Gleim Cpa Review Far Questions.docx 2

December 2, 2018 | Author: Elaine Claire Alalong | Category: Cash Flow Statement, Financial Accounting Standards Board, Financial Statement, Dividend, Accounting
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QUESTIONS 1.1 Standard Standa rd Setting for Financial Accounti Accounting ng 1. Congress Congress empowered empowered wic wic of te followin following g !odies wit wit te autorit" autorit" to to set accountin accounting g standards for pu!licl" traded companies in te U.S# a. Te Securities Securities and E$cange E$cange Commission Commission %SEC& !. Te Americ American an Institute Institute of Certified Certified 'u!lic 'u!lic Accoun Accountants tants %AIC' %AIC'A& A& c. Te Financi Financial al Accounti Accounting ng Standards Standards (oard %FAS(& %FAS(& d. Te Interna International tional Accountin Accounting g Standards Standards (oard %IAS(& %IAS(& ). Arpco* Inc.* Inc.* a for+profit for+profit pro,ide pro,iderr of ealtcare ealtcare ser,ices* ser,ices* recentl" recentl" purcase purcased d two smaller  smaller  comp compani anies es and and is rese resear arc cin ing g acco accoun unti ting ng issu issues es arisi arising ng from from te te two two !usi !usine ness ss com! com!ina inati tion ons. s. -ic -ic  of te te foll follow owin ing g acco accoun unti ting ng pron pronoun ounce ceme ment nts s are are te te most most autoritati,e# a. FAS( FAS( Accou Accounti nting ng Standard Standards s Updates Updates.. !. FAS( FAS( Stateme Statements nts of finan financia ciall Concept Concepts. s. c. FAS( FAS( Statemen Statements ts of Financial Financial Accounti Accounting ng Standards Standards.. d. Te Acco Account unting ing Standa Standards rds Codific Codificati ation on.. /. -ic of te te followi following ng is true concerning concerning IF0Ss# IF0Ss# a. FAS( FAS( pronouncemen pronouncements ts tend to reuire reuire greater greater e$ercis e$ercise e of professional professional 2udgmen 2udgmentt in teir implementation tan IF0Ss !. Intern Internati ationa onall Account Accounting ing Standar Standards ds %IASs& %IASs& were were re,o3e re,o3ed d as a !od" !od" wen te IAS( too3 o,er te mission of promulgating a new set of glo!al financial reporting standards c. Te Te FAS( as as comm commit itte ted d itse itself lf to main mainta tain inin ing g te te inte integr grit it" " of U.S U.S 4AA' 4AA' independent of te efforts of te IAS( to acie,e glo!al armoni5ation d. Te IAS( as as committed committed itself itself to allowi allowing ng pu!lic commen commentt on e$posure e$posure drafts drafts of  propose pronouncements !efore te official issuance of an IF0S. 6. Te principal principal !enefit !enefit of a single single set of of glo!al financia financiall reporting reporting standards standards is a. Te armoni5ati armoni5ation on of world financial financial reporting reporting !. Increa Increased sed ease ease of of capi capital tal flow flow c. Simplified Simplified enforce enforcement ment for local local and and national national regulato regulator" r" !odies !odies d. 7inimi5ati 7inimi5ation on of te amount amount of professi professional onal 2udgment 2udgment reuired reuired to impleme implement nt tem. tem. 8. -ic -ic of te followi following ng is true true regarding regarding te compari comparison son of manageri managerial al and financ financial ial accounting# a. 7anagerial 7anagerial accounting accounting is generall" generall" more precise. precise. !. 7anage 7anagerial rial accoun accountin ting g as a past past focus and financi financial al accounti accounting ng as a future future focus. c. Te Te emp empas asis is on mana manage geria riall acco accoun unti ting ng is rele,a rele,ance nce and te te emp empas asis is on financial accounting is timeliness. d. 7ana 7anage geri rial al acco account untin ing g need need not follow generall" accepted accounting principles %4AA'&* wile financial accounting must follow tem.

1.) Te O!2ecti,e of 4eneral+'urp 4enera l+'urpose ose Financial 0eporting

9. Accordi According ng to te FAS(: FAS(:s s concep conceptua tuall framew framewor3 or3** te o!2ect o!2ecti,e i,e of genera general+p l+purp urpose ose financial reporting is most li3el" !ased on a. 4eneral 4enerall" l" accept accepted ed account accounting ing princi principle ples. s. !. 0eporting 0eporting on ow well managem management ent as disca discarged rged its its responsi!il responsi!ilities ities.. c. Te Te need need for for con conse ser, r,at atis ism. m. d. Te need needs s of te te users users of of te inform informati ation on ;. -ic of te te following following !est reflects reflects te o!2ecti, o!2ecti,e e of general+purpos general+purpose e financial financial reporting# reporting# a. Te Te prim primar ar" " focu focus s of fina financ ncia iall repo report rtin ing g is info inform rmat atio ion n a!ou a!outt an enti entit" t":s :s resources.

!. Te !est identif identifica icatio tion n of an entit" entit":s :s a!ilit" a!ilit" to generate generate fa,ora!l fa,ora!le e cas cas flows flows is information !ased on pre,ious cas flows. c. Financial Financial accountin accounting g is e$pressl" e$pressl" designed designed to to accuratel" accuratel" measure measure te te ,alue ,alue of a !usiness. d. In,estment In,estment and and credit decisi decisions ons often often are !ased* !ased* at least in in part* on e,aluati e,aluations ons of te past performance of an entit". . -at are te Statements of Financial Accounting Accounting Concepts intended to esta!lis# esta!lis# a. 4ener 4eneral all" l" acce accept pted ed acco accoun unti ting ng prin princi cipl ples es in fina financ ncial ial repo report rtin ing g " !usi !usine ness ss enterprises. !. Te meaning meaning of ?present ?present fairl" fairl" in accordanc accordance e wit generall" generall" accept accepted ed accounting accounting principles.@ c. Te Te o!2e o!2ect cti, i,es esan and d conc concep epts ts for for use use in de,e de,elo lopi ping ng stan standa dard rds s of fina financ ncia iall accounting and reporting d. Te ierarc" ierarc" of sources sources of generall generall" " accepted accepted account accounting ing principle principles. s.

1./ O!2ecti,es of Financial 0eporting  Not Not for+profit %Nongo,ernmental& Entities Entities 11. -ic -ic  of te te foll follow owin ing g is ordi ordina naril ril" " not considered one of te ma2or distinguising caracteristics of non!usiness organi5ations# a. Signi Signifi fica cant nt amou amount nts s of reso resour urce ces s are are pro, pro,id ided ed !" dono donors rs in nonr nonrec ecip ipro roca call transactions !. Tere is is an a!sence a!sence of defined defined** transfera!l transfera!le e ownersip ownersip interes interests ts c. 'erf 'erfor orma manc nce e indi indica cato tors rs simi simila larr to a !usi !usine ness ss ente enterp rpri rise se:s :s prof profit it are read readilil" " a,aila!le d. Te primar" primar" operatin operating g purpose purpose is not to to pro,ide pro,ide goods or or ser,ices ser,ices at a profit 1). -ic of te following is a caracteristic of non!usiness organi5ations# organi5ations# a. None Noneco cono nomi mic c reas reason ons s seldo seldom m unde underl rlie ie te te deci decisi sion on to pro, pro,id ide e resou resourc rces es to non!usiness enterprises !. (usine (usiness ss and non!us non!usine iness ss organi5a organi5atio tions ns usuall" usuall" o!tain o!tain resour resources ces in te same wa" c. (ot (ot non! non!us usin ines ess s and and !usi !usine ness ss orga organi ni5a 5ati tion ons s use use scar scarce ce reso resour urce ces s in te te production and distri!ution of goods and ser,ices d. Te operating operating en,ironment en,ironment of non!usin non!usiness ess organi5ati organi5ations ons ordinaril" ordinaril" differs differs from from tat od !usiness organi5ations 1/. Te resource pro,iders of not+for+profit not+for+profit organi5ations a,e wic wic of te following as teir  primar" concerns# I. Fina Financ nciial re return urn on on in, in,estm estmen entt II. II. Ser, Ser,ic ices es ren rende dere red d !" not not+f +for or+p +pro rofi fitt orga organi ni5a 5ati tion on III. III. Te cont continu inuing ing a!ili a!ilit" t" of te te not+fo not+for+p r+prof rofit it organi organi5at 5ation ion to to render render ser,i ser,ices ces IB. IB. Te Te a,o a,oid idan ance ce of frau fraud d or or em!e em!e55 55le leme ment nt a. I and IB !. II* II* III III** and and IB c. I* II II* an and II III d. II and III

16. All of te following following are o!2ecti,es o!2ecti,es of financial reporting reporting !" non!usiness non!usiness organi5atio organi5ations ns except a. To pro,ide pro,ide information information tat tat is useful to to current and and potential potential resource resource pro,iders pro,iders in ma3ing resource allocation decisions !. To pro,ide pro,ide informa informatio tion n tat tat concerns concerns te sources sources and uses of cas and oter  liuid assets* !orrowing !orrowing and repa"ment repa"ment acti,ities* acti,ities* and oter factors affecting affecting liuidit" c. To pro,ide pro,ide inform informati ation on tat tat concer concerns ns perfor performan mance* ce* including including a single single indicato indicator  r  comp compar ara! a!le le to a !usi !usine ness ss ente enterpr rpris ise: e:s s net net inco income me** tat tat perm permit its s reso resour urce ce pro,iders to assess ow effecti,el" te entit" is competing wit oters d. To pro, pro,id ide e info inform rmat atio ion n tat tat conc concer erns ns econ economi omic c reso resour urce ces* s* lia!i lia!ililiti ties es** net net resources* and te effects of canges in resources and interests 18. Te reporting model descri!ed descri!ed in te guidance guidance on not+for+pr not+for+profit ofit financial financial statements applies to a. (usiness (usiness entities entities and and go,ernment go,ernmental al not+for+p not+for+profit rofit organi5 organi5ations ations.. !. (usiness (usiness entities entities and nongo,er nongo,ernmenta nmentall not+for+pro not+for+profit fit organi5at organi5ations. ions. c. Nongo,ernmen Nongo,ernmental tal not+for+pro not+for+profit fit organi5ation organi5ations. s. d. 4o,e 4o,ern rnme ment ntal al not+ not+fo for+ r+pr prof ofit it orga organi ni5a 5ati tion ons s tat tat also also use use prop propri riet etar ar" " fund fund accounting. 1.6 O!2ecti,es O!2ect i,es of Financial Financi al 0eporting  4o,ernmental Entities Entitie s

19. -ic not to a. !. c. d.

of te following o!2ecti,es of financial financial reporting is applica!le to !usiness entities* go,ernmental entities# 'ro,ide information to Assist in pu!lic accounta!ilit". accounta!ilit". Assist in e,aluating operating results. Assist in assessing ser,ices pro,ided. Assist in assessing cas flow prospects.

1;. -ic of te following following o!2ecti,es o!2ecti,es of financial financial reporting is applica!le to go,ernmental go,ernmental entities# 'ro,ide information a. Useful in ma3ing ma3ing resource resource allocat allocation ion decisi decisions. ons. !. For assessi assessing ng ser,ice ser,ice efforts efforts and and accompli accomplismen sments. ts. c. Useful in assessin assessing g management management stewardsi stewardsip p and perform performance. ance. d. A!out economic economic resourc resources* es* o!ligation o!ligations* s* net resources resources** and canges canges in tem. tem. 1*>>> eferred Income ta$ lia!ilit" )8*>>> Senior (onds* ;M* due //1 ear ; 1*>>>*>>> Te contingent lia!ilit" is an accrual for possi!le losses on a L1 million lawsuit filed against (rite. (rite:s legal counsel e$pects te suit to !e settled in ear < and as estimated tat (rite will !e lia!le for damages in te range of L68>*>>> to L;8>*>>>. Te deferred income ta$ lia!ilit" is not related to an asset for financial reporting and is e$pected to re,erse in ear >> !. L =6>*>>> c. L 1*6=>*>>> d. L 1*818*>>> Questions 6 and 8 are !ased on te following information. Te Following trial !alance of Tre" Co. at ecem!er /1* ear 9* as !een ad2usted e$cept for  income ta$ e$pense. r. Cr. Cas L 88>*>>>  Accounts recei,a!le* net 1*98>*>>> 'repaid ta$es />>*>>>  Accounts 'a"a!le L 1)>*>>> Common Stoc3 8>>*>>>  Additional paid+in capital 9*>>> 0etained Earnings 9/>*>>> Foreign Current translation 68>*>>> ad2ustment 0e,enue /*9>>*>>> E$penses )*9>>*>>> TOTAL L 8*8/>*>>> L 8*8/>*>>>  Additional Information uring ear 9* estimated ta$ pa"ments of L />>*>>> were carged to prepaid ta$es. Tre" as not "et recorded income ta$ e$pense. Tere were no differences !etween financial statement and income ta$ income* and Tre":s ta$ rate is />M. •

Included in accounts recei,a!le is L8>>*>>> due from a customer. Special terms granted to tis customer reuire pa"ment in eual semiannual installments of L1)8*>>> e,er"  April 1 and Octo!er 1.

6. In Tre":s ecem!er /1* ear 9* !alance seet* wat amount sould !e reported as total current assets# a. L 1*=8>*>>> !. L )*)>>*>>> c. L )*)8>*>>> d. L )*8>>*>>> 8. In Tre":s ecem!er /1* ear 9* !alance seet* wat amount sould !e reported as total retained earnings# a. L 1*>)=*>>> !. L 1*)>>*>>> c. L 1*//>*>>> d. L 1*9/>*>>> ).) Statement of Income* 0etained Earnings* and Compreensi,e Income 9. Te effect of a material transaction tat is infreuent in occurrence !ut not unusual in nature sould !e presented separatel" as a component of income from continuing operations wen te transaction results in a 4ainoss a. ES ES !. ES NO c. NO NO d. NO ES ;. Te canges in account !alances of te Bel Corporation during te ear 9 are presented !elow  Assets ia!ilities Capital Stoc3  Additional paid+in capital

Increase L /89*>>> 1>>> )6>*>>> )6*>>>

Bel as no items of oter compreensi,e income %OCI&* and te onl" carge to retained earnings was for a di,idend pa"ment of L 8)*>>>. Tus* te net income for ear 9 is a. L 19*>>> !. L /9*>>> c. L 8)*>>> d. L 9>> >*>>> Net Income 6>>*>>> Unreali5ed gain on a,aila!le+for+sale euit" )>*>>> securities -at amount sould 0oc3 report as compreensi,e income for te "ear ended ecem!er /1#

a. !. c. d.

