God's Get Rich Quick Scheme - Uebert Angel, Ph.D

May 5, 2017 | Author: Blue Sapphire - Professor of Albion | Category: N/A
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GOD’S GET RICH QUICK SCHEME Secrets to the quickest way of getting rich God’s way

CHAPTER ONE God Wants You To Be Rich God has a ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’ just for you! He wants you rich. I know it; I have experienced it and am still experiencing it. Many millionaires and billionaires have discovered ‘God’s Get rich Quick Scheme’; the ancient secrets that make money run to them or away from them. You can too. Notice, a ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’ is a plan to acquire high rates of return on your money with little risk, little effort or time. God has one such scheme for you that if you dare follow it, you will not be searching for wealth, just the opposite will start happening. Wealth will start looking for you. That is what God’s Get Rich Quick Scheme will do for you. It gets you riches at no cost to you whatsoever. I have discovered ancient secrets to it and it produces exactly what it says on the tin! How I Discovered God’s ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’ Emirates’ sanctuary of spacious First Class Private Suites, each equipped with an electrically operated sliding door, a personal mini-bar, adjustable ambient lighting, vanity table, mirror and wardrobe, is where I was, on my way to see my kids in the United Kingdom. It was after a busy five months of hard work and I had not seen my kids in those five months. I was tired and needed a little bit of rest. The Emirates crew had just the expertise and mid-air luxury to make my flight less agonizing. I was tired. The crew converted my seat to a fully flat bed with a mattress, so I could arrive at my destination relaxed and refreshed. All was well for me to rest. The environment was good for resting. I knew everything about those first class suites that I had planned my own order of events. I knew that located on the upper deck of the Emirates A380, in front of the first class cabin were two exquisitely designed onboard showers for first class clients, all meant to make me arrive at my destination revitalized. Located at the front of the upper deck of the Emirates A380, a unique water feature together with mood-lighting created a serene ambience to calm the nerves after taking a shower. After a small rest I knew I would enjoy the privacy and exclusivity of the first class social area for a quick refreshment and drink or simply join fellow passengers from Business Class in the exclusive onboard Lounge located aft of the upper deck.

Enough said, I was relaxed! Relaxed, I was, but I could not wait to see my kids after those many months. However I still had something that kept bothering me amidst all that pomp and grandeur of the first class lounge. I needed a house for my children. I needed something for them that would show them that if you work for God, things would work for you. My kids love God with all their hearts but I just felt deep in my heart that there was a need for them to be in a better place, a bigger place and a place they could enjoy in my absence. I understand nothing can replace the presence of a parent but I was praying that God would provide something huge for my kids. At that time, my wife and I had only one house that we had sweated for and that was our pride and joy. I remember whispering to God: “God, I need a farm in the United Kingdom” I didn’t expect an answer. It was simply a cry straight from the heart. “I need a property with a lot of space for my children to stay in and enjoy when I am travelling around the world” That request was simply a cry from the inner depth of my spirit. It was a cry from my being. With no immediate answer and without expecting any, I thought let me go for a shower and pray about this request and that’s when the unexpected happened. At the time it happened I was not expecting anything to happen than I expected to be the first person to land on the moon. I was now only thinking of praying in the shower. You see you would be like me too because for the first time in aviation history, Emirates Airways offers you an onboard allowance to indulge in an invigorating shower at 43,000 feet above sea level. So an answer to what seemed a selfish request taking into consideration that I already had one house was definitely not something I expected. I was sitting and fumbling for my toiletries and then from no specific direction but within my cabin I heard the words; “Force your ground into production” That instruction got me puzzled. What is the ground? Where do I find the ground? What does God mean by forcing my ground into production? What forces the ground into production? Will a ground produce a house? You see I was now being ushered into the secrets of God’s ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’ but I just couldn’t understand it. God was now exposing to me the ancient secrets to getting rick quickly using His way. I was a slow student!

“Your seed forces the ground into Production and you will harvest your big house” That was foreign to me and the voice was authoritative. No one could have spoken that. Like I said the first Class Private Suites, are each equipped with an electrically operated sliding door that every passenger will be in their own room as it were. Its like you are in a bedroom that can be locked and out of view from anyone. God was speaking to me. Besides, I know his voice so it was easy for me to know who was speaking to me. I looked at my watch and realised it was midnight and I was still 43 000 feet or so above sea level and four hours away from my stop over destination, Dubai. God was releasing a wave of secrets to me right in mid air. “Son everything in my Kingdom relies on the Law of seedtime and harvest. It is a Law that should not be violated and as long as the earth still exists that law will remain” I sure had seen it in scripture but never took it as a law and never quite understood that it is something a lot of believers had sort of shelved or ignored and some like me, at that time, had not really grasped the law of seedtime and harvest. In fact many believers still don’t even know the secrets of that law. “Do you know there is still night and day in the world?” I agreed. “Do you know that in the world there is still light and darkness?” The questions where coming non-stop and I could not figure out where they were leading. It was like being sat at the end of a conveyer belt with bags dropping at different intervals but fast. “What about heat and cold?” Sure I knew cold and heat are still there and how could you deny such a very open truth. As a matter of fact I was in the plane from the hot Africa, stopping over in Dubai to the cold of Britain where I call home and spend most of my time when I am not travelling around the world so this was a question I was well aware of. “If you know it then know that seed time and harvest are still there just as I spoke in the word. The same scripture in Genesis 8 I put all these plus seedtime and harvest in one line.” I quickly thumbed through my bible and saw it in Genesis 8; “As long as the earth remains there is …seed time and harvest” I knew the scripture. You see I have studied the word all my life but then the Lord threw another

curve; “The secrets of the world are locked up in the agricultural system of the world. I have commanded every work of my hand including money and wealth to type that system and if you observe the agriculture system and apply it to anything you desire and work the system in that line you will reap the results” God continued to pour out his heart to me and in the final four-hour leg of my journey, God gave me secret upon secret on the Law of the seed. These secrets are so explosive that many people who have followed them have become multi-millionaires and some have been blessed beyond measure. The secrets simply work and in this little book I have laid them down in easy to understand ways. A Seed Forces The Soil Into Production My father owns farms where he grows maize and has plantations for sugar cane and there is no day in his farming years that he has ever heard soil complain saying; “I know you sowed maize but I am going to come up as potatoes” No day whatsoever. The soil does not have the power to argue with the seed. The seed however has a program that forces the soil into production. It dictates to the ground. The moment a seed gets into the ground it tells the ground of its arrival and forces conditions in the soil to react to it. It literally arrests the soil into submission by forcing it to produce what is in its programme and not the programme of the soil. The seed is at its loneliest when it has not found fertile soil. The soil partners with the seed for production to be realised. To The Widow, Elijah Was The Soil When Elijah was hungry, the cake from the widow became the seed and Elijah became the soil. When her son died the widow understood the seed had to give a harvest so she ran to Elijah and demanded her harvest. However the mistake of the widow is that she had not named her seed. If she had, the child would not have died! The Day I Forced The Ground Into Production To the widow her seed was the cake she gave to Elijah and to me, the only house that we had was what God said should be my seed. You see there is nothing as difficult as being instructed to give away, for free, your only house. You see we had sweated for that house. We worked hard to get it and now God had instructed me to make that house my seed and then find soil that my ‘house seed’ would force into production.

With my soil found we set out to forcing the ground into production. I had learnt this. It was clear things were going to change but it was difficult to know how a subtraction can turn into a plus. How do I lose a house and then get a bigger one? God was my only hope. He was the one who taught me and now it was time to prove what he taught me. To my surprise it happened. I got into millions within months and got a farm in the United Kingdom, in the jutting moorlands of Newark. Deep in Barnby In The Willows in the neck of the woods all for a seed that was under a hundred thousand United States dollars. My soil had produced. It had given in to the pressure of my seed! From that time I have had house upon house given to me for free. Millions deposited into my life by both strangers and acquaintances. The seed works. It is undeniably true. This is God’s Get Rich Quick Scheme. Forget, ‘fake it till you make it’; enter ‘seed it until you make it’! You need to know though that the Devil has his own ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’ which is actually a, ‘Get Poor Quick Scheme’, that when people hear God’s ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’ they immediately think, ‘ha…ha…ha… this is the same thing’. No its not. I tell you its not because I tried it and God’s scheme works. The Devil’s ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’, which is actually a ‘Get Poor Quick Scheme’ involves eating your seed. This one, God gave me in the first class suite 43000 feet above sea level on my way to United Kingdom via Dubai, has secrets that need dedication. I have laid all these secrets in this little book so you know how to work the law that will usher you into getting rich quickly God’s way! THE DEVIL’S GET RICH QUICK SCHEME A ‘Get Poor Quick Scheme’ is what the devil has put forward to the world and also to the church where thousands are busy eating their seed and blinded with regards to the necessity of finding the right soil. In the business world the devil has put together different offshoots of his scheme but most of them are simply ‘Ponzi’ schemes. They will swindle the investor of every cent. Do you see that? The devil uses his worldly ‘Get Rich Quick Schemes’ schemes to swindle people of their money. He has bankrupted some and gotten some who were already poor poorer than when they joined the schemes. However, everything the devil does is a copy. He is not a creator. He is a duplicator. He simply copies something good from God and perverts it. You see that? He has a ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’ only because he copied God and perverted his ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’. God’s Free Get Rich Quick Scheme For You

God has a Get Rich Quick Scheme and it will work for you if you dare follow it. It is simple and it doesn’t cost you anything. In fact all the costs are financed by God and not by you. He is the one who gives you the money to start the investment with. IT IS ALL FREE and I have experienced it over and over again. It works. Learn it and you will surprise your world. Here it is!

