Gleico Henrique Task 1 Assessment Answer Booklet - BSBCMM511

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  NCCS Term 5 Communicate with influence BSBCMM511 Due Date Firoz Siddiquey




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BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence Assessment Answer Booklet -Task 1  Assessment Answer Booklet – BSBCMM511 BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence influence

Issue date: 18/10/2018 New Cambridge College Sydney Inc. ABN: 44 928 033 266  RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B Level 3, 770 - 772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 +61 2000 +61 2 9212 6650



 You only need to submit the answers of the assessment tasks to your trainer. Please do not submit the questions and any instructions in red.  

Task 1: Written Questions Students, please read each question below and provide your answers. Please DO NOT  COPY from any website as you will need to summarise in your own words what you have found for each question. Please make sure all questions are answered in your own words. 1. Explain how tone, structure and style of your communication may impact on others. In your answer: • define tone, style and structure as they relate to communication. • explain how the tone, style and structure impacts others. • use an example to illustrate your answer.

Tone 

Tone reflects the feeling and reactions of a content subject, portrayed through language and intonation of language. It helps the announcer to better relate to the emotions, needs, desires and interests of his audience.

Structure The communication structure promotes synergy to achieve the desired results and, when well structured, helps in the integration between the interested parties. But the process is only successful successful when the recipient receives, understands understands and interprets the message. 

Style 

The style reflects the choice of words, literature techniques and rhythm, among other devices that the announcer uses to communicate with his audience.

Example The statement "I don't know" can be understood differently due to the difference in reader or listener attitudes

2. Explain why it is important to maintain confidentiality of information at work, including at least three (3) examples of information that must be kept confidential.

 Assessment Answer Booklet – BSBCMM511 BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence influence

Issue date: 18/10/2018 New Cambridge College Sydney Inc. ABN: 44 928 033 266  RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B Level 3, 770 - 772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 +61 2000 +61 2 9212 6650



It is important to maintain the confidentiality of information in the workplace as this builds trust between the employer and employees. Business owners have an obligation to keep staff information secure and trustworthy. The three examples of information that had to be kept confidential are as follows:   

Documents with personal information of employees and customers; Office plans and internal procedures manuals Contracts and Commercial Documents

3. Discuss three (3) ways by which a business can ensure that confidentiality is maintained at work. Information access control It is extremely important to ensure control of access to confidential information, for this, the number of people authorized authorized to access it is limited, using passwords to control access to confidential information, 

Employees training Training employees on protecting confidential information is one way to ensure data confidentiality. Provide training on the practical aspects of data protection, use of secure passwords, document destruction and other techniques. 

Reliability clause creation Ensures Ens ures employee employees s sign sign a confiden confidential tiality ity and non-dis non-disclo closure sure agreem agreement ent to protect confidential business information. This will protect the company and let employees know not to distribute or share proprietary information. 

4. Explain the key principles of negotiation that should be used in the workplace to ensure that agreements are reached. The key negotiating principles that should be used in the workplace to ensure that agreements are reached are as follows: Identify the objectives of the agreements Establish a psychological reciprocity, in which people tend to treat others the same way they are treated; discover factors, motivations and needs of another  party; and seek common interests. 

Understanding the goals  Assessment Answer Booklet – BSBCMM511 BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence influence

Issue date: 18/10/2018 New Cambridge College Sydney Inc. ABN: 44 928 033 266  RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B Level 3, 770 - 772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 +61 2000 +61 2 9212 6650



real doubts and overcoming resistance; respond to objections with data and information; overcome impasses; make concessions.

Establish agreement Establish signs of acceptance, and closing the deal (if the previous steps were well developed, this step is facilitated). 

Control/evaluation: Control of what was agreed in terms of terms, costs and conditions, measures to implement what was negotiated, comparison of what was foreseen with what was done in the negotiation, analysis of concessions and their consequences. 

5. Mediation at work: a. Explain the mediation process Workplace mediation is essentially a meeting between two or more parties that are in conflict, with aim ofperson conducting discussions to the findmediator a solution. Mediation be carried out bythe a neutral (a mediator), that is, is impartial andmust cannot take sides. b. Explain at least three (3) key principles that should be taken into account when mediating at work. Impartiality The Th e medi mediat ator or must must not not act act wi with th bias bias or prej prejud udic ice e base based d on the the pers person onal al characteristics, background, values and beliefs of any participant, or performance in a mediation, or any other reason. 

Competence 

 Anyone can be chosen as a mediator, as long as the parties consider consider the mediator's skills and qualifications. Training, mediation experience, skills, cultural understandings and other qualities are often necessary for mediator competence.

Interest conflicts The mediator must avoid a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of  interest during and after mediation. 

