Grade 4

June 4, 2016 | Author: yajjala | Category: Types, School Work
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Grade 4...


Grade 4 :: Industrial Revolution by DellBell

New methods of farming produced the a. Industrial Modern Agricultural d. Farming


Grade 4 :: Enlightenment by DellBell

According to John Locke, how many parts should a good government have? a. 5 2 4 d. 3 Grade 4 :: Industrial Revolution by DellBell

What did the "Acts of Enclosure" do? a. They required farmers to keep their animals in pens. They divided the common fields up into smaller private fields. They forced the farmers to divide their large farms into smaller ones. d. They required farmers to keep their animals in the village common areas. Grade 4 :: Enlightenment by DellBell

Newton believed that the universe was a. like a machine that always worked the same way, a huge ,mysterious, magical riddle strange and unpredictable d. too difficult to study and explore


Grade 4 :: Exploration by Pastel

Explorers such as Henry Hudson, Jaques Cartier, and Christopher Columbus were sent to newly discovered lands for the European country that sent them to explore. a. route claim tax d. govern Grade 4 :: Exploration by Pastel

Christopher Columbus was sent by which country to search for new lands? a. The Netherlands Spain England d. France Grade 4 :: Exploration by Pastel

The Dutch eventually lost control of the New Netherland colony to the were outnumbered and did not want a war they would lose. a. English Germans Heugenots d. Swedes

because they

Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

This explorers purpose was to discover the Northwest Passage to Asia. a. Christopher Columbus Jacques Cartier John Cabot d. Henry Hudson Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which of the following explorers was the first to sail west across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a sea route to Asia? a. Christopher Columbus Juan Ponce de Leon John Cabot d. Vasco Nunez de Balboa Grade 4 :: Latin America and Caribbean by mariaherrera

Cesar Chavez fought for his people by a. give them a job giving them food buying toilets d. forming a union


Grade 4 :: Greece by LoriJP

Plato claimed that the city of Atlantis sank because the people were so wicked. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by flyerand4

Robert La Salle was a French explorer who traveled along a. the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico the Hudson River and Long Island Bay the Intercoastal Waterway d. the Pacific coast of the U.S. Grade 4 :: Canada by Ureesha

Which tribe was tall and strong Eskimo people? a. Inuit Tribe Kwakiutl Tribe Nez Perce Tribe d. Hopi Tribe Grade 4 :: Canada by Ureesha

These people were native to Canada. a. Inuit tribe Seminole tribe Pawnee tribe d. Hopi tribe Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

He was the first European to reach Florida. a. Jacques Cartier

Juan Ponce de Leon John Cabot d. Christopher Columbus Grade 4 :: Exploration by msmccabe1

Three explorers that began their journeys from Spain were: Columbus Ponce de Leon Magellan

Christopher Ferdinand

Grade 4 :: French Revolution by Ureesha

Which of the following explorers attempted unsuccessfully to discover a northern trade route between Europe and Asia? a. Juan Ponce de Leon Henry Hudson Jacques Cartier d. Vasco Nunez de Balboa Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

This explorers crew mutinied (went against him) in the cold climate. a. Christopher Columbus Henry Hudson Jacques Cartier d. John Cabot Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

This explorer grew up in Italy, but was funded by Spain. a. Christopher Columbus Juan Ponce de Leon Jacques Cartier d. Vasco Nunez de Balboa Grade 4 :: Canada by Ureesha

Which tribe was in the extreme Northwest? a. Inuit Tribe Kwakiutl Tribe Nez Perce Tribe d. Pawnee Tribe Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Henry Hudson was from England. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Henry Hudson sailed up the Hudson River in present-day New York. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

He became the first European to reach the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean.

a. Juan Ponce de Leon Vasco Nunez de Balboa Christopher Columbus d. John Cabot Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which explorer was English and was the first European to discover the mainland of North America? a. John Cabot Christopher Columbus Jacques Cartier d. Juan Ponce de Leon Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which of the following explorers was one of the first to claim part of the North American mainland for Spain? a. Jacques Cartier Juan Ponce de Leon John Cabot d. Christopher Columbus Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

John Cabot's purpose was he wanted to reach Asia. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Jacques Cartier was from France. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which explorers were from Spain? a. Vasco Nunez de Balboa & Jacques Cartier Juan Ponce de Leon & John Cabot Henry Hudson & Jacques Cartier d. Vasco Nunez de Balboa & Juan Ponce de Leon Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Who discovered the "Fountain of Youth" and found gold? a. Jacques Cartier Christopher Columbus Juan Ponce de Leon d. Vasco Nunez de Balboa Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which explorer was from Italy? a. John Cabot Juan Ponce de Leon Jacques Cartier d. Henry Hudson

Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Vasco Nunez de Balboa & Juan Ponce de Leon fought with Native Americans. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which of the following explorers led the first expedition to reach what is now Florida? a. Christopher Columbus John Cabot Juan Ponce de Leon d. Vasco Nunez de Balboa Grade 4 :: Medieval Europe by rmirabella

What is an apprentice? a. a worker bound to their master a slave who works for seven years to earn freedom a slave who earns money for his work d. name given to child workers Grade 4 :: Exploration by Pastel

Once the colony of New Netherland starting being settled by more Europeans, conflicts developed with the Algonquins and other Native Americans over . a. gold furs settlers d. land Grade 4 :: Canada by Ureesha

This tribe also had tent-like huts made from animal skins. a. Kwakiutl Tribe Nez Perce Tribe Hopi Tribe d. Inuit Tribe Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Even though Christopher Columbus had no maps and a crew that was afraid, he was able make 3 voyages. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Christopher Columbus had maps, but his crew was afraid. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Two of his accomplishments were he landed on the eastern coast of Canada (where there were lots of fish) and other Europeans went there to set up fishing companies. a. John Cabot Jacques Cartier Vasco Nunez de Balboa

d. Henry Hudson Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Who sailed over 1000 miles along the St. Lawrence River in Canada? a. Jacques Cartier Juan Ponce de Leon John Cabot d. Henry Hudson Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which explorer was from France? a. Juan Ponce de Leon Christopher Columbus Henry Hudson d. Jacques Cartier Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which of the following explorers made the first English voyage to North America? a. Christopher Columbus Henry Hudson Jacques Cartier d. John Cabot Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which of the following explorers led the first expedition up the St. Lawrence River? a. Juan Ponce de Leon Jacques Cartier John Cabot d. Henry Hudson Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which of the following explorers was the first European to sight the Pacific Ocean? a. Vasco Nunez de Balboa John Cabot Christopher Columbus d. Juan Ponce de Leon Grade 4 :: Canada by Ureesha

One of this tribes resources was "The Wooly Mammoth." a. Inuit Tribe Kwakiutl Tribe Nez Perce Tribe d. Hopi Tribe Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Henry Hudson was from Italy. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

This explorer sailed to Panama (in Central America) where he crossed mountains and jungles. a. John Cabot Henry Hudson Vasco Nunez de Balboa d. Christopher Columbus Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

He settled Central and South America. a. Christopher Columbus Henry Hudson John Cabot d. Jacques Cartier Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Who wanted to find a water route to Asia? a. Jacques Cartier Henry Hudson Christopher Columbus d. John Cabot Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

This explorer wanted to sail west to reach Asia. a. John Cabot Henry Hudson Christopher Columbus d. Jacques Cartier Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which explorer gave England a claim to the mainland of North America and led to the founding of English colonies in America? a. Juan Ponce de Leon Christopher Columbus Jacques Cartier d. John Cabot Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

France based its claims to territory in what is now Canada on the explorations of which of the following people? a. Juan Ponce de Leon Jacques Cartier John Cabot d. Henry Hudson Grade 4 :: Canada by Ureesha

The Inuit's were inventors of tools, gear, and survival methods. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Golden Age by msmccabe1

African rulers traded prisoners to the Portuguese for guns and gunpowder. a. True

b. False Grade 4 :: Golden Age by msmccabe1

In 1400 Portuguese explorers arriving in Africa were surprised to find how highly civilized counties like Ghana, Mali and Songhay were. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Canada by Ureesha

The Inuit tribe lives in the Arctic Tundra with a harsh climate and stark landscapes. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by JudyH

Columbus sighted land in the Americas in: a. 1400 1492 1700 d. 1792 Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

Africa is the largest continent of the seven continents. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Ancient History by cmann

An artifact is an object made by early people. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Ancient History by cmann

Archaeologists are scientists who study living things. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by karros4

A person who travels around searching and seeking new discoveries is called a a. Challenge European Explorer d. Sailor

Grade 4 :: Canada by couter

What 3 bodies of water border Canada? a. Atlantic Pacific Indian


Arctic e. Mediterranean Grade 4 :: Exploration by karros4

Which explorer was the first European explorer to discover a sea route to America? a. Jacques Cartier Christopher Columbus Juan Ponce de Leon d. Christopher Newport Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Christopher Columbus made 2 voyages with several ships. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which explorers sailors caught diseases? a. Juan Ponce de Leon Jacques Cartier Christopher Columbus d. Henry Hudson Grade 4 :: Exploration by flyerand4

The first European to discover the Americas was a. Amerigo Vespucci Samuel Adams Christopher Columbus d. Thomas Jefferson Grade 4 :: Ancient History by cmann

Nomads lived in one place for many years. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Canada by couter

Waht animal is the official emblem of Canada? a. Loon Moose Caribou Beaver e. Bear Grade 4 :: The Americas by cmann

For what reasons did Asian cross the land bridge to the Americas? a. Warmer climates and more vegetation Better housing c. Following source of food, clothing and shelter Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Ponce de Leon's purpose was to find new land for Spanish settlers to make use of. a. True b. False

Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

An obstacle the John Cabot faced was that he had no maps. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Who wanted to find a quick route overland route to the Pacific Ocean? a. John Cabot Vasco Nunez de Balboa Henry Hudson d. Juan Ponce de Leon Grade 4 :: Exploration by Ureesha

Which explorer claimed the Pacific Ocean and all of its shores for Spain? a. Juan Ponce de Leon Christopher Columbus Vasco Nunez de Balboa d. John Cabot Grade 4 :: Exploration by karros4

Which two explorers were sponsored by Spain? a. Columbus and Cartier Newport and Cartier Columbus and Juan Ponce De Leon d. Juan Ponce De Leon and Newport Grade 4 :: Canada by Ureesha

The Kwakiutl Tribes resources were very limited. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Canada by Ureesha

The Kwakiutl tribe lived in the upper Southeast of North America. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Exploration by flyerand4

Ponce de Leon was a Spanish explorer who landed in what is now a. Arizona California Florida d. Louisiana Grade 4 :: Ancient History by cmann

The Ice Age was the name of a huge glacier in Asia. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

As industries in the colonies grew, the Europeans had a great need for

a. goods customers merchandise d. labor Grade 4 :: Canada by couter

On July 1, 2010 Canadians celebrated the country's a. 100 125 143 175 e. 200


Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

What was the main idea about Sacagawee from the passages we read in class? a. She was on the one dollar coin She had the strength to show men were to go she helped Lewis and Clark find their way through the wilderness d. She was native American Grade 4 :: Canada by couter

