Gilded Tarot

December 18, 2016 | Author: Clovis Karuman | Category: N/A
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Gilded Tarot 0. THE FOOL Upright interpretation This card represents childlike innocence, trusting your instincts, inexperience, new experiences, being carefree, free, lacking in thought and discipline. In fact anything is possible at this time and the step you take into the unknown may be life changing. Reversed interpretation This card implies immaturity, recklessness, irresponsibility, acting foolishly, unwise actions, disregarding consequences, not trusting your instincts or what you have been told to do. - 1 I. THE MAGICIAN Upright interpretation This card represents and instigates creative power and purpose. All the potential, imagination and elements are there for you to make things happen in your life. You possess all the skills necessary to direct this creative energy into the areas of your life which need them. Reversed interpretation This card implies negativity and suggests you are at odds with the world. You are lacking in confidence and creativity. You are also misusing the skills you possess. - 2 II. THE HIGH PRIESTESS Upright interpretation The card represents mysticism, hidden, subconscious or secret knowledge. This is a time when you 'know' without being told. You may be dreaming more vividly and want to explore their interpretations. Reversed interpretation This card implies that your feelings and hidden potential are being suppressed. It may suggest there have been unhappy consequences by misusing knowledge. Also you may be mistakenly interpreting the outcome of possible events - 3 III THE EMPRESS Upright interpretation This card represents the earth mother, domestic happiness, comfort and fulfilment - the female life-giving force. Reversed interpretation This card implies infidelity, being over-protective, inconstant love leading to stagnation and sterility. It could take mother-love to the extreme. It may mean looking into the state of your health. There may be pressure on funds which may lead to a time of temporary hardship. - 4 IV THE EMPEROR Upright interpretation This card represents life's structure and control in its positive aspects: will-power, ambition, authority, law, strength, courage, rules and dominance. Often it means something you have to do. Reversed interpretation This card implies benevolence, clemency and pity. It can also mean that responsibility has been denied leaving ambition unfulfilled and a sense of inferiority remaining. - 5 V THE HIEROPHANT Upright interpretation This card represents wisdom, intelligence, asceticism and inspiration. Sound and trustworthy advice will be sought and given. This can also mean receiving and accepting, blessings, guidance and healing. Good intentions and discipline are also needed. Reversed interpretation This card implies bad or unreliable advice or misinformation, confusion and following an unconventional pathway.

- 6 VI. THE LOVERS Upright interpretation This card represents love, choice, youthful indecision, hesitation and instability. An important decision may have to be made concerning an affair of the heart. There may be two possibilities to be considered. Reversed interpretation This card implies a broken romance or friendship, sexual immaturity, emotional dependancy, inconstancy and heartache. Accepting people for who they are, not expecting them to be what you want them to be. - 7 VII THE CHARIOT Upright interpretation This card represents triumph, success and victory. You know where you are going and how you are going to get there. There is controlled emotion through strength of will, which enables you to put a block on your feelings if they stand in the way of your ambition and drive. This card can literally mean some form of transport Reversed interpretation This card implies loss of will and direction, which causes chaos in your life. This loss of control will give you the feeling of aimlessness possibly leading to discouragement, inner conflict, quarrels or defeat. There may be delays in connection with transport. - 8 VIII. STRENGTH Upright interpretation This card represents strength and courage, and promises success to those who can direct their energy, willpower and natural gifts into enterprises which will bring positive results. Reversed interpretation This card implies that there is fruitless striving and dissipated energy leading to weariness pessimism and possible ill health. The result could be weakness, lack of interest and worst of all - wasted effort. - 9 IX THE HERMIT Upright interpretation The card represents the need for prudence, wisdom and patience. This may be a time for an inner journey, aided by meditation, reflection or soul searching, taking time out to seek the answer to your question. Perhaps asking is this really what I want? A need for discretion may be necessary. This may be a time when caution and watchfulness should be applied to hidden enemies, whether they are rivals, competitors or opponents. Reversed interpretation This card implies excessive caution or timidity, even loneliness and isolation. Perhaps you have closed your mind to the possibilities available to you, refusing any advice on offer. This may be the result of a lack of wisdom or an insight into your present situation. - 10 X. THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE Upright interpretation This card represents karma. It can mean that a period of good fortune after bad luck is indicated and adapting or finding solution in face of unexpected change. Reversed interpretation This card implies unlucky or negative influences after a period of good fortune. There may be fear of disaster or some twist of fate has happened, but there is hope of good fortune. -






