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General Motors Company Global ME - Vehicle Systems

Global 3 Servo Gun Setup Manual Fanuc SpotTool+ 8.20 with GRS4 Custom Customization ization 

March 14, 2014 Rev 1.0



JJ Arboleras Bill Kroll Lloyd Steed Greg Kolanow Kolanowski ski

Fanuc America Corporation Corporation Vehicle Systems Systems Vehicle Systems Systems Extreme Automation Automation

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Document revisions: Date March 14, 2014




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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization TABLE TAB LE OF CONTENTS

Se Section ction 1. 

Page Page

GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................. 5 


SCOPE  .............................................................................................................................................. 5 

1.2  1.3  1.4  1.5 

PURPOSE........................................................................................................................................... I NTENDED AUDIENCE   ........................................................................................................................ BACKGROUND   .................................................................................................................................. SETUP FLOW   .....................................................................................................................................

5  5  5  6 

GUN INSTALLATION.......................................................................................................................... 7 

2.1  3 

De Descripti scripti on

GUN MOUNTING  ............................................................................................................................... 7 

WIZARD SETUP ................................................................................................................................... 7 

3.1  GETTING STARTED  ............................................................................................................................ 7  3.2  HELPS AND HINTS  ............................................................................................................................. 8  3.2.1   Re-Running the wizard wizard to correct for a an n incorrect response response during initial ssetup etup......................... ......................... 8   3.2.2   Re-Running the wizard wizard to add a feature............ ......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... .................... ....... 8   4 

ESTABLISHING PULSE ON SERVO GUN MOTORS ...................................................................... 8   ESETTING BZAL (BATTERY ZERO ALARM) ..................................................................................... 8  4.1  R ESETTING 4.2  ESTABLISHING PULSE  ........................................................................................................................ 9  4.2.1  GSWA and SW-Series Motors.................................................................................................... Motors.................................................................................................... 9  4.2.2   HT-Series Motor............ ......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ............... 9 

MASTERING THE GUN .................................................................................................................... 10 

5.1  SETTING GUN CLOSE DIRECTION  ..................................................................................................... 11  5.2  MASTERING THE GUN AND SETTING AXIS LIMITS ............................................................................. 11  5.2.1  Single Gun per Equipment ...................................................................................................... 11   5.2.2   Dual Guns on One Equipment (Typical (Typically ly Dual Carried or Dual Pedestal) .......................... ............ ................... ..... 14  5.3  AUTOTUNING   .................................................................................................................................. 16  5.3.1   Default Autotune Running Running ............. .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................ ........... 16   5.3.2   Auto Tune Results:............ .......................... ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ....................... ......... 18   5.4  HELP AND HINTS   ............................................................................................................................. 19  5.4.1  Collision detection alarm ........................................................................................................ 19  5.4.2 5.4.3   5.4.4  6 

Stop Excess Error ................................................................................................................... 19    Autotune cannot star start t .......................... ............. .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... .......................... .................. ..... 19 Pressure Shortage................................................................................................................... Shortage................................................................................................................... 19 

PRESSURE CALIBRATION .............................................................................................................. 19 

6.1  6.2  6.3 

EQUIPMENT  .................................................................................................................................... 19  PERFORMING CALIBRATION............................................................................................................. 20  HELP AND HINTS  ............................................................................................................................. 24 


OVERTORQUE PROTECTION ........................................................................................................ 26 

SERVO GUN DIAGNOSIS ................................................................................................................. 28 

TIP WEAR COMPENSATION........................................................................................................... 31 

9.1  SETUP  ............................................................................................................................................. 31  9.1.1   Enabling Tip Wear Compensation Compensation.............. ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ......................... ............ 31  9.1.2   Running Tip Wear Compensation Compensation Setup Program(s) ............. .......................... .......................... ........................... ......................... ........... 33  9.1.3  Wear Ratios ............................................................................................................................ 33 

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 9.2  VIEWING TIP WEAR VALUES............................................................................................................ 33  9.3  TIP WEAR UPDATING   ...................................................................................................................... 35  9.3.1  Tip Wear Routines .................................................................................................................. 35  TW_GUNS(x) x= gun number ............................................................................................ 35  CAP_WEAR ...................................................................................................................... 35  TW_UPDT(x) x= gun number ............................................................................................. 35  TW_UPDCC(x) x= gun number .......................................................................................... 35  TW_REG(x) x=gun x =gun number .......................... ............ ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ................. ... 35  11 

WR_UPDAT(x)(y) WR_UP DAT(x)(y) x=gun number y= y= new tips flag............. .......................... .......................... .......................... ..................... ........ 36 36   CHK_WEAR ...................................................................................................................... TW_GNRST ....................................................................................................................... 36  GET_CFG .......................................................................................................................... 36 

SET GUN CLOSE DIRECTION ..................................................................................................... 37 

11.1  CARRIED +Z ................................................................................................................................... 37  11.1.1  Single Gun .............................................................................................................................. 37   11.1.2   Dual Gun Single Equipment .............. ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .................... ....... 38   11.2  PEDESTAL +Z ................................................................................................................................. 39  11.2.1  Single Gun .............................................................................................................................. 39  11.2.2   Dual Gun Single Equipment .............. ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .................... ....... 40  12 

PRESSURE SCHEDULES .............................................................................................................. 41 

12.1  BACKGROUND   ................................................................................................................................ 12.2  ELEMENTS  ...................................................................................................................................... 12.2.1  Weld Force ............................................................................................................................. 12.2.2  Gun Sag..................................................................................................................................  Enabling..........................................................................................................................  Setup...............................................................................................................................  Pushing Depth .................................................................................................................  Contact Speed .................................................................................................................

41  42  42  43  43  44  45  45 


BACKUP SCHEDULES .................................................................................................................. 47 


DISTANCE DISTANC E SCHEDULES SCHEDULES............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 48 


PROGRAM LISTINGS ................................................................................................................... 49 

15.1  STYLE TEMPLATES  .......................................................................................................................... 49  15.1.1  Carried Servo Gun .................................................................................................................. 49  15.1.2  Single Pedestal Servo Gun ...................................................................................................... 50  15.1.3   Dual Pedestal Servo Servo Gun ............. ........................... ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ......................... ........... 51  15.2  PROCESS PATH TEMPLATES  ............................................................................................................. 53  15.2.1  Spot Process 1 Template (TMSPROC1) ................................................................................... 53   15.2.2  Spot Process 2 Template (TMSPROC2) ................................................................................... 54   15.3  MISCELLANEOUS SERVO GUN MACROS  ........................................................................................... 55  15.3.1  STPR_CHK ............................................................................................................................ 55  15.3.2  CAP_WEAR............................................................................................................................ 56   15.3.3   NUM_GUNS.......................  NUM_GUNS..................................... ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .................... ....... 57   15.3.4  TW_GUNS .............................................................................................................................. 58   15.3.5  WR_UPDAT ........................................................................................................................... 62  15.3.6   Tip Reset................................................................................................................................. 64  15.3.7   Cap Select .............................................................................................................................. 66   16 

RECOVERY .................................................................................................................................... 67 

ECOVERY FROM LOSS OF MASTERING  ............................................................................................ 67  16.1  R ECOVERY 16.1.1   Mastering the Gun from from the Mast Master/Calibrate er/Calibrate scre screen en ................................... ...................... .......................... .......................... ............... 67  

16.2  CAP CONFIGURATION CHANGE  ......................................................................................................... 68  16.2.1   Re-Run the wizard.......... wizard....................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... .......................... ............. 68  

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 16.2.2   Mastering the Gun and Setting Setting Axis Limi Limits ts ............. .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ............. 68   16.2.3   Running Tip Wear Setup ........................... ............. ........................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... ............. 68   16.2.4  Completing Pressure Calibration ............................................................................................ 69  16.2.5  Path Touch up ........................................................................................................................ 69  EPLACEMENT   ................................................................................................................... 69  16.3  MOTOR R EPLACEMENT 17 

SERVO GUN TOOL CHANGE OPTION ...................................................................................... 70 




ARDWARE OFTWARE R EQUIREMENTS EQUIREMENTS, LIMITATIONS AND R ECOMMENDATIONS ECOMMENDATIONS  .......................... 17.2 ............ ................. ... 71 70   17.3   H HARDWARE/S SETUP PROCEDURE FOR CARRIED SERVO WELD GUN(S) ................................................ UNNING SRVO_TC.PC 17.4  R UNNING SRVO_TC.PC................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. 74  17.4.1  SRVO_TC.PC File Execution Procedure ................................................................................. 74  17.5  PROGRAMMING AND SETUP COMPLETION  ........................................................................................ 74  17.5.1  GUN ATTACH[x] ................................................................................................................... 75  17.5.2  GUN DETACH[x] .................................................................................................................. 76   17.5.3   Emergency Detach (EMGDTCH.TP) (EMGDTCH.TP)............. .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... .......................... ..................... ........ 76   17.5.4  Verification of Gun(s) connections .......................................................................................... 76   17.5.5   Auto Tune and Pressure Calibration Calibration of G Guns................. uns.............................. ........................... ........................... .......................... .................. ..... 76  

18  TOOL CHANGE PROGRAMS SPECIFIC FOR SERVO GUN TOOL CHANGE APPLICATIONS. ........................................................................................................................................ 77 

18.1  STYLE TEMPLATE (SERVO TOOL-CHANGER ) SINGLE CARRIED GUN ................................................... 77  18.2  STYLE TEMPLATE (SERVO TOOL-CHANGER ) 2 CARRIED GUNS WITHIN 1 STYLE .................................. 78  18.3  STYLE TEMPLATE (SERVO TOOL-CHANGER ) 1CARRIED GUN AND 1 MH END EFFECTOR  ..................... ....................... 79  18.4  CAP_WEAR  (SERVO TC VERSION ONLY) ..................................................................................... 80  18.5  TCCKTOOL .................................................................................................................................. 81  18.6  TCGETNUM ................................................................................................................................. 83  18.7  TCINNEST .................................................................................................................................... 84  18.8  TCEMPTY TCEMPTY..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... 87  18.9  TCCLSLID .................................................................................................................................... 89  18.10  TCOPNLID ................................................................................................................................ 91  18.11  TCLTCHTL ............................................................................................................................... 93  18.12  TCUNLTCH .............................................................................................................................. 94  18.13  TCPICKH1 ................................................................................................................................ 95  18.14  TCDROPH1 ............................................................................................................................... 98    18.15 STYLE 26 .................................................................................................................................. 100  18.16  TCTEACH ............................................................................................................................... 102  18.17  SERVO GUN TOOL CHANGE TIP WEAR SPECIFIC PROGRAMS......................................................... 103  18.17.1  TW_GUNS (SG tool change specific)................................................................................. 103  18.17.2  TW_MEM (SG tool change specific) .................................................................................. 106   18.17.3  TW_VER (SG tool change specific) ................................................................................... 107   18.18  SERVO GUN TOOL CHANGING SPECIFIC TIP DRESS PROGRAMS .................................................... 109  18.18.1  Style 29 TIP DRESS (SG tool change specific)................................................................... specific) ................................................................... 109  18.18.2  TD_PROCx (SG tool change specific) ............................................................................... 110  18.18.3  TCDRESCP (SG tool change specific) ............................................................................... 112  18.18.4  TCPSTDRS (SG tool change specific)................................................................................ specific)................................................................................ 114  19 

TROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLESHO OTING SERVO GUN TOO TOOL L CHANGE ............ ......................... ........................... ........................... ..................... ........ 116 

19.1  19.2  19.3    19.4  19.5  20 

THE ATTACH INSTRUCTION IS EXECUTED WHEN THE GUN IS NOT ATTACHED  .................................... 116  A DIFFERENT GUN FROM THAT SPECIFIED BY THE ATTACH INSTRUCTION IS ATTACHED  ..................... ............ ......... 117  THE ATTACHED GUN HAS BEEN DETACHED BY MISTAKE (WITHOUT USING THE DETACH INSTRUCTION) 117  THE BATTERY VOLTAGE HAS FALLEN   ............................................................................................. 118  THE BATTERY RAN LOW WHILE THE GUN WAS DETACHED   ............................................................... 118 