What was the last province to enter the country?  Newfoundland and Labrador Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Even though Lewis and Clark never did find a western sea route to the Pacific Ocean, what did they prove? a. It was poosible to travel north to south via the Mississippi River It was possible to cross the entire continent East to West through passes in the Rocky Mountains It was possible to travel the world to find spices d. It was possible to travel through the swamps of the North East and find Seminole indians Grade 4 :: World History by Severud

Phillis Wheatley was the first African-American to do what? a. Design dresses Get a college degree Escape to Canada d. Write a book that was published Grade 4 :: Canada by couter

Canada is part of the Commonwealth and the Queen of England is still considered soveriegn. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

What did Britain do at sea to American sailors that lead to the War of 1812? a. Britain attacked and sank non military ships

Britain attacked military ships Britain captured ships and forced our sailors to work and fight for Britain d. Britain forced our sailors to sell their belongs without chargingh any taxes Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Which of the following did President Jefferson tell Lewis and Clark to do? a. Lead an expedition west Lead an expediation North Learn about the French d. Learn about the Spanish Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner, also known as the National Anthem? a. George Washington James Madison Francis Scott Key d. Oliver Hazzard Perry Grade 4 :: Latin America and Caribbean by wfreeland

Tenochtitlan day Mexico City

- the capital of the ancient Aztec empire, on the site of present-

Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Which nation did we actually purchase Louisiana from? a. Spain Britian France d. America Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

Europeans who participated in the slave trade held the false belief that Africans were and uncivilized. a. superior unjust inferior d. oppressed Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Why was the louisana Purchase a good deal for the united States? a. It cost too much money It reduced the size of the country It doubled the size of our country d. It cost alot and we never got the land Grade 4 :: Canada by couter

In 1980 O Canada became the national anthem. a. True b. False

Grade 4 :: Medieval Europe by missfrizzle

During the middle ages, what men tried to make gold? a. Miners Vigilantes Alchemists d. Sea Captains Grade 4 :: World History by Severud

Who was Estevanico? a. A Spanish conquistador. An African slave who accompanied early Spanish explorers. The first man to live in Haiti. d. A free man who helped conquer the Aztecs. Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

What happened at the battle of the Alamo, and who won? a. Texas was fighting to become part of Mexico, Texans won Texans were fighting for Texas to become its own independent nation, texans beat Santanna's army Texas was fighting the Mexican Army for its own independence, Mexican army won d. Mexico was fighting the U.S. for control of Texas, The U.S. won the battle Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Why did some people in the United States support annexing Texas? a. Many in the U.S. feared it would cause war with Mexico Many belived and supported the idea of manifest destiny gather info on Indian cultures, water routes to the pacific, and English army positions d. Mexico was fighting the U.S. for control of Texas, The U.S. won the battle Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Which three tasks were Lewis and Clark to accomplish on their mission from Jefferson? a. gather info on french trading, plants, and native foods gather info on water routes, plants, and french foods gather info on Indian cultures, water routes to the pacific, and English army positions d. gather water on the western plants, Indian cultures, and water routes (if any) to the Pacific Ocean Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

What does the term foreign policy refer to? a. The way in which one nation deal with other nations The way in which one nations deals with illegal immigration The way in which one nations decideds it's own tax laws d. The way in which one nation funds it's police and military Grade 4 :: Exploration by flyerand4

What did French explorer Jacques Cartier want to bring to the Americas? a. Christianity Education Tools d. Horses

Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

The European Slave Trade robbed Africa of its greatest resource. What was this resource? a. gold youth ships d. forests

Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Why were some Americans against annexing Texas? a. Many in the U.S. feared it would cause war with Mexico Many in the U.S. feared manifest destiny many knew it would cause the British to heavily tax the colonies d. Many thought Mexicans were from Mars Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

What was the route slave ships took from Africa across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas known as? a. North American territories Iberia the middle passage d. migration Grade 4 :: Exploration by flyerand4

In what year did the French sell the land west of the Mississippi River to the United States? a. 1810 1807 1895 d. 1803 Grade 4 :: Exploration by flyerand4

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was looking for gold and explored parts of a. New Mexico California Arizona d. Colorado Grade 4 :: Latin America and Caribbean by wfreeland

Lake Texcoco Tenochtitlan

- a lake in what is now Central Mexico on which the Aztec built

Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

The land Mexico gave up after the war in the treaty of Guadalupe was known as what? a. The Mexican siesta The Mexican Fiesta

The Mexican Cession d. The Mmexican Recession Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

The Kingdom of Kemet had four major periods. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

During the War of 1812, nearly the entire American Capital was burned down to the ground, including the White House and the Capital Building by which of the following enemies? a. British French and Indians Mexico d. Texas Grade 4 :: World History by wfreeland

tribute foreign ruler

- payment in the form of valuable goods and services, usually demanded by a

Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

This term was granted to Slave traders who were allowed to bring Africans to the Spanish colonies to work as slaves. a. asiento isin domination d. eru Grade 4 :: Industrial Revolution by Severud

Servants made all of the fancy meals each day from scratch because there were no refrigerators or freezers. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Industrial Revolution by Severud

Mark all that were invented during the Victorian Era (about 1850-1900). a. Indoor plumbing. Electric lights. Computers. Telephones. e. Air conditioning. Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Who fought at the Alamo? a. American Texans, Mexican General Santana and his army, Santa clause and his Mexican elves President Jefferson and President Washington d. Mexican Taco makers and American Bagel builders Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

What was the result of the fighting at San jacinto? a. Santana decided to invade the U.S. and Take Texas back

Santana was killed and Texas was taken by the U.S. Santana was captured, and refused to give Texas its independence d. Santana was captured and agreed to give Texas its independence Grade 4 :: Exploration by courtneyepstin

Who founded America?  Grade 4 :: Ancient History by wfreeland


- a large area of different groups of people ruled by one country or leader

Grade 4 :: Industrial Revolution by Severud

Victorians loved to bathe on a regular basis. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Who lived in California before the gold rush? a. Hopi Indians Seminole Indians Plains Indians d. Kwakitue Indians Grade 4 :: Industrial Revolution by Severud

Everyone in the Victorian Era was wealthy and had many servants working for them. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Industrial Revolution by Severud

Mark all of the ways wealthy Victorians showed off their wealth. a. They had fancy parties. They displayed lots of possessions & knicknacks throughout their homes. They had big swimming pools in their back yards. d. They decorated every part of the rooms in their houses.

Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Which of the following choices best describes what is meant if someone was to call another person, or refer to themselves as a War Hawk? a. an agressive bird an aggressive person a person who dislikes agrressive congressmen d. a congressman who supports going to war Grade 4 :: India by Jetaime

Who built the Taj Mahal? Shah Jahan Grade 4 :: World History by Severud

What was the Middle Passage?

The ship journey that took millions of captured Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to be sold as slaves in the colonies of the New World. Grade 4 :: Industrial Revolution by Severud

Children never had to work in the Victorian Era. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

In what European practice does a person act as another's servant for seven years and then was set free with a small amount of pay? a. labor enslavement indentureship d. exploitation Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Oliver Hazzard Perry is an American Icon. Which of the following is most true about Mr. Perry? a. He was a famous and brilliant army general He was a famous and brilliant air force general He was a famous and brilliant navy admiral d. He was a fmous and brilliant teacher and scholor Grade 4 :: Industrial Revolution by Severud

If a person needed a job, they could work as a servant or in a factory. List two things that made factory work very difficult.  Long hours, little pay, bad working conditions. Grade 4 :: Industrial Revolution by Severud

Wealthy Victorians tried very hard to be a. lazy & boring. snooty & mean. proper & elegant. d. funny & interesting.


Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Why did President Madison want to stay neutral during British and French conflicts at sea? a. He wanted britian to finish off the French He wanted the French to beat the British He wanted Britian to be able to trade with France d. He wanted to be able to trade with both Britian and France Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Which was not a reason why Mexico passed laws to stop Americans from settling in Texas? a. There were too many Americans in Texas already Americans brought slaves into Mexico which was against Mexican Laws Mexicans are taking away jobs from Americans who are out of work d. The Mexican government was afraid of an uprising (revolution) Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

What did many African captives show by participating in mutinies on the slave ships? a. resistance

spirituality servitude d. domination Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

What term best describes the Africans legally enslaved by the European Slave Trade for the sole purpose of financial gain? a. employed honored dehumanized d. compensated Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

The Hippocratic Oath that doctor's take today originated with Imhotep, who held several titles including that of physician. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

What happened when the United States Army fought near Canada early in the war? a. The Canadian Army was badly beaten The Mexican Army was badly beaten The British Army was badly beaten d. The United States Army was badly beaten Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

What was it called when sailors were taken against their will and forced to work aboard British vessels? a. Impressed Impressive Impressment d. Pressimment Grade 4 :: Global Issues by Kayla_M

When regions depend on one another, they are economically a. free enterprise system globalization c. interdependent Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

In the year 1812, which of the following men was elected President? a. James Monroe James Madison Oliver Hazzard Perry d. Francis Scott Key Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

The first Portuguese adventurers to visit the African continent were searching for a. work enslaved Africans


diamonds d. gold Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

What does it mean if someone class themselves a nationalist? a. They are devoted to becoming a citizen of America They are devoted and loyal to their country They are a devoted and loving father d. They will fight for their rights of representation Grade 4 :: Latin America and Caribbean by Jetaime

What country is Machu Picchu in? Peru Grade 4 :: Africa and Middle East by Jeannette

Which term refers to the forced removal an dispersion of Africans from their homeland? a. Triangular Trade African Mfecane war captives d. resilience Grade 4 :: World History by elane

Which is a way to find 7 x 6? a. (7 x 4) + (7 x 3) (5 x 6) + (4 x 6) (4 x 6) + (3 x 6) (3 x 6) + (4 x 7) e. None of the above. Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Why was travel on the Oregon trail difficult? a. disease, injury, and good weather disease, bad weather, and traffic disease, traffic, and tolls d. disease, injury, and bad weather Grade 4 :: Industrial Revolution by Severud

Who was the Victorian Era named after? Queen Victoria of England. Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

What did the Oregon Trail allow settlers to do? a. Cross the Mississippi River faster than ever Cross the Rocky Mountains and travel from Missouri to Oregon by wagon Cross the Brooklyn Bridge d. Fly to the LA airport in California Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

Because many miners, merchants, and traders wanted to move to towns near mines, these popped up around mines.

a. booming towns boom towns mine towns d. mining towns Grade 4 :: World History by kelebutler

Encyclopedia knew that Sam Maine was lying because he told Chief Brown he'd been taking care of "salamanders and other lizards for more than nineteen years." a. True b. False Grade 4 :: World History by somedude

When and where was the Treaty of Ghent signed? a. at the Capital Building in 2007 Ghent Belgim in 1814 In Paris 1817 d. at the White House in 1776 Grade 4 :: World History by kelebutler

Why do you think everyone called Leroy "Encyclopedia?" Possible response: Everyone called him Encyclopedia because he was smart. Grade 4 :: World History by warrenlee

Why did Cuban cigar makers leave Cuba? a. The weather in Cuba was too hot They wanted to move to Florida for better weather To escape the costs of high taxes and tariffs established by America. d. They paid too much for tobacco in Cuba Grade 4 :: World History by warrenlee

Who introduced tobacco to the Spanish? a. The Cubans The American Indian The English d. The Dutch Grade 4 :: Latin America and Caribbean by bparker

The official language of the Dominican Republic is  Grade 4 :: World History by kelebutler

Idaville is not a real place, but the author includes details to make it seem real. Find at least three details that the author uses to make Idaville seem like a real town.  Possible response: It is a seaside town with churches, two car washes, three movie theaters, bike paths, sparkling beaches, a synagogue, and great fishing spots. Grade 4 :: Latin America and Caribbean by bparker

Dominican Republic has what type of climate?  Grade 4 :: Latin America and Caribbean by bparker

Some common animals of the Dominican Republic are 

Grade 4 :: Latin America and Caribbean by bparker

Most of the people of the Dominican Republic are of what ancestry? 

