Gnosis From Lama Dondrup Dorje

November 28, 2018 | Author: Dario Brizi | Category: Compassion, Self Realization, Happiness & Self-Help, Mind, Wisdom
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Very interesting test about a important tibetan lama. the text is ispired about supernatural power , induist siddhi powe...


Gnosis from Lama Dondrup Dorje: 1. “Compassion is not an expression of ordinary love tainted by the attachment to emotion. It is the enery of lovin !indness that comes about as one"s mind a#a!ens to the reconition that life #e deemed as normal is impermanent and the lac! of our reconition of its true nature is the cause of sufferin.$ %. “&ction that arises from the motivation of a#a!enin mind can al#ays be counted upon to deliver the riht !ind of fruition.$ '. “(he only reality that matters in the timelessness of bein is the measure of pure love and compassion #e confer upon the carin for other entities) #ithout the attachment of the self*centred aenda.$ +. “Love is the motive) the #ill) and the po#er source that propels every sinle human desire into fruition. ,o be mindful to maintain pure intent in all thins #e underta!e.$ -. “(rue “(rue compassion comes about as the result of the a#a!enin of our true nature that is accompanied by the lucidity of pure consciousness and the direct experiences of emptiness as the nature of reality.$ reality.$ . “(o extend lovin !indness and compassion #ithout # ithout condition is the definitive action of benevolence.$ /. “0ne"s compassion for others is feeble until one has mastered compassion throuh the discipline of harmonisin one"s body) speech and mind.$ . “2e could not bein to love another person unless #e are capable of lovin ourselves.$ 3. “2ithout the true interaction of sincerity and lovin !indness) no relationship can be deemed authentic.$ 14. “0penness attracts openness. ,incerity and truthfulness are the foundations of authentic relationship5 #hereas fear) the sin of obscuration) obscurat ion) is its biest foe.$ 11. 11. “It is not because relationships are tryin that #e do not dare to love5 it is because #e do not dare to love #ith an open heart and pure intent that relationships are tryin.$

1%. “6y extendin our love to the nurturin of someone else other than ourselves #ithout any condition of strins) our capacity to love as a human bein expands further and elevates us to a hiher level of infinite consciousness.$ 1'. “In all relationships) avoid the embroilment of po#er strule and hidden aenda #hich involves) either manipulatin our partner into submission) or compromisin yourself for the sa!e of sustainin a state of dependency.$ 1+. “&ll healthy relationships reflect the true nature of the universe * mutually supportive) yet entirely co*independent of any enery transression.$ 1-. “(rue happiness comes from #ithin and has little bearin on the affectation of indifference to external sources.$ 1. “Inner peace does not come about throuh retreatin from the #orld) but by functionin in the #orld #ithout bein shac!led by the confines of self*centred desires.$ 1/. “(hose #ho desire happiness by means of #ay#ard abandonment #ill never find happiness.$ 1. “7eace comes about throuh the chanes of our perspective of the #orldvie#.$ 13. “8eepin an open mind and open heart) replacin all judment #ith compassion) and peace #ill surely follo#.$ %4. “Don"t under*estimate the po#er of cause and effect. 2e are solely responsible for the direction in #hich #e #ish to lead our lives.$ %1. “2ithout first ta!in note from the #ay ho# #e respond to the #orld around us throuh repeated listenin) repeated contemplation and repeated meditation) there can be no advancement in our spiritual ro#th) and #ithout spiritual evolution) there can never be true happiness or peace of mind.$ %%. “7eace is the holy communion of 9an and niverse.$ %'. “;ollo#in the oodness of your inner self #ill ultimately re#ard you #ith more lastin joys and satisfaction than any amount of compensation from external sources throuh mundane means.$ %+. “Innocence is a state of holiness #hich comes #ith the clarity of inner peace. 2ithout the presence of inner peace) there can be no reality. (hus love #ithout innocence is not real. It is just another hybrid fear imbued #ith the emotional

