Grabovoi Numbers

December 3, 2016 | Author: sorin61 | Category: N/A
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Neological Technologies

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are not necessarily the views of Neological Technologies. As miraculous as the following information sounds, please do not discontinue or begin any new health treatments without the consultation of your doctor. The following information is provided for entertainment purposes only. "Grabovoi numbers for Healing, Materialization, and Organ Regeneration" By James Rink

Grabovoi numbers use Radionic signatures to heal various health aliments. They were developed by the Russian psychic Grigori Grabovoi using his Radionic machine. For those who don’t know Radionic theory and practice is the concept that man and all life forms share a common ground in that they are all connected to each other within the electro-magnetic field of the earth; and that all life forms carry its own electro-magnetic field, which when sufficiently distorted will result in disease and sickness. Accepting that all is energy, Radionics sees organs, diseases, and remedies as having their own particular frequency or vibration. These factors can be expressed in numerical values or 'Rates' or in the form of geometric patterns. These numbers provide the means by which the practitioner can identify and treat disease at a distance. With this in mind Grigori Grabovoi would then use his Radionic machine to pinpoint the numbers associated with various health conditions, then instruct his clients to meditate on these numbers resulting in miraculous recoveries such as regenerated uterus’s, kidneys, reversed again, and much more. Who is Grigori Grabovoi ? Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy (Russian: Григо́рий Петро́вич Грабово́й) (born November 14, 1963 in Kazakhstan) is a Russian psychic who claims the ability to abolish death, resurrect the dead, cure cancer and AIDS, teleport, and pinpoint and resolve at distance mechanical and electronic problems on airplanes, space stations, atomic electric power stations and any other technical constructions. He discusses his abilities in his three volume book The Practice of Control. The Way to Salvation. These books explain how the discovery of creative field of information, or consciousness energy, can manifest any information or object you want, as well as those not subject to the space-time continuum. By converting this information into known geometric form. This is why Grabovoi numbers can be used for remote diagnostics and regeneration of matter within any term of time through transformation of time into space form.

The goal of the teaching of Grabovoi, according to himself, is passing on the Knowledge of The Lord to the people all over the World in order to save them from the possible global catastrophe, enable each one to reach perfect health, physical immortality, resurrect in their physical bodies everyone who's gone and provide the eternal constructive and harmonious development of the entire mankind. He claimed personal abilities of remote control of physical matter from any distance, cured hundreds of diseased persons, including cancer and aids, without his personal presence, these facts are certified by traditional medicine and proved by notarized statement of cured persons. Using his clairvoyance he could remotely examine aircraft, iIn conditions of experiment he did works for materialization, de-materialization, teleportation and these works were stated in the minute. He regenerated destroyed matter. He wanted these abilities to be learned by all so that they too could use their gifts to prevent catastrophes, through creation without destruction. He also claimed himself as a second advent of Christ on Earth.

In 2005, Grabovoy promised the grieving mothers of the 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis that he could resurrect their dead children. The Mothers of Beslan later accused Grabovoy of an attempt to "zombify" (brainwash) them and accused the Russian secret service of provocation "aimed at discrediting and getting rid of" the movement. In a March–April 2007 interview to Larisa Bochanova Susanna Dudieva, leader of Mothers of Beslan, stated that Grabovoy fell victim of a smearing campaign aimed at directing public attention away from poor handling of the Beslan hostage taking by authorities. Dudieva named some of the media outlets that spread false information, often opposite to what she personally conveyed to them. According to Yelena Milashina of Novaya Gazeta, authorities arrested Grabovoy on charges of fraud and she alleged that Grabovoy was arrested at the behest of Vladimir Putin. On July 7, 2008 Tagansky Court in Moscow found Grabovoy guilty of 11 counts of large scale fraud and sentenced him to 11 years of imprisonment. A group of Russian advocates including Mikhail Trepashkin brought an action to institute criminal proceedings against Vladimir Putin and President Medvedev in the Hague Tribunal and the International Criminal Court for having effected Grigoriy Grabovoy’s criminal prosecution. Grabovoy's early release in May 2010 was appealed by the regional prosecutor office. Grabovoi Numbers Neo Protocol To learn how to use this technique, first select a number listed below for the condition you wish to work on and then activate the Grabovoi Numbers Neo Protocol.