VARIABLE LISTING (CONDENSED) ........................................................................................ 119 

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 20.1  $SGSYSCFG ............................................................................................................................... 119  20.1.1  $pst_ertype: Pressure Shortage Error type ............................................................................ 119  20.1.2  $allow_stdsp: Display Standalone Standalone Spot instruction............. .......................... .......................... .......................... ......................... ............ 119  20.1.3  $rel_press: Release pressure at program pause ..................................................................... 119  20.1.4  $prs_units: Pressure units..................................................................................................... units..................................................................................................... 119  20.2  COMMON ERRORS ON SERVO GUN ERRORS  .................................................................................... 120  20.2.1  SRVO-023: SERVO Stop error excess (G:%d A:%d) ............................................................. 120   20.2.2  SRVO-024: SERVO Move error excess (G:%d A:%d) ............................................................ 120  20.2.3 alarm (Grp:%dAxis:%d).......................................................... Ax:%d) .......................................................... 120 20.2.4   SRVO-069: SRVO-062: SERVO SERVO CRCERR BZAL alarm (Group:%d 120   20.2.5  SRVO-068: SERVO DTERR alarm (Grp:%d Ax:%d) ............................................................. 120  20.2.6   SVGN-023: Incomplete Pressure calibration ......................................................................... 121  20.2.7   SVGN-024: Incomplete Wear Down calibration .................................................................... 121  20.2.8   SVGN-032: Tip increased error ............................................................................................ 121  20.2.9  SVGN-118: Max wear exceeded ............................................................................................ 121  20.2.10  SVGN-020: Pressure shortage........................................................................................... shortage........................................................................................... 122    OW TO CHECK G UN IMPEDANCE 20.3 H : .................................................................................................. 122  20.4  SERVO GUN AMP SETTINGS WITH GUN(S) & HARDWARE MISMATCHES  .......................................... 123 

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 1.


1.1 Scope The following documentation is intended i ntended to be a reference document to aid iin n the setup and installation of the robotic servo weld guns for all projects using servo guns and Fanuc SpotTool+ 8.20 with the GRS4 Customization. This documentation is intended to detail the steps necessar necessary y to install a Tolomatic servo weld weld gun on to a Fanuc R-30iB robot controller. The steps outlined in this manual will allow the intended i ntended audience to install the weld gun, cal calibrate, ibrate, tune, and program/touchup weld paths. 1.2 Purpose The steps outlined in this manual will help to ensure that all servo weld guns are integrated and setup in the same fashion so that the system is easily maintained and is fully functional to all RS specifications as well as GCCS-2, and GCCH-1. GCCH-1. This document is not intended to replace servo gun manuals from Fanuc, but to simply document specific setup criteria specific to General Motors applications, using Fanuc SpotTool+ 8.20 with the GRS4 Custo Customization. mization. 1.3 Intended audience The intended audience for this document includes robot programmers, engineers, and skilled trades responsible for setting up the servo serv o gun robots at integration, and maintaining the equi equipment pment once it is installed into the production environment. 1.4 Background The servo guns that are being referenced use a Tolomatic/Aro3G motor that incorporates a Fanuc encoder, and connectors that allow it to be controlled by the Fanuc robot. There are 7 different motor sizes.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Tol SW44. Tol HT23. GSWA 201-202-ARO3G. GSWA 101-Tol. GSWA 102/103/202/IMA44-Tol. 102/103/202/IMA44-Tol. GSWA 201/301/302/IMA33-Tol. 201/301/302/IMA33-Tol. FANUC ACa8/4000is-40A/80A

REQUIRES WATER for Operation.  Operation. 

 All motors are driven by the the same 40 amp auxiliary am amplifier plifier in the robot, as an integrated robot axis. The basic setup has the robot arm as motion group 1, and the servo guns as group 2, and group 3 if necessary. The control of the servo gun is integrated into the robot system, such that I/O is not necessary to control the gun functionality, such as back backup up or equalization. All configured spotwelding spotwelding guns in the GM GRS4 customization will require water flow for STROKE operation. 5 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 1.5 Setu Setu p Flow The following flow chart is a process of the steps necessary to setup a serv o gun robot

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 2

Gun Installatio n 2.1 Gun Mountin g

When mounting the gun to t o the robot faceplate, care should be giv given en to the way the connectors for the motor will route. There are 2 connectors that are used to control the Tolomatic motor from the robot. The first is the power cable and the second second is the encoder cable. These should be positioned such that the cables and connectors are in the safest location relative to 

projected path. on If there’s it is possible to rotate motor tor end cap +- 90 . See motor documentation rotatinginterference the connectors on the end cap. the mo 3

Wizard Setup

The wizard allows the robot robot software to be con configured figured for the specific application. The programmer needs only answer a few questions and the software configures itself based on the answers chosen by the programmer. programmer. This functionality has be been en further enhanced to include setting up of the servo gun applications, including group and axis data that previously needed to be done manually before running the wizard. wizard. This presented s some ome complexity issues and has been remedied remedied by adding the necessary necessary functionality to the wizard. If the application is SERVO TOOL TOOL CHANGER  CHANGER  please refer to Section 16 and 17. 3.1 Getting Started Before running the wizard, some information regarding the robot and application need to be gathered. They are as follows: 1. Robot software version. Must be 8.20Pxx G3 03-14-14 (Update 00) or later.     An update will be necessary if the software software is not up to this level. 2. Information ab about out the application that the robot performs performs Carried or Pedestal Process   3. Information about the servo guns Motor Type   Maximum Force for the gun (NOT the maximum motor force)   Net Gear Ratio (NOT the motor ratio)     Maximum gun opening (NOT the maximum motor stroke) Gun type: Pinch/X-style or C-style   Auxiliary Amplifier that the servo motor is attached to   4. Information how the guns ar are e going to be used (If (If multiple guns exist) 1. Dual gunonsingle equipment 2. Dual gun Dual equipment, equipment, 1 or 2 weld controllers a. Affects tip w wear ear compensation compensation and pressure schedule approach. approach. If the appropriate groups are not present when the wizard is run, the wizard will automatically add the Servo Gun group and then boot back to controlled start. It is important that a full load USB memory device with the AP1 directory be plugged into i nto the controller when servo gun groups are added. Once the robot has returned to Controlled start it will be necessary to re-run the wizard to configure the robot application. To see an example of running running the servo gun setup wizard please refer to the 8.20P-xx 8. 20P-xx Wizard manual-GM Customization document.

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 3.2 Helps and Hints 3.2. 3.2.1 1

Re-R Re-Runni unni ng the wiza wizard rd to correct for an inco rrect response during initial setup

If a mistake was made in the initial setup of the wizard, the easiest way to recover is to re-run the wizard. This will allow the robot to auto automatically matically reconfigure for tthe he change. There is no need to reboot to controlled if you aretocurrently at controlled Simplyisrerun the wizard, mak making ing sure to back take your time. It start is necessary set Cell I/O every timestart. the wizard run as the robot robot resets the cell interface to default when the wizard is launched. 3.2.2 3.2 .2

Re-Runni Re-Runni ng the wizard to add a feature

If it is necessary to add a feature such as a tip dresser or Transformer Over Temp switch, it is not necessary to re-run the wizard completely. It is necessary, however, however, to Boot to Controlled start and launch the Wizard. Select Item #3  Add  ‘Add to Configuration Configuration’. This will allow the user user to add the necessary items, without having to run through the entire wizard. wizard. Prior to adding a feature, it is best to back up the robot, in the event an error occurs occurs.. A backup all is sufficient 1. Perform a Backup All of the controller 2. Perform a Controlled Start 3. Start the wizard a. Select Option #3 ‘Add to Configuration’ i. Follow the prompts as necessary 4. Perform a cold boot 5. Query a any ny new DeviceNet nodes nodes as necessary. 4

Establishin Establishin g Pulse on Servo Servo Gun Motors

Once the groups and axis are configured and the wizard run, it is i s necessary to master the guns. This procedure is critical and must be followed as outlined below for each configured servo servo gun. 4.1 Resetti Resetti ng BZAL (Battery Zero Alarm)  As is the case any time a motor is installed on the ro robot bot it will be necessary necessary to clear the BZAL alarm that indicates that the system has lost l ost communication with the encoder. The steps necessary for clearing the BZAL alarm: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  6. 7.

Press [MENUS]  [MENUS]  -> [NEXT] [NEXT] ->  -> [SYSTEM]  [SYSTEM] -> [Master/Cal] [Master/Cal]   Press [FCTN] -> [FCTN] ->[3: [3: CHANGE GROUP GROUP]] (Select the Servo Gun group, either 2 or 3)  3)   Press [F3: RES PCA] PCA]   Select [F4: YES] when YES] when prompted to ‘Reset pulse coder alarm? al arm? Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all servo gun groups.

Cycle the power power o on n the robot controller. SRVO-075 Pu Pulse lse not established established will be d displayed isplayed in th the e fault log upon power power up.

8 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 4.2 Establi shing Pulse Before the Gun can be mastered m astered it is necessary to establish pulse with the Fanuc Encoder that is mounted in the Tolomatic Tol omatic motor. 4.2.1 4.2 .1

GSWA GSWA and SWSW-Series Series Motors

The method used to establish establi sh pulse on the SW series motor is identical to the method used to master a standard Fanuc motor. 1. Select Group 2 for equipment 1, Group Group 3 for equipment 2 a. Press [FCTN]  [FCTN]  Group]   b. Item [3: Change Group] 2. Jog Servo Gun axis until pulse is established. (The robot may indicate on the teach pendent that 'Pulse has been Established') a. Jog the axis in both the the +X and -X direction until 'Pulse is established' b. For a se second cond gun on that equipment jog the second second axis in the +Y and -Y direction until 'Pulse 'Pul se is established'. 4.2.2

HT-Seri HT-Seri es Moto r

For the HT-series motors, because they are 4-pole rather than an 8-pole require an additional step to establish pulse with with the encoder. It is not poss possible ible to immediately jog the axis without manually rotating the motor by hand. To establish pulse on the HT-Series motors it is necessary to perform the following for each gun: 1. Locate the manual override key/gear on the servogun servogun actuator. actuator. 2. Loosen the c cover over and slide slide out of the way. way. (Do not remove completely) completely) 3. Using a screwdriver carefully rotate rotate gear one complete revolution. 4. Attempt to jog the gun. i. If success successful, ful, the gun will move, and the gun can then be mastered ii. If unsuccessful, the robot will still indicate a pulse not established alarm. Repeat step 3 and 4 until successful. 5.  Replace cover on manual override access.

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 5

Mastering the Gun

This is the recommended method to master the weld gun, because it calibrates the axis automatically and sets the servo gun limits limi ts to the limit defined in the Wizard setup at controlled start. This method also verifies that the gun close direction is correct such that there is commonality among all guns and for f or the capability to download simulations. To access the Gun Setup and Autotuning screen:  -> [Utilities] -> [TYPE] -> [TYPE] -> [Gun Setup] Press [MENUS] -> Press [MENUS]

The following steps must be completed in order.

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 5.1 Setting Gun Gun Clos Clos e Direction Direction   The first step in calibrating the gun gun is to set the gun close close direction. This is to set the robot up up such that +X on the teach teach pendent closes the gun. Follow the directions and then proceed proceed to the next step. Sign],, and follow instructions 1. Select [Set Gun Motion Sign]

Note: For all GM servo guns we want +X to close the gun tips and -X to open the gun (+Y/-Y for the second gun on the same Group Axis). If this is not the case, as with reverse parallel guns, it will be necessary to go into controlled start and to change the motion sign under the axis configuration from False to True. This should only be the case on reverse reverse parallel guns. 5.2 5.2 Mastering Mastering the Gun Gun and Setting Setting Axis Limits 5.2.1 5.2 .1

Single Gun per Equipm ent 1. Select [Set Gun specs, master gun]

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 2. Answer [YES] When [YES] When prompted if you know the gun’s tip displacement of the gun (Gear Ratio from the gun tag)

3. Answer [YES] [YES] When  When prompted if you know the gun’s stroke limits (Max Open Distance from the gun tag ) 4. Follow the directions to master the gun and set set limits 5. Close the Gun until the caps are touching and Press Press [[F4:Closed F4:Closed]] 6. Enter the Tip Displacement (This is the Value that that was entered in the Wizard at at controlled start) This will actually master and calibrate the gun at once, allowing you to jog the gun open to the axis limit that was set off the gun tag at controlled start.

