Grabovoi e. Martin

April 21, 2017 | Author: Edison Rosero Nuñez | Category: N/A
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Numbers Can Heal. Grigory Grabovoy: Salvation Technologies. Concentrations on numerical sequences.


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Content 1. Historical concept of numbers 2. Holographic principle of the Universe 3. Dynamics of vibrations 4. Who is G.P.Grabovoy? 4.1. About his teaching 4.2. Main principles 5. Grigory Grabovoy’s technologies 5.1. Concept of concentration 5.2. Practical recommendations 5.3. Numerical sequences in curing different diseases 5.4. Concentration exercises for every day of the month 6. Alternative therapies 6.1. Color therapy 6.2. Sound therapy 6.3. Geometrical forms 7. Afterward 8. References 9. Copies of supporting documents

Preface “Life again and again asks us important questions; how can we change the state of our consciousness? Imagine that you are right now in a park and suddenly you see in front of you a blooming rose. You can see the wonderful colors radiating from the gentle vibrant petals of the rose. You can feel the keen aroma emitted by the fragrant flower. And maybe after the rain is gone a drop of water on a leaf shines and reflects colors through the sun light. You are now contemplating that divine beauty and you are charmed by the rose’s intricate creation, its sweet fragrance. You feel that another life, so delicate, exist near by. You want to understand it but how can you do that? The answer must be somewhere close. All your senses are telling you that. But at the same time you miss something. The flower is near, in front of you, but there is an invisible barrier that separates you from it. The answer is coming your way, but it has a language which is not understandable. How do we find out what it is? Let’s ask science. Science can produce a chemical analysis of the flower, it can reveal a percentile content of the flowers different chemical elements. Science can find the biological process which occurred in the flower’s tissue and much more. But that knowledge of scientific research is not very helpful in understanding and feeling how wonderfully redolent and alive the flower is. The question occurs again: how can we possibly do that? How do you obtain the cognition of a rose? Is it really possible? Yes, it is. Only one way exists. To find out what a rose is you have to become a rose. You have to intervene with the rose for at least a moment. Then it is possible, but in a higher state of mind. This is the cognition way of the world. Take in consideration, that by following this way of cognition to reach knowledge, you do not have to cut off and kill the flower. There is a way of achieving knowledge without destruction. In a higher state of mind a completely different perception of the world is possible.” Grigory Grabovoy from his book “The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life are now our Reality”

1. Historical concept of numbers.

Greek philosopher and mystic Pythagoras of 6th century B.C. proclaimed that the “World is ruled with numbers”. The discovery of the relationship between sound (vibration) and numbers is generally credited to Pythagoras. He discovers that an octave could be expressed numerically as a ratio of 2 to 1, and the other known musical intervals as ratios of 3 to 2 and 4 to 3. The fact that only the first four numbers 1-4 can express these ratios has brought assumption that the first four numbers were the basic numbers of

all numbers. In fact, the first four numbers totaled 10 when added together and only the numbers 1 to 10 were considered to have great significance .Other numbers were thought repeat 1 to 10 in different combinations. It was also found that the first four numbers were essential in the construction of solid objects. One stood for a point, 2 a line, which is a distance between two points, 3 a triangle, which added breadth to length, and 4 a pyramid, which is the

simplest of solid objects.

These observations led Pythagoras and his followers to conclude that numbers were the keys to understand the Universe. On the principle that strings of different length sound different notes, the Pythagoreans believed that each of the planets sounds a different note depending on its distance from the center, and that the combination of the sounds forms a harmonious cosmic octave.

The Pythagoreans believed that the odd and even numbers formed pairs of opposites in the Universe. The odd numbers were assigned male, active, creative characteristics, and the even numbers the female, passive, receptive qualities. When an even number is divided in two, there is nothing left over, but an odd number divided in two had a part remaining. The odd number therefore regarded as stronger, or male. Another reason for regarding odd number as dominant is that when the addition of an odd and even number put together are always result in an odd. The Pythagoreans believed that number was the key to the different qualities of mankind and matter, they view the numbers themselves having “personality”. According to Carl B. Boyer “Many early civilizations shared various aspects of numerology, but Pythagoreans carried number worship to its extreme, basing their philosophy and they way of life upon it.” The Pythagoreans viewed each number has its own significant values and properties.