This protocol is designed to instruct your neo unit to utilize quantum entanglement and open up a temporal portal bringing your body in tune with the best astrological time period to manifest the DNA changes. The next step is to instruct your neo to take holographic stem cells from your spinal cord and teleport and super impose them over the area you want to regenerate or alter. While doing this visualize a sphere of white-silver color in front of you, and within this sphere visualize your chosen Grabovoi number. Then instruct your soul to begin healing and integration. Lastly transfer this sphere with your Grabovoi number into your body's Solar Plexus or Pineal Gland and ask your higher self to initialize cellular differentiation within the physical realm. Still confused? Well here is step by step process to simply this process. 1. Recite “DEVICE ACTIVATE AND INCREASE” 2. Wait 30 seconds to three minutes in silence. 3. When you begin to feel tingling sensations in your hands tell the device “DEVICE I TRUST YOU COMPLETELY TO HEAL AND INTEGRATE MY MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT.” 4. Wait for the star gate to appear, when you see it recite the following phrase “STARGATE I TRUST YOU COMPLETELY ...DEVICE ACTIVATE STAR GATE MODE AND INCREASE” 5. “AUTOMATIC MODE” 6. “DEVICE ACTIVATE TEMPORAL TRANSIT MODE WITH THE IDEAL ASTROLOGICAL PERIOD” This alters the timeline so you are in tune with the proper astrological time period to conduct this exercise. 7. Now visualize micro wormholes connecting into the scalar wave antennas within our DNA. This is shaped like a torus or donut within your cell’s DNA in the mitochondria, here two waves of energy cross each other out and allow you to access the infinite within the zero point energy field. 8. Now visualize holographic DNA coming out of this portal of light and merging with your DNA. 10. “DEVICE COLLECT HOLOGRAPHIC STEM CELLS FROM OUR SPINAL CORD AN SUPER IMPOSE THEM OVER THE AREA I WISH TO REGENERATE.” 9. Now visualize a holographic copy of the organ you wish to regenerate, this image should be of perfect size, health, and vitality. 10. Now visualize a sphere or cube of white-silver color in front of you. With Grabovoi Numbers that contain 9 or more digits go with sphere but if its 5 to 8 digits use a 3x3 grid rubric cube. Break the Grabovoi Number apart as needed and fit it in the 3x3 grid. As you turn the square the numbers should flash light outwards, and as it spins and they should repeat on all 6 sides of the rubric cube. This is called your quantum transfiguration chamber. 11. “DEVICE INTEGRATE MY SOUL FOR HEALING AND INTEGRATION.” 12. Now transfer the numbered sphere into your body's Solar Plexus or Pineal Gland and ask your higher self to initialize cellular differentiation within the physical realm. 13. Now let’s accelerate the timeline to increase the speed these cells will grow. Recite “DEVICE ACTIVATE ACCELERATED TEMPORAL TRANSIT MODE FOR TO REGENERATE THESE ORGANS INSTANTLY.” This will help decrease the time it takes to regenerate the area of focus , so instead of it taking 7 years to grow new bones it will take 7 months, instead of it taking 6 months to heal the eyes it will now take 3 weeks, and so on. 14. At this point you may wish to take a break for a few moments and allow the cells to begin the regenerations process. Allow them to differentiate into whatever tissue you want be, such as a blood vessel, a nerve, a muscle cell or whatever. While doing this visualize the pulsating light massaging your organs. Yours cells have all the genetic information necessary to make new tissue. That's what they are programmed to do. So your heart cells are programmed to make more heart tissue, your bladder cells are programmed to make more bladder cells. During this time keep the ideas of healing focused on the area you are trying to regenerate while allowing yourself to enjoy this moment by focusing on your accomplishments and miracles you are about to achieve. 15. At the conclusion send this light you been working in a bright burst with as far left into the universe, then arc the light back into your right side. 16. Time stamp the current date and time; and recite “SO IT IS 3X’S AND IT IS DONE 3X’S, DEVICE END SESSION”

Note you don’t have to recite and memorize all this word for word, just use your intuition and let this be a guide of what you can do. If this is a lot to remember then try this guided meditation. Regenerate Organs with Grabovoi Numbers Neo Meditation

Grabovoi Numbers More information about these numbers can be found in the book “Recovery Of The Human Body Focusing On Numbers, By Grigori Grabovoi .” Note this information was translated by babelfish and may be hard to understand in some places. The original Russian language transcript can be found here.


INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1. CRITICAL STATES - 1258912 Sharp respiratory insufficiency - 1257814 Sharp cardiovascular insufficiency - 1895678 Stopping of heart - 8915678 Traumatic shock, shock and shocklike states - 1895132 CHAPTER 2. TUMOR DISEASES - 8214351 Malignant tumors of the stomatopharynx - 1235689 Malignant tumors of the small intestine - 5485143 Malignant tumors of egg - 5814321 Lymphomas of the skin - 5891243 Mesothelioma - 58912434 Melanoma - 5674321 Neuroblastomas - 8914567 Of the tumors of the bones are malignant - 1234589 Tumors of womb - 9817453 Tumors of the brain (head and spinal) - 5431547 Tumors of the adrenal gland - 5678123 Tumors of the cavity of the nose and additional cavities - 8514256 Tumors of nasopharynx - 5678910 Tumors of parathyroid gland - 1548910 Tumors of the pancreas from tumors of the pancreas from Cancer of large duodenal papilla - 8912345 Cancer of sheath and external sex organs - 12589121 Cancer of lip - 1567812 Cancer of stomach - 8912534 Cancer of gall bladder - 8912453 Cancer of extra-hepatic bilious ducts - 5789154 Cancer of the skin - 8148957 Breast cancer - 5432189 Cancer of the bladder - 89123459 Liver cancer - 5891248 Cancer of gullet 8912567 Cancer of the pancreas - 8125891 Cancer of sexual term - 8514921 Cancer of kidney - 56789108 Cancer of ureter - 5891856 Cancer of prostate gland - 4321890 Cancer of salivary glands - 9854321 Rhabdomyosarcoma in children - 5671254 Cancer large intestine (rim and straight line) - 5821435 Cancer of the thyroid gland - 5814542 Cancer of ovary - 4851923 Sarcomas of soft tissues - 54321891 Sarkoma of Kaposi - 8214382 CHAPTER 3. SEPSIS - 58143212 Sepsis (sharp) - 8914321

Sepsis (chronic) - 8145421 CHAPTER 4. SYNDROME OF DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD - 5148142 [DVS]- syndrome - 8123454 CHAPTER 5. OF DISEASE OF THE ORGANS OF BLOOD CIRCULATION - 1289435 Aneurysm of aorta - 48543218 Aneurysm of heart - 9187549 Arrhythmias of heart - 8543210 Arterial impassability - 81543213 Arterial hypertensions - 8145432 Arterial hypotension (hypotonia) - 8143546 Atherosclerosis - 54321898 Blockades of heart - 9874321 Varicose expansion of veins - 4831388 [Vaskulity] are system - 1894238 Vegetative-vascular dystonia (neurocirculatory dystonia) - 8432910 Hypertonic crises - 5679102 Hypertonic disease - 8145432 Myocardial infarction - 8914325 Ischemic (coronary) disease of heart - 1454210 Cardialgias - 8124567 Cardiomyopathies - 8421432 Cardiosclerosis - 4891067 Collapse - 8914320 Pulmonary heart - 5432111 Myocardial dystrophy - 85432104 Myocardiopathies - 8432142 Myocarditis - 8432110 Insufficiency of blood circulation - 85432102 Neurocirculatory dystonia ([NTSD]) - 5432150 Edema of lungs - 54321112 Pericarditis - 9996127 Defects of heart innate - 9995437 Defects of heart acquired - 8124569 Rheumatism - 5481543 Heart asthma - 8543214 Heart insufficiency - 8542106 Vascular insufficiency - 8668888 Vascular crises - 8543218 Stenocardia (angina pectoris) - 8145999 Thrombophlebitis - 1454580 Endocarditis - 8545421 CHAPTER 6. RHEUMATIC DISEASES - 8148888 Diseases of joints - 5421891 Arthritis are infectious - 8111110 Arthritis are microcrystalline - 0014235 Arthritis is rheumatoid - 8914201