11 XI. JUSTICE Upright interpretation This card represents impartiality, rationality, balanced judgement, integrity and arbitration. It suggests that right is on your side in this instance and a just decision will be made in this matter. Reversed interpretation This card may mean bad judgement or legal trouble. It may suggest an unreasonable or unjust decision will be the result of a situation. It may imply that you are the subject of a biased accusation or prejudiced treatment. In other words you are being treated very unfairly. You do not deserve this! 12 XII. THE HANGING MAN Upright interpretation This card represents selfdenial, changes in fortune, or perhaps your patience and endurance will be put to the test. It means that when you come face to face with the reality of the situation in which you are in, you find something else which will prove of greater value to you. It may be that you have to sacrifice your previous beliefs or even way of life, but it is a time of renewal and your life will go forward. Reversed interpretation This card implies that a you will not face up to the reality of a situation and there may be a failure in coming to terms with this. It may also mean that a sacrifice you have made may be wasted. 13 XIII. DEATH Upright interpretation This card represents transformation. It may suggest that time is running out, or has run out and you are forced into action. In fact life gives you a nudge or a push. Death usually means a transition or a clearing out to make way for something new. In a sense it suggests a reappraisal. It implies that there is a loss of some kind. Reversed interpretation This card implies that something you have been clinging on to has to be given up. There is a fundamental fear of change, even a refusal to believe that the inevitable must happen. Without change there will be no renewal, only stagnation. 14 XIV. TEMPERANCE Upright interpretation This card represents vitality, life, fruitfulness, and restraint. It suggests that you keep to the middle path, try to keep calm and maintain a balance in your emotions. Reversed interpretation This card represents vitality, life, fruitfulness, and restraint. It suggests that you keep to the middle path, try to keep calm and maintain a balance in your emotions. 15 XV. THE DEVIL Upright interpretation This card represents the obsessional side of you. It is associated with temptation and implies weakness of will, possibly illness through addiction. You know you shouldn't do it but it is hard to resist. This card implies that your obsessions are difficult to resist. You may even think you deserve all you get. However this situation will soon resolve itself and the influence is passing. Reversed interpretation This card implies that your obsessions are difficult to resist. You may even think you deserve all you get. However this situation will soon resolve itself and the influence is passing.






16 XVI THE TOWER Upright interpretation This card represents sudden calamity, shock, change and realisation. It can mean pent up emotion causing total frustration and annoyance. When this is released you will find liberation. Reversed interpretation This card implies sudden change, shock and realisation and vulnerability. The problems still have to be sorted out - it is not over yet. 17 XVII. THE STAR Upright interpretation This card represents hope optimism and a positive outlook. The wand bridges the water and land symbolising the regeneration of the source of life. This Star will guide you though any uncertainty. Reversed interpretation This card implies difficulties, pessimism. loss and lack of hope. You will be feeling disconsolate and your star's light will be dimmed for a little while. 18 XVIII. THE MOON Upright interpretation This card represents doubts, fears, deception, obscurity and concealed dangers, even a surge of emotion. When this appears there is uncertainty and changeability regarding the future, which causes frustration and anxiety. Reversed interpretation There will be hidden perils, upset emotions, disillusionment and confusion. Deceitfulness may not be of your making but you may be involved within it either with your knowledge or without it. 19 XIX. THE SUN Upright interpretation This card represents happiness, peace, positive energy, warmth and contentment. It could possibly relate to a happy marriage or matters concerning children. The sun rules the day so all matters can be seen clearly, positively and with clarity of vision. Reversed interpretation This card represents happiness, peace, positive energy, warmth and contentment. It could possibly relate to a happy marriage or matters concerning children. The sun rules the day so all matters can be seen clearly, positively and with clarity of vision. 20 XX. JUDGEMENT Upright interpretation This card represents a judgement of what has gone before - that we must take account of past performance before deciding on a future course of action. There is usually a decision to be made which may be far reaching for a new beginning. Reversed interpretation This card represents a judgement of what has gone before - that we must take account of past performance before deciding on a future course of action. There is usually a decision to be made which may be far reaching for a new beginning. 21 XXI. THE WORLD Upright interpretation This card represents ultimate success, accomplishment and a well-regulated life. It may suggest a natural ending of a phase in your life and moving forward in the right direction. Reversed interpretation This card implies completion, but perhaps with certain






