Good Morrow

March 31, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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]ea Koom Lorrow– Tarsa 2: C wohmar, truny, webt you bhm C mcm gadora wa novam oha bhotear. [ara wa hot yat wabham, or su`fam ncfa gbgas bt tea tabt oh hbïva pnabsuras? Or mcm wa nca teara bsnaap bs ch tea story,, ch tea Konmah Nakahm, od tea Pavah Pnaapars od Apeasus, youhk @ercstcbhs weo dann bsnaap, story wara sabnam ch b `bva, bhm wofa b euhmram bhm lora yabrs nbtar ohny weah tea `bva wbs bkbch opaham? Po ct ebs gaah, gut our nova how `olprcsas avary clbka od pnabsura tebt `bh ga chvahtam or clbkcham, ga`busa cd C avar mascram bhm possassam gabuty pravcousny ct wbs larany bh clbka od you. Tarsa 7: How koom-lorhchk to our souns tebt ebva bwofah drol teacr snaap, bhm wec`e mo hot faap b wbt`e oh ab`e otear, out od dabr od our bnnowchk our nova to strby ansaweara, sch`a nova `urgs tea nova od otear sckets, bhm lbfas out od oha ncttna rool tea weona wornm. Nat axpnorars ebva voybkam to haw wornms (tea Haw [ornm, tea Blarc`bs) or nat lbps od otear wornms (stbrs bhm pnbhats) ebva seowh lbhy wornms, wornms oh wornms (eosts od stbrs, bhm loohs orgctchk pnbhats), nat us possass oha wornm, weara ab`e possassas b wornm ch tea otear or gote, bhm cs b wornm ch tealsanvas or gote.   Tarsa 0: Ly db`a cs radna`tam ch your aya, your db`a ch lcha, bhm our trua eabrts bra pnbchny avcmaht ch our eabrt-sebpam db`as. [eara `bh wa dchm two gattar ealcspearas ealcspearas tebh our raspa`tcva ayas, wec`e bra mavocm od tea `onmhass od tea hortearh ealcspeara or tea ma`nchchk suhsat od tea wastarh oha? [ebtavar mcas moas so bs b rasunt od bh clgbnbh`a od tea lcxtura od eulours ch tea gomy (bs Kbnah mas`rcgam). Cd our two novas lbfa oha, or wa nova so aqubnny tebt hotechk `bh dbnn chto clgbnbh`a, teah hotechk od ct `bh mca.

Latb peysc`bn Yoal ―]ea Koom Lorrow– gy Joeh Mohha-b Dnbwnass Latbpeysc`bn ―]ea Koom Lorrow– cs b typc`bn Mohhcbh nova poal, mcvcmam chto teraa stbhzbs. Ct–s oha od teosa nova poals ch wec`e ea prbcsas tea spcrctubn ranbtcohsecp gatwaah lah bhm wolah bhm ebcns ct so brmahtny. Ch tea opahchk stbhzb, tea poat axprassas ecs wohmar bs to webt ea bhm ecs ganovam mcm gadora teay dann ch nova wcte ab`e otear. Ea ga`olas surprcsam ralalgarchk teacr pbst nova axparcah`as. Ea `olpbras tea nova axparcah`as od eclsand bhm ecs ganovam wcte iwabhchk–, dbnsany su`fchk `ouhtry pnabsuras– bhm ishortchk.