Glamour Magick

March 14, 2017 | Author: David Rojas | Category: N/A
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Glamour Magick

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Glamour magick, also often referred to as Glamoury is a form of magick used to boost the "allure" shall we say of a person. From charging your makeup to changing your eye and hair color (yes you can do it, stop doubting yourself), to full rituals that seek to entice the hearts desire. It can be enpowering, it can raise your confidence, and certain spellcastings can be considered binding if they are cast to change the view of how someone sees you. Glamoury can be used to assist one in weight loss, enhance an existing relationship, help in finding a new one and much more. It's boundries are only set by the caster.

Here's a tip with most Glamoury spells, they will last as long as you focus on them. If you want green eyes for the rest of life then you have to focus on keeping them that way for the rest of your life. When using the spells for example to enhance or bring about a new relationship, BUILD witches. Use a poppet, use a box, use some felt, make something other than just the words of your spell. Create something that is beautiful, that everytime your eyes rest upon it you are reminded of your castings and the love and energy you put into it. I included one spell which you build a glamour garden. Do your research, if you don't have room outdoors, make an indoor garden, grow what is native to your area. Think outside the box. Maybe instead of flowers you might want herbs. The only limit to your magick potentional is yourself. So spread your wings and let your spirits soar ;)

Glamour Spells: EYE COLOUR SPELL One or more candle(s) of the color you want your eyes to be Light the candle(s) and sit in front of it. Clear your mind and chant three or more times "1 2 3 change for me, 1 2 3

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The Glamour Garden You can approach this in a zillion different ways, I will suggest a few for you. The Glamour Garden can be done inside the home or outside. If you want to cement an existing relationship, try creating it in the north...Earth, roots...etc. If you are looking to bring a new relationship, you can use east or west. Air to blow it in, Water to wash it in. You need some passion? Than look to the South to heat things up for you. Use your correspondences. Days...Sunday for strength, Friday for love, Wenesday for some creativity....etc. Colors, plants, herbs, all the choices are yours. Now for those who are born under the sign of the brown thumb, meaning you will certaining, not purposely, kill anything that grows try pictures. Pictures of flowers that respresent love, passion, beginnings. String a whole bunch along a line with ribbons or line up some pretty frames. Use a balance of gold for the God and silver for the Goddess to bring balance to an existing relationship. Make a stone garden. Use the stones from around your home, or ones that catch your eye when you are out on a stroll, or of course you can use gemstones. Cleanse them, charge

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(current color) to (color you want your eyes to be)" Once again, clear your mind and chant three or more times "By the power of three, Let it be seen" ANOTHER SPELL TO CHANGE EYE COLOR Make sure it is night when you do this spell. Also, light one orange and one pink candle. Close your eyes. (You must have complete focus and be concentrating on the spell only.) Fill your mind with the color your eyes are. Picture that for about five minutes. Then picture the color you want. Chant: ''Become of me,'' three times. Repeat this whole process two times and you will see changes through the day YET ANOTHER SPELL TO CHANGE THE COLOUR OF YOUR EYES 1 pink rose 1 large red candle or candle of eye colour you want to change to. Say: "This is to touch (touch rose) This is to be (put hand above candle) Shape and forment for all to see, By the powers of 3 times 3 (put hands over eyes) As I will it, so shall it be"... TO MODERATELY CHANGE APPEARANCE Look into the flame of a pink candle while chanting Blazing Fire as you dance, Call upon my sacred glance. Call upon my second sight, Give me, ___a one or two word description of what you want__,with your sacred light. Blazing fire shining bright, Give me now my second sight. AN HERBAL BEAUTY CHARM SPELL You can use this charm to charge up the glamour in your aura. This combination of herbs gives you not only radiance, but also increased attractiveness

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them and set them out in a beautiful dish or tray. Place a candleholder in the center and dress a candle for your spell. The possibilities are endless here. It comes down to what suits you and your needs best. Now lets move on to get it ready. Whatever you choose as your garden, be it flower, herb, picture or stone, begin your focus before you actually begin your work. Try taking a bubble bath with some vanilla candles or incense. Prepare your mind and body. Gather your materials while envisioning what you want to accomplish. Once everything is set into place, you will want to bless and cast over it. "Earth, Air, Fire and Sea Venus bless this garden for me. Bring forth love and passion times three, As I will so mote it be" Create your own chant. Write down the aspects you want to nurture in your current relationship, or bring forth or you can write the attributes you seek in a mate for a new relationship.

