Governance and stakeholders Management

January 9, 2017 | Author: Pola Orrego | Category: N/A
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Engineering Project Implementation – CVEN90045

Assignment 1 Project Organization, Governance & Stakeholder Management

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Kharece D'Souza () Paulina Orrego (704205) Yang Tian () Smriti Ghimire () 4

1. Executive summary In order to make a feasibility study, choose a basic construction concept and prepare a preliminary design and budget. So, Using project organization, governance and stakeholder management plans to analyze Middleborough Road Rail Separation Project, which is completed in 2007. According to the information for Middleborough Road Rail separation project to draw the three diagrams. There are two diagrams for Project Alliance management organization. One diagram for the Advance Works and Weekend Occupation works

and another one is for the major shutdown period. Another diagram can be used to show the Geotechnical Sub-Contractor management organization. According to the in formation in Appendix B to create stakeholder map and stakeholder engagement plan. Then using stakeholder map and stakeholder engagement plan to analyze how to connect with stakeholders. 2. Introductions and Purpose Middleborough road is a major road, which runs north south and it located at the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. This road is one of the busy level crossings on the eastern rail corridor. In order to eliminate the railway level crossing at Middleborough, Vicroad implement the Middleborough road project. And this project can be divided into three parts: Box Hill, Laburnum, and Blackburn.

Figure N°1: The purpose of this report is to preparing core elements for project organization, governance and stakeholder management. This report can be divided in to two parts. One of the purposes of this report is provide a clear Project Organization and Governance Plan. In this part, using the ‘alliance style’ organization to briefly describe the main features of the project. And there are two diagrams to show the different period of the Project Alliance management organization. One of this is Works & Weekend occupation Works and another one is major shutdown period. Moreover there is a diagram to show the Geotechnical Sub-Contractor’s management organization. Also the linkages between the Geotechnical SubContractor’s organization and the preparatory stage for Alliance management organization will be provided. Another purpose of this report is providing a Stakeholder Management Plan. According to the interest and power of the stakeholder, the stakeholder map will be created and it will provide information to create stakeholder engagement plan. 3. Project Organisation & Governance Plan The Middleborough Road Rail Separation Project was under Alliance Contract. Particularly under Alliance Contract, the parties of the agreement have to managing, controlling and share the risk of the project to deliver the project .In this case the Government Transport Department is the owner and work collaboratively with KBR (designer) and John Holland. The Alliance Leadership Team (ALT) is integrated by KBR principal designer, VicRoad, Connex and John Holland. The role of the ALT is provide corporate governance and leaderships to the Alliance (Department of Treasury and Finance Victoria, 2012).

The project manager is the second important role of the Alliance hierarchy. The role of the project manager is to lead the team, undertake the responsibility and management of the project and report constantly to ALT. Below of the project manager, exist different managers which help and assist the project manager. To mention some roles, for example the community relationship manager is in charge to build engagement with stakeholders. Head office is integrated by Quality, HR/IR, Health and Safety, Cost account and Contract manager. Engineering manager is in charge of design and planning all engineering and technical works during the design and construction phase. The duration of this project is short, so it is not necessary to hire labor for long period, in instead is suggested hiring part time labor. Temporary work designer, project surveyor and procurement manager work as a part time during the project. Project programmer assist the project manager in scheduling, controlling and reporting. The section managers are responsible for maintaining technical standard, organizing and develop plans in schedule and budget. The Middleborough Road Rail Separation is divided in two phases: Works & Weekend occupation Works and major shutdown period. In both stage the section managers were divide by geographic section or station. During Works & Weekend occupation Works (Figure N°2) the Laburnum Section Manager was in charge the preliminary excavation and earthwork around the railway, works in Laburnum Street and preliminary works at the Laburnum Station. The Box Hill and Blackburn section manager focus on preparatory works in both station (temporary passenger access and existing platform) and temporary signaling system at Box Hill and signaling new cross over at Blackburn. Major shutdown period (Figure N°3), the top structure of the organization keep the same as the figure N°2. The principal difference is related to section managers, because the scale of the activities, civil work at Laburnum takes more risk and resource (Earthmoving drainage, tunneling, bridge construction, building station and passenger facilities) and trench and rolling operations manager between Box Hill and Blackburn. In both structure, the project manager may try to keep the office staff small to increase the flexibility and minimize the duplication of labor. This strategy may reduce the cost of hiring and reassignment issues, also can bring the flexibility to operate some roles in different places. Figure N°2: Works & Weekend occupation

