Gpeh Event Flow Chart

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Short Description

GPEH Events...



109/1551-AXD 105 03/1 Uen A

Performance Events - EBS Flowcharts Copyright © Copyright Ericsson AB 2009. All rights reserved. Di!"#i$er No part of this document may be reproduced in any form ithout the ritten permission of the copyright oner. !he contents of this document are sub"ect to revision ithout notice due to continued progress in methodology# design and manufacturing. manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any $ind resulting from the use of this document.

Contents 1


' 2.% 2.2 2./ 2.

E(ent &N!E'NA()*+*!E,)'E(EA*E &N!E'NA()*+*!E,)B(-C &N!E'NA()*+*!E,)!&(&1A!&-N &N!E'NA()CA(()*E!3)4A&(


Appen%i) A* Di!onne!tion Co%e

1 Introduction !his description contains flocharts for the main performance events. &t should be noted that the events presented are merely a subset of all 'NC events. Event descriptions for all 'NC events# and information about 'NC5specific events functionality and parameters is included in 6eneral 3erformance Event 7andling. 7andling .

Main Symbols *ymbols used in the document are shon in 4igure %. %.

Figure 1

Main Symbols

All flocharts are dran from an 'NC perspective# trying to reflect the actual 'NC implementation# but not necessarily covering complete procedures.

2 Events !his section describes the performance events flocharts.

2.1 INTERNAL_SYSTEM_RELEASE !his scenario describes reporting the &N!E'NA()*+*!E,)'E(EA*E &N!E'NA()*+*!E,)'E(EA*E event. *ee 4igure 2. !he &N!E'NA()*+*!E,)'E(EA*E &N!E'NA()*+*!E,)'E(EA*E event ill be captured each time one or several 'ABs or a stand5alone ''C connection is released and the release is not a 8normal release. -ne event is generated per connected Core Netor$ :CN; :one for 3*5CN and one for C*5CN;. &f several triggering events occur# the data for the first one is used in the performance event. !he folloing 'ANA3 codes are considered uest is re"ected. !his can happen in case of=  

&ub(in$ congestion :N&5*AA( congestion or *C!3 congestion; Cell load or 'B* 7? utiliDation is above admission limits

Figure "


2.3 INTERNAL_SYSTEM_UTILIZATION !his scenario describes reporting the &N!E'NA()*+*!E,)!&(&1A!&-N &N!E'NA()*+*!E,)!&(&1A!&-N event. *ee 4igure . .

!he system resource utiliDation measure is based in the C'NC and is recorded as one periodic performance event report per cell. ,ultiple cell reporting is specified by the operator through user5defined 63E7 scanners. ?hen the event is activated# &N!E'NA()*+*!E,)!&(&1A!&-N &N!E'NA()*+*!E,)!&(&1A!&-N is issued every time the timer e@pires. &f the 7*# E( or ,B,* is not activated in the cell# the corresponding 7*# E( and ,B,* respective resources are reported as uest or failure at Cell pdate :see 4igure ; ; 4ailure at *ignalling Connection Establishment :see 4igure F; F; Abnormal ''C Connection 'elease or *ignalling Connection 'elease :see 4igure G; G; *ending of 'AB Assignment 'esponse indicating failure to setup or modify 'ABs :see 4igure H; H;

A call setup attempt is detected from the establishment cause in the ''C Connection 'e>uest# Cell pdate or &nitial irect !ransfer or through the reception of 'AB Assignment 'e>uest ith the &E uest# the originating state can be set to 'A)3C7ICE(()4AC7# CE(()4AC7 or CE(()C7 based on the current state and the E capability :assuming that the optional &E Establishment Cause in Cell pdate and &nitial irect !ransfer is set by Es supporting 'el5 and later;.

Figure *

RR% %onnec!ion Se!u+ an, %ell (+,a!e (+,a!e

Figure -

Signalling %onnec!ion Es!ablismen! 

Figure .

