This is a word list containing 1660 words for Global English. The words with * (asterisks) are meant to be learned fi...
Global English Word Bank
a and any as at by he her him his how I if it me my no not of or our ours she some than that the their theirs them these they this to us we what when where which while who why will with yes you your yours
* able about above * accept * accident account * accuse across act * action activist actor add * address administration * admit adult advertisement * advise affect * afraid after * again against age agency aggression ago * agree agriculture aid * aim * air airplane airport album * alive * all * allergic * allow ally * almost alone along * already * also although * always ammunition
1660 Words for Global Communication
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among amount anarchy ancestor ancient anger angle angry animal anniversary announce another answer apartment apologize appeal appear apple apply appoint approve April area argue arm army around arrest arrive art artillery ash ask assist astronomy atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention August authority automatic automobile autumn average avoid awake
award * away baby * back * bad bag * baggage * bake balance * ball balloon ballot ban * bank bar * bargain barrier base basket battle * be * beach beat * beautiful because * become * bed before * begin behind * believe bell belong below * belt bend best betray better between * big * bike * bill billion biology * bird * birth bite * bitter
* black blade blame blanket bleed blind block * blood blow * blue * board boat * body * bomb bone * book border * born * borrow * both * bottle * bottom * bowl * box * boy boycott brain brake branch brass * brave * bread * break * breast * breathe brick bridge brief bright * bring broadcast * brother * brown brush budget * build building bullet burn
Global English Word Bank
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burst bury bus bush business busy but butter button buy cabinet cake call calm camera camp campaign can cancel cancer candidate capital capture car card care careful carriage carry case cash cat catch cause celebrate center century cereal ceremony certain chain chair chairman champion chance change charge chase check
cheer * cheese chemical chemistry chest * chicken chief * child choose * chop church * circle citizen city civilian claim clash * class * clean * clear * clever climate climb * clock * close cloth * cloth/clothes cloud coal coast * coat * coffee * cold collar collect college colony * color combine * come comfort command comment committee common communicate community * company compare
cry culture cup cupboard cure current curtain custom cut damage dance danger dare dark date daughter day dead deaf deal deal with dear debate debt December decide declare decrease deep defeat defend deficit define degree delay delicate demand democracy demonstrate denounce deny depend depend on deploy depression describe desert design desire
* destroy detail * develop device dictator * dictionary * die diet * difference * different * difficult dig dinner diplomat direct direction dirt * dirty disappear disarm discover discuss disease * dish disk dismiss dispute dissident distance * divide * do doctor document * dog dollar * door * dot doubt down * download drain * dream * dress * drink * drive drop drug * dry during
Global English Word Bank
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dust duty each ear early earn earth ease east easy eat ecology economy edge education effect effort egg eight either elastic elect electricity element eleven else embassy emergency emotion employ empty end enemy energy enforce engine engineer enjoy enough enter environment envy equal equipment escape especially establish estimate ethnic
evaporate * even * evening event ever * every evidence evil * exam examine * example excellent except exchange * excuse execute * exercise * exhibition exile exist expand expect * expensive * experience experiment * expert * explain explode explore export express extend extra extreme * eye * face * fact factory fail * fair * fall * false * familiar * family famous * far * fashion * fast * fat
1660 Words for Global Communication
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father fault favor fear feather feature February feed feel female fertile few field fierce fifteen fifth fifty fight fill film final finance find fine finger finish fire firm first fish fist fit five fix flag flat float floor flow flower fluid fly fog follow food fool foolish foot football
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for forbid force foreign forest forget forgive fork form former forty forward four frame free freedom freeze fresh Friday friend frighten from front fruit fuel full fun function future gain game garden gas gather general get gift girl give glass glass/glasses go goal god gold good govern government grammar
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grass great green grey grill ground group grow guarantee guard guest guide guilty gun habit hair half halt hand hang happen happy harbor hard harm harmony hat hate have head headquarters heal health healthy hear heart heat heavy helicopter help here hers hide high hijack hill hire history hit
Global English Word Bank
* hobby * hold hole * holiday hollow holy * home * honest * honey honor * hope horrible horse * hospital hostage hostile * hot hotel * hour * house however huge * human humor * hundred hunger * hungry * hunt hurry * hurt * husband ice * idea identify * ill illegal imagine immediate import * important improve * in incident include * increase independent individual industry infect
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inflation influence inform information inject injure innocent insane insect inspect instead instrument insult insurance intelligence intense interest interfere international interpret into invade invent invest investigate invite involve iron island issue jacket jail January jewel job join joint joke judge juice July jump June jury just keep key kick kill