constraints, often physical or material still operating which may turn your world upside down. 22 ACE OF WANDS Upright interpretation This card represents a gift of power, movement, the start of creativity, a burst of enthusiasm or physical energy. It may be a new idea perhaps involving a new enterprise which has not been considered before. Reversed interpretation This is a card of loss of power and energy, even a lack of stimulation, creativity and desire which may lead to a scarcity of bright ideas and inspiration. 23 TWO OF WANDS Upright interpretation This card may suggest a feeling of being hemmed in. Your desires and aims are being restricted and a new outlook is needed to overcome this. It may represent a conflict within the self or with another representing a battle of opposing forces. Reversed interpretation This card could imply that the opposing forces within you are losing their energy and making you feel resentful. This loss of power could lead you to being dominated by others thus causing a feeling of hostility towards them. 24 THREE OF WANDS Upright interpretation This card represents the establishment of your endeavours. You can now afford to let others assist you in your enterprises. You have grasped and grounded your potential so there will be xpansion in your horizons due to the knowledge you have gained from your initiatives. Someone from afar may be thinking of you. Reversed interpretation This card implies that people you depend on may be unreliable. Also at this time your pride may be hindering any efforts you are making in your endeavours especially as you will only accept your own way or thinking. 25 FOUR OF WANDS Upright interpretation This card represents a harvest of harmony, contentment, peace, and pleasure. There will be personal achievements and a feeling of material well-being. There may be satisfaction regarding a new home or other real estate. Reversed interpretation This card presages unhappiness and discontent. There may be feelings of disappointment with your lot in life which may make you react in such a way that other people think you are ungrateful. They could then withdraw from you and your hopes and future happiness may remain unfulfilled. 26 FIVE OF WANDS Upright interpretation This card represents struggles, obstacles, endeavours, labours, competition and strife. It may mean that you will be pitting your wits against others in some way. Lively discussions could emanate either with one person or with many people. There could be tests, ordeals even battles, but generally minor problems are associated with this card. Reversed interpretation This card implies quarrels, arguments, minor misunderstandings and battles. It may be that unfair competition is being used in a situation causing problems at work or home. You may feel a sense of disillusionment and deception because of this.

- 27 SIX OF WANDS Upright interpretation This card represents the promise of victory. It means that success is assured and positive thinking will win the day. Your efforts will be rewarded and any problems can be sorted out with confidence. Reversed interpretation This card represents the expectancy of failure. Your confidence is sliding and a feeling of pessimism prevails. If you do allow self-doubt to take control you will fail. Believe in yourself and you will prosper. - 28 SEVEN OF WANDS Upright interpretation This card represents courage, determination, inner strength and valour in the face of misfortune. Now is the time to beat off any problems and adversity then stand your ground. Battling will erase doubts and uncertainties, and sustained effort will overcome any obstacles bringing with it eventual reward. You may even feel invincible or have the upper hand. Reversed interpretation This card implies that hesitation brings loss. The determination, inner strength and valour needed to surmount your problems and difficulties will turn to fearfulness and failure. It may be that courage will turn to cowardice at this time and indecision will show through. Believe in yourself! - 29 EIGHT OF WANDS Upright interpretation This card is associated with movement. There may be lots of news coming in very quickly. Positive energy is flowing your way. It may mean quick resolution of problems and hasty decisions. Communication in all its forms may be represented. There will be swift action and associated activity. Enthusiasm, co-operation, progress and understanding will be to the fore. Reversed interpretation This card implies loss of movement and delays. There will be no achievement in the various activities undertaken. There will be wasted energy leading to exhaustion. Communications will be interrupted or misplaced. - 30 NINE OF WANDS Upright interpretation This is a card of great strength. You have the ability to stand in front of your problems and create such a impenetrable position that attack on you will be met with suitable resistance. The risk of conflict will be there constantly, but you will always have strength in reserve in any confrontation. Reversed interpretation You may have been hurt in a situation but is it just obstinance that you continue to fight and put up such resistance. Your refusal to accept compromise will lead to an inability to adapt to any new situation and other peoples' problems will encroach into your life. Be vigilant! - 31 TEN OF WANDS Upright interpretation This card represents oppression. You may be shouldering all of the responsibility and burdens at the moment. There may be many problems and commitments to be sorted out - some you have taken on yourself - but help is at hand. Reversed interpretation This card represents oppression. You may be shouldering all of the responsibility and burdens at the moment. There may be many problems and commitments to be sorted out - some you have taken on yourself - but help is at hand.