L6>>*>>> L6)>*>>> L8)>*>>> L8;>*>>>

)./ Oter Financial Statement 'resentations 1>. 'ersonal financial statements usuall" consist of  a. A statement of net wort and a statement of canges in net wort !. A statement of net wort* an income statement* and a statement of canges in net wort. c. A statement of financial condition and a statement of canges in net wort. d. A statement of financial condition* a statement of canges in net wort* and a statement of cas flows. 11. 7rs. Taft owns a L18>*>>> insurance polic" on er us!and:s life. Te cas ,alue of te polic" is L1)8*>>>* and a L8>*>>> loan is secured !" te polic". In te Taft:s personal statement of financial condition at ecem!er /1* wat amount sould !e sown as an in,estment in life insurance# a. L18>*>>> !. L1)8*>>> c. L1>>*>>> d. ;8*>>> 1). Quinn is preparing a personal statement of financial condition as of April />. Included in Quinn:s assets are te following 8>M of te ,oting stoc3 of In3 Corp. A sareolders: agreement restricts te sale of te stoc3 and* under certain circumstances* reuires In3 to repurcase te stoc3* Quinn:s ta$ !asis for te stoc3 is L6/>*>>>* and at April />* te !u"out ,alue is L9;8*>>>. ewelr" wit a fair ,alue aggregating L;>*>>> !ased on an independent appraisal on April /> for insurance purposes. Tis 2ewelr" was acuired !" purcase and gift o,er a 1>+"ear period and as a total ta$ !asis of L6>*>>> •

-at is te total amount at wic te In3 stoc3 and 2ewelr" sould !e reported in Quinn:s April /> personal statement of financial condition# a. L6;>*>>> !. L8>>*>>> c. L;18*>>> d. L;68*>>> 1/. On ecem!er /1* ear 6* Sane is a full" ,ested participant in a compan"+sponsored pension plan. According to te plan:s administrator* Sane as at tat date te nonforfeita!le rigt to recei,e a lump sum of L1>>*>>> is L=>*>>> at ecem!er /1* ear  6. Te rigt is not contingent on Sane:s life e$pectanc" and reuires no future performance on Sane:s part. In Sane:s ecem!er /1* ear 6* personal statement of  financial condition* te ,ested interest in te pension plan sould !e reported at a. L> !. L=>*>>> c. L=8*>>> d. L1>>*>>> 16. On ecem!er /1* ear 8* 7r. and 7rs. (la3e owned a parcel of land eld as an in,estment. Te land was purcased for L=8*>>> in ear 1 and was encum!ered !" a mortgage wit a principal !alance of L9>*>>> at ecem!er /1 * ear 8* personal statement of financial condition* at wat amount sould !e te land in,estment and mortgage pa"a!le !e reported# and In,estment 7ortgage 'a"a!le a. L18>*>>> L9>*>>> !. L=8*>>> L9>*>>> c. L=>*>>> L> d. L/8*>>> L>

18. -ic of te following is not  a compreensi,e !asis of accounting oter tan te generall" accepted accounting principles# a. Cas receipts and dis!ursement !asis of accounting. !. (asis of accounting used !" an entit" to file its income ta$ returns. c. (asis of accounting used !" an entit" to compl" wit te financial reporting reuirements of a go,ernment regulator" agenc". d. (asis of accounting used !" an entit" to compl" wit te financial reporting reuirements of a lending institution. 19. On April 1* ulie !egan operating a ser,ice proprietorsip wit an initial cas in,estment of L1*>>>. Te proprietorsip pro,ided L/*)>> of ser,ices in April and recei,ed a pa"ment of L )*8>> in 7a". Te proprietorsip incurred e$penses of L 1*8>> in April tat was paid in une. uring 7a"* ulie drew L8>> from er capital account. -at was te proprietorsip:s income for te ) monts ended 7a" /1 under te following metods of  accounting# Cas+(asisAccrual+(asis a. L8>> L1*)>> !. L1*>>> L1*;>> c. L)*>>> L1*)>> d. L)*8>> L1*;>> 1;. Dan Co. prepared financial statements on te cas !asis of accounting. Te cas !asis was modified so tat an accrual of income ta$es was reported. Are tese financial statements in accordance wit te modified cas !asis of accounting# a. es !. No* !ecause te modifications are illogical c. No* !ecause tere is no su!stantial support for recording income ta$es d. No* !ecause te modifications result in financial statements eui,alent to tose prepared under te accrual !asis of accounting 1>> 1>*>>> 81>*>>> 11>*>>> />*>>>

Net cas flow pro,ided !" operations for ear 9 was# a. L))>*>>> !. L)/>*>>> c. L)8>*>>> d. L)9>*>>> Questions 9 and ; are !ased on te following information. Hollar Corp.:s transactions for te "ear ended ecem!er /1* ear 9* included in te following • • • • • • • •

'urcased real estate for L88>*>>> cas !orrowed from a !an3 Sold a,aila!le+for+sale securities for L8>>*>>> 'aid di,idends of L9>>*>>> Issued 8>> sares of common stoc3 for L)8>*>>> 'urcased maciner" and euipment for L1)8*>>> cas 'aid L68>*>>> toward !an3 loan 0educed accounts recei,a!le !" L1>>*>>> Increased accounts pa"a!le !" L)>>*>>>

9. Hollar:s net cas used in in,esting acti,ities for ear 9 was a. L9;8*>>> !. L/;8*>>> c. L1;8*>>> d. 8>*>>> ;. Hollar:s net cas used for financing acti,ities for ear 9 was a. L8>*>>> !. L)8>*>>> c. L68>*>>> d. L8>>*>>> *>>>R and cas pro,ided !" financing acti,ities of  L)8>* >>>. New England:s cas !alance was L);* >>> on anuar" 1. uring te "ear* tere was a sale of land tat resulted in a gain of L)8* >>> and proceeds of L6>* >>> were recei,ed from te sale. -at was New England:s cas !alance at te end of te "ear# a. L );*>>> !. L 6>*>>> c. L )>>> d. L )6>> 1). 4reen Co. ad te following euit" transaction of ecem!er /1 Cas proceeds from sale of in,estment in (lue Co. %carr"ing ,ale + L9>* >>>& i,idends recei,ed on 4re" Co. stoc3 Common stoc3 purcased from (rown Co.

L;8* >>> 1>* 8>> />>

-at amount sould 4reen recogni5ed as net cas from in,esting acti,ities in its statement cas flows at ecem!er /1# a. L /;*>>> !. L 6;*8>> c. L ;8*>>> d. L > 1/. A compan" as te following accrual+!asis te !alances at te end of its "ear of  operation Unearned consulting fees Consulting fees recei,a!le Consulting fee re,enue

L )*>>> /*8>> )8*>>>

Te compan":s cas+!asis consulting re,enue is wat amount# a. L 1=*8>> !. L )/*8>> c. L )9*8>> d. L />*8>> /.) irect and Indirect 7etods of 'resenting Operating Cas Flows 16. In its cas flow statement for te current "ear* Elliot Co. reported cas paid for interest of  L;>*>>>. Elliot did not capitali5e an" interest during te current "ear. Canges occurred in se,eral !alance seet account as follows

 Accrued Interest 'a"a!le 'repaid Interest

L 1;*>>> )/*>>>

In its income statement for te current "ear* wat amount sould Elliot report as interest e$pense# a. L />*>>> !. L 96*>>> c. L ;9*>>> d. L 11>*>>> Questions 18 and 19 are !ased on te following information. Fla$ Corp. uses te direct metod to prepare its statement cas flows. Fla$:s trial !alance at ecem!er /1* ear 9 and ear 8* are as follows e!its ear 9 L/8*>>>

ear 8 L /)*>>>

 Accounts 0ecei,a!le In,entor"





'ropert"* 'lant and Euipment Unamorti5ed !ond discount Cost of goods sold Selling e$penses 4eneral and  Administrati,e e$penses Interest e$pense Income ta$ e$pense



Credits ear 9 Allowance for   L 1*/>> uncollecti!le accounts Accumulated 19*8>> depreciation Trade accounts )8*>>> pa"a!le Income ta$es pa"a!le )1*>>>



eferred income ta$es



161*8>> 1/;*>>>

1;)*>>> 181*/>>

>> pa"ale Common stoc3 8>*>>> Additional paid+in =*1>> capital

6*/>> )>*6>>

)*9>> 91*)>>

0etained Earnings Sales

66*;>> 8/

96*9>> ;;>





$ 756,700

$976,10 0



ear 8 L 1*1>> 18*>>> 1;*8>> );*1>> 6*9>> )>*>>> 6>*>>> ;*8>>

Fla$ purcased L8*>>> in euipment during ear 9 Fla$ allocated one+tird of its depreciation e$pense to selling e$penses and te remainder to general and administrati,e e$penses* wic include te pro,ision to uncollecti!le accounts 18. -at amount sould Fla$ report in its statement of cas flows for te "ear ended ecem!er /1* ear 9* for cas collected from customers# a. L 861*> !. L 861*9>> c. L 8/9*>>> d. L 8/8*> 19. -at amount sould Fla$ report in its statement of cas flows for te "ear ended ecem!er /1* ear 9* for cas paid for income ta$es# a. L )8*> !. L )>*6>> c. L1=*;>> d. L 18*>>> • •

1;. Te statement of cas flows ma" !e presented in eiter a direct or an indirect %reconciliation& format. In wic of tese formats would cas collected from customers !e presented as a gross amount# irectIndirect a. NO NO !. NO ES c. ES ES d. ES NO 1>> during te "ear. Dow sould 'a"ne report te cange in unamorti5ed !ond discount in its statement of cas flows# a. As a financing cas inflow !. As a financing cas outflow c. As an addition to net income in te operating acti,ities section d. As a su!traction from net income in te operating acti,ities section 1=. -it respect to te content and form of te statement of cas flows a. Te pronouncements co,ering te cas flow statement encourage te use of te indirect metod !. Te indirect metod ad2usts ending retained earnings to reconcile it to net cas flows from operations c. Te direct metod of reporting cas flows from operating acti,ities include disclosing te ma2or classes of gross cas receipts and gross cas pa"ments d. Te reconciliation of te net income to net operating cas flow need not !e presented wen using te direct metod )>. Te net income for C"press* Inc.* was L/*>>>*>>> for te "ear ended ecem!er /1.  Additional information is as follows epreciation on fi$ed assets 4ain from cas sale of land Increase in accounts pa"a!le i,idends paid on preferred stoc3

L 1*8>>*>>> )>>*>>> />>*>>> 6>>*>>>

Te net cas pro,ided !" operating acti,ities in te statement of cas flows for te "ear  ended ecem!er /1 is a. L 6*)>>*>>> !. L 6*8>>*>>> c. L 6*9>>*>>> d. L 6*>*>>> Questions )1 troug )/ are !ased on te following information. 0o"ce Compan" ad te following transactions during te fiscal "ear ended ecem!er /1* ear ) •

• •

 Accounts recei,a!le decreased from L118*>>> on ecem!er /1* ear 1* to L1>>*>>> on ecem!er /1* ear ) 0o"ce:s !oard of directors declared di,idends on ecem!er /1* ear )* of L.>8 per  sare on te ).< million sareolders of record on anuar" /1* ear /. Te compan" did not declare or pa" di,idends for fiscal ear 1. Sold a truc3 wit a net carr"ing amount of L;*>>> for L8*>>> cas* reporting a loss of  L)*>>> 'aid interest to !ondolders of L;*>>> Te cas !alance was L1>9*>>> on ecem!er /1* ear 1* and L)>> on ecem!er  /1* ear )

)1. 0o"ce Compan" uses te direct metod to prepare its statement of cas flows at ecem!er /1* ear )*. Te interest paid to !ondolders is reported in te a. Financing section* as a use or outflow of cas

!. Operating section* as a use or outflow of cas c. In,esting section* as a use or outflow of cas d. e!t section* as a use or outflow of cas )). 0o"ce Compan" uses te indirect metod to prepare its ear ) statement of cas flows. It reports a%n& a. Source or inflow of funds of L 8*>>> from te sale of te truc3 in te financing section !. Use or outflow of funds of L 16>*>>> in te financing section* representing di,idends c. eduction of L 18*>>> in te operating section* representing te decrease in "ear+end accounts recei,a!le d. Addition of L )*>>> in te operating section for te L )*>>> loss on te sale of te truc3 )/. Te total of cas pro,ided %used& !" operating acti,ities plus cas pro,ided %used& !" in,esting acti,ities plus cas pro,ided %used& !" financing acti,ities is a. Cas pro,ided of L )>> !. Cas pro,ided of L 1;>> c. Cas used of L 8>> d. Eual to net income reported for fiscal "ear ended ecem!er /1* ear ) )6. epreciation e$pense is added to net income under te indirect metod of preparing a statement of cas flows in order to a. 0eport all assets at gross carr"ing amount !. Ensure depreciation as !een properl" reported c. 0e,erse noncas carges deducted from net income d. Calculate net carr"ing amount )8. ee:s in,entor" and accounts pa"a!le !alances at ecem!er /1* ear )* increased o,er  teir ecem!er /1* ear 1* !alances. Sould tese increases !e added to or deducted from cas pa"ments to suppliers to arri,e at ear ) cost of goods sold# Increase in In,entor"Increase in Accounts 'a"a!le a. Added to educted from !. Added to Added to c. educted from educted from d. educted from Added to )9. 7etro* Inc.* reported net income of L18>*>>> for te current "ear. Canges occurred in se,eral !alance seet accounts during te current "ear as follows In,estment in Bideo 4old* Inc.* stoc3* all of  wic was acuired in te pre,ious "ear* carried on te euit" !asis  Accumulated depreciation* caused !" ma2or  repair to pro2ection euipment 'remium on !onds pa"a!le eferred income ta$ lia!ilit" %long term&

L 8*8>> increase

)*>>> decrease 1*6>> decrease 1*> increase

In 7etro:s current "ear cas flow statement* te reported net cas pro,ided !" operating acti,ities sould !e a. L 18>*6>> !. L 16> c. L 166*=>> d. L 16)*> );. Sa,or Co. ad L1>>*>>> in cas+!asis preta$ income for ear ). At ecem!er /1* ear  )* accounts recei,a!le ad increased !" L1>*>>> and accounts pa"a!le ad decreased !" L9*>>> from teir ecem!er /1* ear 1* !alances. Compared to te accrual !asis metod of accounting* Sa,or:s cas preta$ income is a. Diger !" L 6*>>> !. ower !" L 6*>>>

c. Diger !" L 19*>>> d. ower !" L 19*>>> )>> Income ta$es paid /)8*>>> i,idends paid )>>*>>> Net interest pa"ments ))>*>>> -at amount sould Tam report as supplemental disclosures in its statement of cas flows prepared using te indirect metod# a. L 868*>>> !. L ;68*>>> c. L 1*1)8*>>> d. L 1**>>> />. (a3er Co. !egan its operations during te current "ear. Te following is (a3er:s !alance seet at ecem!er /1 (a3er Co. (alance Seet  Assets Cas  Account recei,a!le Total assets

L1=)*>>> >> L);6*>>>

ia!ilities and Stoc3older:s Euit"  Accounts pa"a!le L)6*>>> Common stoc3 )>>*>>> 0etained earnings 8>*>>> Total ia!ilities and Stoc3older:s Euit" L);6*>>> (a3er:s net income for te current "ear was L;>>* and di,idends of L)>> were declared and paid. Common stoc3 was issued for L)>>*>>>. -at amount sould (a3er  report as cas pro,ided !" operating acti,ities in its statement of cas flows for te current "ear# a. !. c. d.

L )>*>>> L 8>*>>> L 1=)*>>> L )8>*>>>

QU!T"O#! .1 %iscontin&ed Operations 1. For te purpose of reporting discontinued operations* a component of an entit" is !est defined as

 A. An operating segment or one le,el !elow an operating segment. (. A set of operations and cas flows clearl" distinguisa!le from te rest of te entit" for  operational and financial reporting purposes. C. A separate ma2or line of !usiness or class of customer. . A significant disposal group.

2. On anuar" 1* ear 6* art* Inc.* entered into an agreement to sell te assets and product line of its a" i,ision* wic met te criteria for classification as an operating segment. Te same was consummated on ecem!er /1* ear 6* and resulted in a gain on disposal of L6>>*>>>. Te di,ision:s operations resulted in losses !efore income ta$ of L))8*>>> in ear 6 and L1)8*>>> in ear /. For !ot "ears* art:s income ta$ rate is />M* and te criteria for reporting discontinued operation a,e !een met. In a comparati,e statement of income for ear 6 and ear /* under te caption discontinued operations* art sould report a gain %loss& of 

ear 6  A. (. C. .