Grade 4 :: Quadrilaterals by SheilaH

Which figure contains four right angles and four right sides of equal length? a. quadrilateral rectangle rhombus d. square Grade 4 :: Angles by zozo5623

What is smaller than a right angle? a. acute angle obtuse angle c. right angle Grade 4 :: Angles by haleynicole

Which angle is 60 degrees? a. right acute obtuse d. straight Grade 4 :: Angles by Thaisha

Two angles whose measures sum to 180? a. Obtuse Angle Right Angle Exterior Angle Supplementary Interior Angle f. Complementary Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by astrahin

a. 5/9 4/9 1/3 d. 8/9 Grade 4 :: Symmetry and Transformations by LBeth

How many lines of symmetry does the guitar have?

a. 0 1 2 d. 4 Grade 4 :: Quadrilaterals by SheilaH

How many pairs of parallel sides are there in a parallelogram? a. 0 1 2 d. 4 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by scott

What is the sum in simplest form?


d. Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by Czaja

a. 1/2 2/4 1/3 d. 3/4 Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by lisca

67 + = 121 Which number will make the number sentence true?

a. 54 56 64 d. 68 Grade 4 :: Angles by AmandaJane

Two angles are a. supplementary complementary straight d. right

angles if the sum of their measures are 180 degrees

Grade 4 :: Angles by levins

A capital letter "L" is what type of angle? a. Obtuse Acute Right d. Odd Grade 4 :: Angles by pauladees

Acute, right, obtuse?

a. acute obtuse c. right Grade 4 :: Patterns by Piddydink

A number pattern is shown below. 100, 95, 110, 105, 120, ... If this pattern continues, what number will come next? a. 100 115 120 d. 130 Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

Rachel used a rule to create the following pattern.

11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26 Her friend correctly created a similar pattern using Rachel's rule. Which pattern did Rachel's friend create? a. 18, 24, 29, 33, 36, 38 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729 d. 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, 27 Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

Michael saw this pattern of numbers on a stack of note cards: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36 Which set of numbers appears to follow the same rule? a. 2, 10, 18, 26, 34, 42 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40 7, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57 d. 8, 16, 28, 36, 38, 46 Grade 4 :: Triangles by lalax3

All of the sides of this triangle are equal. What kind of a triangle is this? a. scalene isosceles equilateral d. right triangle Grade 4 :: Decimals by mvanpope

Which of the following is the largest? a. 2.20 0.022 2.02 d. 0.22 Grade 4 :: Positive and Negative Numbers by mshaleways

Integers include both positive and negative numbers. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Symmetry and Transformations by LBeth

How many lines of symmetry does each shape have? Regular Octagon 8 Square 4 Rectangle 2 Regular Hexagon 6 Isosceles Triangle 1 Parallelogram 0

Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

Bruce made a pattern using a two-step rule in which he first multiplies and then subtracts. He started with 5 and used the two-step rule to make the pattern, as shown below. 5, 10, 8, 16, 14, 28, 26, ? Which number should Bruce write next in the pattern? a. 24 26 52 d. 56 Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

Madison has the number pattern below for a homework problem. 5, 3, 8, 6, 11 She says that the number pattern adds 5 to the first number and then subtracts 2 to get the next number. Did Madison correctly describe the pattern? a. No, the pattern adds 5 to the first number and then subtracts 2. No, the number pattern subtracts 2 to the first number and then adds 5. No, the pattern subtracts adds 3 to the first number and then adds 4. d. Yes, Madison's description of the pattern is correct. Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

Which fraction is equivalent to the model?


d. Grade 4 :: Quadrilaterals by krector

A polygon with two pairs of parallel sides and 4 congruent sides is a Grade 4 :: Symmetry and Transformations by LBeth

How many lines of symmetry does a scalene triangle have? a. 0



1 2 d. 3 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

Which fraction is equivalent to the model?


d. Grade 4 :: Three Dimensional Shapes by TiffTwns

A flat surface of a shape is known as a a. vertex face c. edge


Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by kelebutler

Daryl is 23 years old. His brother Larry is 11 years younger. Which number sentence can you use to find how old Larry is? a. 23 - 11 = 12 23 + 11 = 34 34 - 23 = 11 d. 23 - 12 = 11 Grade 4 :: Place Value by jkaskiewicz

Which number has a 5 in the ten-thousands place? a. 652,341 562,341 462,541 d. 265,401 Grade 4 :: Subtraction with Regrouping by AntonioMartin81

a. 800 740 1025 d. 649 Grade 4 :: Three Dimensional Shapes by TiffTwns

The point on a shape is known as the a. vertex face c. edge


Grade 4 :: Time by SMART

It is 2:00 p.m. now. What will be the time after 3 hours? a. 11 a.m. 4 p.m. c. 5 p.m. Grade 4 :: Triangles by krector


obtuse triangle

is a triangle with one angle greater than 90 degrees.

Grade 4 :: Multiplication by TiffTwns

Nathan has 8 golf balls in each of his 3 golf bags. How many golf balls does Nathan have in all? a. 11 golf balls 24 golf balls 26 golf balls d. 48 golf balls Grade 4 :: Money by kayla8

If Susan had $29.21 to spend on presents, she buys a beanie for $2.40, a pack of mecanical pencils for $6.95, and a gift card for $15, how much money does she have left over? a. $0.36 $4.22 $4.86 d. $5.09 Grade 4 :: Three Dimensional Shapes by TiffTwns

Where two lines of a face meet is known as a a. vertex face c. edge


Grade 4 :: Decimals by sharonkil

At a practice tee, a golfer hit a golf ball 80.5 yards, 84.25 yards, 84.05 yards, and 80.75 yards. Which distance is the longest? a. 80.5 84.25 84.05 d. 80.75 Grade 4 :: Addition with Regrouping by kelebutler

Tyler and his father are raising funds for a new animal shelter. So far, Tyler has raised $2,789. His father has raised $1,286. How much have they raised altogether? a. $3,005 $3,065 $4,065 d. $4,075 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

Look at the shapes below. What fraction of the shapes have four sides?

a. 1/3 2/3 2/6 d. 5/6 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by kmiller22

5 x 5 = 25 a. True b. False

Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by mnwnofgod

The top number of a fraction is called a denominator. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Place Value by Ureesha

Round 193 to the nearest hundred. a. 200 190 210 d. 100 Grade 4 :: Patterns by kanance

A number pattern is shown below. 12231223 Which group of words represents the pattern shown above? a. blue, green, blue, red, blue, green, blue, red green, blue, blue, green, green, blue, blue, green blue, green, green, red, blue, green, green, red d. green, blue, green, red, green, blue, green, red Grade 4 :: Multiplication by kmiller22

12 x 12 = 124 a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Quadrilaterals by pauladees

What is the name of this polygon?

a. pentagon rectangle decagon d. parallelogram Grade 4 :: Positive and Negative Numbers by cchalela

These integers are in order from greatest to least. 25, 11, -8, -7, -15 a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Money by kelebutler

Bracelets are on sale for 3 for $15. How much do 5 bracelets cost? a. $5 $20 $25 d. $30 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by Nadiamj

500 x 5 =

a. 2,500 250 25,000 d. 250,000 Grade 4 :: Positive and Negative Numbers by haha_lol

Which number is the greatest? a. 20 -100 -45 d. 50 Grade 4 :: Angles by pauladees

What type of angle is this?

a. acute obtuse c. right Grade 4 :: Circles by scott

Kay drew a point inside a circle the same distance from any point on the circle. What part of the circle did she draw? a. radius diameter center d. line Grade 4 :: Multiplication by wmaldonado

Estimate 238 x 7 = a. 1,300 1,466 2,000 d. 1,400 Grade 4 :: Patterns

Madison has the number pattern below for a homework problem. 3, 7, 4, 8, 5, 9, 6, 10

She says the pattern adds 3 to the first number and then subtracts 4 to get the next number. Did Madison correctly describe the pattern? a. No, the pattern adds 4 to the first number and then subtracts 3 No, the pattern subtracts 3 from the first number and then adds 4 No, the pattern adds 3 to the first number and then adds 4 d. Yes, Madison's description of the pattern is correct Grade 4 :: Perimeter by dboardboy

The length of each side of the square is 3.4 cm. Find the perimter.

a. 1.36 cm 6.8 cm 13.6 cm d. 12.6 cm Grade 4 :: Decimals by kitty243166

What is the order least to greatest? 6.90, 8.90, 6.03, 5.60 a. 5.60, 6.03, 6.90, 8.90 6.03, 5.60, 8.90, 6.90 7.00, 5.60, 8.90, 6.90 d. None of them above Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

What number is next in the pattern? 12, 16, 20, , 28 a. 32 26 21 d. 24 Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

Bruce made a pattern using a two-step rule in which he first multiplies and then subtracts. He started with 5 and used the two-step rule to make the pattern, as shown below. 5, 10, 8, 16, 14, 28, 26, ? Which number should Bruce write next in the pattern? a. 24 26

52 d. 56 Grade 4 :: Addition by kelebutler

Josh practiced his drums two hours before dinner and three hours after dinner. How many hours did he practice in all? a. 3 hours 4 hours 5 hours d. 6 hours Grade 4 :: Place Value by agarwell

What is 34.678 rounded to the nearest hundredth? a. 34.700 34.670 34.680 d. 34.600 Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

What is a rule for the pattern? 29, 24, 19, 14, 9 a. add 4 subtract 5 multiply 2 d. add 5

Grade 4 :: Place Value by lisca

What does the 3 represent in the number below? 3051 a. 3 30 300 d. 3000 Grade 4 :: Place Value by lisca

Which number is 4000+800+50? a. 458 485 4085 d. 4850 Grade 4 :: Place Value by lisca

Which number has a 4 in the tens place and a 4 in the hundreds place? a. 6424 6244 4462 d. 6442

Grade 4 :: Subtraction with Regrouping by lisca

9000 - 3782= a. 5218 5328 6782 d. 12,782 Grade 4 :: Place Value by lisca

Which number means 1000+600+8? a. 168 1068 1608 d. 1680 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by wmaldonado

