Giles B1

September 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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A ther therapis apistt super supervisin vising g a physical physical therapy therapy student student obse observes rves the stude student nt perf performi orming ng aan n initi initial al exam examinat ination. ion. During During the examination, the patient appears to be uncomfortable with the student and asks to be treated by the supervising therapist. he most appropriate appropriate therapist action is tto o A. atte attempt mpt to convi convince nce the patient patient to aaccept ccept the student student !. list the sstuden tudent" t"ss academi academicc acco accompli mplishme shments nts #. info inform rm the patient patient th that at the student student is $u $ualif alified ied to com complet pletee the exam examinati ination on D. comp complete lete the exami examinatio nation n for for the student student


A pati patient ent in a rehabili rehabilitati tation on hospita hospitall confides confides to her her th therap erapist ist that that she h has as b been een physic physically ally abused abused by her husband husband in the past and is concerned about returning home following discharge. discharge. he most appropriate therapist therapist action is to A. call call adu adult lt pr prote otecti ctive ve se servi rvices ces !. con contac tactt the pa patie tient" nt"ss cas casee manage manager  r  #. ask tthe he patie patient nt tto o lea leave ve her her hu husba sband nd D. con contac tactt the pat patien ient" t"ss spo spouse use


A physi physical cal therapist therapist desig designs ns an exer exercise cise progr program am for a patien patientt rehab rehabilita ilitating ting from cardiac cardiac surgery surgery.. During During the treatment session the therapist monitors the patient"s patient"s oxygen saturation rate. 'hich of the following would be most representative of a normal oxygen saturation rate( A. )*+ !. -+ #. -+ D. /*+


A ther therapis apistt treats treats a 1 year year0old 0old male at home home foll followin owing g th thorac oracic ic surg surgery ery.. As part of ttreat reatment ment,, th thee therap therapist ist desi designs gns a general exercise program for the patient. he patient is extremely eager to begin a formal exercise exercise program, however his spouse expresses serious doubt about its importance. importance. he most appropriate therapi therapist st action is to A. explain to the patient and spouse w why hy the exe exercise rcise progra program m is an essential par partt of rehabilitation rehabilitation !. rede redesign sign the exerci exercise se progr program am to address address the spou spouse" se"ss concer concerns ns #. ask th thee spouse spouse to lleave eave tthe he room room during during treatme treatment nt sess sessions ions D. disc dischar harge ge the pati patient ent ffrom rom p physic hysical al th therap erapy y


A pati patient ent reha rehabilit bilitating ating from a ttotal otal hip repl replaceme acement nt rrecei eceives ves home physical physical therapy therapy services. services. he pati patient ent is currently full weight bearing bearing and is able to ascend and descend stairs independently independently.. he patient expresses that her goal following rehabilitation rehabilitation is to walk one mile each day. he most appropriate plan to accomplish the patient" patient"ss goal is to A. continue ho home me physica physicall therapy services un until til the patient"s patient"s goal is attained attained !. refe referr the patient patient to an outpati outpatient ent ort orthoped hopedic ic physi physical cal therapy therapy clinic clinic #. desi design gn a home exercise exercise pro program gram th that at emphasi emphasies es progr progressi essive ve ambul ambulatio ation n D. admi admitt the patient patient to a re rehabil habilitat itation ion hospit hospital al


A ther therapis apistt compl completes etes a gait gait anal analysis ysis of a patie patient nt rehabilit rehabilitating ating from a motor motor vehic vehicle le accident. accident. 'hich descript descriptive ive term is not associated with the stance phase of the gait cycle( A. heel heel st strrike !. dece decele lerrati tio on #. load loadin ing g resp respon onse se D. midstance


A physi physical cal therapy therapy record record indicates indicates a patient patient exhibits exhibits dysdiadoch dysdiadochokine okinesia. sia. !ased !ased on the patie patient" nt"ss docume documented nted deficit, which test would you expect to be the most difficult for the patient( A. alte alternat rnatee supinati supination3pr on3pronati onation on of the forear forearm m !. sta static tic balanc balancee aasse ssessm ssment ent #. mar arcch iin np pla lacce D. walk walk aalon long g a str straig aight ht line line





Practice Questions


A ther therapi apist st attem attempts pts tto o ass assess ess tthe he integ integrit rity y of th thee 4) spina spinall lev level. el. 'hi 'hich ch de deep ep tendo tendon n ref reflex lex woul would d provid providee the therapist with the most useful information( A. la late tera rall hams hamstr trin ings gs !. me medi dial al ha hams mstr trin ings gs #. pa pate tell llar ar re refl flex ex D. Ac Achi hill lles es ref refle lex x


A pati patient ent seen at home home re$ui re$uires res assistanc assistancee with with tub tub ttransf ransfers ers using a ttub ub b bench. ench. he physi physical cal therapis therapistt is sche scheduled duled to treat the patient three times a week, but there is a six0day waiting period for occupational occupational therapy services. he therapist would best assist the patient by A. prac practicin ticing g tub transf transfers ers duri during ng physic physical al therapy therapy treatment treatment ses sessions sions !. wait waiting ing until until an occupationa occupationall therap therapist ist can exa examine mine th thee patie patient nt #. givin giving g the pat patient ient writt written en info informat rmation ion on tu tub b transfers transfers D. call calling ing another another agenc agency y and re$uest re$uesting ing the serv services ices of an occupatio occupational nal ther therapis apistt


An or orthope thopedic dic surg surgeon eon instru instructs cts a patient patient to rema remain in non non0wei 0weight ght b beari earing ng for three week weekss followi following ng a m media ediall meniscus repair. repair. During the patient" patient"ss initial examination it becomes obvious that the patient has not adhered to the  prescribed weight weight bearing status. he most immediate immediate therapist therapist action is to A. con contac tactt the orth orthope opedic dic sur surgeo geon n !. explain to the patie patient nt the potential conse$uences of ignoring tthe he weight bearing restrictions restrictions #. draf draftt a letter letter to tthe he patient" patient"ss thir third d party party payer  payer  D. com comple plete te aan n incid incident ent rep report ort


A ther therapist apist provides provides an inservice inservice to th thee reh rehabil abilitat itation ion depart department ment on on the American Americanss wit with h Di Disabil sabilitie itiess Act. 'hich of the following individuals would not be covered under the act( A. a % yea year0o r0old ld with with a document documented ed lea learnin rning g disabili disability ty !. a ) ye year0o ar0old ld with with severe severe ment mental al re retard tardation ation #. a 1) yea year0 r0old old that that iiss blin blind d D. a & & y year ear0ol 0old d homo homosex sexual ual


'hil 'hilee performi performing ng high0le high0level vel b balan alance ce ac activit tivities, ies, a pat patient ient falls falls int into o a piece piece of e$uipment e$uipment that causes causes a deep deep laceration to the calf. 5mmediate first aid includes direct direct pressure to the area and elevation, however, however, the bleeding does not stop. he therapist should continue to admini administer ster first aid by providing A. hea heatt to th thee lacer lacerati ation on ssite ite !. ice to th thee la lacer cerati ation on sit sitee #. press pressure ure to the the pos posteri terior or tib tibial ial arter artery y pressure pressure point point D. press pressure ure to the ffemor emoral al artery artery press pressure ure point point


As p part art of of a communit community y outreac outreach h pro program gram,, a thera therapist pist conducts conducts an in inservi service ce fo forr expecta expectant nt mother mothers. s. Duri During ng th thee  presentation, the the therapist id identifies entifies severa severall potential ef effects fects of mater maternal nal substance ab abuse. use. 'hich of the ffollowing ollowing would not be considered a neonatal complication of cigarette smoking( A. low low b bir irth th w wei eigh ghtt !. incre increased ased risk of sudden sudden infa infant nt death death ssyndro yndrome me #. inc increa reased sed n neon eonata atall morta mortalit lity y D. pl plac acen enta ta p pre revi viaa


A) )* * year0old year0old femal femalee invol involved ved in a phas phasee 55 cardia cardiacc rehabilit rehabilitatio ation n progr program am refuse refusess to tak takee part iin n a group group exercis exercisee session. he most appropri appropriate ate therapist action is to A. ask th thee patient patient why why she is is unwillin unwilling g to pa partic rticipat ipatee !. infor inform m the pa patient tient that she she is o only nly hurtin hurting g herself  herself  #. notif notify y tthe he patie patient" nt"ss insuran insurance ce provi provider  der  D. dis discha charg rgee the patien patientt from ther therapy apy


A pati patient ent ccomple ompletes tes a D1 extensi extension on pattern pattern for for the the upper upper extremit extremity y. he prime prime movers movers of th thee scapula scapula durin during g thi thiss  pattern are the A. tra trape peius ius aand nd midd middle le delt deltoid oid !. pector pectorali aliss mino minorr and pe pecto ctoral ralis is ma6 ma6or  or  #. serr serratus atus ant anterio erior, r, pector pectoralis alis ma6or ma6or,, and anterior anterior deltoid deltoid D. rhomb rhomboids, oids, pectorali pectoraliss minor minor,, and lev levator ator scapul scapulae ae )-22%-1.doc


Practice Questions



A ther therapis apistt works works wit with h a 2- year year0old 0old p patie atient nt diagnose diagnosed d wit with h generali generalied ed dec decondit onditioni ioning. ng. he patie patient nt is plea pleasant sant aand nd cooperative, however has short0term memory deficits. deficits. he therapist initiates an exercise program, which the  patient is able able to complete with verbal cu cueing. eing. 'hich of the following following home eexercise xercise program programss would be the most most  beneficial for the patient( A. a progr program am tha thatt allo allows ws for indivi individual dual exerci exercise se sele selection ction !. a prog program ram that that re re$uire $uiress significa significant nt att attenti ention on to d detai etaill #. a prog program ram that that al altern ternates ates exerc exercises ises on conse consecuti cutive ve days D. a progra program m that var varies ies based based on result resultss from sub sub6ect 6ective ive pain pain scale


A ther therapis apistt treats treats a five year year0old 0old w with ith ccereb erebral ral pa palsy lsy.. 5nitiall 5nitially y the ther therapist apist was ffrustr rustrated ated by the chil child" d"ss poor  participation in in therapy and as a result develope developed d a reward syst system em that enables enables the child to eearn arn a sticker ffor or good  behavior.. 7ince the the  behavior therapist rapist initi initiated ated the rewa reward rd system the chi child ld has earned a sticker in each each of the last five five treatment sessions. his type of associated learning is term termed ed A. classi classical cal condit condition ioning ing !. op oper eran antt co cond ndit itio ioni ning ng #. pr proc oced edur ural al lear learni ning ng D. de decl clar arat ativ ivee lea learn rnin ing g


A ther therapis apistt working working iin n an oncolo oncology gy unit unit reviews reviews the m medic edical al ch chart art of of a pa patien tientt pri prior or to init initiati iating ng an exercise exercise &  program. he patient" patient"ss cell counts are as follow follows8 s8 hematocrit %) ml3dl, ml3dl, white blood cells )--3 )--3mm mm , hemoglobin, and 2gm3dl. !ased on the patient"s patient"s blood counts, which of the following would be the most accurate statement regarding the patient"s allowable exercise level( A. no eexe xerc rcis isee is aall llow owed ed !. light light exe exerci rcise se is allow allowed ed #. active active exe exerci rcise se iiss allo allowe wed d D. res resist istive ive exer exercis cisee is aallo llowed wed