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 10

Property of the number monad (unity) generator of numbers, the number of reason dyad (diversity, opinion) first true female number triad (harmony = unity + diversity) first true male number (justice, retribution) squaring of accounts (marriage) = first female + first male (creation) = first female + first male + first male + 1 (Universe) tetractys

Gematria method of conversion gives numerical values to the letters of the alphabet as follows:



































Spiritual significance of numbers One. Denotes unity, and commencement. First day, Light. Two. Denotes difference. Three. Denotes completeness. Three is significant of Divine perfection and completeness. The fourth, fifth, and sixth days are the counterpart and repetition of the first, second, and third. Four. Denotes creative work (3+1), and always has reference to the material creation, as pertaining to the earth, and things “under the sun”, and things terrestrial. Five. Denotes Divine grace. It is 4+1. It is God adding His gifts and blessing to the work of his hands. Six. Denotes the human number. Man was created on the sixth day. Seven. Denotes spiritual perfection. It is the number of the Holy Spirit’s work. Seven is the number which regulates every period of Incubation and Gestation, in insects, birds, animals, and man. Eight. Denotes resurrection, regeneration; a new beginning or commencement. The eighth is new first. Hence the octave in music, color, days of the week, etc. Nine. Denotes Finality of judgment. It is 3x3, the product of Divine completeness. Ten. Denotes ordinal perfection. Another new first; after the ninth digit, when numeration commences anew.

Eleven. Denotes disorder, disorganization. Twelve. Denotes Governmental perfection. Thirteen. Denotes rebellion, apostasy, defection, disintegration, revolution, etc. Seventeen. Denotes a combination of spirit and order (10+7). Other numbers follows the law which governs the smaller numbers, as being their factors, sums, products or multiples. The four perfect numbers, 3, 7 10, and 12 have for their product the remarkable number 2,520. It is the least Common Multiple of the ten digits governing all numeration; and can, therefore, be divided by each of the nine digits, without a reminder. It is the number of chronological perfection (7x360).

2. Holographic principle of the Universe

The holographic principle on the level of the whole Universe confirms an ancient esoteric Hermes postulate – “ What is below, that is above also”. Michael Talbot in his book The Holographic Universe presents the concept of the universe as a giant hologram. A hologram is a three- dimensional photograph made with the aid of laser. Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole. In a holographic Universe time and space could no longer be accepted as fundamentals. Reality presents in form of superhologram in which the dimensions of the past, present, and future are all exist simultaneously. The new way of looking at the universe allows to

explain such mysterious phenomenon as telepathy, out-of-body and near-death experiences, “lucid” dreams and miraculous healings. Neurophysiologist Karl Pribram believes the brain is itself hologram. Pribram’s theory also explains how the human brain can store so many memories in so little space. Pribram believes that our memories are encoded not in neurons, or small groupings of neurons, but in patterns of nerve impulses that crisscross the entire brain in the same way that patterns of laser light interference crisscross the entire area of film containing holographic image. It has been discovered that holograms can contain astounding capacity for informational storage. One cubic centimeter of film can hold 10 billion bits of information. Our ability quickly to retrieve information from the enormous storage of our memories can be explained if the brain functions on holographic principles. Numerous researchers have pointed, that para-psychological phenomena become more understandable in terms of the holographic paradigm. Individual brains are part of the greater Universal hologram where everything is connected. According to Grof, the mind is actually part of continuum, a labyrinth that is connected not only to every other mind that exists or has existed, but to every atom, organism, and region in the vastness of space and time itself. Human body is built on the basis of a holographic field image. Each cell of the human body contains information sufficient for the creation of a whole organism. It is experimentally proved, that such a hologram appears before an integral organism has been born and determines the development of a physical body. According to P. Garyaev, “It is exactly the image – hologram that dictates dividing cells, when and where legs,

hands, head should grow”. It would no longer be true to say that the brain produces consciousness. Rather, it is consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain as well as the physical matter. Medicine way and our understanding of the healing process could also be changed by the holographic model. When physical structure of the body accepted as a holographic projection of consciousness, it becomes important that each of us is much more responsible for our health. When we view as miraculous healings of disease it is actually due to changes in consciousness which is project effect changes in the hologram of the body.

3. Dynamics of vibrations The physical human body is created under the wave holographic program. The wave holograms force simple molecules assemble into more complicated ones, up to DNA, RNA and further in an integral organism. On different hierarchic levels of organization (starting from molecular level and ending whole organism) there occur some rhythmic alterations of various parameters or their vibrations with different frequencies. The existence of human organism itself, as a whole integral system, is provided by means of synchronization of these vibratory processes. All the regulation systems in biological objects work by the principles of vibration. Modern science emphasizes the importance of resonance interactions and the level of organism’s synchronization during its existence. Health problem can be essentially brought to the techniques of synchronization of an organism’s biological frequencies with an optimal level of bio-rhythmic adaptation.