L1))*8>> L1))*8>> L%18;*8>>& L%18;*8>>&

ear / L%>& L> L%>& L>

'. uring anuar" of ear 9* oe Corp. agreed to sell te assets and product line of its Dart di,ision. Te sale was completed on anuar"18* ear ;* and resulted in a gain on disposal of  L=>>*>>>. Dart:s operating losses were L9>>*>>> for ear 9 and L8>*>>> for te period anuar" 1 troug anuar" 18* ear ;. Tese regarding income ta$es and assuming tat te criteria for  reporting a discontinued operation are met* wat amount of net gain %loss& sould !e reported in tose comparati,e ear ; and ear 9 income statements#

 A. (. C. .

ear ;

ear 9

L> L)8>*>>> L*>>> L=>>*>>>

L)8>*>>> L> L%9>>*>>>& L%98>*>>>&

.2 xtraordinar( "te)s . A transaction tat is unusual in nature and infreuent in occurrence sould !e reported separatel" as a component of income

 A. (efore cumulati,e effect of a cange in accounting principle and after discontinued operations of a component unit. (. After cumulati,e effect of a cange in accounting principle and !efore net income. C. (efore cumulati,e effect of a cange in accounting principle and discontinued operations of a component unit. . After discontinued operations and !efore net income.

5. Strand* Inc.* incurred te following infreuent losses during te "ear 2ust ended • • •

 A L=>*>>> write+down of euipment leased to oters  A L8>*>>> ad2ustment of accruals on long+term contracts  A L;8*>>> write+off of o!solete in,entor"

In its income statement for te "ear* wat amount sould Strand report as total infreuent losses tat are not considered e$traordinar"#  A. (. C. .

L)18*>>> L198*>>> L16>*>>> L1)8*>>>

6. uring te "ear 2ust ended* Teller Co. incurred losses arising from its guilt" plea in its first antitrust action and from a su!stantial increase in production costs caused wen a ma2or  supplier:s wor3ers went on stri3e. -ic of tese losses sould !e reported as an e$traordinar" item#

 Antitrust Action  A. (. C. es .

'roduction Costs

No No

No es No es


7. An e$traordinar" item sould !e reported separatel" on te income statement as a component of income

Net of Income Ta$es  A. es (. es C. No . No

(efore iscontinued Operations of a Component of an Euit" es No No es

.' Acco&ntin* +an*es and rror +orrections

Questions < troug 1> are !ased on te following information. oire Co. as used te FIFO metod since it !egan operations in ear /. oire canged to te weigted+a,erage metod for  in,entor" measurement at te !eginning of ear 9. Tis cange was 2ustified. In its ear 9 financial statements* oire included comparati,e statements for ear 8 and ear 6. Te following sows "ear+end in,entor" !alances under te FIFO and weigted+a,erage metods ear FIFO -eigted+A,erage / L=>*>>> L1>>> 6 189*>>> 16)*>>> 8 199*>>> 18>*>>> -. -at ad2ustment* !efore ta$es* sould oire ma3e retrospecti,el" to te !alance reported for  retained earnings at te !eginning of ear 6#

 A. (. C. .

L1>> increase. L1>> decrease. L6*>>> increase L>

9. -at amount sould oire report as in,entor" in its financial statements for te "ear ended ecem!er /1* ear 6* presented for comparati,e purposes#

 A. (. C. .

L=>*>>> L1>>> L16)*>>> L189*>>>

10. (" wat amount sould oire:s cost of sales !e retrospecti,el" ad2usted for te "ear ended ecem!er /1* ear 8#

 A. (. C. .

L>. L)*>>> increase. L16*>>> increase. L19*>>> increase.

11. Under IAS sares of common stoc3. uring te "ear* net income was L)>>*>>>* no di,idends were declared* and te ta$ rate was />M. -at amount was Comma:s !asic earnings per sare for  te current "ear#

 A. (. C. .

L9.;< L;./9 L;.>; L>

17. In computing te weigted+a,erage num!er of sares outstanding during te "ear* wic of  te following mid"ear e,ents must !e treated as if it ad occurred at te !eginning of te "ear#

 A. (. C. .

eclaration and distri!ution of a stoc3 di,idend. 'urcase of treasur" stoc3. Sale of additional common stoc3. Sale of con,erti!le preferred stoc3.

Questions 1< troug )1 are !ased on te following information. 'u!co is a pu!lic compan" tat uses a calendar "ear and as a comple$ capital structure. In te computation of its !asic and diluted earnings per sare %(E'S and E'S* respecti,el"&* 'u!co uses income !efore e$traordinar" items as te control num!er. 'u!co reported no discontinued operations* !ut it ad an e$traordinar" loss %net of ta$& of L1.) million in te first uarter wen its income !efore te e$traordinar" item was L1 million. Te a,erage mar3et price of 'u!co:s common stoc3 for te first uarter was L)8* te sares outstanding at te !eginning of te period eualed />>*>>>* and 1)*>>> sares were issued on 7arc 1.  At te !eginning of te uarter* 'u!co ad outstanding L) million of 8M con,erti!le !onds* wit eac L1*>>> !ond con,erti!le into 1> sares of common stoc3. No !onds were con,erted.  At te !eginning of te uarter* 'u!co also ad outstanding 1)>*>>> sares of preferred stoc3 pa"ing a uarterl" di,idend of L.1> per sare and con,erti!le to common stoc3 on a one+to+one !asis. Dolders of 9>*>>> sares of preferred stoc3 e$ercised teir con,ersion pri,ilege on Fe!ruar" 1. Trougout te first uarter* warrants to !u" 8>*>>> sares of 'u!co:s common stoc3 for L)< per sare were outstanding !ut une$ercised. 'u!co:s ta$ rate was />M. 1-. Te weigted+a,erage num!er of sares used to calculate 'u!co:s (E'S amounts for te first uarter is

 A. (. C. .

666*>>> /;)*>>> /66*>>> />>*>>>

19. Te control num!er for determining weter 'u!co:s potential common sares are diluti,e or antidiluti,e for te first uarter is

 A. (. C. .

L1*>>>*>>> L==6*>>> L%)>9*>>>& L%1*)>>*>>>&

)>. Te (E'S amount for 'u!co:s net income or loss a,aila!le to common sareolders for  te first uarter after te e$traordinar" item is a. L )..69& c. L %>.9>& d. L %/.6=& )1. Te weigted+a,erage num!er of sares used to calculate 'u!co:s (E'S amounts for  te first uarter is a. 666*>>> !. 6/>> c. /;)*>>> d. /66*>>> IB.8

ong+term construction contracts

)). Te calculation of te income recogni5ed in te tird "ear of a 8+"ear construction contract accounted for using te percentage+of+completion metod includes te ratio of a. Costs incurred in ear / to total si!lings !. Costs incurred in ear / to total estimated costs c. Total costs incurred to date to total !illings d. Total costs incurred to date to total estimated costs )/. Daft Construction Co. as consistentl" used te percentage+of+completion metod. On anuar" 1>* ear /* Daft !egan on a L/ million construction contract. At te inception date* te estimated cost of construction was L)*)8>*>>>. Te following data relate to te progress of te contract 4ross profit recogni5ed at 1)/1r / L />>*>>> Costs incurred 11>r / troug 1)/1r 6 1*>*>>> Estimated costs to complete at 1)/1r 6 9>>*>>> In its income statement for te "ear ended ecem!er /1* ear 6* wat amount of gross profit sould Daft report# a. L 68>*>>> !. L />>*>>> c. L )9)*8>> d. L 18>*>>> )6. A compan" appropriatel" uses te completed+contract metod to account for a long+term construction contract. 0e,enue is recogni5ed wen progress !illings are 0ecordedCollected a. NO ES !. ES ES c. ES NO d. NO NO )8. 'ell Co.:s construction 2o!s %descri!ed !elow& commence during te "ear 2ust ended 'ro2ect 1 'ro2ect ) Contract price L 6)>*>>> L />>*>>> Costs incurred during te )6>*>>> )*>>> "ear  Estimated costs to complete 1)>*>>> 6>*>>> (illed to customers during te 18>*>>> );>*>>> "ear  0ecei,ed from customers =>*>>> )8>*>>> during te "ear  If 'ell appropriatel" used te completed+contract metod* wat amount of gross profit %loss& sould 'ell report in its income statement for te "ear#

a. !. c. d.

L %)>*>>>& L> L /6>*>>> L 6)>*>>>

6.9 0e,enue 0ecognition after deli,er" )9. For financial statement purposes* te installment metod of accounting ma" !e used if  te a. Collection period e$tends o,er more tan 1) monts !. Installments are due in different "ears c. Ultimate amount collecti!le is indeterminate d. 'ercentage+of+completion metod is inappropriate );. It is proper to recogni5e re,enue prior to te sale of mercandise wen I. II. a. !. c. d.

Te re,enue will !e reported as an installment sale. Te re,enue will !e reported under te cost+reco,er" metod.

I onl" II onl" (ot I and II Neiter I nor II


ear 8 L 9>>*>>>

1>>*>>> />>*>>>

)>>*>>> +

18>*>>> 8>*>>> 6>M

8>*>>> + />M

-at amount sould Astor report as deferred gross profit in its ecem!er /1* ear 9* !alance seet for te ear 8 and ear 9 sales# a. L 18>*>>> !. L )1>*>>> c. L ))>*>>>

d. L )8>*>>> />. (ear Co.* wic !egan operation s on anuar" )* appropriatel" uses te installment sales metod of accounting. Te following information is a,aila!le for te "ear Installment sales 0eali5ed gross profit on installment sales 4ross profit percentage on sales

L 1*6>>*>>> )6>*>>> 6>M

For te "ear ended ecem!er /1* wat amounts sould (ear report as accounts recei,a!le and deferred gross profit#  Accounts 0ecei,a!leeferred gross profit a. L 9>>*>>> L /)>*>>> !. L 9>>*>>> L /9>*>>> c. L >*>>> L /)>*>>> d. L >*>>> L 89>*>>> /1. Se,eral of Fo$* Inc.*:s customers are a,ing cas flow pro!lems. Information pertaining to tese customers for te "ears ended 7arc /1* ear ; and ear < follows Sales Cost of sales Cas collections on ear ; sales on ear < sales

//1r ; L 1>*>>> >>

//1r < L 18*>>> =*>>>

;*>>> +

/*>>> 1)*>>>

If te cost+reco,er" metod is used* wat amount would Fo$ report as gross profit from sales to tese customers for te "ear ended 7arc /1* ear >> !. L /*>>> c. L 8*>>> d. L 18*>>> 6.; Consignment Accounting /). uring te "ear 2ust ended* Ham Co. !egan offering its goods to selected retailers on a consignment !asis. Te following information for te "ear was deri,ed from Ham:s accounting records (eginning in,entor" 'rice of goods purcased Freigt+in Transportation to consignees Freigt+out Ending in,entor" + Deld !" Ham + Deld !" consignees

L 1))*>>> 86>*>>> 1>*>>> 8*>>> /8*>>> 168*>>> )>*>>>

In its income statement for te "ear* wat amount sould Ham report as cost of goods sold# a. L 8>;*>>> !. L 81)*>>> c. L 8);*>>> d. L 86;*>>> //. Soutgate Co. paid te in+transit insurance premium for consignment goods sipped to Dendon Co.* te consignee. In addition* Soutgate ad,anced part of te commissions tat will !e due wen Dendon sells te goods. Sould Soutgate include te in+transit insurance premium and te ad,anced commissions in in,entor" costs# Insurance 'remiumAd,anced Commissions a. ES ES

!. c. ES d.





/6. On ecem!er 1* Alt epartment Store recei,ed 8>8 sweaters eac* and te" were priced to sell at was L 1>>. Alt:s commission on consigned goods is 1>M. At ecem!er  /1 !alance seet* wat amount sould Alt report as pa"a!le for consigned goods# a. L 6=*>>> !. L 68*6>> c. L 68*>>> d. L 6>*6>> IB.< Balue 7easurements


/8. For te purpose of a fair ,alue measurement %FB7& of an asset or lia!ilit"* a transaction is assumed to occur in te a. 'rincipal mar3et if one e$ists !. 7ost ad,antageous mar3et c. 7ar3et in wic te result is optimi5ed d. 'rincipal mar3et or most ad,antageous mar3et at te election of te reporting entit" /9. Fair ,alue measurements %FB7& of assets and lia!ilities are !ased on transactions !etween mar3et participants at te measurement date. 7ar3et participants a. 7ust !e specificall" identified !. 7a" !e related parties if te" are 3nowledgea!le a!out te asset or lia!ilit" c. Include parties wo are forced to engage in te transactions if te" are independent of te entit" d. Are willing and a!le to engage in transactions in,ol,ing te asset or lia!ilit" /;. Te fair ,alue measurement %FB7& of an asset a. Assumes transfer* not a settlement !. Is !ased on te e$pected use !" te reporting entit" c. 0eflects te igest and !est use !" mar3et participants d. Includes te entit":s own credit ris3 /M of earnings 8.) Segment 0eporting 6. -ic of te following ualifies as a reporta!le operating segment# a. Corporate eaduarters* wic o,ersees L1!illion in sales for te entire compan" !. Nort American segment* wose assets are 1)M of te compan":s assets of all segments* and management reports to te cief operating officer  c. Sout American segment* wose results of operations are reported directl" to te cief operating officer* and as 8M of te compan":s assets* =M of re,enues* and >*>>> in ear 6. Te calculation of te measure of segment profit or loss re,iewed !" D"de:s cief operating decision ma3es does not include an allocation of interest e$pense incurred !" D"de. Dowe,er* it does include tracea!le costs. It also includes nontracea!le operating costs allocated !ased on te ratio of di,isional sales to aggregate sales. In reporting segment information* wat amount sould !e sown as Cla":s operating profit for ear 6# a. L >> !. L =>>*>>> c. L =;8*>>> d. L 1*1>>*>>>

=. (ean Co. included interest e$pense and transactions classified as e$traordinar" items in its determination of segment profit* wic (ean:s cief financial officer considered in determining te segment:s operating !udget. (ean is reuired to report te segment:s financial data in accordance wit 4AA'. -ic of te following items sould (ean disclose in reporting segment data# Interest E$pense E$traordinar" items a. NO NO !. NO ES c. ES NO d. ES ES 1>. Opto Co. is a pu!licl" traded* consolidated entit" reporting segment information. -ic of te following items is a reuired entit"+wide disclosure regarding e$ternal customers# a. Te fact tat transactions wit a particular e$ternal customer constitute more tan 1>M of te total entit" re,enues !. Te identit" of an" e$ternal customer pro,iding 1>M or more of a particular  operating segemtn:s re,enue c. Te identit" of an" e$ternal customer considered to !e ?ma2or@ !" management d. Information on ma2or customers is not reuired in segment reporting 8./ Interim Financial 0eporting 11. Conceptuall"* interim financial statements can !e descri!ed as empasi5ing a. Timeliness o,er realia!ilit" !. 0elia!ilit" o,er rele,ance c. 0ele,ance o,er compara!ilit" d. Compara!ilit" o,er neutralit" 1). (ecause of a decline in mar3et price in te second uarter* 'etal Co. incurred an in,entor" loss* !ut te mar3et price was e$pected to return to pre,ious le,els !" te end of te "ear. At te end of te "ear* te decline ad not re,ersed. -en sould te loss !e reported in 'etal:s interim income statements# a. 0ata!l" o,er te second* tird* and fourt uarters !. 0ata!l" o,er te tird and fourt uarters c. In te second uarter onl" d. In te fourt uarter onl" 1/. In general* an enterprise preparing interim financial statements sould a. efer recognition of seasonal re,enue

