al formei, Prezentul Simplu este identic cu infinitivul scurt. Ceea ce îl diferenţiază de alte timpuri verbale este terminaţia –s sau –es care se adaugă la persoana a-III-a, nr. singular. Această terminaţie implică anumite schimbări în structura verbului cum ar fi: 1. Verbele care se termină în –ss; -ch; -sh; -x adaugă terminaţia –es care se pronunţă

[iz] Eg.: I confess – he confesses I push

– he pushes

I teach

- he teaches

I box

- he boxes

2. Verbul to go primeşte terminaţia –es care se pronunţă [z], în schimb verbul to do

care primeşte aceeaşi terminaţie se pronunţă în mod diferit: Eg.: I go – he goes I do – he does 3. Verbele care se termină în –y precedat de o consoană transformă y în i şi adaugă –

es care se pronunţă [z]: Eg.: I cry – he cries I try – he tries


În schimb, cele care se termină în y dar este precedat de o vocală adaugă numai un –s şi se pronunţă [z]: Eg.: I buy – he buys I play – he plays Acest timp verbal are trei forme: afirmativă, negativă şi interogativă. Formele interogativă şi negativă au nevoie de verbul auxiliar to do pentru a se forma. De exemplu, pentru a forma negativul se adaugă forma do sau does între subiect şi forma de infinitiv scurt a verbului de conjugat şi negaţia not. Eg.: They do not want to enter there. She does not say a word. Forma interogativă este formată prin inversarea lui do/does cu subiectul: Eg.: Do you do this often? Does he always react like this? O altă subdiviziune a timpului Prezentul Simplu este Prezentul Istoric mai rar folosit în limbajul de zi cu zi dar foarte des întâlnit în povestiri, prezentări istorice, naraţiuni sau pentru a dramatiza o situaţie sau un eveniment: Eg.: ‘To make England more prosperous, Elisabeth Tudor wants to find a peaceful answer to the English Reformation. The Queen also encourages merchant expansion. She recognizes Spain as her rival and enemy.’ Glume sau alte povestiri: 132

Eg.: ‘The lord tells his butler to call him a taxi. The butler, who never contradicts his master, says: Yes sir, you are a taxi.’ Activităţi programate oficial sau acţiuni care fac parte dintr-un program stabilit pentru viitorul apropiat. Eg.: The train for Liverpool leaves in five minutes. On July the 1st our school organizes a trip to the Old Valley. The students who go on this trip have been told that the coach leaves at 7 a.m. sharp. ATENŢIE! În limba engleză există anumite categorii de verbe care folosesc numai aspectul simplu precum: 1. Verbe de percepţie senzorială: to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, to touch, to feel, to notice etc. Eg.: Your cake tastes good. Spring flowers smell sweet. I feel tired after the day’s work. 2. Verbe care se referă la capacităţi mintale: to think, to understand, to know, to suppose, to realize, to remember, to recollect, to recall, to forget, to expect.


Eg.: I think he did not do any mistakes. . 3. Verbe care se referă la sentimente: to adore, to love, to hate, to appreciate, to desire, to detest, to fear, to forgive, to hope, to like, to mind, to want, to wish etc Eg.: We simply adore this cat. 4. Verbe care se referă la situaţii permanente: to belong, to consist, to contain, to cost, to include, to look, to measure, to own, to posses, to require etc. Eg.:This book belongs to the Central Library. Unele din verbele de mai sus au mai multe sensuri: 1. to see – a vedea: I see you.

a întâlni, a vizita: We are seeing some friends tomorrow. 2. to think – a crede, a considera: I think you are right.

a plănui: We are thinking to plant a garden. to consider – a crede, a considera:We consider your paper to be the best. a se gândi: I’m considering to send you away as a punishment for what you have done. 3. to expect – a spera: I expect more from you. 134


a aştepta: They are expecting the concert unpatiently. 4. to feel – stare permanentă: I feel this blouse so soft on my skin.

o acţiune cu un singur scop: I’m feeling this dress to see if it fits me. 5. to smell – stare permanentă: I can smell the flowers now.

o acţiune temporară cu un anume scop: I’m smelling the parfume to see if it suits me. 6. to taste – stare permanentă: I tasted his food and it is always too salty.

o acţiune temporară cu un anume scop: I’m tasting the baby’s juice to see if it is sweet enough. 7. to look – a părea: Her coat looks rather shabby.

a privi: What are you looking at? a căuta: Granny is looking for her glasses. a răsfoi: George is looking through a magazine to find a picture he saw the other day.25


Construiţi propoziţii conform modelului, care să aibă legătură cu propoziţiile de mai jos, cu ajutorul cuvintelor din paranteză. (Build up sentences which are related with the sentences below, with the words in brackets):


Ioana Maria Turai, Gramatica limbii engleze, Ed. Corint, Bucureşti, 2006


Model: I always watch TV after dinner. (never during dinner) I never watch TV during dinner. 1. Our children don’t play in the street. (usually – in the park not far from our house) 2. Mrs. Jones goes shopping on Tuesdays and Fridays. (seldom – at weekends) 3. As a rule, my parents leave for work at 7.30 a.m. (never – so early – on Saturday or Sunday) 4. How often do you go on trips? (once a month) 5. Romanian families spend a lot of money on heating their homes in winter. (in summer – any money) 6. People who live in the country keep their doors locked by night. (never – by day) 7. Do you ever go to work by taxi? (sometimes – when I’m late)

