This is manual for Gmuli Wen Wang Gua Calculator app for PC. Its free app with links in the five arts info forums. M...
1.LegendComponents 1.1. Main Screen 1.1.1. Different Views for Main Screen 1.1.3. Liu Yao Screen Ti and Yong Yong Hexagram Seection C!anging Lines 1.1.3.".Hidden Line 1.1.3.#.Void $ranc!es 1.1.3.%.YinYang Lines 1.1.3.&.$ranc!es 't(1 ) Traditiona 't(2 ) $indsect 't(3 ) Separate 't(" * Super + C!ing 1.1.3.,.'dditiona +nfo on Lines Ctr(1 ) Twe-e Deities Ctr(2 * Stemstraditiona/ Ctr(3 ) Stems0ased on 1 da streams/ Ctr(" ) $indsect Ctr(# ) Hidden Lines Ctr(% ) % 'nimas 1.1.3.. Second Hexagram and !iding t!e inacti-e ines 1.1.". Mei Hua Screens 1.1.". 'dding 'dding c!anging ines to Mei Hua screen 1.1.".1.3 Hexagrams/ 1.1.".1.1 4rigina Hexagram 1.1.".1.2 5rogress Hexagram 1.1.".1.3 6esuting Hexagram 1.1.".2 Mei Hua Screen2 !exagrams/ 1.2. Line 7xtra +nfo screen 1.2.1. Trigram 7xtra +nfo 1.2.2. Line extra info 1.3. Hexagrams 7xtra info panes 1.#. Da and Mont! 1.%. Hexagram Seector
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1.&. Menu 1.&.1. 8ie 1.&.1.1. Settings 1.&.1.2. 4pen 1.&.1.3. Cop for 8orums 1.&.1.". 5rint 5re-iew 1.&.2. 9enerate 1.&.2.1. Ma:e Hexagram from Time 8%/ 1.&.2.2. Ma:e 6andom Hexagram 8&/ 1.&.2.3. Ma:e Hexagram from Situation8#/ 1.&.2.". Hexagram0 ;um0er/ 8"/ 1.&.3. View 2. Sm0oic stars 3.Transation 3.Trans ation 8ie
9mui 21,. ' rig!ts are not reser-ed. >9 Cacuatorit is made for -ersion ".1...2.#/. 't t!e end t!ere wi 0e a few exampes !ow to use different parts of it for practica ?uestions. >!en we open t!e app we see t!is screen@
1.Legend/Components Lets oo: at eac! component and see !ow it can 0e used. Coor part s!ows different aspects of t!e app we are expainingA w!ie t!e 0ac:Bw!ite parts are w!at we arent oo:ing at now.
1.1. Main Screen
Main screen is w!ere t!e Hexagram is s!owed wit! its 0ranc!esA reationsA Ti B YongA and extra info.
1.1.1. Different Views for Main Screen T!ere are 3 different main screensA rig!t now. now. To switc! 0etween t!em we can use CTRL. 5ressing it once wi mo-e to Mei Hua screen wit! 3 HexagramsA 5ressing it one more time it wi mo-e to Mei Hua screen wit! 2 Hexagrams. 4ne more time wi return r eturn to t!e Liu Yao Yao 4rigina Screen. 'not!er eas wa to na-igate 0etween t!em is in t!e menu. 5ress Alt to s!ow t!e menuor t!e 0utton on top of screen/A t!en we go to@ View>Main Screen
3 Screens s!ow different informationA w!ie Liu Yaoorigina Yaoorigina one/ is more reated to wor: wit! t!e ines t!e Mei Hua screens wi s!ow more information regarding t!e Trigrams. C!anges in Mei Hua screens s!ow same Hexagram and c!anging ines as t!e one in Liu Yao screen. So if we want to add c!anging ine in an of t!em we switc! to Liu YaoA YaoA add c!anging inemore on t!at 0eow/ t!en we !it CT6L again to mo-e 0ac: to Mei Hua if we need to.
;um0er in t!e / is 0ased on t!e num0er of !exagrams. Since one of t!e Mei Hua screens is using 3 HexagramsA incuding t!e 5rogress HexagramE made from t!e inner ines of t!e 4rigina one.
