Giant Medieval Pricelist

August 31, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Giant Pricelist TM  Contents: • • •

Introduction  Introduction   Anachronisms  Anachronisms  Wares: Armor and shields  shields   Weapons  Weapons   Machines   War Machines  Equipment  General Equipment  Alchemical Equipment  Equipment  Criminal Equipment  Equipment  Instruments  Musical Instruments  Animals  Animals   Inns   Inns  Bars  Bars  Food  Food  Spices   Spices  Beer and Liquor   Wine  Wine  o









o o





Clothing Clothing  Cloth  Cloth    Weavers products  products  Jewellery  Jewellery  Art  Art  Gems  Gems  Professional services: Chirurgeon  Chirurgeon  Cutthroats  Cutthroats   Herald   Herald  Litigant  Litigant  Mercenaries  Mercenaries  Minstrel  Minstrel  Pardoner   Prostitute  Prostitute  Sage  Sage  Slaves  Slaves  Staff   Street Urchins Urchins   Teamsters  Teamsters  Books and Writing  Writing  Manorial Investments Investments   Land  Land  Sea Travel Travel   o












o o





• • • •


Introduction Lea.. I've since then edited it to suit my This list was compiled from different sources by Darin Lea needs. In particular, the earnings of mercenaries etc. have been tweaked way down. The version is  is also available. If your browser doesn't display tables completely unedited original version  properly, try tr y the non-table version version (may  (may be slightly old). (Thaur).. A Hungarian translation has translation has been provided by Ákos Tasnádi (Thaur) This list is more oriented towards "big" than "accurate". You should not assume historical accuracy, although some of the prices may be from historically accurate sources. On the other hand, prices vary wildly in different years and regions, so providing a historically accurate  pricelist would be a futile effort anyway. Still, there may also be internal inconsistencies. Caveat Emptor . Many of the items on this list are obscure to say the least. Consult Merriam-Webster's online dictionary or dictionary  or Enc Encyc ycllopædi opædiaa Britann Britannica ica for  for explanations. Prices are in pounds (L), shillings (s), pennies (d), halfpennies (h) and farthings (f). 1 pound = 20 shillings = 240 pennies 1 shilling = 12 pennies 1 penny = 2 halfpennies = 4 farthings Corresponding money units in other countries (the abbreviations are the same): England Engla nd France Germany

Pound Shilling Shil ling Penny Halfpenny Halfp enny Farthing Farth ing

Livr Livree Sou Denier -

Pfund Schilling Pfennig -



Lira Lira Soldo Denaro -

Libra / Pondus / Talentum Solidus Denarius Obulus -

Other measurement units (British Imperial): Weight unit Abbreviation

Metric equivalent (Avoirdupois)

Metric equivalent (Troy)


0.373 kg (12 ounces) 31.103 g (20 Ounce oz 28.350 g (16 drams)  pennyweight) Dram dr 1.772 g "hand "handful" ful" Pennyweight dwt also pwt 1.555 g (24 grains)



0.454 kg (16 ounces)



0.0648 g

0.0648 g

Based on the weight of a grain of wheat

 Note: The weight units descend from the original Roman basic unit of weight, tthe he libra, which is why the abbreviation is lb. A libra is equal to 0.327 kg (or 0.722 pounds avoirdupois), and is divided into 12 uncia. At the canonical time period the unit of weight in use in England was probably the Tower pound  (aka  (aka London pound, English pound). It was approximately 0.350 kg. For more information, see e.g. measurement system in Encyclopædia Britannica.. Britannica (Fascinating stuff. Did you know that in 1707 a gallon of ale could have a greater volume than a gallon of wine?)  Liquid and dry measure unit Abbreviation Metric equivalent

Bushel Gallon Quart Pint

bu gal qt pt

Length unit

Mile Mile Fathom (water depth) Yard Foot Inch

Abbreviatio Abbreviation n


36.369 l (8 gallons) 4.546 l (4 quart quarts) s) 1.136 l (2 pints) 0.568 l

Metric equivalent equivalent


1.609 km (1760 yards) "thousands of paces" 1.83 m (6 feet) 0.9144 m (3 feet) "twig, stick" 30.48 cm (12 inches) 2.54 cm

yd ft in

Area unit Abbreviation Abbreviation Metric equivalent Notes

Square mile Acre Square yard Square foot Square inch

Misc. Unit


sq mi sq yd sq ft sq in

2.590 square km 4047 squar squaree m 0.836 square m 0.093 square m 6.452 square cm

"fiel "field" d"


four sheets of paper folded once

Some typical (mostly fictious) incomes (when room and board is provided):


Occupation Occupa tion

Income per year Income per week

The filthy rich Rich Noble Rich Mercha Merchant nt Wealthy Noble Rich Knight Wealthy Merchant

L 4000 - L 6000 L 520 L 520 L 104 L 104 L 104

L 77 - L 115 L 10 L 10 L2 L2 L2

Wealthy Knight Poor Noble Ship Captain Poor Knight Man-at-arms Archer Seaman Building worker Agricultural laborer

L 20 s 16 L 20 s 16 L 6 s 10 L5s4 L 2 s 12 L2s2 L 1 s 10 d 4 L1s1 s4d4

s8 s8 s2d6 s2 s1 d 10 d7 d5 d1

The most typical inhabitant of Mythic Europe, the common farmer, seldom came into contact with money. Barter was the most common form of trade in small communities.  Note that not only the price, but also the availability of items, varies with location. Some of these items should only be for sale in major trade centers, and possibly in very limited quantities. Also, some items (notably weapons and armor) may only be for sale to the upper social classes. If you don't like improvising, approximate the rarity of the item (no, I'm not   going to classify the hundreds of items in this list) and consult the following (arbitrarily derived, feel free to change) table: Availability probability Rarity

Farm Village To Town wn City Capital Trade center

Very common 50% 100% Common 10% 50% Uncommon 0% 10%

100% 100% 100% 80% 100% 100% 50% 80% 100%

100% 100% 100%

Rare Very rare Legendary

10% 20% 50% 0% 10% 30% 0% 0% 10%

80% 50% 220% 0%

0% 0% 0%

0% 0% 0%

 Note: • •

Availability only means it is there if you know how to find it. Items that have a low availability probability at a certain location, will also have a nonstandard cost. Probably higher, but could also be lower, e.g. if the item's value is not understood. If you don't like improvising, throw a simple die and use this table when the item was available, but the probability for it was less than 50%.


Roll Price Multiplier

0 1 2 3 4 5

x 0.50 x 0.75 x 1.00 x 1.25 x 1.50 x 1.75

6 7 8 9

x 2.00 x 2.25 x 2.50 x 3.00

The starting price for a negotiation should be higher (up to four times) than the price listed. Factors such as the Presence attribute, the social status and the apparent intelligence of the buyer will affect this (and the final price). The seller might even sell at below the listed price; assume he breaks even at -75% (-50% for Common and Very common goods). If you don't like improvising, use a Bargain roll (note that this is a stress roll only in special circumstances): Roll

Price Multiplier for final price

Botch Refuses to sell / Sale made at x 10.00 0 or less x 4.00 1 x 3.00 2 x 2.00 3 x 1.50 4 x 1.25 5 x 1.10 6-8 x 1.00 9-11 x 0.90 12-14 x 0.80 15+ •

x 0.70

Unless you botch, you still get to decide whether or not to buy after the final price is determined. However, unless you have independent information, you perceive the determined price as fair.



It is often the case that players encounter items or phenomena that did in fact not exist in the time period of the game. Such items and phenomena are called anachronisms. Whether something is an anachronism, depends of course on the time period played. A thing may also  be a partial anachronism, in the sense that although it did exist at the time, it was very rare. Times and origins are historical, not mythical. Time period is expressed in centuries. If separate Rare  and Common time periods are not known, the time period is given in a large field that encompasses both the Rare  and the Common fields.