RR% an, Signalling %onnec!ion Release

Figure /

RA# Es!ablismen! 

3 Appendix A: Disconnection Codes !he table belo specifies the mapping beteen isconnection Codes and E@ception 3arameters. Table 1

0isconnec!ion 0isconnec!i on %o,es

C#&e N#$e

Di!onne!ti Di!onne Trigger on C#&e !tion Co%e C#&e S&+-!o%e

Pro!e%&re E(#"& E(#"&#t #tion ion C#e C#e In%i!#tor

E)!ep E)!epti tion on C#e C#e C#& C#&e e ,#"&e

E)ten%e% C#&e ,#"&e

Se(erit y In%i!#t or




-ther '(C nrecoverable Not Error applicable

Not applicable

u &nterface :ser 3lane 3rotocol; Area

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node &nternal 4ailure

nrecov erable




'(C unrecoverable error in !'AN :ma@imum number of '(C retransmissions is reached;

Not applicable

Not applicable

u &nterface :ser 3lane 3rotocol; Area

Node &nternal 4ailure

'(C fail failu ure

nre nrecov cov erable




'adio Connection *upervision 5 e@piry of timer

Not applicable

Not applicable

u &nterface :ser 3lane 3rotocol; Area

E@piry of 'C* timer

Not applicable

nrecov erable




'adio (in$ 4ailure &ndication leading to a release 5 Cause  transport

Not applicable

Not ap applicable

&ub &n &nterface 4ailure in :NBA3 3rotocol; !ransport (ayer

'adio (in$ 4ailure &ndication

nrecov erable



'adio (in$ 4ailure &ndication leading to a release 5 Cause other than transport

Not applicable

Not ap applicable

&ub &n &nterface 4ailure other 'adio (in$ :NBA3 3rotocol; than 4ailure !ransport &ndication (ayer

nrecov erable

Congest 2 ion


Congestion action 5 release triggered by congestion

Not applicable

Not applicable

*ystem Connection !ermination

Cell congestion

nrecov erable

!ranspo / rt


!ransport netor$ failure Not J All other applicable CE((-)AA(2NC&4A&('E

Not applicable

!N 4ailure

AA(2 failure Node &nternal 4ailure

nrecov erable

!ranspo / rt


!ransport netor$ failure Not 5 applicable CE((-)AA(2NC&)!E,3)4 A&('E

Not applicable

!N 4ailure

AA(2 failure !emporary failure

nrecov erable

!ranspo / rt


!ransport netor$ failure Not 5 applicable CE((-)AA(2NC&),ANA6E ,EN!)&NCE

Not applicable

!N 4ailure

AA(2 failure -K, &nitiated

nrecov erable

!ranspo / rt


!ransport netor$ failure Not 5 applicable CE((-)AA(2NC&)-!7E') C)&N)CA

Not applicable

!N 4ailure

AA(2 failure -ther isconnect &ndication Cause

nrecov erable



Cell (oc$ indication

Not applicable

Not applicable

*ystem Connection !ermination

Cell (oc$ &ndication

Not applicable

nrecov erable

,easure  ment control failure


,easurement control failure that triggers a connection release 5 intra5fre>uency

Not applicable

Not ap applicable

&uu &n &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

,easuremen t Control related failure

C, nrecov activationIde erable activation &nter5 4re>uency

,easure  ment


,easurement control failure that triggers a

Not applicable

Not ap applicable

&uu &n &nterface :''C 3rotocol;

,easuremen C, nrecov t Control activationIde erable

Not applicable

control failure

connection release 5 inter5'A!

,easure  ment control failure


,easurement control failure that triggers a connection release 5 inter5fre>uency







Active *et pdate complete message not received 5 addition













related failure

activation &nter5'A!