T!e :e !ere is t!at if we want to wor: wit! Mei Hua screens to add c!anging ines we do it form Liu Yao interface. So if we need to add one more for exampe we !it CT6LA Liu Yao screen s!ows upA we !it c!anging ine t!en !it CT6L again to go 0ac: to Mei Hua parts of t!e Main Screen. +f we want to c!ange to t!e ot!er Mei Hua screen from t!e menu we Fust !a-e to cic: t!e Mei Hua option second time.
1.1.3. Liu Yao Screen Lets oo: at w!at is incuded in Liu Yao screen= Ti/Yong Ti/Yong
Ti and Yong s!ow w!at ine is mar:ed wit! Ti and w!at wit! Yong. T!ere are ot!er names t!at coud 0e usedA for exampe Su0FectB40FectA or 4ursB4t!ersA HostB9uest and man ot!ers. 's man ot!er parts of t!e app we can see more info a0out 0ot! of t!em as we !od mouse o-er t!em. T!is is -er often used and + wont mention it eac! timeA since it is on amost e-er part of t!e app..
4n situation w!en Ti and Yong Yong c!ange t!eir wa of s!owingA excuding t!e transationA is if we switc! to Super + C!ing wamore on t!at after/. +f we do t!at t!e wi c!ange and s!ow G and < for Ti and Yong instead. Hexagram Selection
Sometimes in 0oo:sA forums or artices we can see instead of picture t!e num0er of !exagram. 4ften wa of writing t!em coud 0e for exampe %".# and t!at woud mean we !a-e Hexagram %" wit! c!anging ine #. 4r !exagram %".#.% and t!at woud 0e Hexagram %" wit! c!anging ines # and %. >it! t!is dropdown menu t!e app aows t!e user to seect !exagram 0 num0erA t!at wi adFust t!e trigrams to s!ow it. Since 6esuting Hexagramrig!t one/ is made from t!e c!anging ines of t!e 4rigina Hexagrameft one/ we cant seect Hexagram to s!ow t!ere 0ased on num0er. Changing Lines
T!ere are different was to add !exagrams. T!e ones t!at are more reated to Mei HuaA or t!e random generated ones add c!anging ines as wemore on t!at 0eow in t!e manua/. Howe-er if we want to add !exagram manua we cic: t!is % ines to s!ow a ine is c!anging. +t wi turn from a text to s!ow a grap!ic arrow.
“Click here if Line N is changing” wi turn to arrow@ T!at wi s!ow t!at t!at ine is c!anging and we can see t!e ine in t!e second Hexagram wi refect t!at c!ange as it wi recacuate 0ased on t!e new Trigram -aue it wi ta:e. Line T!ere are two was to -iew !idden ines. ines. 4ne is to -iew t!em on t!e rig!t of t!e inesA more on t!at ater in t!e manuaat !nf n Lines/. T!e ot!er wa woud 0e to oo: at w!ere it sas Hidden Line@ Branches Void 0ranc!es and t!e das unti -oid 0ranc!es are out of -oid are s!own on t!e rig!t of !idden ines !ere@
Void 0ranc!es are t!e 2 0ranc!es t!at are out of t!e 1 das piar stream. Since stems are 1 and 0ranc!es 12 t!ere wi awas 0e 2 0ranc!es t!at doesnt !a-e stems in t!em in t!e initia arrangement of % piars. Void $ranc!es wi 0e cacuated in t!e same wa for an ot!er options except Super + C!ing. >!en t!at is turned on t!ere is sma difference w!en t!ere is Gia stem da. da. T!at is a difference t!at is used in t!e materias t!ereA more info in t!e we0site or 0oo:s reated to t!at approac!. T!ere is aso a notification of t!e das eft unti t!e -oid stream ends and t!is 0ranc!es are norma again.
1.1.3..Yin/Yang 1.1.3..Yin/Yang Lines Here Yang ines on t!e !exagram itsef are s!own 0 a Line@
>!ie in ines are s!own 0 $ro:en Line@ T!ere are man ot!er was of writing t!em. 4ne exampe woud 0e A for YangA YangA and A A for Yin. 4r wit! num0ers or man ot!er wasA 0ut t!is is t!e wa we wi use !ere since it is t!e more recognied one.
