Glyphworks V8 Training Manual 2012

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Interactive Data Processing with nCode GlyphWorks English

nCode GlyphWorks Training Version 8.0 Feb 8, 2012

The Mission

The purpose of this class is to … • Teach you the skills necessary to analyze collected data using GlyphWorks

The Objectives

During this class, you will learn to…. • Import, view, and analyze data in GlyphWorks • Create analysis processes with glyphs • Solve engineering problems • Display and interpret results

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Hands On: Creating a ‘Hello World’ Process

GlyphWorks Training

Introduction to nCode software

An Example Durability Process….

Test Durability Data Acquisition

Signal Processing

Physical Life


CAE Durability

Virtual Life

nCode Product Range

Data Processing System for Durability

• Complex analysis to report, simply done • Graphical, interactive & powerful analysis • World leading fatigue analysis capabilities

Streamlining the CAE Durability Process

• Fatigue analysis technology for FEA • Process encapsulation • Fast, configurable, and scalable

Maximizing ROI on Test and Durability

• Enables collaboration, manages data, and automates standardized analysis • Search, query and reporting through secure web access. • Data to information to decisions

nCode GlyphWorks® Data Processing System for Durability • Fatigue analysis with stress-life, strain-life, and crack growth technology • Accelerates durability and vibration tests for both time and frequency domain applications • Analyzes gigabytes of multi-channel data and streamlines reporting • Process-oriented and graphical environment for standardized analysis of your measured data • Wide range of built-in analysis functions and display types • Extensible using Python scripting and MATLAB®

nCode DesignLife™ Streamlining the CAE Durability Process • Predicts fatigue from FEA accurately and efficiently using industry leading capabilities • Stress-life and strain-life analysis accounting for mean stress, temperature, plasticity, stress gradients, and more • Advanced technology including thermo-mechanical, composites, multi-axial, welds, vibration, crack growth, Python extensions • Supports FEA results from ANSYS, Abaqus, Nastran, LS-Dyna, and more • Highly configurable for the expert user • Duty cycle capabilities for real world loading simulations of components and structures • Fast results with parallel processing capabilities

nCode Automation™ Maximize ROI on Test and Durability • Enables collaboration, manages data, and automates standardized analysis • Reduces vast amounts of data to key information through powerful analytics, search and reporting • Web-based, multi-tier server-based Java EE technology, straightforward to deploy and use • Scalable from single desktop up to corporatewide applications using IBM WebSphere and Oracle databases • Secure data communication with compliance to ITAR requirements and full traceability of transactions

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Introduction to GlyphWorks


Data Processing System for Engineers

• Powerful and flexible software for interactive processing of vast amounts of test data  Complex

analysis to reporting interactive processing  Time and frequency domains  Usable and flexible  Drag and drop  One-click reports  Scalable

GlyphWorks Capabilities

• Test Data Processing  Data

visualization, reporting and general signal processing (including filtering, mathematics, editing, statistics, GPS, video)

 Automated

detection of problems in data such as spikes, flat-lines and drift

• Fatigue Analysis  Advanced

strain-life, stress-life, crack growth fatigue analysis together with automated fatigue-sensitive signal editing

 Accelerated

vibration shaker test definition

• Noise & Vibration  Frequency

analysis including rotating machinery analysis, octave analysis, FRFs, whole body vibration analysis to ISO2631 and ISO5349

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Using GlyphWorks: The Basics


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

Getting Started • Launch nCode by clicking on the desktop icon. • Select a working folder. Loads all files in this directory automatically • Click on the GlyphWorks icon.

The folder can be changed at any point by selecting Tools Menu > Set Folder. Changing folders adds more data files to the Available Data list.

Available Data Window • GlyphWorks searches the working folder and populates the Available Data list. • All nCode software share the same set of available data. • A wide range of data can be used:  Time


 Histograms

(2D and 3D) data (general XY tables)  Excel spreadsheets  Videos  FE models  Multi-column

Available Data Window Refresh list

Plot with nCode Viewer

Test Channels

Selectable Data Views Right click to change the data view.

Index for nCode Automation

Channel Details Quick statistics report: • Right click on a test or channel and select Details.

Export as CSV or Copy to other applications – look for this on other glyphs too.

Hands-on Exercise

Start nCode GlyphWorks.

When prompted to select a working folder, browse to find the demo\example1 directory.

Look at the contents of the Available Data window.

Expand each test to see what channels are available.

Plot the ATV01_ dataset using the XY Viewer button.

Get a quick statistics report using the Details option.

Extra: How would you plot a single channel for both ATV01_ and ATV08_ tests together for comparison?

What is a Glyph?

• Processes are defined graphically using process building blocks called glyphs.


Glyph 1

Pipe Pad

Glyph 2 • Glyphs are connected by pipes, which contain the data that passes between glyphs and attach at the glyph's pads.

GlyphWorks Design Elements

Glyph Available Data

Glyph Palette Pipe

Tip: Windows can be turned on and off via the View pulldown menu.

Display Toolbar The content of this section updates as you click on display glyphs.

Hands-on Exercise •

Create a process to differentiate the ATV01 time series data (which is in the demo\example1 folder).

Plot the differentiated data along with the original data using an XYDisplay glyph.

Notice that by default the XYDisplay glyph shows different channel content depending on how many input pads are used.  

1 input pad: show all channels from a single data stream 2 input pads: show 1 channel from 2 data streams, like original vs. edited

Differentiated data

Original data

The Glyph Palette

Version 8 has 100+ glyphs, organized by their type. • Input: Getting data into the process • Function: Data handling and book-keeping • Basic DSP: Digital signal processing or analysis • Signal: More complicated analysis • Display: Showing data and results • Output: Saving data • And others…

Using the Glyph Palette • Mouse over a glyph to learn more about it.

• Use Search… to find a glyph.

• Create your own collection of glyphs.

A Simple Process

• This process takes time series data through the Frequency Spectrum glyph to calculate power spectra (PSDs). • Data flows from left to right through a glyph.

Multiple channels in

Multiple channels out

A Few Definitions and Color Coding Data in GlyphWorks are color coded as a form of error checking. • Time series means channel data collected versus times at a consistent sample rate. Also

called time histories, time signals, traces, etc.

• Histogram means channel data binned into a non-time x-axis (and maybe even a y-axis too, if 3D). Rainflow,

time at level, frequency spectra, etc.

• Multi-column means general tables of data, like a spreadsheet. Time

series data without a consistent sample rate, etc.

• Metadata means data about the data Channel Numeric

header information like sample rate, maximum value, etc. results like fatigue life

Other colors Complex frequency

Any data type

Glyph Properties Every glyph has properties. To view or change them: • Right click on a glyph and select Properties, or • Double click in the glyph header bar. Then re-run the process to use new properties in the analysis.

Saving a Process You can choose to save the process, or save the process with the data. Save Process saves all the glyphs, pipes, and properties. • The process is saved as a .flo file. • The process is a template for processing more data in the future.

Save Process With Data also saves the time series, histograms, and results that flow through the process. • The process is saved as a .fdb file. • The process includes the current data files.

Package Process and Data also saves the process and data into a portable package. • The process and data are saved as a .zip file. • Makes it easy to share with a colleague.

Running a Process

• Run process using the Run tool bar.

Run 1 glyph at a time.

Run the whole process.

• The “In Process” light turns red as each glyph processes data.

• The Diagnostics window shows execution progress.

Usability Features Glyph layout usability features include…. Undo / redo Cut / copy / paste Multiple glyph selection Rename glyphs Supports shortcuts like Ctrl -X, -C, -V, etc.



Usability Features

Workspace zoom slider

Full screen button (or use F9)

Language Support • GlyphWorks supports extended character sets required for Japanese, Chinese and Korean fonts. • Currently provides German French Chinese Japanese

Help on Glyphs • Right click on any property to get Help on Property.