- 32 PAGE OF WANDS Upright interpretation This is a warm-hearted page who may be a relative, friend, acquaintance or not known to you. He may act as a messenger bringing spoken news of some kind. He may not remain very long but he is optimistic and enthusiastic. Reversed interpretation You may be receiving unsettling news or witnessing a situation in disbelief. It may be the result of misinterpreting or misunderstanding the circumstances surrounding this, although it might even be confirmation of something which you hoped was not true. - 33 KNIGHT OF WANDS Upright interpretation This knight may be full of selfconfidence but it might be more than is prudent. He also represents, departure, travel, freedom and movement. He is alert and acts on impulse often making a quick decision to do something. Reversed interpretation This knight is a jealous guy. He is particularly argumentative and can be aggressive. He will cause conflict where he can and create opposition to your suggestions and plans. - 34 QUEEN OF WANDS Upright interpretation She is a warm-hearted queen who is a devoted friend. She is a warm, generous and kind-hearted lady whose fire burns brightly. You can tell her secrets because she is very discreet. She is also dependable and will help you if you need assistance. Reversed interpretation This queen may feel let down and as such may be bitter or jealous if her world is turned upside down. Her natural discretion may turn to gossip and vindictiveness if she is wronged. - 35 KING OF WANDS Upright interpretation He is a warm-hearted King. As he has become mature his freedom has become restricted. He has chosen responsibility but impatience is now depicted. Reversed interpretation The fire energy associated with this card is not put to good use. The king lets his passions and energy rule him so he becomes intolerant, unreliable, aggressive, untrustworthy, and may tell lies. He may become unrelentless in trying to get his own way. He may be classed as pompous, bigoted and unable to give good advice. Be aware that he may also have a violent temper. - 36 ACE OF CUPS Upright interpretation This card brings a gift of love, great joy, and new happiness. It may herald the birth of a baby, a blessing or the start of love in all its forms Reversed interpretation This card implies that love will not be forthcoming or it has been misread and it is affection only on offer. It may indicate that your relationship or affair is losing the emotion of love. - 37 TWO OF CUPS Upright interpretation This card indicates the love or deep friendship binding two people. This is all about emotional partnerships and how