CHAPTER TWO MARRIAGE OF THE SOIL & THE SEED If God chooses to make you poor He does not take your seed but prevents you from finding soil. The seed and the soil are married partners that do not like to be divorced! God will prevent your seed from generating by removing the marriage between the seed and the ground. These two don’t like to be apart. They hate separation. Notice, the seed is at its loneliest when it has not found soil. This marriage should never be disturbed. Whosoever puts these two asunder will have really resigned from getting a harvest! Whenever a seed is alone and has not been put in the soil it feels alone. You see it is engaged to be married to the soil. It is promised in marriage and can’t wait for its wedding day. The day that it is introduced to the soil, the marriage is consummated. The seed is happy to meet its life Partner. They are in this marriage until death do them part. If you want to be rich and obtain the results of God’s ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’, this is a marriage you should never forget! You see when these two meet that’s when you see the joy of the seed and the power of the soil. Theirs is a match made in heaven. The Happiest Day In The Life Of A seed The happiest day of a seed is when you find soil for it. This is why the lord cursed the ground so as to frustrate Adam’s seed. He did not curse the seed. No he didn’t. He was punishing Adam. Now do you see that if God chooses to make you poor He does not curse your seed but prevents your seed from getting married to the soil? Your seed maybe a house, a car or money but your soil many a

times is simply another human being and if God chooses to make you poor he will deprive you of the person to sow in it. It is that simple. God rarely curses the seed. Man was made from soil so he is a ground and the best if not the only ground to sow into. However man are different some are more fertile than others. You sow into another man but other men are cursed. God does not curse the seed. Look intently at what happened in Genesis; “Cursed be the ground for your sake…” God did not curse ADAM. He did not curse his SEED. God cursed the GROUND where Adam was supposed to sow his seed. God had refused Adam’s sowing ability and by so doing he had paralysed his harvest ability. Even a hybrid seed cannot do anything here. God knew if Adam has a seed and no soil nothing would happen. God did not curse the trees in the garden; he just cursed the ground because he understands that for prosperity to come a seed has to be in the ground so he cursed the ground. He could have cursed a number of things but in order for the punishment to be severe God cursed the production line for prosperity, which is the soil. Without the soil no prosperity comes even if you have a seed. Soil And Seed Are Lifetime Partners The soil and the seed work together. They are partners that can not be separated. Remember my father owns farms where he grows maize and has plantations for sugar cane and there is no day in his farming years that he has ever heard soil complain saying; “I know you sowed maize but I am going to come up as potatoes” No day whatsoever. The soil does not have the power to argue with its partner the seed. The seed however has a program that forces the soil into production but without that seed the soil is on its own. The seed’s presence tells the ground to work. It dictates to the ground. The moment a seed gets into the ground it tells the ground of its arrival and forces conditions in the soil to react to it. When the seed sees its partner the ground, it literally arrests the soil into submission by forcing it to produce what is in its programme and not the programme of the soil. You these are partners that are need to be really understood if one is to experience riches. In this booklet, I will deal with how these partners can be best employed so prosperity can come.

Notice that the seed is at its loneliest when it has not found fertile soil. The soil partners with the seed for production to be realised. Why God Cursed the Ground In Adam’s Days God chased Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden which was were he was moving and talking to God in the cool of the day. He was enjoying life there and when the punishment came God chased them out. He literally expelled them from the Garden of Eden. As if that was not enough, in his anger, he put rotating and sharp swords at every entrance to the garden so that Adam will not be able to enter. This was his way of displaying his anger and punishing Adam. However a few moments after the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden something happened. God realised Adam still had an ability to start another garden of Eden on his own SO GOD CURSED the ground that would have given him power to prosper. You see when Christ died on the ground he reversed the curse so we can sow again but there are different grounds for every seed and then there are few that can accept all types of seeds. Eve Was Not Cursed God did not curse Eve. God only cursed the ground of Eve, which was the pregnancy by making it painful to deliver the baby. The baby was the seed Adam sowed into Eve and the pregnancy was the soil. God cursed the pregnancy and told Eve; “You shall give birth in pain” Notice he did nt say; “The baby shall suffer with pain when you are delivering her” God didn’t say that at all. He was only interested on cursing the ground just as he told Adam; “you shall suffer when you farm” God simply curses the ground and not the seed because he knows that would affect the marriage between the seed and the soil. You see without the soil the seed is in the dark, groping and in fear. It is in its loneliest state because it is separated from its partner the ground. Whenever you seed, it might be money, cars, houses or simply your time lacks its soil then it is deprived the ability to multiply. Christ Reversed The Curse Of The Ground Many folks have the problem of thinking Christ brought a Harvest but they would be mistaken. Christ

came and reversed the curse so the soil is no longer cursed. It is very important that the marriage of the soil to the seed be honoured and WHOSOEVER puts these two ASUNDER is heading for poverty or likes to stay in poverty. It is a must to respect this marriage between the seed and the soil. A real MUST. This is the ancient secret that you should know first before anything else. It has been used by a lot of people and God awakened me to it. Many millionaires have honoured it. It works. William Colgate was one of the few who worked it from a young age and that is why you still know his products today! Colgate’s Small Seed and Soil The Colgate-Palmolive Company is one of the oldest in America, going back nearly two hundred years. A young man named William Colgate started it. He left home at sixteen years of age to seek his fortune, and everything that he owned in this world was tied in a bundle that he carried in his hand. But as he walked along on his way to the city, he met an old neighbor; the captain of a canal boat, and the words the old man spoke to him on that day stayed with him his entire life. The words were full of these ancient secrets you are reading in this booklet. The old man cleared his throat and said; “Well, William, where are you going?” asked the canal-boat captain. “I don't know. Father is too poor to keep me at home any longer, and says I must make a living for myself now.” William went on to say that he had no skills, that he didn't know how to do anything except make soap and candles. “Well,” said the old man, “let me pray with you and give you a little advice.” There in the pathway, the two of them-a teenager and an old man- knelt down and the man prayed earnestly for William. Then, rising up, the boat captain said this: “Someone will soon be the leading soap maker in New York. It can be you as well as anyone. Be a good man; give your heart to Christ; give the Lord all that belongs to Him of every dollar you earn; make an honest soap; give a full pound; and I am certain you will yet be a prosperous and rich man.” When William arrived in New York, he had trouble finding a job, but he followed the old man's advice. He dedicated himself to Christ, joined a church, and began worshiping there and GIVING there. The first thing he did with the first dollar he earned was to give 10 percent of it to the Lord's

work. From that point on, he considered ten cents of every dollar as sacred to the Lord. In fact, he soon began giving 20 percent of his income to the Lord, and then he raised it to 30 percent, then to 40 percent, then to 50 percent. And late in his life, he had become so successful that he devoted the whole of his yearly income-100 percent of it-to the Lord. Right there in his church, he had located his ground. He had found Mount Gerizim. He had located fertile ground. He was now in riches. William Colgate had found the secret to GETTING RICH GOD’S WAY. And even today, this very morning, nearly two hundred years later, you or someone you know even me, as I write this, have brushed our teeth or washed our faces with products from that young man's factory. His seed is still producing a harvest two hundred years on. That’s the power for a seed when it meets its soil. The Soil were you sow matters Janite Lee won $18 million in 1993. Her generosity in giving money to a variety of political, educational and community causes was commendable – but just eight years later she filed for bankruptcy. She messed up were to sow. You might still be asking ‘I still want to know the ancient secrets of finding how I can become a SOWER’ however there are two ways of becoming a person God gives seed to. Now its time to find out how you find a seed!

CHAPTER THREE FINDING A SEED God wanted Christians and he sowed Christ. Adam wanted a child and he planted the seed into Eve. God wanted a garden and he planted a tree. God wanted a family and he sowed two people, Adam and Eve. Everything works with a seed and is powerless without a seed. The devil wanted the fall of Adam and he planted his seed of doubt in Eve. The devil understands this law of seedtime and harvest and he operates it vigorously. He knows it works. He copied it from God way back and he still operating it to the disadvantage of many folks. He has seen God many times operating it and he is still copying it that he is now a master of it. He knows you need to find a seed in order to stop progress or increase it. His SEED is ‘doubt’. You need to find a seed if you are to be rich!

What If I don’t have a seed? So you don’t have a seed to sow? The answer is simple. The reason why you don’t have a seed is because you are not a sower. The bible says; “He ministers seed to the sower…” Do you see how easy it is? God here says he only gives seed to the one who can sow it. If you are not a sower God will not give you a seed. You don’t need a degree or a college certificate to know what the scripture is saying here. If you don’t have a seed it is because God knows you are not a sower. It is only through a seed that God multiplies you. The bible is also clear here; “Do not be fooled…” The bible here really says; “DO NOT BE A FOOL…YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW” In layman terms it would say; “DON’T BE STUPID…YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW” The word is clear only fools think they can reap where they have not sown. God’s law of prosperity is simply resting on the seed and the ground. If there is no seed there is nothing the ground does. If there is no ground the seed abides alone and can not die in order to give birth to a harvest. The Lord says; “Unless a corn of wheat dies and falls it ABIDETH ALONE but if it DIES it gives BIRTH…” If a seed is denied soil it is denied the opportunity to expand beyond the parameters of its small shell. God told me the shell that covers the seed becomes its imprisonment when it is meant to be its protection shell. The seed has to be sown in the ground so it produces a harvest. Remember God gives the seed to you. Nothing is yours that did not come from God. Everything Is From God

Before you decide to seed the seed you have, it might be a thousand, million or hundred dollars, it is still money and not seed. The money you want to turn into seed is simply money gotten as an empowerment from God. It is simply a gift from God, and nothing else. It is still not a seed. Everything you have from your body to your breath, from your time to your money all comes from God. Nothing is yours that has not come from the Lord. When God gives you life and allows you to work for your house, car, money or any income, he is giving you a gift and not a seed. God is not sowing into your life. No he is not. This is because the word says; “…the lessor is blessed by the better…” God does not sow into you. He gives you out of his good nature to provide for his children and nothing more. Your Decision Makes Your Gift, A Seed When you hold your goods, they are your goods until you make a decision to make those goods your seed. Your decision has power to turn a good into a seed. You can choose to spend your money or choose to sow it. You turn your possessions into a seed by your decision and if that decision is not made, your possessions remain possessions and that imprisons the potential of that money, car, house, land from exploding into something more. Notice that in your possession there is no potential to increase BUT your decision to make your possessions a seed injects the possessions you choose to make a seed from with a D.N.A to expand. That D.N.A sends a code to its core that it is now ready to be more. It suddenly changes into a thing that explodes with potential to produce more of its kind and if the seed is money, to produce more of anything. Your decision is the D.N.A manufacturer of the multiplication process. In fact your possession loses value and grows old that the only way to keep it new is to multiply it through making a decision to turn it and metamorphosise it into a seed. When Adam was standing there with God he had a sperm but it could not multiply. It took an instruction to multiply from God. That Instruction sent power into the sperm bank of Adam and from then on all sperms are endowed with ability to produce. Adam could have remained with Eve alone in the garden until God sent a word to his sperm bank and told his possessions that they were now seed. The decision of God to send an instruction gave Adam’s seed explosive power to create a HARVEST. God said to the sperm bank of Adam: “…Be FRUITFUL and MULTIPLY…”