• Or click the Help button to get more information about this glyph.

More Help • Left menu selection Manuals gives access to documents such as…. Contents Glyph Reference Guide GlyphWorks Worked Examples DesignLife Worked Examples Glyph Reference Guide New: GlyphWorks Fatigue Theory Guide • New: Help videos (also under Help menu)

• Contact nCode technical support 248 945 4366 866 GO NCODE [email protected]

More Help • Left menu selection Manuals gives access to documents such as…. Contents Glyph Reference Guide GlyphWorks Worked Examples DesignLife Worked Examples Glyph Reference Guide New: GlyphWorks Fatigue Theory Guide • New: Help videos (also under Help menu)

• Contact nCode technical support +44 (0) 870 423 2424 [email protected]

GlyphWorks Worked Examples

• GlyphWorks includes 25 worked examples to explain various use cases. • Each worked example includes sample data and step-by-step instructions.

Hands-on Exercise Create a process to calculate and display frequency spectra for atv01 in demo\example1.

• Input: Time Series • Analysis: Frequency Spectrum • Output: XY Display • Make the display look like this…..

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Importing and Exporting Data

Data Sources

File Formats GlyphWorks directly supports a wide range of file formats. Read and write •HBM catman bin and MEA •nCode s3t and DAC •SoMat SIF •MTS RPC 3 •NI Diadem DAT •NI TDM and TDMS •MATLAB (specific format, V5) •nVision Signal •Lexade SIG •ASAM ATFT •DIAdem W16 and R32 •Saginomiya RFC •Microsoft WAV •Servotest SBF •EdasWin EDT •ASCII via ASCIITranslate

Read •SoMat SIE and 2100 DAT •Schenck-Pegasus SPG •ACRA Control KAM-500 •imc FAMOS RAW •I-DEAS Pro ATI •dAtagate MUX •TEAC TAFFmat •OROS OXF •UFF (I-DEAS Universal File Type 58) •Sony PCScan III and PCScanIV XMX •LDS Nicolet PNRF •Prosig Dats DAC •B&K Pulse PTI •ETAS MDF3 •Vector MDF •Dewetron D7D •Microsoft Excel •DSPCon DatX •IPETRONIK bin •Kyowa KS2

ASCIITranslate ASCIITranslate creates time series, histograms, or multi-column data from ASCII text files.

• Wizard interface  Define

format interactively spreadsheet-style import

 Standard

• Handles large channel counts, large files, and multiple files. • Output is binary files that GlyphWorks can use.

Data Import and Generation • Signal input glyphs Histogram Multi-column Time Series • Special input glyphs Block Cycle Complex Frequency Excel FE Model Material Metadata • Data generation glyphs Time Series Generator Vibration Generator

Time Series Input

• Time series means channels vs. time with a constant sample rate or time interval. • Reads and displays time series data file from disk. • Properties control data handling.

Time Series Input: Marked Sections • Ctrl + left mouse button highlights regions. • Analysis is done only on these marked sections. • Drag section’s orange handles to easily change highlighted time sections. • You can select multiple sections – they will be concatenated when the process is run. Rainflow results for Marked section that marked section

Hands-on Exercise Process just a portion of the time series. • Use the same frequency analysis process created earlier. • Mark a section with Ctrl+left click. • Rerun the analysis to view frequency spectra for just this section. • Try changing or adding more marked sections and rerunning. Marked section

Histogram Input

• Histogram means channel data binned into a non-time x-axis (and maybe even a y-axis too, if 3D). • Reads histogram data file from disk. • Examples include rainflow, time at level, frequency spectra, etc.

Multi-column Input

• Multi-column means general tables of data, like a spreadsheet.

Examples: • paired XY data • comma-separated value tables • time series data without a consistent sample rate • feature lists (see sections on triggers and anomalies)

Excel Input Reads data and metadata from Microsoft Excel .xls files.  Data

is read in as multicolumn tables and/or metadata from userdefined fields.  Multi-column data can then be reconstituted into time series data and analyzed with all sorts of glyphs.

Multicolumn data Metadata

Processing Multiple Tests You control how multiple tests are handled.

Loop over all tests separately?

Combine all tests by concatenation?

Collating Data • Select Collate Data to keep all displayed results if working with multiple separate tests.

Results from all 3 tests 3 tests

• Pick which results are displayed with the Channel Selection dialog.

Hands-on Exercise Compare the frequency content of several tests. • •

Use both tests ATV01_ and ATV08_ from demo\example1 directory. Create a process to calculate and display the frequency spectra. TimeSeriesInput -> FrequencySpectrum -> XYDisplay

Turn Run -> Collate Data on to keep all displayed results for all tests.

Display channel 29 for both tests using XYDisplay’s channel selection utility.

Comparison of channel 29 for ATV01_ and ATV08_

Data Generation Glyphs

• Block Cycle  Inputs

a cyclic test spec often used for durability testing.  Block cycle spec is defined with ScheduleCreate.  Number of cycles vs. range or amplitude

• Time Series  Generates

waveforms like sines, squares, and random noise.

• Vibration  Input

known vibration test profiles for analysis or comparison with measured vibration data.  Suited for shaker tests and Accelerated Testing.  Sine dwell, sine sweep, sine on random, random PSD

Exporting Data All output glyphs are used to write files out onto the hard disk. • Signal output glyphs  Histogram  Multi-column  Time


• Other output glyphs  Complex

Frequency Model (for DesignLife)  Metadata  FE

• Other outputs  CSV

(text) data output from Data Values Display glyph output from Metadata Display glyph

 Tabular

Exporting Data • Remember that processes and data are separate things in GlyphWorks. • Data is saved using output glyphs. • Properties control output file format, naming, etc. • Don’t worry - you cannot overwrite your input file! • By default, all output files are saved into the same folder as the input files.

Write output files in RPC3 format, with “_filtered” added to the original filename.

Hands-on Exercise

Filter and save some time histories.

Use both tests ATV01_ and ATV08_ from demo\example1 directory.

Create a process to low-pass filter the data to remove content above 50 Hz.

Display the filtered data with an XY Display.

Save the filtered files in S3T format. Name them with a descriptive suffix so you will know they have been modified from the original data.

Refresh the Available Data list and find the new filtered files.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Graphically Displaying Data


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

Display and Reporting • Chart Display  Charts like bar, pie, etc. • Data Values Display  View any data in tabular form • GPS Display – product option  Lat/long on grid or map • Gauge Display – product option  Dynamic readouts  Link to time series and video • Histogram Display • Media Display – product option  Video  Audio • Metadata Display  Display metadata and results in configurable tables • Studio Display  Report generation and export • Waterfall Display • XY Display

XY Display • Time series • 2-D histograms • 2-D view of 3-D histograms • Multi-column • Displays are configurable via properties

Controls summary

Preferences for Displays

• Save the configuration of displays as your preferred setup. • Define how you want the display to look and then save it with right mouse option ‘Save configuration’. • Includes separate configurations in XY Display for time series, histogram, and multi-column data.

Selecting Channels for Display • Select which tests and channels are displayed. • Includes filtering to limit channel content. • Example: Show channel 1 for all tests.

Available tests and channels

Available displays slots and content

Hands-on Exercise Advanced use of time series data display •

You’ve been introduced to displaying data already. Now explore more options.

How else would you want to display your channel data?

Use any time series data from demo\example3 directory.

Adding Cursors and Annotation to Plots

• Choose cursor type: x or y. • Add cursors by clicking on the display. • Add annotation as desired – this includes metadata support to show other values. • Labels can be repositioned as desired.

Label cursors = Show on display. Tabulate cursors = Show in table.