The organism’s functioning rhythm was formed under an influence of external 24 – hour lighting cycle and Shooman’s resonance on the frequency fsh = 7, 8 Hz with 24 – hour harmonic. This resonance corresponds to electromagnetic wave, which length is absolutely equal to the length of the Earth’s circumference. Shooman’s frequency (fsh = 7, 8 Hz) is not occasionally considered a “mystic vibration” in many occult doctrine and esoteric schools, because it brings into connection other frequencies with human resonance system. Grabovoy’s method of healing with numerical sequences is based on the principles of synchronization of the body with support by the vibrations of numbers.

4. Who is Grigory Grabovoy? Grigory Grabovoy was born on November 14th 1963 in village Kirovsky (ex-village Bogara) Chimkent region of Republic of Kazakhstan (part of exSoviet Union). He graduated from the Tashkent State University, faculty of applied mathematics and mechanics. His phenomenal abilities to cure diseased persons from any distance, detect technological problems, remote viewing, clairvoyance, conversion of information, materialization and dematerialization, teleportation and more have been confirmed by the tens of thousand documented reports and declarations from the real witnesses. His unique abilities go beyond our ordinary comprehension and human possibilities.

He can easy navigate the past of any person and forecast the future, predict earthquakes. He is able remote control and diagnoses not only people, but also technological defects of cars, airplanes and other mechanical systems through long distance. Who is he? Grabovoy Grigory Petrovitch is - Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences; - Academician of International Academy of Information;

- Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; - Academician of Italian Academy of Sciences; - Honored Academician of Russian Academy of Space; - Doctor of Sciences; - Doctor of Philosophy; - Doctor of Technical Sciences; - Associated member in UN; - Member of Professional Psychotherapeutic League; - Grand Master of World Science and Education; - Clairvoyant, healer, etc … And this is not all of his titles and ranks. Among some of his abilities are: - the ability precisely describe the appearance and character of a person by knowing the last, first and middle names; - the ability to track information between people regardless of distance or language; - the ability to diagnose technological defects over long distance; - the ability to materialize and dematerialize different objects; - the ability to cure cancer, AIDS, and RESSURECT the dead.

4.1. About his teaching “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; Who looks inside, awakens.” - Carl Jung

Grigory Grabovoy’s teaching “About Salvation and Harmonious Development” has been registered in UN and approved as independent discipline by the Ministry of Russian Education. New consciousness technology developed by G.Grabovoy confirms that by using concentration on specific combination of numbers can help to cure many diseases and conditions related to sickness. Grabovoy states, that human consciousness is able to reflect reality through perception and sensation and also itself is a creative substance through which human being himself can be a creator. The fundamental basis in Grabovoy’s teaching is determined by divine creation of the Universe. According to Grabovoy God is the basic source, and essence of everything. God emphasizes emotions especially Joy, Light and Love as a main basis for creating the Universe. Only proper understanding of the World with emphasis on Joy, Light and Love will provide meanings of happy living life. Spiritual growth of consciousness is a real way toward God and toward cognition of his creation. For someone who is able to achieve a higher level of consciousness the Truth is opened. God’s consciousness determines all our existence in this World. Our consciousness appears to be a great creative power. Through our consciousness can be accomplished creative and controlling processes in the physical body, where our soul performing the role of controlling factor (structure). Soul is able to regenerate and heal on the cellular level. Universe is very complicated informational system. Everything in the World can be considered as informational objects. Information is also playing a significant role in

our daily life. Everything in this world connected through informational channels. By altering connections we can change the World system in a holistic way. Grabovoy discovered control mechanism and technologies which can be directly applied to influence the global system of information. Consciousness and sensations are tools for changing information. He concluded that under certain conditions one type of information can be converted into another type of information. By influencing on information through consciousness and sensations another form of information can be created (information control). Control of information allows management of events.

4.2. The Main Principles The purpose of the doctrine “About Salvation and Harmonious Development,” focuses on global salvation, the salvation of each individual, and providing eternal harmonious development.

- The most of important goal of Grigory Grabovoy’s technologies is to prevent the world from a possible catastrophic devastation.

- The main method of achieving this goal is providing education to others about Grigory Grabovoy’s technologies.

- According to the Creator’s plan about eternal development each individual’s consciousness, as an element of the world consciousness, appears to be very important factor in creation of future events.

- The morality of Grigory Grabovoy’s teaching underlines that each individual receives true freedom from the Creator through a personal creative way of participating in future events. - Necessity for dissemination of Teaching integrated with global salvation and provision of eternal harmonious development where every individual is a creative participant in events of the world according to the law of Creator.

Grigory’s Grabovoy’s teaching does not contradict with any principles of the world’s fundamental religions or concepts, and focuses on a creative, eternal way of development without destructions.