A ther therapis apistt examine examiness a pa patien tientt dia diagnose gnosed d wit with h rotator rotator cuff cuff tendoniti tendonitiss in p physi hysical cal tthera herapy py.. he physic physician ian rrefer eferral ral indicates the patient should be seen three times a week, however after examining the patient the therapist feels once a week is ade$uate. he most appropria appropriate te therapist action is tto o A. schedule th thee patient once a week and notify the referring physician of your rat rationale ionale !. sche schedule dule th thee patie patient nt as ind indicat icated ed on the physic physician ian re referr ferral al #. ask the p patie atient nt how often often he3she he3she wo would uld like like to be seen seen in physical physical th therap erapy y D. attempt to de determine termine if the patient" patient"ss insurance wil willl cover physical ttherapy herapy visits tthree hree times a week 


A physi physical cal therapist therapist trea treats ts a pati patient ent u using sing high voltage voltage ga galvani lvanicc st stimul imulatio ation. n. During During tr treatm eatment ent tthe he thera therapist pist observes smoke rising from the machine and smells an unusual odor. odor. he most appropriate immediate immediate response is to A. unplu unplug g the m machi achine ne and llabel abel iitt 9Defect 9Defective ive : D Do o ;ot A 7>AP P notes notes are are a commo common n for form m of documentat documentation ion iin nav varie ariety ty of healt health h ca care re se settin ttings. gs. 'hic 'hich h of the follo following wing would not be found in the ob6ective section of a 7>AP note( A. meas measurem urement ent of perti pertinent nent cchange hangess in me mental ntal sstatu tatuss !. des descri cripti ption on of p pres resent ent trea treatme tment nt #. vi vita tall sig sign n measu measure reme ment ntss D. sho short rt and lo long ng term term goa goals ls


A physi physical cal therapist therapist perf performs orms a ma manual nual musc muscle le te test st on on a patie patient nt with with unila unilatera terall low lower er extre extremity mity weak weakness. ness. he therapist should test the patient"s hip adductors with the patient positioned in A. prone !. sidelying #. standing D. supine


A ther therapis apistt attempt attemptss to aassis ssistt a patien patientt to cclear lear secretion secretionss afte afterr perform performing ing po postur stural al dr draina ainage ge tec techni$u hni$ues. es. 'hat  position would allow the patient patient to produce tthe he most forc forceful eful cough( A. prone !. sidelying #. supine D. up upri righ ghtt si sitt ttin ing g


A ther therapis apistt instruc instructs ts a patie patient nt how to tr transf ansfer er to a whe wheelch elchair air af after ter aambula mbulating ting 1%* fe feet et with with a w walke alkerr. he most most appropriate instruction instruction to assist the patient when beginning to sit is A. let go of the wa walker lker an and d reach bac backwar kwards ds for the whe wheelcha elchair ir whil whilee sitt sitting ing down !. let go of the wa walker lker an and d reach bac backwar kwards ds for the whe wheelcha elchair ir befo before re beginning beginning to sit sit down #. main maintain tain contact contact wit with h the walker walker with both han hands ds until sea seated ted in the whee wheelcha lchair  ir  D. maintain ccontact ontact with the walke walkerr with one hand and reach reach backwards for the wheelchair wheelchair wit with h the othe otherr while sitting down


@val @valuativ uativee forms, forms, diagnost diagnostic ic studies studies,, and writt written en med medical ical infor informati mation on com complet pleted ed by tthose hose ca caring ring for for a patient patient aare re all part of the medical record in an acute care setting. 'ho is the owner of the official medical recor record( d( A. the the gov gover ernm nmen entt !. th thir ird d pa part rty y pa paye yers rs #. the pa patient D. the hea health lth care care ffaci acilit lity y


A ther therapis apistt employe employed d in a nur nursing sing home routinely routinely trea treats ts pa patien tients ts in in exc excess ess of of 2- years years of age. 'hich 'hich of the following physical changes is not associated with aging( A. inc incre rease ased d resid residual ual vol volume ume !. dec decrea reased sed vital vital cap capac acity ity #. de decr crea ease sed d car cardi diac ac ou outp tput ut D. dec decrea reased sed ttota otall lu lung ng ca capac pacity ity




Practice Questions


A tthera herapist pist prepa prepares res to treat treat a pati patient ent in isolation isolation.. 5n what what order order should should the the prot protecti ective ve clothin clothing g be app applied( lied( A. glov gloves es,, gown gown,, m mas ask  k  !. gown gown,, gl glov oves es,, ma mask  sk  #. ma mask sk,, gown gown,, g glo love vess D. glov gloves es,, m mas ask, k, gown gown


A pa patient tient is is referred referred to physic physical al ther therapy apy %) hours hours after after a total total knee re replac placemen ement. t. 'hat ex exerci ercise se would b bee the most most appropriate to begin treatment( A. $u $uad adri rice ceps ps set setss !. shor shandi ortding t ar arc $uad $ugads srlss #. st stan ngc le leg cu curl D. st stra raig ight ht leg leg rrai aise sess


A ph physic ysical al therapis therapistt revie reviews ws a phys physicia ician" n"ss examinati examination on of a pat patient ient th that at will will be seen iin n therapy therapy later later in the d day ay.. he examination identifies excessive excessive medial displacement of the elbow during ligamentous testing. 'hich ligament is typically involved with medial instability of the elbow( A. annular   !. ra radi dial al co coll llat ater eral al #. ul ulna narr co coll llat ater eral al D. vola volarr ra radi diou ouln lnar  ar 


A pat patient ient re rehabil habilitat itating ing from a tibial tibial plate plateau au fract fracture ure is refe referred rred to physi physical cal the therapy rapy for instruc instruction tion in gait traini training. ng. he patient has been cleared by his physician for weight bearing up to )- lbs. Assuming the patient has no significant balance or coordination deficits, which gait pattern would be the most appropriate( A. two0point !. fo fou ur0p 0poi oin nt #. thr three ee0p 0po oint D. swin swing g thro throug ugh h


A pa patient tient repor reports ts to her thera therapist pist th that at she comple completely tely ttore ore one of of the ligame ligaments nts in her her ankle ankle.. 5f the patien patient" t"ss comment is accurate, the in6ury to the ligament should be classified as a A. gr grad adee 5 spr sprai ain n !. gr grad adee 5555 55 sp spra rain in #. gr graade 5 ssttra rain in D. gr grad adee 55 5555 st stra rain in


A th therap erapist ist treatin treating g a patient iin n a specia speciall care uni unitt notices notices a marked increa increase se in fluid fluid on the dorsu dorsum m of a patient" patient"ss hand around an 5? site. he therapist recogniing recogniing the possibility that the 5? has become dislodged should immediately A. conti continue nue wit with h the the prese present nt treatmen treatmentt !. contac contactt the the pr prima imary ry ph physi ysicia cian n #. turn turn of offf the the 5? D. rep reposi ositio tion n the pe perip ripher heral al 5? line line


A pat patient ient re rehabil habilitat itating ing from a radial radial head frac fracture ture performs performs progress progressive ive resi resistiv stivee exerci exercises ses designed designed to stre strengthe ngthen n the forearm supinators. 'hich muscle would be of particular importance importance to achieve the desired outcome( A. br braachi hiaali liss !. br brac achi hior orad adia iali liss #. bi bice ceps ps br brac achi hiii D. anconeus


A th therap erapist ist examines examines tthe he viscosity viscosity aand nd color color of a sput sputum um sam sample ple after after com completi pleting ng post postural ural dr draina ainage ge acti activiti vities. es. he sputum is yellowish0greenish yellowish0greenish color and is very thick. he therapist can best describe the sputum as A. fetid !. frothy #. mucoid D. purulent



Practice Questions



he rel reliabil iability ity of gonio goniometr metric ic measu measureme rements nts take taken n by diffe different rent therapis therapists ts is measured measured by inter interrate raterr reliabi reliability lity.. 'hich 6oint motion would you expect to have the poorest interrater reliability( A. an ankl klee eve evers rsio ion n !. elb lbow ow ffle lexi xion on #. kne knee ffllex exiion D. sho should ulder er latera laterall rrota otatio tion n


A thera therapist pist review reviewss the med medical ical ch chart art of a patien patientt admi admitted tted to to the hos hospita pitall two da days ys ago. he chart chart specifi specifies es the epidermal and dermal layers were were completely destroyed and some of the subcutaneous tissue was damaged. his description best a BBBB A. sup superf erfici icial al describes pa parti rtial al thick thicknes nesss burn( !. de deep ep p par arti tial al tthi hick ckne ness ss #. fu full ll thic thickn knes esss D. subdermal

11-.. 11-

A patien patientt using a sta standar ndard d wheelchair wheelchair discusse discussess the desig design n of her home w with ith a therapis therapistt in preparatio preparation n for disch discharge arge.. he patient informs the therapist therapist that the home is 1*- years old and has narrow doorways. 5f the patient is to safely  propel the wheelchair wheelchair through the doorway doorway,, the doorway width width should be at least least A. %- inches !. % inches #. &% inches D. & inches

11 111. 1.

A patie patient nt is unable unable to take take an ade$uat ade$uatee supply of of nutr nutrients ients by by mouth d due ue to the sside ide ef effects fects of radiation radiation thera therapy py.. As a result the patient"s patient"s physician orders the implementati implementation on of tube feeding. 'hat type of tube is most commonly used for short term feeding( A. en endo dobr bron onch chia iall !. naso nasoga gast strric #. ot otop opha hary ryng ngea eall D. tr trac ache heos osto tomy my

11%.. 11%

A patien patientt with a  sp spinal inal co cord rd in6ur in6ury y prepares prepares for dischar discharge ge from a rehabilit rehabilitation ation ccenter enter ffollow ollowing ing 1* wee weeks ks of intensive therapy. therapy. 'hich of the following does not accurately describe the patient"s patient"s expected functional ability at the conclusion of rehabilitati rehabilitation( on( A. indep independen endentt in ligh lightt housekeepi housekeeping ng and me meal al preparat preparation ion !. indep independen endentt bowel aand nd bladd bladder er car caree with ap approp propriat riatee e$uip e$uipment ment #. ind indepe epende ndent nt self self feedin feeding g D. independent aambulation mbulation with forearm forearm crut crutches ches and bilateral knee ankle foot orthosis orthosis

11&.. 11&

herapist herapistss often encoun encounter ter int intrave ravenous nous lin lines es whe when n treat treating ing pat patients ients.. 'hic 'hich h of the follow following ing doe doess not des describ cribee a  potential use of an 5? line( line( A. infu infuse se fl flui uids ds !. in infu fuse se elec electr trol olyt ytes es #. obt obtain ain arter arterial ial blood blood samp samples les D. inse insert rt cathete catheters rs into tthe he central central ci circula rculatory tory sy system stem

11).. 11)

A therap therapist ist prepare preparess a resear research ch artic article le whic which h will be su submit bmitted ted to an nat nationa ionall monthly monthly physic physical al thera therapy py publicati publication. on. 'hich of the following components of the research article will be the last to appear( A. abstract !. discussion #. methods D. results




Practice Questions

11*.. 11*

herapis herapists ts routinely routinely aassess ssess tthe he amount amount of assista assistance nce a pat patient ient ne needs eds to co complet mpletee a selec selected ted activity activity.. #ategori #ategories es of assistance include maximal, maximal, moderate, minimal, minimal, stand0by or independent. his type of measurement scale is best classified as A. interval !. nominal #. ordinal D. ratio