!. isregard permanent decreases in te mar3et ,alue of its in,entor" c. Allocate re,enues and e$penses e,enl" o,er te uarters* regardless of wen te" actuall" occurred d. Use te same accounting principles followed in preparing its latest annual financial statements 16. -ilson Corp. e$perienced a L 8>*>>> decline in te mar3et ,alue of its in,entor" in te first uarter of its fiscal "ear. -ilson ad e$pected tis decline to re,erse in te tird uarter* and te tird uarter reco,er" e$ceeded te pre,ious decline !" L 1>*>>>. -ilson:s in,entor" did not e$perience an" oter declines in mar3et ,alue during te fiscal "ear. -at amounts of loss or gain sould -ilson report in its interim financial statements for te first and tird uarters# First QuarterTird Quarter  a. L > L> !. L > L 1>*>>> gain c. L 8>*>>> loss L 8>*>>> gain d. L 8>*>>> loss L 9>*>>> gain 18. An in,entor" loss from a mar3et place decline occurred in te first uarter. Te loss was not e$pected to !e restored in te fiscal "ear. Dowe,er* in te tird uarter te in,entor" ad a mar3et price reco,er" tat e$ceeded te mar3et decline tat occurred in te first uarter. For interim financial reporting* te dollar amount of net in,entor" sould a. ecrease in te first uarter !" te amount of te mar3et price decline and increase in te tird uarter !" te amount of mar3et price reco,er" !. ecrease in te first uarter !" te amount of te mar3et price decline and increase in te tird uarter !" te amount of decrease in te first uarter c. ecrease in te first uarter !" te amount of te mar3et price decline and not !e affected in te tird uarter  d. #ot !e affected in eiter te first uarter or te tird uarter  19. uring te first uarter of ear 6* Tec Co. ad income !efore ta$es of L )>>*>>>* and its effecti,e income ta$ rate was 18M. Tec:s ear / effecti,e annual income ta$ rate was />M* !ut Tec e$pects its ear 6 effecti,e annual income ta$ rate to !e )8M. In its first uarter interim income statement* wat amount of income ta$ e$pense sould Tec report# a. L > !. L />*>>> c. L 8>*>>> d. L9>*>>> 8.6 0elated 'art" Transactions 1;. e$ CO. as entered into a 2oint ,enture wit an affiliate to secure access to additional in,entor". Under te 2oint ,enture agreement* e$ will purcase te output of te ,enture at prices negotiated on an arm:s+lengt !asis. -ic of te following is %are& reuired to !e disclosed a!out te related part" transaction# I. Te amount due to te affiliate at te !alance seet date II. Te dollar amount of te purcases during te "ear  a. I onl" !. II onl" c. (ot I and II d. Neiter I nor II 1>> )>*>>> 1)8*>>> 18>*>>>

Officers: salaries Officers: e$penses oans to officers Intercompan" sales

7ore" L 8>*>>> 1>*>>> 8>*>>> ++

Te amount reported as related part" disclosures in te notes to ean:s ear 9 consolidated statements is a. L 18>*>>> !. L 188*>>> c. L 1;8*>>> d. L //>*>>> )>. -ic of te following pa"ments !" a compan" sould !e disclosed in te notes to te financial statements as a related part" transaction# I. 0o"alties paid to a ma2or sareolder as consideration for aptents purcased from te sareolder  II. Officers: salaries a. I onl" !. II onl" c. (ot I and II d. Neiter I nor II 8.8 Unconditional 'urcase O!ligations )1. 4AA' pertaining to disclosure of long+term o!ligations do not appl" to an unconditional purcase o!ligation tat is cancela!le under wic of te following conditions a. Upon te occurrence of a remote contingenc" !. -it te permission of te oter part" c. Under a replacement agreement signed !" te same parties d. Upon pa"ment of a nominal penalt" )). -itt Corp. as outstanding at ecem!er /1* ear 9* two long+term !orrowings wit annual sin3ing+fund reuirements and maturities as follows ear ; ear < ear = ear 1> ear 11

Sin3ing+fund reuirements L 1*>>>*>>> 1*8>>*>>> 1*8>>*>>> )*>>>*>>> )*>>>*>>> L >>*>>>

7aturities L+ )*>>>*>>> )*>>>*>>> )*8>>*>>> /*>>>*>>> =*8>>*>>>

In te notes to its ecem!er /1* ear 9* !alance seet* ow sould -itt report te a!o,e data# a. No disclosure is reuired !. Onl" sin3ing+fund pa"ments totaling L >>*>>> for te ne$t 8 "ears detailed !" "ear need !e disclosed c. Onl" maturities totaling L =*8>>*>>> for te ne$t 8 "ears detailed !" "ear need !e disclosed d. Te com!ined aggregate of L 1;*8>>*>>> of maturities and sin3ing+fund reuirements detailed !" "ear sould !e disclosed )/. If an unconditional purcase o!ligation is not presented in te !alance seet* certain disclosures are reuired. A disclosure tat is not reuired is a. Te nature and term of te o!ligation !. Te ,aria!le components of te o!ligation

c. Te imputed interest necessar" to reduce te unconditional purcase o!ligation to its present ,alue d. Te amounts purcased under te o!ligation for eac period an income statement is presented 8.9 Significant ris3s and uncertainties )6. Financial statements must disclose significant ris3s and uncertainties. Te reuired disclosures include a. Quantified comparisons of te relati,e importance of te different !usinesses I wic te entit" operates !. Information a!out a significant estimate used to ,alue an asset onl" if it is pro!a!le tat te financial statement effect of a condition e$isting at te !alance seet date will cange materiall" in te near term c. 0is3+reduction tecniues tat a,e successfull" mitigated losses d. Bulnera!ilit" due to a concentration if a ner+term se,ere impact is at least reasona!l" possi!le

8.; Su!seuent e,ents )8. On anuar" 18* ear )* !efore te 7aple,iew Co. released its financial statemetns for  te "ear ended ecem!er /1* ear 1* its settled a long+standing lawsuit. A material loss resulted and no prior lia!ilit" ad !een recorded. Dow sould tis loss !e disclosed or  recogni5ed# a. Te loss sould !e disclosed* !ut te financial statements temsel,es need not !e ad2usted !. Te loss sould !e disclosed in an e$planator" paragrap in te auditor:s report c. No disclosure or recognition is reuired d. Te loss must !e recogni5ed in te financial statements )9. Kero Corp. suffered a loss tat would a,e a material effect on its financial statements on an uncollecti!le trade accounts recei,a!le due to a customer:s !an3ruptc". Tis occurred suddenl" due to a natural disaster ten da"s after Kero:s !alance seet date !ut one mont !efore te issuance of te financial statements. Under tese circumstances* Te oss 7ust !e 0ecogni5ed in te financial StatementsTe E,ent 0euires Financial Statement isclosure Onl" a. ES ES !. ES NO c. NO NO d. NO NO 8.< Financial instrument disclosures );. -eter recogni5ed or unrecogni5ed in an entit":s financial statements* disclosure of te fair ,alues of te entit":s financial instruments is reuired wen a. It is feasi!le to estimate tose ,alues and aggregated fair ,alues are material to te entit" !. Te entit" maintains accurate cost records and aggregated fair ,alues are material to te entit" c. Aggregated fair ,alues are material to te entit" and credit ris3 as !een appropriatel" edged d. Indi,idual fair ,alues are material to te entit" or an" of te instruments are accounted for as deri,ati,es ) stamped ?NSF@. Te cec3 was redeposited on anuar" )* ear >>


mailed until anuar" 1>* ear <


Te proper amount to !e sown as cas on 0al:s !alance seet at ecem!er /1* ear  ;* is  A. L6*> (. L8*/>> C. L9*8>> . L9*> /. Te following information pertains to 4re" Co. at ecem!er /1* ear 6 Cec3!oo3 !alance L1)*>>> (an3 statement !alance 19*>>> Cec3 drawn on 4re":s account* pa"a!le to a ,endor* dated and recorded 1)/1r 6 !ut not mailed until 11>r 8 1*> On 4re":s ecem!er /1* ear 6* !alance seet* wat amount sould !e reported as cas#  A. (. C. .

L1)*>>> L1/*> L16*)>> L19*>>>

9.) Fair Balue Option %FBO& 6. Election of te fair ,alue option %FBO& for eligi!le items  A. 'ermits onl" for+profit entities to measure eligi!le items at fair ,alue. (. 0esults in recognition of unreali5ed gains and losses in earnings of a !usiness entit". C. 0euires deferral of related upfront costs. . 0esults in recognition of unreali5ed gains and losses in oter compreensi,e income of a !usiness entit". 8. Te decision weter to elect te fair ,alue option %FBO&  A. (. C. .

Is irre,oca!le until te ne$t election date* if an". 7a" !e applied to a portion of a financial instrument. 7ust !e applied onl" to classes of financial instruments. 7ust !e applied to all instruments issued in a single transaction.

9. -ic of te following is an election date for te purpose of determining weter to elect te fair ,alue option %FBO&#  A. Te accounting treatment of an euit" in,estment canges !ecause it is no longer su!2ect to euit"+metod accounting. (. Te entit" enters into a firm commitment to purcase so"!eans in / monts. C. Te accounting for an euit" in,estment canges !ecause te entit" no longer  consolidates a su!sidiar". . Te entit" recogni5es an oter tan temporar" impairment of long+li,ed assets. ;. Te reporting entit" ma" elect te fair ,alue option %FBO& for   A. An in,estment consisting of more tan 8>M of te outstanding ,oting interests of  anoter entit". (. An interest in a ,aria!le interest entit" %BIE& if te reporting entit" is te primar" !eneficiar". C. Its o!ligation for pension and oter postretirement emplo"ee !enefits. . 7ost financial assets and lia!ilities.

9./ Classification of In,estments *>>> =*> >> 11*>> > L/>*>>>

Fenn Corp

Fair   Balue L>> 11*>> > =*> >> L)>>

Ott:s ecem!er /1 !alance seet sould report te trading securities as

 A. L)9*>>> (. L)>> C. L)=*>>> . L/>*>>> 1>. On ul" )* ear 6* -"nn Inc.* purcased as a sort+term in,estment a L1 million face ,alue Hean Co. *>>> plus accrued interest to "ield 1>M. Te !onds mature on anuar" 1* ear 11* and pa" interest annuall" on anuar" 1. On ecem!er )1* ear 6* te !onds ad a fair ,alue of L=68*>>>. In its ecem!er /1* ear 6* !alance seet* wat amount sould -"nn report for te !ond if it is classified as an a,aila!le+for+ sale securit"#  A. (. C. .

L=1>*>>> L=)>*>>> L=68*>>> L=8>*>>>

11. Te following information pertains to ar3 Corp.:s a,aila!le+for+sale securities

Cost Fair  Balue

ecem!er /1. ear ) ear / L1>>*>> L1>>*>> > >   =>*>> 1)*>> > >

ifferences !etween cost and fair ,alues are considered to !e temporar". Te decline in fair ,alue was properl" accounted for at ecem!er /1* ear ). Ignoring ta$ effects* !" wat amount sould oter  compreensi,e income %OCI& !e credited at ecem!er /1* ear /#  A. (. C. .

L> L1>*>>> L)>*>>> L/>*>>>

1). Te following information was e$tracted from 4il Co.:s ecem!er /1 !alance seet Noncurrent assets  A,aila!le+for+sale securities %carried at fair ,alue& Euit"  Accumulated oter compreensi,e income %OCI& Unreali5ed gains and losses on a,aila!le+for+sale securities



Distorical cost of te a,aila!le+for+sale securities was  A. (. C. .

L9/*8=8 L;9*98> L=9*68> L119*)8>

1/. uring ear 9* -all Co. purcased )*>>> sares of Demp Corp. common stoc3 for  L/1*8>> tat are classified as trading securities. Te fair ,alue of tis in,estment was L)=*8>> at ecem!er /1* ear. -all sold all of te Demp common stoc3 for L16 per  sare on ecem!er 18* ear ;* incurring L1*6>> in !ro3erage commissions and ta$es. In its income statement for te "ear ended ecem!er /1* ear ;* -all sould report a recogni5ed loss of   A. (. C. .

L6*=>> L/*8>> L)*=>> L1*8>>

16. Te following pertains to Smo3e* Inc.:s in,estment in euit" securities •

On ecem!er /1* ear /* Smo3e reclassified a securit" acuired during te "ear  for L;>*>>>. It ad a L8>*>>> fair ,alue wen it was reclassified from trading to a,aila!le+for+sale.  An a,aila!le+for+sale securit" costing L;8*>>>* written down to L/>*>>> in ear ) !ecause of an oter+tan+temporar" impairment of fair ,alue* ad a L9>*>>> fair  ,alue on ecem!er /1* ear /.

-at is te net effect of te a!o,e items on Smo3e:s net income for te "ear ended ecem!er /1* ear /#  A. (. C. .

No effect. L1>*>>> increase. L)>*>>> decrease. L/>*>>> increase.

18. -en te fair ,alue of an in,estment in de!t securities e$ceeds its amorti5ed cost* ow sould eac of te following de!t securities to !e reported at te end of te "ear* gi,en no election of te fair ,alue option#  e!t Securities Classified As  Deld+to+7aturit"A,aila!le+for+Sale

 A. (. C. .

Amorti5ed cost Amorti5ed cost Fair ,alue Fair ,alue

Amorti5ed cost Fair ,alue Fair ,alue Amorti5ed cost

9.6 Euit" 7etod 19. (ir3 Co. purcased />M of Sled Co.:s outstanding common stoc3 on ecem!er /1 for  L)>>*>>>. On tat date* Sled:s euit" was L8>>*>>>* and te fair ,alue of its net assets was L9>>*>>>. On ecem!er /1* wat amount of goodwill sould (ir3 attri!ute to tis acuisition#  A. (. C. .

L> L)>*>>> L/>*>>> L8>*>>>

1;. On anuar" )* -ell Co. purcased 1>M of 0ea* Inc.:s outstanding common sares for  L6>>*>>>* wic eualed te carr"ing amount and te fair ,alue of te interest purcased in 0ea:s net assets. -ell is te largest single sareolder in 0ea* and -ell:s officers are a ma2orit" on 0ea:s !oard of directors. 0ea reported net income of L8>>*>>> for te "ear ended and paid di,idends of L18>*>>>. In its ecem!er /1 !alance seet* wat amount sould -ell report as in,estment in 0ea#  A. (. C. .

L68>*>>> L6/8*>>> L6>>*>>> L/>>

       Questions 1< troug )> are !ased on te following information. 4rant* Inc.* acuired />M of  Sout Co.:s ,oting stoc3 for L)>>*>>> on anuar" )* ear 1* and did not elect te fair ,alue option. Te price eualed te carr"ing amount and te fair ,alue of te interest purcased in Sout:s net assets. 4rant />M interest in Sout ga,e 4rant te a!ilit" to e$ercise di,idends of  L8>*>>>. Sout reported earnings of L1>>*>>> for te 9 monts ended une />* ear )* and L)>>*>>> for te "ear ended ecem!er /1* ear )* 4rant sold alf of its stoc3 in Sout for  L18>*>>> cas. Sout paid di,idends of L9>*>>> on Octo!er 1* ear ). 1>> L)6*>>> L8>*>>> L*>>>

1=. In 4rant:s ecem!er /1* ear 1* !alance seet* wat sould !e te carr"ing amount of  tis in,estment#  A. (. C. .

L)>>*>>> L)>=*>>> L))6*>>> L)/>*>>>

)>. In its ear ear ) income statement* wat wat amount sould 4rant report as gain from te sale of  alf of its in,estment#  A. (. C. .