5. Grigogy Grabovoy’s technologies 5.1. Concept of concentration According to G.Grabovoy’s theory, through mental concentration and understanding of the dynamics between events and the external World it is possible to master event control technology. He developed mental concentration exercises which apply to different parts of body. Academician Grabovoy states that by following his recommendations over a few month period, it is possible to develop ability to predetermine different events, and control it in necessary harmonious way. Concentration with numerical sequences is the most of significant informational technology Grabovoy developed. He is confident that this method can be used to heal any

disease (without exception), even some unknown medical conditions. According to many people who already achieved positive results, the method is highly effective. Some people may question, how possibly concentration on some numbers can help to heal disease? Behind the apparent simplicity of this method there are scientifically developed discoveries. The essence of these discoveries is based on vibrating structure of numbers. The Universe is penetrates with rhythms, from macro level (periodical rotation of planets, stars, galaxies) to micro level (rotation of atoms around electron, properties of micro particles). The Human Organism is no exception. We are connected to everything around us by biorhythms. Human body has multiple different rhythmic structures where every living cell corresponds to its own rhythm. The heart and breath have its own rhythms also. Example of the orchestra performance can be compared with the way our organism functions where different musical instruments performing the same music, but at the same time attribute to its unique frequencies. If one of the musical instruments is not tuned properly, than it will affect the whole performance. Under healthy conditions (norms) all our body’s rhymes presented in harmonious conjunction between each other, the same as our nature is harmonious. What are rainbow colors? It is also rhythm. Humans perceive different colors because every color represents strictly specific frequency of electro-magnetic wave. Grabovoy explains that during concentration with specifically determined numerical sequences vibrations of the numbers are project, and regulate body state. Concentration can be compared to a laser work. The light from a laser differs from the light produced by any other sources, such as electrical bulbs, fluorescent lamps, and the sun. The light from these other sources travels in all different directions. Laser light is

highly directional – that is, it travels in only one direction. Laser light travels in a narrow beam, and the sides of the beam stay almost parallel. Laser light also differs from other light in terms of frequency, the number of vibrations of light wave per second. Laser light consists of one or, at most, a few frequencies. The light that comes from other sources consists of many frequencies. Effect of concentration based on activation of brain system to work in the same frequency. Every numerical sequence is a specific combination of digits. Concentration with numerical sequences allows healing to be occurred because each numerical sequence represents a vibrational code for normalization of conditions in the organism. “Any disease appears as a result of deflection from norm. Misbalance from the normal conditions can occur on the level of separate cells, separate body organ, or the whole organism. Healing from disease means return to norm. Through concentration on numerical combination you provide vibrational alignment of your body state which is norm (health). As a result disease is cured. “ - G. Grabovoy.

5.2. Practical recommendations During concentration it is important to imagine your own organism as absolutely healthy. This will allow you to activate and accelerated the process of healing. You can begin your concentration exercises by writing numbers on a piece of paper, then start to focus on each number from first digit till the end, or from first and last digit and follow to the middle. One interesting way is to imagine that you are breathing through the number, or inhale each number’s energy through the part of your body you

want to be cured. After you memorize your numerical combination you can mentally concentrate without using numbers written on paper. For more advance techniques Grabovoy teaches, that you have to imagine yourself inside of a geometrical cube form. On one of the side of the cube arrange the numerical combination. You will be able to move digits and feel which combination of numbers in your case represents maximum effect. Grabovoy recommends that you use the geometrical form cube with numbers on one side when you concentrate with seven digits numerical combinations. When you concentrate with nine-digit sequence you can mentally imagine yourself inside of sphere (not cube). In this case numbers need to be located inside imaginary sphere surface. It is desirable if you feel which number/numbers are most reflecting the light. Then you can concentrate on those specific digits during your work with the numbers. If you know the exact organ, or area where disease is located, than you concentrate on that particular part of your body. You can start with one or two minutes of concentration. Your intuition is a great tool to lead you about the amount of time during concentration. After each concentration you have to relax and switch to other activities, only then should you repeat the concentration exercise. Side effects do not occur because this method of concentration is based on the Law of creation not destruction. The effectiveness of concentration depends on your dedication toward your healing goal. When you open your mind to this creative process you may listen to your inner voice how to apply techniques on practices in your particular case, because only your own body knows what is the best for you. You can apply these techniques to cure other people as well.

5.3. Numerical sequences to cure different diseases Seven, eight, and nine digits numerical sequences have different values. Nine digits row will cure one or two disease. Eight digit combination effective to cure about 5 disease, and most of powerful of all are seven digits rows which are effective for healing more than 10 different illnesses or conditions. In his book “Recovery of human’s organism by concentrating on numbers”, G. Grabovoy includes more than a thousand of different disease and medical conditions and provides with numerical sequences to cure them. Book consists of 27 chapters (groups of a different disease) each of them has a numerical code to cover related diseases of that group.

