Goals For Seawater Intake, Outfall and Pretreatment Improvement For Membrane and Thermal Desalination Systems

February 8, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

oa s or eawa er n a e, u a an Pretreatment Improvement for Membrane and Ther Th erma mall De Desa salilina nati tion on S st stem ems s


GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 


Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement


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Typical Inta tak ke Layouts



GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 


Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

1. Seawater System Classification

Seawater  Supply

Pretreatment and Pumping

Return Pumping

Cooling Water  and/or and/ or Br ine Return

Desal. PLANT (SW (S W Con Consum sum er)

  Pipes/Culverts • Bur Buried ied Pipes/Culverts • Tunnel • Combina Combinations tions of above   • None (dir (direct ect int ake ake))

• Open Pit/ wet We Well ll • Closed Pipin Piping g   • Screening • Filtration  

GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 

•   • Closed Pipin Piping g • Combinations • None (gravity flow) flo w)

• O en Cha Chann nne el • Bur Buried ied Pipes/Culverts Pipes/Culverts • Tunnel • Combina Combinations tions of above • None dir direct ect out fall


Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

2. General Engineering Methodology Layout and Construction



Risk Assessment and Contro Contro l

Tender  Seawater Intake Seawater Int ake Requirements and Outfall



GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 



Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

2. General Engineering Methodology • Climate (Seawater (Seawater and Air Temperatures, Temperatures, Rainfall, Rainfall, Wind, Ice) • Seis Seismic mic Activ Activity ity • Water Quality (Suspended (Suspended Solids, Chemical Chemical Composition and Properties) Properties) • Tid Tide e Level Levels s • Soil Cond Condition itions s • a yme ry ry • Environmenta Environmentall Regulations (Marine Life, Chemical Chemical Properties of Discharges, Noise) Noise) • Neighborho Neighborhood od (Other SW Consumers, Consumers, Industrial Area, nearby nearby Villages) • Marine Recirculation Recirculation (Wind, Tidal Currents, Currents, Location of Intake/Outfall Intake/Outfall Points, etc. • Oi Oill S il illl Wa Warn rnin in an and d Pro Prote tect ctiion S st stem em • Fish Protect Protection ion System System • Sedi Sediment mentatio ation n System • Seawater Pre-Treatment Pre-Treatment (Chlorination, (Chlorination, Screening, Filtering) Filtering) • Seawater Pumping (Flow, Pressure, Pressure, NPSH, Approach Flow Conditions, Hydraulic Hydraulic Transients) • ons ruc a y ea er, av a ves, o , a er ep , ze ze an ype o • Redundan Redundancy cy and and Availability • Effects during Construction Construction (e.g. (e.g. suspended solids) • Other Main and Auxiliary Auxiliary Equipment (Crane, (Crane, Ventilation, I&C, etc.) • Ma Mate teri rial al Se Sele lect ctio ion n an and d Co Corr rros osio ion n Pr Prot otec ecti tion on • Time Schedule Schedule (Construction Time, Equipment Equipment Delivery Time)

ruc ures

• Damages during Construction Construction (Experience (Experience of (Sub-) Contractor, Inherent Safe Design) Design) • Damages during during Operation (e.g. Ship Traffic, Traffic, Wave Action) • Protection against un-authorized un-authorized Access

GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 


Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

2. General Engineering Methodology COSTS


Analysis of Ca Capital pital Expenditur es


Analysis of Ope Operational rational Expenditur es (over Pla Plant nt Lif e Time, Contract Duration)

 An  A n al aly y s i s o f  PLANT LIFE CYCLE COSTS on a case by case basis

GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 


Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

3. Hydraulic Problems and Solutions  

GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 


Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

3. Hydraulic Problems and Solutions

Flow Optimization Throug hrough h Physical Tests

GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 


Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

3. Hydraulic Problems and Solutions Sink and Sunk Effe Eff ect cts s Transient Flow Flow Condition Condit ions, s, Up- and Down Down-S -Surg urg e

• s s u e n s y s em s w

o n g o s o r e p p es o r c u v er s an w

pumps oca e ons ore

• Seve evere re floodin g pos sible after after emergency emergency shut down of pumps • Potentia otentiall dry r unning of pumps dur ing pump start-up phase phase • To be careful careful ly analysed analysed in design p hase in order not t o render pump s tation operation opera tion imposs ible

GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 


Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

3. Hydraulic Problems and Solutions

GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 


Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

4. Typical Intake Layouts

Travelling Band Screen Installation

Drum Screen Installation

Seawa Se awater ter Screening Screening and Pumping Pla Plants nts for Me Medium dium to Large Scale Scale Installations

GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 


Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

4. Typical Intake Layouts Pipe floated in and sunk on Seabed

Pipe laid laid by by Horizontal Drilling Method

Seawa Se awater ter Intake Arrangement f or Sma Small ll to Me Medium dium Sca Scale le Installations

GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 


Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

4. Typical Intake Layouts

Seawa Se awater ter Intake Arrangement Arrangement with Integrated Air Backwash Filt ers

GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 


Goals for Intake/Outfall Improvement

5. Goals • Investme nvestment nt cost reduction •

p er a o n a c o s r e u c o n

• No maintenance maintenance for offs offshor hor e work for e. e.g. g. 20 yea years rs • Min inim imiz izin in env nvir iron onme ment nta al im i m act cts s • Increase in availabili availability ty to

99% 99 %

• Optimiz Optimization ation of pum ping p ower  • Optimum soluti on for ea each ch indi vidual location and project required required (consid ering pollu p ollutio tion, n, algae, algae, sea seawee weed, d, mussels, oil , wastewater wastewater con tamination, etc.)

GFT Desalination GmbH GFT Dr.-Ing. Dr.Ing. Hartmut Rosenberger 

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