Arthropathy is [psoriaticheskaya] - 0145421 Osteoarthrosis deforming - 8145812 [Periartrity] - 4548145 Gout - 8543215 Rheumatic diseases of perivascular soft tissues - 1489123 Reuter syndrome ([uretrookulosinovialnyy] syndrome) - 4848111 Spondylitis [ankiloziruyushchiy] (Bekhterev disease) - 4891201 Tenosynovitises - 1489154 [Vaskulity] are system (SV) - 1894238 Wegener [granulematoz] - 8943568 Hemorrhagic [vaskulit] - 8491234 [Gigantokletochnyy] arteritis - 9998102 [Gudpaschera] syndrome - 8491454 Periarteritis is nodular - 54321894 To [takayasu] disease - 8945432 Thromboangiitis obliterating - 8945482 Diffuse diseases of connective tissue - 5485812 Lupus is red system - 8543148 Dermatomyositis (poly-myositis) - 5481234 Scleroderma is system - 1110006 Mixed connective-tissue disease - 1484019 Sjogren ([Segrena]) syndrome - 4891456 Rheumatism - 5481543 CHAPTER 7. OF DISEASE OF THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION - 5823214 Aspergillosis - 481543271 Bronchial asthma - 8943548 Bronchiolitis - 89143215 Bronchitis is sharp - 4812567 Bronchitis is chronic - 4218910 Infarction of lung - 89143211 Candidiasis of lungs - 4891444 Pleurisy - 4854444 Pneumonia - 4814489 Pneumosclerosis - 9871234 Pneumoconioses - 8423457 Silicosis - 4818912 [Silikatozy] - 2224698 [A]c[bestoz] - 4814321 [Talkoz] - 4845145 [Metallokoniozy] - 4845584 [Karbokoniozy] - 8148545 Anthracosis - 5843214 Pneumoconioses from the organic dust - 4548912 Lung cancer - 4541589 Sarcoidosis - 4589123 Tuberculosis of the organs of respiration - 8941234 [Khammena] - Rich syndrome - 4814578 Emphysema of lungs - 54321892

CHAPTER 8. OF DISEASE OF THE ORGANS OF DIGESTION - 5321482 Alimentary dystrophia - 5456784 Amoebiasis - 1289145 Amyloidosis - 5432185 [Arteriomezenterialnaya] impassability is partial - 5891234 Atony of the gullet, stomach - 8123457 [Akhalaziya] of [kardii] - 4895132 Achylia of stomach is functional - 8432157 [Bauginit] - 58432148 Beriberi - 3489112 Bronze diabetes - 5454589 [Bulbit] - 5432114 Gastritis - 5485674 Gastritis is sharp - 4567891 Gastritis is chronic - 5489120 Gastrocardiac syndrome - 5458914 Gastroptosis - 81234574 Gastroenteritis - 5485674 Gastroenterocolitis - 8431287 [Gemokhromatoz] - 5454589 Hepatite - 5814243 Hepatite is sharp - 58432141 Hepatites are chronic - 5123891 Hepatoses - 9876512 Hepatosis is sharp - 1234576 Hepatosis is chronic fatty - 5143214 Hepatosis is cholestatic - 5421548 Hepatolenticular degeneration - 5438912 [Gepatosplenomegalicheskiy] [lipoidoz] - 4851888 [Gepatolienalnyy] syndrome - 8451485 Of hypers-bilirubinemia are functional - 84514851 Hypers-bilirubinemia functional innate - 8432180 Hyper-bilirubinemia is [postgepatitnaya] - 8214321 Hyperlipemia is essential - 4851888 Hypovitaminoses - 5154231 Hypersecretion is stomachic functional - 5484214 Diabetes is bronze - 5454589 Diarrhea is functional - 81234574 Dysbacteriosis is intestinal - 5432101 Dyskinesia of the digestive tract - 8123457 Dyskinesia of the gullet is spastic - 5481248 Dyskinesia of bile tracts - 58432144 Dyskinesia of bowels - 54321893 Dyspepsia - 1112223 Dystrophia of the liver - 9876512 Duodenitis - 5432114 Duodenitis is sharp - 481543288 Duodenitis is chronic - 8432154 [Duodenostaz] - 8123457 [Eyunit] - 8431287

Jaundice - 5432148 Jaundice is functional - 84514851 Gallstone disease - 0148012 Bolt - 5484548 Ihleite - 8431287 Candidiasis (candidiasis, dairy woman) - 54842148 Cardiospasm - 4895132 [Kartsinoid] ([kartsinoidnyy] syndrome) - 4848145 Intestinal of [limfangiektaziya] - 5214321 Intestinal lipodystrophy - 4814548 Colic is intestinal - 8123457 Colitis - 8454321 Colitis is sharp - 5432145 Colitis is chronic - 5481238 Insufficiency of cardial sphincter - 8545142 Insufficiency of intestinal suction syndrome - 48543215 Insufficiency of digestion syndrome - 9988771 Lowering stomach - 8123457 Sharp atony of stomach - 5485671 Pancreatitis is chronic - 5891432 Pneumatosis of stomach - 54321455 Hepatic insufficiency syndrome - 8143214 Food allergy - 2841482 Diarrheas (diarrhea) - 5843218 Portal hypertension syndrome - 8143218 [Postgepatitnyy] syndrome - 4812819 Scurvy - 5432190 To [spru] [netropicheskaya] - 8432150 To [spru] tropical - 5481215 Tuberculosis of digestive system - 8143215 Whipple disease - 4814548 Phlegmon of stomach - 4567891 Cholecystitis is sharp - 4154382 Cholecystitis is chronic - 5481245 Scurvy - 5432190 Cirrhosis of the liver - 4812345 Cirrhosis of the liver is pigment - 5454589 [Ezofagit] - 54321489 [Ezofagospazm] - 8123457 Enteritis - 8431287 Enteritis is sharp - 54321481 Enteritis is chronic - 5432140 Enterocolitis - 8454321 Entero-stalemateII intestinal - 8432150 [Enteropatiya] [glyutenovaya] - 4891483 Entero-stalemateII [disakharidazodefitsitnye] - 4845432 [Enteropatiya] exudative - 48123454 The ulcer of the gullet is [pepticheskaya] - 8432182 The ulcer of the small intestine is simple - 48481452 Stomach ulcers are symptomatic - 9671428