Critical conditions - 1258912 - Breathing difficulty - 1257814 - Vascular heart disease - 1895678 - Cardiac heart disease (clinical death) - 8915678 - Traumatic shock, traumatic stress - 1895132 Tumor diseases - 8214351 Sepsis (blood infection) -


Blood Circulation diseases


Rheumatoid disease


- Joint diseases 5421891 Respiratory diseases


Digestive system disease


Kidneys and urinary diseases 8941254 Blood system diseases


Endocrine diseases


Professional diseases


- Effect of chemical factors 9916514 - Effect of physical factors 4514541 - Effect of biological factors 81432184 Poisoning diseases


Infectious diseases


Avitaminosis (deficiency of


one or more vitamins) Children diseases


- Surgical diseases (children) 5182314 Obstetrics and Gynecology


Nervous disease


Psychiatric disease


Sexual disorders


Dermatological and


Venereal disease Surgical disease - Surgical diseases (adults)

18574321 5843215

- Surgical diseases (infants) 514218871 - Surgical diseases (thorax) 5184312 Inflammatory diseases


Orthopedic traumas and diseases


Ear, nose and throat diseases


Eye Diseases


Dental and oral diseases


Unknown diseases and conditions


Method of concentration accepting that human body consists of a seven parts. To each part of the body is applying a specific digital sequence. If unknown disease and conditions occurred concentration can be practiced with numerical sequences related to that part of the body disease located at. Using numerical sequences when diagnose, disease or condition are unknown

Part of body

Numerical code for normalization

1. Head


2. Neck


3. Right hand


4. Left hand


5. Trunk


6. Right leg


7. Left leg


Additional numerical sequences Working with past - 7819019425 Numerical code can be represented in any ways, for example: -

By using sphere image;


Normalization of past events through writing numerical combination;


Applying vector with numbers to past events. Working with future events - 148721091

When planning future events, you need to connect, to future numerical sequence. Working with present time - 71042 Mentally repeat numerical combination with focusing on your goals at the same time or you can also display numerical sequence inside imaginary sphere. Working with plants - 811120218 Locate spheres with numbers on the leaves of a plant. For little plants you can achieve control at the border between soil and sprout.

Working with animals – 55514219811 0 (to close sequence interval needed between 1 and 0) .

Universal SYSTEM: 14854232190 Applicable to everything, always and


5.4. Concentration exercises for every day of the month By concentrating with the numerical sequences below you will activate the process for -

Changing consciousness in the harmonious way;


Providing propitious events in your life;


Achieving good health;


Providing a harmonious connection with the Universe.

1st day: seven-digits sequence - 1845421 nine-digits sequence -


2nd day: seven-digits sequence - 1853125 nine-digits sequence -


3rd day: seven-digits sequence - 5142587 nine-digits sequence -


4th day: seven-digits sequence - 5194726 nine-digits sequence -


5th day: seven-digits sequence - 1084321

nine-digits sequence -


6th day: seven-digits sequence - 1954837 nine-digits sequence -


7th day: seven-digits sequence - 1485321 nine-digits sequence -


8th day: seven-digits sequence - 1485321 nine-digits sequence -


9th day: seven-digits sequence - 1843210 nine-digits sequence -


10thday: seven-digits sequence - 1854312 nine-digits sequence -


11th day: seven-digits sequence - 1852348 nine-digits sequence -


12th day: seven-digits sequence - 185432 nine-digits sequence -


13th day: seven-digits sequence - 1538448 nine-digits sequence -


14th day: seven-digits sequence - 5831421 nine-digits sequence -


15th day: seven-digits sequence - 7788001 nine-digits sequence -


16th day: seven-digits sequence- 1843212 nine-digits sequence - 123567091

17th day: seven-digits sequence - 1045421 nine-digits sequence -


18th day: seven-digits sequence - 1854212 nine-digits sequence - 185321945 19th day: seven-digits sequence - 1254312 nine-digits sequence - 158431985 20th day: seven-digits sequence - 1538416 nine-digits sequence 21st day: seven-digits sequence nine-digits sequence 22nd day: seven-digits sequence nine-digits sequence 23rd day: seven-digits sequence nine-digits sequence 24th day: seven-digits sequence nine-digits sequence 25th day: seven-digits sequence nine-digits sequence 26th day: seven-digits sequence nine-digits sequence 27th day: seven-digits sequence nine-digits sequence 28th day: seven-digits sequence -

891543219 8153517 589148542 8153485 198516789 8154574 581974321 5184325 189543210 1890000 012459999 1584321 485617891 1854342 185431201 1854512

nine-digits sequence 29th day: seven-digits sequence nine-digits sequence 30th day: seven-digits sequence nine-digits sequence 31st day: seven-digits sequence nine-digits sequence -