8. Children usually have a cup of milk for breakfast. (not – for lunch – as a rule) 9. Bill often rides his bike on his way to work in fine weather. (never – in rainy weather) 10.Professor Johnson delivers a course on Public Health every Wednesday. (not – on any other day) 2. Situaţie. (Situation): Bob White a fost chemat la un interviu cu directorul unei

firme. El trebuie să îi răspundă la întrebări. Acestea sunt răspunsurile lui Bob. (Bob White has been accepted for an interview with the manager of a big company. He has to answer the manager’s questions. Here are Bob’s answers). 1. I am an engineer. 2. I am a graduate in Automatics. 3. I can speck two foreign languages, German and French. 4. This is the first job I am applying from. 136

5. I live in this town. 6. No, I am not married yet. 7. I have a driving license but I don’t have my own car. 8. I enjoy traveling so I am eager to represent the company’s interests wherever I

might be sent if I am offered the job.26 3. Put in the correct form of the Present Progressive. (Completaţi spaţiile libere cu forma corectă a structurii Prezent Simplu): 1. I (write) an article on the French Revolution. 2. What (Julien) do now? 3. My neighbours (shake) the carpets right now.

4. Nobody (listen) to what he has to say. 5. She (try) to finish the report now. 6. They (talk) to each other in this very moment. 7. The president (visit) our town today. 8. Our friends (draw) up the plan right now. 9. Everybody (look) at her now. 10.What you (think) about right now? 4. Turn the following sentences into the question form and then into the negative

form. (Transformaţi următoarele propoziţii la interogativ şi negativ): Model: The baby plays now. Does the baby play now? The baby does not play now.


Ioana Maria Turai, Gramatica limbii engleze, Ed. Corint, Bucureşti, 2006


1. We write our homework. 2. It snows every week. 3. She feels better. 4. Nobody listen him. 5. Her cousin plays the violin.



Put in the correct form of the Present Tense Simple. (Completaţi spaţiile libere cu forma corectă a timpului Prezentul Simplu):

1. I (think) he (be) right. 2. They (study) in the morning. 3. Mother (play) the piano very well. 4. We (go) to the opera once a month. 5. You (think) it is the best idea? 6. Each of us (have) an English book. 7. We (do) our homework easily. 8. She (love) smart clothes. 9. Parents (be) always interested in their children’s future. 10. Where she (get) such ideas from? 11. How often (go) to this supplier? 12. Nobody (seem) interested in my project.


Turn the following sentences into interrogative ones. (Transformaţi următoarele

propoziţii la interogativ): 1. This is a wrong address. 2. He understands Japanese. 27

Olea Ciuciuc, Eugenia Tanasescu, Curs de Engleza Generala, Ed. Teora, Bucuresti, 1998, pag. 75-76


3. We never stay at home on Sunday morning. 4. She goes to church every week. 5. My colleagues study a lot. 6. I like listening to a talk show every evening. 7. Some of my friends speak perfect French. 8. Credit cards are a very convenient instrument of payment. 9. Maria thinks she is very lucky. 10.My best friend loves Chinese food. 11.Nobody in my family works in a bank. 12.Those houses look very old. 7.

Turn the following sentences into the negative form. (Treceţi următoarele

propoziţii la negative.) Model: They work until late. They do not / don’t work until late. 1. We receive messages from them every two hours. 2. I live in the country. 3. They go for a walk in the park every Saturday. 4. You go to bed late every night. 5. She leads a quiet life in this old district of the town. 6. There are seven important sights I’d like you to visit in this region. 7. Students work as hard as they should. 8. We generally eat more during the holiday. 8.

Put the time expressions between the brackets in the right place. (Introduceţi

adverbele din paranteze la locul corespunzător): 139

1. We visit him. (often) 2. I speak to him. (hardly ever) 3. They go to the theatre. (rarely)

4. These bankers play tennis. (twice a week) 5. She comes to work early. (usually) 6. I stay at home alone for Christmas. (never)

7. We do our English homework. (almost every afternoon) 8. People who smoke think about their health. (seldom)

9. I receive a letter from him. (every two months) 10. Every student loves to sleep late. (in the morning)


Translate into English. (Traduceţi în limba engleză): 1. Copii mei învaţă de dimineaţă.

2. Sunt multe caiete pe pupitre. 3. Cărţile mele sunt aici, dar unde sunt ale lor? 4. Nu deschideţi fereastra, vă rog!

5. Hai să mergem la cinema! 6. Anca trebuie să ne dea un răspuns. 7. Care dintre fete este sora lui? 8. Cu ce se ocupă soţul dumneavoastră?

9. Mie îmi plac traducerile pentru că mă ajută să-mi corectez greşelile. 10.Cum arată fiul lor? 11.Rochiile elegante se fac din mătase? 12.Cât este ora ? Este 4 şi un sfert. Ceasul dumneavoastră merge bine ? Nu ştiu. Cred că este puţin înainte. 140

13. Ce se vede prin fereastra pe care vă uitaţi?

14.În spatele casei lor se află un bazin de înot. 15. Cum sunt zilele de vară din România?

16.Bărbatul care vorbeşte acum este vecinul meu. 17.Ea seamănă cu mama ei. 18. Când este aniversarea zilei dumneavoastră de naştere? 19. Plouă? Nu. Dar cred că o să plouă în curând. 20. Câţi ani sunt într-un secol?

21.Doamna din stânga mea citeşte ziarul în acest moment. 10.

