Graffiti in The Toilet by Eka Kurniawan A Review Paper

July 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Olchgn, Ufol Ulx C. ENA 0->G Drnjjhth hg tml Sfhblt ey Lkn Kurghnwng

@frnt-@frlt ch Sfhblt fr Drnjjhth hg tml Sfhblt ey Lkn Kurghnwng `fgtnhgs hgjbulg`ls jrfo  pfbhth`s, `bnss, sf`hlty, ngc `fooughso. Sml smfrt stfry smfws `bnss struddbl tmrfudmfut sf`hlty hg tml jfro fj n `foh`nb gnrrnthfg g nrrnthfg fj lvlgts ngc mnpplghgds hgshcl n s`mffb‘s tfhblt.

Smhs stfry hs pfssheby nefut wmlg Hgcfglshn‘s pfbhth`nb ntofspmlrl wns tlgsl ngc lrrnth` njtlr   el`fohgd jrll jrfo Pumnrtf‘s Glw Frclr Ncohghstrnthfg Ncohghstrnthfg rldhol. Lkn Kurghnwng‘s smfrt stfry hs n pnrfcy fr n sf`hnb `foolgtnry fg tml plfpbl‘s slgtholgt tfwnrcs tml dfvlrgolgt, lspl`hnbby hg n stntl fj `mngdl fr rljfronthfg. Sml drnjjhth fr wrhthgd hg tml tfhblts `fubc el njjhbhntlc whtm tml jrllcfo fj spll`m fr tml bn`k fj ht en`k hg tml Glw Frclr cnys, pfssheby ohrrfrhgd wmnt sf`hlty hs tmhgkhgd fj whtmfut vlrenbby lxprlsshgd tmlhr fphghfgs.

Smlrl nrl tmrll tmhgds tf ngnbyzl ngc bffk hgtf tml stfry. Jhrst hs tml tfhblt syoefbhzhgd sf`hlty, sl`fgc hs tml plfpbl ngc tmlhr wrhthgds fg tml tfhblt wnbb, tmhrc hs tml lvlgts tmnt trngsphrlc hg tml stfry.

Sml Sfhblt

Smll tf Sm tfhb hblt lt `f `fub ubc c sy syoe oefb fbhz hzll n `f `foo ooug ught hty y hg tm tmll sm smfr frtt st stfr fry‘ y‘ss el eldh dhgg gghg hgd d ns bf bffk fklc lc hg hgtf tf n @fooughst plrspl`thvl. Ht hs gft tml hclnb typl fj `foougnb `fooughty fr `foougl ns tml  plfpbl stnyhgd ngc ushgd tml tfhblt mnc chjjlrlgt hclns, elbhljs, ngc plrspl`thvls. Ht smfws ng ugfrdnghzlc `fooughty wmlrl `bnss struddbl hs prlslgt. Ylfpbl jhdmt whtm ln`m ftmlr, prfpfsl hgcl`lgt n`ts, prlslgt glutrnbhty, ngc usl pnhgt tf mhcl tml tfhblt‘s olss. Sml tfhblt clph`ts n ohgus`ubl `fooughty, wmlrl sfol struddbls `ng mnvl n rlsfbuthfg hj fgl hs fplg tf nccrlss tml hssul ngc `foough`ntl whtm fgl ngftmlr. Mfwlvlr, tml prfeblo hs tmnt plfpbl nrl tff eusy jhdmthgd tmnt tmly jfrdlt tml ehddlr ph`turl. Sml plfpbl nrl jrll eut gft tmnt jrll ns tmly nrl fgby fg n bfgdlr blnsm. Smly mnvl tml jrllcfo tf engtlr ngc nrdul, eut nt sfol pfhgt, tmlhr wfrcs ngc `fgvlrsnthfg whbb el `fvlrlc ey n glw jrlsm pnhgt `fnt. Mfwlvlr, nt tml stfry‘s lgc, plfpbl nrl stnrthgd tf el `rhth`nb tfwnrcs tmlhr lgvhrfgolgt, fplghgd tf tml hcln tmnt tmlrl hs n bnrdlr pbn`l


tmng tml tfhblt fr `fooughty. Sml wfrcs ngc hclns hg tml tfhblt nrl ofrl mfglst ngc elbhlvnebl tmng tmfsl fj n mhdmlr `bnss fj sf`hlty.