Figure N°3: Major shutdown period

Figure N°4: Task 2, 3 y 4. 4. Stakeholder Management Plan (SMP) Another purpose of this report is providing a Stakeholder Management Plan. According to the interest and power of the stakeholder, the stakeholder map will be created and it will provide information to create stakeholder engagement plan. The principal focus the SMP is to improve and assist decision making and create engagement with the stakeholders to reduce the risk and minimize future treats during the project life cycle. According to Olander (2005) the SMP is a useful tools for managing communications between Alliance Project and its stakeholders. Also, it identify the effective methods and strategies of communications, to ensure regular, transparent and accessible consultation. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (2011) identifies that, the Stakeholder management plan consist in three important phases: Phase 1. Identify the relevant stakeholders: Phase 2. Stakeholder Analysis Tool: create a stakeholder map in terms of interest and power. Phase 3.Methods of Engagement: Identify an accurate method of engagement for stakeholder. 4.1 Identify the relevant stakeholders Stakeholders can be divided into two parts: Internal and External stakeholders. Internal stakeholder is working on project. In this project, Railway operator and Road operator will be nominated as internal stakeholder. External stakeholders will supervise the quality of project and other aspect of this project. Such as health and safety. The table below shows the responsibility and requirement of stakeholders. The figure N°5 shows the internal and external stakeholders map. Table N°1: List of Stakeholders. Stakeholders 1.Railway Operator (Connex)

2.Road Operator (Vicroads) 3.Municipal Government (city of Whitehouse) 4.Box-hill high school 5.Box-hill Cemetery Thrust 6.Rail users 7.Road users (community, bus companies, taxi companies) 8.Residents adjacent the site

Responsibility and interest Responsible for operation and maintenance of Melbourne's metro railway system. It was responsible for capital work such as expending the system, but on a number of projects it has managed the project on behalf of the state government Mange the Victorian road network and the safety of all road users Arrange timely repairs Middbourough Road, subsidize project and maintain political reputation during the project Short-term and long-term impacts on students' and teachers' living and teaching condition. Such as noise, air pollution, which will affect their teaching environment. Excavation work to construct the footbridge will affect the health of trees if the footbridge will be constructed in this location the trees would be removed. Causing inconvenient travel for people, because during shutdown period the railway will be closure Increasing the pressure of road, because buses will replaces train for people to travel during shutdown period Short-term and long-term impacts on students and teachers' living condition. Such as noise, air pollution. Also it will cause travel issue.

9.Residents in nearby community 10.Local shop keepers 11.Sporting team using adjacent sports ground


12.Emergency services (police, fire ambulance) 13.Utility services companies (with assets in Middleborough Road) 14.Labor organizations (various) 15.Local Newspaper & RACV

Causing inconvenient travel for people, because during shutdown period the railway will be closure During the shutdown period, their business will be affected Short-term and long-term impacts on people who use the adjacent sports ground to do exercise. Such as noise, air pollution. Also it will cause travel issue. High-risk activities Supplying the equipment and utilities to the project

Protecting the rights of labor, if necessary work strike will be organized If there are some accident or problem in project, they will receive the message and give feedback to people. They will influence the public’s opinions.

Figure N°5 Internal and external stakeholders.

4.2 Stakeholder Analysis Tool: Stakeholder mapping The principal aim of Stakeholders mapping is understand the complex relationship between stakeholders and the project. Also identify the level of influence and interest of each stakeholder. Companies and Project Managers need to recognize the importance of stakeholders and work with them proactive to reach the goal of the project. Early engagement can contribute and add value to the study process to understanding the community needs and their perspective. In this case, the Alliance Team need to recognize the community´s travel needs for the rail and road users and understand the requirements for the local area and other suburbs. In the figure N°6 y 7 show the stakeholder mapping for the design and construction phase.

Figure N°6 Design Phase

(High/Low) Level Involve/Consult of • Box Hill High School influence • Box Hill Cemetery Trust or power

• Residents adjacent the site • Utility service companies (with assets in Middleborough)

Inform (Low/Low) • Local shop keepers • Sporting teams using the adjacent sports ground • Labour organisations (various) • Emergency services (police, fire, ambulance) • Local Newspapers and RACV

Engage/Collaborate (High/High) • Road operator (VicRoads) • Railway operator (Connex) • Municipal Government (City of Whitehorse)

Consult (High/ Low) • Rail users • Road Users (community, bus companies, taxi companies) • Residents in the nearby community

Impact on, or interest in the project

Figure N°7 Execution Phase

Involve/Consult (High/Low)

Level• Box of Hill High School • Residents adjacent the site influence • Utility service companies or power (with assets in • •