Read the following in the third person singular. Do not change the object if it

is plural. (Citiţi următoarele propoziţii la persoana a-III-a singular. Nu schimbaţi subiectul propoziţiei dacă este la plural): 1. They wish to speak to you. (He)

2. Buses pass my house every hour. 3. They help their father. (He)

4. We change planes at Heathrow. 5. You watch too much T.V. 6. They worry too much. (He)

7. The park closes at dusk. 8. He misses his mother. 9. The children like sweets. 10.He finishes work at 6.00. 11.He lives beside the sea. 12.He bullies his sisters. 13. The stove heats the water. 14.She has cooked breakfast. 141

15.She carries a sleeping bad. 16.He usually believes you. 17.She dances in competitions. 18.You remember the address. 19. She plays chess very well.

20.He worries about her. 21.These thieves work at night. 22.He leaves home at 8.00 every day. 23.Ann arranges everything. 24.She agrees with you. 25.Their dog barks at night. 26.Their neighbors often complain. 27.Tom enjoys driving at night. 28.He engages new staff every spring. 29.Tom looks every well. 30.They sell fresh grape juice here. 31.He charges more than other photographers. 32.She cuts her husband’s hair. 33.They pick the apples in October. 34.The last train leaves at midnight. 35.He relaxes during weekends. 36. She refuses to discuss it.28


A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, Exercises 1, Ed. Oxford University Press, Bucureşti, 2008, pag. 49-51.





Season Sultry Threatening

s. adj. adj.

= = =

Sezon Cloud Înăbuşitor Sign Ameninţător Thunder

s. s. s.

= = =

Nor Semn Tunet

Storm To follow To hail

s. v. adv.

= = =

Furtună A urma A cadea

To improve Rainbow To show up

v. s. v.

= = =

A se face frumos Curcubeu A apărea

Ripe Cherries Peaches Bitterly Cold Ponds

adj. s. s. adv. adj. s.

= = = = = =

Copt Cireşe Piersici Extrem Rece Eleşteu

Roof To glisten To hang Seed To slide

s. v. v. s. v.

= = = = =

Acoperiş A străluci A atârna Sămânţă A aluneca

Beside To pick Strawberries Apricots Frost Unbearable

prep. v. s. s. s. adj.

= = = = = =

grindina De altfel A culege Căpşuni Caise Frig, ger Insuportabil

To froze Layer Icicle Eave Snowfall

v. s. s. s. s.

= = = = =

A îngheţa Strat Ţurţure Straşină Ninsoare

→ PHRASES: 143

To rain cats and dogs = a ploua torenţial As far as I’m concerned = În ceea ce mă priveşte → TEXT: Read and translate the following text. (Citiţi şi traduceţi următorul text): Betty: Ann, what is your favorite season? Ann: Summer. Yours? Betty: Winter. But why do you like summer? As far as I’m concerned, I hate sultry heat and the days when the sky covers with threthening clouds, signs of thunder storms which follows. Or do you like when it’s raining cats and dogs or when it’s hailing? Ann: Of course I don’t. But after that the weather improves. The rainbow showed up in the sky lets us know about it. Besides, summer is the best season for holiday, you must admit. Don’t tell me you don’t like going to the mountains or to the seaside in summer. Everybody does. Betty: I do, of course, but….. Ann: And you’re a vegetarian. Well, in summer there are so many fruits, ripe and ready to be picked: cherries, strawberries, peaches, apricots. I really can’t see what could like about winter. It is so bitterly cold; sometimes the frost and the cold winds are unbearable. The rivers, lakes and ponds are frozen. Betty: How can’t you see the lovely scenary?! The roofs of the houses and the trees which are all covered by a layer of snow! The snow glistens in the sun, and so do the icicles hanging from the eaves. Beside, this layer of now is not only beautiful but also useful, as it protects the seed of plants from the frost. In my opinion nothing in the world compares to the first snowfall. The image of the 144

large snowflackes falling from the sky is absolutely wonderful. But I am not the only one who loves winter. Many people do, people who enjoy skating, skiing, not to mention the children whose joy of making snowmen, sliding and throwing snowballs to one another can’t be described. As you see, for me the winter is not just cold and frost. Ann: Well, I guess you’re right. Anyway, I’m sure I’ll always like the summer best.29


EXPLICAŢII GRAMATICALE 1.2.1 FORMARE O altă formă a prezentului este timpul Prezentul Continuu. Acest timp este format din verbul auxiliar TO BE la prezent şi participiul prezent al

verbului de conjugat terminat în –ing. El este în general însoţit de adverbe de timp ca: now, in this moment, this year, today etc. Timpul Prezentul Continuu are trei forme: Afirmativă: subiect + am/are/is + participiul prezent + ing Eg.: He is coming. Negativă: subiect + am/are/is + not + participiul prezent + ing Eg.: Jim is not going anywhere. Interogativă: am/are/is + subiect + participiul prezent


Olea Ciuciuc, Eugenia Tanasescu, Curs de Engleza Generala, Ed. Teora, Bucuresti, 1998, pag. 88


Eg.: Is Susan a pleasant girl? Forma –ing atunci când este adăugată verbului îl modifică pe acesta: 1. Verbele terminate in –e pierd terminaţia şi adaugă –ing: To have – having To drive –driving To make – making To save – saving To make – taking 2. Verbele terminate în – ie transformă terminaţia în y şi adaugă – ing: To die – dying To lie – lying To tie – tying 3. Verbele terminate într-o consoană precedată de o singură vocală accentuată dublează consoana înainte de sufixul ing: To begin – beginning To forget – forgetting To get – getting To rub – rubbing 4. Verbele terminate în –l dublează consoana şi adaugă sufixul – ing: To compel – compelling To control – controlling To fulfill – fulfilling To travel – traveling 146