Estimate 4,905 x 2 = a. 100,000 10,000 c. 1,000 Grade 4 :: Money by Losiea

Tyson Tomko spent $16.90 at the store. What two items did he buy if the following prices were this: Plane: $7.87 Car: $8.22 Robot: $9.43 a. Plane, Robot Plane, Car Robot, Car d. None of these Grade 4 :: Money by lisca

If each ball costs $1.54, how much must Kyoko pay for three balls? a. $4.62 $15.40 $31.54 d. $46.20 Grade 4 :: Three Dimensional Shapes by Nadiamj

The shape below has how many faces?

a. 12 6 8 d. square Grade 4 :: Money by lisca

Adam has $5.00 to buy an airplane that costs $4.28. How much change should he get back? a. $ 0.70 $ 0.72 $ 0.75 d. $ 0.82 Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

Which numerical pattern follows the rule "subtract 2, then multiply by 3" when starting with 5? a. 5, 7, 21, 69 5, 2, 4, 1, 2 5, 15, 13, 39, 37 d. 5, 3, 9, 7, 21, 19, 57 Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

The teacher wrote the following numerical pattern on the board. 5, 11, 17, 23, 29 The teacher then asked the students to write a similar pattern. Which of the following follows the teacher's pattern? a. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 2, 8, 14, 20, 26 d. 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by lisca

Which set of numbers is in order from greatest to least? a. 147, 163, 234, 275 275, 234, 163, 147 275, 163, 234, 147 d. 163, 275, 234, 147 Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

In the figure below,

would best be described as


a. right acute obtuse d. straight Grade 4 :: Three Dimensional Shapes by Nadiamj

How many vertices does this shape have?

a. 8 6 12 d. 5 Grade 4 :: Money by lisca

Reggie compared the prices of two radios. Brand A cost $31.47. Brand B cost $34.71. How much more does Brand B cost than Brand A? a. $ 3.24 $ 3.26 $ 3.34 d. $ 3.36 Grade 4 :: Patterns by Mewsy7721

Randy is stacking colored blocks. He places the blocks one on top of another in this order: blue, red, yellow, blue, red, green, blue, red, yellow. If he continues the pattern, what will be the color of the 18th block? a. Green Blue Red

d. Yellow Grade 4 :: Quadrilaterals by krector



has four sides and only 1 pair of parallel sides.

Grade 4 :: Multiplication by Nadiamj

Multiplication is an easier way to do repeated


. Grade 4 :: Addition with Regrouping by cwargo

a. 1,060,203 1,060,207 1,060,200 d. 1,060,287

Grade 4 :: Basic Shapes by TiffTwns

A shape with six sides is known as a a. pentagon heptagon c. hexagon


Grade 4 :: Number Properties by Nadiamj

The Property of One in Multiplication is also known as the



Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by kelebutler

Large tables in the library have 8 chairs and small tables have 4 chairs. How many students can sit at 3 large tables and 5 small tables if each seat is filled? a. 20 students 36 students 44 students d. 52 students Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

Which of the following best describes the angle shown below?

a. right acute obtuse d. straight Grade 4 :: Patterns by LBeth


c. Grade 4 :: Angles by kvaughan

What is the measurement of this angle?

a. 150 30 180 d. 25 Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

Which of the following best describes the angle shown below?

a. right acute obtuse d. straight Grade 4 :: Decimals by houstond

Which answer shows these numbers arranged correctly in order from least to greatest: 1, 0.1, 1.1, 1.01 a. 1, 0.1, 1.1, 1.01 0.1, 1, 1.01, 1.1 1.01, 1.1, 0.1, 1 d. 0.1, 1.1, 1, 1,01 Grade 4 :: Basic Shapes by TiffTwns

The difference between a square in a rectangle is: A rectangle has 4 equal sides and a square has 2 equal sides. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

Which of the following best describes the angle shown below?

a. right acute obtuse

d. straight Grade 4 :: Metric System and SI by smitty6310

What is a hundredth of a meter? a. centimeter millimeter decimeter d. meter Grade 4 :: Decimals by dboardboy

Christopher rode his bike 3.15 miles on Friday and then 4.2 miles on Saturday. How many more miles did Christopher bike on Saturday? a. 1.50 1.15 1.05 d. 7.35 Grade 4 :: Decimals by TiffTwns

Harmony and Milik decided to have a race at the school track. Harmony's time was 57.48 seconds. Milik's time was 48.7 seconds. How much faster was Milik than Harmony? a. 8.78 8.59 8.69 d. 9.69 Grade 4 :: Symmetry and Transformations by ConnieBleiler

How many lines of symmetry does a square have? a. 1 line 2 lines c. 4 lines Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by LBeth

On the figure below, BC is a


a. ray line point d. line segment Grade 4 :: Place Value by pkmsmom

The value given to a digit by its place in a number is

place value


Grade 4 :: Circles by Narishm

What is this measurement called?

a. Area Circumfrence Diameter d. Radius Grade 4 :: Symmetry and Transformations by aumnicol

The "Line of Symmetry" is a. the line that makes a shape like a mirror image a mirror c. a shape cut into pieces by lines Grade 4 :: Positive and Negative Numbers by pkmsmom

A number less than zero is a

negative number Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

In the figure below,

a. right acute obtuse d. straight

would best be described as


Grade 4 :: Area by KellyFourth

Which equation can be used to calculate the area of a rectangle that is 5 feet wide and 7 feet long? a. A = 5 x 7 A= 5 + 7 A = (2 x 5) + (2 x 7) d. A = 5 + 7 + 5 + 7 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

Which set of fractions represents the circles below when ordered from least to greatest?


d. Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

Write a fraction for each picture. Circle the two pictures with equivalent fractions.

2/4 or 1/2


1/2 Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

Tyler set up a drink stand at the football game. She sold 8 cups on the first day, 11 cups on the second day, 17 cups on the third day, 20 cups on the fourth day, and 26 cups on the fifth day. If

this trend continues, how many cups can she expect to sell on the eighth day? a. 29 53 35 d. 38 Grade 4 :: Mixed Numbers by Lila777

What is 5/3 in improper fraction form?

1 and 2/3 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

Which set of fractions represents the shapes below when ordered from least to greatest?


d. Grade 4 :: Addition with Regrouping by kitty243166

Max has 6 pencils. Elizabeth has 18 pencils. If Max and Elizabeth put their pencils togeher, how many would they have in all? a. 23 24 19 d. N/A Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

Which of the following best describes the angle shown below?

a. right acute

obtuse d. straight Grade 4 :: Multiplication by MollyBee

Use estimation to answer the question. Which has the greatest product? a. d. Grade 4 :: Angles by dboardboy

Measure the following angle. Write the measurement on the line.


Grade 4 :: Inequalities by pkmsmom

This sign is less than

< Grade 4 :: Three Dimensional Shapes by TiffTwns

The difference between a two-dimensional shape and a three-dimensional shape: A twodimensional shape is always flat, it has length and width. A three-dimensional shape is not flat it has length, width, and height. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

Write a fraction for each picture. Circle the two pictures with equivalent fractions.

2/8 or 1/4

6/8 or 3/4

3/4 Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by TiffTwns

What is the seventh multiple of 9? a. 45 54 63 d. 72 Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by pauladees

What is KL? a. line line segment ray d. angle Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by TiffTwns

In a fraction, the number on top that shows the part of a whole is known as the a. fraction denominator c. numerator


Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by LBeth

Which of the following best describes the figure shown below? a. ray line point d. line segment Grade 4 :: Patterns by LBeth


c. Grade 4 :: Angles by dboardboy

In the diagram,

DBA is a 90

angle. What type of angles are

ABC and

a. supplementary and adjacent angles supplementary, but not adjacent angles complementary and adjacent angles d. complementary, but not adjacent angles Grade 4 :: Decimals by dboardboy

Which expanded form correctly represents the following decimal: 12.03 a. 12 + .03 10 + 2+ .3 10 + 2 + .03 d. 12 + .3

Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

Which of the shaded shapes below represents a fraction larger than




d. Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by LBeth

Which of the following best describes the figure shown below? a. ray line point d. line segment Grade 4 :: Addition by georgie66

Bryson brought in 12 drink pouches and Taylor bought in 22. How many pouches are there in all? a. 24 34 57 d. 74 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

The shaded fraction models below are ordered least to greatest.

a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by LBeth

Which of the following best describes the figure shown below?

a. ray line point d. line segment Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

The shaded fraction models below are ordered least to greatest.

a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by Chakia

Choose the prime number(s): a. 3 4 17 13 16 9 19 h. 26 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

The following fractions are ordered from least to greatest. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

Which type of angle is

a. right

in the triangle shown below?

acute obtuse d. straight Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by AprilMWhite

28, 35, 42, 49 and 56 are all multiples for... a. 7 3 12 d. 8 Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by Losiea

The only charge to use the pool is a $3.00 parking charge. Which of these number sentences should be used to find how much money the parking lot made on a day when 82 cars were parked there? a. 82 + 3 = 82 - 3 = 82 * 3 = d. 82 / 3 = Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by LBeth

How many sets of parallel line segments are shown on the figure below?

a. 0 1 2 d. 3 Grade 4 :: Decimals by TiffTwns

The distance from Brian's house to his grandparents' house is thirty-five and nine tenths miles. How is thirty-five and nine tenths written as a decimal? a. 35.9 35.09 3.59 d. 0.359 Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by LBeth

Which of the following best describes H on the figure shown below?

a. ray line point d. line segment Grade 4 :: Multiplication by kelebutler

Quinn finished 32 math facts in a 1 minute drill. At this rate, about how many math facts will he finish in a 3 minute drill? a. 60 70 90 d. 120 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

The shaded fraction models below are ordered greatest to least.

a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

2 or 16/8 Grade 4 :: Problem Solving Strategies by TiffTwns

Mrs. Carter requires her child to check his homework assignment before giving it to the teacher. After solving the problem, her child checked his homework with the following problem. 7,821 - 4,567 = 3,254 What was the beginning problem? a. 4,567 + 4,657= ? 3,254 - 4,567 = ? 7,821 - 4,567 = ? d. 3,254 + 4,567 = ? Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by TiffTwns

Mrs. Ridgeway is taking 150 students and teachers on a field trip to the museum. They can take cars and vans. Each car can hold 4 people and a van can hold 8 people. Which of the following describes how many cars and vans the school will need to use to take 150 people to the museum? a. 12 vans and 12 cars 13 vans 12 cars

12 vans and 13 cars d. 6 cars and 12 vans Grade 4 :: Multiplication by somedude

Paco's store has 45 boxes of plums. In each box there are 345 plums. How many plums does Paco's store have in all? a. 15,000 15,525 14,545 d. 390

Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

1 1/3 Grade 4 :: Triangles by LBeth

The angle measures of a triangle are the triangle? a. Acute Obtuse c. Right

. Which of the following best classifies

Grade 4 :: Number Properties by Nadiamj

The Associative Property of Multiplication is also known as the Property of Multiplication.


Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by TiffTwns

Which list shows the factors of 16? a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 16, 32, 48, 64 d. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Grade 4 :: Area by TiffTwns

Robert needs to determine the area of his garden. The garden is 12 feet long and 9 feet wide. Which statement explains how Robert can correctly calculate the area of his garden? a. find the sum of 12 and 9 Multiply 1 by 2, multiply 1 by 9, and find the sum of the products Multiply 1 by 9, multiply 2 by 9, and find the sum of the products. d. Multiply 10 by 9, multiply 2 by 9, and find the sum of the products. Grade 4 :: Division by Pastel

To check your answer to a division equation, you should perform which operation?

a. subtraction addition multiplication d. repeated addition Grade 4 :: Triangles by LBeth

Elijah cuts out a triangle from a piece of cardboard as shown below. Which of the following best describes Elijah's triangle?

a. Acute and scalene Obtuse and scalene Acute and isosceles d. Obtuse and isosceles Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by TiffTwns

Which list shows the multiples of 4? a. 1, 2, 4 1, 3, 4, 5 4, 8, 12, 16 d. 2, 4, 6, 8 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by MollyBee

Use estimation to answer the question. Which has the greatest product? a. d. Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

Write the fraction for the model: Circle the equivalent fraction:


Grade 4 :: Money by TiffTwns

Micah bought 2 pens for $0.99 each and a pack of paper for $1.47. She gave the clerk some money and got back $1.55 in change. How much money did Micah give the clerk? a. $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 d. $6.00 Grade 4 :: Angles by bexleyheath602

All 3 angles in a triangle add up to 260 degrees. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

7/4 or 1 3/4 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

3/4 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

Write the fraction for the model:


Circle the equivalent fraction: Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by Cheryl_Coddington1

a. 6 2 14 d. 33 Grade 4 :: Metric System and SI by sarafoster1976

One thousandth of a meter is called: a. decameter centimeter

decimeter d. millimeter Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by TiffTwns

What number belongs in the blank below to make the number sentence true? 9 + __= 2 X 5 a. 10 2 5 d. 1 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

5/6 Grade 4 :: Angles by dboardboy

What is the measure of the following angle?

a. 30 50 130 d. 125

Grade 4 :: Place Value by LisaOrman

The first place to the right of the decimal point is the a. hundredths place ones place tens place d. tenths place Grade 4 :: Perimeter by Misshelenmm

If the length is 12 inches and the width is 4 inches, what is the perimeter of this garden? 32 inches

Grade 4 :: Multiplication by Dawnwalton

a. 34 39 36 d. 12 Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

Mark set up a lemonade stand at a local park. He sold 10 cups of lemonade on the first day, 15 cups on the second day, 17 cups on the third day, 22 cups on the fourth day, and 24 cups on the fifth day. If this trend continues, how many cups of lemonade can he expect to sell on the ninth day? a. 36 38 29 d. 43 Grade 4 :: Subtraction with Regrouping by TiffTwns

92 people ride the train to work each day. After the train stops at the train station, only 36 people are still on the train. How would you justify the number of students who were dropped off at the train station? a. 65 people were dropped off at the train station because 92-36= 65 56 people were dropped off at the train station because 92+36=56 56 people were dropped off at the train station because 92-36=56 d. 56 people were dropped off at the train station because 92-36=92+36 Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by LBeth

Which line segment is parallel to



d. Grade 4 :: Decimals by TiffTwns

Which decimal represents the fraction 7/10? a. .70 7 .07 d. .7 Grade 4 :: Place Value by Hartney

Complete the number sentence. a. 700,000 70,000 700 d. 7,000 Grade 4 :: Triangles by LBeth

The angle measures of a triangle are a. Acute Obtuse c. Right

. What kind of triangle is it?

Grade 4 :: Decimals by dboardboy

What is the value of the following money amount as a decimal a. 1.00 0.10 100 d. 0.01 Grade 4 :: Algebraic Expressions by TiffTwns

What value of n makes this number sentence true?


60 - n = 35 a. 95 30 35 d. 25 Grade 4 :: Place Value by Ureesha

What is 72,894 in expanded form? a. 70,000+2,000+900+80+4 72,000+800+90+4 70,000+2,000+894 d. 70,000+2,000+800+90+4 Grade 4 :: Patterns by Professor35

The four basic math operations that can be used to determine a mathematical rule for patterns are: a. addition, subtraction, multiplication, division exponents, square roots, factors, and products exponents, scientific notation, grouping, regrouping d. addition, division, multiplications and times tables Grade 4 :: Patterns by Professor35

Patterns only involve numbers. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Area by KellyFourth

Sam is setting up 3 tables for a bake sale. If each table has a length of 2 meters and a width of 2 meters, what is the total area of all three tables? a. 5 square meters 12 square meters 16 square meters d. 20 square meters Grade 4 :: Other Polygons by pauladees

What is the name of this polygon?

a. triangle parallelogram

pentagon d. hexagon Grade 4 :: Triangles by LBeth

Based on side length, which of the following best classifies the triangle below?

a. Scalene Isosceles c. Equilateral Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

3/4 Grade 4 :: Decimals by LisaOrman

What is the Decimal Equivalent of 17/100? a. 0.017 1.7 17.0 d. 0.17 Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

The measure of this angle is



Grade 4 :: Place Value by pkmsmom

What is each group of three digits in a place value chart called?


Grade 4 :: Triangles by LBeth

Based on side length, which of the following best classifies the triangle below?

a. Scalene Isosceles c. Equilateral Grade 4 :: Place Value by pkmsmom

A way to write a number that shows only its digits is Grade 4 :: Triangles by LBeth

What kind of triangle is shown?

standard form


a. Acute Obtuse c. Right Grade 4 :: Radicals by sarafoster1976

A number when multiplied by itself equals the original number. a. array oblique square root d. product Grade 4 :: Division by TiffTwns

In a fraction, the number on the bottom that represents a whole is the a. denominator fraction c. numerator


Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LisaOrman

Use what you know about converting fractions to decimals to determine the following: 5/100 is than 9/10 a. greater than less than equal to d. none of the above Grade 4 :: Perimeter by Misshelenmm

If one side is 14 inches, what is the perimeter of this shape?

56 inches

Grade 4 :: Division by Piddydink

35 Grade 4 :: Division by Piddydink

42 Grade 4 :: Place Value by Ureesha

Which shows five hundred six million, seventy-three thousand, eight in standard form? a. 516,073,008 506,073,008 506,111,0008 d. 506,068,908 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

1 or 4/4 Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by kelebutler

The temperature was 81 degrees F when Harvey left for school. By morning recess, it had gone up 8 degrees F. However, by the time school was out, the temperature went down 15 degrees F. What was the temperature at the end of school? a. 58 degrees F 74 degrees F 76 degrees F d. 104 degrees F Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by guy45

Simplify 10/35. a. 1/3 2/6 2/7 d. 4/14 Grade 4 :: Addition by passia

Tariq wants to add 296, 409 and 589. Which of these would give Tariq the BEST ESTIMATE? a. 200+400+500 200+400+600 300+400+500 d. 300+400+600 Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by sarafoster1976

Numbers that indicate position or order: first, second, third. a. real numbers primary numbers ordinal numbers d. irrational numbers Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by LBeth

Which of the following statements is true about the trapezoid shown below?

a. it has one set of parallel lines it has two sets of parallel lines it has one set of perpendicular lines d. it has two sets of perpendicular lines Grade 4 :: Place Value by pkmsmom

A way of writing a number as the sum of the values of its digits is the form


Grade 4 :: Triangles by Shripad

A right triangle will have one


angle. Grade 4 :: Mixed Numbers by clandess

Subtract. 3 1/4 - 2 3/4 a. 1 2/4 1 3/4 d. 2/4

Grade 4 :: Multiplication by TiffTwns

Joseph sold 24 tickets to a school play. The tickets cost $7 each. Which pair of expressions shows two ways to calculate the total cost of the tickets Joseph sold? a. 20 x 7 and 20 x 4 24 x 7 and 20 x 7 (20 x 7) + (4 x 7) d. (24 x 7) + (4 x 7) Grade 4 :: Angles by dboardboy

Draw a 160

angle on the protractor below.


Grade 4 :: Angles by Jenn2047

This angle is

a. less than a right angle a right angle greater than a right angle d. none of the above Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by daisyn73

Evander does not know how many tadpoles will hatch from the frog egg cluster in the pond and grow up to be frogs. His book says that one third of all the eggs won't hatch at all, and that half of the ones that do will be eaten by predators. Then, one fifth of those will not grow properly, due to one reason or another. If the cluster in the pond has 60 eggs, how many will probably grow up to be frogs? a. 10 16 12 d. 20 Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by TiffTwns

What are the factors of 20?

a. 2,15,10,20,1 1,2,4,5,10,20 3,2,15,5,20,1 d. 1,5,6,10,20 Grade 4 :: Place Value by Ureesha

What is the value of the 3 in 43,816? a. 3 3,000 13,000 d. 30,000 Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by TiffTwns


is two numbers multiplied together. a. factor product array d. multiple Grade 4 :: Algebraic Expressions by Ureesha

Rebecca spent 4 hours working on a typing project for the print shop. Her boss agreed to pay her $5 for each of the first 10 pages and $1 for each of the remaining pages. Rebecca typed 18 pages. What information below is NOT needed to calculate the amount Rebecca will be paid? a. 4 hours 18 pages $5 for each of the first 10 pages d. $1 for each remaining page Grade 4 :: Triangles by krector


isosceles triangle

has two equal sides and two equal angles.