11.. 11

A physic physical al therapis therapistt desig designs ns a treatme treatment nt plan ffor or an eig eight ht yea year0ol r0old d boy with with cyst cystic ic fibrosis. fibrosis. A m ma6or a6or compon component ent of the treatment plan willsegments include educating patient"s family in appropriate appropriat e bronchial drainage techni$ues. 'hich of the following lung would be the inappropriate for bronchial drainage( A. le left ft mid middl dlee lob lobee !. api apical cal segm segment entss of the the upper upper lob lobes es #. anter anterior ior basal basal segm segments ents of the the lower lower lobes D. ant anteri erior or se segme gments nts of of the up upper per lobe lobess

112.. 112

A therap therapist ist complete completess a devel developme opmental ntal assessm assessment ent of a se seven ven mon month0ol th0old d infant. infant. Assum Assuming ing nor normal mal de develop velopment, ment, which of the following reflexes would not be integrated( A. asy asymme mmetr trica icall tonic tonic ne neck ck refl reflex ex !. Fo Forro ref efle lex x #. 4a 4and ndau au re refl flex ex D. sym symmet metric rical al tonic tonic neck neck rrefl eflex ex

11.. 11

A patient patient rehabi rehabilita litating ting from from a myocardi myocardial al infarcti infarction on prep prepares ares fo forr a grad graded ed exercise exercise test. test. 'hic 'hich h of the follow following ing  pharmacologica  pharmacological l agents would lower lower heart rate aand nd blood pressure during exercise ttest( est( A. an anti tide depr pres essa sant ntss !. diuretics #. bet beta bl bloc ocke kerrs D. bron bronch chod odil ilat ator orss

11/.. 11/

A therap therapist ist coverin covering g for a colleag colleague ue on vaca vacation tion ex examin amines es a pati patient ent with with a traumati traumaticc brai brain n in6ur in6ury y. he th therap erapist ist has read the patient"s patient"s medical chart, but remains anxious about the examination. examination. he most important area for the therapist to assess immediately is A. ext extent ent of orth orthope opedic dic invo involve lvemen mentt !. le leve vell of ccom ommu muni nica cati tion on #. mu musscl clee ton onee D. sensation


A pa patient tient posit positioned ioned in in supine supine on a mat table table is instru instructed cted to fflex lex her her right h hip ip and kn knee ee to her chest chest and and hold it. it. he evaluative techni$ue can be used to assess the length of the A. hams hamstr trin ings gs o on n th thee left left !. hams hamstr trin ings gs o on n th thee righ rightt #. hip hip ffle lexo xors rs on on th thee llef eftt D. hip hip fl flex exor orss on the the rig right ht


A th therap erapist ist begins begins prosthe prosthetic tic tr trainin aining g activiti activities es for a pa patien tientt with ttrans ranstibi tibial al amp amputati utation. on. 'hich 'hich of the follow following ing would be the most appropriate initial activity( A. asc ascend ending ing and and de desce scendi nding ng stair stairss !. ma marc rchi hing ng iin n pla place ce #. wa walk lkin ing g on ev even en gro groun und d D. wei weight ght shi shifti fting ng in in st stand anding ing


A th therap erapist ist measure measuress the vert vertical ical lleap eap of me member mberss of a basketball basketball tteam. eam. he th therap erapist ist then then calcu calculate latess the differe difference nce  between the highest highest and lowest values in the d distribution. istribution. 'hat measure o off variability has has the therapi therapist st determined( A. mode !. range #. st stan anda dard rd de devi viat atio ion n D. variance )-22%-1.doc


Practice Questions



Feta Fetaboli bolicc e$uivalent e$uivalentss can be a usefu usefull device to ccompar omparee the ener energy gy cost of various various activit activities ies to the re resting sting state. state. 'hich of the following activities would you expect to have the lower metabolic e$uivalent( A. amb ambula ulatio tion nw with ith cru crutch tches es !. cy cycl clin ing g aatt 1 1- mph mph #. se sexu xual al in inte terc rcou ours rsee D. wa walk lkin ing g at at & &..- mp mph h


otal 66oint oint replac replacemen ements ts can al allow low individ individuals uals to to achie achieve ve a sign signific ificantl antly y higher ffuncti unctional onal le level. vel. 'hat iiss the  primary indication indication for a to total tal 6oint repl replacement( acement( A. !. #. D.

efmite fusted iodnra li limi rang ngee of mot motio ion n mu musc scle le atro atroph phy y pain


A tthera herapist pist discu discusses sses the the imp importan ortance ce of a proper proper diet to to a patient patient with with conges congestive tive heart heart ffailu ailure. re. 'hich 'hich of the following substances would most likely be restricted in the patient"s diet( A. hig high h dens density ity li lipop poprot rotein einss !. low densit density y lipopr lipoprote oteins ins #. sodium D. tr trig igly lyce ceri ride dess


Ap patie atient nt is instruc instructed ted to lie lie supine supine with his his knees knees bent to /- degre degrees es over the the edge of a treatment treatment table. table. he pa patien tientt is ten asked to bring his right knee to his chest. !y examining the angle of the left knee, the therapist can obtain information on the length of the BB muscle( A. bi bice ceps ps femo femori riss !. re rect ctus us femo femori riss #. sartorius D. te tens nsor or fas fasci ciae ae llat atae ae


Poli Policies cies and and pro procedur cedures es are nece necessary ssary ttools ools tto o carry carry out eeffe ffectiv ctivee and ef effici ficient ent ma manage nagement. ment. 'hic 'hich h of the following statements describing policies is not accurate( A. Poli Policies cies should should be ass assembl embled ed into a man manual ual for $uick $uick and easy easy reference reference !. @xis @xisting ting pol policie iciess should be reviewed reviewed at reg regular ular int interva ervals ls and revised revised as indica indicated ted #. Poli Policies cies should should be es establi tablished shed o on n an or oral al basis basis D. Gina Ginall approv approval al of polici policies es is the responsib responsibilit ility y of the chief administ administrato rator  r 


A the therapi rapist st identifie identifiess severa severall inconsi inconsisten stencies cies between between a patien patient" t"ss sub6ec sub6ective tive com complai plaints nts and the ob6e ob6ective ctive fi finding ndingss of  an initial examination. A detailed detailed discussion of the identified inconsistencies belongs in the BBB section of a 7>AP note( A. su sub6 b6eect ctiv ivee !. ob6ective #. asse ssessme ssment nt D. plan


A ph physica ysicall therapy therapy manager manager is resp responsib onsible le for enforcin enforcing g employee employee compl compliance iance w with ith departme departmental ntal pol policie iciess and  procedures. 'hich of the following following would be the most aappropriate ppropriate action for an employee who has violated violated the departmental dress code policy for the first time( A. pr priv ivat atee oral oral war warni ning ng !. writ writte ten n war warni ning ng #. probation D. su susp speens nsiion




Practice Questions


5nte 5nterim rim progres progresss notes aare re typ typical ically ly re$uired re$uired follow following ing ea each ch pati patient ent tr treatm eatment ent ses session. sion. hes hesee notes o often ften add add to the information presented in the initial note and provide detailed information on the patient" patient"ss physical therapy treatment session. 'hich of the following would not be included in an interim note( A. compl compliance iance with a home home ex exerci ercise se pr progra ogram m !. rece recent nt medica medicall proble problems ms which could could explain explain a patient patient""s failur failuree to progress progress #. respo response nse to sele selected cted trea treatmen tmentt te techni$ chni$ues ues D. past past m med edic ical al his histo tory ry


A 1& year year0old 0old girl girl discusses discusses the poss possibil ibility ity of anter anterior ior cruc cruciate iate ligamen ligamentt recons reconstruc truction tion with with her orthop orthopedic edic surgeon. surgeon. he girl in6uredofher while playing soccerhave and isthe concerned about the on future impact of the on her athletic career. career . 'hich theknee following factors would greatest influence influ ence her candidacy for in6ury surgery( A. ant anthro hropom pometr etric ic me measu asure remen mentt !. hamst hamstrings rings3$ua 3$uadric driceps eps strength strength ratio ratio #. skel skelet etal al ma matu turi rity ty D. so som mat atot otyp ypee


A th therap erapist ist records records the vi vital tal sign signss of indivi individuals duals at at a health and and welln wellness ess fair fair designed designed to prom promote ote phys physical ical th therap erapy y week. 'hich age group should the therapist expect to have the highest resting pulse rate( A. infants !. children #. teenagers D. adults


Av varie ariety ty of he health alth ccare are provide providers rs mak makee ent entries ries in in the d daily aily m medic edical al re record. cord. 'hich 'hich of the the followin following g heal health th ca care re  providers would re$uire re$uire his3her cosigned( A. phy physic sical al th thera erapis pistt ass assist istant antentry to be cosigned( !. physi physical cal therapi therapist st assistant assistant and graduat graduatee physic physical al ther therapist apist #. physi physical cal therapi therapist st assistant assistant and studen studentt physic physical al therapis therapistt D. stude student nt physi physical cal the therapi rapist st and graduate graduate phy physica sicall thera therapist pist


A ph physic ysical al therapis therapistt imme immerses rses a patient patient""s edematous edematous an ankle kle in co cold ld water water.. 'hen a body body part comes comes in in dire direct ct contact contact with a cold agent the energy is transferred through A. co cond nduc ucttio ion n !. co conv nvec ecti tion on #. ev evaapor porat atio ion n D. radiation


A th therap erapist ist conduct conductss reflex reflex testing testing on a pat patient ient w with ith a trauma traumatic tic bra brain in in6ury in6ury.. 'hic 'hich h stimulus stimulus sho should uld the tthera herapist pist utilie to test for clonus at the ankle( A. acti active0as ve0assist sistive ive dorsi dorsiflex flexion ion o off the ankle !. active active dors dorsifl iflexi exion on of the ank ankle le #. passi passive, ve, rapid dorsifle dorsiflexion xion of the the ankle D. passi passive, ve, slow dorsiflex dorsiflexion ion o off the the ankle ankle


'hil 'hilee working working with a patient patient with with  spinal spinal cord in in6ury 6ury a phys physical ical therap therapist ist identif identifies ies a smal small, l, redd reddened ened ar area ea over the patient"s right ischial tuberosity. he therapist should immediately A. notif notify y nursi nursing ng and remi remind nd the patient patient of hi his3her s3her rrole ole in proper proper skin care care !. order order a wa water ter m matt attre ress ss for for the p pati atient ent #. aler alertt the pat patient ient to to the potenti potential al dang dangers ers of sk skin in breakdow breakdown n D. not notify ify the primar primary y physic physician ian


A pa patient tient falls falls to to the ground ground during during gait gait acti activitie vitiess and appe appears ars to be iin n card cardiac iac arrest. arrest. Afte Afterr performin performing g a prima primary ry survey, the therapist calls for help and begins cardiopulmonary resusci survey, resuscitation. tation. #PH should be continued until all of the following @#@P A. the pati patient ent rega regains ins full consc consciousn iousness ess !. th thee p pat atie ient nt re revi vive vess #. a sec second ond rrescu escuer er trained trained in # #PH PH takes takes over  D. the tthera herapist pist is too too eexhaus xhausted ted tto o continu continuee



Practice Questions



Ap physic hysical al the therapi rapist st observes observes a vi video deo on the the biomechan biomechanics ics of normal normal gai gait. t. the the therapi rapist st notes notes that tthe he sub6 sub6ect" ect"ss knee remains flexed during all of the component of stance phase @#@P A. foot flat !. heel ssttrike #. midstance D. toe off  