Not applicable

Not ap applicable

&uu &n &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

,easuremen Event %@ nrecov t Control activationIde erable related activation failure

uency 'econfiguration 4ailure 7andover ith cause other than physical channel failure received from the E on the source fre>uency

Cove Covera rage ge Base Based d

&uu &uu &nt &nterfa erface ce :''C 3rotocol; Area

6eneral failure in procedure

3hysical nrecov Channel erable 'econfigurati on 4ailure




&47- failure 5 at e@piry of &nter timer !)''C)&474re>uency 7andover

Cove Covera rage ge Base Based d

&uu &uu &nt &nterfa erface ce :''C 3rotocol; Area

3rocedure time5out

&nter5 fre>uency handover




&47- failure 5 if ciphering &nter is ongoing# and if 'Bs 4re>uency mapped on !,5'(C 7andover entities have been established# and if a 37+*&CA( C7ANNE( 'EC-N4&6'A!&-N C-,3(E!E message is received that does not

Cove Covera rage ge Base Based d

&uu &uu &nt &nterfa erface ce :''C 3rotocol; Area

(ogical error 3hysical nrecov in message Channel erable 'econfigurati on 'esponse

nrecov erable

include one or both of the &Es C-N!5C activation time and plin$ counter synchroniDation info Channel 9 *itchin g

Channel 9 *itchin g5 continue

Channel 9 *itchin g5




!ransition to a C7 connection has been initiated but cannot be completed

!ransition to a C7 connection has been initiated but cannot be completed

!ransition to a C7 connection has been initiated but cannot be

Channel *itching

Channel *itching

'esource 7andling

&ncrease Activity (# ecrease Activity (# &ncrease Activity (# ecrease Activity (# &nactivity

&ncrease Activity (# ecrease Activity (# &ncrease Activity (# ecrease Activity (# &nactivity

!N 4ailure

&ub AA(2 Not setup failure applicable :local;

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

6eneral failure in procedure

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

(ogical error 'adio Bearer nrecov in message 'econfigurati erable on 'esponse

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

(ogical error !ransport nrecov in message Channel erable 'econfigurati on 'esponse

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

(ogical error 3hysical nrecov in message Channel erable 'econfigurati on 'esponse

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

6eneral failure in procedure

3hysical nrecov Channel erable 'econfigurati on 4ailure

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

3rocedure time5out

Channel5 sitch se>uence

nrecov erable

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

3rocedure time5out

'adio (in$ 'estore &ndication

nrecov erable

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node Node nrecov resource not resource not erable available available

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node &nternal 4ailure

,iscellaneou nrecov s &nternal erable

Node &nternal 4ailure

E@ternal protocol encoding failure

Not applicable

nrecov erable

3rocedure E@ecution &nterrupt

Node &nternal 4ailure

'(C fail failu ure

nre nrecov cov erable

3rocedure E@ecution &nterrupt

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node &nternal 4ailure

nrecov erable

3rocedure E@ecution &nterrupt

Asynchronou ,iscellaneou nrecov s forced s &nternal erable connection release

3rocedure E@ecution &nterrupt

E@ternal protocol encoding failure

7andover ( !N 4ailure 4ailure# 7andover ( 4ailure# ( *oft

nrecov erable

!ransport nrecov Channel erable 'econfigurati on 4ailure

Not applicable

nrecov erable

&ub AA(2 Not setup failure applicable :local;

nrecov erable


Channel 9 *itchin g5 continue

Channel 9 *itchin g5 continue




!ransition to a C7 connection has been initiated but cannot be completed

!ransition to a C7 connection has been initiated but ca not be completed

Congestion# ( *oft Congestion# ( Congestion

'esource 7andling


7andover ( 4ailure# 7andover ( 4ailure# ( *oft Congestion# ( *oft Congestion# ( Congestion

4allbac$ to '99

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

6eneral failure in procedure

!ransport nrecov Channel erable 'econfigurati on 4ailure

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

(ogical error 'adio Bearer nrecov in message 'econfigurati erable on 'esponse

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

(ogical error !ransport nrecov in message Channel erable 'econfigurati on 'esponse