5. Verbele terminate in –y adaugă sufixul – ing în toate cazurile: To buy – buying To cry – crying To obey – obeying To play – playing To say – saying To try – trying30

1.2.2 FOLOSIRE Prezentul Continuu este folosit în următoarele situaţii: 1. Acţiuni care se desfăşoară fie în prezent, fie în momentul vorbirii, fie în general: Eg.: What are you doing today? What’s the baby doing? He’s tearing up a £5 note. 2. Există şi situaţia în care timpul Prezentul Continuu este folosit pentru a arăta

calitatea sau starea sufletească a unei persoane: Eg.: English is easily forgotten when it is not spoken continuously. He was feeling weakened all the time.


Ioana Maria Turai, Gramatica Limbii Engleze, ed. Corint, Bucureşti, 2006, pag.341


Notă: Dacă într-o frază există două acţiuni care au loc în acelaşi timp, la timpul Prezentul Continuu, numai o singură formă de participiu se adaugă aceasta făcând parte din cel deal doilea verb: Eg.: John was planting and watering a flower in the same time. 3. Prezentul Continuu este folosit în acţiuni care au loc în prezent şi care includ

momentul vorbirii. Acest aspect este adesea însoţit de adverbe şi locuţiuni adverbiale de timp ca: today/this morning/afternoon/evening/year/month etc. Eg.: We are having an exam today. We have just handed the written papers and now we are waiting for the results. 4. Acest timp mai poate indica o acţiune care se desfăşoară într-un viitor apropiat

fiind folosită în general cu verbe de mişcare ca: tomorrow, next Monday, next week, these days, soon. Eg.: Paula: What are you doing this week-end? Sue: I am going on a trip. And you, what are you doing? Paula: I’m staying at home. I’m waiting for my son who is comming from a long journey. 5. Iritarea faţă de o acţiune sau situaţie: Eg.: The two women are always gossiping about their neighbours whenever they meet. VERBE CARE NU SUNT FOLOSITE CU TIMPUL PREZENT CONTINUU


Există în limba engleză o categorie de verbe care nu pot fi folosite cu timpul Prezent Continuu ci numai cu timpul Prezent Simplu. Ele pot fi grupate după cum urmează: A. VERBE DE PERCEPŢIE (care reflectă acţiuni involuntare): feel, hear, smell,

see, notice, observe, look, taste. În schimb verbe ca: gaze, listen, look at, observe (watch), stare şi watch implică o folosire deliberată a simţurilor şi pot fi folosite cu timpul continuu: Eg.: Watch! I’m watching but I don’t see anything unusual. He is listening to a tape, but he is wearing earphones so nobody else hears it. B. VERBE CARE EXPRIMĂ SENTIMENTE ŞI EMOŢII: admire (respect),

adore, apreciate (value), care for (like), desire, detest, dislike, fear, hate, like, love, mind (care), respect, value, want, wish. Timpul continuu poate fi folosit cu verbul admire cu sensul de „a privi cu admiraţie”, cu verbul apreciate cu sensul de „a-i creşte valoarea”, cu verbul „care for” cu sensul de ”a avea grijă de”, enjoy şi câteodată love/like cu sensul de „a se simţi mai bine”. Eg.: He’s enjoying his holiday in the Artic zone. He hates turistic places and he doesn’t mind the cold. C. VERBE CARE ARATĂ ACTIVITATEA MENTALĂ: agree, apreciate

(understand), assume, believe, expect (think), feel (think), feel sure/certain, forget, 149

know, mean, perceive, realize, recall, recognize, recollect, remember, see (understand), see through someone (panatrate his attempt to deceive), suppose, think (have an oppinion), trust (believe/have confidence in), understand. D. VERBE INDICÂND POSESIA: belong, owe, own, posses.


EXERCIŢII: Construiţi propoziţii conform modelului, care să aibă legătură cu propoziţiile de

mai jos, cu ajutorul cuvintelor din paranteză. (Build up sentences, according to the model, which are related with the sentences below, with the help of the words in brackets): Model: I always watch TV after dinner. (never – during dinner) I never watch TV during dinner. 1. Our children don’t play in the street. (usually – in the park not far from our home) 2. Mrs. Jones goes shopping on Tuesdays and Fridays. (seldom – at weekends ) 3. As a rule, my parents leave for work at 7.30 a.m. (never – so early – on Saturday

and Sunday) 4. How often do you go on trips? (once a month) 5. Romanian families spend a lot of money on heating their houses in winter. (in

summer – any money). 6. People who live in the country keep their doors locked by night. (never by day) 7.

Do you ever go to work by taxi? (sometimes – when I’m late)

8. Children usually have a cup of milk for breakfast. (not for lunch – as a rule) 150

9. Bill often rides his bike on his way to work in fine weather. (never – in rainy weather) 10. Professor Johnson delivers a course on Public Health every Wednesday. (not – on

any other day)

2. Situation. (Situaţie):

Bob White has been accepted for an interview with the manager of a big company. He has to answer the manager’s questions. Here are Bob’s answers. Tell which were the questions he was asked and then give the answers. (Bob White a fost acceptat la un interviu cu directorul unei companii mari. El trebuie să răspundă la întrebările directorului. Spuneţi ce întrebări i s-au pus şi apoi relataţi răspunsurile): 1. I am an engineer. 2. I am a graduate in Automatics. 3. I cand speak two foreign languages, German and French.