4n t!e rig!t of t!e ine images we can see t!e pinin name of t!e 0ranc!esA t!eir eementA poarit and t!e reation to t!e Hexagram eement. Lets oo: at it one 0 one starting wit! t!e top 2 0ranc!es in t!e image. Iu ( 7art! 5arent/ Iu ) t!at is t!e pinin wa of writing t!e c!inese sm0o of 戌 A t!at is often caed Dog as we. ( * it means t!is eart! 0ranc! is from Yang poarit. 7art! ) it means t!at t!e eement it 0eongs to is 7art!. T!e reations in t!e / is !ow t!e eement of t!e 0ranc! interacts wit! t!e eement of t!e Hexagram. +n t!is case t!e Hexagram is MetaA w!ie t!e 0ranc! eement is 7art!. T!at means t!e 0ranc! wi !a-e 5arent assignmentA since 5arentB6esourceBSea produces Meta. T!at gi-es it +mages + mages and ?uaities reated to 5arentB6esourceBSea positionA more on t!at w!en we mouse o-er eac! of t!e reations. 5arent ) reation of t!e 0ranc! to t!e 4rigina Hexagram. Here is important to mention t!at for t!e resuting !exagram t!ere are practitioners out t!ere t!at use a different wa of reating t!em. +nstead of reating t!e reations to t!e firstBorigina !exagramA t!e reate t!em to t!e second one. +n t!is situation Iu wi sti 0e 5arentA 0ut if t!e second Hexagram was 7art! for exampeA it woud !a-e 0een si0ing. +f we want to use t!at wa of assigning of t!e reationsA we can do t!at at View> "ranches >Se#arate 4r press Alt $ %
So w!at can we c!ange from t!at menuA t!at affects t!is part of t!e appJ Lets oo: at t!em one 0 one@
Alt+1 !raditional T!is is t!e traditiona assignment of 0ranc!es on t!e ines.
Alt+" #lindsect Some 0ind sc!oos in C!ina are using different assignment on t!e 0ranc!es. >!ie t!e are t!e same for some !exagrams i:e t!e one t!e app starts wit!A t!e are different for man of t!e ot!er ones. +t ma 0e nice to mention t!at not a 0ind sc!oos are using t!e aternati-e assignments. T!is specific 0ranc! met!od goes wit! aternati-e wa of writing t!e stems as we. To turn it on we go to@ ViewK'dditiona ViewK'dditiona +nfo on Lines K Stems0indsect/ T!is wi on wor: if t!e 0ranc!es !a-e 0een turned onA ot!erwise it wi Fust 0e empt t!ere. agorit!ms for t!at as for man ot!er t!ings in t!e app are added t!an:s to 'rtof8ugue transations in t!e 8i-e 'rts +nfo 8orums/.
Alt+3 Separate T!is cacuates t!e second !exagram reations4fficerBSi0ing etc./ 0ased on t!e eement of t!e second !exagramA instead of 0ased on t!e first. T!at wa it is used 0 students of Gosep! Yu for exampe.
Alt+$ % Super & C'ing T!is are t!e assignments and terminoog used in Super + C!ing materias 0 'ex C!iu. T!is option c!anges a ot more t!en Fust t!e 0ranc!es. 6ig!t nowA it wi c!ange t!e daBmont! piarsA TiBYongA 0ranc!esA reationsA % animasin t!is case caed Coors/. Turning t!is on wi switc! to different wa of cacuating VoidB7mpt VoidB7mpt das. eep in mind t!at -oid das w!en t!is is on maand in some cases wi/ 0e different t!en w!at is used in traditiona and ot!er modes. To use it fu it is recommended ou com0ine it wit!@ View > Additinal Additinal !nf n Lines > &idden Lines
's t!is wi s!ow t!e !idden ines on t!e r ig!t of t!e reations and 0ranc!esA ma:ing it -er simiar to t!e Super + C!ing exampes. 4n a aternati-e -iews as 'rint ViewA or C#( &e)agra* fr +r,*s more on t!is ater in t!e manua/ t!is c!anges are :ept. So in t!e windows t!ere it wi s!ow wit! t!e Super + C!ing assignments and names used.