195814210 1852142 512942180 1852143 185219351 1532106 185214321

The day of concentration must to correspond to the same day of the month. For example if you have begin concentration in February which has 28 (29) days, than on March 1 you have to practice concentrations according to the 1st day of concentration exercises (let 30th and 31st days pass)

6. Alternative therapies 6.1. Color therapy “Colors like features, follow the changes of the emotions” – Pablo Picasso

Light is a form of electromagnetic energy, energy that emanates from the sun and the rest of the universe and our planet. Electromagnetic energy includes not only light but also cosmic rays, X- rays, ultraviolet and infrared rays, and radio and television waves. Our eyes are sensitive to only tiny portion of this continuum: wavelengths of approximately 400 to 700 nanometers. Since nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, visible energy – that is light – makes up only a very small part of electromagnetic energy. Color is simply light of different wavelengths and frequencies. We all surrounded by

electromagnetic waves of energy of which color is just a small portion. The wavelength and frequency of light we see, influences the color we see. Color can have a significant effect on us on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The visible spectrum consists of the rainbow. Our retinas though have three types of color receptors in the form of cones. Different wavelengths of light lead to sensations of different colors. Short wavelengths (450-500 nanometers) appear blue; medium wavelength (500-570 nanometers) appear green; and long wavelengths (about 650-780 nanometers) appear red.

Each of the spectrum colors is a light of varying wavelengths, thus each color has its own particular energy. The energy relating to each of these spectrum colors resonates with the energy of each of seven main charkas of the body. Color Therapy uses color to balance the Chakras of the body. Chakras are like spirals of energy, each one related to others. Chakras can be imagining as a set of wheels.

CHAKRAS There are seven main energy centers (Chakras) of the body which are correspond to the seven rainbow colors.

VIOLET / PURPLE relates to the crown charka which is the top of the head. The related organ to this charka is the brain. Violet attributes to self knowledge, thought, Universal identity and spiritual awareness. It is the union with your higher self, with spirituality, and your higher consciousness. Violet is the highest color in the visible spectrum. Properties: Violet / Purple Wavelength 425 - 400 nanometers Frequency

700 – 790 terahertz

Related charka


Complementary color


Positive and negative aspects of Violet Reverence for all life

Feeling of superiority

Outstanding in their chosen job

Flaunt power

Great mental powers

Interest in black magic or Spiritual awareness mysticism

Pure idealists


Self sacrificing

Lack of contact with reality

Kind and just Violet is color related to our spiritual connection, can be very helpful for meditation and any spiritual matters. Violet color has wide use within religions across the world. When developed, this charka brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss.

INDIGO relates to the brow charka or third eye which is in the center of the forehead. The related organs to this charka are the eyes, lower head and sinuses. Indigo relates to responsibility; ability to see things from a higher viewpoint rather than purely for satisfaction of own ego; intuition. Properties: Indigo Wavelength 450 – 425 nanometers

Frequency 670 – 700 terahertz Related Chakra Brow Complementary color Orange Positive and negative aspects of Indigo Highly intuitive






Devotion to duty


Practical idealists

Depressed easily

Indigo is sedative and it helps to open up our intuition. Indigo is the color of divine knowledge and higher mind. Some people find indigo is helpful for studying.

BLUE relates to the Throat charka. Associated organs to this charka are the throat, lungs, and the endocrine gland is the thyroid gland. Blue relates to self expression, speech, communications, spirit of truth and purpose. Properties: Blue Wavelength 450 – 500 nanometers Frequencies

600 – 670 terahertz

Related Chakra Throat Complementary color


Positive and negative aspects









Blue color is calming, relaxing, and healing. This is a color of communication.

GREEN relates to the Heart charka. Associated organs are the heart and breasts. The gland is thymus gland. Blue charka relates to love, ability to give and take unconditionally. Properties: Green Wavelength 500 -570 nanometers Frequency 530 – 580 terahertz Related charka - Heart Complementary color - Red Positive and negative aspects of Green Generous

Unscrupulous with money










Lack of consideration

Practical Love of children, animals, and nature Green is a balancing color, in the middle of the visible spectrum. The higher three colors are known as the “cool” colors and are calming in effect, the lower three known as the “warm” colors and have a stimulating effect. Green is the balance between these two. Green is the color of balance and harmony, can be helpful in times of stress.

