1. ]o`no bh toc hbffbw`dm `s DBY a noarantcr`st`n bh Carto2 A. @t `s toc to`ri pfad pfadct ct hrbe toc ^ud ^ud.. G. @t `s toc bdfy ldbwd pfadct toat nad suppbrt f`hc. N. @t oas gfuc watcrs, rbnly adi mrccd fadi easscs. I. @t oas agudiadt nargbd i`bx`ic `d toc atebspocrc. 7. ]o`no bh toc hbffbw`dm `s DBY a nbrrcnt adafbmy agbut toc Carto ^ystces2 A. Atebspocrc: Atebspocrc: a`r G. F`tobspocrc: fadi N. G`bspocrc:ouead G`bspocrc:ouead I. Oyirbspocrc: watcr >.]o`no faycr prbiuncs toc Carto‐s eamdct`n h`cfi2 A. @ddcr nbrc G. Butcr nbrc N. Eadtfc I. Nrust 9. A saepfc bh e`dcraf `s gc`dm stui`ci `d toc fagbratbry. ]o`no bh `ts prbpcrty `s rcai`fy ead`hcstci gy soccr bgscrvat`bd bgscrvat`bd22 A. Nbfbr G. Oaridcss N. Fustcr I. ^trcal 3. A ncrta`d e`dcraf `s wo`tc `d nbfbr. Ahtcr `t `s gbegarici w`to uftrav`bfct f`mot, `ts nbfbr noadmcs `dtb f`mot rci. ]oat prbpcrty bh e`dcraf `s cxcepf`h`ci `d toc sncdar`b2 A. Nbfbr G. Hfubrcsncdnc N. Fustcr I. ^trcal 8. Yoc torcc mrbups bh rbnls daecfy `mdcbus, sci`ecdtary, adi ectaebrpo`n arc nfass`h`ci gy wo`no bh toc hbffbw`dm gas`s2
A. Nbfbr G. Mra`d s`zc N. Noce`naf Nbepbs`t` Nbepbs`t`bd bd I. Ycxturc adi Nbepbs`t` Nbepbs`t`bd bd =. ]o`no faycr bh toc Carto scparatcs nrust hrbe nbrc2 A. Eamea faycr G. N. I.
F`tobspocrc Eadtfc Nbdt`dcdt
?. ]oat carto sugsystce nbds`sts toc parts bh toc pfadct `d wo`no aff f`hc cx`sts2 A. Atebspocrc G. F`tobspocrc N. Oyirbspocrc I. G`bspocrc 0. ]o`no bh toc hbffbw`dm icsnr`gcs toc stag`f`z`dm chhcnt bh Carto‐s ebbd2 A. [rcvcdts toc pbfcs hrbe so`ht`dm udcxpcntcify G. Ocfps i`vcrt adi vanuue up `dnbe`dm icgr`s adi lccp Carto sahc. N. Cdagfcs toc nargbd-s`f`natc nynfc rcmufat`dm tcepcraturc. I. Aff bh tocsc 1;. ]o`no bh toc hbffbw`dm `s a poys`naf prbpcrty bh a e`dcraf2 A. ^pcn`h`n mrav`ty G. ^bfug`f`ty `d an`i N. Yastc I. Bibr 11. ]oat arc toc torcc ebst agudiadt cfcecdts `d toc Carto‐s nrust2 A. ^`f`nbd, Bxymcd adi ^bi`ue G. ^`f`nbd, Bxymcd adi Nafn`ue N. I.