!ere e-en t!oug! t!e Hidden Line text is sti in pininA we can see t!e !idden ine as t!ird ine on t!e rig!t of t!e norma 0ranc! text/
1.1.3.".#dditional $n%o on Lines
'dditiona info on ines are on t!e rig!t of t!e 0ranc!es. Since t!ere are different additiona info t!at can 0e s!own t!at part of t!e View window ets us c!oose w!at we want to see t!ere.
Here it s!ows t!e 12 deities/
7xception is for Super + C!ing 0ranc!esA w!ere e-en t!oug! it can sti s!ow e-ert!ingA since t!e ot!er Hidden $ranc!es fied isnt using Super + C!ing c!aractersA it ma need to 0e in Hidden Lines mode. Some genera info a0out t!e different possi0iities wit! t!is menu@
Ctrl+1 !wel(e Deities T!is is t!e defaut screen. +t wi s!ow t!e 12 deities t!at fa into eac! of t!e % 0ranc!es. More info a0out t!eir names and s!ort descriptions from 'rtof8ugues 'rtof8ugues transation in t!e 8i-e 'rts forumsA we can see as we set mouse o-er t!em. Deities and text is as !ere@ -rand ,ke/earth0 * ;eutra deit. deit. 7ncounter auspicious stars/ 0ecomes auspiciousA encounter ominous stars/ 0ecomes ominous. +f a0sence of auspicious stars/ it is ominous. -reen ragn/wd0 * Happiness deitA 0ringer of good uc:A smoot!*saiing progressA !app e-entsA successA fameA aspects reated to iterarBacademic fiedsBdocumentsBpaper fiedsBdocumentsBpaper wor:BcertificateA cee0rationsA promotionA materia gains or !epBsupport from 0enefactors. 'so !as impications of mo-ing !ouseA tra-e or positi-e c!angesA fa-oura0e turn of e-ents. +,neral r/earth0 * Sadness deitA 0ringer of sad e-ents i:e deat! in t!e famiA someoneNs deat!A 0ad uc:A faiureA weat! ossesA sudden expensesA unuc: occurrencesA !epessnessA pro0emsA o0structionsA dis!armon in !uman reationsA ?uarresA deteriorationA negati-e c!angesA
unfa-oura0e turn of e-ents or !arm 0 -ie peope. 'so i:ei!ood of awsuitA imprisonment or !ea- sentence in existing ega case. Si) C*inatin/wd0 C*inatin/wd0 * Happiness deitA 0ringer of !app e-ents i:e arri-a of offspringA cee0rations or !epfu 0enefactors. 'so i:ei!ood of partners!ipA externa !epA cooperationA !armonious !uman reationsA affinit wit! opposite sexA romance affinit or wedding for existing reations!ip. 2fficial A*,let/earth0 A*,let/earth0 * ;eutra deitA represents career main 0ut aso can 0ring ega issuesA awsuits or ?uarres. >it! auspicious starsA it is a sign of good career uc:A fa-oured 0 superiors or e-en promotion. S*all e#lete/water0 e#lete/water0 * 4minous deit of tops*tur-A unreia0iitA unreia0iitA minor weat! ossesA sma ega finesA traffic summons or ro00er. "ig e#lete./fire0 e#lete./fire0 * 4minous deitA fa*out 4f !uman reationsA ?uarresA maFor weat! ossesA !uge ega fines or sa0otage 0 -ie peope. 6ed 5!oenixfire/ * 4minous deitA deitA 0ringer 4f ?uarresA disputesA 0ac:sta00ingA gossipsA 0eing framed or sa0otage 0 -ie peope. 'so i:ei!ood 4f aw suit or imprisonment +n on*going ega Case. hite Tiger/*etal0 * 4minous deitA 0ringer of 0oods!edA caamitA caamitA fig!tingA p!sica inFuriesA caamitA aw suitA dis!armonA strong competition and accidents. 'so i:ei!ood of 0an:rupcA retrenc!mentA dismissa from Fo0A maFor faiures or se-ere defeats. 8or on*going ega caseA t!ere is i:ei!ood of imprisonmentA corpora punis!ment or !ea- sentence. Nle eit(/earth0 eit(/earth0 * 'uspicious deitA deitA 0ringer 4f good weat! uc:A !appinessA good fortuneA smoot!*saiing progressA !app e-ents or !epfu 0enefactors. 'so i:ei!ood of grooming 0 mentor B superior or promotion 8or wor:*reated ?uestions. +,neral -,est/*etal0 * Sadness deitA 0ringer of sad e-ents i:e deat! in t!e famiA someoneNs deat!A 0ad uc:A faiureA weat! ossesA sudden expensesA unuc: occurrencesA !epessnessA pro0emsA o0structionsA dis!armon in !uman reationsA ?uarresA deteriorationA negati-e c!angesA unfa-oura0e turn of e-ents or !arm 0 -ie peope. 'so i:ei!ood of awsuitA imprisonment or !ea- sentence in existing ega case. Sickness A*,let/water0 * 4minous deitA 0ringer of inessA disease or !eat! pro0ems. 'so i:ei!ood of worriesAtrou0esA fatigueA ex!austion or ac: of energ. energ.