A th therap erapist ist monitors monitors a patien patient" t"ss blood pressure pressure by au auscul scultati tation. on. 'hen recordi recording ng the patient" patient"ss blood pre pressur ssuree in the medical record, which of the following is usually not re$uired( A. !. #. D.

sys systol tolic icity blood blused ood pressu ssure re valu valuee ex extr trem emit y us edpre pa pati tien entt posi positi tion on typ typee of of stet stethos hoscop copee u used sed


Afte Afterr completing completing an in initia itiall examinati examination, on, it is det determi ermined ned that a pa patient tient exhibi exhibits ts disa disabili bility ty beha behaviors viors that that are out of  proportion to the the physical therapist" therapist"ss clinical findi findings. ngs. the therapist"s therapist"s ne next xt course of action action should be to A. conf confront ront the pat patient ient wit with h the findin findings gs before before initia initiating ting the tre treatme atment nt plan !. imme immediat diately ely cont contact act the pati patient" ent"ss physic physician ian and expl explain ain the find findings ings #. initiate the the treatme treatment nt plan, however however consider the possibil possibility ity that the disease state is being maint maintained ained by external conse$uences D. conti continue nue with with the current current treatme treatment nt plan and di dismis smisss the find findings ings


Ap physic hysical al the therapi rapist st elects elects to use ultra ultrasound sound on a p patie atient nt diagnosed diagnosed w with ith a se second0 cond0degre degreee lateral lateral ankle ankle spra sprain. in. he therapist uses the underwater techni$ue due to the uneven 6oint surface and the patient"s extreme sensitivity sensitivity to  pressure. 'hich description descript ionbe ofplaced ultrasound u using sing underwater A. he tr transdu ansducer cer sh should ould plac ed dir directl ectly y onthe theunderw skin ater techni$ue is true( !. A ccomme ommercia rciall gel iiss appropria appropriate te for a coupling coupling medium medium #. he transducer transducer should be held one0half to one inch inch from th thee skin and moved throughout throughout the ent entire ire session. D. he pat patient ient sh should ould move move the tra transduc nsducer er once it is im immers mersed ed in the wat water er..


Ap physic hysical al the therapi rapist st treats treats a pati patient ent with with $uadrice $uadriceps ps weak weakness ness using using re repeate peated d contr contracti actions. ons. his propr propriocep ioceptive tive neuromuscular facilitation facilitation techni$ue should be applied A. at the the iinit nitiat iation ion of m move ovemen mentt !. at the po point int where where the desire desired d muscular muscular res response ponse be begins gins to dimin diminish ish #. at th thee end of of the aavai vaila lable ble rang rangee of motio motion n D. only after after a ma manual nual stre stretch tch to to the hams hamstrin trings gs


Ap patie atient nt diagnosed diagnosed w with ith sp spasti asticc hemi hemiplegi plegiaa wear wearss an ankl ankle0foo e0foott orth orthosis osis se sett in sli slight ght dor dorsifl siflexion exion.. 5f the orthosi orthosiss was set in excessive dorsiflexion, which of the following would you expect to observe during the stance phase of gait( A. inc incre rease ased dk knee nee stabil stability ity !. de decr crea ease sed d kne kneee stabi stabili lity ty #. no ef effec fectt on kne kneee stab stabili ility ty D. ge genu nu rrec ecur urva vatu tum m


Ap patie atient nt is referre referred d to physi physical cal th therap erapy y with a tw twenty enty0degr 0degree ee restric restriction tion in w wrist rist eexten xtension. sion. 'hic 'hich h mobiliat mobiliation ion techni$ue would facilitate wrist extension( A. dor dorsal sal glide glide of tthe he car carpal palss !. stab stabili iliee the the lunate lunate,, vo volar lar glide radi radius us #. stab stabili iliee capit capitate, ate, volar glide glide lunate lunate D. stab stabili iliee radius, radius, volar volar glide glide scap scaphoid hoid


o test for po possib ssible le ante anterior rior sho shoulde ulderr instabilit instability y, a physical physical ther therapist apist should should move move the hum humerus erus into into A. abd abduct uction ion and and m medi edial al rota rotatio tion n !. add adduct uction ion and med medial ial rotati rotation on #. abd abduct uction ion and lat latera erall ro rotat tation ion D. add adduct uction ion and and la later teral al ro rotat tation ion




Practice Questions


'hic 'hich h of the follow following ing exe exercis rcises es would would be inapprop inappropriat riatee for a wom woman an who gave gave birth birth via #e #esare sarean an section section two days ago( A. pel pelvi vicc ttil ilts ts !. walking #. de deep ep br brea eath thin ing g D. pa part rtia iall sit0 sit0up upss


7ens 7ensory ory stimu stimulati lation on for for eit either her muscl musclee contract contraction ion or relaxati relaxation on was intr introduce oduced d by A. !obath ! #.. G Ianyott D. Hood


5f a plumb li line ne is positione positioned d laterally laterally to a patient patient so it rruns uns along along the line of gr gravity avity,, where sh should ould the line line fal falll with respect to the midline of the knee( A. anterior  !. posterior  #. dir direct ectly ly tthro hrough ugh tthe he knee knee 6oint 6oint D. post poster erio iorr an and d me medi dial al


'hic 'hich h therapeuti therapeuticc modali modality ty woul would d be a relat relative ive cont contrain raindica dication tion in a pedi pediatri atricc patie patient nt with 6uveni 6uvenile le rheumato rheumatoid id arthritis( A. supe superf rfic icia iall he heat at !. ul ulttra raso sou und #. transcuta neous electric electrical al n nerve erve stim stimulati ulation on D. trans ice cutaneous


A pa patient tient exhibi exhibits ts pai pain n and sen sensory sory lo loss ss in the p poster osterior ior leg leg,, calf calf,, and dor dorsal sal foot. foot. @xtension @xtension o off the ha hallux llux is poor poor,, however the Achilles Achilles reflex is normal. 'hat spinal level would you expect to be involved( A. 4) !. 4* #. 71 D. 7%


An 1 year year0old 0old ma male le six weeks weeks stat status us post open open reduction reduction of a #olles" #olles" frac fracture ture is referr referred ed to physical physical the therapy rapy.. @xamination reveals mild swelling on the dorsum of the hand and limited flexion of the metacarpophalangeal 6oints in all digits. he most appropriate appropriate heating agent for the patie patient nt is A. paraffin !. hot packs #. ?ap apoc ocoo oola lant nt spra sprays ys D. ul ulttra raso sou und


A pa patient tient schedu scheduled led for to total tal hip replace replacement ment sur surgery gery is re referr ferred ed to physical physical the therapy rapy for preoper preoperative ative instru instructio ction. n. All of the following should be incorporated into the preoperative session @#@ @#@P P A. deep breathing breathing and cough coughing ing exercises exercises !. gait ttrain raining ing with with an approp appropriat riatee assi assistiv stivee device device #. basic precautio precautions ns for for early early be bed d mobili mobility ty D. pro proper per u use se of an addu adducti ction on pi pillo llow w


A % y year ear0old 0old male male involved involved in in a motor motorcycle cycle accid accident ent sus sustains tains a 1- verteb vertebral ral fractur fracture. e. he patient patient""s physi physician cian attempts to restrict forward forward thoracic flexion by using an externally applied device. 'hich of the following would  be the most appropriate appropriate select selection( ion( A. Fin Finerv ervaa cervica cervicall thoraci thoracicc orth orthosi osiss !. Ph Phil ilad adel elph phia ia co coll llar  ar  #. ster sternal0o nal0occip ccipital ital0mand 0mandibul ibular ar immo immobili bilier  er  D. tho thora racol columb umbar ar0sa 0sacra crall orthos orthosis is



Practice Questions



A th therap erapist ist examine examiness a patien patientt diagno diagnosed sed with with an Ac Achill hilles es tendo tendon n in6ur in6ury y. 'hic 'hich h clinical clinical finding finding is not iindica ndicative tive of a rupture Achilles tendon( A. ne nega gati tive ve  ho homp mpso son n tes testt !. ab abse sent nt Ach Achil ille less ref refle lex x #. lack lack of toe off off d duri uring ng gai gaitt D. a pal palpable pable defe defect ct in the muscul musculoten otendinou dinouss unit


Ap physic hysical al the therapi rapist st examines examines a patient patient""s hip range range of motion. motion. 'hich 'hich pattern pattern of li limita mitation tion is ttypic ypically ally conside considered red to  be a capsular pattern( pattern( A. !. #. D.



limi limitati tation on fle xion, abduct abduction ion and la m media edial rota rotation tion limi limitati tation on of of flexion, flexio flexion, n, adductio add uction n and latera teral ll rota rotation tion limi limitati tation on of extensi extension, on, abductio abduction n , and lat lateral eral rrotati otation on limi limitati tation on of extensi extension, on, adductio adduction, n, and me medial dial rotati rotation on

A thera therapist pist provide providess exercise exercise gui guideli delines nes for a g group roup of expect expectant ant mothers mothers.. #ontraindi #ontraindicati cations ons for exerc exercise ise during during  pregnancy include all of the following following @#@P @#@P A. ma mate tern rnal al di diab abet etes es !. pl plac acen enta ta pr prev evia ia #. in inco comp mpet eten entt ce cerv rvix ix D. di dias asta tasi siss rect rectii Ap patie atient nt with with cardiac cardiac patho pathology logy is sschedu chedules les for a ccardi ardiac ac cath catheter eteriat iation. ion. his his diagn diagnostic ostic techn techni$ue i$ue identi identifies fies specific lesions, areas of low perfusion, and ventricular aneurysms through A. the he heart" art"ss resis resistanc tancee to the pr presen esence ce of the ca cathete theter  r  !. the ca cathet theter er rel releasi easing ng dye iinto nto the the coronary coronary arter arteries ies #. the the cat ca cathet theter err obtain moni monitori toring theples pressu pressure rells with within inch the arteri arteries D. cathete heter obtaining ingngsamples sam of ce cells whi which line th theeesarteries arteries


Ap patie atient nt diagnose diagnosed d wit with h pure atheto athetoid id cerebra cerebrall palsy palsy woul would d most like likely ly dem demonstr onstrate ate A. distu disturbed rbed se sense nse of ba balanc lancee and faul faulty ty depth o off perceptio perception n !. hyper hypertonic tonicity ity,, contra contractur ctures, es, and clonu clonuss #. slow slow,, inv involunt oluntary ary,, uncontro uncontrolled lled moveme movements nts D. sev severe ere in inten tentio tion n ttrem remor  or 


Ap physic hysical al the therapi rapist st instructs instructs a patie patient nt to move move her lo lower wer te teeth eth forward forward in relat relation ion to the the upper upper.. his motion motion iiss termed A. prot protru russion ion !. retrusion #. la late tera rall de devi viat atio ion n D. oc occl clus usal al po posi siti tion on


A pa patien tientt statu statuss post #?A ro rocks cks back and and forth in a supine supine position position wi with th legs fl flexed exed and ar arms ms clasped clasped around around his knees. @xpected therapeuti therapeuticc outcomes include all of the following @#@P @#@P  A. decr decreased eased extenso extensorr spas spastici ticity ty in the lower lower extre extremiti mities es !. inhib inhibitio ition n of flex flexor or spastici spasticity ty in the upper upper extrem extremitie itiess #. pro protra tracti ction on of the sca scapul pulaa D. faci facilita litation tion of ex extenso tensorr to tone ne iin n the trunk 


