Gorkamorka nob special ability cards

September 26, 2017 | Author: dod | Category: Leisure
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Special ability cards for leaders in Gorkamorka...




Bad Dok!

Old Git

Gargurd The song of the lash rings in your Orky spirit, the brute triumph of breaking another creature's will through pure brawn is a sweeter plasure than even the the strongest Fungus beer. You distrust the mysterious workings of Meks and prefer the simple things in life, like Choppas. Nob may act as a slaver, use slaver weapons and allows the hiring of runts.

Miffgit Your Nob has the dangerously un-orky blood of the sneaky bloodaxe clan in his veins. As such he is on friendlier terms with the Digga humies than most Orks think is proper. Start the campaign with a piece of Digga ancient tek (Digganob book page 20,) May hire Diggas into his mob without needing a slaver.

Zogsnik Like most Orks to take things apart, unlike most Orks you like to to do it to find out how they work. Sometimes you even manage to put them back together before they die! After any battle the Nob survives uninjured, any other Mobster may re-roll his serious injury. He must accept the second result even if it is worse.

Skragit You are a sour old git, You recall the good days when the choppas were choppier, the shootas shootier, fungus beer was decent and the yoofs respected their elders. Over your long climb to the top you learned to hate everyone for one reason of another, this suits them fine, because they're not fond of you either. Nob Hates all enemies


Evil Sunz


Sneaky Git

Dreggubb Wazzamek Manikop You are a Loota, blood and Speed calls out to something Something in your DNA bone. Damn proud of it too! deep in your blood, Oil didn't mesh right. you're flows in you veins and your often distracted by strange While other Nobs may sit eyes brighten when you thoughts & severe on their fat lazy arses and hear the bullroar of overheadaches, you respond in let their Boyz drag the scrap revved engines. You like to the traditional Ork fashion, in, but you like to get out tinker with your mob's psychotic moodswings. there in the muck and clap vehicles to get them in top Immune to head wounds. your grubby mitts on all the shape. best loot first. At the beginning of each game roll a d6. On a roll of Nob can scavenge Nob may act as a spanner, 1 the nob gains Stupidity territories for income. maintaining one vehicle or on a 6 the Nob gains three bikes. Frenzy.

Goff Gofgutz You are a Goff. Ardest of the ard, the blood of Gork an' Mork flows in your veins thicker than the weak Orks of other clans... and they know it.

Bad Moon

Trusty Kart!

Nazteef Tufkart Lurking in your Nob's You have a personal genetics is the Bad Moon's favourite vehicle, you have ability to grow Teef faster gone to murderously than other Orks. This allows excessive lengths to make him to accumulate wealth sure that the Spanner boyz faster than other clan's Orks. keep it in top condition. One of the Mob's vehicles Once per game, on a 4+ Roll an extra D3 for is the boss's Kart. this may the Nob may swap the tens income, recovers from vehicle treat any and units of his serious Gobsmacked On a 4+. permanent damage as a injuries dice, eg. 15 (Dead) fixer upper. On a 4+. becomes 51 (full recovery.) the Boss's Kart must be You must accept the bought back or rescued if second result. captured if possible.

Duffgob Other Orks don't trust you, they shouldn't. You have a nasty habit of Bashing foes over the head, kicking their teef out and nicking them. May choose to automatically inflict Gobsmacked on any foe he takes OOA in hand to hand combat instead of inflicting serious injuries as normal.

Nasha Squig! Gobsquig Nob owns a pet Squig called Nasha, he always brings him to battle for good luck. The Squig counts as an Ork Yoof in all but the following respects: It can never use any equipment or weapons. May only pick from the cunnin' & ferocity skill tables. Cannot challenge for leadership of the Mob or scavenge territories.

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