Golden Gate Bridge

September 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Golden Gate Bridge

Cantilev Cantilever-Suspension er-Suspension Bridge flat deck which is suspended by the hangers attached to the main catenary cable


On the south side of the bridge a 36.5-inch-wide (93 cm) crosssection of the cable, containing 27,572 wires. Until 1964, the Golden Gate Bridge had the longest suspension 1,28 280 0 m) bridge main span in the wo world, rld, at 4,2 4,200 00 ffeet eet (1,

The Golden Gate Bridge's clearance above high water averages averages 220 ffeet eet (67 m) while its towers, at 746 feet (227 m) above the water, were the world's tallest on a suspension bridge until 1998


The purpose of elevation/clearance of 67 m was given to allow the passage of massive and huge ships under the bridge. The bridge should withstand brutal winds, tide, and fog. It is also located less than 13km from the epicentre of the most catastrophic earthquake in history histor y. There also a high speed moving water at spot where south tower had to be constructed. The construction of south side pier started from 30m below hard rock bed. The most challenging task for engineers is cable anchorage. The most important types of loadings considered on this bridge is dead load, superimposed dead load, live traffic, wind, and temperature.


Total otal we weig igh ht of ea each ch an anch chor orag age e is 60 60,0 ,000 00 tons tons (5 (54, 4,40 400, 0,00 000 0 kg). kg). Total weight of Bridge, tons to ns (811,5 (811,500 00,00 ,000 0 kg) kg)..





Total otal we weig ight ht of Br Brid idge ge,, anch anchor orag ages es,, an and d ap appr proa oach ches es (1 (198 986) 6)* * is 887, 887,00 000 0 tons tons (804 (804,7 ,700 00,0 ,00 0 kg*) kg*).. Weigh eightt of Br Brid idge ge,, exclu xcludi ding ng an anch chor orag ages es and and ap appr proa oach ches es,, an and d in incl clud udin ing g th the e su susp spen ende ded d st stru ruct ctur ure, e, ma main in to towe wers rs,, pi pier erss and and fende enders rs,, botto bot tom m lat later eral al syst system em and ortho orthotr trop opic ic redec redeckin king g (19 (1986 86)) is 41 419, 9,80 800 0 tons tons (380 (380,8 ,800 00,0 ,000 00 kg*) kg*)..




Has cables support vertical suspender cables that carry the weight of deck  below..  below Allows the deck to be level or to arc upward for additional clearance. The suspension cables are anchored at each end of the bridge. The main forces in a suspension bridge are tension in the main cables and compression in the pillars. Golden Gate Bridge suspends the roadway by cables from fr om two tall towers. These towers support the majority of the weight weigh t as compression pushes down on the suspension bridge's deck and then travels up the cables to transfer compression to the towers.




Main Towers



Suspended Structure












Structural Steel Quantities


Bridge Structure


.3.. m). At mi mids dspa pan, n, th the e ma maxi ximu mum m do down wnw ward ard de defl flec ecti tion on is 10 10.8 .8 ft (3.3 The Th e ma maxi ximu mum m up upwa warrd de defl flec ecti tion on is 5.8 5.8 ft (1.8 m).

The Th e ma maxi ximu mum m tr tran anssve verrse de defl flec ecti tion on,, at cen center ter span span is 27 27.7 .7 ft (8.4 m). The Th e 3 ma maxi ximu mum m de defl flec ecti tion onss are are du due e to the the fol ollo lowi wing ng load loadin ing g co cond ndit itio ions ns:: The transverse deflection is due to a sustained transverse wind load. The maximum transverse mov mo vem emen entt of 27 27.7 .7 ft is ba base sed d on the the ma maxi ximu mum m allo allowa wabl ble e lo long ngit itud udin inal al mo mov vem emen entt of the the wind wind lo lock ckss at the sup suppor portt tower towers; s; The Th e maxim imum um dow ownw nwa ard deflec flecti tion on is due to a con ondi diti tion on wi with th maxi ximu mum m liv live lo load ad on the the cen center span, pan, no liv live load load on the the side side span spanss an and d ma maxi ximu mum m de desi sign gn temp temper era atur ture to elon elong gate the the ma main in ca cabl bles es;; an and d The Th e ma maxi ximu mum m up upw ward de defl flec ecti tion on is du due e to con ondi diti tion on with ith maxim imum um lo loa ad on side sp spa ans, ns, no dea ead d lo lod d on cent center er sp span an an and d mi mini nimu mum m temp temper erat atur ure e to sh shor orte ten n th the e ca cabl ble. e.


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