'hat musc muscle le ccontro ontrols ls tthe he p positi osition on of of the ankle 6oin 6ointt at heel stri strike( ke( A. ecce eccentric ntric contr contracti action on of the anteri anterior or ti tibiali bialiss !. ecce eccentric ntric contr contracti action on of the gastr gastrocsol ocsoleus eus #. conc concentri entricc cont contract raction ion of the anteri anterior or ti tibial bialis is D. conc concentri entricc cont contract raction ion o off the the ga gastroc strocsoleu soleuss


A pa patien tientt four wee weeks ks status status post art arthrosc hroscopic opic med medial ial meniscec meniscectomy tomy is limite limited d in knee fle flexion xion range range of motion. motion. 'hich mobiliation techni$ue would be the most beneficial to increase knee flexion( A. ant anter erior ior gli glide de of of tthe he tibi tibiaa !. sup superi erior or g glid lidee o off th thee pa patel tella la #. pos poster terior ior gli glide de of of tthe he tibi tibiaa D. ant anter erior ior g glid lidee of the the fib fibula ularr hea head d )-22%-1.doc



Practice Questions


A 1 y year ear0old 0old high high school school track track part participa icipant nt ret returns urns to ph physic ysical al therapy therapy after after a physici physician an appo appointm intment. ent. he pat patient ient indicates that magnetic resonance resonance imaging revealed a tear in the medial meniscus of the left knee. As you look  back on the initial initial examinati examination, on, which of th thee following spe special cial tests would would you expect to have have been positive( positive( A. 4achman !. pi pivo vott shif shiftt #. FcFurray D. ap appr preh ehen ensi sion on


5n6ur 5n6ury y to the lateral lateral cord cord of the the brachial brachial plexus plexus woul would d most likely likely inv involve olve damag damagee to the the BBBB nerve( nerve( A. !. #. D.

mu musc scul uloc ocut utan aneo eous us axillary radial ulnar  


Afte Afterr exami examining ning the rrespir espirator atory y status of a patient patient w with ith a # spinal spinal cor cord d in6ury, in6ury, which of the ffollow ollowing ing cli clinica nicall findings would you expect to be accurate( A. parti partial al innervat innervation ion of the diap diaphragm hragm !. full full epiga epigastr stric ic rrise ise in ssupi upine ne #. a vent ventila ilator tor is re$u re$uired ired for for assist assisted ed bre breathi athing ng D. nor normal mal ventil ventilato atory ry rrese eserve rve


A th therap erapist ist applies applies an electri electrical cal sti stimula mulation tion uni unitt to a patient patient rehab rehabilit ilitatin ating g from an Achi Achilles lles te tendon ndon rupture rupture.. 'hich of the following types of current has the lowest total average current( A. low volt ! #.. h Hiugshsivaonlt D. inte interf rfer eren enti tial al


A *- ye year0o ar0old ld male rehab rehabilita ilitating ting from from a recent stroke stroke has has good strength strength in the affect affected ed lower eextrem xtremity ity exc except ept trace to poor strength in the right ankle 6oint. he patient" patient"ss sensation is severely impaired for deep pressure, light light touch and sharp stimuli. stimuli. he patient also has se severe vere fluctuating edema at tthe he ankle. he most appropriate appropriate orthosis for this patient is A. met metal al upr uprigh ightt ankle0f ankle0foot oot ortho orthosis sis !. polyp polypropyl ropylene ene soli solid d ankle ankle foot orthosis orthosis #. pref prefabric abricated ated poste posterior rior leaf orthosis orthosis D. meta metall up uprigh rightt knee knee ankle ankle foot orthosis orthosis


A pat patient ient wi with th a left tran transfem sfemoral oral ampu amputati tation on ambulates ambulates in physical physical th therap erapy y. he therapist therapist observe observess that the patient patient vaults with left swing phase and occasionally occasionally circumducts the involved leg. he most likely cause of the gait deviation is A. the pro prosth sthesi esiss is too short short !. the pro prosth sthesi esiss iiss ttoo oo long long #. weak weak planta plantarr fl flexo exors rs on the the righ rightt D. the there re is d dec ecrea reased sed ttoe oe out out on the the lef leftt


Assu Assuming ming no normal rmal d devel evelopmen opment, t, whi which ch activity activity would would typica typically lly ;> ;>  occ occur ur prio priorr to nine m months onths of of age( A. rollin rolling g fr from om pron pronee to supine supine !. si sitt ttin ing g ind indep epen ende dent ntly ly #. use use of of a pi pinc ncer er gr gras asp p D. creeping


A de develop velopment mental al examinati examination on is com complet pleted ed on an eig eight ht mont month0ol h0old d infant. infant. Gindings Gindings fr from om the ex examin amination ation iinclu nclude8 de8 the patient brings hands to mouth, re$uires assistance for ring sitting, presents with slight head lag, and does not reach across midline for for ob6ects. his child appears appears A. appro appropria priate te wit with h norma normall d devel evelopmen opmentt !. develo developme pmenta ntally lly del delaye ayed d #. develo developme pmenta ntally lly acc accele elerat rated ed D. to pr prese esent nt with with cere cerebra brall palsy palsy



Practice Questions



Ap patie atient nt is limite limited d to ** degr degrees ees in an active active strai straight ght leg rraise aise.. A tthera herapist pist should should ap apply ply the contr contract0r act0relax elax techni$ue to the BBBBBB to improve the patient"s patient"s active range of motion. A. abd abduct uctors ors and hip fle flexor xorss !. ham hamstr string ingss and and hip hip ex exten tensor sorss #. $ua $uadri dricep cepss and and hip fle flexor xorss D. add adduct uctors ors and hip extens extensors ors


A) )2 2 year0old year0old ma male le uses uses a strai straight ght can canee durin during g gait activ activities ities.. he pat patient ient iiss two we weeks eks status status pos postt left ttotal otal h hip ip replacement using a posterolateral posterolateral approach and is full weight bearing. 'hich of the following would not be considered good advice when making a 1-0degree turn( A. mov movee in a sslow low and and cauti cautious ous m mann anner  er  !. tur turn n towar towards ds yo you u af affec fected ted sid sidee #. mai mainta ntain in an aade$ de$uat uatee bas basee of su suppo pport rt D. kee keep p the the ccane ane in front front o off you you


A ssensor ensory y examinati examination on reve reveals als light light touc touch h impa impairme irment nt to the b buttoc uttock, k, thig thigh h and pos posteri terior or leg. he corres correspondi ponding ng dermatome should be recorded as A. 41 !. 4% #. 4) D. 71


Gaci Gacilita litation tion of of muscle muscle tone is pe perfor rformed med tthroug hrough h all of the the followi following ng @ @#@P #@P  A. ap appr prox oxim imat atio ion n !. main pres essu sure re #. ma vibinta ratain tioined ned pr D. $ui $uick icing cing


A tr treatm eatment ent prog program ram is des designed igned to include include late late morn morning ing sessions sessions inv involvin olving g aggre aggressive ssive stretc stretching, hing, mo modera derate te exercise, energy conservation, and stress management techni$ues. his program would be most appropriate for which diagnosis( A. Jui Juilla llain0 in0!a !arrK rrK syn syndro drome me !. my myas asth then enia ia gr grav avis is #. >sg >sgood ood07c 07chla hlatte tterr dis diseas easee D. mu mult ltip iple le scle sclero rosi siss


A pa patien tientt with mod moderat eratee chroni chronicc obstructi obstructive ve pulmo pulmonary nary di disease sease perfor performs ms an exerc exercise ise test that that wil willl stre stress ss the pat patient ient to the point of limitation. During the test the therapist monitors monitors the patient"s patient"s physiologic response to exercise. 'hich of the following findings would not re$uired cessation of the testing session( A. a %- mmCg de decreas creasee in diasto diastolic lic bloo blood d pressu pressure re with aan n incre increase ase in workload workload !. systo systolic lic hyper hypertens tension ion great greater er th than an 1 1- mmCg mmCg #. a Pa>% of less than ** mmCg D. max maxima imall sh short ortnes nesss of breath breath


A% %  year0old year0old ma male le referred referred to to physi physical cal therapy therapy by hi hiss primary primary physici physician an comp complains lains of of recu recurrent rrent ankle ankle pain. pain. As par partt of the treatment program, the therapist therapist uses ultrasound over the peroneus longus and brevis tendons. he most appropriate location for ultrasound application is A. int interi erior or to th thee susten sustentac taculu ulum m tali tali !. ov over er th thee sin sinus us tars tarsii #. pos poster terior ior tto o the llate ateral ral m mall alleol eolus us D. ant anter erior ior to tthe he la later teral al malle malleolu oluss


A thera therapist pist positi positions ons a pat patient ient in in supine supine prio priorr to performi performing ng a manu manual al muscle muscle test o off the supinat supinator or.. o isolate isolate the supinator and minimie the action of the biceps, the therapist should position the patient"s patient"s elbow in A. &-o elbow flexion !. -o elbow flexion #. //--e -elb lbow ow ffle lexi xion on D. te term rmin inal al elbo elbow w fle flexi xion on




Practice Questions


A pa patient tient involv involved ed in a ca cardiac rdiac rrehabi ehabilita litation tion progra program m exerc exercises ises on a tr treadm eadmill. ill. 'hil 'hilee exer exercisi cising ng the pa patient tient repor reports ts his level of perceived exertion is 2 on !org"s !org"s ten0point scale. 'hich words best describe the patient"s patient"s rate of  perceived exertion( exertion( A. weak   !. moderate #. strong D. ver very st strron ong g


4abo 4aborato ratory ry testing testing revea reveals ls tha thatt a patient patient po post st chemoth chemotherap erapy y has a pl platel atelet et count count of -,--,--- mm mm&. 'hich activity would be the most appropriate for the patient based on the platelet value( A. st stri rict ct bed bed res restt !. ac acti tive ve ran range ge of of mot motio ion n #. light light ac activ tivit ities ies of of daily daily llivi iving ng D. st stat atio iona nary ry ccyc ycli ling ng


A th therap erapist ist observes observes a pati patient ent wit with h a transf transfemor emoral al prosthesi prosthesiss during ambulat ambulation ion act activiti ivities. es. he therapis therapistt notes th that at the patient tends to circumducts the involved lower extremity extremity during ambulation. 'hich of the following is an anatomic cause for this type of gait deviation( A. abd abduct uction ion contra contractu cture re !. hip hip fle flexi xion on co cont ntra ract ctur uree #. shor shortt am ampu puta tati tion on lim limb b D. we weak ak hi hip p eext xten enso sors rs


A th therap erapist ist review reviewss the sur surgica gicall repor reportt of a patient patient that ssusta ustained ined extensi extensive ve burns in in a fire fire.. he report report indica indicates tes tha thatt atAthe . atime llogrof aftprimary excision cadaver skin was utilied to close the wound. his type of graft is termed a3an !. autograft #. het heter erog ogrraf aftt D. xenograft


A th therap erapist ist develops develops a problem problem lis listt afte afterr completing completing an ex examina amination tion of a pat patient ient status status pos postt arthroscop arthroscopic ic medial medial meniscectomy. he therapist identifies meniscectomy. identifies increased edema in the right knee as the first entry in the problem list. 'hich of the following short0term goals would be the most appropriate entry in the medical record( A. decr decrease ease edema edema in th thee knee by on onee cent centimet imeter  er  !. decr decrease ease edema edema in the the knee by one one cent centimet imeter er wit within hin two two weeks weeks #. decrease right knee circumferential circumferential me measurements asurements by one centimete centimeterr at a level three three centimeters centimeters and five centimeters above the knee D. decrease right knee circumferential circumferential me measurements asurements by one centimete centimeterr at a level three three centimeters centimeters and five centimeters above the superior pole of the patella within two weeks