7. Enter the Open and Closed lim limits its for the weld weld gun. 12 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization  

The open open lim limitit is the value that was entered at controlled controlled start. The closed closed limit is 20mm for all guns

8. Press [F3:COMP] F3:COMP] when complete 9. It is no now w necessary to Auto Autotune tune the motor.

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 5.2.2 5.2 .2

Dual Guns on One Equip ment (Typi (Typi cally Dual Carried Carried or Dual Pedestal)

Because of the way Fanuc handles Dual guns on ‘1’ equipment, it is necessary to master both guns together even though they each have their own Servo Gun Tune screen. The following foll owing will outline the steps necessary to Setup dual guns as a single equipment. 1. Select [Se [Sett Gun Specs, Master Gun] for Gun 1

The EQUIP button is used to switch between guns on different equipment

The INDEX button is used to switch between guns on the same equipment

2. Answer [YES] When [YES] When prompted if you know the gun’s tip displacement of the gun (Gear Ratio from the gun tag)

3. Answer [YES] [YES] When  When prompted if you know the gun’s stroke limits (Max Open Distance from the gun tag ) 14 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization

Jog both guns associated with the

4. Follow the direct directions ions to master the gun and set set limits with with the following following changes   Both guns associated with the active equipment must be mastere mastered d  before either gun can be Autotuned   Jog both guns closed before selecting F4 at step 1. Limits   Enter the Tip Displacement and Limits

active Equipment to the closed position. Then F4 is pressed it will master and calibrate both guns associated with the Equipment, not just the active gun

5. Repeat ste steps ps 1 - 3 for the other gun on the active active equipment. Use the Index butt button on to switch between guns on the same equipment  



This is necessary to get the gun 2 screen screen to indicate that that everything everything is set. This is easily a accomplished ccomplished by using using the backup keys and closing the backups to 0mm before mastering for gun 2.

6. Once both guns are mastered, proceed proceed to autotuning. 15 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 5.3 Autotuning The purpose of Autotuning is to have the robot calculate certain properties of the weld gun that are necessary for proper operation. This operation must be completed prior to pressure pressure calibration, tip wear setup, or any of the following sections. sections. Autotune must be run for each servo gun separately. It will be necessary to cycle power after running running Autotune before the next gun can be tuned. All guns should be mastered mastered prior to Autotuning any g gun. un. 5.3.1 5.3 .1

Default Auto tune Runn ing and Press [Shift Shift]] & [F3:EXEC] F3:EXEC] 1. Select [3: Auto Tune] Tune] and Put robot in T2 mode 100% override  

2. Select [YES [YES]] to Begin

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3. Select [OK] OK] and continue to hold [Shift [Shift]] and the Deadman

4. After Au Auto to Tuning comp completes, letes, it will be necess necessary ary to cycle cycle power for the new parameters to take effect. 5. Repeat above s steps teps for all configured s servo ervo g guns uns

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 5.3.2 5.3 .2

Auto Tune Resul Resul ts:

Close Threshold 123 Improvements dampens the effects of the servo gun experiencing friction due to mechanical issues. Autotuning a gun provides a summary of guns tuning results on the user screen screen and instructions on how to proceed. Each gun w will ill post results after tuning.

USER Servo Gun Tuning Results EQ:1,GU EQ:1,GUN:1 N:1 Overtorque SOT 1084 (ct) TH1,TH2, -542, -503 (ct) TH3 -382 (ct) Minimum Calibration Force 1600 (nwt) Execution Date 07-MAY-10 09:54 EQ:1, GUN:1 Process Results OK

Summarizes Standard overtorque and close threshold values.

Gives indication if gun tuned ok. If the gun did not tu tune ne ok this means the gun tuned >1400(ct).. Please check the gun mechanism for following: with an SOT >1400(ct) C-guns need the gun slide/carriage bearings aligned.     X-guns for binding in the gun pivot bearings. If the gun gun is new, stroke the gu gun n several several cycles cycles and and retune retune   Notify the project weld gun engineer, if you determine any of these issues. 1. There is binding on the moveable tip of the slide. slide. 2. There are mechanical restriction restriction or gun cha chassis ssis alignment problems.


TUNEDIAG.PC creates an Autotune timestamp of up to 10 records. To view these records select TUNEDIAG.PC, TUNEDIAG.PC, then press press DATA/KAR DATA/KAREL EL VARS VARS// TUNEDATE. TUNEDATE. This can be useful in logging the history of of how often the gun has b been een retuned. Note deselect deselect TUNEDIAG.PC TUNEDIAG.PC by selecting another program, program, so future auto tunings can be recorde recorded. d. Backup TUNEDIAG.VA TUNEDIAG.VA from MD device to view the results offline on a PC.

SVGN-044 AutoTune Successfully Complete TUNEDIAG LINE 0 AUTO ABORTED S2 G3 JOINT 100 % DATA\KAREL\Vars TUNEDATE 1/20 1 [1,1] '07-MAY-10 09:54' 2 [1,2] '1' 3 [2,1] '10-MAY-10 11:31 ' 4 [2,2] '1' 5 [3,1] '10-MAY-10 11:39 ' 6 [3,2] '2' 7 [4,1] '10-MAY-10 11:42 ' 8 [4,2] '3' 9 [5,1] '10-MAY-10 11:49 ' ' ' 18 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-

Ti Time mes sta tam m

Gun #


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization TUNEDATE:  Is based on the date TUNEDATE: Is date and time on the contr controller. oller. Ensure that the robot robot controller is setup with the correct date and time. 5.4 Help and Hints If autotuning fails there are a number of possible possible reasons. The following are a list of the faults that can occur as well as some possible remedies to these faults. 5.4.1 5.4 .1

Collis ion detecti on alarm   The axis limits may be swapped. swapped. The axis limits are not set correctly.   The gun may not be mastered correctly.   Perhaps Detailed Auto Autotune tune is re required quired and value specification specification is need need for load   ration and accel time. Stop Excess Error The axis limits may be swapped. swapped.     Gun close direction may be incorrect. Should be Plus. +X should should close the the gun, if it o opens pens the gun then the motion motion sign under under NoBot NoBot   setup at Controlled start needs to be changed. The gun may not me mastered correctly.   

5.4.2 5.4 .2

5.4. 5.4.3 3

Autotu ne cannot start  

5.4.4 5.4 .4


Verify that the robot is in T2 mode with with 100% 100% override active.

Pressure Short age Verify Mastering   o   Make sure tips are touching Verify Servo Gun setup at controlled s start tart under Maintenance.  

Pressure Pressure calibration

Once the servo weld gun has been mastered and Auto Tuned, it iis s necessary to perform a pressure calibration on the system such that the robot can determine the relationship of motor torque to tip force. Pressure calibration will need to be car carried ried out for each ser servo vo gun. 6.1 Equipment To perform pressure calibration you will need the following items. 1. Calibrated Pres Pressure sure Gauge set to tr tracking acking force rather than than Peak especially for C-guns. 2. Force gauge holder assembly a. This allows for one person person pressur pressure e calibration by fix fixing ing the force gauge to the stationary gun arm so that the operator has both hands free to run the pressure calibration from the teach pendent. b. It is not recommended to run pressure pressure calibration without this this assembly because because it is too cumbersome to hold the force f orce gauge and execute the pressure commands from the teach pendent. NOTE: Because the weld gun is an additional axis to the robot, this thi s task must be performed with servo power available to all robot axes. 19 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 6.2 Perfo Perfo rmin g Calibration possible Pressure calibration is to be performed in T1 mode T1 mode at 100% override. This is possible because the force calibration takes place pl ace at 50mm/s, which is less than 250mm/s. The following are the steps necessary to calibrate the weld pressures on a serv servo o gun: 1. Press [MENUS] [MENUS]   -> [Setup] [Setup] ->  -> [Servo  [Servo Gun] Gun]   2. Select under General Setup

3. Select under Pressure Cal: (Should show INCOMP) INCOMP)  

4. Select [F4:Yes] when [F4:Yes] when prompted to start pressure calibration 5. Select [F4:OK] to [F4:OK] to acknowledge the torque limit note 6. Verify the following settings (sec)] = 2.0 [Pressuring Time (sec)] =   These settings are for the    

 

[Thickness of Gauge (mm)] = (mm)] = 13.0 (mm)] = 8.0 [Pushing Depth (mm)] =

standard Sensor Development Force Gauge

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(mm)] = 20.0 [Gun Open Value (mm)] = Verify

7. Verify or Add the following Pressure Targets

Verify or add the following pressure targets: Set the Lowest pressure equal to the tip dress cutter force Ensure the last pressure table entry is equal to the max force rating of the gun

21 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization For Guns with a max force < or equal to 3600.0 nwt the Pressure calibration points on the left will will be populated up to the max force of the gun. This ensures the pressure calibration table utilizes the max number of standard weld pressure points.

8. Set the force gauge for Tracking Mode, especially especially when pressure pressure checking C-Type C-Type guns lowest pressure. pressure. This should reduce erratic measurements due to the k kinematics inematics of the gun. 9. Attach the force gauge to the stationary arm arm of the w weld eld gun such such that the gauge face is resting on the stationary tip. 10. Enter initial torque % for first pressure pressure calibration test. 5% is a good starting point. Enter Torque percentage here Start off at a low torque to get an idea of how the gun will perform ~5% starting torque

Speed Value may change 11. The speed value may change when you enter the Torque percentage. This is new for Spottool+8.20 and Global 3 robot. This speed value is now calculated automatically during the auto tuning process. 12. With the robot servos servos reset press SHIFT-[F3: Pressure] Pressure] to  to have the robot close the gun at whatever torque was specified. (Cursor must be on the line li ne for the requested torque) 13. Step A. Adjust Torque (%) up or down until until the desired force is achieved. When pressure calibrating some CC-Type Type guns, lowest pressure may require torqu e percentag e to be as low as or even low er than 1%. 1%. This may result in un reliable pressure readings readings. make ifsure suTor re the gaug gauge e is set Tracking Mode. Contact the MAAC. lead leaAgain, d eng ineer queforce Percentages arefor less t han 1%. 22 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization Step B. Switch the force guage to Peak Mode and with the the robot servos servos reset press SHIFT-[F3: Pressure] to peak pressure. pressure. If the Pressure] to have the robot close the gun. Record the peak peak pressure is greater than the targeted pressure, pressure, this gun is i s experiencing significant amount of friction. Peak values abo above ve 2000kN are abnormal and could cause damage to the Tipdresser. Contact the weld gun engineer to to service gun before proceding proceding with the gun setup. Note Note some guns may need to e exercised xercised to br break eak them in. After the gun has been serviced or broke in, i n, rerun Autotune and begin pressure calibration at step 1 again.

Torque can be adjusted in 0.1% increments

14. Repeat steps 9 – 13a for each of the pressures in the table up to the maximum rated force of the gun. Make sure not to exceed the rated force for the gun. gun . The motors are stronger than the guns.  

If the necessary necessary torque required to re reach ach a required force exceeds the allowed torque (Max Gun Toque (%)), it will be necessary to exit pressure calibration by setting pressure calibration complete, and accepting/updating accepti ng/updating the torque limits when when prompted. This will will update the over-torque over-torque limits. limits. To complete pressure calibration simply restart pressure calibration and the limits will have been increased, inc reased, allowing for the completion of pressure calibration.