Histogram Display • Certain analysis glyphs create 3-D histograms:  Rainflow  Joint


• These are displayed using the Histogram Display glyph. • Displays are configurable via properties.

Metadata Display

Metadata is data about the data. • This includes basic information such as channel names, units, sample rate, statistics, etc. • Can be any information that is associated with a channel or set of data. • Pipes pass metadata between glyphs in addition to the data.

Important metadata!

Displaying Metadata • Tree view: Shows all metadata. • Tabular view: Shows select metadata in a channel-based table. • Custom view with user-defined columns via GUI selection • Tables can be automatically exported to CSV format for Excel.

Results Are Stored as Metadata • Analysis glyphs often create additional metadata. These are named using the convention:  _Results

• For instance, a Strain-Life glyph writes a set of metadata to each channel under a section named such as StrainLife1_Results

Data Values Display See the raw data values of any data in GlyphWorks. • Number of significant figures is controlled via properties. • Spreadsheet cells can be colored based on value (for example, show max value in red). • Export option to CSV file for Excel, etc.

Time series

Rainflow histogram with non-zero cycles in red

GPS Display – Product Option

• Plots GPS latitude and longitude data. • Link channel data with where you were. • Display background options: A plain grid An interactive map if Microsoft MapPoint is installed A picture • Can be highlighted with a feature list. • Includes synched cursor with XY Display. • Link to external apps like Google Earth via KML export.

See GlyphWorks Worked Examples #14 and 15.

GPS Display – Product Option • The GPS Display glyph can also be used to flag regions of interest. • Graphical Editor glyph can then extract these time segments. • Very useful for breaking a lap of a proving ground into separate events.

User-defined region

Times when vehicle was in this region

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #25.

Media Display – Product Option

• Incorporates Microsoft Media Player within a glyph. • Enables video and audio playback within GlyphWorks. • Synchronize cursor movements on XY Display and GPS Displays to dynamically investigate time and position data while viewing video. • Plug time series data into the glyph to listen to your signals directly.

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #17.

Gauge Display – Product Option

• Shows synchronized values during data playback to give further insight to test data. • Gauge types include: Angular, Linear, Thermometer, Digital Numeric • Style of each gauge can be configured and saved for re-use.

Chart Display • Creates report quality plots from tables of data (multicolumn/orange pads). • Chart types as per Excel: Bar, area, polar, pie, surface, etc. • Include plots as images in reports.

Studio Display • Create reports in GlyphWorks. • Summarize channel data in many ways on a single report page.

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #10.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Manipulating, Analyzing, and Editing Data ► Function


Function Glyph Palette • The Function glyph palette includes glyphs for functions like: Book-keeping Data Data

flow type conversion

• These glyphs don’t necessarily analyze data… • …but they ensure that the analysis is correct, useful, and user-friendly.

Units Conversion Units Conversion Performs units conversions. Uses metadata to recognize channel units and multiplies as necessary. Units lookups are stored in \nssys\unitconv.sys and unitspell.sys. Example: In the time domain, convert all accels to m/s2 with appropriate multipliers. Can also be used to convert histograms like PSDs.

Channel Numbering • Channel Reassignment Redefine channel numbers using numbers or metadata. Can be very helpful in ensuring all datasets have consistent channel numbering. • For example, make sure engine speed is always channel 1.

Test Splitter Test Splitter Logical channel recognition according to a true/false condition “True” channels go out of upper output pad. “False” channels go out of lower output pad. Pick by…. • Channel number • Channel name • Metadata comparison • #max# > 5.0 • #YUnits# contains ‘strain’ • Use the right click Pick Metadata option for easy metadata selection.


Everything else

Case Study – Test Splitter • Analyze shock absorber temperature during field use. • GlyphWorks identifies the required channels and analyzes each separately: Damper temperatures GPS lat, long, speed

Find speed channel

Find temperature channels

Hands-on Exercise

Separate channel types with the Test Splitter. •

Use test01.s3t from the demo\example3 directory.

Create a Test Splitter glyph to separate the strain gage channels from the displacement channels.

• •

Display the strains with an XY Display. How many different ways can you configure the Test Splitter to find just the strain gage channels?  Channel names, numbers, units, statistics, etc….

Test Combination Test Combination The opposite of the Test Splitter glyph Combine the channels from two separate pipes. Options included for dealing with duplicate channels: • Add as new channels. • Update with new channel content.


Filtered accels


nCode GlyphWorks Training

Manipulating, Analyzing, and Editing Data ► Digital

Signal Processing Glyphs

Basic DSP and Signal Glyph Palettes These two glyph palettes include a number of powerful analysis glyphs.

Statistics • Channel statistics like max, min, and RMS are always available and can be viewed as metadata. • Additional glyphs can be used for further statistical analysis. • Statistics  

Calculates additional statistics like kurtosis, skewness, etc. Includes percentiles like 90th%ile, 95th%ile, etc.

• Running Statistics 

Calculates running statistics of time series and outputs them as new time series.

Original time series

10 second running mean


• Simultaneous Values At the point of max or min on each channel, identifies the simultaneous values on all other channels in the test. Creates metadata and tabular output. Useful for defining CAE load cases.

Chan 1 at max

Curve Fitting – Product Option

• Curve Fitting – product option Calculates the relationship between time series channels: • Linear, polynomial, or spline fit • Results are added to the metadata.

Raw data

Curve fit

Manipulation • Extraction Defines a section to pass through to output. Functionally the same as selecting data sections in the Time Series Input glyph. • Concatenation Combines one or two tests with a given number of repeats. There are more efficient way of concatenating many events. More on that later…. • Sample Rate Adjustment Change the number of samples per second in time series data. Remember that downsampling can lead to aliasing. Filter first to avoid this.


• Integration Can automatically convert title & units. For example, convert acceleration to velocity (and integrate again to get displacement) – but remember to high-pass filter! • Differentiation Can automatically convert title & units. For example, convert displacement to velocity.


Math functions can be performed with 1 of 2 glyphs…. • Arithmetic Performs math operations where the same operation is performed on all channels. For example, multiply by -1 to change polarity of all channels. • Time Series Calculator Performs math operations on time series data where the different operations are performed on each channel. Calculate new channels based on collected channels. Set a trigger to focus on certain channel conditions.

See GlyphWorks Worked Examples #4 and 5.

Time Series Calculator Channel Calculation Example Calculate temperature difference. Chan32 = Chan30 – Chan31

Time Series Calculator Channel Calculation Example with IF statement Separate a load channel into its tensile and compressive loads. Chan23 = if(Chan22 > 0, Chan22, 0)



Many other functions are available under Pick Function.

Time Series Calculator Trigger Example Find time sections when load is tensile. Chan22>0.0 • Creates a Feature List highlighting sections during which this condition is true.

Feature List

Sections where condition is true are highlighted in XYDisplay

Time Series Calculator • Includes pre- and post-trigger times in seconds to modify feature length. • Supports AND/OR logic for multiple trigger conditions. • Powerful editing capability: Graphical Editor glyph can use feature list for automated editing.

Case Study – Time Series Calculator

• How often does an aircraft experience turbulent wind gusts? • How often does it experience turning maneuvers? • Trigger: vertical acceleration greater than 1.05 g.

A Feature List is a table. Each row represents a highlighted section.

Hands-on Exercise

Worked Example #5 “Edit Time Series Data Based on Vehicle Speed” Objective: In this exercise, you will learn to…. •

Graphically review vehicle speed.

Use the Time Series Calculator glyph to find time sections when the vehicle was stopped.

Use the Graphical Editor glyph to remove these stopped sections to create an edited dataset that reflects when the vehicle is in motion.