Ctrl+" % Stems)traditional* Traditiona stems are assigned 0ased on t!e Trigram. 8or some reason it isnt -er popuar met!odA e-en t!oug! it is t!e wa t!at is suppose to !a-e 0een in Ging 8angs 0oo:s. 's t!e defaut met!od !istorica spea:ing it ma:es sense to !a-e it !ere as we. Ctrl+3 Stems)ased on 1, da- streams* 7-er 1 das of t!e c!inese caendar t!ere is a mo-ing stream. 2 0ranc!es wi 0e -oid in it and t!e rest wi mo-e from Gia to 9ui. 's 9ui comes next da wi 0e in anot!er stream. T!at suggest t!at 0 defaut e-er piar woud !a-e a defaut streamE t!e 0eong to in an date of t!e ear and 0 t!e same rue t!ere are awas 2 0ranc!es t!at wont !a-e stems wit! t!em for an date of t!e earA earA t!at are t!e 0ranc!es we sa are in -oidE or empt. +t is most ogica met!od in m opinionA at!oug! rare used. Ctrl+$ #lindsect T!is is t!e aternati-e stems 0ased on t!e 0ranc!es of t!e 0ind sc!oos aternati-e assignments. 's mention aread not a of t!ese sc!oos use itA 0ut it can 0e seen apparentA apparentA so it is nice we !a-e it !ere.
8or t!e aternati-e stems to s!ow up we need 0ranc!es to 0e aread switc!ed to 0indsectAt!at is done wit! Alt$4 5 "lindsect. 4nce 0ot! of t!em are turned onA we can aso see t!e ;aYin of eac! piar w!en we mouse o-er t!e stem.
Ctrl+ idden Lines T!is wi s!ow t!e !idden ines on t!e rig!t of t!e -isi0e ine t!e !ide 0e!ind. T!at can 0e usefu for more eas to see representationA aso if we are using Super + C!ing modeA since in t!ere t!e text wit! t!e !idden ines 0eow wi sti 0e in 5inYinA w!ie t!is wi 0e using 'exs terminoog. terminoog. +t is t!e recommended extra info...E w!en using Super + C!ing.
Ctrl+0 0 Animals T!is are t!e same % animas t!at are on t!e ower eft part of t!e screen w!ere information for t!e da is. T!e can s!ow up next to t!e ine to ma:e it easier to see. 7-en t!oug! w!en Super + C!ing mode is turned on t!e wi switc! to coorsA t!e aso do so in t!e ower part of t!e screenA so it is Fust for carit. carit. 's usua t!ere is more info a0out t!em w!en we mouse o-er t!em.
1.1.3.&. Second Hexagram and hiding the inacti'e lines Second6ig!t/ or sometimes caed 6esuting Hexagram is t!e first !exagram after a c!anging ines !a-e gone t!roug! c!ange. +n t!at sense we cant c!oose itA since it is constructed 0ased on t!e first and its c!anging ines. Second Hexagram 0 defaut wi s!ow t!e reations5arentA 'sset etc./ 0ased on t!e reations to t!e firsteft/ or 4rigina Hexagram. T!at is t!e wa it is used most oftenA !owe-er if we want instead of t!at to see t!em 0ased on t!e eement of t!e second HexagramA we go to@
Alt$3 5 Se#arate >!ie if we want to !ide t!e inacti-e inesA so we on see t!e ines t!at were mo-ing from t!e origina !exagram we can go to@
View>&ide !nacti6e lines or press 't(>
Cic:ing different contros in t!e main screen wi open t!e extra info screen on t!e eft. More a0out t!at in t!at part of t!e manua.