A pa patient tient with with a spinal spinal cord in in6ury 6ury pos positio itioned ned on a tilt ta table ble elevate elevated d to - degree degreess begins to compla complain in of di diines inesss and nausea. he therapist" therapist"ss most immediate response should be to A. lowe lowerr the tilt tabl tablee 1- degrees and take take off the patie patient" nt"ss abdominal abdominal binde binder  r  !. leave tthe he tilt tilt table at at - degr degrees ees and call call for me medica dicall assis assistanc tancee #. monitor the pat patient" ient"ss vital signs with the tilt tilt table at - degrees and conti continue nue to elevate tthe he table as to tolerated lerated D. lowe lowerr the tilt tabl tablee to horiontal horiontal and monitor monitor the pati patient" ent"ss vital sign signss


A gr group oup of senior senior physical physical therapy therapy student studentss utilies utilies ten pa patien tients ts from a loc local al reha rehabilit bilitation ation ccenter enter w with ith decubitu decubituss ulcers for a research pro6ect. his type of sampling most accurate accurately ly describes A. cl clus uste terr samp sampli ling ng !. co conv nven enie ienc ncee samp sampli ling ng #. st stra rati tifi fied ed sam sampl plin ing g D. syst system emat atic ic ssam ampl plin ing g



Practice Questions



A th therap erapist ist examine examiness a patien patientt rehab rehabilit ilitating ating from from a traumatic traumatic br brain ain in6ury in6ury.. he therapi therapist st makes makes the foll followin owing g entry in the medical record. he patient is able to respond to simple commands fairly consistently, consistently, however has difficulty with increasingly complex complex commands or lack of any external structure. Hesponses are non0purposeful non0purposeful,, random and fragmented. According to the Hanchos 4os Amigos #ognitive Gunctioning Gunctioning 7cale the patient is most representative of level A. 555 : lloca ocali lied ed respon responses ses !. 5? : conf confus used ed agi agita tate ted d #. ? : cconf onfuse used d iinap nappro propri priate ate D. ?5 : cconf onfuse used d aappr ppropr opriat iatee


A thera therapist pist examine examiness a %* year year0old 0old ma male le rehabilit rehabilitatin ating g from a ttibial ibial p plate lateau au fractur fracture. e. he phy physici sician an orde orders rs indi indicate cate the patient is non0weight bearing on the involved lower extremity. he most appropriate gait pattern for the patient is A. two0point !. thr hreee0p 0po oin intt #. four our0p 0po oint int D. swing to


A thera therapist pist examine examiness a patie patient nt referred referred to p physi hysical cal the therapy rapy with with olecra olecranon non bursitis bursitis.. Duri During ng the in initia itiall exam examinati ination on the therapist identifies identifies diffuse swelling in the elbow 6oint. 'hich of the following 6oints would be affe affected cted with swelling in the elbow complex( A. ul ulno nohu hume mera rall 6o 6oin intt !. uln ulnohu ohumer meral al and radio radiohum humer eral al 6oi 6oints nts #. radi radiohume ohumeral ral and proximal proximal radioulna radioulnarr 6o 6oints ints D. ulnoh ulnohumer umeral, al, radiohum radiohumeral eral and pr proxima oximall radioulnar radioulnar 6o 6oints ints


'hil 'hilee treating treating a patien patient, t, a ther therapis apistt notices notices a mix mixture ture of b blood lood and and urine in in the pat patient ient""s collectio collection n bag. he most most immediate therapist response would be to A. temp temporar orarily ily disco disconnec nnectt the collecti collection on bag bag !. conti continue nue with with tthe he patien patient" t"ss treatmen treatmentt prog program ram #. con contac tactt a mem member ber of of the nurs nursing ing sstaf taff  f  D. docum document ent the o observ bservation ation iin n the phy physica sicall ther therapy apy rec record ord


A thera therapist pist instru instructs cts a pat patient ient in in ambulation ambulation activ activitie itiess in the parall parallel el bars bars.. 'hich 'hich of the follow following ing act activit ivities ies wou would ld  be the most appropriate appropriate to initiate initiate treatment( treatment( A. assumi assuming ng the the standi standing ng posi positio tion n !. ins instru tructi cting3 ng3dem demons onstr trati ating ng #. la late tera rall weigh weightt shift shiftin ing g D. ste steppi pping ng forw forward ard and and ba backw ckward ard


A pa patien tientt rehab rehabilit ilitating ating from from a medi medial al meni meniscus scus repair repair has be been en instructe instructed d by an orthopedic orthopedic surgeon surgeon to remain remain non0 non0 weight bearing for three weeks following following surgery surgery.. he patient has no significant past medical history history and is expected to make a full recovery. recovery. 'hich of the following would be the most appropriate assisti assistive ve device for the  patient( A. stra straig ight ht cane cane !. ax axil illa lary ry cr crut utch ches es #. parapodium D. walker  


he pr practi actice ce of physical physical th therap erapy y in a given sstate tate iiss ofte often n defined defined accordin according g to the st state ate physical physical thera therapy py act. 'hic 'hich h source of law is responsible for formaliing a practice act( A. co cons nsti titu tuti tion onal al law law !. st stat atut uto ory law law #. common law D. ad admi mini nist stra rati tive ve law law




Practice Questions


A th therap erapist ist examines examines a p patie atient" nt"ss breath breath sounds throug through h auscultat auscultation. ion. he therapi therapist st classif classifies ies the b breat reath h sounds iin na selected lung segment as absent. 'hich condition is ;> typically typically associated with absent breath breath sounds( A. pleu pleura rall ef effu fusi sion on !. pneu pneumo mottho horrax #. obesity D. co cons nsol olid idat atio ion n


A th therap erapist ist perform performss goniom goniometri etricc measu measureme rements nts for eelbow lbow flexio flexion n with a patie patient nt in supine. supine. 5n orde orderr to isol isolate ate elbow flexion the therapist should stabilie the A. !. #. D.

dis distal tal end of the hum humer erus us proxim proximal al end of the hum humeru eruss dist distal al en end d of of tthe he uln ulnaa pro proxim ximal al end of the radiu radiuss


A th therap erapist ist explain explainss to a pati patient ent the benef benefits its of us using ing ele electri ctrical cal sti stimula mulation tion fo forr musc muscle le ree reeducat ducation. ion. he patient patient appears to understand the therapist" therapist"ss explanation, however seems extremely frightened and asks the therapist not to use the electrical device. he most appropriate therapist therapist action is to A. reas reassure sure the patient patient that that the elect electrica ricall stimul stimulatio ation n will not be harm harmful ful !. use only only sma small ll amou amounts nts of curr current ent #. sele select ct another another appropria appropriate te treatm treatment ent ttechn echni$ue i$ue D. disch discharg argee the patient patient fr from om physica physicall therapy therapy


A th therap erapist ist observe observess that a number number of aaides ides appear appear to be be unfam unfamilia iliarr with approp appropriat riatee guard guarding ing techni$u techni$ues. es. he most appropriate remedial strategy to improve their performance is to A. !. #. D.

off offer er assist assistance ance the aides aides when thelain ina inappro ppropriat priate earding behavio behavior r isi$ue observe observed d refer tthe he aid aides es tototex text t books tthat hat exp explain pr proper oper gu guardin g techni$ue techn devel develop op a mandator mandatory y inservice inservice on g guard uarding ing techni$u techni$ues es for the aides infor inform m the direc director tor of rehabilit rehabilitation ation that that the aide aidess are incomp incompeten etentt


A the therapi rapist st prepares prepares to trea treatt a patient usin using g ultraviole ultraviolett light by dete determin rmining ing the pati patient" ent"ss minima minimall erythe erythemal mal dose dose.. he most common location for testing is A. on th thee poster posterior ior aspec aspectt of the u upper pper arm !. on the the anter anterior ior aspe aspect ct of tthe he forea forearm rm #. on the the anter anterior ior aspe aspect ct of the thigh thigh D. on tthe he area area to to b bee trea treated ted


A tthera herapist pist exami examines nes a %) year0old year0old ma male le recentl recently y admi admitted tted to to the hospi hospital tal w with ith #% tetr tetraple aplegia. gia. During During the examination the therapist identifies several several areas of reddened and mottled skin over selected bony prominences. he therapist is concerned that without proper care the patient"s condition will worsen. he most immediate action !. #. D.

discu discuss ss the ssituat ituation ion dir directl ectly y with the the nursing nursing sta staff  ff  ask th thee patient patient to perform perform pressur pressuree relief relief activit activities ies contac contactt the pat patien ient" t"ss family family conta contact ct the the patient patient""s referri referring ng phys physicia ician n


A th therap erapist ist treatin treating g a patient ov overhe erhears ars two of his ccollea olleagues gues dis discussi cussing ng anoth another er pati patient" ent"ss case in the ch charti arting ng area area.. he therapist is concerned that his patient may overhear overhear the same conversation. he most appropriate action is to A. discu discuss ss the sit situati uation on with tthe he director director of re rehabil habilitat itation ion !. confr confront ont the the therapi rapists sts and ask them them if the their ir behavior behavior is pr profes ofessiona sionall #. move the patie patient nt away away ffrom rom the char charting ting area D. infor inform m the thera therapists pists that that their con conversa versation tion may be audi audible ble to patie patients. nts.


A th therap erapist ist attempt attemptss to obtain infor informati mation on on the abil ability ity of non noncontr contracti actile le tissue tissue to allo allow w motio motion n at a speci specific fic 6oint. 6oint. 'hich selective tissue tension assessment would provide the therapist with the most valuable information( A. ac acti tive ve ran range ge of of moti motion on !. active active0as 0assis sistiv tivee ra range nge of of motion motion #. pass passiv ivee ra rang ngee of mot motio ion n D. re resi sist sted ed isom isomet etri rics cs



Practice Questions




D. he therapist has an obligation to respect the patient" patient"ss wishes despite the fact that the student is $ualified to complete the examination





>xygen saturation ra rate te refers to the percentage percentage of oxygen bound to hemoglobin in the blood. blood. ;ormal oxygen saturation rates range from /*0/+.










Deceleration iiss a component of swing phase. Decelerati Deceleration on occurs after midswing w when hen the tibia passes beyond the perpendicular and the knee extends in preparation for heel strike.



A. Dysdiadochokinesi Dysdiadochokinesiaa is defined as the inability to perform finely coordinated movements movements of antagonistic muscles.



C. 4ateral hamstrings reflex L7107%M, medial hamstrings reflex L4*071M, patellar reflex L4&04)M, Achilles reflex L7107%M




A. herapists are re re$uired $uired to report known or suspected suspected abuse to enforceme enforcement nt agencies. hese agencies include include  but are not limited limited to adult protective services services and local or state law eenforcement nforcement D.

A suppor supportive tive spouse can be extreme extremely ly helpful to a patient comp completing leting a home exercise exercise program. 5n order for the spouse to be an asset, she must first recognie the value of the program. he patient" patient"ss goal of walking one mile each day does not warrant continued physical therapy services. herapists should avoid overutiliation of physical therapy services, however should assist patients to achieve individual goals through activities such as a home exercise program.