colourin of fantasy.$ %-. “7eace that arises from compassion pacifies fear just as #ater puts out fire.$ %. “(rue happiness comes #ith the realisation of one"s true nature and identity.$ %/. “2hoever loo!s upon #orldliness as happiness) courts rief and disillusion in this #orld and beyond.$ %. “Life"s fortune and misfortune are but a deception of the mind.$ %3. “,elf*reflection is more than just the means and the end of self*examination and self*rectification) it is the path #hich leads to the consecration of self* realisation.$ '4. “;ear not that fame evades you) or that honour fails to come your #ay5 as! only #hat have you done thus far to deserve reconitionternal (ruths #ith devotion and reverence unreservedly) one #ill cease to interfere #ith the natural course of one"s destined path. &ll actions from then on#ards #ould become meaninful) joyful and unpretentious.$ ''. “Life is a series of unceasin chanes. Cease fihtin the inevitable and #elcome instead) each turn) #ith the reverence and attentiveness one #ould rant to a divine blessin) in accord #ith its unfoldin.$ '+. “& humble mind is the foundation of mindfulness. & humble mind heihtens one"s attentiveness to all thins and save us from pettiness #hich spa#ns confrontation and loftiness #hich disreards.$ '-. “Life is a divine blessin to those #ho are enerous in compassion) tolerant in attitude) principled in the face of injustice) reverent to the truth) and couraeous in the defence of rihteousness.$ '. “2e all have the potential to be natural born leaders5 other#ise ho# can #e bein to ta!e chare of our livesmotion is the infatuation of the mind5 the physical manifestation of desire and aversion.$ -%. “(he restlessness of emotion is an illness5 not continuin #ith it is the remedy.$ -'. “Desire #hich deludes one"s sanity #ith the dualistic sinificance of ain and loss is the root #hich ives rise to the actuality of sufferin and bitterness in the human condition.$ -+. “ndisciplined desires lead to undependable instinct * the birth of restlessness and anxiety.$ --. “ndisciplined emotion invades a fallo# mind.$ -. “Indulence in the object of desire dulls one"s intellect.$ -/. “(a!e chare of your emotion) and be accountable for yourself.$ -. “Desires are innate human instincts indispensable to ho# #e function in the #orld5 but are not the prime objective for life itself.$ -3. “0ne #ho transcends the duality of li!es and disli!es is a man of #orth) free from the bondae of #orldliness.$ 4. “=one of us are the helpless or the terrible person #e imaine. 2e all have #ithin us) the essence of joy and innocence) the eternal entity of universal love) that cannot be harmed by fear or other afflictive emotion.$ 1. “=o one is perfect. (hose #ho are #illin to learn from their mista!es are #ise.$ %. “2isdom is the timeless divine po#er of race #hich brins forth the union of our true nature #ith the universality of reality.$ '. “Aanity in the uise of enerosity is not virtue.$ +. “&ny relationship that affords us the opportunity of ettin to !no# the true bein of our authenticity is an action of reality * the beinnin of #isdom.$ -. “(he pitfall of discrimination lies not in the subjuation of others but in ho# thorouhly one #ill be #illin to effect the con?uerin of oneself.$

. “6e as ready to detach one"s bondae from the trappins of virtue as one #ould surrender evil.$ /. “Insiht is the self*realisation of #hat you !no#) and #hat you don"t !no#.$ . “& ?uiet mind probes deep.$ 3. “&ll thins are neither ood nor base) precious or useless. 0ne #ho can transcend the cover of conceptual fixation rises above the folly of #orldliness.$ /4. “(he truly #ise !no#s #hen to act and #hen not to act.$ /1. “Do not subjuate #isdom #ith !no#lede. 8no#lede is but a form of fleetin loic) #hereas #isdom surpasses !no#lede and beyond. 2isdom is the timeless mother lode of all !no#lede.$ /%. “0ne #ho follo#s and acts) in accord #ith the natural course and chane of circumstances) #ill triumph beyond all expectations.$ /'. “@e #ho is ready to learn must first learn ho# to listen.$ /+. “Beal !no#lede is not accessible to the proud) it is throuh humility that true learnin beins.$ /-. “(rue learnin is not accessible to those #ho #ant to be students) it is only procurable to those #ho conduct themselves in the functionin mode of bein students.$ /. “(o attain a state of oneness #ith one"s chosen discipline) #hereby separation ends and reunion beins) one should adopt the approach of a true pilrim.$ //. “7ilrims in search of authenticity should al#ays approach #hat is absolute #ith the receptive mind of an empty cup) and the sacred attentiveness and humility of the apostle #ho comes before the 9aster.$ /. “(rue learnin cannot be rasped throuh loic) nor can it be personified by #ords.“ /3. “>mbrace each moment ane# in life as if for the first time.$ 4. “&ccept yourself #ithout judment or prejudice. (a!e one step at a time in all your underta!ins.$ 1. “&l#ays do the best that you are capable of) reardless of #hat others may