^`f`nbd, Bxymcd adi @rbd ^`f`nbd, Bxymcd adi Afue`due
17. ]o`no typc bh rbnl `s hbreci wocd ocat adi prcssurc arc appf`ci gcfbw toc carto's surhanc2 A. Xbfnad`n rbnls rbnls G. ^ci`ecdtary rbnls N. @mdcbus rbnls I. Ectaebrp Ectaebrpo`n o`n rbnls 1>. Carto‐s atebspocrc `s `epbrtadt tb f`v`dm to`dms gcnausc RRRRRRRRRR. A. `t nbdta`ds iust G. `t `s vcry to`d nbeparci tb Cartos s`zc. N. prbv`ics aff toc masscs tb suppbrt f`hc
ea`dta`ds a nbdstadt oue`i`ty
19. Carto‐s atebspocrc traps cdcrmy hrbe toc sud, wo`no RRRRRRRRRR. A. affbws watcr tb cx`st as a f`qu`i G. affbws sbfar rai`at`bd tb pcdctratc tb toc surhanc N. affbws bzbdc tb hbre hrccfy I. nauscs ectcbrs tb gurd up 13. ]oat arc toc twb ebst agudiadt masscs `d toc atebspocrc2 A. Nargbd i`bx`ic adi Bxymcd G. Nargbd i`bx`ic adi D`trbmcd N. D`trbmcd adi Bxymcd I. D`trbmcd adi Armbd 18. ]oat ir`vcs toc carto‐s `dtcrdaf ocat cdm`dc2 A. Wai`bant`v`ty G. ^bfar cdcrmy N. Xbfnadbcs I. Bncad t`ics 1=. @d woat typc bh rbnl ib ebst hbss`fs appcar2 rbnls A. Xbfnad`n rbnls G. @mdcbus rbnls N. Ectaebrp Ectaebrpo`n o`n rbnls I. ^ci`ecdtary rbnls 1?. ]o`no bh toc hbffbw`dm gcfbdms tb Ycrrcstr`af pfadct2 A. Jup`tcr adi ^ ^aturd aturd G. Xc Xcdu duss ad adi i Ca Cart rto o N. Ca Cart rto oa adi di ^a ^atu turd rd I. Cart Carto o bd bdfy fy 10. ]oat tb toc tcepcraturc wocd ybu ebvc up tb toc tocrebspocrc2 A. oappcds Icnrcascs G. @dnr @dnrc cas ascs cs N. rc rcea ea`d `dss ttoc oc saec saec I. hf hfun untu tuat at`d `dm m 7;. ]o 7;. ]oat at nbds nbdsta tadt dt pr prbn bncs csss ea ealc lcss toc toc wa watc tcrr eb ebvc vcss gc gctw twcc ccd d Ca Cart rto o ad adi i `t `tss atebspocrc2 A. ]atcr nynfc G. Ybrdaib N. ]catocr I. Nr Nryb ybsp spoc ocrc rc 71. ]oat `s toc farmcst pbrt`bd bh toc Carto‐s vbfuec2
A. Nrust G. Eadtfc N. @ddcr nbrc I. Butcr nbrc 77. @h ybu f`vc `d arcas dcar vbfnadbcs, wo`no typc bh rbnl wbufi f`lcfy gc hbudi `d ybur arca2 A. G. N. I.
@mdcbus ^c ^ci` i`ec ecdt dtar ary y Ec Ecta taeb ebrp rpo` o`nn [brb [brbus us rb rbnl nl
7>. ]o`no `s dbt ad cxaepfc bh poys`naf wcatocr`dm wcatocr`dm22 A. Hrcczc toaw G. An` An`i i ra` ra`d d haf haff`d f`dm m bd f`f`ecs ecstbd tbdc c N. Oue Ouead ad an ant`v t`v`ty `ty ssuno uno a ass e`d e`d`dm `dm I. ]`di gfbw gfbw`dm `dm sadi bdtb rbnl 79. ]oat arc toc twb to`dms toat ahhcnts toc ratc bh wcatocr`dm2 A. Y`ec adi iatc G. Wa`d adi `nc N. Yypc bh rbnl adi nf`eatc I. ^`zc bh rbnl adi t`ec bh ycars 73. ]oat `s toc ttypc ypc bh `mdcbus rbnls hbreci `d to toc c iccp part bh vb vbfnad`n fnad`n vcdts br nratcr2 A. Cxtrus`vc G. @dtrus`vc N. Nfast`n I. [futbd`n 78. ]oat `s a prb prbncss ncss wocrc toc eatcr`af eatcr`afss udicrmb hrccz`dm adi ttoaw`dm2 oaw`dm2 A. Ecnoad`naf ] ]catocr`dm catocr`dm G. [oys`naf ]catocr`dm N. Noce`naf ]catocr`dm I. Ncecdtat`bd 7=. ]oat `s a prbp prbpcrty crty bh e`dc e`dcraf raf toat rch rchcrs crs tb a rchfcnt rchfcnt`bd `bd bh f`mot adi nad gc natcmbr`zc as ectaff`n, sugectaff`n adi dbd-ectaff`n2 A. Gr`ttfc G. Fustcr N. Oaridcss I. Iunt`f`ty 7?. Obw eady pc pcrncdt rncdt bh toc Carto `s nbvcr nbvcrci ci gy oyirbspo oyirbspocrc2 crc2 A. >;% G. =;%
N. 1;% I. 7;% 70. ]o ]o`no `no ada adafbm fbmy y nbr nbrrcn rcntfy tfy nb nbrrc rrcspb spbdis dis tb toc noa noaran rantcr tcr`st `st`ns `ns bh toc toc hbf hbffb fbw`d w`dm m Carto‐s spocrcs2 A. Oyirbspocr Oyirbspocrc: c: watcr pbrt`bd< atebspocrc: f`v`dm brmad`se. G. Atebspocrc: sbf`i sbf`i Carto< g`bspocrc: g`bspocrc: f`v`dm brmad`se. N. I.
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