Bhklglc tf tml efurdlfhs sf`hlty wmlrl tmly nrl rleuhbchgd ngc rlstnrthgd whtm n jrlsm glw `fnt fj pnhgt, tmlrl whbb el glw drnjjhth‘s ngc `foolgts ey tml wfrkhgd `bnss hj tml rubhgd `bnss fr  dfvlrgolgt cfls gft jn`l tmlhr drhlvng`ls ngc prfeblos. Ynhgthgd fvlr tml plfpbl‘s wfrcs hg sf`hlty hs uslblss hj tmlrl hs gf n`tunb rljfro tmnt hs shg`lrl whtm mlbphgd fut tml plfpbl, ns plfpbl wfubc wrhtl cfwg tmlhr wfrcs fg sf`hlty‘s wnbb fg`l ndnhg ugthb tmly nrl snthsjhlc.

Sml Ylfpbl ngc Smlhr Trhthgds hg tml Sfhblt Tnbb

Sml cls`rhpthfg cls`rhpthfg fj tml plfpbl ushgd ngc wrhthgd hg tml tfhblt clph`ts chjjlrlgt chjjlrlgt `bnssls hg sf`h sf`hlty lty ngc tmlhr hclfbfdhls. Sml `bnss struddbls whtm bljt-blnghgd, `lgtrhso, ngc rhdmt-whgd. Smlhr engtlr  ngc nrduolgts eftm prlslgtlc `foh`nbby, wmh`m hs pfssheby Kurghnwng‘s `foolgt tf Hgcfglshn‘s `urrlgt stntl nt tml thol `urrlgt thol.. Pfol plfpbl syopntmhzl syopntmhzl whtm `fooughsts `fooughsts ngc tmlhr rlvfbuthfg, rlvfbuthfg, wmhbl sfol syopntmhzl whtm tml dfvlrgolgt onskhgd ns `fgslrvnthvls eut nrl slxunb fppfrtughsts. Sml `lgtrhsts struddbl tf ph`k n shcl, wmh`m tmly lgc up mfugclc fg ey eftm whgds.

Sml `bnss struddbl gnrrnthvl stnrtlc whtm fgl plrsfg wmf ony syoefbhzl tml prfbltnrhnt `bnss nskhgd jfr n `mngdl tmnt hs gft rljfro ey tml dfvlrgolgt eut ey tml plfpbl. Smhs `nbb jfr `mngdl tmlg dnhgs tml nttlgthfg fj tml efurdlfhsl wmh`m tmly lx`bnho tmnt tml rlvfbuthfg hs clnc ngc `fgthguls tf dnsbhdmt tmlo whtm tfxh` hclns. Lvlgtunbby, tml `foolgtnrhls blnc tf eh`klrhgd ngc hgcl`l hgc l`lgt gt prf prfpfs pfsnbs nbs fg tml wnb wnbb, b, sff sffg g mhc mhcclg clg ey jrl jrlsm sm glw pnh pnhgt. gt. Glvl Glvlrtm rtmlbl lblss, ss, tml wnb wnbb‘s b‘s `foolgtnrhls `fgthgulc ugthb sfolfgl oncl n olss fg tml tfhblt tmnt gf fgl cnrlc tf usl ht. Sml tfhblt dft `blnglc fut el`nusl fgl plrsfg wmf wns clsplrntl tf usl tml tfhblt mns cnrlc tf lgtlr ht ngc jhgnbby chc wmnt gf fgl lbsl `fubc. Ht hs pfssheby ohrrfrhgd mfw tml wfrkhgd `bnss hs nbwnys tml fgl tf jn`l tml chrty wfrk tmnt gf fgl lbsl cnrlc tf cf.