Anachronisms in the canonical time period

These items and phenomena were at least not common in the early 13th century. Available in Europe Item Ite m

First introdu introduced ced in




Barding, horse Barding, plate Bascinets Bookshelves Cannons

Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe

late 12th early 14th

Coffee Compasses Corn/maize Cranequins Crossbows, Crossbow s, steel Crossbows, Crossbow s, war Eye glasses Faceted gems Gunpowder Handguns Helms, visored

Arabic Countries Chi China na America Europe Europe S. Europe Italy


late 13th

late 14th early 14th 15th 10th 13th late 13th

Chi China na Europe Europe

8th mid14th

mid 13th mid 14th

Europe BC Asia Chi China na China Europe Asi Asiaa France

early 14th -

Hops in beer (preservative) Liquor Magnets Opium Paper Pasta noodles Plate armour Playing cards Playing cards, Tarot

15th early 14th

late 12th mid 13th early 14th mid 13th 15th early 14th 4th 12th

15th 13th

early 14th

early 14th early 14th

10th 14th early 14th

Arabic since 8th 12th

9th late 13th

late 13th 12th late 13th

13th 14th


Pocket watches Potatoes Powerful longbows Pumpkins Spinning wheels Squash Sternpostt rudders Sternpos Sugar canes Tea Tobacco Tobac co Tomatoes Trebuchet, with counterw counterweight eight Turkeys Two-hand Tw o-hand sword swordss Wheelbarrow Wheelba rrow Windlasses Windmills, vertical

Euro Europe pe America




early 16th 15th 13th

America China China


Middle Middle east Asia Unknown America

BC -

early 13th Crusades late 16th early 16th late 12th

America Japan/A Japan/Asia sia China Europe England

12th? early 13th?


14th late 12th 13th ear early ly 13th? late 13th late 12th 13th

 Notes: • •

• •

details are  are also available. More details There has occasionally been conflicting information. I've used my own judgement in which entry to select for the table, but in such cases I've tried to make both views details information.  information. available in the details Magnets were available in the form of lodestones, which became common in the  beginniing of the 12t  beginn 12thh cent century. ury. A According ccording to some sources compasses (from China, usually south-pointing) were common even in the late 12th century. Longbows less powerful than the famous 15th century version were available. Primitive forms of two-hand swords were probably available, although rare.

Other anachronisms: Available in Europe Anachronism

Alchemy, European Alchemy, Oriental Arabic numerals Armies, trained and well-organized Barbaric Britain/Scandinavia Budapestt Budapes

First introduced introduced in



Europe China Arabic countries?

8th BC


early 16th 16th


8th 16th 4th 9th early 12th

19th (official)


Canal lock gates Celibate clergy Dante's Hell Distil Dis tillation lation,, advanced Feminism Gypsies Knittingg Knittin Madri Mass production Metric system Papal infal infallibil libility ity Rabbits in Britain Street lights Tactics, advanced

Europe Europe Arabic countries Europe India Egypt

France Europe Europe


late 14th 12th

13th-14th 19th 19th ca. 8th mid 14th 13th

late 18th late 19th 14th

late 18th late 19th late 12th 14th


 Notes: • •

details are  are also available. More details Gypsies reached eastern Europe much earlier than the 14th century. It took them several hundred years to migrate to western Europe. Papal infallibility may have been assumed  as   as early as the 9th century; however, it only  became dogma in the late 19th century (1870, to be exact exact). ). Mass production refers to the concept of producing large quantities of an item as a means to decrease the per unit cost. Feminism in the modern sense of the word is anachronistic; individiual women may, however, strive for equality. Moreover, women may regard themselves as superior to men in certain tasks. The time period (19th century) refers actually the time the word   feminism was introduced. Arabic numerals were introduced to Europe sometime in the 10th or 11th century, but they were not used for calculations until the 12th century. They were very slow to catch on, too - in the canonical time period people usually use roman numerals. There were some armies with good organization, e.g. the Templars, but the modern type of army with lots of highly trained and organized infantry is an anachronism.

Anachronisms before the canonical time period

Here are items and phenomena that did exist in the early 13th century, but have not always  been present. They are for the benefit of players that play an earlier time period. Things that were present before Christ have not been included. Available in Europe Ite m

First introdu introduced ced in





Cogs (ships) Cogs, with round bottoms Condensors (for distillation) Crossbows (in Italy) Crossbows, Crossb ows, composi composite te Crossbows, hunting Crossbow stirrups/ stirrups/spanning spanning hooks

Europe Roman (3rd?) Europe

10th 11th 12th late 12th 11th 11th mid 12th mid 12th late 12th mid 12th mid 12th late 12th

Curb bits (for horses) Drawplates Furnace, above-ground reduction Grindstones, rotary with crank handle Hammer, trip Helms, great Europe Helms, masked Europe Horse collars Horseshoes, nailed Ink, gall-iron (black) Loom, mechanized Plows, moldboard Rudders Ships,, two-masted Ships Soaps, oliveolive-oil oil Spurs Stirrups Stir rups War-hats, brimmed Waterwheels, horisontal Waterwheels, vertical


Asia Europe

late 9th 11th

11th 11th 8th


late 9th 7th 12th early 9th early 9th 12th 12th 11th late 9th late 9th

12th early 13th late 12th 8th 11th 7th 12th late 12th late 12th 11th 11th 11th late 12th

8th late 10th 11th

Other anachronisms: Available in Europe Anachronism

First introduced introduced in When

Agriculture, open-field (crop rotation) Artesian wells Artes Liberales AD/BC dating by Dionysius Exiguus 6th Castles, motte-and-baile motte-and-baileyy



late 10th 11th early 12th early 5th late 7th late 10th 8th


Carolingian miniscule Carolingian Cistercian order Keeps, stone

8th 9th? early 12th 12th late 9th 11th

details are  are also available. More details

me if  if you do." Also, if you think any of the Empty fields mean "I don't know; please tell me above information is incorrect, or have more items to add, let me know. Contributors: • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Rune Aaboen  Aaboen  Rob Dean Dean   Duarte  Luiz Claudio Duarte  Ferguson  Timothy Ferguson  Alan Flesch Flesch   Michael Geller   Holden   Scott Holden Jones   Spike Y. Jones  Patrick Juola Juola  Kasab John Kasab     Joshua Landrum  Landrum  Florian Lehoux Lehoux   Malde   Ketil Z. Malde Gord McLeod McLeod   Nephew   John Nephew  Romuald Perinelle Perinelle   John Petherick   Paul Ripley Ripley   Roderick Robertson  Robertson  Jakob Ryngen Ryngen   Sobral  Daniel C. Sobral  Michael Schloss Schloss   Silburn   Luke Silburn ÁkosTrafford Tasnádi  (Thaur) (Thaur)   Trafford  Ben John Walter   O'Fiaich)  K. Warner (aka Saille O'Fiaich)  Colin Watson Watson   White   Jonathan White Random Mythic Europe Anachronism Table Table  

Armor and Shields


Prices are for items of Good Craftsmanship and Standard Material with No Gems or Ornamentation. Also available are: o

Craftmanship Craftmanship Craftmansh ip Price Multiplier

Poor Excellent Superior

x 0.5 x 2.0 x 3.0



Material Material

Price Multiplier

Inferior Excellent / Unusual Superior / Rare Exotic

x 0.75 x 2.0 x 3.0 x 5.0



Ornamentation Ornamentation Price Multiplier Multiplier

Simple Complex Elaborate Elabo rate Intricate

x 1.2 x 1.5 x 2.0 x 5.0



Gems Gems

Glass gems Ornamental stones Semi-precious stones Fancy stones Precious stones Gems Jewels o

Price Multiplier

x 1.1 x 1.2 x 1.5 x 2.0 x 4.0 x 5.0 x 7.0



Armor prices do not include helm or padding, or shield, which must be purchased separately. Barding prices do not include tack. Armor