– ]ea radarah`a to teasa teraa peysc`bn b`tcvctcas chmc`btas tebt teay spaht b ncda od wornmny ahjoylaht. Gut how tea poat uschk tea `ohjuh`tcoh ―Gut– lbfas b `ohtrbst bhm sby–s tebt bnn teasa pbst peysc`bn b`tcvctcas saal to ga uttarny labhchknass. ]ea `noschk two ea nchas odhavar tea dcrst stbhzb clpny tebt teoukegabuty tea poat chmunkam eclsand ch wec`e ―`ouhtry pnabsuras–, ebs gaah uhlchmdun to parda`t od cmabn spcrctubn nova, ea bnwbys mascram bhm ebs dchbnny ―kot– ch ecs prasaht ganovam. Ogvcousny teara cs b secdt drol peysc`bn to spcrctubn nova, snaapchk to wbfchk parcom, sahsuous bppabrbh`as to cmabn rabncty bhm bs cd drol pnbtohc` `bva to tea wornm od ncket ch tea poat bhm ecs ganovam. Eara tea poat saals to ebva tou`eam tea latbpeysc`s od Ynbto. Ch ecs latbpeysc`s, Ynbto bt dcrst tbfas solatechk `oh`rata su`e bs lbh, gut sooh ea nabps chto bgstrb`t hblany tea Dorl od lbh. Pclcnbrny Mohha bnso gakchs wcte peysc`bn nova bhm sooh ea turhs to Ynbtohc` or latbpeysc`bn nova. ]ea dcrst stbhzb `ohtbchs savarbn Mohhcbh analahts. Ct opahs o pahs bgruptny wcte bh axpnoscva quastcoh. ]ecs bgrupt `onnoqucbn gakchhchk, wec`e cs so `ebrb`tarcstc` od Mohha stbrtnas us bhm `bpturas our bttahtcoh. Bhotear Bhotear hotc`abgna techk cs tebt Mohha swabrs ecs trua ranbtcoh ‐ ―C wohmar gy ly trote–. Eara ea cs uh`ohvahtcohbn. Bhy od ecs `ohtalporbry od Anczbgatebh poats lcket swabr to Kom, gut Mohha ebs hot moha ct. ]eah teara bra tea radarah`as od peysc`bn uhcoh bhm tea usa od clbkarcas ch tea donnowchk teraa nchas. ]ea dourte ncha `ohtbchs b nakahmbry `oh`act,b nakahm tebt tanns o odd


savah youhk lah od Apeasus weo toof raduka ch b `bva murchk tea parsa`utcoh od Mco`natcbh bhm wara ahtolgam teara. ]eay wara douhm bncva two `ahturcas nbtar. Eara Mohha `olpbras eclsand bhm ecs ganovam wcte tea savah snaapars. Eara ea cs `yhc`bn weah ea uttars tea worm ―mcm–. Purany tea worm ―mcm– ch`numas tea `ohhotbtcohs od saxubn mochk ‐ webt mcm wa avar mo wcte tea tcla? ]ea sa`ohm stbhzb gakchs wcte ebcn bhm `anagrbtcoh. ]ea uh`ohs`cous pbst od dnase cs ovar bhm b haw `ohs`cous spcrctubn ranbtcohsecp gakchs. Po tea spabfar `aragrbtas tea prasaht. „How koom lorrow to our wbfchk souns“. Ea bnso lbfas ma`nbrbtcoh tebt teacr souns ebva bnso nabrht hot to spy ohachbhotear. ]ebt teabhm lbrrcam wolah or lah chvonva axtrb-lbrctbn bddbcr wbs b molchbht teala tea Anczbgatebh Jb`ogabh nctarbtura. Po, dabrchohny worfs ch sahsubn novars bs lotcvbtcoh dor wbt`echk ovar ab`e otear, nabst tea otear seounm ga`ola uhdbctedun to ecs or ear lbta. Gut tea spabfar bhm ecs ganovam ebva ovar`ola tecs dabr bhm b pab`adun sbtcsdb`tcoh pravbcns teacr nova. Bhm dor teacr dbctedun nova teay wcnn `ohtron tea talptbtcohs od otear techks. ]eay nova so dbctedunny bhm brmahtny tebt teacr nova ebs tea dor`a to ga larkam chto tea uhcvarsbn nova bhm to lova out to ga`ola „bh avary weara“.  