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

(ogical error 3hysical nrecov in message Channel erable 'econfigurati on 'esponse

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

6eneral failure in procedure

3hysical nrecov Channel erable 'econfigurati on 4ailure

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

3rocedure time5out

Channel5 sitch se>uence

nrecov erable

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

3rocedure time5out

'adio (in$ 'estore &ndication

nrecov erable

Node &nternal 4ailure

3rocedure time5out

Channel5 sitch se>uence

nrecov erable

Node &nternal 4ailure

3rocedure time5out

'adio (in$ 'estore &ndication

nrecov erable

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node Node nrecov resource not resource not erable available available

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node &nternal 4ailure

,iscellaneou nrecov s &nternal erable

3rocedure E@ecution &nterrupt

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node &nternal 4ailure

3rocedure E@ecution &nterrupt

Asynchronou ,iscellaneou nrecov s forced s &nternal erable connection release

3rocedure E@ecution &nterrupt

E@ternal protocol encoding failure

Not applicable

nrecov erable

!N 4ailure

&ub AA(2 Not setup failure applicable :local;

nrecov erable

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

6eneral failure in procedure

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

(ogical error 'adio Bearer nrecov in message 'econfigurati erable on 'esponse

&uu &nterface

(ogical error !ransport

nrecov erable

!ransport nrecov Channel erable 'econfigurati on 4ailure


Channel 9 *itchin g5 continue

7* 7ard %0 7-



!ransition to a C7 connection has been initiated but cannot be completed

*election of 7*5*C7 connection# including a 7ard 7- has been initiated# but cannot be completed


&nter 4re>uency 7andover

4allbac$ to '99

7ard 7andover at 'AB Establishment# 7ard 7andover at 'AB 'elease and 7ard 7andover at Channel *itching

:''C 3rotocol; Area

in mess messag age e

Chan Channe nell erable 'econfigurati on 'esponse

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

(ogical error 3hysical nrecov in message Channel erable 'econfigurati on 'esponse

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

6eneral failure in procedure

3hysical nrecov Channel erable 'econfigurati on 4ailure

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

3rocedure time5out

Channel5 sitch se>uence

nrecov erable

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

3rocedure time5out

'adio (in$ 'estore &ndication

nrecov erable

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node Node nrecov resource not resource not erable available available

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node &nternal 4ailure

,iscellaneou nrecov s &nternal erable

Node &nternal 4ailure

E@ternal protocol encoding failure

Not applicable

nrecov erable

3rocedure E@ecution &nterrupt

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node &nternal 4ailure

nrecov erable

3rocedure E@ecution &nterrupt

Asynchronou ,iscellaneou nrecov s forced s &nternal erable connection release

3rocedure E@ecution &nterrupt

E@ternal protocol encoding failure

Not applicable

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

6eneral failure in procedure

,iscellaneou nrecov s &nternal erable

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

3rocedure time5out

&nter5 fre>uency handover

&uu &nterface :''C 3rotocol; Area

(ogical error 3hysical nrecov in message Channel erable 'econfigurati on

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node &nternal 4ailure

nrecov erable

Node &nternal 4ailure

Node &nternal 4ailure

Not applicable

nrecov erable

nrecov erable

nrecov erable

CN77- %%


!rigger point= time'elocoverall time'elocoverall :,-= 7andover; e@pires

CN 'elocation from 'NC

Not applicable

&u &nterface 3rocedure :'ANA3 3rotocol; time5out Area

'elocation *e>uence

nrecov erable

CN77- %%


!rigger point= 'elocation preparation procedure

CN 'elocation

Not ap applicable

&uu &n &nterface :''C 3rotocol;

'elocation *e>uence

nrecov erable

3rocedure time5out

fails in source 'NC :due from 'NC to either of= 5 'E(-CA!&-N 3'E3A'A!&-N 4A&('E received 5 time'eloc3rep time'eloc3rep :,-= 7andover; e@pires 5 E''-' &N&CA!&-N ith procedure code
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