Grade 10 BUDGET OF WORK Science

June 5, 2019 | Author: Raniel Alemania Lacuarin | Category: Plate Tectonics, Evolution, Gases, Electromagnetic Radiation, Earthquakes
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DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Caraga Administrative Region XIII Vicente L. Pimentel Sr. National High School Quezon, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur  UD!ET OF "OR# FOR SCIENCE $% S. Y. 201!201"

Grading Period


1st Gr  Grading

Earth  And Space



The Learners should be able to… 1. describe the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and a!or  ountain belts"

1. Plate Tectonics 1.1 *istribution 1.1.1 volcanoes 1.1.# earthquake epicenters 1.1.% ountain ranges 1.# +late boundaries 1.% +rocesses and landfors along plate boundaries 1.' nternal structure of the Earth 1.( -echanis possible causes of oveent/ 1.) Evidence of plate oveent

#. describe the different t$pes of plate boundaries" %. e&plain the different processes that occur along the plate boundaries" '. describe the internal structure of the Earth" (. describe the possible causes of plate oveent" and


# Grading

0orce -otion  And Energ$

). enuerate the lines of evidence that support plate oveent The Learners should be able to… 1. copare copare the relative relative avelen avelengths gths of different fors of electroagnetic aves" #. cite e&aple e&aples s of practica practicall applicatio applications ns of the different regions of E- aves, such as the use of radio aves in telecounications"

1. Electromagnetic Spectrum

Time Frame


DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Caraga Administrative Region XIII Vicente L. Pimentel Sr. National High School Quezon, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur  UD!ET OF "OR# FOR SCIENCE $% S. Y. 201!201"

%. e&plain the effects of E- radiation on living things and the environent" '. predict the qualitative characteristics orientation, t$pe, and agnification/ of iages fored b$ plane and curved irrors and lenses"

2. Light 2.1 Relection o Light in !irrors 2.2 Reraction o Light in Lenses

(. appl$ ra$ diagraing techniques in describing the characteristics and positions of  iages fored b$ lenses" ). identif$ a$s in hich the properties of irrors and lenses deterine their use in optical instruents e.g., caeras and binoculars/" 2. deonstrate the generation of electricit$ b$ oveent of a agnet through a coil" and 3. e&plain the operation of a siple electric otor and generator. rd

% Grading

The Learners should be able to… 1. describe the parts of the reproductive Living s$ste and their functions" Things #. e&plain the role of horones involved in and their  the feale and ale reproductive s$stes" Environent %. describe the feedback echaniss

". Electricit# and !agnetism %.1 Electroagnetic effects 1. Coordinated Functions o the Reproducti$e% Endocrine% and &er$ous S#stems

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Caraga Administrative Region XIII Vicente L. Pimentel Sr. National High School Quezon, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur  UD!ET OF "OR# FOR SCIENCE $% S. Y. 201!201"

involved in regulating processes in the feale reproductive s$ste e.g., enstrual c$cle/" '. describe ho the nervous s$ste coordinates and regulates these feedback echaniss to aintain hoeostasis" (. e&plain ho protein is ade using inforation fro *4A"

2. 'eredit#( )nheritance and *ariation

). e&plain ho utations a$ cause changes in the structure and function of a protein" 2. e&plain ho fossil records, coparative anato$, and genetic inforation provide evidence for evolution"

". +iodi$ersit# and E$olution

3. e&plain the occurrence of evolution" 5

6. e&plain ho species diversit$ increases the probabilit$ of adaptation and survival of organiss in changing environents" 17. e&plain the relationship beteen population groth and carr$ing capacit$" and 11. Suggest a$s to inii8e huan ipact on the environent.

,. Ecos#stems ,.1 Flo- o Energ# and !atter in Ecos#stems ,.2 +iodi$ersit# and Stailit# ,." Population Gro-th and Carr#ing Capacit#

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Caraga Administrative Region XIII Vicente L. Pimentel Sr. National High School Quezon, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur  UD!ET OF "OR# FOR SCIENCE $% S. Y. 201!201"

'th Grading


The Learners should be able to… 1. investigate the relationship beteen9 1.1 volue and pressure at constant teperature of a gas" 1.# volue and teperature at constant pressure of a gas" 1.% e&plains these relationships using the kinetic olecular theor$"

1. Gas La-s 1.1 :inetic -olecular Theor$ 1.# ;olue, pressure, and teperature relationship 1.% deal gas la

#. recogni8e the a!or categories of  2. +iomolecules Eleents present in bioolecules such as carboh$drates, lipids, #.1 bioolecules proteins, and nucleic acids" #.#
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