15. When torque values have been entered for all valid pressures in the table, change the Calibration Status Status to  to complete.

23 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization Cursor up to INCOMP when complete with pressure calibration

Press F4:COMP to complete pressure calibration

16. Select [F4:COMP] to [F4:COMP] to enable new parameters

17. Select [F2:END] to complete Pressure Calibration

6.3 Help and Hints The majority of the issues that will occur during pressure calibration are errors that have hav e to do with the pressure calibration settings. 1. Move Error Excess Make sure pushing depth is set less than the gauge thickness   2. Stop Excess Error Verify gauge thickness   select [POSN]  [POSN] if faulted position is -13.01 to t o -13.99, o   When error occurs, select change thickness to 14 mm. 3. Collision guard alarm Make sure that the gauge thickness is set correctly   24 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 4. Pressure gauge shows shows radically different different pressur pressures es Increase Pressuring time   5. Gun can cannot not achieve achieve the lowest requested pressure in the calibration table.. This could be indication that the gun is experiencing experiencing higher than normal friction. Accept the lowest lowest attainable pressure pressure with the guage in tracking mode. Complete the remaining remaining pressure calibration targets ,then review the details of servo gun overtorque protection menu(Section 7.0). If the Standard overtorque overtorque value exceeds 1400 torque counts the gun mechanism is experiencing higher than normal resistance dur during ing and must be checked for the following: C-guns need the gun slide/carriage bearings aligned.     X-guns could binding in the gun pivot bearings.    A failing servo actuator. Notify the project weld gun engineer, if you determine any of these issues. 6. Requested Torque % exceeds limit and P Pressure ressure calibration cannot be performed   This occurs when attempting to calibrate ca librate a torque that is greater greater than that specified specified  under Max Gun Toque (%). This can occur because the values that Fanuc defaults to are conservative and assume full mechanical advantage. 1. To allow c calibration alibration to use use torques greater than max torque it is necessary necessary to exit pressure calibration by setting pressure calibration cali bration complete and accepting/updating the torque limits when prompted. This will update the over-torque limits. 2. Restart Pressure calibration and the limits will have been increased, allowing allowing for the completion of pressure calibration.

25 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 7.

Overtorq ue Protectio n

Servo Gun OverTorque protection is part of the Servo Gun Software Option. OverTorque Protection is designed to reduce the damage to servo guns and servo gun actuators cause by excessive tip force. OverTorque protection monitors the motor current on the servo gun axis to determine if an unexpected disturbance is present. It then removes servo power from the motor and post a “Collision Detect Alarm” when a potential over torque condition is captured. OverTorque Protection Protection is enabled enabled by default with a sensitivity of of 100%. To optimize OverTorque Protection the sensitivity sensitivity can be increased i ncreased to a max of 200% or decreased to 1. Note that the sensitivity can only be decreased decreased to the max force of the gun. Sensitivity can only be modified after the servo gun has completed compl eted the Autotune process. It is important to view the Standard Overtorque value after Autotune and Pressure calibrating a servo gun. This value is an indirect measure of the friction in a gun as measured during Autotune. The peak value is captured during the Autotune process process.. Guns that exhibit high Standard Standard OverTorques are subject to momentarily achieving higher than desired tip forces. This is a result of the gun needing a large amount of torque to move, and iin n some cases this torque due to friction can be larger than the desired welding or tip dress force. If this value is greater than 1400 torque counts, this condition exists. It is normal normal for new guns to exper experience ience a break in period period and they should should be re Autotuned and re-pressure re-pressure calibrated after being broke in. Guns with Standard O Overtorques vertorques above 1400 torque counts should be evaluated ev aluated for mechanical issues. To view the Overtorque Protection Menus and the Standard Overtorque value use the f ollowing procedure: [Setup] ->  -> [Servo  [Servo Gun] Gun]   1. Press [MENUS]  [MENUS]  -> [Setup] 2. Select under General Setup

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 3. Select under Overtorque protection:

4. Select under  Parameter Summary and press Enter

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 5. Ensure Standard Overtorque Overtorque doesn’t doesn’t exceed exceed 1400 torque counts.


Servo Gun Diagnosi s Servo  As servo gun friction changes changes from its pressure pressure calibrated state, tip forces can be affected. This servo gun software software option  is used to detect changes in servo gun friction and inform i nform the user and cell controller via an in the cell interface. Recommended SG Diagnosis Setup:

1.  Set System V Variable ariable $SGDIAGCFG.$AUTORE $SGDIAGCFG.$AUTORESET SET = 2. This resets the the baseline record each time SG diag is ran after the gun is Autotuned.

[Setup] -> [Servo  [Servo Gun] Gun]   2.  Press [MENUS]  [MENUS]  -> [Setup] ->

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 3.  Select under General Setup.

4.  Select under Servogun diagnosis

5. Set up screen as follows:



Enable Max Torque Check ONLY when ONLY  when running parts at frequency equal to normal production. 0.8% is a % of of amplifier torque increase where tip forces may begin to deviate by 10% 29 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization

Set to create SG Diag record daily, the next time capwear calls TWZRCLB2 after 9:00 per the robots system clock. Diag should be scheduled after the gun is in normal operation(cycled).

Program called each cycle during capwear.

SGTorqAlert bit mapped to cell interface to alert system of that the torque has increased and the gun should be pressure checked! Output stays on until manually shutoff by user on DO screen to confirm alert has been acknowledged!!

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 9

Tip Wea Wearr Compensatio n

Because the GM Global weld guns do not include equalizers, it is i s necessary to program the stationary tip touching the metal. As the stationary tip wears wears through welding and tip dress, it is necessary to determine the amount of tip wear present on each tip, and to offset the robot path to keep the stationary tip in contact with the part throughout throughout the life of the cap. To enable this, the robot has certain macros that setup the tip wear compensation, com pensation, and other macros that will calculate the wear throughout the life of the cap. c ap. There are a few things that must m ust be remembered when running with tip wear compensation enabled. First is that after changing the caps on the robot, it is necessary to update the tip wear, telling the robot that it has new tips. If this is not done, the robot may bend the flange with the stationary tip, causing damage to the part, gun, or causing collision alarms. 9.1


To setup Tip Wear W ear Compensation it is necessary to enable compensation under Servo Gun Setup, and to run the respective setup program for the configured configured servo guns. For dual guns on a single equipment tip wear compensation is enabled or disabled for both guns 9.1.1 9.1 .1

Enabling Tip Wea Wearr Compensatio n

To enable Tip Ti p Wear compensation, navigate to the Servo Gun Setup Menu for the respective gun and enable Tip Ti p Wear Compensation. 1. Press [MENUS] -> [MENUS] -> [Setup] -> [Setup] -> [Servo  [Servo Gun] Gun]   2. Select under General Setup

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 3. [Enable] Tip [Enable] Tip Wear Down Comp


Tip Wear Standard will show COMP when setup program is run

Note: For dual guns Tip Wear Wear compensation i s Enabled/D Enabled/Disabled isabled for both gu ns. For 2 guns on Equipment, Tip1Wear Comp, Gun Sag and robot close direction are under Dual Gun Common

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9.1.2 9.1 .2

Runnin g Tip Wear Wear Compensatio n Setup Program(s)

To run the tip wear setup program, simply select the appropriate setup program and run the program from the teach pendent. Be sure that new caps are are firmly seated on the gun before running the tip wear wear setup routine. routine. TW_SETGx will will take the gun stroke limits from the gun setup setup utility to reference cap wear. If TW_S TW_SETGx ETGx is run any other time, verify th at the servo setup gun s troke limits match the gun st roke utility setup screen. screen.   If they don’t match, manually enter enter the proper stroke limits on the stroke limit screen under MENUS/SETUP/SERVO MENUS/SETUP/SERVO GUN/GUN STR STROKE OKE LIMIT. Note: If th e robo t is a Tool Changer TW_SETGx TW_SETGx is repl aced with TWSTGX TWSTGXTC TC   The setup programs (macros) are as follows: TW_SETG1.TP for Gun 1 TW_SETG2.TP for Gun 2 TW_SETG3.TP for Gun 3 TW_SETG4.TP for Gun 4 The tip wear setup program for Tool Changers is as follows: TWSTGXTC.TP for R[13:Current Head]


Wear Ratio s

The wear ratio is the ratio of wear between the stationary stationary tip and moveable tip. It is set relative to the stationary tip. Therefore a wear ratio of .4 is 40% of total wear is relative to the stationary tip and 60% to the moveable tip. Each gun has its own wear ratio, and they are set via registers for ease of of use. By default all ratios are set to .5, or equal wear for each tip. Based on metal stack-up and coating they can be adjusted to better reflect the actual wear ratio. The tip wear ratio registers are as follows:         9.2 

R[5: TW Ratio fix G1] = .5 R[6: TW Ratio fix G2] = .5 R[7: TW Ratio fix G4] = .5 R[8: TW Ratio fix G4] = .5 Viewing Tip Wea Wearr values

for Gun 1 for Gun 2 for Gun 3 for Gun 4

To view the tip wear values: v alues: 33 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 1. Press [MENUS] -> [MENUS] -> [Setup] -> [Setup] -> [Servo  [Servo Gun] Gun]   2. Select under General Setup

3. Select under Tip Wear Standrd Shows complete when tip wear setup has been complete

The actual measured tip wear will show up here. It will show 0.00 immediately after tip wear setup is complete.  After a wear update, or a cap change this value may be non zero. zero. All measurements are based relative to the setup. The values may not be zero after a cap change, as all caps are slightly different in length

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 9.3

Tip Wea Wearr Updating

Once tip wear setup has been completed, com pleted, the robot will periodically update the tip wear value by running a tip wear routine that will close the gun and determine the total amount of wear. It will then apply the tip wear ratio in splitting the wear between the moveable and stationary tips. The standard software is configured configured to update one gun every cycle. For a single gun case, it w will ill update every cycle, and for a four four gun case it will update eac each h gun every 4 cycles. There is a register in the robot that keeps track of the last gun updated and indexes to the next gun automatically. 9.3.1 9.3 .1

Tip Wea Wearr Routin es

There are several programs that are run to perform the necessary necessary tip wear functionality. For the most part the operator will need to t o do nothing with these routines as they are nested into the code, but are listed li sted here for completeness. 9.3.1 .1

TW_GUNS(x) TW_GUNS(x) x= gun gu n nu mber

This program is run whenever the steppers are reset, or whenever new caps are placed on the robot. This routine calls TW_UPDCC(x) TW_UPDCC(x) for the the specified servo gun.


This program is run every cycle to update update the tip wear wear on one of the servo guns guns.. This routine is typically run on the way home after entering segment 63 (clear of transfer) or during a drop-off for a pedestal pedestal application. This routine will only upda update te a single gun every cycle because of the time involved involved ~ 4 seconds. With that said, each gun will update every 4th  cycle worst case. 9.3.1 .3


x= gun gu n nu mber

This is the routine that Cap Wear calls to update the w wear ear on a specific gun. This routine is also called outright to update a specific specific gun by the tip dre dress ss routines. When this routine is run, it will close the selected gun and measure the tip wear from the original position that was recorded when Tip Wear Setup Setup was done. This routine expects that each each successive measurement will showinincreased Thisduring routinea will allow the caps to grow by a small amount (configurable) case of a wear. 'Cling-On' tip dress. 9.3.1 .4

TW_UPDCC TW_UPDCC(x) (x) x= gun nu mber

This is the routine that TW_GUNS(x) TW_GUNS(x) calls to update update the wear o on n each gun. When this routine is run it will close the selected gun and measure m easure the tip wear from the original position that was recorded when Tip Wear Setup was done. done. This routine expects the caps to grow, as expected with new caps. 9.3.1 .5

TW_REG(x) TW_REG(x) x=gu x=gun n nu mber

This routine was added to provide enhanced s servo ervo gun tip wear wear information. It updates updates the amount of wear during the tip dress and posts po sts the servo gun ti tip p approaching max wear warning bit. 35 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 9.3.1. 9.3 .1.6 6

WR_UP WR_UPDAT(x)( DAT(x)(y) y) x=gun numb er y= new tips flag

This routine updates or resets the tipwear ti pwear values.