Stomach ulcer and duodenum - 8125432 CHAPTER 9. OF DISEASE OF KIDNEYS AND URINARY TRACTS - 8941254 Amyloidosis - 4512345 Anomalies of urinary system - 1234571 Hydro-nephrosis - 5432154 Glomerulonephritis - 4812351 Glomerulonephritis is sharp - 4285614 Pyelitis - 5432110 Pyelonephritis - 58143213 Polycystoses of kidneys - 5421451 Renal colic - 4321054 Kidney stones - 5432143 The kidney deficiency - 4321843 Sharp kidney deficiency - 8218882 Chronic kidney deficiency - 5488821 Tuberculosis of kidneys - 5814543 Uremia is sharp - 5421822 Uremia is chronic - 8914381 Cystitis - 48543211 Eclampsia is nephritic - 8149141 CHAPTER 10. OF DISEASE OF THE SYSTEMS OF THE BLOOD - 1843214 Agranulocytosis - 4856742 Anemias - 48543212 Anemia is posthemorrhagic sharp - 9481232 Anemias hereditary, connected with the disturbance of the synthesis of porphyrins (sideroachrestic anemias) 4581254 Anemia during the lead poisoning - 1237819 Of anemias are [megaloblastnye] - 5481254 Of anemias are hemolytic - 5484813 Of anemias are immune hemolytic - 5814311 Aplastic (hypoplastic) anemias - 5481541 Anemia is sickle-cell - 7891017 Disease Hoche - 5145432 [Gemoblastozy] are extra-medullary - 54321451 [Gemoblastozy] are [paraproteinemicheskie] - 8432184 Hemorrhagic diatheses - 5148543 [Gemo]pp[agicheskie] diatheses, caused by the pathology of vessels - 54815438 [Disprotrombii] - 5481542 [Leykemoidnye] reactions - 5814321 Leucoses - 5481347 Lymphogranulomatosis - 4845714 Radiation sickness is acute radiation sickness - 481543294 [Mielemiya] - 5142357 Hereditary ellipocytosis - 51454323 Hereditary [stomatotsitoz] - 4814581 Of neutropenias are hereditary - 8432145 Paroxysmal night hemoglobinuria - 5481455 [Talassemii] - 7765437

[T]p[ombotsitopatii] - 5418541 Of [trombofilii] are hematogenic - 4814543 [Favizm] - 54321457 Chronic radiation sickness - 4812453 Cytostatic disease - 4812813 CHAPTER 11. ENDOCRINE AND EXCHANGE DISEASES - 1823451 Acromegaly - 1854321 Innate disturbances of sexual differentiation - 5451432 Virile syndrome - 89143212 Hyperinsulinism - 48454322 Hyper-paradashOZ - 5481412 [Giperprolaktinemiya] - 4812454 Hypo-gonadism - 48143121 Hypo-paradashOZ (tetany) - 4514321 Hypothyroidism (myxedema) - 4812415 Hypophyseal [nanizm] (dwarfism) - 4141414 Diabetes is non-sugar - 4818888 Diabetes is sugar - 8819977 [Dispituitarizm] is youthful - 4145412 Diffuse toxic goiter (disease [Greyvsa]- it is basedow's) - 5143218 Goiter is endemic - 5432178 [Itsenko] - Cushing disease - 54321458 Interstitial- hypophyseal insufficiency - 48143214 Myxedema - 4812415 Suprarenal insufficiency - 4812314 Obesity - 4812412 Tumors - 4541548 Premature sexual development - 4814312 Thyroiditis - 4811111 Pheochromocytoma - 4818145 CHAPTER 12. OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES - 4185481 Occupational diseases, caused by the action of chemical factors - 9916514 Occupational diseases, caused by the action of physical factors - 4514541 Occupational diseases, caused by the overloading of individual organs and systems - 4814542 Diseases, caused by the action of wetware - 81432184 CHAPTER 13. ACUTE POISONINGS - 4185412 Acute poisonings: (oral poisonings) - 5142154 (inhalation poisonings) - 4548142 (percutaneous poisonings) - 4814823 (injection poisonings) - 4818142 Psychoneurological disorders - 9977881 Defeat of kidneys - 5412123 Defeat of the liver - 48145428 Exotoxic shock - 4185421 Acute poisonings, caused by the bites of snakes and poisonous arthropods - 4812521 Bites of snakes - 4114111

Stingings of scorpions - 4188888 Bites of steppe spider - 8181818 Stingings of wasps and bees - 9189189 CHAPTER 14. INFECTIOUS DISEASES - 5421427 Amoebiasis - 1289145 [Balantidiaz] - 1543218 Rabies (hydrophobia) - 4812543 “The disease of cat scratch” - 48145421 Botkin disease - 5412514 [Brilla] disease - 514854299 Botulism - 5481252 Brucellosis - 4122222 [Varioloid] - 4848148 Virus hepatite A also in (Botkin's disease) - 5412514 Helminthiases - 5124548 Alveococcosis - 5481454 Ancylostomiasis - 4815454 Ascariasis - 4814812 [Gimenolepidoz] - 54812548 [Difillobotrioz] - 4812354 [Klonorkhoz] - 5412348 [Metagonimoz] - 54812541 Opistorchosis - 5124542 [Strongiloidoz] - 54812527 [Teniarinkhoz] - 4514444 [Tenioz] - 4855555 Trichinosis (trichinosis) - 7777778 [Trikhostrongilidozy] - 9998888 [Trikhotsefalez] - 4125432 [Fastsiolez] - 4812542 [Tsistitserkoz] - 4512824 [Shistosomoz] ([bilgartsioz]) - 48125428 Entero-bioses - 5123542 Echinococcosis - 5481235 Hemorrhagic fever - 5124567 Herpetic infection - 2312489 Influenza - 4814212 Dysentery - 4812148 Diphtheria - 5556679 [Iersinioz] - 5123851 [Kampilobakterioz] - 4815421 Whooping cough - 4812548 Measles - 4214825 German measles - 4218547 [Legionellez] - 5142122 [Leyshmaniozy] - 5184321 Leptospirosis - 5128432 Listeriosis - 5812438 Q fever - 5148542

