Grade 7-Science

September 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region XI DIVISION OF COMPOSTELA VALLEY Nabunturan, Compostela Valley GRADE 7 - SCIENCE SECOND PERIODICAL EXAM S.Y. 2019-2020   Name:______________________________  Name:___________________________ ___ Grade/Section: ____________________

Score: _____________ Date:______________

MULTIPLE CHOICE: the choices given DIRECTIONS:  Below is a multiple choice type of questions. Choose the correct answer from the  below each item. Write the letter   of your choice on the space provided before each number. (USE CAPITAL LETTER ONLY AND AVOID ERASURES)  ______1. What do you call to the jelly-like substance of the cell where we can find the organelles? S7LT-IId-4  A. Cell wall B. Cell membrane C. Cytoplasm D. Nucleus  ______2. Which two parts of a light microscope magnify the image of an object? S7LT-IIa-1  A. Ojectives and Mirror C. Eyepiece and Objectives B. Objectives and lens D. Eyepiece and lens  ______3. Each organ of our body is composed of tissues, and the tissues are made up of cells, what will happen if all the cells in the organ stop their functions? S7LT-IIc-3  A. The organ continues to function well since the problem is in the cellular level. B. Only the tissues are affected because they are connected with the cells. C. The tissues will stop their function without affecting the organ.

D. The tissues will stop their funcion affecting the organ.  ______4. What characteristics differentiates fungi, fungi, algae and bacteria from the plants? S7LT-IIf-6  A. Most do not make their own food, unlike plants. B. They cause diseases while plants and animals have many uses. C. They are at the base of the food chain while animals are on the top. D. They do not have true roots, true leaves, true stems, ruits and flowers.  ______5. Which of the following organisms can reproduce sexually? S7LT-IIg-7 A.  Kalanchoe B. sponges C. Potato D. Gumamela  ______6. What type of asexual reproduction occurs when the cell divides forming two identical new cells? S7LT-IIg-7 A. Budding B. Spore Formation C. Regeneration D. Fission  ______7. Which of the following is the effect of fungi food getting activities? S7LT-IIf-6  A. Trapping of solar energy C. Production of starch B. Release of Oxygen D. Decomposition of living things  ______8. Which process is taking place when a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell forming a zygote? S7LT-IIg-8  A. Vegetative propagation B. Asexual reproduction C. Fertilization D. Pollination  ______9. The following can produce offspring genetically the same from their paents, EXCEPT a species that ____________. S7LT-IIg-7 A. has few variations C. reproduces asexually B. reproduces sexually D. compete with a similar species  ______10.Karen wants to view cells under the compound microscope at a total magnification of 400x. If the eyepiece is 10X, which of the following objective lenses should be used? S7LT-IIb-2  A. 10X B. 15X C. 30X D. 40X  ______11. Which sequence correctly increases complexity in the level of biological organization? S7LT-IIc-3  A. atoms, molecules, cells, organs, tissues C. atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, B. molecules, cells, tissues, organs, atoms D. atoms, molecules, organs, tissues, cells  ______12. Which of the following is the effect of increasing magnification? magnification? S7LT-IIb-2  A. a decrease in the field of view C. a decrease in the working distance B. an increase in the field of view D. an increase in the working distance  ______13. The ______ is any place on the surface of the earth, whether in the atmosphere or down into the seas, where organisms exist. S7LT-IIh-9  A. experimental variable B. Ecosystem