Enchanting Your Beauty Tools Pat yourself on the back fellow casters, you can enchant anything you put your mind to. So why not your beauty tools? Everything from your lotions to your toothbrush, yes your toothbrush, don't you want an enchanting smile? Pamper, and work up some magick in a bubble bath. Wield your mascara wand and have people drooling at a mear glance from you ;) Hang a picture of Venus, or some shells where you get ready in the morning and ask that Her radiating beauty shine through you all day. Glamour magick is about creating a more enchanting you. Some may view it as covering up, trying to appear as something you are not, but what is wrong with boosting ones self confidence? What is wrong with feeling as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside?

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and self-confidence. Keep the sachet on your altar or near your bed where you can see it daily. You will need: 1 six-inch square of golden cloth or felt 1 seven-inch square of green lace or felt 1 teaspoon of witch hazel bark or tincture 1 pinch of cardamom seeds 1 pinch grains of paradise or paprika 1 pinch basil 1 teaspoon caraway seeds (Grocery store) 1 inch piece of dried ginger root 1 pinch sugar 1 inch cinnamon stick 13 apple seeds 1 piece of rose quartz 1 piece garnet 1safety pin Red ribbon to make tiny red ribbon roses. Lay out the gold cloth squarely on top of the green lace/felt. In the center sprinkle the witch hazel, cardamom, grains of paradise, basil, and caraway. Hold the sugar ginger in your hands and focus on your inner beauty; see it as ray of light making its way into your aura. Place the sugar and the ginger on top of the herbs. Add the cinnamon stick, the apple seeds, the rose quartz, and the garnet. Bring the corners of the cloth and the lace up to a bundle; wrap three times with the ribbon. Tie three knots. Put the ribbon rose stems directly over the ribbon and wrap the ribbon ends three more times, tying three more knots to secure the ribbon roses to the sachet. Trim any ragged ends. Raise energy and charge the sachet, saying: "Treasures without, Treasures within the glamour comes from within my heart, Beauty on outside, Beauty within, From me never shall part, this spell sealed with thy pin" Pierce the bag through the ribbon with the safety pin.

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SPELL OF THE COMB AND MIRROR Purify area, cast circle, etc. Burn a white candle for yourself, and say: "O Lady of shimmering beauty, For whom the stars are shining jewels And the Universe Her creation and plaything, Weaver of destinies and Protectress of things wild and free Make me now, I do ask, to be thy daughter Make me one with thee and grant me thy far-flung power Grant to this, thy Witch and Sorceress Strength within and without. As eternal as the boundless sea, The calm assurance of my powers To make any do my bidding, And the winds, waters, and fires, The hills themselves lend willingly themselves to me. Give to me, who am of thy ancient Craft The wisdom of ages, the lore of eons, Knowledge of light, knowledge of dark. Grant me beauty ever more perfect That I may reflect thee better. Build magic within me, build power within me. Power be drawn and power come. And make me one with thee. Make me greater, make me better Grant me strength and grant me power. O Goddess who is my friend and mother, I give you love and thanks O Beautiful One, may the magick I have summoned Return the stronger when I have need of it So mote it be!" CASTING A GLAMOUR SPELL TO LOOK BEAUTIFUL TO PEOPLE You will need the following: 1 rose quartz crystal six rose petals small bottle of witch hazel Look at your face in a mirror and all of its flaws. Visualize your face changing into the face you want and desire. Rub the rose quartz lightly over

