Girls Interest Signals

October 10, 2017 | Author: Alejandro Mergherian | Category: Leisure
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Here are some signals of interest girls show....


Some of these may seem like totally DURR... but some people keep missing them so they just need to be posted for those who are dim. SOrry if you do pick up on them we lurrrv you :) and P.s some of these are just things you should kn ow 1. WHen a girl says shes cold (it means hold her, and make her warm) 2. When a girl says shes freezing (it probably means she wants your sweatshirt[w e like your smell/andddd we feel safe!]) 3. If she stalls (she wants you to kiss her) 4. IF she randomly texts you ( it means she misses you) 5. If a she points out how cute a couple is [and you arent already] (you should probably ask her out.) 6. If she comes up to you in the hall (walk her to her next class/bus) 7. If she says shes tired (shes probably in a cuddly mood) 8. if she never uses periods in texts, and suddenly becomes very punctual (somet hings wrong) 9.if you wake her up and she dosent complain ( its because she misses you/ your just that special) 10. If she bits her lip (shes probably thinking about kissing you) 11. if a girl is doing something she really dosent like ( you should just realiz e this lol [she really likes hanging out with you]) 12. If your watching a scary/gross/suspenseful movie and she grabs you (your her protection[dosent matter if you'd actually. end of story your her protection]) 13. if she notices the little things [like the scar on your leg, cut on your han d etc] (she really likes you) 14. If she talks about other guys alot (you probably made her jealous [talking t o girls or something] at some point) 15. If she makes any references to popcorn/movies/theatres or things that direct ly connect to a public place where you could take her on a date (you should take her there!!!!!) 16. If she touches her hand, or twirls her hair( shes probably giving you permis sion to touch it too) 17. If her foots by/touching yours, like even just sitting on the ground (you sh ould play with it with your foot) 18.if she asks you about your muscles (show her, let her feel them) 17. if she texts you back reallllly fast ( you should do the same) 18.if all the sudden in a group conversation she suddenly goes quiet (shes proba bly upset) 19. If you hug her, (just make it a long one those are always amazing [pleeeeeee eeeease!]) 20.If she says somethings (in school) is confusing her (use it as an opportunity to "tutor" her ;) ) 21. If you check your phone, and then she dosent ( it [could possibly{depends on the girl}] mean no phones during together time!!!) 22.if she writes on your car (she wants you to think of her) 23. If your critizising other people and a girl looks down or bites her lip or p lays with he hand (shes thinking of what you must think of her) 24.if she drops something[books pencil etc] (pick it up! we will notice!) 25. If ur sitting nexxt to eachother, ( thats just like a big PUT YOUR ARM AROUN D ME or hold my hand) 26. If her shirt says something cute ( she might want you to get the message[FRE E HUGS!] ) 27.If she casually leaves the jewlrey catalog open to the engagement ring page ( get a move on it buddy, even if she didnt mean to shes ObV thinking about it.) 28.if a girl usually talks to you/texts you first and then dosent ( shes testing you, you should text her first [because you care about her{if you dont then you dont have to do this]) 29. If they compliment your hugging/kissing/sex (do it again they REALLY DO like it!) 30. if you have a game that week and she says she has nothing to wear (BING!! ID

EA: she could wear your jersey :p) 31. If she looks over at you when shes with her friends (chances are if shes loo king at you, shes thinking about YOU so you could MAYBE just possibly go over an d talk to her :) ) 32. Waiting for her after class is never a bad idea ;) 33. If she stalls in the hallway after class [by your class] (she wants to walk with you ) 34. if there is an empty seat/spot next to her (that is a VERY good opportunity to sit next/with her at lunch/parties/in everyday life...) 35. If her friends are texting you (she either likes you alot and they want to h elp her [or shes giving them the message to get to you] ) 36. If her mom/dad knows about you ( your important) 37. If her parents want to meet you and she keeps putting it off (shes probably really nervous [maybe you could re-assure her that its gonna be fine and you wan t to meet them too] 38. If she texts you while your playing COD and you text back (this will make he r day) 39. Shopping is to a girl what COD if to a boy so if she's texting you while the res a sale at saks (your VERY special.) 40. If she tells you to stop texting while your driving (its because shes worrie d about you/cares about you alot [Not because she dosent trust you]) 41. If a girl says she loves doing something [dancing, spooning, 69 etc...] it m ost likely means that she wants do do it with you! {ESPECIALLY if you could be d oing it right that minute!!!} 42. If she looks at you, and dosent smile [when she normally does] or blinks or something, then just walks away (your in trouble. OR shes having a bad day... pr obably means back off) {if it happens for a couple days then u need to ask whats wrong} 43. If she teases you about something [small dick, not romantic, slow texter] (s he wants you to prove her wrong) 44.if shes talking about her underwear (most likely she wants you/ or dosent min d if you see it ;) ) 45.If a girl repeats a question, {are you sure, are you okay? Etc} (she isnt sur e, and something dosent seem right and she wants you to be honest and straight f orward with her) 46. If she talks about dicks (she wants urrs ) 47. If shes sick *coff cough* (you should text and ask her how she's feeling
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