Grade 4 :: Mixed Numbers by TiffanyWilcock

5 7/8 - 4 3/8 a. 2 4/8 1 10/8 1 1/2 d. 3 4/8 Grade 4 :: Division by TiffTwns

In a fraction, the number on top that represents a part of a whole is known as the a. fraction numerator c. denominator Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by guy45

Simplify 8/80. a. 2/5 2/10 2/3 d. 1/10 Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by TiffTwns


What are the factors of 12? a. 4,5,1,10,20,2 6,3,15,4,12,0 8,6,2,4,12,0 d. 1,3,2,6,12,4 Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

The measure of this angle is





Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

The measure of this angle is

Grade 4 :: Triangles by LBeth

Giselle constructs the triangle below using a compass and straight edge. Two of the sides measure the same length and all of the angles measure less than . Which of the following best describes Giselle's triangle?

a. Acute and equilateral Right and equilateral Acute and isosceles d. Right and isosceles Grade 4 :: Triangles by LBeth

The sides of a triangle measure 6 m, 7 m, and 4 m. Which type of triangle is described? a. Scalene Isosceles c. Equilateral Grade 4 :: Triangles by LBeth

What kind of triangle is shown?

a. Acute Obtuse c. Right Grade 4 :: Inequalities by pkmsmom

This sign shows greater than


. Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

Which type of angle is

in the triangle below?

a. right acute obtuse d. straight

Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

All the angles in the hexagon shown below are


a. right acute obtuse d. straight Grade 4 :: Multiplication by MollyBee

Use estimation to answer the question. Which has the greatest product? a. d. Grade 4 :: Decimals by LisaOrman

What is the decimal equivalent to 8/10? There may be more than one correct answer.

a. 0.08 0.8 .8 d. .08 Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by LBeth

Which of the following is true about the figure shown below?

a. t and k are parallel k and m are parallel t is perpendicular to k d. m is perpendicular to t Grade 4 :: Multiplication by somedude

Mary Jo Jill found 8 stamps, and each stamp had 4 squares on it. She turned them into the post office 4 blocks from her house. How many squares were on the stamps she turned in? a. 320 32 120 d. 12 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by TiffTwns

Coach Sizzler ordered 11 pizzas. Each pizza has 12 slices. How many total slices did he order? a. 110 slices 120 slices 132 slices d. 144 slices Grade 4 :: Division by Ryan1501

There are 186 types of lizards in the Everglades. There are 6 groups of lizards. If each group has the same amount of lizards, how many lizards are in one group? a. 32 31 6 d. 30 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by Deeksha

Answer this multiplacation question 12 x 14 = a. 160

24 168 d. 25 Grade 4 :: Angles by dboardboy

In the diagram, classify the angle shown.

a. acute obtuse right d. reflex Grade 4 :: Decimals by TiffTwns

Which fraction is represented by the decimal 1.32? a. 1 32/10 1 32/100 1 2/100 d. 1 23/100 Grade 4 :: Algebraic Expressions by Teresa89

N stands for the number of stamps John had. He gave 12 stamps to his sister. Which expression tells how many stamps John has now? a. N + 12 N - 12 12 - N d. 12 x N Grade 4 :: Algebraic Expressions by TiffTwns

What is the value of b in the equation below and why? b - 32 = 46 a. The value of b is 88 because 46 + 32 = 88 The value of b is 78 because 46 + 32 = 78 The value of b is 15 because 46 - 32 = 15 d. The value of b is 14 because 46 - 32 = 14 Grade 4 :: Addition with Regrouping by kelebutler

The Electronics Experts store sold 8,124 computers last year. The store also sold 2,336 printers. How many computers and printers did the store sell last year? a. 10,460 10,640

10,840 d. 10,940 Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by LBeth

On the figure below, DC is a


a. ray line point d. line segment Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by AprilMWhite

Which are multiplies for 12? a. 1, 2, 3, 4 2, 4, 6, 8 12, 24, 36, 48 d. 8, 16, 24, 32 Grade 4 :: Addition with Regrouping by cslinkard

True or false: 22+99=111 a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Area by Misshelenmm

The side of this square is 20 mm. What is the area of this square?

400 mm^2

Grade 4 :: Problem Solving Strategies by TiffTwns

Joshua's favorite math skill is adding numbers. He found the sum of 8,259 and 2,175 to be 10,434.

Which operation could Joshua use to check his sum? a. 2,175 + 8,259 = 10,434 8,259 - 2,175 = 6,084 10,434 - 2,175 = 8,259 d. 8,000 + 2,000 = 10,000 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by guy45

Simplify 6/90. a. 3/90 1/2 1/15 d. 1/10 Grade 4 :: Angles by dboardboy

Using the diagram of the protractor, what is the degree measurement of the angle?

a. 35 45 135 d. 145

Grade 4 :: Angles by Zamora

What is name of the following angle below:

a. right acute c. obtuse Grade 4 :: Algebraic Expressions by TiffTwns

How would the inverse operation of addition be used to solve this equation? 36 + m = 54 a. 54 - 36 = m 36 + 54 = m 54 / 36 = m d. 36 x 54 = m Grade 4 :: Place Value by Hartney

What is 37,157,432 increased by 10,000? a. 37,167,432 37,147,432 38,157,432 d. 47,157,432 Grade 4 :: Time by gena07

half an hour is a. 45 mins. 35 mins. 30 mins. 50 mins e. 15 min.


Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by micahf

6+4x3-(2x2) a. 13 14 18 d. 26 Grade 4 :: Circles by bbair

How many degrees are in a circle? a. 360 degrees 180 degrees 90 degrees

d. 45 degrees Grade 4 :: Multiplication by TiffTwns

42 x 32 equals which of the following equations? a. 42 x 3 + 32 x 2 = 190 42 x 30 + 42 x 2 = 1,344 42 x 3 - 32 x 3 = 222 d. 42 x 20 + 42 x 3 = 966 Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by Ureesha

6 and 5 are a. addends divisor c. factors Grade 4 :: Multiplication by sabbie07

I can run 1 mile in 12 minutes. How many minutes would it take to run 4 miles? a. 24 36 48 d. 60 Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by yscott

A cookie company produced 6,000 cookies each hour for 6 hours. Then the company produced 8,000 cookies each hour for the next 4 hours. How many cookies were produced in all? a. 14,000 68,000 70,000 d. 72,000 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by MollyBee

Find the missing digit. Test out each possible answer. a. 0 2 5 d. 8 Grade 4 :: Angles by dboardboy

What is the measurement of the angle shown on the protractor?

a. 40 145 155 d. 35 Grade 4 :: Angles by dboardboy

What type of angle is formed by the hour and minute hands on the clock face?

a. obtuse acute right d. none of the above Grade 4 :: Patterns by LBeth


c. Grade 4 :: Customary Measurement Concepts by kelebutler

Mr. Taylor installed 10 dozen tiles on his kitchen floor. Each tile cost $3. How much did Mr. Taylor spend, before tax? a. $390 $360 $300 d. $108 Grade 4 :: Division by Ureesha

72 is the a. dividend remainder sum d. quotient Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by TiffTwns

Martha and Shawn are decorating a banner for homecoming. Shawn decorated 3/8 of the banner and Martha decorated 4/8 of the banner. How much more of the banner do they need to decorate? a. 1/8 7/8 1/16 d. 7/16 Grade 4 :: Problem Solving Strategies by TiffTwns

Marvin solved the equation below: 14 + 25 = 39 Which of these equations could be used to check Marvin's answer? a. 25 + 39 = 65 14 + 39 = 53 64 - 25 = 39 d. 39 - 14 = 25 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by somedude

When Barrie found an Indian head coin he added it to his collection. He now has 39 jars with

321 coins inside of each jar. How many Indian coins does Barrie now have? a. 4,678 11, 986 21,518 d. 12,519 Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by TiffTwns

Which list shows the first five multiples of 7? a. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 d. 7, 49, 343, 2,401, 6,807

Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

The measure of this angle is



Grade 4 :: Division by pauladees

In 8 servings of granola cereal, there are 56 grams of fat. How many grams of fat per serving? a. 448 1 6 d. 7 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by somedude

The new sports complex has 89 rows with 765 seats in each row. How many people could be in the sports complex to watch a game from the seats? a. 68,983 65,847 68,085

d. 50,000 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by floratech

When a math question ask you the product of something it's asking you to a. Add Subtract Multiply d. Divid


Grade 4 :: Positive and Negative Numbers by pkmsmom

A number greater than zero is a

positive number Grade 4 :: Patterns by LBeth


c. Grade 4 :: Patterns by LBeth



Grade 4 :: Division by TiffTwns

Madison and Sydney, and Mckenna went to a theme park. The total cost of the three tickets was $60. How much did it cost each girl to go to the theme park? a. 20 30 15 d. 10 Grade 4 :: Area by Misshelenmm

If the length is 6 ft. and the width is 2ft., what is the area of this rectangle?

12 sq ft

Grade 4 :: Triangles by bexleyheath602

If I have a right triangle, and one angle is 50 degrees and the second is 40 degrees, then the measure of angle three is 90 degrees . Grade 4 :: Algebraic Expressions by TiffTwns

What is the value of x in the equation below? 8+x=22 a. 14 20 24 d. 30 Grade 4 :: Quadrilaterals by ChristineKelly

Is a square a Quadrilateral? Why? Explain your thinking a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Linear Equations by Teresa89

Andrew had 5,068 stamps. He sold some to Ron and had 3,842 left. How many did he sell to Ron? Mark the correct equation and answer. a. 5,068 + 3,842 = p p =8,910 pennies 5,068 - p = 3,842 p = 1,226 pennies 3,842 + p = 5,068 p = 8,910 pennies d. 5,068 - 3,842 = p p = 2,826 pennies Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by LBeth

The symbol below is used to show a battery on electronics diagrams. Which of the following statements is true about this symbol?

a. it has only parallel lines it has only perpendicular lines it has parallel and perpendicular lines d. it has no parallel or perpendicular lines Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by Tyr14

Roberto shaved his head when he joined the swim team on March 1. Roberto's hair grows at a rate of 2/5 inch per month. How long will his hair be on September 1 when the swim season ends? a. 2 2/5 inches 1 7/8 inches 4 4/10 inches d. 2 1/2 inches Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by LBeth

Which of the following BEST describes the figure shown below?

a. there is one set of parallel lines a perpendicular line crosses two lines a perpendicular line crosses two parallel lines d. there are no parallel or perpendicular lines Grade 4 :: Subtraction by Hartney

What is 45,892 decreased by 3,000? a. 48,892 75,892 42,892 d. 45,582 Grade 4 :: Division by kelebutler

At the school concert there were 560 people seated in 8 rows. If there were no empty seats, how many people were in each row? a. 553 people 480 people 70 people d. 60 people

Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by ccoleman30

Put the numbers in order from least to greatest. 20, 14, 21, 17, 35 a. 20, 14, 21, 17, 35 35, 17, 20, 21, 14 c. 14, 17, 20, 21, 35 Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by Nadiamj


1 x 17 = a prime or composite number?

Grade 4 :: Addition by kelebutler

A large marching band has 76 trombones and 110 coronets. How many trombones and coronets are there in all? a. 186 184 86 d. 34 Grade 4 :: Subtraction with Regrouping by rock2abeat

568 - 349 = a. 199 219 345 d. 483 Grade 4 :: Angles by Shripad

If the angle is 30 degrees, it is a/an acute angle, and the complementary angle for the same is 60 degrees and the supplementary angle for the same is 150 degrees Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by missfrizzle

What is the name of the figure below? a. line segment angle line d. ray Grade 4 :: Exponents by Pastel

Which shows the following exponent a. 10*10*10 1,000,000 100 d. 10*10*10*10 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by TiffTwns

Quincy's mom had a group of bananas. Quincy ate 2/5 of the bananas and Tom ate 3/5 of the bananas. Which fraction describes how much more of the bananas Tom ate that Quincy? a. 3/5 2/5 1/5 d. 5/5 Grade 4 :: Other Polygons by TiffTwns

A shape with nine sides is known as a a. hexagon nonagon c. heptagon


Grade 4 :: Place Value by pkmsmom

You need to


to find the nearest value of a number based on a given place value.

Grade 4 :: Money by TiffTwns

It is basketball season and Donna wants to buy a basketball, a pair of shorts, and a pair of sneakers. The basketball cost $8.90, the shorts cost $5.60, and the shoes cost $11.40. Donna has $4.75. How much more money does Donna need? a. $30.65 $25.90 $21.15 d. $25.09 Grade 4 :: Mixed Numbers by jefodor

What two mixed numbers come next in the pattern below?