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the problem areas and say the following: "Stone of Beauty, Stone of Love, Erase imperfection as I rub, Bring to me the face I see, As I will so mote it be!!!" Open then the bottle of witch hazel and insert the rose quartz. Take the six rose petals in your right hand and say... "Venus, One of beauty rare. I offer you these petals fair. Bless them with your loveliness and bring the beauty I request." Rub the petals over any line, wrinkle, imperfection etc. Then drop them in the witch hazel. Cap the bottle tightly and give it six good shakes a day for a week. At the end of the week, use it everyday as a toner after face washing. As you apply it say... "Imperfections, go away. Beauty of Venus, come forth this day." INNER BEAUTY Look into the flame of a pink candle and say 3 times: Earth air fire sea let the goddesses beauty shine though me Repeat as often as needed. GLAMOUR AND BEAUTY Mix a tea of roses, Damiana, Ginger, Dong quai, Coriander, & Primrose flowers Place the dry herbs in a green glass jar and place on your altar. On a night of Venus (Friday), take a bath in Lovage roots and Rose petals, dry yourself and rub Musk oil into your skin. Go to your altar nude and light a pink candle anointed with Venus Oil or Rose oil or perfume and burn some Aura of Enchantment Incense. Place a small mirror on thealtar, gaze into it deeply and say, "Soft, my skin as Diana's Smoldering eyes as Aradia, Sensuous as a Goddess. Figures of fire that shift and change, Change me, now, To a creature of beauty, Blessed b the Goddess of Love. Repeat each night for 7 nights,

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leaving the tea on the altar until the spell is finished, then drink a cup daily and wash your face with rose water upon waking. BE SEEN MORE ATTRACTIVELY Fill your bathtub with water and scatter some fresh rose petals in it. Light some vanilla candles and/or incense. As you lie in the water, meditate on the image you would like to project and say these words: Earth, Air, Fire, Sea Let the Goddess' beauty Shine through me MOULIN ROUGE GLAMOUR SPELL For when you need to make a big entrance! For this spell wear colorful clothes, flamboyant and luscious! However if you can't bear to venture out in anything but black make sure you wear opulent jewelry - stones of topaz, sapphire and ruby. Stand in the center of four lit red candles that have been anointed with cinnamon oil. You need to invoke the blessings of the night when glamour and mystery abound. "Guardians of the night Bless me so that I radiate a beautiful light and bewitch all held in my sight." In your minds eye see the flames leap up and join above your head, spiraling into the cosmos and know that you are the center of all beauty and glamour in the universe.

The Colors of Glamoury: White: Balance, absorption, unity, purification, peace, truth, meditation, silence. A substitute for any other color. Yellow: Activity, creativity, concentration, confidence, learning, communication, success, memory, intelligence, inspiration, divination. Gold: Persuasion, charm, confidence, illumination, the God. Orange: Success, creativity, attraction, control, authority, power, encouragement. Red: Health, strength, courage, will power, energy, vigor, quick action, passion, lust, sex.

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Pink: Friendships, affection, caring, nurturing, fidelity, honor, service. Green: Prosperity, money, fertility, good luck, beauty, nature, plants, herbs. Brown: Animals, the home, the Earth, stability, balance. Blue: Meditation, sleep, harmony, peace, guidance, hope, healing. Purple: Spirituality, the occult, idealism, wisdom, independence. Magenta: Energizes rituals/spells for immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing.