Calculator Glyphs There are several Calculator glyphs, for different types of data…. • Time Series Calculator – for manipulating channel data

• Multicolumn Calculator – for manipulating column data

• Metadata Calculator – for manipulating data about data

Advanced: Interacting with Feature Lists How many of these features are wind gusts (2 sec duration)? GlyphWorks contains glyphs for interacting with feature lists. • Multicolumn Calculator: Calculate new columns. 

Feature duration = end time – start time

• Multicolumn Sort: Sort the table based on some value, like duration. • Multicolumn Filter: Remove features (rows) from the table based on some value, like duration.

>2 sec duration features

Fourier Transform

X (t )   ak cos(kt )  i sin(kt )   ak eikt k


Frequency Analysis • Frequency Spectrum  Performs

an FFT on the selected time series. amplitude and energy spectra  Windowing options: Hanning, Rectangular, Blackman, etc…  Linear average or peak hold spectra  Power,

Frequency Domain Results

Time domain

Frequency domain

Peaks represent high response magnitude at that frequency, either because of… • High input magnitude, or • Dynamic amplification from resonance

Filtering Any filter acts to change the frequency content of a time series.

• Butterworth Filtering Time-domain filtering High, low, band pass, and band stop Forward only, forward & backward Order • Fast Fourier Filter Frequency-domain filtering High, low, band pass, and band stop

Fore/aft accel under braking: Unfiltered 5Hz low pass filtered

Hands-on Exercise

Assess the effects of filtering time histories. •

Create a process to filter data to remove content above 50 Hz.

Compare the data before and after in the time domain using an XY Display glyph.

Create frequency spectra of the time series data before and after filtering, and overlay to assess the filter’s effects in the frequency domain.

Try changing filter parameters and recalculate.

Use data from demo\example1 directory.

Classifying a Signal’s Magnitudes

• Amplitude Distribution Commonly called time at level analysis. Count how often channel magnitudes occur, or how much time is spent at channel magnitudes. Options include time at level, percent time at level, point count, and probability density.

Hands-on Exercise Calculate time at level for vehicle speed. Use the data from demo\example5 directory. •

Inside the Amplitude Distribution glyph, set:  

AnalysisType = PercentTimeAtLevel NumberOfBins = 50

View the resulting time at level histogram with an XYDisplay. Notice that the x-axis autoscales by default.

Change the following parameters in Amplitude Distribution and recalculate:   

HistogramSizing = MinMax HistogramMin = 0 HistogramMax = 50

Attach a Data Values Display glyph to view the time at level results in a table.

Joint Distribution Joint distribution means time at level with 2 independent variables instead of just 1. Results are 3D and can be viewed with the Histogram Display glyph. • For two channels: 

Time at level, point count and probability density options • For example, time at level means the amount of time spent where both signals are within a given range of values, in each ‘bin’ of the histogram.

• For three channels: 

Third signal can be used to increment the zaxis • For example, engine torque, gear and speed channels can be used to generate cycles per combination of torque and gear.

Time at level of a constant velocity joint’s angle vs. torque

Case Study – Joint Distribution Two orthogonal hitch loads have been measured – X and Y. • Suppose we need to simplify these complicated multiaxial loads down to a single load vector for a lab test. • Is there a dominant loading direction? • If so, how should lab test load be oriented?

Z axis can represent time@level, or can be weighted by load magnitude to recognize the importance of high loads.

Conclusion: Yes, there is a common load vector orientation. These multiaxial loads can be represented by a single applied load in the test lab.

Rosette Analysis Strain Rosette Rosette type • Rectangular, Delta, Tee • Planar, Stacked Calculates Mohr’s circle for every time step Strain and stress vs. time outputs • Max, Min, AbsMax, MaxShear, VonMises • Biaxiality • Angle • Strain at multiple angles for critical plane fatigue analysis

Classification • Peak Valley Extraction Retains only peaks and valleys of a time series. Can be used as an input to some test rigs.

• Level Crossing Counts the number of times that amplitude levels are crossed. Historically used for counting fatigue cycles, but has been largely replaced by rainflow cycle counting.

• Markov Counting Count range between successive peaks and valleys. Can be used for fatigue. Does not model material memory like rainflow cycle counting.

Rainflow Cycle Counting

• A common technique that counts fatigue cycles in time series data by looking for stress-strain hysteresis loops • Accounts for fatigue material response with material memory. • Stores cycles in a histogram. 3D:

range vs. mean vs. number of cycles counted 2D: range vs. number of cycles counted

Fatigue Comparison

Relative Damage a relative damage calculation on all channels using a simple S-N curve. Compare two different sets of load-time histories in fatigue damage sense. Which is more severe?

Load, etc


Damage A DA:DB Damage B slope


See GlyphWorks Worked Example #19 and the standard process CompareRelativeDamage.flo.

Hands-on Exercise Compare the relative damage content of two separate passes of a single proving ground event.

• From the File menu – Standard Processes, open the standard process Compare Relative Damage. • Use \example5\ rough_road_2passes.rsp for both input glyphs. • Select pass 1 as a marked section for TSInput1. • Select pass 2 as a marked section for TSInput2.

Fatigue Comparison

• Potential Damage Intensity  Vector

combinations of orthogonal loads (Fx, Fy, etc.) • Represent multiaxial load effects independent of component geometry.  Assess effects of multiaxial loads in fatigue damage sense.  Compare different events’ damage under multiaxial loading. Fx

F = f(Fx, Fy)

Load, etc


Damage = f(Fx, Fy, ) slope


Relative Damage Spectrum • Calculates relative fatigue damage in discrete frequency bands. • Understand how fatigue damage depends on frequency.

Multi-channel time signal of acceleration at wheel hub 119

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Editing Data and Automated Anomaly Detection


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

Examples of Data Anomalies

Graphical Editing Time series data can be edited with the Graphical Editor glyph. Editing can be done… • When the process is run: sections are color coded blue • Interactively: sections are color coded yellow

Remove drift

Delete dead time

Fix spikes

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #3.

Graphical Editor: Edits at Run Time Blue highlight means run time edit – data changes when the process is run

Edited data

Unedited data Sections to edit

To perform edits when the process is run….  Interactively choose sections to delete, extract, or overwrite.  Choose regions with Ctrl + left click (all chans) or Shift + left click (single chan).  Delete and extract will always act on all channels to maintain channel phase.  Use Time Series Calculator or GPS Display’s feature lists to automatically mark sections. • Spikes, vehicle stopped, certain part of proving ground, etc.

Graphical Editor: Interactive Edits Yellow highlight means interactive edit – data changes instantly Interactive edit methods include…. Single point manipulation, like to fix spikes Shift sections Drift correction

Highlight section with Ctrl and select Shift.

Move cursor to desired location.

Spike is removed immediately.

Hands-on Exercise

Worked Example #3 “Graphical Editing and Metadata” Objective: in this exercise, you will learn to…. •

Review time series data graphically.

Manually edit sections of the time series to remove “bad data”.

Review metadata that describes the time series.

Automated Anomaly Detection • GlyphWorks includes some glyphs for automatic anomaly detection: Spike detection Flat-line detection Drift detection Limit detection Channel comparison • Very powerful tools for quickly identifying problems or known features in time series data Highlights potential problems. Don’t spend time looking at good data.

Automated Spike Detection and Correction Example

• Spike Detection glyph finds spikes and creates a Feature List indicating when these spikes occurred. • This Feature List can be used by the Graphical Editor glyph. Features shown highlighted

Feature list

Graphically displays and smoothes spikes

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #6.

Interactive Run Mode Allows the user to make interactive selections while using an automated feature detection algorithm. Example: Spike Detection glyph finds spikes, and user decides which possible spikes really are before any editing is done. Pause at this glyph.

Colored background means interactive mode is on.

Hands-on Exercise

Worked Example #6 “Finding and Removing Spikes in Time Series Data” Objective: In this exercise, you will learn to…. •

Create a GlyphWorks process that automatically identifies spikes in time series data.