1.1.$. Mei ua Screens Switc!ing 0etween t!e Liu Yao screen and t!e 2 Mei Hua screens can 0e done wit! !ot:e Ctrpressing it once to go t!roug! eac! screen/. 'ternati-e option woud 0e from t!e menu as@
Doing it from t!e menu wi switc! form Liu Yao Yao -iewA -iewA to Mei Hua -iewwit! 3 Hexagrams/. +f we want to switc! to Mei Hua -iew wit! 2 !exagrams from t!ereA we cic: one more time Mei HuaTrigrams/ HuaTrigrams/ option. 's most contros mouse o-er t!em wi gi-e more info and cic:ing t!em wi gi-e e-en more on t!e eft pane.
1.1.4.( #dding changing lines to )ei H*a screen 'dding c!anging ines can !appen in a few was. >e can switc! to Liu Yao screen and cic: t!e ines we want to add as c!anging. T!at wi c!ange t!em in Mei Hua screens as weA since t!e screens s!ow t!e same Hexagram and mo-ement. 'ternati-e wa woud 0e to 5ress 8" and add c!anging ines wit! dots. So if we want ot add c!anging ines " and # we press 8" and we tpe@ .".#
>!ie t!is wi add ines " and # as c!anging in t!e !exagram t!at is opened rig!t nowA if we instead tpe wit!out dotsA for exampe ".# t!at wi switc! to !exagram " and add # as c!anging ine.
T!at same option can 0e used e-en in Liu Yao screen. Hexagrams, S!ows t!e 4riginaA 5rogress and 6esut HexagramsA more info 0eow. 0eow.
1.1.%.1.1 2riginal &e)agra*
4rigina !exagram is t!e initia condition of t!e inesBeementsA 0efore t!e transformBmutateBc!ange. transformBmutateBc!ang e. +n t!e Mei Hua screens we can see t!e reations 0etween t!e eements of t!e Trigrams t!e ma:e. T!at is done 0 t!e arrows !a-ing possi0e c!oices of ControA 5roduceA Same and ControB5roduce in t!e ot!er direction. 4rigina !exagram exist in 0ot! Mei Hua screensA as it is t!e starting pointand in some was of writing t!e HexagramsA is t!e on one t!at exists/.
1.1.%.1.4 'rgress &e)agra*
T!at !exagram isnt used 0 e-erone and is made from t!e inner ines of t!e first oneines 2A3 and " for t!e ower TrigramA and 3A" and # for t!e !ig!er one/. T!e reason t!ere are 2 Mei Hua screensA is 0ecause wit! 5rogress Hexagram !ereA we cant see t!e reations from t!e 4rigina Trigrams to t!e eements of t!e 6esuting ones. +n t!is exampe we can see !ig!er trigram in t!e 4rigina Hexagram woud 0e controed from t!e 5rogressA !exagrams !ig!er TrigramA as an contros Li. >e can aso see an wi 0e produced 0 OianA 0ut we cant see t!at Li wi contro Oian etA 0ecause t!ere is no direct pat! from 4rigina to 6esuting. 8or t!at we need t!e ot!er screen. Some peope woud -iew t!e mo-ement form Left to 6ig!t as excusi-e. So t!ere woudnt 0e a wa form an to contro 0ac: LiA e-en Fust as specification of a c!ange. +f someone wants to !od t!at approac!A t!e Fust need to consider t!e in-erted arrows for Contro and 5roduceA as meaning wea:eningE in 0ot! times. ;o option for t!at in t!e app as it is rare usedA so far.
1.1.%.1.3 Res,lting &e)agra* Made from a c!anges ines in t!e origina !exagramA muc! i:e in Liu Yao Yao screen. Howe-er !ere we see it as Trigrams and eements again. )ei H*a Screen+2 hexagrams, 'ternati-e we can -iew t!e reations 0etween t!e first and t!ird !exagrams from a0o-e. T!at woud 0e t!e same 2 !exagrams we !a-e in t!e Liu Yao screen.