The Plant Life of Glamoury: Acacia – exorcism, banishing, money, love Adam and Eve Roots – attract love, happiness Agaric – (TOXIC) encourage fertility Apple – love, healing, garden blessing Apricot – love Ash – prosperity, protection, healing, love Aster – love Avens – exorcism, love, purification Avocado – beauty, love, lust Bachelor’s Buttons – love Balm of Gilead – protection, healing, love Bamboo – protection, luck, break hexes, wishes Banana – prosperity, fertility, potency Banyan – luck, happiness Barley – healing, protection, love Basil – exorcism, love, protection, prosperity, wealth Bean – love, protection, exorcism Beech – creativity, wishes Beet – love Bistort – fertility, psychic powers Black Cohosh – courage, love, protection, potency Black Snakeroot – love, lust, money Bleeding Heart – love Bloodroot – (TOXIC) love, purification, protection Bluebell – luck, truth Bodhi – wisdom, fertility, protection, meditation Bracken – protection, healing, fertility, prophetic dreams Brazil Nut – love Caper – lust, love, potency Caraway – protection, lust, healing, mental powers, repel negativity Cardamon – lust, love Carrot – fertility, lust Catnip – love, beauty, happiness, power, courage Cat Tail – lust Celery – lust, psychic powers, mental clarity, concentration Chamomile – purification, tranquility, money, sleep, love, luck, meditation Cherry – love, divination Chestnut – love Chickweed – love, fidelity Chili Pepper – fidelity, love, break hexes Cinnamon – prosperity, success, spirituality, healing, lust, protection, love, psychic powers, passion Coltsfoot – love, psychic visions, healing, wealth, prosperity Columbine – courage, love Comfrey – healing, safe travel, money Copal – love, purification Coriander – love, health, healing Crocus – love, visions Cubeb – love Cuckoo-Flower – love, fertility Cucumber – healing, fertility Cyclamen – fertility, protection, happiness, lust Daffodil – love, luck, fertility Daisy – love, lust Damiana – divination, love, lust, sex magick, dreams, visions, psychic powers Dandelion – purification, divination, wishes, calling spirits Date Palm – potency, fertility Deerstongue – lust, psychic powers Devil’s Bit – love, protection, luck, exorcism

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Dill – protection, money, love, lust Dock – money, healing, fertility Dodder – love divination, knot magic Dogbane – love Dogwood – protection, wishes Dragon’s Blood – power, protection, exorcism, potency, love Dulse – harmony, lust Dutchman’s Breeches – love Echinacea – strengthening spells, health Elecampane – love, protection, psychic powers Elm – protection, love Endive – love, lust Eryngo – peace, love, lust, traveler’s luck Fig – divination, fertility, love Fragrant Bedstraw - love Fuzzy Weed – love Galangal – protection, legal matters, lust, health, money, psychic powers, break hexes Gardenia – love, peace, healing, spirituality Garlic – protection, healing, health, exorcism, lust Gentian – power, love, break hexes Geranium – health, love, protection, fertility Giant Vetch - fidelity Ginger – love, money, success, power Ginseng – longevity, sexual potency, protection, healing, love, lust, wishes, beauty Grains of Paradise – love, lust, luck, money, wishes Grape – mental clarity, money, fertility Hawthorn – happiness, fertility Hazel – luck, fertility, protection, wishes Heather – luck, protection Hemp – healing, love, visions, meditation Henbane – (TOXIC) love Henna – healing, health, love Hibiscus – love, lust, divination High John the Conqueror – (TOXIC) strength, confidence, health, love, money, success, happiness, break hexes Holly – protection, luck, dream magic Horsetail – fertility Houseleek – love, luck, protection Huckleberry – protection, luck, dream magic, break hexes Hyacinth – love, protection, happiness Indian Paint Brush – love Iris – purification, wisdom Irish Moss – luck, money, protection Jasmine – divination, love, money, prophetic dreams Job's Tears – luck, wishes, healing Joe-Pye Weed – love, respect Juniper – protection, love, exorcism, health Kava Kava – lust, protection while traveling, astral projection, visions, luck Knotweed – health, binding spells, protection Lady's Mantle – love Lavendar – protection, call in good spirits, love, sleep, longevity, purification, happiness, peace, healing Leek – exorcism, love, protection Lemon – purification, love, friendship, longevity Lemon Balm – love, success, healing Lemon Verbena – protection, purification, love, power Lemongrass – psychic powers, mental clarity, lust Lettuce – love divination, sleep, protection Licorice – love, lust, fidelity Lily – protection, exorcism, repel negativity, truth, break love spells Lily of the Valley – (TOXIC) mental clarity, happiness Lime – healing, love, protection Linden – healing, protection, luck, love, sleep Liverwort – love Lobelia – (TOXIC) healing, love Loosestrife – peace, protection Lovage – love, attraction Love Seed – love, friendship Maguey – lust Magnolia – fidelity Maidenhair – beauty, love Male Fern – luck, love Mallow – love, protection, exorcism

