¾XSÇ CP> Cs ud açtnln quc csthboc`c ons aclgns phrh oh sgd`rndgzh`gðd lc ud prn`csn lc ihbrg`h`gðd lc ud prn`csn prn`csn lc h`ucrln ho rgtan lco rc`ursn acdns `hphz.
Zrnmrhahr ohs cdtrcmhs lc prnlu`tns h ons `ogcdtcs utgogzhdln ohs
ic`fhs lc cdtrcmh. Zrnmrhahr ohs rcstrg``gndcs lc `hph`glhl `ndsglcrhdln ons prnmrhahs lc cdtrcmh y ohs rnpcs lc lcsph`fn.
Nptgagzhr ons prnmrhahs lc ohs rcstrg``gndcs lc `hph`glhl.
Zrnmrhahr co ohdzhagcdtn lc ohs ahtcrghs prgahs y `napndcdtcs tcdgcdln cd `ucdth ons prnmrhahs lc ohs rcstrg``gndcs y ohs rnpcs gdtcrdhs y lc cdshabohkc.
Csqucah lc udh pohdth trhlg`gndho.
LBR pohdtch quc co pudtn `rátg`n lg`thrh oh vcon`glhl lc oh pohdth n co prn`csn;
@SCRLH (RNZC) Cs ud lgspnsgtgvn lc `naudg`h`gðd quc sc cxtgcdlc cdtrc co rc`ursn lc `hph`glhl rcstrgdmglh y oh ogbcrh`gðd gdg`gho lc ahtcrgho cd co prn`csn.
ZHPNP 8. Glcdtgig`hr oh rcstrg``gðd. 2. Hdhogzhs ohs npcrh`gndcs y scoc``gndhr co açtnln prcicrgboc phrh
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