' Trigrams wi s!ow some +mages reated to t!em and t!eir strengt! in t!e mont! w!en cic:ed.
1.". Line 2tra &nfo screen T!is pane wi s!ow extra info for eements we cic: in t!e appmost in Main Screen/. Most usefu woud 0e cic:ing TrigramsA ine or t!e !idden ines a0e 0eow t!e Hexagram. T!at pane can 0e switc!ed manua from ViewKLeft Menu KLine 7xtra +nfo or pressing 82. T!at is aso a wa to switc! 0ac: to Trigram -iewA -iewA t!is time from ViewKLeft ViewKLeft MenuKTrigrams or 5ressing 81. 'ternati-e wa woud 0e same options in t!e contros at ower part of t!e screen.
8rom Trigrams and t!eir strengt!A to c!anging ines and s!owing if a ine is acti-e or notA a t!is wi 0e co-ered 0 t!is pane. >!ie for Mei Hua it can 0e used for TrigramsA as s!own !ere. >!en it comes to t!e 'cti-e Line screenA it uses specific priorit for s!owing t!at wi 0e expained 0eow. 'so w!ie it does use some rues for figuring out if a ine is 'cti-e0e t!at !iddenA mo-ing or an ot!er ine/A it isnt suppose to 0e extensi-e. T!at part of t!e reading !a-e to 0e done 0 t!e person reading t!e Hexagram and cant 0e fu co-ered 0 t!e app at t!is time. /fr Mei &,a trigra* n the left7 fr acti6e line n the right0
1.".1. !rigram 2tra &nfo 8rom up going down t!at woud s!ow@ Strengt! of t!e Trigram in t!e season0asica season0asica 0ased on t!e eement of t!e Mont!s $ranc!/. 8ew imagesfor a ot more extensi-e images can see Menu K 9enerate K Ma:e Hexagram 8rom Situation8#/. DirectionA 4rgans and 8ami mem0er associated wit! t!at Trigram. +f t!ere is c!anging ine in t!at trigram is wi sa it ma 0e TiBSu0FectB$od TiBSu0FectB$od.. +f t!ere are c!anging ines it wi sa it coud 0e YongB40FectB!ite TigerA TigerA 8ing Serpent etc./ 's usua we can see more info a0out t!em w!en we cic: t!em. >e can aso see t!em on t!e rig!t of t!e inesA instead i nstead of t!e 12 deities. To To do t!at we can go@ ViewK'dditiona ViewK'dditiona +nfo on LinesK % 'nimas or press Ctr(%
$eow eac! of t!e 2 piarsA for t!e Da and Mont!sA we can see t!e ;a Yin Yin t!at is reated to t!em. T!at is meodic eementA it is a wa to -iew a w!oe piars eementA instead of Fust Stem or $ranc!. 6are used in most Mei Hua exampesA sometimes it is. +f someone wor:s wit! True Soar TimeA t!e Da 5iar wi c!ange in anot!er timeA ti meA not in !our. Same if someone wor:s wit! ot!er countr timefor exampe C!ina/. To wor: i:e t!at wi need to adFust manuaA manuaA if ou cacuate t!at it s!oud 0e next da or pre-ious da in t!ereA Fust mo-e t!e piar one da 0ac:. Date seector is usua contro for windows.
