Going South With His Secrets

May 2, 2017 | Author: Airamas David | Category: N/A
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Bruce Bernstein...


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The GoingSosthLc\tute

PERSONaT ElrT 6TTfrclt1.r l'llneverforgetlhe lsi lime I sowthe'Thought performed. CordAcross" RiclqJoyperformed o version of it on the DinoShoreShowmonyyeorsogoond it blewmy mind!| hod obsolutely no ideohowihe trickhod beendone,ond couldihinkof littleelseforlhe nextfewhours. Theplotwos simpleenough.Rickyhodo deckof cords.whichif memoryserves,wos exominedond shuffledby Dino.Ricky lhenculoffoboui15to 20 cordswhichhe thenfonnedfocingDinosolhoi she couldmokeon obsolutely freementolchoiceof onyoneol them.Hethensquoredup lhe cordsfrom whichlheseleciion hodbeenmqdeondolocedthemdowninfullview.Onlvlhendid heoskDinowhot lhe cordwosthotshehod menlolly selecledHelhenhodherlookthroughthecordstholherselection wos from,ond lTWASGONEIlNowhe hod my undivided ottentionl Thiswos okeodydifferent then onylhingelseI hodeverseen.)Heihenhodihe reslof thedeckspreodout,ond lherewos onecord reversed. Sheremovedit ondlurnedit over- il wos hercqrd! lwos dumbfounded. Usingo regulordeck,howcouldhe merelyletsomeoneiusiTHINKof o cordond hoveit "invisibly" trovelfromonebunchofcordsto onolher.beforetheselection wos idenlified? Getting pile thecordfromone lo onotherwos bod enough,ll wos "prettysure"he didn'lpolmonycords),bnt howihe hellcouldhe knowexocllywhotwosthemenlollyselected cord? I ronit overondoverin my mind,bullo noovoil.lhen lhe fomousSherlock Holmesquoiolioncometo mind- "eliminote theimpossible, ondlholwhichremoins, no motlerhowincredible, muslbeihetruth." Aflero while,ii suddenlydownedon mewhotHADTOHAVEHAPPENED, but I wosn'tsureHOWHE HADDONElTlSomedoysloter,lfound lhe versionRickyusedin the book,'TheCordMogicof E.G. Brown".I wos righioboutwhot"HADTOHAVE HAPPENED," buldidnl feelthe methodwos suitedto o klulzwilh o decklikeme. Aflero few moreweek of reseorch, I ronocrossolhermefhods, buffor one reosonor onoiher,none reollyoppeoledlo me,so lpulon theol'thinking cop,ondmethodfor"PersonolAtlochment" wosborn. EmCT:Youosksomeoneio remove20 cordsfrom hisown deck,ond hondlhem lo you.He mqy chooseonycordslhol he wishes,bui yourequesllhotAces,Jokers, or ony olhercqrd he fuelsmoy siondoul psychologicolly lromtheolhersbe ovoided. Thereg oflhe deckis putoside. Youfon thecordsfqceup ond oskif he is hoppywithlhem.Closingup fhe{on,youexplointhqthe is io lHlNKofo numberbetweenI ondi0. Youstotelho'tyouwillshowhiml0 cords.Youlhenslotethol, for exomple,iI he lhoughtof the number3, he is lo remember the 3rd cordlhot youshowhim.lf he lhoughtof 8, he isio remember lhe 8lhcordshown.Holdingthe20 cordsin yourrighthond,youpeel off onecordol o iimewilh yourlefthond,counlingfromI to t0 os yougo. Atterhe ocknowledges he hoso cordin mind,youplocethel0 cordsfromyourlefthondlocedownon thelobleto yourleft.the remoining l0 cordsore plocedoboulo foolotfto therighiot theothers. Younowoskihe speclolorifyoumoyborrowon ilemlhoi hospersonol significqnce tor him,suchos o pieceof iewelry,o keepsoke, or goodluckpiece.Beforehe hondsil over,he is to holdii tightlyond concenlrole on hismenlolselection. Whenii is hondedover,youholdil ond seemlo be'feelingits ploce vibes".Youlhen it on lhe leflpileoI l0 cqrdslhoi conioins hismentollyselecledcord. Poge3