, a. 4 6/7 4 6/7, 5 5 6/7, 5 7/7 d. 5 Grade 4 :: Subtraction with Regrouping by rock2abeat

700 - 436 = a. 645 164 264 d. 24 Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by juarez

Find the factors of the number. 56 a. 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 28 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 28, 56 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 14, 18, 28, 56 d. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 18, 28, 56

Grade 4 :: Place Value by Ureesha

Which digit is in the ten-thousands place in 5,864,123? a. 6 4 5 d. 8 Grade 4 :: Place Value by mjensen

What is the value of the 7 in the following number? 850,765 a. 70 7 7,000 d. 700 Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

The measure of this angle is



Grade 4 :: Multiplication by floratech



Grade 4 :: Division by Ryan1501

56 divided by 7= a. 8 9 28 d. 7 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by kelebutler

Daniel recycles 48 aluminum cans a week. How many cans does he recycle in 51 weeks? a. 2,448 2,051 584

d. 99 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by sabbie07

One US dollar is worth 23 Cuban pesos. How many pesos are 6 US dollars worth? a. 46 69 92 115 138 f. 161 Grade 4 :: Triangles by LBeth

The sides of a triangle measure 3 cm, 2 cm, and 3 cm. Which type of triangle is described? a. Scalene Isosceles c. Equilateral

Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

Matthew set up a kool-aid stand at a local store. He sold 3 cups of lemonade on the first day, 5 cups on the second day, 10 cups on the third day, and 12 cups on the fourth day. How many cups of lemonade can she expect to sell on the 6th day? a. 17 19 20 d. 24 Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

Which type of angle is

in the parallelogram below?

a. right acute obtuse d. straight Grade 4 :: Multiplication by TiffTwns

Davis multiplied 26 and 19. He used partial product method below

26 x 19 = 200 + 180 + a. 50 600 20 d. 60

+ 54 = 494

Grade 4 :: Algebraic Expressions by TiffTwns

What is the value of m? 144 - m = 79 a. 75 213 223 d. 65 Grade 4 :: Place Value by mjensen

What is the value of the 3 in the following number? 962,451,743 a. 3,000,000 30 3 d. 3,000 Grade 4 :: Place Value by rock2abeat

What is the place value of the 8 in 857.01 a. tenths hundreds tens d. hundredths Grade 4 :: Prime Factors and Multiples by Chakia

The smallest prime number is


. Grade 4 :: Multiplication by TiffTwns

Shelly has 7 cookies in each of her 4 bags. How many cookies does Shelly have in all? a. 11 cookies 28 cookies 3 cookies d. 82 cookies Grade 4 :: Division by TiffTwns

The art teacher just received a new box of colored pencils with a total of 35 pencils in all. She wants each student to have an equal amount of colored pencils. She has 5 students. How many pencils will each student receive from the art teacher? a. 175 7 40 d. 30 Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

The measure of this angle is



Grade 4 :: Division by Ryan1501

88 divided by 8= a. 11 8 12 d. 10 Grade 4 :: Money by Ureesha

Mr. Marco bought a board game and a box of crayons for his children. He paid with 1 twentydollar bill. What should he receive as change? puzzle--$3.25 crayons-$4.19 board game--$12.56 stickers--$0.78 a. $5.00 $3.25 c. $16.75 Grade 4 :: Subtraction with Regrouping by TiffTwns

The doctor measured the height of two sisters. The oldest sister was 48 inches tall. The youngest was 72 inches tall. How much taller is the youngest sister than the oldest sister? a. 24 inches 120 inches 36 inches d. 34 inches Grade 4 :: Money by TiffTwns

The Ridgeway family of 2 adults and 2 children went to the fair. The cost for fair admission is shown below: Adults........$5.00 Children......$3.00

Mr. Ridgeway paid for the whole family's admission with a $20.00 bill. How much change should he have received? a. $9.00 $16.00 $4.00 d. $8.00 Grade 4 :: Place Value by Ureesha

What is the value of the 3 in 43,864? a. 30 300 3000 d. 30,000 Grade 4 :: Patterns by LBeth


b. Grade 4 :: Multiplication by dmespinal07

Which is another way to write the number 100? a. 10 + 10 100 - 10 10 x 10 d. 20 + 70 Grade 4 :: Division by Ryan1501

82 divided by 2= a. 40 42 20.5 or 20 1/2 d. 41 Grade 4 :: Angles by Belvidere23

Using the half circle protractor, what is the angle?

a. 28 30 c. 35 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by TiffTwns

Which number expression includes two factors with a product of 48? a. 4 x 8 6x8 8x4 d. 8 x 8

Grade 4 :: Subtraction by floratech

Abbie and Allie were being driven to the mall. Allie's car was going 77 miles an hour and Abbie's car was going 54 miles an hour. How much faster did Allie go then Abbie? a. 34 23 56 d. 13 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by Ureesha

7 x 3 = 21 a. 21 is the quotient 21 is the product 21 is the difference d. 21 is the sum Grade 4 :: Algebraic Expressions by Ureesha

A box of Christmas ornaments costs $10. That is 2 times as much as a box of Christmas lights costs. How much does a box of Christmas lights costs?

a. $20 $2 c. $5 Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by missfrizzle

Lines go on forever in both directions. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Time by pauladees

What time will it be in 2 hours and 53 minutes?

a. 6:93 7:33 10:93 d. 11:33 Grade 4 :: Place Value by Ureesha

Round 105 to the nearest ten. a. 120 110 90 d. 100 Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns

115,109,103, a. 96 97 100 d. 69


Grade 4 :: Basic Shapes by violindame

Can a square be a rectangle too? Yes Grade 4 :: Subtraction with Regrouping by kelebutler

The high temperature for a day in June was 68 degrees F. The low temperature that day was 29 degrees less. What was the low temperature? a. 39 degrees F 40 degrees F 87 degrees F

d. 97 degrees F Grade 4 :: Angles by dboardboy

Using the protractor, what is the measure of the angle shown?

a. 81 79 104 d. 96 Grade 4 :: Basic Shapes by Cubsfn0721

How many sides does a square have ? a. 1 2 3 d. 4 Grade 4 :: Patterns by LBeth


b. Grade 4 :: Patterns by LBeth


c. Grade 4 :: Patterns by LBeth


b. Grade 4 :: Place Value by Ureesha

What is 20,304,001 in expanded form? a. 200,000,000+300,000+4,000+1 20,000,000+300,000+4,000+1 20,000,000+4,000+300+1 d. 20,000,000+400,000+4,000+1 Grade 4 :: Number Properties by TiffTwns

The property that states that when the order of two addends is changed, the sum is the same. a. Communtative Property of addition Commutative property of multiplication Associative property d. Identity property Grade 4 :: Money by RoseBalletSE

Arwen was buying dresses. She bought a pink satin one that cost $28.12 dollars, $12.34 dollars

on a cheap orange one, and a black silk dress that cost $51.23. How much did she give the cashier? a. $91.69 $34.29 $91.45 d. $71.99 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by kelebutler

An average-sized manatee can eat about 100 pounds of food per day. How much food can a manatee eat in 30 days? a. 300 pounds 3,000 pounds 30,000 pounds d. 300,000 pounds Grade 4 :: Mixed Numbers by MrMarsh

Write the following fractions as an improper fractions.

Grade 4 :: Mixed Numbers by jefodor

Chad has 15 kg of rice. He puts the rice equally into 4 containers. How much rice, in kg, is there in each container? a. 3 1/2 kg 3 3/4 kg 4 1/4 kg d. 4 1/2 kg

Grade 4 :: Division by Ureesha

2 is the a. divisor product dividend d. quotient Grade 4 :: Angles by LBeth

The measure of this angle is



Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by denvercmm

(74 x 65)+ 234= a. 5,044 4,254 3,524 d. 2,145 Grade 4 :: Addition by kelebutler

The low temperature was 4 degrees C in February. The high temperature was 12 degrees C higher. What was the high temperature? a. 8 degrees C 10 degrees C 14 degrees C d. 16 degrees C Grade 4 :: Division by Ureesha

a. 9 is the product 9 is the quotient 9 is the divisor d. 9 is the remainder Grade 4 :: Subtraction with Regrouping by abbytat

Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by kelebutler

Which choice names the figure shown below? a. Ray GH Line GH Ray HG d. Angle GH Grade 4 :: Arithmetic and Number Concepts by TiffTwns

Bill has 48 cows and 23 sheep on his farm. He added 48 and 23 to find the total number of animals on the farm. Which of these should Bill use to check his answer? a. 71 - 48= ___ 48 + 71= ___ 48 + ___= 23 d. 23 - ___= 48 Grade 4 :: Arithmetic and Number Concepts by Narishm

Rounding to the nearest 100. 159 a. 200 150 160 d. 100 Grade 4 :: Addition with Regrouping by rock2abeat



Grade 4 :: Number Properties by TiffTwns

The property that states that when you add zero to any number, the sum is that number. a. Associative property of multiplication Commutative property of addition Identity property of addition d. zero property Grade 4 :: Place Value by Ureesha

What is 490,673,071 in expanded form? a. 400,000,000+90,000,000+600,000+70,000+3,000+70+1 40,000,000+90,000,000+600,000+70,000+70+1 c. 400,000,000+90,000+60,000+70+1 Grade 4 :: Division by scheatham

There were three children in the family. The mother had 15 pieces of candy. If she gave each child the same amount of candy, how many pieces would each child receive? a. 3 45 5 18

e. 15 Grade 4 :: Place Value by TiffTwns

John spends 2.63 hours studying for Math, 6.37 hours studying for English and 0.4 hours studying for Reading. How much total time does John spend studying? a. nine and four thousandth hours nine and four tenths hours nine hours d. nine and forty hundreth hours Grade 4 :: Division by Ryan1501

81 divided by 9= a. 8 9 10 d. 2 Grade 4 :: Symmetry and Transformations by SheilaH

Draw any lines of symmetry that exist in the following figure.

a. 1 2 4 d. 8 Grade 4 :: Angles by Zamora

A right angle is always a. less than 90 degrees more than 90 degrees exactly 90 degrees d. none of the above Grade 4 :: Multiplication by kelebutler

About 57 baseballs are used in a professional baseball game. What is the best way to estimate how many baseballs are used in a season of 162 games? a. 6 x 100 60 x 160 60 x 1,000 d. 200 x 200 Grade 4 :: Symmetry and Transformations by LBeth

Draw the line(s) of symmetry on the guitar.