YELLOW relates to the Solar Plexus Chakra, situated below the ribs. The organs to which this charka relates are the liver, spleen, stomach and small intestine. On spiritual level, yellow relates to self worth. This is the area of the personality, the ego and the intellect and of self confidence. Properties: Yellow Wavelength 570 -590 nanometers Frequency 510 – 530 terahertz Related charka Solar plexus Complementary color Violet Positive and negative aspects Broad minded


Good humored

Looks for flattery


Feeling of inferiority


Over analytical





Yellow is known as a “warm” color and has a stimulating effect. It is the color of intellect and can be very helpful with study and where concentration is required.

ORANGE relates to the sacral charka situated in the lower abdomen. The organs to which this charka relates are uterus, large bowel, prostate, ovaries and testes. Orange charka relates to self respect, respect of our own boundaries and requirements as well as others. Orange is the color of creativity. Properties Orange Wavelength 590- 610 nanometers Frequency

480 – 510 terahertz

Related charka Sacral Complementary color Indigo Positive and negative aspects Joyous









Destructive attitudes


Difficulty interacting with others

Orange stimulates and energizes us. It is excellent color for creativity; color of fun and sociability.

RED relates to the Base charka situated at the base of the

spine. The organs to which this charka relates are the kidney


bladder. The vertebral column, hips and legs are also areas

related to this charka. On the spiritual level, this charka relates to self awareness; awareness of ourselves as human beings and our place on earth; area of survival and relates to our basic human instincts of fight or flight. Red gives us courage and strength. The color relates to stability and security. Properties Red Wavelength 610 – 750 nanometers Frequency

405 – 480 terahertz

Related charka

Base/ Root

Complementary color: Blue Positive and negative aspects Courageous


Pioneering spirit

Fear of progress



Strong willed







Self pitying


Obstinate Quick tempered

Red is lowest of seven colors in the visible spectrum. It is stimulating and energizing, it is helpful for tiredness and lethargy, to stimulate low blood pressure. Color increases blood flow. Red is energizing and excites the emotions, and can stimulate appetite.

The Earth, as a living organism, has its own charka centers. They link with major grid points based on sacred geometry. Methods of color therapy Color Therapy can be used in many ways. Some examples of the various methods used are concentration, visualization, color breathing, meditation with color, sun’s energies, lamp radiation, candles lighting, etc. Color in Color Therapy treatment


blue, indigo-violet


yellow, indigo


light orange, indigo

Alzheimer Disease

blue-violet, indigo



Lack of appetite





violet, violet-blue


orange, light blue


blue-green, light blue, turquoise


dark blue

Head ache

green, light blue


violet, turquoise, dark blue


lemon, yellow

Vision disorders

light-blue, indigo

Tooth ache

blue, violet-blue


lemon, yellow

Skin disease

violet-blue, lemon

Bone diseases

lemon, violet



High blood pressure

green, blue

Low blood pressure

red, orange-red



Urinary disease


Muscle pain


Nervous disorders

blue-green, green


blue-green, blue


violet, blue-violet

Parkinson Disease


Liver diseases

blue, yellow


red, indigo, red-orange

Kidney diseases

yellow, yellow-orange


blue, light-blue




blue, violet-blue

Heart disorders

pink, green


purple, indigo, red


turquoise, lemon




green, light-blue


red-violet, red




dark-blue, turquoise



6.2. Sound therapy Chakra color frequencies follow correlate with the musical scale

Pythagoreans thought that during planet’s rotation around the Sun a “music of spheres” sounds, in the basis of which, a system of consonants – euphonious (melodious) accords has been laid. Pythagoras himself claimed that the world aroused from chaos due to sound and harmony and it was created according to musical proportion principles. Seven planets, which according to Pythagorean conception rule the mortal’s fate, are carrying out harmonic movement. The distance between them corresponds to musical intervals. The seven-tone joint interval forms the basis of the Universe harmony. Max Gendel confirmed the correctness of Pythagorean “music of spheres” conception, because every heavenly body, according to his statement, is letting out its own concrete tone and all together they are playing a heavenly symphony.

The Music of the World, from Robert Fludd’s book printed in 1617 and based on Pythagorean ideas. The Universe is presented in terms of musical intervals along a great monochord that stretches from heaven to earth.

6.3. Concentration with geometrical forms

The five Platonic solid bodies and their meanings (according to Johannes Keppler, Weltharmonik, 1619) 1. Octaeder (= air) 2. Tetraeder (=fire) 3. Dodecaeder (= sky, the entire world) 4. Hexaeder (= earth) 5. Icosaeder (= water)

Point - Alzheimer Disease; Asthma; Epilepsy; Upset stomach; Bones Disease. Straight Line - Nausea; colic; hemorrhoid. Vector - Head ache. Plane – Pneumonia; blisters. Triangle - Nervous Disease; bleeding; Urinary Disease. Trapezoid - Cold; Fever; Parkinson Disease; Skin Disease.