Review results of this automated spike detection.

Remove spikes with the Graphical Editor glyph.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Combining Tests, Events, or Runs

Combining Tests Sometimes it’s necessary to calculate results for combinations of time series tests. Example: What’s the cyclic content of 4 different use cases, each with different repeats or exposure times?

There are 3 methods of combining tests in GlyphWorks: 1. 2. 3.

Time Series Input or Histogram Input glyph: CombineAllTests = True ScheduleCreate app Concatenation glyph

Combining Tests with the Time Series Input Glyph Set CombineAllTests = True. • All tests are concatenated into a single ‘virtual’ time series.

4 separate tests

1 long combined test

Combining Tests with the Time Series Input Glyph Can use repeats when combining tests.

4 separate tests

1 long combined test, with repeats test 1 long combined

ScheduleCreate App • Provides an interactive user interface to create schedule files. 

Schedule files are a way of combining multiple tests into a composite or duty cycle of events with a number of repeats for each event.

Output is saved as .sch.

Schedule files (for time series, multi-column, or histogram data) are used in GlyphWorks just like any other test of data.

ScheduleCreate Application • Time domain behavior is set by Time Series Input glyph properties. Concatenate to create a new long time series, or Treat each event separately. Carry event repeats as metadata. Stress Life and Strain Life fatigue glyphs can intelligently use time domain schedules for damage summation. • Histogram domain behavior is set by Histogram Input glyph properties. Add counts to create a new schedule histogram, or Combine with methods for max or mean values. • Max envelope of a set of PSDs • Average a set of time at level histograms Rebins if necessary.

Comparison of Ways to Combine Data




Common use case

Input glyph with CombineAllTests = True

•Quick and easy

•Temporary - doesn’t create re-usable output file

Quick and easy way to combine data


•Accepted by fatigue glyphs for schedule damage summation

•Permanent: creates a reusable output file •Accepted by fatigue glyphs for schedule damage summation

•Data specific, so it’s not saved with the process •Not a glyph – must be done before processing

Working with common schedules like proving grounds

•.sch files are easily edited •Includes advanced features like joining functions, sub-schedules, etc

Hands-on Exercise

Use the Time Series Input glyph to concatenate 2 tests.

Use ATV_Pothole.s3t and ATV_PerformanceCourse.s3t from demo\example11 directory.

Use repeat values of 8 and 5.

Make sure to set CombineAllTests = True.

Display and analyze the resulting concatenated dataset.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Super Glyph


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

Super Glyph

• Multiple glyphs to be contained within a single glyph • The contents of the Super Glyph can either be displayed or hidden to form a ‘black box’ glyph. • Super Glyphs can be saved onto the Glyph Palette for later re-use in other processes, like a subroutine. • Super Glyphs can be secured with password protection.

Example Super Glyph process for fatigue editing

Creating a Super Glyph Toolbar buttons for easy creation of Super Glyphs: Step 1: Select glyphs to convert to a Super Glyph.

Step 2: Select one of three Super Glyph create toolbar options.

Replace with Super Glyph Copy to Super Glyph

Unwrap Super Glyph

Replaces selected glyphs with a Looping Super Glyph

Step 3: Super Glyph is created. Maximize the Super Glyph to see or edit its contents.

Looping Super Glyph for Varying Glyph Properties Assess fatigue life under varying stress concentration factors.

Tabular results for all calculations Looping Super glyph • Varies the glyph property StrainLife1.Kf from 1 to 2 in 0.1 steps. Display of fatigue damage vs. Kf

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #19.

Looping Super Glyph with Feature List Input Analyze data for every time section in a Feature List separately. Trigger on -0.25g brake events.

Looping Super glyph • Loops on each feature. • Includes a Graphical Editor to extract each section…. • and a Metadata Display glyph to show statistics of each feature

Individual results for each brake event

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #20.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 

nCode GlyphWorks Training



1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

Standard and Custom Processes Provide hotlinks to GlyphWorks analysis processes. Standard Processes are provided with the nCode installation. • Examples of GlyphWorks functionality • One-click access to example processes Custom Processes are created by the user. • One-click access to commonly used processes • Can even share processes across a network • Content is provided via CustomProcessMenu.sys • See user guide for more information on setup  Search

for ‘custom process’ in the GlyphWorks User Guide

Saving Glyphs • Any glyph can be saved to any glyph palette. This enables user-configured glyphs like “My PSD” to be saved for easy re-use. • Create your own glyphs and reuse or share!

Save your own glyph!

Multiple Workspaces • Keeps multiple related tasks together in one GlyphWorks process. • Workspaces can be linked: One workspace’s output glyph can feed another workspace’s input glyph.

Workspace for editing raw data

Workspace for fatigue calcs

Multiple Views • Store multiple views of the workspace – for example, the analysis glyphs vs. the results histograms, as shown below. • Go right to results by clicking on the View tab.

View for analysis

View for results

User-defined Information on Glyphs Describe a glyph in your own words. • Right click and select Info…., then enter a description. • View this information by clicking on the Info button.

Glyph Property Permissions Glyph properties can be editable, viewable, or hidden for simplification.

Simplified properties form Standard properties form

User Forms Replace workspace with simplified user input form. Ask only required questions up front and hide complexity of process behind the form.

Select which glyph properties will be on the user form.

Workspace is replaced by this form when the process is run.

Disabling Data Flow • Individual pipes can be disabled to control data flow. • Example: Don’t write out new time series until viewing before and after displays.

Highlighted pipe indicates that it’s been disabled.

Preferences System • Glyph preferences set default glyph properties. • FileFormat preferences control how certain data files are read  Example:

how are SIF files’ burst data read? Separate, concatenated, etc….

• Language settings are found under \Libraries\General\Language • Preferences are set on a global (for networked installations) or home (user) basis.

Audit Capability • The detail of each GlyphWorks run can be written to an ASCII report file as an audit of the analysis process. • The audit records details such as: Glyphs Glyph Input

and property settings


and output data

Locking Processes •

Processes can be locked and password protected to ensure the repeatability of analysis.

Complete glyphs or workflows can also be locked so they cannot be moved or deleted.

Helps groups to enforce standard procedures and work practices.

Tips for Using GlyphWorks • Start small and test and gradually work your way up to a more complex process. • Use display glyphs at several stages during the process – you can always delete them later. • Use output glyphs only if you know the results are worth saving. • Rename glyphs to help explain what they do. • Use Info On Glyph to remind yourself why you’re using a certain glyph. • Set up a display glyph to your tastes, then save as the default configuration so new displays will look the same. • All pads have tooltips. Mouse over a pad to learn more about a pad’s contents. • Use copy, paste, and undo to your advantage. • Disabling individual pipes can be helpful when troubleshooting. • Full screen (F9 key) and workspace zoom features can increase the visible workspace. • Many glyphs’ data types can be changed.  Example:

Test Splitter accepts time series (blue) by default, but can be changed to any other data type.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Using Metadata in Calculations


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

Using Metadata in Glyph Properties Metadata can be used as glyph properties. • Available metadata are shown by picklist. • Example: Arithmetic glyph can remove the mean from each channel by using #Mean#. • Channel references are not needed, but can be used. #Mean# = mean of every channel separately #Chan1.Mean# = mean of channel 1 Metadata set name (for example, Attributes) is not needed: #Attributes.Mean# is the same as #Mean# Any metadata can be used, like: #Chan1.Rainflow1_Results.NumCycles# Metadata are case INSENSITIVE and shown in mixed case just to be easier to read.

Hands-on Exercise

Using rough_road_2passes.rsp data from demo\example5 directory, create a process to remove the mean from each strain gage channel. 