L)6*8>> L/>*8>> L/8*>>> L68*8>>

)1. 'ar3 Co. uses te euit" metod to account for its anuar" 1 purcases purcases of Tun* Inc.:s Inc.:s common stoc3. On anuar" 1* te fair ,alues of Tun:s FIFO in,entor" and land e$ceeded teir carr"ing amounts affect 'ar3:s reported euit" in Tun:s earnings for te "ear# In,entor" E$cess  A. ecrease (. ecrease C. Increase . Increase

and E$cess ecrease No effect Increase No effect

)). 'lac3 Co. purcased 1>*>>> sares %)M ownersip& of T" Corp. on Fe!ruar" 16 and did not elect te fair ,alue option. 'lac3 recei,ed a stoc3 di,idend of )*>>> sares on April />* wen te mar3et ,alue per sare was L/8. T" paid a cas di,idend of L) per sare on ecem!er 18. In its income statement for te "ear* wat amount sould 'lac3 report as di,idend income#  A. (. C. .

L)>*>>> L)6*>>> L=>*>>> L=6*>>>

)/. In its financial statements statements** 'ra3 Inc.* uses te cost metod of accounting accounting for its 18M ownersip of Sa!e Co. !ecause te fair ,alue of te sares is not readil" determina!le.  At ecem!er /1* 'ra3 as a recei,a!le from Sa!e. Dow sould te recei,a!le !e reported in 'ra3:s ecem!er /1 !alance seet#  A. Te total recei,a!le sould !e reported separatel". separatel". (. Te total recei,a! recei,a!le le sould !e included included as part of te in,estm in,estment ent in Sa!e* witout witout separate disclosure. C. Eigt" Eigt"+fi +fi,e ,e percen percentt of te recei,a!l recei,a!le e sould sould !e report reported ed separa separatel tel" "* wit wit te !alance offset against Sa!e:s pa"a!le to 'ra3. . Te total total recei, recei,a!le a!le sould sould !e offset offset against against Sa!e:s Sa!e:s pa"a!l pa"a!le e to 'ra3* witout witout separate disclosure.

9.8 In,estments in (onds )6. An in,estor purcased purcased a !ond as a long+term long+term in,estment in,estment !etween !etween interest dates at a premium. At te purcase date* te cas paid to te seller is  A. (. C. .

Te same as te face amount of of te !ond. Te same same as te face face amount amount of te te !ond plus plus accrued accrued interest interest.. 7ore 7ore tan tan te face face amoun amountt of te !ond !ond.. ess tan te te face face amount amount of of te !ond.

)8. An in,estor purcased purcased a !ond classified classified as a long+term in,estment in,estment !etween !etween interest dates at a discount. At te purcase date* te carr"ing amount of te !ond is more tan te  A. (. C. .

Cas Cas paid paid to sell seller er No No es es

Face Face amou amount nt of !ond !ond es es No No es

)9. ent Corp. purcased !onds at a discount of L1>*>>>. Su!seuentl"* Su!seuentl"* ent sold tis !ond at a premium of L16*>>>. uring te period tat ent eld tis in,estment* amorti5ation of te discount amounted to L)*>>>. -at amount sould ent report as a gain on te sale of !onds#  A. (. C. .

L1)*>>> L))*>>> L)6*>>> L)9*>>>

);. On ul" ul" 1* ear ear 6* 'ell Co. purcas purcased ed 4reen 4reen Corp. 1>+"ear 1>+"ear** >*>>> for L6)>*>>>. Te !onds are classified as eld+to+maturit" and mature on une />* ear 16 and pa" interest semiannuall" on une /> and ecem!er  /1. Using te interest metod* 'ell recorded !ond discount amorti5ation of L1*> for  te 9 monts ended ecem!er /1* ear 6. From tis long+term in,estment* 'ell sould report ear ear 6 re,enue of  A. (. C. .

L19*> L1> L)>*>>> L)1*>

9.9 Cas Surrender Balue Balue )*>>> wole+life wole+life insurance polic" polic" on its pres presid iden ent. t. Te Te annu annual al prem premiu ium m is L)*> L)*>>> >>.. Te Te comp compan an" " is te te owne ownerr and and te te !eneficiar". (eal carged officer:s life insurance e $pense as follows ear 6 L)*>>> ear 8 1*> ear 9 1*8>> ear ; 1*1>> Total L9*6>> In (eal:s ecem!er /1* ear ;* !alance seet* te in,estment in cas surrender ,alue sould !e

 A. (. C. .

L> L1*9>> L9*6>> L>>

/>. In ear ear 1* Cain* Cain* Inc.* purcased a L1*>>>*>>> L1*>>>*>>> life insurance insurance polic" on its president* president* of  wic wic Cain Cain is te !enefi !eneficia ciar" r".. Inform Informati ation on regard regarding ing te polic" polic" for te "ear "ear ended ended ecem!er /1* ear 9* follows Cas surrender ,alue* 11r 9 Cas surrender ,alue* 1)/1r 9  Annual ad,ance premium paid 11r 9

L>> 1>>> 6>*>>>

uring ear 9* di,idends of L9*>>> were applied to increase te cas surrender ,alue of  te polic". -at amount sould Cain report r eport as life insurance e$pense for ear 9#  A. (. C. .

L6>*>>> L)1*>>> L1=*>>> L1/*>>>

;.1 0ecei,a!les  Fundamentals  A. Te following information relates to a" Co.:s accounts recei,a!le for te "ear 2ust ended  Accounts 0ecei,a!le* 11 Credit sales for te "ear Sales returns for te "ear  Accounts written off during te "ear Coll ollecti ection ons s fro from m cus custo tome mers rs duri during ng te te "ea "earr Estimated fu future sa sales returns at 1) 1)/1 Estimated uncollecti!le accounts at 1)/1

L98>*>>> )*;>>*>>> ;8*>>> 6>*>>> )*18 )*18>* >*>> >>> > 8>*>>> 11>*>>>

-at amount sould a" report for accounts recei,a!le* !efore allowances for sales returns and uncollecti!le account* at ecem!er /1#  A. L1*)>>*>>> (. L1*1 L1*1)8 )8*> *>>> >> C. L1*> L1*>>> >> . L=)8*>>> (. On 7erf 7erf:s :s April April />* />* ear 6* !ala !alanc nce e see seet* t* a note note rece recei, i,a! a!le le was repo report rted ed as a noncurrent asset* and its accrued interest for < monts was reported as a current asset. -ic of te following terms would fit 7erf:s note recei,a!le#  A. (ot principal and interest amounts are pa"a!le on August /1* ear ear 6* and  August /1* ear ear 8. (. 'rincipal 'rincipal and interes interestt are due ecem! ecem!er er /1* ea earr 6. C. (ot (ot princi principal pal and interest interest amounts amounts are pa"a!le pa"a!le on ecem! ecem!er er /1* ear ear 6* and ecem!er /1* ear 8. . 'rincipal 'rincipal is due August /1* ea earr 8. Interest Interest is due August August /1* ear ear 6* and August /1* ear 8. C. In its ecem! ecem!er er /1 !alanc !alance e seet* seet* (utler (utler Co* reporte reported d trade trade accoun accounts ts recei,a! recei,a!le le of  L)8>*>>> and related allowance for uncollecti!le accounts of L)>*>>>. -at is te total amount of ris3 of accounting loss related to (utler:s trade accounts recei,a!le* and wat amount of tat ris3 is off+!alance seet ris3#  A. (. C. .

0is3 of Accounting oss L> L)/>*>>> L)/>*>>> L)8>*>>>

Off+(alance Seet 0is3 L> L> L)>*>>> L)>*>>>

;.) Accounts 0ecei,a!le  iscounts and 0eturns . On une 1* 'itt Corp. Corp. sold mercandise mercandise wit wit a list price of L8*>>> L8*>>> to (urr on account. account. 'itt allowed trade discounts of />M and )>M. Credit terms were )18* n6>* and te sale was made FO( sipping point. 'itt prepaid L)>> of deli,er" costs for (urr as an accomm accommoda odatio tion. n. On une une 1)* 'itt recei, recei,ed ed from from (urr (urr a remitt remittanc ance e in full full pa"ment pa"ment amounting to  A. L)*;66 (. L)*=1) C. L)*=66 . L/*11) E. elta Inc.* Inc.* sells sells to wolesalers wolesalers on terms terms of )18* n/>. n/>. elta elta as no cas sales* sales* !ut 8>M of elta:s customers ta3e ad,antage of tis discount. elta uses te gross metod of  recording sales and trade recei,a!les. An anal"sis of elta:s trade recei,a!les !alances at ecem!er /1 re,ealed te following  Age >  18 da"s

Amount L1>>*>>>

Collecti!le 1>>M

19  /> da"s /1  9> da"s O,er 9> da"s

9>*>>> 8*>>> )*8>> L19;*>>>

=8M =>M )>M

In its ecem!er /1 !alance seet* wat amount sould elta report for allowance for  discounts#  A. L1*>>> (. L1*9)> C. L1*9;8 . L)*>>> Questions 9 and ; are !ased on te following information. EC4 Compan" recorded two sales on 7arc 1 of L)>*>>> and L/>*>>> under te credit terms of /1>* n/>. 'a"ment for te L)>*>>> sale was recei,ed 7arc 1>. 'a"ment for te L/>*>>> sale was recei,ed on 7arc )8. F. Under te gross metod and te net metod* net sales in EC4:s 7arc income statement are reported at wic amounts#  A. (. C. .

4ross 7etod L6> L6> L6=*6>> L6=*6>>

Net 7etod L6> L6=*6>> L6> L6=*6>>

4. At wat amounts are EC4:s gross sales reported for te mont of 7arc under te gross metod and net metod#  A. (. C. .

4ross 7etod L8>*>>> L8>*>>> L6=*6>> L6>

Net 7etod L8>*>>> L6> L6> L8>*>>>

D. in Co.* a distri!utor of maciner"* !ougt a macine from te manufacturer in No,em!er for L1>*>>>. On ecem!er />* in sold tis macine to Kee Dardware for  L18*>>>* under te following terms )M discount if paid witin /> da"s* 1M discount if  paid after /> da"s !ut witin 9> da"s* or pa"a!le in full witin => da"s if not paid witin te discount periods. Dowe,er* Kee ad te rigt to return tis macine to in if Kee was una!le to resell te macine !efore e$piration of te =>+da" pa"ment period* in wic case Kee:s o!ligation to in would !e cancelled. In in:s net sales for te "ear ended ecem!er /1* ow muc sould !e included for te sale to Kee#  A. L> (. L16*;>> C. L16* . L18*>>> ;./ Accounts 0ecei,a!le  7easurement I.

In its ecem!er /1* ear /* !alance seet* Fleet Co. reported accounts recei,a!le of  L1>>* >>> !efore allowance for uncollecti!le accounts of L1>*>>>. Credit sales during ear 6 were L911*>>>* and collections from customers* e$cluding reco,eries* totaled L8=1*>>>. uring ear 6* accounts recei,a!le of L68*>>> were written off and L1;* >>> were reco,ered. Fleet estimated tat L18*>>> of te accounts recei,a!le at ecem!er  /1* ear 6* were uncollecti!le. In its ecem!er /1* ear 6* !alance seet* wat amount sould Fleet report as accounts recei,a!le !efore allowance for uncollecti!le accounts#  A. L8>> (. L9;*>>> C. L;8*>>>

. L>> . An internal auditor is deri,ing cas flow data !ased on an incomplete set of facts. (ad de!t e$pense was L)*>>>. Additional data for tis period follo ws Credit sales 4ross accounts recei,a!le  (eg. (al.  Allowance for !ad de!ts  (eg. (al.  Accounts recei,a!le written off Increase in net accounts recei,a!le %after  su!traction of allowance for !ad de!ts&

L1>>*>>> 8*>>> %8>>& 1*>>> />*>>>

Dow muc cas was collected tis period on credit sales#  A. L96*>>> (. L9>> C. L9> . L;>*>>> H. -ren Co. ad te following account !alances at ecem!er /1  Accounts recei,a!le L=>>*>>>  Allowance for uncollecti!le accounts %!efore 19*>>> an" pro,ision for te "ear uncollecti!le accounts e$pense& Credit sales for te "ear 1*;8>*>>> -ren is considering te following metods of estimating uncollecti!le accounts e$pense for te "ear • •

(ased on credit sales  )M (ased on accounts recei,a!le  8M

-at amount sould -ren carge to uncollecti!le accounts e$pense under eac metod# 'ercentage of Credit Sales  A. (. C. .

L81*>>> L81*>>> L/8*>>> L/8*>>>

'ercentage 0ecei,a!le L68*>>> L)=*>>> L68*>>> L)=*>>>



;.6 Transfers of 0ecei,a!les and oter Financial Assets . A firm tat often factors its accounts recei,a!les as an agreement wit its finance compan" tat reuires te firm to maintain a 9M reser,e and carges 1M commission of  te amount of recei,a!les. Te net proceeds would !e furter reduced !" an annual interest carge of 1>M on te monies ad,anced. Assuming a /9>+da" "ear* wat amount of cas %rounded to te nearest dollar& will te firm recei,e from te finance compan" at te time a L1>>*>>> account tat is due in => da"s is turned o,er to te finance compan"#  A. L=/*>>> (. L=>*>>> C. L=>*9;8 . L> 7. 4ar Co. factored its recei,a!les witout recourse wit 0oss (an3. 4ar recei,ed cas as a result of tis transaction* wic is !est descri!ed as a  A. oan from 0oss collaterali5ed !" 4ar:s accounts recei,a!le.






(. oan from 0oss to !e repaid !" te proceeds from 4ar:s accounts recei,a!le. C. Sale of 4ar:s accounts recei,a!le to 0oss* wit te ris3 of uncollecti!le accounts retained !" 4ar. . Sale of 4ar:s accounts recei,a!le to 0oss* wit te ris3 of uncollecti!le accounts transferred to 0oss. In accounting for te transfer of financial assets* wic of te following is te approac underl"ing te accounting prescri!ed !" 4AA'#  A. Financial+components approac. (. Te ris3s+and+rewards approac. C. Insepara!le+unit approac. . in3ed+presentation. A transfer of financial assets ma" !e treated as a sale if te transferor surrenders control of te assets. -ic of te following is one of te criteria tat must !e met !efore control is deemed to !e surrendered#  A. Te transferred assets are isolated from te transferor and its creditors e$cept in !an3ruptc". (. Te transferee cannot pledge or e$cange te transferred assets. C. Te transferor is not a part" to an agreement tat !ot entitles and o!ligates it to repurcase or redeem te securities prior to maturit". . An entire financial asset is transferred. ender (an3 made a large loan to a ma2or !orrower and ten transferred a participating interest in tis loan to Student Union (an3. Te transfer was on a nonrecourse !asis* and ender continued to ser,ice te loan. Student Union is not a ma2or competitor of  ender. ender sould account for tis transfer as a secured !orrowing if te agreement.  A. Allows Student Union (an3 to pledge its participating interest. (. oes not grant ender te rigt of first refusal on te sale of Student Union:s participating interest. C. oes not allow Student Union to sell its participating interest. . 'roi!its Student Union from selling its participating interest to !an3s tat are direct* ma2or competitors of ender. In a transaction accounted for under IF0Ss* an entit" transfers te contract rigts to te cas flows from a financial asset. Te entit" derecogni5es te financial asset.  A. Onl" if su!stantiall" all ris3s and rewards of ownersip a,e !een transferred. (. If te entit" does not retain or transfer su!stantiall" all ris3s and rewards of  ownersip !ut te entit" retains control. C. If te entit" does not retain or transfer su!stantiall" all ris3s and rewards of  ownersip and does not retain control. . Onl" if te entit" as no continuing in,ol,ement. Under IF0Ss* wic of te following is a criterion tat permits te derecognition of a financial asset#  A. Te asset represents a proportionate ownersip interest. (. 0igts to te asset:s cas flows a,e e$pired. C. Te transfer resulting in te derecogniton was on a nonrecourse* notification !asis. . Te asset arose from a secured !orrowing.