Middleborough) Emergency services (police, fire, ambulance) Labour organisations (various)

Inform (Low/Low) • Local shop keepers • Sporting teams using the adjacent sports ground • Labour organisations (various) • Local Newspapers and RACV

Engage/Collaborate (High/High) • Road operator (VicRoads) • Railway operator (Connex) • Municipal Government (City of Whitehorse)

Consult (High/Low) • Rail users • Road Users (community, bus companies, taxi companies) • Residents in the nearby community • Box Hill Cemetery Trust

Impact on, or interest in the project

The level of influence and interest of stakeholders is not static during the lifecycle of the project. The stakeholder mapping should be update and monitoring the relevance of the interest and influence of the key stakeholders. The principal benefit of this strategy is achieving knowledge and identifying the potential influence of stakeholders and treats at different phases of the project. During the lifecycle of the project, the alliance have to make decision and analyzed how this decision affects the stakeholders’ needs in order to anticipated, be proactive and create mitigation plans (Olander,2005). During the lifecycle of the project, the Alliance Leadership team manage the whole scope of the project, needs, resources, stakeholders, risk and so on. On the other words, VicRoads and Connex have high/high Interest and power (key stakeholders). The Municipal Government (City of Whitehorse) has high level of influence and power. The local government is an integral part of the project, basically the local municipalities assist to understand social needs, provide technical expertise and help to identified risk and treats. The residents in the nearby community, road and rail users increased their interest during the implementation basically they are concern respect the length of the project, the train and road operation, shut down permits only for 4 weeks with 24 hours construction under restriction of pollution. However, they cannot stop the project in long term. In both phases, these stakeholders have high interest and low influence. The residents adjacent the side, during the design phase are not interested of the outcome of the project. However during the execution the level of interest increased, because for the pollution, risk and the length of the project. The Box Hill School during the design phase has concerned about the child safety

when they cross the path. The Municipal permits to use the adjacent sports ground during the project and promise to them to deliver two upgraded sports ground when the project will finished. Local shop keepers, sporting teams using the adjacent sports ground and local newspapers and RACV during both phases the interest and influence is low/low. Box Hill Cemetery, during the design phase are concern basically to the impacts may suffer during the implementation. In contrast, during the execution the level of influence reduced and the interest increased. The principal difference is outstanding between the design and construction phase in these group of stakeholders, which are emergency service, labor organizations. The level of influence in these groups have increased from low to high. Emergency service has higher influence in execution, they are concerned to safety conditions and maintenance the service during the shutdown period. The labor organizations are concerned about the work conditions and safety plan. 4.3 Methods of Engagement There are a extend variety of methods of engagement used to create strong relationships with stakeholders. First, it is necessary identified the criteria of interest and influence into the project, which was explained in 4.2 Stakeholder Analysis Tool. The table N° 2 shows the relation between stakeholder engagement goals and promise to stakeholders, this table help to decide which methods is adequate for each stakeholder. Table N° 2: Stakeholders engagement goals and promise to stakeholders Inform




To provide, accurate and consist information to assist stakeholders to understand the problem.

To obtain feedback fromon stakeholders analysis, alternatives and/or outcomes

To work directly with stakeholders throughout the process toconcerns ensure that their and needs are consistently understood and considered.

To partner with the stakeholders including the development of alternatives, making and the decision identification of solutions.


stakeholderengagement Promise to Stakeholder

To place final decision-making in the hands of the stakeholders. . will We will keep you We will keep you We will work with We will look to We informed, listen you to ensure that you for advice implement what informed to and your concerns are and innovation in you decide. We acknowledge reflected in the formulating will support and concerns, and project, and solutions and complement provide provide feedback incorporate your your actions. Source: adapted from Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (2011)

Generally, empower, collaborate and involve stakeholder groups should intensify the frequency and controlling if the method used is effective. Early engagement can contribute and add value to the study process to understanding the community needs and their perspective. In this case, the Alliance Team need to recognize the community´s travel needs for the rail and road users and understand the requirements for the local area and other suburbs. The table N°3 provides the list of stakeholder groups and suggests the most appropriate method to engage stakeholders.

Reference Bishop, P 2015, Briefing for Students – 2015, lecture material distributed in CVEN90045 Engineering Project Implementation at The University of Melbourne, Parkville on 29 July 2015. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) 2011, Stakeholder Engagement Framework, State Government Victoria. Available from: . [31 August 2015]. Olander, S, Landin, A, Lunds universitet, L, & Lund University, F 2005, 'Evaluation of stakeholder influence in the implementation of construction projects', International Journal Of Project Management, p. 321, [1 September 2015].

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