Your money needs that instruction today! Everyone has a seed It may surprise you that everyone has a seed. Every person is in actual fact a walking wharehouse of seeds. Your smile is a seed. Your nodding joyously is a seed. Your wave is a seed to someone. Your wink can be a seed to someone. Your time is a seed. Everyone has seeds but they might not want to release those seeds. The reason why God honours material seeds like money over all others is because money is a medium of exchange for almost anything so you can name it and it can produce something that is not money. Remember the word says; “…you reap what you sow…” BUT sometimes you sow money and get a house instead of money. Why? Because money is a medium of exchange for all goods. It can take shape of anything or represent anything. It is an idea and not just an object. In of itself, money, has no value but represents the value of another thing, that is why it has the ability to come in any form of harvest. The other thing that God told me is that He is not after people’s money but to bless them. I remember asking God why it has to be money most of the time and he said clearly; “I am after the thing you don’t want to give the MOST. If you don’t want to give your time I will demand it. Commitment son starts when you can surrender what you have. Many do not want to part with money and you cant serve me and money so that is why I demand the money they don’t want to give the most as a seed” You see if you are serious about getting rich you sow the thing that you don’t want to give the most. That is commitment and remember all you have is coming from God. You don’t have anything that does not come from God. Elijah’s Possession became His Seed, Yours Can Too Elijah sowed water at Mount Carmel. No human being can make water. Water is a resource from God that no man can really make. Elijah had no machine to make water from thin air. Even if he had that would still be God’s water since he would have made it from air God created. However his decision to make water a seed brought water in torrance at the time of King Ahab Many do not know that when Elijah got water he seeded water. The bible says on the;

23. Let them therefore give us two bullocks; and let them choose one bullock for themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under: and I will dress the other bullock, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under: 24. And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the Lord: and the God that answereth by fire, let him be God. And all the people answered and said, It is well spoken. 25 And Elijah said unto the prophets of Baal, Choose you one bullock for yourselves, and dress it first; for ye are many; and call on the name of your gods, but put no fire under. 26 And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made. Notice how Elijah’s trick and how he was putting the delaying tactics into effect has he waited for the right time to sow; 27 And it came to pass at noon, that ELIJAH MOCKED THEM, and said, Cry aloud: for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked. 28 And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them. 29 And it came to pass, when midday was past, and they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that there was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regarded. 30 And Elijah said unto all the people, Come near unto me. And all the people came near unto him. And he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down. When he was nearing his SEEDTIME Elijah was ready. Just stick to this and see what he was doing; 31 And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, unto whom the word of the Lord came, saying, Israel shall be thy name: 32 And with the stones he built an altar in the name of the Lord: and he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed. 33 And he put the wood in order, and cut the bullock in pieces, and laid him on the wood, and said, Fill four barrels with water, and pour it on the burnt sacrifice, and on the wood. 34 And he said, Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said, Do it the third time. And they did it the third time. 35 And the WATER ran round about the altar; and he FILLED the trench also with WATER. NOW WATCH this time of THE SEEDTIME that he was waiting for; 36 And it came to pass at the TIME OF THE OFFERING OF THE VENING SACRIFICE, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word. 37 Hear me, O Lord, hear me.... After this look at how God took the seed from Elijah; 38 Then the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and LICKED UP THE WATER that was in the trench. 39 … all the people

saw it…40 And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. Elijah knowing the power of his seed, way before any sign of rain came, started to plan for how he would need shelter. He was positive because of the seed he had sown. I know some folks will argue that ‘oh that was not a seed’ but they would be dead wrong. Look at what it says here in 1 Kings 18:32; “32 And with the stones he built an altar in the name of the Lord: and he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain TWO MEASURES OF SEED” WOW! He gave a double seed. He was ready for a BIG one and doubled his seed so that water could come. No wonder he was very positive to the extend of telling the King to run for shelter. 41 And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain. 42 So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees, 43 And said to his servant, Go up now, LOOK TOWARDS THE SEA. And he went up, and looked, and said, There is nothing. And he said, Go again seven times. 44 And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, Behold, there ARISETH A LITTLE CLOUD out of the sea, like a man's hand. And he said, Go up, say unto Ahab, Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down that the rain stop thee not. When Elijah saw a small sign he knew his harvest was coming no matter how small the sign his seed was now speaking and he knew it. This is where many people get it all wrong with their sowing. If they see a small return to the seed they think that’s all there is to their harvest when its simply a sign that harvest is ready. Elijah understood the ancient secrets of SEEDTIME and HARVEST. And when he accepted that small sign look at what happened; “45 And it came to pass in the mean while, that the HEAVEN WAS BLACK WITH CLOUDS and wind and there was a GREAT RAIN. And Ahab rode, and went to Jezreel.” Did you notice that wind came before the rain? Sometimes you can seed but then notice only wind over your finances, don’t lose heart because wind sometimes comes before the rain which is your harvest. Don’t be deterred because inside a seed is a programe to be more. The seed knows it and you should. The wind can never alter the D.N.A of multiplication in a seed. You see? There is one thing you also ought to understand here. Elijah waited until the time of the evening sacrifice and all this mocking of the prophets of Baal was simply a tactic so that he can start his own sacrifice during the time allocated by God to sacrifice. BUT why would he wait for this time of sacrifice? The answer lies on the principle God taught me in the plane to UK.

First of all remember God said; “As long as the earth remains SEEDTIME AND HARVEST remain” Did you notice it says? “SEEDTIME and HARVEST” It does not say; “…HARVEST TIME…” The reason is simple. Sowing should be timed. It should not be rampant. It should be consistent but not careless. You need consistence as a sower but you need to locate the best time to sow. Locate your seeding time well and your harvest can be everyday. The ancient secrets agree that seeding is timed and harvest can be all year round and if not you still hold the ability to enjoy the harvest all year round. These are ancient secrets a lot of people have learnt and the problem with rich people is they will never want you to know what made them rich. Elijah decided to make what god gave freely, water, to be his seed and his possessions, which was water, became the seed and he got rain. This is why he kept sending the servant to check if there were any clouds in the sky. He was SURE that since he SOWED WATER there was supposed to be WATER HARVEST! When the seven went seven times and then saw a small cloud, Elijah took that as a sign of harvest. He was determined to get his harvest and he knew that a seed sown cannot go unnoticed. He was steadfast. He was ready for a harvest and he was sure he sowed so there was supposed to be a water harvest regardless of how small the sign was, Elijah took that small sign of a cloud as proof water was coming and it came. In your journey to prosperity through these ancient secrets, always understand that when you sow there might come a small harvest to start with, that is your sign so don’t complain. You see money does not like being insulted. For the laws of money read my book called the 10 IRREFUTABLE LAWS OF MONEY. If lets say you sow a thousand dollars and within a few day or whatever time you receive a twentydollar note don’t say it is not working. Take it like the small cloud of Elijah. Begin to rejoice that there is a sign of abundance of dollars just as Elijah after hearing news of a small cloud said; “…tell AHAB…I hear an abundance of RAIN” You see your decision to make your possession a seed injects a D.N.A for multiplication into it and your decision to take a small sign as proof of a coming harvest quickens your harvest. You see your

decision gives God power to make you a sower thereby giving you seed. Types Of Seeds There are types of seeds that can be sown. Every seed has D.N.A. but every D.N.A is a code for multiplication that can differ with seeds. What you can be sure of is if you see a seed, you have seen an object that has a message and an instruction to multiply. However some seeds’ D.N.A tells it to produce a bumper harvest. There are normal seeds and there are seeds called HYBRID SEEDS. This is the same in your sowing. There are other figures that can be Hybrid and others that fall under the normal seed level. All produce a harvest, a lot of it for that matter because that is the instruction in then but some give a better harvest than others. Its not the amount you give that determines whether a seed is Hybrid or not. It is what you remain after giving that determines the type of a seed. When you sow two hundred dollars for example the remainder determines whether your seed is Hybrid seed or not. If you are left with two hundred dollars after giving two hundred, you are still in the normal seed level. If you give all you have or are left with little after having given more you will have sown a hybrid seed. Hybrid Seed The easiest way to explain "hybrid seeds" is to first understand what it is not. You may notice that some plants mature earlier than others of the same strain, or may have a slightly different colour. This is a clear indication that they are open pollinated. If you grow their seed next year, you will pretty much get the same plant you had the previous year. This is a great, cost-effective way for you to select plants that do well in your land. However, uniformity in disease resistance, date of maturity, and all physical qualities is necessary for most market gardeners or farmers or SOWERS and useful for home gardeners with very limited space. Growing hybrid seed ensures this uniformity. Hybrid seeds also show what's known as hybrid vigour; these plants come out stronger than their parents. If you sow your best out of your possessions you have sown a hybrid seed. Many people sow out of their lack instead of out of their intended harvest. They look at what they lack and then sow their seed looking at the lack they have and from the lack they have instead of sowing a hybrid level seed that would show they are ready for a bumper harvest. Lets say you have fifty thousand dollars and you want to buy a house that costs two hundred thousand you have to understand that fifty thousand should be your seed since it is not enough to buy the house you want. If your money is not enough to buy what you want then turn it in to a Hybrid seed. Use all you have for the great harvest you need. A hybrid seed is the best seed for the great harvest you want. Two Ways Of Becoming A sower As you have seen, money is motivated by a decision. God;