mutual support and understanding are brought into them. There may be a mutually satisfying contract on offer. Reversed interpretation This card suggests that there is a problem within relationships of all types. It may indicate a parting of two people. Perhaps the demands or strain imposed on either one has been too great. Disloyalty or a betrayal of trust may have something to do with it. 38 THREE OF CUPS Upright interpretation This card suggests celebrations and hospitality. Perhaps a visit is on offer and a welcome awaits you from family or friends. The word is fun and it is time to experience it. Reversed interpretation Hospitality and invitations are thin on the ground at the moment. There may be a hint of selfishness simply because the wanted love and affection is not forthcoming. Because of this you may go over the top emotionally, which may lead you astray just to stave off the offending boredom. 39 FOUR OF CUPS Upright interpretation This is the card of divine discontent. There may be confusion, despondency, boredom or just apathy. You may be feeling fed up just because you have to do the things you do not wish to do. There is a feeling of 'No, don't want to'. This is a shame because a new opportunity is being offered and emotionally you could benefit from this. Reversed interpretation This card suggests that the feeling of depression and discontent which is evident at the moment will change from self-pity into rejuvenation. 40 FIVE OF CUPS Upright interpretation This card indicates loss. There may be something missing in your life but don't dwell on the pain. All is not lost but you will need to look at the circumstances again. There will be sadness and some regret, but there is still love to take forward into a new situation or relationship. Reversed interpretation The feelings of loss you have been encountering will soon come to an end and you will walk forward with contentment. 41 SIX OF CUPS Upright interpretation This card represents the pleasure and nostalgia which comes from days of yore. A memory may be rekindled or you may meet someone from your past. It may even mean renewing an acquaintance with a country which may have been visited in the past. Reversed interpretation Instead of looking back with nostalgia you are clinging on to old loves and past events and not allowing them to remain just a memory. Living in the past prevents you facing the facts of the present. 42 SEVEN OF CUPS Upright interpretation This is the card of choice. A time of deciding what options are open and what you want to do. It may be a case of wishful thinking but if you know what you want set it free. Go for it! Reversed interpretation There may be an indulgence in daydreams and wishful thinking. If that is the case wrong decisions may be made. The choices should be real, not unrealistic and not based in the realms of fantasy.

- 43 EIGHT OF CUPS Upright interpretation This card implies that no matter how much emotional energy and feeling you have put into a situation it has to be abandoned However although it is no longer viable there has been no grief caused, everything is still intact. There is a suggestion that it might simply imply that you have to let go of a situation that no longer gives you the stimulation you need. However it may mean literally walking, escaping or journeying alone. Reversed interpretation This may be a time when you cannot face life and you have unrealistic dreams and fantasies. You may abandon your predictable life for the uncertainty of an inconstant future. - 44 NINE OF CUPS Upright interpretation This card suggests that emotional stability, happiness, harmony and inner contentment are included in this card. There is a feeling of well-being and satisfaction. There is also the sense of wishes come true at this time. Reversed interpretation There is a suggestion of smugness with this card. All appears well on the surface but underneath different feelings are detected which could elevate into problems because of over-confidence. - 45 TEN OF CUPS Upright interpretation This card represents ultimate joy, happiness, affection and love. It may represent matters concerning the family. It is a time when true feelings may manifest themselves. Now you will experience genuine emotional contentment and harmonious relationships. Reversed interpretation There is a disruption to the happiness surrounding the family and relationships, which may cause emotional turmoil. The upheaval caused will leave disharmony and upset in its wake. - 46 PAGE OF CUPS Upright interpretation This card may represent a loving child or young person who will ask a favour or kindness of you. This young person can be approached as he has an innocence about him which reflects in his ability to bring about gentle soul searching and contemplation. There may be new beginnings in a relationship. Reversed interpretation The card implies that this young person may not be as approachable or as dependable as first thought. The news he brings will not be as helpful as previously anticipated. - 47 KNIGHT OF CUPS Upright interpretation This knight has his wants to the fore. He is searching to find and attain his true needs. This may be something, of necessity, he needs to do - to search for the person or thing which provides emotional security. Reversed interpretation This knight may be masking over his emotional difficulties so all is not what it seems. This will make him seem very underhand. But it is the fear of being hurt which is the underlying cause of his pretence. - 48