Square - Flue; Muscle ache, Alcoholism. Rectangle - Cancer. Circle - Swellings; Abscess. Curve - Kidney Diseases. Spiral - Anemia. Sphere - High blood pressure; Bronchitis; Ear infection; Dyspepsia. Toroid - Liver Disease. Cube - Anxiety; Tumor; Acne. Parallelepiped – Low blood pressure; Allergies; Burns; Breast Disease; Heart Disease. Octaeder - Excessive Eating; Rash. Icosaeder – Tooth ache; eczema. Dodecaeder – Vision worsening.

Tetraeder, hexaeder, octaeder,



7. AFTERWORD “Some events can be accepted as a miracle, but we have to understand that miracles do not contradict Natural Law. Miracles contradict our notions of Natural Law” G.P. Grabovoy.

When we start to feel the beauty of life’s moments, we begin to perceive Life as a miracle and a divine revelation. Then moments of life begin to be transformed into wholeness. We can see not just people and nature around us, but the harmony of the Divine Universe. Sooner or later a new day will come when suddenly you can feel Nature the way it was on the first day of creation when the Earth was blissful and happy in a paradise. You may feel insight of joy and love and experience when the Universe can be opened in its highest plan of Divine spirituality when your questions about struggle, evil, or grief will be taken away. Union with Divinity is the highest condition of happiness. Our potentials for any achievements are unlimited, for we are a manifestation of Divine consciousness and love. The source of happiness or source of living energy is inside of us. The higher our thoughts, energies, vibrations the more joy we can create in our life. Divine legend tells us how God created people’s souls. In the beginning they stayed with God. That was a primordial level; religion names it as a Heaven or bliss (subtle world). Every soul knew and saw what the Father created. They have seen the light and love God radiated toward his creation. But souls themselves did not know love, and did not understand what joy means. When they asked God how they can get to know love and joy, God with joy granted everything he had to satisfy the request. So God said: “My children! If you are willing to live where my creation is, then you will become the same creator that I am. Choosing this way you will learn about joy and love, and I will be your help and support. I will lead you and show you my signs and my constant attention, but you have to learn to recognize it. I will be the light and the living force inside of each of you, because you are part of me. Remember I can only see you with your inner light. I

will wait for you back home with light and love. I will give you all knowledge. When you will learn to love and respect each other, you will be able to understand my knowledge. On Earth you must become the creator the same as I am,” God explained to them about the way they have to follow on Earth, so then after they will be back they can shine love to God. From the beginning each soul has received knowledge about the past, present, and future events by following its inner voice they took a journey to the unknown beautiful way to learn to love. Remember that you are a manifestation of God’s creation. There is a light of stars and a wisdom of an abundant Universe inside of you.

“Save others and you will save yourself. Movement toward the World is a movement toward the Truth of the World. A movement toward consciousness is a movement toward the Truth of awareness. Our mission is World Wide. You need to follow the way which has been predetermined for you by God. Your Way is the Way with Eternity. Your Life is a Creation. Your image is the image of God. Your consciousness is the image of your mind. Your creation is the image of Truth.

You appear to be a creator the same as God appears to be a Creator. You are appearing to be Truth, for Truth is God. When you see the World with your eyes they reflect the reality that you are God’s creation. Your eyes are created by God, so you can see the same way as he created. You see and you are creating. Your eyes are your consciousness. Your soul is all what you are creating. You body is your consciousness. Your hands are your consciousness. You see yourself and you are creating yourself. You see people and you are creating people. You see the World and you are creating the World. You perceive the World and World creating it. You see reality and reality sees you. If you see the World you can see your Love. Your Love is God’s creation forever. Open your Soul and show a flower of Joy to everybody around”. - Grigory Grabovoy


1. V.A. Petrov “The Universe and Human Being Wave Nature in Cosmoenergetic Tradition”.

2. V.A. Petrov “Holographic principle and resonance of energetic fields in cosmoenergy. 3. Grigory Grabovoy “The joy of eternal development”, 2005 4. Grigory Grabovoy “ Resurrection of people and eternal life are now our reality”, 2002 5. Grigory Grabovoy “ And God, and Eternity, and Love”, 2005 6. V. Tikhoplav, T.Tikhoplav “God’s time. Consciousness and Life”, 2005 7. V.Tikhoplav, T. Tikhoplav “Our spiritual healing”, 2004 8. V. Tikhoplav, T. Tikhoplav “ Beginning of beginning”, 2003 9. V.Tikhoplav, T. Tikhoplav “Life to borough”, 2002 10. V. Tikhoplav, T. Tikhoplav “Our spiritual healing”, 2004 11. The Companion Bible, King James Version, 1990


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