or may not do) or #hether or not they are in a position to reciprocate in !ind.$ %. “Life is but a series of appointed lessons. =othin ever happens by accident) everythin happens for a reason. (hrouh the acceptance and understandin of the reasons behind the lessons) #e can all elevate our spiritual ro#th to a hiher state of consciousness.$ '. “In learnin) if one does not advance) one slides bac!#ard.$ +. “=o one can enter the ate#ay of a#a!enin #ithout the uidance of a ?ualified master) but the process of actual learnin must come from the student.$ -. “;aith) devotion and dilience in applyin oneself that is not separate from the time*honoured method in accordance to a lineae master is both the means and the end to deliverance.$ . “(he objective of learnin is to nurture the #ell*bein of one"s interity. (o study for the sa!e of learnin is to miss the direction of the #hole exercise.$ /. “Deliverance is the result of the attainment of the absolute reality of all thins.$ . “(o affiliate not #ith the frivolous or the foolhardy in learnin) but #ith the noble and the honourable ones) is a blessin #orthy of jubilation.$ 3. “2henever reverence abounds) supported by sincerity and selflessness) miracles manifest themselves into existence #ith a sinular habit of reularity.$ 34. “Inner harmony comes #ith the acceptance of one"s rihtful place in relation to the #orld one lives in and one"s #illinness to appreciate that everythin happens for a reason.$ 31. “If you approach life #ith both sincerity and consistency) then life itself #ill al#ays reciprocate by ma!in possible #hat you really desire to happen.$ 3%. “(he cultivation of oodness is the po#er source of the miraculous.$ 3'. “9iracles are created out of love) and those #ho appreciate the creative action of miracles lead a harmonious life.$ 3+. “Beverence is the !ey that leads to the province of divinity.$ 3-. “(he Divine does not besto# his race upon his devotee #ithout first bein

invited. If the Divine does not #ill it) not even a breath of #ind #ill move.$ 3. “Beverence dispels nelience and ives rise to attentiveness.$ 3/. “(he manifestations of divine miracles do not solely belon to the realms of heaven and earth. 2e too) are capable of creatin divine miracles from #ithin.$ 3. “(he addiction of contendin passions and our partiality to#ards unbridled criticism of others) #ea!en our resolves of nobility and subjuate the divine po#er of human spirits.$ 33. “(he most profound miracle of the universe is its multi*universal properties) #hereby the natural pattern of one universe is concealed #ithin the structural interity of another universe * mutually supportive of each other and yet totally co*independent.$ 144. “(ruth #ill remain truth) #hether one"s eo permits one to reconise it or not.$ 141. “0ne #ho transcends the impermanence of human conditions) and #elcomes both ood and calamity #ith e?ual measures of e?uanimity) is at once virtuous) rihteous and insihtful.$ 14%. “,elflessness is the first step of perceivin truth on the path to the realm of a#a!ened mind.$ 14'. “0ne #ho imposes aainst the free #ill of others is not rihteous.$ 14+. “nrihteous encounter ives rise to reret. 0nly the rihteous can #ard off evil.$ 14-. “&l#ays aim for #hat is rihteous and truthful) not #hat is seductive yet non*virtuous.$ 14. “(he revelation of the absolute truth lies in the self*realisation of our real nature. ;rom the first revelation come many insihts * all from the one and only truth.$ 14/. “(he virtuous shine from afar to near) by merit of self*mastery and self* purification.$ 14. “ou never live so fully as #hen you face the truth) and live by the action of virtue.$

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