Test Splitter to find strain channels based on a channel title containing ‘strain’, or y units equal to ‘microstrain’

Arithmetic glyph to subtract #Mean# from each channel

Display the results before and after this mean removal. How are they different?

What does this difference mean in an engineering sense?

Overall Limits in Calculations Set consistent histogram limits for all tests. • If multiple tests are used, overall limits can be available as metadata for calculations. • In TSInput, set OverallLimits=True. • Then use metadata like OverallMax for histogram scaling.


Advanced Use of Metadata Functions are available for more advanced use of metadata. • Math functions for working with numeric metadata max(a,b), degtorad() • Text functions for working with text metadata trim(), replace(), mid() • Logical functions for decision making If ((condition), true_value, false_value) Example: If((#YUnits#==“g”),#SampleRate#/2,100) • Read more about these functions in the reference guide. Glyph Reference Guide  Common Glyph Functionality

Ways to Add or Change Metadata • Metadata is automatically stored to provide channel information and to record results. • But sometimes users need to add or change metadata. • Four methods: Metadata Generator glyph Metadata Calculator glyph Metadata Input glyph Excel Input glyph Useful project details that might be helpful metadata

All of these glyphs need a Metadata Manipulation glyph to merge the new metadata into existing data.

Metadata Generator Glyph • Easily pass metadata into a process. • Example: Get user input for test engineer and rolling radius. • User can focus on providing the right inputs and not worry about what glyphs use them in calculations.

Metadata Calculator Glyph • Calculate or create new metadata:  TestLocation = Desert proving grounds  TestDuration = #NumPoints# / #SampleRate# • Modify existing metadata:  ChanTitle = Left front vertical acceleration • Metadata can be channelor test-specific

Metadata Input Glyph • Spreadsheet-style form for metadata entry • Change existing channel metadata, like channel name. • Add new channel metadata, like offset, Kf, etc.

Same channels, but new metadata

Click to edit existing metadata.

Enter new metadata.

Excel Input Glyph Read metadata from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. • Test- or channel-specific metadata • By default, metadata appear under the set name ExcelInput1, like ExcelInput1.Kf.

Excel Input for Channel Metadata This fatigue process uses channel-specific material, Kf, and scale factor inputs in the Strain-Life glyph. Pass metadata into time series data.

Use metadata in calculations. #ExcelInput1.Kf#


Channel number or name in Excel is used as a lookup. Any channel of this number or name will have that row’s metadata attached to it.

Excel Input for Test Metadata This process attaches test-specific metadata to the appropriate data file. The Excel spreadsheet contains run comments, description, ballast condition, etc, for each data file.

Test metadata will change if a different data file is used.

Match up metadata with time series data by test name.


Testname in Excel is used as a lookup. Any data file of this name will have that row’s metadata attached to it.

Comparison of Ways to Add or Change Metadata Glyph


Common use case

Metadata Generator

Easy way to specify input analysis parameters in a single location

Put all important user inputs in a single input glyph.

Metadata Calculator

Calculate new metadata from existing metadata or results.

Calculate fatigue damage per mile.

Metadata Input

Easy way to see channel names and units in a tabular view.

Edit channel names and units.

Excel Input

Click and type to edit Read metadata from an existing spreadsheet. Can include channel- or testspecific metadata.

Input test or project information. Input channel-specific properties for fatigue analysis, etc.

Reminder: All of these glyphs need a Metadata Manipulation glyph to merge the new metadata into existing data.

Hands-on Exercise

Using test01.s3t data from demo\example3 directory, create rainflow histograms using the default settings.

Look at metadata before and after the rainflow glyph. What metadata describe the run duration?

Normalize the rainflow results by the duration of the original time series to get cycles per hour. Hint: Use the Arithmetic glyph.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Studio Display Glyph for Reporting

Studio Display • Create a sophisticated report in GlyphWorks. • Summarize channel data in many ways on a single report page.

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #10.

Studio Reports Studio reports…. • Are built on a page of paper. • Contain any number of display objects. • Each display can be resized and positioned to create a formatted report. • Displays include all of the types of displays you are used to in GlyphWorks display glyphs, and also… Pictures FE

models including metadata like test conditions, etc.


• Highly configurable

Creating Reports With Studio

Two methods for creating reports • StudioDisplay glyph – the recommended way • Studio application – the old way

Studio Display Objects

Studio reports can contain many types of displays: • Time Series • Multi-Column • Histograms or Matrices • Text (manual or file) • Tabular (FE, multi-column, or CSV file) • Finite Element (FE) model display • Picture (BMP, JPG, PNG, etc.) • GPS display • Waterfall

Creating a Studio Report in GlyphWorks How to create a Studio report in GlyphWorks: 1.

Insert Studio Display glyph in GlyphWorks.


Add display objects using right click -> Insert option.


Configure display objects as desired.


Plumb displays to analysis glyphs.


Run the process to populate the report.

Creating a Studio Report in GlyphWorks How to create a Studio report in GlyphWorks: 1.

Insert Studio Display glyph in GlyphWorks.


Add display objects using right click -> Insert option.

Or drag data from the Available Data list onto the report page.

Add as many displays to this page as you want.

Creating a Studio Report in GlyphWorks How to create a Studio report in GlyphWorks: 1.

Insert Studio Display glyph in GlyphWorks.


Add display objects using right click -> Insert option.


Configure display objects and page as desired.

To format the page: Right click -> Edit -> Options

Change page layout, margins, turn grid off, etc.

Configuring Display Objects Once a display object is added: • Click on it once to access its properties and toolbars.

Red outline: configure

• Click on it twice to change its position or size.

Drag handles: move or resize

Studio Display Object Properties

All Studio displays are configurable Three levels of properties 1.

Left click – Toolbar


Right click – Properties


Right click – Edit – Objects

Creating a Studio Report in GlyphWorks How to create a Studio report in GlyphWorks: •

Insert Studio Display glyph in GlyphWorks.

Add display objects using right click -> Insert option.

Configure display objects as desired.

Plumb displays to analysis glyphs.

Run the process to populate the report.

Display lights up when cursor is over input pad to show connections.

Displaying Metadata Text Display supports metadata • Example: Channel = #ChanNumber# is displayed as Channel = 1 when the process is run. • Metadata are available by pick list once data has been run into the Studio Display glyph.

Exporting Studio Reports Export as pictures, Web pages, Word, PowerPoint, and PDF documents. Pictures HTML Word PowerPoint PDF

Check ‘Output All Channels’ to create a hardcopy report with separate pages for each channel.

Enhanced Export to Microsoft Word

• Export text and tables directly into Word as text and table objects. • Append multiple tests directly into one Word document. • Use your own ‘template’ document as the starting point for each exported Word doc.

More About Reports

Metadata Display and Data Values Display glyphs have an output option for displaying tables of results in Studio Display reports.

Hands-on Exercise

Worked Example #10 “Creating a Studio Report in GlyphWorks” Objective: in this exercise, you will learn to…. •

Create a GlyphWorks process that analyzes data and populates the StudioDisplay report.

Export the report to HTML and Microsoft Word outputs.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Advanced GlyphWorks Features


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

GlyphWorks Options • Fatigue analysis  Calculates fatigue life from strain gage channels.  Analyze crack growth using linear elastic fracture mechanics. • Fatigue editing  Accelerates time domain rig tests by removing non-damaging cycles. • Frequency analysis  Calculates frequency domain results like waterfall, order tracking, octave analysis, ride quality, and frequency response functions. • Accelerated Testing  Creates accelerated PSD or swept sine vibration tests based on fatigue damage. • Optimized Testing  Create a proving ground schedule that optimally reproduces target customer usage. • GlyphBuilder  Create your own glyphs from scratch with Python and MATLAB scripting.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

nCode GlyphWorks Training

GlyphWorks Fatigue

GlyphWorks Fatigue Theory Guide Look under Manuals – Contents – Fatigue Theory Guide

A Road Map for Fatigue Analysis

Loading Environment


Fatigue Analysis

Material Properties Post-processing Optimization

GlyphWorks Fatigue

Stress-Life and Strain-Life fatigue analysis glyphs • Inputs  Time series and histogram data • Outputs  Damage-time data  Damage and rainflow histograms  Tabular results • Calculations  Forward damage calculation  Back calculation on Kf or scale factor • Materials data  Input directly or read from materials database  MaterialsManager app for viewing and editing material data


Comparison of Fatigue Analysis Methods




Typical Use Case

Potential Damage Simple; accepts any engineering units.