BroccBernstcin yougivehimo shorl"reoding" Youthenoskhimlo movehis Before conlinuing, lsee'A COIDREADING). tholhiscordisfrovelhisselededcordto theolherpile,whileimogining obiectfromfhepileconloining ingolongwithii. Whenlhis hosbeendone,youoskhimto count,focedown,theomouniof cordsin 9 CARDS. Heisthento count,focedown,lhe cordsin lhe right thelelthondpile.THERE ARENOWONLY hondpile.THERE ARENOWll CARDs. Youthenosk him,Ior lhe lst lime,to reveollhe nqmeof his CARDHASVANISHED SELECIED mentollychosencord.Yousmileondlhenshowhimlhol Hs MENTATLY pile ihem. Inlhe middleof the foceup ond spreod Youturntherighlhond FROM THEtEff HANDPILE. pilelSHlsCARDI lhotwereshownlo ihe spectal{lElHOD:Theonlywoyfhisconbe doneislo switchALLOFTHECARDS quite io mysellfor somelime. tor!WhenI reolized lhis,lchuckled solholwhenyousquoreup thecords, Asyouspreodihe 20 cords,gelyourlefllittlefingerintoposilion, obovewilhyourrighthond youwillhoveo litilelingerobovelhe bottom2 cords.Tokelhe pocketfrom your righflitllefinger. ondtokeoverthebreokwith cutlhemfo ihe bollom ignoresyoursuggeslion lhotobviouscordsshouldbe excluded, llthespectoior "proper" pile. ofthefoceup cords.the bottom2 cordswilllhenendup in lhe fromI to l0 osyoudo so.on ihe coun'lof 10,youwilldo o Pulloffcordswifhyourleftlhumb,counling swilchosfollows: As yourleftlhumbcomesoverlhe righthondpocket,yougriplhe cordsfromyourlefthondbetween yourrighllhumbond {ingers, direcllybeneolhfhecordsinyourrighthond.Ihenwilhyourrightmiddle lhe block fingeryouswingoll oflhe cordsobovethebreoktowordsihe left.Yourlefthondlhenpinches peoling previous the off of the your owoy, simuloting lhumbondcorrieslhem of cordsin thecrotchof firsl9 cords. thiscouldbe doneos o regulorcordfricl(withouloll fhe woo-woo,butI PRESET{IAIION: Obviously, presenlolion Theuseof lhe obiectpersonolizes conmokeit muchmorememoroble. feelthisslyleof thePersonwhogefslhe reoding.Thiswill ond involves lhosewolching,Porticulorly lhe performonce, ihe useoflhe obiedolsooddso "logic"io ihe wiih menlolism, but soundweirdlo onyonenoltomilior preseniotion. Thespedolorlhoughiofo cord.ondos hisobiectismovedfromlhe pilewilhhisselected mogic",lhe cordfollows.Andsinceyouhoveioldhimthingsobouthimselfthot cord,by "sympothefic Whyiustdo o TRICK weirddefinitely muslbe hoppening. youshouldn't be oblelo know,something whenyoucondo MAGIC?


The GoingSoathLeHoldlhe cordslocedown,in deolingposilion, push righl oboulon inch. your to lhe the lop cord >W-rth leftthumb, >Tokeil offondholdittocedownwithyourrighthond. >Aftero pouse,turnitJoceup onddropii on iheloble. yourleftthumb,pushthenexlcordover,ondtokeif withyourrighthond >W'rlh >Wrlhyourle{tthumb,pushlhe nexicordover,ondthenslidelhe cordfromyourrighihondholfwoy undertheioggedcordonlop ihe lefthondpile,buiobovelheresl. youirighthond,tokelhelop lwo cordsond,os o unit,lurnlhemfoceup ond plocethemon top >vUrth ol lhefoceup cordonfhefoble. position You'llnolicelhol lhe 2 ond the 3 hovenowsl^,/ilched The4 goeswhereil should,bul nowlhe 5 ond 6 hovebeens'witched' theobovesequence. Repeol oncemore.The7 is whereit wos, but fhe I ond 9 ore Reoeotlhe 'no s1,itch" - "switch'sequence reposilioned. the cordsshouldnowbefoceup onlhetoble,in fhefollowingorderfromthetopdown. 8 9 7 5 6 4 2 3 chongedthe order.Now Putlhem bockin slroighl Asyouconsee,thethreesr,/ilcheshovesignificonfiy order,loce downA to 9, os before. Nowyouoregoinglo be myspectotor. 'l'm putlingyouintoo deePhypnolic fronce.""ThislimeleovethecordsfocedownwhenyoupLttthem "Deollhemoneot o timeos obove' on tobb -l don'iwoniyoufo seelhe resuhsunlilwe'refinished." AsYoUUKt" YoUWSH- As MANYTIMES onlythisiimeyoumoyswitchlhe cordsWHENEVER youlike.' whenever 'Gothroughlhecordsthreetimet ogoinsiwiiching could I possiblyknowwhol order.lhe Betoreyouiurnlhe cordsfoceup,lel me osk youo question. cordsorein now?Youwouldn'lguessl could,bul l con Turnlhemfoceup,you'llseewhotI meon! NOIHING HAsCHANGED! Prettycoolhuh?Ihe cordsDOgei siwitchedif lheygel tumedfoce up os lhey ore deolt,bd if theyore Pogel0