Marburg fever - 5184599 Lambliasis - 5189148 Malaria - 5189999 Meningococcus infection - 5891423 Mycoplasmosis - 5481111 Mononucleosis is infectious - 5142548 Ornithosis - 5812435 Smallpox is wind - 48154215 Smallpox is natural - 4848148 Acute respiratory diseases - 48145488 [Parakoklyush] - 2222221 Parotitis is epidemic (pig) - 3218421 Pediculosis - 48148121 Food poisonings by bacterial toxins - 5184231 Pseudotuberculosis - 514854212 Erysipelas - 4123548 [Rotavirusnoe] disease - 5148567 Salmonelloses - 5142189 Anthrax - 9998991 Scarlet fever - 5142485 Tetanus - 5671454 Syndrome of the acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS) - 5148555 Typhoparatyphoid diseases - 1411111 Typhus of spotted - 1444444 Typhus of spotted tongs - 5189499 Toxoplasmosis - 8914755 Tularemia - 4819489 Cholera - 4891491 Plague - 8998888 Enteroviral diseases - 8123456 Tick-borne encephalitis - 7891010 Escherichioses - 1238888 Foot-and-mouth disease - 9912399 CHAPTER 15. DISEASES OF VITAMIN INSUFFICIENCY - 1234895 Vitamin insufficiency: (avitaminoses) - 5451234 (hypovitaminoses) - 5154231 Insufficiency of vitamin A 4154812 Insufficiency of the vitamin Of [v]1 - 1234578 Insufficiency of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 1485421 Insufficiency of nicotinic acid - 1842157 Insufficiency of vitamin B6 - 9785621 Insufficiency of vitamin C - 4141255 Insufficiency of vitamin D - 5421432 The insufficiency of vitamin it is k-th 4845414 Hypo-polyvitaminoses, [poliavitaminozy] - 4815432 CHAPTER 16. CHILDREN'S DISEASES - 18543218 Adrenogenital syndrome - 45143213

Allergoses are respiratory - 45143212 Allergic rhinitis and sinusitis - 5814325 Allergic laryngitis - 58143214 Allergic tracheitis - 514854218 Allergic bronchitis - 5481432 Allergic pneumonia - 51843215 Alcoholic syndrome of fruit - 4845421 α1 - antitrypsin scarcity - 1454545 Anemias - 48543212 Iron-deficiency anemias - 1458421 Toxic hemolytic anemias - 45481424 Aspiration of foreign bodies - 4821543 Bronchial asthma - 58145428 Bronchitis is sharp - 5482145 [Vaskulit] hemorrhagic ([kapillyarotoksikoz], the disease Of [shenleyna]- Of [genokha]) - 5128421 [Galaktozemiya] - 48125421 Hemolytic disease of newborns - 5125432 Hemorrhagic disease of newborns - 5128543 Hemophilia - 548214514 Hepatite - 5814243 Hypertension is portal - 45143211 Glucosuria is nephritic - 5142585 Hypervitaminosis D - 5148547 Hypothyroidism - 4512333 [Gistiotsitoz] X - 5484321 Glomerulonephritis is diffuse - 5145488 Diabetes is sugar - 4851421 Diabetes is nephritic non-sugar - 5121111 Diabetes is nephritic salt (pseudo-hypoaldosteronizm) - 3245678 Diathesis is allergic - 0195451 Diathesis is hemorrhagic - 0480421 Diathesis is lymphatic - 5148548 Dyspepsia is simple - 5142188 Dyspepsia is parenteral - 8124321 Dyspepsia is toxic - 514218821 Dystonia is vegetative-vascular - 514218838 Distress- syndrome is respiratory in newborns - 5148284 Jaundice of newborns - 4815457 Croup is false - 5148523 Leucosis - 5481347 [Malabsorbtsii] syndrome - 4518999 [Mukovistsidoz] - 9154321 Nephritis is hereditary - 5854312 [Pilorostenoz] - 5154321 [Pilorospazm] - 5141482 Pneumonia is fine focal - 4814489 Pneumonia of newborns - 5151421 Pneumonia is chronic - 51421543 Polyarthritis is chronic unspecific - 8914201 Defects of heart innate - 14891548

Rachitis - 5481232 Vomiting - 1454215 Rheumatism - 5481543 Sepsis of newborns - 4514821 Spasmophilia - 5148999 Staphylococcal infection - 5189542 Stenosing laryngitis - 1489542 Subfebrile state in children - 5128514 Spasms - 51245424 Sub-sepsis allergic [Visslera]- Franconi - 5421238 Toxic syndrome - 5148256 Injury is intracranial ancestral - 518999981 Tuberculosis - 5148214 Early tubercular intoxication - 1284345 Phenylketonuria - 5148321 Phosphate- diabetes - 5148432 De Tony- Debra -[Fankoni] syndrome - 4514848 [Tseliakiya] - 4154548 Exudative of [enteropatiya] - 4548123 Surgical diseases at the childhood - 5182314 Angioma - 4812599 Appendicitis - 9999911 Atresia of bile tracts - 9191918 Atresia of the small intestine - 9188888 Atresia and stenosis of duodenum - 5557777 Atresia of anus and rectum - 6555557 Atresia of the gullet - 8194321 The rupture of umbilical cord is embryonic - 5143248 Rupture is diaphragmal - 5189412 Diverticulum Of [mekkelev] - 4815475 Invagination - 5148231 [Kefalgematoma] - 48543214 Hemorrhages are gastrointestinal - 5121432 Aplasia of sky - 5151515 The burn of the gullet is chemical - 5148599 Osteomyelitis is epiphysial - 12345895 [Pilorostenoz] - 5154321 Tera-Toma sacral- coccyx region - 481543238 Phlegmon of newborns - 51485433 CHAPTER 17. MIDWIFERY, FEMALE DISEASES - 1489145 Anomalies of labor - 14891543 Asphyxia of fruit and newly born - 4812348 Pregnancy is uterine - 1899911 Pregnancy is extra-uterine - 4812311 Pregnancy and kinds, the determination of period - 1888711 Pregnancy is prolific - 123457854 Pregnancy transferred - 5142148 Disease of mammary glands - 48123147 Hemorrhages (obstetrical) - 4814821