Can’t predict absolute life.

Relative A:B damage comparisons


Historically common practice

Doesn’t model low-cycle fatigue or residual life.

High cycle fatigue; weld standards (BS5400 and 7608)


Works for both high- and lowcycle fatigue.

Doesn’t model residual life.

General fatigue analysis

Crack Growth

Models residual Not used in life in the presence many design of a crack. methods.

Assess residual life after a crack starts; aerospace and damage-tolerant designs.

Fatigue Analysis

Damage histories Strain histories Damage histogram Rainflow histogram

Fatigue lives

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #7.

Fatigue Results as Metadata

• Life in repeats of the input file • Life in hours, based on duration • Damage per input file repeat • Damage per hour, based on duration • Etc.

MaterialsManager Application • GlyphWorks comes with a material database for fatigue calculations. • Materials can be added or edited via the MaterialsManager application. • A variety of fatigue life curves are supported: Strain-Life Stress-Life Multiple R-ratio Stress-Life curves Multiple mean stress StressLife curves Etc.

Hands-on Exercise

Worked Example #7 “Strain-Life Fatigue Analysis and Fatigue Editing” Objective: In this exercise, you will learn to…. • • •

Create a GlyphWorks process that analyzes the fatigue life of strain data using the Strain-Life method. Review and edit fatigue materials data using the MaterialsManager. Create a GlyphWorks process that edits time series data based on damaging cycles to create an accelerated durability test.

nCode GlyphWorks Training

GlyphWorks Fatigue: Some Advanced Use Cases

Schedule Damage Summation Both SN and EN fatigue analysis glyphs can efficiently analyze schedules.

• Schedule file (.sch), or • Multiple tests with repeats

Results include •Total damage •Damage per event •% damage contribution

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #22.

Durability Test Methods


nCode Software

Constant amplitude


Block cycle


Time domain (RPC)

GlyphWorks Fatigue Edit

Frequency domain (PSD)

GlyphWorks Accelerated Testing

Constant Amplitude and Block Cycle Tests Cyclic component tests…. • Are simple, quick, inexpensive, and used everywhere. • Require damage correlation.



Equivalent Damage Test Specification

Measured load

Damage equivalence: 204 cycles @ +/-850 lb =

Simplified test load

1 repeat of measured load

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #21.

Fatigue Damage Editing for Time Domain Tests The Damage Editing glyph identifies sections of time histories to be removed, while retaining a specified proportion of fatigue damage. Damage time histories

Edit feature list Unedited data for rig test Edited data for shorter rig test

Graphically displays fatigue edits and deletes marked sections.

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #7.

nCode GlyphWorks Training

GlyphWorks Fatigue: Creep and Rupture at Elevated Temperature

Creep Creep: Inelastic deformation and damage due to combination of high  temperature and stress levels. Ultimately this can lead to loss of function  or rupture. Original grain  shape

Diffusing atoms

Min shear  stress Max shear  stress 

Melting  point Creep

New  grain shape

½ melting  point

Void growth by diffusion Voids on grain  boundary

GlyphWorks Creep Analysis

• Furnace subjected to 3½ hour repetitive thermal loading cycle • Maximum static constrained stress of 300MPa • How long will it last?

No Creep

Nabarro‐Herring Creep  • Atoms diffuse from  stressed face to  unstressed face Creep rupture • Voids develop on  grain boundaries • Voids grow through  atom diffusion and  void coalescence

Room temp

0 Kelvin

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 

nCode GlyphWorks Training

GlyphWorks Crack Growth


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

What if a Crack Exists? An existing crack results in very high stresses – so high that another parameter called stress intensity factor (K) is needed to describe its severity. K describes the severity of the stress field.

a = length of crack.

K  Y     a Y is the geometry factor relating stress concentration to crack shape and length.

Stress  from strain gage or FE of un-cracked component

Unstable brittle fracture occurs when the applied K exceeds K1c , a material property.

A Road Map for Fatigue Analysis

Loading Environment


Fatigue Analysis

Material Properties Post-processing Optimization


Quantifying Crack Growth • A crack growth curve relates cycle size to crack growth rate (usually in mm/cycle) • There are a number of crack growth laws available: Paris Walker Forman Austen NASGRO3 Interpolation

Crack Growth

• Crack Growth is a ‘must have’ product in aerospace industry for fatigue analysis. • Provides broad capability with a flexible system that can be extended with customer methods. • Applies the benefits of GlyphWorks to fracture mechanics. • Developed in partnership with BAE Systems, Westland Helicopters, and QinetiQ.

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #14.

Hands-on Exercise

Worked Example #14 “Crack Growth Analysis” Objective: in this exercise, you will learn to…. •

Create a GlyphWorks process to assess the growth of a crack and its associated structural life.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

nCode GlyphWorks Training

GlyphWorks Frequency

Frequency Product Option

• The Frequency product option provides additional frequency capability beyond PSDs and filtering. • Applications could include: Engine Basic

run-up vibration analysis using waterfall plots

acoustic assessment using octave analysis


ride quality analysis using ISO 2631 standard


function analysis such as seat vibration transmissibility

Joint Time Frequency Analysis • Shows how the frequency content varies with time. • Particularly well-suited to analyzing short duration or transient events such as door slams and braking events.

40 Hz steady vibration from engine

18 Hz transient vibration from wheel hop

Waterfall Analysis

• Performs rotating machinery vibration analysis and creates waterfall data representing a sequence of frequency spectra. • Analyzes the frequency content as the speed of rotation changes. • Add active cursors to the display to show X, Y or order slices shown in linked display.

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #9.

Order Tracking Filter Retain or remove an order from time series data. • Filter on order rather than a frequency band. • Order filtering uses a speed channel to set filter characteristics. Example: Remove the once-per-rev (1st order) wobble from an unbalanced shaft.

Remove 1st order 1st order gone

Octave Analysis • Calculates RMS levels in octave and third octave bands (plus 1/6, 1/12 and 1/24 fractional octave bands). • Two types of input:  PSD

spectral results are re-binned into octave bands.

 Time

series data are filtered using multiple Butterworth filters as per ANSI S1.11 –2004 standard.

• Weighting functions: weighting functions are built in for dB A, B, C noise weighting.

 Acoustic

quality weighting functions are built-in for ISO 2631/1 whole-body vibration Wk, Wd, Wf weighting.

 Ride

 User

defined weighting

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #12.

Weighting Filter How does the body respond to vibration? • Weighting Filter glyph applies Noise A,B,C (ANSI S1.42-2001) and six vibration weightings (ISO 2631-1) to time series data to create weighted time series data output. • RMS of this weighted acceleration is an important metric for human perception of vibration. • Also includes ISO 5349 for hand and arm vibration.

Example weighting positions

Frequency Response Analysis How well does an isolation mount reduce vibration? • A typical frequency spectrum is just a measure of output energy. • The next step is to understand output relative to input. • This ratio is also called gain. • Performs single input – single output frequency response analysis. • Calculated outputs include:  Gain


 Phase  Coherence  Etc.