This routine checks the tipwear values and compares them to the last known wear v values alues to determine if the caps were were changed on a pa particular rticular gun. It checks every every configured gun. This program is called f rom TIP_RST and is executed prior to resetting the steppers and wear.


This program is called from TIP_RST. The program calls TW_GUNS(x) TW_GUNS(x) for any configured gun that has a cap change request and different set of caps as determined by CHK_WEAR. If different caps were detected without a cap change request or a cap change was requested with the same caps are detected by CHK_ CHK_WEAR, WEAR, the user will be prompted for direction.


This Karel program was developed to check the configuration of the robot to aid in the cap changing process. It does this by gathering gathering the cap change requests requests from the PLC or by prompting the user if TIP_RST is ran manually from the TP. It is called from TIP_RST.  TIP_RST.  

36 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global 3 Servog Servog un Setup Users Manual for Fanuc Spot Tool+ 8.20 8.20 with GRS4 Customization 11

Se Sett Gun Close Directio n The gun close direction defines direction the tips move to close and weld. For the moveable tip which the Fanuc F anuc software refers to as Gun, should be set to PLUS, indicating that the positive displacement of of the moveable tip closes the the gun. For the Stat Stationary ionary tip, which the Fanuc software refers to as Robot, needs to be set to indicate the direction that the TCP must move to bring the stationary tip to the work work piece. This setting is critical, because it determines the direction the robot will move to place work piece on the t he stationary tip as it goes through the motions that encompass a weld with a servo gun.

11.1 Carried +Z For Carried spot welding applications, the gun Close direction (Robot) shall be relative to the Utool of the gun and shall be +Z, for the tool as defined iin n RS-3.

11.1.1 11. 1.1

Singl e Gun

UT: UTOOL Should be set to UT f or Carried Applications

1 (UTOOL #) This is the Utool to use for Close Gun Direction (Robot)

+Z The direction the robot moves relative to the UTOOL to bring the stationary tip to the metal

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 11.1.2 11. 1.2

Dual Gun Single Equipm ent Select [Detail] to [Detail] to look at Dual Gun Common Items

UT: UTOOL Should be set to UT for Carried Applications

1 (UTOOL #) This is the Utool to use for Close Gun Direction (Robot)

+Z The direction the robot moves relative to the UTOOL to bring the stationary tip to the metal

38 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global 3 Servog Servog un Setup Users Manual for Fanuc Spot Tool+ 8.20 8.20 with GRS4 Customization 11.2 Pedestal +Z For Pedestal spot welding applications, the gun Close direction (Robot) shall be relative to the UFrame of the gun and shall be -Z, for the tool as defined in i n RS-3.

11.2.1 11. 2.1

Singl e Gun UF: FRAME(RTCP) Should be set to UT for Carried Applications

1 (UFRAME #) This is the UFrame to use for Close Gun Direction (Robot)

+Z The direction the robot moves relative to the UFRAME to bring the stationary tip to the metal

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 11.2.2 11. 2.2

Dual Gun Single Equipm ent

Select [Detail] to [Detail] to look at Dual Gun Common Items

UF: FRAME(RTCP) Should set to UT for f or Carried be Applications

1 (UFRAME #) This is the UFrame to use for Close Gun Direction (Robot)

+Z The direction the robot moves relative to the UFRAME to bring the stationary tip to the metal

40 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 12

Pressure sch edules

General Motors has standardized standardized the Pressure Pressure Schedules that are to be used used for all servo welding applications. These 16 pressure pressure schedules are not to be modified, because they include the best compromise between between speed, performance and comple complexity. xity. If a need arises that requires requires a unique pressure schedule, it will be necessary necessary to add a schedule. Howe However, ver, this will require buy-in from the lead robot and welding engineers due to the fact that it affects the weld spot verification process, and leads to uniqueness, and added complexity. 12.1 Background The pressure schedules in the robot controls more than just the weld pressures, it also controls the way the robot robot approaches a weld weld and departs after a successful successful weld. There are 99 pressure schedules available for each gun. The elements listed below are a available vailable for each of the 99 schedules. To access the pressure schedules in the t he robot: 1. Press [Data] Press [Data] 2. Press [F1: Press [F1: Type] -> Type] -> [Pressure] [Pressure]  

Verify  

1. Setting Manual=True will cause the specified schedule to appear in the select list when the [Gun] U1 key is pressed by the user These are the default pressure schedules for all robots. Only the forces up to the max rated force of the gun will be present

2. Pressing [Gun] (nonshifted) U1 will select the next Pressure Schedule in the list that is set TRUE 3. Pressing [Shift] [Gun] U1 will cause the weld gun to move to close at the defined pressure

Note: When When validating pressure schedules, it is important to do so with tryout mo de DISABLED

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 12.2


There are 4 elements to each pressure schedule that need to be set correctly for the servo guns to operate in an efficient and effective manner. 1. Weld Force The amount amount o off force the gun will apply b before efore welding.   2. Gun Sag   The amount of deflection deflection (flex) on the stationary tip that is caused by closing the gun to the prescribed pressure. 3. Pushing Depth The maximum distance that the rrobot obot will pus push h to build pressure.   4. Contact Speed The speed speed at which which the welding electrodes will contact contact the work work piece. piece.   12.2.1 12.2. 1

Weld Forc Force e

The weld pressure is the tip ti p force (weld pressure) the robot will apply before initiating the weld controller. To access a pressure schedule in the robot: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Press [Data] hard key Press [Data]  [F1: Type] Pressure]   Press [F1: Press Type] - > [5: Pressure]  Cursor to select desired schedule Select [F4: Detail]  Detail]  Cursor to Weld P Pressure ressure to modify

NOTE: Because the robotindoes not initiate initicontrol. ate the weld before the gun is at pressure minimal squeeze time is necessary the welder 42 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 12.2.2 12.2. 2

Gun Sag

The servo gun has the ability to compensate for gun deflection as the weld force increases, allowing the stationary tip to remain remain in the same position as as the force increases increases.. This is especially important on C-Guns where where the stationary/fixed gun arm wants to deflect under load. By setting up gun sag, the robot can move m ove the stationary/fixed tip in the opposite direction of deflection, allowing for a consistent weld weld location without the use of an equalizer. This is especially important becaus because e the C-Guns do not incorporate pneumatic or spring equalization, equali zation, with the exception of dual guns and hard automatic fixture guns.


The Gun Sag Compensation must be enabled for f or the robot to compensate for gun deflection. 1. Press [MENUS] -> [MENUS] -> [Setup] [Setup] ->  -> [Servo  [Servo Gun]  Gun]  2. Select under General Setup


Select Enable under [Gun Sag Compensation]  Compensation] 

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization


1. Make sure that Gun Sag Compensation is enabled enabled 2. Verify that the gun sag sag values are not 0 0.0mm .0mm in the pressure pressure schedule detail page. page. [Gun Sag Comp Value (mm)] will (mm)]  will be calculated calcul ated automatically from data taken during  Autotuning, and will will be automatically filled into the pressu pressure re schedules once pressure calibration is complete.

This value is calculated automatically after  Auto Tuning and Pressure Calibration are completed

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 12.2.2 12. 2.2.3 .3

Pushin g Depth

The pushing depth indicates i ndicates how far the robot will move past where it expects to build pressure, before it faults with a pressure pressure shortage. For example if the part thickness is set to 3mm in the SPOT statement (SPOT[SD=10,P=1,t= (SPOT[SD=10,P=1,t=3.0 3.0,S=1,ED=10]), ,S=1,ED=10]), the robot expects to build force when the tips are 3mm apart. The pushing depth feature allows the the robot to search past this point to build pressure so that minor variations in part thickness to not cause nuisance faults. The default pushing depth for all pressure schedules is 6mm. To access a pressure schedule in the robot:  [Data] hard key 1. Press Press [Data] Pressure]   2. Press [F1: Press [F1: Type] Type] - > [5: Pressure]  3. Cursor to select desired schedule 4. Select [F4: Detail]  5. Cursor to pushing depth to modify 

Pushing is 6mm for depth schedules 1-16 12.2. 2.4

Contact Con tact Speed

Contact speed indicates the speed at which the welding electrodes will contact the work piece. This value by default is the speed speed that was used used during the pressure calibration of the the servo gun. This value should not be adjusted except except for certain applications s such uch as tip dress that a higher or lower contact speed is desired for the process. Note: Increasing the contact speed higher than that t hat used for calibration can lead to a higher force deviation from that calibrated. To access a pressure schedule in the robot: 6. Press Press [Data]  [Data] hard key 7. Press [F1: Press [F1: Type] Type] - > [5: Pressure]  Pressure]   45 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 8. Cursor to select desired schedule 9. Select [F4: Detail]  10. Cursor to Contact Speed percentage to modify 

Optimum speed is automatically calculated for all calibrated schedules. The default setting is 50mm/s

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 13 Backup schedules The robot has the ability to program backup positions that specify how much the gun is to open when the specified Backup Backup sch edule is called. called. This offers a simplified method of programming  gun open positions, without requiring requiring the user to jog the weld weld gun axis. The backup command can be added to the standard SPOT instruction, or executed as a manual function using usi ng the Backup Key. There are 30 backup schedules that can be programmed for each gun. To locate the Backup Data: [F1:TYPE] -> [6:Backup] [6:Backup]   1. [DATA] -> [DATA]  -> [F1:TYPE] -> 1. Setting Manual=True will cause the specified gun open distance to appear in the select list when the [BACKUP] U2 key is pressed by the user 2. Pressing [BACKUP] (nonshifted) U2 will select the next Backup position in the list 3. Pressing [Shift] [BACKUP] U2 will cause the weld gun to move to the currently selected Backup position

The Backup Schedules are pre-defined pre-defined in 10mm increments. This will allow for easy assignment of Backup Schedules without referring to the the backup data. I.e. Backup No. 1 is 10mm, BU #2 is 20mm, BU #15 is 150mm and so on. This table can be adjusted as necessary necessary for specific applications, but should be fine fi ne as is, with the operator setting Manual = True T rue for those positions that they want to access from the Backup Key.

47 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 14

Distance Schedules

The robot has the ability to program distance schedules that specify how close the gun is to be to the work piece as it approaches a weld. The associated parameters are for Gun (Moveable) Robot (Stationary) tips. These distance schedules are used in the SPOT instruction to determine determine the position the robot moves the caps to prior to and after a weld. All v values alues are in addition to the part thickness. So if you are calling a SPOT SPOT instruction with a pr pressure essure schedule that is 3m 3mm, m, and you use SD (Start Distance) =4, the the tips are 11mm apart. 4mm above the part and 4mm below the part. The same applies for ED (End Distance), which is where the robot will move the gun to t o after the weld. L P[ 2] 150 0m 0mm m/ s e c C CN NT100 SP PO OT[ S D=4 , P =1 , t =4 . 5 , S =1 , ED=4 ] ;

There are 99 distance di stance schedules that can be programmed for each gun. To locate the Distance Data: 1. [DATA] -> [DATA]  -> [F1:TYPE] -> [F1:TYPE] -> [Distance] [Distance]  

The Distance Schedules are are pre-defined in 1mm increments for distances 1 thru thru 20 this will will allow for easy assignment of Distance Schedules without without referring to the distance data. I.e. Distance #1 is 1mm, Distance #10 is 10mm and so on. Distance Schedules 21-34 range from 40mm40mm-320mm, 320mm, this allows for multiple open distances for the moveable tip.