A physical ther therapist apist is $ualified to instruct and assist patie patient nt with transfers to all surfaces. he therapist should  perform tub transfers transfers with the the patient so tthat hat independence is attained as soon soon as possible.




!y addressing the issue directly with the patie patient, nt, the therapist may improve complia compliance nce with the weight  bearing restrictions restrictions and therefore therefore promote a bet better ter environmen environmentt for tissue hea healing ling



Disabilities Act unless he3she D. An individual who is a homosexual does not $ualify under the Americans with Disabilities has a physical or mental impairment that substantially substantially limits one or more ma6or activities or is regarded as having an impairment impairment..







Placenta previa rrefers efers to a placenta that is im implanted planted near the cervix. cervix. Placenta previa is considered considered a materna maternall complication.












>perant condition is a form of learning where a particular particular action or behavior is followed by the administration of a reward. !.G !.G.. 7kinner first publicied publicied this learning approach.







Pressure applied to an artery proximal to an in6ury site may be helpful to control bleedi bleeding. ng.

He$uesting informa information tion provides the patient with the opportunity to express her feeli feelings ngs and may serve to  promote dialogue. dialogue. During a D1 extension pat pattern tern there is scapula scapularr depression, adduction and downward downward rotation. Pectoralis minor assists with both depression depression and downward rotation. he rhomboids assist with adduction adduction and downward rotation, while the levator scapulae assist with downward rotation.

A patie patient nt with short0term memory defic deficits its may have difficulty with an exerci exercise se program that is too complex. A  program that allows allows for indi individual vidual exercise selection selection of offers fers the patient a limited nu number mber of options without compromising the integrity of the program. B.

he patient" patient"ss lab values for hematocrit, white blood cells, platelet platelet,, and hemoglobin are significantly below acceptable ranges. As a result exercis exercisee is not indicated.

he fre$uency of physical therapy visits should be based on the results of the patient examina examination, tion, and not solely on the physician referral. )-22%-1.doc



Practice Questions




!y unplugging the machine and labeling it 9defective0do 9defective0do no use=, the therapist not only limits the danger to the current patient, but ensures that other therapists will not place their patients in 6eopardy.






D. Fethotrexate is use used d as a disease0modifying disease0modifying agent in the treatment of rrheumatoid heumatoid arthri arthritis. tis. Adverse eff effects ects include nausea, gastrointestinal distress and3or hemorrhage, cough, shortness of breath, and lower extremity edema. Although nausea is not a medical emerg emergency ency,, it is appropriate for the patient to inform the physician of any persistent side effects.








satisfaction ction survey must be designed, disseminated, and analyed prior to drawing specific C. A patient satisfa conclusions or modifying existing patient care standards.






#ontinuous ult ultrasound rasound at %.) w w3cm 3cm% over a fracture site is excessive and can be potentially dangerous.

Demonstration promo promotes tes understanding and often limits the anxiety assoc associated iated with learning a new task.

D. 5t is essential to ascertain if resea research rch exists on the effectiveness of treating psoriatic psoriatic lesions with ultraviolet  prior to initiating initiating a formal formal research pro6e pro6ect. ct.

he dependent variable is defined as the conditions or characteristics characteristics that appear appear,, disappear or change as the experimenter introduces, introduces, removes, or changes the independent variable. 5n this particular study, study, functional knee  bracing is the independent varia variable, ble, while spe speed ed and agility aare re the dependent va variables. riables. A.

5t is important tto o assess a patient"s patient"s cognitive status in orde orderr to develop an appropriate plan of ccare. are. he examination should assess memory, memory, attention span, ability to follow directions, and recall. his will allow the

therapist to approach the patient on an appropriate level. %.



A ther therapist apist must make a patient patient aware of behavior that is is unacceptable. Gailure to addres addresss the issue directly with the patient may serve to reinforce the behavior behavior..







An accommodation that would fundame fundamentally ntally alter the operation of a business may not be considered reasonable. 5t is extremely unlikely unlikely,, however that a modification to a workstation would fall into this category. category.







he patient should return to his previous functional activity activity level in a matter of weeks following a grade 5 medial collateral ligament sprain.









A. he tendon of the tibial tibialis is posterior is most pr prominent ominent when the foot is iinverted nverted and plantarflexed. plantarflexed. he tendon can be palpated posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus.



physicall therapy is excessive, particularly when sitt sitting ing for prolonged periods of time C. #ommuting /- miles to physica may exacerbate the patient"s patient"s condition. he patient should receive physica physicall therapy at a clinic closer to home.




Any form of impairment that limits a person"s ability to perform an activity is termed a disability.




Iinesthesia is defined as the ability to percei perceive ve body position during movement.




Joals should never be dir directed ected toward the thera therapist. pist. Joals must remain remain patient oriente oriented. d.

Age predicted maxima maximall heart rate can be determ determined ined as follows8 %%- : patient" patient"ss age L&)M N 1.

he presence of parents can often be reassuring to a young child when confronted with a new experience.

#hronic obstructive pulm pulmonary onary disease is characteried by a progressive reducti reduction on in expiratory flow rates. Cyperinflation of the lungs results in an increase in residual volume. Cyperinflation >ccupational thera therapy py is described as the art and science of helping people perform day0to0day activities. Although professional boundaries differ from facility to facility, bathing and dressing activities are typically addressed by occupation therapists.



Practice Questions





7itting with legs in a dependent position promo promotes tes venous stasis and increases the incidence of a deep vein thrombosis.







#ontrolled mobili mobility ty is the stage in motor control where a patient is able to have some mobility while maintaining postural stability. stability. all kneeling represents static control, while the transfer to half kneeling re$uires the mobility to weight shift and change position.







Perseverat Perseveration ion is the continued repetition repetition of a word, phrase, or movement. movement. 5nitiating a new act activity ivity during therapy may allow the patient to redirect attention and subse$uently receive positive reinforcement for attending to a selected task.




A nom nominal inal scale describe describess differences by assigni assigning ng them to a category or subset. subset. he nominal scale is the the weakest level of measurement.




A physica physicall therapy aide is a non0licensed worker trained under the direction of a physical therapist. therapist. A physical physical therapist may delegate ambulation activities activities to an aide if the therapist feels the aide"s training is ade$uate to complete the activity. activity. A physical therapy therapy aide re$uires continuous on site supervision.




A patie patient nt is determined to have poor sitting balance if he3she cannot sit unsupported with without out assistance.

Area rugs can be extremely haardous, regardle regardless ss of sie and as a result are not recommended following 6oint replacement surgery.

4eading $uestions of often ten bias a patient toward toward a specific response. he $uestion 9Does 9Does this alter your pain in

any way(= provides the patient with the opportunity to provide additional insight into his3her present condition. ).



5nterrater reliab reliability ility refers to the amount of agreement between repea repeated ted measurements conducted by different different examiners on the same muscle or muscle groups.




Candwashing is the most effec effective tive method to reduce cross0contamination cross0contamination and the transmission of disease. Candwashing must occur between all patient contacts.







?asodilators are drugs that directly inhibit smooth muscle contraction and decrease peripheral vascular resistance. A patient taking vasodilators vasodilators may have difficulty with 6oint effusion due to subse$uent fluid retention and the diminished contractility of the vascular system.







he therapist shou should ld utilie a female to ser serve ve as an observer. observer. his type of action is a form form of risk management in order to prevent allegations of alleged misconduct.




5nade$uate seat width results in dif difficulty ficulty changing positions, pressure pressure on the greater trochanters, and diffic difficulty ulty wearing bulky clothing or orthoses.




he posterior cruciate ligament is responsible for preventing posterior displacement displacement of the tibia on the femur. he ligament is most in6ured by a direct force on the tibia, which displaces it in a posterior direction in relation to the femur 




Although each of the presented options is important, mai maintaining ntaining accurate and timely docume documentation ntation is the most important. Documentation often provide providess the primary evidence of what transpired during a given treatment session. he information is often utilied during litigation determine if patient care standards were compromised.



A. 4ateral distrac distraction tion and anterior glide of the glenohumeral 6oint can be utilied to increase lateral lateral rotation and extension.




he most accurate value for respirat respiration ion rate is obtained using the longest measurement period.

Active movement re$uire re$uiress direct patient participation.

he most appropri appropriate ate response is to refer the pat patient ient to a $ualified physician. physician. his action wil willl allow the patient to receive a thorough examination and if indicated a referral to physical therapy. therapy. )-22%-1.doc



Practice Questions




he Q angle is define defined d as the angle between the $uadriceps $uadriceps muscles and patella patellarr tendon. ;ormal Q angle values are 1& degrees for males and 1 degrees for females.




5nternal or external metallic ob6ects, including surgical surgical metal implants, are contraindications for shortwave diathermy.. Gailure to recognie the presence of a surgical metal implant may result in excessive heat production diathermy and subse$uent tissue damage.




Primary goals for a phase 5 cardiac rehabilita rehabilitation tion program include preventing deleterious deleterious effects of bed rest through activity, activity, assessing hemodynamic response to exercise, managing psychosocial aspects of cardiac disease, and patient and family education.




he upper trapeius acts to elevate the scapula and is innervated by the spinal component of the accessory accessory nerve. he dorsal scapular nerve innervates innervates the levator scapulae and rhomboid minor. minor.




A therapi therapist st should select a pulse site that is comfortable for the patient and does not increase anxiety. anxiety. he radial pulse is often utilied to assess pulse rate following exercise.






therapist st should avoid placing a patient in any position that facilitate facilitatess abnormal reflexes. 7idelying is a C. A therapi reflex inhibiting posture that does not increase the influence of tonic neck or labyrinthine reflexes.













he number that is closest to E1.-- represents the strongest strongest positive correlation.




Jains in strength are greatest when a muscle is exercised exercised against resistance at maximal intensity intensity..







5n order to ade$uately address the patient" patient"ss sub6ective report of pain, it is essential to gather additional information.

he hamate articulate articulatess with the base of the fourth and fifth metacarpal.

he cerebellum is th thee area of the brain responsibl responsiblee for modulation of movem movement. ent. 4esions to the cere cerebellum bellum may produce hypotonia, tremor, impaired reflexes, ataxic gait, and nystagmus.

Answers that do not correspond to the actual perception of a respondent may contribute to formi forming ng inaccurate conclusions.

;egative work is a type of isotonic exercise that occurs when the muscle lengthens lengthens while a weight is being lowered. ;egative work is ofte often n termed eccentric wor work. k. he patient should not grasp the edge of a sliding board with her fingers since they may become pinched while

completing the transfer. 2&.



he design of prosthesis determine determiness available 6oint play and as a result 6oint mobiliation activi activities ties are not appropriate following a total knee replacement.






location on between the medial epicondyle and the olecranon B. he ulnar nerve is most susceptible to in6ury at its locati  process.



B. all kneeling follows the $uadruped $uadruped position in the developmental se$uence. all kneeling emphasied his extension in combination with knee flexion and serves to promote stability. stability.




he most common side effect of nonsteroidal anti0inflammatory anti0inflammatory medications is gastrointestinal discomfor discomfort. t. Discomfort occurs due to the direct irritation of the gastric mucosa and loss of protection in the mucosal lining of the stomach. >ther side effects include vomiting, diiness, diiness, headache, tinnitus, gastrointestinal hemorrhage hemorrhage and rash.

A walker provides the patient with the necessary stability without relying on significant upper extremity strength. he walker allows for varying degrees of weight beari bearing ng on the involved lower extremity. extremity.