4. This is the first job I am applying for. 5. I live in this town. 6. No, I am not married yet. 7. I have a driving licence, but I do not have my own car. 8. I enjoy travelling, so I am eager to represent the company’s interests whenever I might be sent if I am offered the job. 3.

Choose the correct form. (Alegeţi forma corectă): 1. Does the scientist know how much his invention would cost/how much costs his

inventions? 151

2. Do you know where Jane’s purse is/where is Jane’s purse? 3. The children are/are going to school now. 4. Neither Bill nor his brother speaks/is speaking French. 5. We happen to meet quite often when we come/are coming out from work. 6. Tim never sleeps/is never sleeping more than six hours a night. 7. Drivers must never speak on thir mobile phone while they drive/are driving. 8. Mind the traffic lights before you cross/are crossing the road. 9. I’ll find out the truth as soon as I get/am getting his letter. 10. I don’t know where works his father/his father works.


Fill up the following sentences according to the model, using the words in brackets. (Completaţi propoziţiile de mai jos potrivit modelului folosind cuvintele din paranteză): Model: a. Children enjoy staying in the open when spring comes. (so – the grown-ups) Children enjoy staying in the open when spring comes, and so do the grown-ups. b. Taking too many pills doesn’t make you good. (neither thinking about your illness all the time) Taking too many pills doesn’t make you good and neither thinking about your illness all the time) 1. Teachers hold on to the idea that young people should be adviced what to do

in life. (so – most parents) 2. I don’t understand what you are getting at. (neither – anybody present). 3. I loath walking in thee rain. (so – my dog) 152

4. Tom pretends he doesn’t know who has eaten the cookies. (so – his sister) 5. The Smiths don’t put out with loud music. (neither – their neighbours) 6. My fellow workers don’t take to our new boss. (neither - I) 7. The building of the new Townhall involves a huge sum of money. (so – the renovation of an old one) 8. Harry can’t stand by his promise. (neither - I) 9. This document doesn’t set out any firm clausses. (neither – the previuos one) 10. I assure you the manager doesn’t intend to turn down your proposal. (neither – any of us)


Build up questions derived from the sentences bellow, using the words in


and the Present Continuous Tense. (Construiţi întrebări derivate din

propoziţiile de mai jos, folosind cuvintele din paranteză şi prezentul continuu.) Model: You are still fevresh. (why, take, medicine) Why aren’t you taking any medicine? 1. The Prestons are going on holidays. (your parents, join, them) ……………………………………………………………….. 2. It’s pouring with rain. (why, not open, umbrella) ……………………………………………………………….. 3. I see you are packing your laggage. (where, go) ……………………………………………………………….. 4. The baby is crying. (why, not feed) ……………………………………………………………….. 5. I’m leaving for work in a few minutes. (what time, the children, leave, school) ……………………………………………………………….. 153

6. The children are playing in the street. (why, not call in) ……………………………………………………………….. 7. Dinner is ready. (you, come, have it) ……………………………………………………………….. 8. I want to read the today’s newspaper. (still, read, you) ……………………………………………………………….. 9. Jim is beating his little brother. (why, behave, badly) ……………………………………………………………….. 10.Mary is talking with a young boy in the corner of the street. (who, boy, with) ………………………………………………………………... 6.

Reframe the following sentences, using the Present Continuous Tense, to express activities planed for the future. Some words would be omitted. (Reformulaţi următoarele propoziţii, folosind timpul Prezentul Continuu, pentru a exprima activităţii viitoare. Anumite cuvinte ar putea fi omise.) Model: We have bought tickets for tomorrow’s football meci. We are going to the football meci tomorrow.

1. The Archers have deceided to plant some trees in their garden this week-end. 2. Sheila has planned to change her job for a better one this year. 3. The Government has in view to allot a considerable sum of money for the modernization of schools this year. 4. The students have deceided to start a course on computers next week. 5. Jim’s parents have saved money to send him to a summer camp. 6. The greengrocer has just unloaded a hundred pounds of fruit to sell today. 7. As Dick hasn’t enough money to buy a new car, he intends to buy a second hand one. 154

8. Mrs Wood, our history teacher, is ready to begin the first class of the day in a few minutes. 9. I hope that the pop star is willing to give autographs at the end of the show. 10. As I have taken my car to be repaired, I have deceided to walk for a day or two.31


Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous Tense. (Puneţi verbele

din paranteză la timpul Prezentul Continuu)

1. She (not work), she (swim) in the river. 2. He (teach) his boy to ride. 3. Why Ann (not wear) her new dress? 4. The airplane (fly) at 2.000 metres. 5. What Tom (do) not? He (clean) his shoes. 6. This fire (go) out. Somebody (bring) more coal? 7. It (rain)? Yes, it (rain) very hard. You can’t go out yet.

8. Why you (mend) that old shirt? 9. You (not tell) the truth? How do you know that I (not tell) the truth. 10. Who (move) the furniture about upstairs? It’s Tom. He (paint) the front bedroom. 11. Mrs. Jones (sweep) the steps outside her house. 12.What you (read) now? I (read) Crime and Punishment. 13. It is a lovely day. The sun (shine) and the birds (sing).