6. Discuss three (3) effective conflict resolution techniques.

 Assessment Answer Booklet – BSBCMM511 BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence influence

Issue date: 18/10/2018 New Cambridge College Sydney Inc. ABN: 44 928 033 266  RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B Level 3, 770 - 772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 +61 2000 +61 2 9212 6650



Three effective techniques that can be used for conflict resolution are as follows:  Active lilistening stening It is the technique technique in which one pays more attention to what the other has to say, analyzing not only the words, but also non-verbal language such as gestures, facial expressions, among other things. 

Paraphrasing  Also called recontextualizat recontextualization, ion, this technique technique is used when the mediator wants the parties to see the dispute from another point of view. 

Rapport Rapport is one of the main techniques used in mediation, as it is it that manages to cr crea eate te empa empath thy y betw betwee een n the the part partie ies s and and also also a grea greate terr bond bond wi with th the the mediator, making the participants trust him to guide the mediation. This strategy has as its main unction to establish a more harmonious relationship between parts so that one can put themselves in the other's shoes. This helps one to better understand the other. 

7. Discuss key steps to be followed to identify and resolve workplace problems.

The main steps for identifying and solving problems in the workplace are as follows: Listen to all parties involved The first step is to recognize what situation situation is happening in the workplace, workplace, this is only possible by listening to all sides involved in the conflicts. 

 Act in a an n appropriate appropriate manner  manner  It is essential to act in an honest and neutral manner as much as possible. Try to 

listen and understand the situation well and act fairly throughout the process. be clear and objective  Acting with the utmost clarity and transparency transparency is good for both when you are solving the problem between others, such as being a team leader, as well as when you are solving a personal issue with someone else. 

 Allocate the necessary necessary resources resources Bone includes includes providin providing g the essentia essentiall resourc resources es that may have have caused caused the problems. 

Implement preventive actions  Assessment Answer Booklet – BSBCMM511 BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence influence

Issue date: 18/10/2018 New Cambridge College Sydney Inc. ABN: 44 928 033 266  RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B Level 3, 770 - 772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 +61 2000 +61 2 9212 6650



Once a problem has been resolved, it is important to act preventively to prevent new situations from happening. Monitoring the behavior of those involved in the issue and proposing solutions that prevent the problem from happening again create a better work climate.

8. Outline three (3) effective communication techniques for de-escalation of a difficult situation. Three effective communication techniques to lessen the intensity of a difficult situation are as follows: Control tone and body language  A significant significant part of the message message people receive receive in face-to-fa face-to-face ce communication communication is conveyed through body language and tone of voice. One way to lessen conflict is to control your tone and body language. 

To listen List Listen enin ing g is a powe powerf rful ul tool tool.. list listen enin ing g mean means s im impr prov ovin ing g the the po pote tent ntia iall of  

communic comm and developing develo the skil l rthat values the of express exp ion of  ot othe hers rs.unicatio . It ation is nim impo port rtan ant t to ping let let the th e skill othe other sp spea eak k wi with thou outtright crit critic iciz izin ing, g, ression iron ironic ic or  interrupting. Be curious  Ask open-ended open-ended questions to formulate a clear understan understanding. ding. include ques questions tions like when? Why ? and how?, among others. 

9. Outline effective strategies for cross-cultural communication.

Develop an awareness of individual cultures and differences in communication.  A basic understanding understanding of cultura culturall diversity is the key to effective effective intercultural intercultural 

communication. Provide diversity training for all employees Provide Prov ide diversit diversity y trainin training g to all employee employees s to help help them them underst understand and cultural cultural differences. 

Be solidarity Effective intercultural communication means that all parties feel comfortable. In any conversation with a non-native speaker, treat them with respect, do your best to communicate clearly, and encourage them when they respond. 

Celebrate each other's cultural differences  Assessment Answer Booklet – BSBCMM511 BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence influence

Issue date: 18/10/2018 New Cambridge College Sydney Inc. ABN: 44 928 033 266  RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B Level 3, 770 - 772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 +61 2000 +61 2 9212 6650



Take the time to learn about the norms and communication styles unique to the other cultures represented in the company.

10. Outline at least five (5) important considerations in ensuring that a meeting is structured.

11. Explain at least five (5) considerations to ensure that a meeting is inclusive.

12. Explain how organisational policies and procedures address: • presenting and negotiating • leading and participating in meetings • making presentations • confidentiality of information.

13. Select an industry and provide examples of media and government organisations, events and communication channels relevant to an organisation in the chosen industry. Use the table to complete your answer: Industry


Media and government organisations (at least two): Events (at least two): Communication channels (at least two):

 Assessment Answer Booklet – BSBCMM511 BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence influence

Issue date: 18/10/2018 New Cambridge College Sydney Inc. ABN: 44 928 033 266  RTO No: 91438 CRICOS Provider No: 03015B Level 3, 770 - 772 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 +61 2000 +61 2 9212 6650


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