Leather, cuirass Leather, hauberk

d 10 d 20

Leather, full Cuirboilli, cuirass Cuirboilli, hauberk Cuirboilli, full Ring, cuirass Ring, hauberk Ring, full Scale, cuirass Scale, hauberk Scale, full Chain, cuirass

d 30 d 15 d 30 d 60 d 30 d 60 d 90 d 60 d 120 L1 d 90

Chain, hauberk Chain, full Double-chain, Dou ble-chain, cuirass Double-chain, Dou ble-chain, hauberk DoubleDoubl e-chain, chain, full Plate, cuirass Plate, hauberk Plate, full

dd 180 360 L1 L2 L4 L5 L 10 L 15

Shields Shield


Common Target Round Shield of Peace Knight Kite Cavalry Tower

d3 d8 d 12 d 20 d 27 d 68 d 105 d 96


Helmets Item

Cap Coif Open helmet


d7 d 23 d 40

Visored helmet d 100 Great helm d 75 •

Padding Padding Price

 Normal d 7 Fancy d 25 Silk d 180 •

Barding Barding


Padded, half Padded, full Leather, half Leather, full Cuirboilli, half Cuirboilli, full Ring, half Ring, full

d 55 d 98 s 10 s 17 L1 L2 L3 L4

Chain, half Chain, full DoubleDoubl e-chain, chain, half DoubleDoubl e-chain, chain, full Banded, half Banded, full Plate, half Plate, full

L6 L 10 L9 L 16 L 19 L 28 L 24 L 40



Price includes the cost of labor only. The necessary oils must be purchased separately. Repair costs are applied per point of armor damage and include the cost of necessary straps and patches. Metal replacement incurs additional charges. Item


Cleaning, cuira Cleaning, cuirass ss Cleaning, hauberk Cleaning, full Cleaning, half barding Cleaning, full barding Polishing, cuirass Polishing, hauberk Polishing, full Polishing, half barding Polishing, full barding Proofing, cuirass

f1 h1 f3 d2 d5 f1 d1 h3 d3 d6 f1

Proofing, hauberk Proofing, full Proofing, half barding Proofing, full barding Repairing, cuirass Repairing, hauberk Repairing, full Repairing, half barding Repairing, full barding

h1 f3 d2 d3 f1 h1 f3 d2 d4

Weapons Weapon prices do not include quivers, sheaths, scabbards, or ammunition, which must be  purchased separately. Options are as in A Armor. rmor. •

Weapons Item

Axe, throwing


d 18


Axe, hand d 11 Axe, battle d 36 Axe, great d 54 Bow, short d 13 Bow, long d 24 Bow, composite, short d 20 Bow, composite, long d 54 Crossbow, light Crossbow, medium Crossbow,, heavy Crossbow Dagger Dirk Flail, knight's Flail, war Quarterstaff Javelin Lance, tilting Lance, light

d 120 d 200 L2 d5 d7 d 50 d 75 d2 d7 d3 d 20

Lance, heavy Mace Military pick Polearm, halberd Polearm, pole axe Spear, hunting Spear, light Spear, heavy Stiletto Sword, Sw ord, short Sword, long Sword, broad Sword, battle Sword, bastard Sword, thrusting Sword, great Warhammer

d 30 d 30 d 27 d 60 d 48 d1 d2 d5 d3 d 38 d 50 d 75 d 98 d 154 d 180 L1 d 30



Ite m

Quantity Price

Arrowheads Arrow, armor-pierc armor-piercing ing Arrows, blunt Arrow, flight Arrows, incendiary Arrow, message Arrows, sheath Arrow, whistling Bolts, light Bolts, medium Bolts, heavy Caltrops, cavalry Caltrops, infantry

(12) (1) (12) (1) (12) (1) (12) (1) (10 (10)) (10) (10) (6) (6)

d1 d1 h1 h1 d4 d 12 d2 d2 d2 d2h1 d3 d2 d1




Bowstring d1 Quiver, 12 arrows d 3 Quiver, 20 arrows d 6 Quiver, 20 bolts d 5 Quiver, 40 bolts d 8 Quiver, 6 javelins d 6 Scabbard, short d 15 Scabbard, long d 22 Scabbard, broad d 25 Scabbard, bastard d 38 Sheath, dagger d7 •


Service prices are 'per dagger' equivalent. Small weapons are 1 dagger, medium weapons 2, large weapons 3. Bows are 1 dagger. Crossbows are 2 daggers. Item





Proofing Repairing Sharpening

h1 d1 h1

Re-string bow f 1

War Machines Item


Ballista Catapult, heavy Catapult, light Cauldron, suspended Gallery Hoist

d 96 d 200 d 144 d 24 d 24 d 48

Ladder Mantlet Ram Ram catcher Siege tower Sow Trebuchett Trebuche

dd 82 d 48 h4 d 192 d 48 d 300

General Equipment •

Equipment Item

Backpack, basket Backpack, leather Backpack, leather, framed Bag, canvas, large Bag, canvas, small Barrel, cask, large Barrel, cask, small


d5 d 18 d 30 d5 d2 d 40 d 30


Barrel, hogshead, large Barrel, hogshead, small Basket, large Basket, small Bell, small, iron Blanket, cotton Blanket, Blan ket, wool Bottle, glass Bowl, pewter Bowl, silver Bowl, wooden Box, iron, large Box, iron, small Brazier, bronze Brush Brush, horse Cage, iron, large Cage, iron, small

d 15 d8 d2 d1 d5 d7 d 12 d6 d4 d 22 d2 d 25 d 16 d 100 f1 h1 d 50 d 20

Cage, wooden, large Cage, wooden, small Candelabra Candleholder, iron, hand Candle snuffer Candlestick, iron Cane, walking Cauldron, iron Chain, heavy (per foot) Chain, light (per foot) Chest, wooden, large Chest, wooden, small Crampons Dice / knucklebones (1 pair) Fishhooks (12) Fishing line (per 10 feet) Fishing net, 10 sq. feet Flask, crystal Flask, glass Flask,, metallic Flask

d 15 d 30 d 14 d3 d2 d5 d1 d 12 d5 d2 d 15 d8 d2 d2 d2 d1 d4 d 100 d 50 d 25


Grapnel Horn, hunting Hourglass, 1-hour Hourglass, 5-hours Jar, glass, large Jar, glass, small Jar, pottery, large Jar, pottery, small Jug Keg Lantern, beacon Lantern, bullseye Lantern, hooded Lock, good quality Lock, poor quality Lockbox, large Lockbox, small Magnifying glass

d 12 d 12 d 48 d 72 d 18 d9 d8 d4 d6 d 12 L2 d 60 d 20 d 100 d 40 d 36 d 18 d 20

Mirror, large, metallic Mirror, small, metallic Mirror, small, glass Oil Lamp Pan, copper Pan, iron Pipe, smoking Pouch, belt, large Pouch, belt, small Rope, hemp (per foot) Rope, silk (per foot) Runestones (1 set) Sack, linen, large Sack, Sa ck, linen, small Scroll case, bone Scroll case, leather Scroll case, metal Signal whistle Sundial, bronze Sundial, stone

d 20 d 12 d 18 d8 d 10 d8 d2 d1 h1 d2 d6 d 40 d1 h1 d2 d6 d7 d 18 d 225 d 200


Tent, camp Tent, small pavilion Tent, large pavilion Tent, fancy pavil pavilion ion Tent, regal pavilion Water clock Wineskin, large Wineskin, medium Wineskin, small

d2 L1 L2 L4 L8 L5 d6 d3 d1

Tools Item


Anvil Anvil Astrolabe Bear trap Block and tackle

d 36 L 1 s 10 d 12 d6

Carpenter' s tools (standard set) Carpenter's Chisel Crowbar Flint and steel Grappling hook, heavy Grappling hook, light Grindstone Hammer Hatchet Hoe Mallet Mason's tools (standard set) Metal file Pick axe Pitchfork Plow, metal Plow, wooden Pulley, 2:1 Pulley, 3:1 Pulley, 4:1 Scales, merchant's

d 42 d6 d2 d2 d 35 d 10 d 24 d3 d5 d3 d2 d 38 d2 d7 d4 d 72 d 48 d 16 d 27 d 45 d 48