;.8 Notes 0ecei,a!le  0ecognition S. On August 18* (enet Co. sold goods for wic it recei,ed a note !earing tat mar3et rate of interest on tat date. Te 6+mont note was dated ul" 18. Note principal* togeter will all interest* is due No,em!er 18. -en te note was recorded on August 18* wic of  te following accounts increased#  A. Unearned discount. (. Interest recei,a!le. C. 'repaid interest. . Interest re,enue. T. On ecem!er 1* ear 6* Tigg 7ortgage Co. ga,e 'od Corp. a L)>>*>>>* 1)M loan. 'od recei,ed proceed of M1=6*>>> after te deduction of a L9*>>> nonrefunda!le loan origination fee. 'rincipal and interest are due in 9> montl" installments of L6*68>*

!eginning anuar" 1* "ear 8. Te repa"ments "ield an effecti,e interest rate of 1)M at a present ,alue of L)>>*>>> and a 1/.6M at a present ,alue of L1=6*>>>. -at amount of  accrued interest recei,a!le sould Tigg include in its ecem!er /1* ear 6* !alance seet#  A. L6*68> (. L)*199 C. L)*>>> . L> U. On anuar" 1* ear /* 7ill Co. e$canged euipment for a L)>>*>>>* noninterest+ !earing note due on anuar" 1* ear 9. Te pre,ailing rate of interest for a note of tis t"pe at anuar" 1  1>M for tree periods is >.;8. -at amount of interest re,enue sould !e included in 7ill:s ear 6 income statement#  A. L> (. L18*>>> C. L19*8>> . L)>*>>> B. On ecem!er 1* ear 6* 7one" Co. ga,e Dome Co. a L)>>*>>>* 11M loan. 7one" paid proceeds of L1=6*>>> after te deduction of a L9*>>> nonrefunda!le loan origination fee. 'rincipal and interest are due in 9> montl" installments of L6*/1>* !eginning anuar" 1* ear 8. Te repa"ments "ield an effecti,e interest rate of 11M at a present ,alue of  L)>>*>>> and 1).6M at a present ,alue of L1=6*>>>. -at amount of income from tis loan sould 7one" report in its ear 6 income statement#  A. L> (. L1*>8 . L;*>> in e$cange for a L9>>*>>> noninterest+!earing note due anuar" )* "ear 9. Tere was no esta!lised e$cange price for te euipment * and te mar3et ,alue of te note cannot !e reasona!l" appro$imated. Te pre,ailing rate of interest for a note of tis t"pe at anuar" )* ear / was 1>M. Te present ,alue of 1 at 1>M for tree periods is >.;8 -. In Emme:s ear / income statement* wat amount sould !e reported as interest income#  A. L18*>>> (. L68*>>> C. L6>> . L9>*>>> . In Emme:s ear / income statement* wat amount sould ! reported as gain %loss& on sale of euipment#  A. L%/>*>>>& (. L/>*>>> C. L1)>*>>> . L18>*>>> ;.9 Notes 0ecei,a!le  iscounting . eaf Co. purcased from Oa3 Co. a L)>*>>>* M note recei,a!le for te entire sales price. Tis note is pa"a!le in two eual

installments of L8>*>>> plus accrued interest on ecem!er /1* ear 6. ON ul" 1* ear  6* Ha" discounted te note at a !an3 at an interest rate of 1)M. Ha":s proceeds from te discounted note were  A. L6> (. L8)*96> C. L8)*)8> . L81*;>>  AA. 0ot Inc.* recei,ed from a customer a 1+"ear* L8>>*>>> note !earing annual interest M. -at amount of cas did 0ot recei,e from te !an3#  A. L86>*>>> (. L8)> C. L81/*>>> . L6>> ;.; Affiliated Compan" 0ecei,a!les  A(.In its financial statements* 'ulam Corp. uses te euit" metod of accounting for its />M ownersip of Angles Corp. at ecem!er /1* ear 6*'ulam as a recei,a!le from  Angles. Dow sould te recei,a!le !e reported in 'ulam:s ear 6 financial statements#  A. None of te recei,a!les sould !e reported* !ut te entire recei,a!le sould !e offset against Angles:s pa"ment to 'ulam. (. ;>M of te recei,a!le sould e separatel" reported* wit te !alance offset against />M of Angles:s pa"ment to 'ulam. C. Te total recei,a!le sould !e disclosed separatel". . Te total recei,a!le sould !e included as part of te in,estment in Angles* witout separate disclosure.  AC. Sep Co. as a recei,a!le from its parent* 'ep Co. Sould tis recei,a!le !e separatel" reported in Sep:s !alance seet and in 'ep:s consolidated !alance seet# Seep:s (alance Seet 'ep:s Consolidated (alance Seet  A. es No (. es es C. No No . No es  A. 7r. and 7rs. art own a ma2orit" of te outstanding capital stoc3 of -all Corp.* (lac3 Co.* and -est Inc. uring ear 6* -all ad,anced cas to (lac3 and -est in te amount of L8>*>>> and L*>>>* respecti,el". -est ad,anced L;>*>>> in cas to (lac3.  At ecem!er /1* ear 6* none of te ad,ances was repaid. In te com!ined ecem!er  /1* ear 6* !alance seet of tese companies* wat amount !e reported as recei,a!les from affiliates#  A. L)>>*>>> (. L1/>*>>> C. L9>*>>> . L> ;.< (alance Seet 'resentation  AE.-ic of te following is ase in regard to te !alance seet presentation#  A. isclosures are ne,er made of related part" transactions or contingencies. (. Baluation accounts sould !e separated into current and noncurrent sections. C. 0ecei,a!les sould !e separated into current and noncurrent sections. . 7aterial recei,a!les sould !e segregated.

>*>>> (. L1* 8=>*>>> C. L1* 9)>*>>>

. L1* ;1>*>>> ). In a periodic in,entor" s"stem tat uses te weigted+a,erage cost flow metod* te !eginning in,entor" is te A. Net purcases minus te ending in,entor". (. Net purcases minus te cost of goods sold. C. Total goods a,aila!le for sale minus te net purcases. . Total goods a,aila!le for sale minus te cost of goods sold. /. On anuar" 1* ear 6* Card Corp. signed a /+"ear* noncancela!le purcase contract tat allows part annuall" from art Suppl" Co. Te price is L.1> per unit* and te contract guarantees a minimum annual purcase of 1>>*>>> units. uring ear 6* te part une$pectedl" !ecame o!solete. Card ad )8>*>>> units of tis in,entor" at ecem!er  /1* ear 6. And !elie,es tese parts can !e sold as scrap for L.>) per unit. -at amount of pro!a!le loss from te purcase commitment sould Card report in its ear 6 income statement#  A. L)6*>>> (. L)>*>>> C. L19*>>> . L>> 6. uring ear 6* 0 Corp.* a manufacturer of cocolate candies* contracted to purcase 1>>*>>> pounds of cocoa !eans at L1.>> per pound* deli,er" to !e made in te spring of  ear 8. (ecause a record ar,est is predicted for ear 8* te price per pound for cocoa !eans ad fallen to L. !" ecem!er /1* ear 6. Of te following 2ournal entries* te one tat would properl" reflect in ear 6 te effect of te commitment of 0 corp. to purcase te 1>>* >>> pounds of cocoa is  A. Cocoa in,entor" L1>>* >>>  Accounts pa"a!le L1>>* >>> (. Cocoa in,entor" L* >>> oss on purcase  Commitments L)>* >>>  Accounts pa"a!le L1>>*>>> C. oss on purcase Commitments L)>*>>>  Accrued loss on 'urcase Commitments L)>* >>> . No entr" is necessar" in ear 6. 8. uring ecem!er of ear 1* Nile Co. incurred special insurance costs !ut did not record tese costs until pa"ment was made during te following "ear. Tese insurance costs related to in,entor" tat ad !een sold !" ecem!er /1* ear 1. -at is te effect of te omission on Nile:s accrued lia!ilities and retained earnings at ecem!er /1* ear 1#  Accrued 0etained ia!ilities Earnings  A. No effect No effect (. No effect O,erstated C. Understated O,erstated . Understated No effect

)*> 1>*) 18*6)> 8*16> />* )>*89>

-at amount sould A5ur report as cost of goods sold for te "ear#  A. (. C. .

L1>)* >>> L11> L1)/* /9> L1)>

. Trans Co. uses a periodic in,entor" s"stem. Te following are in,entor" transactions for te mont of anuar" 11 18 118 1)>

(eginning in,entor" 'urcase 'urcase Sales at L1> per   unit

1>*>>> units at L/ 8*>>> units at L6 8*>>> units at L8 1>*>>> units

Trans uses te a,erage pricing metod to determine te ,alue of its in,entor". -at amount sould Trans report as cost of goods sold on its income statement for te mont of anuar"#  A. (. C. .

L/>* >>> L/;* 8>> L6>* >>> L1>>*>>>

Questions 11 and 1) are !ased on te following information. uring anuar"* 7etro Co.* wic maintains a perpetual in,entor" s"stem* recorded te following information pertaining to its in,entor"

(alance on 11 'urcased on 1; Sold on 1)> 'urcased on 1)8


Unit +ost

Tota +ost




Units on 3and 1*>>>













11. Under te mo,ing+a,erage metod* wat amount sould 7etro report as in,entor" at anuar" /1#  A. L)* 96> (. L/* ))8 C. L/*/>> . L/* =>> 1). Under te IFO metod* wat amount sould 7etro report as in,entor" at anuar" /1#  A. L1* />> (. L)*;>> C. L/*=>>

. L6*1>> 1/. Te UNO Compan" was formed on anuar" )* ear 1* to sell a single product. O,er a )+"ear period* UNO:s costs increased steadil". In,entor" uantities eualed / monts: sales at ecem!er /1* ear 1* and 5ero at ecem!er /1* ear ). Assuming te periodic s"stem and no accounting canges* te in,entor" cost metod tat reports te igest amount for eac of te following is In,entor"

Cost of Sales

1)/1ear 1

ear )













16. rew Co. uses te a,erage cost in,entor" metod for internal reporting purposes and IFO for financial statement and income ta$ reporting. At ecem!er /1* te in,entor" was L/;8*>>> using a,erage cost and L/)>*>>> using IFO. Te unad2usted credit !alance in te IFO reser,e account on ecem!er /1 was L/8*>>>. -at ad2usting entr" sould rew record to ad2ust from a,erage cost to IFO at ecem!er /1# e!it  A. Cost of goods sold


In,entor" (. Cost of goods sold

L88*>>> L88*>>>

IFO reser,e C. Cost of goods sold

L88*>>> L)>*>>>

In,entor" . Cost of goods sold IFO reser,e


L)>*>>> L)>*>>> L)>*>>>

*>>> L=>*>>> ear 6 la"er )>*>>> />*>>> ear 8 la"er 6>*>>> *>>> -at was te price inde$ used to compute (ac:s ear 8 dollar+,alue IFO in,entor" la"er#

 A. (. C. .

1.>= 1.)8 1.// ).>>

1;. -alt Co. adopted te dollar+,alue IFO in,entor" metod as of anuar" 1* wen its in,entor" was ,alued at L8>>*>>>. -alt:s entire in,entor" constitutes a single pool. Using a rele,ant price inde$ of 1.1>* -alt determined tat its ecem!er /1 in,entor" was L8;;*8>> at current+"ear cost* and L8)8*>>> at !ase+"ear cost. -at was -alt:s dollar+ ,alue IFO in,entor" at ecem!er /1#  A. (. C. .

L8)8* >>> L8);* 8>> L88)* 8>> L8;;* 8>>

1*>> ))>*>>> );9*>>>

"nentor( at base4  ear +ost L18>*>>> )>>*>>> )/>*>>>

eeant /rice "ndex

1.>> 1.1> 1.)>

'oe:s dollar+,alue IFO in,entor" at ecem!er /1* "ear * >>> L)/9* >>> L)61* >>> L)69* >>>

>>* te cocolate could !e sold as finised cand" !ars for L 6>*>>>. Cew":s normal profit margin is 1>M of sales. Under te lower+of+cost+or+mar3et+rule* wat amount sould Cew" report as cocolate in,entor" in its ecem!er /1 !alance seet#  A. L)>> (. L)9*>>> C. L)6*>>> . L)>*>>> )1. Te lower+of+cost+or+mar3et rule for in,entories ma" !e applied to total in,entor"* to groups of similar items* or to eac items. -ic application generall" results in te lowers in,entor" amount#  A. All applications result in te same amount. (. Total in,entor". C. 4roups of similar items. . Separatel" to eac item. )). 0ose Co. sells one product and uses te last+in* first+out metod to determine in,entor" cost. Information for te mont of anuar" follows (eginning In,entor"* 11 'urcases* 18 Sales

total units >> 1)*>>> 1>*>>>

Unit cost L ;.=>

0ose as determined tat at anuar" /1* te replacement cost of its in,entor" was L< per unit. 0ose:s normal profit margin is L1 per unit. 0ose applies te lower of cost or  mar3et rule to total in,entor" and records an" resulting loss. At anuar" /1* wat sould !e te net carr"ing amount of 0ose:s in,entor"#  A. L;=*>>> (. L;>> C. L*>>> . L> )/. A compan" determined te following ,alues for its in,entor" as of te end of te fiscal "ear Distorical cost L1>>*>>> Current replacement cost ;>*>>> Net reali5a!le ,alue =>*>>> Net reali5a!le ,alue minus a normal profit >> margin Fair Balue =8*>>> Under IF0Ss* wat amount sould te compan" report as in,entor" on its !alance seet#  A. L;>*>>> (. L>> C. L=>*>>> . L=8*>>> *>>> 11>*>>> 1>*>>> )>*>>> =>*>>>

If te lower+of+cost+or+mar3et rule is disregarded* wat would !e te estimated cost of te ending in,entor"#  A. L)6*>>> (. L)>*>>> C. L1=*)>> . L1>> );. On ecem!er /1* ear /* ason Compan" adopted te dollar+,alue IFO retail in,entor" metod. In,entor" data for ear 6 are as follows In,entor"* 1)/1ear / In,entor"* 1)/1ear 6 Increase in price le,el for ear  6 Cost+retail ratio for ear 6

L"8O +O!T L/9>*>>> #

TA"L L8>>*>>> 99>*>>> 1>M


Under te dollar+,alue OFO retail metod* ason:s in,entor" ecem!er /1* ear 6* is  A. L6/;*>>> (. L69)*>>> C. L6;)*>>> . L6> )/*>>> 1*188*>>> 6)*>>> $1,00,000

Sales for te "ear totaled L1*1>9*>>>. 7ar3downs amounted to L16*>>>. Under te appro$imate lower+of+a,erage+cost+or+mar3et retail metod* Duff:s in,entor" at ecem!er /1 was  A. L)*>>> (. L1=;*19> C. L1=9*>>> . L1=6*>> for its manufacturing operations and paid sipping testing and preparing te macine for use. -at amount sould 7err" record as te cost of te macine# a. L188*>>> !. L168*>>>

c. L1/8*>>> d. L1)8*>>> /. uring te "ear 2ust ended* (urr Co. ad te following transactions pertaining to its new office !uilding 'urcase price of land L 9>*>>> egal fees for contracts to purcase land )*>>>  Arcitect:s fees >> emolition of te old !uilding on site 8*>>> Sale of scrap from old !uilding /*>>> Construction cost of new !uilding %full" completed& /8>*>>>  In (urr:s ecem!er /1 !alance seet* wat amounts sould !e reported as te cost of land and cost of !uilding#

a. !. c. d.