14.Someone (knock) at the door. Shall I answer it? I (come) in a minute. I just (wash) my hands. 15.She always (ring) up and (ask) questions. 16.Why you (make) a cake? Someone (come) to tea? 31

Ioana Maria Turai, Gramatica Limbii Engleze, ed. Corint, Bucureşti, 2006, pag. 343 -346


17.Where is Tom? He (lie) under the car. 18.Can I borrow your pen or you (use) it at the moment? 19.You (do) anything this evening? No, I’m not. Well, I (go) to the cinema. Would you like to come with me? 20.We (have) breakfast at 8.00 tomorrow as Tom (catch) an early train. 21.Ann usually does shopping, but I (do) it today as she is not well. 22.Why do you (type) so fast? You (make) a lot of mistakes. 23.Mother (rest) now. She always rests after lunch. 24. They (dig) an enormous hole just outside my gate. What they (do) that for? I don’t

know. Perhaps they (look) for oil. 25.What (make) that terrible noise? It’s the pneumatic drill. They (repair) the road. 26. The children are very quiet. Go and see what they (do). They (cut) up some £5

notes. 27.What you (wait) for? I (wait) for my change; the boy just (get) it. 28.I can’t hear what you (say); the traffic (make) too much noise. 29. She always (lose) her glasses and (ask) me to look for them.

30. Mother: What are you (look) at? Something (happen) in the street? 31. Child: Yes. The house opposite is on fire! Come and look!

Mother: I can’t. I (bath) the babies. It is the Fire Brigade here? 32.Child: Yes. Fire engines (rush) up and the firemen (jump) up and (unroll) their hoses. 33. Smoke (pour) from the windows! People (stop) to watch. A policeman (try) to

move them on. 34. An old man (climb) out of the first floor window. A fireman (help) him! Two boys

(slide) down a rope! 35.A woman (wave) from the attic and a fireman (go) up a ladder to help her! 36. Now he (come) down again! He (carry a baby). The crowd (cheer)!





Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Present or the Present Continuous Tense. (Puneţi verbele din paranteză la timpul prezentul simplu sau continuu):

1. Cuckoos (not build) nests. They (use) the nests of other birds.

2. You can not see Tom now: he (have) a bath. 3. He usually (drink) coffee but today he (drink) tea. 4. ´What she (do) in the evening?´ ´She usually (play) cards or (watch) TV.´ 5. I will not go out now as it (rain) and I (not have) an umbrella. 6. The last train (leave) the station at 11.30. 7. He usually (speak) so quickly that I (not understand) him. 8. Ann (make) a dress for herself at the moment. She (make) all her own clothes.

9. Hardly anyone (wear) a hat nowadays. 10. ´I’m afraid I have broken one of your coffee cups.´ 11. I (wear) my sun glasses today because the sun is very strong. 12. Tom cannot have the newspaper now because his aunt (read) it.

13.I am busy at the moment. I (redecorate) the room. 14.The kettle (boil) now. Shall I make the tea? 15. ´You (enjoy) yourself or would you like to leave now?´ ´I (enjoy) myself very

much. I (want) to stay to the end.´ 16.´How you (get) to work as a rule?´ ´I usually (go) by bus but tomorrow I (go) in Tom’s car.´ 17. ´Why you (put) on your coat?´ ´I (go) for a walk. You (come) with me? Yes, I’d love to come. You (mind) if I bring my dog?´ 18. ´How much you (owe) him? I (owe) him £5. You (intend) to pay him?´ 19. ´You (belong) to your local library? Yes, I do. You (read) a lot? Yes, quite a lot. How often you (change) the books? I (change) one every day.´


20. Mary usually (learn) languages very quickly but she (not seem) able to learn modern Greek. 21. I always (buy) lottery tickets but I never (win) anything. 22. You (like) this necklace? I (give) it to my daughter for her birthday. 23. ´I will not tell you my secret unless you (promise) not to tell anyone.´ ´I (promise).

´ 24. You always (write) with your left hand? 25. ´You (love) him?´ ´No, I (like) him very much but I (not love) him.´ 26. ´You (dream) at night?´ ´Yes, I always (dream) and because I (eat) too much

supper I (have) nightmares.´ 27. The milk (smell) sour. You (keep) the milk a long time? 28. These workmen are never satisfied; they always (complain). 29. We (use) this room today because the window in the other room is broken. 30. He always (say) that he will mend the window but he never (do) it. 31. You (know) why an apple (fall) down and not up? 32. ´You (write) to him tonight?´ ´Yes, I always (write) to him on his birthday. You

(want) to send any messages?´ 33. Tom and Mr. Pitt (have) a long conversation. I (wonder) what they (talk) about? 34. ´You (believe) all the newspapers say?´ ´No, I (not believe) any of it.´ ´Then why you (read) newspapers?´ 35. This car (make) a very strange noise. You (think) it is all right? Oh, that noise (not

matter). It always (make) a noise like that. 36. The fire (smoke) horribly. I cannot see across the room. I (expect) that the birds

(build) a nest in the chimney. Why you (not put) wire across the tops of your chimney? Tom (do) that sometimes but it (not seem) to make any difference.