Scales, royal d 72 Scythe d 18 Sextant L2 Shovel d3 Sickle d4 Sledgehammer Sledgeha mmer d4 Spade d2 Spikes, iron (3) d1 Weights, calibrated (per ounce) d 5 Wheelbarrow d 10 Whetstone d2 Yoke, ox d 18 •

Common Provisions Ite m



Acid, strong

(per ounce)

d 30

Acid, weak Candles, beeswax Candle, calibrate calibratedd Candles, tallow Candle, wax Canvas, waterproof Chalk,, bulk Chalk Chalk, powder Chalk, sticks Charcoal Coall Coa Firewood Glue Grease Healer's bag Ivory Ladder, wooden Lard Lead Limestone, powdered Oil, Greek Fire

(per ounce) d 6 (12) d6 (1) d 10 (5) d3 (1) d1 (per sq. yard) d 8 (per pound) d 1 (per pound) d 4 (per pound) d 8 (10-lb bag) d 4 (10-lb bag) d 12 (per pound) f 1 (per pint) d3 (per pound) d 2 (standa (standard) rd) d 63 (per pound) d 75 (10-ft.) d6 (1 pint) d1 (per pound) f 1 (per pound) d 3 (per quart) d 24


Oil, lamp Oil, waterproofing Oil, polishin polishingg Pipeweed Sealing wax Soap Talc, course Talc, fine Torches

(per quart) (1 pint) (1 pint) (8-oz bag) (1 pound) (1 bar) (per pound) (per pound) (12)

d3 d3 d4 d2 d4 d3 d1 d6 d1

Exotic Provisions

Exotic provisions are Imported and sold 'per ounce' and are of Good Quality and Good Substance. Also available are: o



Price Multiplier

Local x 0.5 From a remote country x 2.0 From a legendary country x 5.0 o



Quality Price Multiplier

Poor x 0.5 Excellent x 2.0 Superior x 5.0 o



Substance Substan ce Price Multiplier

Poor Excellent Superior o


x 0.5 x 2.0 x 5.0




Dye d 12 Incense d 24 Perfume d 36

Miscellaneous Mixed Goods Item


Travel Gear (0.5 horseload) d 60 War Gear (1 horseload) L2 •

Wagons & Carts Item


Buckboard (2-wheel) Carriage (4-wheel)

d 12 d 120

Cart (2-wheel) Coach (4-wheel) Coach, luxurious luxurious (4-wheel) Wagon (4-wheel)

d6 L2 L5 d 18

Naval Vessels

 Note that these prices do not match those of " The The Myt M ythi hicc Seas Seas" .  Item


Barge, cargo

d 10

Barge, pleasure Canoe Caravel Coaster Cog Dromond Fishing boat Galley Horse transport

L 10+ d3 L 15 L5 L 10 L 25 d 20 L 20 L 15


Longboat Raft Rowboat

d7 d4 d5

Alchemical Equipment Item


Air bladder Alanthor Alembic Ale mbic Ball, crystal Basin Beaker Bellows Brazier, brass

f1 L2 d 10 d 96 d 36 d3 d 120 d 96

Crucible Decanter Furnace Prism Retort Scales, alchemist's Weights, calibrated (per gram)

dd 60 48 d 36 d 36 d 75 d 180 d6

Criminal Equipment •

Equipment Item


Garrote Hand lamp, silversilver-mirro mirrored red Hearing cone Cards, marked (1 deck) Dice, biased, bone (4)

d 10 d 20 d4 d5 d 12


Dice, biased, ivory (4) Footpads (1 pair) Glass cutter Miniblade Ring, pin, gold Ring, pin, silver Ring, razor, gold Ring, razor, silver Sheath, wrist Sling, arm Spider harness Suit, dark Suit, utility Suit, wilderness

d 48 d4 d 60 d 24 d 45 d 16 d 55 d 20 d6 d1 d 36 d 10 d 18 d 12

Special Items

Item Ite m

Arrow, grappling, complex Arrow, grappling, simple Arrow, stone biter Arrow, stone biter, diamond Arrow, wood biter Dagger, climbing

Quantity Price

(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)

Silenced armor (base price) x 2.5 •

Tools Item Ite m

Key-making set Key-making Skeleton key Thief's picks Thief's tools •

Torture Items

Quantity Price

(1 set) (1) (1 set) (1 set)

d 45 L1 d 60 d 40

d 96 d 12 d8 d 120 d3 d 12




Ball & chain Branding iron Cage, iron, human-size Chair, iron, strapped Chair, wooden, strapped Clamp Iron boots Iron maiden Manacles Oubliette Pillory Pincers Stocks Strapado Thumbscrews (1 set) U-rac -rackk Vise

d 48 d5 d 50 d 60 d 1188 d6 d 30 d 120 d 12 d 60 d 10 d4 d5 d 60 d2 d 24 d 12

Wheel, wooden

d 24

Provisions Item Ite m



Acid. man-eating Beeswax Catstink Dog pepper Disappearing Disapp earing ink Dyes, plant Marbles Poison, deadly Poison, strong Poison, mild Powder, blinding Sharkskin Tar paper Wax pad Weaponblack

((per per ounce) (per pound) (per ounce) (8-oz packet) (per ounce) (1 pint) (10) (per ounce) (per ounce) (per ounce) (per ounce) (per sq. foot) (per sq. foot) (1 pound) (1 pint)

d 25 d5 d 12 d1 d 25 d 10 d1 d 72 d 45 d 22 d3 d 24 d6 d4 d 20


Animals Item


Dog, trained, thief Ferret, trained, thief Monkey, trained, thief Parrot, trained, thief

d 100 d 120 L1 L2

Musical Instruments Prices are for instruments of Goo Goodd Craftsman Craftsmanship ship and Commo Commonn Material. Also avai available lable are: •

Craftmanship Craftmanship Craftmansh ip Price Multiplier

Poor Excellent Superior

x 0.5 x 2.0 x 3.0

Material Material

Poor Uncommon Rare Exotic

Price Multiplier

x 0.5 x 2.0 x 3.0 x 5.0

Instruments Item


Bandore Bellows organ Chimes Drum

d 75 L7 d5 d5


Fife Flute, metallic Flute, wooden Gong Harp Harp, regal Horn Lute Lyre Mandolin Mandol in Pipess Pipe Rebec & bow Recorder

d 12 d 30 d 15 d 20 L1 L5 d 40 d 60 d 120 d 180 d 25 d 200 d 18

Animals •

Horses o

All prices are for average-looking steeds of normal speed, health and build, trained for their station. None are trained to fight. All are various shades of  brown.. Also avai  brown available lable are are:: §



Wild Wild Untrained Trained, combat Trained, tricks

Price Multiplier

x 0.5 x 0.75 x 3.0 x 5.0





Price Multiplier

Cosmetic defects x 0.90 Special color or appearance x 2.0 §





Price Multiplier

Maimed x 0.5 Poor Health x 0.5 Long-winded x 1.5 §




Price Multiplier

Scrawny x 0.5 Muscular x 1.5 Gargantuan x 2.0 §


 Note that tha t a scrawny horse cannot ca carry rry a heavy rrider ider ve very ry far or ver veryy quickly. Speed



Price Multiplier

x 0.5

Exceptional x 2.0 Superior x 5.0 §


Combat Horses



Charger Charger, Andalusian Charger, Barbary Courser, Arabian Destrier Destrier, Frisian