L9>*>>> L9)*>>> L96*>>> L98*>>>

L/9>*>>> L/9>*>>> L/8>> L/9)*>>>

6. On ul" 1* Casa e,elopment Co. purcased a tract of land for L1.) million. Casa incurred additional costs of L/>>*>>> during te remainder of te "ear in preparing te land for sale. Te tract was su!di,ided into residential lots as follows ot Num!er Sales 'rice Class of ots 'er ot  A 1>> L)6*>>> ( 1>> 19*>>> C )>> 1>*>>> Using te relati,e sales ,alue metod* wat amount of costs sould !e allocated to te Class A lots#  A. (. C. .

L/>>*>>> L/;8*>>> L9>>*>>> L;)>*>>>

8. uring anuar"* ana Co. incurred landscaping costs of L1)>*>>> to impro,e leased propert". Te estimated useful life of te landscaping is 18 "ears. Te remaining term of  te term of te lease is < "ears* wit an option to renew for an additional 6 "ears. Dowe,er* ana as not reaced a decision wit regard to te renewal option. In ana:s ecem!er /1 !alance seet* wat sould !e te net carr"ing amount of landscaping costs#  A. L> (. L1>8*>>> C. L11>*>>> . L11)*>>> 9. Star Co. leases a !uilding for its product sowroom. Te 1>+"ear nonrenewa!le lease will e$pire on ecem!er /1* ear 9. In anuar" ear 1 !alance seet#  A. L68*9>> (. L68*>>> C. L66*>>> . L6/*)>> ;. Under IF0Ss* wen an entit" cooses te re,aluation model as its accounting polic" for  measuring propert"* plant* and euipment* wic of te following statements is correct#  A. -en an asset is re,alued* te entire class of propert"* plant* and euipment to wic tat asset !elongs must !e re,alued.

(. -en an asset is re,alued* indi,idual assets witin a class of propert"* plant* and euipment to wic tat asset !elongs can !e re,alued. C. 0e,aluations of propert"* plant* and euipment must !e made atleast e,er" / "ears. . Increases in an asset:s carr"ing amount as a result of te first re,aluation must !e recogni5ed as a component of profit or loss. =.) Special 7easurement Issue  Internall" Constructed Assets %ICAs& (. L/>>*>>> C. L9>>*>>> . =>>*>>> =. Cole Co. !egan constructing a !uilding for its own use in anuar". uring te "ear* Cole incurred interest of L 8>*>>> on specific construction de!t and L )>*>>> on oter  !orrowings. Interest computed on te weigted+a,erage amount of accumulated e$penditures for te !uilding during te "ear was L 6>*>>>. -at amount of interest cost sould Cole capitali5e#  A. L)>*>>> (. L6>*>>> C. L8>*>>> . L;>*>>> 1>. A compan" is constructing an asset for its own use. Construction !egan in ear /. Te asset is !eing financed entirel" as specific new !orrowing. Construction e$penditures were made in ear /and ear 6 at te end of eac uarter. Te total amount of interest cost capitali5e in "ear 6 sould !e determined !" appl"ing te interest rate on te specific new !orrowing to te  A. Total accumulated e$penditures for te asset in ear / and ear 6. (. A,erage accumulated e$penditures for te asset in ear / and ear 6. C. A,erage e$penditures for te asset in ear 6. . Total e$penditures for te asset in ear 6. 11. Cla" Compan" started construction of a new office !uilding on anuar" 1* ear >>. -at amount sould Cla" report as capitali5ed interest at ecem!er /1* ear )*>>> (. L1)>*>>> C. L18>*>>> . L)6>*>>> =./ Su!seuent E$penditure for ''E 1). An e$penditure to install an impro,e electrical s"stem is a +apita xpendit&re een&e xpendit&re  A. No es (. No No C. es No . es es 1/. A !uilding suffered uninsured fire damage. Te damage portion of te !uilding was refur!ised wit ig ualit" materials. Te cost and related accumulated depreciation of  te damaged portion are identifia!le. Te owner sould  A. 0educe accumulated depreciation eual to te cost of refur!ising.

(. 0ecord a loss in te current period eual to te sum of te cost of refur!ising and te carr"ing amount of te damaged part of te !uilding. C. Capitali5e te cost of refur!ising and record a loss in te current period eual to te carr"ing amount of te damaged part of te !uilding. . Capitali5e te cost of refur!ising !" adding te cost to te ,ar"ing amount of te !uilding. 16. On une 1> Installation of attacment /9*>>> 0eplacement parts for o,eraul of press )9*>>> a!or and o,eread in connection wit 16*>>> o,eraul Te o,eraul resulted in a significant increase in production. Neiter te attacment nor  te o,eraul increased te estimated useful life of te press. -at amount of te a!o,e costs sould !e capitali5ed#  A. L> (. L>> C. L1)>*>>> . L19>*>>> 18. Tomson Co. installed new assem!l" line production euipment at a cost L1;8*>>>. Tomson ad to rearrange te assem!l" line and remo,ed a wall to install te euipment. Te rearrangement costs L 1)*>>>* and te wall remo,al cost L /*>>>. Te rearrangement did not increase te life of te assem!l" line* !ut it did ma3e more efficient. -at amount of tese costs sould !e capitali5ed !" Tomson#  A. L1;8*>>> (. L1;>> C. L1>> . L1=>*>>> 19. uring te "ear 2ust ended* Fo$ Co.* made te following e$penditures relating to te plant* maciner"* and euipment 0eno,ation of a group of macines at a cost of L8>*>>> to secure greater  efficienc" in production o,er teir remaining 8 "ear useful li,es. Te pro2ect was completed on ecem!er /1. Continuing* freuent* and low+cost repairs at a cost of L/8*>>>  A !ro3en gear on a macine was replaced at a cost of L8*>>> •

• •

-at total amount sould !e carged to repairs and maintenance#  A. (. C. .

L/8*>>> L6>*>>> L>> =>*>>>

=.6 isposals oter tan !" E$cange 1;. An entit" disposes of a nonmonetar" asset in a nonreciprocal transfer. A gain or loss sould !e recogni5ed on te disposition of te asset wen te fair ,alue of te asset transferred is determina!le and te nonreciprocal transfer is to Anoter ntit( A !areoder o te ntit(  A. No es (. No No C. es No . es es

1*>>> for tis propert"* wic as a carr"ing amount of L8;8*>>>. Cor" incurred te following costs as a result of te condemnation  Appraisal fees to support a L;8>*>>> ,alue  Attorne" fees for te closing wit te state  Attorne" fees to re,iew contract to acuire replacement propert" Title insurance on replacement propert"

L)*8>> /*8>> /*>>> 6*>>>

-at amount of cost sould Cor" use to determine te gain on te condemnation#  A. L8>> (. L8>> C. L8>> . L8> 1=. On ul" 1* one of 0udd Co.:s deli,er" ,ans was destro"ed in an accident. On tat date* te ,an:s carr"ing ,alue was L)*8>>. On ul" 18* 0udd recei,ed and recorded a L;>> in,oice for a new engine installed in te ,an in 7a" and anoter L8>> in,oice for ,arious repairs. In August* 0udd recei,ed L/*8>> under its insurance polic" on te ,an in its income statement for te "ear#  A. L1*>>> (. L/>> C. L> . L%)>>& )>. Ocean Corp.:s compreensi,e insurance polic" allows its assets to !e replaced at current ,alue. Te polic" as a L8>*>>> deducti!le clause. One of Ocean:s waterfront wareouses was destro"ed in a winter storm. Suc storms occur appro$imatel" e,er" 6 "ears. Ocean incurred L)>*>>> of costs in dismantling te wareouse and plans to replace it. Te following data relate to te wareouse Current carr"ing amount 0eplacement cost

L />>*>>> 1*1>>*>>>

Te gain Ocean sould report as a separate component of income !efore e$traordinar" item is  A. L1*>/>*>>> (. L;*>>> C. L;/>*>>> . L> =.8 E$canges of Nonmonetar" Assets )1. Iona Co. and Siena Co. e$canged goods* eld for resale* wit eual fair ,alues. Eac will use te oter:s goods to promote its own products. Te retail price of te wic3ets tat Iona ga,e up is less tan te retail price of te wom!les recei,ed. -at gain sould Iona recogni5e on te nonmonetar" e$cange#  A. A gain is not recogni5ed. (. A gain eual to te difference !etween te retail prices of te wom!les recei,ed and te wic3ets. C. A gain eual to te difference !etween te retail price and te cost of te wic3ets. . A gain eual to te difference !etween te fair ,alue and te cost of te wic3ets. )). Am!le* Inc.* e$canged truc3 wit a carr"ing amount of L1)*>>> and a fair ,alue of  L)>*>>> for a truc3 and L8*>>> cas. Te fair ,alue of te truc3 recei,ed was L18*>>>. Te e$cange was not considered to a,e commercial su!stance. At wat amount sould Am!le record te truc3 recei,ed in te e$cange#  A. L;*>>> (. L=*>>>

C. L1)*>>> . L18*>>> )/. 7inor (ase!all Compan" ad a pla"er contract wit oe tat was recorded in its accounting records at L168*>>>. (etter (ase!all Compan" ad a pla"er contract wit Smit tat was recorded in its accounting records at L16>*>>>. 7inor traded oe to (etter for Smit !" e$canging pla"er contracts. Te fair ,alue of eac contract was L18>*>>>. E,idence suggested tat te contract e$cange lac3ed commercial su!stance. At wat amount sould te contracts !e ,alued in accordance wit generall" accepted accounting principles at te time of te e$cange of te pa"er contracts# inor Better    A. L16>*>>> L16>*>>> (. L16>*>>> L168*>>> C. L168*>>> L16>*>>> . L18>*>>> L18>*>>> )6. UB- (roadcast Co. entered into a contract to e$cange unsold ad,ertising time for  tra,el and lodging ser,ices wit Dotel Co. As of une />* ad,ertising commercials of  L1>*>>> were used. Dowe,er* tra,el and lodging ser,ices were not pro,ided. Dow sould UB- account for ad,ertising in its une /> financial statements#  A. 0e,enue and e$pense is recogni5ed wen te agreement is complete. (. An asset and re,enue for L1>*>>> is recogni5ed. C. (ot te re,enue and e$pense of L1>*>>> are recogni5ed. . Not reported. =.9 Impairment of ong+i,ed Assets )8. Testing for possi!le impairment of a long+li,ed asset %asset group& tat an entit" e$pects to old and use is reuired  A. At eac interim and annual !alance seet date. (. At annual !alance seet dates onl". C. 'eriodicall". . -ene,er e,ents or canges in circumstances indicate tat its carr"ing amount ma" not !e reco,era!le. )9. -ic of te following conditions must e$ist in order for an impairment loss to !e recogni5ed# I. Te carr"ing amount of te long+li,ed asset is less tan its fair ,alue. II. Te carr"ing amount of te long+li,ed asset is not reco,era!le.  A. I onl". (. II onl". C. (ot I and II. . Neiter I nor II. );. A compan" as a long+li,ed asset wit carr"ing ,alue of L1)>*>>>* e$pected future cas flows of L1/>*>>>* present ,alue of e$pected future cas flows of L1>>*>>>* and a mar3et ,alue of L1>8*>>>. -at amount of impairment loss sould !e reported#  A. L> (. L8*>>> C. L18*>>> . L)>*>>> ). Icor Co. reported euipment wit an original cost of L/;=*>>> and L/66*>>* and accumulated depreciation of L18/*>>> and L1)>>* respecti,el"* in its comparati,e financial statements for te "ears ended ecem!er /1* ear ) and ear 1. uring ear  )* Icor purcased euipment costing L8>*>>> and sold euipment wit a carr"ing amount of L=*>>>. -at amount sould Icor report as depreciation e$pense for ear )#  A. L1=*>>> (. L)8*>>> C. L/1*>>> . L/6*>>> /1. On anuar" 1* ear 8* Crater* Inc.* purcased euipment a,ing an estimated sal,age ,alue eual to )>M of its original cost at te end of a 1>+"ear life. Te euipment was sold ecem!er /1* ear =* for 8>M of its original cost. If te euipment:s disposition resulted in a reported loss* wic of te following depreciation metods did Crater use#  A. ou!le+declining !alance. (. Sum+of+te+"ears:+digits. C. Straigt+line. . Composite. /). On anuar" )* ear 1* Union Co* purcased a macine for L)96*>>> and depreciated it !" te straigt+line metod using an estimated useful life of < "ears wit no sal,age ,alue. On anuar" )* ear 6* Union determined tat te macine ad a useful life of 9 "ears from te date of acuisition and will a,e a sal,age ,alue of L)6*>>>. An accounting cange was made in ear 6 to reflect te additional data. Te accumulated depreciation for tis macine sould a,e a !alance at ecem!er /1* ear 6* of   A. L1;=*>>> (. L19>*>>> C. L186*>>> . L169*>>> //. 0"e Co. purcased a macine wit a 6+"ear estimated useful life and an estimated 1>M sal,age ,alue for L*>>> on anuar" 1* ear 9. In its income statement* wat sould 0"e report as te depreciation e$pense for a ear < using te dou!le+declining+!alance %(& metod#  A. L=*>>> (. L1>*>>> C. L1>> . L)>*>>> /6. In wic of te following situations is te units+of+production metod of depreciation most appropriate#  A. An asset:s ser,ice potential declines wit use. (. An asset:s ser,ice potential declines wit te passage of time. C. An asset is su!2ect to rapid o!solescence. . An asset incurs increasing repairs and maintenance wit use. /8. -ic of te following uses te straigt+line depreciation metod# :ro&p %epreciation +o)posite %epreciation  A. No No (. es No C. es es . No es

/9. A compan" using te composite depreciation metod for its fleet of truc3s* cars* and campers retired one of its truc3s and recei,ed cas from a sal,age compan". Te net carr"ing amount of tese composite asset accounts was decreased !" te  A. Cas proceeds recei,ed and original cost of te truc3. (. Cas proceeds recei,ed. C. Original cost of te truc3 minus te cas proceeds. . Original cost of te truc3. =.< epletion /;. In anuar"* Borst Co. purcased a mineral mine for L)*96>*>>> wit remo,a!le ore estimated at 1.) million tons. After it as e$tracted all te ore* Borst will !e reuired !" law to restore te land to its original condition at an estimated cost of L1*>>>. Borst !elie,es it will !e a!le to sell te propert" afterwards for L/>>*>>>. uring te "ear* Borst incurred L/9>*>>> of de,elopment costs preparing te mine for production and remo,ed and sold 9>*>>> tons of ore. In its income statement for te "ear* wat amount sould Borst report as depletion#  A. L1/8*>>> (. L166*>>> C. L18>*>>> . L18=*>>> />*>>> tons of ore were mined and processed from ear = troug ecem!er /1* ear 19. uring anuar" ear 1;* a ,er" promising ,ein was disco,ered. Te re,ised estimate of ore still to !e mined was )8>*>>> tons. Estimated sal,age ,alue for te mine land was L1>>*>>> in !ot ear = and ear 1;.  Assuming tat 1>*>>> tons of ore were mined in ear 1;* wat amount sould - 7ining Compan" report as depletion in ear 1;#  A. L16*)*>>> . L;*16)