QUEEN OF CUPS Upright interpretation She is the queen of complex emotions and is so sensitive and intense, she relies on her intuition rather than her natural common sense. Her affections can be shallow at times. This lady may seem as if she lives in the realms of fantasy and wishful thinking, but there is a devotion to her friends and family which cannot be denied to her. She has the attention of many admirers because of who she is. Reversed interpretation This queen is emotionally draining. She causes problems to her friends and family. She wants them to tend to her every need. She is inconstant, intolerant and demands love. 49 KING OF CUPS Upright interpretation He is our king of complex emotions. He tends to be a very private person. He is also protecting himself from being hurt. Because of this he will not share his real feelings or inner thoughts, or even show them by the look on his face. His counsel is wise and he comes from a scientific base. He will be a respected person in the community. Reversed interpretation This card represents a king whose complex emotions are hiding an inner truth. He will not show feelings as it will unmask his real and true motives. You may find this situation hard to accept so it will be imperative to find his underlying problems so that harmony can be restored. 50 ACE OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This card represents the gift of truth. It also embodies wisdom, reality, strength and clarity of thought. It may allow you to speak your mind on a particular subject. It may mean matching wits or outwitting somebody. As this gift is short-lived use it to its advantage when given to you. This card may help you bring force of personality and pressure to bear when trying to negotiate on something. Getting to grips with the task in question may also be an option. Reversed interpretation This card suggests that truth is hard to find. All the embodiment of the upright card is devalued into dishonesty, lies, deception and anger. You may find the intellect is diminished and misunderstandings are rife. 51 TWO OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This is the card of indecision causing stalemate, confusion and delay. Many avenues may have been tried until it dawns on you that there is a logical way forward to find the right irection. Action cannot be delayed for too long. Reversed interpretation This card records unfairness and mistrust. A situation causing stalemate, confusion and delay has been around for too long and it is time to find a solution perhaps your indecision is to blame in this instance. 52 THREE OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This card suggests quarrels, strife, hurt, loss or heartache. Sorrow or guilt could be the underlying cause. You may need to be less sensitive so that people do not upset you as much or make you feel slighted. You may hate being teased as this generally leads to tears being shed. Reversed interpretation This card implies that there is muddled thinking leading to confusion, sorrow, pain and stress. There may be painful choices to be made so care and guidance should be sought.






53 FOUR OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This card represents quiet contemplation, relaxation or isolation. It may mean that you are contemplating a holiday or one may be on offer after a fretful period of time. It also implies recuperation after a period of stress or illness. Perhaps you should be taking time out to consider various options. Reversed interpretation It may be that you will have to take an enforced period rest because of anxiety or mental exhaustion. Enforced confinement may not help but bring about gloom, rejection, depression and a feeling of isolation. It may imply a holiday is ending or that a period of rest may be over. 54 FIVE OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This card intimates that you may be beaten by circumstances in this instance but you can try again later. You may be in a situation where there is conflict or battle of wills. You may have to accept limitation if you do not want to lose. Reversed interpretation A domineering person will be prominent at this time who will cause conflict and trouble. It will take strength and courage but he can be defeated then expelled from your life. 55 SIX OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This card represents a journey from troubled to smoother times. This journey can in fact be over water but it may be sheer relief over an emotional problem such as depression or sorrow. The message is that things will now be on the up. Reversed interpretation This card represents a journey from smooth to troubled times. The journey will be a difficult one where ideology cannot be tolerated and problems exists. Until the root cause is removed these difficulties will remain. 56 SEVEN OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This card means that nothing is going right and your plans have gone awry. You do not achieve what you set out to do. You may have taken a shortcut which means you do not reach your Objective. This could involve a mishap. Reversed interpretation Your course of action at this time may have been taken through bad advice. You will need to reassess the facts and look at this again before the situation as a whole will become clearer. 57 EIGHT OF SWORDS Upright interpretation Fear and bewilderment are causing restrictions and you do not know what to do. The thing is to stop panicking. You may be feeling trapped but there is an easy way out of your predicament. It is only the confusion which prevents you from seeing and walking away from the situation. Reversed interpretation There is a new clarity of thought which dissolves the confusion. A new way of thinking which offers new hope in this situation. The realisation that walking away is so easy means there is no stopping you. 58 NINE OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This card may represent a panicky situation which is no where near as bad as you first thought. It may