+t wi s!ow format and das 0ased on our operation sstem preferences and anguage. +f we want to switc! to pre-ious or future ears faster we can eft cic: t!e ine 0etween t!e 2 arrows. Doing it 2 times wi oom outE to easiest seection for onger periods i:e t!is@
's t!is is part of t!e norma windows contro and we do !a-e it aread in t!e operationa sstem more expanation pro0a0 arent needed. T!ere are in t!e net for wor:ing wit! windows caendars and contros. T!at wi aso decide !ow t!e caendar wi oo:. 8rom s!owing on num0ersA to s!owing t!e name of t!e daA so not ea-ing space space for t!e ear ) a t!at is up to t!e 4S of t!e person using it and can 0e c!anged in Contro 5ane K 6egion and Languagein >in >in &A simiar in ot!ers/
1.0. e2agram Selector >e can read a itte of its use in
1.1.%.8 Adding Adding changing lines t Mei &,a
+ t is started 0 pressing 8". screen77 0ut t!ere is more to t!at. +t screen
'n num0er we input at start wi 0e consider a !exagram. 'n num0er wit! dot 0e!ind it woud 0e consider a c!anging ine. So as mentioned 0efore #" ) wi switc! to !exagram #" reseting a ines. #".1.2.3 wi go to !exagram #" and it wi ma:e ines 1A2 and 3 as c!anging. 5ressing on .1.2.3 so eac! num0er starts wit! dotsA wi Fust add c!anging c!anging ines 1A2 and 3 ma:ing "A# and % not c!anging in t!e current 4rigina Hexagram on a screens. T!e seector aso accepts 'ex C!ius C!ius Super + C!ing names of Hexagrams for eas input. Strage.1.4. it wi switc! to !exagram 2% reseting a c!anging So for exampe if we input "ig Strage.1.4. ines adding 1 and t!en 2. Can 0e -er nice for fast input of Hexagram if we :now w!at we are oo:ing for.
1.. Menu T!ere are some options t!at can 0e accessed on from t!e menu. To s!ow t!e menu press 't or cic: t!e a0e saing it.
Men, a6e7 lael t click elw/r can 9,st click ALT as it sa(s0
9oing t!roug! t!em from eft to rig!t.
1..1. 4ile 1.!.1.1. Settings 6ig!t now t!e on t!ing t!ere is connected to t!e transation fie. +t wi remo-e or s!ow t!e first fir st ines of eac! transation fieA fi eA so t!e num0ers woud 0e -isi0e or not. Ver Ver usefu w!ie we are correcting t!e text fieA not needed once it is aread read. read.
1.!.1.2. -en T!is wi open t!e sa-eBopen window. 's soon as we open it it wi create ot!er?uestion.txt fie in t!e director w!ere t!e app exe is. T!at wi !od an ?uestions and it can 0e -iewed and edited manuaA manuaA as weA more on t!at 0eow. 0eow.
+n t!e upper eft ef t corner we can c!oose categor of t!e ?uestions. 's soon as we open a categor anot!er fie wi 0e creates wit! t!at categor name and .txt extension. Seecting a ?uestion in t!e eft wi s!ow t!e " piarsA !exagramsA date and text of t!e ?uestion. Cic:ing 4pen wi open it. Cic:ing Deete 7ntr wi deete it. Cic:ing Sa-e Current C!art wi awas Fust sa-e t!e current c!art adding it 0eow a ot!er ?uestionsA so far wit! w!at is dispaed on screen. So if ou cic: a aread as:ed ?uestion and cic: sa-e current c!artA it wi ignore t!e !exagrams and timeA and it wi sa-e t!e current open !exagrams0e!ind !exagrams0e!ind in t!e app/ wit! t!e ?uesiton and notes from t!e text fieds. +f we edit t!e .txt fies wit! t!e ?uestions we can see man ines simiar to t!is@ TestATestA3B23B21, "@1%@ 5MA3B23B21, "@1%@ 5MATrueA8aseAAA1A3A2A"A#A11A1A1
8or t!e ?uestion a0o-e.
+t is used CSVE or comma seperated -aues formatA w!ere t!e actua information is seperated 0 commasA o0-ious. >!ie t!e are edita0e i:e t!atA :eep in mind t!at if ou ea-e an empt ine or ea-e word wrapE on in our editor t!e app ma cras! w!en ou open t!em in t!e future. +f t!at !appens eit!er fix t!e txt fieA or Fust deete it. Can aso mo-e t!e exe to anot!er director and run from t!ere. So w!at are t!e -aues t!at are actua sa-edJ Lets oo: at t!e test exampe from a0o-e@ Test7Test73:43:481; %!en ou get to !exagram 3 Fust stop at %. 1.&.1 1.&.2 1.&.3 1.&." 1.&.# 1.&.% 1.&.& 1.&., 2.. 2. Nun B T!e 6ecepti-e 2..1
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