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Mandrake – (TOXIC) potency, exorcism, protection, fertility, money, love, health Maple – money, longevity, love Mastic – psychic powers, lust Meadow Rue – love, divination Meadowsweet – love, divination, peace, happiness Mesquite – healing Mimosa – love, protection, prophetic dreams, purification Mint – exorcism, protection, money, lust, healing, travel Mistletoe – (TOXIC) healing, protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism Moonwort – love, money Morning Glory – (TOXIC) peace, happiness Moss – luck, money Mullein – exorcism, health, protection, courage, love divination, calling spirits Mustard – fertility, protection, mental clarity Myrtle – peace, money, love, youth, fertility Nettle – exorcism, protection, healing, lust Nutmeg – protection, money, health, luck, fidelity, break hexes Nuts – fertility, prosperity, love, luck Oak – protection, health, money, healing, potency, fertility, luck Oleander – (TOXIC) love Olive – healing, peace, fertility, potency, protection, lust Onion – exorcism, healing, protection, purification, money, prophetic dreams, lust Orange – love, divination, luck, money Orange Bergamot – prosperity, success Orchid – love, psychic powers Orris – divination, protection, love, prosperity, money Pansy – love, divination Papaya – protection, love, wishes Parsley – purification, protection, lust Passion Flower – peace, sleep, friendships prosperity, increase libido Patchouly – money, fertility, lust, break hexes Pea – money, love Peach – exorcism, love, fertility, wishes, longevity Pear – love, lust Peppermint – purification, sleep, love, healing, psychic powers Pepper Tree – protection, purification, healing Periwinkle – (TOXIC) protection, money, love, lust, mental clarity Persimmon – healing, luck Pimento – love Pine – protection, exorcism, money, healing, fertility Plum – protection, love Plumeria – (TOXIC) love Poppy – fertility, love, sleep, money, luck Potato – healing Prickly Ash – love Primrose – protection, love Purslane – protection, love, happiness, luck, sleep Quassia – love Quince – protection, love, happiness Radish – protection, lust Raspberry – healing, visions, protection, love Rice – protection, money, fertility Roots – protection, divination, power Rose – beauty, protection, purification, love, psychic powers, healing, divination, peace Rose Hips – healing, luck, call in good spirits Rosemary – exorcism, protection, purification, healing, love, lust, mental clarity, sleep, youth Rye – love, fidelity Saffron – love, lust, healing, strength, happiness, psychic powers Sage – purification, protection, wisdom, longevity, wishes St. John’s Wort – (TOXIC) exorcism, protection, courage, strength, happiness, health, love divination Sandalwood – protection, exorcism, purification, wishes, healing, spirituality Sarsaparilla – love, money Sassafras – money, health, healing Scullcap – peace, love, fidelity Senna – love Sesame – money, success in business, lust Solomon's Seal – love, exorcism, protection Southernwood – love, lust, protection Spearmint – healing, love, mental clarity

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Spiderwort – love Straw – luck Strawberry – love, luck Sugar Cane – love, lust Sumbul – psychic powers, love, luck, health Summer Savory – mental clarity and strength Sunflower – wisdom, health, wishes, fertility, happiness Sweetgrass – calling in good spirits Sweetpea – strength, courage, friendship Tamarind – love Tomato – protection, prosperity, love Tonka – (TOXIC) courage, love, money, wishes Tormentil – protection, love Trillium – love, luck, money Tulip – protection, prosperity, love Valerian – protection, purification, love, sleep Vanilla – love, lust, mental clarity Venus Flytrap – protection, love Vervain – sleep, protection, purification, love, money, peace, healing Vetivert – love, luck, money, break hexes Violet – protection, healing, love, lust, luck, wishes, peace Wahoo – (TOXIC) courage, success, break hexes Walnut – health, mental clarity, wishes White Willow Bark – healing, blessings, binding Wild Plum - healing Willow – protection, healing, love, divination Witch Grass – exorcism, happiness, love, lust Wood Betony – love, purification, protection Wood Rose – luck Wormwood – (TOXIC) exorcism, protection, love, psychic powers, calling spirits, protection while traveling Yarrow – healing, divination, exorcism, protection, courage, love, psychic powers Yerba Mate – love, lust, fidelity Yerba Santa – protection, healing, psychic powers, beauty