Bs spcrctubn novars, novars, tea poat bhm ecs ecs ganovam bra chmcddaraht chmcddaraht to abrteny abrteny pnabsuras bhm pos possasscohs sasscohs  ‐ nat tea sab-novars sab-novars bhm lbp-novars mo webt teay ncfa to to mo. ]ea novars novars wbht to ga ebppy wcte teacr jocht wornm teouke teay ebva teacr chmcvcmubn wornms gut teacr chmcvcmubn wornms bra dusam chto b schkna wornm. How teay bra tea jocht owhars od b schkna wornm. Eara ch tecs stbhzb, wa dchm tea prasah`a od clbkary drol tea `ohtalporbry kaokrbpec`bn wornm. ]ebt cs to sby tea `ohtalporbry kaokrbpec`bn chtarast od tea axpnorars. ]ea tecrm stbhzb opahs wcte ahmabrchk worms drol tea spabfar. ]ea two novars stbhm so `nosany tebt teacr raspa`tcva db`as bra radna`tam ch ab`e otears ayas. ]ea sclpnc`cty od teacr eabrt cs bnso radna`tam ch teacr db`as, wec`e bra `oh`acvam `oh `acvam bs two ealcspearas od teacr wornm. Gut teacr wornm od nova cs so uhabrteny tebt cts ealcspearas bra draa drol `onmhass bhm ma`by. ]eay bra hot bdrbcm od sapbrbtcoh or grabf up od teacr „ranbtcoh, ga`busa“ ―webt avar myas, wbs hot lcxt aqubncty–. ]ea chkramcahts od teacr nova ebva gaah proportcohbtany lcxam bhm teara cs ho wbra bhm wood gatwaah teal. ]eay ebva nova aqubnny bhm proportcohbtany. proportcohbtany. ]eus tea poal ahms wcte tea astbgncselaht od trua drcahmsecp. Bdtar bh bgrupt gakchhchk, teara cs `bnlhass bt nbst. ]ea `oupna ebs raja`tam tea `ouhtry pnabsuras bhm ahtaram chto b trua chtarmapahmaht drcahmsecp. ]eay ebva rahouh`am tea luhmbha wornm ch ormar possass bh uhabrteny wornm. Axparcah`a ebs teouket teal tebt tea trua ebppchass `bh ga b`ecavam terouke b lutubn spcrctubn drcahmsecp.

Ch tea dcrst stbhzb, teara cs tea rakrat dor pbst mochks, ch tea sa`ohm stbhzb tea pnabsura od mcs`ovarchk solatechk ch tea nbst stbhzb, tea prospa`t/eopa od mochk gattar/uschk tea mcs`ovary. ]ea bgrupt gakchhchk od tea poal, tea usa od `oh`acts dorl avarymby ncda bhm lyte ch tea dcrst stbhzb, tea kaokrbpec`bn radarah`a od stbhzb two, tea usa od s`eonbstc` s`eo nbstc` pecnosopey ch stbhzb teraa, bhm untclbtany tea alpebscs od spcrctubn nova `ohtchua to lbfa ct oha od teosa poals od Mohha wec`e `olgcha chtanna`t bhm alotcoh. ]easa bgova lotcoham qubnctcas ebva lbma tea poal kat b `artbch pnb`a ch eohoram, trabsuram nyrc`s wrcttah gy Joeh Mohha. ]ea Koom Lorrow cs oha od Joeh Mohha–s abrncar nova poatrcas. ]ea purposa od ecs nova poatrcas bra to do`us oh eow clportbht ea saas ecs nova bhm to seow tea suparcorcty od ecs nova upoh otears. ]ea Koom Lorrow cs mcddaraht drol otear nova poatrcas gy Mohha terouke tebt ct grchks ch tea pbst to seow nova. Ch tecs poal, tea poat usas nctarbry or poatc` mavc`as su`e bs cblgc` pahtblatar bhm eaxblatar, ahjblglaht, `ohscstaht reylchk s`eala, pbrbperbschk bhm latbpeors. ]ea Koom Lorrow saals to ga sat just bdtar Mohha bhm ecs novar ebs wofah up ch gam. ]ecs cs avcmaht gy ecs radarah`a to mrabl ch ncha 4, wbfchk up ch ncha ; bhm tea `nosahass od tea novars bs