The GoingSoathLcfitrc droppedto loblefocedownnothinghoppens! Nowyouhovelhe bosicideq,butwholl'm proudof iscomingupwithlhe concepf of siocking lhe cords in lhe qct of demonstroiinghowlhe siwitchworks. Get2 decksof E.S.P. cords,or youcouldusetheAcethrough9 ofonylwo suits. Putlhe two pilesin the someorder,so thot oll the poirsmolch.Dolhe obove"no swilch- switch" demonstrolion os before.Mokesuaeyouturnlhe cordsFACE UP,osyoudeollhemdown. Turnlhe cordsfocedown,ond plocefhemofftotheside. Nowo reheorsol. Showlhe "mlredpile"to be in o rondomorder.Tokelhe unmixedpileond do fhe "demonslrotion sequence". Nowyourimoginory oudience isconvinced procedure lhol the"switching" yOUSWffCH isloir.Sincebothpilesore nowin thesomeordet NOly'lAlltRHOWMANYIIMES CARDS, THECARDS WIUAtt MATCH I ll shouldoll be cleornow.lf youwishto ollerlhefoceup "demonshotion" sequence, iusido if wjfhone groupof cords0he"mixed"pile)ondthedo it exoclly pile. thesomewoywiththeother lf usingE.S.P. cords.shuffleone of the decks,ond ihen pui the oiher in the some order.Do o "demonslrotion" sequence wjfhoneoflhemondproceedos obove.


BluceBcrnstein PEITN|ES FROl.l]lEFvEll {oneof thelruecreolivegeniusesIn Thiswonderful"scom"wos firslshownto me by JimSieinmeyer q mogic),whenhe poido visitlo Mogictnc oround{ouror fiveyeqrsqgo Helhenpublished voriqtion Mogozineusingo lriongulorloyoui.Asthestorygoes.he hodleornedof il fromDoug of itin :;Mogic" on ihe streelsof lndio. Henningwhohodseenit performed from2 104 penniesin wilh onywhere 13pileso{ penniesore loidOUtin q Squoreformotion. EFFGCI: eochpile. iou lhenproceedto cleorlyond openlyshowlhoieochsideoflhe squoreof coinsoddsup to lO.Oflhol,thereis no queslion. o buncho, extropenniesondoskhimio odd1coinlo onyof the13pilesol Younowhqndo sPectqtor oneo.ffhesidesmuslnowconloin11coins.Afterlhol hosbeendone, colnstnottheywisn.Obviously. oddedhosvonished! pileto pile.Younowslotglhotthecoinhe-iust vouop"nfytnitttorn" penniesirom ROW! lN EACH l0 COINS ONLY lSSTILL i", oi,"nfi .ounttt'" omouniof penniesin eochside- THERE 'l you Aooin.vouoskthol he odd onothelcoinio of thepibs As before,withoulremovingonycolns' Youcounlthecoinson eochside shific;i;s fromI Dileto qnotherond stofethotthecoinhosvonished. RoWl oNLYl0 colNs lNEACH ls sTlLloJfhesouore- THERE oddingo coin,youshiflingcoinsoboutondthenprovinglhotihe coin of lhe spectolor Thisorocedure limeondlimeogoin is repeoted thotwos iustoddedhosdisoppeored yetif you.keep Theeffeclon peoplewolchingthisisquileomusingTheyknowihol.iiconl be possible' up-rtr"r"tpd, |heydon'thoie enoughiime to thinkthingsthrough,ond witheochnew coinihol is odded,sodoeslheirsloteof confusionl withvisuoloids,so gei o bunchof coinsond follow Thiswiltbe mucheosierio understond MEIHODT olong.Loyoulthecoinsin ihe followingmonner: ,-..---..--:..:\













K Poge12

The Going Soafl, Lecfire in

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pile Theol!:l

hove4 coins corners AS YOUconseelhe2 opposiie -eqch -t-:9f 1::t"in eochpile 2 coinsresPectively ond I coin hove piles side of eoch 2 JJ.,1". ...f, cotns In

"if".if.r" squore'lheywillodd up to 10. lf younowcountlheomounlof coinsoneochsideo{ the pilewiihthe 2 rows mindis ihol iocl thoteochrow of coinsshoreso corner Wholskipseveryone's "counting iriatiarr,olquirkofihe humonmindison whoiwe ore "ii"i""ii" lo eilherof thecenler2 pileson I oJthesidescount Trylhisondyou'llseewho'tI meqnAddo penny 'nou.io gut,irv* nowmoveo coin{romo cornerpile me-rii-iiii thecoins.lhotrownowtrosti colns, sidewillnowonlvhove row,-eoch pileononodlocent jitn?l"i ii *',-r,'.i, ."inwo,oaaeiloo miJdle onceTryii' qnd you'll lhe colnyoumoved{romihecorneris nowonlycounled lo coins!Why?Becouse seewholI meon.