The Stones of Glamoury:

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Agate -

strength, courage, longevity, gardening, love, healing, protection

Agate, Moss

"gardener's talisman", healing, energy, riches, happiness, long life

Agate, Red

healing, calmness, peace


luck, healing, strength, protection, beauty, love, calming, humor, joy


dreams, overcoming alcoholism, healing, peace, love, protection against thieves, courage, happiness


dispels negativity, aids decision making, meditation, relieves stress


loving attunement to body and spirit, stimulates intuition


dreams, divination, healing, cuts through illusion, enhances communication


protection, peace, eloquence, healing, courage, sexual energy, releases sorrow, envy, fear, apathy, and rage


protects from evil eye, expression of emotional needs, honesty, alleviates regret


accelerates spiritual growth, enhances self-esteem, and the ability to love


peace, wisdom, love, take away fears communication, female energy, creativity, relieves ulcers and arthritis


happiness, luck, success, friendship, protection, healing, money


energy direction, healing, luck, love, protection, money

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stimulates intellect, promotes self-assertiveness


spirituality, sexual dysfunction, protection, courage, peace, reconciliation, healing, strength


attracts love, abundance, prosperity and health


mental powers, protection, love, attracts wealth, profitable dreaming


clears negativity, eliminates feelings of inferiority, gives courage to change


healing, protection, health, beauty

Jasper, Red

protection, healing, beauty

Lapis Lazuli

healing, joy, love, fidelity, protection, courage

Lapis Lingua

cure melancholia, and bring success in love


confidence builder, good for sales, reduces depression, builds serenity


promotes self love, alleviates stress, anger, and tension


lucky money stone, aids sleep, asthma, travel, power, protection, love, peace, business success


catalyst for important changes in life


love, divination, sleep, gardening, protection, youth, dieting


astral projection, beauty, money, luck, power

Peacock Rock

fresh new outlook on life, strong healing properties


love, money, protection, luck, faith, charity, integrity, innocence, fights infection, stone of sincerity

Pecos Diamond

stabilizes emotions, brings joyful feeling, aids creativity and initiation


resolves sexuality issues, sense of oneness with universe


balances chakras, enhances personal relationships

Quartz, Rose

fidelity, love, peace and happiness Reduces weight, wrinkles, self-assuredness, love stone

Quartz, Sceptre

symbol of power, to focus energy within heart

Quartz, Smokey

relieves depression, tension balances sexual energies

Quartz, Strawberry

recalls past lives, eases tension in a relationship


strengthens mental power, finds new love, energy, peace, love


mental balance, improves circulation, protects sensitive natures, wealth, protection, power, joy, anti-nightmare


love, meditation, peace, defensive magick, healing, power, money


flexibility, decision-making, clarity, strengthens spine, reconciliation, energy


energy conductor, eases stress and improves speech, lucky feminine energy, invocation, love, dreams, peace, protection, travel, money


loving stone, deeply relaxing and balancing


protection, health, money, elemental powers, good luck


spirituality, healing, wisdom, aids physical healing, reduces stress, strengthens heart, emotional balancer


protection, energy, health, sexual energy


wisdom through life experience, prevents emotional scars

Tiger's Eye

money, protection, courage, energy, luck, divination


protection, healing, weight loss, money, love


love, friendship, money, business, health, peace, energy, courage, astral projection

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Tourmaline, Pink

love, friendship

Tourmaline, Red

energy, protection, courage

Tourmaline, Watermelon

balance, love


eases domestic relations and group interaction


enhances sense of personal power, converts the negative into the positive

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