L8 L 20 L 16 L 28 L 32 L 38



Riding Horses



Courser L4 Donkey d 50 Draft horse d 60


Mule  Nag Palfrey Rouncy Sumpter

d 80 d 40 L4 L1 d 80



Tack and Decoration



Caparison, basic Caparison, fancy Tack, basic Tack, fancy Tack, special Tack, regal Trapper

d 24 d 80 d 16 d 24 d 100 L3 d 12

Bit and bridle Harness Horseshoe Saddle Saddlebag, large Saddlebag, small

d2 d3 d1 d4 d1 h1


Beasts o

Common Beasts


Boar Buck Bull Calf Capon Cat Chicken Cow Cow, milk


d 80 d 100 d 75 d 30 d 25 d3 d2 d 60 d 120


Doe Duck Ewe Goat Goose Guinea hen Hare Lamb Ox, yearling Ox Partridge Pig Piglet Pigeon Rabbit Ram Sheep Sheep, fat

d 60 d4 d 25 d 10 d4 d3 d9 d 25 d 60 d 180 d 10 d 40 d 12 d 10 d5 d 60 d 10 d 15

Songbird Sow Stag Swan

d 18 d 60 d 72 d 15



Noble Beasts


Dog, common Dog, trained, guard Dog, trained, hunting Dog, trained, war Dog, unusual Eagle, trained Eagle, young Goshawk, trained Goshawk, trained Falcon, trained Falcon, young Hawk, trained


d5 d 36 d 28 d 50 d 25 L2 d 50 d 72 d 12 d 96 d 20 d 80


Hawk, young Jerfalcon, trained Jerfalcon, young Merlin, trained Merlin, young Pigeon, homing Sparrow hawk, trained Sparrow hawk, young

d 15 L1 d 36 d 75 d 15 d 30 d 60 d 10



Exotic Beasts



Bear Camel Cat, hunting Elephant Monkey

d 180 L 40 L2 L 50 d 200


d 70


Inns •


Boarding price includes staying in the common room, with a fire if the weather is cold, and a meal of common food served in the evening. Item


Per person (per night) d3 Per horse, hay feed (per night) d 7

Luxuries Item


Private room, with door d 18 Private room for 2, with door d 22


Knight-quality dinner Oats for horse

d8 d 12

Feasts Item


Ordinary feast (per knight) Quality feast (per knight) Superb feast (per knight) Grand feast (per knight) Regal feast (per knight)

d1 d2 d4 d8 d 16

Per 4 commoners, common fare d 1 •

Meals & Commodities



Commoner's meal f1 Knight's meal d1 Wine, local local brand (1 bot bottle) tle) d 3 •

Services Item


Bath d3 Courtesan's compassion (per night) d 8 Cut & Shave d1 Harlot's pity (per night) Laundry (per load) Servant's services (1 day)

d2 d1 h1


Supplies are sold by the horse load. Fare begins to spoil after 1 week. Hard rations  begin to spoil after 4 weeks. Iron rations begin to sspoil poil after 8 weeks. Oats and wheat  begin to spoil after 6 weeks.




Fare, commoner's (2 weeks) d 8 Fare, knight's (1 week) d 14 Rations, hard (4 weeks) d4 Rations, iron (2 weeks) d8 Grain (2 weeks) Oats (2 weeks)

d 20 d 36

Bars •

Food & Drinks Item


Ale (1 flagon) Beer (1 flagon) Brandy (1 tankard) Mead (1 flagon) Rum (1 tankard) Whiskey (1 tankard) Wine (1 glass)

f1 f1 d1 h1 d1 d1 d2

Commoner's meal Knight's meal

h1 d2

Luxuries Item


Special meal d 4 •

Services Item

Barkeep's bribe




Harlot's pity (per hour) d 1 •

Food Prices are for 1 pound unless stated otherwise. Item


Barley Beans Beef Beets Bread, honey (1 loaves) Bread, rye (2 loaves) Bread, wheat (2 loaves) Butter Cabbage Carrots Cheese (5-lb roll roll)) Chicken, roasted (1) Corn Cornmeal Crab Cream (per gallon) Duck, roasted (1) Eggs (2 dozen) Fish, cod Fish, eel

d5 f1 d2 f1 h1 f1 h1 h1 f1 f1 d3 d1 f1 h1 d1 d6 d1 f1 d1 f3

Fish, herring Fish, herring, pickled Fish, mackerel Fish, pike Fish, salmon Fish, trout Flour, rye Flour, wheat Fruit, apples

h1 d1 f1 d1 d2 d2 f1 h1 f1


Fruit, apricots Fruit, berries Fruit, dates, dried Fruit, grapes Fruit, oranges Fruit, peaches Fruit, pears Fruit, plums Fruit, raisins Mutton, roasted Goat, roasted Goose, roasted (1) Ham Honey, African Honey, Asian Honey, European Jams (per pint) Jelly (per pint)

h1 h1 d3 d1 d5 d1 h1 d1 d2 d1 d2 d3 d2 d4 d5 d2 d6 d5

Lamb, roast (1) Lentils Melon, cantaloupe (2) Melon, honeydew (2) Melon, watermelon (1) Milk, cow (per gallon) Milk, goat (per gallon) Milk, sheep (per gallon) Mushrooms  Nuts, imported, i mported, common  Nuts, imported, exotic

d8 f1 h1 h1 h1 d2 d1 d1 h1 h1 d5

 Nuts, local(1 dozen) Oat cakes Oatmeal Oats Oil, cooking (per gallon) Olives Onions Oysters Peas

ff 11 f1 d2 d1 d8 f1 h1 f1


Pheasant, roasted (1) Pickles Pie, fruit (1) Pie, meat (1) Pork Porridge Pumpkin (1) Rabbit, roasted (1) Radishes Rye Seaweed Squash Veal, roasted Venison, roasted Vetches Vinegar Wheat

d1 d2 h1 f3 d2 d1 h1 d1 f1 d1h1 d5 f1 d3 d3 d1 d2 d1h1

Spices Prices are for 1 ounce unless stated otherwise. Item


Alum Camphor Cinnamon Cloves

d 16 d 50 d 40 d 12

Frankincense Ginger Ginseng Keddryth Marthyn Mustard Myrrh  Nard  Nutmeg

d 75 d 30 d 170 d 45 d 200 d 60 d 150 d 100 d 50


Opium L1 Paprika d 36 Pepper, poor d 36 Pepper, fine d 55 Pepper, excellent d 120 Saffron d 25 Salt, rock (per pound) d 1 Salt, sea (per pound) h 1 Sugar d 60 Tea d 35 Tobacco d 24

Beer and Liquor •

Price shown is for 1 cask (8-gal) of Good quality. Also available are: o

Quality Quality Price Multiplier

Poor Excellent Superior Best

x 0.5 x 1.5 x 2.5 x 5.0



Quantity Quantity Quanti ty

Price Multiplier

Keg (32-gal) x 4.0 Hogshead (4-gal) x 0.5 o

Ale Item


Local, first brand d 1 Local, second brand h 1 English d2


Flanders French Iberian  Norse Italian, Florentine Italian, Venetian

d3 d2 d1 d8 d2 d2

Beers Item

Local, first brand Local, second brand English French German Iberian


d1 h1 d1 d2 d4 d3

Brandies Item


Austrian d 8 Parisian d 6 German d 5 •

Ciders Item


Local English German Iberian

d2 d5 d4 d2

Meads Item



Local, first brand Local, second brand English French German  Norse Russian

d4 d3 d5 d4 d8 d 12 d5

Rums Item


Barbarian Iberian Maltese Portuguese

d 10 d 14 d 24 d8

Whiskeys Item


English Irish Scottish  Norman

d 12 d 18 d 20 d 15

Vodka Item


Russian d 12 •

Wine •

Price shown is for 1 bottle of Good Quality, Standard Substance, and Young Vintage. Also available are: o



Quality Price Multiplier

Poor Excellent Superior Best

x 0.5 x 2.0 x 3.0 x 5.0



Substance Substance Substan ce Price Multiplier

Poor Unusual Rare Exotic

x 0.5 x 2.0 x 3.0 x 5.0





 Non-Aged (0-2 years) yea rs) Aged (2-10 years) Old (10-25 years) Venerable Venerab le (25-50 years) Ancient (50+ years) o