48 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 15 Program listing s 15.1 15. 1 Style templates The following templates are unique to servo gun applications and are listed here so that the differences can be explained and documented. 15.1.1 15.1. 1

Carried Servo Gun

1: !************** !************************* *********** ; 2: !STYLE XX CAR CARRIED RIED WELDER ; 3: !Servo Gun TEMPLATE ; 4: !************** !************************* *********** ; 5: ; 6: ! Line-XX Platform-XX ; 7: ! Station XX XXX X - Robot X ; 8: ; 9: !ECHO STYLE AN AND D OPTION ; 10: GO[1:ManualSty GO[1:ManualStyle]=... le]=... ; 11: ECHO ECHO OPTION ; 12: MAINT_PR MAINT_PROG[1]=MOV_REP OG[1]=MOV_REPR R; 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24:


;  WAIT (F[1] This wait allows for the tip wear update abortingto complete prior to the style

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 15.1.2 15. 1.2

Singl e Pedestal Pedestal Servo Gun

1: !************** !************************* *********** ; 2: !STYLE XX MH 1 1PED PED SPOT ; 3: !SERVO GUN TEMPLATE ; 4: !************** !************************* *********** ; 5: ; 6: ! Line-XX Platform-XX ; 7: ! Station XX XXX X - Robot X ; 8: ; 9: !ECHO STYLE AN AND D OPTION ; 10: GO[1:ManualSty GO[1:ManualStyle]=... le]=... ; 11: ECHO ECHO OPTION ; 12: ; 13: !FFR H HANDLER ANDLER ; 14: IF DO[18:FFRA DO[18:FFRActive]=ON,JMP ctive]=ON,JMP LBL[10] ; 15: ; 16: CALL CALL POUNCE ; 17: ; 18: CALL CALL STPR_CHK ; 19: ; 20: CALL CALL SxxPICK1 ; 21: ; 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36:

!CHECK FOR PROCESS BYPASSED ; IF DO[66:Proces DO[66:Process1Bypassed]=ON,CALL s1Bypassed]=ON,CALL BYPPROC1 BYPPROC1 ; IF DO[66:P DO[66:Process1Bypassed]=ON,JMP rocess1Bypassed]=ON,JMP LBL[20] ; ; LBL[10] ; MAINT_PROG[1]=FFRPROC1 MAINT_PROG[1]=FFRPROC1 ; ; !********* !********************* ************ ; !IF NO TIP DRESSERS DRESSERS ; !CONFIGURED REMOVE THIS ; !SECTION ; CALL TDDMPCHK(1) ; !********* !********************* ************ ; ; CALL SxxPROC1 ; CALL

37: 38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: 44: 45: 46: 47: 48: 49: 50: 51: 52: 53: 54:

; !FFR HANDLER FOR PROCESS PROCESS 1 ; IF DO[18:FFRA DO[18:FFRActive]=ON,JMP ctive]=ON,JMP LBL[99] ; ; LBL[20] ; REQUEST CONTINUE ; REQUEST ; !********* !********************* ************ ; !IF NO TIP DRESSERS DRESSERS ; !CONFIGURED REPLACE ; !CALL TD_PD_CK TD_PD_CK WITH ; !RUN C CAP_WEAR AP_WEAR ; CALL TD_PD_CK ; CALL !********* !********************* ************ ; ; CALL SxxDROP1 ; CALL ; MOVE TO HOME ;

Remove this section if no tipdressers are configured.

Replace CALL TD_PD_CK with RUN CAP_WEAR if no ti dres dresse sers rs are are confi confi ured ured..

50 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 55: ; 56: WAIT (F[1:Capwear Complete]) 57: LBL[99] ; 15.1.3 15.1. 3


Dual Pedestal Servo Gun

1: !************** !************************* *********** ; 2: !STYLE XX MH 2 2PED PED SPOT ; 3: !SERVO GUN TEMPLATE ; 4: !************** !************************* *********** ; 5: ; 6: ! Line-XX Platform-XX ; 7: ! Station XX XXX X - Robot X ; 8: ; 9: ; 10: !ECHO STYLE AND OPTION OPTION ; 11: GO[1:ManualSty GO[1:ManualStyle]=... le]=... ; 12: ECHO ECHO OPTION ; 13: ; 14: !FFR H HANDLER ANDLER ; 15: IF DO[18:FFRActive]=ON,JMP DO[18:FFRActive]=ON,JMP LBL[R[160]] ; 16: ; 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31:

CALL C ALL POUNCE ; ; CALL STPR_CHK ; CALL ; CALL SxxPICK1 ; CALL ; !CHECK FOR PROCESS BYPASSED ; IF DO[66:Proces DO[66:Process1Bypassed]=ON,CALL s1Bypassed]=ON,CALL BYPPROC1 BYPPROC1 ; IF DO[66:P DO[66:Process1Bypassed]=ON,JMP rocess1Bypassed]=ON,JMP LBL[20] ; ; LBL[10] ; R[160:FFR Process LBL]=10 ; MAINT_PROG[1]=FFRPROC1 MAINT_PROG[1]=FFRPROC1 ; ; !********* !********************* ************ ;

32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: 44: 45: 46: 47: 48: 49:

!IF NO TIP DRESSERS DRESSE RS ; THIS ; !CONFIGURED REMOVE !SECTION ; CALL TDDMPCHK(1) ; !********* !********************* ************ ; ; CALL SxxPROC1 ; CALL ; !FFR HANDLER FOR PROCESS PROCESS 1 ; IF DO[18:FFRA DO[18:FFRActive]=ON,JMP ctive]=ON,JMP LBL[99] ; ; LBL[20] ; !CHECK FOR PROCESS2 BYPASSED ; IF DO[98:Proces DO[98:Process2Bypassed]=ON,CALL s2Bypassed]=ON,CALL BYPPROC2 BYPPROC2 ; IF DO[98:P DO[98:Process2Bypassed]=ON,JMP rocess2Bypassed]=ON,JMP LBL[30] ; ; R[160:FFR Process LBL]=20 ; MAINT_PROG[1]=FFRPROC2 MAINT_PROG[1]=FFRPROC2 ;

Remove this section if no tipdressers are configured.

51 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-



Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 50: 51: 52: 53: 54: 55: 56: 57: 58: 59: 60: 61: 62: 63: 64: 65: 66: 67: 68: 69: 70: 71: 72:

; !********* !********************* ************ ; !IF NO TIP DRESSERS DRESSERS ; !CONFIGURED REMOVE THIS ; !SECTION ; CALL TDDMPCHK(2) ; !********* !********************* ************ ; ; CALL SxxPROC2 ; CALL ; !FFR HANDLER FOR PROCESS PROCESS 2 ; IF DO[18:FFRA DO[18:FFRActive]=ON,JMP ctive]=ON,JMP LBL[99] ; ; LBL[30] ; ; REQUEST CONTINUE ; REQUEST ; !********* !********************* ************ ; !IF NO TIP DRESSERS DRESSERS ; !CONFIGURED REPLACE ; !CALL TD_PD_CK TD_PD_CK WITH ; !RUN C CAP_WEAR AP_WEAR ; CALL TD_PD_CK ; CALL

73: 74: 75: 76: 77: 78: 79:

!********* !********************* ************ ; ; CALL SxxDROP1 ; CALL ; MOVE TO HOME ; WAIT (F[1:Capwear Complete]) LBL[99]

Remove this section if no tipdressers are configured.

Replace CALL TD_PD_CK with RUN CAP_WEAR if no tipdressers are configured


52 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served.



Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 15.2 15. 2 Process Path Path Templates 15.2.1 15.2. 1

Spo t Proc ess 1 Template Templat e


/PROG TMSPROC1 .... COMMENT = "SPOT PROC1 V3.0"; .... DEFAULT_GROUP = 1,1,*,*,*; CONTROL_CODE CONTROL_COD E = 00000000 00000000; /APPL SPOT : TRUE ; SPOT Welding Equipment Number : 1 ; 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8:

  Default motion group

should be set to groups gr oups 1 & 2 for Process 1 (1,1,*,*,*;).

  Spot Welding

Equipment number

!************** !************************* *********** ; !STYLE X XX X Spot Process1 Process1 ; ! SxxPROC1 TEMPLATE ; !************** !************************* *********** ; !PATH SEGMENT - BEGIN BEGIN PROCESS ; SET SE SEGMENT(50) GMENT(50) ; !Pass Body Id to Welder Control ; GO[43: GO[43:Weld Weld BodyID Cnt1]=(GO[1:ManualStyle]) Cnt1]=(GO[1:ManualStyle]) ;

9: UFRAME_NUM UFRAME_NUM=0 =0 ; 10: UTOOL_NUM UTOOL_NUM=1 =1 ; 11:J P[1] 100% FINE ; 12:L P[2] 80mm/sec CNT50 ; 13:L P[3] 400mm/sec CNT100 : SPOT[SD SPOT[SD=10,P=1,t=8.0,S=1,ED =10,P=1,t=8.0,S=1,ED=10] =10] 14:L P[4] 400mm/sec CNT100 : SPOT[SD SPOT[SD=10,P=1,t=8.0,S=1,ED =10,P=1,t=8.0,S=1,ED=10] =10] 15: ; 16: !After last spot send ; 17: !part co complete mplete to welder welder ; 18: CALL PAR PARTCOMP(1) TCOMP(1) ; 19:J P[5] 80% CNT50 ; 20:J P[6] 100% CNT100 ; 21: !PATH SEGME SEGMENT NT - All CLEAR CLEAR ;

should be set to 1.

Part Thickness added to Spot Instruction. New for Global 3.  3.  

; ;

New features of Global 3: 

  Weld Body ID is now passed to Weld controller

22: SET SEGMEN T(63); ; 23:J P[7] SEGMENT(63) 100% FINE 

  PARTCOMP(X) macro created to signal the welder the part is finished. ( X = WC#)

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Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 15.2.2 15.2. 2

Spo t Proc ess 2 Template Templat e


/PROG TMSPROC2 .... COMMENT = "SPOT PROC2 V3.0"; .... DEFAULT_GROUP = 1,*,1,*,*; CONTROL_CODE CONTROL_COD E = 00000000 00000000; /APPL SPOT : TRUE ; SPOT Welding Equipment Number : 2 ;

  Default motion group

should be set to groups 1 & 3 for Process 2 (1,*,1,*,*;).

  Spot Welding

1: !************** !************************* *********** ; 2: !STYLE X XX X Spot Process2 Process2 ; 3: ! SxxPROC2 TEMPLATE ; 4: !************** !************************* *********** ; 5: !PATH SEGMENT - BEGIN BEGIN PROCESS ; 6: SET SE SEGMENT(55) GMENT(55) ; 7: !Pass Body Id to Welder Control ; 8: GO[46: GO[46:Weld Weld BodyID Cnt2]=(GO[1:ManualStyle]) Cnt2]=(GO[1:ManualStyle]) ; 9: UFRAME_NUM UFRAME_NUM=0 =0 ; 10: UTOOL_NUM UTOOL_NUM=2 =2 ; 11:J P[1] 100% FINE ; 12:L P[2] 80mm/sec CNT50 ; 13:L P[3] 400mm/sec CNT100 : SPOT[SD SPOT[SD=10,P=1,t=8.0,S=1,ED =10,P=1,t=8.0,S=1,ED=10] =10] 14:L P[4] 400mm/sec CNT100 : SPOT[SD SPOT[SD=10,P=1,t=8.0,S=1,ED =10,P=1,t=8.0,S=1,ED=10] =10] 15: ; 16: !After last spot send ; 17: !part co complete mplete to welder welder ; 18: CALL PAR PARTCOMP(2) TCOMP(2) ; 19:J P[5] 80% CNT50 ; 20:J P[6] 100% CNT100 ; 21: !PATH SEGME SEGMENT NT - All CLEAR CLEAR ; 22: SET SEGMENT(63) SEGMENT(63) ; 23:J P[7] 100% FINE ;

Equipment number should be set to 2. If a single weld controller is used set to 1.

Part Thickness added to Spot Instruction. New New for Global 3.  3.  ; ; New features of Global 3:

  Weld Body ID is now

passed to Weld controller

  PARTCOMP(X) macro

created to signal the welder the part is finished. ( X = WC#)

54 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served.



Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 15.3 15. 3 Miscellan eous Servo Servo Gun Macros



This routine is called at pounce by all servo servo gun applications. It checks if the Steppe Steppers rs are reset, and if so performs a tip wear update automatically. This is critical if the steppers were reset from the DEP, or through through some means that did not do a tip wear update. This routine does not check if an update was done, but simply performs an update on all configured Servo Guns that have the steppers reset. 1: !************** !******************************** ****************** ; 2: !THIS MACRO RUN RUNS S TIP WEAR UPDA UPDATE TE ; 3: !IF IT DETECTS THAT STEP STEPPERS PERS ARE ; 4: !RESET ; 5: !IT CHECKS FOR ALL CON CONFIGURED FIGURED SCR ; 6: !************** !******************************** ****************** ; 7: ; 8: CALL NUM_GUNS ; 9: LBL[10] ; 10: !If Air gun skip tip wear update ; 11: IF $sgcfg[1].$EQU $sgcfg[1].$EQUIP_TYPE=1,JMP IP_TYPE=1,JMP LBL[99] ; 12: !Check for Stepper R Reset eset on Gun 1 ; 13: IF (DO[66:Process (DO[66:Process1Bypassed] 1Bypassed] OR !DI[1039:diSW1StepR !DI[1039:diSW1StepResetG1]),JMP esetG1]),JMP LBL[20] ; 14: IF R[96:TD1 LAST SCHED]=247 OR R[96:TD1 LAST SCHED]=249 OR R[96:TD1 LAST SCHED]=251 OR R[96:TD1 LAST SCHED]=253,JMP LBL[20] ; 15: CALL TW_GUNS(1) ; 16: !Turn on TD Request for Gun1 ; 17: DO[89:doP1TipMantReqG1]= DO[89:doP1TipMantReqG1]=ON ON ; 18: ; 19: LBL[20] ; 20: IF R[16:NUM S SERVO ERVO GUNS]=1,JMP GUNS]=1,JMP LBL[99] ; 21: !If 2 guns and 1 weld controller ; 22: IF R[16:NUM SERVO SERVO GUNS]=2 AND $SPOTCONFIG.$NUM_ $SPOTCONFIG.$NUM_WD_CTLS=1,JMP WD_CTLS=1,JMP LBL[21] ; 23: !If 2 guns and 2 weld controllers ; 24: IF R[16:NUM SERVO SERVO GUNS]=2 AND $SPOTCONFIG.$NUM_ $SPOTCONFIG.$NUM_WD_CTLS=2,JMP WD_CTLS=2,JMP LBL[22] ; 25: LBL[21] ; 26: ; 27: !Check for Stepper R Reset eset on Gun 2 ; 28: IF (DO[66:Process (DO[66:Process1Bypassed] 1Bypassed] OR !DI[1040:diSW1StepR !DI[1040:diSW1StepResetG2]),JMP esetG2]),JMP LBL[30] ; 29: JMP LBL[23] ; 30: LBL[22] ; 31: !Check for Stepper R Reset eset on Gun 1 ; 32: IF (DO[98:Process (DO[98:Process2Bypassed] 2Bypassed] OR !DI[1103:diSW2StepR !DI[1103:diSW2StepResetG1]),JMP esetG1]),JMP LBL[30] ; 33: IF DI[1103:diS DI[1103:diSW2StepResetG1]=OFF,JMP W2StepResetG1]=OFF,JMP LBL[30] LBL[30] ; 34: LBL[23] ; 35: !Wear Skip Fro From m Predress Gun2 ; 36: IF R[97:TD2 LAST SCHED]=247 OR R[97:TD2 LAST SCHED]=249 OR R[97:TD2 LAST SCHED]=251 OR R[97:TD2 LAST SCHED]=253,JMP LBL[30] ; 37: CALL TW_GUNS(2) ; 38: !Turn on TD R Request equest for Gun2 WC1 ; 39: IF (R[16:NUM (R[16:NUM SERVO GUNS]=2 AN AND D $SPOTCONFIG $SPOTCONFIG.$NUM_WD_CTLS .$NUM_WD_CTLS=1),DO[90:doP1TipMantRe qG2]=ON ; 40: !Turn on TD R Request equest for Gun1=1),DO[90:doP1TipMantReqG2]=ON WC2 ; 55 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served.



Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 41: IF (R[16:NUM (R[16:NUM SERVO GUNS]=2 AN AND D $SPOTCONFIG.$NUM_WD_CTLS=2),DO[121:doP2TipMan $SPOTCONFIG.$NUM_WD_CTLS =2),DO[121:doP2TipMantReqG1]=ON tReqG1]=ON ; 42: ; 43: LBL[30] ; 44: IF R[16:NUM S SERVO ERVO GUNS]=2,JMP GUNS]=2,JMP LBL[99] ; 45: IF DO[66:P DO[66:Process1Bypassed]=ON,JMP rocess1Bypassed]=ON,JMP LBL[40] ; 46: !Check for Stepper R Reset eset on Gun 3 ; 47: IF DI[1040:diS DI[1040:diSW1StepResetG2]=OFF,JMP W1StepResetG2]=OFF,JMP LBL[20] LBL[20] ; 48: !Wear Skip Fro From m Predress Gun3 ; 49: IF R[98:TD3 LAST SCHED]=247 OR R[98:TD3 LAST SCHED]=249 OR R[98:TD3 LAST SCHED]=251 OR R[98:TD3 LAST SCHED]=253,JMP LBL[40] ; 50: CALL TW_GUNS(3) ; 51: !Turn on TD Request for Gun3 ; 52: DO[91:doP1TipMantReqG3]= DO[91:doP1TipMantReqG3]=ON ON ; 53: ; 54: LBL[40] ; 55: IF R[16:NUM S SERVO ERVO GUNS]=3,JMP GUNS]=3,JMP LBL[99] ; 56: !Check for Stepper R Reset eset on Gun 4 ; 57: IF (DO[98:Proces (DO[98:Process2Bypassed] s2Bypassed] OR DI[1104:diSW2StepResetG2]),JMP DI[1104:diSW2StepResetG2]),JMP LBL[99] LBL[99] ; 58: !Wear Skip Fro From m Predress Gun4 ; 59: IF R[99:TD4 LAST SCHED]=247 OR R[99:TD4 LAST SCHED]=249 OR R[99:TD4 LAST SCHED]=251 OR R[99:TD4 LAST SCHED]=253,JMP LBL[50] ; 60: CALL TW_GUNS(4) ; 61: 62: 63: 64:

!Turn on TD Request for Gun4 ; DO[92:doP1TipMantReqG4]= DO[92:doP1TipMantReqG4]=ON ON ; ; LBL[99:END] LBL[99:END] ;



This routine is called either by the style program or by the tip dress check program for pedestal tip dressing robots. For carried guns this rout routine ine should be called after the robot is clear clear of transfer (Segment 63) and on the way home. home. For pedestal applications this routine should should be called before the drop off routine, so that the robot can update a gun while while dropping the part off. This routine calls NUM_GUNS which determines determines the number of servo guns on the robot. It then increments a R15 by 1 and does a wear update on that gun. Once the number of guns limit is reached it sets R15 to 0 and the updating starts back at gun 1. The Flag F1 allows this task to competed prior to aborting aborting the style program. See style templates for examples examples 1: F[1:Capwear Complete]=(OFF) ; 2: IF ($SPOTCONFIG ($SPOTCONFIG.$STROKE_ENBL .$STROKE_ENBL=0 =0 OR DO[43:FFRActive]=ON),JM DO[43:FFRActive]=ON),JMP P LBL[99] ; 3: CALL CALL CHK_TIPS ; 4: IF R[218:Cap R[218:CapWear Wear Skip]=1,JMP LBL[99] LBL[99] ; 5: CALL NUM_GUNS ; 6: R[15:SERVO R[15:SERVO WEAR UPDT]=R[15:SE UPDT]=R[15:SERVO RVO WEAR UPDT]+1 ; 7: IF R[15:SERVO WEAR UPD UPDT]>R[16:NUM T]>R[16:NUM SERV SERVO O GUNS],JMP LBL[10] ; 8: ; 9: CALL TW_UPD(R TW_UPD(R[15:SERVO [15:SERVO WEAR UPDT]) ; 10: CALL TW_REG(R[15: TW_REG(R[15:SERVO SERVO WEAR UPDT]) ; 11: JMP LBL[20] ; 12: ; 13: LBL[10] ; 14: R[15:SERVO WEAR UPDT]=0 UPDT]=0 ; 15: ; 16: LBL[20] ; 56 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served.



Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 17: 18: 19: 20:

IF R[15:SERVO WEAR UPDT]=R[16:NUM SERVO SERVO GUNS],JMP GUNS],JMP LBL[10] ; ; LBL[99] ; F[1:Capwear F[1:Capwear Complete]=(ON) Complete]=(ON) ;



This routine is called by CAP_WEAR and simply determines the number of servo guns active on the robot. It puts this this value in R16. 1: ; 2: !GUN 1 IS EQ1 GUN 1 ; 3: R[16:NUM SERVO GUNS]=1 ; 4: IF $spoteqs $spoteqsetup[1].$num_guns=1,JMP etup[1].$num_guns=1,JMP LBL[10] ; 5: !GUN 2 IS EQ1 GUN 2 ; 6: R[16:NUM SERVO GUNS]=2 ; 7: LBL[10:END LBL[10:E ND EQ1 CHECK] ; 8: ; 9: IF $SPOTNUM $SPOTNUMEQ=1,JMP EQ=1,JMP LBL[99] LBL[99] ; 10: IF $SPOTEQSETUP[2].$STUD $SPOTEQSETUP[2].$STUDWELDER=1,JMP WELDER=1,JMP LBL[99] LBL[99] ; 11: ; 12: IF $spoteqs $spoteqsetup[1].$num_guns=2,JMP etup[1].$num_guns=2,JMP LBL[20] LBL[20] ; 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26:

!GUN 2 IS EQ2 GUN 1 ; R[16:NUM SERVO GUNS]=2 ; JMP LBL[30] ; ; LBL[20: RESET RESET GUN 3] ; !GUN 3 IS EQ2 GUN 1 ; R[16:NUM SERVO GUNS]=3 ; ; LBL[30: RESET RESET GUN 4] ; IF $spoteqs $spoteqsetup[2].$num_guns=1,JMP etup[2].$num_guns=1,JMP LBL[99] LBL[99] ; !GUN 4 IS EQ2 GUN 2 ; R[16:NUM SERVO GUNS]=4 ; ; LBL[99] ;

57 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served.



Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 15.3.4


This routine is called by TW_GNRST, after a cap change to run a tip wear update on all requested configured servo servo guns. TW_UPDCC(X) TW_UPDCC(X) is tthe he tip wear wear program for new caps (Tip Wear Update Caps Changed), where where X is the gun number. This routine also makes sure that stroke is enabled, so the robot does not try to update in no stroke. 1: LBL[1] ; 2: F[1:Capwear Complete]=(OFF) ; 3: IF $SPOTCONF $SPOTCONFIG.$STROKE_EN IG.$STROKE_ENBL=0,JMP BL=0,JMP LBL[99] LBL[99] ; 4: !If Air gun s skip kip tip wear update update ; 5: IF $sgcfg[1].$E $sgcfg[1].$EQUIP_TYPE=1,JMP QUIP_TYPE=1,JMP LBL[99] LBL[99] ; 6: ; 7: IF (AR[1 (AR[1]=1),JMP ]=1),JMP LBL[10] LBL[10] ; 8: IF (AR[1 (AR[1]=2),JMP ]=2),JMP LBL[20] LBL[20] ; 9: IF (AR[1 (AR[1]=3),JMP ]=3),JMP LBL[30] LBL[30] ; 10: IF (AR[1]=4),JMP (AR[1]=4),JMP LBL[40] LBL[40] ; 11: IF (AR[1]>4),JMP (AR[1]>4),JMP LBL[5] LBL[5] ; 12: IF (AR[1]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] OR R[20:SERVO R[20:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] CapsWearUprLMT] OR GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] OR R[20:SERVO R[20:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] CapsWearUprLMT] OR R[21:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] OR R[20:SERVO R[20:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] CapsWearUprLMT] OR R[21:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] OR R[20:SERVO R[20:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] CapsWearUprLMT] OR R[21:SERVO GUN WORK]3,JMP P LBL[20] ; 41: CALL CALL OPENGUNS ; 42: !IF AIR GUN SKIP SG DETACH DETACH ; 43: IF $sgcfg[1].$EQU $sgcfg[1].$EQUIP_TYPE=1,JMP IP_TYPE=1,JMP LBL[20] ; 44: CALL SGDETACH(1) ; 45: LBL[20] ; 46: ;

98 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 47: 48: 49: 50: 51: 52: 53:

!User must a add dd custom open/close open/close ; !commands to as required for ; !for nested equipment ex. ; !If Macro O Open pen Gripper(1,2) ; !If ou outputs tputs ; !DO[Open]=ON ; !DO[Close]=OFF ;

54: 55: 56: 57: 58: 59: 60: 61: 62: 63: 64: 65: 66: 67: 68:


69:L 70: ;P[6] 350mm/sec FINE ; 71: CALL TCINNEST(1) ; 72: ; 73: ; 74: !CLOSE TOOL CH CHANGER ANGER NEST NEST LID ; 75: ! NOTE: REM REMOVE OVE CLOSE LID MACRO ; 76: ! IF LID IS C CONTROLLED ONTROLLED BY ; 77: ! THE PLC. ; 78: CALL TC TCCLSLID(1) CLSLID(1) ; 79: ; 80: !MOVES TO P POUNCE OUNCE FROM NEST 1 ; 81: !Modify UTOOL if required ; 82: UTOOL_NUM UTOOL_NUM=1 =1 ; 83: ; 84:J P[7] 35% CNT100 ; 85:J P[8] 50% CNT100 ; 86:J P[9] 75% CNT100 ;

User Modification Area 3:

If Tool Nests are controlled by PLC, REMOVE TCCLSLID macro call. REMOVE TCCLSLID

99 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 18.15

Style 26 Tool change style used to swap tools.

1: !************** !******************************** ****************** ; 2: !STYLE 26 PLC CH CHANGE ANGE TOOL(S) TOOL(S) ; 3: !******************************** 4: !************** !DCD 0 Sw Swap ap****************** with backup ; ; 5: !DCD 1 Pick Tool/Gun 1 ; 6: !DCD 2 Pick Tool/Gun 2 ; 7: !DCD 3 Pick Tool/Gun 3 ; 8: !DCD 4 Pick Tool/Gun 4 ; 9: !DCD 5 Drop TL/Gun return Home Home ; 10: ; 11: GO[1:ManualStyle]=26 GO[1:ManualStyle]=26 ; 12: ; 13: CALL CALL POUNCE ; 14: SET SEGMENT(7) SEGMENT(7) ; 15: ; 16: !Allow Teach Exchange ; 17: IF SO[7:TP enabled]=ON,CALL TCTEACH TCTEACH ; 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: 44: 45: 46: 47: 48:

; GI[15:g IF GI[15:giToolNumber]=0,JMP iToolNumber]=0,JMP LBL[1] ; IF GI[17:giTCAppType]3,JM I[17:giTCAppType]>3,JMP P LBL[1] ; IF $sgcfg[1].$EQU $sgcfg[1].$EQUIP_TYPE=1,JMP IP_TYPE=1,JMP LBL[1] ; CALL TCGETNUM ; CALL R[162:TC PlaceHolder]=R[113:Current PlaceHolder]=R[113:Current Head] ; !Check that Held Gun ; !Is Not M Machine achine Locked ; !For Servo Gun Only Only ; IF $MCR_GRP[2] $MCR_GRP[2].$MACHINEL .$MACHINELOCK=0,JMP OCK=0,JMP LBL[1] LBL[1] ; SELECT R[113:Cu R[113:Current rrent Head]=1,JMP LBL[10] ; =2,JMP LBL[20] ; =3,JMP LBL[30] ; =4,JMP LBL[40] ; LBL[10:ENAB LBL[10:ENABLE LE G1] ; CALL SGATTACH(1) SGATTACH(1) ; JMP LBL[1] ; LBL[20:ENAB LBL[20:ENABLE LE G2] ; CALL SGATTACH(2) SGATTACH(2) ; JMP LBL[1] ; LBL[30:ENAB LBL[30:ENABLE LE G3] ; CALL SGATTACH(3) SGATTACH(3) ; JMP LBL[1] ; LBL[40:ENAB LBL[40:ENABLE LE G4] ; CALL SGATTACH(4) SGATTACH(4) ; ; LBL[1] ; !Capture DCD Code from PLC ; R[151 :$SHELLWRK$CURDCD]=$SHELL R[151:$SHELLW RK$CURDCD]=$SHELL_WRK.$CUR_DECSN _WRK.$CUR_DECSN ; IF R[151:$SHEL R[151:$SHELLWRK$CURDC LWRK$CURDCD]=0,JMP D]=0,JMP LBL[50] LBL[50] ; !Determined Tool/Gun Action ;


100 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 52: 53: 54: 55: 56: 57: 58:

!********* !************************* *********************** ******* ; !DCD 0 w will ill Swap Tool/Gun ; !with backup. Backup MUST BE ; !AN IDEN IDENTICAL TICAL Tool/Gun ! ; !User must enter value of ; ; LBL[50:SWAP LBL[50:SWAP Bkup] ;

59: 60: 61: 62: 63: 64: 65: 66: 67: 68: 69: 70: 71: 72: 73:

!Determine Tool/Gun ;on Robot ; CALL TCGETNUM CALL ; IF R[113:Current R[113:Curre nt Head]=0,JMP Head]=0,J MP LBL[15] ; !User must set BAC BACKUP KUP GUN Numbers ; SELECT R[113:Cu R[113:Current rrent Head]=1,JMP LBL[60] ; =2,JMP LBL[70] ; =3,JMP LBL[80] ; =4,JMP LBL[90] ; ELSE,JMP LBL[5] ; ; LBL[60:TLGN1 Bkup] ; !Set Backup gu gun n using TCCKTOOL() TCCKTOOL() ; !CALL TCCK TCCKTOOL(BKUP TOOL(BKUP Tool/GUN) ; JMP LBL[99] ;

74: LBL[70:TLGN2 ; 75: Bkup] ; 76: !Set Backup gu gun n using TCCKTOOL() TCCKTOOL() ; 77: !CALL TCCK TCCKTOOL(BKUP TOOL(BKUP Tool/GUN) ; 78: JMP LBL[99] ; 79: ; 80: LBL[80:TLGN3 Bkup] ; 81: !Set Backup gu gun n using TCCKTOOL() TCCKTOOL() ; 82: !CALL TCCK TCCKTOOL(BKUP TOOL(BKUP Tool/GUN) ; 83: JMP LBL[99] ; 84: ; 85: LBL[90:TLGN4 Bkup] ; 86: !Set Backup gu gun n using TCCKTOOL() TCCKTOOL() ; 87: !CALL TCCK TCCKTOOL(BKUP TOOL(BKUP Tool/GUN) ; 88: ; 89: LBL[99:END] LBL[99:END] ; 90: MOVE TO HOME ; 91: END ; 92: ; 93: ; 94: !*****FAULTS*** !*****FAULTS******** ***** ; 95: LBL[5:Invalid Gun Num] Num] ; 96: MESSAGE[...] ; 97: MESSA MESSAGE[TOOL GE[TOOL CHANGER CHANGER FAULT] ; 98: MESSA MESSAGE[ GE[ INVALID GUN NUMBER] ; 99: MESSAGE[ R[113] AND GI[15] GI[15] MUST] ; 100: MESSAGE[ MESSAGE[ BE 1, 2, 3 OR 4] 4] ; 101: DO[35:MHFault]=ON DO[35:MHFault]=ON ; 102: UALM[3] ; 103: DO[35:MHFault]=OFF DO[35:MHFault]=OFF ; 104: JMP LBL[1] ; 105: ; 106: LBL[15:CANNOT LBL[15:CANNOT SWAP] SWAP] ; 107: MESSAGE[...] MESSAGE[...] ;

101 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 108: 109: 110: 111: 112: 113: 114:


18.16 TCTEACH Used to manually swap guns. If in teach, this Kar Karel el driven menu is called to allow the user to determine toolchange options instead of the PLC. STYLE26 - Tool/Gun Exchange when run from the pendant in teach:

102 General Motors Corporation. All Rights Re Reserved. served. -UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED-


Global Glob al 3 Servogun Setup Users Manual fo forr Fanuc SpotToo SpotTool+ l+ 8 8.2 .20 0 with GRS4 GR S4 C Custo usto mization 18.17 18. 17 Servo Gun Tool Change Tip wear specifi c prog rams There are 3 Servo gun Tool T ool change specific programs relating to tip wear that perform specific wear tracking f unctions.

18.17. 18. 17.1 1

TW_ TW_GUN GUNS S (S (SG G too l chang e specif ic)

This macro performs tip wear reset reset for servo gun tool change applications. It only adjusts the wear values for the gun that the robot r obot is holding. 1: !FOR SG GUN WITH TOOLC TOOLCHANGE HANGE ONLY ; 2: LBL[1] ; 3: F[1:Capwear Complete]=(OFF) ; 4: IF $SPOTCONF $SPOTCONFIG.$STROKE_EN IG.$STROKE_ENBL=0,JMP BL=0,JMP LBL[99] LBL[99] ; 5: !If Air gun s skip kip tip wear update update ; 6: IF $sgcfg[1].$E $sgcfg[1].$EQUIP_TYPE=1,JMP QUIP_TYPE=1,JMP LBL[99] LBL[99] ; 7: ; 8: CALL TW_UPDCC(R[113:Curre TW_UPDCC(R[113:Current nt Head]) ; 9: ; 10: SELECT R[113:Cu R[113:Current rrent Head]=1,JMP LBL[10] ; 11: =2,JMP LBL[30] LBL[20] ;; 12: =3,JMP 13: =4,JMP LBL[40] ; 14: ELSE,JMP LBL[55] ; 15: ; 16: LBL[10: RESET RESET GUN 1] ; 17: !VERIFY NE NEW/CORRECT W/CORRECT CAP ; 18: R[20:SERVO GUN GUN WORK]=($SGGUN1.$SETUP WORK]=($SGGUN1.$SETUP.$WRDWN_TIP) .$WRDWN_TIP) ; 19: R[21:SERVO GUN WORK]=($SGGUN1 WORK]=($SGGUN1.$SETUP.$ .$SETUP.$WRDWN_RBT) WRDWN_RBT) ; 20: R[28:SERVO GUN GUN WORK]=($SGGUN1.$SGTWD.$ WORK]=($SGGUN1.$SGTWD.$GNWR_AT_CHG) GNWR_AT_CHG) ; 21: R[29:SERVO GU GUN N WORK]=($SGGUN1.$SGTWD.$ WORK]=($SGGUN1.$SGTWD.$RBWR_AT_CHG) RBWR_AT_CHG) ; 22: ; 23: !Set Cap Wear Tip Tolerance Check ; 24: !Compare new tips to Large/Small Large/Small ; 25: !tolerance based o on n last tip w wear ear ; 26: CALL SETWRTOL(1) SETWRTOL(1) ; 27: ; 28: !Ensure Ne New w Cap is within within Toleran ; 29: IF R[20:SERVO GUN WORK]>R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] WORK]>R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] OR R[20:SERVO R[20:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] CapsWearUprLMT] OR R[21:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] OR R[20:SERVO R[20:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] CapsWearUprLMT] OR R[21:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] OR R[20:SERVO R[20:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] CapsWearUprLMT] OR R[21:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] OR R[20:SERVO R[20:SERVO GUN WORK]R[219:NwCapsWearUprLMT] CapsWearUprLMT] OR R[21:SERVO GUN WORK]
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