Practice Questions





Application of transcutaneous electri electrical cal nerve stimulation over a pregnant uterus is contraindicate contraindicated d since it may induce uterine contractions.




Atelectasis re refers fers to a collapsed or airless airless condition of a lobe or segment segment of a lung. 7egmental breat breathing hing is a techni$ue that can be used to direct inspired air to a selected area.




he resting position is the position where the articulating articulating surfaces are least congruent and the supporting structures are most lax. Faximum 6oint tractio traction n and 6oint play are available in this position.













7ince the patient" patient"ss elbow range of motion begins at 1* degrees of flexion and ends at /- degrees of flexion, the measurement should be recorded as 1* : /- degrees of right elbow flexion. he amount of available range of motion is considered hypomobile.




Hespiratory rat ratee is an ob6ective measure tha thatt is used to assess endura endurance. nce. Hespiratory rate rate typically increa increases, ses, as a patient becomes fatigued. ;ormaliati ;ormaliation on of tone is a priority in stroke stroke rehabilitation. Gacilitati Gacilitation on techni$ues are utili utilied ed when hypotonia exists. Gacilitati Gacilitation on techni$ues include vibration, weight bearing, approximation, tapping and $uick stretch. A posi positive tive !abinski ref reflex lex is normal in infants up to six six months of age. 7timulating tthe he lateral aspect of the sole of the foot assesses this reflex. 5f the great toe extends in a person older than six months of age, it may indicate the presence of an upper motor neuron lesion.

!roca" !roca"ss area, located in the left hemisphere, receives its blood supply from the middle cer cerebral ebral artery. artery. Damage

to !roca"s area may result in expressive aphasia. .



he use of an orthosis would ensure ade$uate foot clearance and stability during acti activities vities of daily living.




5nternal fixation provide providess the necessary stability to the fracture site to allow early early protected weight bearing.






diathermy my produces deep heating effects by introducing electromagnetic electromagnetic energy that is convert converted ed to A. 7hortwave diather heat



A. Archimedes" principle of buoyancy states that a body immersed in a li$uid experience experiencess an upward force e$ual to the weight of the displaced li$uid. 5n a$uatic therapy therapy,, a patient may experience greater ease of movement due to the buoyant force of the water.



complete functional activities wit without hout shortness of breath or B. Pacing is a techni$ue that can allow patients to complete dyspnea.






A. !ehavioral ob6ec ob6ectives tives must include a behavior behavior that can be seen or heard. he verb 9comprehend= 9comprehend= does not satisfactorily meet this criterion. satisfactorily











'ooden axillary crutches provide the patient with an appropr appropriate iate and cost effective assistive device device to meet a short term need.

AP note includes the therapist"s therapist"s ob6ective observations and the results of examination and treatment procedures. o test the right hip adductors, the patient should be positioned on his3her right side.

D. 7itting upright in a forward leaning postur posturee with the neck flexed and arms supported is the optimal position to  produce a forceful forceful cough. B.

he patient must have a firm grasp on the wheelchair armrests prior to lowe lowering ring the body.



Practice Questions



D. 5n an acute care setting, all administra administrative tive and clinical records are the property of the health care facility. facility. Patient consent is necessary prior to releasing any clinical record.




otal lung capacity e$uals the sum of residual volume and vital capacit capacity. y. otal lung capacity does not change significantly as a result of aging. Although residual volume increases increases with age, the net result on total lung capacity is negligible.




Although the order of application of the gown and mask may vary, vary, gloves must be the last item to be applied.



A. Quadriceps setting exer exercises cises provide the opportunity for the muscle to contract without an apprec appreciable iable change in length. he exercise places minimal str stress ess on the knee and the surrounding tissues and as a result can be utilied during the initial stages of a rehabilitati rehabilitation on program.




he medial collatera collaterall ligament, also termed the ulnar collatera collaterall ligament, is a fan shaped ligament that serves to restrict medial angulation angulation of the ulna on the humerus. 5t extends from the medial epicondyle to the medial margin margin of the ulna"s trochlear notch.







A th third ird degree sprain involves a com complete plete rupture or break in the the continuity of a ligament. ligament. he in6ury usually results in significant 6oint play hypermobility. hypermobility.




he patient would likely utili utiliee a three0point gait pattern using axillary crutche crutches. s. A three0point three0point gait pattern can accommodate different different levels of weight bearing.

'hen an intravenous line becomes dislodged from a vein it is appropriate to turn off the 5? uni unitt in order to

 prevent further accumulation of fluid. 1-.


C. 5n addition to flexing th thee shoulder and elbow 6oin 6ointt the biceps brachii acts to supinate supinate the forearm. he musculocutaneous nerve innervates the biceps brachii.



sample le classified as purulent is described as a viscous fluid exudate that is often yellow or green and D. A sputum samp may be associated with acute or chronic infection.




Ankle eversion has been shown to ha have ve an interclass correlation correlation coeffi coefficient cient of -.12. he value is signific significantly antly lower than the interclass correlation coefficients for the remaining options.










7hort term tube fee feeding ding is often accomplished accomplished through the use of a nasogastric nasogastric tube. A nasogastric nasogastric tube is inserted through a nostril and terminates in the stomach.










he order for the compone components nts of a research article iiss as follows8 title, abstrac abstract, t, introduction, re review view of literature, methods, results, discussion and conclusion.







#omplete destr destruction uction of the epiderma epidermall and dermal layers of the skin ccharacterie haracterie a full0thickness full0thickness burn. 5n addition, some of the subcutaneous tissue is damaged. damaged. Jrafts are re$uired with full thickness thickness burns. Doorway width should be a minimum of &% inches in order to accommodate a wheelchair. wheelchair.

5ndependent ambulation wit with h forearm crutches and bilateral knee ankle0foot ort orthosis hosis is an expected outcome for patients with lesions between between the levels of 1- and 1%. Patients with higher thoracic thoracic lesions do not have ade$uate motor control of the trunk and as a result are unable to functionally ambulate. ambulate. Arterial blood samples must be obtained fro from m arteries.

An ordinal measurem measurement ent scale allows for the rranking anking of items or individu individuals als from highest to lowest. lowest. he amount of difference between rankings may not be e$ual. he left lung does not have a mi middle ddle lobe.


Practice Questions




C. he 4andau reflex is an e$uilibrium respon response se that occurs when a child responds to prone suspension by aligning his3her head and extremities extremities in line with the plane of the body. Although this response begins around three months of age, it is not fully integrated until the child" child"ss second year. year.














difference between the largest and smalle smallest st B. Hange is a common measure of dispersion that is expressed as the difference scores in a distribution










!eta blockers primary ef effect fect is to decrease heart rate and the force of myocardial contraction, as a result beta  blockers act to decrease heart rate rate and blood pres pressure sure during exer exercise. cise. B.

5n order for a therapist to properly interact with a patient during an examinat examination, ion, it is essential to determine the  patient"ss level of communication.  patient" communication. he described position is utilie utilied d as part of the homas test. A posit positive ive homas test is indicative of a hip flexion contracture and is identified by the patient"s leg rising off the table. 'eight shifting is a prere$uisite activity for many higher level functional activities including gait.

'alking at &.- mph corresponds correspond s to & : ) F@7

7evere pain with range of motion and3or weight beari bearing ng resulting in a significant loss of function is the primary indication for a total 6oint replacement. Patients with congest congestive ive heart failure tend to have excessive fluid retention in the pulmonary pulmonary and systemic

circulation. As a result a diet high in potassium is prescribed, while items high in sodium are restricted. restricted. 1%.



he test knee remaining in /- degrees of flexion over the edge of the table identifies ade$uate length of the rectus femoris. his is a common method of assessing the length of the two 6oint hip flexor flexor..



C. Policies are form formed ed statements that ou outline tline a definite cours coursee or method of action. hey are used to guide a department in decision making.



C. he assessment se section ction of a 7>AP note allows the therapist therapist to express his3her professional professional 6udgment. he assessment section may include a statement about identified inconsistencies between sub6ective and ob6ective data.







A manager should speak directly to an employee whenever an established policy is violated however, since it is the employee"s employee"s first offense a private oral warning is the most appropriate option. Past medical history is an importa important nt component of an initial examination and should be formal component of

the corresponding documentation. documentation. 5nterim progress notes do not re$uire the patient patient"s "s past medical medical history to restated. 1&1.



Due to the potential impact on future bone growth, lack of skeletal maturity maturity can be a contraindication to anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery.













5nfants have resting pul pulse se rates of approximate approximately ly 1%*01&* beats per minute

7tudent physical therap therapists ists and graduate physical therapist must have their notes cosigne cosigned d y the therapist of record. Physical contact betwe between en two ob6ects with different temperatures temperatures results in a transfer of energy in the form of heat through conduction. #lonus is an abnormal re reflex flex that may occur wit with h an upper motor neuron lesion. #lonus is defined as a

spasmodic alternation of muscular contractions between antagonistic muscle groups and is commonly observed at the ankle 6oint. 1&.



A patie patient nt with  paraplegia should be reminded of the importan importance ce of pressure relief once a reddened area is detected. ;ursing must also be alerted in order to ade$uately monitor the area. area.



Practice Questions




#onsciousness is consider considered ed a clear state of awareness of self and the environment in which attention is focused on immediate matters. matters. 5t may take a patient a considerable amount of time to regain full consciousn consciousness ess following a traumatic event.






A stet stethoscope hoscope is a standard piece of e$uipment e$uipment utilied to m measure easure blood pressure pressure.. 5t is not necessary to record record the actual type of stethoscope used when assessing blood pressure.



C. A patient that exhi exhibits bits behaviors out of proportion to the clinical findings may be malinger malingering. ing. he therapist should consider this possibility possibility,, however, should not withhold treatment until additional information is gathered.



immersion rsion techni$ue the transducer should be held -.* : &.- cm. from C. 'hen performing ultrasound using the imme the body surface to be treated. herefore O inch to 1 inch is within the acceptable range.












C. Abduction and lateral ro rotation tation are components of tthe he anterior apprehension apprehension test. his position res resembles embles the mechanism of in6ury associated with an anterior shoulder subluxation or dislocation.




Partial sit0up sit0upss place significant stress on the abdominal area and are therefore inappropriate inappropriate for a woman two days status post cesarean section.






A plumb line appli applied ed to a patient with ideal alignment should run through the lobe of the ear, through the greater trochanter of the femur, anterior to a midline through the knee, and anterior to the medial malleolus.




Ceel strike refe refers rs to the instant at which the the heel of the leading extremity extremity strikes the ground. he knee should  be in a position position of full extension extension at heel st strike rike during nor normal mal gait. D.

Hepeated contract contractions ions should be applied at the point when when the contraction begin beginss to diminish. he techni$ue utilies an isometric contraction followed followed by subse$uent manual stretches. Hepeated contractions assist with enhancing motor neuron recruitment and strengthening of a muscle or group of muscles. An orthosis set in excessive dorsiflexion will promote knee instability. instability.

o increase wrist extension, extension, stabilie the radius and glide the scaphoid scaphoid in a volar direction. he radius is considered to be the concave 6oint partner and the scaphoid is considered convex.

Hood" Hood"ss theory states that sensor sensory y stimulation can cau cause se facilitation or inh inhibition ibition of muscle fibe fibers. rs. Quick stretch, tapping, and vibration are examples of sensory stimulation that facilitate muscle fibers. ;eutral warmth,  prolonged pressure, pressure, slow strokin stroking, g, and rocking inhibit inhibit muscle fibers. fibers. A.

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