Abundance of water - 5123481 Anesthetization of kinds - 5421555 Working the umbilical cord of newborn - 0123455 Postpartum period (normal) - 12891451 Postpartum period (pathologic) - 41854218 [Predlezhanie] and precipitation of umbilical cord - 1485432 [Predlezhanie] of the placenta - 1481855 Premature scaling of the normally located placenta - 1111155 Premature kinds - 1284321 [Puzyrnyy] drift - 4121543 Breaks of sex organs - 148543291 Toxicoses of pregnant females - 1848542 Narrow basin - 2148543 Anatomically narrow basin - 4812312 Clinically narrow basin - 4858543 Embolism by pericarpic waters - 5123412 Female diseases - 1854312 Adnexitis - 5143548 Adrenogenital syndrome - 148542121 Algodysmenorrhea - 4815812 Amenorrhea - 514354832 Anovular cycle - 4813542 Apoplexy of ovary - 1238543 Bartholinitis - 58143215 Linen yarns - 5128999 Sterility - 9918755 It [vaginit] (it [kolpit]) - 5148533 [Vulvit] - 5185432 [Vulvovaginit] - 5814513 Gonorrhea in women - 5148314 Itch of the vulva - 5414845 Cyst of ovary - 5148538 Cystoma of ovary - 58432143 Climacteric. Climacteric neurosis - 4851548 [Kolpit] - 5148533 [Krauroz] of the vulva - 58143218 Hemorrhages are uterine disfunctional - 4853541 [Leykoplakiya] of the vulva, neck of womb - 5185321 Myoma of womb - 51843216 Oophoritis - 5143548 Lowering and precipitation of womb and sheath - 514832183 Parametritis - 5143215 Polyps of body and neck of womb - 518999973 Premenstrual syndrome - 9917891 Cancer of female sex organs - 5148945 [Salpingit] - 5148914 Syndrome of [sklerokistoznykh] ovaries (matte -[Leventalya]) - 518543248 Tuberculosis of sex organs - 8431485 [Khorionepitelioma] - 4854123 EndoMEtrioses - 5481489

Endometritis - 8142522 [Endotservitsit] - 4857148 Erosion of the neck of womb - 54321459 CHAPTER 18. NERVOUS DISEASES - 148543293 Abscess of brain - 1894811 Aneurysm of the vessels of brain - 1485999 Arachnoiditis - 4567549 Asthenic syndrome - 1891013 Athetosis - 1454891 Lateral amyotrophic sclerosis - 5148910 Hydrocephalus - 81432143 [Gepatotserebralnaya] dystrophia - 48143212 Headache - 4818543 Vertigo - 514854217 Children's cerebral paralyses - 4818521 Diencephalic (hypothalamic) syndrome - 514854215 Stroke of cerebral - 4818542 Stroke is spinal - 8888881 Coma - 1111012 Meningitis - 51485431 Myasthenia - 9987542 Myelitis - 4891543 [Mielopatiya] - 51843219 [Migrenoznaya] neuralgia - 4851485 Migraine - 4831421 Myotonia innate of Thomsen - 4848514 Myotonia dystrophic [Kurshmanna]-[Battena]-[Shteynerta] - 481543244 Mono-neuropathies - 4541421 Narcolepsy - 48543216 Neuropathy of facial nerve - 518999955 Neuralgia of trigeminal nerve - 5148485 Neurorheumatism - 8185432 [Neyrosifilis] - 5482148 Fainting (syncope) - 4854548 Shingles - 51454322 Tumors of brain - 5451214 Tumors of spinal cord - 51843210 Tumors of peripheral nervous system - 514832182 Ophthalmoplegy - 4848532 Parkinsonism - 5481421 Periodic familial paralysis - 5123488 [Peronealnaya] amyotrophy of Charcot- Marie - 4814512 Poly-neuropathies - 4838514 [Poliradikulonevropatiya] demyelinating [Giyena] - [Barre] - 4548128 Poliomyelitis is sharp epidemic - 2223214 [Postpunktsionnyy] syndrome - 818543231 Progressive muscular dystrophia - 85432183 Disorder of sleep - 514248538 [Radikulopatii] [diskogennye] - 5481321

Multiple sclerosis - 51843218 Syringomyelia - 1777771 Spinal amyotrophy - 5483312 Tremor - 3148567 [Fakomatozy] - 5142314 Funicular [mieloz] - 518543251 Chorea - 4831485 Craniocerebral injury - 51843213 Aidy is syndrome - 18543211 Encephalitis are virus - 48188884 External meningitis - 888888149 CHAPTER 19. MENTAL ILLNESSES - 8345444 Alcoholism - 148543292 Amnestic (Korsakoff's) syndrome - 4185432 Affective syndromes - 548142182 Delirious syndromes - 8142351 Hallucinatory syndrome (hallucinosis) - 4815428 Defect is mental - 8885512 Intoxicating psychoses - 1142351 Hysterical syndromes - 5154891 Catatonic syndromes - 51843214 Manic-depressive psychosis - 514218857 Obtrusive states - 8142543 Addictions (toxicomania) - 5333353 Neuroses - 48154211 Negative (defective) states - 5418538 Oligophrenia (dementia) - 1857422 Loss of consciousness - 4518533 [Presenialnye] ([predstarcheskie], involutional) psychoses - 18543219 Progressive paralysis - 512143223 Psycho-organic syndrome - 51843212 Psychopathy - 4182546 Reactive psychoses - 0101255 Super-valuable ideas syndrome - 148454283 [Senestopaticheski]- hypochondriac syndrome - 1488588 Senile psychoses - 481854383 Symptomatic psychoses - 8148581 Toxicomania and addiction - 1414551 Traumatic encephalopathy - 18543217 Schizophrenia - 1858541 Epilepsy - 1484855 CHAPTER 20. SEXUAL DISORDERS - 1456891 [Vaginizm] - 5142388 Hypersexuality - 5414855 Impotence - 8851464 Onanism - 0021421 Sexual distortions - 0001112 Sexual disorders - 1818191