Grade 4 :: Patterns by TiffTwns


,45,56,67,78 a. 34

43 27 d. 33

Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by Ureesha

Which is the same as the number 8,306? a. eight thousand, thirty-six eighty-three thousand, three hundred six eight thousand, three hundred six d. eighty thousand, three hundred six Grade 4 :: Number Properties by TiffTwns

How would the inverse operation of addition be used to solve this equation? P+62=100 a. 100-62=P 62-100=P 100+62=P d. P-100=162 Grade 4 :: Patterns by typerson73

Complete the sequence. 22, 33, 44, 55, a. 56 46 66 d. 59 Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by kelebutler

Which lists the numbers in order from least to greatest?

a. 25, 69, 96, 64 25, 64, 69, 96 64, 25, 69, 96 d. 25, 64, 96, 69 Grade 4 :: Division by Ureesha

In division, you are finding equal groups. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Time by mrsmisty

Chris and Matthew are trying to get to the basketball game fifteen minutes early to make sure they can get good seats. The ball game begins at 7:00. It takes them 30 minutes to get there. What time do they need to leave in order to arrive fifteen minutes early?  6:15 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by somedude

What is the product of 7 and 9? a. 16 63 2 d. 1 remainder 3 Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by sarafoster1976

A line that is perpendicular to the plane of the horizon. a. vertical horizontal diagonal oblique d. oblique diagonal Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by nic90210fan

3/5 Two fifths of his homework was completed. What fraction of his homework was left to complete? Grade 4 :: Division by nic90210fan

3 day?

The Jones family drank 15 quarts of milk in 5 days. How many quarts did they drink each

Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by Ureesha

a. 723 848 732 d. 929 Grade 4 :: Positive and Negative Numbers by mshaleways

Zero is a negative number. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by Ureesha

a. 37

28 40 d. none of these Grade 4 :: Subtraction with Regrouping by Ureesha

The temperature on May 7 in Minneapolis was 39 degrees. The temperature on June 7 was 55 degrees. How much warmer was the temperature on June 7 than on May 7? a. 16 degrees 17 degrees 94 degrees d. 27 degrees Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by pkmsmom

Any of the symbols used to write numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) is


Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by scott

 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by TiffTwns

A group of objects arranged in columns and rows is called an a. factor product array d. multiple


Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by jminner70

Write 7,003,417 in words.  Seven million, three thousand, four hundred seventeen Grade 4 :: Place Value by rbrown

What is 56,984 rounded to the nearest ten? a. 56,990 56,980 56,000 d. 56,090 Grade 4 :: Subtraction by rock2abeat

678-200=376, is this the correct answer? a. True b. False

Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by Ureesha

Which equation means 54 is 9 times as many as 6, and 6 times as many as 9? a. 54=6+9

54=6x9 54=9-6 d. 54=9+6 Grade 4 :: Patterns by LBeth


b. Grade 4 :: Subtraction with Regrouping by Studio4

90,800 - 49,725 a. 49,025 41,075 51,075 d. 41,000 Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by honeymic

Which of the following is NOT an odd number? a. 225 233 370 d. 391 Grade 4 :: Symmetry and Transformations by LBeth

Cut out each shape. Fold each shape to find how many lines of symmetry it has.

Octagon - 8; Square - 4; Rectangle - 2; Hexagon - 6; Isosceles Triangle - 1; Parallelogram - 0 Grade 4 :: Angles by Belvidere23

Using the half circle protractor what is the angle?

a. 170 160 c. 175 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by nic90210fan


One fourth of the race was over. What fraction of the race was left? Grade 4 :: Money by nic90210fan


Sam earned $90 in 10 days washing cars. How much did he earn per day?

Grade 4 :: Place Value by Austoria1782

Place the number in the correct space on the chart: 583 

hundreds 5 hundreds 8 tens 3 ones


ones Grade 4 :: Multiplication by elane

What is the product of 61 x 80? a. 488 48,800 4,680 4,880 e. None of the above. Grade 4 :: Symmetry and Transformations by LBeth

Draw all the lines of symmetry on the pencil (ignore color).

1 Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by Ureesha

Which is four hundred eighty-two thousand, six hundred ninety-five? a. 400,820,695 482,600,95 4,826,195 d. 482,695 Grade 4 :: Perimeter by kelebutler

Pepper's dog pen measures 4 meters wide and 5 meters long. What is the perimeter of the pen? a. 11 meters 14 meters 18 meters d. 20 meters Grade 4 :: Symmetry and Transformations by LBeth

Draw the line(s) of symmetry on the triangle.

0 Grade 4 :: Symmetry and Transformations by LBeth

Draw the line(s) of symmetry on the trapezoid.

0 Grade 4 :: Symmetry and Transformations by LBeth

Draw any lines of symmetry that there are on the tree.

0 Grade 4 :: Decimals by kelebutler

Louise is creating a 1-foot long comic strip. If she has marked 0.5 on her paper, what should she do to find 1 foot? a. Subtract 0.5 Add 0.2 Multiply 0.5 d. Add 0.5 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by Ureesha

An array is an arrangement of objects in equal rows and columns. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Place Value by jminner70

What is the place name of the 3 in 162,530,000? ten thousands Grade 4 :: Number Sentences by becca225

A librarian has 92 books to put into boxes. Each box holds 6 books. How many books will be left over after 15 boxes are filled? a. 0 2 4

d. 6

Grade 4 :: Patterns by kelebutler

Mrs. Grayson has 27 students in her class. She wants to rearrange the desks in equal groups. If the desks are in 9 groups of 3 desks now, what is another way that she could arrange the desks? a. 2 groups of 13 desks 3 groups of 9 desks 5 groups of 6 desks d. 4 groups of 7 desks Grade 4 :: Angles by missfrizzle

Classify the following angle.

a. right acute obtuse d. none of the above Grade 4 :: Money by elane

Kevin bought 6 buckets of baseballs. Each bucket cost $8.00. How much did Kevin spend on the baseballs? a. $24.00 $64.00 $14.00 $48.00 e. None of the above. Grade 4 :: Division by hollis818

a. 18 30 4 d. 6 Grade 4 :: Linear Equations by RoseBalletSE

Mala is going to Walmart at the speed of 10 miles per hour. If she lives 2 hours away from

Walmart, how many miles will she have to go to get to Walmart? a. 29 11 20 d. 34 Grade 4 :: Multiplication by Ryan1501

1x1=1, 2x2=4, 3x3=9, 4x4= , 5x5=25, 6x6=36, 7x7= 8x8= , 9x9=81,10x10=100, 11x11= , 12x12= a. 8, 14, 16, 22, 24 44, 77, 88, 1,111, 1,212 5x5, 8x8, 9x9, 12x12, ? d. 16, 49, 64, 121, 144


Grade 4 :: Multiplication by Ryan1501

Lucy had 88 kids at her Christmas party. She had 22 kids at her birthday party. How many times more people did Lucy have at her Christmas party than her birthday party? a. 44 66 4 d. 88-22 Grade 4 :: Inequalities by minelly

Is this inequality true? 56 < 85 a. Yes b. No Grade 4 :: Money by nic90210fan


Jenny earned $49 for 7 hours of babysitting. How much did she earn per hour? Grade 4 :: Quadrilaterals by ola16

Trapezoid parallel.

is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of opposite sides that are

Grade 4 :: Angles by kvaughan

The measure of this angle is



Grade 4 :: Problem Solving Strategies by kelebutler

The bike trail around Frontier Park is 8 miles long. This month, Ed rode around the trail 18 times. To find 18 x 8, Ed used compatible numbers and multiplied 20 x 8 = 160. What should Ed do next? a. 160 - 8 = 152 160 + 8 = 168 160 + 16 = 176 d. 160 - 16 = 144 Grade 4 :: Other Polygons by sarafoster1976

An ondecagon has how many sides? a. 9 10 11 d. 12 Grade 4 :: Mixed Numbers by BacMan

Add the following mixed numbers:

 Grade 4 :: Linear Equations by duckcoble

Solve the following equation: a. 89 87 32 d. 31 Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by talababe123

Ashely had 16 baseball cards, Johnny had 15 cards, Angel had 20 cards, and Martin had 34 cards. Who had the most baseball cards? a. Ashely Martin Johnny d. Angel Grade 4 :: Angles by MrGunning

A 180 degree angle is called a


angle. Grade 4 :: Quadrilaterals by ola16


is any polygon that has 4 sides.

Grade 4 :: Division by Narishm

a. 3 7 14 d. 28 Grade 4 :: Customary Measurement Concepts by LisaOrman

You are making a dress and bought five yards, 4 inches of fabric. You need 18 feet, 2 inches to complete the dress. Will you have enough fabric to complete the dress, and if so, how much will you have left? If not, how much more will you need? a. Not enough. You will need 3 ft., 2 in. more. Yes enough. 1 ft., 3 in. left. Not enough. You will need 2 ft., 8 in. more. d. Yes enough. 4 ft., 5 in. left.

Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by lisa7594


Grade 4 :: Decimals by Winnj

Write the decimal as a fraction (do not reduce) .3 

3/10 Grade 4 :: Place Value by Austoria1782

The number 6 is in the hundreds place in 621. a. True b. False Grade 4 :: Multiplication by elane

What is the product of 37 x 9? a. 46

333 303 306 e. None of the above. Grade 4 :: Multiplication by Dante_Vigneri

25X4= a. 250 100 25 d. 200 Grade 4 :: Whole Numbers by sabbie07

Which number is largest? a. 20 10 15 -10 -20 f. -15 Grade 4 :: Angles by missfrizzle

Which angle is NOT formed by the intersecting lines below?

a. right acute obtuse d. both a and c Grade 4 :: Angles by radamek

What type of angle is a 45 degree angle? a. acute obtuse right d. skew Grade 4 :: Quadrilaterals by ola16


is a polygon with 4 right angles and 4 sides of the same length.

Grade 4 :: Points Lines and Planes by ola16


lines never intersect.

Grade 4 :: Subtraction with Regrouping by Studio4

Subtract. 83,750 - 29,542 a. 63,108 54,309 54,208 d. 64,208 Grade 4 :: Inequalities by BacMan




in the space provided. 226


Grade 4 :: Angles by missfrizzle

An angle that measures exactly 90 degrees is called a a. right acute obtuse d. triangle


Grade 4 :: Time by mrsmisty

The ball game began at 7:00. It lasted until 9:30. How much time elapsed?  2 hours 30 minutes Grade 4 :: Linear Equations by duckcoble

Find the answer to the variable: a. 3 6 9 d. 12 Grade 4 :: Fractions and Ratios by LBeth

In a pond, 1/8 of the animals are amphibians, 1/8 are mammals, 2/8 are fish, and 3/8 are insects. The remaining animals are reptiles. Write a subtraction equation that shows the fraction of animals in the pond that are reptiles.


Grade 4 :: Angles by rllanes


angle measures exactly a. obtuse straight right d. acute


Grade 4 :: Place Value by kelebutler

Write the place and value of the 5: 635,291 place value: value: 

thousands 5,000 Grade 4 :: Quadrilaterals by ola16


is a parallelogram with all sides the same length and that is not a rectangle.

Grade 4 :: Linear Equations by duckcoble

Mrs. Iverson bought 8 bags of pencils with equal amounts of pencils in each bag. She bought a total of 48 pencils. How many pencils were in each bag? If we let p be the variable that represents pencil we can use the following equation to solve the problem: a. 384 pencils 40 pencils 6 pencils d. 4 pencils

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