1660 Words for Global Communication
* kind * kiss kit * knee * knife * know * knowledge labor laboratory lack * lake land * language * large * last * late * laugh * law * lawyer * lead leak * learn * leave * left * leg legal * leisure * lend less * let * letter level library * lie * life * lift * light * like limit * line link lip liquid * list * listen * little * live load loan
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local lock lonely long look loose lose lot loud love low loyal luck machine magazine mail main mainly majority make male man manufacture many map March march mark market marry match material matter May may mayor meal mean measure meat media medicine medium meet member memory mental menu mercy
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message metal method middle might mild military milk million mind mine minister minor minus minute mirror miss mist mistake misunderstanding mix mob model moderate modern Monday money month moon moral more morning most mother mountain mouth move movie much murder muscle music must mystery nail name narrow nation native
Global English Word Bank
* natural navy near necessary * neck * need neither nerve neutral * never * new(s) * next * nice * night * nine ninth noise nominate noon normal * north * nose note * nothing * November * now nowhere nuclear * number obey object observe occupy ocean * October * of course * off offensive * offer office officer official * often oil * old * on * once * one * only
* open operate opinion opposite oppress orange * order organize * origin * other oust * out over owe * own page * pain * paint * pair pan pants * paper parade parallel * parcel parent * park parliament * part * partner party pass passenger * passport * past paste path patient * pay * peace * pen pencil * people * percent perfect perform * perhaps period permanent
1660 Words for Global Communication
permit * person * pharmacy physical * picture * piece pig pilot pipe * place * plan * plane plant plastic * plate * play * please plenty * plus * pocket * point poison * police policy politics pollute * poor * popular population port position possess * possible * post office postpone * pot potato pour powder * power * practical * practice praise pray pregnant * present president press pressure
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prevent price print prison private prize probable problem process produce professor profit program progress project promise pronounce property propose protect protest prove provide public publish pull punish purchase pure purpose push put quality question quick quiet quit quite race radar radiation radio raid rail rain raise rare rate rather
ray * reach react * read * ready * real realistic * reason receive recession * recognize * recommend record recover * red reduce * refer refugee refuse * regard(s) regret reject relation release * religion * rely on remain * remember remove * rent repair repeat * report represent request require rescue research resign resist resolution resource respect * responsible rest restrain * result * retire return
Global English Word Bank
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revolt reward rice rich ride right ring riot rise risk river road rob rock rocket role roll roof room root rope rough round rubber ruin rule run sabotage sacrifice sad safe sail salad salt same sand satellite satisfied satisfy Saturday sausage save say scale school science scissors sea search
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season seat second secret security see seek seem seize seldom self sell senate send sense sentence separate September series serious serve set settle seven several severe sex shade shake shall shame shape share sharp shelf shell shelter shine ship shirt shock shoe shoot shop short should shout show shrink
1660 Words for Global Communication
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shut sick side sign signal signature silence silent silk silver similar simple since sing single sister sit situation six size skeleton skill skin skirt sky slave sleep slice slide slip slow small smash smell smile smoke smooth snake sneeze snow so soap social society soft soil soldier solid solve
* son * song * soon sort soul * sound * soup * south space * speak special speech speed * spell spend spirit * spoon * sport * spot spread * spring spy * square * stairs * stand * star start starve * state * station statue * stay steal steam steel * step stick * still * stomach * stone stop store storm * story straight * straight ahead * strange * street stretch
* team tear technical technology telephone television * tell * ten term * terrible territory terror * test * thank * theater * then theory * there thick * thin * thing * think third * thirsty thirteen thirty though thought * thousand threaten * three * throat through throw * Thursday tie tight * time(s) tin * tired * today * together * toilet * tomorrow * tongue tonight * too * tool * tooth
* top * topic torture total * touch toward town * toy trade tradition traffic * train * translate transport * trash * travel treason treasure * treat treatment treaty * tree trial tribe trick * trip troop * trouble * trousers * truck * true trust * truth * try tube * Tuesday * turn twelve twenty twice * two under * understand * unite universe university unless until up
1660 Words for Global Communication
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urge urgent use usual valley valuable value vegetable vehicle version very veto vicious victim victory view village violate violence visit voice vote wage wait wake walk wall want war warm warn wash waste watch water wave way weak wealth weapon wear weather Wednesday week weight welcome well west wet
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wheat wheel white whole wide wife wild win wind window wine wing winter wire wise wish withdraw without woman wonder wonderful wood wool word work world worry worse worth wound wreck write wrong year yellow yesterday yet young zero
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