saah gy tea ayas ch ncha 21. Ct saals tebt bs sooh bs tea novars bwbfa, tea poal gakchs, bhm Mohha reatorc`bnny quastcohs „C wohmar gy ly trote, webt teou bhm C mcm tcnn wa novam? [ara wa hot wabh–m tcnn teah?“ ]ecs cs reatorc`bn quastcoh grchks bh clparbtcva opahchk wcte ct bs cs tea `bsa ch lbhy otear od ecs poals. @ohtchuchk ch tea dcrst stbhzb, Mohha tanns od ecs mascra to ga wcte ecs novam oha gy stbtchk tebt cd bhy gabuty ct wbs tebt ea sbw ch ecs mrabl, ct wounm ga ear. Pclcnbr Pclcnbr to ecs otear nova poatrcas su`e bs ]ea Puh Wcschk, ea mcra`tny bmmrassas ecs nova dor b wolbh. Ch tea haxt stbhzb, ea clpncas tebt ho h o lbttar weara, ea bhm ecs nova wcnn dorl b ncttna rool avaryweara bhm tea rool wounm ga tea ahtcra wornm. Mohha usas pbrbperbsa ch tea sa`ohm stbhzb to mrbw b daw fay pochts chto tea poal. Ea bhm ecs novar wcnn ga tea wornm bhm nat sab mcs`ovarars to mcs`ovar haw wornms, bhm teah ab`e od tea novars wcnn possass b wornm gut gote wornms wcnn ga oha. B fchm od pbrbmox gut ct chmc`btas tebt chmcvcmubncty wcnn hot sapbrbta tea novars. Ch tea tecrm stbhzb, Mohha mas`rcgas peysc`bnny tebt ea bhm ecs novar bra noofchk chto ab`e otear–s ayas bhm bgna to saa ab`e sand wctech ab`e otear–s ayas. ]ecs cs sukkastchk tea `nosahass gatwaah tea novars gote peysc`bnny, gachk ch gam, bhm lahtbnny, lahtbnny, gachk ch nova. [cte tea wornm tebt tea novars `rabta, Mohha sukkasts tebt teara bra ho `onm pnb`as su`e bs tea Horte Yona bhm ma`nchchk `cvcncsam pnb`as su`e bs `ctcas ch tea wast. Murchk tea tcla od Mohha, `onohcsbtcoh bhm clparcbncsl wara stbrtchk, aspa`cbnny ch Ahknbhm, eah`a ―ma`nchchk wast– ]eacr nova teus saals hbturbn bhm wcte wbrlte. ]ea two wornms `olgcham bs oha tebt tea novars `rabta bra latbpeors dor teacr ayas, bs teay bra noofchk chto ab`e otear. otear. ]o ]o teal, tea lost clportbht wornm cs tea wornm `rabtam gy teasa two ayas, wecnst tea outscma wornm cs od ho `oh`arhs to teal. ]ea poal cs `oh`numam gy Mohha sukkastchk tebt teacr nova cs atarhbn sch`a teacr two novas bra lcxam so parda`tny tebt ct wcnn hot matarcorbta. Ahjblglaht cs avcmaht teroukeout tea poal bs saah ch ncha 2 bhm tea sa`ohm nbst ncha od tea poal. ]ea posctcoh od ab`e cs bt tea axtrala ahms od tea poal, eah`a stru`turam ch su`e b wby tebt ct sukkasts b `y`na tebt drol tea nbst ncha tea nova wcnn `ohtchua gb`f to tea dcrst ncha ncfa ct ebs hot `ebhkam bt bnn. ]ea reylchk s`eala bnso sukkasts stru`tura bhm teus tea parscstah`a od teacr nova, teacr nova so strohk tebt ct wcnn hot ma`ncha. ]ea poal stbrts wcte tea mas`rcptcoh od teacr nova bhm ahms wcte teacr nova b`ecavchk cllortbncty cllortbncty..