“…ministers seed to the sower and bread to the eater…” That ancient secret has a lot of meaning. It is simply saying if you don’t give God will simply give you something you will eat. When he sends you possessions he will send you enough for you to eat and survive. In other words you will be on survival mode. When you decide to turn your possessions into a seed God then gives you more. Remember the scripture from the Bible that says; “To whom much is given, much shall be demanded…” There is a secret in understanding God only gives a seed to the one who changes their minds and CHOOSES to be a sower. Here we are talking about a mental change. A paradigm shift to say ‘from now on I am a sower and that is what I live for’ That decision changes you from an EATER into a sower. The word says; “…He misters SEED to the SOWER and BREAD to the EATER…” EATERS will be broke and SOWERS become Multi-millionaires. They become RICK quickly God’s way. You know there are some folks that say ‘but I only have enough to rent and enough for me and my family’ the reason is simple God knows you are an EATER, you are not a SOWER that is why you are living in JUST GET BY STREET just down the road from GRUMBLE ALLEY. You are broke because you are not a sower. You have not chosen to be a SOWER. The moment you choose to be a SOWER, God starts to give you more gifts you can turn into seed by your decision and inject a D.N.A to multiply into them by the same decision. Do you see how simple that is? The second way is more important than the first but yields the same result because both make you A SOWER. The bible says in Romans 12:6-8; “Having then gifts differing according to the GRACE that is GIVEN TO US BY GOD, whether PROPHECY, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; Or ministry’ let us wait on our ministering: or he that TEACHETH on teaching; Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: HE THAT GIVETH…” Here the bible put GIVING as a ministry. It is given among Prophecy and Teaching which means it is very important to God. It is in verse 6 put as GRACE from God. It is like a virtue that can be prayed for. You can literally pray to become a sower, WE did. So far WE have given hundreds of cars. One

year WE gave over fifty cars and here WE mean real cars and that was when we were still in our starting stages. First my wife and I made a decision and then we started getting huge harvests out of these secrets and then we prayed to become givers. We prayed for the grace to be givers and we entered the zone where my wife and I now feel for every person in trouble. Our giving is no longer a decision. It is now a part of our life. It is lodged deep in our mind sets and spirits that we cannot do without giving. It is now part of us. As for money we have lost count of how much we have given so far. We just help and the harvest is coming full force that its now on a daily basis. Notice that this giving is not a ministerial gift or office but simply a special inclination found in certain folks based on ‘special grace’ in the giving area. For example all believers are called by God to be merciful but there are just other believers who are endowed with ‘extra grace’ to be merciful. They just have a certain level of grace upon them for that area. Giving is the same you can make a decision to be a SOWER and God will give you more possessions for yourself and for others. You can pray for that special grace to be a giver and God will definitely give you. Either way God has a door for you to be a SOWER. However there is need to find soil now that you understand that you have a seed. Stay with me here!

CHAPTER FOUR FINDING YOUR SOIL The soil is the only guarantee that your seed has a future. Now that you have a seed, where is the right soil for you to sow a seed? You see a seed is as powerful as the soil it is planted in. Weak soil will limit the force of the seed. It disturbs the level of the production that a seed can force the ground into. Though the seed forces the ground into production, weak and infertile ground will buckle under the pressure of the seed but it will produce useless harvest because infertile soil weakens the force of the seed. It makes the impact of the seed feeble. It weakens its ability to really kick and force the production required into life. Look at this in Deuteronomy 11: 29;

“And it shall come to pass that when the Lord has brought thee in to the land wither thou goest to posses it, that thou shalt PUT THE BLESSING upon MOUNT GERIZIN and the CURSE upon MOUNT EBAL” Do you notice that according to the Lord Himself, one land can be cursed whilst another land can be blessed? So whenever you are ready to plant your seed you need to be careful where to plant it. Other lands are infertile and others are very fertile. Others are cursed and others are blessed. This is the most important part of your sowing. You can not play with your seed. Many have become poor because they lack the eyes to spot the right piece of land to sow their seed. Notice that not every Man of God is fertile ground and always put it in your mind that some are more fertile than others. Your duty is to find your own Mount Gerizin. Never make the mistake of sowing in Mount Ebal. Some ask me how do I know which one is Mount Gerizim and which one is Mount Ebal? That is easy. This is what we are dealing with in this Chapter. You problem shall find your soil If you want to grow potatoes there are soils for that. If you decide on sowing beans there are soils for that. If you want maize there are soils for that and farms for that. However knowing what that the soil is good for is done by testing the soil. To do this you either go to the laboratory to test the soil for the crops you want to grow, which might take days or even weeks to see or you simply get a history report of that soil and you have a good way of measuring it against the crops you want to grow in it. After getting the report there are several things you can do from crop rotation to mixed cropping. You can choose to seed in different soils but that will give you the problem of the farmer in the parable of the sower or you can simply find one Mount Gerizim and sow all your seeds and that is called Mixed Cropping which has a lot of benefits. MIXED CROPPING involves sowing different seeds in one ground. MIXED CROPPING Mixed cropping, also known as inter-cropping or co-cultivation, is a type of agriculture that involves planting two or more of plants simultaneously in the same field. In general, planting multiple crops at once will allow the crops to work together. The benefits of mixed cropping are to balance input and outgo of soil nutrients, to keep down weeds. Multi cropping also resists climate extremes like wet, dry, hot or cold. It also suppresses plant diseases, to increase overall productivity and to use scarce resources to the fullest degree.

You see there is a time you have to understand that there are Men Of God who are good grounds for every seed. When you find them they will be able to sustain every seed sown by their anointing. There are Men of God with great anointing and you don’t have to guess who they are. Look at their substance. What do they have? Do they have plenty or less? What achievements do they possess? What is the impact they have made on earth? You understand that here you no longer need to weigh them. You are now able to look at them and see what is in their life. The bible says: “by their fruit you shall know them” Check their results and you know they have an ability to make your seed multiply. It is that simple. Don’t make the mistake of the sower in Jesus’ parable. His mistake was to sow in different grounds. He was all over the place. Here I am very sure different Men are anointed in different ways and have different graces. However there are some men of God and yes they are there who are very fertile you ought to find them and make them your covering so you can sow into them. Look at what the sower in the parable did without practicing mixed cropping; Parable Of The Sower Look what the sower who knew nothing about mixed cropping did in Mark 4: 4 And again He began to teach by the sea. And a great multitude was gathered to Him, so that He got into a boat and sat in it on the sea; and the whole multitude was on the land facing the sea. 2 Then He taught them many things by parables, and said to them in His teaching:3 “Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow. 4 And it happened, as he sowed, that some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds of the air[a] came and devoured it. 5 Some fell on stony ground, where it did not have much earth; and immediately it sprang up because it had no depth of earth. 6 But when the sun was up it was scorched, and because it had no root it withered away. 7 And some seed fell among thorns; and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no crop. 8 But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.”9 And He said to them,[b] “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” I used to sow into different people but then I found a field in one man where I can do my MIXED CROPPING. Remember here I am talking about getting rich. I am, not talking about other reasons of sowing like; “…love covers a multitude of sins..” OR “…giving to the Poor…”

All these have different results and you can sow wherever you like but you see for you to manage a field’s results you need to understand the secret of mixed cropping with regards to GETTING RICH QUICK. That principle is very solid and will yield a lot of benefits. You need to understand that one field with many crops is easier to manage and reduces the level of confusion. You will know for sure whether a particular ground works or not. If you sow everwhere you will not know which one produced for you and that means the following season you might waste your seed on useless ground because there is no inventory that is clear. There is better management in mixed cropping. Check the substance of the man or woman you are sowing into. You need to understand that the soil though it is given power by the seed to produce, its fertility comes into question when you are near the crop season. So it is important to understand that what the soil has will partner with the potential of the seed to produce a harvest. In the same vein your soil can give you what it is meant for. Remember different soils for different crops. Watch what Peter said at the gate called beautiful; “…What I have give I unto you…” A person you sow into should be able to show that in his own life he has the ability to have the equivalence of what you are sowing for. Some yes you can just look for potential but you need to keep in mind that if someone doesn’t have the ability to buy a car it would be very reasonable to know its very stupid to try and sow into them expecting a car that they as your soil have no potential to bring into manifestation. That will be sowing into the wind. You reap nothing! That is why the bible says IN Hosea 8:7; “They sow the wind and reap a whirlwind…” It continues; “…the stalk has no head; it will produce no flour. Were it to yield grain, foreigners would swallow it up.” You reap nothing if you sow into untested ground. You sow ZERO dollars you will reap ZERO dollars. You sow the wind, you will reap a whirlwind. Untested ground can give you a harvest only if you are sowing into its potential but the potential definitely has to be there otherwise you are sowing into the wind and you will reap a whirlwind. That’s a fact many people ignore. They just don’t keep in mind that the ground has to be fertile. If you sow into a ground because you feel sorry for it or you have mercy on that ground then you will reap mercy and that’s good too but remember you are seeding in order to get a harvest in material blessing that you will in turn, turn into seed and also live on.

JESUS HAD TO SWEAT BLLOOD ON THE SOIL SO HE COULD RESURRECT ABRAHAM GOT CANAAN FOR FREE BUT PAID FOR THE BURIAL SITE. Other Ways Of Selecting The Soil To Seed Into RAIN SUNSHINE AND WEEDS It is also important to know that you ought to take care of your ground. Love it and consistently sow into it, otherwise it may run away from you. Erosion OF Your Soil If you do not care of the ground where you sow your seed and not sow consistently erosion may happen. Erosion is the process by which soil and rock are removed from the Earth's

surface by exogenetic processes such as wind or water flow, and then transported and deposited in other locations. There is prevention of erosion people who undermine their soil will cause erosion so the man of GOD leaves for another country or continent. That is what erosion causes. Remember it is the processes of removing top fertile soil and other soils and stones by such things as

wind or water flow by, and then transporting and depositing them in other locations. Keep the man or woman that God gave you as a land to sow into. Protect them defend them. Michael in heaven fought with the devil whilst God was sitting on the throne, relaxed. Why? Michael was not defending God, God can destroy and annihilate the devil by the speed of thought but what happened there was Michael was fighting for his own blessing. He was defending his area. Know how to defend your ground and erosion will not take place. You see you NEVER miss the water until the well runs dry and in the same line you NEVER MISS YOUR GROUND UNTIL ANOTHER TAKES IT FROM YOU. SOW NOW and then learn how to cultivate the soil!