Gain = O/I Response magnitude O

Input magnitude I

Hands-on Exercise Worked Example #9 “Waterfall Analysis of Rotating Machinery” Objective: In this exercise, you will learn to…. •

Create a GlyphWorks process that analyzes noise and vibration of rotating machinery. -- OR -Worked Example #12 “Ride Quality Analysis: Calculating Vibration Dose Values”

Objective: in this exercise, you will learn to…. •

Create a GlyphWorks process to analyze the effects of vibration on the human body per ISO standard 2631.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

nCode GlyphWorks Training

Analysis of Rotating Machinery

Analysis of Rotating Machinery • Gears, shafts, pumps, and other rotating components experience stress or vibration per revolution – not per time. • It can be beneficial to look at time series data in a periodic fashion. • Waterfall analysis and order tracking can be useful, as discussed in the previous section. • This section will cover other techniques beyond waterfall analysis.

Periodic Display • Display glyphs have a periodic mode that plots periods of time or revolution together. • A time-based period is useful if rotational speed is constant.

Continuous time domain

Periodic 0.05 sec time domain

Periodic Statistics • Running Statistics glyph can calculate periodic statistics. • For example, calculate max and min cylinder pressure for each full firing cycle in an engine.

Max Individual cycles Min

Resampling Out of the Time Domain Position-based Resampling Convert data from the time domain to the revolutions domain. Useful when rotational speed varies • Data is not periodic in the time domain. • Data becomes periodic in the revs domain.


conversion, periodic plotting can be done according to revolutions. • Example: plot 4-cycle engine data with a 2-rotation period

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

nCode GlyphWorks Training

GlyphWorks Accelerated Testing

Accelerated Testing • Applicable to components that are subjected to random vibration. • Uses: Defining an accelerated shaker test Comparing existing vibration test specifications with actual component use • Calculations include: Shock Response spectra Extreme Response spectra Fatigue Damage spectra • The results are output for PSD or Swept Sine test specifications. • Enables shaker tests to be accelerated within realistic bounds. • Also referred to as ‘mission synthesis’ or ‘test tailoring’.

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #11.

Case Study 1 – Exhaust Muffler

• A supplier is required to prove the durability of a bus exhaust muffler.

Front Chassis Bracket

• The OEM specifies repeats of proving ground data equivalent to 53 days of continuous testing.

Rear Chassis Bracket

• Can we create a valid, accelerated shaker test with equivalent damage to 53 days?

Case Study 1 – Exhaust Muffler

Calculate Fatigue Damage Spectrum (FDS)

Sum of damage over all events

•Individual events

Damage from Belgium Block Damage from Cross Country



Belgian block curb


Belgian block gvw


Cross country curb


Cross country gvw



•Combined with repeats

Case Study 1 – Exhaust Muffler x axis y axis z axis

Accelerated PSDs with equivalent damage 6 times quicker than original test spec

Test ERS Mission ERS

Test ERS Mission ERS

Test ERS Mission ERS

x axis

y axis

z axis

Case Study 2 – Aircraft External Store

Can the electronics and components within an aircraft external storage unit designed for 1000 flying hours on a tanker survive 20-hour flight trials on a high-speed jet?

PSD of acceleration [(m/s/s)^2/Hz]

Certified Tanker Acceleration PSDs

Frequency [Hz]

Fatigue Damage Spectrum

1. Record accelerations during jet test. 2. Calculate cumulative Fatigue Damage Spectrum and Shock Spectrum.

Natural Frequency

3. Calculate FDS from existing tanker test spectrum.

Conclusion: Yes, it will survive. The existing tanker test spec was more severe than jet usage.

Hands-on Exercise

Worked Example #11 “Creating Accelerated Vibration Fatigue Tests” Objective: In this exercise, you will learn to…. •

Create a GlyphWorks process to define a shaker test profile in the frequency domain.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

nCode GlyphWorks Training

GlyphWorks Optimized Testing

Optimized Testing Optimized Testing provides the ability for engineers to answer: What is the optimum proving ground schedule? What is the best mix of surfaces, weight conditions, speeds, and maneuvers? What is the ratio of proving ground miles to road miles? How does proving ground A correlate to proving ground B? Key Benefits: • Significantly reduce proving ground track usage. • Optimize testing schedules and reduce testing time. • Understand how real world usage compares to track data. • Rapidly compare different proving grounds or duty cycles.

Optimized Testing Proving ground data: multiple events

Event repeats to match target Target: represents an entire vehicle life

Histograms Target PG solution

See GlyphWorks Worked Example #24.

Optimized Testing - Details • Inputs can be 2D histograms or multi-column tables.  Rainflow  Range-pair  Level

cross damage

 Fatigue  Etc.

• The solution algorithm provides both linear and non-linear optimization to find the best mix of tests to match a target test. • Results are given as a schedule or mix of events to replicate a customer target.  200  550  etc.

laps of paved road laps of Belgian block


Hands-on Exercise Worked Example #24 “Optimized Testing” Objective: in this exercise, you will learn to…. •

Create a GlyphWorks process to define a proving ground schedule that replicates an entire life of a vehicle.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

nCode GlyphWorks Training

GlyphWorks GlyphBuilder

What’s the Need for Scripting?

Generally scripting is not necessary because GlyphWorks…. • Handles multiple channels, multiple files, multiple events. • Has 100+ glyphs that can be combined to analyze data in a multitude of ways. But sometimes it’s necessary to create your own glyph to…. • Replicate an in-house standard. • Perform an ‘out of the box’ or specialty analysis. • Link together GlyphWorks’ capabilities with external applications.

GlyphBuilder Create your own glyph…. • Scripting Glyph Based on either….. • Python, or • MATLAB Runs inside GlyphWorks. Includes easy methods for working with GlyphWorks data as objects.

See GlyphWorks Worked Examples #16 and 22.

The Scripting Glyph The Scripting glyph contains either Python or MATLAB code that is executed at run time.

Python • Object-oriented programming language • Open source and free • Extensible with libraries NumPy,

SciPy, etc.

MATLAB • Commercial math toolkit

How the Scripting Glyph Works with Python • The Scripting glyph contains Python commands that are executed at run time. • Includes easy methods for communicating with GlyphWorks.  GetInputTimeSeries,

CopyMetaData, etc.

How the Scripting Glyph Works with MATLAB • The Scripting glyph contains MATLAB commands that are executed at run time. • Read MATLAB data files (.mat) directly. • Includes easy methods for communicating with GlyphWorks 

GetInputTimeSeries, CopyMetaData, etc.

MATLAB surface plot

GlyphBuilder Case Study 1

• Existing manually-produced Excel report  Reproduce automatically with GlyphWorks. • Solution:  Create custom MS Excel report.  Also create Word report. • Includes tables and thumbnail plots

GlyphBuilder Case Study 2

• Read your own specific files. • Replace ASCIITranslate module with a single glyph. • Your own file types can be added to the Available Data list via GeneralFiles.sys.

More Information on GlyphBuilder…..

See Worked Examples 16 and 22 for more details. They include more than a dozen scripting glyphs – both Python and MATLAB.

Introduction Using GlyphWorks: the basics Importing and exporting data Graphically displaying data


Manipulating and analyzing data


Editing data and automated anomaly detection


Combining tests, runs, or events


Super Glyph

9. 1.

Miscellaneous Using Metadata in Calculations


Studio Display Glyph for Reporting


Advanced Features Fatigue analysis and fatigue editing  Crack Growth  Frequency  Analysis of Rotating Machinery  Accelerated Testing  Optimized Testing  GlyphBuilder 


1. 2. 3. 4.


Course Outline

The Mission

The purpose of this class is to … • Teach you the skills necessary to analyze collected data using GlyphWorks

The Objectives

During this class, you will learn to…. • Import data into GlyphWorks • Create an analysis process with glyphs • Solve engineering problems • Display and interpret results

nCode Institute

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