Red Wines Red Wine


Local, first brand Local, second brand Barbarian Burgundian Dutch English French German Greek Iberian

d1 d2 d6 d9 d 11 d6 d7 d7 d 14 d7

Price Multiplier

x 0.75 x 2.0 x 5.0 x 10.0 x 100.0


Italian, Florentine Italian, Venetian Occitan Roman, Papal

d 10 d 13 d5 d 24

Sweet Wines Sweet Wine Price

English Flanders French Greek Iberian Italian

d6 d8 d5 d4 d4 d5

White Wines White Wine


Local, first brand Local, second brand Barbarian English French German Greek Iberian Italian, Florentine Italian, Venetian Occitan

d1 d2 d7 d6 d8 d7 d 15 d8 d 12 d 15 d5

Exotic Wines Wine

Arabian, sweet Arabian, white Byzantine, red


d 11 d 12 d 10


Byzantine, sweet Byzantine, white Cretan, white Egyptian, white Ethiopian, white Jewish, red Jewish, white Russian, red Transylvanian, red

d 10 d 10 d9 d 14 d 12 d8 d7 d 12 d 13

Clothing •

Price is for an entire set of custom- tailored clothing of Good Quality and Standard Fashion and Style, as set by the fashions of Paris. Also available are: o


Quality Price

Poor x 0.5 Excellent x 2.0 Superior x 3.0 o


Fashion Fashion Price

Low Highh Hig Regal

x 0.5 x 2.0 x 5.0



Style Style Price

Travel x 0.5 Winter x 1.2 o


Custom Clothing Clothing


Current fashion, knightly material materialss Current fashion, noble materials Current fashion, royal materials Old fashion, knightly materials

L1 L4 L8 s 10

Old fashion, noble materials Old fashion, royal materials

L2 L5

Exotic Clothing Clothing


Barbary Court fashion Byzantine Court fashion German Court fashion Roman Court fashion

L1 L6 s 10 L4

Specialized Clothing Clothing


Academic fashion, Iberian, master Academic fashion, Iberian, student Academic fashion, Parisian, master Academic fashion, Parisian, student Academic fashion, Roman, master Academic fashion, Roman, student

d 80 d 20 d 130 d 50 d 100 d 25

Piecemeal o

Price is for art articles icles of Common material and Stand Standard ard fashion. Als Alsoo available are: §


Material Price Multiplier

Poor x 0.5 Knightly Knigh tly x 3.0  Noblee  Nobl x 5.0



x 7.0




Fashion Price Multiplier


x 0.5

High High Regal

x 2.0 x 5.0





Apron Almoner Baldric Bands Belt Boot hose Buckle, common Buckle, ornamental Girdle Gloves, hard, long Gloves, hard, short Gloves, soft, long Gloves, soft, short Gorget Mittens Ruff

f1 h1 d4 d1 f1 d1 d1 d5 d2 d5 d3 d3 d2 d3 h1 d4






Capes & Cloaks



Baladrana d 1 Cape d3 Cassock d 5


Cloak Garnache Mantle Wimple

d2 d4 d4 d1






Cap, fur d 4 Caul d5 Coif d1 Hat d3 Hood h 1 Liripipe d 2 o


Pants and Trousers



Braies Breeches Cannons Drawers Gamash Hose Jerkin Pantaloons Slop

f1 h1 d5 d2 d2 h1 h1 d2 f1



Shirts and Tunics


Bilaud (overtunic) Chemise (undertunic) Cote Doublet Gown, common


d2 d1 d3 d3 d3


Gown, embroidered Jacket Pellison Robe, common Robe, embroidered Shirt Slop Surcote Tabard Toga Tunic Vest

d 18 d5 d2 d2 d 12 f1 f1 d3 d2 h1 d2 d1



Shoes and Boots



Boots, hard, high d 5 Boots, hard, low Boots, soft, high Boots, soft, low Clogs Sandals Shoes, hard Shoes, soft

d3 d4 d2 f1 h1 d2 d1


Cloth •


Cloth is measured and sold 'per bolt'. One bolt is sufficient material to produce one set of clothing. Cloth


Brocaded L 4 Brocatelle L 1 Buckram d 20


Camelot Cotton Gold cloth Linens Samite Satin Silk Wool Worsted

L2 d 30 L5 d 25 L1 d 120 L3 d 45 d 24


Furs are sold 'per pelt'. One pelt is sufficient material to trim one set of clothing.



Common Exotic Rare Unusual

d2 L1 d 50 d 10


Trim is sold 'per spool'. One spool is sufficient material to trim one set of clothes. Item


Lace d 10 Ribbons d5 Gold thread d 60 Silver thread d 15

Weavers products •

Price is for products of Good Craftsmanship and Material with No Designs. Also available are: o

Craftmanship Craftmanship Craftmansh ip Price Multiplier


Poor Excellent Superior

x 0.5 x 2.0 x 3.0



Material Material Price Multiplier

Poor Unusual Rare Exotic

x 0.5 x 1.5 x 2.5 x 5.0



Designs Designs

Simple Designs

Price Multiplier Multiplier

x 1.5

Beautiful Designs x 2.0 Embroidered Embro idered Designs x 5.0 Embroidered Scenes x 7.0 o

Products Item


Carpet Carpet, thick Cushion, large Cushion, medium Cushion, small Drapes Prayer rug, Islamic Rug Rug, thick Rug, very thick Tapestry Tapestry, Arabian Tapestry, Byzantine

d 100 d 150 d 36 d 24 d 10 d 12 d6 d 24 d 30 d 48 d 100 d 120 d 180


Jewellery Price is for Silver merchandise of Good Craftsmanship with No Ornamentation and No Gems. Also available are: •

Craftmanship Craftmanship Craftmansh ip Price Multiplier

Poor Excellent Superior

x 0.5 x 2.0 x 3.0

Material Material Price Multiplier

Iron Copper Bronze Gold Platinum

xx 0.2 0.4 x 0.5 x 5.0 x 7.0

Ornamentation Ornamentation Price Multiplier Multiplier

Simple Complex

x 1.2 x 1.5

Elaborate Elaborate Intricate

x 2.0 x 5.0

Gems Gems

Glass gems Ornamental stones

Price Multiplier

x 0.5 x 1.2


Semi-precious stones Fancy stones Precious stones Gems Jewels •

Jewellery Item


Amulet Anklet Armband Beads Belt Bracelet Brooch Buckle

d 25 d 12 d 40 d5 d 40 d 30 d 12 d 10

Cameo Chain Chalice Charm Choker Clasp Collar Coronet Crown Diadem Earring

d 24 d 15 d 24 d 50 d 10 d4 d 60 d 50 d 250 d 500 d 40

Headband Icon Locket Mask Medal Medallion  Necklace Orb Pendant

d 24 d 75 d 20 d 60 d6 d 24 d 80 d 100 d 45

x 1.5 x 2.0 x 4.0 x 5.0 x 7.0


Pin Ring Scarab Scepter Seal Talisman Tiara

d 12 d 75 d 100 d 250 d 12 d 120 d 150

Art Price is for objects of Good Craftsmanship and Materials and Common Taste, crafted by a Known Artisan. Also available are: •

Craftmanship Craftmanship Craftmansh ip Price Multiplier

Poor Excellent Superior

x 0.25 x 2.0 x 3.0

Materials Materials Pri Price ce Multipl Multiplier ier

Poor Excellent Unusual Rare

x 0.5 x 1.5 x 2.5 x 5.0


x 7.0

Taste Taste

Price Multiplier

Poor x 0.25 Excellent x 1.5 Exotic x 2.5


Illicit Special

x 3.0 x 3.0

Artisan Popularity Artisan Artisa n

Unknown Well We ll-known -known Popular Famous Legendary

Price Multiplier

x 0.5 x 1.5 x 2.0 x 3.0 x 5.0

Age Age (years)

Price Multiplier Multiplier

Antiques (100+ ) x 2.0 Artifacts (500+ ) x 5.0 Relics (1000+ ) x 7.0 •

Works of Art Item

Book Carving, large Carving, small Carving, tiny Chess set Crystalworks, small Crystalworks, tiny Glassworks, large Glassworks, small Glassworks,, tiny Glassworks Goldworks, large Goldworks, small Goldworks, tiny Goblet


d 120 d 75 d 50 d 35 d 120 d 150 d 120 d 150 d 120 d 80 L 25 L5 L1 d 60


Jewelry box Masonry, huge Masonry, large Masonry, small Mirror, large Mirror, small Mural, large Mural, small Painting, huge Painting, Paint ing, large Painting, small Plate Relief Scroll case Silverworks, large Silverworks, small Silverworks, tiny Snuff box

d 120 L1 d 120 d 50 d 100 d 50 L 1 s 10 d 200 d 120 d 60 d 30 d 60 d 100 d 25 L5 L1 d 50 d 60