10.1 Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets 1. On June 30, Year 5, Finn, Inc., exchange ,000 shares o! "dlow #or$. %30 $ar &alue co''on stoc( !or a $atent owned b) *is( #o. +he "dlow stoc( was acuired in Year 1 at a cost o! %50,000. At the exchange date, "dlow co''on stoc( had a !air &alue o! %-0 $er share, and the $atent had a net carr)ing a'ount o! %100,000 on *is(s boo(s. Finn should record the $atent at A. %50,000 *. %/0,000 #. 0,000 . %100,000 . +ech #o. bought a trade'ar(  )ears ago on Januar) . +ech accounted !or the trade'ar( as instructed under the $ro&isions o! the Accounting 2tandards #odication during the current )ear. +he intangible was being a'orti4ed o&er -0 )ears. +he carr)ing a'ount at the beginning o! the )ear was %3,000. It was deter'ined that the cash ow will be generated indenitel) at the current le&el !or the trade'ar(. 6hat a'ount should +ech re$ort as a'orti4ation ex$ense !or the current )ear7 A. %0 *. %8 #. %1,000 . %3,000 3. In accordance with generall) acce$ted accounting $rinci$les, which o! the !ollowing 'ethods o! a'orti4ation is reuired !or a'orti4able intangible assets i! the $attern o! consu'$tion o! econo'ic benets is not reliabl) deter'inable7 A. 2u'9o!9the9)ears9digits. *. 2traight9line. #. :nits9o!9$roduction. . ouble9declining9balance. -. 6hich o! the !ollowing is not a consideration in deter'ining the use!ul li!e o!  an intangible asset7 A. ;egal, regulator), or contractual $ro&isions. *. onre!undable EA+ taxes 5,000  +raining sales $ersonnel on the use o!  ?,000 the new trade'ar( Desearch ex$enditures associated with -,000 the $urchase o! the new trade'ar( ;egal costs incurred to register the 10,500 trade'ar( 2alaries o! the ad'inistrati&e $ersonnel 1,000 A$$l)ing IFD2s and assu'ing that the trade'ar( 'eets all o! the a$$licable initial asset recognition criteria, the entit) should recogni4e an asset in the a'ount o!  A. %100,000 *. %115,500 #. %1-/,500 . %15,500 15.:nder IFD2s, which o! the !ollowing is a criterion that 'ust be 'et in order !or an ite' to be recogni4ed as an intangible asset other than goodwill7 A. +he ite's !air &alue can be 'easured reliabl). *. +he ite' is $art o! the entit)s acti&ities ai'ed at gaining new scientic or technical (nowledge.

#. +he ite' is ex$ected to be used in the $roduction or su$$l) o! goods and ser&ices. . +he ite' is identiable and lac(s $h)sical substance. 10.2 Research and Development 1/.uring the )ear ust ended, Orr #o. incurred the !ollowing costsC Desearch and de&elo$'ent ser&ices %150,000 $er!or'ed b) e) #or$. !or Orr esign, construction, and testing o!  00,000 $re$roduction $rotot)$es and 'odels  +esting in search !or new $roducts or 1?5,000 $rocess alternati&es In its inco'e state'ent !or the )ear, what should Orr re$ort as research and de&elo$'ent ex$ense7 A. %150,000 *. %00,000 #. %350,000 . %55,000 1?.6est Inc., 'ade the !ollowing ex$enditures relating to o *. Yes Yes #. >o >o . >o Yes ?.;ex #or$. was a de&elo$'ent stage entit) !ro' October 10, Year , ince$tion through ece'ber 31, Year 3. +he )ear ended ece'ber 31, Year -, was the rst )ear in which ;ex ualied as an established o$erating entit).  +he !ollowing are a'ong the costs incurred b) ;exC For the 2 11.1 A##O:>+2 2"2 3. In its Year - nancial state'ents, #ris #o. re$orted interest ex$ense o!  %5,000 in its cash ow state'ent. +here was no $re$aid interest o! interest ca$itali4ation at either the beginning or the end o! Year -. Accrued Interest at ece'ber 31, Year 3, was %15,000. 6hat a'ount should #ris re$ort as accrued interest $a)able in its ece'ber 31, Year -, balance sheet7 A. %,000 *. %15,000

#. %1?,000 . %3,000 -. Doss #o. $a)s all salaried e'$lo)ees on a =onda) !or the 59da) wor(wee( ended the $re&ious Frida). +he last $a)roll recorded !or the )ear ended ece'ber 31, Year -, was !or the wee( ended ece'ber 5, Year -. +he $a)roll !or the wee( ended Januar) 1, Year 5, included regular wee(l) salaries o! %0,000 and &acation $a) o! %5,000 !or &acation ti'e earned in Year not ta(en b) ece'ber 31, Year -, balance sheet, what a'ount should Doss re$ort as accrued salar) and &acation $a)7 A. %/-,000 *. %/,000 #. %/8,000 . %8,000 5. On ece'ber 31, Year -, eal, Inc., !ailed to accrue the ece'ber Year sales salaries that were $a)able on Januar) /, Year 5. 6hat is the e@ect o! the !ailure to accrue sales salaries on wor(ing ca$ital and cash ows !ro' o$erating acti&ities in eals Year - nancial state'ents7 #ash Flows !ro' 6or(ing #a$ital O$erating Acti&ities A. O&erstated >o e@ect *. O&erstated O&erstated #. >o e@ect O&erstated . >o e@ect >o e@ect 11.3 #ertain +axes o&e'ber 1, Year -, a) $aid the rst install'ent o! %1,000 !or realt) taxes. 6hat a'ount o! this $a)'ent should a) record as a debit to real estate taxes $a)able7 A. %-,000 *. %,000 #. %10,000 . %1,000 11.- e$osits and Other Ad&ances 10.*arnel #or$. owns and 'anages 18 a$art'ent co'$lexes. On signing a lease, each tenant 'ust $a) the rst and last 'onths rent and a %500 re!undable securit) de$osit. +he securit) de$osits are rarel) re!unded in total, because cleaning costs o! %150 $er a$art'ent are al'ost alwa)s deducted. About 30 o! the ti'e, the tenants are also charged !or da'ages to its a$art'ent, which t)$icall) cost %100 to re$air. I! a 19)ear lease is signed on a %800 $er 'onth a$art'ent, what a'ount would *arnel re$ort as re!undable securit) de$osit7 A. %1,-00 *. %500 #. %350 . %30 11.*uc #o. recei&es de$osits !ro' its custo'ers to $rotect itsel! against non$a)'ents !or !uture ser&ices. +hese de$osits should be classied b) *uc as A. A liabilit). *. De&enue. #. A de!erred credit deducted !ro' accounts recei&able. . A contra account. 1.=arr #o. sells its $roducts in reusable containers. +he custo'er is charged a de$osit !or each container deli&ered and recei&es a re!und !or each container returned within  )ears a!ter the )ear o! deli&er). =arr accounts !or the containers not returned within the ti'e li'it as being retired b) sale at the de$osit a'ount. In!or'ation !or Year -C #ontainer de$osits at ece'ber 31, Year 3, !ro' deli&eries in  Year  %150,000

 Year 3



e$osits !or containers deli&ered in Year %?0,000 e$osits !or containers returned in Year Fro' deli&eries in  Year  %80,000  Year 3 50,000  Year /,000 %//,000 In =arrs ece'ber 31, Year -, balance sheet, the liabilit) !or de$osits on returnable containers should be A. %-8-,000 *. %5-,000 #. %/?-,000 . %?3-,000 11.5 #ou$ons and $re'iu's 13.In ece'ber Year -, =ill #o. began including one cou$on in each $ac(age o!  cand) that it sells and o@ering a to) in exchange !or %.50 and &e cou$ons.  +he to)s cost =ill %.0 each. "&entuall), /0 o! the cou$ons will be redee'ed. uring ece'ber, =ill sold 110,000 $ac(ages o! cand) and no cou$ons were redee'ed. In its ece'ber 31, Year -, balance sheet, what a'ounts should =ill re$ort as esti'ated liabilit) !or cou$ons7 A. %3,8/0 *. %10,5/0 #. %18,00 . %5,00 1-.unn +rading 2ta'$ #o'$an) records sta'$ ser&ice re&enue and $ro&ides !or the cost o! rede'$tions in the )ear sta'$s are sold to licensees. unns $ast ex$erience indicates that onl) 0 o! the sta'$s sold to licensees will be redee'ed. unns liabilit) !or sta'$ rede'$tions was %/ 'illion at ece'ber 31, Year 3. Additional in!or'ation !or Year - is as !ollowsC 2ta'$ ser&ice re&enue !ro' sta'$s sold to licensees #ost o! rede'$tions sta'$s sold $rior to 1L1LYr -

% -,000,000 ,?50,000

I! all the sta'$s sold in Year - were $resented !or rede'$tion in Year 5, the rede'$tion cost would be %,50,000. 6hat a'ount should unn re$ort as a liabilit) !or sta'$ rede'$tions at ece'ber 31, Year -7 A. %?,50,000 *. %5,500,000 #. %5,050,000 . %3,50,000 11./ 6arranties 15.Eadis #o. sells a$$liances that include a 39)ear warrant). 2er&ice calls under the warrant) are $er!or'ed b) an inde$endent 'echanic under a contract with Eadis. *ased on ex$erience, warrant) costs are esti'ated at %30 !or each 'achine sold. 6hen should Eadis recogni4e these warrant) costs7 A. "&enl) o&er the li!e o! the warrant). *. 6hen the ser&ice calls are $er!or'ed. #. 6hen $a)'ents are 'ade to the 'echanic. . 6hen the 'achines are sold. 1/.uring Year 3, Dex #o. introduced a new $roduct carr)ing a 9)ear warrant) against de!ects. +he esti'ated warrant) costs related to dollar sales are 

within 1 'onths !ollowing the sale. 2ales and actual warrant) ex$enditures !or the )ears ended ece'ber 31, Year 3 and Year -, are as !ollowsC 2ales  Year 3  Year -

Actual 6arrant) "x$enditures % 8,000 30,000 % 38,000

% /00,000 1,000,000 % 1,/00,000

At ece'ber 31, Year -, Dex should re$ort an esti'ated warrant) liabilit) o!  A. %0 *. %38,000 #. %5?,000 . %8/,000 1?.Oa( #o. o@ers a 39)ear warrant) on its $roducts. Oa( $re&iousl) esti'ated warrant) costs to be  sales. ue to a technological ad&ance in $roduction at the beginning o! Year -, Oa( now belie&es 1 o! sales to be a better esti'ate o! warrant) costs. 6arrant) costs o! %0,000 and %8/,000 were re$orted in Year  and Year 3, res$ecti&el). 2ales !or Year - were %5 'illion. 6hat a'ount should e disclosed in Oa(s Year - nancial state'ents as warrant) ex$ense7 A. %50,000 *. %,000 #. %100,000 . %13,000 11.? Inco'e +ax accounting 9 o&er&iew 1.+he guidance on accounting !or inco'e taxes establishes standards !or taxes that are currentl) $a)able and !or A. +he tax conseuences o! re&enues and ex$enses included in taxable inco'e in a di@erent )ear !ro' the )ear in which the) are recogni4ed !or nancial re$orting $ur$oses. *. +he 'ethod o! accounting !or the :.2. !ederal in&est'ent tax credit. #. +he discounting o! inco'e taxes. . +he accounting !or inco'e taxes in general in interi' $eriods. 18.:nder current generall) acce$ted accounting $rinci$les, which a$$roach is used to deter'ine inco'e tax ex$ense7 A. Asset and liabilit) a$$roach. *. P6ith and withoutQ a$$roach. #. >et9o!9tax a$$roach. . e!erred a$$roach. 11. Inco'e tax accounting 9 te'$orar) and $er'anent di@erences 0.+e'$orar) di@erences arise when ex$enses are deductible !or tax $ur$oses A!ter +he) Are Decogni4ed in Financial Inco'e A. *. #. .

>o >o Yes Yes

*e!ore +he) Are Decogni4ed in Financial Inco'e >o Yes Yes >o

1.Orlean #o., a cash9basis tax$a)er, $re$ares accrual9basis nancial state'ents. In its current )ear balance sheet, Orleans de!erred inco'e tax liabilities increased co'$ared with those re$orted !or the $rior )ear. 6hich o! 

the !ollowing changes would cause this increase in de!erred inco'e tax liabilities7 I. An increase in $re$aid insurance II. An increase in rent recei&able III. An increase in warrant) obligations A. I onl). *. I and II onl). #. II and III onl). . III onl). .In its Year - inco'e state'ent, #ere #o. re$orted inco'e be!ore inco'e taxes o! %300,000. #ere esti'ated that, because o! $er'anent di@erences, taxable inco'e !or Year - would be %0,000. uring the Year -, #ere 'ade esti'ated tax $a)'ents o! %50,000, which were debied to inco'e tax ex$ense. #ere is subect to a 30 tax rate. 6hat a'ount should #ere re$ort as inco'e tax ex$ense7 A. %3-,000 *. %50,000 #. %-,000 . %80,000 11.8 Decognition and =easure'ent o! e!erred Inco'e taxes 3.On its ece'ber 31, Year , balance sheet, 2hin #o. had inco'e taxes $a)able o! %13,000 and a current de!erred tax asset o! %0,000 be!ore deter'ining the need !or a &aluation account. 2hin had re$orted a current de!erred tax asset o! %15,000 at ece'ber 31, Year 1. >o esti'ated tax $a)'ents were 'ade during Year . At ece'ber 31, Year , 2hin deter'ined that it was 'ore li(el) than not that 10 o! the de!erred tax asset would not be reali4ed. In its Year  inco'e state'ent, what a'ount should 2hin re$ort as total inco'e tax ex$ense7 A. %,000 *. %,500 #. %10,000 . %13,000 -.6est #or$. leased a building and recei&ed the %3/,000 annual rental $a)'ent on June 15, Year -. +he beginning o! the lease was Jul) 1, Year -. Dental inco'e is taxable when recei&ed. 6ests tax rates are 30 !or Year - and -0 therea!ter. 6est had no other $er'anent or te'$orar) di@erences. 6est deter'ined that no &aluation allowance was needed. 6hat a'ount o!  de!erred tax asset should 6est re$ort in its ece'ber 31, Year -, balance sheet7 A. %5,-00 *. %?,00 #. %10,00 . %1-,-00 5.:nder IFD2s, a de!erred tax asset is A. Deuired to be reduced b) a &aluation allowance i! it is 'ore li(el) than not that so'e $ortion will not be reali4ed. *. =easured b) a$$l)ing the tax rates e@ecti&e when the asset is reali4ed. #. Decogni4ed to the extent that reali4ation is $robable. . Decogni4ed to reect the de!erred tax conseuences o! a taxable te'$orar) di@erence. /.=iro #o. began business on Januar) , Year 1. =iro used the double9declining balance 'ethod o! de$reciation !or nancial state'ent $ur$oses !or its building, and the straight9line 'ethod !or inco'e taxes. On Januar) 1/, Year 3. =iro elected to switch to the straight9line 'ethod !or both nancial

state'ent and tax $ur$oses. +he building cost %-0,000 in Year 1, which has an esti'ated &alue. In!or'ation related to the building is as !ollowsC  Year

ouble9declining 'ethod de$reciation % 30,000 0,000

2traight9line 'ethod de$reciation % 1/,000 1/,000

1   =iros tax rate is -0. 6hich o! the !ollowing state'ents is correct7 A. +here should be no reduction in =iros de!erred tax liabilities or de!erred tax assets in Year 3. *. =iros de!erred tax liabilit) should be reduced b) %?,00 in Year 3. #. =iros de!erred tax asset should be reduced b) %55- in Year 3. . =iros de!erred tax asset should be reduced b) %?,00 in Year 3. ?.According to :.2 GAA2 1.1
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