2. Put the verbs in the brackets into the Simple Prezent Tense or Prezent

Continuous Tense. (Puneţi verbele din paranteză la Timpul Prezentul Simplu sau la cel Continuu): 1. ´What Tom (think) of the Budget?´ ´He (think) it is most unfair.´´I (agree) with

him.´ 2. What this one (cost)? It (cost) forty pence. 3. You (hear) the wind? It (blow) very strongly tonight. 4. You (see) my car keys anywhere? No, I (look) for them but I (not see) them. 5. He never (listen) to what you say. He always (think) about something else. 6. This book is about a man who (desert) his family and (go) to live on a Pacific Island. 7. You (understand) what the lecturer is saying? No, I (not understand) him at all. 8. What you (have) for breakfast usually? I usually (eat) a carrot and (drink) a glass

of cold water. 9. When the curtain (rise) we (see) a group of workers. They (picket) a gate factory. 10.Why you (walk) so fast today? You usually (walk) quite slowly. I (hurry) because I (meet) my mother at 4 o’clock and she (not like) to be kept waiting. 11. I (wish) that dog would lie down. He (keep) jumping up in my lap. I (think) he

(want) to go for a walk. 12. You (recognize) that man? I (think) that I have seen him before but I (not remember) his name. 13. Look at that crowd. I (wonder) what they (wait) for. 14. This massage has just arrive and the man (wait) in case you (want) to send a reply. 15. Stop! You (not see) the notice? I (see) it but I cannot read it because I (not wear) my glasses. What it (say)? It say „These premisses are patrolled by guard dogs.” 16. She always (borrow) from me and she never (remember) to pay me back. 17. You (need) another blanket or you (feel) warm enough? 160

18. It (save) time if you (take) the path through the woods? No, it (not matter) which

path you take. 19. I (save) up because I (go) abroad in July. 20. I (think) it is a pity you do not take more exercises. You (get) fat. 21. The plane that you (look) at now just (take) off from Paris. 22. Tom never (do) any work in the garden; he always (work) on his car. 23. What he (do) to his car now? I (think) he (polish) it. 24.That film (come) to the local cinema next week. You (want) to see it? 25. How Peter (get) on at school? Very well. He (seem) to like the life. 26.Why Mrs. Pitt (look) so angry? Mr. Pitt (smoke) a cigarette and (drop) the ash on the carpet. 27. This is our itinerary. We (leave) home on the 8th, (arrive) in Paris on the 9th, (spend) the day in Paris and (set) out that night for Venice. That (sound) most interesting. You must tell all about it when you (get) back. 28. This story is about a boy. Who (make) friends with a snake which he (find) in his garden. Then he (go) away but he (not forget) the snake and some years later he (return) and (look) for it. 29. He (find) the snake who (recognize) his old friend and (coil) around him affectionately. But unfortunately, the snake is now a full grown boa constrictor and its embrase (kill) the poor boy. 30. The snake (feel) sorry about this? I (not know). The story (end) there. 31. How you (end) a letter that (begin), „Dear Sir”? I always (put), „Yours truly”, but Tom (prefer) „Yours faithfully”. 32. What the word ‚catastrophe’ (mean)? It (mean) ‚disaster’. 33. What you (wait) for? I (wait) for the shop to open. But it (not open) till 9.00. I (know) but I (want) to be early, as their sale (start) today.


34. Why you (smoke) a cigar Mrs. Pitt? You (not smoke) cigars as a rule. I (smoke) it because I (want) the ash. This book (say) the cigar ash mixed with oil (remove) heat stains from wood. 35. Who (own) this umbrella. I (not know). Everybody (use) it but nobody (know) who (own) it. 36. You (mind) if I (ask) you a question? That (depend) on the question. It (concern) your brother. I (refuse) to answer any question about my brother.32

3. Make questions at Present Tense using the verbs below and the noun „answer”.

(Alcătuiţi întrebări folosind timpul Prezentul Simplu, verbele de mai jos şi substantivul „răspuns”): Eg.: 1. write Are you writing the answer now? 2. understand Do you understand the answer now? 3. know

7. check

10. look at

13. like

16. see

4. read

8. repeat

11. need

14. want

17. guess

5. wait for

9. have

12. give

15. type

18. recall


Put the verbs in italics in the Simple or Continuous Present Tense to practice

the contrast between habitual actions and actions in progress now or planned for the near future. (Puneţi verbele din paranteză la timpul prezentul simplu sau continuu pentru a exersa contrastul dintre acţiunile obişnuite şi acţiunile în desfăşurare în momentul vorbirii sau planificate pentru viitorul apropiat): Eg.: The children are drinking milk now. 32

Ioana Maria Turai, Gramatica Limbii Engleze, ed. Corint, Bucureşti, 2006, pag. 52 - 54


They drink milk every morning. 1. I always (drive) my friends to the station.

2. Look! The train (get) in at this very moment. 3. We (go) to the soccer game tomorrow afternoon. 4. We usually (go) to the game when our team plays. 5. Mrs. Adams (do) her shopping on Mondays. 6. On Tuesday, she (see) her friend, Mrs. Dobbs. 7. Oh, no! It (rain) again. 8. It (rain) almost every day in October.

5. In pairs, ask and answer questions about television in your country. Use verbs in the Simple and Continuous Present Tense. (În perechi, puneţi şi răspundeţi la întrebări despre televiziunea din ţara ta. Folosiţi verbe la Prezentul Simplu sau Continuu): 1. How many television channels do you have in your country? 2. Are television companies expanding their hours right now? 3. Are there any changes taking place in TV programming this year? If yes, which are these changes? 4. How much does a good television set cost? 5. Do you have a color or black and white TV? Give reasons for your choice. 6. How old is your TV set? When are you buying a new one? 7. In what roomof the house do you keep your television? 8. Who watches television most in your family? 9. How often do you watch television? 10.What is your favorite program? Describe the program 163

11.Are you watching your favorite program this week? If yes, on what evening? 12.Do you buy the TV program? If yes, how often do you buy it? 13. What information does the Tv program contain? 14.Does the public ever participate as the audience at the tapings of the TV shows? If yes, what kind of shows do they attend? 15.Are soap operas popular in your country? 16.Are they showing any this month? If yes, what are they about? 17. What do you think about television in general? Is it useful or harmful? Give reasons for your answer. 6.