Statue, large Statue, small Statuette Woodworks, large Woodworks, small Woodworks, tiny

d 75 d 50 d 35 d 48 d 24 d 12

Gems •

Price is for one Polished gemstone of Good Quality. The Quality of a gem includes its size. Also available are: o

Quality Quality


Poor x 0.5 Exceptional x 3.0 Superior x 7.0 o



Cut Cut


Raw x 0.75 Common x 2.0 Esoteric x 5.0 o

Ornamental Gems Item


Azurite Banded Agate Blue Quartz Cat's Eye Agate Eye Agate Hematite Lapis Lazuli Malachite Moss Agate Obsidian Rhodochrosite Tiger Eye Agate Turquoise

d 20 d 30 d 25 d 40 d 30 d 25 d 25 d 20 d 25 d 30 d 25 d 45 d 50

Semi-Precious Stones Item



d 75

Carbuncle Carnelian Chalcedony Chrysoprase Citrine Jasper Moonstone Olivine Onyx

d 50 d 80 d 60 d 50 d 55 d 60 d 75 d 55 d 60


Rock Crystal Sardonyx Smoke Quartz Star Rose Quartz Zircon

d 55 d 75 d 60 d 65 d 55

Fancy Stones Item


Amber Alexandritee Alexandrit Amethyst Chrysoberyl Coral Jade Jet Sard

d 100 d 130 d 140 d 110 d 100 d 140 d 120 d 110

Tourmaline d 100 •

Precious Stones Item


Aquamarine Garnet Pearl Peridot Serpentine Spinel Topaz

d 170 d 160 d 150 d 130 d 190 d 150 d 180

Gems Item

Black Opal Emerald Fire Opal


d 210 d 220 d 200


Jacinth Opal Oriental Amethyst Oriental Emerald Oriental Topaz Ruby Sapphire

d 180 d 200 d 200 L1 d 200 d 220 d 220

Jewels Item


Diamond Black Sapphire Star Ruby Star Sapphire Tristum

L1 L2 L 1 s 10 L 1 s 10 L1

Professional Services •

Chirurgeon Item


Bleeding Leeching Hire chirurgeon (per day) Hire midwife (per day)

d7 d5 d 10 d4

Hire wetnurse (per day)



Price is that charged by a Journeyman against a Gentry-class target of Average risk. Also available are: o



Price Multiplier


Common Thug Apprenticee Apprentic Accomplished Master Grandmaster

x 0.5 x 0.75 x 2.0 x 3.0 x 5.0



Target Social class

Social class Price Multiplier

Peasant Merchant  Noblee  Nobl Royal, minor Royal, major Imperial Imperi al o


 Note: Criminals Criminals with lit little tle experie experience nce will usual usually ly refuse uppe upperr-class class target targets. s. Imperial means targets who actively participate in the ruling of significant countries, e.g. important advisors to the King of France. Attempting to hire criminals to harm the King or Queen will always result in a flat-out refusal, and usually the criminal will either report you to the authorities or kill you himself. Risk


Low Moderate Highh Hig Exceptional Immense o


x 0.5 x 2.0 x 20.0 x 50.0 x 100.0 x 1000.0

Price Multiplier Multiplier

x 0.5 x 2.0 x 5.0 x 10.0 x 50.0

 Note: High target social class usually means increased risk. Additional Charges

Ite Item m

Price Multiplier Multiplier

"Leave town when job ddone" one" x 1.2 "No questions asked." x 1.25 Special Instructions x 1.25+ o





Assassination Assault Bodysnatching Bodysnatch ing Burglary

d 24 d8 d 12 d 10

Con, elaborate Con, simple Distraction Espionage Frame Pawn Racket Rape Theft Vandalism

d 12 d6 d2 d 12 d 10 d3 d 10 d8 d6 d6

Herald Item


Deliver letter (pe (perr week travel) Determine genealogy Grant of Arms Hire herald (per week) Write a letter (sealed)

d5 L 1-5 L 20+ d 20 d5

Litigant Item


Compose contract Execute deed Execute will Hire lawyer lawyer (per day)

d 12+ d 18 d 24 d 12+



Fees are 'per week' and do not include room and board, travel expenses, or maintenance, which may incur additional expenses. Item


Archer, heavy d 14 Archer, light d 10 Crossbowman, heavy d 12 Crossbowman, light Footman, heavy Footman, medium Footman, light Knight Laborers Marine, heavy Marine, light Miner Sailor Sergeant-at-arms Sergeant-at-a rms Ship's captain Siege crewman Siege engineer

d8 d7 d4 d2 d 24 d1 d8 d5 d5 d2 d 18 d 24 d3 d 12

Minstrel Item


Compose a mocking poem Compose a love poem Compose a heroic lay Hire minstrel (per night)

d 25 d 15 d 30 d 10

Hire troubadour troubadour (per nnight) ight) d 20 Serenade d2 •

Pardoner Item


Indulgence, venial sin d 10 Indulgence, mortal sin L 1


Prostitute Item


Courtesan (per night) Courtesan, French (per night) Courtesan, male (per night) Professional escort (per night) Whore (fast lust) Whore (per night) Whore, male (fast lust) Whore, male (per night)

d 10-40 d 140 d 100 d 20-50 d1 d 2-8 d2 d 5-10


Fees are 'per day' of research on behalf of the sage, per inquiry within the sage's Major of Expertise. Expenses and travel may incur additional charges. Also available are: o


Ite Item m

Price Multiplier Multiplier

Sage's Specialty x 0.5 Minor Expertis Expertisee x 1.5  No Expertise Expertise x 2.5 o




Common knowledge Uncommon knowledge Rare knowledge Very rare knowledge

d4 d 12 d 24 d 60


Prices are for slaves of Average Build, Age, and Looks and in Good Health. All slaves are untrained. Also available are:





Price Multiplier

Maimed x 0.5 Poor Health x 0.5 Excellent Health x 1.5 o




Scrawny Lean Muscular Strong Gargantuan

Price Multiplier

x 0.5 x 0.75 x 2.0 x 3.0 x 5.0




Lookss Look

Hideous Hideous Poor Handsome Beautiful Beauti ful Stunning

Price Multiplier

x 0.25 x 0.5 x 1.5 x 3.0 x 5.0





Ancient (100+) Venerable (75+) Old (40+) Adolescent (15-25) Young (12-15) Very Young (8-12) Childd (4-8) Chil Infant (0-4)

Price Multiplier

x 0.10 x 0.25 x 0.5 x 1.5 x 2.0 x 3.0 x 5.0 x 3.0





Skill Ski ll

Labor Pleasure Knowledge Special

Price Multiplier

x 1.5 x 3.0 x 5.0 x 10.0


Sla Slave ve



African stock, female African stock, male Arabian stock, female Arabian stock, male Asian stock, female

d4 d6 d 24 d 18 d 10

Asian stock, male Irish stock, female Irish stock, male Eastern stock, female Eastern, stock, male European stock, female European stock, male Mediterranean stock, female Mediterranean stock, male Moor stock, female Moor stock, male  Norse stock, stock , female  Norse stock, stoc k, male Oriental stock, female Oriental stock, male

d 10 d 12 d8 d8 d 10 d 36 d 30 d 20 d 24 d 10 d 20 d 12 d 30 d 48 d 12


Salaries are 'per month' and do not include room and board or administrative expenses, which may incur additional charges.