Chapter 5 Cultivating the Soil CHAPTER FIVE CULTIVATING THE SOIL

LIKE A FARMER FORGETTETH HOW IT COMES OUT Abraham sowed and the vultures Your seed has to die A farmer that’s put a plough to the ground and looks back is not worth for the kingdom

Now that you have found your soil and have your seed you now need to break ground by cultivating and prepare to cast your seed. Remember a seed does not produce unless you plant it. If you had one grain of wheat you wouldn’t make flour out of it because it is not enough. However if you cast it will bear enough fruit to get you started getting flour for your cake. A seed if eaten, you would have foregone the potential harvest inside a seed so it takes sacrifice of today’s consumption for you to have more in the future. Cultivation involves preparation of the soil by breaking it up for it to loosen so that your seed gets deep into the soil, away from the vagaries of the elements who can take away your seed before it germinates. Cultivation speaks of a relationship with the soil, it’s not a one time affair, remember it’s a marriage between seed and soil, and any marriage should be based on a relationship. Cultivation is dependent on our expectation, we can’t simply throw seeds to the ground and expect a good harvest. Cultivation is the beginning of your faith, it’s the beginning of acting upon what you believe. Cultivation is about naming your seed, speaking words into it and placing it on the Alter as you sow.

Cast Your Seed And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come. Mark 4:26-29 Notice how the Kingdom of God is likened to the Agricultural system. When your seed has been sown, be it a car, a house, 1 000usd, 100usd or 10usd, whatever amount God has spoken to you about, once released it is no longer time for you to think how or from where are you going to get by or get your harvest. That will be tantamount to sowing seeds of doubt. You should sleep and forget about it and act upon your harvest. You do not know how your seed will germinate into a fruit, one thing is certain the Laws of God take over. The seed is programmed to bear fruit as long as it is the right soil. The soil is also programmed by the Laws of the harvest to sustain a seed until it brings forth fruit. The focus therefore is on the harvest and not on how it’s all going to work out. God’s principals do not change, these are his laws which he has written in his word, and he has placed his very own word

above himself so he is subject to his word. It’s like Parliamentarians who craft laws and statutory instruments, they are expected to uphold the very laws they craft because the laws once enacted become binding to everyone including themselves. It takes faith to believe that God’s word is going to hold true to his word, it takes faith to sow 1 000usd and expect God to somehow multiply your seed. The word says it, you believe it that should settle it. Believing alone is not enough, you have to act upon what you believe and cast your seed and let it die. Seed Has to Die You see God is a Just God, he will not ask you to do something which he isn’t prepared to do. When he asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac it looked mean and unreasonable but it was a shadow of what he was going to do. The bible puts it this way: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 God sacrificed Christ for there to be Christians, he had to observe his own law ‘seedtime and harvest shall not cease, as long as the earth remains’. He had to sow Christ into the earth for you and me to be born again and be saved. He had to sow a seed, he had to sacrifice and allow his Son to be beaten up, sweat blood, be nailed on the cross, become sin, bear our transgressions and die. Like any seed he had to die and resurrect so as to bear fruit and we have become that fruit unto God. Watch how Jesus speaks, boy I love Jesus. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. John 12:24-25 Jesus laid his life by his own accord, he could have chosen not to sacrifice himself and did another will, but he ‘humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross’. If he hadn’t, like a seed not cast he was going to be the only Christian but he had sacrificial love and died as a seed for there to be much fruit. This law applies the same for your prosperity, this is the essence for your get rich quick scheme, you have to sow your seed and it should die for it to bear fruit. If you hold onto it or you decide to consume it, that then becomes your harvest yet by sacrificing it and placing it on the alter God gives you an opportunity not to bless him but for you to be blessed and receive much fruit. You see the world’s wisdom of economics tell you that you have to save for you to get rich, God’s get rich quick scheme for you is totally the opposite, it tells you to give for you to get rich. No matter how fertile the ground if you don’t cast your seed and let it die, it will abide alone because it can’t multiply into a harvest unless you give it away. It doesn’t matter how great your need is or how sincere you are, if you want to experience God’s get rich quick scheme you have to be humble and be obedient to his laws and cast your seed. This is the short cut, there are no other short cuts to your ‘get

rich quick scheme’. This principal is true in the Investment financial system; unless you make an investment you will not get interest or dividends. You will not enjoy capital appreciation of your investment unless you make a deposit or make the investment. When you have cast your seed allow it to die, you have to forget about what you have sown and face forward towards the harvest. A seed dies when you have moved on not when you always remember it as if you regret. When a farmer has planted his seeds, he can no longer go back to the field so as to take them again, the seeds have to die and focus should extend to the harvest, you can’t afford to look back. The biggest mistake folks make is that, they give with strings attached. They think they are blessing God or are blessing a man of God. What they don’t realise is that they are seeds for their own harvest. Some give to be noticed, some give so as to have control or influence, that’s not how God’s system operates. Your seed once cast it has to be useless and you have to forget about it. It’s time to face forward towards the harvest. Face Forward And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. Luke 9:62 Again the Kingdom is likened to an agricultural system, once your seeds have been cast, allow it to die by facing forward, towards the harvest. Looking back means you have no faith in God’s word, you do not think he has the ability to give you a harvest yet the soil and the seed is programmed to deliver the harvest. Regret’s or failing to forget make you unfit for a harvest, because you are looking back your eyes are taken away from the harvest which is imminent. Facing forward means having hope, it’s about looking forward with expectation; your speech must speak about the harvest, your confession should be about the harvest you are expecting, not about the seed you have cast, which has since died, so allow it to die. The bible puts it this way; For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. Hebrews 6:10-15 A harvest is God’s promise which he put in his word, he is a covenant keeping God. Whilst you ought

to have forgotten your seed, God is not unrighteous to forget your seed. Notice how Apostle Paul would encourage those who had sown seeds by ministering through giving saints, for them not to lose hope unto the expected end of the harvest. Facing forward does not mean when you have sown a seed for a job it is time to sleep and relax and expect a job to come knocking on your door. That’s what he calls being slothful, which means being idle or lazy. Instead, when you have sown your seed, it is time to be industrious through faith, which is acting upon what you believe. It is time to act upon your harvest, if it’s a business, it’s the time to be diligent towards the affairs of your business. Notice how Apostle Paul coins his words, ‘through faith and patience inherit the promise’. You see hope gives you an assurance, because the promise is in the word but diligence towards those promises is what inherits the promise. Hope is a goal setter but faith is a goal getter. Patience works together with faith. Now patience in the English rendering talks about ability to bear pains or trials calmly or without complaint, that’s good but that’s not what we are talking about here. Ordinarily patience in the bible is from the root word ‘hupomone’ which talks of inner strength, an ability to remain under external forces because of the expectation of the promise. In this scripture, the root word is not ‘hupomone’ but its ‘makrothumia’, which is the fire you produce in the face of adversity. It is an attitude of perseverance when your harvest seems to be slipping away or is under threat. It is not the time to look back and regret over your seed, it is not time to complain because your seed should die, this will only make you unfit for your harvest. Instead this is the time to unleash the word inside you, and breathe fire from within against the fire which wants to destroy your harvest. It is about speaking words into your harvest and acting upon it with the utmost assurance that you are going to inherit the promise, your harvest which is your get rich quick scheme. That assurance is based on God’s word, his supernatural laws which He can’t turn against. The question is, will you be like Abraham, who ‘patiently endured, whose seed was blessed and multiplied beyond measure and obtained the promise. If your hands are indeed firmly fixed on the plough and don’t look back, you have made yourself fit for the harvest. Lets prepare for the imminent harvest, for God is faithful and true to his word.

Chapter 6 Prepare For Harvest Act Upon What You Believe When a farmer has sown his seed, he begins to prepare for the harvest, it is time for weeding, putting fertilizer in the ground, ensuring enough water gets to the plants and prepares the barns. It is time to act upon what you believe, it is not a time to be slothful. Watch this; Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. Matthew 9:37-38 Again the kingdom is likened to an Agricultural system, in this case Jesus was referring to souls which were to come into the kingdom because of the seed, being himself which had been planted by God for your sake. The same principal applies to your ‘Get rich quick, scheme’, the harvest is indeed plenty and it needs labourers with a harvest mentality to prepare. Obviously the size of your harvest is determined by the level not amount of seed you have sown. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7

Apple seeds bring forth an apple harvest and cucumber seeds bring forth cucumbers, seeds produce after their kind. That the way it is and that’s the supernatural law of ‘Seed Time and Harvest’. The seed you plant determines the kind of harvest you reap and the level of seeds you plant also determine your level of harvest. It’s the level of your seed that determines the level of your harvest, which should guide you in your preparation of your harvest. Take a look at the TLB version of this verse; …remember this – if you give little, you will get little. A farmer who plants just a few seeds will get only a small crop, but if he plants much, he will reap much… TLB 2 Corinthians 9;6 So your preparation is determined by your seed, so you can’t wait until the day of your harvest to decide how large your harvest needs to be. You determine your harvest the day you plant your seed, so your preparation should be consistent with the seed you have planted. You can’t build large barns when you have sowed little, the labour you need for your harvest is determined by the seed which you would have sown. The labourers should be consistent with the expectant harvest. It takes faith to hire labour before the harvest; a farmer does not start hiring reapers and building barns when it is harvest time. He does that before the harvest because he expects a harvest and acts upon his expectations. Now watch this;

Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth. If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be. He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. Ecclesiastes 11:1-4 Is it not interesting that he didn’t say cast your seeds upon the waters, it says cast your bread, remember ‘he gives bread to the eater and seed to the sower’ and the difference between seeds and bread is simply that a sower has sacrificed their bread now and has chosen not to grind it into flour for bread. Instead he chooses to sow what was to be his bread as seed for a harvest in the future. So when you cast seeds, essentially you have cast your bread, you see you are not an eater, the eater is given bread but you choose to be a sower and you sow your bread as seeds instead. Do you see that. He goes on to say, ‘for thou shalt find it after many days’ What is he talking about? It means you shall find your bread which you have sown after many days. These are the days for you to prepare for a harvest, you see. It requires hope, faith and enduring patience to inherit the promise. You cannot be like a baboon, which takes unripe fruits and bury them in the ground so that the ground heat can accelerate the ripening process, but it takes a few days but

not so for a baboon. After a few minutes it goes back to it’s fruit hiding place and digs up its fruit, which will obviously still be unripe. You need time to exercise your faith, working towards your harvest. If you have sown for a tender to supply goods and services, this is the time to get your logistics ready for you to supply your order and it’s time to get the lines of credit ready for you to fulfill the commitment. Now do you follow; ‘give a portion’ That’s your seed right there, that’s your seed being cast into the soil for your harvest. Do you notice why it says give, its because of the evil on the earth, your seed will protect you from evil, it will hedge you from the vagaries of the economy you live in. When they talk of high unemployment, recession, inflation, hyperinflation, credit crunch, credit squeeze, home foreclosure – you become immune to the vagaries of the elements of this world. Your seed will speak for you and your harvest will protect you. That’s what God’s get rich quick scheme will do for you, it will turn the wealth of the wicked for your taking. Let the Rain Fall Now watch this; ‘If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth’ For rain to fall, clouds need to get to a saturation level where they can’t contain rain anymore. The clouds have no choice but to empty themselves upon the earth. You see rain comes from clouds but where do clouds come from. Through evaporation water moves from the earth into the atmosphere as water vapour. The water vapour alone is not sufficient to form clouds; it needs a substance to condense upon and that substance is none other than dust particles. Interestingly, without dust particles, which come from the soil, water vapour will abide alone and there will be no clouds. Do you see that your soil, a place you cast your seed influences the coming of the rainy season. In the earlier chapter we established that your soil is a person and different soils are good for different harvests. Some soils are simply no good for seeds because even the rain depends on dust particles which come from the soil. When the vapour joins the dust particle to create clouds, eventually the water returns to earth as precipitation in the form of rain, snow, sleet and hail. Do you see that even nature observes the Laws of seedtime and Harvest. For the earth to get rain it needs to sow water and soil, dust particles. If it doesn’t, there will be no rain that will fall. The earth has to give up water as water vapour then condense on dust particles for clouds to form and the more the water vapour the faster the saturation level will be reached, and when the clouds are full, they empty themselves as rain. The rain becomes the earth’s harvest, do you see how Supernatural laws, govern the earth systems, financial systems and even your ‘Get rich quick scheme’. For the earth to get water, it has to sow water, because a seed produces after its kind. For the soil to be watered it has to give up dust particles, which will return as water. Without this, the earth will not

get replenished. My bible puts it this way; For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11 For your seed to bring forth and bud, it needs to be watered, it needs rain to fall from heaven. So that your seed can bear much fruit. Without water your seed will simply die, no matter how good the seed or soil is. Isaiah gives us an interesting analogy, he likens the water system to God’s word. Water falls from heaven to water the earth and gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater. You determine if you are a sower or a consumer. He says it’s a cycle, it’s a law, the water will not return without watering the earth. After watering the soil, it then returns back as evaporation and back again, it works like clockwork because it’s a law. The same with God’s word, it comes out of his mouth with a mandate, a purpose, a harvest, a blessing and for sure it will prosper in its assignment, the question is when it comes, how prepared are you. Have you sown your seed or the rain will simply fall on ground with no seed. For rain to fall it needs water vapour and dust, when the two meet, they form clouds, when they reach saturation the rain falls. For the word of God to be true in your life, for you it to accomplish that which he has purposed it, you have to say it, you have to speak it and you have to do it. You have to be in agreement with it for it to work in your life. If God promises a harvest in your ‘get rich quick scheme’ you have to agree with it, do what it takes and confess the same. For rain to fall, the earth has to send up water vapour and dust. You have to say the same thing which God says about your ‘Get rich quick scheme’, this could be in confession – ‘homologia’, speaking the same thing with God, being in agreement, praying the word which you would have filled inside – ‘prosuche’ or making supplications and petitions – ‘deesis’. Watch this; There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band, A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway. He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius. And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord? And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God. Acts 10:1-4 Without rain your seed will not germinate, for us to get rain we need to send water vapour and dust then God will respond. Do you see that Cornelius was a sower, it says he ‘gave much alms’ to people, he continually nourished his soil with seeds. He didn’t stop there, he also had to induce rain, you can’t stop at seeding, you have to have a relationship with God, prayer is an opportunity to be intimate with God, especially when punctuated with worship, which essentially is romance. You can’t sow a seed then not have a relationship with God, you need to have a relationship with him. A

relationship is founded on communication and prayer is the essence to your relationship. Notice what the Angel said to Cornelius, ‘your prayers and alms are come up, before God’, two things were noticed by heaven, his giving, which is his seed and his prayer. When they were received, only then did heaven respond, do you see that, it’s like the water cycle, the earth gives up vapour for it to rain. You need to give up his word in confessions and prayer for his word to come down and water your soil, which supplies water to your seed. When you do this, surely rain will come and it will achieve that which pleases the Father. That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. Matthew 5:45 You see, rain falls on good and bad ground, on sower’s and eaters the question is where have you positioned yourself. Have you sown your seed, have you prepared your ground, have you sent forth labourers into the harvest, are you acting upon what you believe. Your prayers should not just be for your harvest, they should also be for your soil, because rain does not fall on your seed, rain fall’s on your soil. You have a duty to pray by intercession for your soil as well, that’s the dust rising up, together with water vapour for your seed to be watered by rain. Apostle Paul, got a revelation to this; Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: 2Thessalonians 3:1 It is not that Apostle Paul couldn’t pray for himself, remember this is a man who once said ‘I thank God, I pray in tongues more than all of you’, he was trying to teach them how important it is to pray for your soil, as you pray that the soil is blesses and increased by having a ‘free course’ so it will be with you, you see that, as you pray for your soil, as it is getting watered so will your seed get watered because your seed is embedded in the soil. So rain will fall on your soil but also on unjust and evil ground, it’s up to you to defend your soil for if your soil is persecuted and derailed from enjoying a free course, your seed will also be compromised. Persecution alone is a good sign of a good ground; people don’t waste time on unfruitful ground. Always pray for your seed and for your soil for the rain to have free course. Now back to our scripture in Ecclesiastes 11;4. He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. Notice, eaters do not sow because they are swayed by the wind. The wind represents anything that moves you away from your harvest by preventing you to sow, this could be words by distracters who discourage you to sow, because people do not appreciate Supernatural laws of God, which take wisdom to understand and at time the wisdom of God appears to be foolish in the eyes of a carnal person. Wind can simply be greed, which makes you want to eat your harvest, whilst it’s still in a seed, wind can be the elements of your environment, there could be a recession in your country and

there you are clutching onto your seed, saving it for a windy day, yet you last meal can be your seed which unleashes a harvest out of your recession like what we learnt from the woman of Zarephath. If you don’t sow, you end up eating your seed, which is eating your harvest and you are reduced or rather you would have reduced yourself to a bread eater who will not participate in the harvest. The word, goes on to say, ‘he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap’, so you see it is possible to sow a seed in good soil and not reap. That will be sad wouldn’t it, after sowing a seed, preparing the ground and rain falling and not have a taste of the harvest. It says, that is caused by looking to the clouds, it results in you not reaping. It means you are walking by sensory perception and not by the word. It means you are too attuned to the physical elements and not on the word. You may have sown your seed in good soil for a contract or tender and that tender is delayed or cancelled altogether, or your bid gets rejected or someone gets the tender in your stead. What are you going to do, are you going to get into a depression get sad and angry, curse and swear and feel cheated – that’s what regarding the cloud is all about. When you regard the cloud, you have made the natural and physical realm your source, your eyes are gazed upon the physical, you would have placed your trust on the physical instead of on the word of God. Do you know you can lose a tender which then becomes like a closed door, then a few weeks later you hear that very company has gone bust, it’s being liquidated before they would have paid you. When things appear to have gone off course, don’t look to the clouds, put your eyes on his word, which gave you the promise of your harvest. God has the best reserved for you, he has a better deal for you, don’t lose hope and faith. Remember, we read earlier from the book of Matthew, ‘rain falls on the just and the unjust’ but the just are different from the unjust because the bible says; …Now the just shall live by faith... Hebrews 10:38 Read together with; For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 2Corinthians 5:7 Do you see that, the rain falls on the just and unjust, but the just do not regard the clouds, no they do not walk by sight, they walk and live by faith. Remember faith is acting upon what you believe, its beyond hope, which is a goal setter, it is a goal getter. When one door closes, another door opens, your eyes should remain upon the harvest no matter what the devil throws at you, he brings in something which removes you from the harvest so that you lose sight of your ‘get rich quick scheme’, so that you change your confession from ‘homologia’, he wants you to confess contrary to the promise, he wants you to give up so that you do not reap so that you lose your seed and harvest. If you walk by faith, then you are acting upon a harvest which is not seen by the natural eyes, you are already giving thanks to a harvest which you can’t see because you have trust in God’s word, that it will accomplish that which pleases him. One thing for sure which pleases God is your prosperity, the bible confirms it this way; Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant. Psalm 35:27

Do you see that, that’s something to shout for in joy, your confession that Let God be magnified should be said continually, not when things are looking up but even when it appears like there are no clouds, keep saying it continually for he has pleasure not in your poverty or sickness but in your prosperity. Do you see that God wants you to prosper, it says when he looks at you prosperous, that what gives him pleasure, that’s what gives him a proud look, it’s like you clapping hands for your child as he receives an award for doing well in sports or school. It gives you something to shout for joy, it gives you a proud look that you say to yourself ‘Thank God, I raised my kids well’. Now God even feels much better than that when you do prosper in your health, finances, joy, marriage, society, business He feels proud when his word doesn’t come back to him void, he feels good when you achieve your harvest which you would have sown for. So don’t let smokes and mirrors from the devil distract you from your harvest, which is your ‘Get rich quick scheme’ he does not want you to look to clouds, he wants you to hold onto his word even in the face of adversity, maintaining your confession and acting upon what you believe, this is the audacity of faith; But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6 God wants you to believe that he is your reward, not the clouds or the tenders, or your employer or your economy. If that is your case then your faith will be misplaced, it then becomes impossible to please him, for he is a Jealous God. You must seek him knowingly that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Make him your priority, make his laws and word your modus operandum, the manual by which you live by and your reward will be certain. Do Not Procrastinate Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? …behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest… John 4:34-35 You must have a harvest mentality, a mentality of abundance and more importantly not to procrastinate. A lot of people put off intentionally the doing part, which should be done. This can be a habit up until it becomes a culture. It is seen in little things like punctuality, do you respect time for interviews or deadlines for tenders. Do you leave your workmanship to the last minute and do a rushed job which is inherent with errors and mistakes? Some folks just love their sleep, too much thinking that a harvest will come knocking on your door, no things don’t work that way ion God’s kingdom. After sowing, it’s time to act upon your harvest, without procrastinating, thinking that its far off, for opportunities will come when you are not prepared, then you will end up thinking the laws of seedtime and harvest don’t work, yet you would have missed your opportunity for your ‘get rich quick scheme’.