C. Biosphere D. Biodiversity


 _______14. The shore of a beach was seen to have a greenish color. What could have been present in the waters to cause such color? S7LT-IIf-6  A. algae B. bacteria C. molds D. yeasts  _______15. What makes mitochondria different from chloroplast chloroplasts? s? S7LT-IIe-5  A. Mitochondria convert solar energy to chemical energy, whereas chloroplasts convert one form of chemical energy to another. B. Mitochondria contain three different membrane-bound compartments, whereas chloroplasts contain two. C. Mitochondria contain membrane folds called cristae, whereas chloroplasts ch loroplasts contain disc-like vesicles in stacks called grana. D. Mitochondria are not found in plants, whereas chloroplasts are found in both plants and an d animals.  _______16. What cell organelle contains chlorophyll, a pigment that captures the sun’s energy to produce glucose? S7LT-IIe-5  A. cell wall B. chloroplast C. cell membrane D. nuclear membrane  _______17. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in the roots of some plants. They provide nitrogen in a form the plants need and obtain “home” and nourishment from the plants. What type of symbiotic relationship is this? this?   S7LT-IIh10  A. mutualism B. parasitism C. commensalism D. predation  ______18. A bee flies over to a flower to get nectar. When the bee flies away, it will take with it pollen from the flower. The bee will then transport the pollen to another flower. What type of symbiotic relationship is this? S7LT-IIh10  A. mutualism B. parasitism C. commensalism D. predation  _______19. Which human activity would preserve nonrenewable resources? S7LT-IIi-11 A.  deforestation C. recycling B.  hunting D. fossil fuel extraction  ______20. What do you call the addition of harmful materials to the environment? S7LT-IIj-12  A.  Pollution C. Conservation B.  Ecotourism D. Recycle  ______21. What are some things you can do to help conserve our environment? S7LT-IIj-12  A.  leave the water and TV on B.  turn off lights when not in use C.  leave the refrigerator door open D.  run the washing machine with one shirt  ______22. Which human activity is correctly paired with its likely future consequence? S7LT-IIi-11  A.  Overfishing Overfishing –   –  increase  increase in the tuna as food for people B.  Development of hybrid cars and electric vehicles –  vehicles  –  increased  increased rate of global warming C.  Use of fossil fuels –  fuels –  depletion  depletion of underground coal, oil, and natural gas supplies D.  Increased use of solar panels –  panels  –  increased  increased carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere  ______23. What happens when humans cut down forests to build shopping malls? S7LT-IIj-12  A.  New animal species form and plants produce more oxygen. B.  The shopping mall reduces the amount of pollution in the area. C.  Habitat is altered, plants and animals destroyed, and pollution increases. D.  Plants and animals thrive in the new environment and pollution decreases  ______24. What will most likely decrease the size of a habitat? S7LT-IIj-12  A.  Recycling once a week C. Clearing land to build a house B.  Using public transportation D. Conserving water on a daily basis  ______25. What do you call the space where an organism lives and the role an organism plays within its ecosystem? S7LT-IIi-11   A. Population B. community C. niche D. sample

II. ODD-ONE-OUT Direction: Analyze each of the items. Choose the letter which does not bel belong ong from the group. Write your answer on the space before each number. (5 poins) 

 ____ 26. S7LT-IIa-1 

A. diaphragm: adjusts B. mirror: holds

C. arm: supports D. lens: magnify


 ____ 27. S7LT-IIg-7 

A. fission B. fragmentation

C. regeneration D. fertilization

 ____ 28. S7LT-IIg-7 

A. flower B. pollen

C. leaf D. ovary

 ____ 29. S7LT-IIj-12 

A. temperature B. plant

C. air D. moisture

 ____ 30. S7LT-IIc-3 

A. heart B. stomach

C. lungs D. blood

III. Comparing Plant And Animal Cells VENN Diagram:  Fill in the VENN Diagram to compare PLANT CELLS to ANIMAL CELLS. Use the words in the word box. (10 points) S7LT-IIe-5   

cell membrane nucleus

cell wall ribosome


chloroplast vacuole

cytoplasm centriole


shape mitochondria


ch ange the underlined word or phrase to IV. Modified True or False: Write T if the statement true and if false change make it true on the space provided. (10 points)   __________ 41. Decomposers are organisms that recycle organic materials into inorganic materials. S7LT-IIf-6   __________ 42. When first focusing your microscope you should use the low power objective. S7LT-IIa-1   __________ 43. One way fungi reproduce is through the use of seeds. S7LT-IIf-6   __________ 44. Omnivores are organisms that only feed on plants. S7LT-IIi-11    __________ 45. Red tide is caused by bacteria. S7LT-IIf-6  


V. Identifying Symbiotic Relationship: Identify the following symbiotic relationship as Mutualism, Commensalism or Parasitism. In the circle, write ( M, C, or P) (10 points) S7LT-IId-4  S7LT-IId-4 

. 1.


The oxpecker lands on a zebra and eats the  bugs and parasites that live live on the ze zebra’s bra’s skin. 

Ticks harm their host by biting their skin and sucking their blood and causing them to itch.



Some orchids grow on trees. That way the

The plover flies into the mouth of a crocodile and feeds on the decaying meat. The crocodile gets its teeth clean and the  plover eats a meal. meal.

orchids get more sunlight and protection.

7. There are many kinds of bacteria that live in our intestines. These bacteria healp us digest d igest and they get food. 

3. The remora attaches itself to a shark. When the shark feeds, the remora detaches itself and eats the extra food.

6. A spider makes a web on a tree.



An aphid is a small insect that feeds on

The egret will eat insects that have

the sap of plants.

been disturbed as the cattle search for food.

60. ____________________________________________ is a close relationship between two different organisms in which one or both benefits.


Answer Key Test I. Multiple Choice 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. B 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. C Test III. Venn Diagram

Test II. Odd-One-Out 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. D Test IV. Modified True or False (2 points/item)  41. T 42. T 43. pores 44. herbivores 45. protists Test V. Symbiotic Relationship 1. C 2. P 3. C 4. C 5. M 6. C 7. M 8. P 9. C 10. Symbiotic relationship


Animals Nucleus Ribosome Cell membrane

Cell wall chloroplast

Mitochondria Vacuole Shape cytoplasm




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