Put the verbs in italics in the Simple or Continuous Present Tense. (Puneţi

verbele din paranteză la timpul prezentul simplu sau continuu): Dear Parents, 27. We (now, prepare) for our much-expected San Diego trip. Our big day will be

Tuesday, May 25th. 33. The day (begin) at 7.00 a.m. by checking-in at the school front office. At 7.30 a.m.

we (board) the train for the trip south. We (arrive) in Oceanside around 9.30 a.m. Next, we (board) a bus for the trip to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. 28.We (spend) all the day there. Our train back to Los Angeles (leave) Oceanside at 6.30 and (arrive) at Union Station at 8.30 p.m. 29.We (know) you (read) our schedule carefully and (wonder) why we (not return) on an earlier train. 30.Since the elementary students (study) plants and animals this term, we (think) it best to spend as much time as we can in the Park. 31.The trip (cost) $35.00 for each elementary student and $50.000 for each parent who (want) to join us.


32.We (look) forward to this exciting educational experience and (hope) you (share) our enthusiasm. Sincerely, Elementary School Teacher


Put the verbs in italics in the Simple Present Tense to express sequences of

short (non-durative) actions. Note the use of the Continuous Present Tense for actions of comparatively longer duration. (Puneţi verbele din paranteză la timpul prezentul simplu pentru a exprima acţiuni scurte şi care nu durează. Remarcaţi folosirea prezentului continuu pentru actiuni de lungă durata):

Eg.: Caty is sitting at her desk. (bell, ring, go, open) Caty is sitting at her desk. The bell rings. She goes to the door and opens it. 1. The musician are tuning up their violins. (conductor, come, bow the audience, start

conducting) 2. Two candles are burning on the mantlepiece. (The old lady come in, go to the

fireplace, put out the candles). 3. It is raining. (Alex put on his raincoat, catch a bus, go to work) 4. Someone is approaching the house. (Judy hurry down the steps, run to the gate,

open the gate) 5. A door is opening to the left. (A man come in, greed everybody, sit down)

34.Put the verbs in italics in the Simple or Continuous Present Tense. (Puneţi verbele din paranteză la prezentul simplu sau continuu):


I (think) it is going to rain now, but I (expect) it will clear up later. Betty (see) the principal tomorrow. She (have) an interview with him. I (not fear) what you (say); there is too much noise in the street. 'What are you doing?' 'I (taste) the soup.' 'What it (taste) like?' 'It (taste) delicious.' I can not understand your behaviour, Alex. You (be) extremely rude today. I (hear) that honey can be used as an antiseptic. The Scotts (have) lunch in town next Sunday. They (not think) of going away for the weekend. I (expect) a telephone call from Cathy this afternoon. I (see) you are impatient to leave. The Smiths are very happy; they (have) two lovely daughters and now a son has been born.33

BIBLIOGRAPHY Olea Ciuciuc, Eugenia Tănase, Curs de Engleză Generală, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti, 1998. Georgiana Galateanu-Farnoaga, Deborah Parks, Execiţii si Teste de Gramatică Engleză, Ed. Paralela 45, Bucureşti, 2000. Mihai M. Zdrenghea, Anca L. Greere, A Practical English Gramar with exercises, Ed. Clusium, 1999. 33

Georgiana Galateanu-Farnoaga, Deborah Parks, Execitii si Teste de Gramatica Engleza, Ed. Paralela 45, Bucuresti, 2000, pag. 77-84


Mariana Ţăranu, Limba Engleză, Sinteză Gramaticală completă prin enunţuri şi exerciţii, Ed. Corint, Bucureşti, 2002. Virgiliu Ştefănescu-Drăgăneşti, Adrian Nicolaescu, Victor Hanea, Limba Engleză Curs Practic, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti. Ioana Maria Turai, Gramatica Limbii Engleze, ed. Corint, Bucureşti. Ion Vlădoiu, Verbele Modale Englezeşti, Ed. AN-DA, Bucureşti. Jean Brossard, Sylvie Chevalier, Gramatica Alfabetică a Limbii Engleze, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti, 1998. Dumitru Chiţoran, Irina Panovf, Ioana Poenaru, Exerciţii de Gramatică Engleză, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti,1955. Constantin Paidos, English Grammar, Theory and Practice, Ed. Polirom, Bucureşti, 2001. Leon Leviţchi, Gramatica Limbii Engleze, Ed. Teora, Bucureşti, 1994. Leon Leviţchi, Ioan Preda, Gramatica Limbii Engleze, Ed. Mondero, Bucureşti, 1992.

CONTENT UNIT I: THE VERB……………………………………………………………................3 UNIT II: THE PRONOUN………………………………………………………………19 UNIT III: THE ARTICLE……………………………………………………………….26 UNIT IV: THE ADJECTIVE…………………………………………………………....46 UNIT V: THE ADVERB………………………………………………………………..66 167

UNIT VI: MODAL VERBS…………………………………………………………..…88 UNIT VII: THE SIMPLE PREZENT TENSE……………………………………...….129 UNIT VIII: THE PREZENT CONINUOUS TENSE…………………………………..146 UNIT IX: REVISION UNIT: PREZENT TENSE SIMPLE VS. PREZENT TENSE CONTINUOUS…………………………………….…….161 BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………...……….170


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