seem like a nightmare - all doom and disaster - but of course the reality is different and it is a fear you can master. It can also herald a heart stopping moment - nothing bad - which can bring you on full alert for a few seconds. Reversed interpretation There is an uncontrollable fear at present. No one seems willing to help you but this is all in your mind. Panic, fright and resulting hysteria are all feelings present in this temporary situation. 59 TEN OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This card suggests mental exhaustion in some form. You may feel you have hit rock bottom and reached crisis point, but are too tired to do anything about it. You may have been working too hard or burning the midnight oil so it might be wise to ease up. However a new dawn is breaking and things are about to change. Reversed interpretation This card implies that negative thinking is the main cause of your uncertainties at this time. Until you have a change of attitude you will be dogged with difficulties and this will continue for a little while. 60 PAGE OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This page may represent someone who is on the defensive. He will be causing irritation plus upset and making you feel very prickly. He can be a pain in the neck. This may be a child being naughty and up to no good or an adult causing you annoyance and hassle by his actions either within the home or business environment. You can not believe he is behaving in this way and you feel very let down. Reversed interpretation his page is a meddler; he just interferes in things that are not of his concern and is very devious. He enjoys preying on peoples' weaknesses and making them squirm. No one is safe from him and everyone is wondering who is to be his next victim. Also when this card appears it may mean expect the unexpected. 61 KNIGHT OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This knight brings events to the fore with great haste. He may be the type of messenger who has to be told what to do and where to go but he will carry out that work with mental dexterity and with speed. This card may also presage that someone will upset you by knowingly causing mischief with malicious intent. Reversed interpretation This knight fails to think things through before he embarks on a project. He charges about from one situation or crises to another rather than steadying himself to take up an appropriate cause. 62 QUEEN OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This queen has had her disappointments in life. The card implies she is a sad person who has been let down in some way. But she will learn to give love and affection again. She has a strong will, a powerful mental agility with a determination to gain strength which will enable her to cope with any loss or sorrow. Reversed interpretation This queen may have turned into a lonely and insecure woman, but she remains spiteful and exploits others weaknesses to her own advantage. This clever and vindictive woman should be viewed with mistrust. 63





KING OF SWORDS Upright interpretation This king is a harsh but just man. The card may represent a professional man - lawyer etc or someone who works in the services. He administers his life with authority and organisation - a place for everything and everything in its place. He likes to guide people into his way of thinking and to lay down the law as he sees it. He demands justice because of a principle. Reversed interpretation Reversed it implies that this king will do everything in his power to gain control over you. He can be quite ruthless in his attempts to dominate resorting to bullying tactics if the need arises, causing you worry and depression if he can not win this way. 64 ACE OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation This card can indicate a gift being bestowed on you. This can be an object or something that brings fulfilment. It can also suggest a purchase, a statement of account, a contract letter, a circular which will be of interest to you, for example an education course. It usually has a connection with money. It may indicate that there may be a new financial project starting in the near future. Reversed interpretation This ace represents materialism and the purpose in hand. There may be insecurity and lack of fulfilment. Money worries or concerns may be apparent. 65 TWO OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation The meaning of this card is you must keep all your projects in balance and not let them get out of hand. Nothing must take priority at this time. You must keep your options open and maintain the balance and the harmony. Juggling your finances so as not to let one particular commitment cause an overspend. Reversed interpretation There is an inability to keep all your finances in balance and harmony. This may cause an imbalance also in your outlook on life and the projects you are hoping to achieve. 66 THREE OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation This card suggests that you will be planning and finalising your arrangements so that a certain course of action can be taken. You have the skill and learned knowledge to provide for your future prosperity as it comes from a sound base such as qualifications or a skilled trade. This card can also presage an event that will take place in three days time. Reversed interpretation You are finalising your plans and arrangements but you are doing this with dogged determination and obstinance. You may find that all the effort being made will be futile but you will not give in until you decide to do so. 67 FOUR OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation This card suggests that you are clinging on to your ideals and possessions and not letting go. These acquisitions may have taken years to obtain and have given you financial stability. No one will take them from you without a very good reason. It may also deal with the number four. Reversed interpretation This card suggests an inability to let go at the present time of your ideals and possessions. It may suggest that this is a time when you have to pay out or give away more money than you intended to do. Other people may think that you are miserly, but it is