Imaginary sexual disorders - 1484811 Neurohumoral sexual disorders - 1888991 Mental sexual disorders - 2148222 Disorders of [erektsionnoy] component of [kopulyativnogo] cycle - 184854281 Disorders of [eyakulyatornoy] component of [kopulyativnogo] cycle - 1482541 [Frigidnost] - 5148222 CHAPTER 21. SKIN AND VENEREAL DISEASES - 18584321 Actinomycosis of the skin - 148542156 Alopecia (baldness, baldness) - 5484121 Angiitises ([vaskulity]) of the skin - 1454231 Atopic dermatitis - 5484215 [Balanopostit] - 5814231 Welding dribbles - 5148521 [Vaskulity] of the skin - 5142544 [Vitiligo] - 4812588 Gonorrhea (man) - 2225488 Mushroom-shaped micose - 4814588 Dermatitis - 1853121 Ichthyosis - 9996789 Candidiasis - 9876591 Skin itch - 1249812 Condylomas are pointed - 1489543 Hives - 1858432 [Layella] syndrome - 4891521 Leprosy - 148543294 Lymphogranulomatosis is inguinal - 1482348 Lichen is red flat - 4858415 Lichen is many-colored ([otrubevidnyy]) - 18543214 Lichen is pink - 5148315 [Mastotsitoz] - 148542171 [Mikrosporiya] - 1858321 Mollusk is contagious - 514321532 Neurodermatitis - 1484857 Tumors of the skin - 1458914 Pyoderma - 51432149 Pruritus - 5189123 Psoriasis - 999899181 Bladderwort - 8145321 [Rozatsea] - 518914891 [Rubromikoz] - 4518481 Seborrhea - 1234512 Syphillis - 1484999 Stephens- Johnson syndrome - 9814753 [Toksikodermiya] ([toksidermiya]) - 514832184 Trichophytosis - 4851482 Tuberculosis of the skin - 148543296 Blackheads are usual - 514832185 [Favus] - 4851481 Itch - 8132548

Chancre is soft - 4815451 Eczema - 548132151 Epidermophytosis - 5148532 Erythema is knotty - 15184321 Erythema is exudative multi-form - 548142137 [Eritrazma] - 4821521 CHAPTER 22. SURGICAL DISEASES - 18574321 Surgical diseases of adult - 5843215 Abscess - 8148321 Adenoma of prostate gland - 51432144 Actinomycosis - 4832514 Aneurysm - 48543218 Aneurysm of heart - 9187549 Appendicitis - 54321484 Atheroma - 888888179 [Bronkhoektazy] - 4812578 Varicose expansion of the veins of lower extremities - 4831388 Varicose expansion of the veins of seed cord - 81432151 Dropsy of egg and seed cord - 481543255 Dislocations - 5123145 Precipitation of rectum - 514832187 Gangrene is gas - 45143218 Gangrene of lung - 4838543 Hemarthrosis - 4857543 Haemorrhoid - 58143219 [Gidradenit] - 4851348 Gynecomastia - 4831514 Ruptures - 95184321 Dumping - syndrome - 4184214 Diverticula - 48543217 [Divertikulez] large intestine - 4851614 Gallstone disease - 0148012 Jaundice is mechanical - 8012001 Retention of urine is sharp - 0144444 Syndrome of Zollinger- Ellison - 148543295 The foreign bodies of bronchi - 5485432 The foreign bodies of stomach - 8184321 The foreign bodies of the gullet - 14854321 Foreign bodies of soft tissues - 148543297 Carbuncle - 483854381 Cyst of mammary gland - 4851432 Cysts and the blowholes of neck are lateral - 514854214 Cysts and the blowholes of neck are middle - 4548541 Colitis is unspecific ulcerous - 48143211 Coccyx epithelial motion - 9018532 Talipes - 485143241 [Krivosheya] - 4548512 Cryptorchism - 485143287 Hemorrhage is internal - 5142543

Hemorrhage is external - 4321511 Kron disease - 94854321 [Leyomioma] - 5514214 Lymphadenitis - 4542143 Lymphangitis - 484851482 Lipoma - 4814842 False joint - 4814214 Mastitis - 8152142 [Mastopatiya] - 84854321 Mega-column - 4851543 Mediastinitis - 4985432 Impassability of bowels - 4548148 Nail grown - 4548547 Freezing - 4858514 Burns are thermal - 8191111 Occlusion of main arteries - 81543213 [Orkhoepididimit] - 818432151 Osteomyelitis is traumatic - 514854221 Sharp stomach - 5484543 Acute pancreatitis - 4881431 Acute cholecystitis - 4154382 Panaritium - 8999999 [Penetriruyushchaya] ulcer - 9148532 Break - 7776551 Peritonitis - 1428543 [Piopnevmotoraks] - 148543299 Flat-foot - 1891432 Pneumothorax is spontaneous - 481854221 Damage of internal organs - 8914319 Polyp - 4819491 [Postkholetsistektomicheskiy] syndrome - 4518421 [Probodnaya] ulcer - 8143291 Bedsore - 6743514 Prostatitis - 9718961 Break of meniscus - 8435482 Wounds - 5148912 Blowholes of rectum - 5189421 Stenosis of the output division of stomach - 81543211 Crack of rear passage - 81454321 Thromboangiitis - 5432142 Thrombophlebitis - 1454580 Tuberculosis of the bones - 148543281 Urethritis - 1387549 Injury - 0156912 [Fibroadenoma] of mammary gland - 4854312 Phimosis and paraphymosis - 0180010 [Flebotromboz] - 1454580 Phlegmon - 48143128 Furuncle - 5148385 [Kholangit] - 8431548