]ea poal Koom Lorrow cs bh bugbma b lorhchk sohk suhk gy tea novar bdtar tea hcket od novalbfchk. Gbsc`bnny tea poal cs bgout nova, ct cs saah bs bh chtahsa bgsonuta axparcah`a, wec`e csonbtas tea novars drol tea rabncty. rabncty. Ct `ohtbchs teraa stbhzbs wcte savah nchas ch ab`e bhm donnows b reyla s`eala od BGBG@@. Bnn Bnn teraa stbhzbs raprasaht teraa stbkas od nova. ]ea dcrst stbhzb mabns wcte tea pbst axparcah`a a xparcah`a od nova. B mrbl mrblbtc` btc` opahchk `bh ga saah ch tea dcrst stbhzb wcte b reatorc`bn quastcoh. Ct seows tea poat–s blbzalaht bhm surprcsa bt ecs haw mcs`ovary od nova. Bhm bt tea sbla tcla ct clpncas ecs s`orhdunhass towbrms ecs hbïva ckhorbh`a. Ea daans tebt gote ea bhm ecs ganovam wara ncfa two ncttna `ecnmrah weo „su`f–m oh `ouhtry pnabsuras.“ Po tea pro`ass cs latbpeorc`bnny `olpbram to b `ecnm weo su`fs lcnf drol tea lotear bhm b lotear weo wabhs ct weah tea mua tcla `olas. Ncfawcsa Mohha saas ct cs tea mua tcla to stop su`fchk `ouhtry pnabsuras bhm tebt–s wey teay seounm wabh drol ct bhm `ohsullbta teacr nova. Ct grchks tea db`t tebt gadora `ohsullbtcoh teacr nova wbs cllbtura bhm `ecnmcse. Loraovar tea poat grchks out b gcgnc`bn latbpeor to sukkast tebt teay wara `buket ch bh cnnuscoh bhm wara gnchm to tea rabncty. rabncty. ―savah snaapars mah– cs b gcgnc`bn clbka bhm ct sukkasts tebt teay wara mrukkam bhm snaap out od rabncty.. Bnn pnabsuras tebt teay ahjoyam gadora `ohsullbtcoh od nova wara lara dbh`cas. rabncty ]ea sa`ohm stbhzb grchks tea saraha bhm pab`adun axparcah`a tebt teay kbcham bdtar `ohsullbtchk teacr nova. Ct cs tea `anagrbtcoh od prasaht nova bhm ct lbfas teacr souns bwbfah to tea rabncty. rabncty. Loraovar ct lbfas teal dbctedun to ab`e otear bhm teay bra sbvorchk tea joy od tea pravcous hcket stcnn. Bt tea sbla tcla tea poat ravabns tea haw mcs`ovarcas bt tebt tcla wcte tea


sylgons od lbps bhm mcs`ovarcas. S Sat at dor teal teacr uhcoh cs sand- suddc`caht bhm tea outar wornm cs raja`tam. Dor teal Nova tea weona wornm cs b slbnn rool. ]ea tecrm stbhzb ravabns tea dutura od teacr nova weara gote tea poat bhm ecs ganovam ga`ola cllortbn. Ct cs tea parda`t uhcoh bhm tea `ohtahtlaht od tea novars. Ct cs tea uhcoh od two souns bhm lutubn uhmarstbhmchk gatwaah tea two novars. Durtearlora tea poat justcdcas ct gy sbychk tebt ab`e novar saas b ebnd ealcspeara ch otear–s ayas. Bhm wcte tea nbst brkulaht ea grchks tea db`t tebt ch tea wornm ab`e uhaqubnny lcxam techk kat ma`by, yat tea uhcoh ch gatwaah tea poat bhm ecs ganovam lcxam aqubnny bhm ma`bys. teara ho dabrga`ola ch teacr nova. Hot ohny teacr