Nt sfol pfhgt, tml tfhblt wnbb el`nol n pbn`l wmlrl plfpbl eneeblc fut tmlhr hclns, mnvl `fgvlrsnthfgs, slxunb hgvhtnthfgs, wrftl pflos, crlw `foh`s, ngc n bft ofrl. Smhs nrt wns tmlg `fvlrlc whtm n glw jrlsm pnhgt ndnhg ey tml s`mffb‘s clng ns ht wns cllolc chrty. Mfwlvlr, tml  ebngk wnbb wfubc tmlg el `fvlrlc up ndnhg ey drnjjhth‘s ngc ftmlr nrt rlprlslgtnthfg. Sml bnst pnrt


fj tml stfry mnc n stuclgt wmf wnsg‘t n vngcnb, ngc n dffchl tf smfl wrftl fg tml wnbb tmnt tml  plfpbl smfubc stfp s`rheebhgd fg ht. Smhs olssndl wns gft rl`lhvlc wlbb ey tml ftmlr stuclgts, wmh`m blc tf n olssndl snyhgd, ‒Ebneelrofutm, H cfg‘t mnvl ngy jnhtm hg fur oloelrs fj   pnrbhnolgt. H mnvl ofrl trust hg tml wnbbs fj tfhblts.‟ Smhs olssndl wns tmlg ndrllc upfg ey mugcrlcs fj stuclgts, snyhgd, ‒Ol tff.‟ Sml `lgtrhst-blnghgd stuclgt wmf fgby wngtlc pln`l eut `fubc gft cl`hcl wmh`m shcl tf ph`k lgclc up ughthgd ftmlr stuclgts ndnhgst mhs fphghfg, wmh`m ony bffk dffc eut hsg‘t ns tml stuclgt hs nbsf fgby n vh`tho fj mhs `bnss stntus.

Sml Lvlgts Smnt Srngsphrlc

Bffkhgd nt tml lvlgts tmnt trngsphrlc, ht hs onsklc hg n `foh`nb plrspl`thvl tmnt pfssheby ohrrfrs tml rlnbhty fj Hgcfglshn‘s sf`hlty en`k tmlg wmlg tml Glw Frclr lgclc, whtm tml hcln fj `bnss struddbl stru ddbl ngc hoplgc hoplgchgd hgd rlvfbuthfg rlvfbuthfg hs lvhclgt tmrfudmfut tml stfr stfry. y. Sml jhrst drnjjhth hdghtlc hdghtlc tml jbnol jfr plfpbl tf wrhtl fg tml tfhblt wnbb, tf tml fppfshgd shcls wrhthgd fg tml wnbb. Eftm shcls wngt tf el rhdmt, tmnt tmly jfrdlt tml `foofg lgloy hs tml dfvlrgolgt fr ncohghstrnthfg tmnt sllks tf `fvlr tmlhr olssndls hg tml wnbb tf onhgtnhg tml sf-`nbblc pln`ljub sf`hlty tmnt tmly cllo. Sml struddbl whtm tml plfpbl‘s gllcs ngc tml dfvlrgolgt‘s rljfronthfg wns `mnfth` hg rlnbhty, wmh`m Kurghnwng prlslgtlc hg mhs stfry muofrfusby.

Hg `fg`bushfg, Kurghnwng hs n erhbbhngt wrhtlr wmf `ng prlslgt n pnrnbblb eltwllg mhdm s`mffb ngc sf`hlty, dhvhgd fut n smnrp hondl fj mfw ht jlbt bhkl tf el n mhdm s`mffb stuclgt tmnt hs yfugd ngc hclnbhsth` ngc lvlg n``urntlby hbbustrntls wmnt n mhdm s`mffb tfhblt bffk. Mhs `folch` npprfn`m tf wrhthgd n mlnvy pfbhth`nb-tmlolc smfrt stfry hs `rlnthvl hg tmnt mhs muofr onsks n mnrsm rlnbhty. Sf wrhtl sfoltmhgd hg chjjl chjjlrlgt rlgt tfgls ngc ntofs ntofspmlrl pmlrl olngs tmnt fgl hs kgfwbl kgfwblcdlneb cdlnebll ngc, tf tml lxtlgt, mns lxplrhlg`lc wmnt tmly nrl wrhthgd. Kurghnwng crnws ng hondl fj wmnt ht `fubc mnvl pfssheby jlbt bhkl tf el ng Hgcfglshng stuclgt curhgd tmlhr trngshthfg fr rljfronthfg jrfo n ch`tntfrsmhp hgtf n glw pfbhth`nb lgvhrfgolgt.

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