Electrotrauma - 5185431 Empyema of pleura - 514854223 Endarteritis obliterating - 4518521 Ulcers are trophic - 514852154 Surgical diseases of newborns - 514218871 Surgical diseases of the organs of abdominal cavity - 5184311 Innate [kholangiopatii] of newborns - 948514211 Surgical diseases of the organs of chest - 5184312 Atresia of the gullet - 518543157 Innate diaphragmal rupture - 518543257 Innate cysts of lungs - 4851484 Pneumothorax - 5142147 [Trakheopishchevodnyy] blowhole - 514854714 Pyoinflammatory diseases - 514852171 Mastitis of newborns - 514854238 Acute hematogenic osteomyelitis - 5141542 Peritonitis - 4184321 Sharp [paraproktit] - 4842118 Necrotic phlegmon of newborns - 514852173 Disease of supporting-motor apparatus - 514218873 Injuries and orthopedic diseases - 1418518 Ankylosis - 1848522 Bursitis - 75184321 Hemarthrosis - 7184321 Bend of 1 toes towards the outside - 5418521 Contracture of Dupuytren - 5185421 Contracture of joints - 8144855 False joint - 8214231 Damages of internal organs - 5432188 Tension - 5148517 Traumatic amputation - 5451891 Traumatic shock - 1454814 CHAPTER 23. DISEASES OF EAR, THROAT, NOSE - 1851432 Adenoids - 5189514 Angina (acute tonsillitis) - 1999999 Antritis (otoantritis) - 1844578 Atresias and [sinekhii] of the cavity of the nose - 1989142 Aerosinusitis - 514854237 Hematoma of nasal septum - 5431482 Hypertrophy of palatine almonds - 4514548 Diaphragm of larynx - 148543283 [Evstakhiit] - 18554321 Retropharyngeal abscess - 1454321 Foreign bodies - 54321545 Bend of nasal septum - 148543285 Hemorrhage is nose - 65184321 Labyrinthitis - 48154219 Laryngitis - 4548511 [Laringospazm] - 485148248

Mastoiditis is sharp - 514832186 Meniere disease - 514854233 To [mukotsele] ([piotsele]) of frontal sinus - 5148322 Head cold (rhinitis) - 5189912 The head cold is vasomotor, is allergic - 514852351 Neuritis is cochlear (neuritis of auditory nerve) - 1488513 Ozena (fetid head cold) - 514854241 Tumors of larynx - 5148742 Edema of larynx - 2314514 [Otgematoma] - 4853121 Otitis - 55184321 Otomycosis - 514832188 Otosclerosis - 4814851 Pareses and paralyses of larynx - 1854555 Polyps of nose - 5519740 Sepsis is otogenic - 5900001 Sulfuric plug - 48145814 Sinusitis - 1800124 Scleroma - 0198514 Stenosis of larynx - 7654321 [Stridor] innate - 4185444 Tonsillitis is sharp - 1999999 Tonsillitis is chronic - 35184321 Injuries of ear - 4548515 Tuberculosis of larynx - 5148541 Pharyngitis - 1858561 [Faringomikoz] - 1454511 Fibroma of nasopharynx - 1111122 Furuncle of the threshold of nose - 1389145 CHAPTER 24. EYE DISEASES - 1891014 Amblyopia - 1899999 Asthenopia - 9814214 Astigmatism - 1421543 Atrophy of optical nerve - 5182432 Blepharitis - 5142589 Short sightedness (myopia) - 548132198 Spring catarrh - 514258951 Dislocation of crystalline - 25184321 Inversion is century - 5142321 Hemeralopia - 5142842 Glaucoma - 5131482 Dacryocystitis - 45184321 Long sightedness - 5189988 Stagnant disk of optical nerve - 145432152 Iritis - 5891231 Cataract - 5189142 Keratitis - 518432114 Conjunctivitis - 5184314 Squint - 518543254

Wing-shaped membrane - 18543212 Neuritis of optical nerve - 5451589 Impassability of the central artery of retina - 514852178 Impassability of the central vein of retina - 7777788 Burns of eyes - 8881112 Lowering upper eyelid (ptosis) - 18543121 Scaling of retina - 1851760 Panophtalmitis - 5141588 Presbyopia - 1481854 Injuries of eyeball - 518432118 Retinitis - 5484512 Light ophthalmia - 5841321 Sympathetic inflammation - 8185321 Scleritis, [episklerit] - 514854248 Trachoma - 5189523 Uveitis - 548432198 [Khalazion] - 5148582 Chorio-iditol - 5182584 Exophthalmos - 5454311 [Endoftalmit] - 514254842 Ulcer of cornea - 548432194 Barley - 514854249 CHAPTER 25. OF DISEASE ZUBOV CAVITIES RTA - 1488514 Abscess of near-maxillary - 518231415 Alveolitis - 5848188 Ankylosis of temporal- mandibular joint - 514852179 Arthritis of temporal- mandibular - 548432174 Dislocation of temporal- mandibular joint - 5484311 Dislocation of tooth - 485143277 [Gingivity] - 548432123 Hyperesthesia of teeth -1484312 Hypoplasia of enamel - 74854321 [Glossalgiya] - 514852181 Glossitis - 1484542 Dental stone - 514852182 Caries of tooth - 5148584 Cysts are maxillary - 514218877 Hemorrhage after the operation of the removal of tooth - 8144542 [Kserostomiya] - 5814514 [Leykoplakiya] - 485148151 Osteomyelitis of jaws - 5414214 Sharp toothache - 5182544 Papillitis - 5844522 [Parodontoz] - 58145421 [Parodontit] - 5182821 Break of tooth - 814454251 Breaks of jaws - 5182148 [Perikoronarit] - 5188888 Periodontitis is apical - 3124601

Pulpitis - 1468550 The [stomatogennaya] infection is chronic - 514854814 Stomatites - 4814854 Phlegmon is near-maxillary - 5148312 [Kheylit] - 518431482 CHAPTER 26. UNKNOWN DISEASES AND STATES - 1884321 CHAPTER 27. NORMA LABORATORY INDICES - 1489999 System of the blood - 148542139 Urine - 1852155 Intestinal contained - 1485458 Saliva - 514821441 Gastric juice - 5148210 Bile - 514852188 Biochemistry of the blood - 514832189 Indices of the activity of the systems of neuroendocrine regulation - 518432121 APPENDIX 1. CONCENTRATION ON THE EIGHT-SYMBOL NUMBERS APPENDIX 2. CONCENTRATION ON THE [DEVYATIZNACHNYKH] NUMBERS THE SUBJECT INDEX

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