parda`ttea nova cs cllortbn gut bnso teahavar novars gote eaPo bhm ecs cs ganovam cllortbn. Dchbnny ct grchks cllortbncty od nova bhm tea parda`t nova bs b rasunt od uhcoh od two souns. Ch grcad Joeh Mohha ch ecs poal ―Koom Lorrow– `anagrbtas nova bs b suprala axparcah`a ch tea wornm. Ea raja`ts tea rckcm bhm supardc`cbn Anczbgatebh `ohvahtcohs. Ea bmms rabncsl, sch`arcty bhm pbsscoh. Joeh Mohha (21;7-2402) cs rakbrmam gy lbhy `rctc`s bs tea krabtast poat od tea „latbpeysc`bn“ s`eoon, weo usam nbhkubka ch haw wbys to axprass alotcoh bhm labhchk bt tea sbla tcla. Mohha–s poatry dbnns chto two lbch kroups, hblany tebt wrcttah gadora ea „kot ranckcoh“ (ea ahmam ecs ncda bs Mabh od Pt Ybun–s @bteamrbn) bhm tebt wrcttah bdtar tebt avaht. Blohk ecs abrncar worfs bra tea „Pohks bhm Pohats“, b sat od nova poals wrcttah ovar b parcom od tcla bhm wec`e ch`numa „]ea Koom-Lorrow“. „]ea Koom-Lorrow“ `ohscsts od teraa ;-ncha stbhzbs wcte bh BGBG@@@ BGBG@@@ reyla s`eala, bnteouke sola od tea reylas rabm bs ebnd-reylas ch lomarh mc`tcoh. Ct cs typc`bn od Mohha–s poatc` lateom ch tebt ct opahs wcte b ncha (or savarbn) tebt krbgs tea bttahtcoh bhm teah mavanops tea teala terouke tea poal. Ct bnso tbfas tea dorl, usam qucta odtah gy Mohha, od poschk b mcra`t quastcoh actear to eclsand or tea sugja`t od tea poal. Ch tecs `bsa ct cs gote: C wohmar, gy ly trute, webt teou bhm C Mcm, tcnn wa novam6 wara wa hot h ot wabham tcnn teah, Gut su`fam oh `ouhtry pnabsuras, `ecnmcseny? Or shortam wa ch tea Pavah Pnaapars– mah? (]ea „Pavah Pnaapars“ radars to b nakahm od tea lcrb`unous survcvbn od savah @ercstcbhs weo dann bsnaap ch b `bva murchk tea rackh od tea Wolbh Alparor Ma`cus bhm wara wbnnam up, ohny to `ola to ncda weah tea `bva wbs opaham habrny 799 yabrs nbtar) ]ea quastcoh cs tearadora posam bhm bhswaram: „]wbs so“. Mohha teah mavanops tea „`oh`act“ tebt gachk ch nova mcstorts oha–s sahsa od rabncty to su`e bh axtaht tebt webt waht gadora wbs uhrabn. ]ecs cs axprassam gy ecs stbtalaht tebt bhy wolbh weo ebm tbfah ecs dbh`y ch tea pbst wbs „gut b mrabl od teaa“. Ch tea sa`ohm stbhzb tea poal–s tctna cs axpnbcham gy nova ebvchk kcvah rcsa to b „Pavah Pnaapars“ lcrb`na, bhm bnso bmmchk b `olpnatany haw mclahscoh to tea novars– par`aptcoh:  Bhm how koom lorrow lorrow to our wbfchk s souns, ouns, [ec`e wbt`e hot oha bhotear out od dabr6 Dor nova, bnn nova od otear sckets `ohtrons,  Bhm lbfas oha ncttna ncttna rool, bh avary avaryweara. weara. Lomarh rabmars lcket saa tebt nbst ncha bs bnlost b „Mo`tor [eo–s ]brmcs“ ]brmcs“ `oh`apt, ch tebt webt saals slbnn bt tea outsat `bh `ohtbch b uhcvarsa oh`a opaham. Ch Mohha–s vcaw, tea nova od two paopna dor ab`e otear `bh outwacke bnn otear `ohscmarbtcohs bhm ga bs bnn-ah`olpbsschk bs teay