Bailiff Castellan Reeve Seneschal Spy

d 24 d 180 d 12 L1 L 1 s 10

Steward Valet

dd 100 10

Street Urchins Item

Crier (per day) Guide, city (per day) Lanternbearer (per night) Loadbearer, city (per day) Messenger, city city (per message)


d1 d2 d1 d2 f1

Teamsters Item


Hire man-at-arms (per day) d2 Hire laborer (per day) h1 Hire teamster (per day) d2 Rent cart and horse (per day) d1 Rent wagon and 2 horses (per day) d 2 •

Books and Writing Manuscripts and Maps •

Prices are 'per volume' for renting the manuscript for study purposes only for a period of one year. Also available are: o




Price Multiplier

Rent for Season x 0.25 Rent to copy x 2.0 Purchase manuscript (rare) x 100 o

Informative texts


Common, mundane Specialty, mundane Uncommon Rare, arcane Rare, mundane Very rare, arcane Very rare, mundane Illicit, arcane Illicit, mundane


d 20 d 36 d 48 d 120 d 75 L1 d 180 L3 L1

Dangerous, arcane L 5 Dangerous, mundane L 3 •

Instructive texts



Common, mundane Specialty, mundane Uncommon Rare, arcane Rare, mundane Very rare, arcane Very rare, mundane Illicit, arcane Illicit, mundane Dangerous, arcane Dangerous, mundane

d 30 d 54 d 72 d 180 d 120 L 1 s 10 L1 L5 L2 L7 L5





Common, mundane Uncommon, mundane Rare, arcane Rare, mundane Very rare, arcane

d5 d 10 d 36 d 25 d 80

Very rare, mundane Illicit, arcane Illicit, mundane Dangerous, arcane Dangerous, mundane

d 50 d 120 d 75 L1 d 100

Prepared Books Item


 Notebook Journal

d9 d 13

Journal, superior Tome, standard Grimoire Grimoire, superior Tome, large Tome, large, superior Repository Repository, superior

d 20 d 38 d 63 d 86 d 96 d 180 d 205 L1s5

Provisions Item

Chalk, writing (per pound) Ink, black (per ounce) Ink, black, superior (per ounce, Quality +1) Ink, colored (per ounce, Quality +1) Ink, colored, superior (per ounce, Quality +2) Leaf, silver (per dram) Leaf, gold (per dram) Paper (1 quire)


d5 d5 d 30 d 12 d 30 d 20 d 100 d7


Papyrus (1 quire) Parchment (1 quire) Parchment, vellum (1 quire, Quality +1) Parchment, uterine vellu vellum m (1 qquire, uire, Quality +2) Quills, goose (20) Quills, common (12)

f1 h1 d4 d 12 d1 d3

Quill, exotic (1) Quills, rare (5)

d 12 d 12


Service fees are for labor only. Materials, supplies, and travel expenses may incur additional charges. Additionally, a surcharge may be applied. Item


Bind a manuscri manuscript pt (per quire) Copy a text (per quire) Illuminatee a text (per quire) Illuminat Procure a text (per day) Translate a text (per quire)

d5 d 12 d 20 d 24 d 18

Read a letter (per page) Write a letter (per page)

d1 d3

Manorial Investments •

Castles and Garrisons Item


Castle, king's Castle, large Castle, medium Castle, small

L 15000 L 7000 L 2500 L 750

Keep, stone, large Keep, stone, small

L 65 L 25


Motte and bailey L 12 Motte and bailey, reinforced L 20 Ditch and rampart Stockade

L1 L6

Buildings and Public Works Item


Barn Bridge, stone, large Bridge, stone, small Bridge, wooden, large Bridge, wooden, small Chapel Church Cottage, peasant

d8 L5 L2 L2 d 180 L8 L 50 d5

Dwelling, commoner's Dwelling, reeve's Hall, manor Hall, mote Mill, manual Mill, water Mill, wind Mine Ox shed Shack, forest Tower, stone, large

d3 d6 L2 L1 L5 L7 L7 L4 d2 d2 L 20

Tower, stone, small Tower, wooden, large Tower, wooden, small Townhouse Townhouse, fortified Village

L 10 L5 L3 d 180 L3 L 25

Manorial Improvements




Arrow slit Barbican Battlement Drawbridge Fire place & chimney

d3 L 1 s 10 d5 d 200 L1

Fish pond Flower garden Glass windows, plain (each) Glass windows, stained (each) Merlon Murder hole Portcullis Rampart, earth (100-ft.) Shrine Small orchard Staircase,, stone Staircase Staircase, Staircas e, wooden Suite of bedroom furniture Suite of chapel furniture Suite of solar furniture Tile floor Wall, bastion (40-ft. (40-ft.)) Wall, curtain (100-ft. (100-ft.))

d 120 d 75 d 80 L1 d5 d4 d 60 d 12 L 1 s 10 L1 d 120 d 24 L1 L2 d 150 L1 L1 d 200

Furnishings Item

Armchair, padded Armchair, wooden Bed, four-poster Bench, padded Bench, wooden Bookcase Buffet Cabinet Chair, padded Chair, wooden


d 10 d6 d 18 d3 d1 d4 d 12 d 10 d4 d2


Chandelier, elegant d 18 Chandelier, simple d6 Chester d6 Cutlery, copper (1 set) d 4 Cutlery, pewter (1 set) d 18 Cutlery, silver (1 set) L 1 Desk Goblets, copper (4) Goblets, pewter (4) Goblets, silver (4) Lectern Mattress, down Mattress, straw Pew Pillow, feather Pulpit Sconce, iron Sofa Stand, reading Stand, scribe's Stool Table, large Table, small Throne Tub, marble Tub, wooden Wardrobe, mirrored Wardrobe, plain

d 60 d4 d 20 L1 d 20 d 12 d3 d2 h1 d 12 f1 d8 d7 d 10 d1 d 12 d5 L 10 d 60 d2 d 100 d 48

Land Price is the cost to purchase a fief from a liege. The fief is of Average Worth. Also available are: o

Land Value Item Ite m

Price Multiplier Multiplier


Poor x 0.5 Exceptional x 2.0 Superior x 5.0 o

Land Area


Ite m

Price Multiplier Multiplier

Ha Half-virgate lf-virgate (16 acres) x 0.5 Hide (120 acres) x 4.0 o

Buildings Item


Manor L 50 Mine L 25 Village L 12 •

Land Item


Virgate, arable Virgate, grazing Virgate, swamp Virgate, wilder

d 48 d 36 d 12 d 24

Sea Travel Prices are for transportation from Brittany or Bordeaux to port of call. Passage is for 1 person in Common Quarters. Horse transport is for 1 horse in Common Quarters. Cargo is for 1 ton of ordinary cargo. Additional charge modifiers apply to overall cost. Also available are: •

Passage Ite m

Crew Quarters

Price Multiplier Multiplier

x 0.25


Luxurious Quarters x 2.5  Noble Quarters x 3.0 Royal Quarters x 5.0 •

Horse Transport Ite Item m

Price Multiplier Multiplier

Bulk Quarters x 0.5 Superior Quarters x 2.0 •

Cargo Ite Item m

Price Multiplier Multiplier

Dangerous cargo cargo x 7.0 Illegal cargo x 12.0 Insured cargo x 3.0 •

Additional Charges Ite Item m

Price Multiplier Multiplier

"No questions asked." x 1.5 •

• •

  Ports of Call Port of Call

Alexandria Alexandria Antioch Athens Barcelona Constantinople Danzig Dublin Edinburgh Genoa Ghent

Passage Horse Transport Cargo

L1 L2 L 1 s 10 d 120 L2 d 200 d 120 d 110 d 150 d 45

L 1 s 10 L 2 s 10 L 1 s 10 d 180 L3 L 1 s 10 d 100 d 120 d 180 d 50

d 200 L3 L2 L1 L 1 s 10 L2 d 150 d 130 L 1.25 d 55


Glastonbury Hamburg La Rochelle Libson London Malta

d 55 d 100 d 20 d 65 d 30 d 200

d 60 d 75 d 25 d 70 d 45 L1

d 75 d 120 d 30 d 96 d 55 d 180

Rome Santiago Syracuse Syrac use Tunis Venice York

L1 d 50 d 200 L2 L1 d 90

L 1 s 10 d 50 L 1 s 10 L 2 s 10 L1 d 75

d 180 d 65 L 1 s 10 L3 L1 d 75

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