When you look to the field, see the harvest, don’t see lack, or problems and challenges, see the harvest in the problems and all the challenges begin to present opportunities, for people are paid for solving problems, not for narrating or complaining about them. Get up and grab your opportunity, if it doesn’t exist, create the opportunities.

Chapter 7 Harvest Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. Matthew 13:24-30 The kingdom of God again is likened to the Agricultural system, I like the way it starts by saying, ‘good seed’, which means you can sow bad seeds. Every action even a smile is a seed, it means you will harvest smiles, love is a seed, you will also receive abundance of love, unforgiveness is a seed, but a bad seed it means you will harvest stress, high blood pressure, anxiety on top of your unforgiveness as well. Words are seeds, positive words are good seeds and negative words are bad seeds, it means you will harvest gossip and slander and an environment of negativity because you would have sown negative words. Your life should be a life of perpetually sowing good seeds in people, it means you will perpetually reap good harvest. By the same token, you can have good soil yet depending on the seeds you soil in that good soil your harvest will be accordingly. For example a man of God doing great exploits in the Kingdom of God can be good soil for you to reap good harvest but that very same soil can be persecuted and slandered, called all sorts of names punctuated with false and frivolous accusations, these are bad seeds being sown and harvest will come but it will be tares or weeds. You see good ground is programmed to give a give harvest but it’s a question of the seeds which you are sowing in that good ground and scripture cannot be broken, you reap what you sow. It’s only when harvest comes, that’s when you see the harvest which have been sown, those who have

been casting bad seeds, they will get their tares, their weeds or undesirable elements because they failed to sow good seeds during seedtime. Those who would have planted good seed will harvest a good harvest according to the level of seeds they would have planted. From Where Shall It Come From You may be wondering how exactly will it happen that I sow a seed in my soil, a man of God, then how then will I get my harvest. It may not make sense to the carnal mind because it appears as if you are giving to man, yet when you plant your seed you are giving to God, you are sowing based upon his word and it is God who will cause the harvest to come. Watch this; As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good. Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun: Ecclesiastes 11:5-7 It takes wisdom, the understanding of spiritual laws and faith to understand these principals of seedtime and harvest. Notice, it says ‘thou knowest not the way of the spirit, nor how bones grow in the womb of a pregnant mother’ you can’t fathom it in the natural how sowing a financial seed on the alter will cause a tender or contract to come to you. It’s like trying to explain how bones, solid matter grow in a womb from a man’s seed when it fertilizes a woman’s egg, which is the soil in the context of our agro – system. The child is the harvest, who will come out will hands, feet, eyes, ears etc after the kind of the seed for it is programmed to produce after its kind. See those are the works of God, all you have to do is to sow your seed in the morning and in the evening do not withhold your hand, in other words keep acting upon what you have sown because you don’t know where the harvest will come from whether this contract, a new contract, an anonymous phone call from a referral you don’t even remember or your harvest can come from someone you have just met. Notice the words of Jesus – boy I love Jesus. Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Luke 6:38 All you need to do is to give, you need to have faith and put the law into work, you need to sow and the harvest will return back to you. How much, you ask; ‘good measure, pressed down, and shaken together and running over’ do you see that He is the one who is more than enough, good measure, that’s a good harvest, its talking about the quality of the harvest, when it says pressed down, I want you to imagine empting a packet of flour into a bowl do you realise it will create a heap, which gives an impression that its heaped yet there is still space to get more, so to increase capacity you press down the flour, so that it becomes compact, before you know it there is more space in the bowl, if you shake it means the loose ends may not have settled enough so you shake and press down to create

more space before you put some more flour, you keep doing that until the flour runs over, spills over in your bowel. That’s what God wants to do for you, that’s the essence of his get rich scheme. All you have to do is give, you have to cast your seed in fertile ground and you would have opened doors to the life of the overflow. Notice the way of the spirit, which we read earlier in Ecclesiastes, notice the inexplicable works of God, notice the source of your harvest; ‘shall man give into your bosom’ In other words the spirit of God will turn the hearts of man and will cause you to give you the right contracts, jobs, tenders, claims, farms and opportunities which will be your harvest. You will say, they said, ‘you didn’t come tops in the interview but we just liked you, we reconsidered and gave you the job or contract because we somehow have confidence that you are the right person for this’. That’s how they will give into your bosom, you will not be able to explain the grace, unmerited favour which you will attract and which will be following you because of your seed. Do you see the essence of ‘Gods get rich quick scheme’ for you. Is it not a wonder how rich people are big givers even some who are not even Christians yet the reverse is true, they are rich because they give, remember God gives seed to the sower, wealth is given to those who give, the misers and stingy folks get only enough to get by. Now that you have your harvest, it is paramount what you do with it which determines if you are going to be a blessing perpetually. Notice God doesn’t want you to get rich quick and loose it as quickly as you got it. No he has pleasure in your continuous and sustainable prosperity. He wants you to have prosperity as a lifestyle not as a once off event. What you do with your harvest determines that;

What To Do With Harvest In Investment management, asset allocation is one of the key success factors of a successful portfolio of investments. How much you allocate in low yielding low risk assets in comparison to how much you invest in high risk and high return investments subject to market conditions will determine the performance of your portfolio. They say money doesn’t change a person, it simply reveals who you are. Those who sow, no matter what they get they remain sowers and those who are eaters no matter what they get they store up for themselves and don’t sow, which is a cause to their downfall, watch this; And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou

hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God. Luke 12:16-21 Another Agricultural allegory from Jesus, he talks of a bountiful harvest of a rich man, who I must add lacked wisdom because do you notice he hadn’t prepared for the harvest in time. Barns are ought to be build before the harvest, you see the bible says, write the vision down, not the budget down, if you have a vision you would run with the provision in time and prepare for the harvest not to leave things for the last minute, notice how he was planning the harvest when the harvest was already upon him, he lacked vision and without vision, people perish. Notice how he would store ALL his fruit and he plans to squander it on drink, eat and merry. That’s selfishness, do you see that, you get your harvest and you stop coming to church, it happens, this is what Christians without a kingdom mentality do, only to surface when they have lost all. You would have reduced church into a miracle poaching field and reduced God into an errand boy, you only want him for your interest and that’s it and never for his interest. Notice what God calls such ‘Thou fool’, and we all know that a fool and his money will soon be parted. Its selfishness and foolishness to lay up treasures for self, its tantamount to withholding your seed for it will abide alone and not bear much. Notice the words of Solomon, who got a hold of this spiritual law; There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it. He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him. Proverbs 11:24-27 Do you see that, your harvest is to be scattered not withheld greedily, that’s what Solomon says makes it increase. Notice there is nothing wrong with keeping some, it says ‘witholding more than is meet’, there is a level you see, you can’t withhold everything for this surely leads to poverty. The one who gives, shall be made fat, in other words he will increase, the one who waters others he also shall be water, you see it’s a cycle. If you withhold, people will curse you yet the blessing rests upon him that sells and trades. The Kingdom is not about hording, no that’s a lack and poverty mentality, it’s about giving, sowing, trading as a business which gives a blessing of plenty. Do you see that it says ‘sells’ it, which is giving us that sower’s have an entrepreneurial spirit within. The fact that you can sow a seed in a man of God and expect a harvest from God that in itself is in line with business principals, you sow by buying goods from your suppliers and sow into your soil which is akin to your clients then when they pay you, you reap your harvest for you would have loaded up your cost of supply with a profit margin. Notice the verse ends by ‘he that diligently seeketh good procureth favour’, do you see that favour can be acquired, it can be attracted, there are several ways and giving, sowing seeds is one of them yet mischief, is another type of seed and the bible says it shall come, that mischief that you sow will also

come back to you as your harvest. You see that, it’s the same law of you reap what you sow, mischief is a seed and mischief is a harvest. Money is a seed and money, riches and wealth can be your harvest. When you sow a seed you have procured favour, you would have done something to attract God’s favour. Now favour is an aura which attracts goodness over others, it attracts resources; it attracts opportunities and attracts contacts which are all key in you getting your harvest. Joseph’s Harvest Principals Now Joseph was a dreamer, he was a visionary, he had the divine ability of advance knowledge and the interpretation of dreams. He had foreseen 7 years of plenty and 7 years of lack and had planned ahead. This insight gave hive favour before Pharaoh who placed him as Governor in Egypt and saved nations. Due to the drought, money as a medium of exchange had failed due to hyperinflation and lack of productivity. They gave up all their money for bread, then gave up their livestock; eventually they gave up their land and even offered themselves up until Joseph came up with a divine solution that broke the back bone of their poverty. Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh: lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land. And it shall come to pass in the increase, that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for your food, and for them of your households, and for food for your little ones. And they said, Thou hast saved our lives: let us find grace in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's servants. And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day, that Pharaoh should have the fifth part; except the land of the priests only, which became not Pharaoh's. And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and they had possessions therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly. Genesis 47:23-27