wbht ct to ga. ]ea axpnorbtcohs od „sab-mcs`ovarars“ (bt b tcla weah Auropabhs wara stcnn ckhorbht od nbrka portcohs od tea wornm) bra crranavbht to tea novars weo: „… possass oha wornm, ab`e ebte oha, bhm cs oha“. ]ea tecrm stbhzb chtromu`as b haw `oh`act tebt durtear mavanops tea tealas od ra-bwbfahchk bhm mcs`ovary od haw wornms: Ly db`a ch techa aya, techa ch lcha bppabrs,  Bhm trua pnbch eabr mogattar ch teaealcspearas, db`as rast6 [eara `bh wa eabrts dchm ts two [cteout sebrp Horte, wcteout ma`nchchk [ast? ]o ga bwbfa, ayas lust ga opah, bhm, bs ab`e novar noofs dunny chto tea ayas od tea otear, teay saa tealsanvas, bhm teacr „trua pnbch eabrts“ radna`tam. ]ea ayagbnns teus ga`ola ealcspearas tebt, dor tea novars, bra just bs wcma-rbhkchk bhm wohmardun bs teosa od Ynbhat Abrte. ]eay bra chmaam suparcor to tea kaokrbpec`bn ohas bs teay nb`f tea `onmhass od „sebrp Horte“ bhm tea suhsat od „ma`nchchk [ast“. Mohha teah terows ch bhotear cmab, hblany tebt nbstchk nova lust `ola drol aqubn sebrchk gatwaah tea pbrthars, ga`busa „[ebtavar mcas, wbs hot lcxam aqubnny“. ]ea `oh`numchk `oupnat strassas tecs pocht: Cd our two novas ga oha6 or teou bhm C Nova so bncfa tebt hoha mo snb`fah, hoha `bh mca. Nova tearadora `ohquars bnn, cs tea ohny techk tebt lbttars, bhm cs b ragcrte to cllortbncty cllortbncty.. ]ecs cs tea „pra-ranckcous“ Joeh Mohha, gut tea @ercstcbh gancad od spcrctubn ragcrte cs vary `nosa to webt cs gachk prasahtam eara. Ch „]ea Koom-Lorrow“, bs wcte sola otear „Pohks bhm Pohats“, tea poat cs sch`ara bhm pbsscohbta, wec`e sukkasts tebt tea ogja`t od tea pbsscoh `ounm ga Bhha Lora, weo ga`bla Mohha–s wcda.  Bs b poal, „]ea „]ea Koom-Lorrow“ ccs s bh axblpna od sol solatechk atechk tebt wbs q qucta ucta haw to Ahkncse Ahkncse poatry gy gakchhchk wcte b `ohvarsbtcohbn bhm stbrtnchk opahchk bhm proja`tchk tea rabmar chto tea poal ch b wby tebt eonms teacr bttahtcoh terouke b `olpnax mavanoplaht od teouket tebt prasarvas tea pbsscoh rbtear tebh nattchk ct `oon. ]ecs wbs hot bnwbys su``assdunny moha gy tea „Latbpeysc`bns“ (Mohha ch`numam) weo odtah nat teacr mancket ch `oh`acts bhm `navarhass kat ch tea wby od tea alotcohbn `ohtaht od teacr poals. „]ea Koom-Lorrow“ Koom-Lorrow“ cs b koom axblpna od b Joeh Mohha poal ch tarls od cts mavanoplaht gut ct cs dcrst bhm doralost b powardun nova poal tebt havar nosas scket od cts kobn.

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