Grade 10 English Lesson Plan (sample for ST demo)

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Florentino Torres High School Instructional Plan in English – Grade 10 Final Demonstration

Date: Section:

March 8, 2016 Aguinaldo (9:40-10:20 AM)


Objectives A. Deduce the purpose and implication of a purely visual yet insightful clip B. Convey one’s insights and feelings about a viewed material and its maker C. Practice speaking in front of an audience through reporting D. Commend or contradict statements and arguments from a video E. Perform differentiated tasks that will showcase one’s understanding and opinion of the topic and assignment at hand F. Evaluate others’ presentations by using a performance rubrics G. Express one’s honest critique of a presented performance H. Reflect upon the topic at hand through writing a paper about it


Subject Matter Lesson: Viewing: Reference: Materials:


Reconciling with Nature MAN by Steve Cutts (4:37 minutes) MAN vs EARTH by Price Ea (4:00 minutes) Celebrating Diversity through World Literature Grade 10 - Module 3 (pp. 263-272) Laptop, LCD projector, speakers, wire extensions and connections, softcopies of the videos, PowerPoint presentation, cartolina for reporting, feedback forms and score sheets for evaluation, etc.

Procedure A. Before the Lesson 

Task 1: Reel Time The teacher plays an animated video by Steve Cutts titled MAN. The students watch the video, and simultaneously, they write notes about the things that they gathered from it or write questions which rose in their minds as they immersed themselves in the video clip. Source: YouTube |

* Screenshots of MAN * 

Task 2: Spontaneous Discussion The teacher asks the students if they understood the video or not. From their reactions, the teacher sustains the discussion by formulating questions from the students’ responses. Below is a list of possible questions to initiate or continue a discussion:  Did the video interest you?  Was it entertaining? Informative? Bothering?  Was it weird or uncomfortable for you to watch a video like this?  In your opinion, is the video a depiction of reality? How so?  Do you perhaps find it a bit exaggerated? Why or why not?

Task 3: Reality Check (group activity) The class is divided into four groups. Each group is asked a question which the members answer in a collective tone. The following are the questions for each group:  Group 1: What was emphasized in the video?  Group 2: What do you think is the purpose of the video?  Group 3: What did you feel after watching the video?  Group 4: What would you like to say to the maker of the video The groups are only given three (3) minutes to discuss among themselves and write their answers in a piece of cartolina.

Task 4: Sharing of One’s Realizations After preparing their answers, each group is represented by two members who share their answer to the whole class. They insert their written answers to the graphic organizer on the board (a sample photo is shown below).Each pair of reporters has two (2) minutes to explain their thoughts and responses to their question.

B. During the Lesson 

Task 5: Reel Feels The teacher shares another video to the class. This time, it is a spoken word material titled MAN vs EARTH by Prince Ea. The students stay quiet as they absorb what is being conveyed by the video.

Source: YouTube |

* Screenshots of MAN vs EARTH *

Task 6: Getting Deeper After watching the full clip, the students are encouraged to ask any questions that they have for the video. After satisfying those who raised their queries (or if there are none), the teacher now throws a couple of questions to make the students think more profoundly about the video’s message. Below is a list of possible questions to initiate or continue a discussion:  Do you believe Prince Ea, the speaker? Do you think he made up all his arguments?  Are you proud of what is humankind doing to our only home, Earth?  If you were to choose, would you rather experience economic progress with environmental regress (which will positively affect you financially) or economic regress with environmental progress?

Task 7: Differentiated Tasks The class is divided into four groups. Each group is tasked to do a group performance that showcases the learnings, realizations, and values that they acquired from the videos they watched. The following are the group’s assignment: 

Group 1: Live Field Report - Create a news program which features a live field report done by a reporter during a catastrophic natural disaster in one of the country’s provinces (this could be a typhoon, tsunami, earthquake, etc.). There should be a good coverage of the scenario and the affected residents are to be interviewed for their pleas to the government and to the future generation of citizens.

Group 2: Political Campaign - Set up a miting de avance for a Presidential or Party List Representative Candidate who advocates environmental causes. The candidate, alongside his/her supporters, should lay out his/her platform on how they plan to help their constituents reconcile with nature. There could be a short speech and campaign jingle incorporated here.

Group 3: Live Interview - Dramatize a live newscast being done inside F. Torres High School. There should be a news team (news anchor, interviewer, camera man, etc.) and a set of FTHS administrators being interviewed. Their discussion should cover what is being done inside FTHS to help the students reconcile with nature and their environment.

Group 4: Lip Sync Battle Have four members of the group do a lip sync battle using songs that (a) emphasizes the dependency of humans to nature and/or those that (b) promote the idea of reconciling with nature. The remaining members will serve as the back-up singers and dancers of the four main performers. The production should be able to entertain and convince the audience of the importance of nature in our lives.

A panel of evaluators is also assembled by getting two representatives from each group (an evaluator and a critic) to appraise another group: Representatives from Group 1 evaluate Group 2; representatives from Group 2 evaluate Group 3; representatives from Group 3 evaluate Group 4; and representatives from Group 4 evaluate Group 1. 

Task 8: Perform to Inform Each group is given four (4) minutes to perform their assigned task. While the performances are on-going, the evaluator for each group writes his or her comment in a yellow paper—the ‘what went well’ form (shown below)—and the critic writes his or her suggestions and pointers for improvement in a red paper—the ‘even better if…’ form (also shown below).

Task 9: Evaluation The contents of the yellow and red forms are read at the end of all the presentations for the performers to ponder upon. Also, the panel of evaluators rate their assigned groups using the performance rubrics below (the lowest possible score is 10 and highest possible score is 20).

Criteria Creativity Preparedness/Planning




2 points

3 points

4 points


Shade the area that best describes the group’s performance. Their idea is a Their idea is Their idea is an cliché inspired original They need more They evidently They did everything time to practice planned well but in an orderly fashion were still was a bit without any major distraught blunders Their members Their members Their members don’t seem to display cooperate effectively know how to work harmonious and act as an with one another coordination with extension of one one another another They seem to have They performed They performed as if had no time to well, but a little they have prepared practice more practice and rehearsed for wouldn’t hurt days! I did not get the I had a fair idea of I realized their point of their what they wanted purpose and performance to say understood their message clearly

C. After the Lesson 

Task 10: Letters to Nature and Humankind The class is divided into two groups. The first half is assigned to assume the role of a lawyer to Mother Nature, and the other half assumes the role of a lawyer to humankind. Using the perspective of the characters assigned to them, they should make a very short letter addressed to the other group (Mother Nature’s lawyer will appeal to humankind about his/her client, and humankind’s lawyer will appeal to Mother Nature in behalf of his/her client). At the end of their writing period (90 seconds), the students drop their letters in a special mailbox for each team. Then, some volunteers are called to pick from either mailboxes and read a letter aloud for the class to hear some of the sentiments of their classmates.


Agreement In a short bond paper, write a reflection about the statement “Nature can live without man but man cannot live without nature”. Follow the format below and be mindful of adhering to the proper way of writing essays (capitalizations, margins, indentions, etc.). Name: Grade and Section:

Date: Teacher:

Writing Activity (Reflection Paper) Objective/s: To express one’s insights about the statement Nature can live without man but man cannot live without nature (Own Title)

Prepared (and executed) by:

Checked by:

__________________________ CHRISTELLE JOY S. ROJANO Student Teacher

__________________________ MRS. EUFEMIA M. TEMPROSA Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:

__________________________ MRS. MARICHU J. HERNANDEZ Head, English Department

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