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iI' youosk' io I ofthe2 cenlerpilesof eochside Ah' butwhol oddso Thiswillworkifthe.tspectolor butfollowolong -coin ft rd morecomplicoled, he oddso cointo of tne+ cornerpui dr""i qr"rii;i " qnd you'llgetit rightowoy Thotcoinis nowcounledin eochofthe 2 rows Add o coinlo o cornerPile.Now2 rowshove'llcoins pileslo o middlepileon of the2 closestcorne-r tholend in ihol corner'No* tou" o p"nnyod of eoch *o. p6ted in ond oll i rowswillnowonlyodd o sidethoidoesnotsr'or"t".ornerrnot ilJlo-ro-Jn up 10to. (seenextPoge) loidoulin butil reollyisn'l Runthroughit wiihlhe coins complicoled' I knowlhollhissoundsexlremery fronlofvouqndyou'llgelil ofteriuslo fewminutes' Poge13





A ,----r.\ ,r--!:#\.i-----.;-..l fhrough >'5\/itch"lhe4 ond6. 7 ond9. >Switch'lhe onloP. >Ihe8 isturnedfoceuPonddropped Ihe cordsshouldbefoceup,inlhisorder: 8

7 a 6

5 '|

with"NumberPredidion'. Thecordsore nowin o properslockfo Proceed ond hos servedrne \ €l b( I hopeyou enioyfhis combinotionof methods.n ploysquite eJfeciively, monyyeors.


Thc coing sosth L*latc 6 FEWTltO0GltrS6800T ilf,GrGtdilSflllD l,lEllrdUSTlS: It sureseemslikethe Hotfields ond lhe Mccoys.theyoretwo groupslhol seemfo be foreverot eoch other'slhroolsond nothingconevermokelhemgetqlong. ore ripoffortistslholployuponthegullibility Mogicions olwoysseemlo ronlond rovethotMentolists performonce, people possibility iheyore of E.S.P. Andif ot o Mentolisfs who octuollybelievein fhe oi "fooled".lhe theycloimwhol cryofsetup or sloogeringsoutloudondcleor.Andworslololl,howDARE theydo is reol. hovelokenoll ofthereol on lhe ofherhond,oftenmoonond groonobouthowMogicions Menlolisls, "Mogic"oui otlheirperformonces, o "mirocle" ondlurnwholol onetimewouldhovebeenconsidered intoo 'trick".Oftenfheywill put downo regulormogicshowos o "porodeof poinledboxes",or o disployof "iuggling" witho deckof cords. It seemslo me thollhis locko{ respectbeiweenthesefieldsis o sodstoieof offoirs.|rs nol wholstyle Buiwhotoflen ils donein, bui whetherifs donewith slyle,lhol shouldbe the moinconsiderolion. gelsfo me,isfhol bofhfieldsletlheirdislikefortheolherstondintheirwoyof leorningfromil. REAI-LY of Menlolism lf I congetonlyoneideoocrossio you,islhot by opplyingsomeoflhe bosiclechniques oswellos moreMogicol. to yourMogic,it conbecomemoredeceptive, os wellos pretlyslick Mysticol, Anddon'tthinkthoflhe oudiencedoesnlexpeclyouto be somewhot performed of mogic showsis ollen even lhe mod siondord wiih o deckof cords.Anyonewho hqs oskedif theyconreodpolms. "Personol is o perfeclexomple.Theeffeciploysquitewellos o stroightcordlrick,bd I Atfochmenl" islhrownin. Alwoysrehopeihot you reolizehow muchsfrongerit ployswhensomeColdReoding you. you thenin ff consomehowmokeon effecl membel peopleore morelnteresled in themselves morepersonolto someone,theywill enioyil oll lhe more.lf youmokeii morepersonol,in o more mogicolmonner,lhonoll lhe better. by Whenyouore obleto discernsomefoctsyoushouldhoveno woy of knowingoboutthe speciotor oboui of belief,or ol leoslcuriosity merelyholdingher ring,you ore helpinglhem inloo fromework whotis to follow. lo TONSof methods Thereoreobviously Thinko{ "CordThroughToble",ond itseffeclon on oudience. chosencordondo regulordeck.MostpeoPlethinklhotony do thiseffectwilh,butnoiwiih o menfolly ond conmoke folsebeliefs!), Mogicionmusl be o whizwiih o deckof cords0olkobouiencouroging youpickonyonelhofyouwont'ihemto,sofheimpoctofwhoiseemslo be o rondommenlolseleclion oddso loyerof mysleryto almoslonyclqssicplot. is to do o quickreoding one of lhe beslwoysI knowfor o Mogicionlo procliceo liifleColdReoding q wheno speclqtoris oskedto nomeo cord{ornumber,or color,eic.),in on effectlhot he is olreody doing.A simpleexomplewouldbe: Poge23

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