because your money has been hard come by that you are hesitant to part with it. 68 FIVE OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation This card shows that you are not looking ahead and cannot see what is happening in your life and what you want it to be. You may be feeling out in the cold emotionally as well as practically. You could be feeling cold or even have a cold. You may be worrying about your finances at this time. There may be low-esteem or low self-worth which has caused this situation. Reversed interpretation There may have been a loss of employment and financial worries which have caused hardships and may have been continuing for some time. The coldness within and surrounding you needs attention so do any other health problems. 69 SIX OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation This card can mean that you are paying out energy or goodwill - perhaps being generous with your money. You may be a busy person doing practical things even trying to do too many tasks in a short period of time. You may be donating to charitable causes or sharing your finances and time with other people. Reversed interpretation It may seem as you are giving to others and nothing is being given back in return. It may be that two people are taking advantage of your generous nature and you feel used. 70 SEVEN OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation This card advises you to step back and evaluate the situation or task before choosing a pathway. It may be a question of biding your time and waiting for an opportunity to present itself. It may also seem as if everyday life is carrying on as usual. There may be two choices but one has a lot more going for it than the other. Reversed interpretation The card intimates that there will be discouragement because the work being done is not allowing you to achieve what you had anticipated, although it has taken a lot of hard work. It may be time to reassess what you want in life. 71 EIGHT OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation You may be working to complete a task and you are dedicated to your chosen goal. There may have been an apprenticeship for this work or it may have been a raw talent but you have a natural ability to complete tasks which will allow you to find monetary reward for your endeavours. Reversed interpretation There is an indication that you experience lack of concentration which leads to impatience as you find difficulty in completing your assignment. It may be that some of the materials, resources or finances are diverted into other areas causing pressure on the main task undertaken. 72 NINE OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation This card intimates that you are looking after your personal interests and goals. It means that you have achieved what you have set out to do and you have done this through your own efforts. It is this singularity of purpose that brings with it its own sense of






fulfilment. Reversed interpretation This card indicates that you may not be able to decide what really matters to you at the moment. There may have been expansion on offer but you may make the decision to abandon a project or business rather than overcome the obstacles which stand in your way. 73 TEN OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation This is the card of ultimate success as well as financial stability. There will be material security and just rewards for the work completed. It can also mean a dwelling such as the family home or a place of work. It may be time to learn to appreciate what you have. Reversed interpretation This card may indicate that you may be rebelling at the moment you are finding that taking risks is more satisfying than the knowledge that you have financial security. Loss of family wealth and status maybe indicated by this card. There may be other financial losses at this time. 74 PAGE OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation This is a very diligent page. He is so hard working and industrious. He may be concentrating on his studies which tends to make him seem serious. It may also mean a job well done or things to do. He may also be asking Will you do this? Have you got? You will be proud of someone's deed. Reversed interpretation This page is dull and boring. He thinks he has more to offer than is considered so by other people. He is given chances and opportunities to achieve but these are wasted because of lack of ambition. 75 KNIGHT OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation This is a very hardworking Knight. He is very reliable and he never gives up. Some people may think he is stuck in a rut. However he may be suggesting that caution and patience are required and you need a methodical approach to a situation. It may represent circumstances which may have dragged on for a long time. Reversed interpretation This knight suffers from a lack of vision and he may lack inspiration and self-confidence. Stagnation may be the result unless the motivation starts either in his home life, his career or business affairs. 76 QUEEN OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation This queen is a very practical lady, very good at organisation. She has found her niche in life running a home or a business and a demanding job. She enjoys the rewards that success brings. Reversed interpretation This queen is will go on a spending spree when she can not cope. She may even choose to marry for money to make sure her needs are met. She will use people to her own ends and she can be quite ruthless if they do not tow the line. She has the tendency to think what's yours is mine and what's mine's my own. 77 KING OF PENTACLES Upright interpretation This king is a very practical and ambitious man. He enjoys the lifestyle and position that he has achieved through hard work. But it is a question of love me love my job and with this man his work could always take priority. Reversed interpretation This card represents the king as a very materialistic person who has no consideration for

peoples feelings. He is the egotistical business man who has little consideration for anything trivial. - -1 - 1

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