Notice how Joseph, being a visionary plans for the harvest at the time of seeding, unlike the selfish and greedy rich man who was described as a fool in the parable we read above, extracted from the book of Luke. He starts off with ‘first things first’, they had to remove that which belonged to the Pharaoh and included in the portion for pharaoh was the portion of the priests, because the priests were taken care of by pharaoh as shown here; Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands. Genesis 47:22 This portion of the Harvest represents that which belongs to God, which is your first fruits, tithes and offerings. This is what establishes your covenant with God, this is to be removed from the Harvest and given to the Priest, so that there is food in the house of God. Doing this alone, causes windows of heaven to be opened and a blessing comes with it, that there will be no room to contain it. It unleashes you into abundance and also serves as an insurance to your harvest as this prompts God to rebuke the

devourer, who comes to destroy the harvest. The portion to pharaoh also represents, your dues to the authorities, suppliers, taxes, rates and all other costs. It will be sad to get your harvest and not pay your dues, Jesus calls it being a hypocrite. Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way. Matthew 22:17-22 Now that you have given unto Caesar what belongs to him and have given God what belongs to him, let’s go back to our text and learn what to do with the rest of the harvest. Watch this; …shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for your food, and for them of your households, and for food for your little ones… The rest is yours, to be who you are, this is where eaters and sower’s are separated, though some even eat what belongs to God and ‘Caesar’, the bible calls these robbers. The rest is left for seeds and food, remember he ministers seed to the sower and bread to the eater. At this stage if you do not have anything to sow, it means you are an eater. Sowers always have seeds to sow, that is how they live, they sow because they are sower’s, it has become part of them like a habit. That’s just who they are, they sow more seeds for future harvests. Sowers always have enough left over, even after sowing, there is enough for food for household and for the little ones. As for eaters, it’s a life of hand to mouth, never enough for anything but for consumption. From the harvest there is always seed to be removed to sow again and again in your soil for bigger and bigger harvests; it’s a cycle which should be done over and over again until your barns overflow. The Egyptians and the Israelites who lived by this supernatural law lived a life of success upon success, notice, again how our Genesis text ended. And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and they had possessions therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly. Do you see their ‘Get rich quick scheme’, how by following divine supernatural laws of God resulted in them getting possessions and multiplying exceedingly. Your seed will create a ‘Goshen’, which was a premium location in the midst of lack, your seed will change your address, your seed will bring a harvest in the midst of lack. Your seed will make you defy the economics of the land, it will separate you from the rest of the crowd. I like how Apostle Paul puts it concerning your ‘get rich quick scheme’. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of

necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work: (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever. Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;) Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:7-11 Notice, God’s get rich quick scheme is not for everybody, it’s for those whose have accepted that their current situation is not sustainable and want to break the backbone of poverty. You have to purpose it, in your heart, and that’s what separates sower’s from eaters. It has to be from your heart, driven by a conviction out of love not as if you are forced or compelled. It’s by conviction that you say to your self, I am breaking the backbone of poverty, I choose to get rich God’s way and it is by giving, seeding out of love, that’s why it says God loves a cheerful giver. When you do that you unlock ‘all grace towards you’, not some but all grace and equipped with such grace you will have sufficiency in ALL not some things and increase in every good work you set out to do. The same God who ministers seed to the sower will also provide food, which is coming from your harvest, not by eating your seed, and because you have sown seeds, he will multiply the seed and increase you. Do you see the ‘Get rich quick scheme’ right there. You will end up being rich in everything, that is your health, spiritually, socially, in wisdom and financially, it says in everything in abundance. God wants you rich in everything, he doesn’t want you broke and miserable, he wants you to be a blessing, it’s up to you to partake in his ‘get rich quick scheme’. The bible talks of a man, who participated in ‘God’s get rich quick scheme’ and harvest BIG, his wealth at today’s value would have been over 600us billion dollars. He got a hold of the revelation to God’s scheme and acted upon what he believed.

Solomon Harvests BIG God is more than willing to make his people rich beyond measure, remember he gets pleasure from the prosperity of his servants, his greatest wish is that you prosper in every aspect of your life, that’s what makes him proud. He is out there looking for people to raise up high into Financial Giants, in fact his eyes continually run to and fro searching for such and God always looks at our hearts for out of it, proceeds the issues of life. Watch this;

…For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him… 2 Chronicles 16:9

God looks at the heart, from the heart he can see those who love him and whose hearts are stayed upon him. One sure way to see the heart condition of man is to check two things; For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21 You see, money doesn’t change people, it simply reveals who you are. Where you prioritise your money, that is where your heart is. If indeed your heart is towards God, then your finances will be to expand his kingdom. And the second check point is the mouth; Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. Matthew 12:33-35 Your heart is like soil, which receives seeds from words, thoughts, what you visualize and what you believe in, these are all seeds, that’s why you should guard your heart with all diligence. So for you to know your heart condition, we look at the fruit of the seeds that have been planted in your heart, and the fruit of your heart is the words that come out of your mouth, which become bearings to your actions. Do you see that, your mouth speaks what your heart is full of, the mouth is just a spillover of what has been welling up in your heart. So for you to make yourself a candidate to God’s eyes check where you have placed your treasure and your mouth. Now Solomon, had a revelation of this Spiritual truth and acted accordingly; Solomon Makes Himself A Candidate Only the people sacrificed in high places, because there was no house built unto the name of the LORD, until those days. And Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of David his father: only he sacrificed and burnt incense in high places. And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there; for that was the great high place: a thousand burnt offerings did Solomon offer upon that altar. In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee. 1Kings 3:2-5 Up until the days of Solomon, there had been no temple built for the Lord, when Solomon saw this injustice, he decided that something had to be done. The bible tells us that Solomon, loved the Lord, you see love is a heart condition, that’s why the bible says we have love shed into our hearts by the Holy Ghost. Now if indeed we love the Lord, surely we will do his commandments, the greatest of them being love. You see your heart is soil and the Holy Ghost sheds a seed, love into your heart and

for you to know surely if you have that Love from above is simple, you check if you love God and your neighbor. Now to see that love we look at where you place your treasure and where you are being led by your mouth, because words prompt actions, which become habits, which form traditions or culture which build your character which leads to your destiny. Your destiny starts from your heart, not from your environment. We see that love for God by how he build the temple and made a sacrifices at high places, which his predecessors had left for worship to other idols and foreign gods. He offered a thousand burnt offerings, we are talking of a thousand bulls here and because of where he had placed his treasure and how he had built the temple, it prompted God to appear to him in a vision of the night and asked him what he wanted. You see, you can never out give God, he is a God of his word, he kicked in with a blank cheque; ‘ask what I shall give thee’ Solomon asked for understanding, to be able to govern the great people of Isreal. The bible says, the ‘speech pleased the Lord’, so you see, God was checking Solomon’s heart and he picked his heart condition from his words and obviously the sacrifice which prompted God to appear in the dream. God’s response is very instructive, notice; And the speech pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing. And God said unto him, Because thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thyself long life; neither hast asked riches for thyself, nor hast asked the life of thine enemies; but hast asked for thyself understanding to discern judgment; Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee. And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honour: so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days. 1Kings 3:10-13 Just from the treasure of Solomon and his abundance of the heart, God was able to make Solomon a candidate. His request for understanding and wisdom to govern well the people of Israel, shows that he was selfless, he didn’t pursue his interest first, he built the temple, which shows his interests were for God’s kingdom by providing the people a place for worship and sacrifice. His interests were with the people for he didn’t ask for his own long life or riches for himself, he was not greedy like the parable of the rich man we read earlier, he didn’t even ask for the demise of his enemies. He was given what he had asked for and as a bonus he was given both riches and honour. Now I want you to realise that these riches and honour were not in the physical remember it was just in a dream, a vision of the night. However he didn’t take it as just any other dream, this was his harvest which he had just been shown right there, it was God’s word, though he had been given in the spiritual realm of dreams, to him that was sufficient for it to settle everything, we see his revelation of the dream by the actions he took when he woke up. Solomon Sows For His Harvest

And Solomon awoke; and, behold, it was a dream. And he came to Jerusalem, and stood before the ark of the covenant of the LORD, and offered up burnt offerings, and offered peace offerings, and made a feast to all his servants. 1Kings 3:15 Behold, it was a dream, but he didn’t take it like any other dream, he took it as his harvest, his ‘get rich quick scheme’. He understood spiritual laws, he understood for this harvest to come to pass, though it was straight from God’s mouth he had to act upon it. Remember God’s word is like rain that falls upon the earth, programmed to prosper in what it has been purposed for. However for it to achieve the harvest, a seed must be sown into the ground. As soon as he woke up, he went straight to the alter and sowed his seed towards his harvest. Do you see, it had become a lifestyle for him, remember he had offered a thousand burnt offering earlier before the dream yet when he woke up he still sowed his seed and God, the Lord of the Harvest, Jehovah El Shaddai, the many breasted one, the one who is more than enough, the Almighty God of the overflow showed himself strongly in the life of Solomon. Solomon Harvests Solomon harvested big, because he sowed big, remember you reap what you sow, the same measure that you use when you give is the same measure which God will use when he gives. Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all, including the advanced wisdom of Egypt and his fame was in all nations, roundabout, in other words he became an international celebrity, an icon. He even became great in poetry, writing over 3000 proverbs and over 1000 songs. His knowledge extended into the fields of Zoology, Botany, Oceanology, Architecture, Quantity Surveying, Construction Engineering, Naval Engineering, Gold Mining, Metallurgy among other erudite disciplines. He even went to the extent of offering advisory and consultancy services, such that he even attracted pilgrims. Among the notable pilgrims was the Queen of Sheba, who brought gold and precious stones as advisory fees. Solomon, had vast wealth from ivory, gold, precious stones to the extent that silver was as common as stones. He Wants You To Be Rich That blessing is not just for Solomon, God wants to prosper you as well, he wants you to be rich. He is looking for people to raise up, whose wealth will bring glory to his kingdom. Today make a decision to break the backbone of poverty in your family or life, God wants you to be a blessing, he wants to make you a conduit of blessings to others. He wants to redeem you from the jaws of poverty and usher you into a world of superabundance. That’s his plan for you today, he already sees you as a success, his son Jesus Christ was sacrificed for you to be rich in every aspect of your life, by his blood you were ushered from the kingdom of darkness into health, peace, joy, love, wisdom and prosperity. He became poor for your sake, so that out of his poverty you can become rich and the riches are for his glory. Take a look at his word for you, today;

Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go. Isaiah 48:17 Do you see that, he teaches you to profit, by his word, by his spiritual laws, he wants to lead you the way you should go and that way is not into a financial wilderness, it’s to take you to a place of the overflow for Jesus came so that you should have life and have it abundantly. Lack is not your portion, sickness is not your portion, poverty is not your portion, and generational curses are not your portion. Work towards a seed, find good ground, sow your seed and act upon what you have sowed for, you will surely come back with a testimony.

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